FlavahVOL 10

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Magazine VOL.10



talent exposed





© 2017 by Flavah Magazine. All rights reserved


Design courses Brought to your SL door. Registrations Open for next month Learn to edit your own photographs, videos, design your own logos, ads and fliers at Millennium.

h t t p s : / / w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / g r o u p s / M i l l e n n i u m S c h o o l o f D e s i g n Subjects Available •Photoshop I for Beginners •Photoshop II (prerequisite: PS1) •Adobe Illustrator for Beginners •Publication Design (Adobe inDesign) •Video Editing (Adobe Premiere pro) Contact marysan2 Resident for info.

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Thank you dear readers for keeping up with Flavah Magazine. These past three months following our return have been full of excitement as we grow back from our ashes. I am particularly excited to be working with great creative minds whose works contribute in the essence of Flavah Magazine. I would like to thank the Flavah team for their efforts, loyalty and dedication. I would like to also welcome those who have just joined the family! The Stars of this month’s issue are Fathers. We would like to celebrate and honor fatherhood along with their influence in society through writings that make us reassess the importance and value of paternal figures in our life. My thoughts therefore go to all the fathers SL (current, previous!), RL (living, deceased) and fathers to be: on behalf of Flavah Magazine, I wish you a happy and blessed fathers day! See you next month.

Ruby L.

Content 8................. Talent Exposed: Vanity Black 10...............Virtual Trends: Summer is here! 12...............The Royal Family Blueprint 16................I Wish He Was Still Here 18...............Monogamy? Why Bother? 22...............Mr. Opinion

Our team Editor in Chief & Layout Ruby Lisamba (marysan2) Founder & Chief Advisor Mandahlyn Editorial Assistant Theo Thuthuka Writers, Reporters & Artists Zariaunna resident Dp Xue Sr Appollonia Vayda Cole Seth Fashion Expert Anael Starr Models Redeem Hilltop Theo Thuthuka

Featuring Willowdale Estates Rare Image Dream Fx Inc. Ruben Fashion Millennium Studios Millennium School

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Ta l e n t Exposed

Angelique Dress

Vanity Black

Mesh Body Only:

Vanity, creative and resourceful set designer and dance performer made her debut at the Flavah Magazine relaunch party on April 7th 2017. We've been graced with the most magnificent and unforgettable performance production. Vanity has worked with several dance companies and has decided it was time to spread her wings, express the talent and become a producer of her own Second Life business. Fasten your seat belts and get ready for Vanity: Coming to a venue near you!

Rigged Mesh Mini Dress - Maitreya - Slink Physique & Hourglass - Belleza Isis, Freya, Venus - Werwolf, Foxfox

-HUD 40 Texture

(30 Plain, 10 Lace) -Color options for: Upper Dress, Lower Dress, Fringes and 4 metal parts -Other options: With or Without Lower Part With or Without Fringes

Ruben Fashion:

https://marketplace.secondlife. com/stores/90548

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Let’s talk Beach and Makeup.

A day at the beach is all about soaking up the sun, splashing in the surf, and taking in the salty ocean breeze. We don’t want our faces to look as if we were going to a gala premier. In fact, we don’t really need to wear makeup at the beach, although some women may feel strange not having any makeup on at all. So, what do we do? Go as natural as possible, nothing looks better and more attractive than a clean fresh face. A bit of eyeliner on the top eyelid and a neutral color for the lips will make you look radiant and fresh!


This summer we have some really interesting nontraditional colors hitting the fashion world. We see a mix of vitality, relaxation and the great outdoors!. Reminiscent of the hues that surround us in nature, they evoke a spectrum of emotion and feeling. From the warmth of sunny days with Primrose Yellow to the invigorating feeling of breathing fresh mountain air with Kale (green) and the desire to escape to pristine waters with Island Paradise (cyan), designers have applied colors in playful, yet thoughtful and precise combinations to fully capture the promises, hope and transformation that we yearn for each summer.

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THE ROYAL FAMILY BLUEPRINT King’s Knowledge To His Prince

You can talk to a child until you turn colors but it will be what you do that leaves more of an impact that what you say. We all know that children do not come with instructions but the only prerequisite for being a good father is to first be a decent man. When you have a relationship with your son and he sees you providing for your family…in an honest way, taking care of business and taking charge of issues when they arise, being respectful of women, especially his mother and people in general, working hard, not only to get the things you need but the things you want, and emphasizing on the importance of education he will strive to do the same. On the other side of that tract, if Dad is the total opposite of all above mentioned, the son will grow up believing the behavior is acceptable and he will be set up for failure; society will punish him for being the only type of man he knows how to be and he will not understand why.

King’s Knowledge To His Princess

The princess watches the movement of the king intensely. The king will be the first man the princess will ever love and will model any potential prince’s after the blue print that is the king. The princess watches how her father provides, takes care of business and issues when they arise, how he treats women…her mother in particular, how he treats other people and how hard he works to make sure his little girl has all that her hearts desires. She will strive to be with a man… that is just like daddy. On the flip side of that coin, if Daddy doesn’t provide for his family and looks to others for support, doesn’t take care of business, ignores issues when they arise and is disrespectful of women, especially her mother, then she may believe this is this is acceptable; how a man is supposed to act, and may even think that this is the type of man that she deserves and nothing more.

Photograph by Seth.

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King’s Aura On The Queen

“A grown boy will have you in your feelings. A man will have your feeling yourself.” ~Author unknown. While a woman speaks life into her man, a good man speaks confidence into his woman. To a woman, a gentle push or words of encouragement from a man who cherishes and loves her is life in a world that is constantly trying to tear women down with telling us we’re too big, too small, too tall, too short, not pretty enough…..not good enough. When this man is respectful of you, mindful of your feelings and gives you a sense of security in a world where it is acceptable to be disrespectful, not care about your feelings and victimizes you; it means everything. Imagine, you have the pleasure and the honor of adding, “father/ step-father of or father figure to your children” to the list of things that this man is to you. The two of you are taking on a lot, all while rearing productive members of society.

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The Kingdom Happily Ever After

that what he receives. It’s just a shame that after all Dad does and is responsible for, the best folks can offer as a token of their appreciation is the big piece of chicken at dinner.

Both King and Queen are important in the rearing of the prince and the princess. Along with the teachings of the king and the nurturing of the queen, Written by each will go far in life; they have learned independence, love Zariaunna Xue-SoulChild and respect for themselves and each other, and have been given the tools to be successful. Dad doesn’t get nearly the amount of recognition and praise as mom even though he is equally important. Fathers are the blueprint of the family; to both his sons and his daughters, he is the blueprint for how a man should be. To his daughters, he is the blueprint for the kind of man she should seek. To his significant other, his treatment of her sets the tone for how she feels about herself and is the model for how others treat her. Contrary to popular belief Dad plays a big role in this process and deserves far more appreciation

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I wish he was here with me back when I was just a little boy playing football in the street, sweating real hard from the game being played not from the heat. My dad used to sit on the porch just to watch us play. After every play he would always have something to say: "boy…you missed that block, why did you drop that pass? If you don’t pick up your game they’re going to kick your ass". Everything he said, I took it with a grain of salt but I always listened to what he said even if it wasn’t my fault. When I turned six dad took me to my first football game. From that time on things would never be the same, he really loved the lions, any other team he really didn’t care, he followed the lions all of his life. All I could say was wow!!! They been losers all the time but I wish he was here to watch them with me now. As I got older and started doing my own thing, I still ask dad about stuff because in life I was still somewhat green dad. I always knew what I needed and he always seemed to understand. Now that I think about it he seemed to have an answer for everything: like why is the sky blue or why is the grass green. If he didn’t know the answer he would say “go look it up, you should always try to know stuff, education is what you need, you can always find something to learn because the more you know the more you can earn". He used to tell me all the time "you don’t want to work as hard as me", so he would take me to work with him so that I could see a lot of things. Dad said to me back then the truth I didn’t see but now that he's gone, I wish he was here to pass his knowledge to me as I sit here thinking about things, about my dad. It's one of those moments when I smile, but I'm sad. It bothers me that I can't pick up the phone and call to hear his advice, when I feel I've hit the wall, to calm me down, when I'm going into a rage to hear “you know when I was your age” from him, he would then go into a story about his youth and about how being at that age you always do something dumb. He always made sure that I kept my feet on the ground I hope that I don’t float away now that he's not around, but the things that he said, they would stay on my mind and they seem to come in handy. All the time I remember the last thing I said to dad, even though he couldn't hear or see: “I love you dad you can go on home” I meant every word but….. I still wish he was here with me. DP……………………Outtttttttttttttttttttttttt 16 Flavah

VMWC- Est. 2016 Founder: Appollonia Vada Simunye' (Udiyah) Co-Founder: Mandahlyn Co-Founder: Pebbles Nah'Lani Simunyé (llkvrma) Exec. Administrator: Nene Escobar Simunyé (neicyc25)

The VMWC (Virtuous Monogamous Womens Coalition) is a social crusade group to uplift and empower women (and men) of integrity, who favor the MONOGAMY tradition. We all agree that a one-on-one commitment and exclusivity for couples is NOT dead! Why? Because the MONOGAMY system can be valued and recognized, along with all the other non-mono alternative lifestyles that exists in this SL virtual world. Although some will disagree, MONOGAMY remains a premier and proven system, which was embraced in this Western culture as a social, legal, historical and biblical cornerstone. As we open our VMWC journals with various commentaries for Flavah Magazine, we welcome your comments and hope you challenge us with your opinions. As our monthly commentaries unfold, we hope you will enjoy our thought provoking topics. Flavah 17


why even bother? Why BOTHER? Why not BOTHER? We all BOTHER! We, of the VMWC, BOTHER to raise our monogamy banner, and wave our flag. Other groups BOTHER to solicit others to join their alternative lifestyle groups they promote as well. The VMWC was established to join all the BOTHERMENT!

embrace lifestyles we enjoy and favor on the grid! Yes! Monogamy and The VMWC has a dog in this fight of BOTHERMENT! We BOTHER because MONOGAMY uplifts a commitment between two people. VMWC BOTHERS BECAUSE we too have standards, morals and beliefs! VMWC does not BOTHER Why? or condemn those alternative We wake up to BOTHER! lifestyles that do not We live to BOTHER! believe the same! We BOTHER to make We BOTHER to exist because breakfast, kiss our loved alternative lifestyles ones, and go to work. bother to exist. We BOTHER with a variety VMWC BOTHERS because of daily activities and Monogamy is NOT foreign diversions, then ... or alien to you! We BOTHER to log on to We BOTHER because explore, create and interact Monogamy was established and on SL as an alternative! accepted in this We BOTHER to participate and Western culture. 18 Flavah

We BOTHER because Monogamy is legal. We BOTHER because Monogamy is righteous. We BOTHER because women and men deserve exclusivity. We BOTHER because couples are not extinct and marriage is ordained! We BOTHER because there is power, strength and reward in devotion! We BOTHER because a man desires to find, cherish and protect HIS one Queen! We BOTHER because a woman desires to find, cherish and defend HER one King! We BOTHER because love, sincerity and honesty build character in couple unions. We BOTHER because we were born, loved and nurtured by a monogamous woman. We BOTHER because our fathers encouraged their

daughters to be monogamous. We BOTHER because we are not ashamed of commitment. We BOTHER because we are morally and spiritually enriched in history! We BOTHER because we cannot be compromised nor exploited! We BOTHER because we embrace CORE values derived from our ancestors. We BOTHER because love and intimacy is not measured solely between the thighs. We BOTHER to support men/ women who maintain a sense of integrity! We BOTHER to prevent impressionable others led or driven into a corrupt nature! We BOTHER to raise the HISTORICAL CONSCIOUSNESS of a people! We BOTHER to raise thought provoking topics for conversation and exchange. So Join the BOTHERING lifestyles of SL you choose, But join the ONE (S) that compliments your CORE values, morals and character best! The VMWC: -Join a group that refuses to accept the status quo on SL. -Join a group that will reach,teach and explore new paths.

-Join a group that is strong, bold, brave and courageous. -Join a group that backs your voice for change! -Join a group that knows a woman does not have to share intimacy to get a piece of a man! -Join a group that encourages innovative ideas to challenge a humdrum SL life! -Join a group of outspoken, bold men and women that are TOP SHELF and no longer follow the cattle call! Then go out and shake what ya mama gave ya ... But demand to be treated CORRECT! JOIN the VMWC! And to those that disagree with the MONOGAMY lifestyle, know this: We do not condemn, compete nor furiously debate those that do not believe the same! Believe what you will, do as you want, go as you choose, but respect US as we do OUR will!

This is my commentary for the month! Enjoy until your SL sun sets! By Appollonia Vayda Cole (udiyah) founder of vmwc.

Respect is earned! Happy fathers day to all SL & RL dads!

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Contact: Mandahlyn Originality is rare and the image is about you.

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Contact: Mandahlyn & LP Kidd

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Dear Mr.Opinion, Do you think that SL is Just a game? Signed: Nerd. Dear Nerd... Many SL users consider SL a game but, SL is not considered a game by the creators and I do not consider SL to be a game but you can play games on SL. SL is really an advance social platform like Facebook. You can make areal money creating and designing and selling things, you form real bonds with the people you meet and connected with and form extended families. People meet and actually get married in real life. When you play games, you play to win, you gather tokens and things to eat along the way and receive extra lives to continue playing and so one. Compare Mario Brothers, PacMan and other games you go from level to level to Second Life... They're far from being the same thing. Dear Mr.Opinion, In a metaverse where you can be whatever you'd like to be... Why would anyone choose to be a doormat dragged around on a leash?? Signed: SL Philosopher Dear Philosopher, Most people that you see allowing 22 Flavah

themselves to be doormats and dragged on leashes feel this is a form of love. They have no clue they are being humiliated by the person holding the leash, with their foot on the back of their necks. Most are this way in real life and put up with many types of mental, physical and emotional abuse because that's all they know and it's the only thing they have been exposed to. Some actually believe this is the only way to get and keep someone they desire to spend their waking hours with. The sad thing about all of this is, you have sick people who like this type of treatment or wish to remain a victim and have others feel sorry for them.

don't respond as you wish and the question you ask, you can pretty much answer yourself because you can look at yourself and think about why you have the expectations you have about others who are in your life or who you have become acquainted with.

I am married in RL. What do you advise? Signed: Unsure Dear Unsure, You truly need to back off. You are married in RL and RL always comes first. Think about how you would feel if the shoe were on the other foot and your spouse were the one Dear Mr. Opinion, considering getting involved Is there a spell that repels with someone online. Would Drama that actually works?? you be hurt, would you be Signed: The WannaBeWizard jealous? Wouldn't you want Dear The WannaBeWizard the attention that your spouse The best way to stay away from was giving to someone online? drama is cuties with those who Would you want someone to do are toxic in your life. The spell to you what you are considering is for you to be strong enough doing to your loved one? This to walk away from those who could potentially destroy your bring drama to your doorstep. relationship RL and Make sure you are not the one destroy your life. who causes drama yourself. Some times people say they Dear Mr. Opinion Do you have questions for Why do some people expect me don't want drama but fail to Mr. Opinion? Feel free to submit to respond to certain situations look at themselves as being the them to Flavah @ reason drama continues in their marysan2 Resident the same way they would? lives. Signed: Black Sheep Dear Black Sheep Dear Mr. Opinion, Basically everyone has I have been on SL for 2 years expectations and you are no exception. Just like you expect and I swore not to get myself emotionally involved from my things to be a certain way and first day on the grid. Lately I are shocked when someone isn't as you expected, there are have taken romantic interest in a close friend who I have others out there that are that known for awhile however I am way as well. You get angry afraid to follow that path since and upset about others who Flavah 23

Photography Weddings Videography Graphic Design Contact: marysan2 Resident

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