The Fit Christian Magazine May/June 2013

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FC Fit Christian

A Christian Health & Fitness Magazine

The Elijah Running Club Tips For Heart Healthy Living

Weight Loss Tips for Real Life

Grill Up a Father's Day Feast

Wholesome Snacks for Families On-the-Go

May/June 2013

A Weight Loss Plan that's Right for You

PUBLISHER His Work Christian Ministries EDITOR Rev. Angela J. Willard Perez COLUMNISTS Chris Chapan Kids4Christ Rev. Angela J. Willard Perez Scripture & Reflection

CONTRIBUTORS Family Features Chris Hambrecht (Em Doodles) Reverend Fun ADVERTISING The Fit Christian Magazine To donate to this magazine and ministry, visit /donate.html or click here

Thank you for your support!

© Copyright 2003-2013 The Fit Christian Magazine. A publication of His Work Christian Ministries. All Rights Reserved. No part of the magazine may be copied and reprinted without the express written permission from the publisher. Feel free to print the online edition of this magazine on your personal printer and pass it out at churches, gyms, to your friends and family, co-workers, and anyone else who would enjoy The Fit Christian Magazine. Permission is not given to print and bind the magazine professionally. If you wish to have a professionally printed and bound magazine please contact us or purchase from

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© The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

The FC May/June 2013 | i

1 How to Love Your Heart It beats about 100,000 times a day, 35 million times a year. It pumps blood through the body three times every minute, taking that blood on the equivalent of a 12,000 mile trek every 24 hours. Even at rest, it works twice as hard as the leg muscles of a person running. The heart is a remarkable, vital muscle that warrants great care and maintenance. Yet 1 in every 4 deaths is due to heart disease….

3 Every Occasion is the Right Occasion to Give

Special and unique gifts don't have to be limited to major holidays. If you're looking for something different to give a friend or loved one, you might want to consider a gift that's more than just "stuff." More and more people are looking for gift ideas that also help people in need. One way you can give a gift that makes a life-changing difference is to shop via Heifer International, a nonprofit humanitarian organization dedicated to ending hunger and caring for the Earth….

5 Creative Mother's Day Crafts For Mother's Day, celebrate the nurturing nature of mom with a specially painted flower pot that holds her favorite herbs or flowers….

18 The Elijah Running Club Every year a particular group of runners is a unique and special part of their hometown’s diverse race calendar, which culminates with the Chicago Marathon. You might not spot them at first but your eye will be caught by the familiar lime green and black shirts. They are emblazoned with inspirational sayings, accompanied by lots of enthusiastic support staff (aptly named the “Spirit Team”), and volunteers along the way with boards of motivational messages. They are the team members of the Elijah Running Club (ERC), now celebrating their 10th year in existence….

Articles Online: Say "Yes" to Sweat and Achieving Your Fitness Goals Everyone knows the start of the New Year is a time for resolutions, when millions of people commit to getting active, working out and living an overall healthier lifestyle. Yet statistics suggest more than half give up their resolutions within the first few months….

A Simple Spring Meal Made Easy This spring, whether you're hosting guests for brunch, lunch or dinner, a quiche dish is the perfect addition to your menu. Replacing pastry dough with easy-to-prepare pierogies is not only a delicious twist on the classic dish, but it will save you time in the kitchen so you can spend more time enjoying the beautiful spring weather with family and friends….

Smart Substitutions When you're hungry and pressed for time, it's tempting to swing through the drive-thru or order takeout. But while these seemingly convenient choices save you time, they might cost you in calories, fat, sugar and sodium. Here are some easy ways to make smart substitutions throughout the day that are also time-saving….

Read These & Other Articles Online ii | The FC May/June 2013

© The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

7 Kids4Christ

Fitness Events

Fiesta de Fitness | Get Kids Outdoors | KINDNESS | Reverend Fun | Memory Verse: Matthew 19:14

You can stay up-to-date on fitness events in your area by visiting these Web sites:

12 Food & Nutrition

Bodybuilding-Fitness-Figure Upcoming Events Great Grillers: Potatoes Make Healthy Meals in Minutes | Grill Up a Father's Day Feast | Wholesome Snacks for Families On-the-Go Natural Bodybuilding, Figure, and Fitness Contests

20 Exercise the Right Way

Weight Loss Tips for Real Life | Choosing a Weight Loss Professional Natural Bodybuilding, Figure, and Fitness Plan that's Right for You | Keeping Fit and Having Fun as Competitions We Age

23 Missions Focus

Focus on Uganda: “Comfort Africa” Focus on Ghana: “Messiah Needy Children's Orphanage” Doing Good, All Year Long

28 Spiritual Fitness Fear–Satan's Weapon | Godly Wisdom: A Scriptural Study Scripture & Reflection: “The Cares of Others” 1 Peter 5:7

The Editor’s Letter and column “On the Homefront” is now online at You can stay up-to-date with what His Work Christian Ministries is doing around the world by visiting us online at

21 15


9 Glory to God we are still here after TEN YEARS! Visit us online and see how we are celebrating this milestone! 10thann.html

The Fit Christian Magazine is a free publication of His Work Christian Ministries. © The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

The FC May/June 2013 | iii

It beats about 100,000 times a day, 35 million times a year. It pumps blood through the body three times every minute, taking that blood on the equivalent of a 12,000 mile trek every 24 hours. Even at rest, it works twice as hard as the leg muscles of a person running. The heart is a remarkable, vital muscle that warrants great care and maintenance. Yet 1 in every 4 deaths is due to heart disease. While there are some inherent risk factors such as aging or family history, poor lifestyle choices are often to blame for the onset of heart disease. The good news is that making better lifestyle choices reduces your risk of heart disease - and it's not as hard as you might think. Heart-Healthy Living Works A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that people who most closely followed

the diet and lifestyle recommendations of the American Heart Association (AHA) had a 76 percent lower risk of dying from heart disease, and a 51 percent lower risk of all-cause deaths than those who didn't follow recommendations as closely. The study also found that only a small number of people follow all or most of the AHA guidelines for heart health. So it's not surprising that heart disease is still the leading cause of death for men and women in the United States. But it doesn't have to be that way. You can start making changes today that will help make your heart healthier in the long run.

1. Eat Better One of your best weapons against cardiovascular disease is a healthy diet. Eating a wide variety of foods that are low in fat, cholesterol and salt, but rich in nutrients can help protect your heart. Instead of thinking about a healthy diet in terms of what you can't eat, think about it in terms of what you can eat. Add more: ● Fruits and vegetables - about 4 1/2 cups a day ● Whole grain foods - at least three 1-ounce servings a day ● Fish - at least two 3 1/2-ounce servings a week ● Nuts, legumes and seeds - at least four servings a week About 25 percent of the cholesterol in your blood comes from the foods you eat. Eating healthy foods low in cholesterol, trans fats and saturated fats, as well as foods that are high in fiber, can help keep cholesterol levels in check. Another way to help control cholesterol levels is by incorporating soy protein into your healthy diet. An extensive body of research has shown that soy-based diets can reduce LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) and triglycerides, and raise HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol).

© The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

The FC May/June 2013 | 1

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Three Changes You Can Make

One of the key components in soy's cholesterol lowering properties is something called lunasin, a naturally occurring soy peptide. It was found to work at the earlier stage of cholesterol production in the body, or at what's known as the epigenetic level. This indicated that heart disease and other hereditary conditions might be controllable by adding lunasin to your diet. Research on lunasin was so promising that scientists found a way to extract lunasin from soybeans so that it could be made available in a pure form. Lunasin content in soybased foods varies by product and by brand. For example, LunaRich soy powder delivers the lunasin equivalent of 25 grams of soy protein. To get that same amount from other foods, you would need to drink approximately 32 ounces of soy milk, or eat approximately 12 ounces of tofu. Learn more about lunasin at 2. Get Moving According to the AHA, nearly 70 percent of Americans don't get the physical activity they need. But daily physical activity can increase your quality and length of life. Moderate exercise can help you lose weight, reduce your chances of stroke, diabetes and heart disease complications, lower your blood pressure and prevent other serious medical complications. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate activity a day, five times per

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week. Here are some easy ways to get moving: ● Start walking - Walk just fast enough to get your heart rate up. Try taking brisk, 10-minute walks throughout the day. Park farther away from your destination. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Walk the dog after dinner or walk to a neighborhood destination instead of driving. ● Do chores - Outdoor chores like gardening, raking leaves and washing the car are good ways to get moving. Cleaning house does it, too. Try turning on some music and dancing while doing chores. Even small changes like these can give you health benefits, but you'll see bigger benefits when you increase the duration, frequency and intensity of your activities. Always talk with your doctor to find out if there are any activities that you should not be doing. 3. Lose Weight Being overweight is a risk factor for heart disease all on its own. Extra weight puts more burden on your heart, lungs, blood vessels and bones. Being overweight increases the risk of high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes, as well.

someone of your age, gender and level of physical activity. ● Keep track of what you eat - This will tell you a lot about your eating habits and help you make smart decisions, like controlling portion sizes and choosing nutrient-rich foods. ● Set reasonable goals - Don't go for fad diets that claim you'll lose 10 pounds in a week. Slow and steady weight loss is more likely to stay off, and you'll be healthier in the long run. The good news is, if you put steps one and two into place - eating healthier foods and getting more active - step three should be a natural by-product of your efforts. Your heart works hard for you - start taking better care of it today so that it can keep working for you for a long time. The Food and Drug Administration approved the health claim that "25 grams of soy protein per day as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol may reduce the risk of heart disease." Additional research over the last decade indicates that soy, and a peptide within soy called lunasin, could work to prevent a variety of other hereditary health conditions. Source: Reliv International

Losing even 10 pounds can produce a significant reduction in blood pressure. ● Talk to your doctor - Find out your body mass index (BMI), which is your body weight relative to your height. Find out what your BMI should be, and find out what your calorie intake should be for

© The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

Every Occasion is the Right Occasion

to Give

Š The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

The FC May/June 2013 | 3

Special and unique gifts don't have to be limited to major holidays. If you're looking for something different to give a friend or loved one, you might want to consider a gift that's more than just "stuff." More and more people are looking for gift ideas that also help people in need. One way you can give a gift that makes a life-changing difference is to shop via Heifer International, a nonprofit humanitarian organization dedicated to ending hunger and caring for the Earth. Heifer currently provides livestock, trees, seeds and training in environmentally sound agriculture practices to families in more than 40 countries, including the United States. Since 1944, Heifer has helped more than 18.5 million smallholder farmer families move toward greater self-reliance. Heifer is drawing attention to the need and the opportunity to help through their "AltGift" and "NOW" campaigns, which, respectively, encour-

4 | The FC May/June 2013

age honoring loved ones by giving alternative gifts, as well as showcasing the powerful success stories of women and families who can now improve their nutrition, generate income and Pass on the Gift to others in their communities. Here are some exciting ways you and your family can give an alternative gift that will help other families in need: ● Shop the Gift Catalog at Donate a flock of chicks, a rabbit, a goat, a water buffalo or maybe even a heifer to a family somewhere in the world. Your gift will improve their nutrition and help them generate income in sustainable ways. ● Contribute to one of Heifer's Special Giving Opportunities. Become a Friend of Heifer to make a monthly gift, or donate to the Disaster Rehabilitation Fund to provide resources that make

long-term recovery from natural disasters possible. ● Fund a project. You and your family can choose a particular project and help fund the gifts of livestock, training for the community and veterinary care needed to make the project successful. ● Join Team Heifer. Whether as a family or part of a faith or community group, you can team up with others to raise funds and help Heifer recipients Pass on the Gift, becoming donors themselves who help others in need. ● Honor someone with your gift. When you give a gift in someone's name, they will receive an Honor Card to let them know about the special gift you've given. When you give to others, making it possible for them to lift themselves out of poverty and become self-reliant in a sustainable way, you are giving a life-altering gift that will have a positive ripple effect for years to come. Learn more about how you can receive the joy of giving at Source: Heifer International

© The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

Creative Mother's Day Crafts


or Mother's Day, celebrate the nurturing nature of mom with a specially painted flower pot that holds her favorite herbs or flowers. The Chalkboard Herb Pot and Mommy's Favorite Flower Pot projects from Jo-Ann Fabric and Craft Stores don't require any special skills, so anyone can make a customized gift for mom, grandma, or any other special mom in their life. Tips for Using Chalkboard Paint ● Chalkboard paint comes in classic black, but also comes in other colors as well. ● Make sure it's completely dry before trying to write on it. ● Some chalkboard paints require you to condition the paint with chalk before using it. Read label instructions carefully.

Tips for Decorating ●Using spray paint and hot glue guns may require adult supervision. ● Give the kids creative control - it may not turn out perfectly neat, but it will be perfect for mom. ● Not sure what to paint on the flower pot? Let the kids dip a hand or foot into the paint and put prints onto the pot. Or, cut fun shapes out of sponges or potatoes and let them stamp around the pot.

Ribbon - width to match the size of the pot rim Hot glue gun and glue sticks Potting soil Plant of your choice


Wipe pot and saucer clean to remove all dust.







chalkboard spray paint - no need to paint the interior of the pot if using for planting.


Allow paint to fully dry approximately 3 to 4 hours.

You can find more ideas, project guides and supplies at

Chalkboard Herb Pot


using hot glue.


Fill the pot with a potting soil mix.


Transplant your favorite herbs or

No experience necessary Crafting Time: 3 to 5 hours

flowers into the pot.

7) Supplies and Tools: 1 Ceramo red clay flower pot Saucer to match pot, if desired Blackboard spray paint White paint pen or chalk

Attach ribbon around rim of pot

Write the name of the herb or flower on the outside of the pot using paint pen for a permanent finish or chalk for changeable finish. See “Mother’s Day Crafts” next page…

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The FC May/June 2013 | 5

You are Blessed “Mother’s Day Crafts” cont…

Mommy's Favorite Flower Pot Crafting Time: 3 to 5 hours Skill Level: No experience necessary

to be a

Supplies and Tools: 1 Ceramo red clay flower pot Gesso spray paint Non-toxic poster paint Small paintbrush Spray fixative Potting soil Plant of your choice







approximately 3 to 4 hours.

4. Paint the rim of the pot with the poster paint color of choice using paintbrush.

5. Allow rim to dry to the touch. 6. Decorate the body of the pot with poster paints.

7. Allow pot to fully dry. 8. Spray decorated area of the pot with a coat of fixative.

9. Fill the pot with a potting soil mix. 10. Transplant your favorite herbs or

Please Help Us So We Can Help Others 6 | The FC May/June 2013

3. Allow

1. Wipe pot clean - remove all dust. 2. Spray pot with gesso spray paint -

flowers into the pot.

no need to paint the interior of the Source: Jo-Ann Fabric and Craft Stores pot if using for planting.

© The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

Fiesta de Fitness

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3 Ch r is Cha

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Fit Ch ristian

Cinco De Mayo is the Mexican celebration of independence over Spain in 1862. Originally, I wrote this routine for some games I had when I had a fiesta at my house. Just as Mexico defeated Spain many years ago we have victory in Christ. Isaiah 41:13 (NIV) says - For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.

ters!" that team turns and runs to alien about 30 feet away. The coal miners try to tag them before they cross the line. The players who retagged are out of the game. If coal miners are called, they run to a line on their side, trying to reach it before the carpenters tag them. If cardinals are called, neither team should move. If a player should move even a foot, he or she is eliminated from the game. The leader may add excitement to the game by pausing on the first syllable CAR so that Psalm 34:19 encourages us with - Many are the afflictions the players do not know what to expect. The team with the of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them most players at the end of playing time wins. all.

La Caching

The scriptures promise us victory through Christ. They are (La Ca-CHAN-gad) for any age level or ability level. Just say Ole and you are Materials: shoe ready to begin! The term la caching is Spanish for a sandal made of cotton. The sole of the shoe is flat and the shoes held on by a strap. Chocolonga The players are in a close circle, kneeling on one knee, the (cho-co-LONG-a) other is at right. A shoe is passed quickly under the knee of Materials: blindfold and blackboard each player. One player on the outside of the circle moves A circle is marked on the blackboard or on a piece of paper around the group in the direction in which the shoe is sent is attached to the wall. One player is selected to be it and and tries to locate the shoe. The circle players say together stands at arms length in front of the circle. He or she is repeatedly, Queue corral la cachanga, the sandal that runs. If blindfolded and told to touch as near as possible the center of the outside player locates the shoe, he or she taps the shoulthe circle. Before it tries to touch the circle, he or she is der of the player holding it and then exchanges places with turned around three times.. "Chocolonga" is cuban for "to put that player. into."

Rayuela Carpenters, Coal Miners , and Cardinals One player is chosen as leader. The other players form two parallel lines about 3 feet apart and facing each other. One team is the carpenters; the other is the coal miners. Play begins as the leader gives the calls. If he or she calls "carpen-

Materials: stone and chalk. Make a four square board with chalk. Put the stone inside square one. After that, you have to hop into each square, starting with square 1 and ending in square eight. If there are two squares together, you jump landing with one foot in each square; but if there is only one square, you must hop on one foot. When you reach squares 3 and 4, you have to turn back jumping again until square 1. Then you continue playing the

Š The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

The FC May/June 2013 | 7

next level. This time you begin by throwing the stone into square number 2. In the next level, you throw it into square number 4. You continue until level 8. The first player who does all the levels is the winner. The most important thing is that the player has to skip the square where the stone is. Rayuela means hopscotch and this game is a variance of that game.

Hit the Coin Materials: Stick coin or bottle cap and dowel Place a 12- to 18-inch bamboo stick (or use a dowel) into the ground (you could make a stand or use a Christmas tree stand indoors). Draw a circle about five inches in diameter around the pole. Place a coin or bottle cap on top of the stick. The players stand about four feet away from the stick and try to knock the object off the stick by throwing a coin at it. The object is to knock the coin off the stick to the outside of the 5 inch circle.

Peteca Materials: Shuttlecock, net, and basket Peteca is best described as badminton without the racquets. The players use their hands to hit the special shuttlecock over a net. Your game could use a traditional Peteca, but the player tries to land it in a target, such as a basket. Peteca is a Spanish word for badmitton.

Luta de Galo Materials: handkerchiefs Players pair up, tuck handkerchiefs in their belts, place their right arm across their chest, and hop around on their right foot. The free left arm is used to reach for the opponent's handkerchief. A player whose left foot touches the ground or whose right arm unbends is disqualified. The player who succeeds in getting the opponent's handkerchief is the winner. Luta de Galo means a "fight of roosters."

Cascudinho (Little Bee) Materials: Ball This uses only one goal (with or without a goalkeeper) and both teams compete for goals. The goalkeeper does not belong to any team; his role is keeping the goal. When one team attacks, the other one plays defensively, trying to stop the ball from reaching the goal. When the other team succeeds in stealing the ball, it tries to kick it into the goal and the other team plays defensively in turn. Just as the Mexican were able to defeat the Spaniards after fifty years of imprisonment we are free in Christ when we depend on him for the victory. Deuteronomy says 31:6 (NIV) - Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.

Uno, does, tres Materials: beanbags and string Stretch a string between two objects and mark a line a yard away. Children stand behind the line and take turns throwing bean bags at the string. Any child who hits hit it scores a point.

Carnival Games from Around the World Fit 4 Fun International Games

Socorro! A chaser runs after the children and tries to catch them. When a child is in danger of being caught, she shouts, “Socorro!” If a player comes and hold her hand, they are both safe from being caught. Once the danger is past, they continue to run individually. Scorro means help or aid and is often used in a girl or boy’s name.

8 | The FC May/June 2013


Games from Around the World Rayuela

© The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

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Forecast Calls for Fun Get Kids Outdoors No Matter the Weather Parents often keep a running list of rainy day activities, crafts and games to keep kids indoors when the forecast is soggy. But if your kids have never dodged rain drops, built a snowman or enjoyed a lazy summer afternoon outside, they're missing out on something wonderful. Weather was cited as the biggest barrier to getting kids outdoors by 61 percent of parents recently surveyed by the National Wildlife Federation. But the outdoor activities kids love, such as running, jumping, climbing, playing games with friends and taking nature walks, are a great strategy for keeping children healthy and happy.

mended by your pediatrician, there are steps you can take to help allergic kids enjoy the outdoors. Encourage kids to go outside in the early morning and evening when pollen counts are lower. Cool shades or sunglasses can prevent allergens from entering their eyes. Have them shower and wash their hair once they come back in.

"Children are safe to play outside in most kinds of weather barring the extremes," said Lindsay Legendre, manager of the National Wildlife Federation's Be Out There movement. "Regular outdoor play is so important to kids' healthy development and a little rain shouldn't stop them from being out there. Parents might enjoy puddle jumping again themselves."

Baby, It's Cold Outside. Many moms and dads are reluctant to send kids outside when temperatures drop. The American Academy of Pediatrics urges parents to dress kids in several thin layers to keep them dry and warm, including warm coats, boots, gloves and hats. It's also important to set reasonable time limits on outdoor play and have children come inside periodically to warm up. And don't forget the sunBring on the Rain. Rain can sometimes be blamed for causscreen, as sunlight, especially reflecting off snow, can cause ing children to catch colds or flu, particularly when their hair burns. or feet get wet. However, rain cannot make you sick. Dress children in waterproof hats, boots and raincoats to keep kids "Kids should get at least 60 minutes of exercise every day, from getting too soggy. If storm conditions develop, get out and it's great if they can do so outside for the fresh air and of any body of water and seek shelter in a nearby building. more room to play," said Dr. Jennifer Shu, a pediatrician and Prepare for mud and splashes in advance by keeping a heavy author of Heading Home with Your Newborn. mat and dry towels by the front door. For










How Hot is too Hot? When temperatures climb, make sure to and For more Nahave plenty of water available and take precautions, such as tional Wildlife Federation news, visit: applying sunscreen and wearing loose clothing that is light in color. Try to schedule outdoor time during the early morning and evening, which are often the coolest part of the day. Source: National Wildlife Federation Allergies. In many areas, seasonal allergies are another challenge for parents to contend with in regard to outdoor play. Experts say, in addition to any allergy medications recomŠ The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

The FC May/June 2013 | 9

10 | The FC May/June 2013

Š The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

KINDNESS By Naomi Cassata

2) Christian was playing with his favorite red truck. His little brother wanted to play with him too. Christian yelled at his little brother and told him to go away and leave him alone. If Christian didn't want to play right then, what kinder words could he have used towards his little brother?

Love is kind. We can show kindness in many ways: Helping someone, sharing our things, and even using our manners such as please, thank you, and I'm sorry. Showing kindness is not always easy especially when someone doesn't treat us kindly. But treating others kind, even when they don't deserve it, is love. When we say mean things to others, it makes them feel sad and sometimes angry. Love does not want us to make people feel bad. We need to be careful what comes out of our mouths.

Reflect: When we see someone who is different from ourselves, we often ignore them. Beth didn't let this stop her from being kind to Kim. She thought about Kim's feelings, and showed her love by being her friend. James didn't want to play with his brother at the moment, and there's nothing wrong with that, but he didn't have to use mean words to say so. Saying unkind things is hurtful to others.

Discuss: 1) As soon as the new girl, Kim, walked in, Beth noticed her dirty shoes and old clothes. During lunch, Kim was sitting by herself and no one was talking to her. Beth wanted to show her kindness, so she sat next to Kim and became her friend. How do you think Kim felt before Beth showed kindness? How do you think she felt after Beth sat with her?

Can you remember a time when someone has been unkind to you? How did it make you feel? It doesn't feel good when someone is unkind, but often we don't think about this. How can you show kindness to your brother/sister? What about when someone is not nice to you at school? Contact the author at: Article Source:

But Jesus said, "Let the children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Matthew 19:14

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The FC May/June 2013 | 11

Potatoes Make Healthy Meals in Minutes


ew things in life are harder to resist than the delicious aroma of a backyard barbecue. There is just something about the sizzle and smells of grilled fare that brings folks together. The farm families who grow Wisconsin potatoes know how to please the palates of hungry crowds. The natural flavors found in the many varieties of Wisconsin potatoes are easy to enhance with the addition of a few fresh ingredients and a little bit of smoke. The Wisconsin russet potato makes for a great tasting baked potato, but its light and fluffy interior also holds up well when seared on the grill. Also great on the grill are Wisconsin yellow flesh potatoes, which have a just-buttered appearance. The appearance of the trendy new blue and purple potatoes will certainly get guests talking. They add color and a subtle nutty flavor to your favorite dish. Everyone's favorite dish at an outdoor barbecue is often the potato salad. Wisconsin round red or white

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potatoes are both well-suited for salads as well as roasting, boiling, and steaming. Potatoes are an extremely versatile and hearty vegetable. But the one thing all potatoes have in common is nutrition. Just what can Wisconsin potatoes do for you? Well, potatoes are: -Nutritional powerhouses. In addition to being fat-free, cholesterol-free, sodium free and gluten-free, a medium potato has just 110 calories. ● Rich in potassium. According to the USDA, diets rich in potassium may help to maintain healthy blood pressure. The potato is second only to the banana in the amount of potassium it contains. ● Packed with Vitamin C. A medium potato contains 45 percent of the daily recommended amount of Vitamin c. ● Great source of fiber. The USDA reports that fiber helps reduce blood cholesterol levels and may lower your risk of heart disease. Potatoes can also help make you feel fuller with fewer calories.

Grilled, fried, baked, roasted or boiled, few ingredients get every guest asking for second helpings like the versatile potato. Find more health information, as well as recipes and purchasing tips, at

Chicken and Potato Fiesta Grill Servings: 4 | Ready time: 60 Minutes

½ cup prepared Italian dressing 2 tablespoons lime juice 1 tablespoon chili powder 4 whole chicken legs with thighs, skin on 1 1/3 pounds (4 medium) red Wisconsin potatoes, cut into 1 1/4-inch cubes 2 tablespoons water 1 red bell pepper, cut into 1 1/2-inch pieces 2 medium zucchini, cut into 3/4-inchthick slices 4 to 8 flour or corn tortillas, warmed (optional) Prepared salsa (optional)

In small bowl, combine marinade ingredients; remove ¼ cup and combine

© The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

with chicken in resealable plastic bag. Turn to coat; marinate in refrigerator 30 minutes or up to 2 hours, turning occasionally. Meanwhile, in microwave-safe dish, combine potatoes and water. Cover and microwave on high 9 to 10 minutes or until just tender; cool. When potatoes are cool enough to handle, alternately thread with bell pepper and zucchini onto eight 10 to 12-inch skewers; brush with remaining marinade. Remove chicken from plastic bag; discard marinade from chicken.

Place potatoes in a large microwavesafe bowl; cover with lid or plastic wrap. Note: If using plastic wrap, make sure plastic wrap is not touching any ingredients and poke one small hole in cover to vent. Microwave on high for 10 to 12 minutes or until potatoes are tender (cooking time may vary depending on microwave). Use oven mitts to carefully remove from microwave.

When cool enough to handle, cut potatoes in half or quarters and spray liberally with olive oil spray. Grill over high heat for 5 to 7 minutes, turning occasionally, until grill lines are apparent. Grill chicken over medium to medium- Remove from grill and let cool. low coals 30 to 40 minutes or until juices run clear, turning occasionally. Cut into bite-size pieces and place in a About 10 minutes before chicken is large bowl. Whisk together vinegar, oil, done, add vegetables to grid; reserve salt and garlic; pour over potatoes and marinade. Grill until tender and lightly toss lightly to coat. Season with pepper, browned, turning and basting occasion- then cover and refrigerate until ready to ally with reserved vegetable marinade. serve. Just before serving, toss with Serve chicken and vegetables with torti- Parmesan cheese and basil, then sprinllas and salsa, if desired. kle with pine nuts.

Grilled Red Potato Skewers Servings: 4 | Ready time: 20 Minutes

2 medium russet or Yukon gold Wisconsin potatoes or 6 red Wisconsin potatoes 2 medium zucchini ½ smoked sausage rope 4 12-inch skewers ½ cup Italian dressing

Preheat grill. Cut potatoes in half. Cut zucchini and sausage the same width as potatoes. Place skewer through potato, zucchini and sausage. Repeat for each skewer. Place skewer in dish and pour Italian dressing over skewers. Marinate in dressing for 5 minutes. Place skewers on grill and cook 5 minutes each side, or until potatoes are done. Remove from grill and serve.

Little Havana Grilled Beef and Potato Salad Servings: 6 | Ready time: 30 Minutes

Roasted Red Potatoes with Pesto Servings: 8 | Ready time: 40 Minutes

3 pounds medium-size red Wisconsin potatoes Olive oil cooking spray 1/3 cup white or golden balsamic vinegar ¼ ½ 3 1/3

cup extra virgin olive oil teaspoon sea salt cloves garlic, minced Freshly ground pepper to taste cup shredded Parmesan cheese

¼ ¼

cup finely minced fresh basil cup toasted pine nuts (optional)

2 pounds medium unpeeled Wisconsin potatoes (about 2 ½ -inch diameter), such as yellow flesh or round reds 2 teaspoons ground cumin Salt and pepper 1 beef top round steak, cut 1 inch thick (about 1 ½ pounds) ¾ cup prepared white wine vinaigrette 2 cans (15 ounces each) black beans, rinsed, drained ½ cup chopped fresh cilantro

Cut potatoes crosswise in half; place in microwave-safe dish with 1 cup water. Cover and microwave on high 10 to 14

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The FC May/June 2013 | 13

minutes or until almost tender, rearranging once. Immediately rinse under cold running water; drain well. Meanwhile, combine cumin and salt and pepper; press evenly onto beef steak. Place steak on grill over medium, ash-covered coals. Grill, uncovered, 16 to 18 minutes for medium rare doneness, turning occasionally. Remove; let stand 5 minutes. About 5 minutes before steak is done, brush potatoes with some of the vinaigrette. Place on grid around steak. Grill 5 to 7 minutes or until golden brown, turning occasionally. Carve steak into thin slices. Combine beef, potatoes, beans, cilantro and remaining vinaigrette in large bowl; toss gently. Serve immediately.

Source: Wisconsin Potatoes

Help Us Start a SOUP KITCHEN! Send Your Donations To: His Work Christian Ministries P.O. Box 2824 Key West, Florida 33045 USA

Or visit us online at /newbeginnings.html 14 | The FC May/June 2013

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Grill Up a

Father's Day Feast Make Father's Day special by combining two of Dad's favorite things - sweet treats and the grill. Hot dogs have gone gourmet and a big, juicy hamburger or steak is a triedand-true classic. But, this year, show Dad how much you love him with a healthy twist on two American favorites - the chicken wing and watermelon. If Dad is usually the one manning the grill, review these simple tips for cooking chicken outdoors before you begin: ● Preheat the grill on high. ● Make sure the grate is well oiled to prevent sticking. ● Transport the chicken to the grill on one plate and use a clean plate to take the prepared food back to the kitchen. ● Use tongs to turn the chicken instead of a fork, which may tear the meat. ● Keep the grill covered as much as possible for quicker, more even cooking. ● Have a spray bottle filled with water handy in case of a flare up. ● Once you remove the chicken from the grill, allow it to "rest" for five minutes so it will retain its juices when cut.

Get the kids involved in the meal preparation by creating a fun dessert. They can use a small ice cream scoop or melon baller to scoop out watermelon, cantaloupe or honeydew. Serve the cool, refreshing treat in a pretty bowl or thread the melon balls onto skewers. Slices of watermelon can also be cut into fun shapes with cookie cutters. Add the shapes to the plate for a fun garnish or place one or two on the rim of a glass to add a festive flair. Grilling out is a time-honored tradition so fire up the charcoal and let the celebration begin. Look for more fun ways to enjoy watermelon and sign up for a free newsletter, at

Chipotle Maple Citrus Watermelon Wings Watermelon Glaze: 2

C watermelon puree Juice from 3 fresh lemons 1 TB lemon zest ½ cup maple syrup (can use light version) ½ ts cinnamon ½ ts ground chipotle pepper, or to taste

Chicken: 2 ½ 1 3

Chicken wings or drumettes cups pineapple juice cup soy sauce tablespoon minced fresh ginger cloves minced fresh garlic

To prepare the watermelon glaze, simmer ingredients together in a heavy saucepan for 20 minutes or until sauce is thick. Makes 2 cups. Keep warm. To prepare the chicken, place the chicken in a large zipper lock bag with rest of the ingredients and seal tightly. Allow to marinate at least 2 hours or up to 12. Grill until cooked and arrange on a warm platter. Pour the glaze over the chicken and serve immediately. Source: National Watermelon Promotion Board

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The FC May/June 2013 | 15

Five Wholesome Snacks for Families On-the-Go


busy family schedule means there's less time to gather around the dinner table each night, let alone ensure everyone in the family is getting the nutrients they need to live healthy. And what convenience foods offer in terms of portability, they often lack in vitamins and nutrients. But with a little preparation, you can ensure that convenient, wholesome, on-thego snacks are at the ready when it's time to head to play practice or ballet lessons. Here are a few snack ideas to keep your family happy and healthy:


freezer-safe or airtight containers in the freezer, and allow for one to two hours of defrost time before grabbing them and heading for the door.

Smoothies - While smoothies may not be the first thing that pops in your mind in terms of portability and convenience, with the right to-go cup, straw and lid, smoothies can be a great way to get some key nutrients en route. Pre-packaged smoothies, however, often contain a great deal of sugar. Ensure your family reaps the benefits of a fruit smoothie by whipping up a batch using all-natural ingredients and freezing them for later. Be sure to store blended smoothies in

16 | The FC May/June 2013


Whole Food Bars - Just because you're short on time, doesn't mean you can't work wholesome foods in convenient, pocket or purse-sized portions into your diet. But make sure to check the labels when you grab a quick snack. While many snack bars contain few nutrients

and may be high in sugar, the Good 'N Natural(r) Sun Valley's Fruit, Nut & Seed Bar contains only 9 to 12g of sugar and comes in four delicious flavors - Cranberry Almond, Lemon, Chocolate and Peanut Butter. Made using wholesome ingredients such as rolled oats, organic soynuts and almond butter, these tasty bars are dairy and glutenfree, as well as vegan. Plus, with 5g of fiber and 10g of protein, these bars are great go-to options

Š The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

leave them in the car for snacking on-the-go.


Edamame - While soybeans might not be something you regularly prepare, they're actually simple to cook, can be modified using different seasonings and easily eaten on-the-go. The night before a busy day, simply add 1 teaspoon of salt to a large pot of water, bring to a boil and add the edamame. Cook between 4 to 5 minutes for frozen edamame, 5 to 6 minutes for fresh. Drain, then add your favorite seasoning and store in a zip-top bag or storage container in the refrigerator until you head out the door.


Homemade Trail Mix - For a

Photo courtesy of Getty Images

shelf-stable snack that's perfect for storing in the car, at the office, or in your purse, consider mixing up your favorite dry food snack items such as popcorn, almonds, peanuts, dried cranberries, raisins, banana chips and more.

you can feel good about giving your family. Learn more about these wholesome snacks at


Apple Chips - If you're a fan of apples, consider making apple chips. Simply cut apples into

about 1/8-inch thick slices, add a pinch of cinnamon, and place them in the oven at 200°F for roughly two hours. You'll end up with tasty, wholesome apple chips you can store in sealed sandwich bags for up to three days. Toss them in a backpack, your purse, or

Keep snacks readily available in your kitchen, such as in a basket on the counter or portioned out in a shelf within the refrigerator to ensure your family will choose wholesome foods over convenient, less-healthy snacks. With a little planning and preparation, you can save time on busy days, while ensuring everyone gets the nutrients they need.


Š The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

The FC May/June 2013 | 17

The Elijah Running Club By Chris Chapan for The Fit Christian


very year a particular group of runners is a unique and special part of their hometown’s diverse race calendar, which culminates with the Chicago Marathon. You might not spot them at first but your eye will be caught by the familiar lime green and black shirts. They are emblazoned with inspirational sayings, accompanied by lots of enthusiastic support staff (aptly named the “Spirit Team”), and volunteers along the way with boards of motivational messages. They are the team members of the Elijah Running Club (ERC), now celebrating their 10th year in existence.

18 | The FC May/June 2013

Their founder, Darnell Williams, is an intricate part of the group. Williams started the Elijah Running Club in 2002. The group name “Elijah” comes from a biblical reference in I Kings 18:46 where a prophet of God outran a king in a chariot. One translation of the scripture says that this race occurred for “almost 20 miles” because the Lord helped the prophet. Darnell’s passion for fitness was influenced by observing his mother’s health conditions, which included heart disease and diabetes. He was determined to first improve his family’s well being and then help others. Today, he is a certified USA Track

and Field Level 1 running coach, race director and nutrition consultant. In 2001, After helping a good friend train and complete a marathon in two months (a faith project within itself), he was inspired to ask to start a running ministry in his church for people who were interested in improving their health and elevating their faith by training for their first marathon. Williams made a personal dedication to the Lord in 1992. He credits his pastor, Dr. Bill Winston, for serving as his mentor, teaching him how to “put feet to his faith” and fueling his entrepreneurial spirit.

© The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

To date, Elijah Running Club has helped hundreds of “non-runners” go from the couch to the finish line and become Marathon Champions. The unique, 9-month training Program now offers health and nutrition counseling, friendly and knowledgeable coaching, strength training demonstrations, gait analysis and shoe fitting clinics. Eighty-five percent of the first-timers who join this team have never run more than a block or two before starting the program. Of those who stick with the program (by putting their faith into action), 99-percent finish their assigned race. The program also incorporates a well-balanced cross-training regimen, which includes swimming, cycling and weight training. Using the scripture in Mark 16:15 as a foundation (“Go ye into all the world, and preach the [Good News] to every creature”), He got the permission of his pastor to launch ERC as a separate 501c3 entity led by Darnell and his wife, Shalita. The life-changing vision of the Elijah Running Club has gone on to birth other running clubs including the Kingdom Running Club, En-

glewood Running Ministry, Feet to Faith Running Ministry and others.

pants to successfully complete their life and marathon journey.

Many ERC alumni have gone on to successfully compete nationally & internationally in ultra-marathons, relays and half & full Ironman competitions.

Williams has been blessed with awesome people who have positively impacted his life, including his wife, Shalita, who inspires him to be a godly man, and his mom who sacrificed to adopt him and give him a better life. His pastor, Dr. Winston and his wife, Dr. Veronica Winston, both motivate Darnell to know who he is in Christ and to maximize his potential to be of service to others. Drs. Winston also emphasize the importance of regularly attending services, reading and applying the Word of God and volunteering in your local church to serve others.

Williams himself has run 15 marathons (including 13 consecutive Chicago Marathons and a New York Marathon), two Half-Ironman triathlons, and completed his first Full Ironman in September 2012 in Madison, Wisconsin. His most recent accomplishment was doing his first 50K in Chicago just three weeks after the Chicago Marathon. Elijah Running Club’s runners come in all shapes, sizes, socio-economic backgrounds and ages. The team believes in running as a way to empower people with the message of Faith & Fitness. ERC believes that God desires that runners finish their race strong and with joy. Their volunteer staff believes that running not only helps the physical but also accomplishes a bigger goal by positively affecting every area of the life, such as a relationship with the Lord, finances, and causing participants to push toward building confidence, gaining lasting relationships, and start new businesses and ministries. To help runners accomplish their goals, the training season starts by having everyone design a VISION board to depict the spiritual, physical, and family plans God has purposed for them. The leadership team then prays over them in order that God may partner with the partici-

In conclusion, Williams believes that fitness through running is a catalyst for opportunities for witnessing and drawing closer to the Lord. It also helps in other aspects of your life and gives you the strength to accomplish all that the Lord has placed in you to do. 2 Timothy 4:7 is his life verse: “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.” And through running, Darnell has kept the faith.

To find out more about the Elijah Running Club and their program, please contact: Elijah Running Club, Inc. P.O. Box 6285 Villa Park, IL 60181 USA

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The FC May/June 2013 | 19

Weight Loss Tips for Real Life ure. For sustained weight loss, you need a diet and exercise plan that you can maintain. It starts with setting realistic goals. Check with your doctor first, but for most people, losing one to two pounds a week makes sense.


hances are you've been down the weight loss road before. And chances are just as good that you've gained it all back. But don't despair; there are ways to avoid the dreaded yo-yo. Harley Pasternak, best-selling author and the go-to trainer for A-list stars, answers some common questions about how to lose weight - and the tools needed to keep it off. What's the biggest mistake people make when it comes to weight loss? Too many people set unrealistic expectations from the start. Extreme diets don't work. You can't sustain that kind of deprivation over the long haul, and you're setting yourself up for fail20 | The FC May/June 2013

How should I get started and pick the right plan? Instead of starving yourself or risking injury by overexercising, focus on being active throughout the day. Park your car farther away from your destination, take the stairs, make social plans walking distance from home or work; every step adds up. When deciding on a diet plan, do your research. I believe in Shaklee 180 because it is consistent with what I've been teaching my clients for years and is incredibly convenient for those of us with busy lifestyles. How can I eat healthy when I'm so busy I don't have time to cook? Planning ahead is a must if you're going to avoid temptation. Spend some time on Sunday evening preparing simple, healthy meals for the week. Keep staple ingredients like fruits, veggies, Greek yogurt, beans

and whole grains like oats and quinoa at home at all times. What tips or tools I should use to keep myself on-track and motivated? I'm a big fan of using technology to stay fit. I like mobile apps, which help track calories and exercise. They take the guesswork out of losing - and make it more fun because you can get instant support. One of my new favorites is the Shaklee180 app, which includes meal trackers, recipes, workouts, nutrition info and inspirational tips from health and fitness experts. The other cool thing is when you use the Shaklee app to track your progress you get the chance to win weekly prizes. You can learn more about it at I hate to exercise, and gyms are too expensive. What can I do? You don't need to spend hours a day in the gym to improve your waistline or your health. As little as 5 minutes a day of resistance training can help strengthen your body. The key is consistency and making sure you're physically active throughout the course of the day. I always advise my clients to use a pedometer (a small device that counts your steps) and try to hit 10,000 steps each day.

Source: Shaklee 180 | Family Features

Š The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

Choosing a Weight Loss Plan that's Right for You Losing weight and getting into shape is a goal many Americans aspire to achieve. Choosing a weight loss plan that fits your lifestyle is a crucial first step in developing the diet that works for you. The road to a sound weight loss plan should begin with the following steps: Talk with your doctor First and foremost, speak with your doctor. Your healthcare provider can help you set attainable weight loss goals as well as discuss any medical conditions you have or medications you may take that could affect your ability to modify your diet. Talking with your doctor can help you find a plan that's tailored to your particular needs. Choose the right plan for you One size does not fit all when it comes to diets. In fact, several studies featured in the International Journal of Obesity Supplements (IJOS) reported that adults with greater insulin resistance are more successful with weight loss on a low-carbohydrate diet compared with a low-fat diet. In such cases, a low-carbohydrate diet such as the Atkins Diet has been proven to have positive results on insulin resistance. Dieters start with a focus on carbohydrates from vegetables and slowly add

back fruit, nuts and whole grains as one's carb balance is established and weight loss goals are met. Opt for a diet backed Photo courtesy of Getty Imby science over the ages latest fad. Drink more water Commit to your Plan The Beverage Institute reports that the Losing weight and keeping it off reaverage adult in the US gets a signifiquires a long-term commitment. Once cant portion of their calories from bevyou have developed your weight loss erages, mostly in the form of plan it is important that you stick with carbohydrates. Avoid drinking sugary it. You need to make healthy changes sodas, juices and alcohol, and replace to both your diet and lifestyle. these with more water. Your diet should include foods you will enjoy eating for a long time, not just for a few weeks or months. Adopt a plan that gives you the ability to enjoy a variety of food options. For example, if you are a veggie lover, the Atkins Diet could be a good plan for you to follow. From day one, the lowcarb diet allows you to consume more vegetables than are recommended by USDA Guidelines. In fact, you can even follow Atkins as a vegetarian or vegan. Finding a plan that works for your lifestyle and incorporates more of the foods you already love will help reinforce your new healthier eating habits.

Rally support The first few weeks of the diet can be the most difficult. To be successful, look to family and friends who have made similar lifestyle changes for support and advice. Doing a little homework and smart planning can help you choose a weight loss plan that will help you be successful both now and for the rest of your life. For more tips, ideas and free tools, visit

Source: Atkins | Family Features

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The FC May/June 2013 | 21

Keeping Fit and Having Fun as We Age vascular, muscle conditioning, and flexibility exercises. Low-impact, non-jarring exercises such as walking and swimming are good options. A key to sticking with a fitness program is making sure it's enjoyable.


egular physical activity at any age can help you live longer, feel better and reduce health problems. But far too many people, including baby boomers, don't get the exercise they need. According to the 2012 Participation Report from the Physical Activity Council (PAC), 35 percent of Americans over the age of 55 are physically inactive. Since regular exercise helps control blood pressure, body weight, cholesterol and so much more, boomers need to find ways to get their bodies moving so they can live longer, healthier lives. "Though any amount of exercise is beneficial, ultimately adults should work up to getting at least 30 minutes most days of the week, as long as they feel comfortable and pain-free," said world-renowned nutritionist Joy Bauer. "From taking a Zumba class to walking and stretching, getting regular physical activity helps the joints stay loose, maintains muscle mass, and gets the blood flowing - all of which make everyday tasks easier." The American Council on Exercise recommends older Americans choose exercise programs that include cardio22 | The FC May/June 2013

A fun new program for older adults is Zumba Gold, a low-impact dancebased workout designed specifically for boomers and seniors. Workout routines combine salsa, merengue, flamenco and cumbia moves with fun music. For those that would prefer to work out in the comfort of their own home, there is also a Zumba Gold "Live it Up" DVD collection that offers 3 discs with workouts, as well as advice from experts in the fields of nutrition, brain health, enhancing your well-being and more. The program was created by 71-yearold Joy Prouty, a veteran in the fitness industry and a former Rockette. "From cardio to toning, this collection brings together some of Zumba's most popular offerings in a format enabling older adults to rediscover the energy of their youth," said Prouty. To learn more about Zumba Gold, purchase the Zumba Gold "Live it Up" DVDs and find a class near you, visit Workout Safety Tips Whenever beginning a new fitness activity or program, make sure you do it safely.

Wear comfortable shoes that fit well. Stay hydrated with plenty of fluids. Listen to your body. If it hurts or it feels like too much, stop. You also need to be aware of danger signs while exercising. Stop the activity and call your doctor or 911 if you experience pain or pressure in your chest, arms, neck or jaw; feel lightheaded, nauseated or weak; become short of breath; develop pain in your legs, calves or back; or feel like your heart is beating too fast or skipping beats. "It's important to see your doctor before beginning any workout routine to receive a thorough cardiovascular evaluation," said Bauer. "Once you've been cleared by your doctor, I recommend starting out slowly." Pick an Activity that You Will Enjoy The best way to find a regimen that will stick is to choose something that you enjoy. You'll be more likely to stick with it and reap all the benefits the physical activity has to offer. Bauer adds that a program like Zumba Gold is great because, if you enjoy dancing, it won't feel like exercise and it can also be a social outlet: "Combining physical activity with social time is a total win-win." Source: Zumba Fitness

© The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

Comfort Africa Comfort Africa

is a Christian

based organization operating in Uganda with its head quarters in Kampala. Comfort Africa grew out of a weekly fellowship of young women in 2007. During the fellowships, the young women used to worship together, pray and intercede for one another, their country, friends and family, communities, ministry, and share the word of God together. These young women then felt a conviction to change hearts and transform lives of the most vulnerable people in communities, putting emphasis on the children in need and at the greatest risk in Uganda and Africa. Comfort Africa was formed. Comfort Africa’s Vision: To create a society where the African child lives in comfort, free from social evils and injustices. Comfort Africa’s Mission: To Nurture the African Child in a loving Christian based relationship as a way of promoting pro-poor values and upholding social justice issues.

Comfort Africa has four major programs: 1. Child Care and Education Program This program entails nurturing the children in a loving Christian family, bringing them up to be happy and cheerful little soldiers of the most high, and providing education services, empowering them to lead better lives. The child care and education program will reintegrate the most vulnerable children in to families where the love of God is ministered to them, enabling the children to overcome all the fears and social injustices they have gone through encouragement, counseling, and ministering the Love of God to them. 2. The Child Sponsorship Program: In the child sponsorship program, we look out for individuals, groups of people, or organizations that can partner with us in the upbringing of the children through sponsoring a child or children’s basic needs such as education, food, shelter and clothing among

others. Whosoever partners with us in this venture plays a very critical role in building the Kingdom of God, and enable a child to leave and lead a comfortable life free from This world’s social injustices.

3. Alive and Healthy Program The Alive and Healthy program entails different activities such as

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The FC May/June 2013 | 23

hea lt Comfort Africa hy To help support Comfort Africa pro through our USA based partner, His Work Christian Ministries, visit us gr online at am alcomfortafrica.html Or write us at so His Work Christian Ministries inP.O. Box 2824 clu Key West, FL 33045 des sen healthy living sensitization, nutrition sitization of communities especially sensitization for first child young the youth’s on sexual reproductive mothers, hospital outreach and evanhealth through school outreach, comgelism, community health outreach munity outreach, awareness creation were communities shall be granted and sensitization. free health services. The Alive and

4. Economic Empowerment Program The Economic Empowerment Program (EEP) entails empowering the youths, women and people with disabilities economically through training beneficiaries with income generating skills. Comfort Africa has answered the call to feed the hungry, clothe the poor, and offer the hope of Jesus Christ to God’s precious children. Please consider joining hands with them to do the same. U

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Editor’s Note:

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I first learned of Comfort Africa through Pastor Martin Ochieng Ngollah, of Harvest Vision Africa in Uganda, when he visited a church I attended here in Key West, Florida. I was moved by the Spirit to stay in contact with him, as well as help Comfort Africa with their needs, which I hope to be doing now by letting you know of them. Please consider supporting Comfort Africa, especially with prayer. It has been a blessing to build a relationship with Pastor Martin Ngollah, such a powerful yet humble man of God, over this past year. Because God had opened this door, I now have the opportunity to visit Uganda and meet the children of Comfort Africa in August 2013. I would love to be able to bless them with financial resources to help meet their needs when I go. Please consider partnering with me and His Work Christian Ministries to touch the lives of these precious children of God in Africa. Thank you! Rev. Angela J. Willard Perez

24 | The FC May/June 2013

"If a brother or sister is without clothing and in need of daily food, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and be filled,” and yet you do not give them what is necessary for their body, what use is that?" James 2:15-16

© The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

Messiah Needy Children’s Orphanage By Rev. Angela J. Willard Perez

Messiah Needy Children's Orphanage is in Dunkwa-On-Offin, which is in the central region of Ghana, West Africa, it's in the upper Denkyira District. The orphanage follows the educational curricular of the Ghana education service, as well as the teachings of the Bible and how to live well in Christ, something the government schools do not do. "We believe that Christ should be at the centre of everything and in every life, so that is the core of everything we do at the orphanage," says Sandra Ofori, the founder. Sandra founded the orphanage about 10 years ago, when she visited the town of Dunkwa-On-Offin for a funeral. It is the place where her mother had came from, and Sandra explained, "It has so many children who are orphans with no school and no education. Mothers give birth and they abandon their hour-old and day-old children on refuse dumps and sometimes they put them in the public toilet holes." This stirred Sandra to do something.

She continued to explain, "My late mom used to open our home for children to come and eat and I think I learnt some great lessons from her. I was touched by the Lord to help make a change, though I cant do it all, with Jesus the change will be remarkable." Sandra and her husband used what little funds they had with some help from their pastor and friends, to build a wooden structure, which soon became the home to more than 30 children. "My goal is to reach many orphans in the catchment area and beyond, with life and hope in Christ as the Lord provides. I will say it has never been easy as it comes with many problems, and it's only the Lord who has sustained it to this level. There are times when we will have nothing at all until the Lord will provide."

His Work Christian Ministries has helped the children at the orphanage for the past year with what little funds we have been able to raise. Now, the orphanage is in desperate need of a new building. They have procured the land needed to build, and they now need funds for materials and workers, but Sandra will tell you that their greatest needs are always food, cleaning supplies, and medicine for the children. Those needs are never overflowing, thus putting the building of

© The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

Cont. Next page… The FC May/June 2013 | 25

Messiah Needy Children’s Orphanage To help support Messiah Needy Children’s Orphanage through our USA based partner, His Work Christian Ministries, visit us online at mnco.html Or write us at His Work Christian Ministries P.O. Box 2824 Key West, FL 33045

the new orphanage on hold. Food comes first for these little ones. I have been in personal contact with Sandra for the past year, and I hope to visit the orphanage in Ghana when the Lord opens the doors. I also hope to bring resources and missionaries with me so we can get this new orphanage built. Until then, I need help on a regular basis to supply the basics for these little souls: food, cleaning supplies, and emergency health care. Diseases like Malaria and Cholera attack the children as well as Sandra and the workers. Having a building that is not falling apart, cleaning supplies and access to medicine will greatly reduce sicknesses and fatalities. Please join His Work Christian Ministries as we partner with Messiah Needy Children's Orphanage. Even one dollar goes a long way to feed a child in Africa. U

Buy A Shirt Feed A Child It’s THAT Easy! 26 | The FC May/June 2013

© The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

Doing Good, All Year Long


hile charitable giving increases towards the end of the year as important community needs are showcased, such needs continue all year long. Unfortunately, giving tends to drop off after the holidays, leaving many organizations with a shortfall of donated goods, cash and even volunteers in the new year. "While it is true that part of the Christmas and holiday tradition is to give back to others, there are needs in our community throughout the year," said Major George Hood, National Community Relations and Development Secretary for The Salvation Army. "The Salvation Army serves nearly 30 million people every year and we cannot do that without the generosity of the American public who gives back, beyond the holidays." What You Can Do Whether you volunteer or collect goods to donate, resolve to take simple steps in 2013 to better your community. To shine a light on ways to give back, Ericka Lassiter, pro football player partner, avid volunteer and president of the non-profit Off The Field Players Wives Association, shares her top three tips on how to make giving a year-long tradition:

Tip #1: Simple Items Make a Big Difference: Many local charities collect clothes and essentials for families, particularly children, all year long. From warm coats and blankets to socks, toothpaste and soap, the simplest items can make a real difference for those in need. Consider donating gently used items after your annual spring cleaning, organize a donation drive in your neighborhood, or if you buy in bulk at warehouse clubs like Sam's Club, choose a few items from each trip to set aside for donation to your favorite local charity. Tip #2: Think Outside the Can: Food banks are always in need of cash and food donations throughout the year. Feeding America says that for $1, food banks can provide 8 meals to men, women and children facing hunger; $50 will provide 400 meals. Donate at or call your local food bank and ask for their "most wanted" list. Often, proteins are at the top of the list along with peanut butter, baby food and juice boxes. Home gardeners with bumper crops can glean their harvests and share fresh vegetables and fruits so they don't go to waste.

Photo courtesy Getty Images

Tip #3: Ways to Help are Closer Than You Think: Your local community center, religious institution or library most likely has programs to help those in need, so you can help as part of your regular routine. Ask if you can volunteer to serve meals to the homeless after church services, or offer to read to children at the local library. There are countless ways to lend a hand, so find one that feels right to you or visit for ideas. "Every community will have unique needs and strengths," said Susan Koehler, Senior Manager of Community Involvement for Sam's Club. "To make the greatest impact, those wanting to give back should consider asking about workplace programs that match volunteer hours, local donation guidelines or making giving back a regular family activity."

Source: Sam's Club | Family Features

Š The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

The FC May/June 2013 | 27

Fear–Satan's Weapon By Rick L King

Have you ever dealt with fear? Have you ever just plain been scared and afraid? I hope to give a better understanding of the enemies' weapon of fear in this article. First of all, fear is a spirit. It is not just you or and emotion that we all carry. I say this because: 2 Timothy 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. The Word says that fear is a spirit. If it says this then it must be true whether we accept or believe this or not. I have learned that all spirits have fruit. The Holy Spirit has fruit as recorded in: Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. Notice that the word fear is not mentioned as the Holy Spirit fruit. Fear is the fruit of a demon spirit of fear. It is the demon that is scared, not you. It only becomes a part of a person if they accept it and allow it to rule in their life. The problem is that when they do they lose power, love, and their sound mind. How many feel full of power, love or have a sound mind when they are experiencing fear? I have had it long ago when fear gripped me and I 28 | The FC May/June 2013

felt totally powerless. This is not a great thing to experience.

please God if they are rying it.

What is the devils main goal?

So how do we get rid of fear?

John 10:10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

First of all you must separate yourself from the spirit. You must realize that the fear is not you, but it is a demon spirit. Until you can do this, you cannot get victory over it. We are told:

When fear is running things, we always get stolen from in some way. Look at all the things we run out and buy because we are scared. This is stealing our finances. If we did not have the fear, how much more money would we have for other things? I have always looked at fear as negative faith. We are having faith, but it is negative in that we are believing for bad things rather than the good things. We are told that:

Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.


We are not fighting ourselves. We are fighting a spirit. God gave to us power over all of the enemy. See next page‌

Hebrews 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. The devil likes to put fear on Christians as they cannot

Š The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

Luke 10:19 Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Once you can separate yourself from the spirit and gain the revelation that you are fighting a spirit then you are on your way to victory. David, in the book of Psalms, said: Psalms 34:4 I sought the LORD, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears. You must seek the Lord to deliver you. The word salvation in the Greek means deliverance from the molesta-

tion of enemies. Salvation and deliverance are synonymous. Jesus came to deliver and set people free from bondage. Fear is bondage and will keep you from the deep things of the Lord. The closer that you can get to the Lord and the Holy Spirit then this will take place: 1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love. When all fear is gone you become perfect in love. Love IS the fruit of the Holy Spirit. What did the scripture say that fear takes away? It takes away power, love, and your sound

mind. So when you are walking in the Holy Spirit fruit of love, there will no longer be any fear. You also will have power, the Holy Spirit working in and through you, and a sound mind. One of the open doors for the enemy to bring fear comes from a lack of trust in God. We sometimes think it is our job to protect self. The problem is this is trusting in our fleshly carnal nature rather than in God's Holy Spirit. We must learn to trust God with our life. We are supposed to be dead to self to it should only be Christ living in and through us. Jesus is not scared. Our flesh gets scared as it tries to protect itself. We need to learn: Mathew 10:39 He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it. If you truly want to find life, then lose it and allow Jesus through His Holy Spirit to run it instead of you. He is much better at being Lord than we are.

About the author: I am a 63 year old BornAgain spirit filled Christian, that has been saved for 30 years. Jesus found me when I was suicidal. I learned real quickly that I was powerless to be in control of my life, so I let Jesus take over. He has chosen me to be a warrior for Him. WE win, if we fight His way. Article Source:

Š The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

The FC May/June 2013 | 29

Godly Wisdom A Scriptural Study by Rev. Angela J. Willard Perez

"Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show by good conduct that his works are done in the meekness of wisdom" James 3:13. Godly wisdom is shown through good character. How you treat others--no matter who they are, what title they have, how much money that have or don't have, and no matter where they lay their head at night--how you treat those around you will show your godly wisdom, or lack of it. "Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil" Proverbs 3:7. How are you treating your fellow man—not just your friends and family, or the people you meet and greet at church, but how are you treating everyone that God puts in your path? Do you know that some of those people are tests from God? Some are even angels sent by Him (Hebrews 13:2). We are to extend love to all—even people we do not know. Showing the love of God, is the beginning of godly wisdom (Proverbs 9:10). When we truly “fear” God, we are recognizing His authority, His sovereignty over us, over all. And when we recognize Him 30 | The FC May/June 2013

world, to overcome our own negative thoughts and behaviors, even our lack of godly wisdom and conduct (1 John 5:4). We have everything we need in Him (2 Peter 1:3)!

for Who He is, we will humbly do our best to walk in His wisdom, showing His love, His grace and mercy to all He sends our way. And by walking in His love, the world will see that we are true disciples of Christ Jesus (John 13:35).

If you are thinking you don't have all you need to overcome whatever is slapping you in the face, then you are listening to the lies of the enemy.

God sees everything we do, He hears everything we say, and when we hurt others by our lack of godly character, by our failure to use godly wisdom, we grieve the Holy Spirit of God. God is not just with us, He is in us. If we make it a daily habit of remaining in Him and His wisdom (by praying and reading His Word); if we daily exercise our fruit of the Spirit, we will be more likely to use godly wisdom, more easily show godly character, and less likely to hurt those around us–and especially, we will be less likely to grieve the precious Holy Spirit of God.

"If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him" James 1:5.

"Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me" John 15:4.

You are NOT who the enemy says you are–you are who GOD says you are– you are the righteousness of God (2 Corinthians 5:21)! And you can have all that God says you have–including His wisdom.

Children of God, let us seek His wisdom given liberally to us by faith in His Word to all who ask, for I know we all lack it. We can never have enough of God’s wisdom and we can never show enough of God’s love to all those He sends our way. Let us exude the love of God in such a way that our humble conduct proves that we are truly His disciples. U

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law" Galatians 5:22-23. Thankfully, there is no condemnation for those of us who remain in Him (Romans 8:1)!! And, He gives us all the tools we need to overcome the

© The Fit Christian Magazine. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of His Work Christian Ministries.

© 2013 Rev. Angela J. Willard Perez for The Fit Christian

The Cares of Others A scripture to help you focus on your Christian life. Meditate and pray on this verse from the Bible and see how it applies to your life, or how you should apply it. Ask the Lord for revelation and understanding on the scriptures and He will grant your request. “…casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7 NASB.

Reverend Angela J. Willard Perez is a mother of five who has learned through the years that she just cannot get through one day without God and prayer. She is the author of several articles and books including the books Christian Prayer Journal & Praise Report and Zack Attack!. She is the founder of His Work Christian Ministries and the editor of The Fit Christian magazine.

What does it truly mean to cast your cares on Him? It means to stop worrying and start trusting His word. Lately, I have been struggling with this.

I have known for years that I will someday have a large ministry to the homeless. This has been confirmed many times with words, dreams, visions, and more. And I know that I have been in training for just that for some time now. Knowing all this, I sometimes struggle–not with the believing, but with the waiting. Especially in a day like yesterday. I see God’s precious loved ones day-in day-out who are struggling just to eat. And I see organizations who are funded to help them, turn them away at the door because they have no money. I see them leave a rat-infested shelter every morning in search of a toilet, a shower, and food. Yesterday, I could barely get through my door after work before I went into the bathroom, and hit the floor. All I could do was cry. The cares I was was casting onto Him, were not my own. I was interceding, with cries and groaning which could not be uttered, for the hundreds of homeless in Key West–many of whom are believers in Christ, and who rely on Him alone for their daily bread. And with God’s help, a local soup kitchen feeds many of them seven days a week, 4PM, without fail. And I thank God for that. I am praying that He will open the doors and provide the funds so our ministry can open another soup kitchen that will be open for breakfast and offer a sack lunch. No one should be forced to fast until 4PM every day. I fast by choice, they fast by lack of food. And it breaks my heart. Sometimes when we are casting our anxieties onto Him, we are focused on our own needs, our own desires. Our rent is due, our food supply is dwindling, our credit cards are maxed-out, our loved ones are lost–all legitimate cares. When we are casting our cares, let us also remember the cares of others–a safe place to lay her head at night, a toilet and a hot shower to prepare for the day, a breakfast to give the needed energy to work or look for work, or just a friendly face to smile at you instead of curse you and despise you because you have hit bottom and have nowhere else to go. Let us remember to intercede and plead for those whose needs are much greater than our own. U Read about our Homeless Ministry in Key West…

What are you trusting God for today?

What is this scripture saying to you?

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The FC May/June 2013 | 31

The mission of His Work Christian Ministries is to provide food, clothing and shelter for those in need, to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to build he Church and prepare the bride of Christ. We are mandated and ordained to build the Church of Jesus Christ by reaching, preaching and teaching the Gospel worldwide. What We Do: ● Publish The Fit Christian Magazine! ● Minister to the needs of the homeless in Key West, Florida ● Feed the hungry ● Clothe the poor ● Offer hope (in Christ) to the hopeless ● Teach the Word; Build the Church ● Provide funding for orphanages in need ● Partner with International Outreach Ministries

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