Next Magazine - September 1,2016

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SEPTEMBER 1, 2016 | VOL 354

24 JEFF LADRACH Local Gym Owner Opens Up


12 New York Grilled Cheese Has a New Voice 16 Cheap Plans For Labor Day 20 Beloved Bar, Mona’s, Reopens!

NEXT STEPS 32 FITNESS: 3 Ways to Put On Mass Without Taking Steroids

NEXT WEEK 41 Event Listings





Jeff Ladrach Photo by DENNIS DEAN |

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8 SEPTEMBER 1, 2016


Give us the backstory on Brie Waffleton. I’ve been a die hard grilled cheese fan since childhood. So when Leor opened NYGC in Wilton, I was one of his very first customers. I’ve seen how far they’ve come, from being just this small grilled-cheese diner type spot with only a gaggle of fans, to being this extremely popular destination. Now they have a specific culture. Even the customers have what I call a tasty streak. Not to mention the evolution of the grilled cheese itself. They’ve put so much work into streamlining delivery and improving the melts themselves with top-quality ingredients. Leor and management have worked extremely hard to accommodate customers. They are always taking great feedback and they use it to improve with the best intentions. So when I first saw customers bashing them behind the anonymity of a computer screen, I kind of snapped. I assumed the moniker Brie Waffleton and stepped into this self made role of NYGC defender and jester. I’m just glad Leor has been on board since the start. It felt natural. I witnessed and was a part of the restaurant’s transformation. I was there as it adapted to the needs and ideas of the customers and myself. So when customers started ganging up on NYGC, I returned the favor. I transformed myself, in order to defend it in a way that was fun, sassy, but not toxic. It seemed logical and it felt fair. 12 SEPTEMBER 1, 2016


So as the voice of NYGC’s social media, what’s the craziest meltdown you’ve seen so far? The meltdowns that get my gouda are those which have been clearly engineered for a result. For instance, when someone is whining as an attempt to get free stuff. That’s the reviewer who complains about virtually everything. Then management enters with freebies and apologies. Don’t get me wrong, this is GREAT if you actually had an awful experience. In those cases, you probably are due at least a ‘sorry’ and probably some free cheese, too. But recently NYGC has been checking food history trails and footage from the in-store cameras to corroborate some complaints. With this research they’re finding that exaggeration is rampant. For example, one woman claimed she waited for “an extremely long time”. When they checked their records, that woman’s food had taken all but 10 minutes to arrive. Personally, my favorite meltdowns are my own. Some reviewers don’t want to be helped and they just want to complain. That’s where I’ll REVIEW THE REVIEWERS, which is always fun and completely ridiculous. WHAT CHEESE’D YOU is another one, where instead of responding to gripes, I’ll sit reviewers down on my leather couch, and give them the kind of response they actually need. For example, I would find what the real problem is and more times than not, it isn’t just the cheese fries. Reviewers on Yelp take themselves way too seriously. So I like coming in to make light and have a giggle. It seems like New York Grilled Cheese has made a point to stand up for themselves—and their employees—on social media. What’s the reaction been like from your loyal following? Oh boy, here’s some background. NYGC is a LGBTQ-friendly business, located in the heart of Wilton Manors. We have gender neutral restrooms for social, political and practical reasons. Additionally, a few of our servers are transgender. These two elements have upset a handful of customers. We’ve had incidents of customers complaining about the restroom online. There was also a particularly nasty run-in where Mia, a transgender server, was the target of a bigot’s vitriol. This customer made a big old scene in the restaurant. She was calling her names and upsetting Mia, along

with most of the customers present. We responded with a social media tag, “#LoveMia” to clarify that we support her and will always pick dignity over revenue when it comes to LGBTQ rights and the dignity of our staff. If you could say one thing to Yelp right now, what would that be? I would tell Yelpers to take a step back from the keyboard, and ask themselves what truly makes them happy. Look, Yelp is an amazing tool, and it has put countless businesses on the map thanks to honest, helpful reviews. But when you dig deeper, you really start to see the worst side of Yelp, the part that’s governed by envy, greed, rage and entitlement. You see a side of it that is ran by jerks. They use it as a mechanism of spite and they try to get free stuff. They’re granted this power that they totally abuse. Like how can someone become so irate over a cheese melt? I’d tell those people to change focus and just do something that makes them happy because clearly Yelp isn’t. Basically, Yelp makes it far too easy for the local psychopath to baselessly criticize a business and put the owner into an impossible position where they have to meet ridiculous demands. When I saw this happening with NYGC, I kinda lost it and Brie was born. On a cheesier note, what is Brie Waffleton’s favorite Grilled Cheese? I’m a classy kinda lady, so the Broadway Classic is this broad’s best bet for lunch, or breakfast, or dinner. I’m not picky! Brie, we heard that you’ll be making your first public appearance at New York Grilled Cheese’s 4th Annual Cheese-A-Rama. Give us a sneak brie-view of what people can expect! Well, I’ll be in full hair and makeup, sneaking around cheesily and just looking for a good time! We’ll have raffles, a silent auction, and music guaranteed to make your booty pop! We’re raising money for this truly amazing non-profit, Smart Ride, which provides support to people who are infected, affected or at risk for HIV or AIDS in South Florida. Join us! SEPTEMBER 1, 2016 13




How to have the time of your life without emptying your bank account. So Labor Day weekend is here and everyone wants to get out and do something. Some of your friends will be oiled up and ready to hit the circuit parties. Others will have a long list of restaurant and other nightlife options that you can enjoy. But what will you do if your social calendar calls for much more than your pockets can afford right now? Don’t you worry. We’ve come up with a list of fun options that will fall well within your budget.

PARTY SMART – Wilton Money We know that you will want to enjoy the long weekend by hitting some bars with your friends. Honestly, we don’t blame you. Life can be stressful so you should definitely get out and dance a bit while having a few cocktails. If you party smart while partying hard, you won’t have to worrying about screaming when you check your credit card transactions the next day. Kick off the weekend at Rumors Bar and Grill (2426 Wilton Drive, Wilton Manors). With daily 2-4-1 drink specials until 9pm and a Dollar Drink Night promotion on Wednesdays that features $1 well drinks, $1.00 draft beers and $4.00 Sky Vodka cocktails from 9pm until close, this is the perfect way to get wasted on $20.00. Next, take a trip to Alibi (2266 Wilton Manors Drive, Wilton Manors) on Thursday. Their Lit Thursdays event is known for its $3 giant jars of long island ice teas. You will be nice and tipsy by the time you get on your third one… that’s a $9.00 bar tab! This is an option that you won’t be able to beat. Are you seeing the trend here? Search for happy hours and cheap bar specials all weekend. Friday after work your best bet is Hunters (2232 Wilton Drive, Wilton Manors). Here is where you will find the hottest bears and cheapest drinks. Don’t be afraid to ask about specials and 2-4-1 deals. Remember that you are on a strict budget so be smart. Bargain hunting on the drive is a great way to be tipsy all weekend without making a major dent in your bank account. 16 SEPTEMBER 1, 2016

ENJOY THE SUN – Life is a Beach This is perhaps the most predictable option on our list, but it also happens to be the most essential. When you live in South Florida, Labor Day weekend isn’t really complete without a trip to the beach. While Sebastian Beach in Fort Lauderdale will be a favorite among many, we also think you should consider taking the short drive down to Haulover Beach just north of Bal Harbour in Miami. The clothing optional beach is all inclusive and friendly enough to make your weekend memorable. If you would rather skip the beach all together, send a mass text to friends to see of anyone is having a pool party. This weekend is usually filled with pool party invites and there’s no reason why you should have to sit at home bored. This is a perfect way to be social, enjoy the great weather and get some free food and drinks. Check your Facebook event invites as well since many people seem to plan their pool parties there. Oh, and if all of your friends are being boring, you can always sneak into a hotel pool area. Just put on your cutest swim trunks and be prepared to meet hot men. Normally the W Fort Lauderdale would be a great option but it is currently under major construction. Consider Royal Palms (717 Breakers Ave, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304), which welcomes guests at its bar and pool area as an alternative.

TAKE A TOUR - 5 Star Segway Tour/Segway Fort Lauderdale If you’ve always wanted to get on a Segway and ride around town, we certainly can’t blame you. After all, it just looks like so much fun! Thanks to 5 Star Segway Tour/Segway Fort Lauderdale, you can take a free lesson in downtown Fort Lauderdale at 300 SW 1st Avenue. You can call to reserve a time at (954)304-5746 or visit their website at Each Segway lesson takes 15-20 minutes and it is a fun free event for a first date. This is even something you can do with a group of friends if there’s availability.

JAZZ IT UP! – Sunday Jazz Brunch at Riverwalk Have you heard about the Sunday Jazz Brunch? On the first Sunday of every month, Riverwalk in Downtown Fort Lauderdale is the scene of a picture perfect day out. Picture several bands performing on different stages, amazing summertime weather and everyone just enjoying the scenic beauty. Well, on Sunday, September 4, you can be a part of the action for free. If you don’t want to spend money on food, pack a small bag with snacks and have a picnic under the tree in the shade. The event will run from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and will feature the Debbie Orta Quintet who will be performing at the Connie Hoffman Gazebo, the DeDe Wilde Band who you can catch at the Esplanade Pavilion and the Danny Burger Trio who will play at the Peck Courtyard. N BIKE AROUND – Wynwood Murals Do you love art and riding your bike? If so, we have the perfect free event for you to combine both worlds. Every Sunday at 4pm, a group of people with similar interests meet at 24th Street & NW 2nd Avenue in Miami on their bicycles, eager to check out the art in the Wynwood area as a group. The BYOBIKE (Bring Your Own Bike) event is an independent art project of sorts. This is the perfect way to discover the amazing graffiti in the area and meet like minded individuals that you can build friendships with. If you would prefer to ride your bike alone and take in the sights, that’s an option too. Just make sure you make the most of the long weekend. SEPTEMBER 1, 2016 17


Beloved bar



20 SEPTEMBER 1, 2016


was just a month ago when Mona’s, the recognizable pink gay bar by the train tracks on East Sunrise Blvd, held its closing party. After 19 years, the decision caught many regulars and most of Fort Lauderdale by surprise. But on Thursday, August 25, the bar reopened, much to the delight of many who have seen Mona’s become a Fort Lauderdale staple over the last 19 years. There is where we spoke to Jerry Schultz. The proud owner of the bar who was celebrating both the bars reopening and the life of former bartender John “Mary” Lyons, who passed away 6 years ago. “Mona’s is an asset to the community. We do lots and lots of fundraisers. Last year for instance we raised $21,500 for the AIDS Walk. We raised $13,000 for the Pet Project. We did a can food drive for the pantry of Broward and the biggest donation they ever got was from us,” said Jerry Schultz, Owner. “It’s the customers that we have and the bartenders that make that extra effort to raise the money. We make a big difference in the community and we do it together,” he added. According to Schultz, he closed the bar a month ago because he felt as though he was losing the support of the community that he has worked so hard to be there for over the years. However, since then, countless people have contacted him via social media expressing just how much they missed the bar and why Mona’s means so much to them. It was this feedback that led him to reopening the bar complete with a new, clean look and an energetic, good looking staff. “The closing was really to refresh, remodel and regroup. Everything is fresh. We repainted the whole room from ceiling to floors. It was all dark and now it’s alive. I hired a whole new staff,” said Schultz. Although Schultz says he expects everything to be a slow process moving forward, his patrons seemed far more optimistic. The grand opening party featured dozens of smiling faces who packed the bar to show their support to Schultz and their appreciation to the presence of Mona’s. In attendance was Sue Martino, Executive Director of The Pet Project. Perhaps she summed up the importance of Mona’s reopening best when she said, “Monas is the tiny neighborhood bar with the huge heart. We need Mona’s.” N Visit Mona’s at 502 E. Sunrise Blvd, Fort Lauderdale. (954) 525-6662 SEPTEMBER 1, 2016 21


Local gym owner lets down his muscular guard in sit down interview. BY RENALDO SMITH PHOTOGRAPHY BY DENNIS DEAN

24 SEPTEMBER 1, 2016

On Father’s Day last year, Jeff Ladrach posted a heartfelt message to Facebook. It was one that chronicled his past and showed a piece of him that few people knew about.

On a busy Wednesday night at Titan Gym, we discussed the past that tried to break him and how it shaped the strong business and family man that exists today.

Although Father’s Day is a few days away I’m posting this after a fun and thoughtful day with my kids. My dad passed away when I was 13 which is almost my oldest sons age. Many probably did not know that he and my mother adopted me as a baby. After divorcing he came out to us that he was gay and I was in his “wedding” with his partner Jerry when I was 8. The marriage wasn’t recognized of course but was special. When I was 12, he began to live as transgender and sadly passed away a year later at 35. I wish he was here everyday to see his grandchildren and see the changes our society has made regarding LGBT rights, still a long way to go! He taught me about acceptance, compassion and unconditional love. I just wanted my friends to know what a courageous and brave person he was and how much he is missed. Just an early Father’s Day thank you to him (this is the only pic I have of me and him together:) #heavyheart

Where did you grow up? I grew up South of Canton, Ohio. I was adopted before my first birthday and my parents dated in high school and all that. Mom told me my dad was gay and I wasn’t very old at the time.

What was life like for you in Ohio as a kid At the time I lived in a trailer with my mom and all of her family. 7 of us lived in a trailer. It was all her siblings and her dad. I didn’t have a room and I just slept in the living room behind a chair. She made minimum wage which was $4.25 an hour and she worked all the time. She was a cook in a restaurant and she did what she had to. My dad helped when he could, he paid his child support or whatever.

What was your relationship like with your dad? I wasn’t super close with my dad but my dad understood discipline and stuff like that while my mom just let me do whatever I wanted. I was a strong willed child and she was never around so I didn’t listen to her. My dad was more my cup of tea.

Growing up and realizing your dad was gay must have been tough… He had a big family, he had a lot of brothers and sisters and we all got together at holidays and stuff. I know I was young but I never heard it to be a big deal. My mom’s side of the family was a little different. They were from West Virginia and they were not overly accepting of it but it wasn’t too big of a deal.

When your parents got divorced, how often did you see your dad However, he didn’t post this very glaring message on his personal Facebook page. Instead, he did so on the one he uses to promote his gym, Titan Fort Lauderdale. Sure, it was a major milestone in his life because he shared a part of him with the world that he kept hidden for so long it took guts to reveal such truth. But even in this heartfelt, intimate moment, the choice to post on his secondary social media account showed that he wasn’t ready to share the story with those in his inner circle. He wasn’t quite prepared to tell his story on a platform where those closest to him would be able to see it.

So after the divorce every other weekend I went with him. It was good and we got a long. He was a nurse in Canton and I remember him being there for me when I would get injured playing sports or anything.

Do you remember when he started his transition? When I was about 11, he started living as a woman before he could do the surgery and everything. So he started taking hormones, shots and he started getting breasts and more hips. He was 6 ft. 4 with flaming red hair. It was like a big red afro. Can you imagine him all made up coming to pick me up? For me back then it was hard because I didn’t want any of my friends to know. I kind of built a tough outside exterior you know what I mean.

But that was then. With his bulging biceps and huge shoulders, Ladrach comes off as intimidating at first glance. Until he makes eye contact and smiles, showing the warmth and vulnerability that he has learned to embrace with time. I was honored when he sat down with me for an in-depth interview.

How did he pass away at age 35? I was in Science class and I got the call from my aunt saying my dad died. I went back to class and it hit me and it was tough. My dad had family that went to my school as well so they were coming up to me and giving me their condolences. But I couldn’t really have that because I didn’t want anyone to SEPTEMBER 1, 2016 25

26 SEPTEMBER 1, 2016

Yes, I am fulfilling my dream. I have always wanted to own a gym and this is exactly the kind of gym I want. It is like family. â€

SEPTEMBER 1, 2016 27

know. It was just a misdiagnosis. His appendix burst and they sent home stating that it was just gas pains. It was crazy because he was a nurse you know.

How did his death affect you at that age? It was tough. It’s like you’re 13 years old and you don’t want your friends to know your dad was gay and had a sex change. This was 1988. Now a days yeah, but this a while ago, I remember crying a lot but it was more privately than in front of people. I couldn’t believe it.

I guess my history with my dad is why I try to stay involved with the LGBT community just to let people know its okay.

What is your lasting memory of your dad? Honestly I liked him he was very loving and supportive. When you’re that age you don’t really “know” your parents that’s why I said I wish I knew him as an adult. I think it would’ve been great. I just remember him with his long cigarette, Virginia slims the really long ones and his long legs. He was a great guy.

After the passing of your dad, did things get even harder for you? When dad died I used my share of the insurance money to buy a house for my mom. We wanted to get out of the trailer. So we bought a house in another school zone. It was a chance for me to have a fresh start too.

So how did you make the jump from there to where you are now? There were many steps and it wasn’t easy. I played sports as a release and a defense mechanism in a way. I finished high school and went to play college football at Marietta in Ohio. But I had to leave school after 3 years because my mom got in some trouble with the house. She kind of abandoned it. So I came back and I was doing odd jobs and construction. It was an odd time. I eventually got my mother sorted out and returned to The Ohio State University where I graduated with my BFA.

When did the personal training start? My first job as a personal trainer was at a gay gym in Columbus. I just wanted to see what it was all about. I was going to circuit parties in Ohio and I wanted to see what it was about. I would bring my girlfriend with me and I would explain it all. I guess I was just forced to be open minded at an early age.

So how did you make the transition to Florida? A client of mine flew me down for a weekend. I 28 SEPTEMBER 1, 2016

had never been to Florida before. It was the first time I really saw so many different cultures and people and it just felt so accepting. My clients have always been my family and they still are. I’ve known some of my clients since I was 23 so they were there before I met my wife and had kids.

How did the whole Titan Gym ownership happen? I was training and I got some investors together. In between I taught high school art for about 4 or 5 years and was the head football coach and wrestling coach at Hialeah Miami Lakes. That was my first art teaching job. Then I got a job in Boca at Spanish River High. I just wanted to get back to working with adults and training was my passion. I got my art degree and I wanted to use it and it was a great experience. But I ultimately returned to my passion which is fitness and personal training.

Are you happy with the gym? Yes, I am fulfilling my dream. I have always wanted to own a gym and this is exactly the kind of gym I want. It is like family.

Now as the father of two sons, how does your upbringing affect your relationship with them? I think of my dad every single day and I know he would be proud of me. My sons are great. They are completely opposite of one another but they are great kids. I take them to school and pick them up every single day. Plus I guess my history with my dad is why I try to stay involved with the LGBT community just to let people know its okay. I want to let kids who are born in those circumstances know that its okay. N SEPTEMBER 1, 2016 29



32 SEPTEMBER 1, 2016



Put on weight - the healthy way.

ummer is winding down, the pool parties are coming to an end. Now is the time to start researching ways to put on mass while your not planning to dance shirtless at a beach party. Although, many of us still will be shirtless at an indoor circuit party somewhere in South Florida. However, it’s more socially acceptable to put on a few pounds as we start to enter the holiday seasons. When I talk about gaining mass, I’m not referring to eating burgers and pizza until your heart fails. I’m referring to putting on some healthy weight to allow your muscle to have adequate fuel to burn while hitting it extra hard at the gym. There are many unhealthy ways to put on mass but those often come with negative side effects. Some will go toward steroids while others will use other growth enhancers. Though these may provide quick results, you’ll often see a dramatic loss in mass and strength when you cease to continue taking those enhancers. There are a few natural ways you can gain mass and strength without damaging your body. Below are three healthy alternatives to taking growth enhancers. Mass Gainers - Mass gainers can be found at most supplement stores. They are typically very high in fat and calories. Although they are effective for putting on mass, they can be expensive and difficult to consume the recommend dosage. I’d recommend starting with a quarter to a third of what the instructions say and building up from there. They can also make you feel bloated, so you probably would not want to take it right before the club or a date. Protein - Protein is everything! Most people do not consume enough lean proteins in general. Then when you factor in working out, you are most likely cutting yourself severely short of the recommended protein intake. The National Strength and Conditioning Association recommends 1.5 - 2.0 grams of protein per kilogram of bodyweight. Lean meat consumption should be your first place to look toward increasing, followed by nuts and dairy. There are also a vast number of protein supplements available but if you can get the required amount through eating properly, that should always be the route you choose. Carbohydrates - Carbohydrates are not necessarily your enemy. Your body needs fuel to burn in order to power through your workout and no, Truvada does not count as a carb. Focus on upping your grain and oat intake. Avoid sugar when possible. Whole grain pastas and breads can also be a good source, but again, avoid ones that are loaded with sugar. Remember to start slow and build up. A complete change in your diet is often difficult to adjust to but when making small changes over time, its a much smoother transition. Also, check with your doctor before making any drastic changes to your diet to ensure you may not face any health complications. Additionally, meet with a nutritionist or registered dietitian to create a meal plan that adequately meets your bodies nutritional needs. N If you have additional questions, feel free to message me on Instagram @Danwelden or contact me through my website

SEPTEMBER 1, 2016 33






Check out the 18th Annual Black Party at The Manor, Saturday, September 3 10:30pm.

SEPTEMBER 1, 2016 41

FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 2 VERDICT FRIDAYS, New Gay Hot Spot at Able & Baker Nightclub, 920 Alton Rd, Miami Beach. Friday nights no longer only belong to Fort Lauderdale. Tony Ferro grew to local fame with his association with Score nightclub. Now he’s back with a new party that will surely infuse new energy in the Miami Beach gay nightlife scene. With music by the best DJs in town, $6 well drinks and $5 beers from 11pm til midnight and lots of parking, there’s no reason why your Friday night shouldn’t end at verdict Fridays. Come

out and experience the hot new party that everyone is talking about! TURNABOUT FUNDRAISER, Matty’s Wilton Park, 2100 Wilton Dr, Wilton Manors. Come out and see your favorite bartenders dressed hotter than ever. But they won’t be dressed in polos and nice slacks, catch them in dresses and heels that you wish you could rock. In an effort to raise money for their softball team, Matty’s Wilton Park is having the biggest Turnabout of the year! Kick off your Labor Day weekend with laughter and

SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 3 THE 18TH ANNUAL BLACK PARTY, The Manor Complex, 2345 Wilton Dr, Wilton Manors. Manor is about to shake things up once again with the 18th edition of its Labor Day staple. Black is the party that will ignite your senses and have you in awe. The event will be spectacular thanks to superstar DJ Manny Lehman, tons of hot men and a long list of surprises that will be revealed throughout the night. You can expect all of the things that made you fall in love with Manor with so much more to keep you coming back. Going to the this event is exciting. It is where you see never before seen things and hear never before heard things. Manor is ready to recreate the thrill and excitement that you’ve experienced in years past once again as part of a nightclub experience that you won’t soon forget! With erotic acts, spanking and a whole lot of debauchery, this is the IT party to attend. PIG DANCE, Ramrod, 1508 Northeast 4th Ave, Fort Lauderdale. Are you ready to

joy at Mattys. You can expect the same great drink specials and friendly patrons with a lot more to see and marvel at. BUBBLE GUM FRIDAY, The Manor Complex, 2345 Wilton Dr, Wilton Manors. No cover before midnight for legal Florida residents 21 and older. $12 entrance fee all night for those under 21. $150 Bottle VIP Room specials available. Nothing else on the drive will deliver the hot men, youthful energy and great music like this party will. Fridays are never dull at Bubble Gum Fridays!

get piggy? You know what happens the first Saturday of every month. Step into pig dance for all the debauchery and sweat you can handle in one night. The incredibly popular event will be packed with hot men in minimal clothing. Be prepared to step into the dungeon environment and have the night of your life at pig dance.

WHERE THE BOYS ARE, LeBoy 1243 NE 11 Ave Fort Lauderdale, This upscale gay strip club is were the hot dancers take to the stage at 7 pm with Non-Stop Shows all night. Special guest appearances by adult film stars, drag performances, themed nights. There’s even delicious gourmet BBQ on the outdoor patio.

CLUB BOI 3.0 PRESENTS SEXY SATURDAYS, 1437 Washington Ave, Miami Beach. Club Boi has undergone an evolution over the past few years. Its new home at Score on Saturdays will be a lasting one thanks to DJ Gavin who keeps the crowd on the dance floor all night long, a hot diverse crowd and some the sexiest bartenders in the city. If you are looking for a party with smooth hip hop beats, a fair share of throw back songs that will ignite nostalgia and all of the newest music that’s dominating the charts, this is the place for you to be. You won’t find hotter men anywhere else in Miami than at Club Boi Saturdays at Score.

SATURDAYS HAPPY HOUR, The Floppy Rooster, 7018 NW 72nd Ave, Miami. Give your Saturday night an upgrade at The Floppy Rooster. When you’re hanging at South Florida’s only all nude strip club, there’s never a dull moment. The Gay Bar and nightclub features live all male entertainment performing on a huge main stage. There are 4 VIP rooms for your enjoyment as well as a friction area. Don’t settle for just another Saturday with the same old faces and the same overpriced drinks. Take it to the next level at The Floppy Rooster!

SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 4 CLUB BOI 3.0 PRESENTS HIP SUNDAYS, 1437 Washington Ave, Miami Beach. If you can’t make it to their Hip Hop Saturdays promotion, you will have another chance to turn up at Club Boi on Sunday. If you are looking for a party with smooth hip hop beats, a fair share of throw back songs that will ignite nostalgia and all of the newest music that’s dominating the charts, this is the place for you to be. You won’t find hotter men anywhere else in Miami than at Hip Sundays at Club Boi 3.0. It’s a holiday weekend so come out and enjoy it the fun times. CLASSIC 54 T-DANCE, Hunters Nightclub, 42 SEPTEMBER 1, 2016

2232 Wilton Dr, Wilton Manors, Dj Richie Rich spins the beats with low “T” from 7 pm to 9 pm and high “T” from 9 pm to 2 am. This is the busiest Tdance on the drive for good reason. It has the hottest men, a diverse and friendly crowd and the drinks are more affordable that you might think. End your weekend on a high note at Hunters! This will be the ultimate way to end your Sunday Funday. ROSIE’S FABULOUS SUNDAY BRUNCH, Rosie’s Bar and Grill, 2449 Wilton Dr, Wilton Manors, Enjoy their Sunday brunch starting at 10:00 am to

2:00 pm. Featuring great drink prices, bloody mary’s, mimosa’s and fabulous food. Always busy so get there early. This is the place where you can see and be seen! Come and indulge in the hot men and great food at the popular Rosies! This will be the busiest and most festive Labor Day weekend brunch spot. BOYS IN THE SHOWER SUNDAYS, LeBoy, 1243 NE 11 Ave, Fort Lauderdale, Come get wet and end your weekend on a high note with some of the hottest male dancers in the city. Step into Monday with a smile on your face after a long night of good-looking men at LeBoy.

MONDAY SEPTEMBER 5 SERVICE INDUSTRY NIGHT, Hunters Nightclub 2232 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors FL 33305; 954-630-3556, huntersftlauderdale. com. Do you work in the hospitality field? If so, this party is for you! Come to Hunters and get Happy Hour prices all night. You work hard all the time serving people and putting the customer first. It’s time that someone puts you first and help you save some money! Get your week started with friendly and hot men at Hunters!

COUNTRY QUEEN MONDAYS, Scandals Saloon, 3073 NE 6th Ave,Wilton Manors. We know that Mondays can be tough. In fact, Mondays can downright suck! But don’t let the stress of work get the best of you. Take control of your life and have a cold one at Country Queen Mondays. Sometimes it just takes a cold drink and a friendly bartender to make everything seem better! Take a stroll down to Scandals and partake in the fun Country Queen Mondays!

MONDAYS ARE A DRAG. The Palace Bar, 1200 Ocean Dr, Miami Beach, Those of you that love drag performances will love the drag entertainment almost every night of the week. Tonight is Missy Meyake LePaige. Every queen needs her palace, and that palace is on South Beach, show time is 7:00 pm.

TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 6 PLANETA MACHO, Score Nightclub, 1437 Washington Ave, Miami Beach. Also coined “Latino Tuesdays” by many locals, Score provides the ultimate Tuesday night getaway. With festive beats, hot guys and the most attractive bartenders in the city, Score knows how to give your week the punch that it needs. While the rest of the scene may be quiet, stepping into Planeta Macho

will always lead to a good time. Make your nights memorable. The club is going up on a Tuesday at Score! GET YOUR GAME ON, Rumors Bar & Grill, 2426 Wilton Dr, Wilton Manors, Try your luck, or skill, with poker in the red room from 7:00 pm to 11:00 pm. While your there enjoy some

WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 7 LOUNGE-O-MATIC WEDNESDAYS, Hunters Nightclub, 2232 Wilton Dr, Wilton Manors, classic music from crowd favorite DJ Richie Rich and a menu that dazzles with 8 signature cocktails, lounge-o-matic Wednesdays is the perfect way to kick back and slow down midweek. We know that you have a lot on your plate and juggling work, family and all of the things that complicate life can be difficult. That’s why this event exists. Hunters provides an escape from the norm where everyone is committed to the chill.

2-4-1 UNDERWEAR NIGHT, Smarty Pants, 3038 North Federal Hwy, Fort Lauderdale, Located in Times Square Plaza near the Coral Ridge Mall, Smarty Pants is the perfect conveniently located bar. Close enough to Wilton Manors for an easy commute yet distant enough to give you a break from Wilton Drive. With a friendly, easy-to-approach crowd and warm bartenders, Smarty Pants may very well become your favorite go to bar for a nice low-key night out.

discounted beverages from 9:00 pm to close: $2 domestic, $2.50 imports, and $5 Absolut. INDUSTRY NIGHT, Progress Bar, 2440 Wilton Dr, Wilton Manors, This fun and trendy bar is paying respect to the hard workers of our community with 50 percent off all drinks for those of you who are in the biz. For everyone else enjoy 2-4-1 and $6 Grey Goose flavors. LIP SERVICE WEDNESDAY, Progress Bar, 2440 Wilton Dr, Wilton Manors, Gets a nothing put sweet lips all night long with Amanda Austin and her special guest entertainers. She likes to include the audience too with their own lip-sync contest at 11:30 pm – try your luck at winning the gift package. There’s always a different and fun theme. Can’t wait to see what it is this week!

THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 8 DONOVAN: THE SUNSHINE SUPERMAN 50TH ANNIVERSARY TOUR, Parker Playhouse, 707 NE 8th St, Fort Lauderdale. Sixties rock and folk icon, poet and one of our most enduring singer-songwriters of our time joins us to celebrate his 50th year in the music business with songs from his latest acclaimed album, Donovan Retrospective, featuring hits like “Sunshine Superman,” “Season of the Witch,” “Mellow Yellow,” “The Hurdy Gurdy Man” and the brand new single “One English Summer.” Known as “the British Bob Dylan,” the Songwriters Hall of Fame inductee will engage the audience with his legendary storytelling and share anecdotes about his remarkable career and 44 SEPTEMBER 1, 2016

the songs that made him famous. Tickets start at $33. For more information visit: or contact the box office at 954.462.0222.

LIT THURSDAYS! Georgie’s Alibi Monkey Bar, 2266 Wilton Dr, Wilton Manors, This night belongs to none other than $5 long Island Ice Teas. There’s no better place to start your pre-game for the weekend. The music is great, the crowd is chilled and the drink jogs are huge. What more can you ask for? If you’re looking for a diverse crowd with great energy, this is the only place in the city where you can count on it every single Thursday!

ALL NUDE THURSDAYS. Floppy Roosters, 7020 NW 72nd Ave, Miami, Experience the company men in an all-nude male strip club. All night happy hour drink prices of 2 for 1 domestic beers and well cocktails with discounted private rooms for your pleasure. ANYTHING GOES THURSDAYS, Village Pub, 2283 Wilton Dr, Wilton Manors. Start your weekend off early with drag shows, live entertainment and dance music by Vj Marky Mark. Lots of drink specials all night long.

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