The Fit Christian Magazine Nov/Dec 2012

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FC Fit Christian

A Christian Health & Fitness Magazine

Break the Habit: How families can change their routines for the better

Control High Blood Pressure

Spotlight: Angie Langley

Cheers to a Happy, Healthy Holiday Season

Serious Fun for Kids with Serious Illness

Holiday Gifts for the Kitchen Happy Holidays! Nov/Dec 2012

PUBLISHER His Work Christian Ministries EDITOR Angela J. Willard Perez COLUMNISTS Chris Chapan Kids4Christ Stacey Johnson GF Cooking Theresa Rowe Shaped by Faith Angela J. Willard Perez Scripture & Reflection CONTRIBUTORS Family Features Chris Hambrecht (Em Doodles) Reverend Fun Stanley McMahon Lynn Gipson Jack Jones Winnie Kaetzel ADVERTISING The Fit Christian Magazine To donate to this magazine and ministry, visit /donate.html

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On the cover: Angie Langley © 2012 and courtesy of Angie Langley All Rights Reserved. Used with permission.

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i | The FC Nov/Dec 2012

© The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

1 Break the Habit How families can change their routines for the better. Routine can be a good thing. Regular bedtimes and nightly family meals help foster healthier kids who are better prepared to tackle challenges. But some of your family's routine habits may be getting in the way of something better....

3 Controlling High Blood Pressure

What You Need to Know About Controlling High Blood Pressure. High blood pressure is sometimes called the 'silent killer' because it has no symptoms, except in extreme cases. It's critical that the millions of people who have high blood pressure learn how to control it, before it's too late….

4 Serious Fun for Kids with Serious Illness 16 Spotlight: Angie Langley Every kid deserves the chance Angie Langley, 42, is a mothto be a kid - to laugh, play, explore and just have fun. But for kids with serious illnesses, those typical kid experiences can be hard to come by. That's why, in 1988, Paul Newman founded a camp where sick kids could just be kids. Today that vision has grown to become SeriousFun Children's Network, a nonprofit community of camps that let children and their families discover joy and confidence–free of charge....

er of two daughters, Alexa, 20, and Andrea, 13. She began her life in Henderson, Texas and has lived there ever since. Angie owns and operates a licensed daycare in her home where she cares for [up to] eight children under the age of four. She ministers to children at her church, enjoys kickboxing and softball and focuses most of her free time on upcoming bodybuilding/figure competitions….

Articles Online: Deck the Halls, Holiday Party Décor Tips When it comes to decking the halls in advance of a holiday party, there's nothing quite as festive as creating homemade decorations with the family....

Holiday Gifts on a Budget From family and friends to teachers and coaches, finding the perfect present for everyone on your list can be a daunting task. But with a little creativity, you can find a great gift without breaking your budget....

Get Your Kitchen Holiday Ready Since the kitchen is the heart of the home, you'll want to make sure the space remains warm, inviting and sparkling clean during the holiday season. Here are some quick tips to help you get your kitchen ready for friends and family....

There She Grows: Women farmers share family recipes and what it's like growing America's food When you try to picture what a farmer looks like, you probably don't picture a woman. But women operate more than 30 percent of the more than 3 million farms in America-making them a large part of raising your food....

Keeping Kids and Teens Tobacco-Free The teen years bring plenty of changes for students, as well as new worries for parents. Smoking is at the top of that list for many parents....

© The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

Click to Read Online The FC Nov/Dec 2012 | ii

5 Kids4Christ

Fitness Events

New Year’s Bash | Stand Up to Bullying | Em Doodles | Memory Verse: Luke 2:11

8 Food & Nutrition

You can stay up-to-date on fitness events in your area by visiting these Web sites:

GF Cooking:"Mom’s Banana Bread Made Gluten Free" | Cheers to a Happy, Healthy Holiday Season | Holiday Gifts for the Kitchen | Deliciously Healthy Norwegian Salmon

Bodybuilding-Fitness-Figure Upcoming Events

19 Exercise the Right Way

Natural Bodybuilding, Figure, and Fitness Contests

Shaped by Faith: “Obediently Healthy ” | Fellowship, Family, Friends, Food, and Fun | Top 10 Tech Tips for a Healthier Heart

26 Missions Focus

Professional Natural Bodybuilding, Figure, and Fitness Competitions

His Plans and Ours | Six Thousand Angels

29 Spiritual Fitness Armour of God | Personal Devotions: Privilege or Chore? | Scripture & Reflection: “Attacking the Impossible ” Luke 18:27

You can read the Editor’s Letter and column “On the Homefront” online at You can stay up-to-date with what His Work Christian Ministries is doing around the world by visiting





iii | The FC Nov/Dec 2012

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How families can change their routines for the better

–What's the plan? Once you identify the habit outine can be a good thing.

–What's the habit?

and understand its reward, you can

Regular bedtimes and night-

Get everyone together and talk about

come up with a family plan to start a

ly family meals help foster

what family habit you would like to

new habit with new–and better–re-

healthier kids who are better prepared

change. Is it unhealthy eating? Too

wards for everyone.

to tackle challenges. But some of your

much TV? Always running late? Start

family's routine habits may be getting

small and keep it simple. If everyone

in the way of something better.

is involved in the conversation, you're

Ideas for New Routines

more likely to get everyone's buy-in

Here are some common family habits

and meet with success.

that could use a little revamping - and


Habits get established for any number of reasons - busy schedules, conve-

some easy ways you can make a posi-

nience, or not realizing you have other

–What's the reward?

choices. Shortcuts and timesavers can

People stick to habits because some-

give you more time to spend together,

thing rewards that behavior. The re-

TV Habits

but they could also be shortchanging

ward makes it easier for the brain to

After a long day, the couch seems to

your experience.

put the behavior on autopilot, and be-

be calling you to just sit and watch TV

fore you know it, you have a habit. But

- even though you know you could or

the reward may not be that obvious.

should be doing other things. But you

How to Change a Habit

You may have to try out different

don't have to be stuck in a TV rut. Talk

Breaking habits can be tough, but

rewards to discover what the true pay-

about it as a family and see if you can

luckily there are many ways to reach

off for the bad habit really is. For

figure out what your reward is for

your goals. Here are some simple

example, you might discover that the

watching TV. Is it time together? Is it

questions and tips to help you break

real reward of watching TV after din-

relaxation? Or is it enjoying a good

any bad family habits, and establish

ner is spending time together as a fam-

story? Once you identify the reward,

new, better ones.


tive change.

look for some other ways to get it.

© The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

The FC Nov/Dec 2012 | 1

–Togetherness If it's about being together, brainstorm some other family activities. Think about family game night, backyard soccer, arts and crafts projects, or time at the neighborhood park. –Relaxation If it's just about chilling out, try substituting other relaxing activities like listening to music, or even just talking.

cess to your social networks like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Quora and more, letting you exchange ideas and discover what your friends are searching - to help you spend less time hunting and more time doing. You can test if changing your habit is right for you with the Bing It On Challenge at

Eating Habits –Story time If you all enjoy the story element of your favorite TV shows, how about looking for new stories? Set aside some individual reading time, or let everyone take turns reading aloud from their favorite book. Reading a whole story as a family is a fun activity–and younger kids may enjoy acting out their favorite scenes.

Information Habits Families need to get information about pet grooming deals, kid-friendly restaurants, or vacation tips and deals. With a time crunch - and the force of old habits– it's easy to rely on the same source for answers. But using the same search engine out of habit could be letting you down. For example, when it comes to search, people chose Bing web search results over Google nearly 2 to 1 in blind comparison tests.* In addition to useful results, Bing also offers ac-

2 | The FC Nov/Dec 2012

Full schedules often lead to fast food dinners or junk foods for snacks. While a quick meal when you're busy may seem like a reward, it really adds up to spending extra money and adding extra calories. These ideas still get you food quickly, but with a much healthier payoff. –Take a look at your weekly schedule and plan meals and snacks accordingly. If you know a particular night is hectic, you can plan a makeahead meal and healthier on-the-go snacks to take with you.

–Keep healthy options handy. Apples are the perfect fast food - just pop one in your bag or stash one in the cup holder in your car. Pre-measure individual servings of trail mix or nuts and keep them in snack sized containers so you can just grab one and go. –If you do have to grab a fast food meal, try to make smarter choices. Go for grilled chicken instead of breaded and fried, salad instead of a burger, and apple slices instead of fries. Remember, while some habits and routines can be helpful, it's a good idea to re-examine them now and then to see if, with a few small changes, your family could be better off.

*Based on a comparison of web search results pane only; excludes ads, Bing's Snapshot and Social Search panes and Google's Knowledge Graph. Photos courtesy of Getty Images Source: Bing | Family Features

© The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

What You Need to Know About Controlling High Blood Pressure High blood pressure is sometimes called the 'silent killer' because it has no symptoms, except in extreme cases. It's critical that the millions of people who have high blood pressure learn how to control it, before it's too late. According to the American Heart Association (AHA), more than 76 million U.S. adults have been diagnosed with high blood pressure. The high force of blood flow can damage arteries, the heart, kidneys, eyes and the brain. If uncontrolled, high blood pressure increases your risk of heart disease and stroke, which are the leading causes of death in the U.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Fortunately, there are steps you can take to get your high blood pressure under control. These include eating healthfully, maintaining a healthy weight and not smoking. Eat healthfully. When it comes to eating healthfully to help keep blood pressure down, it's not just about what to avoid - such as lowering your intake of saturated and trans fats, sodium, and added sugars - but about what to add to your diet so that it is rich in nutrients and fiber. In fact, many experts believe that antioxidants show great promise for reducing high blood

pressure health.




To help keep blood pressure down, make sure your diet includes plenty of:

Fruits and vegetables Whole grains High-fiber foods Lean meats Fat-free or low-fat dairy foods Fish containing omega-3, such as salmon, trout and herring Heart-healthy antioxidants One example of a heart-healthy antioxidant is pterostilbene, which is found naturally in blueberries. Studies have shown that pterostilbene may provide health benefits, including support of heart health, anti-aging capabilities, glucose and oxidative stress-level management, cognitive functions, weight loss and other metabolic disorders. In fact, results from a recent study from the University of Mississippi showed that pterostilbene had statistically significant results for blood pressure in adults. Pterostilbene is closely related to resveratrol, an antioxidant found in grapes, but has properties that provide added benefits over resveratrol:

It can easily enter into the blood stream. It has better absorption from the blood stream for use by cells. It is effective at activating proteins which help lower cholesterol levels and contribute to anti-aging. Because this valuable antioxidant is only available in small amounts in each blueberry, those interested in adding pterostilbene to their diet can take a daily supplement including pTeroPure, a nature-identical form of pterostilbene. Learn more about pterostilbene and locate supplements containing pTeroPure at Maintain a healthy weight. Being overweight raises your blood pressure and blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels, as well as lowering the amount See BP Page 4

© The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

The FC Nov/Dec 2012 | 3

BP cont….

of good cholesterol, according to the AHA. So losing even a little weight can reduce blood pressure in many overweight people. The best ways to do that are to modify your diet and get moving. The Surgeon General recommends that adults engage in moderate physical activities for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. These activities: Can be performed in episodes of at least 10 minutes, and can be spread throughout the week. Include flexibility and stretching exercises. Include muscle strengthening activity at least two days each week. Talk to your doctor or healthcare provider about how you can increase your physical activity safely and modify your diet to help you get to a healthy weight.

Serious Fun for Kids with Serious Illness


very kid deserves the chance to be a kid - to laugh, play, explore and just have fun. But for kids with serious illnesses, those typical kid experiences can be hard to come by. That's why, in 1988, Paul Newman founded a camp where sick kids could just be kids. Today that vision has grown to become SeriousFun Children's Network, a nonprofit community of camps that let children and their families discover joy and confidence–free of charge.

the face of challenges. They get a renewed sense of childhood and a hope for the future. Kids are cared for by trained staff members and volunteers, and there are also doctors and nurses available to provide medical care during their stay. Activities and programs are designed to let kids have fun while also challenging them. Activities vary at each camp, but can include archery, arts and crafts, boating, fishing, horses, music, nature and discovery, theatre, climbing walls and zip lines, as well as campfires, carnival nights, scavenger hunts and more.

There are 29 camps and programs across the United States and around the world. Each one is designed to create positive, recreational experiences that help children reach beyond the limits of their medical conditions. You can help carry on Paul Newman's legacy of providing children with seriThe kids that attend a SeriousFun camp ous illnesses with a place to really feel have fun - but they also come away with like children. If you know of a child who If you've been diagnosed with high much more. An ongoing study by the could benefit from some serious fun like blood pressure, don't wait to get it Yale School of Medicine has found that this, or would like to find out how to under control. Take action now so you these camp experiences have a profound donate or volunteer, visit can have a healthier future. and long-lasting impact on kids who attend. They are able to build important Photo courtesy of Getty Images connections that help them become more Source: Westglen Communications Source: PteroPure | Family Features resilient and that support their growth in Family Features Don't smoke. Smoking damages blood vessels and speeds up the hardening of the arteries, making it a major risk for heart disease and stroke. If you don't smoke, don't start. If you do smoke, talk to your doctor about programs to help you quit.

4 | The FC Nov/Dec 2012

© The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

New Year’s Bash The New Year is a great times to make promises to start a © 201 2 Ch r healthy lifestyle. Here are a collection of games that you is Cha p a n fo can play to encourage fitness with your child. So time to r The Fit Ch ristian quit eating the cake and cookies of the holidays and turn to left—while It tries to grab a seat for herself. The odd player fitness. out is the new It.2. A tricky It will vary the speed of her speech and sometimes say, “The New Year’s not come,” in an attempt to lure the inattentive and overeager player Stack the cups from his or her seat. Materials: Set of 10 cups and tops and ball Ask a local restaurant to give you a set of ten cups and tops. Practice adding the tops and stacking them in a row of four Old Man Year Shuffle then three, two and then one to make a cup sculpture. Materials: Beanbag Relays can be composed of teams each adding a cup to the Have the children stand side by side with their beanbags on pyramid and the team that finishes first wins the game. top of their feet. Players try to shuffle across the room Then the cups are ready for a ball knock down and the first without dropping their “eggs.” The first one to succeed team that successfully knocks down the complete set of wins. cups is the winner.

New Year Shuttle Run Materials: Two Erasers for each team Mark two parallel lines 30 feet apart and place two blocks of wood or similar object behind one of the lines. Students start behind opposite line. On the signal “Ready? Go!” the student runs to the blocks, picks one up, runs back to the starting line, places block behind the line, runs back and picks up the second block and runs back across starting line. Practice the length of steps with running baby steps during the shuttle run. For variety have each team member take a turn running large such as how New Year marches quickly on.

Time Tag

Old Year, New Year Delight Materials: Two balls Two teams stand alternately in a single circle formation. Each team has a ball. One Team is the Old Year and the other is the New Year. At the signal the balls are thrown in the same direction from person to person belonging to the same team. The balls start moving from opposing players standing opposite each other in the circle. The purpose is to see if one team can move its ball from player to player at such a speed that it overtakes the ball from the opposing team. If this happens one point is scored and the game begins again. The first team to score three points wins.

Shoe Hustle

New Year’s Seats Game

Materials: Pair of Shoes from each person Everyone should sit in a circle on the floor. Remove both shoes, then remove the shoestrings and place them in the toes of the shoes. The shoes then go into the center of the circle and have someone mix up the pile or rotate the circle of kids. At a signal, everyone races for the pile, finds his shoes, laces them up, and puts them on. The first child finished and standing is the winner!

When all the players are seated in chairs in a circle, It (who has no chair) stands in the center and repeats, “Change seats!” as many times as she likes. The players, however, remain seated until she adds the phrase “The New Year’s come.” At these words, the seated players must change seats but not with a neighbor to their immediate right or

Fun Attic President’s Challenge ess/events_shuttlerun.aspx Jump Bunch

Choose one person to be the baby and have them be it. The rest of the players are Father Time or the previous year. As the Baby of the New Year tags the people they become part of the New Year and can tag others to add to the New Year. When everyone is the New Year the game is over.

© The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

The FC Nov/Dec 2012 | 5

Going back to school can be stressful for many kids, especially if they have been the victims of bullying. According to Youth Ambassadors 4 Kids Club, an organization dedicated to eliminating bullying, a student is bullied every seven minutes in our country, and an estimated 77 percent of students will experience some form of mental or physical bullying during their school years. While the statistics are worrisome, there are measures parents and caregivers can take to help identify the signs of bullying and the anxiety it can induce so they can help their children manage through this difficult situation.

Recognizing Bullying Bullying can take many forms, including hitting, threatening, intimidating, maliciously teasing and taunting, name calling, making sexual remarks, stealing or damaging personal belongings, and indirect attacks such as spreading rumors or getting others to exclude another student. It's also no longer limited to the classroom, lunchroom or playground. Today, cyberbullying -bullying through electronic outlets such as text messages and social media sites - has made this issue a 24/7 challenge.

6 | The FC Nov/Dec 2012

"Bullying can have a significant impact on students," said University of Phoenix College of Social Sciences instructor and expert on bullying Dr. John Nixon. "Children and teenagers who are bullied suffer from anxiety, fear, withdrawal, low self-esteem and poor concentration. Recognizing the warning signs is the first step toward ending the behavior."

Signs that your child may be a victim of bullying include: Photo courtesy of Getty Images

■ Coming home with damaged or missing clothing or belongings ■ Unexplained injuries ■ Frequent complaints of headaches, stomach aches or feeling sick ■ Changes in eating habits ■ Loss of interest in friends or going to school ■ Mood and behavior changes ■ Trouble sleeping and/or having frequent bad dreams ■ Feelings of helplessness or not being good enough

What You Can Do if Your Child is Bullied Establishing a process for detecting, discussing and monitoring bullying can help in more effectively reaching

a solution. "It can be embarrassing for a child to admit that they are being bullied," said Nixon. "And many kids don't tell parents about it because they are afraid of either being blamed for the situation, or they are afraid of how the parents will react." Nixon offers some tips for what you can do: * Increase awareness - Parents must educate themselves on the signs of bullying and realize that they are not alone. * Communicate - Ask children questions about how they slept or what they are looking forward to doing in

©The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

school that day. Their responses can provide a wealth of insight. * Gather more information - Ask teachers if they have noticed anything that would signal the child had been bullied. Also, check a child's text messages and Facebook profile for signs of cyberbullying. * Develop an action plan - Put steps in place to monitor the signs of bullying to see if it persists and engage your child regularly to open up communication about the problem.

* Follow through - It's important to keep at it. Be active to both spot the signs of bullying and discuss them with the child to work toward a solution. If bullying persists, take action. Discuss the problem with the parents of the child who is bullying, if it is appropriate. Talk with your child's teacher. If the teacher is not responsive, escalate the discussion up to the principal or superintendent if necessary. There are more participants in bullying scenarios than just the bully and the victim. "More often than not," said Nixon, "there are bystanders. These

are students who know what is going on and either encourage it in some way, or sit back and do nothing. We need more kids to stop being bystanders and take a stand against bullying." You can find additional information on University of Phoenix degree offerings by visiting, and more resources for helping students deal with bullying at and, Source: University of Phoenix | Family Features

"For to you is born this day in the town of David a Savior, Who is Christ the Lord!" Luke 2:11

†Š The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

The FC Nov/Dec 2012 | 7

Gluten Free Cooking By Stacey Johnson for The Fit Christian

Mom’s Banana Bread Made Gluten Free Ingredients:


½ C organic butter, melted 1 ½ C evaporated cane juice (organic sugar) ½ t sea salt 1 t baking soda ½ C brown rice flour ½ C white rice flour ½ C tapioca flour ½ C potato starch 1 t xanthan gum 5 T each 1% organic milk and GF light organic sour cream 3 ripe, mashed bananas 2 free-range egg whites

Blend together the salt, soda,

flours and xanthan gum in a medium bowl and set aside.


In small bowl mix the milk and

sour cream together.


Stacey Johnson is a pastor's wife and mother of two. She enjoys hiking, biking, and yoga, and loves expressing creativity in every day life. It is her passion and ministry to educate and help those who are newly diagnosed with Celiac disease to gain health and enjoyment of gluten-free foods.

inserted in the center of each loaf comes out clean.

Alternate putting the flour and

milk mixtures into the banana mixture, begin and end with the dry ingredients.

Happy GF Holidays!

8) Add the egg whites, folding them

Listen to this Recipe!

in carefully until blended.

9) Divide the batter equal-


ly between 8 mini loaves.


Bake for 30-35 min-

utes until a toothpick


1) Preheat oven to 350 2) Spray 2 mini loaf pans with canola spray (mini loaves have 4 sections for each pan).


Cream the butter and cane juice

together in large bowl.


Add mashed bananas and to the

mixture and set aside.

8 | The FC Nov/Dec 2012

©The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.


Sniffle Snatcher, Sweet Apple Pumpkin Pie, Flu Fighter, Cranbanana Blast, Sweet Potato Pick-Me-Up


t can be challenging to eat right during the holidays, especially when the entire season seems filled with hearty meals, rich dishes and sweet treats. While it's okay to moderately splurge before kick-starting the New Year with a healthy diet, it's important to build momentum prior to January 1 by making smart dietary decisions over the holidays to ensure a healthy immune system during the winter months and increased energy for burning off those extra calories. Drink to Your Health A simple way to enjoy a healthy holiday season and New Year is to start each day with a nutrient-rich beverage

packed with essential ingredients that produce increased energy levels, decreased cravings for seasonal junk foods, and greater overall wellness. Whether it's a nourishing morning pick-me-up or a mid-day energy and immunity boost, these nutritious and delicious recipes from NutriBullet will help ensure a healthy holiday season and put you on the right track to wellness in the New Year. The NutriBullet emulsifies healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables and grains into their most easily digestible state. Learn more at Nutrient Know-How How many times have you read a list of nutrients on a food label, but not

really known how each works to benefit your body? Following are some nutrient quick tips so you're better informed during your next trip to the market. Calcium Essential for healthy teeth and bones; also important for muscle, nerve and some gland functions. Iron Necessary for healthy blood and normal cell functioning. Magnesium Needed for healthy bones; also involved in more than 300 enzymes. Potassium Helps maintain healthy blood pressure.

Š The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

The FC Nov/Dec 2012 | 9

Vitamin A Helps keep eyes and skin healthy; also helps protect against infections.

Add water to the max line of the large cup, and blast.

Sweet Apple Pumpkin Pie Vitamin C Helps heal cuts and wounds; helps keep teeth and gums healthy, and helps iron absorption.

An antioxidant-rich, protein-packed healthy dessert option so you can enjoy the flavors of the season guilt-free.

Folate (folic acid) Helps the body form red blood cells.


Fiber Helps reduce blood cholesterol and may lower risk of heart disease. How Much Is a Cup? To help you gauge how much produce you're eating, here's a quick look at what equals a cup:

1 small apple 1 large banana 1 medium grapefruit 1 large orange 1 medium potato 2 large or 3 medium plums 12 baby carrots 1 small wedge watermelon 8 large strawberries 2 large stalks celery 1 medium pear

Sniffle Snatcher A tasty combination of vitamin C-rich ingredients, cayenne to reduce congestion, and rosemary to reduce inflammation and soothe a sore throat. 1 C kale 1 carrot 1 pear (cored and seeds removed) ½ C cubed pineapple Dash of cayenne pepper Dash of fresh rosemary

10 | The FC Nov/Dec 2012

C organic silken tofu or organic Greek-style yogurt ½ C canned pumpkin or cooked fresh pumpkin ½ apple (cut, cored, and seeds removed) 1 T raw almond butter Pinch of cinnamon Pinch of ground cloves 1-2 t pure maple syrup 1 C almond milk

Add ingredients to large cup, and blast.

Flu Fighter Vitamin C, antioxidants, and anti-bacterial ginger help keep the immune system at its peak during the winter months. ½ ½ ¼ 1 ½ 1 ½ 1

C spinach C Swiss chard C parsley kiwi (peeled) lime (peeled) banana (peeled) bell pepper (seeds and stem removed) inch fresh ginger root (peeled)

blend well with bananas and dates for a tart-sweet treat. 1 1 ½ 2

C spinach ripe banana (peeled) C fresh or frozen cranberries dates

Add water or almond milk to the max line of the large cup, and blast.

Sweet Potato Pick-Me-Up Complex carbs from the sweet potato will provide sustained energy, and cinnamon keeps blood sugar balanced. ½ ½


cooked sweet potato (skin on) t vanilla extract Pinch cinnamon Pinch nutmeg C ice cubes

Add almond or coconut milk to the max line of the large cup, and blast.

Add water to the max line of the large cup, and blast.

Cranbanana Blast Filled with heart-healthy nutrients and anti-viral properties, cranberries

Source: NutriBullet | Family Features

© The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.


Home cooks, new cooks, foodies and gourmet chefs all have something in common. They want a kitchen stocked with everything they need to put their passion on a plate.

B. Cooking Season by Season $35.00

Photo courtesy of Getty Images

From recipe ideas and ready-tocook steaks, to must-have kitchen tools and toast-worthy bubbly, this gift guide has all you need to please the cooks and food lovers in your life. A. KitchenAid Personal Coffee Maker $99.99 Put a smile on a coffee lover's face with

to provide hot water at a consistent

an 18-ounce person-

temperature. A removable, top load

al coffee maker. En-

water tank allows for easy filling from



any angle, while the multifunctional

optimized brew pro-

lid quickly transforms the carafe into



a thermal travel mug. The personal

model includes a heat-

coffee makers are available in Contour

ing element posi-

Silver, Empire Red, Onyx Black and






Seasonal cooking is big, and the growing number of farmers markets in the country is making it easier to do. This exhaustive recipe resource and produce guide will be a handy kitchen companion for anyone trying to decide what to do with fresh fruits and vegetables. With 1,000 recipes organized by season, many accompanied by gorgeous photographs and step-bystep how-to images, "Cooking Season by Season" will help home cooks make the most of fresh produce 365 days a year.

near the brew head Š The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

The FC Nov/Dec 2012 | 11

for the holiday season. This is an ideal hostess gift or stocking stuffer for


as a base to create a signature cocktail

t Christian Ministr ppor i


those who know how to celebrate. Turn up the heat for the cool cooks on


C. Guy Fieri Decorated Nonstick Aluminum Skillets $19.99 - $29.99

your list. These colorful skillets are great for cooks who like it bigger and bolder, just like celebrity chef Guy Fieri. Featuring artwork from Guy's

E. Holiday Happiness Combo Pack $49.99

personal tattoo artist, Joe Leonard, these nonstick skillets come in three sizes, 8-inches, 10-inches, and 12inches. The nonstick interiors make food release - and clean-up - easy, and soft-touch




they're comfortable to hold. The skillet shown features one of five available designs. Gifts of food are a way to share an experience with others, making it the perfect gift in the true spirit of the holidays. A package from Omaha Steaks offers the gift of an occasion - a reason to gather with family and

with fun, flavorful and

friends to share a delicious meal and

affordable Barefoot Bub-

great conversation. The Holiday Hap-

bly. For a festive and

piness Combo Pack features 4 (5-

fruity twist, try the most

ounce) Filet Mignons, 4 (4-ounce)

colorful bubbly in Bare-

Omaha Steaks Burgers, 4 (3-ounce)





Gourmet Jumbo Franks, 4 Stuffed


Baked Potatoes, and 4 Chocolate Mol-

aromas of fresh ber-


Toast the holidays and ring in 2013


w .c


D. Barefoot Bubbly Pink Moscato $10.00


ten Lava Cakes.

ries, candied cherries and





creamy finish. Enjoy



Source: Family Features


paired with delectable desserts, or use

12 | The FC Nov/Dec 2012

Š The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

Whether you're trying to control your weight or embrace a healthier lifestyle, the food choices you make have to be enjoyable. And deliciously healthy recipes are the key. "Recipes that use elements from New Nordic Cuisine are a great way to enjoy healthy eating," said registered dietician and author Kate Geagan, MS, RD. "This cuisine is naturally rich in some of the healthiest, purest foods in the world. And, it can be easily adapted to U.S. tastes and lifestyles." A plate filled with seafood, especially Norwegian Salmon, is a hallmark of New Nordic Cuisine. "I love how this cuisine is inspired by the sea," Geagan

said. "The ocean provides some of nature's most perfect proteins that deliver whole body benefits." For example, a serving of Norwegian Salmon is an excellent source of high quality protein and omega 3 fats. It also contains key nutrients, including selenium (thyroid and cell health), iodine (thyroid and hormonal health), vitamin D (bone and immune health) and vitamin B12 (red blood cell and neurological health). Norwegian Salmon is available fresh year-round, so it's easy to incorporate into your everyday meal planning. For more deliciously healthy recipes, visit

New Nordic Cuisine Nordic cultures have long enjoyed a reputation as some of the healthiest people in the world. New Nordic Cuisine is filled with healthy, hearty foods anyone can enjoy. Delicious elements of this cuisine include: ● Seafood, such as Norwegian Salmon ● Whole grains such as rye bread, barley and oats ● Cabbage and other cruciferous vegetables ● Berries, apples and pears ● Root vegetables

© The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

The FC Nov/Dec 2012 | 13

Poached Norwegian Salmon with Stewed Vegetables and Cucumber Salad Serves: 4 ¾

pound Norwegian Salmon fillet, boneless, skin removed 4 ½ C water 1 T salt 1 lemon

Stewed Vegetables 1 ¼ C water 4 potatoes, cut into cubes 3 carrots, cut into cubes 1 medium celeriac root, cut into cubes 2 onions, cut into cubes 1 medium size leek, cut into cubes 2 T fresh parsley or chives, chopped Salt and pepper, to taste ¾ C milk Cornstarch, to thicken sauce

Cucumber Salad 1 1 2 2

pound cucumber T sugar T white wine vinegar T olive oil

Cut salmon into 4 even pieces and rinse well under cold water.

opaque throughout. Remove from pot with slotted spoon and let water drain

Smoked Norwegian Salmon and Pearl Barley Salad

off on towel before arranging salmon

Serves: 4

on plate. ¾ ½

For vegetables, sprinkle water with salt and bring to boil in a large pot. When water is boiling, add potatoes, carrots, celeriac root and onions. Lower heat and simmer until soft. Add leeks and fresh herbs and simmer for 2 more minutes. Drain vegetables carefully in colander and make sure you keep cooking water. In same pot, bring milk and cooking water to boil; season with salt and pepper.

pound smoked Norwegian Salmon C pearl barley, soaked in cold water overnight 4 ½ C water, divided ½ C olive oil 2 T wine vinegar 3 T fresh orange juice Salt and pepper, to taste 1 C broccoli florets 1 carrot, cut into small cubes or strips ½ onion, chopped 1 red bell pepper, cut into small cubes or strips 1 cucumber, cut into large cubes 2 T chives, chopped 1 T parsley, chopped

Dice salmon into 1/2 x 1/2-inch cubes (or if already sliced, cut in strips) and set aside in refrigerator.

Dilute cornstarch in small amount of cold water and add to boiling liquid until you have thick sauce. Add vegetables to milk mixture to reheat before serving. For cucumber salad, peel cucumber,

Drain water from barley. Simmer on low heat in 1 cup water with sprinkle of salt for approximately 30 minutes or until soft. Drain barley and transfer to bowl. Immediately add oil, vinegar, orange

split lengthwise and remove seeds with small spoon. Cut at an angle in thick slices and mix with sugar, vinegar and oil.

In large pot, bring water to boil, add salt and then salmon. Immediately

Serve salmon with stewed vegetables

remove from heat and let stand to

and cucumber salad on the side.

poach for 4 to 6 minutes, depending

Serving Suggestion: A few drops of

on thickness of fillet. Be careful not to

lemon juice on the salmon is a must.

overcook - the flavors and texture of salmon is at its best when served

14 | The FC Nov/Dec 2012

© The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

juice, salt and pepper, mix well and set aside to cool. Bring remaining 3 ½ cups water to boil and add plenty of salt. When water boils vigorously, add broccoli and carrots and let cook for 30 seconds. Remove vegetables immediately with slotted spoon, plunge into ice water, and then take out of water to drain. When barley is cold, gently mix all ingredients together and serve with whole-grain bread or sprinkling of bread croutons on top. Vegetables and herbs can be varied according to your own preferences.

Norwegian Salmon in Aluminum Foil Serves: 4 4

sheets aluminum foil (12 x 18 inches, slightly larger than yellow legal pad) 2 T canola oil 2 medium carrots, cut into thin strips 1 small leek, cut into thin slices 1 onion, cut into thin slices 1 head iceberg lettuce, cut into 8 wedges 1 ½ pounds Norwegian Salmon fillet, boneless, skin removed, cut into 8 portions 1 T water for each package 4 T crème fraîche or sour cream Salt and pepper, to taste

To serve, carefully place each package on plate and open at table with pair of scissors or knife. Spoon crème fraîche or sour cream onto fish and sprinkle with lemon juice. Fresh herbs can be added before or after cooking. Eat straight from package. foil. Top half of foil will eventually be folded over food. Brush center of bottom half with oil. Mix all vegetables and spread 1/4 of them over oil. Arrange 2 portions of salmon with vegetables. Add water. Season with salt and pepper. Repeat with remaining three sheets of foil. To seal pouches, fold top section of foil over. Fold and squeeze edges together to form well-sealed pouch. Place packages on large baking sheet and place in preheated oven. When packages enlarge, they're ready to serve - usually after about 6 to 8 minutes.

Norwegian Salmon The cold, clear waters of Norway create the ideal environment for oceanfarming flavorful Norwegian Salmon. Tasteful, healthful and versatile, salmon from Norway offers a deliciously easy way to incorporate more fish into the American diet. Norwegians take great care to ocean-farm salmon in a sustainable manner that's good for the fish, good for the earth, and good for future generations. To learn more, visit

Source: Norwegian Seafood Council

Preheat oven to 350°F. Place aluminum foil on table with shortest side facing you. All food will be placed in middle of bottom half of © The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

The FC Nov/Dec 2012 | 15

Spotlight: Angie Langley

Angie Langley, 42, is a mother of two daughters, Alexa, 20, and Andrea, 13. She began her life in Henderson, Texas and has lived there ever since. Angie owns and operates a licensed daycare in her home where she cares for [up to] eight children under the age of four. She ministers to children at her church, enjoys kickboxing and softball and focuses most of her free time on upcoming bodybuilding/figure competitions. Her first competition was in 2011, where she placed 4th in the Bikini division. In June 2012 in Figure, Angie placed 1st in Novice short, 1st in Open short, 2nd in Masters & 2nd Overall. After which she decided to FC: What happened in your start competing in bodybuild- life that made you realize the ing rather than figure compe- need for a Savior? titions. AL: Just the influence of my grandma (Nanny). She always took me to church & I just watched and admired her and I guess she just made an FC: In your youth, what impression on me through her actions did you want to be when so I knew that was something she had that made a difference so I wanted it you grew up? AL: I always wanted to be too.


When did you decide to pursue a healthy lifestyle?


Beginning in 2001, I just worked out in order to have time to myself and still ate whatever I wanted. Last year when I started training for competitions, [I] realized the difference that the nutrition part played along with it, then it took on a new perspective and my habits have now become my lifestyle.

a social worker then decided I just wanted to do anything FC: Which word best describes with kids, I call being great your faith: Religion or Relation- FC: What fitness goals have you set out to accomplish in with children my 'God gift'. ship?

AL: Definitely a relationship!!!! I don't see God as this stern being wants to punish us when we do FC: When were you [who] wrong, but a God [who] loves me SO “Born Again?” very much that He wants what is best AL: February 1983, when I for me and He has it all planned. I can talk to Him, trust Him & He is my was 13 years old everything!!

By Angela J. Willard Perez for The Fit Christian Magazine

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your lifetime? Which goals have you met?

AL: I have two competitions coming up (June 2012) and I would love to win, but my goal is just to be the best I can be and to stay healthy, whether it's competing or not. If I compete against myself every day and make myself better than I was yesterday, then I am happy and I will

© The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

be a winner. :) I never imagined compe- is 'suck it up' so I just titions to be something I would do at all, work through it. and had never even thought about them but God knew that's what I needed at this point in my life!


Spotlight: Angie Langley

Who, in your life, has inspired you FC: What special nutritional diet the most and in what do you follow when you are in way? AL: Wow! That's hard! training?


I usually begin about 16-20 weeks from a competition to get back on a structured diet plan, I don't get off much anyway because it's habit to eat right. While I'm training a normal day would consist of: Breakfast: oatmeal, egg whites & a protein shake; midmorning: protein shake; lunch: chicken, brown rice or broccoli; afternoon: 3-oz potatoes; a pre-workout dinner: chicken, shrimp or fish & broccoli and/or rice; before bed: protein shake, a LOT of water, no salt, no oils, no sugar! And I take supplements.

My grandma always made me feel special and I love to try to make people feel that way, and she had the biggest Christian influence on me. My Mom and Daddy have taught me to be kind and trustworthy, to treat others as I want to be treated, to stand up for what I believe in, and to just love everybody and always try to do what's right.


I train 5/6 days a week with weights and do cardio 30-45 min/day. I change my routine about every two weeks so my muscles grow & change. I focus on a different muscle group each day, working everything once except legs, which I do twice a week and abs minimum three times a week but usually six while training for a competition.


Is there anything that you

most passionate about?

AL: Fitness is a passion and my big-

FC: What fitness regimen do you FC: follow when you are in training?

FC: What would you say you are gest interest!!! But I would say the thing

If you could change one that I'm the most passionate about, and thing about yourself, what would that is the most important thing to me, it be, and why? is just being a good person; the kind of


I've been asked that before and my answer is absolutely nothing!!!! Everything that has happened to me, good or bad, has made me who and what I am today, and I like who I am.

FC: What are your priorities? AL: My priorities are God, girls & gym, in that order. I figure if I

have had to overcome in order to keep my priorities straight then evachieve your fitness goals?

AL: I have been pretty lucky and I am in pretty good shape. I did, however, tear my LCL last October (2011) playing softball and was out a while. It still bothers me occasionally but my saying

erything else falls into place according to whatever the plan God has for me is, and I know it will be good because that's what I'm told in Romans 8:28.

Š The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

The FC Nov/Dec 2012 | 17

Spotlight: Angie Langley 18 | The FC Nov/Dec 2012

person that I would like to meet or have as a friend, that when others think of me they just see God through me, through my words and my actions, in how I treat people and in everything I do.

FC: What are your hobbies? AL: I really don't have time for many things, when I'm focused on something, as I am my training, then I give it my everything!


When was the best time in

your life? Why?


I feel blessed and have enjoyed so many great things that I couldn't choose only one, but I know my best memories have been with my girls when we have, what I call, 'memory maker moments'. â€

Š The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

© 2012 Theresa Rowe for The Fit Christian

Obediently Healthy your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore, honor God with your body.”

Theresa Rowe is an author of Guidepost’s “Shaped by Faith, Ten Secrets to Strengthening Your Body and Soul.”


ew Year’s Day provides the perfect opportunity for evaluating our acquisition of wisdom from the previous year. Each year we should grow wiser, either voluntarily, through study and prayer on His word, or involuntarily, with help from physicians explaining all the new medical conditions we acquired by living an unhealthy lifestyle. It is because of the latter that I write to you with renewed fervor, in hope of persuading you to choose better. We are close to a new year, but only hours from a new day, and a better way. The fundamental verse for my fitness journey, and embedded inside my heart, are these words from I Corinthians 6:19-20: “Do you not know that

By taking care of our bodies, we are being obedient to His Word. God expects us to honor Him with our bodies. Not taking care of our bodies is living irresponsibly. No it’s not, it’s a SIN. Yep, I said a SIN! And after a time those sins pile up and build a wall between us and God. Before you know it, depression sets in and everything in life seems to crumble around us. The weight of the wall begins to smother our physical and spiritual bodies, and this sin becomes a roadblock to the plan God has for your life.

but we want to eat them anyway because they taste so good going down. We certainly don’t wake up choosing to think about sweets and we try with all our own will power not to, but then it happens. Something snaps and suddenly we are in our stash, woofing it down. Soon after the guilt and condemnation sets in and we feel ashamed we lost control. Some may purge what they ate, while others wipe the chocolate from their lips and have a private pity party. “Why am I so weak? What is wrong with me?” Aren’t we all like this in one way or another?

A while back, my husband told me about a friend experiencing surgery while describing his health situation. “For the last twenty five years I treated my body like a toilet and now I am paying the price.” He was gravely ill, and he recognized his bad choices.

It may not be food or sweets, it may be alcohol or drugs, prescription or otherwise. It may be gossip, with the veil of compassion. Or it could be pornography, but we do it in secret and don’t want anyone to know. So, we look at things we shouldn’t look at when no one is watching. We feel guilty, and even disgusted, with ourselves. All of these place a toll on the temple. What do we do and how do we change? How can we overcome ourselves?

Ladies, isn’t it totally ridiculous thinking about the hidden candy or chocolate cake stashed away in a secret hiding place. We know an abundance of sweets are not good for our bodies,

The apostle Paul addresses these very issues in Romans 7:15-28. “I don’t really understand myself, for I want to do what is right, but I don’t do it. Instead, I do what I hate. But if I know

© The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

The FC Nov/Dec 2012 | 19

that what I am doing is wrong, this shows that I agree that the law is good. So I am not the one doing wrong; it is sin living in me that does it. And I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. I want to do what is right, but I can’t. I want to do what is good, but I don’t. I don’t want to do what is wrong, but I do it anyway. But if I do what I don’t want to do, I am not really the one doing wrong; it is sin living in me that does it. I have discovered this principle of life—that when I want to do what is right, I inevitably do what is wrong. I love God’s law with all my heart. But there is another power within me that is at war with my mind. This power makes me a slave to the sin that is still within me. Oh, what a miserable person I am! Who will free me from this life that is dominated by sin and death? Thank God! The answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord.” Yes, thank God for Jesus, the savior from our hidden sins. The sin cycle claims everyone according to Romans 3:23, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” I see myself as the biggest sinner but I also know that I have been saved by God’s grace and He is stronger than the one trying to deceive me to do wrong things. Obviously, our physical body presents numerous sin cycle opportunities and changing gears requires a different mindset. One, the purpose of fitness must be to honor God, and two, we cannot do it on our own. God’s word tells us in Proverbs 16:3, “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.” It helps to have an

accountability partner who knows you well and is willing to be honest with you. Proverbs 27:17 reminds us, “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” It is one thing to write in a hypothetical, and quite another to have a real life experience with God’s promises. While all of my classes had new students, my Senior Strength Training class presented a new student who embodied “change by God’s Hands.” Before class, she shared with me her goals for the year. At the top of the list was getting her physical body in shape. She also mentioned being a smoker and needing God’s help with this area in her life. She admitted that her addiction was something she wanted to end. I assured her that when we commit these things to God “all things are possible.” She was excited about changing her life, jumping and shouting out loud that “the Lord is her strength.” The smile on my face grew as we started the warm up. The other ladies, seasoned and more experienced, looked curiously at the new class member and smiled at me as we began lifting weights. Five minutes into the workout, the younger (really younger) lady walked across the room and sat down in one of the seasoned lady’s chairs out of breath and dis-

couraged. Seeing the young lady struggling, this lovely seasoned lady stopped her workout and began encouraging the young lady. With the class still lifting weights, another lady in class went over and began encouraging the lady while helping correct her form. As the encouragement took hold, the new young student slowly rejoined the class but at a much slower pace. Although she was very vocal about her body hurting, she persevered until the end of the class. After our cool down and the class over, she demonstrated her thankfulness with over-the-top enthusiasm and praises to God, I actually experienced Nehemiah 8:10 which states, “The joy of the Lord is my strength!” She danced around the room praising God for finishing the class, and I found myself thinking about her enthusiasm and joy all day long. This is the day that the Lord has made. We should rejoice and be glad in it. When we give Him our best, He promises us His best. U

Photo Courtesy

20 | The FC Nov/Dec 2012

©The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

Fellowship, Family, Friends, Food, and Fun © 2012 Chris Chapan


nnie had mixed feelings about the upcoming holiday. On the one hand, she was happy that she would have some time off from her stressful job and time to spend valuable time with her family. She had succeeded in avoiding the fattening treats readily available in the staff lounge, but she felt some stress thinking about the upcoming holiday with her relatives. This article is dedicated those—like Annie—who struggle with the typical stress of family and overeating at the holidays. Holidays are a wonderful time to share food, fun, and fellowship with family and friends. Yet, the holidays bring the guilt of overeating. Here are a few tips to get you back on track and not feel so guilty after a holiday splurge.

1. Learn to practice portion control. Even when you are presented with a mile-long table of food, you can control how much you eat. Look at the entire buffet before choosing your meal from a buffet. Stop and enjoy

Courtesy Novikov

your family more. Find that threshold of pleasure from eating that feels comfortable.

2. Buddy Up. Many times there is at least one relative who is also trying to eat healthy. Make a plan beforehand what you will eat and ask someone to hold you accountable to that healthy eating plan.

3. Learn to share in fellowship and food. Share a desert so that you can sample more than one. Ask your relatives about their recipes and what ingredi-

ents are in their delicious treats. Mentally evaluate the meal and determine if you can make it at home using healthier alternatives. Everyone likes to be praised on his or her hard work especially in the area of cooking. Keep in mind that you are serving the Lord Christ. You are a witness as you participate in holiday gatherings with both saved and unsaved family members.

4. Water is a lifesaver. Before you eat, drink a glass of water. Many times, you are not hungry but thirsty. Water has zero calories, contains many benefits and fills you up quickly. This time of year, we are

© The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

The FC Nov/Dec 2012 | 21

more dehydrated than in the summertime because of indoor heaters and the lack of moisture indoors. Drinking water helps keep you hydrated and fully being able to taste the food. It also helps with constipation and gives you a reason to use the restroom and an excuse to get away from unpleasant family conversations on sensitive issues. Christ reaffirmed the benefits of water.

5. Do not strive for a perfect eating plan during the holidays. Focus on progress, not perfection. Use this time as a way to show Jesus you can relate to people and not to the buffet table. Colossians 3:23-24 says, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward.” It is the Lord Christ you are serving. You are a ambassador for Jesus Christ to your family and friends.

6. Lose the diet. Do not diet during the holidays. Instead of prohibiting food or going on the latest diet, strive for a healthy lifestyle. Aim for healthy eating. Pray and ask the Lord to help you in your quest for healthy eating and in being a witness to those friends and relatives who do not know him.

7. Cheat occasionally.

eat during other times of the year. Your body recognizes when you eat differently and learns to survive in this way. It increases your metabolism and shows you what it feels like before you started making right choices. The longer you live a healthy lifestyle, the more intolerant you will be to poor food choices. Your appetite decreases. The calories that you consume at a few meals over the holiday do not lead to weight gain but to a constant lifestyle of eating poorly. Use the holiday to explore the area of healthy eating. Recognize eating as one of God’s gifts. Remember the vision God gave Peter when he realized that he could indulge in many treats that had been forbidden in the past as long as he demonstrated self-control.

8. Do not skip meals or arrive to a party hungry. Saving up calories will only lead to disaster. If you want to truly fast, do it the biblical way. It is better to graze or eat a little bit at one time. Fitness experts and dieticians recommend eating six small meals every three to four hours spread over an entire day. Having a snack before meals is a good idea, especially if you know that your meal could be delayed. It is helpful to keep a snack like an apple and natural peanut butter, or granola bar, and string cheese in your possession for an delayed meal emergency. Hungry children and cranky spouses are better behaved if they are fed consistently and routinely during a holiday season..

9. Join the small plate club. Use a small plate and check out the entire buffet before you eat. That will enable you to think your choices through and make healthier selections. Do not worry. If you are hungry later, the buffet will still be there. Just like the relatives that never seem to leave.

10. Offer to bring a veggie tray. Many people are open to healthy eating and by bringing a veggie tray, you are not just helping yourself, but also provide healthy alternatives for others. When I bring a tray to a party, the host and guests often gobble up the tray before the other fattening treats. Remember, a veggie tray does no good unless you provide a fat free or low fat dip. You can also offer to host the meal. If you host the event, you are more in control of the entrees served.

11. Avoid the extras. Calories and fat in gravy, cream, mounds of butter, regular sour cream, mayonnaise, and regular cheddar cheese add up fast. If you must have fat, regulate it by having a reduced amount. However, be cautious of fat free claims. Fat-free foods often contain extra salt, increased carbohydrates, and simple sugars. Some are good, but others lack taste. Try low-fat or reduced labels.

Holidays are times to celebrate with festive foods that you don’t normally 22 | The FC Nov/Dec 2012

©The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

12. Remember the twenty-minute rule. It takes as long as twenty minutes for the body to signal fullness. When you have finish an item on your plate, remember to slow down and ask your Aunt Edna what she has been doing. This may be a time to share what God has done in your life. Ask the Lord to help you have opportunities to minister to others and not just to your belly.

13. Become a reader. Not only should you control serving sizes, but you should also strive to read for important nutrients like fat, carbohydrates, and proteins. You should strive for meals containing 20% fat, 20% protein, and 60% carbohydrates. Only 10% of your calories should come from saturated fat.

14. Avoid alcohol. Not only does alcohol effect you spiritually and emotionally, but it is high in calories. Alcohol contains seven calories per gram verses four in carbohydrates and proteins. Alcohol can also decrease your inhibitions. How sad it would be to witness to a friend or relative and then realize the next day you might have insulted them?

15. Start a new family tradition. Have the family take a walk, bike ride, play a friendly sport game, or go running. Schedule a fun run that day or plan activities for the kids. It takes your mind off the food and gets your focus on the precious gifts the Lord

has provided to your family. Remember that your body and your relationship with others belongs to God. Matthew 6:25 says, “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat r drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes?”

God has given us wonderful families and friends. Praise God for holidays! U

16. Focus on family not food. The holidays are a wonderful time to be thankful for family and to witness how you eat but also how you conduct yourself socially, mentally and spiritually in your total lifestyle. Pray constantly during family gatherings and ask the Lord to help you direct the conversations off negative topics and into uplifting conversations.

17. Last of all, give thanks to God because he has done wonderful things. Allow him to bring wonderful blessings to you as you choose to treat your body as a temple of the Holy Spirit. 1 Corinthians 6:19 says, “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?” You are not your own. Psalm 105:1 says, “Give thanks unto the Lord, call on his name, make known among the nations what he has done.” Be thankful for family, friends, and fun.

© The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

The FC Nov/Dec 2012 | 23

Top 10 Tech Tips for a

Healthier Heart of cigarettes not smoked, and the overall time since your last smoke.

2. Stay Within a Healthy Weight Range.

Photo courtesy of Getty Images


he message that a healthy lifestyle helps protect your heart isn't new. If you'd like to do more to take care of your heart, here are 10 ways technology can make that easier.

1. Stop Smoking. Apps such as Smoke Reducer for Android, and iQuit for iPhone can help you wean off tobacco. You can also use the Firefox add-on Quitomzilla, which shows you how much money you save by not smoking, the number

24 | The FC Nov/Dec 2012

Make it easier to monitor your weight-loss progress with the iHealth Wireless Scale. You can track your weight over time, and see results in relation to daily activity, time of day, diet, exercise, and more. The scale lets you set a milestone and share your results with doctors, fitness buddies and family. The free companion iHealth Scale app works with iPod touch, iPhone and iPad. Learn more at

3. Limit Alcohol and Caffeine. Keep track of how much you're drinking with the DrinkControl or Alcohol

Monitor apps for iPhone, or the SoberApp for Android. They estimate your blood alcohol content and let you know whether or not you should drive. To monitor your caffeine intake, try the Caffeine Zone 2 for iPhone and iPad, or the Caffeine Monitor app for Android.

4. Take Care of Your Teeth. Research suggests that there may be a link between periodontal disease and heart disease. Go online and check the American Dental Association's database at to find oral health care products that have the ADA seal of approval. At the ADA website, you can also watch videos on a variety of oral health care topics.

5. Keep Tabs on Your Blood Pressure. The Mayo Clinic recommends you monitor your blood pressure at home and visit your doctor regularly. With the iHealth Blood Pressure Dock, (, you can accu-

ŠThe Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

also use the AHA Walking Paths app for Android and iPhone.

8. Eat Right.

rately measure your blood pressure, track your readings over time, and share that information with healthcare providers, friends and family members. The Dock comes with a blood pressure arm cuff and doubles as a charging station for your iPod touch, iPhone and iPad. The companion iHealth app is available for free.

6. Reduce Stress. Try a portable biofeedback device, like the StressEraser, to help you relax by synchronizing your breathing and your heart rate. If having too much on your plate and too many interruptions causes you stress, try Quiet Hours. It lets you shut down your computer's communication apps, like instant messaging, for a specified period of time.

7. Exercise Regularly. The Online Activity Tracker from the American Heart Health Association lets you create a personalized walking plan, log time or distance traveled, plot and save walking routes, and more. Check it out at You can

Tracking the foods you consume helps you better understand your caloric and nutritional intake. The Lose It! app for the iPhone allows you to enter and track your meals and snacks, and keep track of your weight loss progress and goals via the app, as well as access your account online. Visit for more information. Offering many of the same capabilities, Android phone users can use the Diet Assistant app at

10. Know Your Family History. Knowing your family's medical history can help you identify patterns that might be relevant to your own heart health. There are a number of online tools such as My Family Health Portrait at to help you gather and store that information.

Source: iHealth

9. Make Sleep a Priority. Not getting enough sleep can raise your blood pressure and make it more likely you'll have a stroke or heart attack. Learn more about your sleep patterns with a sleep monitor. You can try a headband monitor, such as the Zeo, (www.myzeo.c om), or an armband monitor such as the SleepTracker, (www.sleeptracke Each keeps track of your sleep cycle and helps you wake up at the optimal time.

Š The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

The FC Nov/Dec 2012 | 25

His Plans and Ours By Stanley McMahon


e had half an hour to spend at the end of the day. I was on a training course in a call centre. Those words will strike chords of familiarity with some of you, while others of you will have to imagine the scene. This is the environment where the ice-breakers and silly games and endless and meaningless information meld into a fuzzy, boredom-inducing desire to long for the next break. Well the next break was home-time, and the trainer decided that the time remaining would be best used by playing an interactive game. Each person was asked in turn which three people they would love to invite to dinner and explain why. Of course most people chose celebrities they had long admired. Typically, they wanted to ask them questions about their wardrobe, their habits and such like. But Edward chose differently. His first two were like the rest, not exactly memorable. His third guest, much to the surprise of everyone in the room, was Jesus. His reason was simple. He wanted to ask Jesus, ‘Why?’

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Edward’s answer got me thinking. He was not a believer, but he still saw that the One he should turn to if he wanted some ultimate questions answered was Jesus. Jesus is, of course, for us the focal point of all history as well as the author and founder of our faith, and so much more besides. But He is also the One who draws all men to Himself. Sixty years ago two men saw that the church in the West was going in a dangerous direction. Cameron Townsend, the industrious founder of Wycliffe and JAARS, as well as many other ventures, agreed with Donald McGavran, a third generation missionary statesman in India, that the wrong interpretation was being put on ‘reaching all nations’. The churches and missionary societies had been patting themselves on the back and basically saying, “Well, Jesus can come back anytime. Our job is done. We have reached all the nations with the Gospel.” McGavran and Townsend begged to differ and looked again at the Great Commission.

Graham Cheesman, ex-principal of the Belfast Bible College and missiologist explains, “As missions moved inland and into the various continents, the idea came about that with the evangelization of individual nations coming about through pioneer missionary work, there was no longer any need for missionaries as the Great Commission had been fulfilled.” McGavran himself, in a rebuttal of the theory that the job was done said this, “Far from the mission era drawing to a close, it is just beginning. We stand in the sunrise of evangelization.” Sixty years on and we are still not finished the task, but we are getting closer. The task of world evangelization is still there. Maybe we are at the mid-day point rather than the sunrise, but the charge of the Great Commission is unchanged and valid for every believer. It is the challenge that Jesus lays before us today: to priorities His Kingdom above all else and usher in His second coming.

© The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

I never got the chance to speak to Edward again about the Man he wanted to invite to his table. But I know that He is pursuing Edward as He draws him to Himself and moves towards the ultimate goal of reigning in glory. He is wholly committed to the goal of world evangelization and the Father is fully committed to uniting all things under Christ (Ephesians 1:10). Don’t get left behind (pun intended). If His plans are not your plans, you need to reprioritize. Think about it.

Stanley McMahon is a long-time writer and life-time learner. Happily married for nearly twenty-seven years, he is inspired by life, and is bottomline is “faith that works”. He resides in Northern Ireland where he is engaged in service to his church full-time. Article Source:

Walk Away from The Great Commission …

… And You Walk Away from Them! © The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

The FC Nov/Dec 2012 | 27

Six Thousand Angels lizabeth is a twelve-year-old girl living the slum of Kibera in Africa, where over a half-million people live in poverty. There is no electricity or running water. Her mother is deceased and her father works odd jobs to make a few shillings. She is fortunate to be alive, as many children die here before the age of six. The house she lives in is a mud shack. The ground is used for a toilet, bringing stench and diseases. Sewage runs like rivers of water through the village during the rainy season. Elizabeth can’t go to school because she must stay home and care for her younger brothers and fetch water. She walks quite a distance and must carry heavy containers. She sometimes has to pay for water, so she gets very little. The family goes without washing their hands or bodies because water must be used for drinking. Due to the sanitary conditions, diseases like malaria and dysentery are rampant in the village. Both children and adults get sick and die. Medical help comes from outside and is scarce. Elizabeth’s four-year-old brother Dominick is dying. She hears a new clinic on the edge of Kibera has 28 | The FC Nov/Dec 2012

opened, so she literally carries him there. He has severe stomach trouble and is dehydrated. The child moans in agony as the doctor does all she can, but it is too late. God mercifully takes another angel home. Elizabeth sobs as she steps out of the clinic with her brother’s lifeless body in her arms, and sees a golf course with water sprinklers running over a lush, green, lawn. A high fence separates the rich from the slums of Kibera. Children dying for water stand outside the fence watching men play golf, and eyeing the water as it quenches the thirst of the grass. They do not understand. Dominick is just one of the 6000 children dying in Africa every day—6000 a day! There is a global water crisis in this world and many people are either unaware or simply choose to not think about it. We must do something to help.

By Lynn Gipson

impoverished areas such as Kenya, Ghana, Haiti, and many others. They not only drill wells at a greatly reduced cost, they also teach the gospel of Christ and get the nationals involved by providing them employment opportunities and allowing them to become a part of a solution to their own water shortage problem. Visit and learn more, and then, give! Even the smallest donation will help save a child’s life. These are God’s most precious angels, and you will be blessed many times over! Lynn Gipson is a 61-year cancer survivor who has just recently become a writer. She writes short stories, articles and poems of Christian or spiritual nature. Article Source:


Water…a Gift of Love

In 2008, Dick and Terri Greenly (co-owners of Pumps of Oklahoma) founded a public charity called The Water4 Foundation to provide water to

© The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

Armour of God By Jack Jones

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes” Eph 6:10-11. Once, whilst serving as a missionary in a small Australian country town in the far north; I had the privilege to teach a hundred Aboriginal children the Armour of God. I lined them up like soldiers and had them act out movements for each piece of the armour. When I shouted ‘Sheilds of Faith’ they would step forward presenting their right arm up. When I shouted ‘Breastplate of Righteousness’ the would take their hand and confidently wipe it down their chests. The children loved it. Children want to be soldiers. The Apostle Paul writes in a time few of us can relate to. A time of political unrest and the Empire’s domination. When the might and glory of Rome was visible. Centurions led Roman soldiers through the streets, mingled in markets or openly crucified people you once knew. The imagery Paul draws from is firmly in his readers minds; its an occurrence in their day to day lives. Yet these armoured soldiers are far from their deliverers, rather

more often than not counted as their oppressors. A symbol of fear, persecution and totalitarian control. In the midst of such Paul tells a small rag tag group of new believers to borrow from such imagery and embrace it in their minds as their standing In Christ. To put on His power in defense of the most powerful assailant on earth the Devil himself. Yet we are not to wage a war of assault with such power, but rather be protected against the assault in our minds and as it manifests itself into the physical. How often we can doubt our salvation, and forget a Centurion’s helmet firmly fitted to protect from the blow of a sword. Our faith wavers in suffering or insult and yet the Roman Legion’s most powerful defense was in its neck to foot interlocking shields. We question Christ’s love or at times even His very existence and forget the thick leather belt girding the soldier’s waist. Wood (1978) writes “The belt tied tightly around the waist indicated that the soldier was prepared for action. To slacken the belt was to go off duty. The “belt” was not an ornament but served an essential purpose. It gath-

ered in the short tunic and helped keep the breastplate in place when the latter was fitted on. From it hung the scabbard in which the sword was sheathed’ Truth holding on to the one that proclaimed “ I AM THE TRUTH”. Each component of the Armour of God is obviously symbolic, a metaphor that points more to the terms they represent SALVATION, FAITH, RIGHTEOUSNESS, TRUTH, GOD’s WORD and PEACE. Rather than turn the symbolic into the reality (as children initially do), draw from the meaning it portrays. When the world is against us; it is the individual terms that we draw protection from, not the metaphorical symbols. However, attach the individual terms to your soul as if they were indeed the Centurion’s Armour and then doubt, insecurity and fear will find these symbols impossible to dislodge.

Jack Jones, Editor of The Christian Network and Street Chaplain— Australia’s, most comprehensive Christian Web Magazine. Article Source:

© The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

The FC Nov/Dec 2012 | 29

Personal Devotions: By Winnie Kaetzel



top a moment. Let’s talk about your daily devotions. What’s your attitude as you enter God’s presence each day? Do you consider it your privilege to entertain the Creator of the universe? Is it a chore? Do you wake up with anticipation of what He’ll tell you? Do you say, “Thank you Lord for the freedom to start my day with You.” Or do you feel duty-bound to spend a few minutes reading a chapter of your Bible and praying for people in far-away lands with names you can barely pronounce? Whatever your personal motive is, there is a broad range of emotions running helter-skelter in your heart. But must you feel obligated to stake out 15 to 30 minutes of your day for something that may or may not seem applicable to the many other pressing items on your agenda? Do you need something to re-ignite priority status in the time you spend with the One who gave His all to redeem you? My own Bible reading experiences have run the gamut from ecstasy to obligation. Right now I’m camped on a pivotal passage of Scripture that, because it’s so familiar, I usually airbrush it in my rush to finish the book or complete a particular study. Now it’s time to sit on it, read it over and

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or Chore ?

over, meditate on its meaning, decipher exactly what God wants to tell me about Himself, even memorize key verses until its real meaning is mine, not something I’ve digested from someone else’s study. Perhaps you too, need some new ideas to look for in your study of God’s Word. Or perhaps your evangelism tools are rusty. Pocket Testament League’s free daily devotionals stand ready to hone your skills and buoy up your sagging motives. You will focus on a single Scriptural thought, explore the depths of its meaning, ponder a question that will reverberate through your mind all day long, and, over time, create purpose in your life. In the end, these e-devotionals will embolden your witness to others through free evangelism training and inspire a new fidelity to your “Me-NJesus-time.” Join The Pocket Testament League today. Ask God to cut through the blasé mentality of your soul with fresh, new thoughts that inspire you to a deeper commitment to your Lord. Then you will consider the time spent with Him a wonderful daily privilege.

Copyright 2012 Winnie Kaetzel Posted on: and Winnie Kaetzel and her husband, Ollie raised five children in Laos during the Vietnam War. After 1975, they followed the Lao people from their mountain villages to the crowded Thai refugee camps, and on to resettlement in America, ministering all the way. Article Source: Christian writer make your own website

© The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

© 2012 Angela J. Willard Perez for The Fit Christian

Attacking the Impossible A scripture to help you focus on your Christian life. Meditate and pray on this verse from the Bible and see how it applies to your life, or how you should apply it. Ask the Lord for revelation and understanding on the scriptures and He will grant your request.

“But He said, What is impossible with men is possible with God” Luke 18:27 AMP.

Angela J. Willard Perez is a mother of five who has learned through the years that she just cannot get through one day without God and prayer. She is the author of several articles and books including the book Christian Prayer Journal & Praise Report. She is also the publisher and editor of The Fit Christian magazine.

There are going to be times along our journey when we hit a brick wall. Sometimes that wall will be a door closed by God for our protection or redirection; but sometimes that wall is a roadblock from the enemy. The enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy–and he is good at his job. He will put a roadblock up to get us off course, to distract us, to try to make us doubt God, and/or to make us feel like we are weak and powerless against him. However, Jesus has come to give us abundant life (John 10:10). With Christ in us, we are an impenetrable force against the enemy and his attacks, rather than the other way around. We can blast through any brick walls he slams into our path. How? Faith!

Not faith in our ability to overcome his attacks, but our faith in GOD’S ability! Nothing is impossible to God–absolutely nothing! Yes, that does mean the sky is the limit, well, it actually means there are no limits for God–He is the Creator of the universe and everything in it–even the devil. What God can create, God can manage and even destroy. And He works through His children–we are His ambassadors here on Earth–we declare and decree and He performs. We pray and He acts. We are vessels whom He works through–His hands, His feet, His mouth. Yet so many of us sit on our hands and complain with our mouths that God isn't doing anything! Children of God, we really need to get this fact: God works through US. WE need to be doing something! Get up and walk out your faith, touch others with your hands, bless others with your lips, open yourself up to God working through you. We limit God by doing nothing! We limit God by our limited thinking and speaking! We need to step out in faith in the power of God in us—and do His work here on Earth. Rise up and be the woman or man of God that He created you to be! We need to rise up and be the Church, the Bride, that Christ is coming for. We are in poor shape, brothers and sisters, poor shape indeed. We need to rise up against the attacks of the enemy, blow through those brick walls and be the over-comers that Christ intended for us to be. And we need to teach others to do the same. With God in us, nothing is impossible. †

"Now to Him Who, by (in consequence of)the [action of His] power that is at work within us, is able to [carry out His purpose and] super-abundantly, far over and above all that we [dare] ask or think [infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams]–" Ephesians 3:20 AMP.

Are you attacking your impossibles?

What is this scripture saying to you?

Are you allowing the devil to defeat you?

Send your comments to

© The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

The FC Nov/Dec 2012 | 31

The mission of His Work Christian Ministries (HWCM) is to provide food, clothing, personal items, and shelter for those in need, while sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. What We Do: • Publish The Fit Christian Magazine, a Free Online Christian Health & Fitness Magazine • Provide funding and supplies for orphanages in need • Outreach Ministries in Africa: Comfort Africa and Messiah Needy Children Orphanage • Assist Save the Children & Women of Pakistan Ministry with their fundraising and awareness needs. • Provide free Bibles and Christian books/literature to prisoners in the USA and others who cannot otherwise receive them. Get Involved: There are different ways to get involved with what God is doing through His Work Christian Ministries: • Prayer–Our biggest need is always prayer. We need your prayers! Prayers open doors, move mountains, feed hungry children, and so much more. • Volunteer–Volunteers are always needed and welcomed! Our current needs include: Fundraising, Administrative, Public Relations, Advertising & Promotions, and Board Members. • Financial Support–Support HWCM as a whole or support on of our outreaches: Sponsor a child for as little as $10 a month, or send a monthly support of $25 to support an orphanage in Uganda or Ghana, Africa; Support our Christian literature outreach program; Support The Fit Christian Magazine. • Bibles & Christian Literature–We always accept donations for our Christian literature distribution program in the USA–you can either mail us literature & Bibles for outreach ministries, or make a special financial donation towards the needed items.

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