Agenda 052015 issue 287

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May 20, 2015

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May 20, 2015


Louisiana Lawmakers Shelve Religious Objections Bill BATON ROUGE (AP) - Louisiana lawmakers on May 19 shelved a divisive religious objections bill pushed by Gov. Bobby Jindal that critics and legal experts said could sanction discrimination against same-sex couples. A House legal committee voted 10-2 for a procedural move designed to kill the proposal, ending weeks of controversy about the bill and handing Jindal a significant defeat for his legislative agenda. But Jindal suggested the rejection doesn’t matter. He issued a statement saying that although he was disappointed with the vote, he will

issue an executive order aimed at doing the same thing as the bill, “to prevent the state from discriminating against persons or entities with deeply held religious beliefs that marriage is between one man and one woman.” How far the term-limited Republican governor’s legal authority would stretch with that order, however, wasn’t immediately clear. Rep. Mike Johnson, the lawmaker who sponsored the proposal, said he would push for another hearing this legislative session. “We don’t throw in the towel. We always stand for freedom,” Johnson, a Bossier City Republican, said after the hearing. “We’re entering a new era in America where changing ideas about the institution of marriage conflict with the old ideas about religious freedom.”

Louisiana does not allow same sex marriage and also does not offer legal protections to gays and lesbians. But Johnson proposed the bill because he predicts a U.S. Supreme Court ruling expected in June will strike down gay marriage bans across the country. As written, the proposed law would prohibit the state from denying individuals, businesses and nonprofits any licenses, benefits, jobs or tax deductions because of action taken “in accordance with a religious belief or moral conviction” about marriage Critics, including many in the business community, said the bill would sanction discrimination against LGBT couples - though Johnson disagrees. What the measure would do, however, is bar the state from taking punitive action against a person who refused to serve someone based on their same-sex marriage. That, in effect, would allow discrimination, critics say. Proponents of the bill have cited wedding photographers and bakers as examples of people who should have legal protection if they object to serving same-sex couples. “It would effectively prevent you from getting the death penalty as a business owner if you stood by your traditional belief in marriage,” Johnson said. “I think that’s a belief that worthy of protection.” But in the committee hearing, Johnson acknowledged that the bill would also bar the state from punishing an emergency room surgeon who refused to operate on someone in a same-sex marriage or a teacher who refuses to meet with a student’s gay or lesbian parents. Stephen Perry, head of the New Orleans Convention and Visitors Bureau, called the bill “radioactive” and said it would make Louisiana “complicit in officially state-sanctioned bigotry.” “We’re attempting to ... carve out the ability to discriminate, the ability to be bigoted,” said Perry, who was chief of staff to a former Republican governor.

LGBT Veterans Monument Gets Approved For National Cemetery

CHICAGO--A monument dedicated to LGBT veterans will be unveiled in the Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery near Chicago on Memorial Day. The memorial was planned by the Chicago chapter of the American Veterans for Equal Rights (AVER) and approved in November by the interim undersecretary of memorial affairs for the Department of Veterans Affairs, Ronald E Walters. According to the cemetery’s office manager Lynne Phelan, it is the first such approved monument. The monument will feature the five seals of the military’s main branches-the army, navy, marine corps, coast guard and air force--as well as the emblem of the merchant marines. It is a black granite slab flanked by two blocks of pink granite. The engraving on the monument reads, “Gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people have served honorably and admirably in America’s armed forces. In their memory and appreciation of their selfless service and sacrifice this monument was dedicated.” “I never believed anything like this could’ve happened,” Chicago-Aver vicepresident James Darby told the Windy City Times. “We’ve been discriminated against for so long in many areas of life, including the military, with the nowdefunct Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy.” In 2011, Congress and the Obama administration repealed the 1993 law know as Don’t Ask Don’t Tell that barred openly gay men and women from serving in the US military. Gay rights activists and LGBT veterans have proposed and installed memorials in other cemeteries around the US, but never before in a national cemetery. Other chapters of Aver have placed monuments to LGVT veterans in Palm Springs, California, and Phoenix, Arizona. In August 2014 a separate group, the National LGBT Veterans Memorial Project, purchased a site in Washington DC’s Congressional Cemetery, which

AUSTIN (AP) - Dell Inc. has joined opposition to a Texas bill that would attempt to defy the U.S. Supreme Court if gay marriage is legalized. The computer maker released a statement on May 13 saying it has let Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott know that the Round Rockbased company considers diversity a “business imperative.” Texas business groups have urged lawmakers for months to not pursue Indiana-style laws that gay rights activists say discriminate. But Dell becomes the most visible company to voice public opposition. Nearly every Republican in the Texas House is sponsoring a bill that would prohibit state and local officials from issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples. The proposal must pass the House by midnight on May 14 to advance. Dozens of other bills are in front of the measure with the deadline looming.

Town Where Matthew Shepard Was Killed Passes Measure To Protect Gays


the moment, they just sort of turned around and ran.” Gov. Matt Mead, a Republican, last year went to court to defend Wyoming’s gay marriage ban before federal court rulings from other states blocked the state from further action. And a handful of Wyoming lawmakers this spring filed a brief urging the nation’s highest court to reject same-sex marriage on the grounds that forcing states to accept it would violate other citizens’ freespeech rights. Rep. Kendell Kroeker, R-Evansville, voted against the anti-discrimination bill this year and was among those who endorsed the U.S. Supreme Court brief. “I suppose it’s their right as a city,” Kroeker said of Laramie’s proposal. But he noted such measures grant special privileges to one group over another - an idea he doesn’t support. Asked about his thoughts on such an ordinance passing in the city where Shepard was killed, Kroeker said: “The Matt Shepard case was a tragedy, but I don’t see how an anti-discrimination ordinance would have stopped somebody from committing that heinous crime.

May 20, 2015

LARAMIE (AP) - When Matthew Shepard was beaten, tied to a fence and left for dead nearly 20 years ago, his murder became a rallying cry in the gay rights movement. Other states adopted stricter laws

Paulekas said.” And it’s nothing more than that, in my mind.” Paulekas said that if Laramie wants to see economic development, it has to be aware that high-tech firms are going to look at how the city treats its citizens. Councilors Joe Vitale and Bryan Shuster cast the only no-votes against the ordinance. Both said they were concerned that the ordinance would trample on city residents’ religious freedoms. “Enactment of this ordinance will result in discrimination complaints filed against business owners who are simply trying to run their business consistent with their faith,” Vitale said. The council rejected his suggestion that it postpone action on the matter until next year to give the U.S. Supreme Court and the Wyoming Legislature more time to act on the issue. Judy Shepard, Matt Shepard’s mother, is active in a Denver-based foundation that bears her son’s name and focuses on equality issues. “I’m thrilled that Laramie’s doing it, at the same time sort of saddened that the state of Wyoming can’t see fit to do that as well,” Shepard told The Associated Press in a telephone interview from Washington, D.C., Wednesday before the council vote. “Maybe the rest of Wyoming will understand this is about fellow human beings and not something that’s other than what they are.” Shepard said some people are still under the misconception that what happened to her son is typical of what happens in Wyoming. “But I feel like if Wyoming had done more to open the door to acceptance, that kind of reputation would have disappeared very quickly,” said Shepard, herself a Wyoming resident. “Instead of taking advantage of

Dell Urges Texas Lawmakers To Stop Anti-Gay Marriage Bill

against violence and discrimination, and Congress passed hate crimes legislation bearing Shepard’s name. Yet in Wyoming, advocates have tried unsuccessfully for years statewide to pass protections for gays in housing and the workplace. They finally scored a victory Wednesday after trying a different approach: a local ordinance in the college town where Shepard was killed. The Laramie City Council on Wednesday approved a local antidiscrimination ordinance. It voted 7-2 in favor of the measure that prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in housing, employment and access to public facilities such as restaurants. “What a day for Wyoming, and what a day for the city that became synonymous with Matthew Shepard’s murder to now step up and do this right thing,” said Jeran Artery, head of the group Wyoming Equality, which has lobbied for anti-discrimination measures at the state Legislature. “And I would really encourage other communities across the state to follow Laramie’s lead,” Artery said. Local organizers focused their efforts on Laramie after the Legislature repeatedly rejected antidiscrimination bills, most recently early this year. The Laramie Nondiscrimination Task Force presented a draft ordinance to the City Council last summer. Rep. Cathy Connolly, D-Laramie, is a lesbian and a professor in the Women’s Studies Program at the University of Wyoming. She has pushed legislation repeatedly to try to pass an anti-discrimination bill at the state level. “I wasn’t going to get up and say anything but I decided I have to,” Connolly said at Wednesday’s meeting. “I’m so proud to be a resident of Wyoming and a member of this community.” Laramie Mayor Dave Paulekas spoke in favor of the amendment before the council vote. “To me, this is about treating people fairly, it’s about treating people the way I would want to be treated, the way we all expect to be treated,”


is not a federal lot but is where former FBI director J Edgar Hoover and nearly 100 congressmen are buried. That memorial will comprise three 11ft-tall granite panels that also include the seals of the armed services, and will stand near the grave o Leonard Matlovich, a Vietnam veteran and Purple Heart recipient who was discharged from the air force after coming out as gay.



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May 20, 2015

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May 20, 2015

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ity organization and the world-wide fight against HIV - a message backed by her partner, Sean Penn. Also there were singers Paula Abdul, Mary J. Blige and Kelly Osbourne, burlesque artist Dita Von Teese and of course Conchita Wurst, the Austrian cross-dressing winner of last year’s Eurovision song contest. Hailing the event as “one of the best nights of my life,” Osbourne said: “I will do anything for this cause because it’s so beautiful.” Wurst, who has become a poster person for tolerance since her song contest triumph, belted out her new torch song “You Are Unstoppable,” to prolonged cheers from the crowd. She later exchanged her simple ankle-length white skirt and skimpy top to sing “Fire Storm,” another new single, in a black-and-white ball gown with a trailing cape designed by Jean Paul Gaultier for an opulent fashion show by the famed French designer. Meanwhile, some Vienna pedestrian traffic lights are suddenly not only red or green. They’re also gay or straight. And Austria’s right-wing Freedom Party is livid. Over the past few days, the city


VIENNA (AP) - Vienna’s central City Hall Square was transformed May 16 into a mythical world of pagan rites and fantastic spectacle as the city hosted its biggest annual party of the year. The occasion, Europe’s biggest charity event, was serious: raising money for AIDS and HIV research. But as in previous years, the 23rd Life Ball was also a free-for all gala with an emphasis on diversity. This year’s theme revolved around the ancient celebration of spring as the giver of life, and organizers pulled out all the stops. The normally somber neo-Gothic City hall was turned into a structure glowing with light, and its square a huge stage of blazing fire, dance, song - and of music ranging from Beethoven and Stravinsky to Trevor Jackson singing “Love Child.”

Tens of thousands of spectators pushed against barriers to ogle paying guests in formal dress rubbing shoulders with celebrities, party-goers dressed in little more than body paint and cross-dressers in wild costumes. Top tickets go for 750 euros ($850) - a price that entitles holders to an allnight party inside the ornate City Hall chambers, complete with champagne and tantalizing delicacies. For those not in tuxedoes, the color of the evening was gold, and many of the costumes glittered correspondingly. Markus Zenner and Gerhard Grein came as fairy princes because at a party open to all “high nobility also has to be represented.” Others, like Julia, settled for little more than golden body paint. As the evening chill settled in, the 26-year old laughingly conceded that she was cold, while her near-bare partner added: “We’re waiting for the party to heat up.” Both declined to give full names, saying they could get in trouble with their employers. Actress Charlize Theron was among the celebrities in attendance and took the stage to urge continued support both for her South African AIDS char-


Vienna Hosts Europe’s Biggest AIDS Research Event; Adds SameSex Pedestrian Crossing Lights


started setting up lights at pedestrian crossings that show pairs of figures instead of the usual stick men. Some depict a man and a woman. Others, two women. Still others, two men. All couples are complete with hearts. The lights are being erected at 47 crossings and will stay up until June. Vienna hosts several events linked to tolerance during that time, including Life Ball and the Eurovision Song Contest, won last year by Austrian cross-dressing pop star Conchita Wurst. Pedestrians were neutral to positive when aske whether they liked the concept.


We’re Hiring Freelance Writers - Photographers - Sales Executives Managing Editor

Advertising Sales Executives We are seeking highly articulate and self-motivated individuals with a competitive spirit to develop new accounts and service existing clients. The ideal candidates will have a background in sales, a professional demeanor and strong customer service skills. Knowledge of, or experience in, real estate, tourism, retail or automotive sales would be helpful. We offer top-notch classroom training programs, a positive working environment, base salary plus commission and numerous opportunities for advancement. If you have the skills and experience required for these positions as well as a winning attitude, you are invited to apply in writing immediately with cover letter and resume to:

May 20, 2015

We are seeking a rock star with sharp writing and editing skills who can develop and manage a network of contributors and a design team in Fort Lauderdale. • Responsibilities will include: Conceptualizing and overseeing the production of engaging, highly-informative and exciting editorial/visual content – news features, interviews, interactive content, videos, etc.) for print and digital platforms. • Source and manage a team of contributors, edit content, and write compelling articles with kicker headlines. • Collaborate with the Publisher/Editor-In-Chief and our management team to determine attractive content for readers and advertisers. Profile of Ideal Candidate: • You should be creative, entrepreneurial, self-starter and adventurous. • You’re passionate about the process of creating unique, meaningful and life-changing content. • Have proven leadership ability to effectively manage projects, people and time.

• Motivated by a hands-on opportunity to create exceptional products. • Impeccable writing skills with relevant editorial experience.


May 20, 2015

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May 20, 2015


Tampa Police Chief Retires After 30 Years TAMPA—After more than 30 years in law enforcement, Police Chief Jane Castor has retired from the Tampa Police Department. Castor was recently the grand marshal of Tampa Pride and retired on May 8. She now plans to head a local nonprofit, Rise Tampa. Rise Tampa will help raise funds for training, equipment and technology for the department. The foundation will also raise awareness for at-risk children in Tampa’s disadvantaged communities. Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn has announced that 26-year veteran Eric Ward will be Castor’s replacement. Buckhorn said Castro The mayor said since being appointed by former Tampa Mayor Pam Iorio, Castor has been at the forefront of combatting crime with new technologies and data-driven policing. The mayor said the department will continue to place emphasis on increasing diversity within its ranks by aggressively recruiting from Tampa’s minority communities.

Castor said her successor was a perfect choice. “He has the experience, the knowledge, the leadership ability and the temperament for this job,” she said. Not only has she been a civic leader, but Castor’s attitude has made her popular within the local LGBT community, serving as a liaison for the department before she became chief. “I was born and raised here in the city,” said Castor, adding that because she is raising two teenage boys, she will remain deeply rooted in Hillsborough County. Castor does not see herself as a equality activist. “I feel there are so many others who have done a great deal to further equal rights,” said Castor, naming Hillsborough County Commissioner Kevin Beckner, Equality Florida founder Nadine Smith as examples. “When I was first named chief, I said the significance of being the first female wasn’t lost on me. But I wanted at the end of my tenure to be remembered as a good chief, not the first female or the first gay female chief. ” Steve Blanchard of Watermark Online contributed to this report.

Hillsborough County Commissioner Beckner Launches Campaign For Clerk of Court

TAMPA--Hillsborough County Commissioner Kevin Beckner recently announced the official kickoff of his campaign for clerk of court in 2016. Beckner is winding down his second term as commissioner. Term limits prevent him from seeking re-election as commissioner. He is challenging incumbent Pat Frank, who has served as clerk of court since 2004. Beckner, 44, was elected to the county commission in 2008 as Hillsborough’s first openly gay elected official. He was re-elected in 2012. Fellow Democrat Frank has said she intends to seek re-election. “The clerk of the court acts as the chief financial officer for the county,” said Beckner. “He manages the county’s investment portfolio and serves as both auditor and

recorder. My 16 years as a certified financial planner will be a great asset to bring to this position.” Beckner said the clerk is also responsible for maintaining county court records, explaining that his technical expertise helped integrate computing platforms for the juvenile welfare system. Frank, 85, is a former county commissioner and state legislator. She was first elected clerk of the circuit court in 2004 and was re-elected in 2008 and 2012 without opposition. During his tenure as county commissioner, Beckner became a staunch advocate of LGBT rights. He led the fight for a human rights ordinance, a new domestic partner registry and a repeal of the county’s ban on recognizing Pride events. He also championed several public safety initiatives, including the formation of a county violenceprevention program. Beckner said that when he first considered running for county commissions there were political consultants that told him not to reveal his sexual orientation. “I ran openly and honestly about who and what I am and I believe the voters responded the way they did because they want political representatives who have integrity and will be honest with them,” said Beckner. “Voters want someone they can trust. If you are lying to them about who you are then how can you expect them to trust you in the role you are seeking?” Beckner said his spouse, Tampa Police officer Gil Sainz, has stood by him. “It can be tough because the job often requires you to be away from your spouse more than either of you would like,” Beckner said. “It’s critical to have the support at home or it doesn’t work. Gil has been wonderful and very supportive of everything I do. I couldn’t do it without that.” Becker received a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice from Indiana University in 1993. Gregg Stemm of Watermark Online contributed to this report.


Duval County Teacher Claims He Was Fired For Being Gay

2013 set in motion the district’s investigation into Hester’s practices. He was suspended and fired in June of that year after he reportedly had some run-ins with other teachers. Hester claims some of the run-ins involved derogatory comments about his sexual orientation. He challenged the termination in front of an administrative law judge in March 2014. The judge decided in January 2015 that Hester was guilty of misconduct and unprofessional behavior and should be reprimanded, suspended without pay and transferred, but not fired. Denise Smith Amos of the Florida Times-Union contributed to this report.

Orlando Church, Lesbian Couple Reach Settlement Over Jobs Termination

Walt Disney World To Host LGBT Workplace Workshop In July

ORLANDO—The Walt Disney World Resort is partnering with San Francisco’s Out & Equal’s LGBT Equality Institute to host a one-day workshop on inclusive workplaces. The leadership and training workshop will take place on July 23. “We are pleased to host and sponsor such an important gathering of employers who, like Disney, are committed to diverse and inclusive workplaces,’ said George Kalogridis, president of the Walt Disney World Resort, according Gay Star News. “Having employees with a broad range of backgrounds, experiences and perspectives gives employers an advantage in understanding and meeting the needs of consumers, and it is important to remain focused on attracting and developing a diverse workforce at every level.” In 2013, Kalogridis became Walt Disney World’s first openly gay president. For more information, visit the institute’s website..


ORLANDO—Two lesbian women have reached a settlement with a Methodist church in Winter Park after the two day-care employees claimed they were fired from their jobs because of their sexual orientation.

According to their attorney, former teacher Jaclyn Pfeiffer, 29, and her partner Kelly Bardier, a substitute at the school, settled with Aloma United Methodist Church for approximately $30,000. Rev. Jim Govatos said the women were not fired. “We are a church, and we have the ability and the right by law, and I think the responsibility to set behavioral standards that reflect our understanding of Scriptural values,” he said. Church standards dictate that all day-care employees refrain from sexual relations outside of a legally-recognized marriage, said Govatos. “We have exercised discipline over employees who were heterosexual doing the same thing. Not all of them were terminated because they revised their living arrangements,” he said. “Pfeiffer and Bardier were aware of the rules and were given a chance to correct their lifestyle after admitting they were in a sexual relationship outside of work,” he said. Govatos said the women decided to quit, and hired an attorney. Kristin Giannas of WKMG contributed to this report.

May 20, 2015

JACKSONVILLE--A Duval County school teacher claims he was fired from his job because of his sexual orientation. On May 12, the county school board voted 3-1 to ignore a judge’s ruling and terminate Dennis Hester claiming he repeatedly falsified documents and lied about training at least 10 instructors to teach students the English language. Hester, said he plans to appeal the termination. So far, the two-year-old case has cost the school district more than $200,000 in attorney’s fees. Hester has been suspended without pay for about two years. The school board’s attorney, Henry M. Coxe, said the case is not about Hester being gay. “The documentation was false and his testimony was false; it’s that simple,” Coxe said. “You cannot have somebody in the school system who behaves that way, no matter how popular he may be.” Kenneth B. Wright, Hester’s attorney, said Hester was following school district policy. “The School Board did not prove... that Mr. Hester engaged in any fraudulent activities or took any action that would [engage] a guilty conscience,” Wright said. In 1990, a judge’s ruling required that any public school teacher who has students just learning English obtain training for what is called English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL). In 1994, Hester was hired to be an instructional coach in ESOL and other professional development subjects for teachers. At the end of a school year, district officials said there was heavy demand for ESOL training, so the district tried to shorten the training process. Hester claims he thought teachers could obtain ESOL credits by demonstrating some alternative level of proficiency. But that left it up to his discretion. The School Board said this was never the case. An anonymous letter in January



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Transgender Goes Mainstream: Transitioning Male Tops List of “Ultimate Guy” Candidates

May 20, 2015



ith Olympic champion Bruce Jenner’s transition to a woman making headline news across the world, Amazon’s trans-centric series Transparent winning a Golden Globe award as the year’s best comedy, and actor Laverne Cox stealing the hearts of critics for her groundbreaking role on Netflix’s ratings hit Orange Is the New Black, transgender individuals are entering the mainstream and becoming more understood, admired and relevant than ever. But none more so than transgender female-to-male bodybuilder and model, Aydian Ethan Dowling, who is on-target to become the next “Ultimate Guy” on the cover of Men’s Health magazine. The 27-year-old from Eugene, Oregon, is currently the leader in the contest to become the magazine’s November cover model, in a competition won last year by former sergeant Noah Galloway, who had his arm and leg ripped off by a landmine in Iraq. In his applying to the magazine, Dowling said, “The way I enjoy to stay fit and healthy is keeping with a bodybuilding-style routine, as well as some light cardio on my normal every day. On days “off,” I love to go with my wife, Jenilee, out on hikes around the Pacific North West. Although I also love my day-to-day routines, smashing through thresholds and sculpting the body, there is nothing quite like the beauty being outside can do to a person. I always have this sense of discovery and drive through my hikes that is unlike anything in the gym or the track.” There is nothing in his application that mentions that at 16, he had come out as a lesbian to friends and family,

Photo by

and was exclusively dressing in men’s clothing by the time he turned 21. There is little to alert the voting public that he began taking hormone replacement therapy in 2009, and has been injecting 1/2cc of testosterone into his buttocks every week since that time. A faint scar is the only sign the he had his breasts removed in 2012, the same year he got married to Jenilee. He

has yet to alter his vagina, even though he refers to it as a penis. Currently, Dowling is far ahead in the public voting portion of the contest with 60,178 votes. His closest competitor out of the hundreds of candidates tallies in at 12,361. And while the public vote accounts for only 10% of the final ballot to win the contest, the magazine is making

it clear that it is taking Dowling seriously as a contestant. According to the magazine, it is “looking for a guy who’s physically fit, who lives a healthy lifestyle, leads by example, has overcome some challenges in his life, and somebody who our readers can learn something from.” According to his Facebook page, Dowling identifies himself as an Entrepreneur, and says, that he is a Transgender Vlogger known as ALionsFears. He is the creator/owner of Point 5cc, a Trans Style Clothing Company, which gives some of its profits to fund transgender surgery. In Eugene, Dowling is a fitness trainer to other transgender males to help them develop a sense of body and self. It has been a struggle that Dowling has had to overcome himself. In an early video that he made when first beginning his transformation, Dowling addressed his greatest fears. “I’m afraid of looking in the mirror and not being able to recognize myself; of waking up, taking a shower and looking in the mirror, and being like ‘Who the f*ck are you?’ “I’m afraid of just being different, of being in a room of everyone and knowing that I am the different one. That I will always be the different one in that room. “I’m afraid of being everyone else’s entertainment. You know, something to look at for everyone else.” Now he says, the world is an easier place, as more transgender come out, and the media reports the fact. Dowling will add to that media coverage when he makes an appearance on the Ellen show on Tuesday, May 26. “It’s so nice to know there’s a community out there,” he says.



May 20, 2015 • ISSUE 287

ustomers of Steel Gym arrived to the popular Wilton Manors fitness center at the Shoppes of Wilton Manors on Saturday May 16, 2015 to find the weights and exercise machines being moved into trucks. On the door was taped a sign that stated “Closed for Relocation.” While the rumor mill has been swirling with talk that the business was closing, in reality the closure is both deliberate and encouraging. Gym owner and bodybuilder Ken Hunt has long been dissatisfied with his current landlord, Rivercrest Realty Investors, a company that he alleges has failed to keep its promises of maintenance and restoration, in addition to other complaints including Photo by lack of reserved parking. The rent was high and the circumstances disturbing. Finally, last Friday, Hunt had complex, effectively removing dozens of had enough. parking spots from the mix. “I had an opportunity to move the club The new location has parking for dozens and I jumped at the chance to upgrade the of cars, and will feature newly built out business, both for us and the members.” locker rooms. Steel Gym is moving to Searstown at “I wanted something that is neat and the corner of East Sunrise Blvd and North clean. We’re building out our new aeroFederal Highway in a building that once bic studio now that will be slightly larger housed a PetSupermarket. The 9,000 than our old space. We’ll have everything square foot space is equal in size to Steel’s completed in ten days, by which point previous location. we will be open and running. I think “I did this because we needed better park- our members are going to be pleasantly ing, and a better building that wasn’t falling surprised at the new facility.” apart. I have waited years for the simplest Hunt will be negotiating an exit strategy things to get done. Like ceiling tiles that with Rivercrest, including how much of needed to be replaced. I finally did it myself his remaining three year lease he will ultiand got raked over the coals for it. mately be responsible for paying. “We’re now going to have better parking, “That’s what people don’t understand a building in perfect condition, and it’s a when they criticize the way things have win-win for the members. For the incongone. I’m on the hook for that money venience, I am giving away a free month of which amounts to over a quarter of a membership to everyone who is currently a million dollars. member. It’s only fair.” “I walked away with everything still on Parking, always an issue at the Shoppes the table to protect my members. I could of Wilton Manors, recently became worse no longer deal with one-arm constantly with the padlocking of the rear parking being tied behind my back.” lot that runs behind the entire strip mall As unfortunate as Hunt’s predicament




Tom Bonanti, Patrick Robert, Gregg Shapiro, Linda Pentz (Washington Correspondent)




Steel Gym’s Departure From Wilton Manors Signals Continuing Rot Along the Drive



PHOTOGRAPHY Coco Alarcon, Adrianna Cortez, Michael Davis

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May 20, 2015 21

is, he is hardly alone. Landlords along the Drive in Wilton Manors have long been taking advantage of tenants by means of outrageously high rents, coupled with deals that call for a percentage of company profits in addition to a general failure to keep promises and commitments. While it is one thing to be quick to point with pride at how Wilton Manors has been transformed from its crack-house roots into a gay mecca known around the world, it is entirely another to be able to sustain an illusion of profitability and prosperity. A quick look down the Drive finds multiple restaurant spaces that have been vacant for months, even years. Storefronts as well sit vacant, with “For Rent” signs clearly visible to those gays and lesbians on their nightly bar crawls. Now add to that the former location of Steel Gym--another huge empty space haunting the Drive. What’s good news for Seartown is bad news for Wilton Manors. The bleeding must stop before our mecca is reduced to a memory, with shells of faded glory rotting in its wake….Until next week…

May 20, 2015

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May 20, 2015

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24 May 20, 2015


Time Time For For U.S. U.S. Military Military To To Transition Transition To To Transgender Transgender Acceptance Acceptance


ll it will take is one stroke of U.S. Defense Secretary Ashton Carter’s pen. Maybe not tomorrow, but soon. The tweak of one or two words on an outdated and irrelevant policy. And then, finally, transgender individuals will be allowed to serve openly in the U.S. armed forces. That is the optimistic view of transgender former Navy SEAL turned equality advocate, Kristin Beck. We spoke recently at the annual gala for the American Military Partners Association (AMPA) where Beck received an award, a standing ovation, and a lot of whooping and hollering from an appreciative audience of LGBT armed forces personnel and their straight allies. For Beck, who is also running for office, hoping to unseat Maryland’s longstanding U.S. Congressman, Steny Hoyer, this fundamental change could come as soon as June 2016. “It’s going to be difficult but we can do it,” she said. “It’s going to happen.” The military has already undergone a sea change after the September 2011 repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell. The crowded ballroom of joyful same-sex couples at the AMPA gala was testament to the long overdue, highly welcome change that brought about. But for transgender military personnel, who were unaffected by DADT, their acceptance necessitates more profound changes. As Beck pointed out, unlike with gay, lesbian and bi-sexual service members, with transgender “you are changing uniforms.” Currently, transgender armed forces personnel -- estimated to be at least 15,500 although Beck thinks the true number may be almost double -- must hide their true gender identity or leave the service. There are also believed to be at least 134,000 transgender military veterans who are retired from service. The ban remains in place due to a now discredited clause that excludes those suffering from “psycho-

sexual disorders” from serving in the military. In December 2012, the American Psychiatric Association eliminated its classification of what was formerly called “gender identity disorder,” and considered a mental illness, changing the term to “gender dysphoria” and removing the mental illness category. And if the sound bites coming from the White House and the Department of Defense are more than just rhetoric, the end of a ban on transgender individuals serving in the military is close. In February, shortly after his appointment, Carter signaled a new openness toward transgender service when he said: “I’m very open-minded about ... what their personal lives and proclivities are, provided they can do what we need them to do for us. That’s the important criteria. Are they going to be excellent service members? And I don’t think anything but their suitability for service should preclude them.” White House press secretary, Josh Earnest, echoed that perspective on behalf of President Obama: “The president agrees with the sentiment that all Americans who are qualified to serve should be able to serve,” he said. There are already 18 countries where transgender individuals can serve in the military and, in at least 12, they can serve openly. The influence of such acceptance in countries not so very unlike our own, such as Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom, “totally makes a difference,” Beck says. “It helps us one hundred percent.” The end of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell also paves the way for transgender acceptance, having largely assuaged earlier fears. “When it was repealed, everybody thought there was going to be a storm but nothing happened,” Beck said. But the changes haven’t been plain sailing for everyone. “I call it ‘the eye of the storm,’” Brett Jones told me at the AMPA gala. Jones is the nation’s first openly gay U.S. Navy SEAL, who

was outed in 2003, forcing an end to his military career. All the changes, he said, “make me incredibly happy. But for each of those victories, whether it’s a federal ruling or a change in state laws, it’s a brief moment in time when we can celebrate what we’ve achieved. However, there’s still the other part of that storm coming.” That storm has blown in like a tornado in some states under the false funnel cloud of “religious freedom,” a backlash that has affected the entire LGBT community, beyond the newly liberated military service people. “They call it ‘religious freedom’ and it sounds like a great thing because that is a great thing,” continued Jones. “But it’s a blanket that is covering something much seedier which is discrimination.” After being outed, Jones chose to leave the military, given the grim alternative. “A dishonorable discharge is a pretty serious thing,” he said. “It’s like being a convicted felon in a lot of states. It was important that I got out.” While such painful memories are largely behind him, they clearly color Jones’ pragmatic tone of caution. “It takes us as a community to be courageous, to be wise, to be patient and to be fair,” he told me. “With those virtues we can help push our cause forward so that we leave an America that is something that I would be proud of that my son would inherit.” What does that America currently look like on military bases around the country? With a long history of integration, racial prejudice in the military is notably lacking. The abundance of inter-racial same-sex couples at the AMPA gala was even more striking than the dazzling gowns and sharp, medal-adorned uniforms. But the military has not made the same progress on LGBT issues, says one military wife from Florida.

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“I think people are trying. But I think conservative ideals are not necessarily the most welcoming of these kinds of differences and they challenge people’s core beliefs,” said Raleigh Duttweiler, a straight ally, whose husband Bill is in the Marine Corps at the Gandy base in Tampa, Florida. “It’s just not acceptable for there to be anybody treated with less respect than anybody else,” Duttweiler said. She and her husband feel “it is very important that we stand as vocal, loud allies. We feel very strongly called to love and welcome across the board and we don’t think there’s any negotiation there,” she said. “Regardless of what you are doing, you need to be able to be who you are openly and present the person that you love to the world,” Duttweiler said. “You should be able to bring them to your professional ball and be delighted that you have them on your arm and neither one of you be remotely uncomfortable and I don’t think that’s too much to ask for.” Transgender members of the military are hoping to receive an invitation to that ball very soon. And they’d like to be able to keep the gown and the heels, too, and to ride away in a carriage that will never turn back into a pumpkin.



Rise Of Orlando: Florida’s Global LGBT Mecca


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Disney’s acquisition of Lucasfilm Ltd. in 2012, the studio giant has plans to expand the world-renowned Star Wars franchise ahead of this December’s theatrical release of Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens, the franchise’s seventh film and the first in 10 years--as if the Indiana Jones and Marvel Comics franchises weren’t enough to lock up the lucrative action/adventure market for teen minds. On top of this, Disney is rolling out new Star Wars attractions at its theme parks in California and Florida. Expectations are that any new rides are likely to land here, at Hollywood Studios, home of the increasingly popular Star Wars Weekends. If you are a young American male (or female), gay or straight, it’s becoming clearly impossible to grow up in the United States, or in Europe and Asia for that matter, and not be socialized to some extent by the creativity and imagination of the Magic Kingdom. All of this is not to say, however, that the Orlando environment is as perfect as Snow White’s castle. Far from it.

A few months ago, Orlando police arrested two suspects after releasing a video of a gay man being beaten by a group of people in Parramore. According to police, the victim left his house on the evening of Mar. 26 when a number of black males approached him, started kicking and punching him before fleeing with his wallet and mobile phone. The attack led to the arrest of Deandre Florence, 14, and Dennis Florence, 16. But having said this, Orlando appears to be at the vortex of emerging and ongoing trends that aren’t going away anytime soon. In fact, there’s a new All Aboard Florida passenger train system being built that will make it even easier for LGBT travelers from Key West, Miami Beach, greater Fort Lauderdale and West Palm Beach to visit without having to drive. And vice versa. The only thing Orlando lacks at this point are fabulous sandy beaches, but as we become more aware of possible sea-level rise, whatever the cause, I bet that disadvantage may slowly recede.


in a warm, sunny climate or near a popular travel destination, local event planners say they are seeing a range of local businesses upping their game, from caterers and photographers to florists and DJs as the market evolves. Having attended a mass wedding on Jan. 6 officiated by Mayor Buddy Dyer on the steps of city hall, I’d say you would be hard pressed to find a more gay-friendly mayor. Second, Visit Orlando, the region’s visitor’s bureau is not taking its slice of $30 billion in travel commerce for granted, much of it coming from LGBT tourists. So who did they partner with? The answer: Lance Bass, who is probably the most recognized face after Justin Timberlake from the popular 1990s boy band, NSYNC. Bass is from the Orlando area and has his own radio show on Sirius/XM Satellite. The radio network has more than 22 million subscribers, so it will be interesting to see if this kind of niche advertising produces any quantifiable results. Lastly, on the heels of Walt

May 20, 2015

n my mind right or wrong, Orlando has always been known for two things – oranges and theme parks, especially Walt Disney World, which kicked it all off in 1965 and changed the course of the entire region’s future forever. Without Mickey Mouse, I’m sure the central Florida city would not be attracting as much attention and the 62 million tourists in 2014 that it does now. Recently, I’ve been learning some interesting facts about the City Beautiful: It has the largest Puerto Rican population in the state, much like South Florida can say it houses the most Cubans. It’s home to the largest restaurant operator in the world, Darden Restaurants. And it’s a major industrial and high-tech center as well, with a diverse collection of defense, entertainment and technology companies. But none of these industries come close to tourism. Nothing has shaped Orlando’s development more than the leisure business, and specifically LGBT leisure. One of the most popular and controversial events each year is Gay Days, which draws thousands of gay men to the resort for several days of frolicking, fun and festivities. Although some groups have felt that the event detracts or even undermines the wholesome, family image that Disney has worked obsessively to build, Gay Days nonetheless is a smashing success in terms of its commercial appeal, longevity and revenue generation. Now comes a second push, a wave of self-promotion led by three recent developments seeking to build on historical momentum: The first development is marriage equality, which arrived in Florida earlier this year. While people have always wanted to get married


LEFT COAST /floridaagenda /floridaagenda



Lemongrass: Exotic and Traditional Asian BY TIM HART


5/21 Pat Benatar and Neil Giraldo

Who can believe the woman who so eloquently spoke about how “Love is a Battlefield” has been in the industry for thirty-five years? The mezzo-soprano had seventeen Billboard charting hits in the 1980s, including “Hit Me with Your Best Shot,” “We Belong,” “Heartbreaker,” and “Invincible.” Inspired to pursue a singing career by Liza Minelli, this legend of rock soon sold out arenas and was featured ubiquitously on MTV during its nascent stages. Tonight she will be performing alongside her longtime guitarist and husband Neil Giraldo in honor of their 35th anniversary. 8:00 p.m. Seminole Hard Rock. 1 Seminole Way. Fort Lauderdale. 33314.

May 20, 2015


5/22 No Fear of Flying

Conveniently located on the corner of 38th and Federal Highway, the Lemongrass invites you to “discover the exotic blend of Asian cuisine”--Thai, Sushi, Asian Noodles or Vietnamese. I mostly frequent this restaurant for lunch. The layout is perfect for a sushi establishment. There is a quaint waiting area (with great reading material) leading into the sushi bar and an ample traditional dining area. There is also plenty of outdoor seating as well as parking in the area. My most recent trek to the Lemongrass was as a member of the Oakland Park Main Street organization. For this particular lunch, I was joined by Siegi Constantine (GLBT Chamber of Commerce director), Steve McAleer (Impulse and Weichert Realty) and Jason Hagopian (award winning architect with TSAO Design Group). We have eaten together at this particular establishment so often we know what each other is getting. We started by ordering Edamame (boiled soy beans, served salted - $5) from the “small plates from the kitchen” section of the menu. In addition to Edamame, there is a Summer Roll (shrimp, basil, lettuce, mint, cilantro and rice vermicelli wrapped in a soft rice paper - $7), a Thai Spring Roll ($4) and Thai Steamed Dumpling ($7) not to mention numerous other choices. To complement the “small plates from the kitchen,” there are “small plates from the Sushi bar.” Once again, there are a number of delectable choices including a Mini Sushi Sampler ($9), Nuvo Sashimi ($12) and Seafood Ceviche ($14). Every one also ordered a soup

to enjoy while the Edamame was being harvested. I had the Lobster Wonton soup which was one of the daily specials. For my main lunch course, I ordered the Pad Thai with Chicken ($9). You can also get this with shrimp. It comes with your choice of ginger salad, California roll or vegetable spring roll. My dining companions ordered the Chicken Red Curry ($9) and the Shrimp Shower ($10). I have had the Pad Thai twenty plus times and never once has it failed to satisfy. My companions were equally pleased with their meals. Please note, there are traditional Bento Box selections to choose from for lunch to sample the various sushi delicacies. For dinners, there is an entire menu page of sushi rolls from the California Roll ($7) to the Lobster Monster Roll ($24). There are ample Asian Stirs, Noodle Stirs and Noodle Soups to choose from as well. . Then there are the entrees – from Teriyaki Chicken ($14) to Holy Snapper ($26) – something for everyone. “Mama won’t let me change the recipe” This is a motto the Lemongrass lives by. I am certain you will enjoy your visit..


Producer Ellen Wacher’s third installment of seven short humorous plays does something that, in the entertainment industry, is rather revolutionary: all of its 10-minute plays involve characters over the age of fifty and portrayed by actors over the age of fifty. The plays include Michael McKeever’s “Mitzi Has a Meltdown,” Marv Siegel’s “Signals,” Jeffrey Strausser’s “There’s Still Time,” Charles West’s “The European Plan,” and Michael Leeds’ “The Lie.” Pigs Do Fly Productions presents these plays as a kick off to its second season. 8:00 p.m. Andrews Living Arts Studio. 23 NW Fifth St. Fort Lauderdale. 33301.

5/24 Retro Disco Tea Cruise

Whether it’s the high-pitched belt of Gloria Gaynor or the silly fun of a Village People ditty, disco music still has its own charm. Tonight’s monthly tea cruise will be a nostalgic trip into the disco-era, where bell bottom jeans and wild afros ruled. Guests will enjoy drinking, dancing, and the many spectacular views of Fort Lauderdale’s waterways while floating down the Venice of America. Boarding begins at 5:00 p.m. and the entire trip lasts until 9:00 p.m. Entertainment includes host Kitty Meow and the phenomenal DJ Robbie Leslie. 5:00 p.m. Smoker’s Park. 540 S.E. 5th Ave. Fort Lauderdale. 33301.




6) DAPUR 1620 N Federal Hwy Fort Lauderdale

11) LE PATIO 2401 NE 11th Ave Wilton Manors

2) B BAR AND GRILLE 2209 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors

7) HUNTERS NIGHTCLUIB 2232 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors

12) LIPS 1421 E Oakland Park Blvd Oakland Park

8) INFINITY LOUNGE 2184 WIlton Drive Wilton Manors

13) THE MANOR 2345 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors

4) CORNER PUB 1915 N Andrews Ave Wilton Manors

9) JMARK’S 1245 N Federal Hwy Fort Lauderdale

14) MONA’S 502 E Sunrise Blvd Fort Lauderdale

5) CUBBY HOLE 823 N Federal Hwy Fort Lauderdale

10) LE BOY 1243 NE 11th Ave Fort Lauderdale

3) BOARDWALK/ BEEFCAKE’S 1721 N Andrews Ave Fort Lauderdale

15) MONKEY BUSINESS 2740 N Andrews Ave Fort Lauderdale 16) NAKED GRAPE 2163 Wilton Drive Wilton manors 17) NEW YORK GRILLED CHEESE 2207 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors 18) PJ’S CORNER POCKET 2340 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors

19) PROGRESS 2440 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors 20) RAMROD 1508 NE 4th Ave Fort Lauderdale 21) ROSIE’S BAR & GRILL 2449 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors 22) RUMORS BAR & GRILL 2426 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors

23) SCANDALS SALOON 3073 NE 6th Ave Wilton Manors 24) SCARFONE’S 2150 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors 25) SIDELINES 2031 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors 26) SMARTY PANTS 2400 E Oakland Park Blvd Fort Lauderdale

27) THE STABLE 205 E Oakland Park Blvd Fort Lauderdale 28) 13 I EVEN 2037 Wilton Dr Wilton Manors 29) TROPICS 2000 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors 30) VILLAGE PUB 2283 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors

May 20, 2015

1) ALIBI 2266 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors






5/22 Darius Rucker


The lead singer of late 1990s radiofriendly band Hootie and the Blowfish has enjoyed a career singing in various genres, including rock, R&B, and even country. Rucker recently released his fourth county album, titled Southern Style. Songs like “Homegrown Honey” and “Dixie Cup” explore the contemporary Southern culture. Brett Eldredge, Brothers Osborne, and A Thousand Horses open. 7:00 p.m. MidFlorida Credit Union Amphitheatre. 4802 U.S. 301 N. Tampa. 33610.

5/23 Sunset Music Festival This electronic music festival may not be in the same league as Ultra as of yet, but it still welcomes around 50,000 guests a year. The 2015 line-up showcases the most popular EDM acts working today. The headliners include Grammy-winner Skrillex, DJ Tiesto, and Armin Van Buuren. Other performers include Porter Robinson, Flosstradamus, Cedric Gervais, Duke Dumont, Cashmere Cat and the Chainsmokers. 2:00 p.m. Raymond James Stadium. 4201 N. Dale Mabry Highway. Tampa. 33607.

5/23 Tampa Bay Margarita Festival The Brian Neal Fitness and Health Foundation













May 20, 2015





provides complimentary Health and Wellness services to financially challenged people living with HIV/AIDS and offers a global LGBT athletic mentoring program for amateur and professional athletes ranging from grade school to the professional ranks.

A 501(c)3 organization providing services to financially challenged people living with HIV/AIDS in Fort Lauderdale

2435 North Dixie Hwy, Wilton Manors, FL 33305


Jimmy Buffet’s favorite libation symbolizes the tropical mentality many people love about Florida. This Tampa Bay festival celebrates the drink with games, live music by Smash Mouth, and a fireworks finale. Other musicians scheduled to perform include Phase 5, Lovestruck Robot, and Lions After Dark. There will also be an Extreme Margarita Zone featuring Red bull, FireBall 57 Chevy, Moonshine, Sour Patch, and Bacon Rita. 12:00 p.m. Curtis Hixon Park. 600 N. Ashley Dr. Tampa. 33602.


your hands 2-8 inches apart. Now press downwards from your chin until your arms are straight (just barely locking out the elbow). Return and repeat. Most bodybuilders keep their elbows tucked in at their sides during this movement. This exercise can also be performed with a rope instead of a straight bar or lat machine bar. Bent-over triceps kickbacks: Don’t be surprised if, upon examination, you find that one of your triceps is bigger or stronger than the other, this is common and this exercise will help build strength and symmetry in both arms. Hold a dumbbell in one hand and hold on to a rack or bench with the other hand. Raise and lower (kick back) the dumbbell at an even rate, keeping the upper arm in line with your torso and parallel to the floor. Keep your upper arm tight against your waist throughout. Lying triceps extensions or “skull crushers”: Lie on your back on a flat bench and hold a barbell or E Z curl bar at arms length above you. Lower it slowly to the forehead and raise the bar again to arm’s length. Don’t bounce the weight off your chest or forehead. This is a more advanced exercise and you may have to wait until your triceps are ready for this one. Remember, triceps are a larger muscle and require more work than biceps. You may not see them, but if you really desire a mighty set of guns, you’ve got to work triceps.

May 20, 2015

For more tips on pumping up your triceps …or anything else that you may fancy, contact TrainerTomB@ Call Tom (954) 557-1119 to set up a free consultation today. Check out my gym and massage studio



riceps make up twothirds of your upper arm, therefore it is logical that the bigger and more defined these babies are, the more massive and symmetrical your arms will appear. The triceps are responsible for the movements of extension of the elbow and forearm rotation. Because of their larger size, you need to work triceps longer and harder than biceps. Train your triceps twice a week using 3-4 exercises of 3-4 sets of 8-12 repetitions. If your triceps are lagging behind, then throw in an extra workout per week until you see progress. But don’t overdo it, because every time you train chest, you are also hitting triceps as well! Use free weights for triceps to give you a better range of motion. Machines are great in a pinch, but once again, free weights get better results producing thicker, fuller muscle and better flexibility. Always make sure you get a good stretch for triceps especially as you conclude the workout. Stretching helps bring out the separations and detail in the muscle. Stretching also brings fresh blood and oxygen to tired, depleted muscle fibers. Close-grip bench presses: This exercise takes your triceps through their full range of motion. Lie face up on a flat bench, feet firmly planted on the floor. Take a barbell or E Z curl bar from the rack (or have your trainer or workout partner hand it to you). Use a narrow grip so that your hands are only 2-3 inches apart. Keep your elbows close to your body, lower the weight so that it nearly touches your lower sternum, and immediately push upwards. Never bounce the weight off the chest. Always begin with a light warm-up set. This exercise is great for mass building. Triceps extensions: Start this exercise by standing and grasping a small straight bar or lat machine bar with


Terrific Triceps Training Tips!


By Tom Bonanti

May 20, 2015

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sonville hosts one of the most exciting jazz music festivals in the country. This year’s line-up includes American Idol BY PATRICK ROBERT superstar Fantasia, a winner on one of the show’s earliest seasons. Other performers include Regina Carter, Elisha Atlas Parris, Ryan Montano, Maceo Parker, Kellylee Evans, Tito Puente Jr. Orchestra, and Michael Franks. The festival continues until RuPaul’s Drag Race winner Bianca Sunday night and is sponsored by the Del Rio has been a fixture of the AARP. Various Times. Various Locagay community club scenes of New tions. Jacksonville. 32202. Orleans and New York City for years, often performing with legendary drag queen Lady Bunny. The selfproclaimed “clown in a dress” is known for her quick-witted comedy, effortless style, and unique ability to make audi- Honduran-born comedian Carlos ences cry from laughter. Her Rolodex Mencia tackles topics as diverse as of Hate tour will feature a mix of typical everyday hypocrisies, absurdities, drag queen camp, cabaret, and stand- ethnic stereotypes, race relations, up material sure to keep every type of immigration, war, patriotism, capitalism, audience entertained. 8:00 p.m. Times- pop culture, current events, and family. Union Center for the Performing Arts. Carlos is best known for his wellreceived Comedy Central show, Mind 300 Water St. Jacksonville. 32202. of Mencia, and has maintained a heavy stand-up schedule across the United States. 8:00 p.m. Comedy Zone. 3130 Every Memorial Day weekend Jack- Hartley Rd. Jacksonville. 32257.


5/21 Bianca Del Rio Rolodex of Hate

May 20, 2015


5/22 Carlos Mencia

Jacksonville Jazz Festival



Different Strokes For Different Folks



Mad Maxx - Fury Road

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(Courtesy of

engineers, college professors, video game publication editors, and members of video game groups such as NYC Gaymers, as well as GaymerX founder Matt Conn. The doc also makes a point of removing any doubt that there is actually a gay video game community and that gay geeks do, in fact, walk among us. In the same way that the LGBT community has long fought for representation in TV, film and literature, for example, gay gamers want the same thing in the video games that they play. Of course, they’re up against all sorts of challenges, including the fact that a multimedia industry such as gaming might not want to risk profits in the interest of being more inclusive. There is also the built in homophobia that exists within that culture. There are positive signs that the industry is progressing as the nation progresses in terms of LGBT issue. Riot Games, for instance, doesn’t tolerate homophobia and EA Games hosted an LGBT gaming conference. Regardless, the image of gamers, gay or straight, is not the most flattering. As much as Gaming In Color wants to challenge that, it comes off as preaching to the converted. Boring and repetitive, it’s hard to say who the target audience is for this well-intentioned doc. Much has changed in the world of cinema since filmmaker George Miller’s first go-round with the vengeance-driven Mad Max character more than 35 years ago. In addition to Max’s legend expanding via two sequels, the horror of a future without potable water and fossil fuel is beginning to look more like a reality. Movies have also become more bom-

bastic, the depiction of violence more graphic and special effects more special. With that in mind, Mad Max: Fury Road (WB/Village Roadshow) is undoubtedly a 21st century effort. The volume is cranked up and you will feel your seat and the floor below your feet vibrate. Hunted by scavengers and haunted by those he couldn’t protect, Max (Tom Hardy) is held captive by hideous and horrific war lord Immortan Joe (Hugh Keays-Byrne) and functions as a “blood bank” for pale and scarred War Boy Nux (Nicholas Hoult). Immortan Joe, who treats the inhabitants of the Citadel like his personal slaves, rations water and other supplies while he lives like a god. When one-armed, rogue rig driver Furiosa (Charlize Theron in the comeback performance of the year), changes her original Gastown course (where she is supposed to be refueling a tanker), Max and Nux hit the road, led by Immortan Joe, to track her down. Not surprisingly, there is more at stake here. Furiosa has absconded with Joe’s five wives (a couple of whom are carrying his spawn). Her plan is to get them to safety in The Green Place, the women-run territory from which she originated. Unexpected alliances are formed, beginning with Max and Furiosa, in order for the mission to be accomplished. Unrelentingly intense and suspenseful, brutal and shocking, Mad Max: Fury Road is the first non-stop thrill ride of the season. Just remember to bring some aspirin along for after the movie.


secrets and lies. His mother is suspicious of the sudden influx of cash and accuses him of being a drug dealer. He can’t tell his girlfriend Carmen about his new job so he makes up a story about his recently increased income. Of course, the other dancers are jealous of Michael’s popularity resulting in ugly scenes, a mugging and hospitalization. No one will go to see Chocolate City expecting Oscar-caliber performances. That’s good, because there aren’t any. All the movie really has to offer are strippers’ bodies and dance moves, as close to perfect as you are likely to see. Chocolate City wants to be a delectable Valrhona or Vosges confection, but after one unsatisfying and waxy bite, all you are left with is a bitter and chalky aftertaste. Fans of the much too short-lived queer HBO series Looking, may recall that Patrick (Jonathan Groff) worked at a video game company run by his hot boyfriend Kevin (Russell Tovey). In an episode that aired in March 2015, the couple manned a booth at the GaymerX convention, which is geared towards LGBT gamers, to promote their product. For some, almost as shocking as the cancellation of Looking (shame on you, HBO!) is the fact that there are queer folks playing video and role-playing games with the same dedication as their straight counterparts. Further exploration of the topic can be found in the doc Gaming In Color (Devolver Digital Films/MidBoss), making its digital VOD debut on May 19. Co-directed by Philip Jones, David Gil and Jonah Markowitz, the doc is full of interviews with queer game designers and

May 20, 2015

As dopey as it was, 2012’s Magic Mike elevated the male stripper movie above laughable `80s fare such as A Night in Heaven and For Ladies Only. Unfortunately, Chocolate City (Freestyle Releasing) sets the mini-genre back at least 20 years, serving up cliché after cliché. Even more bizarre is the way that characters in Chocolate City actually make reference to Magic Mike. Not only does Chocolate City not have anything up its sleeve, it barely has anything in its jock. Single, widowed and devout churchgoing mother Catherine (Vivica A. Fox, who deserves much better than this) shares her home with ne’er-do-well son Chris (DeRay Davis), the family cut-up, and good son Michael (the ridiculously hot Robert Ri’chard), a college student on scholarship working part time as a cook in a diner. The bills are piling up (the power is about to be shut off) and Catherine’s hours at both of her jobs are being slashed. Then a chance meeting in a strip club men’s room between Michael and Princeton (Michael Jai White) has a profound effect. After hesitating to call Princeton at the number on his business card, Michael succumbs, leading to an 11 p.m. job interview at Galactic, Princeton’s club. Initially uncomfortable with Princeton’s job offer to be a stripper, bumping and grinding for a roomful of unreal housewives of Atlanta (and their pals), Michael realizes it’s a way to make a lot of fast cash. Saddled with the stage name Sexy Chocolate, a cowboy hat and chaps, Michael makes a good impression on his first night. But there are multiple conflicts causing Michael to lead a life of

Chocolate City

May 20, 2015

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5/22 Betrayal One of Harold Pinter’s most acclaimed dramatic works, Betrayal involves the seven-year affair between Emma and her husband’s “close friend” Jerry. The play is known for its unique and (at the time) structurally innovative approach to the story. Pinter uses reverse chronology in structuring the plot: the first scene takes place after the affair while the final scene is the beginning. 7:30 p.m. The Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts. 1300 Biscayne Blvd. Miami. 33132.

5/25 Gypsy Lane

MIAMI 1) CLUB AZUCAR 2301 SW 32nd Ave

6) EROS LOUNGE 8201 Biscayne Blvd

2) CLUB BOI 1060 NE 79th St

7) FLOPPY ROOSTER 7018 NW 72nd Ave

3) CLUB SPACE 34 N.E. 11th Street

8) HOUSE 1915 NW Miami CT


9) JAMBOREE 7005 Biscayne Blvd

5) DUGOUT SPORTS BAR 3215 NE 2nd Ave



11) CLUB AZUCAR 2301 SW 32nd Ave

12) CAMEO 1445 Washington Ave

16) SCORE 1437 Washington Ave.

13) KILL YOUR IDOL 222 Espanola way

17) THE CABARET 233 12th St

14) MANSION NIGHTCLUB 1235 Washington Ave

18) TWIST 1057 Washington Ave

15) PALACE BAR 1200 Ocean Dr

May 20, 2015

10) MAGNUM LOUNGE 709 NE 79th St

19) HOTEL GAYTHERING 1409 Lincoln Road

This party show band has a roster of musicians with excellent resumes—all of the performers were backing musicians for major acts such as the Village People, James Brown, Cindy Lauper, and Lou Rawls. This group plays an explosion of music perfect for any celebration, everything from Mo’town to reggae, from soul to funk, from disco to hip-hop. Current members include Alfonso Carey, Karina Constantine, Larry Davis, Lionel Harrison, and Shawn Tarver. 3:00 p.m. Casino Miami Jai-Alai. 3500 NW 37th Ave. Miami. 33142.

5/27 Gay Spanish Any newcomer to gay dating in South Florida immediately understands one very important rule: learning Spanish is required. Ron Bruni’s Wednesday night “class” at Hotel Gaythering hopes to create more bilingual couples through creative immersive techniques. Participants learn all the important conversational Spanish while meeting a group of similarly minded gay men. 7:00 p.m. Hotel Gaythering. 1409 Lincoln Rd. Miami Beach. 33139

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May 20, 2015

1226 NE 4TH AVE FORT LAUDERDALE, FL 33304 954.761.1236 /floridaagenda


May 20, 2015



7-11… Los Olas 13 Even 4 Men Clothing 7-11….26th St 78 Degree Spa AHF-Oakland Park AIDS Museum Almost New Anderson Auto Andrews Living Art Studio Atlantic Realty ArtServe on Sunrise Barton Miller Cleaners Best Buy Bill’s Bio Care Pharmacy BioScript Pharmacy Boardwalk Boc a Tanning Body Tech Bona Pizza Boomerangs Bo’s Barber Brian Scott Realty Broward House.. Andrews Ave Broward House… SE 3rd Buddha Happy Calypso Inn Care Resource Castelli Real estate Castrato Law Cheston House Chic Optique City County Cr. Union Clippers Too Clubhuose II Coast Chiropractic Coral Reef Guest House Corner Pub Courtyard Café

Critters with A K Crunch CTR Spiritual Living Cubby Hole CVS Dapur DaVinci Real Estate Decades Furniture Deep Tissue Therapy Dennis J’s Barber Shop Double Dippers Dunkin Donuts Ed Lugo resort Elysium Resort Fetish Factory Flip Flops Floridian Fredrick Fine Art FTL Pizza Fusion Galanga’s Gateway Cinema Gay Mart Genesis Georgie’s Alibi Monkey Bar Grand Resort Green Jade Spa Hidden Treasure Holiday Park Library Humpy’s Pizza Hunters I.C.E Infinity Inn Leather Inn On the Drive Intense Fitness Island Sands Inn J. Miles Java Boys Jenkins Law Jet’s Pizza Joe’s Barber Shop Juice Blendz Karl Grace Ins Latino Salud

Le Patio Restaurant Leatherwerks LeBoy Lemon Grass Lips Lotus Chinese Manor Manor Inn Mattress Expert Mind your Manors Mix Clothing Mojo Barber MoJo Restaurant Mona’s Monkey Business Naked Grape North Point Medical Nuts About Yogurt Office Out of the Closet… Wilton dr Out of the Closet… Sunrise Out of the Oven PJ’s Palm Plaza Peter Pan Pharos Hair Oasis Pineapple Point Pink Submarine Plush Royale Resort Ponciana Car Wash The Pride Center Pride Factory Pride Pharmacy Progress Bar Pump N Inc Rainbow Laundromat Ramrod ReMax Realty Rendez-vous Bakery Richard’s Hair Rock Hard Ron’s Barber Shop Rosie’s Bar & Grill Rowan Tree Medical

Royal Palms Rumors Sarfones Scandals Scissorium Secret Moments Siam Cuisine Sidelines Slammer South Smarty Pants Smoke this Too SoBe Tanning Starbuck’s Steel Gym Sterling Stonewall Storks Suan Thai & Sushi Sun Serve Sunshine Cathedral Tee Jay The Athletic Man The Cabanas The Club FTL The Gables The Stable To The Moon Toni’s Cleaners Trantalis Tropics Restaurant Tropixxx Video Unity Church USA Auto Care Village Pub Walgreen’s Specialty Wilton Creamery Wilton Manors Dental Wilton Manors Library Wilton Tower Windamar Beach Resort Wings & Things Winners Pizza World’s Gym Worthington Guesthouse


11th St Diner Beatnix Betsy Hotel Care Resource Ctr Century SoBe Chesterfield Hotel Clevelander Creative Male Discotekka is now Front Porch Gathering Hotel Gay & Lesbian Visitor Ctr Island House Hotel Magnum Mercury SoBe MEKKA Nasseau Suites News V Cafe Out of the closet... Alton Rd Out of the Closet... Biscayne Blvd Palace Food Bar Rufskin Clothing Score Shelly Hotel Studio W Tokyo Valentino Adult Store Twist World Erotic Art Museum


Barcodes Orlando Club Orlando Gay & Lesbian Center Hamburger Mary’s Orlando Hanks Bar Joy MCC Parliament House Pulse Bar Ritzy Rags Orlando Savoy

Southern Nights St Matthews Tavern Stonewall


Baxter’s Bradley’s on 7th City Side Lounge G Bar Hamburger Mary’s Liquid Tampa MC Film Metro Wellness Center Ybor Resort & Spa


Enigma St. Petersburg Flamingo Resort Georgie’s Alibi LGBT Welcome Ctr Metro Wellness Center Mr. Sun Liquors Pepperz The Oar House The Queen’s Head


Tubby’s City Hangout


Office Pub Rascals The Bottom Line




Bourbon St Pub Equator Resort For advertising or sponsorship opportunities, contact Kevin Hopper at 954-380-8563 x2101 or





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PRIDE 4 YOUTH June 19 • 8PM










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May 20, 2015

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America’s First Gay President?

May 20, 2015





Across 1 You bend them in gay bars 7 Shuttlecock 11 Classic two-seaters 14 Lollipop Guild members, e.g. 15 Artist Catherine 16 Alley ___ (basketball play) 17 Lily of 37-Across 18 Rag and Bone author 19 Wilder’s ___ Town 20 Hot and bothered 21 Dumped wife in 37-Across 23 Oscar ___ Renta 25 Sunken passage 26 Come out on the beach 29 Early lesbian newspaper publisher Ben 31 “Diana” singer 32 “That’s incredible!” 33 Classic shirt brand 34 Cousin of Jethro and Jethrine 37 Netflix comedy about wives of guys who dump them for each other 42 Fairy tale bad guy 43 Willingly 44 Wing for Julia Morgan 45 Ethnic acronym 48 Coup target, to Cocteau 49 Letters on stones

50 Nothing-but-net sounds 53 Fingered 55 Sam of 37-Across 57 Peewee or Della 61 Suffix with boy or girl 62 “Bennifer” of long ago, e.g. 63 Sheen of 37-Across and The West Wing 64 ‘70s sitcom producer 65 Vanity Fair alternative 66 Marc of pop music 67 Get a load of 68 News columnist Lisa 69 Sounds in “The Trolley Song” Down 1 Caesar’s final reproach 2 Fruit ___ (gay district) 3 British bottoms 4 Made eyes at 5 “You were great last night ...” perhaps 6 IRS info 7 ___ fide 8 Toothpaste sung about during a “Grease” sleepover 9 Kahlo’s husband 10 Overwhelm with sound 11 Pedestrian that drops trou? 12 Creamy balls 13 Waterfall effect 21 Alexander of Love!

Valour! Compassion! 22 Kind of wooden bucket 24 Sally portrayer of Cabaret 26 Pop-up breakfast brand 27 It made people go down on the Titanic 28 Hairy guy, to his date? 30 Mix up 35 Taylor of I Shot Andy Warhol 36 Puppy’s cry 38 Cut out 39 Get along with the group 40 Enjoy E. Lynn Harris 41 In the end 46 Piercing cry 47 Grinding tool 50 Emulates Bruce Hayes 51 Fritter away 52 Arrow shaft 54 Word for skin 56 Rainbow, to some 58 Alfred Douglas’ school 59 Emulate Elton 60 Runs out 63 Britten’s raincoat

For the solution to this puzzle, go to



May 20, 2015

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42 May 20, 2015


Explore The Southern Decadence Of The French Quarter In New Orleans Nothing keeps the pizzazz of New Orleans, Louisiana (NOLA) down. Not even a devastating blow from 2005’s Hurricane Katrina that left a better part of the city flooded under 15 feet of water. The city is back and booming with NOLA’s French, Creole and Spanish history radiating throughout the town, from the Spanish inspired architecture to its intoxicating jazz music and award wining Creole cuisine. The French Quarter, NOLA’s oldest neighborhood, is a sightseer’s treasure box. Tourists and locals alike descend upon the destination year-round to enjoy the attractions, museums, food and architecture. You can literally spend a week’s vacation just exploring what the town has to offer. Take a horse-drawn carriage ride around the neighborhood to see the assortment of Spanish design townhomes with intricate iron balconies closely positioned next to Creole villas that pop with pastel hues. Learn the historical relevance of the French Creole and Spanish influence by visiting The Cabildo (701 Chartres St. New Orleans 70116; 800-568-6968) where the Louisiana purchase was signed. Step down from your chariot and marvel at the interior décor that mirrors the grandeur of the outside beauty. The colonial settlers lived a lifestyle of elegance and splendor that has been preserved in multiple homes throughout the neighborhood. You’ll be in awe at the overstated elegance of the HermannGrima House (820 St. Louis St. New Orleans, LA 70112; 504-525-5661), which shimmers with fire- red upholstery, oversized gold-leaf picture frames and decorative flooring. How about an escape from the glitz and gleam to explore the underbelly of NOLA history? New Orleans Voodoo has been a prevalent part of NOLA culture since the original settlers planted roots in the city during the 1700s. It derived from the French Creole slaves that where imported into the city. Learn about the true cultural significance from the entangled web of lies at the Voodoo Museum


(Photo (Photo

(724 Dumaine St. New Orleans LA 70116; 504-680-0128). Or brave an interaction with a real life voodoo priestess at the Voodoo Spiritual Temple (828 N. Rampart St. New Orleans LA 70116; 504-522-9627). NOLA food is an important part of the city’s rich history. Two of their most world-renowned dishes are Gumbo and Jambalaya, and both can be found at practically every restaurant throughout the city. The two famous dishes represent the multicultural essence of NOLA and have actually been mass-produced as easy-to-prepare diner entrees. But of course, you won’t find anything off the store shelf quite like what you’ll receive in a NOLA restaurant.

It’s a tourist must-do to try the unique cuisines that have originated from NOLA. For lunch stop into Central Grocery (923 Decatur St. New Orleans LA 70116; 504-523-1620) for an authentic muffuletta sandwich. Central Grocery, an Italian-American grocery store, created the sandwich back in 1906 during the Sicilian emigration from Italy to NOLA. You definitely can’t skip out on dessert. Taste the sweet delicacy of vanilla ice cream topped with caramelized brown sugar, dark rum and bananas at Brennan’s New Orleans (417 Royal Street, New Orleans, 20116; 504-525-9711). The Banana Foster originated from Brennan’s New Orleans restaurant in 1950

and is now a cherished dessert in NOLA restaurants everywhere. To savor great cuisine and groove to the best of jazz as you’re whisks through the Mississippi River, climb aboard Steamboat Natchez, NOLA’s only authentic riverboat. What definitively makes NOLA a perfect getaway destination for the gay traveler is its LGBT acceptance and celebrated party atmosphere. NOLA has appeared in the top five list of Travel+Leisure gay-friendly vacations. There are an abundance of gay owned and gay-friendly bed and breakfasts as well as gay guesthouses. Rest your head at Lamothe House (621 Esplanade New Orleans, LA 70116; 504-947-1161), a gay-friendly 1830’s townhouse hotel or the St. Philip French Quarters Apartments (612 St. Philip St. New Orleans LA 70116; 504-5232197), a gay owned vacation rental and mention Purple Roof for a ten percent reduction on your stay. Whether you are visiting NOLA in the summer or the winter (or in any season), there is also some LGBT events to enjoy. Partake in their annual September Southern Decadence that has celebrated NOLA gay life, music and culture since 1972. Catch their Gay Easter Parade in March. Or take in our favorite, the week long Gay Mardi Gras in February. To indulge in some fascinating NOLA gay history while keeping the party going, reserve the private tour called The Twirl, a Gay Heritage and Drink Tour by G L-f de Villiers (225-819-7535). And don’t forget to hit up the epicenter of NOLA’s nightlife, Bourbon Street. The inflow of people that visit the historical party district are uninhibited and friendly. It just wouldn’t be a complete trip without a night out at NOLA’s gay dance club OZ (800 Bourbon St. New Orleans LA 70116; 504-593-9491), where every night is a different experience with set themes and special appearances by international entertainers and DJ’s like the O’Halley Brothers.


Modeled after the original fringe held in Edinburgh, Scotland in 1947, Orlando’s annual theatrical event is founded on the concept of being 100% unjuried, uncensored, and accessible. Also, 100% of the profits goes to the brave artists contributing their talents. IThis year’s event includes such avant-garde pieces as a woman selling ad space on her body, a dirty “Bubble Gum Party,” and a burlesque show. Various Times. Various Venues. Orlando. 32803.


BY PATRICK ROBERT 5/21 24th Annual International Orlando Fringe Festival



5/23 Swan Lake Ballet Fedotov will be presenting their production of Tchaikovsky’s masterpiece. The story revolves around a young prince and his destructive relationship with Swan princess Odette. What follows is a tale of obsessive love, ending in death and suicide. Ballet Fedotov founder Vadim Fedotov and Irina Depler both studied ballet at the Moscow Theatrical Institute, one of the most prestigious universities in the world. They will be bringing their world class choreography to the Dr. Phillips Center. 7:00 p.m. Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts. 445 S. Magnolia Ave. Orlando.

5/24 Universal Studios 25th Anniversary Concert Series

May 20, 2015 43

In their twenty-five years in business, Universal Studios has become one of the most profitable theme parks in the world, consistently competing with juggernaut Walt Disney World. In honor of their longevity, the park is hosting a concert series throughout May and June. Tonight, teen heartthrob Shawn Mendes performs songs from his album Handwritten, including hit “Life of the Party.” 9:00 a.m. Universal Studios Orlando. 6000 Universal Blvd. Orlando. 32819.

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