Issue 48 March / April 2018

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March / APRil 2018 Issue 48

ed’s note

MARch / APRIL Do more of what makes you happy! As we head into March and April, it’s good to take a step back and think about what we want for the rest of the year. I always found that January goes by in the blink of an eye, but this year I feel like February has been the same. Which means I need to take a step back. Life is going too fast and only I can slow it down. Take a deep breath, work a little less, keep stress levels at bay, and do more of what makes me happy. Here’s to a wonderful March and April. A big thank you to everyone who got involved in this issue. I love you all. If you want to get involved in a future issue, please contact me on With love, laughter and a lot of coffee. Christine

Follow us: @FW_Concepts FlatWhiteConcepts | Issue 48


TASTE | Issue 48

taste MATCHA CHIA GRANOLA Where to start with this bowl of heavenly fodder? Fodder it is ’cause I may or may not have grazed through half a tray without batting an eye. Addictions are generally destructive and damaging. Fortunately the opposite can be said of good addictions. This one in particular is a good dependency, a very good one in fact. Matcha Chia Granola. There it is! Can this day get any better? Refined sugar and gluten-free, guilt-free and Banting friendly. Calorie free? Not quite, but it does weigh in heavily on good-foryou nutrients which makes it my food pick of the week.

Ingredients • 3 cups coconut flakes • 3 tablespoons chia seeds • 3 tablespoons sesame seeds • ⅓ cup pumpkin seeds • ½ cup raw pecan nuts • ½ cup raw almonds

Method 1. Preheat the oven to 160º C. Line a baking tray with parchment paper or foil. Place all the dry ingredients in a large bowl and mix through to combine. 2. To make the matcha syrup, place all the ingredients in a small ceramic or glass bowl and heat in the microwave for about 40 seconds or until the coconut oil is completely melted. Stir to combine until you have a smooth, sticky paste. 3. Pour the matcha syrup over the coconut mixture and work through by hand to ensure the coconut flakes are well coated. 4. Transfer the mixture to the baking sheet and spread out evenly. Bake for about 20-25 minutes, turning over two or three times during the cooking time to prevent burning. The granola should be a deep golden brown. 5. Allow to cool completely on the tray before storing in an airtight container. Note: If you’re in SA, matcha is available at The Tea Merchant or order on line. Serves 4 cups

For the matcha syrup • 2 tablespoons coconut oil • 2 tablespoons xylitol • 1 -2 tablespoon honey, depending on sweetness, preferred • pinch of salt • 1½ teaspoons matcha green tea powder

Bibby’s Kitchen @ Thirty Six | Issue 48

taste G&T fan? You have to try CopperFox! Read on to find out more... | Issue 48

taste | Issue 48


I fell in love with the packaging first, then immediately fell in love with the taste. I’m a big Gin and Tonic fan, so I was looking forward to trying CopperFox - great name too, don’t you think? I’m all about convenience, so the fact that these are ready to drink was very appealing to me. The perfect drink to store in your fridge for a hot summer’s day, or take along to a braai. It’s absolutely delicious and, admittedly, it didn’t take me long to finish all four. I’m now on the hunt for more, and I’m happy to say I’ve found my summer drink. Although, I wouldn’t say no to it in winter either really. This drink contains no artificial flavourants, sweeteners or preservatives, and there’s a freshness to it that you don’t get in many drinks. Much like the fox with its discerning taste, CopperFox went on the hunt for the finest Gin & Tonic ingredients available and takes pride in its 100% natural elements shipped from around the world. It is crafted from a selection of 13 African Botanicals, including Fynbos, Boekenhout Honey, Rose Geranium and Citrus. Retail on the product ranges from R28 – R33 per bottle and can be found at the following stores: • CyberCellar. com • Woodstock Liquors • Certain Liquor City’s, Tops @ Spar, and Norman Goodfellows Stock can be found in Cape Town, Durban, Johannesburg and Pretoria.

Nicole, from CopperFox tells us more: “We really tried to keep the integrity of what a perfect pour Gin & Tonic should be. CopperFox is as organic as we can get it and have been blown away at the incredible feedback from everyone who tries it. We always strived to craft something that was unique and convenient, and never compromising on the quality. We launched in midNovember 2017, and with the aid of Copper & Malt Distribution, we have managed to stock stores country wide and are still growing every day. Our main focus now is to change the consumer outlook on what ready to drink products can be and should be. We have a few plans for the future and we are constantly busy with research and development in order to maintain the standard we created, so keep your eyes peeled for some exciting and innovative things launching before summer 2018.” | Issue 48

taste | Issue 48


I’m not a vegetarian, but I’ve been considering going that route for a very long time. This year, I decided to start by adding more vegetarian meals into my diet. It’s not that I’m a massive meat lover, but it has always been the easy option at home. When it comes to figuring out what to make after a busy day of work, falling back on simple meat based dishes always tends to happen. Now I’m making a conscious effort to do change that. UCOOK Recently, I purchased a UCOOK vegetarian box for home. At UCOOK, you choose between nine seasonally inspired recipes each week, and three of these get delivered to your door. The meals do not arrive already cooked, and instead you are given the recipe as well as all the ingredients so that you can create the dishes yourself. Our meals were: Happy Earth Chickpea Pasta (artichoke, red pepper, red pesto and feta), Veggie Quinoa Sushi, and That’s a Wrap (beetroot hummus, goats cheese and aubergine). We made a bit of a mess with our sushi (ours looked more like a poke bowl of sorts, but we can pretend we were going for that look), and the meals all tasted like we’d gone out to eat. I would definitely get a box again. I enjoy cooking, but I’m always too busy to get creative, so this is a lot of fun for people who feel like adding something different to their weekly meals without as much of the fuss.

TWITTER We turn to Twitter for some advise. If you’re looking to make the transition, I would recommend planning your meals well in advance and knowing what your preferences are. There are tons of vegetarian options. Beans, pulses, soya options as well as pure veg. Salads with seeds and nuts and cheeses for light lunches, and pure veg curry and rice options for supper. Knowing what you want to eat is winning half the battle. If going vegan, try to minimise the dairy and eggs in your vegetarian diets. Opt for other alternatives. Knowing what can be substituted makes the transition so much easier. Rice milk is a great and a cheaper alternative to nut milks which don’t taste that grand. Vegan and vegetarian multi vitamins are a must in order to replenish your daily needs. Vegan dhals are healthy, nourishing and so filling. Add rice and popadoms to make a great meal. Finger foods like hummus, falafel and tzatziki are great with pita breads. Your vegan and dairy free margarines are a great addition and a must in every fridge. Making your own coconut yogurt is satisfying and quick, and so much cheaper than buying them ready made. Roti rolls or veg wraps are great to make and the options are endless. Do your research and have fun with it. Being vegetarian doesn’t have to be dull. @iamsystar | Issue 48

taste One man’s passion for changing the planet grows into a successful global business

From humble beginnings, making vegetarian sausages and burger patties in their family kitchen, The Fry Family Food Co.’s range of vegetarian meat alternatives has garnered international success whilst sticking to the values on which it was established 26 years ago. The founder of Fry’s, Wally Fry says, “In 1991, my wife Debbie and I - both committed vegetarians by then - began experimenting in our kitchen with the aim of finding and creating a variety of healthy, high-protein meat alternatives to support our family’s healthy, active lifestyle.”

Giving up what was once a staple part of his diet, Wally needed something to take the place of meat. “I was very over broccoli, feta and spinach. Truthfully, most chefs think that’s what vegetarians eat, but we need protein just like anybody else. That’s why I started Fry’s,” he says.

About two years later, having spent days upon days in their Durban home trying, testing and trying again, Wally and Debbie produced their first four products using a small burner, a pot and a glass thermometer. “To make our sausages, I used a Stanley Knife to cut the cellulose casings and a cappuccino machine delivering “While I was not a born vegetarian, both my steam.” wife and daughter were and I soon began questioning my own need for meat. It was only later, “We shared these with our friends and family after witnessing the ethical issues surrounding and ended up receiving a call from the chairmeat production first hand, that I took the deci- man of the Vegetarian Society of South Africa who had heard about our products and, after sion to make a difference.” | Issue 48


cusing on continuous improvement and innovation; evidence of this is clear from the awards that Fry’s continue to win around the world; most recently the Fry’s Soy and Flaxseed Schnitzel won the Taste Innovation Award at the world’s biggest food show, Anuga FoodTec Trade Show 2017. This came a week after Fry’s and was awarded “BEST VEGAN MEAT” at Vegfest UK Awards 2017; The Fry’s also began to employ more Europe’s largest vegan festival. staff, a number of whom are still with the company today, a company which Wally attributes the rest of their sucproduces thousands of tons of vegetar- cess to the fact the business is driven ian products every year and employs by a desire to make a difference in the world, and not simply to make a profover 250 people. it; “Principles before profits. That has Wally says, “From producing 50kg of been our mantra from day one. We still our initial products a day, we now make measure our success by the amount around 14,000kg in one shift and supply of animal lives saved should someone a constantly growing list of products to choose Fry’s over a meat product,” he concludes. over 25 countries.” tasting them for himself, loved them too. With his support and marketing experience, I learnt what I needed to do to see a supermarket buyer and get our products onto the shelves,” Wally explains. With a near immediate order, Wally had to scale up production, secure factory space and buy equipment.

The phenomenal success of Fry’s has been driven partly by an ethos of fo- | Issue 48 | Issue 48

taste | Issue 48


We chat to the lovely Lydia Afonso from Kunjani Wines...

I hear a chance encounter was the reason be- represents a greeting between friends. The hands used are our very own Managing Direchind Kunjani Wines? Tell me more... tor, Pia and our formidable foreman, Thulani. Pia Watermeyer and Paul Barth met at a mutual friend’s wedding in 2010 where there was Our Rose label is particular special to us. Stolen an immediate connection. Paul spoke no Eng- Chicken shows an image of James, our MD’s lish and Pia spoke no German but, despite this, late son (and his stolen chickens). James used they managed to drink and dance the night to steal chickens from the side of the road and away. They’ve been inseparable ever since. bring them home to his chicken coop to raise. When the time came to look for a house to- When his mother questioned this insanity gether, it was the Wine Lifestyle that formed (and theft), he simply smiled and replied with, the basis of a new adventure. Pia knows a great “if they belonged to someone, why were they business opportunity when she sees one, and on the side of the road?” This label will change Paul comes from a rich family history in win- every vintage, to a new image of him and his emaking in Germany. Together, they dove into beloved chickens. It is quite the little collector’s item. the South African wine scene. I'd love to know more about the name. Kunjani means “hello, how are you?” and that is exactly what we stand for as a brand. A simple, friendly introduction into wine. Nothing starts a conversation quite like a great glass of wine.

We produce 4 wines under the Kunjani label, Chenin Blanc, Sauvignon Blanc, Shiraz and a Red Blend (Cab Franc, Merlot and Malbec), and our Stolen Chicken Rose is a blend of Shiraz, Cabernet and Merlot. The origin of all our wines is Stellenbosch What makes Kunjani so special?

Let's start with the wine. Tell me about the awesome artwork, and about the wine itself. The people. On any given day you can walk in and the owners themselves will be there. ServThe Kunjani artwork is very special to us at it ing people, talking to guests and running their | Issue 48

taste farm. Kunjani might have only popped up in the news in the last few months but the core team of people have been working on this project for 3 years. Your restaurant looks amazing, tell me more about the food, the interior, and the chef. Kunjani Wines boasts quite the unique tasting and dining experience. We went against the grain and decided out with the old (family crest and Cape Dutch touches), and in with the new.We painted it black, with put bold red accents that that makes it pop amongst the green vines. The interior was a collaboration with Haldane Martin, an international award wining industrial designer, and many of the accent pieces are his original creations. When you walk into the building it is evident that you have stepped into a new warmer way of wine tasting and dining. A spectacular custom spiral staircase leads you to a hidden private wine tasting room and shiny brass finishes and bold artwork draws your attention to the main seating area. Our food is fun dining rather than fine dining. It was our priority to show that food was meant to be enjoyed with great company and glorious wine. Executive Cheff Lamek Msini created the menu that uses only fresh, local produce. So local, in fact, that many of our suppliers are situated in the same road. Our food philosophy is simple. Sit down, take a breath, have a bite and relax. | Issue 48

taste In your opinion, what's a 'must have' when visiting for the first time? Oh, the platters! Local (award winning) cheeses and cold cured meats with freshly made dipping sauces with a very fun veggie option too. So, after a few glasses of wine, we can sleep over? I like the way this is going. Tell us about your cottages. Kunjani Cottages has 4 extremely luxurious self-catering cottages. If waking up to vineyards is your thing then you simply must book for a visit: Shiraz Cottage sleeps 4 guests Stolen Chicken Cottage sleeps 4 guests Merlot Cottage sleeps 2 guests Cabernet Cottage sleeps 2 guests The team - who are the people behind Kunjani, and what wine do they like best? Paul Barth, Owner, All of it. Pia Watermeyer, Owner, Stolen Chicken, of course. Lydia Afonso, Ops Manager, Another glass of the red blend please. Grant Morkel, Restaurant Manager, Shiraz. Ellen Chambers, Accounts, Stolen Chicken is the most special. Lamek Msini, Executive Chef, They are all amazing but can I have a beer? FB, Twitter, Instagram: @Kunjaniwines Farm 90/20, Blumberg Drive, Devonvale, Stellenbosch | 087 630 0409 | Issue 48 | Issue 48


ULTRA SMOOTH HUMMUS WITH HARISSA PINE NUT OIL The key to making an ultra smooth hummus is to get rid of the outer shell that sits snugly around the chickpea. If you think life is too short to peel a pea, this might be a bit of a stretch for you. However, reserve your judgement until you’ve sampled the goods. Remember, U.L.T.R.A smooooooth, because it’s worth it! The spicy North African flavoured harissa oil with toasted pine nuts is optional but will push this hummus over the wall into blissville! Serve the hummus with warm pita breads or this easy yoghurt flatbread. Enough waffling then, just make it and let me know if it’s worth peeling a chickpea?

Ingredients • 400g tin chickpeas • 1 clove garlic • 3 tablespoons tahini • 2 tablespoons olive oil • ½ teaspoon coriander • ¼ teaspoon paprika • 1 - 2 tablespoons lemon juice • 2 tablespoons, ice cold water • Salt and pepper, to taste

Method 1. For the hummus, rinse and drain the chickpeas under cold, running water until all the tinned juices have been thoroughly drained off. Transfer the chickpeas to a large bowl and cover with cold water. Rub the chickpeas between the palms of your hands, almost as if you were rubbing butter into flour. This will dislodge the outer chickpea shell. Drain off the loose skins and repeat until most of the membrane shells are off. 2. Place all the hummus ingredients into a blender, except the ice water and pulse. Scrape down the sides and blitz again. Add the water and pulse again until the hummus lightens in colour and is super smooth. Taste and adjust with either a little more lemon juice or a touch of salt. Spoon into a serving bowl and swirl with the back of a spoon. 3. In a small pan, dry-toast the pine nuts until they start to colour and you can smell a nutty aroma. Add in the harissa paste and olive oil. Stir until the harissa paste is incorporated into the oil. Season with salt and pepper. Pour the hot oil over the hummus and serve with warm pita breads or pita bread chips. Serves 1 cup.

Harissa pine nut oil • Generous handful pine nuts • 1 heaped teaspoon harissa paste • 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil • Sea salt flakes • freshly ground black pepper

Bibby’s Kitchen @ Thirty Six | Issue 48 | Issue 48

Please note: prices may change.

taste /create


Cooking good food can be stress free and most enjoyable. Simply select what you would like to cook and we will handle the rest. Compliments to the chef! Prices vary. Visit

Bootlegger Blend Coffee Beans 225g The Bootlegger Blend is 100% Arabica coffee using green beans sourced from Central America (Strictly High Grown) and Africa (AA Grade) roasted to a medium colour profile. Selling price: R95 Visit

Necklace from Katmeleon Jewellery Katmeleon Jewellery has a unique twist of colour. Each piece is hand manufactured by Katharina Barth. Prices vary. Visit | Issue 48

Please note: prices may change.

taste /create

THINGS WE LOVE Old Town Gin Gift Box

Contents: • 750ml Old Town Gin • 6 pack 200ml Fitch & Leedes Mixers (3 variants to choose from) • 2 560ml Crystal Glasses • 2 We Care Collective Reusable Bamboo Straws • 2 Secco Drink Infusion Sachets • Locally produced sweet surprise Selling price: R695 Visit

Rekrow Butane Burner For passionate manual brewers, a siphon is a wonderful tool for producing rich, delicious cups of coffee with great clarity. While the coffee siphons we sell come with an alcohol burner in the box to help get you started, that burner unfortunately only provides limited control over the heat output. This Rekrow Butane Burner solves that problem for siphon (or any other type of) coffee brewing, by giving you great control over the height of your flame, as well as a much more stable output. Selling price: R749 Visit

The Africa Ring • Africa outlined on a ring • Double gold plated sterling silver • Size of Africa: 17x17mm on a 1mm band Selling price: R320 Visit www. | Issue 48

Please note: prices may change.

taste /create


Mini Me Personalised Keyring Easily create Unique & Personalised LEGOÂŽGifts for any & all occasions! Prices may vary. Visit

Theonista Rooibos & Naartjie A truly South African blend of naartjie and Rooibos for a golden, sunshiney Kombucha. This Kombucha is made with Organic Rooibos, raw cane sugar, and naartjie rind rather than juice for a low-sugar refreshment. Selling price: R25.60 Visit

Fujifilm Instax Mini 9 Instant Film Camera The Fujifilm Instax Mini 9 Instant Film Camera (Lime Green) has been updated for selfie shooters and features a range of convenient controls for producing credit card-sized prints. Selling price: R1099 Visit | Issue 48

taste /create


A bookish box especially for ladies! Choose between 2 options: GENERAL or FANTASY fiction. Over and above your book, you can expect 3-5 items aimed at pampering and indulgence! Our mama boxes are for any woman who needs to be spoilt, even if she doesn’t have kids. Selling Price: R400 Visit

Illustration by Astrovix Graphic designer/illustrator hailing from the beautiful city of Cape Town Contact for price. Visit

Poster Frames Poster frames come in black & white, and each includes a pane of glass, backing board and a mounting bracket if you want to pop them on your wall. They don’t require any specialized fitment from your side, just slide your beautiful poster inside. Selling price: R325 Visit | Issue 48

Please note: prices may change.

taste /create | Issue 48

create Meet the team behind Conteu ... | Issue 48

create | Issue 48

I obviously love online magazines (of course!), and I’ve been in love with the Conteu Magazine ever since it started. They also created a limited edition print version which is oh so beautiful. I chat to them to find out more...

We meet the

team behind

Tell us more about the ba- What is your background sic premise behind Conteu and who is on your team? Magazine. Conteu hopes to inspire creativity as we believe that when we start to think creatively, we tend to see the world through a different lens, bringing colour to our friendships, our work and our communities. By sharing original and sometimes unusual stories we hope to encourage the curious to explore their creativity.

Let's go back to the start, how/why did it begin? Conteu is made out of a very small team (Chloe and I). We had a chance encounter about two years ago which led us into a conversation about our dreams of starting a magazine … quite surreal actually. This was something we had both been considering separately as a result of our frustration of being unable to find local authentic content we related with. So, after a year of conversations, dreaming, a mixture of naivety and a ‘let’s do this’ type of attitude, we finally launched the first online issue in 2015.

I studied English and Media at varsity (very general) and am a freelance copywriter. Chloe has a marketing background and loves innovative ideas. Together, we are the core team of Conteu. In the beginning, my husband, a graphic designer, helped with the brand identity and Chloe's husband, a web developer, built our beautiful site. From time to time we have interns who join our team, which we love! And we collaborate with South Africans to share stories through words, art and photography.

Wild Heart Design

How often is Conteu Tell me remore about Wild Heart leased? And tell us a little Design, when did it all began more about the print ediand who started it? tion. company We published fourThe quarterly is- was started by Tara, who wasfirst a stayyear at home mom at the time. With sues online for our (2015) and at the our end second of 2016savage (read angel) on the way, she decided that she would like to launched an IndieGoGo Crowdfunding Campaigndotosomething finance on the side that she loved as which much was as being a stay at home mom our first print edition, andbeginning still have the oppertunity to spend sent to readers at the timepublished with the kids ... and so Wild Heard of 2017. This year we began. six online issues Design and decided that due to expensive produc- | Issue 48

create conceptual ideas that fit in with our chosen theme we chat through them to see how viable they are and if they are exciting. Then we go through a process of elimination, guided by a rubric we've created. We hope at the end of the Our print edition was a true la- day the story is inspiring, creative bour of love. We reworked some and valuable to the reader. of our favourite stories from past online editions and added in some When you're not working on new stories too. The collection of Conteu, what are you doing? stories were about slow living and celebrated the makers, honoured I work part-time for a non-profit the thinkers and inspired the ad- and Chloe travels the world! venturers. It was tough, confusing, exhausting and overwhelming but If we were to find you at a we were proud of the end result. We printed just 400 copies with cafe, where would it be and most being sold through pre-or- what would you be having? ders. I have just moved to Cape Town so How important is collabo- I'm still discovering the best spots but Origin Coffee, Field Office at ration, and do you have a Woodstock Exchange and 75 on dream collaborator? Harington have been great so far. tion costs, we would opt to print Twelve Hour City Guides. We still wanted to create a tangible experience of Conteu and found the guides a fun project, plus it seemed more achievable.

Our whole model is built on collaboration - we wouldn't be able to have Conteu without the host of incredible creatives who contribute to the issues. We realise our lives are enriched through others. In terms of dream collaborators, we would love to partner with an international brand like Aesop.

Lastly, what is your goal for 2018. To find a way to make Conteu sustainable long-term. A lofty and overwhelming goal but one we're trying to divide into manageable chunks.

How do you get your ideas? Website: Take me through a typical Instagram: process for one magazine. conteu_magazine Firstly, lots of Google and Instagram research! Chloe is brilliant at it. Once we have some bigger/ | Issue 48

discover | Issue 48

create 1. Be Bolder - great name, what is the basic together in nature. As the time has passed, we premise of the company? found ourselves putting more and more time into these projects. Ultimately, we are storytellIn a nutshell, we create content for outdoor ers and want to share both our story as well as communities and brands. ​We do this through those who inspire us. three mediums: photography, videography and design. We like to capture stories that push the 3. Who makes up your team? boundary and the journey that it takes to get there. These adventurous stories usually take For now it’s just Rowan and myself. Rowan place at incredible locations and we are often comes from a graphic design background and traveling locally and when we can, internation- has spent roughly 10 years in this field. I come ally. For the moment, Be Bolder has a focus on from a research psychology background - a litbouldering, a form of rock climbing​. Part of our tle bit different to anything design, creative or aim is to showcase the great quality of climbing film-oriented. But we both like to get behind that South Africa (SA) has to offer and the dedi- the camera. Rowan is, however, our editing and cated athletes who contribute to the develop- photoshop/illustrator wizard. He’s responsible ment of the sport and lifestyle worldwide. for the overall look of Be Bolder and has created our website. When we are not shooting 2. This is a very unique concept, how did you and editing, I am conceptualising storyboards come up with the idea? and writing pieces for publication on various platforms. In the future, we would love to bring It has happened fairly organically. Rowan, (the on other creatives to join our journey. We know other half of Be Bolder and also my husband​​) many talented photographers and videograand I have been climbing in Cape Town and the phers in Cape Town. Cederberg for the past four and a bit years. Although Rowan has been scaling rocks for about 4. What project have you enjoyed working on 20 years, having learned how to climb in Gaut- the most? eng at a young age. He still participates in climbing competitions in SA and overseas. We’ve been It’s hard to say because each project has documenting our adventures every step of the brought something different, and we’ve enway on platforms like Instagram and Vimeo. We joyed the process of each one. The most amazspend most weekends in the mountains, hiking, ing thing is that we continue to learn and grow. exploring and bouldering. Producing short clips Our most recent project has become quite imand taking photos became a great creative out- portant to us. We have teamed up with an inilet for both of us and a wonderful way to be tiative called Dream Higher that endeavours to | Issue 48

take disadvantaged youths from Cape Town to teach them how to climb and bring them into a community. Through climbing, these individuals gain a sense of connection, life skills and exercise. We are going to help them tell their story. Watch this space!


adventure with purpose and good aesthetics, in whichever medium that it takes. 6. Do you have a dream client?

Yes! We’d love to work with brands like Patagonia, the North Face or Black Diamond. We 5. Where are you based and what sort of cli- love how they handle the balance between ents are you looking for? functionality and design, as well as their aim to be sustainable in a world encapsulated by fast We are currently based in Cape Town. It’s a fashion and cheap production. Working with great place to be because the outdoor arena brands like these would be an absolute dream!​ is world class; we have a magical backyard to play and explore in. It does go without saying 7. Your biggest challenge so far? though, that if the opportunity arises to work elsewhere for a project or two, we’d jump at I would say our biggest challenge is finding it. We like to work with​ clients who live and enough time do everything we need to do! We breathe adventure, travel and the outdoors. both work during the day, which means all the Our ideal clients are those who want to tell Be Bolder desk-work (if you will) gets done after their story (about their brand, product or ser- hours, and our adventuring and filming usually vice) in a unique way and merge the spirit of takes place over the weekend. Most shooting | Issue 48


days in the mountains take up the entire day. So breakfast special! having enough time to juggle everything can get tricky. But the wonderful thing is that even if we 10. What is your goal for 2018? are constantly grafting, we are always eager to We have a few goals for 2018. Firstly, we’d like get filming the next adventure. to dedicate more time to Be Bolder so that we 8. When you're not working on Be Bolder, what can grow our reputation amongst the outdoor community and expand on an international are you doing? scale. Secondly, we also have aspirations to Rowan is a graphic designer and I am an inde- spend time in Rocklands ​​- a bouldering mecca pendent researcher working for various compa- in the Cederberg that attracts climbers from all nies and institutions. over the world. We would love to share more of our content from this special place. And lastly, 9. If we were to find you at a cafe, where would we would like to enter our material into outdoor film ​​festivals. ​​It’s a great way to connect you be and what would you be having? with other creatives and collectively share inspiIt would probably be at The Power and The Glo- rational stories. We are in a very exciting space ry. It’s a great place to sip on a flat white while and we cannot wait to get out there!​ chatting to current and prospective clients. Otherwise, I generally work from Pulp for all of my writing and researching. They have a great | Issue 48

Meet Sigrid Kenmuir... Tell me more about what you do. I'm a researcher who loves to write. I started off working in a small design agency many years ago, and took up food blogging on the side (way before food blogging became as professional as it is today!!) After a few years there, a recruitment agency approached me with an interview at Yuppiechef. I worked there as a product specialist copywriter, writing the product descriptions, marketing copy, and product focussed articles for 5 years. Within that time, I had a baby, and decided that the moment was ripe to start working for myself. So in November 2016 I took the leap, and it's been great! I work with a variety of companies, from fashion and catering to interior design and technology. I write articles, website copy, and edit and proofread where required. I love what I do, and working for myself allows me time to spend with my son too, which is great. Content marketing for me is writing articles on a subject that is designed to educate, entertain and entice people into buying or buying into something. Writing is sort of anything else. Website copy, flyers, etc. I do a lot of that, as it is often when people are having their websites redesigned that they realise that coming up with something to put on it is not as easy as it looks.


Proofreading is something I'd like to get into more, but as a lone ranger, it's been hard. I'm a natural proofreader, in that I spot mistakes everywhere from blog posts to restaurant menus. Even the best writers miss things, as your brain will read what it wants to read, not what's there, so having a fresh eye look over your work can be crucial.

What does a typical day look for you? I wake up with difficulty, neck back a cup of coffee and pack my son's lunch. I'll drop him at daycare, then whizz home to feed the dogs. Once I have another cup of coffee in hand and the dogs are fed, I'll get down to work, responding to emails and getting a handle on what needs to be done. I'll work for a few hours on articles, website copy or whatever other projects I have on hand until I get hungry. Then I'll break for lunch and start thinking about dinner. If anything needs defrosting, that's the moment, then I'll get on with a few more hours of work until about 3pm. At 3, I'll stop and cook for 45 minutes to an hour, getting dinner as finished as possible. Then, depending on the time, I'll either squeeze in a bit more work or run a few errands, and then go and fetch my son. Once we're home, I'll finish up dinner and we'll eat once Dad gets home from work. Then it's play time, or we'll walk the dogs and time for my boy to get to bed. After finishing up what needs to

Con Mark

Editor | Issue 48


be done at home, my husband and I have a few was 16. Kenmuir is Scottish, and is as a result of minutes to sit and decompress, until it's time to my dad's Scottish heritage, but he is South Afrigo to bed and start again the next day. can by birth. Dependent on my workload though, I'll sometimes take the morning off to do some shopping, or run errands around town. As I work for myself and am not constrained by office hours, I'm head admin person at home, so there's always stuff to get and get done.

Do you remember your first client? My first client was local online eco-retailer, Faithful to Nature. I was fortunate, because an old friend who left Yuppiechef had started working there and was in a position to commission some articles from me. That led to a relationship with them, and I worked with them for 10 months until they were able to hire an in house copywriter. I'm so grateful to my friend for helping me get started, and giving me the confidence to sell my skills for what they are worth.

Your name, I need to know more. Sigrid (pronounced Sirith) is a German name (pronounced Zeegrit, sort of) but as my mom is Danish, and I was born in Denmark, the Danish pronounce it slightly differently (honestly, I have no idea how to write this pronunciation phonetically). The English pronunciation of the Danish is Sirith, and that's what I've lived with all my life. And no, before you ask, I don't speak any Danish. I learnt to pronounce my name in Danish when I

What are the 3 most important elements to online retail or brand presence? Coherence, conciseness and completeness. If a brand is incoherent, people know and interact less emotionally with it. A brand that is concise, and has been thought about is more focussed and easy to suss out for customers.

When you're not writing and editing, what are you doing? Laundry (So much laundry!) cooking, or reading. Or sleeping. I LOVE sleeping.

Is there a brand you'd love to work with? Saying it out loud (well, in writing) frightens me, but I'd love to break into print magazines. Food & Home Entertaining is one of my favourites, or Fresh Living is another I'd love to write for.

Favourite cafe? One with the perfect flat white, a quiet corner, great wifi or a play area, if I'm not working and my son is with me. Play areas are gifts from the gods to parents who need a few minutes to finish their coffee in peace.

ntent keter

Writer | Issue 48

create | Issue 48


How to simplify your blogging Fess up – how do you feel about your blogging content plan right now? Is it non existent? Is it all over the show? Does it feel super frustrating? Because, I swear it’s one of the most annoying things when you KNOW you’ve got cool blog content to share, but it’s like your brain just sits there pretending it’s on holiday or something.

Listen, if the phrase “blogging content plan” freaks you out, relax! It’s really nothing set in stone or some complicated marketing formula you have to follow. It’s completely up to YOU how you create it. For me, I just decided the simpler, the better, because I know if I have like a gazillion spreadsheets set up, I’m just not going to use them.

Like, HELLO? When did this creative joy suddenly all get so hard? And more to the point… When Keep it super simple. did blogging stop feeling like a passion project and more like some dreaded chore? Here are my 3 go-to steps to simplifying a blogging content plan: Listen, let’s get real here: blogging is HARD. It’s damn hard. This isn’t 5 years ago; this is a totally STEP #1 – Dig Deep + Map Out Your Big Goals different digital arena and it can get reeeeally overwhelming. I don’t care what anyone else Woohoo, another excuse to haul out those pretty says: blogging IS a full-time job in itself, so seri- journals.Or, if you prefer to whip out a Word doc ous hats off to you if you’re blogging on the side and get typing, go for it! of a 9 – 5. You are amazing. The point here is to just get HONEST about WHY Now, let’s simplify the hard stuff. YAY! you’re blogging. Why did you start? Is it to inspire people, to teach other people a skill, to share It’s soooo easy to fall into that comparison blog- your life story, or to promote your business? ging game, isn’t it? You know, when you find a Maybe it’s just a cool, creative outlet? Or a fun blogger you really admire and love their style reason to get out, explore more and blog about and then all of a sudden you want to change your it? There are many, many reasons people blog. ENTIRE blog. Ever felt like this? You need to zero in on YOUR blogging why. Then map out your blogging goals. But don’t compliOur blogging journeys are all unique, and we’ve cate it by mapping out a strategy for 12 months, got no business comparing or feeling crap about because let’s be honest, a LOT can happen in a where we’re at right now. I post about commu- year. I’d say go with 1–3 months. nity and collaboration quite a bit on social media because I believe in it so much. It’s that self WHAT do you want to achieve with your blog? doubt voice that tries to steer us away from doing what we love. So don’t listen to it! This could be the same thing as your blogging why. Maybe you just want to write it out and inLet’s get down to the HOW… spire people. If that’s it, GREAT! Maybe you eventually want to start your own business and you’re | Issue 48


using blogging as a side platform to gain expo- STEP #3 – Split it Up Over Two Days sure. Cool. Or, maybe you already have a small biz or services and you want to share what you This one is a BIGGIE in terms of productivity. do with people. Awesome stuff! Creating fresh content is a lot of work! Editing Narrow down WHY you’re blogging, WHO you’re your post, adding in SEO and just making it look blogging for, and what your blogging GOALS are. visually appealing is a whole other job in itself. I only started splitting the writing and editing STEP #2 – Create Your Blogging Content Plan a days recently and I swear, it’s been a HUGE game Month Ahead changer for me! I’ll never go back to blogging and publishing on the same day! Relax – I don’t mean word for word what each piece of content is going to look like. You just This way, you’re more relaxed and you’ll probwant a monthly overview that’s going to help ably find that you’re more creative just knowing you stay on track, without feeling overwhelmed. that you get to write your heart out with no limitations (no editing to worry about, YAY!!) So for example, maybe you’ll have a theme for each week.Maybe you really want to blog 3 x per And then, a day or two or three later, come back week, but you know you’re going to feel over- to your blog and get it looking pretty. whelmed. I’d love to do this too, but I’ve learned the hard way – over-planning is a recipe for dis- You need to play around with what days work aster! best for you. 8 Steps to mapping it out:

I just find that I’m more “awake” earlier in the week to write and Thursdays are great for doing 1. Spend an hour a month brainstorming a bunch things that don’t require a lot of brain work. of blog themes + topics 2. Doodle, write or type them out on one page Final thoughts... 3. (Don’t forget your blogging why and goals!) 4. Decide on days you want your blog published We really do tend to over-complicate blogging 5. Add this to your Google calendar – or what- sometimes. ever calendar you use – insert blog post #1, etc. 6. Now, narrow down those brainstormed ideas Just focus on what works for YOU, quit compar– write out 4-5 blog post topics (you can rework ing your blog to others, break it down, try different ways of doing things and get into a weekly titles later) 7. Replace the “blog post #1” with one of these routine that doesn’t feel like a schlep. blog topics. Repeat for the rest of the weeks. 8. Finally, jot down social platforms and dates Blogging is supposed to be FUN! where you want to share your blog. For example, I talk about my latest blog post in my Sunday letters on Sundays, on Monday’s podcast, on Twit- By Melanie Chisnall ter throughout the week, and share on Pinterest, etc. You get the jist. Keep it simple. | Issue 48


LOKAL is a curated collective guide to all your favourite local brands & small businesses! #LoveLOKAL Twitter: @LOKALza Facbebook: lokalZA Website: | Issue 48


Gamkaskloof: Going Off the Grid “Sjoe girlie, you’re brave for going down this kaskloof – is making my heart beat a tiny bit out road on your own,” come the words from an of my chest. oom as I wait for him to pass me on a wider It’s not fear but just a hint of uncertainty for the stretch of the Gamkaskloof road. road ahead; the last time I visited Gamkaskloof I “Ag oom,” I answer back with my arm resting was in the backseat, barely legal and still getting on the window in a perfect I’m-driving-a-bakkie over the clutch control hurdle, but I remember pose, “I’ll just go slow, everything will be okay.” the zigzag road, I remember the drops into the valley below and I remember the rattling road. With a ja-nee he waves goodbye with one finger (another characteristic of an off-road vehi- It’s not fear, it’s more nostalgic excitement cle driver) and within seconds his well-travelled, that’s making my heart beat a tiny bit out of my sticker-loaded maroon double cab bakkie disap- chest because I also remember Gamkaskloof; I remember the silence, the stars scattered and pears behind a bend. splattered over the night’s canvas, the kloof hosIf only the oom knew that the road ahead – es- pitality, the nothingness that took my 18-yearpecially the last few kilometers down into Gam- old breath away and I remember the days when | Issue 48


not having signal had no impact on me whatso- more I feel removed from whatever went on in the world when my phone still had signal. It’s ever. just me, my camera, the road and a red Isuzu, Ag oom, I’ll just go slow, everything will be okay, the wind beneath my roaming wings as it puts me at ease while tackling the bumps effortlessly. echoes in my head. GAMKASKLOOF: THE ROAD TO THE HELL Gently I put my big toe back on the accelerator. There’s a sheer drop into the depths of the Swartberg Mountains to my right and a wall of rocks to my left as I go from rocky patch to hairpin-bend to a jaw-dropping mountain view.

The Swartberg Mountain folds rise dramatically from the narrow valley, rock layers stood the test of time and vertical slabs are stacked like sardines; a few meters ahead two Klipspringers stand still in a statue pose and then, as the bakkie gets closer, one hops from rock to rock. They’re not alone; there is also other game such as kudus and rhebucks, more than 130 bird species, rarely seen leopards and caracals and it goes without saying that baboons roam here as well. Gamkaskloof forms part of the 121 000 ha Swartberg Nature Reserve, a World Heritage Site since 2004 and it is remarkably diverse, one moment you’re surrounded by proteas and the next you’re in the Karoo-veld with a spekboom here and an aloe there.

A few kilometers ago I had not more than 10 meter visibility on the Swartberg Pass, it was freezing outside and I shrieked when I realised that the Isuzu KB300’s snowflake sign accompanying the 3°C temperature was in fact the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth after snowflakes made soft landings on the window. Now it is all gone, white clouds play hide and seek poetically with a sky bluer than blue and in the distance my fate awaits: a narrow dirt road adventurously It’s a different world. carving its way through the mountains. I stand at the top and peek out of the window to The more kilometers I add on the clock of this the zigzag road snaking below. For the last time legendary 37-kilometers-2-hours dirt road, the I’m somewhat above, somewhat high; from here | Issue 48

on there’s only one way and it is down. Down into Gamkaskloof or, “Die Hel”/The Hell as it is fondly known by many yet the reason for this extreme name is still discussed, still unknown. The road to “Die Hel” gives meaning to the quote, “it’s not about the destination, but the journey”. This is the last stretch; this is the stretch that is making my heart beat a tiny bit out of my chest, 34 km done and about 3 km more to go.


kloof was by “The Ladder”, a strenuous cliff path that led to the nearby towns of Calitzdorp and Prins Albert that paved (or rocked) the way forward for the first car to be brought into the kloof in 1958. It took eight men and four donkeys to get the 1938 Morris (bought for R20) into Gamkaskloof and rumour has it that the roar of the engine caused quite a stir for the Gamkaskloofers who have never seen or heard a car before.

Four years later a road opened which connected Light rain starts again. the kloof with the Swartberg Pass and it changed Gamkaskloof forever; people left, found jobs, I take a last photo, put the camera away and take and a more modern world outside the kloof. The one sharp turn after the other at a speed slower last remaining farmer waved the kloof goodbye than slow. in 1991. The kloof is filled with stories.

Down. Down. Down. I reach a signboard, I’m officially in Gamkaskloof.

It’s not about the destination, but the journey… but sometimes it is about both.

Fifteen years ago and then again, thirteen years A mix of rain and snowflakes make soft landings ago, I visited Gamkaskloof with my parents. on the window and I look back on the gnarly road I just came from. I think about the rain, the mud Both times, I met Oom Zani van der Walt, who and the slippery consequences for my return; it said to us (on both visits): “You’re just in time for is not fear, it is nostalgic excitement and it echoes coffee.” He would then share the most delicious in my head again, Ag oom, I’ll just go slow, every- stories; from talking about the old kloof legends thing will be okay. to sharing interesting bits from nature. His stories were like a magnet, it draw people back time YESTERYEAR IN GAMKASKLOOF and again. It draw me back. In the past the kloof residents lived a very isolated Oom Zani and his wife, Anita, no longer live in the life; they had a school, they had a dominee and a kloof, but luckily the stories live on at the Fontein flourishing valley. Before the opening of the Otto Guest Farm. do Plessis road, the only way in and out of the | Issue 48


STAYING IN GAMKASKLOOF Fontein Guest Farm is privately owned by Annetjie Joubert (née Mostert), the last remaining born and bred Gamkaskloofer who opened the kloof’s first guesthouse in 1998 when she restored the original homestead. As the years went by other buildings on their farm got restored into accommodation as well, each with their own story, and camp sites and equipped caravans got added.

breaks the silence and light, much needed, rain caresses the soil. There is nothing here; no electricity, signal or plastic entertainment – not even a Telkom line. I start to make a fire, light up the gas stove for coffee and pace up and down with a hint of anxiousness in my steps. I knew I would be disconnected in Gamkaskloof but the voice of no reason nibbles at my mind and whispers in my ear, “What about work, what about work.”

An hour has passed, it is still raining and another coffee pot is boiling on the stove; I reach for my bag and pull out a book and with the turn of every page the nibbles get fewer, the whispers get softer as I sink into the kloof, into a warm down duvet, into simplicity, into the kind of inI stay in “Hendrik se huisie”, and lean against ner-peace that only nature can bring, into the rethe wall of one of the four cottages of Fontein alisation that I need to switch off, disconnect and Guest Farm; outside the Joubert children (ho- step away from work more often. meschooled by Marinette) are playing, a rooster

When I ask Annetjie’s son, Pieter Joubert who runs the guest farm, shop and restaurant at Fonteinplaas with his wife, Marinette, how they got the caravans into the kloof, he says: “We get anything down here.” | Issue 48


A knock on the door brings me a home-cooked Food, Shop and More meal; lamb, vegetables, rice and potatoes. Boerekos. There is only one restaurant and it is situated at Fontein Guest Farm, lunch and dinner should be I eat, I read, I add more wood to the fire, and sink organised in advance. further into Gamkaskloof. The shop sells a few basics such as cold drinks, It’s not about the destination, but the journey… beer and chips, but also a big variety of homebut sometimes it is about both. made preserves from green figs to aloe jam, all originating from the valley. GAMKASKLOOF – NEED TO KNOW Fill up in Oudtshoorn as you won’t find petrol or The Road diesel here, and come with cash, food and all the other necessities you’ll l need during your stay. Gamkaskloof can only be accessed via the Swartberg Pass from Outshoorn’s side, from the Swart- Keep in Mind berg Pass turn-off it is 37 km into the kloof and then another 5.5 km to Fontein Guest Farm, then Die Hel, or rather Gamkaskloof, can get quite 7 km to Cape Nature’s offices and another 2 km busy during December and Easter holidays, book until you reach Boplaas. your accommodation in advance and do not attempt to make a day trip into the kloof. Even though there are some nail-biting bits and a lot of bumpy and rocky patches, the road down Things to Do into the kloof is in a good condition. A high-clearance (not necessarily a 4×4) vehicle is recom- Gamkaskloof might not be ideal for everyone, mended, but patience is more important than but if you want to switch off completely, go on the vehicle. Do not rush, your tyres will never a hiking trail, fish, do some birdwatching or ride forgive you (plus it is foolish to rush on such a your bicycle it is the destination for you. Just the road). sight of the mountains along the way is a highlight on its own. The Accommodation There is a variety of accommodation options in the kloof, from camping to staying in some of the old original (now refurbished) houses. Electricity is not available and while some accommodation options have solar panels, others rely on gas or even a donkey (hot water boiler) for warm showers.

Written by Anje Rautenbach A travel addict Going Somewhere Slowly and enjoying the world in slow motion. In love with good coffee, obsessed with beautiful words and getting lost; exploring places off the beaten path.

I stayed in Hendrik se Huisie (R350 pppn), which is on Fontein Guest Farm. They also have 3 other cottages, camp sites and equipped caravans. Other accommodation in Gamkaskloof can be found under Cape Nature and also Boplaas. | Issue 48

5 Routes

Tours Deals Fun



strand Table View Blaauw- Blue Nature berg Flag Reserve

Cape Town



SilwerstroomKoeberg strand Vygevallei Nature Blue Farm Stall Reserve Flag Wine House



3 6


Lambert’s Bay

San Culture & Education Centre

Mamre Heritage Walk

7 Mamre Werf

Tori Oso Coffee Shop




e Rou Cultur

Ormonde Private Cellar Darling Brew Experience


Butter Museum


St Helena Bay

West Coast Fossil Park


On the ancient ‘Paleo’ Berg River

Thali Thali Game Lodge



Malmesbury Riebeek Valley

National Heritage Site

23 24 2 25



oute Foodie R


Sc 28


Club Mykonos

oute enic R

Steenbokfontein Muisbosskerm

Shelley Point

West Coast National Park

M19 N7


Culture & Oyster Walk

Langebaan Country Estate

Evita se Perron




!Khwa ttu

Cape West Coast Biosphere Trails

Witzand Aquifer Nature Reserve




“Centre of the Universe”

47 Dwarskersbos


33 32




Carmién Tea

Goedverwacht & Wittewater Piketberg


Piekenierskloof Mountain Resort

Berg R


Nature Reserve


Russells on the Port Port Owen in Velddrif

31 Velddrif Bokkomlaan 30 HeronsRest Velddrif 29 oute

Rooibos Farm






Kardoesie N7 Country Stop

Experience true South African hospitality on the fun West Coast Way routes. The West Coast Way Foodie Route, Culture Route, Wild Route, Scenic Route and Berg Route each take you to a selection of unique towns, locations and attractions, off the R27 and N7 highways that feed the West Coast. And the great thing is that you can design your very own #WestCoastTwist with these routes - which have so much to offer that you can visit again and again and see something new by taking a different twist every time! For more information on West Coast Way, to find the 101 Things to Do on the West Coast and to book accommodation, trips and tours visit or call 0861 321 777. | Issue 48

Nature Reserve


51 Eagles Nest

Elands Bay & Verlorenvlei

53 54


Sir Lambert Wine


Kookfontein Wine

t Way

Coas West

te ild Rou NEW W



The Dunes

Leipoldtville Graafwater

Doringbaai Fryer’s Cove Winery Strandfontein

56 57 58 59

Citrusdal Garies






46 Vensterklip 45 Wit Mossel Pot



FusionDesign 0861 321 777

Bird Island

Sandveld Museum

Saldanha Bay Jacobsbaai Langebaan

14 Yzerfontein 13 16

Atlantis Dunes








62 Nieuwoudtville


Namibia Namaqualand Northern Cape


Win a paperback of either Mute, Will or Unravel Email your full delivery details to for a chance to win. Subject line: Books Competition closes 10 April 2018 Visit and let me know which book you’d like to read. Please note only available to people in South Africa. If you’re not in SA you can still win, however your prize will be the ebook version. | Issue 48


Stand a chance of winning this bespoke picnic basket for you and 4 friends. To enter, simply follow these steps: 1) Tag your friends who you would share the prize with. 2) Share the competition to your page using #readywhenyouare Included in the basket are: o o o o o o

5 white melamine plates 5 plastic wine glasses 5 knives and forks and spoons in leather-look straps 1 bottle opener Salt and pepper shakers 10 x CopperFox Gin & Tonics

You’ll also get a large weather-proof picnic rug (1,8 x 1,5m) in grey fabric. Share on Facebook and/or Instagram: Facebook: CopperFox G&T Instagram: Copperfoxginandtonic Competition closes: 31 March 2018 | Issue 48

the end

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