The Economic Future of the Central Activity Zone (CAZ) Phase 1: Office use trends and the CAZ ecosystem Report to the Greater London Authority (GLA)
Introduction The geography of the CAZ, inner London and outer London The CAZ, as defined in the Publication London Plan, covers much of the city core. It is a network of neighbourhoods and identities, a series of distinctive places which attract a broad range of people to live, work, study and visit. Steeped in history, the CAZ is home to the seat of national government and some of the country’s most significant heritage assets. It plays host to culture, arts, retail, entertainment, food and drink, education, and business – from start-ups and knowledge driven sectors to some of the largest businesses in the country. The breadth and abundance of the offer makes examining the CAZ and its economic ecosystem both delightful and challenging.
This report will often reference the CAZ which might suggest one place, but it is much more than that. Where possible its distinct neighbourhoods and economic layers will be unpicked and referenced, but, at other points might be described as a whole.
January 2021
Study geographies: CAZ, non-CAZ Inner London and Outer London: CAZ boundaries defined by all LSOAs within or intersecting with the CAZ official boundaries available on the London Data Store