The Fit Christian Sep/Oct 2010

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Fit Christian

A Christian Health & Fitness Magazine

Spotlight: Linda Hatcher

Dynamic Warm-Ups

Reduce Your Risk of Breast Cancer

Post Workout Routines

Fool-Proof Weight Loss

“How I Lost 70 Pounds!”



Sep/Oct 2010

‘Tis the Season ...

t a e Gr s a m t s i Chr fts! Gi or Ask For a Copy at Your Local Bookstore

PUBLISHER His Work Christian Publishing

Angela J. Willard Perez Scripture & Reflection


Angela J. Willard Perez


Jenny Harper Mix it Up With Jenny David Luther Through the Bible Spotlight Dr. Todd McDougle Nancy Napolitano Nancy’s New Beginnings

Bountiful Berries Learn how to select the best strawberries, blackberries, raspberries and blueberries, how to store them, and to make the most of their fantastic flavors.

Chris Chapan Dan McNeil Laurette Willis

COLUMNISTS Dennis Ellingson God’s Healing Herbs

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The Fit Christian Magazine His Work Christian Publishing P.O. Box 5732 Ketchikan, AK 99901

Charlie Nardozzi Gardening with Charlie

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Visit The Fit Christian Magazine’s online store at On the cover: Linda Hatcher after losing more than one-hundred pounds. Photo by Studio One to One Photography, courtesy of Linda Hatcher. Used with permission.

© 2010 The Fit Christian. All Rights Reserved.

A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.


Features 1 How I Lost 70 Pounds! November 2008 one week before Thanksgiving, I embarked on an adventure that would lead me to 70 pounds of weight loss. Each week I hear from numerous people that I look great and many of them want to know what I am doing or what diet plan I used. After some prayer and consideration, I am going to share with the world all of my weight loss secrets. The truth is these secrets are not really secrets at all....

5 Healthy Ways to Help Reduce Your Risk of Breast Cancer With Breast Cancer Awareness month approaching, it is important to shine a light on breast health for women. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and diet may help reduce your risk of breast cancer; however, committing to change your habits is sometimes easier said than done. Here are a few tips that make it easy for women to take care of their bodies and may reduce the risk of breast cancer....

6 Can You Hear Me now?

8 Save and Savor

Hearing Loss in Teens and Tweens If you're the parent of a teen or tween, chances are you've wondered, half-jokingly, if your child hears anything you say. The reality is that there are over 6.5 million American children ages 12 to 19 living with some form of hearing loss - and much of it is preventable....

35 Spotlight: Linda Hatcher

Are you looking for a creative way to use that bumper crop of tomatoes or zucchini? Have you ever wished for the taste of summer berries during a long, cold winter? If so, learning how to preserve foods just may be the thing for you....

Find these articles only at

Linda Hatcher has made a personal transformation that inspired her to write a book, “No Forbidden Fruit: A Diabetic Success Story” to encourage others. Her weight loss is only part of the health transformation she wants to share. Enjoy this encouraging, uplifting personal story of how one woman triumphed over the effects of menopause and diabetes through her faith in Jesus Christ....

Ready, Set, Cook! A fun new cookbook helps young children explore the kitchen with plenty of scrumptious recipes like these Pirate Pizza Coins. Healthy Snacks for Hectic Schedules Keeping these four foods handy will make it easy to have healthy snacks, even on the busiest of days. This recipe for Going Cherry Nuts for Soy trail mix makes a satisfying, nutritious treat. Smarter Back to School Driving There are new tools available that help drivers stay focused on that task and resist the urge to look at text messages on the road.

© 2010 The Fit Christian. All Rights Reserved.

A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.


Columns Articles

10 Kids4Christ

23 Field Trips on a Budget

Picnic Party! | After School Snacks


13 Food & Nutrition Flavors of Fall | Supercharged Soups | Dress a Naked Salad

21 Mix It Up with Jenny Warm Up to Fall | Easy Weeknight Dinners

13 21

24 God’s Healing Herbs Goldenseal | Hawthorne

26 Gardening with Charlie


Planting a Rain Garden | What’s Eating My Potatoes

28 Nancy’s New Beginnings

Bodybuilding Events You can stay up-to-date on fitness events in your area by visiting these Web sites:

Unexpected Outcome/Blessing

30 Exercise the Right Way Stress Reaction | Fool-Proof Weight Loss | Dynamic Warm-Ups | Post Workout Protocol

39 Spiritual Fitness Through the Bible: Growing in Place | Scripture & Reflection: Be at Peace

Bodybuilding-Fitness-Figure Upcoming Events Natural Bodybuilding, Figure, and Fitness Contests Professional Natural Bodybuilding, Figure, and Fitness Competitions To list your event here for free, email the information to

Holidays October Holidays:

September Holidays: National Hispanic Heritage Month Sep 15th thru Oct 15th

National Disability Employment Awareness Month | National Breast Cancer Awareness Month | National Book Month

6 11 12 16 17 19 21 23 24 26

4 8 10 11 15 16 17 24 31

Labor Day Patriot Day Grandparents Day Stepfamily Day Constitution Day and Week Talk like a Pirate Day International Day of Peace First Day of Autumn Native American Day Johnny Appleseed Day

Child Health Day National Children's Day National School Lunch Week Begins Columbus Day Observed * | Thanksgiving (Canada) White Cane Safety Day National Boss Day | Sweetest Day National Forest Products Week Begins Mother-In-Law Day | United Nations Day Halloween


© 2010 The Fit Christian. All Rights Reserved.

A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.


Greetings in Jesus! This is our first issue after a forced break due to a family emergency. I want to thank all our readers and subscribers for your patience and understanding over the past several months. We are short-staffed, short on funds, but back on track and believing God will meet our needs so we can continue to bring you The Fit Christian Magazine free. I want to say farewell to Jenny Burr in Canada who was a fabulous assistant editor and columnist. There were many issues that would not have been published as they were without her help. Thank you, Jenny, for all your hard work in the service of our Lord Jesus Christ. You are missed. I wish you the best in your future. Happy Reading!

A lot has happened over the past several months. If you follow us on Twitter or Facebook, you know my daughter was in a terrible car accident in April. The accident forced a lot of changes on our family, some more difficult than others. Even though we have had to endure things we never imagined, we did not have to do it alone. God was right there every step, as well as our church family at Clover Pass Community Church here in Ketchikan, Alaska. We were surrounded with love and prayers, and it will never be forgotten. Our community was very generous as well–without all the help we received I don’t know how we would have been able to do all that needed to be done. My daughter is healed now and moving forward with her plans for the future. As am I. We are all looking forward to the better future that we know God has planned for us.

In Jesus and In Health, Angela J. Willard Perez

of His of Work Publishing. © 2010 The Fit Christian. All Rights Reserved. A Publication A Publication His Christian Work Christian Publishing.



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or email We are always looking for articles, recipes, photos, book reviews, suggestions, and new ideas for The Fit Christian. Please feel free to submit yours , as well as your comments to the editor. Feel free to print out this magazine and pass it out at churches, gyms, to your friends and family, co-workers, and anyone else who would enjoy The Fit Christian. © Copyright 2003-2010 The Fit Christian. A publication of His Work Christian Publishing (, USA. All Rights Reserved. No part of the magazine may be copied and reprinted without the express written permission from the editor, or the writers. Please contact the editor, Angela J. Willard Perez, for reprint permission. Any views listed in articles or advertisements are not necessarily the views of The Fit Christian, His Work Christian Publishing or the owner or its contractors or employees. The Fit Christian and His Work Christian Publishing will not be held responsible for any claims against writers, or advertisers in the magazine or on the Web site. Contact The Fit Christian: His Work Christian Publishing The Fit Christian Magazine P.O. Box 5732 Ketchikan, Alaska 99901 © 2010 The Fit Christian. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.


How I Lost 70 Pounds!


By Dan McNeil


ovember 2008 one week before Thanksgiving, I embarked on an adventure that would lead me to 70 pounds of weight loss. Each week I hear from numerous people that I look great and many of them want to know what I am doing or what diet plan I used. After some prayer and consideration, I am going to share with the world all of my weight loss secrets. The truth is these secrets are not really secrets at all. Before I get into how I lost weight and how I plan on maintaining my weight loss, I am going to share why I lost weight. My health has always been good. Even though I have suffered some joint pain, mostly in my knees and foot, I haven’t suffered any other real health problems. Even while living at an obese weight I have been blessed with what most consider good health. In the past I have tried many diets and exercise programs to remove pounds. My goal was to simply look better and possibly have more energy. All of these diet plans worked, while I was on them. As soon as I would make some real progress, I would find myself at a party or a picnic and then back to eating and eating and again eating. I could not get myself interested or fired up about going back on the diet plans, so I would continue on with my lifestyle of unhealthy eating. I can’t even count the number of times I have asked God to help me lose weight. Each time I would ask Him for help, I would start the day with a sensible meal and continue from there down the slippery slope of unhealthy eating. By the end of the day I would end up repenting and trying again the next day, only to repeat this pattern each and every day tried. So what was different this time? There were several things that started this train in motion. First was the announcement in August 2008 that I was going to become a grandfather. The news was somewhat shocking but at the same time so © 2010 The Fit Christian. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.

Dan in March 2010 at 158 pounds, after losing all the weight.



wonderful and joyous that I couldn’t contain myself. I shared with everyone I knew, and didn’t know. I have heard those words before. Paul when asking the Lord to remove the thorn in his flesh said those very words to him. 2nd After about a month, some reality sunk in. Once my grandson is Corinthians 12:9 born, he is going to have a young grandfather in his 40’s whom he will run into the ground while playing. Of course there is no way It was then that I knew that I would have to live with this addiction any adult even in perfect condition is ever going to keep up with a all of my life. I also knew that I would have to overcome this child; I had no fighting chance. addition and show God’s strength or greatness in my weakness. Next was the fact I was also going to have a new son-in-law who enjoys the outdoors and hunting. I really wanted to participate in this activity with him for many years to come. Even though my health was good, I had to ask myself, how long can I live weighing

The decision was now mine. I had a choice to make. Continue to live eating the way I had been by, destroying my body, the temple of the Holy Spirit, or change my eating habits, by taking better care of my body, worshipping Him and living as a testimony to God’s grace toward us. I bowed before Him and with resolve, choosing to live for the God of my salvation. It is important to understand why we do things often before we go and do them. If we are serving someone or something greater than ourselves, we find that doing the something difficult can become much easier. God is the greatest of all of the greatest. In making this sacrifice for Him, I found that even with this difficult choice is possible because all things are possible to him who trusts in the Lord. I realized that I must make a sacrifice and fight my flesh in order to worship God. I needed to understand what I had to do so that I could make the changes that I needed to make.

Dan at his desk in August 2008. He was 240 pounds. Standing next to him is Kara Houck.

this much and continuing in good health? I started to seek God concerning this. I again started to pray and ask God to help me lose weight. This again just brought me to that endless loop of starting off good in the morning and ending up eating everything in sight by the end of the day. It just didn’t seem like God was helping me or taking any interest in my losing weight. Then a week before Thanksgiving the revelation came. While praying to God, not even thinking of losing weight, I was thanking Him for how great things were. The call on my life is starting to be realized. I was going to have a beautiful grandson and new son-inlaw. It just seemed everything was going perfectly and I was on top of the world. God stopped me and said, “It is time to make changes again”.

God’s grace is a huge part of my weight loss. I decided to take it in steps and create realistic goals. Knowing the holidays were coming up, my initial goal was to lose 1 pound a week, with the hopes of just maintaining my weight throughout Thanksgiving and Christmas. To me this seemed like a tough enough battle. To understand how this was possible I first had to understand myself. Since this was a change I needed to make for the rest of my life, I needed to be able to live with this change. One thing I knew right away is that I hate exercising. All of my life, mostly in my younger years, I have been involved in some sort of sports. I have played soccer, lifted weights, swam, studied martial arts, biked, coached soccer, and played various other sports here and there. Being involved in these sports allowed me to eat large quantities of food and either maintain or even lose weight. The problem is, once I hit mid 40’s, not many sport teams were knocking down my door asking me to play with them.

I knew exactly what He wanted me to do. I would have to change the way I ate. In addition, I have a very busy lifestyle. This allows me very little time to exercise or participate in individual sports such as martial Our Heavenly Father is so loving that He didn’t condemn me, but arts or biking. I knew that I wasn’t going to be getting much instead He showed me in a loving way that I had an eating disorder. exercise so I needed to put together a plan that would enable me to He causeed me to realize that I had a food addiction. Just as any live a busy life and still lose weight. other substance addiction, once you start with just a little, you tend to increase and increase until it over takes you. Food was doing this Another thing I had to learn was that it would be totally impossible to me. The only difference between this and most addictions was for me to live on salads and eat lots of fruits and veggies for the rest that I needed to eat to survive. I could not quit food. of my life. I simply did not like these kinds of foods. I rather eat junk foods such as burgers, fries, pasta, ice cream and stuff like that. I asked God to remove this addiction and He said no, “My grace is sufficient for you”. © 2010 The Fit Christian. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.



loss/week / 7 = my daily calorie intake requirements to lose 1 pound per week. Armed with that number, I needed to fit into my day what I would eat. To track how much I ate, I would just keep a rough mental record of the number of calories each meal. Each day I decided to seek God not to ask Him what to do, but to thank Him for His grace and mercy. I turned my asking for something around to giving Him praise and worship instead. The first few days weren’t all that hard. I did find quickly I would get very hungry between breakfast and lunch. I again did some math and this wasn’t hard to understand. I eat breakfast around 4:30 a.m. and have lunch around 11:30 a.m. if everything stays on schedule. That is 6 hours between meals. I needed to divide that 6 hours in half in order to prevent me from feeling like I was starving. By doing this it became a more manageable hunger. Dan in November 2008, weighing in at his heaviest at 249 Pounds.

How I did this was slightly reduce my breakfast calories and add a low fat, low calorie snack. I found that a fat free yogurt or a pack This presented a huge problem. I needed to find a way to improve of instant oatmeal would work the best for me. My goal was to my intake of healthy foods and reduce my intake of unhealthy have a low carbohydrate, low fat, low sugar breakfast, and still foods. Keeping in mind I was not only losing weight as an act of manage to achieve about 300-400 calories before lunch. worship to my Lord, but also improving my healthy food choices. It didn’t take me long to understand that while working I would I started to think of what foods I liked. I needed foods that were need to eat more often, reducing hunger. in order to be able to focus lower in fat, carbohydrates and calories. I found there were quite a on work This really wasn’t hard to do. All I needed was to know few foods I liked and even ate regularly that fit these requirements. how many calories I planned on eating, and divide it by the number Green beans, fish, chicken, turkey and several others. I also had to of meals I felt I needed to eat. be completely honest with myself. Could I give up eating cheeseburgers, pasta and ice cream for the rest of my life? The answer It wasn’t long before I started to see results. One pound lost here, was no. I needed a way to fit those kinds of foods into my diet. one pound lost there. After a few weeks I was down a few pounds. When looking at the massive amount I needed to lose, it felt like Lastly, I needed to understand how much I ate. My portions were this would take forever. Then I would take a moment and think simply out of control, e. Especially, when it came to eating things over the amount of time it was going to take, versus the amount of like breads, pastas, and ice cream. I was eating unhealthy foods in time I will spend living for Christ, the time it would take to lose very unhealthy quantities. This would likely be the hardest of my weight didn’t matter quite as much. I was going to spend the rest battles. of my life eating healthier so it didn’t matter how long it took to lose weight. Next, I needed to have a plan in place.. I needed a plan that would fit who I am. I am not a very organized person who keeps records. I did set some goals. Usually 5 to 10 pound goals in order to gauge I needed a way of knowing what I did eat, and what I should be progress and to re-evaluate my daily caloric intake requirements. I eating and how I could eat to benefit my body and please the Lord. learned that as you lose weight, you require less food. Unless you increase exercise, in which I will at some point. With my time I decided to simply do a basic calorie count. I went online and limitations, and the fact I didn’t want to go to the gym looking like found a BMI calculator. I needed to know where I was starting. the fattest guy there, I have put this off just a bit. My first BMI calculation was ugly. As I thought, it came back saying I was obese. Actually, I was very obese. This was enough to almost cause depression and want to quit even before I got started. Since I resolved to go with God and worship Him, I fought through that first battle.

Now, what about those days when food is unavoidable? If you remember I started this right before Thanksgiving. There is no way to avoid feasting on that holiday. Desserts are plentiful and so are breads, potatoes and stuffing. Knowing this holiday was coming, I knew I would have a tough fight on my hands.

Next I calculated how many calories I burned each day at that weight. I estimated my exercise level as pretty lethargic in order to One thing I realized was I was going to over eat that day. What I give myself a bit of a cushion because I spend many days sitting at had to do was somewhat control how much I over ate, and fight off a desk during work. a food addiction in the process. My first plan was to ask God to cancel Thanksgiving. Somehow I didn’t think that would work. From there, knowing that in order to lose 1 pound of weight I would need to burn 3500 calories more than I ate I simply did the On my mind were the words, “My grace is sufficient.” I knew what math. My daily calorie burn x 7= my weekly calorie burn. My that meant. God was not going to remove the addiction, or my weekly calorie burn – 3500= 1 pound loss/ week. 1 pound © 2010 The Fit Christian. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.



flesh, so I was going to have to stand firm in and worship God even ing. When we fail, He is there to forgive us and set us free to in affliction. continue on. Much to my own surprise, I managed to not really over eat and to continue on with good portions. I did eat some desert, just not as much. I did eat all of the other foods, just very limited. I fought through and managed to only eat what was right and in amounts pleasing to the Lord. God’s grace did prevail. I also knew that in order to gain a pound I would have to eat 3500 additional calories. Since Thanksgiving was one day, the odds of that were slim. What ended up being the result of the holiday was I actually lost a pound. I was able without even counting one day to manage to stay focused enough to realize a pound of weight loss on a holiday that nearly everyone gains weight. This was very encouraging to me. So far everything sounds fantastic. It sounds like I have gained control of my flesh and have overcome a serious addiction. In some ways I have. In other ways, I have a long way to go. When you find yourself into a situation of affliction, you quickly find out you may have many additional weaknesses. While cutting back on portions and roughly tracking calories, I found I tended to pad my numbers a bit. Rounding numbers makes it easy for me to track. Also you don’t always know exactly how many calories a food which you ate contains. So for this, I have to estimate, and from there I tend to round up in order to ensure I haven’t eaten too many.

We cannot hold our past failures up causing them to become a roadblock to our future successes. A failure that took place even one moment ago is a past failure. We must leave that in the past and know that God is always moving forward. Losing weight is not easy especially, if you have an addiction or eating disorder. In doing so, you may discover that you have other battles to fight as well. Many of these are lifelong. Others once defeated will never be an issue again. God has given us His grace, and through His grace we can overcome to the Glory of our risen King. About the Author Dan considers himself to be the most blessed man on earth. Along with his beautiful bride, Janice, Dan oversees Life Abundant Ministries, in Steelton, PA. as well as Congregational Care for Life Center Ministries International in Harrisburg, PA. Dan feels his purpose in life is to help others achieve their purpose and A happier, healthier Dan in March live the dreams God has given them. 2010 with his youngest Grandson Zander, who had fell asleep on his A huge part of Dan’s blessing is lap. His weight is at his current his extensive education and expesteady weight of of 158 pounds. riences in ministry and helping others. Dan has recently earned his Professional Coaching Certification from Coaches Institute International. Dan also holds a Master’s and Doctorate Degrees in Missionary Ministries, from Victory Bible College, as well as a Christian Counseling Certification from the Sarasota Academy of Christian Counseling.

There is one huge problem with this. The problem is this can cause you to under-eat. What I have learned is that your body has a built in mechanism that tries to prevent you from starving to death. If you don’t eat enough calories, your metabolism shuts down and tries to save energy. Also, since muscle burns more calories than fat, you body will start reducing muscle mass in order to reserve Along with those degrees and certifications, Dan also has many additional energy and continue allowing fat to be stored. certifications in a variety of subjects including electronics, effective comThe result is either stagnant weight loss or even some weight gain. I have experienced this several times. Once you start seeing this, your mind starts telling you, eat less. But your body wants more. You get into a battle between your mind and body. About the best thing you can do is eat.

munications, leadership and influence, emergency management, and many technical and computer related certifications. Dan is also a musician and worship leader with more than 20 years experience. Even with all of that education, talent and skill, Dan is the first to tell you that without faith in God and His guidance, we will wonder through life struggling to fulfill our destiny.

The problem with me is I am fighting to control the flesh and my food addiction. This means I somehow have to give into the flesh, feed it, yet control it. This is not easy. Once this takes place I find I have another weakness, a. An obsessive behavior disorder. I will start to obsess over what I have eaten and tracking the calories I need versus the calories I have taken in. I tend to jump on the scale, several times a day tracking my weight. None of this has any positive effect, either in myself me or in my relationship with my wife. It drives her nuts. I have since learned that when going through these times, I need to keep it to myself, and fight that battle. I am slowly getting better at it. A key to fighting these huge battles in our lives is knowing who we are in Christ and knowing who He is in us. We must continually remember He loves us and accepts us just as we are. He doesn’t condemn us. He is all loving and all compassionate and all forgiv-

© 2010 The Fit Christian. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.



Healthy Ways to Help Reduce Your Risk of Breast Cancer


ith Breast Cancer Awareness month ap-

proaching, it is important to shine a light on breast health for women. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and diet may help reduce your risk of breast cancer; however, committing to change your habits is sometimes easier said than done. Here are a few tips that make it easy for women to take care of their bodies and may reduce the risk of breast cancer:

1. Don't be shy about breast health. Talk to your doctor and don't be afraid to ask questions.

2. Exercise regularly for at least 30 minutes daily to help maintain a healthy body weight. EB is proud to support Susan G. Komen for the Cure(r), the world's largest breast cancer advocacy organization. For the examinations at home, as well as getting yearly mammofirst time in the brand's history, they will display the Komen grams if you are over the age of 40. for the Cure's running ribbon logo (along with a pink version 4. Maintain a healthy diet by incorporating the right foods of their iconic "EB" stamp) on all egg varieties during the autumn of 2010. EB is donating $50,000 to support Komen into your daily routine. for the Cure in its promise to save lives and end breast cancer One food that is extremely important to include in a healthy forever. diet is eggs, and Eggland's Best eggs can help provide severSee below for a healthy recipe to get you started on the right al key nutrients most Americans lack in their diet. track. For additional information and other delicious and "With increased amounts of Vitamin A, B2, B12, D, choline healthy recipes, visit

3. Make sure that you are performing regular self breast

and Omega-3 plus lower saturated fat and cholesterol, Eggland's Best (EB) eggs are a tasty and convenient nutrient booster," said registered dietitian Julie Upton, MS, RD, co-author of Energy to Burn: The Ultimate Food and Nutrition Guide to Fuel Your Active Life. "As a healthy breakfast or snack, EB eggs provide good nutrition and energy to help you stay nourished and active all day long."

See a recipe for Autumn Frittata ...

See “Reduce Breast Cancer” page 9 © 2010 The Fit Christian. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.



Hearing loss in teens and tweens

Photo courtesy of Getty Images

term exposure to 80 to 85 decibels, or any more than 15 minutes exposure to 100 decibels, can lead to hearing loss. Music players like iPods can top 100 decibels when turned all the way up.

If you're the parent of a teen or tween, chances are you've wondered, half-jokingly, if your child hears anything you say. The reality is that there are over 6.5 million American children ages 12 to 19 living with some form of hearing loss - and much of it is preventable. Noise induced hearing loss Every day, we experience sound in our environment - from television and radio, to household appliances and dreaded rush-hour traffic. Normally, we hear these sounds at safe levels that do not affect our hearing. However, when we are exposed to harmful noise, sounds that are too loud or loud sounds that last a long time, sensitive structures in our inner ear can be damaged, resulting in noise induced hearing loss (NIHL). Noise induced hearing loss can be caused by a one-time exposure to an intense "impulse" sound, such as an explosion, or by continuous exposure to loud sounds over an extended period of time, such as a too-loud MP3 player. According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), long-

In fact, according to a survey conducted by Hear the World, a global initiative by leading hearing system manufacturer Phonak, exposure to high noise levels was found to not only result in gradual hearing loss, but also stress, aggression or insomnia in 73 percent of those surveyed. MP3 players and your teen A study released in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that 1 in 5 U.S. teens suffer from some form of hearing loss. Among other culprits named, from nutrition to environmental toxins, the use of the "earbud" style of headphones while listening to high decibel music was found to be one reason for the increase. "It is no surprise that teens and young adults today are listening to music longer and potentially louder than years past," said Dr. Craig Kasper, Chief Audiology Officer of Audio Help Hearing Centers and Hear the World spokesperson. "Ongoing exposure to loud sounds daily, through earphones for example, can have a direct impact on your hearing early in life and not just as you age." How loud is too loud? If an earbud headphone sounds loud to people nearby, it's too loud. If you suspect your child might have hearing loss, contact your local audiologist for a complete hearing screening. For more information on hearing loss and how loud is too loud, as well as an online hearing test, visit See “Hearing Loss” page 7

© 2010 The Fit Christian. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.


Hearing Loss cont...


the root cause lies in the inner ear - can be helped with hearing aids.

Reducing the risk 4. Hearing aids are large, clunky and obvious: Many modThe good news is that noise induced hearing loss is 100 ern hearing aids are nearly invisible to the naked eye and percent preventable. smaller than a quarter. "The impact of noise on hearing is often underestimated because the damage may take place gradually. As a result, many people do little to prevent the process of hearing loss that takes place throughout their lives due to the noise pollution around them," said Dr. Kasper.


Hearing loss isn't serious enough to treat: Hearing loss can create social and emotional barriers for the individuals living with it, or the families of those it affects. Research shows that when left untreated, hearing loss can lead to reduced earning power, disruptions in family life and can cause a wide range of other psychological problems.

To protect hearing, Dr. Kasper recommends these tips for teens and tweens:

Signs of hearing loss in your teen:

1. Be mindful of your hearing.

- Loss of hearing sensitivity, first to high-pitched (highfrequency) sounds, then eventually to lower pitches. - Difficulty hearing conversations, especially in a group 2. When attending concerts or setting or in a noisy environloud events, wear hearing proment. tection. Most of us would never - Temporary or permanent think to sunbathe without some ringing, buzzing or fluttering form of SPF protection. Using in one or both ears. either over-the-counter earplugs Photo co - Often asks people to repeat urtesy o or custom-molded hearing prof Phonak themselves. tection is like SPF for your ears. - Needs to set the TV or radio 3. When listening to your iPod or other MP3 player, invest volume louder than other people. in a sound-isolating earphone, such as the Audéo PFE by - A sense of fullness in the ears. Phonak (see sidebar). This will reduce the amount of envi- Voices and other noises sound muffled and/or distorted. ronmental sounds and allow you to turn the volume down. Think about the level of noise you're exposed to as well as the duration of time you're in that noise.

Sound waves travel through the ear canal to the inner ear, Audéo PFE Perfect Bass where tiny hair cells convert the sound into nerve impulses The Audéo PFE (Perfect Fit Earphones) Perfect Bass are a that travel to hearing centers in the brain. Excessive noise set of high-end, sound-isolating earphones by leading hearcan damage those cells and cause permanent hearing loss. ing systems manufacturer Phonak. The Audéo PFE provides exceptional fit with different, Top five misconceptions about hearing loss replaceable ear tips, great 1. Hearing loss is only for the elderly: Only 35 percent of sound (even at low volume people with hearing loss are older than age 64. There are over levels) without sacrificing the 6.5 million American children ages 12 to 19 living with some health of your ears, and starts below $100. The Audéo PFE form of hearing loss. 2. If my child or I had hearing loss, my family doctor would Perfect Bass can be purchased online at have told me: Only 14 percent of physicians routinely screen for hearing loss during a physical.

3. Your hearing loss cannot be helped: With modern ad-

Courtesy of Family Features

vances in technology, nearly 95 percent of people with a All materials courtesy of: Phonak sensorineural hearing loss - a type of hearing loss in which © 2010 The Fit Christian. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.



Save and Savor Are you looking for a creative way to use that bumper crop of tomatoes or zucchini? Have you ever wished for the taste of summer berries during a long, cold winter? If so, learning how to preserve foods just may be the thing for you.

Bread and Butter Freezer Pickles This pickle, which is so popular in sandwiches, can also be served with salads, cold meats, cheese or barbecued fish. Makes: 3/4 pound Takes: 15 minutes, plus standing time | Keeps: 6 months

In a new book, "Preserve It!" (DK Publishing, 2010), editorin-chief Lynda Brown demystifies the processes for pickling, jam-making, freezing, canning, drying, salting, and more. Each preserving method is demonstrated with step-by-step photography, making it easy to enjoy local, seasonal and home-grown produce at any time.

2 large cucumbers 2 shallots ½ green pepper (optional) 1 - 2 teaspoons sea salt ½ cup cider or wine vinegar 3-5 tablespoons granulated sugar A good pinch of ground turmeric and celery or dill seeds, or ½ - 1 teaspoon yellow mustard seeds.

Scrub and slice cucumbers thinly. Slice shallot into wafer "The recipes are the kind modern cooks will want to make thin slices, and finely chop green pepper (if using). using ingredients to be proud of - fresh produce, natural preservatives and less sugar," says Brown. "We've also made Put vegetables in a large bowl; sprinkle salt over the top. Mix well and leave for 2 hours to draw out the moisture. sure you can tackle all techniques confidently in your own kitchen." Transfer vegetables to a colander; rinse in cold water and drain well, pressing down lightly to squeeze out moisture. There are over 100 recipes that guide gardeners and cooks of Then put into a clean, dry bowl. all levels through the satisfying crafts of bottling jams, syrTransfer to clean portion-sized freezer-safe containers, leavups and chutneys - even making sausage, cider and wine. ing a 1/2-inch space at the top. Seal, label and freeze. For more information, visit

To use, thaw overnight in the fridge, then keep refrigerated and use within one week. See “Preserve It!” page 9

© 2010 The Fit Christian. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.


Preserve It! cont...

Reduce Breast Cancer cont...


Raspberry and Vanilla Syrup

Autumn Frittata

This syrup makes a refreshing drink when topped off with sparkling water or lemonade. It also makes a delicious milkshake or can be drizzled over vanilla ice cream with fresh peaches.

Makes 4 servings

Makes: Approximately 2 cups Takes: 35 minutes Keeps: 1 - 2 months, refrigerated 1 pound ripe raspberries 1 vanilla bean, split 1 ¼ cup granulated sugar 1 teaspoon citric acid

1 ½ cups zucchini, thinly sliced 1 cup fresh corn kernels (or one 8-ounce can whole kernel corn, well drained) ½ cup sweet red peppers, chopped ¼ cup onion, chopped ¼ teaspoon Italian seasoning 1/8 teaspoon crushed red pepper 1 tablespoon water 4 large Eggland's Best eggs ¼ cup non-fat milk ¼ cup (1 ounce) low-fat shredded cheddar cheese

In a 10-inch nonstick skillet, combine vegetables, Italian Add raspberries and 1 cup water to a saucepan. Heat gently over low heat until the juices run. Crush fruit with a potato seasoning, crushed red pepper, and water. Cover and cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally until crisp-tender. masher or the back of a large spoon. When fruit is really soft, strain through a cheesecloth-lined sieve into a clean bowl. Squeeze or press to extract the maximum juice. Return juice to the rinsed-out pan. Add vanilla bean to the pan with the sugar. Stir. Then heat gently without stirring until the sugar dissolves. Bring to a boil and boil for 5 minutes, or until syrupy.

Thoroughly blend eggs and milk. Pour over vegetables. Cook over low heat until eggs are almost set. Sprinkle with cheese. Broil about 6 inches from heat until cheese is melted.

Cut into wedges and serve from pan or slide from pan onto Remove from heat, discard vanilla bean, and stir in the citric serving platter. acid. Notes and Suggestions: Can be prepared as a frittata or as an Pour immediately into warm, sterilized bottles using a steril- omelet, with a flatter fold-over shape. ized funnel. Seal, label and leave to cool, then store in the fridge. Shake before use. Courtesy of Family Features Source: Eggland's Best

Courtesy Family Features Source: DK Publishing

A spread in the book “Preserve It!” © 2010 The Fit Christian. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.


Picnic Party! © Chris Chapan

This series of games is dedicated to great fun in the outdoors. These games can be played at any time of the year with different age levels. So get ready to roll and have fun at the picnic party

partners about 15 ft. apart facing each other. The bean bags represent “cookies.” The partners share their cookies by tossing them in the air back and forth the bean bags without the “cookie monster” getting them. The “cookie monster” will be moving around trying to steal the “cookies” with a hockey stick. If the “cookie monster” gets a “cookie,” he/she will take it and put it in the “cookie jar” (a bucket). When Materials: water gun with water interest is lost or all “cookies” have been stolen, choose a All players sit or stand in a circle and pick a person to be it. new “cookie monster.” They are to go around the circle like in “Duck, Duck, Goose,” but they say, “Duck, Duck, and Squirt.” They, then, squirt a player and the chase begins. The “squirter” runs around the circle and back to player’s position without get- Materials: Green, yellow and red streamers Divide students into equal groups. Have them choose who ting tagged by the person who was squirted. will be ketchup, mustard, and pickles. Give the red streamers to the ketchup team, yellow to the mustard team, and green to the pickles team. Have students place streamers in the Materials: Set of balls and Frisbees for each team waist bands of their pants or back pockets. On the signal, Each line leader balances a small-ball a “hamburger” on a students will move out into play and try to pull the other two Frisbee “tray.”. teams’ streamers off. If a student's flag gets pulled, they go On your signal, the first waitperson moves to a distant line to their home base, put their flag back on, and wait for a new using the locomotor skill of choice: skipping, hopping, run- game to start. ning, etc. If a student’s ball falls from the Frisbee to the floor during that action, he/she must perform three good jumping jacks before continuing. After the waitperson reaches the distant line, he/she returns to the starting line and relays the “tray and burger” to the next player. Continue until all players have run the relay.

Materials: bean bags and a bucket Assign one child to be the “cookie monster.” Have everyone else get a partner. Give each set of partners a bean bag. Sit © 2010 The Fit Christian Magazine. A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.

All Rights Reserved.


Whatever happens, give thanks, because it is God's will in Christ Jesus that you do this. 1 Thessalonians 5:18




Courtesy of Livewire Puzzles Did you enjoy this puzzle? Visit:

© 2010 The Fit Christian Magazine. A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.

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Smarter After-School Snacking (Family Features) Chips and a soft drink may be a conveFor more information nient after school snack, but it doesn't do the body any good. Believe it or not, there are snack options that not only do the body - and the brain - some good, but they taste good, too.




String Cheese "Slaw"

Omega-3s are fats essential to brain development and continued brain health, vision, prevention of cardiovascular disease, and normal growth and development throughout childhood. However, they are not produced in the body, nor are they found in many foods. Fatty fish are an excellent source off omega-3s, but fatty fish are not on most kids' after school snack menus. However, there are other sources of omega-3s, such as Omega-3 Milk from Organic Valley.

Prep time: 15 Minutes Servings: 6

Crayon-sized string cheese cylinders can be sliced into "buttons" or stripped into "threads," then added to salads of all stripes. Here, the cheese strips are the main ingredient in a fun, carrot-flecked slaw. 6 Organic Valley Stringles String Cheese 1½ cups carrot, cut into matchsticks or shredded 3 tablespoons cilantro, chopped (or parsley) 4 teaspoons fresh lemon juice 2 teaspoons olive oil black pepper, freshly ground

"Adding milk high in omega-3s to our daily diet is a simple, practical way to promote life-long health, and it is especially important for families with young children. Omega-3s are essential building blocks for infants and children as they grow and their brains develop," said Dr. Charles Benbrook, Pull threads of cheese off each string cheese stick (not too chief scientist of The Organic Center. thin). Toss with carrots, cilantro or parsley, lemon juice and With Omega-3 milk, Organic Valley complements its pas- olive oil. Add pepper to taste. ture-based organic milk-which already contains elevated levels of the naturally-occurring ALA Omega-3-with DHA Serve immediately, or chill the salad in the refrigerator, and EPA, two other Omega-3 fatty acids extracted from tossing occasionally, 1/2 to 1 hour. Serve at room temperasustainably-sourced fish oil. Each glass delivers complete ture or chilled. Omega-3 nutrition. Other Serving Suggestions: This also makes an unusual and For a mouth-pleasing, brain-boosting after school snack, try fun side dish to sandwiches or burgers. Or it may be added serving up some of this fun String Cheese "Slaw" with a tall to tacos or burritos, or piled into pita bread with sliced glass of Omega-3 milk. It may just turn chips into a snack of tomatoes. the past. Source: Organic Valley

Š 2010 The Fit Christian Magazine. A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.

All Rights Reserved.



all brings a whole new set of flavors to the table, and that's reason enough to celebrate with

friends. Award-winning celebrity chef and cookbook author Michael Chiarello has created some delicious seasonal dishes that make the most of autumn's bounty and make it easy to entertain. "If you want to create beautiful food for your friends and family, the most important thing you can do is start your recipes with the best possible ingredients," says Chiarello. "Progresso makes it easy to fill your pantry with the very finest ingredients." Using Progresso 100% natural broth and panko bread crumbs, Chiarello has created dishes with exceptional flavor and paired them with the award-winning wines of the Cavit Collection.

Between two sheets of plastic wrap, pound turkey breast pieces to an even 1/4-inch thickness with a meat mallet. If you don't have a meat mallet, the back of a frying pan will work fine. You can do this a day ahead and leave them stored in the plastic wrap, folded over on each other. You can also ask a good butcher to cut and pound the turkey for you. Heat olive oil in a large sauté pan over medium-high heat. Lightly coat turkey pieces with flour, and pat off excess; dip in beaten eggs and then dredge in bread crumbs. When oil is hot and bubbling, add turkey pieces. Do not crowd the pan. Let brown about 1 minute, then turn to cook the second side, another 30 seconds. The turkey will cook very quickly and will dry out if overcooked. When done, remove to a baking sheet or platter and keep warm. Do not wash sauté pan!

To make the sauce, add butter to sauté pan and place over Find more seasonal recipes at and medium-high heat. At the same time, drop ravioli into the boiling water. When butter begins to turn light brown, add fresh sage. Stir for a few seconds; then add cranberries, and sauté until skins begin to burst. Add molasses, balsamic Turkey Scallopini and Squash Ravioli vinegar and broth, scraping bottom of the pan to pick up all with Cranberry Brown Butter the flavor of the turkey. Simmer until cranberries are soft and Makes 8 servings | Prep Time: 10 minutes the sauce coats the back of a spoon, about 2 minutes. Season Start to Finish: 30 minutes to taste with salt and pepper. Be sure to taste sauce for 8 portions boneless turkey breast (4 ounces each) seasoning before you pour it over the turkey. ¼ cup extra virgin olive oil ¼ cup all-purpose flour Test ravioli for doneness in about 3 minutes - pinch edges of 2 eggs, beaten dough; it should be tender. Drain. Divide ravioli among hot 2 cups Progresso plain panko crispy bread crumbs 1 stick (8 tablespoons) unsalted butter 1 package (18 ounces) frozen squash ravioli ¼ cup finely chopped fresh sage or 2 teaspoons dried sage 1 ½ cups fresh cranberries 3 tablespoons dark molasses ¼ cup balsamic vinegar 1 cup Progresso chicken broth or reduced-sodium chicken broth Salt and pepper

Bring 4 quarts lightly salted water to a boil in a large pot.

© 2010 The Fit Christian. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.


plates and layer a piece of turkey over the ravioli. Spoon sauce over them. Tip: The sauce must be put together very quickly, so have all the ingredients premeasured and ready at the side of the stove. Enjoy with Cavit Riesling or Pinot Noir.

Roasted Butternut Squash Soup Makes 4 servings | Prep Time: 30 minutes Start to Finish: 60 minutes

salt and pepper. Add broth and coriander; bring to a boil. Simmer for several minutes. Stir in reserved squash until tablespoons butter smooth; simmer gently to let flavors meld, about 10 minutes. cups diced (3/4-inch) raw winter squash (butternut, hubDiscard cinnamon stick.

Roasted Winter Squash 2 2 bard, acorn) Salt and pepper

Soup 2 ½ ¼ ¼ 1

tablespoons extra virgin olive oil cup diced onion cup diced celery cup diced carrot cinnamon stick Sea salt and freshly ground pepper 1 carton (32 ounces) Progresso chicken broth (4 cups) ½ teaspoon ground toasted coriander, if desired 1½ cups Roasted Winter Squash (above) ½ cup half-and-half, if desired 2 tablespoons toasted pumpkin seeds ½ cup Progresso plain panko crispy bread crumbs, toasted light brown in sauté pan over medium heat

Pureé soup using an immersion blender or in a blender until smooth. (The soup can be made ahead to this point, cooled, covered, and refrigerated for several days or frozen for about 1 month. It will thicken as it cools and may need thinning with broth or water when reheating.) Return soup to pan and reheat gently. Add half-and-half. Adjust seasoning with salt and pepper. Top each serving with pumpkin seeds and toasted bread crumbs. Tip: Depending on how rich you want it, or how cold it is outside, you can use cream, yogurt or mascarpone instead of half-and-half. Enjoy with Cavit Chardonnay.

To make roasted winter squash: Heat oven to 375°F. Heat butter over medium-high heat in an ovenproof sauté pan; add diced squash, salt and pepper. When squash begins to brown, place pan in oven. Roast for 15 minutes or until mediumbrown on all sides. Remove from oven and let cool slightly. Pureé in food processor, or mash with potato masher or ricer. 1 3 Measure 1 1/2 cups squash; reserve. ½ ¼ To make soup: Heat olive oil in large saucepan over medium ½ heat until hot. Add onion, celery, carrot and cinnamon stick; 1 sauté until soft but not brown, about 10 minutes. Season with 1 © 2010 The Fit Christian. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.

Mama Chiarello's Stuffed Eggplant Makes 4 servings | Prep Time: 30 minutes Start to Finish: 1 hour 20 minutes large eggplant tablespoons extra virgin olive oil teaspoon grey sea salt teaspoon black pepper pound ground beef onion, diced small (about 1 cup) red bell pepper, diced small (about 1 cup)


3 cloves garlic, finely chopped ½ cup chopped fresh parsley ½ cup chopped fresh basil leaves 1 ¼ cups grated pecorino Romano cheese ½ cup Progresso plain panko crispy bread crumbs 1 whole egg 2 chopped tomatoes

Heat oven to 350°F. Cut eggplant in half and scoop out center, leaving enough meat inside the skin so that it holds its shape when baked. Chop eggplant that has been scooped out of the inside; place in saucepan, cover with water and boil until very soft, 10 to 12 minutes. Meanwhile, in medium sauté pan, heat 1 tablespoon olive oil over medium heat. Salt and pepper the Photo: Chef Michael Chiarello beef. Add seasoned ground beef to pan, and sauté until all of its liquid is evaporated and beef begins to brown slightly. Let cool briefly, and chop cooked beef so that there are no large chunks of meat. In another medium sauté pan over medium heat, add remaining 2 tablespoons olive oil, and sauté the onion, pepper and garlic together in oil. In bowl, mix together cooked eggplant, vegetables, beef, herbs, 1 cup cheese, 1/4 cup bread crumbs and egg. Fill scooped-out eggplant halves with this mixture, dividing it evenly between the two halves.

Christmas Gift!

Top with chopped tomatoes, remaining 1/4 cup cheese, remaining 1/4 cup bread crumbs, and season with salt and pepper. Place on an oiled oven tray or baking dish, and bake for 50 minutes. Let cool briefly; slice widthwise and serve. Enjoy with Cavit Pinot Noir, Merlot or Cabernet Sauvignon.

Source: Progresso Courtesy of Family Features

© 2010 The Fit Christian. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.


Chicken Pot Pie Soup

As the weather turns cooler, soup is a delicious and healthful way to warm up. From homemade to prepared varieties, nourishing soups also can satisfy your hunger by making you feel full longer. Wendy Bazilian, DrPH, MA, RD, author of "The SuperFoodsRx Diet," recommends choosing soups packed with flavorful "SuperFoods" like beans, lean chicken or turkey, broccoli, spinach, tomatoes - and especially spices and herbs. "Using spices and herbs does more than just add flavor to your favorite soups without added calories or sodium. They are also concentrated sources of natural antioxidants, with levels comparable to fruits and vegetables, including many of the SuperFoods," says Dr. Bazilian. "With just a dash, pinch or sprinkle of spices and herbs, you can turn your favorite soup into a flavorful 'super soup.'"

for traditional soup toppings such as croutons, cheese or sour cream - adding flavor without extra salt, sugar or fat. Find more flavorful and healthful soup recipes, as well as tips for pairing spices and herbs with canned or prepared soups, at

SUPER SOUP Flavor-Ups -Give canned chicken soup an Asian flair. Stir 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger and 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder into 2 cups soup. Sprinkle with sliced green onions, if desired. -Turn tomato or potato soup from dull to delicious. Stir 1/2 teaspoon curry powder into 2 cups soup.

-Top off your broccoli or tomato soup with a spicy crunch. Heat 1/2 teaspoon olive oil in small nonstick skillet Whether you're cooking up a batch of a hearty, homemade on medium heat. Add 1/4 cup walnuts or pecans, and 1/8 soup on the weekend or just looking to add healthful twists teaspoon each ground cumin, oregano leaves and chili powto prepared soups, spices and herbs are a better-for-you swap der; cook and stir 3 to 4 minutes or until nuts are fragrant and lightly browned. Š 2010 The Fit Christian. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.


Meanwhile, heat remaining 2 teaspoons oil in large saucepan on medium-high heat. Add onions; cook and stir 5 minutes or until softened. Add vegetable mixture, broth and pepper. Bring to boil. Reduce heat to low; simmer 10 minutes or until cauliflower is tender, stirring occasionally. Ladle into soup bowls to serve. Nutrition Information per Serving: 105 Calories, Fat 5g, Protein 3g, Carbohydrates 12g, Sodium 304mg, Fiber 3g Roasted Cauliflower and Mushroom Soup

Savory Turkey Sausage and Lentil Soup

-Add a dollop of color and flavor with spiced yogurt. Stir Prep Time: 15 minutes | Cook Time: 25 minutes | Makes 8 favorite spices and herbs into low-fat plain yogurt, about 1 (1-cup) servings tablespoon for each serving of soup. Try turmeric for lentil or split pea soup, oregano for black bean soup and ground 1 tablespoon olive oil cinnamon or ginger for butternut squash or pumpkin soup. 2 cups chopped onions 1 cup diced celery -Popcorn makes a fun garnish for soup. Try sprinkling hot 4 ounces turkey kielbasa, chopped (about ¾ cup) popcorn with spices such as curry powder, paprika or ground 2 teaspoons McCormick Thyme Leaves 1 ½ teaspoons McCormick Garlic Powder red pepper. 1 teaspoon McCormick Paprika ¼ teaspoon McCormick Crushed Red Pepper 4 cups reduced sodium chicken broth Roasted Cauliflower and Mushroom Soup 1 can (14 ½ ounces) no salt added diced tomatoes, drained Prep Time: 15 minutes | Cook Time: 35 minutes | Makes 8 1 cup red or brown lentils, picked over and rinsed (1-cup) servings 1 package (5 ounces) baby spinach leaves 6 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 4 ¼

cups cauliflower florets (2-inch pieces) Portobello mushrooms, cut into 1-inch pieces large red bell pepper, cut into 1-inch pieces tablespoons plus teaspoons olive oil, divided tablespoon McCormick Thyme Leaves teaspoon McCormick Ground Cumin cups chopped onions cups reduced sodium vegetable broth teaspoon McCormick Ground Black Pepper

Heat oil in large saucepan on medium heat. Add onions and celery; cook and stir 3 minutes. Add kielbasa; cook and stir 3 minutes longer or until kielbasa is lightly browned and vegetables are softened. Stir in thyme, garlic powder, paprika and red pepper; cook and stir 2 minutes or until fragrant. Stir in broth, tomatoes and lentils. Bring to boil. Reduce heat to low; cover and simmer 15 minutes or until lentils are tender. Stir in spinach. Simmer until wilted. Ladle into soup bowls Toss cauliflower, mushrooms and bell pepper with 2 table- to serve. spoons oil. Sprinkle with thyme and cumin. Toss until evenly coated. Spread in single layer on baking sheet. Roast in Nutrition Information per Serving: preheated 450°F oven 15 to 20 minutes or until cauliflower 172 Calories, Fat 4g, Protein 11g, Carbohydrates 23g, Cholesterol 9mg, Sois golden brown, stirring occasionally. dium 468mg, Fiber 6g © 2010 The Fit Christian. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.


Savory Turkey Sausage and Lentil Soup

Chicken Pot Pie Soup Prep Time: 15 minutes | Cook Time: 25 minutes | Makes 8 (1-cup) servings 1 ½ teaspoons McCormick Rosemary Leaves, crushed 1 ½ teaspoons McCormick Thyme Leaves 1 teaspoon McCormick Garlic Powder 4 teaspoons butter, divided 1 package (8 ounces) mushrooms, sliced 1 cup sliced carrots ½ cup flour thickened, stirring occasionally. Add vegetable mixture, 4 cups reduced sodium chicken broth chicken, pearl onions and peas; simmer 8 minutes or until 1 pound boneless skinless chicken thighs, cut into 1-inch chicken is cooked through, stirring occasionally. pieces 1 ½ cups frozen pearl onions Meanwhile, cut bread into rounds with 3-inch cookie cutter. 1 cup frozen peas Place on baking sheet. Brush bread with oil and sprinkle with 8 thin bread slices reserved seasoning mixture. Bake in preheated 350°F oven 1 teaspoon oil

10 minutes or until toasted. To serve soup, ladle into soup Mix rosemary, thyme and garlic powder in small bowl. bowls and top each with 1 crouton. Reserve ½ teaspoon. Heat 1 teaspoon butter in large sauceNutrition Information per Serving: 211 Calories, Fat 7g, Protein 16g, pan on medium heat. Add mushrooms, carrots and remaining Carbohydrates 21g, Cholesterol seasoning mixture; cook and stir 3 minutes. Remove from 42mg, Sodium 469mg, Fiber 2g Coming Soon! saucepan. Set aside. Melt remaining 3 teaspoons butter in saucepan on medium Courtesy of Family Features heat, stirring to release browned bits from bottom of skillet. Source: McCormick Sprinkle with flour; cook and stir 3 to 4 minutes or until flour is lightly browned. Gradually stir in broth until well blended. Bring to boil. Reduce heat to low; simmer 10 minutes or until slightly © 2010 The Fit Christian. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.

Gluten Free Cookbook Delicious Recipes without the Wheat!


How to Dress a

Naked Salad

No salad deserves to be naked. After all, a dish that can deliver so much taste and nutrition in one meal should always be served with style! With all the healthy convenience items available in supermarkets, it's into bite sized chunks. Toss meat and potatoes with sour easy to liven up a lonely bowl of lettuce. Here are some easy cream, chives and cracked black pepper in a bowl; cover and ideas from Mrs. Cubbison's Test Kitchens: chill. Serve over fresh salad greens and top with Garlic & Butter French Bread Croutons. Chicken Nugget Caesar Salad - Toss chopped romaine lettuce with bottled Caesar dressing; top with boneless chick- California Chicken & Fruit Salad - Use bagged salad en nuggets. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese and Caesar Salad greens and freezer section breaded chicken strips that have Restaurant Style Croutons. A kid-pleasing meal in minutes! been heated and chopped. Add fresh strawberry slices, Hamburger Salad - Toss iceberg or green leaf lettuce with halved, fresh grapes, and peeled navel orange sections. diced tomatoes and pickle slices. Top with grilled, cut up Sprinkle shredded Monterey Jack cheese and Fat Free Seabeef, turkey or vegetarian burgers. Drizzle with Light or Fat soned Restaurant Style Croutons and serve with light vinaiFree Thousand Island dressing and top with Fat Free Sea- grette. A perfect light lunch. soned Restaurant Style croutons. Great for low-carb diets. Vidalia Onion & Spinach Salad -Toss a bag of baby spinBaja Fish Taco Style Salad - Place baby salad greens in a ach with thinly sliced sweet onions and chopped, hard-boiled bowl and spoon bottled black bean salsa over the top. Sprin- eggs. Serve with vinaigrette and Garlic and Butter French kle grilled fish fillet pieces over the salsa and top with Bread Croutons. Sauté fresh garlic slices in butter and spoon shredded cheddar cheese, a dollop of sour cream and Sea- onto the salad if desired. soned Restaurant Style Croutons. How do you like to dress up Pepperoni Pizza Salad - Arrange a bag of mixed salad your greens? Enter your ideas greens in a large salad bowl. Top with thinly sliced red in Mrs. Cubbison's "No More onion, tomato wedges, sliced pepperoni, and shredded Italian Naked Salads Sweepstakes" blend cheese. Add sliced, fresh mushrooms if desired. Pour for a chance to win a year's a 1/2 cup of bottled Italian dressing over all ingredients and worth of free groceries. Visit serve with Cheese & Garlic Restaurant Style Croutons. for complete details. † Steak and Potato Salad - Start with leftover grilled steak and oven roasted red potatoes. Cut the steak and potatoes © 2010 The Fit Christian. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.


(Family Features) I love it when the days are cool and the evenings have just a bit of a chill in the air. It's cool enough for my favorite fall sweater, but I can leave the winter coats in the closet for a little bit longer. Days like these call for something to warm the family up from the inside out. Rich 'N Creamy Mint Cocoa is perfect for a cool afternoon or on an early weekend morning. And this scrumptious Warm Cherry Bread Pudding with Chocolate Sauce is a little bit of comfort food heaven!

greased baking sheet. Bake for 5 minutes or until golden brown. Remove from oven. Reduce oven temperature to 350° F.

COMBINE evaporated milk, water and sugar in medium, heavy-duty saucepan. Cook over low heat, stirring occasionally, until sugar is dissolved. Whisk eggs in large bowl. These are two of my favorite ways to warm up to fall - what Gradually whisk warm milk mixture into eggs. Stir in rum are yours? You can get some new ideas at and vanilla extract.

Warm Cherry Bread Pudding with Chocolate Sauce Makes 6 servings

PLACE prepared ramekins on baking sheet. Place one bread round in each ramekin. Top with level tablespoon of cherries. Repeat layers, then top each ramekin with a third bread round. Divide custard mixture among ramekins. Let stand for 30 minutes, pressing down on bread occasionally.

Bread Pudding 18 ½-inch slices (1 pound loaf) Challah or other egg bread 1 can (12 fluid ounces) Nestlé Carnation Evaporated Milk ½ cup water 4 large eggs 1 ¼ cups granulated sugar 1 tablespoon vanilla extract 1 package (6 ounces) dried cherries (about 1 1/3 cups)

BAKE for 25 to 27 minutes or until tops are puffed and brown. (Puddings will rise over edge of ramekin but shrink slightly on cooling.) Let cool on wire rack for 10 minutes. Serve with Chocolate Sauce.

For Chocolate Sauce: COMBINE morsels and evaporated milk in small, heavyduty saucepan. Cook over low heat, stirring frequently, until Chocolate Sauce 1 cup (6 ounces) Nestlé Toll House Semi-Sweet Chocolate morsels are melted. Remove from heat; stir in vanilla extract. Makes about 1 cup. Store any remaining sauce tightly covMorsels 2/3 cup (5 fluid-ounce can) Nestlé Carnation Evaporated Milk ered in refrigerator. 1

teaspoon vanilla extract

Rich 'N Creamy Mint Cocoa For Bread Pudding: PREHEAT oven to 400° F. Grease six 6-ounce ramekins.

Makes 10 1/2-cup servings 2

cans (12 fluid ounces each) Nestlé Carnation Evaporated

USE a 2 ½-inch-round cookie cutter or glass to cut circles in Milk bread slices (save remnants for another use). Place on un- 1 2/3 cups (10-ounce package) Nestlé Toll House Dark Chocolate & Mint Morsels © 2010 The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved.

A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.

See “Jenny” page 23


Mix It Up With Jenny

(Family Features) If you're looking for new ways to entice the family to the table for dinner, then I've got the perfect MEANWHILE, COMBINE 1 1/4 cups evaporated milk, cheese and chilies in small saucepan. Cook over mediumrecipes for you. low heat, stirring constantly, until cheese has melted and Whether you call them bakes or casseroles, your family will mixture is smooth. Remove from heat. Stir 3/4 cup of cheese simply call them delicious. And as a time-saving extra, you sauce into heated brown rice; reserve remaining cheese can make these creamy dishes ahead of time, then just pop sauce. them in the oven when you need them. Toss a fresh green salad and add some warm bread, and you have a meal they'll COMBINE refried beans and remaining 1/4 cup evaporated milk in medium, microwave-safe bowl. Microwave, uncovlove to sit down to. ered, on HIGH (100% power) for 3 to 4 minutes, stirring For more easy weeknight dinner recipes, visit after each minute or until slightly thickened.

Cheesy Oven Burrito Bake Makes 12 servings, (1/2 burrito each) Nonstick cooking spray 2 large sliced red and/or green bell peppers, cut into thin strips 1 medium onion, sliced 1 teaspoon ground cumin 1 can (12 fluid ounces) Nestlé Carnation Evaporated Lowfat 2% Milk, divided 1 cup (4 ounces) shredded reduced fat 2% cheddar cheese 1 can (4 ounces) diced green chilies, undrained 1 ½ cups cooked long or medium grain brown rice, heated 1 can (16 ounces) fat-free refried black beans 6 8-inch multi-grain or whole-wheat tortillas Salsa and guacamole (optional)

FILL tortillas with hot beans, rice and vegetables, dividing equally. Fold sides over filling. Place filled burritos, seamside down, in prepared baking dish. Top with remaining cheese sauce. Cover with foil. BAKE for 20 to 25 minutes or until heated through. Serve with salsa and guacamole, if desired. TIPS: Cooked chicken or ground beef may be added to filling. Look for precooked ready-to-use brown rice to save prep time. Nutrition Information per serving: 210 calories; 45 calories from fat; 5g total fat; 2.5g saturated fat; 10mg cholesterol; 540mg sodium; 30g carbohydrate; 6g fiber; 6g sugars; 11g protein; 10% Vitamin A; 50% Vitamin C; 25% Calcium; 20% Iron

Turkey & Hash Brown Bake PREHEAT the oven to 350° F. Spray 13 x 9-inch baking dish with nonstick cooking spray.

Makes 10 servings

1 bag (16 ounces) or 4 1/2 cups frozen, shredded hash brown SPRAY large, nonstick skillet with nonstick cooking spray. potatoes Add peppers, onions and cumin; cook over medium-high 2 cups chopped frozen or fresh broccoli heat, stirring occasionally, for 6 to 8 minutes until vegetables 8 ounces sliced turkey, cut into 1/2-inch pieces (about 2 cups) 1 can (12 fluid ounces) Nestlé Carnation Evaporated Lowfat are tender. 2% Milk 1 can (10 ounces) condensed fat-free cream of chicken soup © 2010 The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved.

A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.


½ cup shredded Parmesan cheese 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard ½ teaspoon ground black pepper (Family Features) Education budgets are being cut nationwide,

Making Field Trips Possible Despite Budget Cuts

forcing schools across the country to eliminate valuable proPREHEAT oven to 350º F. grams such as field trips. According to a recent report by the Grease 13 x 9-inch baking American Association of School Administrators, 11 percent of dish. schools nationwide reported eliminating field trips in 20082009. This number grew to 24 percent in 2009-2010 and topped COMBINE all ingredients in large bowl until well blended. a staggering 51 percent for the 2010-2011 school year. Pour into prepared baking dish. Many experts agree that field trips can be an integral part of a BAKE for 50 minutes or until heated through. Cool for 10 child's education, giving students real-life experience to supplement abstract classroom lessons-and parents and caregivers minutes before serving. play an important role in creating great field trip experiences. TIPS: When you visit the deli counter, ask for the amount of Despite schools' limited resources, parents can suggest lowturkey you'll need and it can be cut into one thick piece. budget, high-impact field trip options that can engage students Nutrition Information per serving: 130 calories; 30 calories from fat; 3g and add memorable experiences to their curriculum. Here are a total fat; 2g saturated fat; 20mg cholesterol; 500mg sodium; 16g carbohy- few ideas: drate; 1g fiber; 4g sugars; 9g protein; 15% Vitamin C; 15% Calcium

Another way parents can get involved is by sharing information about the Target Field Trip Grants Program with their child's Jenny Harper is Consumer Test Kitchen Project Manager for the Nestlé teacher or principal. This year, each Target store will award Test Kitchens and three Field Trip Grants valued at up to $700 to local education professionals throughout the U.S., enabling one out of every 25 Photo courtesy of Nestlé | Source: Nestlé schools in America to send a classroom on a field trip. The applications for this year's program will be available August 1 Jenny cont. from page 21 through September 30, 2010, and can be accessed online at 1 cup water 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Source: Target Topping suggestions: whipped cream and Nestlé Toll House Baking Cocoa

HEAT evaporated milk, morsels and water in medium, heavy-duty saucepan over medium-low heat, stirring frequently, until hot (do not boil). Remove from heat. Stir in liqueur and vanilla extract. POUR into ten 4-ounce demitasse cups or five mugs. Top with whipped cream and dusting of cocoa. VARIATION: Substitute evaporated lowfat 2% milk for the regular evaporated milk. Jenny Harper is Consumer Test Kitchen Project Manager for the Nestlé A trip to an art museum was made possible for these public school Test Kitchens and students through Target's Field Trip Grant program. Applications for the 2010 program were recently made available on the retailer's Photo courtesy of Nestlé | Source: Nestlé website.

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A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.


By Dennis Ellingson, Pastor for The Fit Christian

It is the Lord who makes...


e skipped a part of this winter by going to Arizona. It is winter as far as the calendar is concerned, but it just doesn’t look or feel like it. As part of my research for my new book, God’s WILD Herbs we studied and searched out numerous plants of the desert Southwest. This search took us to numerous places. I am always reminded, when seeing the things of creation, how diverse as a creator our God is. The flora, the fauna and the geology of all the places God has provided for us is truly remarkable. To me, at close inspection, Grand Canyon looks like a wonderful rock garden and places like the Boyce Thompson Arboretum, near Phoenix, a bit of Eden.

years to develop. Otherwise, Goldenseal is found in capsule form, etc. at your local herb supplement store. First of all, people have used Goldenseal as a digestive aid. It is also used to treat the mucus membranes when battling a cold or the flu. It also seems to be good for treating stress, exhaustion, anxiety, and general nervousness. The sedative effect it has on the digestive system seems to work on the brain as well. Goldenseal should only be taken as directed. If you live in the east and are out tromping around the forest, look for it. The next herb to consider is Hawthorne and my personal number one favorite. This is the tree, and the berry from that tree, that got me interested in herbs. Now twenty some years later, with three books on the subject of herbs and my better health, I owe much to this member of the Rose family.

“Ask the Lord for the rain in the springtime; it is the Lord who makes the storm clouds. He gives showers to rain to men, and plants of the field to everyone.” Zechariah 10:1 These late spring and early summer months seem to call for a celebration of God’s complex and awesome creation. So celebrate! Shout to the heavens the joy you can feel for all He has provided. As we consider out list of herbs, A through Z, our first is Goldenseal. I love the names of all the plants, some are whimsical, some make some sense in defining the plant, and others, like Jerusalem Artichoke, don’t even come close. (Jerusalem Artichoke is a sunflower that has nothing to do with Israel or the artichoke family. Go figure.) Goldenseal is a native perennial found in the Eastern part of the U.S. Its name comes from its golden or yellow colored root. It’s considered a poor man’s ginseng, but when you consider all that it does, it is golden rich in its value. This is a beautiful little forest plant that prefers a shady location in rich soil if you want to try to grow it. Like Ginseng, it is the root of the plant that is used. If you are going to try to utilize the root that you grow, give it a few © 2010 The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved.

High blood pressure runs genetically in my family. At age thirty-nine I was diagnosed with it. The doctor ordered a prescription for me. As I read the accompanying paperwork that came with the prescription I became very concerned about the side effects that I might feel. I thought, perhaps, there was something more natural that would do the same thing for me. In my research, I discover the berry of the English Hawthorne tree had been used for decades if not hundreds of years to treat high blood pressure plus other related conditions of the heart. I bought a bottle of capsules, began using them, and in very short order my blood pressure returned to normal. That was over twenty years ago and I have no problems with high blood pressure. Hawthorne berries, and not just strictly from English Hawthorne, are known by herbalist as an effective heart tonic not only for treating blood pressure issues but weakened heart muscle and other conditions. It is an amazing thing to consider and certainly praiseworthy of our wonderful God to think that these berries can do so much for the human heart. At the entrance to our herb garden I have a

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Hawthorne tree planted. It has beautiful flowers in the spring and an ample number of berries in the late summer and fall. These berries are sweet to the taste if you can get to them before the birds do. Hawthorne is also helpful for nervousness and insomnia. You can eat the berries, make a jam or jelly from them. They are readily available in capsules and often found in herbal teas as a main component or part of a wonderful array of herbs blended together for flavor and well-being. There is much more research being done on Hawthorne with new possibilities for other conditions that can be treated.

So, there you have it, two wonderful herbs that do so much, but consider this as we conclude this article: “A cheerful heart is good medicine” Proverbs 17:22a. If you watch the news it seems to be gloom and doom, and certainly we have a responsibility as a people to help rid that wherever possible. But if we know God, Jesus the Christ, as a personal savior and have the indwelling Holy Spirit to guide and comfort us then we know joy . . . unspeakable joy that can give us a cheerful heart and a happy countenance. It would be something if someone where to ask you, why are you so happy? You can answer stating, “The joy of knowing God is my good medicine.” †

Just Released! Dennis Ellingson’s books, God’s Wild Herbs, God's Healing Herbs, The Painted Hills and The Godly Grandparent, are available through most book stores. Books can be directly ordered from the Cladach Publishing Web site.

Or contact the author at Dennis Ellingson PO Box 36 Sprague River, OR 97639 email or call 541-533-0919

© 2010 The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved.

A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.


Planting a Rain Garden Kathy Bond-Borie, Guest Columnist

Black-Eyed Susans make a colorful addition to rain gardens.

(Family Features) Storm water runoff can be a big problem during heavy thunderstorms. As the water rushes across roofs and driveways, it picks up oil and other pollutants. Municipal storm water treatment plants often can't handle the deluge of water, and in many locations the untreated water ends up in natural waterways. The EPA estimates as much as 70 percent of the pollution in our streams, rivers, and lakes is carried there by storm water. To reduce the excess water runoff, many towns are encouraging businesses and homeowners to install rain gardens in their yards. Rain gardens are specially constructed gardens located in low areas of a yard where storm water can collect. The idea is to have the water naturally funnel to this garden. The rain garden collects water runoff and stores and filters it until it can be slowly absorbed by the soil.

cent of the area that will be draining into it (roof plus driveway, etc.) If you have clay soil, your ideal rain garden would be 60 percent of the drainage area. But don't let these numbers intimidate you - any size rain garden is better than none at all. The ideal place for a rain garden is in a natural depression. You also can funnel water from downspouts or gutters into the garden. The soil should be well drained so the water doesn't sit in the garden for more than two days. A special rain garden soil mix of 50 to 60 percent sand, 20 to 30 percent topsoil, and 20 to 30 percent compost is recommended. You can dig this mixture into the soil to depth of 2 feet before planting. Choosing Plants The most difficult part of building a rain garden can be plant selection. The plants in a rain garden need to be tolerant of sitting in water now and then, so native plants and wildflowers are good choices because they're so adaptable. You probably already grow many of them - ferns, ornamental grasses, sedges, iris, milkweed, asters, and black-eyed Susans, to name a few. The idea is to create a naturalistic planting that's easy to maintain (no fertilizer needed) and welcoming to butterflies and bees and other creatures.

Sizing Up a Rain Garden The rain garden's size and location depends on the yard. If you're the type of person who likes precise measurements, there are guidelines you can follow for For more tips and garden information visit estimating the ideal size of a rain garden for your par- ticular situation. For example, you'd want to measure A former floral designer and interior plantscaper, Kathy Bond-Borie has the area of your roof that will be draining into the gut- spent 20 years as a garden writer/editor, including her current role as ter leading to the rain garden, as well as the size of any Horticultural Editor for the National Gardening Association. She loves designing with plants, and spends more time playing in the garden paved areas that will be contributing to runoff into the planting and trying new combinations - than sitting and appreciating it. garden. If your soil is sandy (which drains quickly), Photo Courtesy of Fotolia you'd want your rain garden to be about 20 to 30 perSource: National Gardening Association

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What's Eating My Potatoes? (Family Features) - Potatoes are a fun crop to grow, especially when it comes time to dig for those buried treasures. Unfortunately, there are numerous pests that are also fond of potatoes. Here are the most common and what to do about them. Colorado Potato Beetle In spite of the name, these insects can be found in most states. Both the adults, which are yellowish with black stripes, and the larvae, which are dark red or orange with black spots, feed on potato foliage. Check the undersides of leaves for their orange egg masses and rub them off. Dispose of beetles in a can of soapy water. Bacillus thuringiensis 'San Diego' kills the young larvae and it's harmless to beneficial insects, animals, and humans. To protect your crop, rotate the potato plot each year. Plant healthy, certified seed potatoes. If you have severe disease problems, consider using a standard potato dust or spray regularly throughout the season. These are chemical mixtures that prevent some diseases such as late blight. They thwart some pests, too, such as the Colorado potato beetle. If you use a potato dust or spray, read and follow the directions carefully. To be effective, most standard dusts must be applied to the potato foliage every 7 to 10 days, beginning Aphid These tiny insects can transmit virus diseases. They suck when the plants emerge from the ground. juices from the leaves and stems of potato plants, stunting their growth. Insecticidal soap sprays are an effective control. The fungus that causes common scab lives in the soil for many years. It's not active when the soil pH is below 5.4, so if you have a serious scab problem, take a soil pH test. You Wireworm Wireworms are the larvae of the click beetle. They're a may want to lower the pH by adding wood ashes to the problem when potatoes are planted in a section of garden that potato bed. Avoid lime, which raises the pH. Flea Beetle Flea beetles are tiny, black or brown, and pesky. They chew small holes in plant leaves and can do serious damage fast if they attack young plants. To foil these pests, cover young plants with fabric row covers as soon as you set them out. Keep flea beetle populations low through crop rotation and by maintaining high soil organic matter.

was recently in sod. Fully-grown wireworms are 1/2 to 1-1/2 inches long, slender, and brownish or yellowish white. They For more tips and garden information visit tunnel into plant roots and tubers, spoiling them. If your soil is heavily infested, contact your Extension Service for advice on solving the problem. A former floral designer and interior plantscaper, Kathy Bond-Borie has Diseases You may have a disease problem in the potato patch one year and none at all the next. The weather plays a big part in the health of a potato crop. Moisture and temperature conditions may trigger certain diseases, which will spread rapidly through the potato rows. But there's no need to simply sit back and let the weather determine the fate of your crop. Š 2010 The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved.

spent 20 years as a garden writer/editor, including her current role as Horticultural Editor for the National Gardening Association. She loves designing with plants, and spends more time playing in the garden planting and trying new combinations - than sitting and appreciating it.

Source: National Gardening Association

A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.


Nancy’s New Beginnings

By Nancy Napolitano For The Fit Christian

Unexpected Outcome/Blessing


goal is something we hope to achieve. In my world and the world of other “wannabe fit Christians,” a goal is a desired measure of lifestyle attainment. This might be a goal weight or perhaps a goal of consuming 2 fruits and 3 vegetables a day; maybe even drinking recommended amounts of water or just getting off our duffs to be more physically active. The last issue of The Fit Christian found me hoping to finish a half-marathon. Lifestyle change isn’t easy. It comes with ups and downs, lessons learned. Sometimes we meet our goals rather unexpectedly. When we do, I am reminded that God is in control. Always! Remember I was training for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Country Music/Nashville Half-Marathon? My work schedule did not lend itself to making all the team practice walk/runs. Yet, I convinced myself I could still do it. In my heart I knew, despite making the distance in practice and walking a greater distance than ever before, my walking times were not consistent or where they needed for me to be. However, I convinced myself I could finish with a time under four hours. Which I thought was a reasonable time.

We were told before the race, if inclement weather ensued, the sag wagon would have to pick up people for safety-sake. Sure enough, rain poured and I was asked, along with a busload of others, to climb aboard. Reluctantly, I climbed those steps—dejected and thinking how much I really did want to cross that finish line. Shortly after boarding, I asked the driver if it was going to be possible to finish. She replied that we would receive our medals. I’m thinkin’ Great, I get a medal even if I don’t finish! DARN, DARN, DOUBLE DARN!!!

The race started out well, but soon I found myself lagging behind. With on-lookers cheering me on, bands playing, and the endorphins flowing, I was in heaven, oblivious that I was getting further and further behind. I told myself at the beginning of the race, it didn’t really matter when I finished, I just wanted to cross that FINISH LINE. (“GOD, it would be so great though if I could cross that finish line at my goal time of less than four hours…. Amen”)

The better part of me is struggling with this. I realize this event isn’t about me or my personal goals. It is about raising money and awareness of diseases that rob so many people of life. Having raised more than $4,000, I settle down, thinking how I reached this seemingly unachievable goal. I wondered how many people had been helped through the generous donations of so many caring people.

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About the time I have resolved this personal conflict, the bus stops. “Far as we go” the bus driver says. Hopping off the bus, I soon become drenched in the rain. Tasting raindrops, I figure out I’m about a mile from the finish line. Pushing with every bit a 58 year-old in my shape could muster, I cross the finish line and glance up to see the clock read out: 3hr 58/50 minutes. Not exactly as I had planned it. Thank you, Jesus! I didn’t expect that—didn’t see that one coming!! Now, that’s an unexpected outcome/blessing! This experience has taught me many things. First, of course, is that consistent training for an event like this is imperative. Second, efforts are rewarded, and finally, GOD IS ALWAYS IN CONTROL! My plans are not always His plans, nor my goals His goals. Today, I am healthier and fitter than I was even 10—15 years ago. The old me could never have accomplished even “thinking” I could complete a 5k, much less a half-marathon. I have done both since I began writing this column of New Beginnings. The new me realizes this effort must continue. Today I find myself, along with others, making steps forward in the healthy lifestyle God intended. Armed with my Bible and “The Seven Pillars of Health” by Dr. Don Colbert and the support of my local pastor and life group, I’m aiming high once again. One thing is sure, GOD is with me every step of the way and when I relinquish control to Him, each

© 2010 The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved.

day becomes easier. So, I’m off to more New Beginnings, celebrating each victory! Editor’s Note: Nancy, congratulations on such a fantastic accomplishment. It’s amazing how God answered your prayer to cross the finish line in less than four hours. God is so good!

A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.


Stress Fracture VS. Stress Reaction

Exercise the Right Way

© Dr. Todd McDougle

Some time ago, I heard a term that sounded a little odd. Yeah, I’ve heard of stress fractures, being stressed out, and stressing a point, but have never heard of a stress reaction! As a doctor, I see people that pound their joints in order to reach their maximum potential. The more I worked with multi-level athletes, the more amazed I was with the resiliency of the human frame.

ing and pain is noted by the athlete. The rule of thumb for treatment is to avoid weight bearing and anything that causes the pain to increase. Rest is the answer until healing is complete. The same is true for the stress reaction. There are, however, some slight differences.

I once watched Chad Coy, an International professional strongman, do 1,400 pound squats for reps! This was a feat that really was amazing and should have surely broken or bent something! The same can be said for the gymnasts that I had the opportunity to work with. Spinning effortlessly in the air and landing with such precision was nothing short of beautiful. Invincibility was what always came to mind with the majority of the athletes I had the opportunity to help. This was the case at least until their bodies failed resulting in an injury. Sprains and strains were the most common and I was able to make corrections so they would heal faster. Stress fractures were a little different.

A stress reaction often is only correctly diagnosed with a bone scan rather than an x-ray. The primary reason is that metabolic activity is visualized easier with a bone scan and typically can look at the entire body for comparative reasons. Stress reactions also may not necessarily be related to compressive forces either. Many times people with stress reactions have issues with pulling on the bone by tendons or ligaments and change according to those stressors.

For elite level athletes, it is not uncommon to see a person out of commission for six months to even a year from competition. So, this diagnosis should be taken very seriously, and rest is a major contributor to the healing process. Gradual re-entry into your chosen sport is also very highly Repetitive activity involving the pelvis and the entire lower recommended. It takes time to re-educate your body and to extremity, such as seen with track and field athletes, long harden the structures that were previously weakened. So, distance runners, and gymnasts, can have severe effects on take your time and plan carefully as you regain your health. † joints and the bones themselves. Often the resulting stress fracture cannot always be seen on x-ray but localized swell© 2010 The Fit Christian Magazine.

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Exercise the Right Way

Weight Loss Methods

My Food Journal Photo courtesy

Breakfast: Oatmeal w/Blueberries Tea Snack: Banana Lunch: Sushi Fruit Smoothie By Laurette Willis, Director of PraiseMoves, LLC

“Fool-Proof Weight Loss”? Is that even possible? Yes. From a purely physical standpoint, there are a few things you can do that have been proven to absolutely work. Add to that several scriptural elements which include the Lord’s help, and you have “Fool-Proof” methods that can mean the difference between success and “same-old, same-old.”

wise comparison. Did you know that birds eat constantly and some eat one-quarter to one-half of their body weight per day? Anybody up for a fifty-pound hamburger with ten pounds of fries? Yikes! Here are a few more reasons keeping a food journal makes good sense:

First, let’s look at the physical standpoint. Researches from the Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research followed 1. Cutting back on between-meal snacks and “grazing” more than 2,000 people who wanted to lose weight. They Think back to what you ate yesterday. You may remember encouraged them to write down their meals and snacks breakfast, lunch and dinner, but do you recall everything you throughout the day. ate and drank yesterday? Even if you just took “a taste” of something, each little taste adds up. Considering most The biggest single predictor of whether a participant lost mouthfuls of food average 25 calories, six extra nibbles a day weight or not was whether he or she kept a food journal. are an extra 150 calories, which can add up to an extra 15 pounds per year. Successful weight loss and weight management as a result of keeping a food journal beat out exercise habits, body mass index or age. Interestingly, the number of pounds lost was in 2. How much DO you eat in a day? direct correlation to the number of days they wrote in their Writing it down is a wake-up call for many of us. Do you eat by the portion size, or by the plateful? diary or log. Keeping a food diary is an eye-opening experience for those of us who think we “eat like a bird.” That may not be such a See “Weight Loss” page 33 © 2010 The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved.

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Exercise the Right Way

Dynamic Warm-ups: A New Way to Warm up for Running

© Chris Chapan

Dynamic warm-ups target muscles that are used specifically for running. These drill exercises will prepare the body for action. Warm-ups develop, teach, and prepare our muscles for what will take place during running. The exercises increase blood flow, gradually increase body temperature, and prepare the joints, muscles, and skeleton for action. Overstretching can also be a problem since overstretched muscles often inhibit running performance. Traditional static stretches can cause micro-tears in the muscles which are detrimental to strenuous cardiovascular sessions such as running. Athletes from former Soviet countries as a far back as the 1970s have used dynamic warm-ups before running. Performing these drills can reduce the risk of common running injuries. You might want to incorporate these dynamic warm-ups into your routine before your next run.

Shuffle Muscles Targeted: Trapezius, Errector Spinae, Teres Minor and Major, Lattismus Dorsi, Gastronemus, Soleus, and Tibalis Anterior Fast walk sideways and alternate one foot in front and the other in the back. Complete 10 repetitions. Repeat 4 times in both left and right directions.

Heel Walking Muscles Targeted: Soleus, Tibalis Anterior, and Gastronimus Walk on your heels and make sure your heels touch the ground.

Toe Walking Walking High Step

Muscles and ligaments targeted: Abductor Hallucis, Flexor Muscles Targeted: Gastronenmus, Soleus, and Hip Flexors Digitorum Brevis, Abductor Digiti Minimi, Medial Plantar, Extend your leg to your waist, high in the air. Move your and Lateral Antar opposite arm to touch your leg. Continue with opposite leg Walk on your toes, taking care to not touch your heels to the ground. and arm. Repeat ten times.

Walking High Step

Hurtle Steps

Muscles Targeted: Gastronenimus, Soleus, and Hip Flexors, Bring your legs up to waist high with legs bent. Touch opposite knees to legs. Continue with opposite legs and knees.

Muscles Targeted: All lower legs muscles and back muscles Imagine you are walking over a series of large boxes. Pick up your feet and knees and go about 25 feet in one direction. Repeat by going the opposite direction in the same motion.

Grape Vines

Butt Kicks

Muscles Targeted: Quadriceps and Glutes Muscles Targeted: Hamstrings and glutes Fast walk sideways and alternate one foot in front of the Bend your knees and bring your lower legs to your glutes. Alternate and make sure you get an equal number of kicks on other. each side. † © 2010 The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved.

A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.


Exercise the Way plan to fail.” By planning what youRight will eat, you’re less

Weight Loss cont...


You’ve heard the expression, “Those who fail to plan,


It will give you a plan you can commit to the Lord and

My husband Paul (a.k.a. “Paul the Pasta Prince”) was crestfallen when he learned one portion of pasta is not a plateful likely to fall prey to last-minute choices made when blood but ½ cup or about the size of a fist (he asked if it could be sugar is low and thinking a bit fuzzy. about the size of an open fist filled with pasta). Eating out has its drawbacks when it comes to portion-conscious eating. A good rule of thumb is to ask your server to put half your entrée in a take-home container before it is brought to your table. You’ll be less likely to open the container while seated at the table; you’ll eat less and probably enjoy it more, feel less sleepy after your meal, and wind up with a quick lunch for the next day.


Are you getting enough of the right nutrients?

Keeping a food journal will also reveal to you the nutrition you are getting in your daily meals. Think you’re eating the recommended 5-9 portions of fruit and vegetables per day? Looking at the food journal for a week may reveal that ketchup was the fruit and vegetable du jour and Twinkies are a new food group.

ask Him to help you keep it. The wonderful thing is that He absolutely will help you. “Commit your works to the LORD, and your thoughts will be established” Proverbs 16:3. I literally hold my food plan for the day up to the Lord during my Morning Prayer time. “Lord, I commit my food plan to You today. I trust You to help me walk in the fruit of the Spirit today, including self-discipline. I place my food plan, my whole day and my life in Your hands. I present my body a living sacrifice to You, Lord, holy and acceptable which is my reasonable service. And I will not be conformed to this world, but by Your grace I am being transformed by the renewing of my mind on Your holy Word. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.”

Make sure you’re taking your whole food vitamins every day and add some concentrated greens (usually come in powFollowing these weight loss methods are absolutely fooldered or granulated form) to sprinkle on your food to make proof because a woman who follows the Lord is NO FOOL! up for the perfection we don’t reach every day. So if they’re so effective they can be considered fool-proof, imagine what a wise woman of the Word like YOU can do! 4. What are your food triggers? Looking for that feeling of fullness food cannot fill (but And now I'd like to invite you to get my free "Fit Favorites Jesus can)? Bored? Lonely? Looking at a project to be Devotional" and PraiseMoves FitNews. To get yours, go to completed and the temporary distraction of snacking keeps calling you to the refrigerator or candy machine? © Laurette Willis 2009

Along with the notations about food, get a handle on the emotions that accompany unplanned snacking—or binges. When you notice patterns, you can ask the Lord to help you change them. This leads us to the best way to lose weight or make any changes in your life at all: ask the Lord to help you. Commit your food plan to the Lord daily. Keeping a food journal throughout the day is a great idea – and writing a food plan in your journal that morning or the night before is even better. Keep it simple, or detailed and close enough to you so you can refer to it during the day. Why? For two reasons: © 2010 The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved.

Christian Fitness Expert and author Laurette Willis is the Director of PraiseMoves, offering fitness programs, DVDs, books and training for those interested in a Christian alternative to yoga, and fitness for spirit, soul and body at . To follow Laurette on Twitter visit and on FaceBook:

A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.


Exercise the Right Way

Post-Workout Protocol Experts Say Post-Workout Routines Are Critical for Summer Exercise (Family Features) As summertime workouts heat up, proper post-exercise cool-downs become even more important. Whether you are a weekend warrior playing in local summer leagues or a serious runner getting ready for fall marathon season, warmer weather activities increase sweat, break down muscles and deplete the body of electrolytes and other essential nutrients. While most people know what to do before and during a workout to keep their bodies fit during the warmer summer months, many fall short when it comes to following a proper post-exercise routine.

* Keep Track:

Write down what you did during the workout (i.e. miles ran, fitness classes attended, etc.) to help keep you on target with your fitness goals.

* Refuel Smart: After a tough workout, grab a nutrientrich drink for maximum benefits. Henry shared, "It's essential to get protein back into your body to help rebuild and repair muscles. Ice-cold chocolate milk, such as protein fortified low-fat Rockin' Refuel from Shamrock Farms, tastes delicious and helps your body recover after exercise with 20 grams of protein and nine essential nutrients -making it a great on-the-go choice after a game or workout."

Fitness expert Lorrie Henry says, "What you do after your workout is just as important as a pre-workout routine, espe- * Take A Breath: Take a few minutes to relax and cially during the summer when people tend to be more reflect on what you have accomplished. Whether you are active." Henry has shared some of her post-workout tips to focused on fun, fitness or both, keeping an eye on and acknowledging where you have been and where you want to help everyone have a fun and healthy summer season: go can be a great motiva* Cool It: Take the time to cool-down after an intense tor. workout. Spend the last five to seven minutes of the workout on a lower speed or intensity to return your heart rate to normal, and consider walking the last two minutes on a treadmill.

Remembering simple tips can help maximize your summer workout. For more information on the healthy benefits of * Stretch Out: Avoid next day soreness and stretch your refueling with chocolate please visit muscles immediately after exercise. Do the basic arm and leg milk, stretches and move your joints by rotating your wrists, ankles

and neck a few times. Š 2010 The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved.

Source: Shamrock Farms A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.


By David Luther for The Fit Christian

Spotlight: Linda Hatcher Linda Hatcher has made a personal transformation that inspired her to write a book to encourage others. Her weight loss is only part of the health transformation she wants to share. I have known her for a while now, since she and her husband signed the marriage license that joined my late wife and I. But I am not sure I would recognize her now!

FC: Linda, how did the Lord become part of your life?

LH: I was raised in a Christian home and I have loved Jesus all of my life. My faith in JESUS CHRIST is what makes me who I am. When I was 13-years-old I had my very own Sunday school class of first graders. I loved the children and the teaching, and I continued to teach Sunday school for many years. At a very young age Jesus placed children on my heart and told me to never forget them and always love them in HIS name. I later became the director of the nursery, and then taught Junior Church, children’s choir and Missionettes. As I grew into adulthood I learned to study God’s word and to build a relationship with Jesus Christ. I confirmed my faith in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and was publicly baptized. Jim and I were 22-years-old when we were married and we were both virgins on our wedding night. After I married (the best man in the world) we had two children. © 2010 The Fit Christian. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.

Linda at 139 pounds, after losing the weight.



think he was being very patient-friendly but he certainly got Yes Linda, I my attention.

have to believe you since you and Jim were chaperones for my future wife and I on our Royal Ranger mission trip! What caused your health to change?

FC: What action did you take? LH: I was in great pain and scared silly. I didn’t know how

to take off weight but I managed to starve 15 pounds off and the pain stopped. My exercise started by walking slowly in my home. It took me another 18 months before I found a new doctor and dietician who taught me how to take weight off and keep it off. I wasn’t ready for the gym yet. I had to learn that I could truly take weight off by diet alone before I was LH: I was never fat, willing to add exercise to my daily routine. but my mother often told me that I was because I FC: So, how you did make that change? weighed more than she did. My mother and I LH: After taking off 26 pounds I was now willing to join were both 5’1” tall but a ladies only gym. I didn’t want large flaps of skin hanging my mother was small all over my body. I worked out at the gym 6 or 7 days every Linda at 250 pounds. boned and I am large week for seven months. The general clientele at the gym was boned. She never meant to hurt me but only wanted perfec- about 20 years younger than I. The owner had to continually tion for me. Well, I am not perfect and I never have been make the routines harder to keep the ladies challenged. I told perfect. the owner that I understood that she had to keep the ladies challenged, but I was downright exhausted. At the age of forty my change of life started and Mother’s worst fears came true: I started putting on weight for real. FC: What could you do if a fitness professional Serious weight! I went from 135 pounds to 250 pounds. All my life my mother had told me that I was fat; so now that I couldn’t match your needs? was fat I figured what difference did it make? I couldn’t LH: I chose to leave the gym and bring the moves that I make Mother happy at any weight so I had decided that this had learned home to my private swimming pool (we live in is just who I am, so love me or hate me it is up to you. South Florida.) I continued to take off weight and build muscle. After 22 months I had taken off 111 pounds and gone from a size 22 down to FC: Were you able to keep this mindset? a size 6. I do water aerobics LH: At the age of 50 I became a type II diabetic and most days for about an hour developed many other physical problems. Because of my and a half. My body just diabetes I was losing my sight, and my blood sugars, choles- doesn’t feel good unless I terol and triglycerides were out of control. I had no energy work it every day. It takes a and my feet and knees were in constant pain. I thought this lot of work and a lot of was all due to old age. Then at the age of 59, I developed PRAYER. I have kept the excruciating pain in my right thigh. My internist sent me to weight off for over one and a neurologist who flat out told me to lose 50 pounds or die one half years and it is still a soon. He told me that my fat belly was pinching a nerve and struggle at times. The hardest was cutting off the blood flow to my leg, and that it would thing to do is to say, “No Linda at age 2. Easter at soon develop into gangrene. He would have to cut off the thank you.” Grandma’s house. “I was a little foot, then the leg, and then just wait for me to die. I didn’t fashion model! I loved my hats and purses.” © 2010 The Fit Christian. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.


Today after much contemplating and prayer I finally said, “No thank you,” to a chocolate tasting party. Many of my former Bible study friends will be there and I would love to see them, but the chocolate temptation is just too great for me to handle. I will see the ladies another day.


What have these

changes. I am healthier and have more energy than I have had in years! I feel, look, and act younger! I’m enjoying every minute of my new life, and you can too.

FC: So do you offer a program or plan for readers? LH: I don’t tell people what they must do; I only explain

Linda at age 14. “Easter again and still the fashion model.”

changes meant to your health now?

LH: I had been taking 80 units of insulin per day and now I don’t use any medication for diabetes or any of my other physical diabetic caused problems. They are healed. I also had the start of glaucoma, which is not medically reversible, but JESUS completely healed my glaucoma. My eye doctor was dumbfounded! I am 65-years-old and I am now struggling with arthritis. I had the start of arthritis before my weight gain but the extra weight definitely took an added toll on my knees and feet, which I still have to live with. I pray that this will help others to make lifestyle changes before they have physical problems that are not reversible.

what I went through. There are no guilt trips or preaching in my book. I explain that we make choices and we are not bad when we eat food that most people don’t allow on a diet. This is not a diet book! This book is all about lifestyle changes. My book teaches people how to make their favorite recipes healthy and that what most people call normal eating is what got us in trouble in the first place.

FC: Where can readers learn more? LH: A Website compliments my book launch and it will soon contain a support group blog. The address is


How can we bring this possibility to more

people in the church?

LH: Word of mouth is the very best advertising that can

ever be done. Visit my website and pass it on to everyone you know. I have sold many books to people who are not overweight, but who have friends and family members that desperately need help. My book was written for everyone, FC: How do you plan to share this success with not just diabetics. Most people, if they are not extremely others? careful, gain weight with age even if they never thought that LH: My book, “No Forbidden Fruit: A Diabetic Success they would. Story,” has been written to the Glory of GOD, for people to be healed all over the world. This dietician and doctor endorsed book is a chronicle of my lifelong struggle with weight, weight perception, and the challenges faced as I fought the “weight demons” and won! It is filled with practical advice, tips on sensible eating and how to avoid senseless calories, real-life exercise tips, easy-to-use food charts and healthy recipes. This book is simply written by someone, just like you, who struggles with health and weight.


I hope to

draw my friends to a hiking bible study as a first step to new energy. Old Testament stories fit the natural AriFC: Can we hope for good changes with God’s help? zona environment pretty well. LH: Yes, I have achieved unbelievable success! With Would similar GOD’S help, I have been able to stay with my lifestyle © 2010 The Fit Christian. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.

Linda at age 22, her wedding.


studies work on a poline. Respect your body and don’t overdo it when you start. If you advance too fast your body will definitely make mall walk? you pay with pain. You may not make the connection right away, it generally takes 2 or 3 days before your body starts sounds good to me. I to scream. talk to everyone I meet (if they are willI still eat all of the foods that I love I have just learned to ing to talk to me). I make them healthy. Don’t try to take weight off for anybody also show them my but yourself, it will never last. Find your personal reason to picture at 250 pounds. take weight off; mine was that I Their jaw generally didn’t want to die a slow painful hits the floor. After death. Maybe you want to enjoy they regain their comyour children, or grandchildren, posure their questions travel, not hurt, or, you name it. start flying almost faster than I am able You Can Do It Too!!! to answer them.


Linda at at 39. “I was in a bridal review and wore my own dress.”

Mall walking

FC: OK, do you have any beginning steps the readers might use to reorganize their own lifestyle?

Linda’s book: Available on

LH: Yes I do. Be willing to try many different types of exercise and don’t be afraid to say I don’t like that one. Walking or riding a bike can be a nice gentle way to start exercising. Maybe someone would like to dance, Linda at age 40 “[It] was my last bounce on a balance ball, good year before menopause began or jump on a small tram- and my weight started building.”

© 2010 The Fit Christian. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.


Growing In Place Through the Bible © David Luther

Israel Is Planted in Goshen And Pharaoh spake unto Joseph, saying, Thy father and thy brethren are come unto thee: The land of Egypt is before thee; in the best of the land make thy father and brethren to dwell; in the land of Goshen let them dwell: and if thou knowest any men of activity among them, then make them rulers over my cattle. Genesis 47:5-6

We Are Here Growing, but Not yet Grown The word says that we are seated in heavenly places. There is a manifestation of our promise even during this time when the evidence is not visible. We have to complete our “entrance exam” in this life first. But God already knows the outcome.

Annoying Children Can Become Great Israel and his 12 sons found a home to grow in. They were My experience in teaching indicates that the worst brats can promoted by God to be fed and to prosper. They were to be destined to greatness, going on to become preachers or become a great nation. missionaries. We live in hope that these lessons will be remembered when the need is greatest in some distant battle. Promise Is Real, Reality Is Slower Peter was impulsive, but not evil. He needed to be both God made these promises to Abraham, but they were not corrected, and commended at times. granted instantly. It would take time to produce this great work. It fell to the coming generations to do the work. 12 All Sons, but Not All Will Rise And Jacob called unto his sons, and said, Gather yourselves Israel Brought to Grief, Then Joy in His Children together, that I may tell you that which shall befall you in the And Jacob said unto Joseph, God Almighty appeared unto last days. Gather yourselves together, and hear, ye sons of me at Luz in the land of Canaan, and blessed me, And said Jacob; and hearken unto Israel your father. Genesis 49:1-2 unto me, Behold, I will make thee fruitful, and multiply thee, and I will make of thee a multitude of people; and will give Israel prepared his family for a preview of their calling in this land to thy seed after thee for an everlasting possession. God. We know that our promise includes salvation, and a And now thy two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh, which were possibility for still greater rewards. Some will just be saved, born unto thee in the land of Egypt before I came unto thee and others will earn honors in heaven. into Egypt, are mine; as Reuben and Simeon, they shall be mine. Genesis 48:3-5 Dan and Judas Come Short Unfortunately, not all of the brothers will pass their tests. Israel thought he had lost Joseph, but instead gained him One of the 12 is doomed. This was also true of those who back, with his new family too. Indeed Israel claimed his followed Jesus. children as his own. This would later manifest in an unexpected way.

© 2010 The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved.

A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.


Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path, that Some Brothers Have Sined, yet Will Be Redeemed to biteth the horse heels, so that his rider shall fall backward. Greatness Genesis 49:17 Judah, thou art he whom thy brethren shall praise: thy hand shall be in the neck of thine enemies; thy father's children Later we read about another son of Israel who falls away shall bow down before thee. Judah is a lion's whelp: from from leadership. the prey, my son, thou art gone up: he stooped down, he couched as a lion, and as an old lion; who shall rouse him up? Then entered Satan into Judas surnamed Iscariot, being of The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from the number of the twelve Luke 22:3 between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be. Genesis 47:8-10 This is because God knows our choices in advance, not because he forces us to make bad choices. We have free will Judah had merciful intent towards Joseph, and was destined to choose our path. Dan was replaced by Manasseh even as to be the house of David and the Messiah. Joseph claimed him as his own son in the earlier verses. Dan is not sealed among the 144,000 in Revelation. And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel. Of the tribe of Juda were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Reuben were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Gad were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Aser were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Nephthalim were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Manasses were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Simeon were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Levi were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Issachar were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Zabulon were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Joseph were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Benjamin were sealed twelve thousand. Revelation 7:4-8

All Will Grow Together, If Not Always in Harmony Joseph’s brothers were fearful when their father Israel died. Joseph was free to get revenge now, having the power of Egypt behind him. He knew his calling was to help them, and he comforted them. And Joseph said unto them, Fear not: for am I in the place of God? But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive. Now therefore fear ye not: I will nourish you, and your little ones. And he comforted them, and spake kindly unto them. Genesis 50:19-21

Time of Redemption Will Be Needed as Nurturing Becomes Bondage Small Foxes, Small Sins Do Harm This Pharaoh was generous, but a later one would forget the We have to remember that life rarely takes us by the major gift of Joseph. Over time this comfort and feeding will sins, the sin unto death. Samson had failed long before he become slavery. When Israel is strong, they will also threatmet Delilah. He had compromised his testimony by taking en their hosts. honey from a dead animal. Honey is good, but not if it is David Luther is a contract designer approaching retirement due contaminated by sin. Essau failed when he sold his birthto an economy that has already retired. He discovered great fitness help at the Metroflex gym in Arlington Texas, but strugright, long before he missed his father’s blessing. God is the gles to stay regular at the gym between jobs. With help from witness to our small sins. These build up if not repented. "Metroflex Gym’s Down-To-Earth Guide To Your Ideal Body" Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes. Song of Solomon 2:15

© 2010 The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved.

he is back in training in Mesa, Arizona. He finds inspiration to manage diet, training, and daily trials in the great examples we interview, and in the scripture of bible studies. These bible studies are also inspiring an application for outreach. "Tabernacle Trails" is a pilot program on Meetup-dot-com balancing physical and spiritual growth. The Arizona wilderness offers an outdoor adventure that may bring the bible to life through hiking and camping. You may contact David at

A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.


Scripture & Reflection © Angela J. Willard Perez

Be at Peace A scripture to help you focus on your Christian life. Meditate and pray on this verse from the Bible and see how it applies to your life, or how you should apply it. Ask the Lord for revelation and understanding on the scriptures and He will grant your request. "Give in to God, come to terms with him and everything will turn out just fine. Let him tell you what to do; take his words to heart. Come back to God Almighty and he'll rebuild your life. Clean house of everything evil. Relax your grip on your money and abandon your gold-plated luxury. God Almighty will be your treasure, more wealth than you can imagine" Job 22:21 The Message. You may have heard this scripture more often in the King James version rather than in The Message version, but The Message says it loud and clear. Here is the original: “Now acquaint yourself with Him, and be at peace; Thereby good will come to you” Job 22:21 NKJV. In the days after my 16-year-old daughter’s car accident, I learned what true peace from God felt like. I experienced it; I was immersed in it. I prayed constantly as I watched her suffer in pain. I cried, I prayed, I cried, I prayed, and God never left us, not once. Three days after her accident, when the swelling in her face had gone down enough for surgery, she was medivaced to Seattle from our small town in Alaska. Before the transport, the doctor who had overseen her since the accident came in and thanked us. He said the emergency room was calm because of us. (We weren’t running around screaming, crying, and freaking out.) He said that normally, that is not the case. My reply was, “It’s not us, it’s Him,” with my arm raised and my index finger pointing to Heaven. Without God’s peace resting upon me, I would have been freaking out! After all, my little girl was in extreme pain, with no pain medication, in a neck brace with dried blood throughout her hair, face, and neck, with every bone in her face from her forehead down broken. In our darkest hours, it was not dark, because God showed up in such a powerful, peaceful way. Because of Him we were able to endure, in peace, the days and weeks ahead. Because of Him, my daughter is now 17, and living a happy, healthy life. Because He surrounded me and filled me with His peace and strength I was able to be strong and calm for her, read to her, pray for her, and remain by her side with loving encouragement for a better tomorrow. Because of God and His peace that ‘passes all understanding,’ we are living a better tomorrow. I am forever grateful.

Are you at peace in your life? What is this scripture saying to you? Have you experienced the ‘peace that passes Send your comments to all understanding’? I’d love to hear about it! © 2010 The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved.

A Publication of His Work Christian Publishing.


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