Flavah Magazine VOL 11

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Magazine VOL.11







© 2017 by Flavah Magazine. All rights reserved


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ups/MillenniumSchoolofDesign Subjects Available •Photoshop I for Beginners •Photoshop II (prerequisite: PS1) •Adobe Illustrator for Beginners •Publication Design (Adobe inDesign) •Video Editing (Adobe Premiere pro) Contact marysan2 Resident for info.

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A word From the Editor Thank you dear readers for keeping up with Flavah Magazine! I am thrilled to present Blk (blkpanther violet) our new writer to the team. Thank you for your efforts and work, your contribution is much appreciated. Welcome to the Flavah family! This month's release is all about celebration and on behalf of the team, I wish you all a Happy Independence Day. For those to whom 4th of July is not a holiday, I would like to invite you to celebrate it with us: Dress up, get your groove on, savor your grilled chicken wings until dawn, be amazed at fireworks once again like a child, and most importantly, share the joy with your loved ones. See you all next month and enjoy.

Ruby L.

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Content 10...............The Summer of Hustle 12...............Virtual Trends: Celebrations 14...............Bon Voyage: 4th of July 18...............Your Best Seller 22...............Don't Dummy Me Down! 26...............Mr. Opinion

Our team Editor in Chief & Layout Design Ruby Lisamba (marysan2) Founder & Chief Advisor Mandahlyn Editorial Assistant Theo Thuthuka Writers, Reporters & Artists Zariaunna resident Dp Xue Sr Appollonia Vayda Cole Blk (blkpanther violet) Seth Fashion Expert Anael Starr Models Redeem Hilltop Blk (blkpanther violet) & Yanna Love Seth

Featuring Willowdale Estates Rare Image Dream Fx Inc. Millennium Studios Millennium School of Design Flavah 5

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It's the one of the most amazing times of the year. Burgers and hot dogs on the grill, ice cold drinks in the cooler, swimming pools and good times with good folks. Independence Day has special meaning to all of us. To some like Myself, it is a time of reflection, introspection, planning, Taking Action and reevaluating. Allow Me to break it down.


Reflection is a vital part of the process of growing, be it about what looks best on a hot dog, loved ones, or My personal favorite, goals accomplished no matter how busy or how crazy things get in our lives it is always best to take time to slow down an never forget where we've come from or the things that made us who we are.


Written by Blk (blkpanther violet)

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The examination or observation of one's own mental and emotional processes. This examination of ourselves, the way we think and the way we feel can either be a great help or hinder to us depending on how situations affect us. It takes time to go from a negative mind set to a positive one but all to easy to go from positive to negative. Now, as

you're reading this I bet you're saying one of the following: -Easier said than done- the truth is that it is easier said than done but nothing good in life comes easy, once you get to where it becomes easy to do then everything flows easily and oh so effortlessly.

everyone but that's just all apart of the wonderful journey that is life. The reason why life seems to get most down and keep them down is because some people choose to give up or continue to make the wrong choices in their lives.

vision then you need to make a decision and the rest will come to you!

Taking Action

Now that you now know what tools you have, not you just need to know how to use it. First thing you what to determine is what you what "If it's so easy why So now that we've gotten the out of your first and second don't you do it?" light stuff out of the way, we'll life. If you don't know exactly get into the mind blowing what you want out of either life I practice it faithfully and have stuff and I promise it will log off and go find out what seen both my real life and change your life and not a lot you like just like Bruno Mars second life to be drama free and of "Guru's" are willing to tell did! you do this to create what I've been blessed to have met you without making you pay is known as Self Awareness the people I have and love the 10 installments of $49.99 on which is the most important woman who is My FiancĂŠ and top of the base installment of thing to have ever, especially best friend Yanna. $4,000.15. This one thing is so if you want to be successful. amazing, so powerful, so life Find the things that you like changing that everyone in the and leverage your strengths world should be doing it. Has and persevere and you could be your curiosity gotten the best of making Anshe Chung money you yet? The answer is Change to be living the life of your you thinking. What I needed dreams and have everything to understand was that how we you want! Heck it worked for think determines how we feel, Jay-Z and Bill Gates, why not how we feel determines how you? we act, how we act determines how things around us go. Our minds are the most powerful Last but certainly not least, things in the world. When used once you get started understand correctly they can create the that success is all about being most perfect world in SL & RL. adaptable and constantly Why do I say this? Because if adjusting and setting your "Blk you don't understand; my you understand the tools you goals, If you do this and stay life is so difficult." have to work with then it will consistent then happiness and be easy to understand how it success will chase you. Honestly life is hard on works! First you need a plan, a



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Celebrations by Anael Starr July 4th -- US celebrates Independence Day!! Zambia celebrate Unity Day!! Saint Vincent and the Grenadines celebrate Carnival Tuesday!! Rwanda celebrates Liberation Day!! Tonga celebrates the Birthday of His Majesty King Tupou VI!! Whether you celebrate with stars, stripes and a patriotic color palette, or with casual to preppy styles, here are some of my favorite outfit ideas to inspire your festive look! (Outfits courtesy of RnR Swag, Irresistible & SWANK.) Flavah 13

Delacruz Park

Delacruz Technologies Island is a huge amusement park surrounded by nature and a variety of entertainment including flight rides, roller coaster, boats, hang gliders and much more. It is an ideal place for gatherings and celebration for you, yours loved ones and children of any age in case you do not fancy the typical 4th of July club party or standing on your land doing nada! Grab your car keys (http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/ Persius/200/114/23) and visit Delacruz Park for a guaranteed blast! Happy 4th to all.

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Contact: Mandahlyn Originality is rare and the image is about you.

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Contact: Mandahlyn & LP Kidd

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Seller Written by Zariaunna Xue-SoulChild

Everyone has a pen but only YOUR pen will work when it comes to composing the book that is your life. You will be solely responsible for its publishing and distribution. Living your life is the only thing that no one can do for you; like the reason why a car only has one steering wheel; because there can only be ONE person in control. “You are the author of your story. If you’re stuck on the same page, remember that at any moment, you have the power to write a new chapter.” ~Author Unknown

else’s expectations. We base our next move off of those who we want to be proud of us, who all will talk about us, and who will dislike us. We can’t live our lives to please others; in fact, if I had to guess, that’s eep in mind that what shortens our lives. No EVERYONE has a writing matter what you do or say, you utensil; but only YOURS will will never be able to please work when it comes to writing everyone and will go to an the novel of your life. Often early grave trying. Consider times, the reason why we are this; when you are writing on stuck on the same page is a sheet of notebook paper and because we are trying to write make a mistake, you erase and OUR lives based on someone start over. After you have made


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several mistakes, each time erasing and starting over, not only is the paper worn but you have also smeared pencil marks all over it and you can barely see what you have written, so you grab a new sheet and start over. This time, however, you stay clear of making the same mistakes because you already know the outcome; plus you already have an idea of what you want to say and are able to take it from there. In essence, when you are stuck on one page, don’t be afraid to grab a

new sheet and start over; you aren’t held to anyone else’s standard but your own.

movie or at TV series with a predictable ending. Why remain in a relationship in which you already know the road you are “There comes a time when you traveling is a dead end or worse have to choose between turning leads to more madness and the page and closing the book,” mayhem than you have already ~Author Unknown endured? Even though it makes no sense to do so, most people he most famous example don’t do what makes sense in of this is being in a dead these situations, they do what’s end relationship. The average within their comfort zone. person doesn’t continue reading They know the person they are a book with a predictable dealing with, are familiar with ending. Most people turn the their antics and have come to channel when watching a accept this person for who they


are. They are afraid to start fresh; having to learn someone new can be scary. But you have to figure out for YOURSELF what is more important, happiness or complacency. If you chose happiness, then close your current book and start a new one. If you chose complacency, go ahead and turn the page; in the meantime I’ll be sure to add you the prayer list.

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“Never judge the book of someone’s life based on the chapter YOU walked in on.” ~Author Unknown


s imperfect beings we will all go through storms. Only the God you serve can determine for you when it will rain, how bright the lightening, how loud the thunder and how hard the wind will blow for you. However, when you come into a person’s life, you don’t know if you entered pre-storm, post storm or during the storm. The girl next door now could have been a former prostitute. The prostitute now may have used to be the girl next door; you don’t know. What is important is that you respect them both as people. If the way they live their lives doesn’t align with the way you live yours then you have the option of exiting through the same door you entered. Being judgmental is not necessary; plus it’s just plain tacky. EVERYONE has a chapter of their life that they don’t want read out loud; including you. YOU too, have done a few things I’m sure someone can call you on the carpet for; therefore, you have no right to judge anyone else. As illustrated in the first point, your pen only works in YOUR

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life book, no one else’s. What have we learned? We have learned to take charge of our own lives; how your story ends, whether on a good note or bad one is up to you; as well as the excitement or lack thereof in between. Also it is important that while you are living your life, regardless of how “awesome sauce” you think it may be, it’s paramount that you do not interfere with or negatively impact anyone else’s. If that by chance should happen make amends where applicable and move forward. Your life doesn’t become greater by purposely making someone else’s worse; they don’t call Ms. Karma a bitch for nothing. Grab your crayons, pencils and such. Your life book can be written and illustrated any way YOU choose. Whether it be vibrant or dull, action packed, drama filled, quiet or noisy; or if it’s written in pencil or pen… is all up to you!

VMWC- Est. 2016 Founder: Appollonia Vada Simunye' (Udiyah) Co-Founder: Mandahlyn Co-Founder: Pebbles Nah'Lani SimunyĂŠ (llkvrma) Exec. Administrator: Nene Escobar SimunyĂŠ (neicyc25)

The VMWC (Virtuous Monogamous Womens Coalition) is a social crusade group to uplift and empower women (and men) of integrity, who favor the MONOGAMY tradition. We all agree that a one-on-one commitment and exclusivity for couples is NOT dead! Why? Because the MONOGAMY system can be valued and recognized, along with all the other non-mono alternative lifestyles that exists in this SL virtual world. Although some will disagree, MONOGAMY remains a premier and proven system, which was embraced in this Western culture as a social, legal, historical and biblical cornerstone. As we open our VMWC journals with various commentaries for Flavah Magazine, we welcome your comments and hope you challenge us with your opinions. As our monthly commentaries unfold, we hope you will enjoy our thought provoking topics. Flavah 21

DON'T DUMMY ME DOWN! "DUMBING DOWN" is the deliberate oversimplification of intellectual content within education, literature, cinema, news, video games and culture in order to relate to those unable to assimilate more sophisticated information. Wow! The DUMMY DOWN goal is to make content simple, make it fun, make it easy, to appeal to a mediocre culture? We get bombarded with trivial content to DUMMY DOWN our ability to sort facts. We tune to media news to stay informed on the next crisis and sometimes get scattered information, propaganda, alternative facts or vague unsupported data. At times we prefer to turn a blind eye and accept the status quo? How do you NOT emotionally surrender to daily mind blowing atrocities that keep us loss in the sauce? Do you log on to SL as an escape? Apparently so, because you're reading this now! GOTCHA! LOL

Take A Leap To SL!

This commentary suggests how "dummy down" phenomenon has shown its face in areas on SL as well. We each carry burdens in our real lives. As an alternative we log online to escape and explore another day of entertainment in the virtual world. The subliminal methods to dummy us down are concealed in our virtual lifestyles in different ways. How?

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SL "dummy downing" and offer interesting activities and topic to feed and stimulate our minds! I am thrilled to hear discussion about issues that affect real life, listen to live vocalists, poets or attend classes that teach innovative virtual world technology. I had to alter my own thinking to laugh and find humor in the "dummy down" content, but some days you might With Propaganda! Propaganda! Propaganda: unknowingly be carrying the burden of it all. What are the The spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of signals when you have heard helping or injuring an institution, an opposing cause, or a person. enough, been there, done that same thing too often? A sudden Some find comfort in this illusion, and keep it simple by dating, word or trivial remark will send shopping or get their groove on at the next party. These diversions you into a tail spin and you are satisfactory for a time, but after years of these conventional react! Not your fault, because activities what else is there? it's like a knee-jerk reaction. Most of us stick around to The virtual world offers release and escape then...BOOM... see if SL will evolve and get We observe day in day out "dummy down" conference chat, better. In the mean time, lets drama, petty whining and discord. "dummy down" blah, blah, see if there is a path for change blah....Same old rhetoric and hot air, comparing and criticizing,, before you simply (X) and log talk show discussions about male/female genitalia, sexual off. Read on... experiences, declaring who is the freak or thot, and "dummied down" relationship betrayals! UGH! Boringggg!


Can we move on, turn the page already? Nope we can't, because this was indoctrinated as a popular form of ongoing SL "dummy down" entertainment on the grid. Ya just can't escape it unless you KILL YOUR LIST and/or go into isolation, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel! On a positive note, let me give a shout out to those fraternities, sororities and other groups that provide enlightened, worthwhile entertainment to SL. They have risen above and side stepped the

To retrain, as for the purpose of eliminating or replacing a learned or acquired behavior pattern or habit that is undesirable or unsuitable. How might we react to periodic "dummy down" conversation, music, and corrosive language Flavah 23

dumped on us? Practice daily deprogramming! Rearrange your own thinking, check your feelings, evaluate what's relevant and what's not. Create your own coding. Ask yourself seriously: -What do I need with that information? -In a hundred years who will G.A.D. (Give a dayum)? -Laugh it off hysterically and keep it moving!" LOL -If I am what I eat, will I become what I hear, will I perform as I see? -Do I initiate drama or do I thrive to hear it?

Seek A Higher Consciousness:

Believe what you want, but check this out! I have to go wayyyy over to the other side now because the "dummy down" efforts may have long term effects for a purpose. Could the "dummying down" be intentional to lead society into a state of fear or dependence to gain a specific outcome? Is society being led in a direction to draw our attention away from what is truly important? Are we slowly becoming prepared for the NWO (New World Order)? 24 Flavah

In an effort to offset constant "dummy down" methods, some are leaning toward HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS via vibrations, vortexes, chakra, meditation, new age philosophy, research or their religious domination.


Scientific studies revealed epigenetic practices perhaps contribute to the"dummy down" culture. Basically, "epigenetics is the study of changes in your gene activity that do not involve alterations to the genetic code, but still get passed down to at least one successive generation". Epigenetic theory suggests that anything in your lifestyle choices, bad diet, bad habits, drug use and any of your other actions may impact your gene code either positively or negatively. Studies with mice have proven this to be probable. If this theory is true, then our bad lifestyle choices/ actions will "dummy down" and limit comprehension of successive generations. We have seen evidence displayed in successive generations who seem more vulnerable, challenged, overly anxious and

emotionally displaced. Epigenetic theory suggests that if we refrain from NEGATIVE actions and lean toward POSITIVE actions to impact the gene code, these choices or actions can improve the genetic coding of the next generation. WOW! This correlates with the belief that generational curses tend to get passed down in some families, like domestic violence, substance abuse, or alcoholism, perhaps! "For wisdom is better than rubies and all the things that may be desired is not compared to it." Prov 8:11. I leave you with that thought! The VMWC hopes this commentary sparked your interest to mildly or vehemently agree or disagree! Enjoy SL until your sun sets! Commentary by: Appoloonia Vayda SimunyĂŠ (udiyah) VMWC Founder

Photography Weddings Videography Graphic Design Contact: marysan2 Resident

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Dear Mr. Opinion, Why are some people on the grid so desperate to find Love? Signed: Romeo Dear Romeo, why are you worried about others being desperate to find love. You should worry about your own love life. If you find someone, consider yourself lucky. Finding someone who is right for you isn't an easy task. Everyone needs someone and some find it hard. There are a lot of lonely people in the world and loneliness is not a great feeling. People are looking to fill the void. We were never meant to be alone so excuse those desperate people out there. I'm sure they don't mean you any harm. If you feel bothered by them, let me suggest you find your self a closet and stay in there till the world ends. Dear Mr. Opinion, How not to feel overwhelmed and defeated when nothing seems to be going right? Signed: Checkmate Dear Checkmate, I'm sorry to hear that you are feeling so badly. You need to know that the feelings you are 26 Flavah

having are only temporary and won't last but for a moment. Hold on till it passes. There is always something to put a smile on your face around the corner. Just know that what ever is going on in your life, will correct itself. If there is something you can do to fix the problem, by all means, go for it. If you are helpless and can't do anything... Pray and continue to pray till the Lord fixes your problem.

They weren't worth holding on to if they walked away so easily. Find you something else to focus on instead of a bunch of dead flies. SL has so much more to offer and you really need to start looking for something a little more elevating. Good luck on your new life's journey. Things will start looking up if you focus on those positive things in front of you instead of those things grabbing at the back of your head from your past.

Dear Mr. Opinion, Is there such thing as too much patience and kindness in a relationship? Signed: Angry Bird

Dear Angry Bird, sometimes people can be a little too nice and end up getting taken advantage of. Don't be a birdbrain and allow yourself to be in this situation. Yes, people do over do it and yes, when you are being made a Dear Mr. Opinion, fool of, that means that there I just came back online after is way too much patience and taking a one-month break from Dear Mr. Opinion, kindness going on and that you SL, due to RL, only to find Why is it that some people are need to stop letting people take that my children have already so quick to forget and forgive advantage of you. Keep your moved onto finding new whereas others would hold onto eyes open for those who want parents. I am heart-broken and I grudges for months? to use and take you for granted. do not know how to keep Signed: Dumbledore living my SL after such Do you have questions for a huge disappointment‌ Dear Dumbledore, Some people Mr. Opinion? Feel free to Signed: No Reason to Go On are just plain hateful and have submit them to Flavah a lot of anger in their lives. @ marysan2 Resident Dear No Reason To Go On, Long as that person isn't you, I Pull yourself together. There wouldn't worry so much about are so many ass wipes in this those other people. If it's a world... RL & SL and they friend then maybe they weren't seem to be worst in SL. If those such a good friend to you after so called children are gone, all. Dump that luggage and get consider yourself blessed to yourself a new bag. Move on have rid yourself of a house with your life and let them hold full of fakes asses who were on to the dumb shit. Who needs sucking the life outtah you. that madness?! You haven't lost a damn thing. Flavah 27

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