Next Magazine - September 15,2016

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SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 | VOL 356


Read about the bar that offers more than meets the eye.

THE NEXUS 12 Signs your boyfriend may be cheating 14 The new ownership team at TROPICS


NEXT STEPS 29 TRAVEL: 6 unique travel gadgets 38 FITNESS: How to meet and keep your fitness goals

NEXT WEEK 41 Event Listings





PJ’S bartenders Ehrie & Seab Photography by DENNIS DEAN |

PUBLISHER Kevin Hopper - EDITOR IN CHIEF Renaldo Smith - ART Leo Winter - Creative Director Kevin Broady - Creative Director Dennis Dean - Photography Director DIR. OF SOUTH FLORIDA SALES Sue Hotujec - ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES Sales Hotline: 954-543-5943

Don Robinder, Roberto Buckley, Silvio Carvana


Jon Ali, Ed Cosman, Lawrence Ferber, Cody Gohl, Michael Lambert, Justin Lockwood, Robert Maril, Roytel Montero, Kevin O’Malley, Dan Welden


Dennis Dean, Michael Davis


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8 SEPTEMBER 15, 2016






SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 11


o the honeymoon phase has been over for a while now and you’re deep in the middle of a rough patch in your relationship. But just because things have been less than peachy lately, it doesn’t mean your boyfriend is cheating, right? Well if you’ve been having your doubts, we’ve come up with a list of 5 telling signs that you shouldn’t ignore. If the following signs are all too familiar to you, you probably have a cheater on your hands. Do some research before you call him out.


he’s not getting it at home, he’s probably getting it somewhere else. While a decrease in sexual activity can be due to many things, a drastic drop off should always make you suspicious. Do not ignore the signs when you go from lots of passionate sex with your lover to barely none at all.


1 It


always starts here. Trust us, cheating men always slip up in one way or another using their phones. Gone are the days where you see racy text messages or dirty pictures. For the most part, the modern man is too smart for that. Instead, look for other clues. Are certain text message threads incredibly short? This usually indicates that he deletes the thread all together on a daily basis to cover his tracks. Also, saving their tricks under different names is the oldest trick in the book but it still works. This is definitely something that you should look out for. If you notice that his best friend is saved in his contacts several times under different numbers, something isn’t right. Sure, his best friend may have two different contact numbers but it doesn’t add up if he has 8-10. Oh, and here’s a red flag you certainly should not ignore. If he has an app on his phone that allows him to have a second phone number, it’s there for a reason. Apps such as Burner, Sideline and FreeTone all provide this service. With these applications, he can send a text or make a call using a number that you’ve never seen.


uilt is a serious thing. Most cheating men won’t just break down and cry and confess their sins to you. Instead, when they feel guilty, they will try to overcompensate to show their love for you. If he has never brought you flowers and you’ve been together for years, but suddenly he is delivering roses at your job, you have a right to be suspicious. If he has never once offered to cook for you but you lately he is making meals for you and your friends, something may be wrong. You can give him the benefit of the doubt, but if the erratic behavior continues you have every right to dig a little deeper. 12 SEPTEMBER 15, 2016






lways beware of new friends. This doesn’t make you bitter or jealous, it simply makes you smart. Most men have a good group of friends that they rely on and hang out with. Usually they go to the gym, the bar and just hang out at home with a certain group of trusted friends. As soon as you start hearing new names pop up in the circle, you should look investigate a bit. What a cheating boyfriend won’t tell you is that the new friend is also a new friend who he has sex with a few times per week behind your back. There’s no need for you to be super jealous at first, but if a new name keeps popping up, there might be more to the story. Insert yourself into the mix once or twice and watch their body language around each other.


ure, we live in an era where gay men generally care way too much about their appearance, but some care way more than others. If you notice that your boyfriend is working out a lot more, spending more time shopping and looking in the mirror and critiquing his looks more than ever before, he may be trying to impress someone. Drastic changes in his appearance are happening for a reason. Either he feels like he is losing you and wants to step his game up, or he’s preparing to be a free agent and wants to make sure he’s sexy and ready for all the offers that he will get or is already getting. When you’ve been dating someone for a long time, any major change should warrant some suspicion.



Tropics A New Beginning

the interview would be informative and fun. I was eager to learn about the history of Tropics and hear about the changes that the new team of entrepreneurs had in mind. It was a Wednesday evening when I walked in the bar and immediately I was shocked at how airy and approachable it was. I noticed several different rooms that all seemed to provide a different look at first glance. In the restaurant area near where I entered, there was a chill vibe and the bartender greeted me with a smile. I noticed the booths were decorated with floral collages and images of pink flamingos, giving the bar the feel of a couples cruise or an evening out in The Bahamas. It was dimly lit and the mood was friendly and relaxing as a dozen or so customers laughed their way through the first half of the week while affectionately gripping their beer bottles. This wasn’t so bad. The restaurant seemed like an appealing one to me right away. Apparently, it did to Padgett as well.



ropics Piano Bar and Restaurant stands out in its own right. I’m sure you’ve probably seen it once or twice yourself if you frequent Wilton Manors. It’s the large building with the spacious patio and inviting blue sign just opposite of what once was Sidelines Sports Bar. Personally, I always wondered what it looked like inside. I’ve heard stories over the years about how the restaurant was just a haven for older men. Some people have even made remarks about the piano players and how the bar would be packed like something out of New York in years past. But even with all that intrigue, I never went inside. So when I heard about the new ownership and all of the changes that were happening at Tropics, I was excited to set up an interview to check out the restaurant for myself once and for all. I was scheduled to meet with Gary Hillis and his business partner Jackson Padgett. Just over two months ago, they bought Tropics along with Hillis’ life partner Mark Taylor. Padgett who previously had ownership stake in Bills Filling Station and Georgie’s Alibi was no stranger to business in Wilton Manors and Fort Lauderdale at large. So I knew that 14 SEPTEMBER 15, 2016

“A good friend approached me about purchasing this from the owners at the time and I thought it was a good idea. We started working on a contract and at that time Gary, Mark and I were talking and decided we would all jump in,” he said. “Tropics is a staple in the community. It has been here for 24 years and it’s the only restaurant on the drive that really has the potential to be a higher quality restaurant for our community. That’s why we made the decision to buy it.” In addition to the potential that they saw, the pair says that the good bone structure and history of the restaurant factored into their decision greatly. They knew that it was a nice sized building in a great location with loyal customers.

We are trying to build a community where everyone comes and appreciate it, we want an environment where people are entertained and have a good time. We want to change the mindset that Tropics is only for an older crowd.

However, they realized right away that even with these pluses, the bar wasn’t exactly maintained the way they wanted it to be over the years. This is why Hillis says they decided to create a full proof plan where they will focus on one thing at a time. Step one, was reconnecting with the customer base and reminding them just how much they appreciate their business. “We reached out to the customers that came in on a daily basis and found out what they loved about the restaurant and asked for feed back about the things that they would change,” said Hillis. “We go around every day and we talk to our customers. Some of the guys that come in sit in the same chair every day. We just let them know how much they mean to us,” he added. According to Hillis, while customer service is first, he realizes that the pillar of any successful restaurant is great food. This is why they are revamping the menu in order to offer their customers more of a well balanced variety. After bringing in a new chef and adding youthful energy to the staff with a new server and bartender, he says that he the customer base has been happy with the food and the service. While restaurant favorites such as the prime rib still remain, the new menu features several choices of fish and healthier choice items.

aware of the restaurant’s reputation as a gentleman’s bar for older men. However, this isn’t something that they are aiming to change. “We are very happy with the demographic that we have right now and they are very happy with what we are doing,” said Padgett. “We are bringing in a bit more of a younger crowd and when we say younger crowd we mean 30s and 40s. We are talking young professionals and they are really enjoying the responsible aspects of the bar and the restaurant itself. The older generation has been here for a while and they are enjoying the aspect of us bringing in younger guys that they can speak with. It just adds a different energy to the bar,” he added. Taylor, the third member of the ownership trio says that while the demographic is solid, they want to stress that everyone is welcome. “We are trying to build a community where everyone comes and appreciate it, we want an environment where people are entertained and have a good time. We want to change the mindset that Tropics is only for an older crowd. We want to make it inclusive. It is a place where everybody can come and have a good time,” said Taylor.

The new menu is just a small part of the new Tropics. Since taking over, the patio bar has been transformed into a sports bar, complete with a pool table and darts. Additionally, the parking lot has been upgraded with asphalt to add to the appeal of the exterior of the restaurant.

Moving forward, Hillis says that he sees Tropics evolving into a more sophisticated tropical restaurant. They plan to inject new colors, change the carpeting, improve the video and sound system and even extend the hours during the fall and winter when busy season kicks in.

While countless changes are ahead for the building and a long list of upgrades are slated for the interior, the pair stated that they are not looking to make a major overhaul to their existing demographic. They made it clear that they are fully

When asked what other changes are ahead for the Tropics brand, Padgett stressed that he wants to get involved with more charities in the area. From making efforts to raise money for the families of the victims in the Pulse attack in Orlando to working with The Pride Center and Care Resource locally, he promised that Tropics will be form more partnerships with local organizations.

Jackson Padgett & Gary Hillis

When you consider the family environment that currently exists at Tropics, the unselfish outlook only makes sense. “A lot of the guys that you see here now, they come every day,” said Hillis. “They have been coming here for years and it’s really amazing. It is like one big family of 300.” After checking out Tropics and spending some time with the energetic owners, one thing is certain... I should’ve stopped by a long time ago. Visit Tropics at 2000 Wilton Manors Drive, Wilton Manors. (954) 537-6000 SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 15


22 SEPTEMBER 15, 2016


“Well, sometimes if you’re not looking for something you can’t find it. It’s right in the middle of everything, “said PJ. “I would be curious personally myself to walk in and see what it is like. Some people don’t come in the bar because they assume that because it is black owned or predominantly black they assume they won’t have fun. That couldn’t be further from the truth. It is a very mixed crowd and everyone is really welcoming,” he added. Presently, PJ’s Cocktails sits almost directly opposite the wildly popular nightclub The Manor Complex. But the bar hasn’t always been in such prime location. In December of 2006, the bar first opened under the name PJ’s Corner Pocket. The initial idea for the business was to create a pool hall next to Georgie’s Alibi. However, the deal fell through when PJ lost his bid for the space to a clothing store. “It started out as a hobby and I wanted to create a social club for black and Latino men to have a presence, and interracial couples to have a social place that was more acceptable at that time. It didn’t start out as a business at all (laughs),” PJ recalls.

The third time proved to be the charm for PJ in my ways. It was at this location where he created the idea for a membership club and the bar grew into a staple in the community with a family environment. In fact, PJ says that the membership grew to approximately 1,700 people over the years. “Originally membership was $20.00 and you register and sign up inside the club and anyone is welcome to become a member. About three years ago we opted not to charge for the membership once you come in and get a drink and sign up with a bartender. I just wanted it to be a family feel and a great social experience,” said PJ. After gaining some notoriety and building a local customer base, PJ decided that it was time to make a move back to Wilton Drive. So in 2013, he did just that. He says that he saw the move as an opportunity to broaden his brand and be more accessible to members and supporters of the bar who frequent Wilton Drive on their trips to Florida.

Well, sometimes if you’re not looking for something you can’t find it. It’s right in the middle of everything

Following his failed attempt at landing the perfect spot, another rental place became available down the street in the building that Rumors Bar and Grill currently calls home. PJ was able to swoop in and secure this space as his very first location in February of 2007. Unfortunately, this only lasted about 6 months. PJ says that the roof started to leak and repairs were unable to be made in a timely manner. At this point, he decided to close the bar. However, this was just another roadblock in a history of many. “I got my second location on 4th avenue that we rented and that stayed open for about 7 months but we had some elec-

PJ and bartenders at formal location.


PJ Williams, who would quickly ask you to just call him PJ, is the proud owner of the bar that caters specifically to interracial couples as well as black and Latino men. Located in the heart of Wilton Manors, a city that has no shortage of successful bars, the cozy bar still manages to get overlooked at times.

trical problems in that place,” said PJ. “But I was determined. Next we had an opportunity to move on Flagler Drive and that’s where we stayed for three years,” he added.


ld school R and B music, oiled up muscled bodies and traditional bar snacks are some of the things that jump out at you at PJ’s Cocktails. While all of these things may be stereotypically black, they are also honest and real. They help to make up the fabric and authenticity of a bar that has been through a lot over the years and continues to stand.

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SEAB COLEMAN IG: @eye2eye_

24 SEPTEMBER 15, 2016


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26 SEPTEMBER 15, 2016


“The history of minority owned bars in Wilton Manors and in Fort Lauderdale is kind of nonexistent so there were a lot of obstacles I had to deal with. In any business, you have to be aware that you’re coming into an area where they are weary and thinking are you going to take some of my business away? So you’re accepted and then you’re not accepted. I will say that there are a lot of business owners here who were happy to see me in the area though. There were some business owners here who were helpful and supportive,” said PJ. In addition to providing a social outlet and meeting place for blacks and Latinos, PJ has always been socially aware and connected to charities in the local area. It started in 2008, when he worked with the Health Department and the Pride Center for a cause that he continues to fight for today... raising awareness of HIV and AIDS in the area.

It started outasahobbyand I wanted to create a social club for black and Latino men to have a presence, and

According to PJ, the move was well worth it to bring more diversity to Wilton, despite the obstacles that he faced in the process.

interracial couples to have

asocialplacethatwasmore acceptable at that time

“We wanted to start a club for the young black community when there was a rise in HIV and AIDS,” he said. “They asked for a place to have meetings and things and build social groups so that we could try to gain some control and educate the black and Latin community about slowing down the spread of AIDS.”

“I think that PJ’s is great. Guests always tell us that we stand out from other bars because of the bartenders because we are super accommodating,” he said. “Moving from New York, I was told that there’s busy season and slow season. So if we just keep working hard more people will know about PJ’s and it will only get busier,” he added.

Over the years, the mission has not changed as the bar continues to work with charities in the area in an effort to continue to raise awareness.

PJ echoed this and reaffirmed the fact that the bar actually is much more diverse than people may realize at first glance.

10 years and three locations later, PJ’s is still here. Although he says he didn’t plan to be in business so long, he stressed that he hopes a bar like this one always exists.

“People love the feel and they love the diversity. They love to see black and white and Latin mingling together and enjoying themselves. This is a bar where anyone can come and not feel separated. A lot of people can say that they have came to PJs and not feel alienated.”

Seab Coleman, the 25-year-old cover boy who has been bartending at PJ’s for a year now, agrees with this sentiment and says that he believes the bar’s popularity will grow. “We have a wide variety of bartenders who are from different places so people can really come there and feel comfortable no matter what,” said Coleman. “I think the bar is definitely growing but a lot of people are closed minded. Once people open their minds and try something new I think they will realize that they really like it.” Ehrie Rodregas Foster, the sexy 32-year-old who has been working at the bar for 8 months now as a bartender says that he believes things will pick up later in the year as well.

Over time, PJ’s has changed locations, hired different staff members and seen several marketing plans come and go. But no matter how much time passes, the true essence of the bar remains the same. Pj’s Cocktails is a humble bar with a bold message. In a time where race conflicts continue to be a part of our every day reality, PJ’s blends in perfectly while reminding us daily that diversity is and always will be beautiful.

Vist PJ’s Cocktails at 2340 Wilton Drive,Wilton Manors FL 33305 N SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 27




SURE TO ENHANCE YOUR EXCURSIONS Gather these gadgets before booking your next venture abroad. BY MIKEY ROX

SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 29

1 1.

Noise-cancelling technology amplified by acoustic noise attenuation help creates silence in the wireless QuietOn Earplugs—tiny enough that your head rests comfortably on a pillow, so they aren’t just for the plane. You won’t lose a wink over the wood-chipper with whom you share a wall or the grizzly bear down the hall. $160,

2 2. Digging for your devices in a cavernous knapsack is a problem of the past thanks to the Mod Mini Tablet Travel Case. This customizable carryall accommodates modular inserts and includes organization for a tablet, phone, pens, stylus, glasses, cards, cash, notebook, small items, cords and whatever else requires quick access. $299,

3 3. You’ll be eager to wave off that germ-ridden airline-issued blanket when you’re flying high in the limited-edition, lightweight-cotton OnePiece Air Jumpsuit, featuring easy-glide zipping from crotch to crown, cargo leg pockets and a buttoned waist tightener for a fitted look and feel. $159, OnePiece Concept Store L.A., 8130 W. 3rd St., L.A.

30 SEPTEMBER 15, 2016

4 4. Last-minute packing cut into your Stranger Things binge-athon? Take your Netflix queue with you. Roku Streaming Stick’s Hotel & Dorm Connect feature turns your vacay TV into a free entertainment ‘smart’ spot, so you can finally make heads or tails of the Upside Down. $50,

5 5. Put the rubber to the road no matter where you roam. Retrospec’s single-speed Speck Folding Bike folds into itself to form a compact companion that facilitates fuel-free commuting and sightseeing from here to Timbuktu. $319, Spokes N Stuff, 7777 Melrose Ave., WeHo

6 6. Style and science converge in the Barracuda carry-on bag—the culmination of a successful $2 million crowdfunding campaign—which features an ergonomic swivel handle that locks in one of six positions, a built-in USB charger, location tracking (so you know exactly where your luggage is even when it’s “lost”) and a laptop tray with cup holders—all portioned in a collapsible frame that stores neatly under a bed or can be hung in a closet. $349,

SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 31




20 UNITS FREE SAVE $220! Optimal correction on us! Call now for your appointment: 954­530­5203 Wilton Plaza location: 1881 NE 26th St, Wilton Manors, FL 33305

Stop Making Excuses BY DAN WELDEN

38 SEPTEMBER 15, 2016



here is just about a week or so left of summer. Now is the time to start planning for your summer 2017 body. Do not wait until New Years to make the life changing decision to get in-shape. By making the decision now, before your Netflix and takeout nightly routine become the norm, you’ll find it much easier to transition into a regular workout routine. Though Netflix and takeout may sound way more appealing, you’ll be kicking yourself when beach season returns and your Speedos somehow shrunk a size or two over the winter while your stomach magically expanded a few inches. The reality is you have approximately nine months before beach season is in full swing! So start now and you’ll thank me and yourself next summer! Here are five ways to help you keep and meet your fall fitness goals:

1 - Like business, you should set "SMART" goals. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time related. Be specific with what you want. Do you want to lose weight? If so, how much? Do you want to gain muscle mass? Set small measurable goals. You want to add 10 lbs to how much you can curl this month or you want to be able to run two miles without stopping. Make sure your goals are achievable. You will not lose 100 lbs in one month. Be realistic with your goals. Don’t try to become an Adonis in six months. You’ll end up injuring yourself or give up. Give yourself deadlines. By doing so, you will be able to hold yourself more accountable.

2 - Don’t make excuses. Excuses are for quitters. Be the person that inspires others. If you find yourself starting to think of excuses, immediately think of your goals and how you wont hit them if you don’t follow through. Don’t give up! Think of fitness as a marathon not a sprint. There will always be hold-ups and setbacks but you have to fight thought it. You will thank yourself in six month, a year, and longer if you stick with it.

3 - Find a picture of someone you aim to look like. Again, look back to the realistic portion of setting "SMART" goals. Many of these ripped up god like individuals spend hours at the gym and maintain a perfect diet. Unless you’re looking to give up alcohol and takeout, then be realistic with who you idolize.

4 - If you’re trying to lose weight, avoid weighing yourself frequently. The scale can be misleading. Go based on how your clothes fit and how you feel. Weigh your self every couple of weeks to make sure you are on track. If you notice you are not heading in the right direction, review your diet and workout routine and make the necessary modifications.

5 - Let people know what you are doing and have them hold you accountable. Your friends can help keep you motivated and even go with you to the gym. Having a friend with you helps reduce gymtimidation and holds you accountable. Plus, its way more fun to have someone to checkout people at the gym with. If you have additional questions or suggestions for future articles, feel free to message me on Instagram @Danwelden or contact through my website SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 39



Check out the new


Able & Baker Nightclub, 920 Alton Rd. Miami Beach

SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 41

FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 16 FUR FRIDAYS, Hunters Night Club, 2232 Wilton Dr, Wilton Manors. Step into the bear den of hot muscle and great faces. If you’re going out on a Friday night in Fort Lauderdale, stopping into Hunters is an absolute must. While the drink specials, great dance music and diverse crowds are constant, you will get all that and all the sexy hairy men that you’ve been longing for on FUR FRIDAY. Leave the manscaping for another time and enjoy your night at Hunters nightclub. VERDICT FRIDAYS New Gay Hot Spot at

Able & Baker Nightclub, 920 Alton Rd, Miami Beach. Now in it’s fifth week, Friday nights no longer only belong to Fort Lauderdale. Tony Ferro grew to local fame with his association with Score nightclub. Now he’s back with a new party that will surely infuse new energy in the Miami Beach gay nightlife scene. With music by the best DJs in town, $6 well drinks and $5 beers from 11pm til midnight and lots of parking, there’s no reason why your Friday night shouldn’t end at Verdict Fridays. Come out and experience the hot new party that everyone is talking about! This week is bound

to be even better than the last! BUBBLE GUM FRIDAY The Manor Complex, 2345 Wilton Dr, Wilton Manors. Come out to the wildly popular Bubble Gum Fridays at The Manor Complex. No cover before midnight for legal Florida residents 21 and older. $12 entrance fee all night for those under 21. $150 Bottle VIP Room specials available. Nothing else on the drive will deliver the hot men, youthful energy and great music like this party will. Fridays are never dull at Bubble Gum Fridays!

SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 17 GARY GULMAN WITH SPECIAL GUEST LISA CORRAO. Abdo New River Room at The Broward Center for the Performing Arts, 201 Southwest 5th Avenue , Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312. 954.462.0222. Price: $35. With his unique brand of humor that combines the absurdity of Woody Allen with the wry observations of Jerry Seinfeld, the two-time finalist on Last Comic Standing finds amusement in everyday minutiae. From his hierarchy of cookies (Oreos > Samoas > sugar cookies) to bits about former day jobs (high school teacher, barista, accountant), Gulman entertains without resorting to filth. The Boston-born, New York–based funnyman has racked up three TV specials, three comedy albums, and appearances on every late-night show. Come out for an unforgettable evening of hysterical stand-up entertainment. DARIUSH – LIVE IN FLORIDA! Parker Playhouse, 707 NE 8th Street, Fort Lauderdale. The legend returns for a spectacular performance! His 2016 World Tour, has been selling out venues around the world, finally arriving to Fort Lauderdale, Saturday September 17 to perform another masterpiece of the World Tour.His command of the stage, and electric

performance never leaves any doubt to why he’s Persian legend. Dariush’s almost three hour show, a spectacular mix of his new and classic hits, radiates pure energy, with his always present emotional connection to his audience. Price $66.50 - $251.50. CLUB BOI 3.0 PRESENTS SEXY SATURDAYS, 1437 Washington Ave, Miami Beach. Club Boi has undergone an evolution over the past few years. Its new home at Score on Saturdays will be a lasting one thanks to DJ Gavin who keeps the crowd on the dance floor all night long, a hot diverse crowd and some the sexiest bartenders in the city. If you are looking for a party with smooth hip hop beats, a fair share of throw back songs that will ignite nostalgia and all of the newest music that’s dominating the charts, this is the place for you to be. You won’t find hotter men anywhere else in Miami than at Club Boi Saturdays at Score. WHERE THE BOYS ARE LeBoy, 1243 NE 11 Ave, Fort Lauderdale, This upscale gay strip club is were the hot dancers take to the stage at 7 pm with Non-Stop Shows all night. Special guest appearances by

SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 18 LEGENDS OF ROCK IN CONCERT, Au-Rene Theater at The Broward Center for the Performing Arts, 201 Southwest 5th Avenue , Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312. 954.462.0222. Price: $25 - $155. Take a trip back in time with an all-star performance that will rock you to your core! The Legends of Rock tour features classic rock’s most iconic artists - Jefferson Starship, Mark Farner, Formerly Of Grand Funk Railroad, Rick Derringer and Mitch Ryder & 42 SEPTEMBER 15, 2016

The Detroit Wheels. Relive the soundtrack of the 60s, 70s and 80s with four of rock music’s biggest legends on one stage and experience a concert that promises to be packed with powerful tunes and nostalgic melodies. CLUB BOI 3.0 PRESENTS HIP SUNDAYS, 1437 Washington Avenue Miami Beach, FL. If you can’t make it to their Hip Hop Saturdays promotion, you will have another

adult film stars, drag performances, themed nights. There’s even delicious gourmet BBQ on the outdoor patio. CIRCUIT SATURDAYS! Progress Bar, 2440 Wilton Dr, Wilton Manors. Join resident DJ AJ Reddy at Progress every Saturday for a piece of the festive South Florida nightlife scene. Drink specials include $6 Three Olives Flavored Vodkas as well as $6 Crown Royal and Crown Apple Whiskeys. Come and turn up your weekends at Progress Bar with a diverse crowd and the hottest circuit beats on the drive. Stop wondering how you are going to spend your Saturday night and drop by Progress! SATURDAYS HAPPY HOUR, The Floppy Rooster, 7018 NW 72nd Ave, Miami. Give your Saturday night an upgrade at The Floppy Rooster. When you’re hanging at South Florida’s only all nude strip club, there’s never a dull moment. The Gay Bar and nightclub features live all male entertainment performing on a huge main stage. There are 4 VIP rooms for your enjoyment as well as a friction area. Don’t settle for just another Saturday with the same old faces and the same overpriced drinks. chance to turn up at Club Boi on Sunday. If you are looking for a party with smooth hip hop beats, a fair share of throw back songs that will ignite nostalgia and all of the newest music that’s dominating the charts, this is the place for you to be. You won’t find hotter men anywhere else in Miami than at Hip Sundays at Club Boi 3.0. It’s a holiday weekend so come out and enjoy it the fun times.

MONDAY SEPTEMBER 19 COUNTRY QUEEN MONDAYS, Scandals Saloon, 3073 NE 6th Ave, Wilton Manors. We know that Mondays can be tough. In fact, Mondays can downright suck! But don’t let the stress of work get the best of you. Take control of your life and have a cold one at Country Queen Mondays. Sometimes it just takes a cold drink and a friendly bartender to make everything seem better! Take a stroll down to Scandals and partake in the fun

Country Queen Mondays! MONDAY NIGHT POKER NIGHT, Rumors Bar and Grill, 2426 Wilton Dr, Wilton Manors. 2-4-1 till 9pm, then enjoy IN THE BIZ Night and $5 Absolut Cocktails, $6 Captain Morgan Cocktails. Are you looking for a fun way to meet new friends or even a date? Are you good at poker? If so, get out of the house and drive down to Rumors. Poker Night

TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 20 GREATER FORT LAUDERDALE GAY & LESBIAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE SEPTEMBER MIXER The Westin Fort Lauderdale, 400 Corporate Drive, Fort Lauderdale, eventregistration/register/1586 to register for this event. Are you looking to connect with LGBTQ businesses and professionals in the greater Fort Lauderdale area? If so, this

event will be the perfect jumpstart to your plan. Register for the mixer and get ready for great conversation with some of the movers and shakers in your city. 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM. GET YOUR GAME ON Rumors Bar & Grill, 2426 Wilton Dr, Wilton Manors, Try your luck, or skill, with poker in the red room from 7:00 pm

WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 21 LOUNGE-O-MATIC WEDNESDAYS Hunters Nightclub, 2232 Wilton Dr, Wilton Manors, With classic music from crowd favorite DJ Richie Rich and a menu that dazzles with 8 signature cocktails, lounge-o-matic Wednesdays is the perfect way to kick back and slow down midweek. We know that you have a lot on your plate and juggling work, family and all of the things that complicate life can be difficult. That’s why this event exists. Hunters provides an escape from the norm where everyone is committed to the chill.

LIP SERVICE WEDNESDAY Progress Bar, 2440 Wilton Dr, Wilton Manors, Gets a nothing put sweet lips all night long with Amanda Austin and her special guest entertainers. She likes to include the audience too with their own lip-sync contest at 11:30 pm – try your luck at winning the gift package. There’s always a different and fun theme. Can’t wait to see what it is this week!

KEB’ MO’ BAND Presented by the Broward Center for the Performing Arts, Parker Playhouse, 707 NE 8th Street, Fort Lauderdale, (954) 462-0222. From rustic Delta blues and folk-tinged ballads to complex, syncopated shuffles and scorching solos, the effortless versatility of this three-time Grammy Award– winning artist has long distinguished him as one of America’s finest living blues musicians. The blues is all about the riff, an ease of craft that draws you into the groove, and veteran bluesman Keb’ Mo’ has been making it look easy for decades. $37.50 - $67.50

other than $5 long Island Ice Teas. There’s no better place to start your pre-game for the weekend. The music is great, the crowd is chilled and the drink jogs are huge. What more can you ask for? If you’re looking for a diverse crowd with great energy, this is the only place in the city where you can count on it every single Thursday!

NEW MEAT CONTEST Boardwalk Bar, 1721 N Andrews Ave, Fort Lauderdale, board-

Mondays are the perfect way to get over a difficult day at work. 7:00 pm MONDAYS ARE A DRAG The Palace Bar, 1200 Ocean Dr, Miami Beach, Those of you that love drag performances will love the drag entertainment almost every night of the week. Tonight is Missy Meyake LePaige. Every queen needs her palace, and that palace is on South Beach. Show time is 7:00 pm.

to 11:00 pm. While your there enjoy some discounted beverages from 9:00 pm to close: $2 domestic, $2.50 imports and $5 Absolut. BEEFCAKE’S GRILL 1721 N Andrews Ave, Fort Lauderdale, 69-cent Jumbo Chicken Wings all night long along with Hot Days of Summer Frozen drink specials. House specialty, cool and refreshing frozen lemonade just $8, all others $10. Contestants compete for cash and prizes as the audience selects the next Mr. Boardwalk of the Week. Hosted by drag legend Daisy Deadpetals. Special drink prices all night long and 75 cent drinks from 9 pm to midnight. New hot dancers, new decorations, new drink specials and on Wednesdays, new amateur contestants vying for a chance to show their skills at the Boardwalk nightly! Tired of feasting on the same old? Maybe you should try New Meat Wednesdays!


LIT THURSDAYS! Georgie’s Alibi Monkey Bar, 2266 Wilton Dr, Wilton Manors, This night belongs to none 44 SEPTEMBER 15, 2016

ALL NUDE THURSDAYS Floppy Roosters, 7020 NW 72nd Ave, Miami, Experience the company men in an all-nude male strip club. All night happy hour drink prices of 2 for 1 domestic beers and well cocktails with discounted private rooms for your pleasure.

ANYTHING GOES THURSDAYS Village Pub, 2283 Wilton Dr, Wilton Manors, Start your weekend off early with drag shows, live entertainment and dance music by Vj Marky Mark. Lots of drink specials all night long. THROWBACK THURSDAYS, Hunters Nightclub, 2232 Wilton Dr, Wilton Manors, If you’re looking for some nostalgia and awe in the Fort Lauderdale area, Hunters serves up its own edition of Throwback Thursday. What were your top songs from the 80s? What was your summer playlist like in the 90s? Get into this throwback Thursday party and party into the night. Oh, and take advantage of the drink specials as well. Embrace throwback Thursday!

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