The Suddeth Scoop Issue 5

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The Suddeth Scoop The Official Publication of Division 7 of the New Jersey District of Key Club International Volume 1, Issue 5 | September 2014

Central Regional l Donovan Catholic l Manchester Township l MATES l Southern Regional l Toms River East l Toms River North

Table of Contents Page 3: Introduction and Recruiting Pages 4-5: Fall Rally Page 6: Youth Opportunities Fund Page 7: Dues Page 8: Letter From The District Project Committee Page 9: Eliminate Flyer Pages 10-11: Eliminathon Pages 12-13: Students Change Hunger What’s New in Division 2 | April 2014 | Volume 1, Issue 1 | Page 2 Page 14: Letter From The International Programs Committee Page 15: Key Leader Pages 16-17: Outside Organizations Page 18: Calendar of Events Page 19: Important Reminders Page 20: Contact Information

Introduction and Recruiting Hello Division 7! I hope the sadness of starting school has worn off and we are all ready to start the Key Club year off right! This time of year is an ideal time to recruit new members! With all the clubs trying to do the same make Key Club’s coolness shine! Whatever public relations works at your school is what I recommend whether it be flyers, announcements, bulletin boards, social media, etc.! Having social events early on also keeps and recruits members. Using Fall Rally (since you don’t have to be dues paid to go) is also a great way for potential members to learn about Key Club! In my 5th issue, you will find a lot of updates from the district, especially as we prepare for Fall Rally which I all hope you are attending! We will reach 3000 attendees again with strong Division 7 representation! Please contact me with any questions! Thanks and happy reading! Yours in Caring and Service Josie Suddeth

Fall Rally Are you ready to Get Animated with Service at Fall Rally 2014? What is Fall Rally you ask? Fall Rally is the largest gathering of NJ Key Clubbers to motivate Key Clubbers to have a great rest of the service year. This year Fall Rally will be on October 12th at Six Flags Great Adventure in Jackson New Jersey. Get ready to see the NJ District Board dress up as your favorite animated characters ranging from Aang to Wanda! Get ready to learn all about what the New Jersey District is doing in the opening session ranging from Eliminate updates, Advocacy information, dues, and different district events! Another highlight of the event will be the spirit stick competition! Every division will have to prove how ready they are for the service year as the cheer their heads off hoping to be the loudest division in the district! The winner will win the honorable spirit stick! The day does not have to end with this fun session! Clubs have the option to explore the park and go on the rides before the park officially opens! Your club will also has the option to stay for Fright Fest. The cost of the event is $37 for non-season pass holders, $6 for season pass holders and $41 for late registration. Early registration is due September 24th. Get ready to get animated at one of the best events of the service year! We can’t wait to see you there!

Youth Opportunities Fund

ervice is the foundation of Key Club International and Key Clubs have successfully en changing the world through service since its beginning. Every year clubs ainstorm ways they can change their homes, schools and communities. Clubs ten come up with great ideas but their club lacks the funds to get it started. owever, do not lose hope! The Youth Opportunities Fund is here for Key Clubs to ilize. This fund is created by the purchasing of G. Harold Martin Fellowships. The nd allows Key Clubs to serve the world by providing grants for service portunities. In order to receive this grant, your club must find a problem in the mmunity that you all want to fix. You have to organize how you will do it and w the funds will be used. Your club is then ready to fill out the application! ants range from $100-$2000. r example, the North Crowley Key Club in Fort Worth Texas was able to have a ry successful project with their $450 YOF grant. As they were searching ways to ange the world through service they realized a problem in their local elementary hools. The lack of funds going towards art there left kids with few opportunities be creative. What did they do? They started planning and received their grant. hey used their grant to buy art supplies which they used at Barnes & Noble’s aturday morning story times every week. They would lead the kids in craft that lated to the story. With their art supplies, the club was also able to host a ywide arts and crafts art fair. Members also donated supplies to an urban ementary school with no art budget and sent craft donations to children living in ppalachia. The club continues to their weekly craft at Barnes & Noble. This club as very successful in changing the values of art in their community! he application can be found at tp:// and ust be received by October 15th. The address where you should send the plication to is: iwanis International tn: YOF Application/Nicole Harris 636 Woodview Trace Indianapolis, IN 6268-3196, USA u can also send the application by fax to 1-317-879-0204. If you would like to arn more about YOF please contact your lieutenant governor, email or visit

From The District Project Committee Salutations, New Jersey District! Each year, the first week of November marks Key Club Week! Key Club Week, November 3-7 this year, allows clubs to show off their Key Club spirit and make it a household name. Much like Eliminate Week, each day in Key Club Week is assigned a theme. From hosting a service project with local K-Family clubs, to bringing a friend to a Key Club meeting, Key Club Week is a great way to promote Key Club and the Eliminate project. Flyers for Key Club Week, which will include all necessary information, will be available shortly. Keep your eye out for the flyers from your respective Lieutenant Governor and make sure to use the official hashtag, #KeyClubWeek! If you want to get a head start on planning your events for this week, a list of suggestions has been posted at Of course, spreading the word about the Eliminate Project is vital in this final year of the campaign. To promote fundraising towards the New Jersey District’s goal, $109,325.15, and to promote awareness about Maternal and Neonatal tetanus (MNT), the New Jersey District will host a series of volleyball tournaments, each called the Eliminathon. Winners from the divisional level will qualify to compete at the district level and determine the best of the best players of the New Jersey District! Any high schooler can participate in the tournament by forming a group of 6 players at the divisional level. Any one can come out and support your teams. Once you receive a date and time, invite all of your friends to come and spectate! More information about the Eliminathon will be released shortly. Keep an eye out for flyers sent out by your Lieutenant Governor. We hope to see you at this year’s Eliminathon!

Eliminathon As decided at August Board, the NJ District Fundraiser for Eliminate this year will be Eliminathon. Divisions are teamed up (7 & 8 for us) where Divisional Volleyball tournaments will be held. The winner for each divisional tournament will move up to the district tournament! All proceeds will benefit Eliminate. More details about this event will be out soon!

From The International Programs Committee Hello Key Clubbers of Division 7! Every fall, students from around the state of New Jersey attend Key Leader and learn valuable skills about becoming a better leader. Throughout the weekend, students participate in unique ice breakers, fun group activities, and a challenging ropes course requiring teamwork to pass it.Between the family meals and workshops, you will be able to get more feedback from other clubs, as well as information that Key Club International created for education in servant leadership, which is a type of leadership focused on the team rather than the officers. You will not only leave this weekend making 60 new friends, but also gain new tips and tricks you can bring back to your home clubs for improvement. It will be an experience that you will not be able to stop talking about! This year’s Key Leader will take place from December 5-7 and will cost $200 for regular students. For Key Clubbers, it will cost $175 due to a scholarship provided by Key Club International. If you are interested in attending the Key Leader event in New Jersey, go to and click on “Find Events”, then scroll down to “filter by” and selected State and proceed to click on New Jersey. We hope to see everyone at this year’s Key Leader weekend!

Outside Organizations Over the summer, the world was overtaken by the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. If nominated, you had 24 hours to either donate to the ALS Association or dump a bucket of ice water on yourself. This challenge raised millions of dollars for the ALS Association. This organization works towards finding a cure for this terrible disease. What is ALS? Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord. Over time, the disease makes one eventually lose complete loss of control of their body: those affected can’t even speak. The deterioration of the body eventually leads to death. There is no cure. How can my club help the ALS Foundation? How can my club save many lives? Your club can hold any sort of fundraiser that tends to be successful for your individual club. Whether it is a bake sale, car wash, etc., any sort of funds you can raise are very much appreciated. Want to do something really cool though? Why not have a school wide ALS ice bucket challenge? Designate a day where the school will go outside where the challenge will take place. During the days preceding the challenge have Key Clubbers run a stand during lunches or after school where they will collect donations and give a wristband (so you don’t have any non-donors participating) to those who will be able to participate. On the designated day, have those who donated come onto the field with their buckets (can be brought from home or donated) and complete the challenge. What a great way to raise money for such a worthy cause. Please contact your LTG with any questions regarding the ALS Association or the project.

Outside Organizations

Key Club International endorses certain charities that they recommend clubs to fundraise and perform service projects for. However, while it is good to fundraise and serve the charities we endorse, it is also good to spread the love and help outside organizations. This year at international convention, many different charities were there explaining what they do to better the world. One particularly eye catching one was Yuda Bands. Yuda Bands works towards giving children from third world countries a chance for an education that they otherwise would not have had. And when you give a child an opportunity for education, you give them the possibility to change the world. What are Yuda Bands? Yuda Bands are beautiful handcrafted bracelets. Your club would sign up to sell the bracelets and then the money from the sales goes back to giving these children’s education. How can your club have a Yuda Bands project? Once the project has been approved by your school, your club can fill out the application. When the application has been approved by Yuda Bands, your club would pick the students you would like to sponsor. Once this is done, you can begin the project! A typical Yuda Bands project is two weeks of advertising and two weeks of selling. Your club can assign students to sell them or you can sell them after school, during lunch, or whatever your school will allow. Be mindful they sell like hotcakes! Once the project is done, you will receive a certificate that you gave the children you sponsored an education. Overall, Yuda Bands works towards Kiwanis goal of bettering the lives of the children of the world in a different way. If you would like to learn more about Yuda Bands, please visit or contact your lieutenant governor.

Calendar Of Events September: Fall Rally Early Registration: September 24th (postmarked) October: Fall Rally: October 12th at Six Flags November: Early Bird Dues Deadline: November 1st December: Regular Dues Deadline: December 1st Key Leader: December 5th-7th at Camp Cross Roads in Port Murray, NJ March: DCON: March 27-29 at Ocean Place Resort and Spa in Long Branch, NJ 10th of every month: CMRF Due 15th of every month: Division 7 Spotlight Recap and pictures due

Important Reminders Survey Please fill out the survey in District Governor Levisay’s newsletter. m/s/XMV3ZVZ Officers: Please send me your schedule of events for what your club has planned for the service year thus far.

Roster Collection: If you have not already done so, please send me and District Secretary Dragon your rosters if your club has had officer elections for the 2014-2015 service year.

OTC Please have your president or adviser contact me to plan an OTC !

Fall Rally Does your club have plans to go to Fall Rally? Contact me! Email: Please check your emails regularly. Division Website Visit njkeyclubdivision7.we for divisional and district information!

Contact Information Samantha Levisay District Governor Cell: (908)-319-9990 Jacqueline Dragon District Secretary Cell: (551)-795-6311 Daniel McCormack District Treasurer Cell: (732) 757-8551 m Patrick Quinn District Editor Cell: (908)-635-9075 Srikar Gudipati District Webmaster Cell: (732)-421-6309 m Josie Suddeth LTG of Division 7 Cell: (609)-709-0070

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