The Economic Future of the Central Activity Zone (CAZ) Phase 1: Office use trends and the CAZ ecosystem Report to the Greater London Authority (GLA)
Foreword The success or failure of London, and the UK is intrinsically linked to the success or failure of the CAZ This is an incredibly damaging time, both in terms of the loss of lives, and of livelihoods. COVID-19 has hit London, and the CAZ, perhaps the hardest of all locations in the UK, in terms of the health crisis, and the following economic crisis. The impacts of this crisis, and the scars that it will leave, will be long lasting. But the following months and years are also a time of opportunity to prepare the CAZ, and London, for the next phase. The pandemic is going to accelerate many previous trends, and so presents a moment in which these can be accommodated. Together the CAZ, and London, have weathered, and eventually thrived as a result of past challenges, including previous pandemics, world wars, and the financial crisis. These events left legacies that are still felt today. And the recoveries often took time, but were enabled by swift, often substantial policy interventions on behalf of branches of government, organisations, and wider society. This crisis requires a similar level of attention. The London Recovery Board is a welcome intervention in this space and has determined a clear agenda for London to deliver on.
and London’s, the CAZ needs to recover quickly and in the right way, potentially on a different path, to respond to the post-COVID-19, post-Brexit world. This is a chance to re-assess the functionality and performance of the CAZ, so that when it does recover, it will work better for everyone.
Matthew Dillon
Joanna Rowelle
The CAZ is the UK’s (and Europe’s) global city, and its shop window to the world. For the nation’s sake,
January 2021