Flavah Magazine VOL12

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Magazine VOL.12

© 2017 by Flavah Magazine. All rights reserved









Millennium Studios

Profile Pictures Videography Layout & Graphic Design Contact: marysan2 Resident

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A word From the Editor Thank you dear readers for keeping up with Flavah Magazine once again! This month's release is dedicated to my husband, Mr. Theo Thuthuka with whom I have started a new life as wife on July 21st after two years of knowing each other, and to all the souls around the grid who are looking, who have found and who are considering marrying their significant other. Marriage is the most beautiful and inspiring human relationship. This month, Flavah Magazine thus aims at inspiring you Love, at making you dream and at giving you ideas on wedding planning, outfits and honeymoon. Enjoy the sun and see you all next month.

Ruby T.


Content 10...............Talent Exposed: Jorjianagrace from Biltmore Wedding Venue 13...............Bon Voyage: Sweet Harmonic 14...............Virtual Trends: Wedding Fashion 16...............Poem: I'll Always Love You 18...............Great Expectations 22...............The Faces Behind The Faces 26................Mr. Opinion

Our team Editor in Chief & Layout Design Ruby Thuthuka (marysan2) Founder & Chief Advisor Mandahlyn Editorial Assistant Theo Thuthuka Writers, Reporters & Artists Zariaunna resident Dp Xue Sr Appollonia Vayda Cole Fashion Expert Anael Starr Models Redeem Hilltop Raven Apollo

Featuring Willowdale Estates Biltmore Wedding Venue Sweet Harmonic Rare Image Dream Fx Inc. Millennium Studios Millennium School of Design Flavah 7

Design courses Brought to your SL door. Registrations Open for next month Learn to edit your own photographs, videos, design your own logos, ads and fliers at Millennium.

h t t p s : / / w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / g r o u


ups/MillenniumSchoolofDesign Subjects Available •Photoshop I for Beginners •Photoshop II (prerequisite: PS1) •Adobe Illustrator for Beginners •Publication Design (Adobe inDesign) •Video Editing (Adobe Premiere pro) Contact marysan2 Resident for info.

Flavah 9

Biltmore Wedding Venue


iltmore Wedding Venue is one of the most gorgeous wedding venues around the grid. Its elegance and grace along with the dedication and compassion of its owner, Jorjianagrace, is guaranteed to brighten and smooth out any Bridezilla’s day. “As a wedding planner” said Jorjiana at an interview with Flavah Magazine, “I would like to take all the stress away (…) my goal is to have a calm bride”. 10


nspired by a ballroom in Maryland, Biltmore Wedding Venue was established in June 2017 by Jorjianagrace after witnessing that many couples in SL actually consider marriage. Because Jorjiana has been married for many years and was not able to wed at a beautiful place back in the days, she thus decided to open an astonishing venue of her own and to participate in a couple’s most important day by providing

them with ceremonial and reception services.


pon requesting Biltmore Wedding Venue’s services, a couple would first consult with Jorjiana in order to perfectly plan the event to the tiniest detail and to coordinate schedules. Ceremonies at Biltmore Wedding Venue are rehearsed several times a day before the event until the couple feels confident enough.

On The Big Day, the bride has the option to get ready in a bridal suite before heading to the venue, and the sim will be closed to the public, as Biltmore Wedding Venue is also usually open to residents to explore. nce everything is in place for the event, the ceremony can then be officiated by an automated Smart Bot Minister or by Jorjiana herself in a resplendent area equipped


with a full set of walks for the ceremonial procession assuring a moment worthy of a fairy tale.

certificates and many pose balls on the sim for pictures to be taken. The bride and groom can either rely on Biltmore Wedding Venue he reception area includes a for DJs, photographers and full buffet, a wedding cake, videographers to capture their a garter chair, a bouquet toss special day or hire their own if and a fully loaded INTAN ball so preferred. and TIS ball for Mr. & Mrs., “Yes this is second life, but along with their guests, to get true love really exists out their groove on! there,” affirms Jorjiana. Biltmore Wedding Venue also Biltmore Wedding Venue’s provides customized wedding goal is therefore for all to


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have a special memory of it by taking part in Your very special day. Jorjiana’s commitment has been proven remarkable last month, as she helped Flavah Magazine’s editor in chief make her wedding day perfect, and truly spoke for her professionalism, capabilities and trustworthiness as a wedding business owner and a wedding planner.

http://maps.secondlife.com/ secondlife/Silvershade%20 Resort/39/161/1014


Sweet Harmonic

Sweet Harmonic is a recreational sim for every ages, featuring cabin rentals ranging from a beautiful lush lake surrounding to a gorgeous tropical beach connected to the Blake Sea. If you haven't been on vacation in SL yet, it is the ideal place for a little escape with your friends, family, or even for your honeymoon! Detach yourself from the daily distractions on the grid and simple enjoy the tranquillity and peacefulness that Sweet Harmonic has to offer. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/ Erik/173/103/22

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By Anael Starr 14

Who doesn't love weddings! We all dream of that magical day when we will walk down the aisle to our handsome prince. Bridal dresses, decorated venues, music & dancing; Secondlife has it all and even more. This is the only place where you can let your imagination run wild and have that wedding you could only dream of. I don't mean your everyday traditional setting, but the unimaginable... Be it Fantasy, Medieval, Avant-Garde and even Vampire weddings.

Models: Saori440, Kijote & Anaelah

The best thing is you do not have to spend a fortune. Saori440 used her imagination and items from her inventory to create a stunning and unique Fairy wedding dress. Using bits and pieces from different outfits and gacha items both Saori440 and Kijote came up with the Avant-Garde flower girl and ring bearer outfits. I created the Romantic style with a regular lace dress which cost less than 200L and the

Renaissance style with a dress I picked up as a group gift. To each of these styles I added accessories from gachas, like the boots, the headpieces to which I added the veil, jewellery and flowers, which costs from 50-75L a play. What ever your style may be, use your inspiration and creativity to come up with the perfect wedding dress. Have the wedding of your dreams... Then live happily ever after! Flavah 15

Today is the day that I say I do This smile is on my face because I'm marrying my boo I've done this 5 times before But this one is it I don’t have to do it anymore I've found my love my soulmate this is so true And you know that all my love is for you 16

You are the one that made me feel the meaning of love And today I get you kicked out that club I love the way you look and you’re so sexy and kind And now I can say that you are all mine Our hearts from now on will beat together as one The love that we have will never be done So on this day we exchange our I do’s And know this baby that I promise to always love you Ill always be here for you through thick and through thin To quote R-Kelly you are my homie lover and friend It took so long for this to come to pass All the flirting in your box and trying to rub on your ass The ups and the downs we went through them all But we both knew in the end that we both would fall In love with each other it was just meant to be I knew all along that you were for me So on this day ill just take your hand And let everyone know that I am your man Turn around and walk down that isle And I know that we will both wear a big smile Over the years our love it just grew And you know that ill always love you I wont talk to much ill keep this short and sweet Having you for my wife I know will be neat I promise that I will keep a smile on your face Just like when I see you my heart starts to race I know that sometime thing might get hard But from my heart you will never be bared Everything I have with you I will share And don’t get mad if I mess up your hair Falling to sleep at night with you in my arms Waking up in the morning and drink in your charms Going through the day with you on my mind Thinking of you ill smile all the time So one more thing and then I am through From the beginning and forever ill always love you Dp………………………………outtttttttttttttttttttttttt Flavah 17

GREAT EXPECTATIONS Written by Zariaunna Xue-SoulChild

People don’t break hearts, hurt feelings, and destroy families, friendships, or relationships. People are not responsible for the feelings and emotions... It is your EXPECTATIONS of people that break hearts, hurt feelings, destroy families friendships or relationships. It’s a person’s EXPECTATION of someone else that is solely responsible for happiness, sadness, rage, disappointment and all other feelings and emotions. As a child, my father always told me to never listen to what a person says, but watch what they do. As I grew older, I learned that I should do both; I should listen to what a person says and watch what they do to make sure they align with one another. If you’re lucky; actions and words will mirror one another. If not, ALWAYS take what was said over what was done. Why?? Because when -ish hits the fan 10 times out of 10 the other person will reference what was SAID. 18


ECLARER OF ENDING MIXED FRIENDSHIP: MESSAGES: The best way to not This most likely ranks highest get caught up in a on the expectations scale. Two nasty web is for the people with strong feelings behavior to mirror the for one another, SAY they are relationship. If you say “just friends” but their actions you are just friends and are more indicative to that of a will never be more than romantic relationship. friends, act like it. Don’t do or say anything that I am fully aware of the fact would elude to there that this street can go both being a relationship, ways; it can be either man or the possibility of or woman to declare the a relationship; no friendship. It could be either the cute pet names, no man or the woman to be on the romantic displays of receiving end of the key to the affection of any kind studio apartment on friendship and for goodness island. Although women are sake DO NOT utter more emotional, men have the “L” word. feelings too; as I mentioned Love is a powerful in one of my previous pieces, word; whether you say titled, “Ride Along,” I believe “I love you” or “Love men’s emotions are more you” it means the same to dangerous because they don’t someone who is interested know how to deal with them. in being in a romantic In either case, things have the relationship with you. “Love possibility of getting real ugly ya” isn’t even safe. Again, do when emotions are involved so, NOT utter this word unless let’s explore… you mean it in the way the other person is most likely to perceive it and are prepared to


stay as long as you continue to feed them.

Actions And Words Will Mirror One Another.

deal with the emotions that come with it.; If not, leave THOSE can of worms in the tackle and bait store. If you are firm in your decision to just be friends with someone and you see that they are trying to be more than what you are ready for, shut it down. Emotions are like stray animals; they will

of what you thought you all were doing because “signals” that were sent didn’t match the EY HOLDER TO words spoken and you chose STUDIO APARTMENT: to pay attention to the signals If a person says that you all are because they were more in line just “friends” believe them. It with what YOU wanted…and doesn’t matter how they act to further rub salt in the wound outside of that. It doesn’t matter you are reminded that you were how many times you all went told, “We’re just friends” with a out to dinner, how many tender cavalier attitude and in a matter moments or secrets between of fact tone. the two of you, how many Anger, pain and times you all have professed disappointment come from your love for one another or one’s expectations of another; even how many times you slept if you are giving more than the together. If no one has reached friendship you say you have, an agreement that the two of the other person was expecting you are in a relationship then more and they are now feeling you aren’t. Even if it has been however it is they are feeling suggested that the two of you based on what you said vs. the will be together in the future, signals you sent. You don’t but want to stay in each other’s understand why they are feeling back pocket by constantly that way, when you told them reminding each other of from the gate exactly what how you feel and keeping in the business was. Now, anger, constant contact, fact of the pain, and disappointment along matter is as of NOW you are with confusion is what is left just friends. Stop trying to read of whatever relationship you into things that he/she does or thought you had all because says as an excuse to make the actions didn’t match words. situation more than it was said to be. EVERYTHING is to be Moral of the story; never allow taken at face value; because your expectations of others to the biggest and ultimate hurt be your biggest disappointment. piece is to find out they are with someone else or see them with someone else. Feelings are hurt and heart shattered based on the expectations


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Contact: Mandahlyn Originality is rare and the image is about you.


VMWC- Est. 2016 Founder: Appollonia Vada Simunyé (Udiyah) Co-Founder: Mandahlyn Co-Founder: Pebbles Nah'Lani Simunyé (llkvrma) Exec. Administrator: Nene Escobar Simunyé (neicyc25)

The VMWC (Virtuous Monogamous Womens Coalition) is a social crusade group to uplift and empower women (and men) of integrity, who favor the MONOGAMY tradition. We all agree that a one-on-one commitment and exclusivity for couples is NOT dead! Why? Because the MONOGAMY system can be valued and recognized, along with all the other non-mono alternative lifestyles that exists in this SL virtual world. Although some will disagree, MONOGAMY remains a premier and proven system, which was embraced in this Western culture as a social, legal, historical and biblical cornerstone. As we open our VMWC journals with various commentaries for Flavah Magazine, we welcome your comments and hope you challenge us with your opinions. As our monthly commentaries unfold, we hope you will enjoy our thought provoking topics. Flavah 21



3 Human Interest Stories In journalism, a humaninterest story is a feature story that discusses people in an emotional way. This month’s commentary "faces behind the faces� presents people, their concerns, or achievements in a way that brings about interest, inspiration or motivation. The character and perseverance of these three individuals contributed to propel them in their SL success! All three in this commentary are humble and simply thankful that they were endowed with the talents they have. The commonalities these persons share is a deep unselfish devotion and commitment to care for someone other than themselves in their real life! These three people prompted my commentary "faces behind the faces." 22

Sir Neven Anthony SimunyĂŠ (neven.anthony) Neven Anthony, of Jamaican ancestry, living in America,

arrived in SL in 2007. I am honored to be this gentleman's SL mom and some may accuse me of nepotism by favoring him in this regard, but his SL and RL journey is worthy of mention, as one selected for this month human-interest story. I salute him as a honorable man, a King, who solely dedicates his life to his real life son, his Prince! A man of many talents, Neven continues to juggle his hats and keep his SL busy, interesting and enjoyable. Many have accompanied him on his excursions on land and sea! You may find him walking, flying, sailing, golfing, shooting, playing chess, writing inspirational quotes, poems, lyrics, battle rapping on SL and RL, or chilling and dancing. He has been the inspiration

behind a motorcycle club and president of the main chapter of that organization. In addition to that, Neven has recently added a public support group for real life battle rap passions. You may have observed his creativity when he is eagerly building new constructions, terra-forming land to create dreamscape for himself or others. Sub-division requires someone experienced in land management, to develop the private and public areas, with the ability to calculate the number of allowable prims per square meter parcel, in accordance with the standard. His knowledge, skills and abilities truly never cease to amaze! Over many years I have observed his benevolence towards others regardless of gender, race, or social affiliation. His approachable and unchanging persona is obvious and consistent. I give him high scores in arbitration and mediation, ability necessary to remain sound and stabilized on SL. Neven, a devoted dad, encourages his own son to reach, to overcome and to succeed in real life! Neven, A Face Behind the Face!

THE TWINS Viviangreen and Victoriagreentwin

and focused! There are four founding members in total: Vivian, Victoria, Cyndee and SunnyLove.

The twins manage a dance troupe, as a cohesive wellorganized team known as the TWIN STAR DANCERS. The dances are visually impressive and well choreographed. The team is made of 10 mature ladies, ages 30 and up from RL occupations as domestic Two American born, real engineers and other assorted life sisters joined SL almost professions in real life. Most simultaneously. First ladies are American born Viviangreen then six months while one of them is a Native later, joining SL as her Caribbean. They all invested twin is Victoriagreentwin. in top of the line mesh bodies Victoriagreentwin gave me and appealing ensembles insight into their real lives that enhance their visual as well. The sisters devote performance; which you are enormous hours sharing and guaranteed to enjoy no matter sacrificing themselves to provide comfort and care for an the region, race or gender. ailing family member. The team interacts harmoniously and trivial During the interview the discord is resolved and twins distinct characters squashed internally. This is a and differences were easy to tribute to the sensitive nature see. The twins interact well and respect the twins have for as a unit. One twin is more others and life itself. matter of fact and the other Vivian and Victoria, a Face very jovial and conversant. Behind the Face! Victoriagreentwin willingly shared a historical overview of their SL accomplishments. A first encounter with them gives you a spiritual rise! These two sisters are open, cordial, Flavah 23

Pebbles Nah'Lani SimunyĂŠ

young minds. Nah’Lani, a new face on SL, arrived a little over one year in 2016. The term "newbie" could not apply to her. Her eagerness to learn, explore, comprehend and master many aspects of this virtual game is uncommon. Nah'lani is anxious to research and resolve concerns when confronted with technical or daily gaming issues. I am amazed at her knowledge base, but you would never know her range unless you take time to talk to her and have the desire to listen. I observed her kind Born and living in the Southern demeanor, as she patiently listens to persons who solicit United States, you instantly her aid. As a quiet observer, I recognize Nah'Lani's (aka had to inquire "where and how" Pebbles) soft, melodious, did she get the information she southern dialect. Nah'Lani provides. If Nah'lani does not balances her SL along with real life demands attending the have a legitimate solution, she needs of two energetic toddlers. will find it supported with the link for your own reference! These two toddlers display an I jokingly named her "lil Ms intellect and verbal expression beyond their years. It's evident Linden Lab" the fixer! She refrains from gossip, that Nah'Lani's influence has controversy and insolent challenged their inquisitive 24

language. You will discover she is cheerful, witty and loves to laugh! I was astounded after reading excerpts from her writings. Nah'lani's unique skills are expressed in her graphic design work. The layers she applies to her graphics are time consuming and intense (sometimes upwards of 40 layers or more). She can design creative and appealing graphic art unseen on SL in the past. Adding to her abilities, Nah'lani is also a mesh head & body consultant. Her RL knowledge and education in human anatomy and physiology has given her an edge in this area. If you have difficulty understanding, applying or trouble shooting your mesh body or head, make sure to give Nah'lani's a nudge. Nah'Lani, Face Behind the Face! By Appollonia Vada SimunyĂŠ VMWC Founder.

Contact: Mandahlyn & LP Kidd

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Dear Mr. Opinion, Why do many women on the grid choose to wear extremely solicitous clothing in public and to expos their goodies to the grid? Why would they in their right mind wear lingerie to attend a family dinner? Are there such things as self-respect and self-worth in this virtual world at all? Signed: Soccer mom Dear Soccer Mom, why do you concern yourself with other people's business? You should be concerned about your own affairs and making sure your man don't have a reason to tip-toe through those thirsty tulips... while you're running around looking like you just walked off the soccer field. Try to focus on your own business, lady! Busybodies usually end up with other people talking about their private affairs... Like your man sleeping with that half dressed female you just told me about.

Dear Mr. Opinion, What is the secret formula to a happy and lasting marriage? Signed: The Alchemist 26

Dear Real, Some people are Dear Alchemist, marriage is a just straight ass wipes and partnership and each person has there is nothing you can do but a roll to play in the relationship. deal with them accordingly. You have to be willing to make They don't give a damn about adjustments and compromises anyone's feelings, that's just when there is a need for it. You life. Stay away from those type were brought up in different and you will do well, both in homes so it won't be easy. RL and SL. Everyone is always at the best in the beginning but after a while you start to see things Dear Mr. Opinion, you may or may not like and My girlfriend refuses to voice you have to accept some things with me, and I’m not gonna lie, and some you don't but you it bothers me a lot. have to be willing to talk about How can I get her to open everything. You have to be up more to the idea without open and as for women, don't sounding pushy? nag, as for men, don't try to Signed: Telephone make your wife do things she's not comfortable with. Work Dear Telephone, I feel that together on everything and everyone has the right to never go to bed angry at one communicate via voice. It's another. Solve those issues not just easy but when you before you go to sleep. text, the real expression is lost when texting and typing. Dear Mr. Opinion, To hear someone's voice has How come many people in SL more meaning and it reaches tend to forget that there are much farther than any words real persons with real feelings on screen. What is your girl behind these avatars, which can hiding and why won't she get affected by our words and talk to you? That's a question actions? you need to ask her. You may Signed: Real have to let your girl/guy go, because if you're straight and behind that character you think

is your girl and it happens to be a male... then you are being cheated and lied to by someone you truly never knew and shouldn't be with. I say run away and find someone who is on the same page as you. If you can't get this masked person to be upfront, you are wasting time that could be spent with someone who is open and honest. Do you have questions for Mr. Opinion? Feel free to submit them to Flavah @ marysan2 Resident

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