The Suddeth Scoop Issue 7

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The Suddeth Scoop The Official Publication of Division 7 of the New Jersey District of Key Club International Volume 1, Issue 7 | December 2014

Central Regional l Donovan Catholic l Manchester Township l MATES l Southern Regional l Toms River East l Toms River North

Table of Contents

Page 3: Introduction Page 4: LTG Elections Page 5: Club Officer Elections Pages 6-7: DCON Pages 8-9: Division 7 & 8 Eliminathon Recap Pages 10-11: Key Leader Recap Page 12: Outside Organizations Page 13: Elections Article Page 14: Saturday Morning Awards Committee Article Page 15: Scholarships Committee Article Page 16: District Project Steering Committee Article Page 17: Circle K Flyer Page 18: District Programs Updates Page 19: Hunger Is Flyer Page 20: Important Reminders Page 21: Contact Information


Hello Division 7! I hope you all are enjoying the month and break! This month The Suddeth Scoop comes to you with plenty of recaps, district updates and necessary information as we near the end of the service year. The biggest focus right now is LTG elections. The Lieutenant Governor of Division 7 for the 2015-2016 Service Year will be elected on January 25th at 2pm at the Stafford Library. Every club must bring two delegates. Every club must notify me who the delegates will be by January 1st. As always, never hesitate to contact me with any questions and enjoy the rest of your break! Yours in Caring and Service, Josie Suddeth Lieutenant Governor of Division 7

LTG Elections The Lieutenant Governor of Division 7 for the 2015-2016 Service year will be elected on January 25th at 2pm at the Stafford Library. Clubs should have at least 2 delegates. Please inform me who the delegates from your club will be by January 1st. Every club will have 2 votes no matter how many delegates there are from the school. Your clubs dues must be processed in order to vote. Immediately following the election there will be a DCM. What does being a Lieutenant Governor entail? -Serves as a liaison between the clubs in the division and the district -Serves on district committees -Trains all officers in the division -Holds Divisional Council Meetings -Organizes Divisional Events -Visits all clubs -Publishes newsletters (at least 10) -Files monthly reports (and other report forms) -Stays in constant communication with clubs, the executive board, and the Kiwanis committee -Serves as a go to person for clubs - At minimum attends DCON as an elect and at the end of his or her term, district board meetings, two Midwinter Training Conferences, Fall Rally, ICON, and 3 RTCs. For anyone who believes they can handle the workload, the job is extremely fulfilling. I have learned a lot about myself as well as many life lessons from this position all the while changing the world.

Club Officer Elections

Club officer elections should be held during February so elects can observe in March and take over April 1st at the start of the service year. Clubs should start publicizing elections right after Winter Break. Begin talking to potential candidates. Be sure to provide an informative elections packet with descriptions of all positions. Elections and the comprising of the Election Packet should be run by seniors. On election day, candidates should recite speeches and answer caucus questions from your clubs voters. After the elections, be sure to count the ballots and send the new officer roster to me so I can give it to my elect. You all worked very hard this year with growing your clubs. Be sure to leave your club in the hands of officers who will have the same goals as your current officers. A club should definitely elect a president, vice president, secretary and treasurer. An editor and webmaster are other positions that many clubs elect but aren’t necessary for every club. Other clubs also elect other officer positions.


What is DCON or District Convention? DCON is weekend long celebration where all the outstanding accomplishments of clubs around the state are acknowledged. We also kick off the start of the new service year! The District Executives are elected after rounds of speeches and caucus questions. The 2015-2016 District Board is also inducted. It is a learning experience for all attendees! Attendees attend various workshops ranging from respective officer positions, recruiting to dancing! DCON has various fun elements! It is right on the beach and boardwalk! There is free time on Saturday and many attendees take advantage of this! There are also dances and fun meals. DCON this year is from March 27th-29th at the Ocean Place Resort and Spa in Long Branch New Jersey. The DCON registration packet can be found in the December Mailing. DCON is my favorite Key Club event and I hope to see many of you there! Please contact me with any questions regarding DCON!

Division 7 & 8 Eliminathon Recap The Division 7 & 8 Eliminathon was held on December 13th at Southern Regional High School. There were 5 teams total and we raised $330 for The Eliminate Project. I am extremely proud of all the teams who participated. Everyone there had a lot of fun playing volleyball and hanging out with friends all while saving lives. The Jackson 6 from Jackson Memorial won the tournament and will represent us at the district tournament. I hope my successor will be able to do this again! The District Tournament will be in early February in central Jersey. It will be $5 admission to watch all the divisional champions battle it out. It will be a lot of fun! Ranks: 1st: The Jackson 6 2nd: I’d Tap That 3rd: The “Court”er Notes 4th: The Freelancers 5th: Sarah and The Others

Key Leader Recap

From December 5th-7th, Key Leader was held at Camp Cross Roads in Port Murray! At Key Leader, attendees learn how to be a servant leader, a very effective leadership technique. Different neighborhood activities, team building activities, and sessions are held throughout the weekend that really make it a different learning experience! All attendees had a lot of fun, learned a lot about themselves, and made lots of friends! I strongly recommend going in December 2015!

Outside Organizations

When Alex set up her first lemonade stand at age four, little did she know that the world would change forever. Alex was diagnosed with cancer right before her first birthday. When she was four, with the help of her brother, she set up her first lemonade stand. Despite having a life threatening disease, Alex never stopped thinking of others. Not only did she hold lemonade stands annually until cancer took her life at age eight, she also inspired many people to do the same. Wishing to continue her legacy, her parents set up the Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation. This foundation has continued what Alex started: it has raised money and awareness of childhood cancer causes—especially research into new treatments and cures—and encouraged and empowered others, especially children, to get involved and make a difference for children with cancer. Since 2000, Alex’s Lemonade Stand has raised more than $80 million dollars to fight childhood cancer. How can my club help this incredible organization? Hold an Alex’s Lemonade Stand at your school! Get it approved for the spring or summer. When the time comes, set up in the sun and see how much your club can raise to help end childhood cancer. Alex’s Lemonade Stand also takes donations. Please contact your lieutenant governor with any questions on Alex’s Lemonade Stand or visit

Elections Article The New Jersey District of Key Club is looking for a new set of capable student leaders for the 2015-2016 New Jersey District Board. Key Club in itself is a student-led organization in which the District Board, made up of high school student like you, oversees all club affairs. We organize District Events such as Fall Rally and District Convention and form a support system for over 13,000 Key Clubbers in New Jersey. Our District Officers are very passionate about Key Club and work diligently to make sure that the New Jersey District and all its clubs keeps growing stronger. As District Officers, our goal as leaders is to teach others to be leaders, and that is what you will have to do if you are elected to the District Board. There are two categories of District Officers: Lieutenant Governors and District Executives. Lieutenant Governors are regional liaisons to the District and are elected by the student officers in their respective divisions. Their job is to update individual clubs on District affairs and provide support to struggling clubs. District Executives such as the District Governor, Secretary, Treasurer, and Editor serve the entire state of New Jersey to oversee the Lieutenant Governors and the 144 Key Clubs. Because of the great responsibility of these positions, District Executives are elected into office at by members at District Convention. Each of these positions requires great leadership and communication skills, and the time and travel commitments are extensive. However, if you are willing to put in the work, the experience can be extremely rewarding. If you are interested, contact your Lieutenant Governor for more information.

Saturday Morning Awards Committee Article

Ever wonder about what the Saturday Morning Awards Committee does? Well, wonder no more! This committee is in charge of making sure awards are given to club officers distinguished for their hard work and dedication towards service during the 2014-2015 service year. At DCON, Distinguished Club Officer awards, 100% CMRF, Early Bird, and Big Ten awards are all distributed to clubs that meet a specific criterion. Distinguished officers are based on certain standards developed specifically for each position; the final results are determined based on the performance of each officer throughout their entire service year. The 100% CMRF award, a new award, is given to clubs that submit their CMRFs either early or on time consistently throughout the service year. Early Bird Awards are given to clubs that have paid their dues by November 1st. Finally, Big Ten Awards are given to clubs that increased their membership by 10% since the last service year. If you and your club meet the criteria to receive any of the awards mentioned above, great job! Continue to spread service at your home, school and community, and be proud of yourselves for your accomplishments. If you have any questions or wish to seek more information regarding the Saturday Morning Awards Committee, feel free to contact your Lieutenant Governor or Committee Chair Aleena Kazmi at

Scholarships Article Salutations, New Jersey District Key Clubbers! Although it may seem like the service year just began, it is quickly coming to a close! For many of you, this year will be the last for your Key Club career. Fortunately, you have the opportunity to be rewarded for your dedication to Key Club! Each year, the New Jersey District grants 14 different scholarships, each ranging between $1,000-$2,000. All information is located in the scholarship packet. You can ask your Lieutenant Governor for a packet, but here is a quick breakdown of what you need to include in your application: • A two page essay detailing your favorite Key Club service project. • Two letters of recommendation from adults who are familiar with your service, neither of which can be a relative. • Advisor verification of your service, especially if you must approximate your number of hours/points, in the case that your club does not record hours/points. • Brief description of all your service, inside and outside of Key Club, and your greatest achievement outside of Key Club. All scholarship applications must be postmarked by February 20th, 2015. Any application not postmarked by this date will not be considered. Scholarship recipients will be announced at District Convention! I look forward to reading about your favorite service projects! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Yours in Caring and Service, Farwa Shakeel

District Project Steering Committee Article Happy Holidays, New Jersey District! Besides breaking out your best holiday sweaters or mixing up some hot chocolate to get into the holiday spirit, you can also do some fun holiday fundraising! Who wouldn’t love some warm sugar cookies before holiday break starts? Bake sales are always a great way to make some profit, any time of the year! Ask your members to bake some of their favorite holiday treats this year. Advertise the bake sale all over your school and encourage members to help sell, too! Another great holiday fundraiser is a candy-gram fundraiser! Sell candy canes with a message for $1. Deliver them a few days before holiday break, and you’ve got a sure-fire way to make some decent profit. You can even do a small candy-cane fundraiser! Luckily, some stores sell blue candy canes, which are perfect for a Key Club fundraiser! You can dress up the candy canes with ribbon, or even tie a piece of string with a message attached to them. This is a great way to show off your creativity and make some money for the Eliminate Project, all at the same time. The District Project Steering asks all of you to make your best effort to do some holiday fundraising this service year, keeping in mind the mothers and children that may never see a holiday season of their own. Yours in Caring and Service, District Project Steering Committee Co-Chairpersons LtG. Division 20 Aleena Kazmi LtG. Division 11 Farwa Shakeel

District Programs Updates

As the second half of the service year comes around, the New Jersey District of Key Club International is promoting our advocacy focus—Hunger in the United States—even more! As a fresh start for the second half of the service year, the District Programs committee decided to support the organization Hunger Is, at Hunger Is works to end child hunger in the world through service, monetary donations, and educating people. is a fantastic website that helps you get involved in the fight against hunger in several different ways. The website has a “Get Involved” tab on their homepage, which allows you to either donate time or money. To donate your time, you can type in your zip code in the “search” bar and a variety of service opportunities in your area is displayed. This organization will give your clubs more freedom in how you would like to support the New Jersey District’s advocacy focus: Hunger in the United States. Happy volunteering! Sincerely, The District Programs Committee

Important Reminders Distinguished Officers Advisers- Please fill out the distinguished officer criteria by January 7th. LTG Election Delegates Please inform me who the delegates from your club will be by January 1st! Trick or Treat for UNICEF Any remaining funds from Trick or Treat for UNICEF should be submitted by December 31st. LTG Elections: If anyone from your club has any interest in being an LTG next year please have them contact me.

Annual Achievement Report Form Reminder that the AARF must be received by March 2nd! Please contact me with any questions about it! Email Please check your emails regularly. CMRFs CMRFs are due the 10th of every month!

Divisional Website Visit for divisional and district information!

Contact Information Samantha Levisay District Governor Cell: (908)-319-9990 Jacqueline Dragon District Secretary Cell: (551)-795-6311 Daniel McCormack District Treasurer Cell: (732) 757-8551 Patrick Quinn District Editor Cell: (908)-635-9075

Srikar Gudipati District Webmaster Cell: (732)-421-6309 Josie Suddeth LTG of Division 7 Cell: (609)-709-0070

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