Agenda 092216 issue 357

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September 22, 2016


The Autumn Home Issue AD DEADLINE: SEPT. 30 / STREET DATE: OCT. 6

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September 22, 2016

September 22, 2016



The week reflected back through fabulously funny eyes

LIFE REALITY CHECK. Sorry, it’s just an unwritten rule of life that you can’t be f*cking hardcore and be named Harold. Just doesn’t work. CAREER GOALS. I swear to God I’m gonna throw the towel in trying to deal with the corporate world. I’m going to answer an ad to be a nail tech, so I can spend my day in comfortable scrubs, read bitches to filth in Vietnamese, watch soap operas, and make fun of people’s deformed feet and crusty toenails. THESE LOSERS ON THE ENTERTAINMENT CHANNEL. “Oh No Brangvagina split up! I fell out of my chair!” What! Shut up! They’ll cry into there billions. There are real problems in this world and a f*cking lunatic running for president. Try picking up the shattered pieces of your lives and move on. WAKE UP AMERICA. Sorry, I’m watching 60 Minutes and this Gary Johnson guy is a buffoon. Nice in theory, but in the end he he’s going to end up draining votes from Clinton. And with this twat Trump actually carrying considerable weight, it’s a frightening prospect. Sorry, smoking pot is not as important as civil rights and a potentially horrifying foreign diplomacy debacle. They may think this is cute, but those of us who have fought for basic civil rights are not laughing when he’s a statistical “never gonna happen.” If you don’t like Hillary, hold your nose at the voting booth. Too much to risk losing. ON A SERIOUS NOTE. I’m just lying in bed here, after having had a lovely evening with my family. I’m realizing that although I spent of number of wonderful years in Fort Lauderdale, I really feel that being here in Palm Beach is where I need to be right now at this point in my life. Where I can really focus on my fitness, my career goals, my potential love life, all while being surrounded by unconditional love and myself. RELAX AND REJOICE. I’m on day one of my wine challenge! No bougie push-ups for me! Just a nice merlot served with a side of snarky and judgeless! Cheers! On my way to diabetes and alcoholism! MY THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK. Yeah America! We’re getting dumber! With all these new Emoji’s, we no longer have to even communicate by typing words. We can be like Jodie Foster in Nell and grunt shit to each other as we send pictures of everything!

Adam Cohen is South Florida’s favorite and most fabulous social commentator. He’s also single. Find him on Facbook to keep up with his hilarious take on the week’s headlines. 4

September 22, 2016

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WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING... Random thoughts from social media and beyond this week

Robert Sepúlveda Jr. lashed out and threatened lawsuits against those who have been attacking him online since he was named as the male suitor/star of Logo’s gay version of The Bachelor, Finding Prince Charming. He posted on Instagram, “Targeted harassment, shaming and bullying is wrong and against the law – it doesn’t matter the age! Listen closely folks, if you come for me, we will come for you and prosecute you to the fullest extent of the law. BULLYING IS WRONG!

NBA star and Charlotte native Steph Curry has called for North Carolina to change its anti-LGBT bathroom bill, HB2, Curry explained, “I think it’s unfortunate for our city and our state to be under the microscope with HB2 and how it’s unfolded. I’m all for equal and fair rights and treatment for everybody. Until it gets addressed, until some changes are made, this could be a recurring theme in North Carolina. I don’t want that happen.”

Florida’s anti-gay attorney general Pam Bondi has denied all wrongdoing, after accepting an illegal donation from Donald Trump while considering a lawsuit against Trump University. In a news conference, she insisted: “I would never trade any campaign donation — that’s absurd — for some type of favor to anyone. He donated to multiple candidates, Democrats and Republicans alike. “Donald Trump did not get a pass. Donald Trump was not under investigation in Florida.” She added, “That returning the money would have made it look more like a bribe.”

Liam Hemsworth talks about getting undressed for The Dressmaker: “I didn’t eat for weeks. I did some pushups in my trailer. Anytime you’re going to come out and take your top off, it’s good to do a couple of pushups. It’s very difficult to come out and just take your clothes off.”

a Former US President Bill Clinton stated in an interview, “We’re getting spoiled by the TV we watch and the web sites we scan,” added the former President when offering an explanation for why the percent of swing voters has shrunk. “America has come so far. We’re less racist, less sexist, less homophobic and anti specific religions than we used to be. We have one remaining bigotry: we don’t want to be around anyone who disagrees with us.” September 22, 2016


News Briefs Go to for other exclusive stories.



Democrat Gregg criticizes lack of plans from GOP’s Holcomb INDIANAPOLIS (AP) - Indiana Democratic gubernatorial candidate John Gregg derided Republican candidate Eric Holcomb on Monday for being slow to offer plans for what he would do if elected to the state’s top office. Holcomb’s campaign announced afterward that he would discuss an economic development proposal on Tuesday - his first policy announcement coming seven weeks before Election Day and eight weeks after he was picked to replace Gov. Mike Pence as the Republican nominee. Holcomb, meanwhile, said in weekend interviews that the state has “gotten through” the religious-objections law signed last year by Pence, which sparked national uproar as opponents maintained it would’ve sanctioned discrimination against gays before GOP legislators approved revisions. Gregg toured an Indianapolis high school’s career center Monday with Democratic state school Superintendent Glenda Ritz to highlight their proposals for improving vocational training programs around the state. Gregg said afterward that Holcomb has offered only rhetoric on issues such as education and economic development since Republican leaders selected him as their candidate after Pence ended his re-election bid to become Donald Trump’s running mate. Gregg, a former Indiana House speaker,

pointed to lengthy proposals he has released on his campaign website and discussed while touring the state. Gregg said Holcomb can’t point to accomplishments in government because much of his career has been as a political operative, including as a campaign manager for former Gov. Mitch Daniels and state Republican chairman before being appointed lieutenant governor in March. “He’s got no program,” Gregg said. “He has no program. There’s nothing out there. That’s because, what’s he going to do, say he knows how to run a good campaign?” Holcomb has said he wants to continue what he calls the state’s progress under the past 12 years of Republican governors, touting Indiana’s improving unemployment rate, large budget surpluses and funding increases for schools. “On the campaign trail, Eric has consistently focused on the four areas he believes are necessary to continue Indiana’s forward momentum: economic development, community development, excellence in education and providing good state government at a great taxpayer value,” Holcomb campaign manager Mike O’Brien said in a statement about Tuesday’sannouncement. “This plan, and the ones to follow, have been developed after discussions with Hoosiers across the state.” nn


Franklin Graham ‘outraged’ over ACC move to pull out of NC

CHARLOTTE, NC (AP) - Evangelist Franklin Graham has sent a letter to the commissioner of the Atlantic Coast Conference saying he’s “outraged” as the decision by the league to pull its championship games out of North Carolina over a state law limiting protections for LGBT people. The Charlotte Observer reports that the son of the Rev. Billy Graham sent a letter to ACC commissioner John Swofford. Copies were sent to the presidents of the 15 member schools. In the letter, the younger Graham called on Swofford not to make “political pawns of studentathletes.” He also told Swofford that the ACC, NCAA and other companies and organizations now boycotting North Carolina because of the controversial law known as HB2 are guilty of “profound hypocrisy” for “making calculated business decisions disguised as moral outrage.” nn 6

September 22, 2016

Islamic State claiming attacks reflects influence obsession CHICAGO (AP) - Islamic State militants rarely miss a chance, however tenuous the link, to claim at least partial credit for apparent terrorist attacks on U.S soil, from the June’s deadly mass shooting at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, to the stabbing of nine people in a Minnesota shopping mall Saturday. They’re eager to precisely because they apparently haven’t carried out carefully planned attacks here and because, in terrorism circles, your influence is often ranked by numbers of attacks, terrorism experts say. “If they can’t claim attacks, they can’t get recruits and can’t raise money,” according to Dan Byman, a senior fellow in the Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution in Washington, D.C. Some militant groups, including al-Qaida, are more reluctant about associating themselves with attackers unless it is clear they adhere to their core beliefs, Byman said. But Islamic State appears to be less discriminating, requiring little information about attackers, said Karen Greenberg, the director of the Fordham Law School’s Center on National Security in New York. “If they find out the person is Muslim - that alone might be enough for them to claim credit,” she said. An Islamic State-run news agency claimed on Sunday that the attack at the Crossroads Center mall in St. Cloud, Minnesota, was a “soldier of the Islamic State: who had heeded calls for attacks in nations in the U.S.led anti-IS coalition. But authorities say there’s no sign yet that the attacker, identified by his father as Somali immigrant Dahir Adan, was radicalized or communicated with any terrorist group. Islamic State has claimed at least partial credit for at least four attacks in the United States over the past two years, according to the Center on National Security. Aside from Minnesota, the others are: - June 12 attack on the Orlando gay nightclub Pulse by an American-born Muslim Omar Mateen. IS claimed partial credit via one of its news services the day after he fatally shot 49 people, according to the center. During the attack, Mateen offered allegiance to Islamic State during a 911 call. - Dec. 2, 2015, attack in San Bernardino, California, that left 14 people dead. The center said IS claimed credit days after news reports said alleged attackers Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik had pledged allegiance to Islamic States. - May 3, 2015, attack by two gunmen in Garland, Texas, during an exhibit of images of the Prophet Muhammad. IS claimed responsibility on Twitter and through its news services. nn


INTERNATIONAL Court to rule on same-sex marriage in conservative Romania

BUCHAREST, Romania (AP) - A same-sex couple has asked Romania’s Constitutional Court to legally recognize them as married, which would be a landmark and surprising ruling. Commentators predict the court will reject their case this week. Political scientist Cristian Parvulescu on Monday predicted that “the court will make a political rather than a judicial ruling.” Journalist Dan Turturica says it would be “revolutionary” for the court to recognize the union. U.S. graphic designer Claibourn Robert Hamilton and Romanian rights activist Adrian Coman are seeking to be recognized as married - a position opposed by the influential Romanian Orthodox Church and most of the public. A ruling is expected Tuesday. The couple’s lawyer Iustina Ionescu said she hoped the court would “put an end to homophobic sentiments and apply the constitution equally.” nn

LGBTQ SERBIA POLICE CORDON OFF BELGRADE FOR GAY PRIDE MARCH BELGRADE, Serbia (AP) - Thousands of Serbian riot police cordoned off central Belgrade on Sunday to protect a gay pride march from possible attacks by extremist groups in the predominantly conservative Balkan country. Holding banners and flags, several hundred people marched as helicopters flew above. Police with dogs secured the area, which was sealed off for traffic for hours before the planned start of the event. “This gathering should become bigger and greater,” gay right activist Boban Stojanovic said. “Belgrade is our city too.” No incidents were reported and Stojanovic said the march was held with less tension than in previous years. “There were threats this year but they were smaller than before,” Stojanovic said. Liridon Vidiu came from Kosovo to show support. He expressed hope there won’t be so many police in the future and citizens will be able to join the march freely. Authorities have cancelled several pride events after huge clashes with right-wing groups and soccer hooligans in 2010, when more than 100 police and extremists were injured and major damage was caused in central Belgrade. The marches resumed in 2014 under heavy security. Serbia has since sought to boost gay rights as part of its bid to join the European Union, including appointing for the first time an openly gay minister in the government that was formed last month. Ana Brnabic, the minister of public administration and local government, attended Sunday’s march. She said the government will work to improve the position for Serbia’s gays as well as other minority groups, who still often face harassment and discrimination. “The message this government is sending is important,” Brnabic said. nn

Couples seek legal costs in Kentucky marriage license case

LOUISVILLE, KY (AP) - The American Civil Liberties Union of Kentucky says lawyers for the couples who sued to be issued marriage licenses in Rowan County are seeking to recover more than $233,000 in legal fees and costs. Two gay couples and two straight couples sued in 2015 after Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis refused to issue marriage licenses days after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled same-sex couples could marry. Davis was jailed for several days after refusing to comply with a court order to stop denying qualified applicants a marriage license. Her deputy clerks issued licenses while she was incarcerated. The state eventually changed marriage license forms so that clerks’ names did not have to appear, and the case was later dismissed. Davis’ attorneys, the religious advocacy group Liberty Counsel, didn’t immediately respond to a phone call and email seeking comment Monday night.. nn

TRANSGENDER Charlotte mayor to NC lawmakers: You move first on LGBT laws

CHARLOTTE, NC (AP) - Feeling pressure from the loss of major events, North Carolina Republican legislative leaders and Gov. Pat McCrory have offered a deal to Charlotte: we’ll consider rescinding a state law limiting LGBT anti-discrimination protections, but you must first repeal the city ordinance that led to House Bill 2. Charlotte Mayor Jennifer Roberts applauded the governor Monday for recognizing the need to repeal the law prompting boycotts of North Carolina, but said lawmakers can rescind H.B. 2 anytime they want to, whether or not Charlotte backs down on its effort to expand protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. “We are not prepared to add this item to our agenda this evening, however, we urge the state to take action as soon as possible and encourage continued dialogue with the broader community,” Roberts said in a release. nn Assembled through Associated Press September 22, 2016




Letter from the Publisher

Talent Is Everything n

When we think of talent, we think of the stage. We think of vocal brilliance, dancing that defies gravity and acting that transports us into a story. God given talents of superstars, our divas Barbra, Cher, Bette, make us dream to see them live and share the experience with other fans who adore them. When we think of talent, we think of the writer who creates worlds, captures the human experience, or expresses emotions in real, relatable dialogue. This fall we will be dazzled by a full calendar of cultural arts and theater offerings. You must make plans for an evening at The Broward Center for The Performing Arts. The multimillion dollar renovation completed last year has turned a good city theater into a spectacular experience. Think of the talent on the design team at Broward that envisioned Club Level. The Club Level is a VIP experience just steps from your seat, where you can enjoy a pre-show cocktail, relax on couches during intermission and sneak out, if need be, to check on a game status. The talented team thought about the end user. What could make going to see live theater better? What about all the BY gifted people that don’t MAURA get accolades? There are LANE dedicated members of our community that are working diligently to get local productions on stage. The passionate team at Island City Stage promises a season to remember starting with A Perfect Arrangement in November. An expert ticket agent at Island City Stage created the Flex Pass, 5 shows for $135.00, that’s 25% off regular prices. The program is


September 22, 2016

a creative solution to selling early and building a base for all performances. At the beginning of the summer, a new group formed called Opera Fusion and previewed their production of Not In My Town. This weekend is the World Premiere, starting Saturday at the University Theater on the Florida Atlantic University Campus and coming to the Amaturo Theater at The Broward Center next weekend. Birgit Djupedal, Executive Director of Opera Fusion is a visionary, a promoter of unique design. From having her daughter design the show artwork to casting, she focuses on getting the right people to contribute time and talent. Imagine what happens behind the scenes when a Broadway Across America performance of Rent comes to town in October? Think of the organizers who plan the stay for the cast and crew? Think of the pre promotion team who organizes interviews, appearances and ticket giveaways. The local Broadway Across America marketing team is not only highlighting the 20th anniversary to the fans but also is positioning Rent to new audiences who might have heard the music but never been to a live stage performance. How does the Arsht Center plan their season? How thrilled are we that there are talented booking agents who enticed Rene Flemming to bring her award winning pipes to Miami and perform with the New World Symphony? The stage designers for the Florida Grand Opera are so talented they can create the streets of Seville for the world of Carmen on the Ziff Ballet Opera House stage, second largest stage in the country 130 feet wide, 70 feet deep, approximately 120 feet high. As a devoted follower, Jim Collins’ Good to Great business theories, I do believe that talent comes first. Jim states that “great vision without great people is irrelevant. Lead-

ers of companies that go from good to great start not with “where are we going” but with “who.” They start by getting the right people on the bus, the wrong people off the bus, and the right people in the right seats.” Catching people doing something where their talent shines is the great enjoyment of the arts and business. At Agenda, we are in the process of growing our talent. Growing by adding new people and growing by tapping into talents of current staff. Richard Hack our critically acclaimed Editor-in-Chief, discovered his talent for mentoring this summer with our FAU interns Derrick and Daniel Hart. Their project is the coverage of this issue’s “Fall Arts Preview.” Derrick and Daniel are also involved on some ground breaking Agendabrand extensions coming this fall. I wish you could hear them, maybe soon you will. Sue Hotujec, our Director of Sales, has the natural ability to inspire and motivate her team. It is the understanding of individualized management that moves people to do more than what is expected. Kevin Broady is pushing the envelope in design for a weekly local publication. Like the team at the Broward Center, when they created the Club Level. Kevin thinks about how to make each issue better, every week. When I interview, I ask candidates to tell me the talents they are required to possess for the open position. Some have trouble with the word talent. They think of acting, writing singing, dancing, but eventually they describe themselves with the attributes they think fit the position. This fall, let us enjoy the talents that surround us, and let’s not be afraid to explore our own untapped talents. We all can’t be in the spotlight, but we all can shine and make the stage brighter, possibly more profitable, possibly more interesting, if we are put in the right seat.

September 22, 2016


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Hillary Clinton: The Only Candidate for LGBTQ Families BY GARY RESNICK, MAYOR OF WILTON MANORS


In this election, both candidates have talked a lot about defending and supporting our children and families. But only one candidate, Hillary Clinton, recognizes that a family is not always just a man and a woman, and understands that there are families of all backgrounds. Representing the values that our generation and our community care about the most, Hillary Clinton knows that we are stronger together when we lift each other up so that everyone plays a role in creating America’s future. She has spent her life fighting for children and families of all backgrounds, and getting things done that are good for the community. Hillary believes that LGBT parents deserve equal protections under the law, and when she was a U.S. Senator, she successfully advocated for an end to restrictions in New York blocking LGBT Americans from adopting children. In Florida, we know these struggles firsthand. Florida was the last state to legalize adoption by gay and lesbian couples, overturning legislation against gay adoption in 2010 and then


September 22, 2016

codifying it into law in 2015. As the Mayor of one the most LGBT celebrated communities in the nation, proudly named “the second gayest city in America,” I know that these are rights and freedoms earned through decades of struggle, and that we must fight to protect them. In this election, there has not been a clearer choice for voters who believe in equality for all, regardless of their sexual orientation. The Republican candidate for Vice President, Mike Pence, previously described LGBT as a “lifestyle choice,” and consistently opposed marriage equality and other legal protections for the LGBT community and families. These are the types of people that Donald Trump has selected. Donald Trump wants to “make America great” by turning back the clock to a time when the LGBT community was deprived of rights and freedoms, including the right to openly raise a family with the equal protection of the law. The US Supreme Court narrowly determined that marriage equality is a Constitutional right. With an opening

pending and more to come on the Supreme Court, the President’s selection of Supreme Court Justices is incredibly important to our community. As we recognize the 5th year anniversary of the repeal of “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell,” let’s send a clear message that we are not going back in the closet and we are not going to be treated as 2nd class citizens. This election, we need to make sure our voices are heard, and that we support Hillary Clinton, the only candidate committed to defending and

expanding our rights. Three simple things you can do: 1) make sure that you are registered in Florida, 2) make sure your friends are registered in Florida; 3) VOTE!!! -- make sure you and your friends vote – you can request an absentee ballot and vote by mail or early vote. Once Early Voting starts, Wilton Manors City Hall will be an early voting site for anyone who lives in Broward County, or vote on Election Day, November 8. You don’t have to wait until November 8 to exercise your Constitutional right to vote.nn

September 22, 2016






Ethics & Taking Responsibility: Things of the Past? n

From a favorite source of mine, MerriamWebster, the definition of ethics as: • rules of behavior based on ideas about what is morally good and bad. • an area of study that deals with ideas about what is good and bad behavior. • a branch of philosophy dealing with what is morally right or wrong. • a belief that something is very important. They define responsibility as: • the state of being the person who caused something to happen • a duty or task that you are required or expected to do • something that you should do because it is morally right, legally required, etc. One of the things that seem to go hand in hand with getting older is lack of patience and a lower tolerance level of people who will say or do anything to anyone in order to get ahead, make themselves (seem to) look good. The workplace can be loaded with people who feel entitled. When they show up, it is to do as little as possible. When they don’t show up it can be a burden on others, but it doesn’t seem to bother them. Yet if someone else does the same thing, you would think a major crime had been committed. What happened to work ethics? A person tells blatant lies about others whether it is in person or through social media. They defraud others. They show up in places and act out in unprofessional ways. They stalk people. Many of the persons involved go to authorities and they’re all but blow off as if it were a minor issue or no big deal. Once the person makes a threat to a whole community, all of a sudden the people who should have stepped up and taken action in the first place are now listening to what has been told to them all along. Amazing how a handful of people are made to feel insignificant when they reach out to those who are supposed to serve and protect, yet when it escalates to a point it should never have reached, those same people who should have helped in the first place want to jump into action and look like heroes. What happened to taking responsibility? Friday night, September 9th, 2016, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton states (as reported by the New York Times): “You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right?” she said to 12

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applause and laughter. “The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic — you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up.” “By Saturday afternoon, Mrs. Clinton had acknowledged her stumble. “Last night I was ‘grossly generalistic,’ and that’s never a good idea,” she said in a statement. “I regret saying ‘half’ — that was wrong.” “She then used the opportunity to double down on her criticism of her opponent. “It’s deplorable that Trump has built his campaign largely on prejudice and paranoia,” she said, “and given a national platform to hateful views and voices, including by retweeting fringe bigots with a few dozen followers and spreading their message to 11 million people.” Monday, September 12th, 2015, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump states (according to “After months of hiding from the press, Hillary Clinton has revealed her true thoughts. That was her true thoughts,” he said. “She revealed herself to be a person who looks down on the proud citizens of our country as subjects for her rule. She views it as her rule. “ “Trump argued that a person should not run for president if he or she has PAUL BERGE “contempt in your heart for the American voter.” “Hillary Clinton still hasn’t apologized to those she slanders,” Trump said. “In fact, she hasn’t backed down at all. She’s doubled down on her campaign conspiracy and contempt. If Hillary Clinton will not retract her comments in full, I don’t see how she can credibly campaign any

further.” “Trump said Clinton’s comments were the “most explicit attack on the American voter” from a major party presidential nominee.” Of course, the supporters of each respective candidate will stand tall and firm by their woman or man, whether or not you believe what they have said or will say. Unfortunately, the worse may be yet to come. I long for the days where ethics and/or taking full responsibility for what you’ve said or done actually meant something. It would be great to see everyone bring them back. It won’t make one look week or uncaring. Just human. I leave you with the words of Albert Schweitzer: “Ethics, too, are nothing but reverence for life. This is what gives me the fundamental principle of morality, namely, that good consists in maintaining, promoting, and enhancing life, and that destroying, injuring, and limiting life are evil.” nn

Rev. Joel S. Slotnick is an ordained Interfaith minister and full time digital court reporter. He can be found on Facebook and followed on Twitter.

September 22, 2016


2000 Oakland Park Blvd. Suite 106 | Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306 Phone: 954-380-8563 |


Publisher: Maura Mumball Lane Editor-In-Chief: Richard Hack - Creative Director: Kevin Broady Director of Sales South Florida: Sue Hotujec -




LGBT people have heard the phrase, “Come out, come out, wherever you are” over and over again for decades now. The idea, of course, is that coming out of the closet is the only way to change hearts and minds about who and what LGBT people are. After all, it’s hard to hate, say, lesbians, if you find out that your favorite aunt or your sister or your favorite coworker is playing for Team Lez. You’ve got to at least take a step back and rethink all of the terrible assumptions you made and ideas you’ve had about lesbians, right? Ideally, yes. And truth be told, the fact that the closet door is no longer the major barrier it once was for so many people (but not all people. We’ve got a long way to go still) has been key in advances in LGBT rights, especially over the last five to ten years. But then there are always going to be people who have their minds made up and no amount of people meetin’ is going to change their minds no sir no how. And one of those people is Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton. On September 1st, Paxton had dinner at the home of a trans14

September 22, 2016

gender boy. Now, in case you didn’t know, Paxton is not a big fan of trans folks. In fact, he’s pretty much a mosquito-bitten taint about the whole thing. He recently, along with attorney generals from other states, filed a lawsuit over the Obama Administration’s recommendations that trans students be treated like human beings while at school, for example. Paxton doesn’t want people he deems perverts to pee next to “normal” Texas children. The family extended the invitation to Paxton hoping that meeting a real trans kid would “soften” his anti-trans stance. And so Paxton went over to their house, broke bread with them, and had a come-to-Jesus moment where he wept about what a shit head he’d been and vowed to change his ways. Ha ha ha. Just kidding. In reality, he went over to their house, ate their food, and then continued to be a trans-phobic prick. He shows no sign of slowing his roll on the anti-trans lawsuits, for example. He wants Texans to be able to discriminate against trans people whether it’s in the bathroom or the doctor’s office. In his twisted

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton morality play, it’s cool for doctors to be able to refuse to treat trans patients, and for trans men and women to stay out of public restrooms. Which is why he’s in a fight with Target ever since the retailer announced that its trans guests and employees could use whatever restroom they deemed appropriate. Not in Paxton’s Texas! He warned in May that “allowing men in women’s restrooms could lead to criminal and otherwise unwanted activity.” Because he totally gets it! And so Paxton must have been just thrilled to have his warnings come to fruition in the form of reports that on at least two different occasions, men in

different Target stores were trying to take cell phone video of women in changing rooms. The only logical conclusion: must be those trannies! “After this latest incident, I hope Target finally recognizes the importance of protecting its customers, especially in environments where they can be at their most vulnerable,” Paxton said in a statement, alluding to his earlier “warnings” that trans men and women are perverted heathens who should have to cross their legs and be chained to their home toilet forever and ever amen. But hey, at least he ate blueberry cobbler with a trans kid. What a hero. nn



Peter C. Frank Chief Financial Officer

Maura “Mumball” Lane SVP l Media Sales

John Rochard SVP | Operations & Technology

Kevin Hopper SVP l Social Media Strategy

Michael Turner SVP l Media Ventures

Ed Baker VP l Branding & Creative Services

Frank Perez Director of Accounting

Michelle Aguirre Director of Creative Services

Robert “Bobby” Blair Founder & Chairman of the Board September 22, 2016





Important Reminder for the National Elections On Nov 8th


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You must be a citizen of the United States as well as a resident of Florida in the county in which are registering to vote. Only those 18 years of age are eligible to vote. Your voting location will vary depending on your home address which must be listed on your voter’s registration. Last day to register October 11. Via mail or on-line at


September 22, 2016

2016 2017

THEATER Season Preview

By Derrick Hart & Daniel Hart


or the Theater Community and its legends of fans, the arrival of Fall means a brand new selection of plays, concerts and performances. They are sure to bring out the tears, the laughter, and our appreciation for the variety of unique talents brought into our lives as the curtain rises on area stages in Broward, Miami-Dade and Palm Beach Counties. From mysteries, to comedies, to tragedies and more, we’ve scanned the schedules from local theaters, both big and small, to bring you those shows which hold a special interest to the LGBT community—and those who love them. As with all things excellent, tickets to these performances tend to sell out early. Check out for information about attending these shows, including how you can get some tickets for free. September 22, 2016


T he Broward Center SEPTEMBER 30TH - OCTOBER 1ST

Opera Fusion: Not In My Town Amaturo Theater at The Broward Center for the Performing Arts 201 SW 5th Ave, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312 From September 30th untill October 1st 2016 at 8:00 pm, Opera Fusion will debut the world premiere of Not In My Town. Not In My Town is an original musical drama based on the life of Matthew Shepard, a young gay college student who was senselessly bullied, beaten, tied to a fence, and left to die. His friends and his community worked to make a better world, by standing up to bigotry and campaigning for passage of the national Hate Crimes Prevention Act. Not In My Town is a profound and compelling work that also sheds light on the senseless tragedies and hate crimes that are so prevalent today. Tickets range from $35.00 to $55.00. For more information on this event, visit their official website and more information on tickets at


Slow Burn Theatre Company: The Hunchback of Notre Dame Amaturo Theater at The Broward Center for the Performing Arts 201 SW 5th Ave, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312


On October 20th untill November 6, 2016 at 2:00 pm and 7:30 pm relive your childhood memories and get your life again when watching The Hunchback of Notre Dame show that is based on the animated Disney film. From the Oscar Award-winning team Alan Menken (The Little Mermaid) and Stephen Schwartz (Wicked, Godspell) comes a lushly scored retelling of Victor Hugo’s epic story of love, acceptance, and what it means to be a hero. For more information on this show, head over to Broward Performing Arts Center at and purchase your tickets at

September 22, 2016



Cinderella Au-Rene Theater at The Broward Center for the Performing Arts 201 SW 5th Ave, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312 Cinderella will be making her way to South Florida from December 13th untill the 25th of 2016. Rodgers & Hammerstein’s Cinderella is the Tony Award®- winning Broadway musical from the creators of The Sound of Music and South Pacific that’s delighting audiences with its contemporary take on the classic tale. This lush production features an incredible orchestra, jaw-dropping transformations and all the moments you love including the pumpkin, the glass slipper, the masked ball and more. Also there will be some surprising new twists! For more information about this event, visit their official website at Tickets starting at $35.00 and will be available for purchase on October 10, 2016 at 10:00 pm.

September 22, 2016


T he Broward Center DECEMBER 28TH

AHF Presents: My Big Funny Peter in Stuff Me for the Holidays! Amaturo Theater at The Broward Center for the Performing Arts 201 SW 5th Ave, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312


Want to laugh your butt off? Bring a friend with you at 7:00 pm to the Amaturo Theater to see the internationally known comedian, Peter Bisuito. Due to the success of his sold out show at The Broward Center last April, Peter Bisuito is performing a ‘Back by Popular Demand’ Holiday Concert on December 28th 2016. Peter is the world’s ONLY Gay Muscle-Bear Comedian. Peter is not just a comic, but a theatrical entertainer including funny video presentations and Broadway style musical numbers during his show. Give the gift of laughter this holiday season and stuff your stockings with tickets to the most talked about comedian in the country. This event contains adult language or content. Tickets range from $25.00 to $38.00. For more information on this event, visit


Disney’s The Little Mermaid Au-Rene Theater at The Broward Center for the Performing Arts 201 SW 5th Ave, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312


September 22, 2016

Who’s ready to go under the sea? From February 22nd untill March 5th of 2017, Disney’s The Little Mermaid will showcase its musical here in South Florida for everyone to see their favorite love story. In a magical kingdom fathoms below, we meet Ariel, the little mermaid who is tired of flipping her fins and longs to be part of the fascinating world on dry land. Joining her Ariel is her crabby sidekick, Sebastian; Ursula, the evil sea witch; Triton, King of the Sea and the handsome and human Prince Eric. Based on the Disney animated film, this beloved family classic is now on stage with all the songs you love. For more information on this event, head over to Tickets starting at $35.00 and will be on sale November 18, 2016 at 10:00 am.


Sex Tips for Straight Women from a Gay Man Abdo New River Room at The Broward Center for the Performing Arts 201 SW 5th Ave, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312


Matilda The Musical Au-Rene Theater at The Broward Center for the Performing Arts 201 SW 5th Ave, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312

Let’s talk about sex, honey! From March 23rd untill April 9th 2017, naughty and educational, this Off-Broadway hit comedy—based on the international best-selling book of the same title. This show will take the audience on a hilarious and wild ride where no topic is taboo and the insider “tips” come from the perfect source: a gay man. “Sex Tips is breathlessly entertaining! Uproariously funny! Hysterically titillating!” raves Great for couples, date night, bachelorette parties or girls’ night out. You might even be invited on stage to demonstrate some R-rated techniques! This event contains adult language or content. Tickets are $45.00. To learn more about this event, visit their official website and to purchase your tickets, go to

Matilda will be coming to South Florida on April 25th untill May 7th of 2017. Winner of 50 international awards, including the Tony Award® and one of the biggest hits on Broadway, Matilda The Musical is the story of an extraordinary girl who, armed with a vivid imagination and a sharp mind, dares to take a stand and change her own destiny. Based on the beloved novel by Roald Dahl, Matilda continues to thrill sold-out audiences of all ages on Broadway and in London’s West End. For more information on this event, visit their official website at Tickets starting at $33.00 and will be on sale March 10, 2017 at 10:00 am at


JUNE 10TH 2017

South Florida Pride Wind Ensemble: Celebration Amaturo Theater at The Broward Center for the Performing Arts 201 SW 5th Ave, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312 Want to enjoy some music that will make your body move to the beat? Purchase your tickets now and save the date for a night of celebration on June 10, 2017 at 7:00 pm. The Pride Wind Ensemble, Jazz Ensemble, and Steel Drum Band will take the stage in the Amaturo Theater as they celebrate the contribution of gay and lesbian composers and the gay and lesbian band movement. Guest vocalists and dancers will be invited to join forces with the band. To learn more about this event, visit their official website at and to purchase your tickets, head over to September 22, 2016




Dolly Parton BB&T Center 1 Panther Parkway, Sunrise, FL 33323 On November 27, 2016 at 7:30 pm, Dolly Parton will debut her Pure & Simple tour to audiences here in South Florida at the BB&T Center. Dolly will perform her hit songs all while weaving in a few new songs from her new double-disc album Pure & Simple with Dolly’s Biggest Hits. She will delight fans by playing songs they have not heard live for decades. She will bring energy and endless personalities that will make you want to get up out your seat and keep you for wanting more. Tickets are starting at $45.25 to $125.25. For more information, head over to Dolly Parton’s official website


September 22, 2016


Cocktales: Shame On Me Empire Stage 1140 N Flagler Drive, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 Get ready for some juicy tea! Cocktales: Shame On Me, is an 80-minute show that runs from October 6th until 30th, 2016 at Empire Stage in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The show, based on true events, will have the audiences at the edge of their seats as Debra Ehrhardt’s discusses her encounters with the men who came in her life, and the men who were not so gentle. Raised in a religious home, she will take the audience with her on this journey of how her sexual awakening began as a young adult. Hold on tight because Debra will lead us into a rocky road full of excitement, hilarity, and plenty emotions. Tickets are $20.00 to $35.00. For more information visit and for ticket information visit


The First Step Diary Of A Sex Addict


Island City Stage 2304 N Dixie Highway Wilton Manors, Florida 33305 Who’s ready for some comedy mixed with a little bit of sex? From January 12th until February 12, 2017, The First Step - Diary Of A Sex Addict looks at sexual obsession that will leave your heart beating fast. This show depicts the story of a gay guy named Joe who takes the audience on his journey from his sex addict to recovery. This show is funny, steamy, and full of temptations that will have your fantasies going through the roof. Maybe your body as well. Tickets are $35.00 per seat. For more information, visit www.


Perfect Arrangement Island City Stage 2304 N Dixie Highway Wilton Manors, Florida 33305


Topher Payne’s cutting comedy Perfect Arrangement runs November 10th until December 11, 2016. Its classic theme and vibrant new colors mix with Communism as two US State Department employees, Bob and Norma, are assigned to identify sexual deviants within their ranks. What no one knows is that both Bob and Norma are themselves gay. Let the sipping of the tea begin. Inspired by a true story about how the origins of the gay movement took place. Get your tickets now to see this “All-American” couple’s drama unfold. Tickets are $35.00 per seat. For more information, visit September 22, 2016


Adrienne Arsht Center


Dirty Dancing: The Classic Story on Stage The Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts of Miami-Dade County, Inc. 1300 Biscayne Blvd. Miami, FL 33132 DIRTY DANCING – THE CLASSIC STORY ON STAGE hits the floor in Miami, Florida on November 29, until December 4, 2016. You don’t want to miss this unprecedented live experience, exploding with heart-pounding music, passionate romance, and sensational dancing. Seen by millions across the globe, this worldwide smash hit tells the classic story of Baby and Johnny, two fiercely independent young spirits from different worlds who come together in what will be the most challenging and triumphant summer of their lives. Featuring the hit songs, “Hungry Eyes,” “Hey Baby,” “Do You Love Me?” and the heart stopping “(I’ve Had) The Time of My Life.” Tickets range from $29.00 to $107.00 based on seating. For more information, visit and


Pokémon: Symphonic Evolutions Knight Concert Hall Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts 1300 Biscayne Blvd, Miami, FL 33132


September 22, 2016

Who wants to catch a Pokémon, or maybe even battle? So why not head over to the Adrienne Arsht Center and get your game on at 8:00 pm on December 3rd, 2016. Brought to life by a full orchestra, Pokémon: Symphonic Evolutions is the must-see video game concert of the year, giving fans and newcomers of all ages the chance to experience the evolution of the Pokémon franchise like never before! Don’t miss this amazing opportunity to meet up with friends of all ages to catch, battle, and trade Pokémon from your favorite games! All-new orchestral arrangements and carefully timed visuals draw from recent and classic Pokémon video games. For more information on this event, visit Tickets range from $46.00 to 126.00.



Alan Cumming Sings Sappy Songs The Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts of Miami-Dade County, Inc. 1300 Biscayne Blvd. Miami, FL 33132 Knight Concert Hall Who’s ready to get their sappy on come Friday, February 10 at 8:00 pm in Miami, Florida? Alan Cumming Sings Sappy Songs is the name of the hugely acclaimed cabaret show actor and activist Alan Cumming premiered in 2015 at New York’s legendary Café Carlyle to ecstatic reviews, and has since wowed, and continues to wow audiences all across America, Canada and Australia. Alan’s diverse career has found him performing at venues around the globe including Carnegie Hall, the Hollywood Bowl, the London Palladium and the Sydney Opera House, and recording an award-winning album of songs (plus a dance remix), among his many accomplishments. Tickets range from $49.00 to $89.00. For more details, visit


Before Night Falls The Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts of Miami-Dade County, Inc. 1300 Biscayne Blvd. Miami, FL 33132 Ziff Ballet Opera House/Presented by Florida Grand Opera Based on the famous memoir of Cuban poet Reinaldo Arenas, Before Night Falls follows Arenas’s life from childhood poverty in the Cuban countryside to his emigration to the United States in the 1980 Mariel boatlift and his last decade suffering from AIDS in New York City. Before Night Falls is a full-length opera in two acts scored for a full orchestra. The music is by Cuban-born composer Jorge Martín with a libretto by Mr. Martín and Dolores M. Koch. The musical style is melodic and richly textured, full of contrasts with some Cuban inflections along with a chorus of almost Verdian grandeur. Catch this amazing opera on Saturday, March 18 until Saturday, March 25, 2017. Tickets range from $16.00 to $229.00. For more information, visit and September 22, 2016


Adrienne Arsht Center FEBRUARY 17TH

Chaka Khan in Concert The Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts of Miami-Dade County, Inc. 1300 Biscayne Blvd. Miami, FL 33132 Knight Concert Hall Chaka Khan A.K.A. “The Queen of Funk” will be performing live in Miami, Florida on Friday, February 17, 2017 at 8:00 pm. Chaka Khan is the epitome of her 1978 hit song “I’m Every Woman”. Chaka is a true Renaissance Woman. A singer, songwriter, producer, visual artist, author, actor, philanthropist, entrepreneur, activist and mother, Chaka is an international music icon who has influenced multiple generations of artists and continues to do so. Chaka is a ten-time GRamMY® Award-winner who has the rare ability to sing in eight music genres, including R&B, jazz, pop, rock, gospel, country, classical and dance music. Come out and support and enjoy this musical icon. Tickets range from $45.00 to $125.00. For more information, visit

The Queen of Funk FEBRUARY 23RD - FEBRUARY 26TH

Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater The Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts of Miami-Dade County, Inc. 1300 Biscayne Blvd. Miami, FL 33132 Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater will bring outstanding performances in Miami, Florida on Thursday, February 23rd until Sunday, February 26th, 2017. Alvin Ailey once declared, “I want to hold up a mirror to my audience that says, ‘this is the way people can be; this is how open people can be.’” Now more than ever, we need the power of dance to bring us together, connected by our common humanity. It’s why people say: You don’t just see an Ailey performance, you feel it. This February, engage your emotions at an Ailey performance that includes their latest acclaimed premieres and Mr. Ailey’s Revelations, an enduring masterpiece that transcends color and creed to unite us in hope. Tickets range from $29.00 to $125.00 based on seating. For more information, visit 26

September 22, 2016


Andrea Bocelli American Airlines Arena 601 Biscayne Blvd, Miami, FL 33132


World-famous tenor Andrea Bocelli will be coming to Miami, Florida on Sunday February 12, 2017 at 8:00 pm. Bocelli has completely redefined the genre of classical vocal music, having played a key role in bridging the gap between the highbrow listeners and the mainstream. Bocelli’s music has not only appealed to people across different social strata, but across generations and cultures. Bocelli has sung in French, Spanish, English and German besides his native Italian and has sold more than 60 million albums worldwide. Bocelli has recorded over twenty pop and classical albums in addition to seven complete operas. Tickets range from $75.00 to $375.00. Presale begins Monday September 19, 2016 at 10:00 am. Additional fees are applied at Checkout. Prices are subject to change. For more information, visit Andrea Bocelli official website at for ticket information visit

September 22, 2016


West Palm Beach


Black Violin Raymond F. Kravis Center for the Performing Arts 701 Okeechobee Boulevard, West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Venue - Alexander W. Dreyfoos, Jr. Concert Hall

On Thursday December 1, 2016 at 8:00 pm, Krave Center brings you Black Violin, classically trained artists Kevin “Kev Marcus” Sylvester (violin) and Wilner “Wil B.” Baptiste (viola) blend classical, hip hop, rock, rhythm and blues, and bluegrass. The eclectic duo, who studied music together at Fort Lauderdale’s historic Dillard High School, have performed with artists such as Kanye West, Alicia Keys and Aerosmith, and have intrigued audiences ranging from guests at President Obama’s 2013 inaugural ball to unsuspecting airline passengers. Through the message of Black Violin’s music, they’ve spent the last 10 years working to encourage and empower people of all ages, ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds to find what connects us, rather than shine a light on what divides us. Tickets start at $25.00. For more information, head to Kravis Center website and Black Violin’s website 28

September 22, 2016



Jay Leno Raymond F. Kravis Center for the Performing Arts 701 Okeechobee Boulevard, West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Venue - Alexander W. Dreyfoos, Jr. Concert Hall

Want to get your laugh on? Kravis Center presents Jay Leno live Sunday, January 15, 2017 at 8:00 pm. The former host of NBC’s Tonight Show with Jay Leno now revs up fans with Jay Leno’s Garage, an Emmy-winning series about his passion for all things automotive. But the stand-up comic is best known for dominating late-night TV for more than 20 years. The likeable Leno often pops in to comedy clubs to test out new material, which remains relevant, family friendly and full-throttle funny. Tickets starting at $29.00. Head over to Kravis Center official website for more details


Annie Raymond F. Kravis Center for the Performing Arts 701 Okeechobee Boulevard, West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Venue - Alexander W. Dreyfoos, Jr. Concert Hall

On March 2, 2017 at 8:00 pm, Kravis Center presents one of the most beloved family musicals of all time, Annie returns in timehonored form. Based on the popular Harold Gray comic strip Little Orphan Annie, this brand new incarnation of the Broadway smash is directed by original lyricist and director Martin Charnin and choreographed by Liza Gennaro. Featuring such favorites as “It’s a Hard Knock Life” and “I Don’t Need Anything But You”, this curly-haired classic also reminds us that there’s always “Tomorrow”. Tickets are starting at $30.00. For more info, visit Annie the musical official website as well as Kravis Center website September 22, 2016


Aventura and Pompano Beach OCTOBER 22ND

TANGObsession Aventura Arts & Cultural Center 3385 NE 188th Street, Aventura, FL 33180 TANGObsession is back in the United States for one night only at the Aventura Arts & Cultural Center on Saturday October 22, 2016 at 8:00 pm. TANGObsession is a Multimedia Avant-Garde Musical, filled with Tangos, Music, Dance, Love and Passion created by HumSa Productions. A show that is perfect for everyone. Featuring Tangos sung in Spanish but translated into English. Enjoy a fusion of photographs, paintings, movies and animation, all allowing the audience to follow the storyline. For the first time, enjoy Argentinean Tango dance, poetry and music under the direction of Humberto Fortuna and Creative Director, Laura Sapir. Starring, international singer, Humberto Fortuna, a full Tango orchestra with Miguel Arrabal at the bandoneón with a special guest, international violinist, Crismary Garcia. Come experience these live instruments and singing, price per tickets range from $37.50 to $70.00. For more details, head over to TANGObsessions official website


Boyz II Men & AL B. Sure Pompano Beach Amphitheatre and Grounds 1806 NE 6th St (Amphitheatre) Pompano Beach, Florida 33060


September 22, 2016

R&B group Boyz II Men will be performing live Friday December 2, 2016 at 7:30 pm with special guest Al B. Sure. Boyz II Men remains one of music’s respected iconic groups in history. The trio holds the distinction of being the best-selling R&B group of all-time, with an astounding 60 million albums sold. The reason is absolutely clear: for the past two decades Boyz II Men have given fans a rich catalogue of hits filled with smooth harmonies and enduring themes. Hits such as “End of the Road,” “I’ll Make Love to You,” “One Sweet Day,” “Motownphilly” and many others. Al B. Sure will open the show. His history in the entertainment industry spans over two decades. Al released a historic compilation of his #1 R&B hits, as well as the “fan favorite” tunes from years past with “The Very Best of Al B Sure!” Tickets range from $33.00 to $128.00. For more information, head over to the groups official website as well as

September 22, 2016



n n n n n BY TOM BONANTI

FIRST OF ALL, never ever starve yourself. Skipping a healthy, substantial breakfast and then not eating all day will result in a sluggish metabolism as you lose not only fat, but valuable lean muscle as well. In addition, you will actually store fat more easily and rapidly since your body will sense that you are starving and denying it proper and sufficient nutrition. A healthy, low-fat breakfast of carbs and protein will light your fire and keep you fueled and less susceptible to sudden sugary junk food cravings during the day. Although it requires some extra planning, make sure to prepare and keep handy simple meals and snacks so that you can eat every 2-3 hours throughout the day. Chicken breasts, sliced turkey, yogurt, fresh fruit, bags of chopped veggies or nuts are healthy alternatives when those cravings hit hard. SECOND, keep unhealthy foods out of sight, out of mind and out of your mouth. Clean out your kitchen cupboards and fridge and restock them with fresh, healthy snacks and easy to fix meals. At work, fill your desk with protein bars, sacks of nuts and fresh fruits and protein drinks; spruce up the break room by tossing stale trays of doughnuts, cookies, and other tempting junk. When you go to a party, take a fresh fruit or veggie tray with you so that you’ll have something to snack on as others chow down on ribs and wings. You’ll also impress your host with your generosity.

How to Beat Those Constant Cravings! n

It’s been a stressful morning at work, but you survived that conference call “from hell” as well as a few other minor obstacles, so now you’re wicked hungry. What do you do? You hit the break room and scarf down two remotely stale jelly doughnuts. How do you feel? Well, you’ve satisfied your cravings, but you can’t help feeling a little out of control. Your blood sugar has peaked and crashed, your insulin levels are out of whack, and you’re feeling tired. It won’t be long before you’re hungry again, for all the wrong foods- pizza, candy, chips, etc. There’s a better plan of action to conquer those hunger pangs that wreak havoc with your waistline and energy levels. Here are some surefire suggestions to help you to eat healthier as you keep those pesky cravings at bay.


September 22, 2016

THIRD, remember to drink plenty of water all day long. Did you know that often when you feel a sudden fit of hunger, it’s just a sign that you are dehydrated? It’s true, and you can bust that craving just by chugging a big tall glass of water! Try adding some freshly squeezed lemon in your H20 for added zest and a Vitamin C boost for the immune system. Steer clear of sugary sodas with their extra calories, loaded energy drinks, and caffeinated beverages like coffee and tea which act as diuretics. Diet sodas are just as bad for these and various other reasons, so beware, and stay away from them. FINALLY, don’t deny yourself an occasional tempting treat. If you have a sweet tooth, a chocolate craving, or a hankering for something salty, it is easier to treat yourself with a little piece of your favorite snack throughout the week, but I mean a little piece. Reward yourself, but avoid binging! nn

ABOUT TOM Tom Bonanti is a certified personal trainer and licensed massage therapist (MA#40288) with his own one on one personal training gym and massage studio www.pumpnincgym. com at 1271 NE 9th Avenue, Ft. Lauderdale, Fl. 33304. Contact with questions or call Tom (954) 557-1119 to set up a free fitness consultation today!

September 22, 2016


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Closed doors n

Throughout your life you will experience many situations that simply do not make sense. The person whom you thought was the person of your dreams tells you it’s over. The job that seemed perfect for you was given to someone else. When these events happen, it causes you to feel defeated and will feed your own negative selfperception. Closed doors (opportunities) play a vital role in your development. In previous articles, I’ve likened our lives to a jigsaw BY puzzles. JAMES When you MILLER scatter the pieces and start to connect them, some pieces make sense as to where they fit in the picture, while others seem obscure, as if they were accidentally put in the wrong box. It’s the same thing in your own life. There will be joyous events that you

will remember with fondness, while other events seem painful, jagged and lonely. If you isolate that incident, it will feel badly, but just like that jigsaw puzzle, the disappointment has a place in your life. The difference is, you get to determine if it’s the primary piece that people (or even you) focus on in your life’s picture, or if it’s a supporting piece that is part of the background of the larger picture. The more you isolate the event, the more it will become all you focus on and it will arrest your personal development. This event then becomes the label you use to describe yourself. These events are what you have experienced, but they are not who you are. I once worked with a client who was heartbroken because the person whom she felt was the love of her life dumped her and she struggled to move on.

She relayed how each day she would beg God to bring him back to her. I happened to run into her a few years after she was discharged from my practice and she introduced me to her husband and child. When they stepped away, she whispered how she now thanks God every day that she did not marry the previous man. He had now been married three times and could not maintain employment. This is a great example of how a closed door, which seems incredibly devastating at the time, is actually an opportunity for you to push beyond mediocrity. When you experience a closed door, either from circumstances or from the choices of another person, think of it as an opportunity to grow. Sometimes a closed door has to happen because we would remain in that current situation and settle for less than

we deserve. It may be hard to believe at this time, but that person actually did you a favor. Your heartache will end one day. It’s up to you to look at previous events and remind yourself that you’ve overcome other emotional events. The trick is to now see how each of those previous disappointments led to an amazing opportunity later on. You may not realize that each of those events, just like that jigsaw puzzle, are all linked together. The opportunities you have today would not have been made possible if you had not experienc ed the previous closed doors. It’s vital that you remind yourself of this as you process your grief from your current situation. There will come a time when you can look back and be amazed at how it all worked together. Remember, a setback is always a setup for a comeback. nn

James Miller is a licensed psychotherapist and a piano composer who is known for his weekly podcast, YouTube channel, and his Academy where he teaches successful people to simplify and transform their lives. James’ latest album, Restoration, is available for purchase on all digital music stores. 34

September 22, 2016

September 22, 2016



September 22, 2016

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1 Opportunity for Glenn Burke 6 Pirates of the Caribbeanlocales 11 Cruising areas 15 Michael of Miss Congeniality 16 Time on the job 17 R.E.M. neck attachment 18 Alec Guinness play 19 South Pacific kingdom 20 Roughly 21 With 23-Across, documentary in which Ben-Hur’s gay subtext was revealed, with The 23 See 21-Across 25 Paul Simon’s “Richard ___” 26 Lidded box in Six Feet Under 28 Convincing 30 Getty of The Golden Girls 34 Like a 90-pound weakling 35 Move barely 38 Hunter that comes out at night 39 Poet McKuen 40 With 55-Across, Ben-Hur actor unaware of the gay subtext 42 Solidly behind 43 “___ roll!” (winner’s cry) 45 Just for laughs 46 Deity on Xena 47 Shakespearean sister 49 The Queen star Helen 51 Brought to an end 54 Irene of Fame 55 See 40-Across 58 Writer of the gay subtext 62 It comes out of your head 63 Nuts 65 St. Teresa’s town 66 Maria’s “do” equivalent 67 American Idol judge Paula 68 Source of gaiety? 69 Drops the curtain on 70 Like some porn 71 Rims

Down 1 Current band of the past? 2 Actor Diggs 3 Kinsey director 4 Explanatory tool 5 One of the fruits of academic success 6 Comparison phrase 7 Like a tough guy 8 Evans of Dynasty 9 Wilde tongue, for short 10 Piles of pancakes 11 Vehicle for Teletubby Po 12 Patty Sheehan’s average scores 13 Recess at St. Mary’s? 14 “Chim-Chim-Cheree” residue 22 Mulholland Drive director David 24 Spoil the surprise 27 Nose feature 28 Former New York governor Mario 29 Chases behind 31 Interpreting your lover’s kisses? 32 Two Women star 33 Mireille, whose name rhymes with “penis” 34 Nice Nellie 36 Suffix with southeast 37 Fairy’s cousin 40 Menotti’s middle name 41 Where Dick Button performed 44 Fruity juices 46 Came 48 Sea off Greece 50 Damage severely 52 “Great balls of fire!” 53 Cushion under your tush 55 Leather, essentially 56 Genie portrayer Barbara 57 It gets spilled at wild parties 59 Trust in, with “on” 60 Protected, to seamen 61 Barrie’s Wendy, e.g. 64 Org. for sweaty men in shorts

For the solution to this puzzle go to:

September 22, 2016



September 22, 2016



Ingredients: ½ lb capellini ½ cup olive oil, plus 1/3 cup ½ lb pitted Niçoise olives 1 tsp Tabasco ¼ cup chopped fresh basil ½ cherry tomatoes ¼ lb cippolini onions, halved and peeled ½ zucchini, cut lengthwise into ¼-inch slices 1 Japanese eggplant, cut lengthwise into ¼-inch slices 1 cup grated Parmesan Salt and pepper, to taste

Directions: 1. In a large pot, boil water with salt and 2 T olive oil. Cook the capellini al dente according to package directions. Rinse with cool water to prevent overcooking. Drain and then transfer to a sheet pan. Coat with 2. Tbsp olive oil to prevent sticking. Reserve. While the pasta cooks, make the tapenade. In a blender or food processor, add the olives, 1/3 cup olive oil, Tabasco, and basil. Pulse until slightly chunky and season with salt and pepper. Reserve. 3. Preheat your grill to direct high heat or until coals are white and ashy. In a large bowl, toss the tomatoes, onions, zucchini, and eggplant with ¼ cup olive oil, plus salt and pepper. Using a cast-iron skillet char the tomatoes and onions in the skillet until they soften slightly, two to three minutes. Grill the zucchini and eggplant on the grates until charred and softened slightly, about two minutes on each side. Remove the vegetable from the grill and allow to cool. Recipe by Pascal Lorange, executive chef and owner of Crudo in San Diego, CA.

September 22, 2016






roundcovers in the landscape are often overlooked. Many homeowners first concentrate on primary or specimen plants to enhance the architecture of their residence and end up using tons of mulch to cover bare areas of the garden. A worse case scenario is when no mulch is used over the barren ground. Selected ground cover plantings should be considered in your garden. I have noticed that many new homes are being built using various forms of marble and granite veneers above the foundations of their homes. Contractors come along and concentrate their plantings by covering up these areas by using many foundation plantings that in essence covers up a prominent feature of a home. Ground covers however are very pleasing as plants that are not more than 15� in height. Used alone or in combination with specimen planting can enhance the curb appeal of your home. I have often used some ground covers (those that are trailing) in my container plantings as secondary plants as they offer another dimension and are complementary to the primary plants.

September 22, 2016

A wide variety of ground covers are available. Below are ground covers that are among my favorites for South Florida gardens.


(Evolvulus glomeratus) This is a particular favorite of mine. It is a mounding plant that works well when planted relatively close to one another in either beds or borders. The small green grey foliage compliments the small beautiful blue flowers on plants that are less than 12 inches tall. The plants are salt tolerant and thrive in sandy soils. Mine are grown in full sun.


(Ficus repens/Ficus pumila) As the name implies this is a trailing plant and is often used to cover stucco or concrete walls. The foliage is small and heart- like in appearance and makes for interesting patterns. As a groundcover it clings to the surface of the soil with its many aerial roots. Clever gardeners often use this plant when inserted into animal forms filled with sphagnum moss and other media. The creeping fig grows best in the shade when used as a groundcover, however, I have seen it grown in full sun on walls.


(Arachis glabrata) While closely allied to the plant that produces peanuts this plant is known as an ornamental peanut and does not produce peanuts. It makes a great groundcover growing only 6 inches in height. The tiny yellow flowers resembling sweet peas enhance the plant. It is salt tolerant and makes a great plant for sandy soils here in South Florida.


(Ipomoea batatas) This is a vigorous growing ground cover and is available in green and purple-red varieties. It loves full sun and grows no more than 6 inches. It

By Chuck Nicholls Master Gardener

is also a favorite among gardeners to use as trailing plants in containers.


(Asiatic Jasmine) This groundcover grows only 2-3 inches in height. It is a woody plant that has multiple stems that produce a dense groundcover. Unlike other Jasmines it does not produce significant flowers. The plant is salt tolerant.


(Microsorum scolopendria) The wart ferns give a unique color and texture to the garden usually growing less than 12 inches in height. The plant produces little brown bumps on the back of the leaves which accounts for the name. The older varieties are a deep green in color, however, newer varieties are a beautiful light grey green. They grow best in the shade.


(Cuphea hyssopifolia) Mexican heather is not considered a true ground cover as the plants can reach 12 inches in height but planted in masses they present a beautiful colorful look in your garden. The plants have lacey foliage and are usually lavender in color but new outstanding pink and red varieties are becoming available. They like well- drained soil and thrive well in South Florida. I have only discussed a few of my favorite ground covers. There are several varieties of the Liriope (super blue is one of my favorites). For large areas I would recommend Dwarf Mondo Grass. Most local nurseries and garden centers have a large selection of plants to choose from. You can learn more about ground covers and other plants by attending The Equality Park Garden Club which meets at the Pride Center every third Wednesday of the month at 7:30 PM. The Pride Center is located at 2040 North Dixie Highway, Wilton Manors. Chuck Nicholls is Past President and co-founder of The Equality Park Garden Club and founder of the The Annual Tropical Plant Fair held in Wilton Manors. nn

September 22, 2016



September 22, 2016

September 22, 2016





THURSDAY 9/22 @ 7:00PM Jungle Island Outrageous and irreverent comedian Julie Goldman hosts the 4th Annual Pink Flamingo Awards taking place at Jungle Island. The ceremony honors the people, places, and organizations that have excelled within the South Florida LGBT community. More than 500 people attend this event which selects honorees in 21 categories. This year’s theme is Community Celebrating Community, and it benefits the LGBT Visitor Center on Miami Beach. 7:00 p.m. Jungle Island. 1111 Parrot Jungle Trail. Miami. 33132.


FRIDAY 9/23 @ 8:00PM Hard Rock Live America’s Got Talent judge and stand-up comedian Howie Mandel will be performing his comedy at the Hard Rock Live. The comedian, television host, actor, has had success with TV shows like Deal or No Deal and Bobby’s World while dealing with his intense fear of germs. He is joined by former Nickelodeon star Nick Cannon who has hosted MTV’s Wild and Out and the Teen Choice Awards. 8:00 p.m. Hard Rock Live. 5747 Seminole Way. Hollywood. 33314.




SATURDAY 9/24 @ 7:00PM Coral Sky Amphitheatre Toby Keith’s debut single “Should’ve Been a Cowboy” owned the country airwaves in the 1990s, topping the charts while becoming the decade’s most played country song. His hits continued with “How Do You Like Me Now?!,” “Beer for My Horses,” and “As Good as I Once Was.” His newest album 35 MPH Town dropped in fall of 2015. 7:00 p.m. Coral Sky Amphitheatre. 601-7 Sansburys Way. West Palm Beach. 33411.


SATURDAY 9/24 @ 7:00PM Theatre at Florida Atlantic University Matthew Shepard’s brutal, almost ritualistic death in Wyoming back in 1998 became a rallying cry for the gay rights moment of the early naughties. The murder brought national attention to hate crime legislation and resulted in Congress passing the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act. Opera Fusion’s Not in My Town focuses on the tragedy and its aftermath for the Laramie community, utilizing a tonal palate somewhere between grand opera and musical theater. 7:00 p.m. University Theatre at Florida Atlantic University. Boca Raton. 33431.



FRIDAY 9/23 @ 6:30PM Perfect Vodka Amphitheatre Ann and Nancy Wilson’s powerhouse group Heart stormed the hard rock scene in the 1970s with monster hits “Crazy on You,” “Magic Man,” “Barracuda,” and “Straight On.” They faded from popularity in the early 1980s before reemerging with greater success with singles “These Dreams,” “Alone,” and “Never.” Joining the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductees are “I Love Rock and Roll” group Joan Jett and the Blackhearts— another late 1970s rock group fronted by a woman. Cheap Trick concludes the bill. Their hits include “Surrender,” “I Want You to Want Me,” and “Don’t Be Cruel.” 6:30 p.m. Perfect Vodka Amphitheatre. 601-7 Sansbury’s Way. West Palm Beach. 33411. 44

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SUNDAY 9/25 @ 3:00PM Broward Center for the Performing Arts Ethan Bortnick currently holds the Guinness World Record as “The World’s Youngest Solo Musician to Headline His Own Concert Tour,” something the fourteen-year-old will be doing tonight at the Broward Center. His The Power of Music concert not only features his own virtuoso piano playing, but it will also have an award-winning band, a children’s choir, and local guest artists. Some of the music he will be playing is from the recently released movie Anything Is Possible. Bortnick starred, co-scored, and wrote ten songs for the film. 3:00 p.m. Broward Center for the Performing Arts. 201 SW Fifth Ave. Fort Lauderdale. 33312.

By Patrick Robert

T he Week entertainment calendar


MONDAY 9/26 @ 11:00AM Museum of Contemporary Art The Museum of Contemporary Art in North Miami reopens after a month-long hiatus in which the museum installed this exhibition from renowned artist Rolando Pena. In Black Gold, Pena explores oil as a substance that has marked the destiny of modern and contemporary life. He uses various different mediums in exploring how black gold infiltrates our society: dance, theater, cinema, video, photography, installation, architecture, and design. 11:00 a.m. Museum of Contemporary Art. 770 NE 125th St. North Miami. 33161.



TUESDAY 9/26 @ 6:00PM Gulfstream Park Gulfstream Park once again teams up with LGBTQ rights advocacy group Equality Florida for this mouthwatering evening packed with great raffle prizes, tasty treats, savory sips, and the opportunity to learn about all of the great things Equality Florida are doing for the community. The event will also be honoring all of those affected by the Pulse Orlando massacre. Each guest is entitled to a pairing at any or all of the participating restaurants. The evening begins at Sirona Fine Art and ends at the after-party at Strike 10 Bowling. 6:00 p.m. Gulfstream Park. 901 S. Federal Highway. Hallandale Beach. 33009.


WEDNESDAY 9/27 @ 8:00PM Empire Stage In this brand new zany musical comedy, a homophobic middle-aged man living in Miami Beach circa 1981 finds out that his beautiful mistress of the past five years used to be a man. To complicate matters, he then learns that said mistress is the longlost child of his lifelong best friend Milty. All of these revelations bring about a host of shenanigans. The hysterical show stars Michael Kreutz, Sheba Mason, Jerry Weinberg, Dave Gordon, and Ginger Reiter (who wrote and directed the show). 8:00 p.m. Empire Stage. 1140 N Flagler Dr Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304.

September 22, 2016






Sterling Tax & Accounting 2435 N Dixie Hwy Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-667-9829 /

HEALTH Ocean Therapy Center 2530 NE 15th Avenue Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-351-2299/

Best Books and Taxes 2201 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-565-1041 /


Holy Angels Catholic Community 2917 NE 6th Avenue Wilton Manors, FL 33334 954-633-2987 /

Home Essentials 2212 N Dixie Hwy Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-651-7407 /


EVENTS Source Events 605 Lincoln Road, #410 Miami Beach, FL 33139 305-672-9779 /

ATTORNEYS Dean Trantalis Attorney 2255 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-566-2226 / Ken Keechl Attorney 612 NE 26th St Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-566-1480 /

CHURCH / SPIRITUAL Center for Spiritual Living 1550 NE 26th Street Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-566-2868 / Etz Chaim 2038 N Dixie Hwy Pride Ctr Bldg B Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-564-9232 / 46

September 22, 2016

FITNESS Pump’n Inc Tom Bonanti 1271 NE 9th Avenue Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 954-557-1119 /

FLORIST Joy’s Florist 2058 E Oakland Park Blvd Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306 954-566-0099 /

INSURANCE Acute Hearing & Balance 1881 NE 26th St, Suite 223 Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-640-3200

We Insure 1975 E Sunrise Blvd, Suite 602 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 954-903-7519 /

MASSAGE SPA 11 Lic#MA75718 2000 E Oakland Park Blvd, Suite 103 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306 954-945-5133 /

MORTGAGE Donn Rubin 2810 E Oakland Park Suite 310 Fort Lauderdale FL 33306 954-557-3100 /



Diana’s 12001 Avalon Lake Drive Orlando, FL 32828 407-207-0205 /

Sell Us Your Records! We Buy Collections. 5130 N. Federal Hwy, Fort Lauderdale 954-671-9482 /



Island City Eyecare 2301 Wilton Drive, Suite C1 Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-764-6906 /

ORGANIZATIONS The Pride Center 2040 N Dixie Hwy Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-463-9005 / Out of the Closet 2097 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-358-5580 /

PET AND HOUSESITTING Paulette’s Pet and Housesitting Caring Professional Excellent References 954-821-9682 / Foxy Paws Grooming 831 N Federal Hwy #E Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 954-524-2500 /

REAL ESTATE Robert Geary MacKilligan on Las Olas Boulevard Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 954-234-8759 / Joe Grano Realtor 1881 NE 26th Street, Suite 212 Wilton Manors, FL 33305 954-931-0031 / Proudly serving the LGBT community since 2002

1400 E Oakland Pk Blvd Ste 201B Oakland Park FL 33334


Directly Across from LIPS Call us today!

954. 839. 8330

September 22, 2016



















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September 22, 2016


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