Flavah Magazine VOL13

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Magazine VOL.13




BON VOYAGE © 2017 by Flavah Magazine. All rights reserved









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A word From the Editor

Thank you dear readers for keeping up with Flavah Magazine once again! Bye Summer, hello Fall. I always feel melancholic around this time of the year and I will certainly miss those days spent floating in a pool under the sun. Returning to your usual routine after a lengthy summer can be a time of anxiety and even a bit of sadness for some of us, both parents and students of all ages. However it can also be a time of excitement as we look forward to one of the most wonderful holidays of the year, Starting with Halloween, which, we look forward to celebrating with you in a couple of days! Until then, we encourage you to share pictures of your Halloween costume to be displayed in our Halloween Special Edition coming out on October 28th. The spookiest picture and its author will be the subject of an interview with us in the upcoming release!

Ruby T. 4

Content 8................News: Kemistre ENT The Limelight 12...............Featured Story: Dealing with Break-ups: "You're not that special" 14...............Back to School 16...............Virtual Trends: Fall by to School 18...............Commentary: Education is key 20...............Bon Voyage: Community Virtual Library 22................Mr. Opinion

Our team Editor in Chief & Layout Design Ruby Thuthuka (marysan2) Founder & Chief Advisor Mandahlyn Editorial Assistant Theo Thuthuka Writers, Reporters & Artists Zariaunna Xue SoulChild (Zariaunna resident) Dp Xue Sr (dp.xue) Seth (hunterXhunterZ) Genesis (empressdyme) Fashion Expert Anael Starr Models Redeem Hilltop

Featuring Willowdale Estates Kemistre ENT Dream Fx Inc. Millennium Studios Millennium School of Design Flavah 5

Design courses Brought to your SL door. Registrations Open for next month Learn to edit your own photographs, videos, design your own logos, ads and fliers at Millennium.

h t t p s : / / w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / g r o u


ups/MillenniumSchoolofDesign Subjects Available •Photoshop I for Beginners •Photoshop II (prerequisite: PS1) •Adobe Illustrator for Beginners •Publication Design (Adobe inDesign) •Video Editing (Adobe Premiere pro) Contact marysan2 Resident for info.

Flavah 7

Written by Genesis (empressdyme) If anyone in Second Life has a passion for great music and loves to dance and be around positivity, then more than likely they have been to a party or event at Kemistre Bar & Lounge, and if you have not you would be highly suggested to. The Kemistre ENT venue is very intriguing and meticulously thought out and well planned. The color scheme of red, black and gold gives the venue a look of 8

sophistication, which is rare within SecondLife. The Kemistre ENT is made up of two CEOs: Javion Blaylock and Reign Duport, as well as a manager for the establishment, Cookie Soulchild, who clearly appeared full of energy. The atmosphere in the Kemistre ENT team really speaks for the chemistry of the team as a unit. They are interactive with one another and overall inviting. Kemistre Bar & Lounge

has been in business since 2015 and this year the Ceo's decided to turn the brand into an entertainment company, which then Kemistre ENT was born. The question now is what inspired them both to get into the business of clubs within SL? Javion Blaylock, of Kemistre ENT states "Reign and I were always standing around and vibing in clubs, and we were tired of hearing the same music all the time.

We decided to open a club where we both could get DJs that played different genres of music and create a fun social environment. I am also a music lover, so opening a club was something I always wanted to do." Kemistre ENT is not just one venue; There are four venues which are named Kemistre, Karizma ,Kontrol, and they added a new addition which they called Kinetik. It is

interesting that all the venues start with the letter "K". Reign Duport, Co-owner of Kemistre ENT then explains that they chose to stay with the K's because it drove consistency at the time. The first club was Kemistre, then came Karizma, which is a more laid back yet upscale venue, and it only seemed right to follow through with Kontrol and Kinetik which is the newest addition for themed based events.

Seeing as though Kemistre ENT is now an entertainment company, the question arises as to how their Dj talent is picked for their venues. Reign Duport Co-Owner of Kemistre ENT explains that it all depends on the venue. Kemistre is like the "main event" which generally the Djs that are more known for keeping the party moving and keeping it hype are placed in. Karizma on the other hand is more smooth, for the R&B Flavah 9

lovers, or neo soul. Kontrol is strictly for the freaks so Djs that like to bring the freaks out in the crowd spin at that venue and stimulate our party goers’ minds in a sensual way. As for Kinetik, this venue is more high energy to match the themes that are chosen for events. Events for Kemistre ENT seem exciting and new for presentation to the Second life grid. Cookie the manager of Kemistre ENT states that the team wants to make sure the party goers have an amazing time and also interaction with the staff, by greeting and conversing. The Kemistre ENT team likes to keep the vibe enjoyable,light hearted and give everyone an excellent entertainment experience. Kemistre ENT recently won a Dope Award for Best Club for 2017, and the accomplishment for that was well rewarded. It was a long time coming and the Kemistre ENT team is pleased that the establishment has been awarded with acknowledgment,which is 10

not the reason they do this, but it feels great that the team has been recognized with all their hard work. It seems a lot of time goes into planning ideas and parties for this Entertainment Company and family and work life is easily balanced because almost everyone that works with Kemistre behind the scenes is family. A family that grinds together accomplishes great things. There is one thing that they would like everyone to know about Kemistre ENT and that is "There is no stopping us!" "The brand will expand and expand and will be bigger than Reign's head!" Javion says jokingly. The future of Kemistre is evident and promising, stay tuned and be on the look out for different avenues of entertainment, great vibes,

Contact: Mandahlyn & LP Kidd

Flavah 11

Most Second Life relationships are very brief; you may have a chosen few that last for years, and other half assed ex-love interests that may leave you hanging and waiting for them after they have left Second Life with excuses, thus leading you on until the next millennium hoping for their return. You would wonder if you should

move on or wait until they log back into SL, and if they do, they may return with plans that don't include you. How to handle those situations with your girl/guy/wife/husband who wants you to wait for them for months and months as you continue your SL in their absence? As a long time user of SL’s virtual social platform, I

have experienced many different scenarios. When it comes to relationships... I could write a book. Oh, wait a second, I write poetry, the type that tells of my life situation-ships. This following particular piece reflects my last experience that took a detour down a dark dead in Road to nothingness.

Every relationship that you have is a lesson learned If it ends as still friends or your heart gets burned There is always something that you are going to take away It might be hate hurt feelings hell it might turn you gay But however you look at it you are going to learn something Even if you smile and giggle ever though you’re fronting When the relationship starts its all smiles and giggles Your heart beats fast everytime you see that ass wiggle 12

They’re on your mind and in your heart all the time Whatever they do if it’s right or wrong to you it’s always fine You’re in love so you really don’t see nothing ever wrong It’s all so good so you keep rolling along But every person does have in them some part of the devil So why you thinking that you found that now… They ain’t that special This piece is going out to someone that I thought was Had me all in my feelings thought I was in love Well I can’t lie at that time love is what I felt In the beginning she would be the one that made my heart melt I was all in yeah head over fucking heels No need to explain we all know the deal As always shit was great at the start of it all But once again I found the woman that had a lot of gall We wasn’t even married a good two months then she went away I mean for nine months not just for a day Nine months in real life equals 3 years in SL I waited three fucking years what the fucking hell I need to say this and keep it on the level I might still have feelings but you’re not that special If you put someone on a pedestal and they keep falling off they don’t belong So it might be best to take your feelings and run along Sometime heartstrings can be broken But you cant sink you got to keep on stroking When I started this piece the plan was to let my petty run free But it might be best to just chill out and let that be Because feelings are not a light switch you just can’t cut them on and off It’s no need to cry over a love that was lost At the start I did say that my feelings I was all in But now that’ it’s over I've just lost a friend There was only one perfect person in history and he was nailed to a cross She wasn’t him so I won’t cry over this love that was lost I could never say that you were any type of holy vessel So I wont shed any tears over you boo because…. You’re not that special Dp…………………………outttttttttttttttttttt Flavah 13

Photograph by Set


th (hunterXhunterZ)

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Fall Back to School Written by Anael Starr

OH! Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall! It’s that time of the year for new beginnings, and refreshing your looks! From retro hats, pins and stripes, Victorian looks, leisure suits, fishnets and even floral, everything is trendy this fall. Mix casual and dressy, take risks on colors and patterns, use those favorite pieces that always make you smile. Dig up in your wardrobe, and combine new looks with vintage items and let your imagination run wild. Whether it’s back to school or down to the office, maybe a night at the pub, work some of these details into your wardrobe right now and make your outfits unique.

17 Photographs by Anael Starr, Models: Saori440, Kijote & Flavah Anaelah

Education Is Key Written by Zariaunna Xue-SoulChild


Photograph by Anael Starr

Time to get your crayons and your pencils people!! That’s right, it’s that time again…back to school. The party is over for the children but it’s just beginning for the parents, lol. All jokes aside, this time can be scary for some; for that pre-school age child or kindergartner who will be away from Mommy and Daddy for the first time, the pre-teen starting Jr. High, the freshman in high-school, the Senior in high school or the freshman or senior in college. This time can be especially petrifying for those adults who have decided to go back to school. It felt awkward to be purchasing a book bag and composition books for myself right along with my children. Yes, after nearly 20 years I am among those adults who have found her way back into school. My college journey originally began in 1998 but fate had other plans for me due to the decisions that I made and I didn’t finish then. I promised myself that I would go back when the time was right. That time is now. Hind sight is always 20/20; you can look back on the decisions you made in life and see where

you could have done things differently; conversations that you have had and see what you could have said differently. But as I look back on my life and analyse my decisions I see that there was a purpose in each chain of events that took place in my life based on the decisions that I made. If given the opportunity to go back 20 years for a “do over,” I… wouldn’t change a damn thing. I am the baby of three children; my older siblings didn’t attend college so my parents were sort of looking at me like their last hope, lol. To think, people think the youngest has it the easiest…I beg to differ. There are expectations on the youngest to do what everyone else didn’t do; to be what everyone else wasn’t. Well, didn’t nobody else go to college, sooooo yeah.

seriously or realize the impact it would have on me professionally. Fast forward to present day; I’ve experienced life. Because I’ve fallen, I know what it’ like to get back up. I have an understanding now of what I took for granted back then. Sure, it won’t be a cakewalk because of the responsibilities that I have, but anything worth having will EVER be easy to obtain. One thing I learned about regrets…your biggest ones are the things you DIDN’T do. You hold the keys to your success, happiness, or whatever it is you desire. Just remember, having the key means absolutely nothing until you put it in the lock and turn it.

From the little one starting preschool to the college freshman, At 19 I found myself in college everyone, have an awesome majoring in Computer Science first day of school. Now take with a minor in Computer out your key to success, put it Information Systems. I loved in that lock and turn it; a whole computers and I’m analytical so new world is waiting for you on this is a perfect major for me. the other side of that door. But at this time, I wasn’t ready. I was easily distracted and I felt I like I was only there because I was expected to be. Even though I knew the importance of being there, I didn’t take it Flavah 19


Community Virtual Library Were you even aware that there were libraries in the Second Life? I sure did not! For this back to school month, Bon Voyage takes you on a studious trip to Community Virtual Library (CVL). CVL provides a virtual library collection with links to selected open source books and other free information resources to residents of Second Life. Between book talks, exhibits, programs on library-related topics and support Library Science education in virtual worlds, CVL is the a great environment to learn, share and read. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bradley%20University/96/103/27 Flavah 21

Dear Mr. Opinion, I was sailing with my husband the other day when a random woman suddenly sat on our boat from afar and started acting like she was my husband’s lover. I know my husband like the back of my hand both SL and RL and obviously I knew that she was a fraud but OH!! I wish I could have strangled that woman’s RL-self through the screen!! Why would anyone go out of their way to try so hard to harm others?? Signed: The Grudge 2 Dear Grudge 2, people, true enough, are evil and there isn't anything we can do about it. You deal with the ones that are on the same accord as you and as for the rest. F-em and feed them dead fish! The best thing you can focus on is the fact that you know your husband would never cross the line and be the person she was trying to make him out to be. Karma is a bitch as we all know and that women will pay for what she did. People like that are usually extremely unhappy. They say... "Misery loves company" and it's proven over and over. 22

Obviously her life is lacking on many levels that you will never know about. Move on and keep living... She won't be the last. Go to marketplace and find a hud that you can use to remove people from around you if you need to. That's pretty much your only option. By the way, we do have the option to mute and black list people who are intrusive. Use it the next time.

remember there is no special book on how to being a parent, most of us just do the best we can and we learn from our own parents. Innocence there is no secret. Do the best you can or let the little crumb snatchers move on with families that have the time to spend with them.

everything is back in place, you can collect your belongings and if there's anything that belongs to her, you'll have that as well. Good luck. Do you have questions for Mr. Opinion? Feel free to submit them to Flavah @ marysan2 Resident or post them on our facebook page @ https://www.facebook.com/ marysan2Resident/

Dear Mr. Opinion, my wife is crazy! After a small argument we had the other day she Dear Mr. Opinion, what is the sabotaged our home, took secret to great parenthood in my TV and most expensive SL? transferable objects...She even Signed: Family Guy took the pool's water.... Then set flames all over the house... Dear Family Guy, usually when helppp, I married the devil!!! dealing with small children in Signed: The Exorcist second life, you usually need to give those children extra Dear Exorcist, just like attention because they can be you married the devil you very demanding. They require can divorce the devil. It's a lot of attention and if you very simple. The great and don't have time to give them wonderful thing about second the attention they desire, most life is... You can always request of them move on and find other a rollback, which will give families. Being a second life you everything that was set up family may be fun for some exactly the way it was the day but for others these children before she stole everything become burdens because they from you. Talk to the owner just like real life children who you rent your land from can be very expensive. Just and request a rollback. Once Flavah 23

Š 2017 by Flavah Magazine. All rights reserved


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