The Suddeth Scoop Issue 4

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The Suddeth Scoop The Official Publication of Division 7 of the New Jersey District of Key Club International Volume 1, Issue 4 | July 2014

Central Regional l Donovan Catholic l Manchester Township l MATES l Southern Regional l Toms River East l Toms River North l Toms River South

Table of Contents Page 3: Introduction Page 4-5: Division 7 Social Page 6-7: ICON Recap Page 8-9: Amendment Changes Page 10: 2014-2015 International Board Page 11: Youth Opportunities Fund Page 12: Message From The District Project Committee Page Picnic Recap What’s 13: New inK-Family Division 2 | April 2014 | Volume 1, Issue 1 | Page 2 Page 14-15: Information From The Public Relations Committee Page 16: Information From The District Programs Committee Page 17: Jersey Key Art Contest Page 18: Calendar of Events Page 19: Important Reminders Page 20: Contact Information


Hello Division 7! I hope that everyone is enjoying their summer! But remember service never sleeps and summer is a great time to prepare and hold events! In this newsletter you will find a lot of important information from the district, division and recaps of past events, most importantly ICON. Another important thing I want to mention is that freshman orientations are coming up and these are ideal opportunities to recruit new members. Officers should be meeting soon to discuss what they want to do. Enjoy reading and feel free to ask me any questions you may have! -Josie Suddeth

Division 7 Social On July 30th from 12pm-3pm, Division 7 will hold its first divisional event of the new service year. Key Clubbers will meet at the All Saints Regional Catholic School sign and we will then walk to the Doc Cramer Fields where I will have everything set up. This day will be used for Division 7 Key Clubbers to intermingle in a fun social setting since we have been lacking divisional unity in the past few years. We will have fun outdoorsy games to do and I will supply lunch. Please feel free to bring activities to do at the social to share with Division 7 Key Clubbers. I am also asking that everyone brings a $2 donation for The Eliminate Project. Please contact me or your clubs officers with any questions! Remember everyone in the division is invited as well as non Key Clubbers! Please contact me ASAP if you will be coming so I can properly prepare.

ICON Recap Division 7 was honored to send Vice President Julia Paco, General Members Maggie Adair and Francesca Brown as well as adviser Ms.Malley and her son Aidan from Southern Regional to ICON in Anaheim. This is what Julia thought of ICON: After hopping off the plane at LAX, with our dreams of helping communities, we drove to sunny Anaheim, California. Upon our arrival in Anaheim, NJ Key Club took a trip to the Garden Walk Mall, enjoyed the Fire and Ice restaurant, and shopped at the outdoor shops. On our second day in California, we went to Disney's California Adventure, where we spent the day enjoying many of the park's attractions. The following day we had the opportunity to visit Venice Beach, the Santa Monica Pier, Mann's Chinese Theater, the Hollywood Star walk, and the famous Hollywood sign. That same night we attended a Meet and Greet / Pin trade with Key clubbers from all over the world. The next morning the International Convention finally began. Clubbers got to go to their first workshop, then to hours of caucusing, house of delegates, and we ended the night with fireworks at Downtown Disney. Now the second day of ICON was when we got to attend four other workshops, the second house of delegates where we chose the International board, and the closing session of ICON. Before coming back to New Jersey, we were able to spend the day at Disneyland. ICON overall was an unforgettable experience and I cannot wait for Indiana next year!

Amendment Changes One of the most important parts of ICON is the House of Delegates where proposals regarding the Key Club International Amendments are voted on and therefore changes are made if passed. These are the updated amendments as of International Convention. Red is the old amendment and what is bolded is what was passed and is now accepted. Article IX Districts Section 4. In order to form a new district, the proposed area must include no less than 25 active Key Clubs and no less than 375 at least 15 active Key Clubs and at least 450 active Key Club members. In the event a district fails to maintain this club and membership level for three years, the Key Club International board may decertify the district by two-thirds majority vote. In such case, the International director shall provide written notice to the governor and secretary of the sponsoring Kiwanis district and the governor and administrator of the Key Club district at least 120 days prior to any meeting at which the district’s decertification shall be considered. Article VIII. Club Members Section 6. Any person, not in high school or an educational equivalent, who has performed some distinguished public service may be elected an honorary member of a club for a period of one year. Honorary members shall pay no dues and shall not be entitled to any privilege of a Key Club member. Honorary members shall pay no dues but shall be entitled to all the privileges of full club membership except those of voting and holding office. Article XXII. Revenue Section 1. Each Key Club shall pay Key Club International, or its designated fiscal agent, annual dues of six dollars and fifty cents (US$6.50), being membership dues and subscription to the Key Club International publication, for every member, but not including honorary members. Fifty cents of the dues of each member shall be deposited into the Youth Opportunities Fund to create an endowment to fund grants to clubs and scholarships. Dues shall be payable during a period of at least 60 days according to a schedule set forth in Key Club International Board Policies and defined for each nation

into account academic calendar and financial practices of the nation. There shall be no other fees or assessments of clubs. Article XXII. Revenue Section 1. Each Key Club shall pay Key Club International, or its designated fiscal agent, annual dues of six dollars and fifty cents (US$6.50) seven dollars (US$7), being membership dues and subscription to the Key Club International publication, for every member, but not including honorary members. Fifty cents of the dues of each member shall be deposited into the Youth Opportunities Fund to create an endowment to fund grants to clubs and scholarships. Dues shall be payable during a period of at least 60 days according to a schedule set forth in Key Club International Board Policies and defined for each nation taking into account academic calendar and financial practices of the nation. There shall be no other fees or assessments of clubs. Article VIII. Club Members Section 1. The membership of individual Key Clubs shall consist of students from the four upper classes (or the five upper classes in the Canadian Provinces where high school is of a five year duration) of the high school in which they are enrolled. (or in ungraded schools whose members shall be of age comparable to the four upper classes of high school) Membership should cover one's tenure in high school as stipulated by their education system. These members should be interested in service and qualified scholastically by school district requirements for extracurricular activities and of good character. No potential member will be denied the chance of membership in Key Club due to previous service experience or lack thereof.

2014-2015 International Board President Maria Palazzolo-Illinois-Eastern Iowa District Vice President Kevin Zhang -Pacific Northwest District Trustees Jenalee Beazley -Southwest District Gary Cheng -Michigan District Renisha Daley-Jamaica District Tashrima Hossain -Texas-Oklahoma District Laken Kelly-New York District Nicole Lema -New Jersey District Rip Livingston-Alabama District Robbie Mathis-Kentucky-Tennessee District Shane Meyers -Florida District Liz Moore -Capital District Barry Seng-Pennsylvania District *Barry Seng of the Pennsylvania District will be our international trustee until July 2015. **Congrats to Immediate Past Lieutenant Governor Nicole Lema on her successful campaign for international trustee!

Youth Opportunities Fund

Does your club want to make a difference through a large service project? Does your club need a little extra cash to help get it started? The Youth Opportunities Fund uses earned interest to help Key Clubs and Key Club members serve the world by providing grants for service opportunities. In order to receive this grant, your club must find a problem in the community that you all want to fix. The project must have some planning before applying for the grant. Grants range from $200$2000.The application is due by October 15th. The application can be found on Please contact me if you wish to learn more about Y.O.F.

Message From The District Project Committee Salutations Key Clubbers! At this year’s International Convention in Anaheim, California, there were several workshops presenting progress and fundraising ideas for the Eliminate Project. Here are some amazing statistics: • So far, with your efforts, Key Club International has raised $856,320 • That is a total of over 425,000 lives saved since the campaign started. Congrats, Key Clubbers! • Most recently, Madagascar eliminated MNT, meaning there are now 24 countries still afflicted with MNT. • The Eliminate Project has set a $1.5 million goal for Key Club International; to reach this goal, every member would need to donate just $2! • In total, the Eliminate Project needs to raise $110 million to ultimately rid the world of tetanus. These seem like impossible goals to reach. However, with your efforts, the end of tetanus by 2015 is sure to come. Below are some inventive projects that are sure to bring in big bucks: • 18,000: Every day, 18,000 children die of preventable diseases. So what can we do to help? One inventive idea is to take duct tape and write out a big 18,000 on the ground in your local park or courtyard. The objective is to fully cover the duct tape with change. As people walk by, educate them on the Eliminate Project and ask them to donate change. This is a great way to raise awareness and to fundraise. • Give-something-up Day: Encourage fellow Key Clubbers to give up their daily cup of coffee or lunch from Chipotle, and donate the money saved to the Eliminate Project. • Carnation/Flower sales: These are always popular. Talk to a local florist and see if you can get some flowers donated for free or discounted price. Sell them for a profit! • FOOD!- one of the most effective methods of fundraising is selling food. In the summer, you can try popsicles or lemonade; during the school year, ask your school principal if your Key Club could have a weekly pizza fundraiser. Contact your local pizzeria about discounted pizzas and sell them for a profit. Let’s help the Eliminate Project reach its ultimate goal. Happy fundraising!

K-Family Picnic Recap On July 20th, K-Family members from all over the state gathered in Toms River for the annual K-Family Picnic organized by the NJ District of Circle K. The day comprised of a beach clean up,lunch, games and lots of fun!

Calendar Of Events July: July 30th: Divisional Social at Doc Cramer Fields September: Central RTC: September 13th South RTC: September 14th North RTC: September 20th October: Fall Rally: October 12th at Six Flags December: Key Leader: December 5th-7th at Camp Cross Roads in Port Murray, NJ March: DCON: March 27-29 at Ocean Place Resort and Spa in Long Branch, NJ 10th of every month: CMRF and Division 7 Spotlight Recap and pictures due

Important Reminders Survey Please fill out the survey in District Governor Levisay’s newsletter. m/s/XMV3ZVZ

Google Form Please have your 2014-2015 officers go to and have them go to the Google Forms/ Surveys tab and fill out the form. Roster Collection: If you have not already done so, please send me and District Secretary Dragon your rosters if your club has had officer elections for the 20142015 service year.

OTC Please have your president or adviser contact me to plan an OTC ! Officers: Please send me your schedule of events for what your club has planned for the service year thus far. Email: Please check your emails regularly Division Website Visit njkeyclubdivision7.we for divisional and district information!

Contact Information Samantha Levisay District Governor Cell: (908)-319-9990 Jacqueline Dragon District Secretary Cell: (551)-795-6311 Daniel McCormack District Treasurer Cell: (732) 757-8551 m Patrick Quinn District Editor Cell: (908)-635-9075 Srikar Gudipati District Webmaster Cell: (732)-421-6309 m Josie Suddeth LTG of Division 7 Cell: (609)-709-0070

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