The Fit Christian Magazine Sep/Oct 2013

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FC Fit Christian

A Christian Health & Fitness Magazine

Spotlight: Wendy Russo

How to Keep Weight Off During the Holidays



Despite a Serious Medical Condition

Uganda: Hand of God Soccer Project Ministry Sep/Oct 2013

PUBLISHER His Work Christian Ministries EDITOR Rev. Angela J. Willard Perez COLUMNISTS Chris Chapan Kids4Christ Rev. Angela J. Willard Perez Scripture & Reflection CONTRIBUTORS Chris Chapan Heather Letto Family Features Chris Hambrecht (Em Doodles) Reverend Fun FREE ADVERTISING Please donate to this ministry and keep the magazine online and free to all. To support us visit /donate.html or donate through PayPal to or mail your donations to His Work Christian Ministries The FC Magazine P.O. Box 2824 Key West, FL 33045

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On the cover: Wendy Russo ©2013 courtesy of Wendy Russo All Rights Reserved. Used with permission. itchristian © The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

The FC Sep/Oct 2013 | i

1 Pursuing Your Dreams … What would you do if you were frequently sick and knew that even catching a common cold could turn into a serious medical ordeal? This is a question that faces the approximately 250,000 people in the U.S. who have been diagnosed with primary immunodeficiency (PI)....

3 Keep Weight Off During the Holidays With the holiday season upon us, managing your waist line may have you as frustrated as the lines you encounter while shopping for gifts. Beyond celebratory meals and seasonal snacks aplenty at work and home, the holidays notoriously leave little time for you to focus on managing your weight....

17 Spotlight: Wendy Russo The first time I met Wendy Russo, I knew that she was full of passion for life. She has a story that has and will affect many through her testimony of her Christian life, health & fitness. She is non-stop, full of life, and never without a smile. Just recently 51 years old, she is a certified PGA golf professional, sports massage therapist, swim instructor, personal trainer and nutrition coach. She has been a competitive body builder, coach, referee, and recently competed in her first State Senior Olympics in Florida….

4 Holiday Crafting Be Inspired by Traditions From Around the World. Bring the joy and celebration of holiday traditions from around the world to your home this season….

Articles Online: Pursuing Your Dreams Despite a Lifelong Medical Condition A mother's determination to not let primary immunodeficiency stop her child from achieving his dream

When Donna Schlacht's son, Carl, was diagnosed with primary immunodeficiency (PI) at age 1, she resolved to not let Carl see his disorder as a barrier to pursuing his dreams. Today, Carl is a professional Supercross racer, and is helping to launch the “I Am A ChamPIon” campaign to inspire others to achieve their goals despite the challenges of living with PI…

Healthy Choices at Every Meal: Simple Tips to Outsmart IBS For families of the nearly 30 percent of the general population who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, making healthy diet decisions is not an option, it's a necessity - especially when those sufferers are children and young adults....

Take the Stress Out of Holiday Cooking: Tips for making a hassle-free holiday meal This year, nearly 70 percent of people will cook all or part of a holiday meal. For some, that could mean cooking enough food for at least nine or more friends and family. But with some smart planning and a few easy tips, you can make something that everyone will remember and still have time to actually sit down and enjoy it yourself...

Read These & Other Articles Online

ii | The FC Sep/Oct 2013

© The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

7 Kids4Christ

Fitness Events

Back to School Games | Memory Verse: Psalm 86:11 | You can stay up-to-date on fitness events in your area by Word Search: Educate Yourself | Reverend Fun | Em visiting these Web sites: Doodles | Great Lunchboxes

11 Food & Nutrition Holiday Brunch | Nutritious Meals in Minutes | Pickles! Spicy, Sweet or Zesty | Super Snacks

19 Exercise the Right Way

Bodybuilding-Fitness-Figure Upcoming Events Natural Bodybuilding, Figure, and Fitness Contests

Refuel Your Muscles and Taste Buds | An Endurance Professional Natural Bodybuilding, Figure, and Fitness Athlete’s Guide to Energy Supplements | Muscles Have Competitions Memories

23 Missions Focus

Focus on Uganda: : “Hand of God Soccer Project Ministry” You can stay up-to-date with what His Work Christian Focus on USA and beyond: “Orphan to Orphan” Ministries is doing around the world by visiting us online at Spiritual Fitness The Fruit of the Spirit | Scripture & Reflection: “When the Going Gets Tough” 2 Corinthians 10:3-4




© The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

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The FC Sep/Oct 2013 | iii

Pursuing Your Dreams Despite a Serious Medical Condition


hat would you do if you were frequently sick and knew that even catching a common cold could turn into a serious medical ordeal? This is a question that faces the approximately 250,000 people in the U.S. who have been diagnosed with primary immunodeficiency (PI). PI is an inherited medical condition that affects the cells, tissues and organs of one's immune system. Because the immune system for those living with PI does not work as it should, people with the condition are more susceptible to common infections and germs, and consequently, secondary complications that can be severe. According to the World Health Organization, there are more than 150 different types of PI, each affecting different parts of the immune system, but all leading to severe and frequent infections. While the more severe forms of PI are often diagnosed shortly after birth, according to the American Academy of Family Physicians,

Professional Athlete Carl Schlacht Leads an Active Life On and Off the Race Track

many people aren't diagnosed until their 20s or 30s.

practice and months of training leading up to the season.

Living an "Extreme" Life Despite Primary Immunodeficiency

"As a professional athlete I always have to be at my physical best," said Carl. "This means I have to manage my condition appropriately to ensure I have the right steady-state of immunoglobulin in my body. Immunoglobulin helps protect me against infections." Carl manages his condition weekly with Hizentra(r), Immune Globulin Subcutaneous (Human), from CSL Behring. Hizentra is an immunoglobulin replacement therapy, indicated for the treatment of primary humoral immunodeficiency, that is administered subcutaneously (i.e., under the skin). "Treating PI weekly keeps my immunoglobulin serum levels at a steadystate," said Carl. "This works for me. Due to the product's low volume it only takes about an hour to an hour

Professional Supercross racer Carl Schlacht was diagnosed with Agammaglobulinemia, a disorder classified as primary immunodeficiency, at age one. "I decided early on that I would not let PI prevent me from competing in Supercross and achieving my lifelong goal of becoming a professional racer," said Carl, who turned pro in 2005. Today, Carl's one of approximately 80 racers who tour the U.S. each year competing in front of tens of thousands of fans at each venue. The sport, which consists of racing off-road motorcycles with steep jumps and obstacles, requires peak conditioning, daily

Š The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

The FC Sep/Oct 2013 | 1

and a half a week to self-administer. The ability to manage my condition wherever and whenever I choose is really convenient as I lead a fastpaced life." Carl added, "I'd recommend anyone experiencing the warning signs of PI to visit his or her doctor. I also encourage people who have PI or another serious medical condition to chase their dreams and not let their condition hold them back." Carl, who is sponsored by CSL Behring, plans to take his own advice and continue competing at the highest level of his sport.

For more information about primary immunodeficiency, visit, and to learn more about Hizentra, visit




and Symptoms The Jeffrey Modell Foundation has identified 10 general warning signs of Primary Immunodeficiency in children: ● Four or more new ear infections within 1 year ● Two or more serious sinus infections within 1 year ● Two or more months on antibiotics with little effect ● Two or more pneumonias within 1 year ● Failure of an infant to gain weight or grow normally ● Recurrent, deep skin or organ abscesses ● Persistent thrush in mouth or fungal infection on skin ● Need for intravenous antibiotics to clear infections ● Two or more deep-seated infections including septicemia ● A family history of PI

Source: CSL Behring | Family Features

Editor’s Note: Did you enjoy this inspiring story? If so, you may also enjoy reading “Pursuing Your Dreams Despite a Lifelong Medical Condition: A mother's determination to not let primary immunodeficiency stop her child from achieving his dream” only on our website at

Important Safety Information Immune Globulin Subcutaneous (Human), Hizentra(r), treats various forms of primary immunodeficiency (PI) in patients age 2 and over. Hizentra should not be used if you have had serious negative reactions to immune globulin (Ig) preparations or a deficiency of an Ig known as IgA. Because Hizentra contains the amino acid proline as stabilizer, patients with hyperprolinemia (too much proline in the blood) should not take Hizentra. Infuse Hizentra under your skin only; do not inject into a blood vessel. Allergic reactions can occur with Hizentra. If your doctor suspects you are having a bad allergic reaction or are going into

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shock, treatment will be discontinued. Immediately tell your doctor or go to the emergency room if you have signs of such a reaction, including hives, trouble breathing, wheezing, dizziness, or fainting. Tell your doctor about any side effects that concern you. Your doctor will monitor for potentially serious reactions that have been seen with Ig treatment, including thrombotic events (blood clotting); aseptic meningitis syndrome (brain swelling); osmotic nephropathy (a kidney condition); hemolysis (a blood problem) and transfusion-related acute lung injury. The most common drug-related adverse reactions in the clinical trial for Hizentra were injection-site reactions (swelling, pain, redness, heat or itching); headache; back pain; diarrhea; tiredness; cough; rash; itching; nausea and vomiting. Hizentra is made from components of human blood. The risk of transmission of infectious agents, including viruses and, theoretically, the Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) agent, cannot be completely eliminated. Vaccines (such as measles, mumps and rubella) might not work as well if you are using Hizentra. Before receiving a vaccination, tell the healthcare professional that you are being treated with Hizentra. Also tell your doctor if you are pregnant or nursing, or if you plan to become pregnant. For full prescribing information, visit bing-information.aspx. You are encouraged to report negative effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit, or call 1800-FDA-1088.

© The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

Photo courtesy of Getty Images

How to Keep Weight Off During the Holidays


ith the holiday season upon us, managing your waist line may have you as frustrated as the lines you encounter while shopping for gifts. Beyond celebratory meals and seasonal snacks aplenty at work and home, the holidays notoriously leave little time for you to focus on managing your weight. However, by following these three tips, you can be on your way to keeping the weight off and head into the new year a healthier you.

Eat Smart Though the temptations abound, be cautious about portion sizes. When possible use a smaller plate, which will prevent you from over-loading. Before heading out to a party, eat a quick bowl of soup or a salad. Low in calories, these pre-party munchies will take the edge off your hunger and help you moderate your consumption. And speaking of consumption, be sure to limit alcoholic beverages, which can quickly multiply your caloric intake.

Get Sleep Lack of sleep can lead to eating more

junk food, and it can negatively impact your metabolism, making it harder to properly process what you eat. A comfortable and supportive mattress and pillow can help you sleep soundly, awake refreshed and feel less stressed. Mattress Firm experts warn that older mattresses and pillows have absorbed sweat, dust mites and dander that can aggravate allergies and affect sleep. Replace your mattress every eight years and your pillows every two years for optimum health and support. Also, take a few moments to relax before bed each night, to allow your body time to adjust and settle in for the night.

Stay Active Though the demands on your time are many, seek out ways to keep your body moving, not only to keep muscles toned until you can resume your usual workout schedule, but also to help burn those extra calories. After

dinner with the family, take a walk around the neighborhood or through a nearby park. Or, arrange a game of touch football or dodge ball and invite the whole family to play. If you find yourself with random blocks of time, say while the pies are in the oven, grab a few minutes to exercise inside with sit ups or leg lifts or even jogging in place. With a little bit of special attention to taking care of yourself through the holiday months, you can manage your weight and feel great about kicking off 2014 in great shape.

For more tips and information from the experts at Mattress Firm, visit Source: Mattress Firm | Family Features

Š The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

The FC Sep/Oct 2013 | 3


ring the joy and celebration of holiday traditions from around the world to your home this season. From the quaint custom of placing hand-painted luminaries in windows throughout Ireland to the beautiful embroidery folk art found in Scandinavia, Jo-Ann Fabric and Craft Stores has created craft projects inspired by traditions from around the world to share with your loved ones. For more crafting inspiration, project guides and supplies, visit Hand-Painted Holiday Luminaries Skill Level: No experience necessary | Crafting Time: 1 to 2 hours It's an Irish tradition to place lit candles in windows. Let this quaint holiday custom add warmth and joy to your home. Glass containers with hand-painted designs and flameless candles look welcoming in windows or on a table. Supplies and Tools: 4 | The FC Sep/Oct 2013

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

Black marker White computer paper Computer and printer Provided templates Scissors Square and rectangular glass containers Tape Enamel paint: red, green and white Flat brush Detail brush Flameless or wax candles

Create templates using a black marker to draw snowflakes and other decorative holiday motifs on paper. Visit to print out additional templates. Cut the templates to fit inside the desired glass containers. Tape templates securely to the inside of glass container with design facing out. This will act as a guide when painting. Using enamel paint colors, paint over template designs on glass surface.

Create snowflakes, trees, words, deer, etc. It may take several coats of paint to attain desired coverage. Let paint dry between coats. When finished, let the painted design dry completely. Remove templates from the inside of containers. Fill the container with flameless or wax candles to display. Note: If using wax candles, do not leave burning candles unattended. Scandinavian Tree Skirt Skill Level: Some experience necessary | Crafting Time: 3 to 5 hours Artists from Scandinavia are famous for beautiful embroidery. Simple stitching and folk art patterns influence their style. A felt tree skirt showcasing these colorful Nordic designs offers a fresh look for your tree. It's simple to make since it requires minimal sewing. Supplies and Tools: ♦ 1 1/3 yards 72-inch wide cranberry felt for skirt

© The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

♦ Scissors ♦ Glass or mug, 3 inches in diameter ♦ Provided design patterns ♦ 1/4 yard each felt for designs: olive green, green, red, dark maroon, gold, black, white ♦ Embroidery floss in the same colors as felt designs ♦ Hand embroidery needles ♦ Tacky glue ♦ Three 1-inch buttons and thread Fold cranberry felt into quarters and mark for the center tree circle, 23 inches from corner. Cut out circle. Mark and cut 1 1/2 inch from corner for trunk. Cut through only one fold from center to edge for opening. With skirt folded in half, mark scallops 1 inch from edge using mug or glass as template. Cut scallops. Visit to print pattern pieces. Enlarge pattern pieces to sizes indicated. Following

pattern pieces, cut each design as pictured. Layer colors. Add as many design elements as desired around skirt edge.

♦ Straw wreath form ♦ Glue gun and glue sticks ♦ 1 spool 1-inch wide organza ribbon

Embroider the felt shapes with simple stitches: running, blanket, French knot, daisy.

Paint all nuts different shades of white. Let dry. Apply another coat of paint if necessary.

Divide skirt into sections and lay out finished pieces as desired.

Paint nutcrackers white. Let dry. Apply another coat of paint if necessary.

Glue in place. Let dry.

Apply a coat of Mod Podge to nutcrackers. Sprinkle with glitter. Let dry. Cut white fabric into 2-inch strips and wrap around wreath form until completely covered. Glue in place.

Overlap back edge 3 inches. Cut three 1-inch buttonholes and sew on buttons. Bavarian Nutcracker Wreath Skill Level: Some experience necessary | Crafting Time: Weekend project From humble beginnings in Germany to worldwide fame today, the nutcracker is a beloved symbol of the holidays. Hand-painted miniature nutcrackers glisten with glitter on a wreath that's completely covered in nuts. Definitely a tradition with a twist.

Glue nuts on fabric-covered wreath, starting with walnuts and filling in with hazelnuts. Let dry. Glue nutcrackers on top of nuts. Refer to photo for placement. Glue loops of ribbon into the gaps between nuts along bottom portion of wreath.

Supplies and Tools: ♦ Acrylic paint in various shades of white ♦ Paintbrushes ♦ 2 to 3 pounds walnuts with shells ♦ Approximately 1 pound hazelnuts with shells ♦ 3 to 5 wood nutcrackers, various sizes ♦ Mod Podge decoupage glue ♦ White glitter ♦ 1/2 yard off-white fabric

© The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

The FC Sep/Oct 2013 | 5

Festive Poinsettia Piñata Skill Level: No experience necessary | Crafting Time: Weekend project

Glue floral poinsettias onto piñata surface. Tightly overlap flowers for best coverage.

On Christmas Day in Mexico, children commonly take turns hitting a starshaped piñata to release the avalanche of toys and treats hidden inside. Your little ones and maybe even grown-ups will enjoy trying to break open this poinsettia-covered version.

Let dry.

Supplies and Tools: ♦ Newspaper strips ♦ Water and flour paper mache mix ♦ Mylar balloon ♦ Paintbrush ♦ Mod Podge decoupage glue ♦ Red tissue streamers ♦ Hot glue gun and glue sticks ♦ Variety of floral poinsettias ♦ Scissors ♦ Ribbon ♦ Candy or toys Dip newspaper strips into paper mache mix. Remove excess mix to allow for quicker drying. Place strips over inflated Mylar balloon until surface is completely covered. Let dry. Repeat process for three layers. Paint a line of Mod Podge onto piñata and immediately adhere a strip of red tissue streamer over glued area. Repeat process until entire piñata is covered with tissue streamer. Let dry.

Cut ribbon to desired length for hanging. Glue end of each strip of ribbon to piñata. Note: Cut small opening in top of piñata and fill with candy or toys. Make sure the piñata opening is at the top so candy or toys don't fall out. Fill piñata with candy or toys.

Source: Jo-Ann Fabric and Craft Stores | Family Features

Add a top layer of Mod Podge over tissue streamer layer. Let dry.

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© 2012


ith school starting up again, both teachers and families think about school activities, at school and at home. Here are some ideas for activities for people who want to integrate activity in your kids’ lives.

advance. Topics can relate to your curriculum or be general information topics. The student who is the “student” must name five items in the called-out category to get rid of the dreaded crayon! Some Suggested Topics:

Academic and Activity Games: Brown Bag Relay Materials: large brown bag and various plastic foods

Talk to the group about the importance of having a balanced lunch. In their relay, they take one food item and put it in the bag for each turn. They must have one fruit, vegetable, meat, dairy, bread, and one desert. The group that finishes the task of making a balanced lunch wins!

Pass the Crayon Material: crayon In this game, nobody wants to hold the crayon. To begin the game, all students sit in a circle. Select one person to be the “student.” That person holds the crayon. The teacher or a “caller” tells the person holding the crayon, “Name five presidents of the United States. Now, pass the crayon!” As soon as the caller says to begin, the person holding the crayon begins listing presidents and passes it to the right. Students quickly pass the crayon around the circle. If it returns to the original holder before he or she can name five presidents of the United States, the holder is still the “student.” Otherwise, the person holding the crayon when the “student” lists five presidents is the new “student.” You should prepare the topic cards for this game in

● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

fast-food restaurants types of nouns states continents sports teams desert plants vegetables cartoon characters musical groups cereals rivers in the United States candy bars made with chocolate large bodies of water animals cities in states

Person, Place, and Thing Relay Materials: dry erase board and dry erase marker

Review what is a noun? Divide teams equally and have boards scattered in the line. Have the first person on the team go to the first board and write a person, run to the second and write a place, and the third write a thing. Then, they touch the turnaround line and run back. No one can use a particular noun twice, and the team that makes their list complete first wins.

Adjective Relay Material: Post-it Note and Pen for each group

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Divide each group equally. Discuss what is an adjective. Give each group a pen. Have the first person in each line run to the midway point and stand. The second person in line comes down with five post-it notes and a pen. They run to the first person at the midway point and think of and write five adjectives to describe that person. Then the first person and the second person run together back to the line and switch roles. The first group that finishes wins.

Parachute Games: Group Balance Materials: parachute

Make sure everyone in the group has a good grip on the parachute and then tell them to lean back slowly at the same time. Remind children to roll the edge several times and tuck their fingers in under the roll before leaning. As students lean, the parachute gets tighter and tighter. If all members work together, no one should fall. As an added bonus, have the players face outward and lean back from the parachute.

Rabbit and Hounds Materials: Parachute and two colored balls

Put two different colored or types of balls on the parachute. Name one ball the “Hound” and the other the “Rabbit.” Hound’s team tries to catch the rabbit by seeing how many times the ball hits the Rabbit ball while the other team helps the Rabbit get away by shaking it off the chute. Designate half of the parachute participants as the Hounds and the other half as the Rabbits. The team that better manipulates the balls wins.

© The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

The FC Sep/Oct 2013 | 7

Competitive Rock n–Roll Materials: Parachute and playground ball

Have children start with a crossover underhand grip. Mark an imaginary line across the diameter of the chute. Have equal teams hold the edge of the chute on either side. Throw a ball into the middle. The aim is to get the ball off the chute on the other team’s side of the line, and stop it from coming off on your own side of the line.

Bouncing Ball Buddies

this game try to use an overhand, underhand, and crossover grips.

Surfing U.S.A.

Sports Ball Games: Volley Ball Adventure

Place a large ball on top of a flat chute and roll it around the edge. Players should lift the parachute just after the ball passes by. Timing is important. If someone lifts up a section of the parachute too soon, the ball slows down and stops. If someone lifts a section too late, the ball either runs into the player or off the chute. Test and hypothesize with various sizes of balls. Discuss which ones come off first and why.

Materials: playground ball and parachute

Divide the class in half down the middle of the parachute. With a soft, medium-sized balloon on the parachute, have students try to flip the balls onto the other team’s side. Some adaptations include having the students hold the parachute in various handgrips.

Materials: balls and parachute

Goofy Golf Place two or three children under the chute. The children under the chute have try to push off the balls while everyone else tries to keep them bouncing on the chute.

Roll and Flow Materials: parachute

Have children start with an overhand grip. Everyone holds the chute taut. Place a large ball near the edge. Try to make the ball roll around the edge of the chute. To do this, one student starts the ball rolling. As it comes towards the student, lower the edge you are holding, and as it goes past the student raises the edge. When all the players do this in synchronization, it creates a kind of wave around the edge of the chute, which pushes the ball in a smooth steady circle.

Materials: small ball and parachute

Toss the ball on the chute. Begin waving the chute, trying to maneuver the ball through the hole. When the ball is sunk, name someone to go under the chute, get the ball, and toss it back on the chute. See how many strokes it takes to get the ball in the hole. Have the children count aloud as they wave the chute.

Fun Ball Games with Parachutes: Sink the Colored Ball Materials: parachute and small balls

Put balls of different colors on the chute. Call out one color. Have the children work together to sink that ball down the hole. After that ball has been sunk, call out the color of the second ball and try to sink it.

Save the Canoe Sliding and Gliding

Materials: small ball and parachute

Materials: Ball and parachute

A ball is placed on the parachute, representing a canoe. Players wave the chute so that it ripples. Encourage the waves to be ones that will allow the ball to not fall off the edge of the chute. Students try to get their canoe to safety as soon as possible through the hole in the center of the parachute. For a variation of

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Grasp the edge of the parachute with an underhand grip. Place one ball on the parachute. Make the ball slide around the chute by slowly raising the chute up and down. Keep the ball rolling so that it does not go off the edge.

Materials: Ball and parachute

Ball Burp Materials: ball and chute

Put a few balls on the chute and on the count of three wave your parachute high in the air with one quick motion to the ground. See if you can get all of the balls to pop off the chute. In conclusion as you are preparing for students as a teacher or as a parent sending your children to school pray for those adults that will influence your children’s lives and that they will be able to meet the academic, social and emotional needs of each child during the year. Pray for protection from bad influences and any teachers/coaches that would be a negative effect on your child.

Sources: Back to School Family Fun < ialfeature/backtoschool_act_sf/> Back to School Education World < sson/lesson169.shtml> Fit 4 Fun Fitness < dsFitness/>

© The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

Educate Yourself Teach me Your way, O LORD; I will walk in Your truth; Unite my heart to fear Your name. Psalm 86:11


© The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.


The FC Sep/Oct 2013 | 9

Turn Good Lunchboxes into Great Lunchboxes While moms want to make sure their kids eat a healthier lunch at school, it's not always easy packing lunches that are good for them. Food and lifestyle expert Evette Rios has five easy tips to help families pack a healthier lunch, and turn a good lunchbox into a great lunchbox:

1. Subtract the fat. Remove unnecessary fat with fat-free deli meats - your kids won't know the difference.

2. Avoid temptation with snacks. Children who eat a poor quality breakfast or lunch may give in to temptation, so offer healthier snacks like nuts and dried fruit, or sneak 20 percent of your kid's daily fiber into the lunchbox by packing a Nature Valley granola bar or Fiber One bar.

3. It's not juice if it's not 100 percent. If you are going to serve juice make sure its 100 percent fruit juice.

4. Don't be afraid to give them a sweet treat. Instead of a candy bar or cookies, try packing Go-GURT(r) Portable Lowfat Yogurt. With a fun tube and smooth, creamy texture, these treats are specially made to freeze and thaw by lunchtime.

5. If kids help select it or cook it, they'll eat it. Give them a choice and involve them, but guide their choices. Let them cruise the produce aisle and pick out the fruit they want to eat. Show your children how to cut veggies into

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bite-sized pieces that they can dip into a favorite sauce. Also, have them make trail mix with low-salt nuts and dried fruits, and portion it into single serving bags. When shopping for healthier ingredients to feed your family, Rios recommends looking for the Great for You seal on Walmart produce available in stores now and on select Great Value and Marketside products beginning this fall. "As part of their healthier food initiative, Walmart is making it easier than ever to make healthier food choices. This seal lets you instantly identify food options that are both great for you and affordable," said Rios. Get more ideas for great school lunches at You can also download the free Walmart mobile app that lets you create grocery lists and get coupons at

Photo courtesy of Getty Images Source: Walmart | Family Features

Š The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

PDO (Protected Designation of Origin) products, they belong to a special group of high-quality European foods that can be made only in specific geographical regions.

Four dishes that add up to a no-stress brunch buffet: 1: A frittata with the deeply savory flavors of Prosciutto di Parma and Parmigiano Reggiano cheese. It's equally delicious warm or at room temperature, whichever is more convenient.

2: Thumbprint biscuits featuring melted Montasio cheese in the indentations on top - a clever touch for biscuits made with ready-made dough. Eggs Baked in Prosciutto di San Daniele Cups and Kale Salad with Grana Padano and Citrus Dressing


Buffet style is another smart choice just arrange the dishes on pretty holiday linens and invite guests to serve themselves.

First, make it brunch, typically lighter and simpler to prepare than dinner.

Half of the work is done when you go with full-flavored imported Italian cheeses like Parmigiano Reggiano, Grana Padano and Montasio, and aircured hams like Prosciutto di Parma and Prosciutto di San Daniele. As

holiday celebration at home should be as much fun for the hosts as for friends and family. With a little advance planning, the goal of effortless entertaining is suddenly within reach.

Š The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

3: Another brilliant two-ingredient recipe consists of eggs baked in Prosciutto di San Daniele "cups." They are crisp, creamy and irresistible.

4: Festive garnishes for a salad of deep green kale leaves, tossed with orange vinaigrette, include Grana Padano shards, pears and pine nuts. For more information on the PDO system and holiday recipes using The FC Sep/Oct 2013 | 11

these legendary cheeses and hams, visit

Think About Drinks One way to keep it simple is to settle on a house drink for your brunch buffet, such as a Poinsettia Cocktail made with one part cranberry juice and one part Grand Marnier to four parts prosecco. For the nonalcoholic version, combine the juice with sparkling water or lemon-lime soda.

Eggs Baked in Prosciutto di San Daniele Cups

2 tablespoons orange juice 2 tablespoons white wine or balsamic vinegar 2 tablespoons olive oil ¼ teaspoon salt ¼ teaspoon ground black pepper

Remove ribs from kale and cut into 1-inch ribbons; place in a large salad bowl. Add pear, cheese and nuts. Whisk together orange juice, vinegar, olive oil, salt and pepper. Pour over salad and toss.

Montasio Cheese Thumbprint Biscuits and Prosciutto di Parma and Parmigiano Reggiano Frittata

Yield: 12 portions 12 slices Prosciutto di San Daniele 12 large eggs

Preheat oven to 400°F. Fold one slice of Prosciutto di San Daniele in half crosswise to make a rectangle. Fit into a muffin cup.

Montasio Cheese Thumbprint Biscuits Yield: 8 biscuits 1 1

Crack egg into lined cup. Repeat with remaining ham and eggs. Bake 10 to 12 minutes to desired doneness.

Kale Salad with Grana Padano and Citrus Dressing Yield: 5 cups ½ pound kale 1 large Anjou or Bartlett pear, sliced ½ cup Grana Padano shards ¼ cup pine nuts or sliced almonds, toasted 12 | The FC Sep/Oct 2013

package store bought ready-made biscuit dough cup coarsely grated Montasio cheese

Preheat oven to 400°F. Separate biscuits onto a parchment lined or lightly greased baking sheet. With your thumb, press into center of each biscuit to form a small well. Fill each well with 2 tablespoons of the grated Montasio. Bake until tops are golden, about 8 minutes. Serve immediately.

Prosciutto di Parma and Parmigiano Reggiano Frittata

8 ½ ¼ 3 6 ½ 1

large eggs cup whole milk teaspoon black pepper ounces thinly sliced Prosciutto di Parma, torn into 1-inch pieces scallions, thinly sliced cup (2 ounces) coarsely grated Parmigiano Reggiano tablespoon extra virgin olive oil

Preheat oven to 350°F. In a large bowl, beat eggs and milk with an electric beater until frothy; add pepper. Stir in the Prosciutto di Parma, scallions and cheese. Heat oil in an 8-inch oven proof skillet; add egg mixture and cook over medium heat until edges are set, about 8 to 10 minutes. Place in oven and bake until firm, 15 to 20 minutes.

Source: Legends from Europe | Family Features

Yield: 4 to 6 portions

© The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

Nutritious Meals in Minutes Food Network Star Jamie Deen Shares Simple Tips and Tricks for Family Meal Time Success


fter a chaotic day of shuttling kids around from school to appointments to sports practices, finding time to prepare a delicious meal that the whole family will enjoy can be challenging. Getting everyone around the dinner table for a meal provides the perfect opportunity to encourage children to explore new foods and build healthy eating habits for life, but with busy schedules it's often easier said than done.

½ 1 2 ½

● Peruse the prepared: Most grocery stores offer prepared veggies. Chopping, slicing and julienning can be very time consuming. If you don't have the luxury of time, veggies in bags are just as nutritious and can be huge time savers.

2 1

● Celebrate seasonings: Cooking with spices makes all the difference, but finding that perfect combination takes additional time. Don't be afraid to explore readymade seasonings and rubs, they'll save you time and create flavors your family will love. ● Plan ahead: Menu-planning can also be a huge time saver. It requires more thinking at the start of the week, but will help you see what dishes can be remixed for later on in the week. Turkey and baked potatoes on Monday can be turned into turkey sliders and ranch mashed potatoes on Thursday!

Food Network star and father of two, Jamie Deen, has partnered with the makers of Hidden Valley(r) products to offer some tips that help his family cut through the kitchen chaos and join together to enjoy nutritious and hearty family meals. ● Don't give up: This is important to remember as your children grow. Don't think that you've hit a wall when they say they don't like something and that your recipe catalog is now reduced to only things they like. Give the "rejected" ingredients another try later on. Both you and your kids may be surprised at the results! For a

new take on a veggie side that the whole family will love, try this recipe for Roasted Cauliflower with Creamy Ranch Sauce.

Roasted Cauliflower with Creamy Ranch Sauce Prep: 10 minutes | Cook: 30 minutes | Serves: 4 1 2

head cauliflower, cut into small florets tablespoons canola oil

© The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

teaspoon salt Vidalia onion, finely chopped garlic cloves, minced cup Hidden Valley® Original Ranch® Light dressing tablespoons chicken broth tablespoon chopped fresh parsley

Preheat the oven to 450°F. Spray a small rimmed baking sheet with cooking spray. Combine the cauliflower, 1 tablespoon of oil, and salt in a large bowl; toss to coat well. Spread the cauliflower in a single layer on the baking sheet. Roast, stirring once or twice, until the cauliflower is just tender, about 20 minutes. Meanwhile, heat the remaining 1 tablespoon of oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add the onion and cook, stirring occasionally, until tender, about 8 minutes. Add the garlic and cook, stirring until fragrant, about 1 minute. Stir in the Ranch dressing and broth; bring to a simmer. Add the cauliflower, tossing gently to coat well. Transfer to a serving bowl and sprinkle with parsley. For more recipes and cooking tips, visit Source: Hidden Valley Ranch | Family Features

The FC Sep/Oct 2013 | 13

not hold them too long or you will end up with shriveled pickles. ■ Use real canning jars. Don't use jars that once contained peanut butter, pickles, mayo, etc. Clear canning jars are what you need. Use flat lids (called either lid or flat) and a ring to seal the jar. Also check for nicks and cracks - these may cause seal failure.

Spicy, sweet or zesty, it's never been easier to enjoy the crisp, tangy taste of homemade pickles. And with recipes like these you can preserve perfect pickles for any palate. Here are a few tips from the pickling pros at Mrs. Wages to help you give your cukes a kick of great homemade flavor: ■ Choose pickling cucumbers, not slicing cucumbers. Pickling cucumbers are short and blocky - about 4 inches long. They should be firm and green in color with no blemishes. ■ For pickles, you must cut off 1/16 inch from the blossom end to help prevent soft mushy pickles. The blossom end contains an enzyme that will cause softening. ■ Keep the cukes cool in the refrigerator until you have enough to make a batch, but do 14 | The FC Sep/Oct 2013

Find more tips, canning recipes and the Mrs. Wages Canning Guide at

Spicy Pickles Yield: 7 quarts 9 to 11 lbs pickling cucumbers (about 50 - 3 to 4 inches) 3 1/3 cups Mrs. Wages White Distilled Vinegar (5% acidity) 7 1/3 cups water 1

pouch Mrs. Wages Spicy Pickles Mix (Medium or Hot)

Prepare and process home canning jars and lids according to manufacturer's instructions for sterilized jars. Wash cucumbers and remove blossom ends; drain. Leave whole, cut into spears or slice. Combine vinegar and water into a large non-reactive pot. Do not use aluminum. Bring mixture just to a boil over medium heat. Remove from heat, add pickle mix and stir until dissolved. Pack cucumbers into sterilized jars, leaving ½ inch of headspace. Evenly divide hot pickling liquid among the packed jars, leaving ½ inch of headspace. Remove air bubbles and cap each jar as it is filled. If more liquid is needed for proper headspace, add a mix of 1 part vinegar and 2 parts water (this mixture should be boiling hot). Process pints 5 minutes, quarts 10 minutes, in a boiling water bath canner. Test jars for airtight seals according to manufacturer's directions. If jars do not completely seal, refrigerate and consume within one week.

© The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

Product is ready to eat after 24 hours. Before serving, chill to enhance flavor and crispness. Note: Processing times are for altitudes less than 1000 feet. At altitudes of 1000 feet or more increase processing time 1 minute for each 1000 feet of altitude.

Zesty Bread and Butter Pickles Yield: 7 quarts 9

to 11 lbs pickling cucumbers (about 50 - 3 to 4 inches) 1 pouch Mrs. Wages Zesty Bread & Butter Pickles Mix 8 ¾ cups Mrs. Wages White Distilled Vinegar (5% acidity) 7 cups sugar

Prepare and process home canning jars and lids according to manufacturer's instructions for sterilized jars. Wash cucumbers and remove blossoms; drain. Cut into thin slices. Whole cucumbers are not recommended. Combine mix, vinegar and sugar into a large non-reactive pot. Do not use aluminum. Bring mixture just to boil over medium heat, stirring constantly until mixture dissolves. Pack cucumbers into sterilized jars, leaving 1/2 inch of headspace. Evenly divide hot pickling liquid among the packed jars, leaving 1/2 inch of headspace. Remove air bubbles and cap each jar as it is filled. If more liquid is needed for proper headspace, add hot vinegar.

Process pints 5 minutes, quarts 10 minutes, in a boiling water bath canner. Test jars for airtight seals according to manufacturer's directions. If jars do not completely seal, refrigerate and consume within one week.

tive pot. Do not use aluminum. Bring mixture just to a boil over medium heat, stirring constantly. Add prepared cucumbers and simmer 10 minutes, uncovered, stirring occasionally.

Product is ready to eat after 24 hours. Before serving, chill to enhance flavor and crispiness.

Evenly divide hot relish into sterilized jars, leaving ½ inch of headspace. Remove air bubbles, wipe rim and cap each jar as it is filled.

Note: Processing times are for altitudes less than 1000 feet. At altitudes of 1000 feet or more increase processing time 1 minute for each 1000 feet of altitude.

Sweet Pickle Relish Yield: 5 pints to 8 lbs pickling cucumbers (about 25 - 3 to 4 inches) ½ cup Mrs. Wages Canning and Pickling Salt 1 pouch Mrs. Wages Sweet Pickle Relish Seasoning 2 ½ cups Mrs. Wages White Distilled Vinegar (5% acidity) 2 cups sugar

Process pints 15 minutes in boiling water bath canner. Test jars for airtight seals according to manufacturer's directions. If jars do not completely seal, refrigerate and consume within one week.


Prepare and process home canning jars and lids according to manufacturer's instructions for sterilized jars.

Product is ready to eat after 24 hours. Before serving, chill to enhance flavor. Note: Processing times are for altitudes less than 1000 feet. At altitudes of 1000 feet or more increase processing time 1 minute for each 1000 feet of altitude. Source: Mrs. Wages | Family Features

Wash cucumbers and remove blossoms; drain. Cut into 1-inch pieces and place in a food processor. Process into small pieces (1/8 inch or smaller is best) and place into a bowl. Stir in salt and mix well. Cover and let sit for 2 hours. Drain out excess juice by placing in a fine strainer. Combine pickle relish seasoning, vinegar and sugar into a large non-reac-

© The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

The FC Sep/Oct 2013 | 15

Photo courtesy of Getty Images

Great Ways to Fuel Up After School

Crunch time for most families is the frenzied, action-packed hours between the school's dismissal bell and dinnertime. Squeezed in between is often a flurry of homework, sports practices, dance classes, music lessons and hanging out with friends. The last thing most parents have time for is preparing snacks. Instead of unwrapping a candy bar or driving through a fast food joint, pull out a healthy treat or put together a delicious dish in a matter of moments. For more great snacking ideas, visit

that a quick and easy-to-prepare snack is a must, but you also want to feed your family wholesome, real snacks. New Crispy Dill Pickles and Toasted Ravioli are great-tasting snacks made with real ingredients and ready to eat in minutes. Farm Rich - they're real snacks for real families. For coupons and more information, visit

fun flavor creations begin - sweet, savory, or with just a dash of salt. Popcorn is a grab-n-go treat that takes minutes to make. Plus, it's a whole grain that contains fiber to fuel the body and keep you feeling fuller longer than other snacks. This beloved treat is also economical, costing mere pennies per serving. Pop up some fun today.

Mini Babybel

Go Bananas When planning for back-to-school, be sure to add Mini Babybel to the grocery list.

Individually portioned, Mini Babybel is a little cheese with huge appeal. Rich, creamy and 100 percent natural cheese, it is the perfect choice for snack time. With 20 percent of your daily calcium needs, this nutritious cheese snack is sure to satisfy the whole family. Visit for more information and snack ideas.

Farm Rich Popcorn When crunched for time after school, between games or before practice, we understand 16 | The FC Sep/Oct 2013

For back-toschool snacking you can't beat popcorn. Pop up a bowl and let the

Frozen bananas are a quick, healthy treat. Cut a banana into four pieces, spear with a toothpick and freeze for two hours. Then melt chocolate chips in the microwave, dip each frozen banana pop into the chocolate until coated, shake off excess and place on waxed paper. Have the kids help out by embellishing each pop with chopped nuts, crushed graham crackers or colorful sprinkles. Once hardened, return the pops to the freezer until ready to enjoy.

Source: Family Features Chocolate covered banana slices photo courtesy of Getty Images.

Š The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

Spotlight: Wendy Russo

By Chris Chapan

The first time I met Wendy Russo, I knew that she was full of passion for life. She has a story that has and will affect many through her testimony of her Christian life, health & fitness. She is non-stop, full of life, and never without a smile. Just recently 51 years old, she is a certified PGA golf professional, sports massage therapist, swim instructor, personal trainer and nutrition coach. She has been a competitive body builder, coach, referee, and recently competed in her first State Senior Olympics in Florida. Russo was born in Danbury, Connecticut, and raised in Florida, currently residing in Titusville. Despite her busy schedule, being married and working as a personal trainer and online nutrition coach, she has a schedule where she must be extremely organized and disciplined. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, she trains her clients from 6 a.m. to 11 a.m., with just a few short breaks to eat her prepacked meals. Typically she will get a 30-minute full-body workout in sometime with a client. When she clocks out at 11am, she does strength-training for an hour and then heads home. Tuesdays and Thursdays are shorter, training clients for three hours in the morning, then meeting a swim partner for her 45-minute swim workout. Afternoons are spent on the track, running drills in preparation for her second year of competition in the Senior Games. Her spare time is dedicated to running errands, doing house-

work, and catching up online with her clients and following on Facebook. She has built her own website dedicated to fitness and setting an example to others. (www.wendyshealthfitness.c om). Her other responsibilities include packing clothes and food preparation for meals for herself and her husband for the week. Wendy believes that everything that has happened to her——including her 18 bodybuilding shows, her competition in sports, her life as a PGA professional, and now a personal trainer——is an opportunity to use her talents and abilities for Jesus Christ, to help others, and fulfill her destiny as a person. Continually, she gives all the glory to Him and marvels at the opportunities she gets in all the activities she does. She was saved at the mere age of nine, when she walked the aisle at church, and was involved in church until her teens. She rededicated her life to Christ in 1993 as an adult and set out to commit herself to Him because there was

no other way for her to live. She believes in a relationship with Christ instead of Christianity as a religion. Wendy also feels the importance of attending church, not as a requirement but as a way to strengthen her relationship with the Lord and honor Him. She knows the importance of sitting, being a disciple, learning and growing from the strong accountability of a Bible-preaching pastor, Larry Linkous. Russo was born into a family of fitness with exercise being encouraged throughout her life and some real “aha” moments that occurred both early and later in life. The first occurred at fifteen, when she had ruptured a disc doing heavy squats and went for a back x-ray. What they saw was a spine with scoliosis, rotation in her lower vertebrae, two bulging discs, a pelvic rotation and a hip imbalance that made one leg shorter than the other. The doctor told her she was bound to a life of pain and possibly a wheelchair if she did not continue to exercise and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

© The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

The FC Sep/Oct 2013 | 17

Spotlight: Wendy Russo

But if she exercised every day, took care of her health, and did not get overweight, she would have a “normal” life. She took that advice like an ultimatum and never stopped working out since. Occasionally, she suffers from back spasms but believes in James 1:2-4: “Consider it pure joy my brothers when you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” During those down times, she relies on the Lord’s strength and His healing. Her second life changing moment occurred during a routine physical where she found out (despite the fact that she was physically fit), she had to eliminate sugar from her diet or face the realities of becoming a type-2 diabetic. At that time she was involved with a program by Bill Phillips called Transformation that showed health and lifestyle changes were of the body, spirit, and mind. Through the stories of others, she began to understand that they had become overweight and unhealthy from lack of exercise or the knowledge of eating correctly. She immediately eliminated sugar and processed foods from her

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diet and has learned over the years to use them in moderation and on very special occasions. Throughout her journey she also has worked on her strengths and weaknesses. Her strengths include having strong relationships with people and mentoring people to live a healthy lifestyle. Her friends and clients range from teenagers to seniors, and she is able to reach a vast variety of people on a fitness journey——from fit elite athletes to everyday people wanting to lose weight. She believes that her God-given mission is to help others lose weight as well as gain and maintain fitness, adding that her abilities come from a willingness to rely upon Him. She relies on the Lord and believes in Hebrews 11:1 by virtue of the fact that she trusts the Lord with each of her clients. “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” Wendy is able to see through Christ that impossibilities become possibilities. Russo is also working on her weaknesses by learning that she is not personally responsible for others lack of commitment to exercise, which sometimes alters her schedule leaving her to deal with last minute changes. She is learning to let go and go with the flow of life. Wendy starts each day praising God, being grateful for all her personal blessings and her many friendships. She still maintains her busy schedule with time to serve others. She has worked as a volunteer with the Red Cross, Special Olympics, and the YMCA. She also believes parents are 100-percent responsible for preventing their children from becoming obese by encouraging an active lifestyle, exercise and healthy eating. In the future she would also like volunteering at an animal sanctuary.

She keeps a positive attitude and says that the best days are here now. She loves life, and even with the busyness of her life, she is grateful for the life she has been given. She never looks back at the past with regret but embraces present opportunities. “I know nothing until I have done it myself” claims Russo. When given the opportunity, she usually takes it and sets in motion the future that lies before her. Wendy believes that all she does and what happens in her life is for the glory of God. Another verse she lives by is Galatians 6:9: “Let us not become weary in doing well, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”

You can view Wendy in action on her You Tube Chanel where she has posted several workout videos and one motivational video guaranteed to get you moving! mnqODozYWBioNASw

All photos of and courtesy of Wendy Russo.

© The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

Refuel Your Muscles and Taste Buds

When you cool down and towel off after a long workout, you're not quite done taking care of your body. It's important to refuel your muscles, too. Moderate- to high-intensity workouts use up your body's stores of glycogen, the main fuel used to get you through those workouts. The American Council on Exercise (ACE) says that if you work out at a moderate- to high-intensity rate for 90 minutes or longer, you should have a healthy refueling drink within 30 minutes post-workout. After a long workout, many people reach for a favorite sports drink, water or maybe even juice. But there's actually a great workout recovery drink option: chocolate milk. It may surprise you to learn that the drink you loved as a kid is actually an excellent post-exercise recovery beverage.

Compared to juice, water or some sports drinks, chocolate milk has double the carbohydrate and protein content, which is ideal for replenishing tired muscles. Its high water content replaces fluids and electrolytes that are lost during exercise and, unlike water or sports drinks, chocolate milk packs in the additional benefit of calcium, and includes just the right amount of sodium and sugar - which may help you retain water and regain energy. Like regular milk, chocolate milk provides eight essential nutrients: calcium, protein, vitamins A, D and B12, riboflavin, phosphorus and potassium.

The newly reformulated fat-free variety of TruMoo contains only 120 calories, 18 grams of sugar and 6 grams of added sugar per serving, compared to other chocolate milk formulas, which can contain high fructose corn syrup and up to 140 calories and 12 grams of added sugar. (TruMoo milk in California will differ slightly in nutrition composition due to different regulatory requirements for dairy in that state). Learn more about refueling with chocolate milk at Runners photo: Courtesy of Getty Images. Source: TruMoo | Family Features

"Together, these nutrients help strengthen bones and build and repair muscles," said Willow Jarosh MS, RD of C&J Nutrition. "And a low-fat chocolate milk, like TruMoo, which has no high fructose corn syrup and 35 percent less sugar than a leading chocolate milk brand, is a practical way to get the nutrients we need without all the sugar we don't. Plus, it's made with fresh milk from your regional dairy, so it's from a source we can trust."

Š The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

The FC Sep/Oct 2013 | 19

An Endurance Athlete’s Guide to Energy Supplements By Chris Chapan


unning, biking, and swimming are high-intensity activities. For the endurance athlete, there are many types of energy supplements. Athletes generally use these portable, convenient supplements every 30-50 minutes during races or events that are more than 60 minutes in length. Energy supplements contain a combination of proteins, carbohydrates, sodium, electrolytes, potassium, caffeine, and fats to burn energy. There are two kinds of carbohydrates in energy supplements—simple carbohydrates of sucrose, glucose, and fructose and complex carbohydrates such as glucose polymers and maltodextrins. Supplements delay muscular fatigue, raise your blood sugar, enhance performance. You may also feel a psychological boost in as quickly as five minutes after consuming energy supplements. Energy supplements can provide an athlete with energy during events that require extreme endurance. Supplements contain trace minerals your body needs during extended periods of intense stress. Unlike natural substances that may contain these minerals, such as jelly, fruit, or honey, supplements are convenient and portable. Some athletes, however, can de-

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velop a dependency on supplements or cannot tolerate the synthetic ingredients. They are also more expensive than fruit or natural sugars. An energy gel is a supplement with a very thick, gelled consistency that provides carbohydrates to the body. It is also called an endurance gel, sports gel, nutritional gel, and carbohydrate gel. Bloks, moons, beans, and blasts are similar to gels except they are in solid form. They also replenish vitamins and trace minerals and are soft and easy to chew—like gummy candy. They also allow the athlete to portion out their energy supplement a little at a time compared to the gel, which must be consumed in its entirety at once. Sports drinks such as Gatorade, Cliff, and PowerAde are designed to maximize and enhance performance by providing the minerals and vitamins to enhance performance in long-distance sports. Sports drinks significantly boost your endurances compared with plain water. Energy drinks are soft drinks that are advertised to boost energy. Energy drinks include methylxanthines (including caffeine), vitamin B, and herbs. Other common ingredients are guarana, acai, and taurine, plus various forms of ginseng, maltodextrin, carbonated water, inositol, carnitine, creatine, glucuronolactone

and ginkgo biloba. Some contain high levels of sugar, and many brands also offer artificially-sweetened “diet” versions. The central ingredient in most energy drinks is caffeine, the same stimulant found in coffee or tea, often in the form of guarana or yerba mate. Energy shots are a specialized kind of energy drink. Energy shots normally contain the same amount of caffeine, vitamins or other functional ingredients as their larger siblings, and therefore they may be considered concentrated forms of energy drinks. Types of energy drinks or shots include Red Bull, Redline, Monster, and Rockstar. Disadvantages are that sports drinks must be carried in a closed container and can generate a big sticky mess if spilled. Electrolyte tabs provide the athlete to carry their energy in pill form to later add to their water for energy. They also contain sodium, calcium and often Vitamin A and B to increase energy and endurance. They are either low or no calories and make for a quick way to dissolve for results. Some of the electrolytes include Nums, Nathan Catalyst, Hammer Fizz and GU Brew. There are varieties of different energy bars made for specific genders, and for before, during, and after a workout.

See “Supplements” pg 21

© The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

Supplements cont….

Some contain fruit for use during a workout and contain both carbohydrates and grains. Energy supplements can be carried in the pouch of the fuel belt or carried in the pockets of shorts or pants. Most contain 100 to 200 calories and 2 grams of carbohydrates. It is general practice to take a supplement 15-30 minutes before a run or other endurance event and every 3545 minutes during the event. Middle and back of the pack athletes should consume more supplements due to the length of their events. Having these supplements on hand will help you deter loss of body fluids, drop in sugar levels, depletion in muscle carbohydrate or fat stores, and altered amino acids levels. Use of supplements will also lessen your fatigue. Most are easily digested and prolong energy levels. U Sources: Busting the Myths about Energy Bars, Energy Gels, and Sports Drinks < s.htm> Energy Drinks <> Energy Gels and Energy Chews for Long Runs and Marathons < /energygels.htm> Energy gels: pros, cons and how to use them properly <> Energy Gel <> Energy Shots <>

Muscles Have Memories By Heather Letto

I have Encyclopedia Britannica to thank for my fascination with the human body. You see, back in the day of tangible paper and ink reference material, smack dab in the center of the “H” volume, laid sticky transparent pages with accurate renditions of the cardiovascular system, the digestive system, the renal system, musculoskeletal system, etc. Separately, they demonstrated the scope of each particular system, yet when overlapped they all fit together like a beautiful human puzzle. I still get excited when I think about peeling each plastic page away from the others and examining each one alone before pressing them back together into one living organism. Back in the 1970’s it kept me captivated for hours on end, and today I still stand in child-like awe of God’s creation of the human body. After all, each body hosts a remarkable structure of systems created to sustain, nourish, cleanse, mend, reproduce, and flourish the same body in which it lives. Fascinating. Fine dexterity skills, like holding a fork properly to spear a tender green pea on your dinner plate, and gross motor skills, such as running, walking or kicking, are learned via the central nervous system. This particular system originates within the brain and then from the great river of the spinal cord, electrical networks branch out to every inch of living mass contained within. These web-like tributaries allow us to feel pleasure and pain as well as transmit

messages from the grey matter up top to the most distant baby toe down below. And when learning a new activity, the great CNS is held responsible for that as well. Whether training for a sport, learning to play piano, or perfecting that sweet dance move, the central nervous systems employs a technique known as muscle memory to get it right. Here’s the quick version of muscle memory: When we perform an action, a blueprint of that action is stored in our brain. This print contains information such as which muscles were used; the exact amount of tensile strength needed in said muscles; the angle of the joint; body placement; balance; fuel needed to complete the task; hormone regulation and even associated feelings of success and failure. Each time the action is performed the imprint is etched. Over and over we perform the task and it becomes ingrained. Eventually, with enough training, it is carved deep into the cerebellum deeming the action ‘second nature’. Unfortunately, muscle memory doesn’t weed out wrong technique or bad form. In other words it doesn’t say, “well that didn’t turn out so great, so I’ll just scrap that memory.” Therefore, if poor technique is employed on a regular basis, poor technique is what the cerebellum will record as the blueprint for performing the action.

© The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

See “Muscle Memories” pg 22 The FC Sep/Oct 2013 | 21

Muscle Memories cont….

Recently, I’ve experienced the pain in creating new muscle memory while embarking on the sport of figure skating. I’m not new to this earth by any stretch of the means, so my gross and fine motor skills have been trained in a variety of sports and activities. My muscle are strong, cardiovascular health is good, I have great balance and I’m of a clear mind. Yet, retraining muscle memory to accept specific movements to a new sport, maybe even in opposition to what my body has already accepted for other activities… well, suffice it to say, it’s been somewhat of a struggle. So how does an old dog learn new tricks? Sadly, there are no shortcuts. We must practice, practice, and practice until new muscle memory is created. In a like manner, those of us born into a new life upon accepting Christ as our Lord and Savior have a lifetime of spiritual muscle memory built up— memory that had been etched upon our hearts through spiritual practices employed before our walk with Christ. Before you received salvation through Christ, what carried you through the good times and bad times? Maybe the home where you were raised practiced religiosity over the faith in the Gospel truth of Christ. Did you put your trust in superstitions and fate? Or, perhaps you came from a past clouded by faith in nothing other than your own self, parents or government. Even worse, maybe you were subjected to a lifetime of inaccurate or unloving Chris22 | The FC Sep/Oct 2013

tian traditions. Just as muscle memory isn’t prejudice to accurate or inaccurate technique, our old beliefs also became etched deeply whether truth or lies. So how do we let go of lies? How do we build new spiritual muscle memory? Practice. Practice. Practice. Numbers 15: 37-41: The LORD said to Moses, Speak to the Israelites and say to them: ‘Throughout the generations to come you are to make tassels on the corners of your garments, with a blue cord on each tassel. You will have these tassels to look at and so you will remember all the commands of the LORD, that you may obey them and not prostitute yourselves by chasing after the lusts of your own hearts and eyes. Then you will remember to obey all my commands and will be consecrated to your God. I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt to be your God. I am the LORD your God’ ” (NIV). We practice by remembering God’s laws. We practice by remembering God’s promises. We practice as we read over and over again, the words of our Savior until the scripture is simply etched into our hearts. We experience victory in spiritual muscle memory when we lift up a question to our God and our

heart is flooded with truths from scripture. We experience victory in spiritual muscle memory when our hearts are aligned with God. We experience victory in spiritual muscle memory when the peace that surpasses human reasoning fills us during time of crisis and we naturally lift praises to God our Father during times of celebration. John 14:15-16: If you love me, keep my commands. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever—(NIV) And sure, at first it may feel difficult, unnatural and even clumsy. But take heart, Jesus left us with a superb coach. Keep practicing and given enough time, it will become effortless; second nature… like riding a bike. It will become The Way. U Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me (John 14:6: ).

© The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

By Rev. Angela J. Willard Perez, for The Fit Christian

things started to change for kids into better life.”

The Kakus! The Hand of God Soccer Project Ministry (HOGSPM) was started in 2011 in Uganda by Prince Kakungulu “Kaku” Ggobago Isma-el, who was just 22 years old at the time. Through teaching the children to play soccer, Kaku reaches them for Christ while also building their self esteem and encouraging physical health. When he reflected on the start of his ministry, he remembers the ridicule he received from others. “Many laughed at me and my kids,” explains Kaku of his ministry start-up, “others said ‘Kaku is mad [crazy], why did he help needy kids?’ Still, others said ‘Kaku will fail,’ but I never gave up with kids who didn’t had clothes, shoes, [and] other kids who never dreamed of sitting inside classes to study. Many were living in darkness, even if the sun was in the sky every day. By God, His Grace, my hard working, and friends' donations,

HOGSPM helps children to change their life through God, soccer and education. “I started this ministry to help pauper kids, needy, street kids and orphans because every organization in Uganda help only orphans, but even other kids were needing help. I use soccer to [attract] them, because it’s hard to tell a street kid that comes and teach about God, but it’s easy to call him to play soccer; and after you teach him or her about God, then you take Yusuf Mukisa, captain of Under 20 that child back to school,” says Kaku. Above: Uganda National Team, Uganda Cranes, Teaching the children to play soccer, explains Kaku, helps them to be healthy physically, they learn to be great soccer players, which in turn may help them to have a job in the future as a professional soccer player. “It’s great to teach a poor man fishing, than to buy him a fish for one day” Kaku states. He goes on to say the children in his program learn about God and they learn to love God. That love and knowledge of God helps the children to avoid drugs, they learn to do good, and they get hope again. They get faith.

plays soccer with a child, Mzeyi Celestine, in the HOGSPM.

A child in the maize project field of HOFSPM.

© The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

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HAND OF GOD SOCCER PROJECT MINISTRY is sanctuary of vulnerable kids that gives them hope for the future.

Since the program’s inception in 2011, it has grown and more and more children are coming to Kaku to learn about soccer and Jesus. But struggles also come. He is having a hard time reaching his goal of building a place for the organization, a place for the kids to gather together. “I bought a big land of 11 acres at Kibumbiro - Jezza in Mawokota just 28 miles from Kampala City, that’s where I want to build a home for kids, a nice soccer field, a school and a clinic, and children's church. After we will build a home, that we will help us to get many kids [that we can] help.” He explained that due to the many scams that come out of Africa, it

Hand Of God

makes it hard for people to trust true organizations like HOGSPM who truly help children and do the Lord’s work. Kaku began a maize project and a goat project in order to support the ministry and he has few regular supporters. In order to further his dream and build the home, he needs our help. I asked Kaku to tell me a story of just one child who touched his heart: “Edd was just three years old when I met him in Kampala city on William Street at 4am one night. I was leaving from night prayers at our church. When I saw him, I stopped my car and I called him, I asked him what he was doing and where are his parents, and told me that he didn’t have parents or a home. I told him I am father and I took him at HOGSPM. He is now a happy kid and playing great, and he is in school.” U

Uganda international soccer player Saddam Juma talking to kids of HOGSPM. For more information on the Hand of God Soccer Project Ministry, please visit or “Like” them on Facebook at See more photos and read more about this growing ministry in our online story at

Prince Kakungulu “Kaku” Ggobago Ismael, founder of HOGSPM, encouraging a little one to play soccer.

Please Support This Ministry: NGO Bank Account, Barclays Bank Plc, New York | Title of Account: Barclays Bank Uganda Ltd, Kampala | Swift Address: Barcugkx Beneficiary Details: Name of Account: Hand of God Soccer Project Account Number: 600 353 1692 | Branch Bank: Ndeeba, Kampala Or send your check or money order (in the memo field please write HOGSPM) and mail to His Work Christian Ministries, P.O. Box 2824, Key West, Florida 33045 USA

Or send through PayPal to and note it for HOGSPM. Thank you for your support of this program.

24 | The FC Sep/Oct 2013

© The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

God has been opening doors for His Work Christian Ministries in ways never dreamed and He has enlisted us to help others in ways that seem impossible. One of those ways is in helping orphanages through our new program Orphan to Orphan. Here are two stories of orphanages in desperate need that God laid upon our hearts to help. PAKISTAN: Shomaila Shafaz, a certified teacher, housewife and mother in Karachi, Pakistan "runs" an orphanage without a building. With the support of her husband, Shomaila lovingly cares for 13 street orphans. Some of the children have been orphaned so long, that they do not know their names or ages, so Shomaila has

given them names. Every day, she feeds, teaches, clothes, loves, and cares for Amir, Asim, Laiba, Shaina, Zeenat, Affshen, Naila, Shahid, Neelam, Zeeshan, Ilyas, Arnas, and Arshid with no outside assistance. Orphan to Orphan hopes to change that. We have joined hands with Shomaila and are praying and working towards getting the children moved into a home, and getting the orphanage officially established, where Shomaila's "angels" as she lovingly calls them, can all be under one roof and in warm beds in time for Christmas. "I am looking forward to establishing an Orphanage Centre where I can teach and train the children and raise them with elevated standards and expectations," explains Shomaila. She hopes to break the cycle of poverty in their lives by providing holistic development to impoverished orphans and communities through meeting their physical, educational, spiritual, and social needs. Shomaila says she wants to, "Challenge and equip children to live productive and responsible lives." This project benefits orphaned, abandoned, and abused children, while offering programs and services to the community as an outreach to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. Shomaila would gladly allow the children to live with her, even though her apartment consists of only two rooms, however, her landlord will not allow it. By just allowing them to come inside to visit, she puts

Shomaila Shafaz with her angels.

her own family at risk of homelessness. Recently, Amir, the eldest of the street orphans, was beaten by men while he was sleeping outside. Shomalia's sister

Feeding the children our of her pocket and in her own home.

One of Shomaila’s street orphans in need of a home.

Amir stands tall next to his caretaker Shomaila, along with another angel.

Š The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

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took him in while Shomalia and her husband cared for Amir and paid for his medical expenses, leaving them with not enough money to cover their personal expenses. Now, Amir is well, but fears sleeping outside, understandably so. We are praying for the funds needed to establish Shomaila's Angel Center orphanage in Karachi, Pakistan. Please pray for these precious street orphans that God will intervene so they can sleep in a home of their own, safe and sound.

GHANA: In May of this year, we published a story about the Messiah Needy Children’s Orphanage in Ghana, West Africa. This orphanage struggles on a daily basis to just meet the needs of the children for food, medical and clothing. Even though they have land to build an orphanage, it is far from their sight considering the urgent needs that never seem to go away. So the land sits waiting for the home to be built upon it.

Orphan to Orphan is trying to raise funds as well as volunteers who are willing to go to Ghana to help build the new home for the orphanage in 2014. And of course, we are always in need of monthly supporters of the orphanage just to meet the basic needs of food, clothing and medicine. The home they are currently in is a rented building that is in need of repair, and the owner has asked the orphanage to move out. Considering they have nowhere to go, he continues to extend grace to them, but time is running out for the children. When the rains come, the house leaks, the floors get wet, and the rainy season brings diseases such as Malaria, and the children get sick. We have been trying to raise funds to just feed the children, with little supporters stepping forward. Which honestly leaves the children, more than 30 of them, without food for several days. Please consider supporting our ministry so we can help those in need.

Messiah Needy Children’s Orphanage in Ghana, West Africa

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About Orphan to Orphan Mission The mission of Orphan to Orphan is to encourage and foster relationships between orphans and orphanages worldwide, as well as offering needed support. Vision Each orphanage involved in Orphan to Orphan sponsors another orphanage in another country. The children pray for the orphanage they have sponsored and for each child and their needs. They also make handmade items to give them, to send them and bless them, and the postage they pay is sometimes a sacrificial giving. In this program our focus is to teach the children this: Give and it shall be given to you, based on scripture: Luke 6:38. Missionaries One function of this program is to invite missionaries to volunteer at the orphanages. We plan to assemble mission teams to go and help the orphanages and bless the children and workers. The first team will be sent to Ghana to help build the new home for the children of Messiah Needy Children’s Orphanage. Support Our Efforts To support Orphan to Orphan, please send your donations to His Work Christian Ministries, Orphan to Orphan, P.O. Box 2824, Key West, FL 33045 or through PayPal to

The land is ready to build a new home for the children of Messiah Needy Children’s Orphanage.

© The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

The Fruit of the Spirit By Rev. Angela J. Willard Perez


have heard it said the fruit of the spirit is like a muscle, you have to exercise those fruits in order for them to grow, become stronger and more prevalent in your life. Meaning, we have to make a conscious decision and put forth effort to practice living a holy life. When we mature as Christians, our fruits will be evident to all. Like a tree that bears fruit, when that tree is mature, the fruit is evident, it flourishes and the fruits feed many. We are to be like a mature tree, with our spiritual fruit growing, flourishing, being evident and feeding many around us. When you see beautiful fruit hanging from a tree, do you not want to partake in it? The same is true when we are around a person who is abounding in spiritual fruits—we want to be near them and enjoy what they are giving out. Who doesn’t want to receive love, joy, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control from those around us? We want to surround ourselves with such glorious fruit, do we not?

We, as believers in Christ, are to be those trees abounding in fruit. And that is not an easy task. We must walk by the Spirit, not the flesh. Ayni Chakka, also kn own as Wild Jackfru it, known to cure ca India. Photo by Reeg ncer in “But I say, an Ponnayyan. walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the will not inherit the kingdom of God” desire of the flesh” Galatians 5:16. We Galatians 5:19-21. must submit ourselves to God and His will, His word, repent from sin, turn We are to be a holy, living sacrifice from the fleshly desires that constantly unto God, our Heavenly Father: “As pull on us, and line our lives up to the obedient children, do not be conWord of God. We also must allow formed to the former lusts which were God to prune us, to trim off the dying yours in your ignorance, but like the and rotting parts of our lives so we can Holy One who called you, be holy flourish. yourselves also in all your behavior; because it is written, ‘You shall be “Now the deeds of the flesh are eviholy, for I am holy’ ” 1 Peter 1:14-16. dent, which are: immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, When we press in to a closer walk in strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, the Lord, striving to be all He has disputes, dissensions, factions, envycreated us to be, our fruit will grow, it ing, drunkenness, carousing, and will flourish and be seen by all, and things like these, of which I forewarn many will eat of it and will want the you, just as I have forewarned you, same fruits evident in their lives. We that those who practice such things will become a living testimony of all

© The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

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Christ has done for us: loved us, forgiven us, saved us, transformed us, and He will work through us to reach others. “Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect” Romans 12:1-2. So what keeps us from living a righteous holy life that God commands we live? We can come up with a zillion reasons, busy schedule, past hurts, family issues, rejections, resentments, God’s will not lining up to ours, and when you peel back all the layers of excuses as to why we do not live the lives we ought, you will find pride at the root. That same

We must humble ourselves before the Living God Almighty. We must stop thinking of God as our buddy in our pocket when times get tough. We must give Him the HONOR that is due Him! We must live our lives in humble service to Him, forsaking our own desires. Is pride keeping us from our inheritance in Christ Jesus? Is a lack of reverence to God causing us to falter in our walk? “Behold, as for the proud one, His soul is not right within him; But the righteous will live by his faith” Habakkuk 2:4.

Help support our efforts to build a transitional home for homeless women with children. His Work Christian Ministries New Beginnings P.O. Box 2824 Key West, Florida 33045 or donate through PayPal to

Thank you for your Support!

Dear children of God, we must surrender ourselves unto the Most High, surrender our lives, our wills, our pride, our sinful desires, and trust God and His will, His plans, His ways. For His ways are so much higher than ours. Only then can we truly claim to be followers of Jesus Christ. We must imitate Jesus, starting with humility, repentance, and total servitude to our Father.

“When we press in to a closer walk in the Lord, striving to be all He has created us to be, our fruit will grow.…” pride that got Satan and a third of God’s angels cast down from Heaven. “Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before stumbling. It is better to be humble in spirit with the lowly than to divide the spoil with the proud” Proverbs 16:18-19.

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When we truly walk by the spirit, our spiritual fruits will abound. “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, selfcontrol; against such things there is no law” Galatians 5:22-23. U

© The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

© 2013 Rev. Angela J. Willard Perez for The Fit Christian

When the Going Gets Tough A scripture to help you focus on your Christian life. Meditate and pray on this verse from the Bible and see how it applies to your life, or how you should apply it. Ask the Lord for revelation and understanding on the scriptures and He will grant your request. “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds” 2 Corinthians 10:3-4 KJV. Reverend Angela J. Willard Perez is a mother of five who has learned through the years that she just cannot get through one day without God and prayer. She is the author of several articles and books including the books Christian Prayer Journal & Praise Report and Zack Attack!. She is the founder of His Work Christian Ministries and the editor of The Fit Christian magazine.


ou have heard it said that when the going gets tough, the tough get going. Recently, I have endured some tough times. I had lost my job as a case manager to many wonderful homeless people. Then my past employer fought the reemployment benefits I was to receive. The delay in benefits forced my son and I to move back into a temporary shelter for homeless women and children. This shelter charges fees to its ‘clients’ and I had no money, so after a few weeks the shelter had given us notice to move out, with nowhere to go. So what did I do? I prayed.

I stood on the word of God. And I did everything humanly possible to get help so we wouldn’t be on the street. What worked? Prayer. No agency stepped in to offer aid, but God did; when it came down to the wire, when we were to leave in just a couple hours, God stepped in and paid the bill. This happened twice—about two weeks apart. The first time, I was a bit freaked out, but I knew in my heart that God did not want us on the street. The second time it happened, I remembered how He showed up the first time, and I stood in faith on His word, knowing He would show up again, and He did. One of the words I stood on was a word the Lord had given me in 1993, I knew He still stood on that word, so why shouldn’t I? “…My daughter, shall I not seek rest or a home for you, that you may prosper?” (Ruth 3:1b). And I stood on many others as well: “’No weapon that is formed against you will prosper; and every tongue that accuses you in judgment you will condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their vindication is from Me,’ declares the LORD” (Isaiah 54:17).

I knew God’s word is true, and I knew I was covered by the blood of Jesus, living my life for the Lord, doing my best to walk by the spirit and not by the flesh, so I also knew that James 5:16 applied to me as well:“The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.” I stood strong and God showed up each time. Soon after that, I won the appeal and received all the reemployment benefits coming to me. I believe it was no coincidence that the day before I was asked to find other work, I had filed the paperwork needed to establish our ministry here in Florida. One aspect of the ministry is outreach to the homeless, in the name of Jesus. No coincidence at all. God has a plan. When the going gets tough, the children of God need to realize our authority over the enemy–and use it! I stood against the enemy and his plans to throw us out onto the street by using

© The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

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the Word of God against him. The word of God is truth, it is our sword, and our faith in His word is our shield. “Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God” (Ephesians 6:13-17). Last week I cried out to God for an open door, so we could finally leave the shelter. I felt I had been there long enough (initially I was sent there in August 2012), that I had learned all He wanted me to learn, and it was time to start putting all that I learned into a plan. That night, I went ‘home’ to a notice to leave in 24 hours. I knew it

was an answer to prayer and I didn’t fight it. I prepared for the door ahead and started packing. Did God ever want us on the street? Heavens no! He wanted us safe, and we were. He allowed me to endure this wilderness journey to teach me, not just to teach me my authority, not just to show me His provision, but to open my eyes to the needs of others, including a need for another shelter for women with children, one that is Christ-based. Before this, I had no idea what it was like to be a mother with a child about to be put out on the street with absolutely nowhere to go. Now I know the dire situations that others face. And it has encouraged me to go forward with God’s plan, a vision He gave me years ago to start a Christian shelter for women with children. A home where women and children are safe, where they get the support and skills they need to step out into a better tomorrow, and where they have the opportunity to learn and feel God’s love and

presence, a home that they will not be put out of when they have no money. God allowed me to live “homeless” in order to show me what He needed me to see, to teach me what I needed to learn–what to do, what not to do, and what needs still are going unmet. Just last night I had a call asking where a man with his child could stay, that was a new one for me as I am usually seeing single moms. Maybe God will allow us to also open a shelter for single dads as well. Although for my son Chris and I, our shelter days are behind us, we are still praying for housing for our entire family. I know God will open the doors to a home for us. How do I know that? His word says so in Jeremiah 29:11: “For I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.” And I am standing on His word. U

Are you going through a trial?

What is this scripture saying to you?

What word of God are you standing on?

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If you would like to help support our efforts to build a transitional home for homeless women and children in Key West, Florida. Please send your donations to: His Work Christian Ministries New Beginnings P.O. Box 2824 Key West, Florida 33045 or donate through PayPal to Thank you for your support! 30 | The FC Sep/Oct 2013

© The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

Help Us Reach Our Goal! "And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven." Matthew 16:18-19

We Need 100 Kindle s! International Quickening (I.Q.) Bible College is a ministry of His Work Christian Ministries. We are planting a bible college in Andhra Pradesh, India with a planned start date of June 2014. Thanks to the Amazon Kindle Paperwhite, our bible college is mobile in format. Through the Internet, Kindles, local translation, and distribution, the courses can be taken nearly anywhere in the world. This allows students to be trained without leaving their present environment. Students with families can continue working to support their families while studying, even from home. Students study within the context of their own culture, allowing their daily activities to remain stable while becoming a laboratory for application of what they are learning. The bible college uses the distance factor as a positive element in developing learning independence. The goal of education is not to make students dependent upon teachers, but independent of them. All materials, support and Kindles are provided free to those who cannot pay, which is most students. Please consider donating to this ministry to enable us to disciple as many as we can. Our goal is to have 100 Kindles for the start of our bible college in Andhra Pradesh, India in June 2014. You can help us reach our goal! Send your donations to His Work Christian Ministries I.Q.B.C. Key West, Florida 33045 You can also mail Kindle Paperwhites to us if you have one you would like to donate, or donate online at

Thank you for helping us disciple nations! “Study to show thyself approved…” 2 Timothy 2:15. © The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries. The FC Sep/Oct 2013 | 31

The mission of His Work Christian Ministries is to provide food, clothing and shelter for those in need, to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to build the Church and prepare the Bride of Christ.

"We are called to disciple nations, feed the hungry, reach the homeless, care for widows and orphans, visit prisoners, and reach out to people in love."

What We Do: ● Publish The Fit Christian Magazine! ● New Beginnings Homeless Ministry ● International Quickening (I.Q.) Bible College ● Orphan to Orphan program ● Partner with other International Outreach Ministries

We are BLESSED to be a BLESSING! Thank you for blessing our ministry so we can bless others. His Work Christian Ministries P.O. Box 2824 Key West, Florida 33045

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