Florida Agenda #100

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H Florida’s Largest LGBT Newspaper and Entertainment Source H

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FALL FOLLIES The Gay Men’s Chorus of Fort Lauderdale will put on a cabaret-style show, from classics to pop, there’s something for everyone. Showing Saturday, Oct. 22 at 7:30 p.m. at the First Church of FTL/UCC. Courtesy, FTL Gay Men’s Chorus

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A Christian Family Coalitions’ poll tried to discredit U.S. Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen. However, there was overwhelming support that she not be removed from her GOP position. Courtesy, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen


US Representative Will Honor Leaders in the GLBT Community By BOB KECSKEMETY Florida’s oldest and largest LGBT political organization, the Dolphin Democratic Club will be holding their annual Dolphin Democrats’ Awards Reception on Sunday, October 23 at the IGFA Fishing Hall of Fame and Museum, 300 Gulf Stream Way in Dania Beach near Griffin Road and I-95. The evening will include a VIP reception and/or cocktail reception in the main lobby from 6 p.m. to 7:15 p.m., with a dinner and awards presentation from 7:15 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. There will also be a silent auction starting at 6 p.m. and ending at 7:45 p.m. This year’s Keynote Speaker will be US Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Representative Wasserman Schultz is also this year’s Honorary Chairperson and she represents Florida District 20 in the House of Representatives. In addition to being in the House, Wasserman Schultz is the Chairperson of the Democratic National Committee. She previously served in the Florida House of

President Barack Obama and Democratic National Committee Chair, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla. step off Air Force One in Miami, Friday, April 29, 2011.



PRIDE RESCHEDULED Orlando’s annual gay pride celebration will now be on Sunday, Nov. 13. The organizers need your help to defray the costs of cancelling the previous event.

Jamie Hubley Takes His Own Life Bullied 15 Year Old Posts Suicide Note on Blog

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BIGGEST GAY HALLOWEEN G.Bar presents their annual Halloween bash starring DJ Manny Lehman on Saturday, Oct. 22 from 8 p.m. to 2 a.m. This year’s theme is “Scared Stiff.” $1 drinks at 9 p.m. Courtesy, Music for Friends Only

Representatives and the Florida Senate. Her district covers parts of Broward and Miami-Dade Counties, including the cities of Fort Lauderdale, Wilton Manors, Oakland Park, and Miami Beach. Wasserman Schultz has been one of the leaders in the House when it comes to equal rights for the gay and lesbian community. As founding Vice-Chair of the House LGBT Caucus, Representative Wasserman Schultz has consistently voted to expand civil rights for the LGBT community by ensuring federal protection from hate-motivated violence and by providing remedies for unfair discrimination in the workplace. She has fought for equality for all of Florida’s families – from full marriage equality to repealing Florida’s painful ban that prohibits gay and lesbian parents from adopting children. Late last year, she voted in favor of repealing the discriminatory “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” that prevented gays ‘DOLPHIN DEMOCRATS’ continues on Page 8

Photo courtesy, AP/Charles Dharapak


Shultz Announced as Keynote Speaker for the Dolphin Democrats Awards Reception


Jamie Hubley 1996 - 2011

Jamie Hubley, a 15-year-old from Ottawa, Canada committed suicide on Saturday after writing openly about depression, bullying and self-harm on his blog. He has spent the past weeks writing heart-wrenching messages and posting disturbing images, all the while stating his treatment for depression was failing. His blog, titled “You Can't Break When You're Already Broken,” is a sad memoir of the 10th grade student's desperate pleas. In a heartbreaking message posted prior to his death, he wrote: “I'm a casualty of love... I hit rock f****** bottom, fell through a crack, now I'm stuck.” He had previously written: “I just want to feel special to someone.” Stephanie Wheeler, a close friend of Hubley told the Ottawa Citizen: “From the outside, he looked like the happiest kid.


He was always smiling and giving everybody hugs in the halls. I just remember him wanting a boyfriend so bad, he'd always ask me to find a boy for him. I think he wanted someone to love him for who he was.” Hubley also posted his suicide note on his blog. He wrote of his love for musicians including Lady Gaga, Adele, Katy Perry and Christina Aguilera. The note also spoke of the pain from both bullying and depression. “I'm tired of life, really. It's so hard, I'm sorry, I can't take it anymore,” his note read. “I don't want my parents to think this is their fault, either. I love my mom and dad. It's just too hard. I don’t want to wait three more years, this hurts too much.” The Kanata teenager also described how he hated being the only ‘JAMIE HUBLEY’ continues on Page 8

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School Board Cuts Ties with Boy Scouts

Tropics Restaurant Robbed

PINELLAS COUNTY, FL – WTVT Fox 13 in Tampa reported last week that the Pinellas County School Board has cut ties with an educational program affiliated with the Boy Scouts. The program, called Learning for Life, was said to be a character education program which teaches students values like respect, responsibility, honesty and fairness. A $54,000 grant would have supported the program at several Pinellas County schools. The school board decided not to fund the program due to the Boy Scouts’ discrimination against gay youth. The Boy Scouts have said that homosexuality is inconsistent with its values. The Supreme Court ruled it is the private organization’s right. H

WILTON, MANORS, FL – Around 1 p.m. on Wednesday, October 19, Tropics Restaurant on the corner of N.E. 20 Street and Wilton Drive was robbed. At press time, details were very sketchy but according to Alesia Furdon, Public Information Officer for the Wilton Manors Police Department, two males entered the restaurant, demanded money and left once they received the cash. No one is yet in custody as police are still working this case. H

Online Poll Shows Support Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen MIAMI, FL – Despite the Christian Family Coalitions attempts to discredit U.S. Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, those taking part in a CFC poll overwhelmingly said she should not be removed from her GOP leadership position. An online poll by the Christian Family Coalition asked the question: “Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen has come out – for ‘homosexual marriage.’ As a Republican leader, she is bound by the party platform which supports marriage as one man, one woman. Should she be removed from her leadership position in the party?” A vast majority of those participating in the poll felt she should not be removed from GOP leadership position. The results were: 8.4% said yes, 91.3% responded no and 0.3% had no opinion. In a written statement from SAVE Dade, “In what was a clear effort to attack Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen for simply representing all of her constituents, the Christian Family Coalition asked their constituents to vote whether or not she should be stripped of her leadership role in the Republican Party. To their surprise 91.3% of their constituents voted NOT to remove her and only 8.5% think she should. In late September, Ros-Lehtinen joined 124 of her colleagues in Congress to cosponsor the Respect for Marriage Act, which would repeal the discriminatory federal ban on marriage for gay and lesbian Americans. Congresswoman RosLehtinen became the first Republican to co-sponsor this historic legislation, opening the door to further bi-partisan support. “The Christian Family Coalition now has their own data pointing to what we already knew; most Americans are in support of full equality for people who are LGBT,” said C.J. Ortuno, Executive Director of SAVE Dade. “This poll should send a clear message to their leadership that their hatred and prejudice is outdated and founded on drunk science – apparently their membership agrees.” H

Protestors Evicted from Wilton Manors Park WILTON MANORS , FL – Less than 24 hours after they began their “Occupy Fort Lauderdale” protest, about 12 people were told via email that they had to leave. Paul Hyman, executive director of the Pride Centre, which owns Equality Park, located at 2040 N. Dixie Highway, explained in the email that there were insurance concerns. The concerns prompted him to pull back the offer that he had extended on Monday after the group were forced out of Bubier Park. Hyman said, “The work of the Occupy movement, and that of Occupy Fort Lauderdale, is highly consistent with our mission.” He continued, “Over time, we would be happy to support the group in other ways.” The protestors were due to meet Tuesday to decide where to take the protest next, according to media coordinator, Maria Garcia.

Orlando Pride Rescheduled ORLANDO, FL – “Come Out with Pride,” Orlando’s annual gay pride celebration, has been rescheduled for Sunday, November 13. “Come Out with Pride” was originally scheduled for Saturday, October 8, but it was cancelled due to inclement weather. The rescheduling is being referred to as “Come Out with Pride – Take Two.” Pride officials said that November 13 was the first available date for the planned Lake Eola Park site. The bad weather, due to a tropical depression over Central Florida that weekend, produced nineteen hours of heavy wind and rain during that weekend and the Orlando pride organization decided to postpone the event to a later date instead of a total cancellation. Other official pride events are being rescheduled, such as the Official Pride Brunch, around the new date. Disney is also back on board for a second shot. According to a written statement by Orlando Pride officials: “Please remember that sponsors and vendors alike spend hundreds and thousands of dollars to mobilize units, staff and in the case of Disney, huge audio equipment for our event. The fact that all have agreed to come back to Pride on November 13 is a testament to their dedication to our community, our cause and our celebration!” However, in another statement, Orlando Pride wrote: “We have a challenge for you. By having to cancel the

event on Saturday October 8 (and to reschedule it to November 13), we have incurred over $15,000 of expenses. While some vendors will be assisting us by reducing or even waiving their costs for TAKE TWO, others are unable to do so and bills are due regardless. Event insurance only covers so much (and is another high expense we can't get our money back for). SO WE NEED YOUR HELP! If each one of our fans was to give ONLY $2 (less than a cup of coffee or an ATM fee or a toll), we would be all set! We are working on fundraisers but we need your help now!” To make a donation to help cover the expenses of changing the date for “Come Out with Pride,” visit www.comeoutwithpride.com/donate.php. H

Margaret Cho to Headline World AIDS Day Rally and March WILTON MANORS, FL – Comedienne Margaret Cho will headline this year’s Broward House’s World AIDS Day Rally and March which will take place starting at 6:30 p.m. in the parking lot of the Shoppes of Wilton Manors on December 1. Following the demonstration, Cho will be performing in a show benefiting Broward House. H

Fall Follies FT. LAUDERDALE, FL – Enjoy an evening with the Fort Lauderdale Gay Men’s Chorus for a Cabaret-style show. The program will include solos, duets and small group selections. From classics to pop, there will be something for everyone. Saturday, October 22 at 7:30 p.m. at the First Congregational Church of Fort Lauderdale/UCC, 2501 N.E. 30 Street in Fort Lauderdale. Tickets are $25 and can be purchased from any member of at their website: www.theftlgmc.org or call (954) 832-0060. The First Congregational Church of Fort Lauderdale is requesting that audience members bring a non-perishable food item to help them support area food benefits. H

“And awaaay we go!” WILTON MANORS, FL – Celebrity impersonator, Michael Walters, better known down here as “Florida’s Own Dame Edna,” went to New York earlier this week to participate in a workshop and audition for a possible musical version of Jackie Gleason’s mid-‘50s television show, “The Honeymooners.” Walters regularly does a Monday night gig with two performances at Alibi as Dame Edna. Walters, however, had been doing impersonations of Jackie Gleason long before adopting the character of Dame Edna. Walter’s Gleason character has the full approval and is licensed by Gleason’s estate and has received the blessing of June Taylor, choreographer of Gleason’s various television series and his sister-inlaw. Walters has also performed as Jackie Gleason in the Jackie Gleason Theater in Miami Beach. The rights to “The Honeymooners” itself is property of CBS. Gleason, himself, had a history in South Florida. In the ‘60s, he moved his

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comedy/variety show from New York and it was produced in Miami in front of a live audience. Gleason was also an avid golfer and moved to Inverrary Country Club in Lauderhill. There he hosted the old National Airlines’ Open golf tournament renaming it the Jackie Gleason/Inverrary Golf Classic, now known as the Honda Golf Classic. Having no New York-based agent, Walters had to pull many strings and make many phone calls to be considered for “The Honeymooners” project. The producers are still working on getting investors and a viable script. “This [impersonating Gleason] is something I put my heart and soul into it for a long time and I hope it pays off,” said Walters. “But that’s the nature of the business. When the opportunity comes, you have to jump on it. But there’s no guarantee.” "They kept me for 40 minutes to read for both Ralph and Gleason," said Walters. "I got big laughs. Then they had me sing again after which director Jerry Mitchell thanked me for a simply superb audition. Even if I don't get this reading, they now know who I am!" But, as Gleason himself would say, “How sweet it is!” H

Making Us Feel Welcome NORTH WALES, U.K. – The North Wales police force will be placing rainbow stickers on the front of their desks in the police stations to make gays and lesbians feel more comfortable about reporting crimes. According to the London Daily Mail, adding the recognizable symbol would reinforce the department’s strong stance on breaking down antiLGBT crimes. H

Openly Gay National Guard Member to Run for Office in Colorado WASHINGTON, D.C. – Taking advantage of the demise of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” Army veteran Brian Carroll has announced his candidacy to run for the U.S. House of Representatives from Colorado’s newly drawn District 28. According to the Huffington Post, Carroll served two tours in Afghanistan and one in Iraq with Army Special Forces Information Management Division, Special Operations Command, and was openly gay in defiance of DADT. While abroad, Carroll specialized in building infrastructure and information technology resources in remote areas. H

“The Kids Are All Right” May Become TV Series HOLLYWOOD, CA – HBO has penned a deal to turn the Oscar-nominated comedy, “The Kids Are All Right,” into a regular, one-hour long series on the premium cable network. Deadline Hollywood reported that that the series will continue the adventures of the five main characters. They were the same-sex partners, their son and daughter and the biological father of the kids who surfaces and tears the family apart. H Continues on NEWS on Page 10

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and lesbians from serving openly in the armed forces. She also supports the Obama administration’s decision to stop defending the unconstitutional “Defense of Marriage Act” (DOMA) in federal court. The annual Dolphin Democrats’ Awards Reception is the premier event that recognizes outstanding leaders who have demonstrated their strength and a vision to improve the lives of the LGBT community and all deserving citizens. Honoring these special members of the community not only celebrates accomplishments and strengths, but also extends hope for the future. The proceeds will benefit the Dolphin Democrats’ 2012 “Get Out the Vote” campaign with a portion going to the Children’s Diagnostic and Treatment Center (children with AIDS), the House of Hope and Stepping Stones. Recipients of this year’s awards are: Jennifer Morales and Laurie Whittaker of Sidelines Sports Bar (Jamie Bloodworth Award); Patricia Windowmaker, Senior Legal Council of the Broward Sheriff ’s Office (Trailblazer Award); Congressman Ted Deutch and Oakland Park Vice Mayor Anne Sallee (Political Alliance Award); Peter Clark of Hotspots! (Media Award); Salvatore Torre (Volunteer of the Year Award); Broward House (Community Service Award); Women in Network (Broward Leadership Award); Tim Ross (Distinguished Service Award); Gail Butler of Auto Nation/Maroone Ford (Humanitarian Award) and Michael Albetta (Dolphin of the Year). “This is not a rubbery chicken political


dinner,” said Richard Cimoch, events cochair for the Dolphin Democrats. “It’s excellent food from some of the finest restaurants.” Food is being provided by Rosie’s, Christina Wan’s, Jet Pizza, Casa D’ Angelo, Beefcakes, Café Seville, Lola’s on Harrison, Moments in Time Catering, Croissan’Time, Pastry Chef Anthony and Sweeter Days. Java Boys are supplying the coffee. New Moon Bar, Sidelines Sports Bar, Boardwalk and The Manor Entertainment Complex are providing the liquor and bar service. Some of the prizes for the silent auction include: a one-week stay at beautiful chalet in North Carolina, a painting by artist Al DiMaio, a photo shoot with Dennis Dean, an autographed photo of race car champion Andy Pilgram, legal services, website design and hosting, wine and liquor baskets, gift certificates, hand-made Christmas wreaths, cleaning and lawn services. Tickets for the Dolphin Democrats’ Awards Reception can be purchased online at their website, www.DolphinDems.org. Individual tickets are $75, which includes the reception, dinner, awards presentation and silent auction. VIP tickets of $150 per person also includes the VIP reception. For additional information, either visit their website or call 866-478-8262. H ‘JAMIE HUBLEY’ Continued from COVER

openly gay boy in his school. His father Allan Hubley, a counselor for the Kanata South district of the city, wrote on his Twitter page after his son's death: “Thank you to all the people sending us messages. Their love for Jamie

will keep us going in our time of need.” Hubley also told CBC News that his son was constantly bullied throughout elementary school and into high school. He said the bullying began when Jamie was in Grade 7 and teens tried to stuff batteries down his throat on the school bus because he was a figure skater. "[Jamie] was the kind of boy that loved everybody," said Hubley, "He couldn't understand why everyone would be so cruel to him about something as simple as skating. He just wanted someone to love him. That's all. And what's wrong with that? Why do people have to be cruel to our children when all they want to do is be loved?" said Hubley, speaking on the phone with the CBC's Ashley Burke. In high school, the relentless bullying was targeted to the fact that Jamie was openly gay. The Ottawa-Carleton District School Board released a statement on Tuesday sending its condolences to the Hubley family. The statement also addressed the subject of bullying. “I couldn’t agree more about the importance of dealing with these issues. These are complex issues that we have to deal with as a community”, said Jennifer Adams, the board's director of education. The case of Jamie Hubley has highlighted the growing awareness of teen depression in Ottawa. He is part of a rash of teen suicides in the Ottawa Valley in 2010 that has forced the communities to design better strategies to address the issue, including identifying signs of depression earlier and removing the stig-


ma surrounding mental health issues. Jamie Hubley struggled with depression for a long time, his father said, but no matter how much his parents tried to help, the teen could not escape his sadness. “I lost a beautiful, beautiful child that was going to make the world a better place. I've been involved in a lot of things in my community ... but I couldn't fix my own boy and that's tearing me apart,” Allan Hubley said. A Facebook page has been set up in Jamie's honor, and his fellow students are planning a memorial performance at his school A.Y. Jackson Secondary. Jamie Hubley’s tragic death comes as “Heroes” star Zachary Quinto revealed on his blog this past weekend that he was gay. His revelation was inspired by the suicide of another schoolboy, Jamey Rodemeyer, 14, who ended his life in September after being severely bullied because he was homosexual. The actor wrote: “In light of Jamey's death, it became clear to me in an instant that living a gay life without publicly acknowledging it is simply not enough to make any significant contribution to the immense work that lies ahead on the road to complete equality. Gay kids need to stop killing themselves because they are made to feel worthless by cruel and relentless bullying.” The Daily Mail reported, “Suicide is the second-leading cause of death for Canadians between the ages of ten and 24 and disproportionately affects gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender youth.” H

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Bloomberg Keeps Promise to Help Pro-Gay GOP State Senators ALBANY, NY – Last week, the four Republican New York state senators who provided enough votes to pass New York’s same-sex marriage bill, got a financial boost from donors such as New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who promised the four lawmakers, “stand with us now, and we will stand with you later.” Other wealthy financiers who support both gay rights and Republican causes offered additional campaign funding for the four senators’ reelection bids. According to the New York Times, a planned fundraiser is expected to raise $1.25 million in campaign funds—money that will be spread among the four senators: Mark J. Grisanti of Buffalo, James S. Alesi of Rochester, Stephen M. Saland of Poughkeepsie and Roy J. McDonald of Saratoga County. In the first six months, state senators averaged about $103,000 each in fundraising capital, according to the New York Public Interest Research Group. The senators have come under heavy criticism from conservatives since they cast their votes in June. A national group that opposes same-sex marriage has purchased billboards in each of their districts, vowing to unseat the lawmakers, and the senators have been eagerly raising money in an effort to defend themselves against possible challengers. According to a Bloomberg spokesperson, the mayor made it very clear early on that he would be a vocal supporter to those senators who stood up and did the right thing in light of a tough political climate. H

Leahy Announces Plans to Schedule Committee Consideration of DOMA Repeal Bill WASHINGTON, D.C. – In a written statement, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy announced last week that he intends to schedule Committee consideration of the Respect for Marriage Act, a bill that would repeal the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), in November. “The march for equality continues, and now is the time to ensure equality for gay and lesbian Americans who are lawfully married,” said Leahy, who is a cosponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act. “Next month, I will call up the Respect for Marriage Act for debate and a vote in the Judiciary Committee. The Respect for Marriage Act would repeal the Defense of Marriage Act, which prevents thousands of American families from being protected by laws that help secure other American families. This is part of the nation’s continuing fight for civil rights for all Americans.” In July, Leahy chaired the first-ever congressional hearing on proposals to repeal DOMA. The Obama administration has announced the President’s support for the Respect for Marriage Act. H


Same-Sex Marriage in Iowa in Jeopardy AMES, IO – Gay rights groups in Iowa are concerned for the future of the state’s gay marriage law allowing same-sex couples to get legally married in the state. Same-sex couples were granted the right to get married in 2009 by a state Supreme Court decision. According to the Daily Iowan, Democrats, who have had long-control of the state’s senate, have been loosing control with their numbers dropping for 27-2 to 26-24 in the November 2010 elections. Since then, Senator Swati Dandekar announced last month that she will be resigning meaning the Democrats are at risk of losing control. The newly-opened seat represents a district that is split evenly among Democratic and Republican voters. H

Bank of America to Reimburse Gay Employees for Excess Taxes CHARLOTTE, NC – Bank of America will reimburse gay employees who insure same-sex partners for the extra federal taxes they pay on health coverage. The reimbursement was announced as part of the company’s open enrollment for health, medical and dental insurance. The Charlotte Observer noted that for heterosexual married couples, employerpaid health benefits for spouses were nontaxable and employees used pre-tax dollars to pay the premiums. However, for gay couples, the benefits were taxable and premiums were paid with after-tax money. H

Gay Veteran to Fight V.A. for Spousal Benefits NEW HAVEN, CT – Three Yale law students have filed a notice of appeal which, for the first time, is asking the Veterans Administration to recognize same-sex marriage. The filing was on behalf of Navy veteran Carmen Cardona who is legally married yet was denied benefits for her wife. According to WTNH-TV in New Haven, Cardona served in the military for 18 years. Shortly after she was honorably discharged in 2000, she began receiving service-related disability benefits from the V.A. for carpal tunnel syndrome that developed as a result of her military duties. In 2010, Cardona legally married her longtime partner in Norwich, Connecticut. She then applied to the V.A. spousal benefits. Military veterans with a service-connected disability of 30% or more are eligible for dependency benefits for their spouses. Cardona is rated 80% disabled by the V.A. She has been told by the V.A. that her wife does not qualify as a dependent. H

New Yorkers Call On Teaching LGBT History NEW YORK, NY – Following in the footsteps of California, advocates rallied on the steps of the New York City hall last

week calling for city schools to teach key moments in LGBT history and portray their contributions in American History. According to New York 1, a resolution has been introduced asking the state’s Department of Education to implement such a curriculum and acquire the textbooks needed to teach it. The announcement was made on National Coming Out Day. DOE officials said they already include the works of many gay artists in class discussions and even have schools named after gay leaders like Bayard Rustin and Harvey Milk. H

New Hampshire Poll Shows Support for Retaining Same-Sex Marriage DURHAM, NH – A new poll shows strong support for allowing same-sex marriage to continue in New Hampshire. WMUR-TV reported that Republicans in the state Legislature are scheduled to take up the issue of same-sex marriage when they reconvene in January. Samesex marriage was passed in 2009, and a poll from the University of New Hampshire Survey Center shows strong opposition to attempts to repeal the law. The survey showed that 44% of New Hampshire adults are more likely to vote against a candidate who is in favor of repealing same-sex marriage, while 14% said they were less likely to support a candidate who opposes repealing the law. H

Harvard Athletes Come Out as Allies CAMBRIDGE, MA – In recognition of National Coming Out Day last week, members of the Harvard University varsity wrestling team posed for a picture on the steps in front of the Malkin Athletic Center wearing gay pride clothing and rainbow pins that read “Proud Ally” instead of their regular team uniforms. Some of the shirts worn by the team, said: “Some Dudes Marry Dudes. Get Over It.” The Harvard Crimson reported that Harvard College Queer Students and Allies co-president Emma Q. Wang said that this year the student group wanted to emphasize the importance of coming out as an ally. H

Clay Aiken and George Takei Part of “Celebrity Apprentice 5” NEW YORK, NY – People Magazine has confirmed that “American Idol”’s Clay Aiken and “Star Trek”’s George Takei are part of the cast for NBC’s fifth season of “Celebrity Apprentice.” The two openly gay celebrities join Adam Carolla, Debbie Gibson, Arsenio Hall, Cheryl Tiegs, Dee Snider, Therese Guidice in the reality competition program starring Donald Trump. H

Mitt Romney Supports “Partnership Agreements” HOPKINTON, NH – In a town hall meeting, Republican presidential candidate, Mitt Romney said that he supports “Partnership Agreements” but does not


support marriage for same-sex couples. According to the Huffington Post, the former Massachusetts governor was bombarded with questions from the audience concerning support for same-sex marriage and funding for AIDS research. According to the Post, it was apparent that Romney wanted to move on to other subjects. Finally, Romney responded that it was his view that they ideal setting for raising a child is when you have the benefit of two people working together, one male and one female. That, he explained, has been recognized as marriage for the last 6,000 years. Romney did say that he supports some form of partnership agreements that would permit things such as hospital visitation rights and similar benefits of that nature. H

Cheerleader Suspended from School After Being Caught Kissing Another Male Student ALICE, TX – A male cheerleader says he was kicked off the cheerleading squad and suspended from Alice High School after being caught kissing another male student. KRIS-TV of Corpus Christi, Texas said the young man was caught by a surveillance camera which led the student to believe he was being watched and targeted by school officials simply because of his sexual orientation. The boy said that public displays of affection are a relatively common occurrence at Alice High School and believes the principal would not have targeted him had he been caught kissing a female student. In a written statement issued Friday, Principal Lucy Munoz said, “the district does not suspend students for kissing other students at school, regardless of the gender of the student.” The statement did not list a specific reason for the student’s suspension, and only said “the matter is still under review by the District.” H

University Shows Interest in Gay Fraternity CEDAR RAPIDS, IO – The University of Iowa is gauging interest for a potential fraternity for gay, bisexual and progressive men. Kelly Jo Karnes, associate director for the Center for Student Involvement and Leadership said it’s the latest effort by the organization to expand the Greek community. The Iowa City Press-Citizen said that UI is interested in starting a local chapter of the Delta Lambda Phi fraternity, a national organization for gay, bisexual and progressive men that was founded in 1986. A Delta Lambda Phi chapter opened at Iowa State University in 2005 and university officials feel it provides a good option for men who feel like they might not fit in with other groups on campus. H

ABC Anchorman Comes Out on National TV NEW YORK, NY – Dan Kloeffler, coanchor of ABC News “World News” show, came out on national TV whilst reporting

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the story of Zach Quinto’s recent public announcement that he is gay. The “star Trek” actor came out saying he had been inspired to do so by the suicide of Jamey Rodemeyer. After reporting the story, Kloeffler told his co-host, Yunji de Nies, that as Quinto was 34 and he is 35, he would consider changing his rules on dating actors. She laughed it off, seemingly not getting the landmark moment. After the broadcast Dan Kloeffler, a former NBC News staffer and MSNBC host, said that he hadn’t come out publically, "even though I've been out to my family, friends and co-workers for years." “In fact, an old boyfriend – now best friend – has always given me a hard time about not doing so,” Kloeffler wrote. "But for the same reason that Zach decided to come out, I too, no longer wanted to hide this part of my life. “There have been too many tragic endings and too many cases of bullying because of intolerance,” he continued. “As a kid I wanted someone to look up to, someone that could relate to the feelings I was having. Most of all, I wanted to know that it would get better.” Kloeffler added: "As a journalist, I don't want to be the story, but as a gay man I don't want to stand silent if I can offer some inspiration or encouragement to kids that might be struggling with who they are." H


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Homophobia is No Longer a Sport Sports has not always been the friendliest industry to the LGBT c o m m u n i t y. Horror stories surrounding sports in high school seem to be the norm for every gay man! With the age-old ideas that gay men are not good at sports, can’t catch a ball, and can’t be trusted in the showers, it really isn’t any wonder that the sports industry and the LGBT community have been at odds. The LGBT community has obviously enjoyed certain sports personalities for the physical specimens they are. David Beckham has graced the cover of Attitude, and is “glad to be a gay icon.” Yet, that aside, the sports industry hasn’t participated with the community. Similar to the military, there was the idea that there is no room for gay people in professional sports, and if you are gay, “don’t ask, don’t tell.” However, 2011 seems to be the year that change is really happening and fast – not only in support but also to encourage a strong alliance between the LGBT community and the sporting community. As society as a whole is becoming more accepting of gay people, gay rights and equality, it seems the sports industry is working hard to break down the barriers. Over the years, there have been groundbreaking events that affected the LGBT community within sport including Renee Richards being allowed to play in the women’s open, the outing of Martina Navratilova, Billie Jean King and Dave Kopay. Yet still there was a huge wave of homophobia. Recent actions show the sports industry is moving forward in leaps and bounds. This year alone, we have had a plethora of stories including Johnny Weir, Will Sheridan, Jared Max, Steve Buckley and others coming out, as well as the emergence of WWE and the NBA’s apparent zero-tolerance policy against homophobic slurs. Kobe Bryant and Joakim Noah got fined substantially, and almost immediately the NBA reacted in a positive way. Not only did they issue the fines and a statement, but they also went a step further and put out a PSA that featured stars like Phoenix Suns' Grant Hill encouraging young people not to use the word "gay" as an insult. The Lakers released their own PSA pointing out the

damaging effect of such language. Then we had Sean Avery, Steve Tisch, Michael Strahan coming out clearly in support of gay marriage, showing the tide is definitely favoring equality even within the supposed homophobic locker rooms of professional sports. Another story that clearly shows the upswing is that Rick Welts has been hired as team president and COO of the Golden State Warriors. Welts came out publically in May of this year, and while his team couldn’t shun or fire him at the time, once he left, no other team had to hire him. But hire him they did. A top level NBA team wanted him, sending a clear message that his reputation and how he did his job was what was relevant. Not his sexuality.

One of the most feared parts of coming out within the sports arena is the bullying, the taunts and the lack of acceptance by teammates, friends and fans – not to mention the possibility of ending their careers. However, it’s important to realize that the fans are also changing. They are becoming more accepting. I imagine the most worrying consequence is creating a division within the

Letters to the Editor DEAR EDITOR, In Florida each year, there are between 9,000 and 10,000 children who are removed from their home because they experienced neglect or abuse at the hands of a family member. It is no longer safe to live at home, at least for a while ... but perhaps forever.* If there are no relatives able to care for them, they are placed in a group home or with a foster family. What sets foster parents apart is their ability to love a child like one of their own, regardless of whether the child lives with them for a month or for more than a year. Foster parents have the


Alex Vaughn

team. In a very recent example, Ohio State rugby player, Nevin Heard, came out to his team mates on MTV for National Coming Out Day. The best part of the video (which can be seen online) is the way his team embraced him. This reaction demonstrates that as the nation and the world changes their reactions towards gay people, team mates are catching up. In the case of Will Sheridan, he had been out to his teammates for the whole time during his 2003-2007 run as forward on the Villanova basketball team. Another advocate for the LGBT community is Ben Cohen. The straight, British rugby star has been touring the world, raising awareness and money for his StandUp foundation. The foundation is the first antibullying initiative. On its website, the welcoming message states, “We stand up against bullying regardless of whom it happens to. Because lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people are often targeted by bullies, we give particular attention to this community. We include removing homophobia from sports as central to our mission.” It also is clear that Ben is one of the “first among straight professional athletes to focus his philanthropic efforts for the benefit of the LGBT community.” His amazing work has paved the way for more straight athletes to come forward against bullying. Many Major League Baseball (MLB) teams including the Boston Red Sox, the San Francisco Giants, Philadelphia Phillies, Tampa Bay Rays and the Chicago Cubs have participated in the “It Gets Better” video project. The project is the brain child of author and gay activist, Dan Savage. The video project has, in eleven months, turned into a worldwide movement, inspiring more than 25,000 user-created videos viewed more than 40 million times. To date, the project has received submissions from celebrities, organizations, activists, politicians and media personalities all telling the LGBT youth that it does get better. This movement towards crushing barriers and ending bullying all together is obviously both necessary and inspiring. The sports industry is doing the right thing and the necessary thing by stepping up to the plate. H


Alex Vaughn is the Editor-in-Chief of the Florida Agenda. He can be reached at editor@FloridaAgenda.com

Please send all your comments and letters to Editor@FloridaAgenda.com

challenging task of providing an atmosphere that helps a child heal and prepare to go back home, if possible, or on to a new permanent home. Foster parents are a vital resource for these children as they wait in limbo, between a past that was painful and a future that is uncertain. The National Youth Advocate Program (NYAP) trains, licenses and manages foster homes for youth that are medically fragile, youth that have difficult behaviors, youth that have a recent history of or current problem with substance abuse, and youth that are gay, lesbian, transgender, bisexual,

or questioning. Although there are many wonderful foster parents in Broward County, there is always a need for more. If you are interested in becoming a foster parent with NYAP or learning more, please call 1-877-692-7226 or 954-596-5284. SINCERELY, WILLIAM A. GREAR NYAP TRAINING COORDINATOR *Information taken from The Department of Children & Families Website







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DISPLAY AD DEADLINES: Placement by Mondays, 5 p.m. Camera Ready Artwork by Mondays, Noon CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINES: Placement by Mondays, 5 p.m. Artwork by Mondays, Noon ALL MATERIAL in the Florida Agenda is protected by federal copyright law and may not be reproduced without the written consent of the Florida Agenda. The sexual orientation of advertisers, photographers, writers and cartoonists published herein is neither inferred or implied. The appearance of names or pictorial representation does not necessarily indicate the sexual orientation of that person or persons. Although this paper is supported by many fine advertisers, the Agenda cannot accept responsibility for claims made by advertisers. EDITORIAL POSITIONS of the Florida Agenda are expressed in editorials and in editors’ notes as determined by the paper’s editors. Other opinions are those of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Florida Agenda or its staff. TO SUBMIT A LETTER OR COMMENTARY: Letters should be fewer than 400 words; commentaries should be fewer than 750 words. Submissions may be edited for content and length, and must include a name, address and phone number for verification. Send submissions by e-mail to Editor@floridaagenda.com by fax to 954-566-7900 or by regular mail to the Agenda office, attn: Letters/Commentary.

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Surviving Cancer with HIV Why South Florida Is Not Where You Want to Get Treatment By COLLEEN ROBB nearly killed him. The surgery left Henry with a gaping wound approximately four to five inches long, two inches deep and two inches wide on each internal butt cheek. After Henry returned home, his dressings needed to be changed at least seven times a day due to bleeding. However, when Henry was discharged from the hospital, they arranged for a nurse to come to change his dressing just once a day. They also failed to provide him with dietary instructions and, as a direct result, Henry suffered from many complications and a lot of unnecessary pain. The only reason Henry was able to survive through the home care process was because his long-time friends flew from San Francisco to help. The nurse showed his friends how to change his dressing. The results of the surgery were disappointing, but Henry’s doctor seemed pleased that only 30% of the skin graft remained intact. Henry’s oncologist recommended chemotherapy and radiation as soon as his wound healed a bit more, and his doctors installed a port in his chest in preparation for treatment. Prior to the chemotherapy and radiation, Henry flew home to San Francisco

where his sister arranged for him to meet with doctors at the UCSF Helen Diller Cancer Center. Upon review of his medical history, and physical examination, the doctor stated that chemotherapy and radiation would be too dangerous for Henry, given his HIV and current condition. The doctor recommended an additional procedure to widen the margins and laser the affected areas, as it was clear the last procedure in Florida was insufficient. All those that know Henry appreciate his enthusiastic and child-like personality. Henry has worked as a hair stylist, dogwalker & dog-sitter, and has always had a creative flair. Henry has a difficult journey ahead of him, but is prepared to continue fighting the cancer. Henry also wants to prevent others from suffering through the poor medical care he was given and is sharing his story so that others can be spared the pain he went through. He is hosting a fundraising event for the UCSF Cancer Center on Sunday, October 23rd at 7 p.m. at the Manor to raise both awareness about this issue and encourage others in the same situation to explore medical options outside South Florida. For more information, please call 954-817-6600. H

Photo courtesy, Henry Martinez

Living with HIV can be challenging; discovering that you have cancer when you are HIV positive can be devastating. Henry Martinez, a resident of Wilton Manors for nearly fifteen years, has made it his mission to not only share his story and raise money for cancer research, but also to let the HIV positive community know that going through treatments in South Florida is not the best option. After a visit to the University of California, San Francisco Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center, Henry discovered that his doctors in South Florida were simply not equipped or prepared to treat someone with cancer who is also HIV positive. The South Florida doctors were too aggressive with surgical procedures, negligent in his recovery process, and recommending treatments that Henry would probably not survive, due to his suppressed immune system. Unfortunately, the discovery that Henry had received sub-standard medical care was made a little too late. Henry has already undergone several surgeries, one of which has left him without an anus, just an opening that allows him to not be dependent on a colostomy bag. The recovery process for this aggressive surgery

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Word Play The Pharmaceutical Shuffle “The Seven Year Itch” By ChRistiaN aLExaNdER As I mentioned previously, if you are watching television for any length of time, some sort of new pharmaceutical product will appear on screen, touting how much better your life will be if you take this drug or that. The thing is you don’t even have to own a television to learn of these new pills. One trip to your doctor’s office, after he or she has been wined and dined by a representative from the drug companies, and he or she will be telling you how wonderful they are too. Pharmacists are not immune either. I have a close friend who works for one of the biggest pharmacies in the country. He informed me that a pharmaceutical representative took not only the pharmacist, but the entire department out to a posh restaurant for dinner where just about the only topic was the new pill he was selling. Doctors and pharmacists aside for a moment, let me take one more journey back to television land. Since every other commercial on TV these days is for some sort of pill, I tend to tune them out or change the channel. On this particular occasion, I had misplaced the remote and since I’ve forgotten how to change the channel manually, I watched the commercials. After learning how to make my whites even brighter, I was pleased to see a very attractive, muscular man climbing up a mountain. I was equally charmed by the next man, also attractive, jumping off a cliff to go hang gliding. I was infatuated with these fine specimens of manhood until I realized what the commercial was about. A drug commercial, to be sure, but a whole new class of drug commercial. This one told me that HIV/AIDS was no longer a death sentence. It had become a “manageable condition.” I would really like to know when exactly that change in thinking happened and who proposed it? That way, I could call a guy who knows a guy in Jersey to give them a “manageable condition.” Fine, there are new treatment options out there for those who are just joining the ranks of the HIV community. But, there are a lot more old dogs like me, who have lost too many friends and loved ones, and perhaps wasted their lives because they were all but told they were dying. For this group, these new medications don’t work. As I’ve done before, I decided to play

detective again and do some research on this new pill that had in one felt swoop changed HIV from a death sentence to a (I love this term) “manageable condition.” I passed over pages and pages of information and the more I read, the more distraught I became. At one point, mid-way through, I had to take one of my tranquilizers again because what I was reading I just refused to accept. This HIV medication that they were advertising as “brand new” was, in fact, just a combination of

three older drugs that have expired patents. The average patent life, by FDA guidelines, is seven years. In combining them, they technically had come up with a new drug and therefore could renew the patent. Oh, but wait, there’s more! Even though the usual patent life is seven years, a manufacturer can tie up the rights to the patent for years after it has expired in litigation. If they don’t want to deal with the lawyers at that point, all they need do is tweak the formula for their drug a little. And this applies to all drugs: antidepressants, heart medication, blood sugar medication, you name it. The most common way of doing this is by taking a drug that, let’s say, you have to take two or three times a day. By taking the exact same pill and making it an extended release formula that need only be taken once, the pharmaceutical company can get a new patent for another several years. So, in theory, as long as the industry has a lot of good lawyers and a lot of good chemists, they can keep charging as much as they please for medication. Moral of the story: Always be sure you know what you’re putting in your mouth! H

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Breast Cancer Treatments Third in the Series Recognizing Breast Cancer Awareness Month By BOB KECsKEmEty Thanks to improvements in treatment and early detection, millions of women are surviving breast cancer today. This information briefly represents the views of the doctors and nurses serving on the American Cancer Society's Cancer Information Database Editorial Board. These views are based on their interpretation of studies published in medical journals, as well as their own professional experience. Your doctor may have reasons for suggesting a treatment plan different from these general treatment options. Don't hesitate to ask him or her questions about your treatment options. Treatments can be classified into broad groups, based on how they work and when they are used. Local therapy is intended to treat a tumor at the site without affecting the rest of the body. Surgery and radiation therapy are examples of local therapies. Systemic therapy refers to drugs which can be given by mouth or directly into the bloodstream to reach cancer cells anywhere in the body. Chemotherapy, hormone therapy, and targeted therapy are systemic therapies. Patients who have no detectable cancer after surgery are often given adjuvant (additional) systemic therapy. Doctors believe that in some cases cancer cells

may break away from the primary breast tumor and begin to spread through the body by way of the bloodstream even in the early stages of the disease.

Surgery Most women with breast cancer have some type of surgery. Surgery is often needed to remove a breast tumor. Options for this include breast-conserving surgery and mastectomy. Breast reconstruction can be done at the same time as the mastectomy or done later on. Breast-conserving surgery is sometimes called partial mastectomy. It only removes a part of the affected breast, but how much is removed depends on the size and location of the tumor and other factors. Lumpectomy removes only the breast lump and a surrounding margin of normal tissue. Radiation therapy is usually given after a lumpectomy. For a quadrantectomy, one-quarter of the breast is removed. Radiation therapy is usually given after surgery. Mastectomy is surgery to remove the entire breast. All of the breast tissue is removed, sometimes along with other nearby tissues. In a simple mastectomy, the surgeon removes the entire breast, including the nipple, but does not remove

underarm lymph nodes or muscle tissue from beneath the breast. Sometimes this is done for both breasts (a double mastectomy), especially when it is done as preventive surgery in women at very high risk for breast cancer. For some women considering immediate reconstruction, a skin-sparing mastectomy can be done. In this procedure, most of the skin over the breast (other than the nipple and areola) is left intact. This can work as well as a simple mastectomy. In radical mastectomy, the surgeon removes the entire breast, auxiliary lymph nodes and the pectoral muscles under the breast. This surgery was once very common, but it was found that a modified radical mastectomy was just as effective. For many, the thought of surgery can be frightening. But with a better understanding of what to expect before, during, and after the operation, many fears can be relieved. The common biopsy procedures let you find out if you have breast cancer within a few days of your biopsy, but the extent of the breast cancer will not be known until after imaging tests and the surgery for local treatment are done. Usually, you meet with your surgeon a few days before the operation to discuss the procedure. This is a good time to ask specific questions about the surgery and review potential risks. Be sure you understand what the extent of the surgery is likely to be and what you should expect afterward. If you are thinking about breast reconstruction, ask about this as well.


Radiation Therapy Radiation therapy is treatment with high-energy rays or particles that destroy cancer cells. This treatment may be used to kill any cancer cells that remain in the breast, chest wall, or underarm area after breast-conserving surgery. Radiation may also be needed after mastectomy in patients with either a cancer larger than 5 cm in size, or when cancer is found in the lymph nodes. External beam radiation is the most common type of radiation therapy for women with breast cancer. The radiation is focused from a machine outside the body on the area affected by the cancer. Brachytherapy, also known as internal radiation, is another way to deliver radiation therapy. Instead of aiming radiation beams from outside the body, radioactive seeds or pellets are placed directly into the breast tissue next to the cancer. It is often used as a way to add an extra boost of radiation to the tumor site (along with external radiation to the whole breast), although it may also be used by itself.

Chemotherapy Chemotherapy is treatment with cancer-killing drugs that may be given intravenously or by mouth. The drugs travel through the bloodstream to reach cancer cells in most parts of the body. Chemo is given in cycles, with each period of treatment followed by a recovery period. Treatment usually lasts for several months. H Source: American Cancer Society

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“The Perfect Key Lime Pie” By AJ CROSS I love key lime pie. It is my favorite dessert of all time. The problem with having a favorite dessert is that there is no compensating for taste. Cost is not an issue when it comes to satisfying that particular craving. The difficulty, however, is locating that one perfect slice. It has to be the perfect texture, temperature, crust, density and taste. I have regretfully eaten a key lime pie which was described and marketed as the “perfect” key lime pie. Unfortunately, it was anything but. That sour, dry and mushy kind of pie left a horrible impression and was an insult to my taste buds. Well finding the perfect piece of pie is not dissimilar to finding the perfect lover. Sure at first their look is right; their body is appealing and their smile, like the sign which reads “the perfect pie,” draws you in. Everything seems in order and then you close your eyes, open your mouth and take that first bite. Not quite what you had expected at all and you realize there is no reason to continue, and then that familiar taste of disappointment creeps in. Then you realize what the mistake was; you went searching for perfection. When you set out looking for something, it is rare that you find it. Usually it finds you. Even then, it is important to know that perfection is not obtainable. Everything comes short of our greatest expectations. The saying “you can’t love someone in slices” is appropriate for this week’s column. We must learn to be realistic and to understand that just as someone has to take good and bad together, we must extend them the same courtesy. You have to decide what the most important characteristics and traits are and hope that through compromise and work that the rest falls into place. You have to be true to yourself and your needs, yet also be sensitive to theirs. That is the hardest balance to find in seeking a lover. So many people think that if the relationship takes work, then it is not meant to be. Why is

that? If you work hard to be successful; work hard to be a good person; work hard to impress society, then why would something so important like finding a lover not be worthy of a little hard work? Even when there are recipes out there for the perfect key lime pie, people still get it wrong. There is no recipe for the perfect relationship, and anyone who has been in one for any significant amount of time will tell you that there is no magic or instructions to give. It just takes a willingness to blend two different lives and personalities into one that is harmonious. Don’t go chasing it. Don’t waste time putting yourself out there for someone that is simply an option to you, or worse, considers you one. Make a conscious decision about someone. Let more than looks, or popularity or their material trappings lean you toward pursuing someone. Be ready for all the would-be perfect pies and know that it will be when you least expect it that the perfect pie will present itself to you. When that happens, grab your fork and dig in. I have had very good pie but I have yet to find the “perfect key lime pie.” I know with certainty though that it is out there and when I find it, I will take it on slice by slice. H

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Power Couple By NiChOLas sNOW Both Lisa Thrasher and Stacy Codikow—the duo at the helm of POWER UP (the Professional Organization of Women in Entertainment Reaching Up) concede they were introduced by a friend (Dr. Alicia Burke), but Stacy provided more details. “We met at a POWER UP pool party,” she explained. “My chiropractor had been trying to set us up for a while. I’m sitting at the pool party and I see this girl walk across the party in what I thought was a three-piece black suit in 100 degree weather. I remember thinking to myself, ‘Who the hell would wear a black threepiece suit to a pool party? This girl must be dying.’ I just thought she was insane. Lisa spotted me and as always I was wearing pajama bottoms. Lisa thought to herself, ‘Who the hell would wear pajamas to a pool party?’ We said, ‘Hi.’ The next time we met, again at a POWER UP event, we realized we had been running in the same circles for years and had a lot of friends in common. The rest is history.” According to Lisa, it was love at first sight, but they have no plans to get married, as she explained, “We are both hippies at heart and enjoy the unconventional path,” and added, “My father was a civil rights attorney and Stacy’s father was a holocaust survivor, so individual freedoms and equality are exceptionally important to us both.” POWER UP, the only 501(c)3 non-profit film production company and educational organization for women and the GLBTQ community. It was conceived in October 2000 with the mission “to promote the visibility and integration of gay women in entertainment, arts and all forms of media.” Beamed Stacy, “Challenging perception through film” is one of POWER UP's greatest accomplishments and gifts.” POWER UP, “develops, finances, produces and distributes award winning films; conducts tremendously successful educational programs through our hands-on filmmaking mentorships, classes, workshops and seminars; provides career, script, television and film counseling; publishes a magazine; awards notable contributors to the arts, entertainment and our community; bolsters our community; and unifies and validates GLBTQ persons all around the world via our films.” Over the past 10 years, POWER UP, its films, and awardees have garnered much respect and media attention as have POWER UP's “10 Amazing Gay Women in Showbiz.” These awards were even spoofed on Saturday Night Live by host and POWER UP awardee Ellen DeGeneres. Moreover, the awardees were even congratulated directly by Vermont Governor Howard Dean while he was running for the Presidential nomination for the Democratic Party. The one thing that has changed about

POWER UP in its eleven years history is that, in 2009, they officially brought men into the fold at every level of the organization. As for Stacy and Lisa, they’re very busy beyond the organization as well. Lisa produced Cherien Dabis’ “Memoirs of an Evil Stepmother” teaches, and is producing a film about South Africa, while Stacy is writing a book, a script, runs another business, and also teaches. I was surprised to learn during the interview that the couple now calls Palm Springs home in addition to L.A. Lisa shared, “We love the pride and graciousness of Palm Springs and its GLBTQ community. We decided to set Palm Springs as the location of our next film and look forward to integrating POWER UP into this wonderful oasis.” “Die, Angelo, Die,” a black comedy thriller, Stacy explained, “was written to be shot in Palm Springs, and we have been scouting locations and landmark sites to use in the film. We want to tap into the local community to be a part of this project as well, from extras to crew and, of course, donors and supporters are always encouraged.”

Lisa Thrasher and Stacy Codikow

Photo courtesy, Elisabeth Caren

Among their accomplishments, Stacy explained, “I am so proud of our mentorship program, which is the only program out there that teaches on the set of a professional movie. It's 50% boot camp, 50% university and 100% awesome. The POWER UP Filmmaking Mentorship Program is not for the faint of heart. I overheard on the set probably the best expressed sentiments of the mentees, explaining, ‘There's no other place where one can get this much access and education. It’s like film school meets the Universal Studios tour with a trip to Fantasy Island thrown in!’” For more information about everything POWER UP, visit www.powerupfilms.org. H


Follow Nicholas Snow online at www.Faceb ook.com/SnowbizNow, www.Twitter.com/SnowbizNow, and at www.SnowbizNow.com. Follow “The Power To Be Strong” HIV Testing/ Safer Sex Awareness Campaign at www.Facebook.com/PowerToBeStrong.

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Travel | Dining | Entertainment | Recipe | Profile | Nutrition | Out In Florida | Statewide Bar Guide

WHAT’S INSIDE? n this week’s Style & Entertainment, we get up close and personal with the Queens of Lips, the “Dragalicious Divas” are celebrating their fourth year in Fort Lauderdale in Entertainment; Andy Kress enlightens us on some exciting ways to cut down the fat and sugar content in our favorite cookies and cakes in Nutrition; and Tim Slivinski examines why J Mark’s is still going strong after a year in their Fort Lauderdale location in Dining. We also have an exciting interview with DJ TPROMIX, who is celebrating 25 years at the helm of the turntables in Profile; a delectable recipe for Salad Lyonnaise in Recipe; and Paul Rubio’s journey through Malaysia, including the world’s former tallest building in Travel. We also have your favorites, Out in Florida and our statewide Bar Guide. Enjoy! H – AV



Asia’s Cultural Melting Pot

Travel PAGE 37



The Ladies of Lips Restaurant & Nightclub are Dragalicious!

Entertainment PAGE 30

Dining PAGE PAGE42 42

GUILT-FREE CAKES, GUILT-FREE CAKES, COOKIES & DESSERTS COOKIES & DESSERTS All All of of the the Taste, Taste, None None of of the the Sin Sin

Nutrition PAGE 39 Photos courtesy, Paul Rubio, Toby Blades, Petite Chef, J Mark’s Restaurant

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FORT LAUDERDALE/WILTON MANORS ALIBI 2266 Wilton Drive, Wilton Manors Gayborhood tradition since 1997. Comfortable, inviting atmosphere with indoor video bars, outdoor drinking and dining. Drink specials all week, with mammoth 22-ounce Long Island Iced Teas for $3 on Thursdays ATOMIC/BOOM 2232 Wilton Drive, Wilton Manors The bar with two names features a dance club and Gayborhood bar. Drag Bingo on Mondays, karaoke Mondays and Tuesdays, dance music Fridays and Saturdays, and (indoor) Sunday T-Dance. BILL’S FILLING STATION 2209 Wilton Drive, Wilton Manors Videos, pool tables, dart boards, dance floor, happy hour, live shows, Tuesday and Thursday karaoke – and great burgers, to boot. Fun and friendly truck-stop-themed bar. BOARDWALK 1721 N Andrews Ave., Fort Lauderdale Over 100 of the sexiest men from all over the world. Go-go dancers, cages, billiards, 2-4-1 Happy Hours. Drag emcees and did we mention the Boys? CORNER PUB 1915 N Andrews Ave., Wilton Manors Friendly atmosphere, unpretentious clientele and staff. Next to Island City Pizza (so you can get your drink AND your slice on). CUBBY HOLE 823 N Federal Hwy., Fort Lauderdale Butch bar and grill with a rockin’ daytime crowd (and a fun nighttime one, too). Fifty cent pool, 2-for-1 drinks all day every day, video games, hot movies on HDTV and DirecTV. Thursdays it’s Bare Bear Chest Night, and every Friday and Saturday the fur flies with Hot Bears on Poles (where their Grizzlies Grind)! DEPOT CABANA BAR AND GRILL 2935 N Federal Hwy., Fort Lauderdale Adjacent to the America’s Best Inn and Suites. Pool open daily – No Cover or Day Pass. Great food, daily happy hour, Sunday afternoon T-Dance Poolside. Karaoke and live music. Open daily at 11:30 a.m. DUDES 3270 NE 33rd St., Fort Lauderdale Men dancing for men. Hot go-go boys in an upscale atmosphere, piano lounge for more quiet interludes. Steamy shower shows. JOHNNY’S 1116 W Broward Blvd., Fort Lauderdale Club, bar, lounge. Male dancers and the men who love (to ogle) them. Sunday amateur strip contest (and karaoke!). LIPS 1421 E Oakland Park Blvd., Oakland Park The Ultimate in Drag Dining. Dinner and shows six nights a week. Sunday Gospel Brunch with the Sisters of Sequins. LIVING ROOM 300 SW 1st Ave., Fort Lauderdale Fort Lauderdale Arts & Entertainment District meets South Beach. Friday nights they’re here, they’re queer, and they drink free from 10:30(ish) to Midnight. Only House Music club in town with its own Classical (and classicallychiseled) violinist. THE MANOR 2345 Wilton Drive, Wilton Manors WeHo vibe (think: LA’s The Abbey) in the heart of the Gayborhood. Dine, drink, dance, play, mingle. Theme rooms (salsa and merengue every weekend in the Latin Quarter!). Live dancing and dining.


PJ’S CORNER POCKET 924 N Flagler Dr., Fort Lauderdale Friendly neighborhood interracial bar with drinks specials every night of the week including, “In the Biz Mondays” at 9 p.m. with 2-4-1 drinks and $3 Cosmos and Apple Martinis, “Splash Friday’s” wet underwear contest, and Sunday’s pool tournament, both with a $50 cash prize! RAMROD 1508 NE 4th Ave., Fort Lauderdale Voted World’s Favorite Leather Bar. Pig Dance first Saturday of the month – South Florida’s Busiest, Craziest Monthly Party (with caged hunks at Midnight on Saturdays – is there a downside to this?). ROSIE’S BAR & GRILL 2449 Wilton Dr., Wilton Manors Nexus of the A-Gay List. Be Seen in the Scene (without making one). Food, folks, libations, and a killer Sunday Funday. SCANDALS SALOON 3073 NE 6th Ave., Wilton Manors A line-dancin’, tight blue jeans-wearin’ good time. Country and western music, two-steppin’, three-steppin’, pool tables, and themed events year ‘round. Cowboys and Indians was never this much fun, Pilgrim. SIDELINES 2031 Wilton Drive, Wilton Manors Where Sports come first. Nationally known destination sports bar with TVs streaming NFL, MLB, NBA and college games. Pool tables, dart boards and large indoor (and now smoke-free) facility. Outdoor patio features area for smokers. Mixed crowd of gay men and women (who would have thought?). Featured in Bloomberg Businessweek and recommended by LOGO. STABLE 205 E Oakland Park Blvd., Fort Lauderdale Levis-and-leather neighborhood bar, where the bears line dance and the cowboys are VERY friendly. SMARTY PANTS 2400 E Oakland Park Blvd., Fort Lauderdale Cozy neighborhood bar with daily happy hour, and regular patrons. Show night Thursdays at 9 p.m. Karaoke Friday and Saturday nights, and with matinee on Sunday afternoon.

SCORE 727 Lincoln Rd., Miami Beach Dance, drink, party all night on Miami Beach’s Lincoln Road. Tons of events throughout the year, including fundraisers for Winter Party, White Party, and Miami Beach Gay Pride. SPACE 34 NE 11th St., Miami Mingle and mix with gays and str8s in the heart of Downtown Miami. Indoor dance floors and outdoor rooftop bar, spectacular light show. TWIST 1057 Washington Ave., Miami Beach Great music, friendly staff, hot tourists and locals. Never a cover, always a groove. Bungalow Bar = Hot Men. In SoBe’s Art Deco District. JOHNNY’S MIAMI 62 NE 14th Street, Downtown Miami Club, bar and lounge. Johnny’s Miami boasts the best sound system in town! Plenty of safe, secured parking. Open 5pm to 5am daily. Hot male dancers and daily drink specials.

ORLANDO/CENTRAL FLORIDA HANKS 5026 Edgewater Dr., Orlando, FL Friendly local bar with a cruisy attitude. One of Orlando’s oldest and friendliest Gay bars. Beer and Wine. Pool Tables, Video Games and a Large Patio area. HAMBURGER MARY’S BAR & GRILL 110 W Church St., Orlando, FL Eat, Drink & Be Mary! Tuesday BINGO with Miss Sammy & Carol Lee, Wednesday Trivia with Doug Bouser and Leigh Shannon’s Cabaret Dinner Show is every Saturday, 7:30 p.m. PARLIAMENT HOUSE 410 N Orange Blossom Trail, Orlando, FL All gay entertainment complex with 130 newly-remodeled hotel rooms. Cruisy Hotel, Nightclub, Pool Bar, Bear/Leather Bar.

TORPEDO 2829 W Broward Blvd., Fort Lauderdale Dance, shoot pool, drink til 4 a.m., 7 nights a week. Doors open at Midnight; dance til Dawn.

NEW PHOENIX 7124 Aloma Ave., Winter Park, FL Winter Park’s ONLY Gay & Lesbian Bar. Been There Forever! Karaoke every Tuesday and Friday at 9 p.m. Drag shows every Saturday night. Home of the $1 Jello shots.

VOODOO LOUNGE 111 SW 2nd Ave., Fort Lauderdale Gay and mixed every Sunday, with afternoon T-Dance and drink specials, then the popular Life’s a Drag show with gobs of female impersonators, hot dudes and the chicks who want to change them.

PULSE 1912 S Orange Ave., Orlando, FL Orlando’s Premier Gay Bar & Nightclub with Ultra Lounge, Jewel Box Dance Floor, and Adonis Dancers. Twisted Tuesdays with $10 All-U-Can Drink, College Wednesdays (18+) and 2-4-1 every Friday for Happy Hour.

WHISKEY BLUE 401 N Fort Lauderdale Beach Blvd., Fort Lauderdale In the W Hotel on Fort Lauderdale Beach, downstairs it’s the elegant Whiskey Blue, upstairs the luxe Living Room: hot dance and social settings in a distinctive atmosphere with signature cocktails and upscale patrons. Indoor and outdoor lounges.

SAVOY ORLANDO 1913 N Orange Ave., Orlando, FL “The hottest” gay bar and nightclub in Orlando. The MEN OF SAVOY Dancers from 6 p.m. til 2 a.m. every night in the main bar! Video Bar, Pool Tables.

MIAMI/MIAMI BEACH BAR 721 721 N Lincoln Lane, Miami Beach Plush, lush and flush, a luxe, sexy décor that includes soft carpeting, comfy couches and a Grown Up Playroom equipped with a flat screen TV for video games, pool table, ceiling-mounted speakers. Enjoy 5 to 10 p.m. happy hours including $6 premium drinks.

MATTY’S ON THE DRIVE 2426 Wilton Drive, Wilton Manors Drink specials, billiards, and a chill gayborhood vibe. 75 Cent drinks on Wednesdays. No Drama, No Smoking.

CLUB BOI 777 NE 79 St., Miami With an urban vibe on the weekends, a diverse crowd and a diverse musical format, including Hip Hop, R&B, House, Reggae, Soca, Latin and Old School. Go-go bois and drink specials.

MONKEY BUSINESS 2740 N Andrews Ave., Fort Lauderdale Cozy neighborhood bar. Karaoke, drag shows, Patio Bar – and open at 9 a.m. daily.

CLUB SUGAR 2301 SW 32nd Ave., Miami Gay Latin scene, with Salsa, Merengue, Reggaeton, Hip Hop and House music always playing.

MONA’S 502 E Sunrise Blvd., Fort Lauderdale Cocktail Lounge in the heart of Searstown. Fun customers, fun bartenders and fun proprietor (the Legendary Jerry). Outside patio. Wednesday karaoke, Thursday Speedball Tournament.

DISCOTEKKA 950 NE 2nd Ave., Miami Hot music, hot scene, hot bartenders, and hot patrons in the hot heart of Downtown Miami.

NAKED GRAPE 2163 Wilton Drive, Wilton Manors Relaxing, friendly, hip, unique – the alternative gathering place on Wilton Drive. Wine tastings and events. Tuesday and Wednesday Late Night In the Biz.

PALACE BAR 1200 Ocean Drive, Miami Beach This bar and restaurant in the heart of South Beach’s Art Deco District. Mouth-watering burgers, boys (and girls!). Weekend cabaret shows Thursday through Sunday.

MOVA LOUNGE 1625 Michigan Ave., Miami Beach On Miami Beach’s famed Lincoln Road, never a cover. Drink specials all week long, live DJs, high energy music and a fun crowd getting their dance on til late.

WYLDE'S 3557 S Orange Ave., Orlando, FL Neighborhood bar South of Downtown Orlando. Jukebox, Video Games, Pool Tables and Dancers. PARADISE ORLANDO 1300 N Mills Ave, Orlando, FL Orlando’s casual Gay & Lesbian bar and nightclub. Patio, Tiki Bar and Pool Tables. Happy Hour 4 til 9 p.m. and drink specials every day til 9 p.m. BAR CODES (Formerly Bear Bar) 4453 Edgewater Dr., Orlando, FL Friendly Bar, Real Men and Bears... Oh My! Beer and Wine. Tends to attract the after work Happy Hour crowd.

TAMPA BAY 2606 2606 N Armenia Ave., Tampa, FL Tampa's favorite Levi/leather bar has two floors (dimly lit), with the upstairs being the more cruisy. There's Hog House shop on-premises, and the 2606 is home to the Tampa Leather Club. Monday is Underwear Night, Tuesdays are $1 drinks and on Wednesdays, Longnecks are just $1.50. AZALEA LOUNGE 1502 N Florida Ave., Tampa, FL Exposed brick, cold beverages and friendly staff are the mainstays of the recently bloomed Florida Avenue flower! Neighborhood bar, pool tables. BAXTER'S LOUNGE 1519 S Dale Mabry, Tampa, FL Tampa Happy Hour Tradition. Serving up some of the hottest dancers Wednesday thru Saturday nights at 10PM.


FLIRT NIGHTCLUB & SHOWBAR 1909 N 15th St., Tampa, FL (Ybor City) Get that hometown feeling. Amazing lazer shows, big headliners and has been around for 6 years. CITY SIDE 3703 Henderson Blvd., Tampa, FL Tampa Bay’s “Best Happy Hour” til Midnight every night of the week. GBAR 1401 E 7th Ave., Tampa (Ybor City), FL Dance Club & Video Bar. Open Tuesday through Saturday, 4 p.m. til 3 a.m. No cover before 10 p.m., $5 after with ID. VALENTINES NIGHTCLUB 7522 N Armenia Ave., Tampa, FL Voted #1 Nightclub in Tampa. Open 7 days a week 3 p.m. to 3 a.m. Monday, Latin Night, Tuesdays are Boys Night Out, Wednesdays are Karaoke Night, Thursdays, No Cover Dance Party, Fridays feature Hot Go-Go Girls, Saturdays are Latino Night “Uncut” and Sundays are Hip Hop Night. Ki Ki Ki III 1908 W Kennedy Blvd., Tampa, FL One of The Oldest Bars (beer and wine). A plain bar without pretention with its share of young regulars. RAINBOW ROOM 421 S MacDill Ave., Tampa, FL A mix between a neighborhood bar and a community center. Main bar with pool, darts, jukebox. Outdoor Tiki patio has a full volleyball court and live bands. Beer & Wine.

ST. PETERSBURG GEORGIES ALIBI 3100 3rd Ave. North, St. Petersburg, FL One of the most popular gay bars in St. Pete. It’s always busy! Great VJ’s play Top 40 music. Mondays are Drag BINGO and Talent contest, Pool tourney Wednesdays, and the legendary Long Island Iced Tea nights on Thursdays. Ages 21 and over, never a cover! FLAMINGO RESORT 4601 34th St. South, St. Petersburg, FL Florida’s “largest, luxury all gay resort.” Non-stop entertainment, great menu, and drinks served poolside at the Cabana. Weekly events and 2-4-1 Happy Hour daily from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday Happy Hour ($1 off) 11 a.m to 9 p.m. GEMINI LOUNGE 2315 Central Ave., St. Petersburg, FL Gemini Lounge aims to serve a variety of tastes; music, karaoke, Internet access, poetry readings and sports on TV. OAR HOUSE BAR & LIQUOR STORE 4807 22nd Ave. South, St. Petersburg, FL Fun, friendly, laid-back atmosphere where you can get great drinks at cheap prices! Drama free! Happy Hour daily from 2 p.m. til 9 p.m. HAYMARKET PUB 8308 4th St. North, St. Petersburg, FL More of a Men’s bar. Showing hot videos, beer specials, Saturday Underwear Night, and different events each week. HIDEAWAY 8302 4th St. North, St. Petersburg, FL The oldest Womyn’s bar in the country. Where music is always the main entree! Coldest selection of beer in town. DETOUR 2612 Central Ave., St. Petersburg, FL The hottest club in St. Pete. Daily specials, karaoke nights and gogo boys from Rico's Men. Noted for it’s Saturday Drag shows and Karaoke nights. Full liquor bar.

MELBOURNE/COCOA COLD KEG NIGHTCLUB 4060 W New Haven Ave., Melbourne, FL Largest Gay Club in Melbourne Florida and the Premier Gay Bar & Nightclub in Brevard County. ULTRA LOUNGE 407 Brevard Ave., Cocoa, FL Nestled in Cocoa Village, this bar has a full coffee bar, serving espresso, lattes, cappuccinos as well as draft beers & wine.

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Wet, Plump and Freshly Glossed The Ladies of Lips Restaurant & Nightclub are Dragalicious!

Photos courtesy, Toby Blades

The The showgirls showgirls of of Lips: Lips: (top (top row) row) Twat, Twat, Velvet, Velvet, Alexis, Alexis, April, April, Chocolatta, Chocolatta, Jennifer Jennifer (middle (middle row) row) Nicolette, Nicolette, Diva, Diva, Misty, Misty, (bottom (bottom row) row) Nicole, Nicole, Charlize, Charlize, Deja, Deja, and and Franchesque. Franchesque

To enter the queendom of Lips, the restaurant, nightclub and show palace, is to enter a place that lavishes enchantment right along with its signature knock-you-on your-ass frozen cosmos. It’s not just the chandeliers shaped like stiletto pumps or the gauzy drapes in fuchsias and limes and the occasional tangerine. Nor is it the stage no larger than a postage stamp decked out with more tinsel than the Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center. It’s not even the food, though the menu, heavy on large portions and sauced dishes, is quite good. No. This queendom is special because of its royalty – the multi-talented assortment of drag stars and their transsexual

equivalents who perform Tuesday through Sunday in an ever-changing kaleidoscope of feathers, sequins, pushup bras, and wigs the size of Cincinnati. With names like Velvet, Deja, Franchesque, Charlize, Nicole, April, Chocolatta, Jennifer, Charity, Martina and Champagne, they sweep, wiggle, and saunter their way through numbers that are bawdy, brazen, and cosmically comic mixing generations, genders and polite bodily movements in a ratatouille of wit and wisdom, all girdled in bustiers. This mélange of crowns, tiaras and rhinestone excess is the responsibility of Yvonne Lamé – the Southern Belle who created the concept over thirteen years

ago in New York, where all things are apparently possible, opening the first Lips in Greenwich Village. Several years later, an off-spring sprouted like a wild orchid in San Diego, to equal critical acclaim. Four years ago next month, Lips Fort Lauderdale was born. In a city where drag is as common as seashells, the unique collection of talent at Lips brought gays, straights, and other unidentified lifestyles and whipped them into a fricassee of excitement, themed to various nights of the week. Each has a hostess who reigns over their evening, shedding joy like confetti on New Year’s Eve. And it is to these four super-drags, if you will, that we pay

homage with a curtsey and bow. After all, royalty they are and royalty they shall always be.

DIVA The Queen Bee of the bunch reigning supreme on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday evenings is the blonde and bejeweled Diva – no last name necessary. “I started out as a window dresser at Marshall Field’s in Chicago in the 80s,” Diva remembers. “It was really the dream job for a budding drag queen, having access to every department in this enormous department store that had a little of everything. The drag part came as the result of a dare – when friends

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coaxed me into entering a talent contest at a Chicago bar called Off Broadway. It wasn’t a drag talent contest per se, but I dolled up in full ensemble, and Diva ended up winning the show! “I’ve never been good at reading the fine print, but as it turned out, in order to collect my $100 prize money, I had to make a second appearance at the place the following week. For some reason, the hostess for the evening was a no-show. The club’s owner asked me to fill in, and I had such a good time, I stayed on for the next two years – hosting the event every Monday night! “When Marshall Field’s got bought out by Macy’s, I got transferred to Florida to do the windows in a new store being built at Broward Mall in Plantation, and ended up supplementing my income by doing drag at the old Boardwalk in North Miami Beach. At the time, I never thought of it as a career. That happened the moment I realized that I was earning more money doing drag on the weekends than I was Monday-Friday at my day job,” Diva reveals. There were pit stops in Miami, OpaLocka, and Hialeah, before Diva became a Fort Lauderdale fixture at the original Trannie Shack show at Elements, housed in the building where the current Scandals bar is located. “The owners of Lips saw me at Elements, offered me a job at their club— then under construction and I’ve been working the room ever since.” Friday and Saturday nights, birthday and bachelorette parties abound with audiences that get so enthusiastic that the word “wild” becomes a p.s. for the night. A third show on Saturday night called “Taboo” is Diva’s favorite since it allows the girls to reveal a bit more skin and push the envelope to just this side of naughty. “During the week, we’re the Disney of Drag,” says Diva. “The late show on Saturday night is where we get sexual. We even have a different menu.” And the way she says it, you just know Diva is licking her lips.

MISTY EYEZ The always upbeat Misty Eyez is a big woman with a big story. She was raised to be a pastor and graduated from Oklahoma’s Oral Roberts University. But it wasn’t the pulpit that turned out to be her eventual calling. All that changed on one fateful Halloween, when Misty dressed in drag to celebrate the holiday. “Anything is possible on Halloween, and since I was struggling to come out of the closet while living with my very conservative Christian family, I dressed up as this gorgeous woman for a contest, which I was absolutely convinced I would win. Looking back at the pictures now, I was a hideous mess, but at the time I thought I looked gorgeous. While I didn’t win, it did make me more comfortable

with myself and my sexuality, and eventually I just began to dress up more… and well, one thing led to another,” she says, fluttering lashes that seem poised to fly right off of her eyelids and across the room. “My drag career began in 2003 at a bar called Trixies in Hollywood, but it wasn’t until two years later, when I moved to Elements, that my drag career really exploded. It’s funny, ‘cause I’m really very sweet,” she says, flashing a grin as sly as it is witty. “They called me the South Florida Sweetheart. I’m just nice by nature,” she says. Hard to believe Misty Eyez that this is the woman chosen to host Lips’ Wednesday night Bitchy Bingo, where cattiness is queen right along with Misty Eyez. “It’s really funny,” she says, “but sometimes I’m half-way through the show and I have to remind myself to be nastier. It really doesn’t come naturally to me. I’m all about peace and harmony.” It’s easy to feel the love from this drag star whose chosen career has caused a seeming unmendable rift with her family. “Oh, they think of me as a backsliding homosexual who’s going to burn in hell. Now, I still think of myself as a good Christian. Yet, they won’t even consider talking to me until I return to Jesus.” And that’s not the only struggle that keeps Misty Eyez busy, separating the personas while hoping to heal what she sees as segregation within the gay and lesbian community itself. “Here we all are fighting for equality, and we can’t get along among ourselves. Gays don’t talk to lesbians who don’t talk to trannies. The circuit boys don’t talk to the bears who don’t talk to the twinks. The leather queens don’t talk to anyone. We need to respect ourselves, before we can expect the rest of the world to respect who we are. I will never give up my fight to bring us all together. Never,” she says. And she means it.

NICOLETTE Nicolette is a tiny bundle of talent known for her ability to transform into famous superstars, Reba McEntire among them. Hosting Lips on Thursday nights’ Dinner with the Divas, Nicolette rotates the spotlight between Barbra, Judy, Lisa, Tina, and Marilyn among others. “Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined doing drag for a living,” she says. “The first time I tried it, I was 22-years-old in Monroe, Louisiana, and entered a drag contest in a club called Hot Shots. I had never seen a drag show, so needless to say, I didn’t win. However,” she pauses, hoisting a well-manicured finger into the air, “two months later, I returned with a new look, a new song, and a new attitude about the whole business. This time, I won, I’m happy to say.” At the time, the bar didn’t have a regular drag night, but the events proved so popular that they turned their Tuesday nights into an all-drag event with

Nicolette getting her first regular paid engagement. “I worked there for several years before moving on to Nashville, where I worked for several more years. Then about 10 years ago, I moved to Florida and began working at the old Madame’s Restaurant & Cabaret in Sunny Isles with Franchesque and Nicole. When Lips opened, we all moved here, and each of us developed our own celebrity impressions.” Diana Ross, Cher, Madonna, Bette Midler – all get their moments on stage most Thursday nights as the lookalikes threaten to outdo the originals with costumes and creativity. Nicolette returns on Sunday afternoons for Gospel Brunch, leading the always-irreverent Sisters of Sequins to raise their voices in joyful song. It’s the only standing ovation where the audience is on its knees. “My mother is so supportive of what I do,” Nicolette smiles in appreciation. “My twelve-year-old sister too,” she adds. “My father… well, not so much. He knows what I do, and once he saw me on television. Never said whether he liked it, but… maybe some day,” she says still smiling. Talent has a way of making the Nicolette impossible happen.

TWAT LaROUGE Tuesday nights at Lips is Dragalicious, the new game show evening when strangers become the best of friends in impromptu contests that involve gags, props, and prizes galore. The game show night is the creation of Twat LaRouge, and it’s only fitting that this multi-talented costume and jewelry designer-turned-showgirl should keep the fun rolling with a $16.95 prix fixe menu and $5.00 frozen cosmos. “I got dressed in drag for the very first time in 1999 in Kansas City Missouri, at a club called Cabaret,” she says. I was getting my BFA from the Kansas City Art Institute and created this character for my senior thesis. She was a mother figure, with no breasts, no hips, a flattened face – downtrodden and emotionally abused by her family. “During the show, the woman makes a trip to a store and comes out transformed! She went from brunette to blonde, had a huge head, huge eyes, and these giant hips that have since become my signature look. It was like nothing anyone had ever seen… and it’s still unique today,” Twat says. The following year, on January 2, 2000, Twat, now a regular at the Cabaret, met a kindergarten teacher named Johnny, a graduate of Marymount Manhattan College, a theater and dance school in New York City. It was one of those loveat-first-sight kind of things, and the pair have been together ever since. (They were officially married a few years back.) Since Johnny moonlighted as an actor in an underground drag show called

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Late Night Theater, it took only a small leap of networking before Twat was designing their costumes and sets. And when both of these lovebirds lost their jobs unexpectedly, a leap of faith (and Twat’s ailing step-mother) brought the pair to South Florida where fame (and Lips) awaited. Both Twat and her Johnny, now working in drag as Chocolatta, were hired by Her Majesty Yvonne. And the rest, as they say, is history. The pair have this remarkable ability to finish each other’s sentences. Such is the stuff of true love. And they can often been seen together on stage in Lips. For Dragalicious, while Twat runs the show, Game Show Johnny is out of drag and by her side. It’s a one-two punch not to be missed. “We’re together for the long haul,” says Twat, who Chocolatta happily announces is the “creative one.” “We’ve had so many great times together it more than makes up for the occasional bitchy drag queen we’ve come across. “We’ve had cigarette holes burned in our costumes, and drinks poured into our suitcases,” says Chocolatta. “But for the most part, drag queens are sweet. That’s how we always try to be, welcoming the scared newcomers and extending a helping hand.” But that’s hardly the only thing that sets this team apart. “We sew all our own costumes, make our own jewelry, mix our own music,” says Twat. “Nothing in our acts are ever duplicated anywhere. We always give a positive, embracing, creative show.” As a way of giving back, Twat and Chocolatta volunteer at Drag It Out, a not-for-profit organization that teaches drag to Twat LaRouge both men and women. “From ages 19 to over 50, they just want to have fun.” Sign us up for some of that. H

Dinner with the Divas A Special Benefit for Neighbors4Neighbors The Ladies of Lips bring their special divas to life in support of Neighbors4Neighbors to help South Florida children and families in need. Hosted by Diva and CBS4 News Anchor George Estevez, the evening showcases songs by Madonna, Cher, Diana Ross, Tina Turner and illusions newly created for the show. Michael Goodman and Jen Klaassens co-chair the event, Wednesday, November 9, starting a 6 p.m. with a VIP reception. Dinner and show follow at 7 p.m. Tickets are $50 per person. VIP tickets are $75, including a champagne reception and premium seating. To purchase tickets, call 305-597-4404 or www.neighbors4neighbors.org. H


Lips is located at 1421 E Oakland Park Blvd. in Oakland Park, FL. For information or reservations, please call 954-567-0987.

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THE METRO 2929 Plum St., Jacksonville, FL The Metro Entertainment Complex has been serving the GLBT community for 17 years. Features a total of 7 different venues under one roof to choose from. Lesbo-A-Go-Go, monthly Tea Dances, special quest performers, female impersonators and live musicians. BOOT RACK SALOON 4751 Lenox Ave., Jacksonville, FL Your Neighborhood Gay Bar - the place for men. Cold beer, music and a warm and cozy atmosphere. Hot men and cheap beer... We all know where that leads! AJ'S BAR & GRILL 10244 Atlantic Blvd., Jacksonville, FL Annie and Janie invite you to stop by and see some old friends and meet some new ones! Great food, awesome service, delicious mixed drinks and live entertainment. PARK PLACE LOUNGE 931 King St., Jacksonville, FL A fun and comfortable gay bar that’s accommodating to both gays and non-gays. A great place to watch your favorite game, or enjoy playing Wii while the liquor flows! THE NORM 2952 Roosevelt Blvd., Jacksonville, FL A neighborhood bar. Everyone is welcome, but remember it is a girls bar! Beer and Wine only. 616 BAR 616 Park St., Jacksonville, FL A warm and friendly atmosphere with a Patio bar. Karaoke on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Thursdays the Jax Bears are here for happy hour. Fridays and Saturdays enjoy the "Beer Blast." THREE LAYERS CAFE 1602 Walnut St., Jacksonville, FL The name Three Layers comes from their large variety of delicious three layer cakes. An inviting loft style cafe located in Springfield. Enjoy a bistro style lunch or just stop in for your morning coffee. BO'S CORAL REEF 201 5th Ave. North, Jacksonville Beach, FL There are great shows Thursday through Sunday with the best of female impersonators. Pool tables, video games, and a large outdoor patio. The only gay bar on the beach!

INCAHOOTS 711 Edison Ave., Jacksonville, FL This club offers good crowds every night. Recently remodeled with three bars and a friendly staff. Everyday is a different special. A fun place anytime. Full Liquor bar. Closed on Mondays and Tuesdays except for special events. KICKBACKS GASTROPUB 910 King St., Jacksonville, FL This is a top class venue serving over 600 different bottled beers, 84 beers on tap, breakfast, lunch and dinner 20hrs a day 7 days a week!

KWEST 705 Duval St., Key West, FL Daily Happy Hour from 3 to 8 p.m., and a piano sing-a-long every Wednesday night. Men dancing for men after 10 p.m. Weekly drink specials and "Wet Jockey" contests on Fridays. SALOON ONE 801 Duval St., Key West, FL (Behind 801 Bar) This is the only gay leather bar in Key West. Conveniently located behind 801 Bourbon Bar.


LA TE DA 1125 Duval St., Key West, FL An upscale hotel complex with 3 bars, cabaret and restaurant.

THE ROUNDUP 560 E Heinberg St, Pensacola, FL A neighborhood gay men’s bar... Pensacola’s Cowboy Bar. Open 2 p.m. til 3 p.m. daily.

PEARL’S PATIO BAR FOR WOMEN 525 United St., Key West, FL Tropical themed women's bar for gay women and gayfriendly women alike. Patio bar with a full bar featuring drinks like "Cosmopearlitans" and "Pearl's Passion".

CABARET 101 S Jefferson St. #E, Pensacola, FL Not strictly a gay bar, the charming and friendly Cabaret is very much a fixture in Pensacola's GLBT community, drawing a mixed bunch each evening for happy hour, karaoke, videos, comedy shows, live music, and all-around hobnobbing and socializing.

KEY WEST BOURBON STREET PUB 724 Duval St., Key West, FL Opened in October of 1995 and has continued to grow ever since, it is now part of the larger collection of gay action in The Bourbon St. Pub Complex. Hot Go-Go boy dancers and a busy crowd. “Where the boys are!” 801 BOURBON BAR 801 Duval St., Key West, FL Cabaret shows upstairs with nightly performances by famed performers Sushi, Kylie, RV Beaumont, Margo, and others. This legendary establishment has been around for over 30 years, and host Happy Hour specials daily from 11 a.m. - 8 p.m. AQUA NIGHTCLUB 711 Duval St., Key West, FL Aqua features the "Reality is a Drag" show six days a week, followed by dancing. Monday is karaoke night and don't miss the great happy hour specials from 3 to 8 p.m. daily.

BOBBY’S MONKEY BAR 900 Simonton St., Key West, FL The gay Cheers style neighborhood bar of Key West. Happy Hour from Noon to 7pm, Karaoke on Sunday nights, pool tournaments on Tuesday nights at 7pm. Free Wi-Fi access. GARDEN OF EDEN 224 Duval St., Key West, FL A Rooftop Bar with the BEST VIEWS in the city & “BEST Long Island Ice Teas made by Melinda!” Gay, straight, fat, or skinny... Doesn’t matter! Clothing optional - gay friendly!

WEST PALM BEACH H G ROOSTERS 823 Belvedere Rd., West Palm Beach, FL Dark bar that attracts a fun party crowd. Camp is in at H.G.'s, where drag shows and bingo nights pack in crowds looking for laughs and fun. THE LOUNGE 517 Clematis St., West Palm Beach, FL Sushi, tropical views and tasty cocktails are accompanied by acclaimed resident DJ Daisy DeadPetals. FORT DIX BAR & CLUB 6205 Georgia Ave., West Palm Beach, FL Mostly local crowd looking to mingle and relax. The bar is a bit on the dark and dingy side, but who knows--that could be a plus.






OFFICE PUB 3704 Cleveland Ave., Fort Myers, FL Oldest gay bar in South West Florida with a festive attitude. This bear-friendly Office likes to have fun with underwear parties, drag shows, Wii bowling! Check out their country and western music night on Saturdays.

TUBBY'S 4350 Fowler St., Fort Myers, FL Where men come to compete (in tournaments). "Never a cover... always a smile" Tubby's is a no-frills video bar with a total of 10 TVs and two projection screens available for patrons to use as they wish. Add a six-hour 2-4-1 Happy Hour during the Wii tournaments on the big screen! THE BOTTOM LINE 3090 Evans Ave., Fort Myers, FL This gay entertainment complex is one of the longest running clubs in southwest Florida at over 20 years, The Bottom Line features 7 bars, pool tables, drag shows and occasional guest appearances by porno stars.


TOTI: TAVERN ON THE ISLAND IN VENICE 127 Tampa Ave. East, Venice, FL This South Beach inspired gay bar, boasts a dance floor and a game room with pool tables and dart boards. It's clean, the music is mixed and the staff are friendly. A mixed crowd can be found most nights... younger, older (duh, this is Venice), gay and straight. Did you know that in the Caribbean, TOTI is slang for a beloved male appendage? How apropos.


SPIKES 4130 NW 6th St., Gainesville, FL It is a laid-back kind of place, with friendly bar staff. The crowds vary depending on the night. The bar has a nice open air patio area that is rarely used, but would be nice if it was. UNIVERSITY CLUB 18 E University Ave., Gainesville, FL This is a fairly average small college town gay bar. It is usually busy and crowded on Thursday nights.

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DJ TPROMIX Celebrating 25 Years Behind the Turntables By ALEX VAUGHN

Where did you get your start? Wow, many moons ago, I was just a young boy with a fake ID trying to befriend a DJ at the largest club in Washington DC called Tracks. I got really lucky one night and was asked to fill in for the VJ room. It was a very bumpy ride. I learned in front of people and fast! From there, I moved to New York City and eventually played every major venue available. Hey, did you hear that the legendary Limelight Disco (former church turned nightclub) was purchased by IHop to become its new 24-hour Manhattan location in 2012… times have changed! DJing in New York at all those big clubs in the magic era of house music, you must have a good story or two? It was a great time period, so much uninhibited dancing. I do miss people going out to actually hear music they

don’t know! We used to love that. I mean if I just wanted to hear the radio, I already have a radio. That’s not why I go out! Being able to DJ for Mariah Carey, Britney Spears, Bette Midler, Lil’ Kim, Mary J. Blige, Janet Jackson… I have been blessed. And you have remixed for many big names as well. Everyone from Arthur Baker and Beyoncé to Michael Jackson and Niki Minaj. I even worked on a couple of TV/Film Project remixes for the Celluloid Closet, MAD TV, Star Wars, and the one that started it all, Wonder Woman. Yes, that remix was me. I get emails and requests daily for one particular track. My mix of Masters At Work's The Ha Dance. That one's still getting sampled. The list is long, I plan on uploading a lot of the really rare tracks to Sound Cloud soon for my fans. What brought you to Miami? Having such great success in NY with my MILK party, which ran for eight years and then Cuchifrito at SPLASH, which ran for six years under my helm and is still running as OCEAN, there wasn't really a way to top myself. I started traveling back and forth to Miami and Fort

Lauderdale, DJing at Coliseum here for a couple of years before I finally moved in 2005, did several events for Score, Sizzle and Space… I just love the weather. The winters in Manhattan can be brutal. How did you get the coveted position of directing all of the Johnny's boys? (Laughs) I kept crossing paths with owner Sean David. It turned out, we have similar nightclub visions and work well together. It is a dream job in many ways, like things have come full circle. I do love DJing, but creatively I have always done all of the photography, graphics and advertisements for my events as well. It feels good when someone desires your participation in making their venue a success. But you know what feels best? Seeing the vision become reality. We are very grateful that so many people are loving Johnny's as much as we do. Are you ready for your birthday parties? Always prepared for a party… and in this case, three! You can catch up with DJ TPROMIX and join him in celebration at the following events: Thursday, October 20 at Torpedo in Fort

Photo courtesy, TPROMIX

Cire Citron, the Creative Director behind Johnny's Nightclubs, is a name that keeps coming up in conversation. Most interestingly, many people don't realize he has a rather long history as alter ego DJ TPROMIX. We dug a little deeper to uncover the secrets of his success and how reaching a milestone twenty-five years behind the turntables feels.

Lauderdale for the six year anniversary of Tastee. Friday, October 21 at Johnny’s in Fort Lauderdale for the 2DayBday part 1. Tuesday, October 25 at Johnny’s in Miami for the 2DayBday part 2. To find DJ TPROMIX on the web, facebook or twitter, just search “TPROMIX.” There's only one! H

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SENIOR HEALTH EXPO The LGBT Senior Expo will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, October 22 at The Pride Center at Equality Park, 2040 N Dixie Highway in Wilton Manors. The event will provide LGBT Seniors with a comprehensive overview of healthcare services available to benefit the elder LGBT community. The event will feature a trade show with various LGBT-friendly medical, professional and financial services providers, who are eager to assist our community. Please RSVP to the Florida Assisted Living Coalition (please provide name and contact telephone number) at 800-939-2650. For more information, contact Pride Center Deputy Director Kristofer Fegenbush at 954-463-9005 ext. 111. H

AN EVENING IN PARADISE An Evening in Paradise, a benefit for the Pride Center at Equality Park, will be held on Saturday, November 5 from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. at Paradise Point in Fort Lauderdale. Open bar, great food, deejay and other entertainment, valet parking. Tickets are $100 per person (limited to 300 people so get your tickets early). For more information and to purchase tickets, go to www.glccsf.org.. Tickets will not be sold at the event. Special guests include Michael Holtz (Mr. Gay USA 2011) and Logan Voxx (Out 100 for 2011). H

“GAY RIGHTS AND MORAL PANIC” Florida Atlantic University LGBTQA Resource Center is holding a special event, “LGBT History at FAU and Beyond: An Evening with Dr. Fred Fejes” on Tuesday, October 25, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the FAU Student Union, Sugar Palm Room, sponsored by the LGBTQA Resource Center and Lambda United. There will be a lively discussion, presentation, book reading and signing with FAU Professor Fred Fejes, author of “Gay Rights and Moral Panic: The Origins of America’s Debate on Homosexuality” and FAU’s first advisor to Lambda United GLBTQIS Alliance. H

MANORS MASQUERADE Two Halloween events are being held on Sunday, October 30, in Hagen Park in Wilton Manors. From 1:30 p.m. to 4 p.m., “HOWL-O-Ween,” a Halloween party for your pets and their best friends. This event includes a pet expo, various pet activities, entertainment, trick or treat bags for people and their pets, food and beverages plus the highlight of the afternoon, a HOWL-oWeen pet-costume contest starting at 2:30 p.m. Admission and parking in Hagen Park is free for this event. From 7:30 p.m. to 11 p.m., Hagen Park is transformed into “OUTrageous Fantasy,” this year’s Manors Masquerade theme with DJ Roland Belmares. This event includes dancing, a lounge tent with food, beverages, raffle and café seating, and trick or treat bags. The costume contest will be judged by celebrity host and judge, fashion designer Jay Carroll, the winner of the first season of the television series, “Project Runway.” Admission is free, closein VIP parking in Hagen Park is $10. H



Miami 13TH ANNUAL MIAMI GAY AND LESBIAN FILM FESTIVAL From October 1 to November 1 at various locations. To enrich, entertain and educate the public, encourage a sense of community through international and culturally diverse film, video and other media that offer historical and contemporary perspectives on the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender experience. For a complete schedule; www.mglff.com. H

BEAR NATION SOUTH Bear Nation South will be held on Saturday, October 22, from 9 p.m. to 4 a.m. at Bar 721, 721 North Lincoln Lane in South Beach. Free Herradura Tequila shots for everyone. Featuring Bear Nation resident DJ, Pabel Lima, legendary DJ, Mike Mucci and the Bear Nation Go-Go Bears. No cover. $8 Bud and Bud Light bottles and Southern Comfort/Jack Daniels Honey Shot combos, $8 Chambord Vodka cocktails, $1/hour parking right next door. H

MIAMI BEACH ARTS GALA On Saturday, October 22 at the Miami Beach Convention Center, Ballroom D. Cocktails at 6 p.m., dinner at 7 p.m. The evening will honor Mary Luft (Lifetime Achievement Award), Neisen Kasdin (Visionary Award) and George Neary (Cultural Arts Champion). All money raised will be granted to arts organizations to produce events on Miami Beach. Tickets $300, VIP tickets $500. For tickets or more information, call 786-498-0962 or www.miamibeachartsgala.com. H

HELLROTIKA SAVE Dade's 17th annual Halloween extravaganza, Hellrotika will be held on Saturday, October 29 from 7 p.m. to 2 a.m. at Jungle Island, 1111 Parrot Jungle Trail in Miami. For a limited time, buy specially-priced advancedsales tickets at www.hellrotika.com. Amazing music by renowned deejays, top-shelf liquor, costume contest, celebrity appearances, special performances and over 1,000 of Miami’s spookiest partygoers. General admission is $40 in advance, $60 if purchased after October 21 and at the door. H

429INSPIRED MIAMI LAUNCH Join dot429 and Fiat 500 for the inaugural launch in Miami at Area 31 in The Epic Hotel (270 Biscayne Boulevard Way in Miami) on Tuesday, November 29, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. This event will help launch the annual Art Basil. Guests who RSVP will be entered to win a San Francisco getaway which includes a suite at the Hotel Nikko, tickets to the symphony, and dinner for two courtesy of the San Francisco Tourism Board. $25 in advance, $35 at the door. For more information, visit dot429.com/events/429inspired-miamilaunch-by-fiat-500/rsvp H

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Bay Area CENTRAL FLORIDA’S BIGGEST ALL-GAY HALLOWEEN PARTY Saturday October 22 from 8 p.m. to 2 a.m. G.Bar (1401 E 7th Ave. in Ybor City) presents their annual Halloween bash starring one of the biggest deejays in the world, Manny Lehman. Manny has played every major city and gay event in the world and continues to headline stadiums and event parties across the globe. G.Bar’s theme this year is “Scared Stiff” and they guarantee to live up to the title with major set design and elaborate decor along with their famous dancers decked out in costume to mark our favorite holiday. Cover is $5 and will offer $1 drinks from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. H

BYE-BYE BOOBIES BENEFIT Tuesday, October 25, from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. at Georgie’s Alibi, 3100 3rd Avenue in St. Petersburg. This is a very special night to help support their friend, Teddy D. in his quest to say “Bye-Bye Boobies” once and for all. Teddy D., soon to be officially known as Christian Theo Wright, was born naturally a female and has always known that he was truly a male deep down. He began performing six years ago as a male impersonator and has progressed by leaps and bounds to now be one of the top male impersonators in the country. He currently holds the title of Mister U.S. of A. Michigan-1st Alternate. He has also held several other titles since 2007. Showtime begins at 9 p.m. featuring Dani Panic, Kelly Neff, Meagan Towers, Faith Taylor, Jessica Taylor, Desiree Demornay, Robyn Demornay and many more. There are many items up for auction such as tattoo/piercing certificates, massages, photo shoots, artwork and so much more including a raffle for other amazing items. Hint: A Pair of Teddy Custom Jeans are part of the deal. H

SEX–CRAZED ZOMBIES On Friday, October 28, from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. at The Honey Pot (1507 E 7 Avenue in Ybor City). It’s not your brain they’re after! Sex-Crazed Zombie promises to be the best theme party yet. Elaborate sets, prime muscled undead everywhere, creative production shows with a cast fresh from the grave and the addition of even more state-of-the-art lighting and effects for that proper graveyard feel. Their theme parties generally get crowded fast so plan on arriving early. No cover before 10:30 p.m. and $5 cover after. $1 drinks from 10 p.m. to 11 p.m. and a spectacular drag show at 11:30 p.m. VJ Greg Anderson in the Main Room and V.J. Charles spins in the 3rd floor VIP room. H

DEAD SEXY GUAVAWEEN Saturday, October 29, from 7 p.m. to 2 a.m. at Honey Pot, 1507 E 7 Avenue in Ybor City. Dead Sexy Guavaween, A Sexual and Violent Affair is the biggest Guavaween party on 7 Avenue. Halloween costume contest, winner will take home $1,000 worth of cash and prizes. This year will be spooktacular. No cover all night. H


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Central Florida BLOODBATH 4 Katana Infinity presents Bloodbath 4 on Saturday, October 22, from 8 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. at Pulse, 1912 S Orange Ave. in Orlando. $1 drinks from 9 p.m. to 10 p.m. No cover for 21+ before 11 p.m. 18+ and up welcome. D.J. Scott Robert with “The Official Night of House Music.” Showtime 12:30 a.m. hosted by Blake Mathews and Roxxxy Andrews with Kai’ja Adonis. $5 Martini special ‘til midnight. $5 Skyy Bombs all night. Includes the Pulse Dancers, Orlando’s hottest dancers up close and personal. H

$4000 HALLOWEEN COSTUME CONTEST At The Parliament House (410 N Orange Blossom Trail in Orlando) on Saturday, October 29, from 10 a.m. to 2 a.m. Costume contest at 8 p.m., $1,000 cash prize, winner takes all. Then, again, on Monday, October 31 at 8 p.m., $3,000 winner takes all. H

HRC OPEN HOUSE Join the Human Rights Campaign at the Orlando Farmer’s Market and get an up-close look at the HRC bus and the work of the largest civil rights organization for LGBT equality on Sunday, October 30, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Come out and share what equality means to you and explore the amazing exhibits at the HRC bus. For more information, visit www.hrc.org/roadto-equality. H

MISS SUNSHINE STATE ALL AMERICAN GODDESS The Sunshine State All American Goddess and All American Goddess at Large contests will be on Monday, November 14 starting at 9 p.m. to be at the Parliament House (410 N Orange Blossom Trail in downtown Orlando). These are the official state preliminaries to the Miss All American Goddess and All American Goddess at Large contests. For contestant information, contact Derek at http://www.sunshinestateaag.com/. Don’t forget the next pageant soon at the Parliament House: MISS METROPOLITAN CONTINENTAL PLUS and ELITE – Monday, December 5, at 9 p.m. Official preliminary to Miss Continental Plus and Miss Continental Elite. For contestant information, contact Jim Demundo at 407-281-2820. H

GOLDEN RETRIEVER RESCUE OF MID-FLORIDA Rescue can take many forms, from a single individual trying to make a difference by saving one dog to a group of people working together for the common goal of saving many animals. GRRMF concentrates on Golden Retrievers. GRRMF is comprised solely of volunteers and is self-supporting, relying on fund raising and donations to support all rescue efforts including veterinary care. 100% of all donations are used for the rescue effort. GRRMF, Inc. is recognized by and affiliated with The Golden Retriever Club of America, Inc. For more information, contact the Intake Coordinator at 407-332-2840. H

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Enchanted by Kuala Lumpur Asia’s Cultural Melting Pot By PAUL RUBIO Often overlooked on the Southeast Asia tourist trail, Malaysia shines as the continent’s cultural melting pot, where disparate flavors, trends, and customs create a single nation. Though the country stands divided ethnically and politically between its diverse Malay, Chinese, and Indian populations, for the average tourist Malaysia is a cultural wonderland, flaunting a world showcase of intriguing opulence, bizarre foods, and social conundrums. Most Americans will recognize the country’s capital, Kuala Lumpur (called by “KL” locals), from the 1999 hit film, Entrapment, with Sean Connery and Catherine Zeta-Jones. The then-world’s tallest buildings, the Petronas Twin Towers (petronastwintowers.com.my), formed the backdrop for the characters’ final heist, engulfing the skyline, jetting 1200 feet towards the heavens. Though the Petronas Twin Towers lost its tiara as the world’s tallest building in 2004 to a Taiwanese skyscraper, it’s still one of Kuala Lumpur’s most impressive, mindboggling attractions and just the beginning of a city filled with unexpected surprises!

Malaysia’s Grand Dame An entire village dedicated to both business and leisure envelops KL’s twin towers. The surrounding Kuala Lumpur City Center or KLCC (klcc.com.my) houses outdoor parks, recreation centers, and the mother of all shopping malls, with every upscale store imaginable spread over three connecting mega-malls, an entire floor of Asian restaurants, and two floors of food courts (You’ll quickly realize that shopping and eating are Malaysia’s two national pastimes). Naturally, the city’s premiere hotel,

the Mandarin Oriental, Kuala Lumpur, (mandarinoriental.com/kualalumpur) is also found smack dab in the center of the KLCC neighborhood, doling out prime views of the twin towers and city’s magical skyline. The Mandarin Oriental, Kuala Lumpur offers instant immersion into the finest ingredients of the KL melting pot, fusing western trends with Asian inspiration. The guest rooms and suites exude Mandarin Oriental’s signature sophisticated Asian style with elegant wood furnishings accessorized by tasteful gold and copper drapes, pillows, and linens that sparkle in the reflection of the KL skyline. The view-heavy outdoor pool area satisfies the western hunger for sun-drenched afternoons filled with delicious cocktails and poolside relaxation. The hotel’s ten food and beverage outlets reflect the country’s diversity with venues that have become true social and eating institutions. For example, Lai Po Heen, the hotel’s contemporary Cantonese restaurant, teems with sexy, multinational businessmen and fabulous lunch ladies (ready to become the next Real Housewives of Kuala Lumpur) sampling traditional Chinese specialties like “Bird’s Nest Soup” and more regional items such as the “Crepe Durian Pancakes.“ Downstairs at Casbah, the party rages nightly at the hotel’s trendy Arabian-style lounge, packed with glamorous socialites in the latest couture. A bit more understated, the Mandarin Oriental Club Lounge caters to both business travelers and leisure travelers with ample space for work and relaxation, along with multiple opportunities to delight in local and regional dishes at breakfast,

afternoon tea or during cocktail hour. You may not have quite the variety of the famed food hawker stalls of Jalan Alor but you may very well find your plate filled with dishes like pineapple fritters, curry fish head, banana leaf rice, roti canai, and otak otak.

Not to Miss Though you can literally eat your way through the Mandarin Oriental Kuala Lumpur and endlessly bask in the hotel’s luxury offerings, it’s worth spending several days exploring the greater city. After living in KL for over a year, these are my top sights not to miss! Lake Gardens and Independence Square – With postcard perfect views, Independence Square faces the elaborate and lavish Sultan’s building, also known as KL’s “Big Ben.” A short walk away, the highly manicured Lake Gardens area is home to the National Butterfly Park (once the largest in the world), a Deer Park, an Orchid Park, a Hibiscus Park, a Bird Park and a National Planetarium. Prepare to see curious monkeys by the roadside, in trees and on fences, preening each other, jumping from branch to branch, and trying to balance themselves on telephone wires. Brickfields Blind Massage – This micro-enterprise supports the independence and prosperity of blind individuals, who are trained as massage therapists, using their impeccable sense of touch. Everyone from the secretary to the clean-

The lovely Kuala Lumpur skyline

The pool at the Mandarin Oriental, Kuala Lumpur

A suite at the Mandarin Oriental, Kuala Lumpur Photos courtesy, Paul Rubio

ing people and the masseuses are blind; and the massages are divine! Batu Caves – This sacred Hindu shrine on the outskirts of town is a must see. You’ll be out of breath after the 350 stairs to the cave entrance, but soon you’ll succumb to the overpowering nature of the cave. About half a million people come here during the Thiapuism festival in January, when Hindus repent by piercing their faces and bodies with spears and fishhooks. Most men will put about 50 large fishhooks through their chest or backs and stick a rod from one cheek to another, going through the mouth. You have to see it to believe it. Oh, and don’t feed the monkeys! Kampung Kuantan – This day/evening trip to the Selangor River allows you to enjoy a night float down the river to watch masses of fireflies (kelip kelip) congregate and light up the entire sky! Blue Boy – Malaysia's oldest gay club is still its most popular. It’s definitely no frills and a bit rough around the edges but it’s a guaranteed good time! There’s an undeniable gay presence in Malaysia despite government efforts to quell the country’s gay scene. Nightlife is often segregated between Muslim Malays, who patronize Blue Boy, and Chinese Malays who frequent an ever-changing array of “mixed” trendy nightclubs. Utopia-Asia.com provides up to the minute listings. H

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Guilt-free Cakes, Cookies and Desserts All of the Taste, None of the Sin By ANDY KRESS Cakes, cookies and desserts have been part of the American diet for years and are definitely here to stay. These treats are great tasting and full of quick energy when eaten in small sensible amounts. A well-balanced healthy diet consists of having an occasional treat and not denying those inner desires. Note the word “occasional.” Unfortunately, most Americans tend to consume more than the recommended serving when it comes to these sweet and tasty delicacies, as well as having them a little more often than they should. There can be many major health repercussions from having one too many of these little sweets. Diabetes usually tops the chart, followed by high cholesterol and heart problems. Next comes obesity – a BIG problem, as well as tooth decay. They don’t call it a “sweet tooth” for nothing. Many cakes, cookies and pastries are very high in calories and low in nutritional values making the body deficient of nutrients when trying to use the energy from these foods for fuel. Most of the moistness of cakes, cookies and pastries comes from their fat. The trick is to cut down the fat and sugar and still not lose the texture or consistency. There are many ways that you can enhance the flavor and taste of your favorite recipe with a few healthy alternatives just added in, or in place of. Next time you are in the kitchen, try using applesauce, strained bananas or strained prunes for a healthy substitute for some of the fat in that favorite recipe of yours. The fruit will keep the moisture, as well as contribute added sweetness and flavor to spice things up. Also reducing the amount of sugar added into the ingredients by replacing it with cinnamon or other spices can add new flavor to perk up those taste buds. Lower the gluten content by using a rice crust; it will give your dessert a delicious and extra flaky texture. A low-fat graham

Photo courtesy, Petite Chef

cracker crust is another great alternative to the usual butter crust, reducing calories and adding in much more nutrition. Discarding half the yolk and substituting egg whites adds extra protein and reduces the cholesterol in cakes and cookies making them a more nutritious snack. Also substituting condensed skim milk in place of the usual heavy cream in most of your frostings helps reduce calories without losing flavor. Fruit glazes and fruit sauces make a great topping for the top of those cakes, cookies and pastries too, while reducing the calories and fat content. Oatmeal and dried fruit will up the nutritional content of any cake, cookie or pastry as a replacement for nuts and other high fat or sugar ingredients, so don’t be afraid to throw a handful in the next time you are baking. Fresh berries offer another alternative to dried fruit to drop even more calories and add lots of fresh taste everyone will enjoy. Fat-free cream cheese is another smart and healthy way to knock down the fat content and calories of your favorite cheese cake recipe without losing the texture and consistency. Sugar substitutes add sweetness and satisfy cravings with far less calories. The main artificial sweeteners are Aspertame and Saccharin that are particularly helpful for those suffering from diabetes who have to limit their sugar intake. Artificial sweeteners can be up to 60 times sweeter than sugar weight for weight, leaving far less calories cup for cup in your favorite new healthy recipe. Using these tricks of the trade will not only help you slim your waistline, but will also allow you to enjoy those sweet treats with a lot less guilt. As always, don’t be afraid to get creative and experiment with new things while you are cooking, because the next new mouthwatering sensation could be coming right out of your very own healthy kitchen. H

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One Year Later and Still Going Strong J Mark’s Has Left Its Mark on the Fort Lauderdale Dining Scene By TIM SLIVINSKI It is nearly a rhetorical question: Have you been to J Mark’s yet? After all, on any typical evening, it seems that you run into several of your friends and acquaintances when you walk in. And that, of course, is a testament to the appeal of this popular dining spot. It is a place that makes every guest feel comfortable and important— from the minute they enter. There are always smiles at the hostess stand, and Rebecca, with her infectious smile and graceful charm, is sure to stop by your table for a chat at some point. The bar is always humming with conversation and peals of laughter, and very soon, one of the best dining patios in Fort Lauderdale will be crowded once again. Liking the hubbub and friendliness of the bar, my partner and I often opt for a seat there. J Mark’s is one of those places where the appetizers can easily constitute a meal, so after ordering a drink, we peruse our options. Though sliders have become a bit ubiquitous, I am a huge fan of the A-hi Tuna Sliders. At $13.99, they are a great deal and superbly delicious. Perfectly seared tuna with a zingy Cajun crust arrives on freshly made mini-buns. Avocado, red onion, crispy wontons and a remoulade all combine with the tuna to make a wonderful explosion of flavor in the mouth. Turn up the heat by adding a

bit of wasabi and soy ginger. These sliders never fail to please. My partner prefers the Prime Rib Sliders ($12.99), though claiming not to be a prime rib fan. He loves the texture and perfectly cooked temperature of the prime rib and how it is layered on the mini-bun. They arrive with basil pesto and creamy horseradish, which kicks up the heat a bit. Dip them in warm au jus, and don’t worry if it dribbles down your chin. Sliders are plated with a small batch of fries, so it is easy to make them an entrée. When my appetite is a bit more on the hearty side, I tend to opt for J Mark’s Ribeye ($24.99). It is an ample portion of steak, and it consistently arrives at my requested temperature. The menu serves it with Yukon Gold Mashed Potatoes, which are terrific and enough to feed four, but I often ask for a baked potato instead, highlighting another fact that makes J Mark’s so popular: They gladly and willingly make substitutions. There is never a quibble. The boyfriend leans toward the pasta portion of the menu. He is particularly fond of the Veggie Lovers Pasta ($11.99). It offers an array of vegetables: broccoli, sundried tomatoes, roasted eggplant, peppers, and kalamata olives. Tossed in an olive oil and walnut basil pesto with penne, it has become a “go to” dish for him. Half of the overly generous serving almost always

goes home for the next day’s lunch. One of the newer offerings at J Mark’s is Saturday and Sunday brunch, featured from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. Spicy bloody Marys or mimosas at $3.00 each get your late morning started in just the right way. Brunch offerings are listed on a separate menu and tempt with some unusual preparations. On a recent slightly less humid and cooler Sunday, our gracious and exceedingly competent waiter, Ralph, kept us well liquefied in brunch cocktails and coffee. I have fallen in love with the Filet and Eggs ($12.99). Certified Angus Beef Tips are grilled to your desired temperature, and the dish arrives with beautifully poached eggs, homemade Hollandaise sauce, and breakfast potatoes, which are crispy, but not too much so. It is a hearty way to get my day going after a late Saturday. (Dining hint: I love to dip my breakfast potatoes in the Hollandaise. Yummy!) For something completely unusual, try one of my partner’s favorites: the Cheeseburger Bennie ($13.99). Two superbly grilled patties, again done to your desired temperature, with cheddar cheese placed atop toasted English muffins. They are then finished with poached eggs and Hollandaise sauce. It sounds messy, and it is, but it is oh so good! I would never have

J Mark’s 1245 N Federal Hwy., Fort Lauderdale, FL 954-390-0770 believed it if I had not tried it. Other brunch choices include an egg white omelette ($9.99), an egg croissant sandwich ($9.99), breakfast egg rolls ($9.99), and several more variations on the traditional eggs benedict ($11.99-$15.99). A comfortable bar and dining area, many menu options and price points, attentive and well-trained servers, great cocktails – it is all a part of the winning formula that keeps customers coming back to J Mark’s. Whether you want to enjoy a drink and an appetizer or a full-on meal, you will be graciously cared for. J Mark’s does it and does it well. H

jean’s Salad Lyonnais kitchen I was lucky to spend 36 years in Lyon, which has been known as the French capital of gastronomy. This is due, in part, to the presence of many of France's finest chefs in the city of Lyon and its surrounding areas. This reputation also comes from the fact that two of France's best known wine-growing regions are located near Lyon: Beaujolais to the North, and Côtes du Rhône to the South. My first encounter with delicious food was in Lyon when I was 17 years old. This is a typical “Lyonnais” special… simple yet “ab fab.” In Lyon, they use “piss en lit” (translated literally “pee in the bed” and is in fact Dandelion leaves) but frisée will replace that nicely. This is for one serving, so do your math for the number of guests. • A handful of fresh frisée lettuce, torn into bite sized pieces • 2 strips bacon • 1 teaspoon chopped shallots • 1 slice French or Italian bread and a little butter to make buttered croutons • 1 poached egg • 1 Tbsp olive oil • 1 Tbsp wine vinegar • 1/2 teaspoon Dijon mustard • Salt and pepper to taste Cook two strips of bacon on medium heat until done, about 5 minutes. Remove from heat, let drain off excess fat on a paper towel. Once cool, chop.

Cut a slice of French or Italian bread into cubes. Toast on medium high heat in a small saucepan with a teaspoon of melted butter. Don’t stir the croutons unless to turn to a different side, once one side is toasted. Poach the egg. Bring about an inch of salted water to a boil in a small, deep skillet, then lower heat to barely bubbling. One at a time, break eggs into a shallow bowl and slip them into the bubbling water. Cook eggs for 3 to 5 minutes, just until the white is set and the yolk has filmed over. Remove each egg with a slotted spoon and drain briefly on a paper towel. Layer the frisée, bacon, shallots, and croutons on a salad plate. In a small bowl, mix the olive oil, vinegar, mustard, salt and pepper. Pour dressing over salad. Top with the poached egg. You are the chef ! H


Jean Doherty is the Chef and Owner of Le Patio Restaurant in Wilton Manors (954) 530-4641

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EMPLOYMENT ATTENTION; ARE YOU A HOT NEW DJ LOOKING TO HAVE YOUR MIXES BROADCASTED ACROSS THE GLOBE? ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A DJ SHOW WEEKLY TO PROMOTE YOUR TALENTS? If so, we are accepting DJ mixes & resumes. This is your chance to be promoted & marketed across america - around the world. LIVE DJ events are also offered in south florida & beyond for talented mixers. Our music format is "dance, gay club, pop & electronica." We broadcast - stream on the internet 24/7 & reach millions of listeners worldwide. Email; DjJared.MyGayRadio@gmail.com PT / FT ADVERTISING ASSOCIATE NEEDED - We are a streaming / internet LGBT radio station, south florida based. This a commissioned sales position. For more info do contact us via email; Info.MyGayRadio@gmail.com NEW MIAMI BAR - A Beautiful and upscale New Gay Bar located in the heart of Downtown Miami is opening soon - we are looking for Barbacks, Security, Bartenders, Cocktail Servers, DJ's, MC, VIP Host, Cashier, Male Dancers. Also looking for an experienced Bar Mgr. and Dance Mgr. Excellent Pay and benefits. Send Photos, Resume, Contact Info to: newmiamiclub@gmail.com

COMPUTER SERVICES **OPTIMA** COMPUTER REPAIR - COMPLETE IN HOME SERVICE. Get the best performance, protection & value from your computer investment, *A+ Hardware & OS CERTIFIED. *Friendly, professional, RELIABLE service. Reasonable rates. Call Mike (954) 817-3883

COUNSELING A MIND AT PEACE/ THERAPEUTIC SERVICES/ RON "DOC" CHAMBERS, MSW (954) 627-0103 1975 East Sunrise Blvd., Suite 629 Fort Lauderdale. HIV Related Issues /Anxiety /Depression /Schizophrenia /Relationship Problems /Anger Management Problems /Same-Sex Battering /Domestic Violence. Most Insurance Accepted /Credit Cards Accepted.

COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY!!! Create Your New Business In Wilton Manors!! The "Gay Mecca Of The South"at an OUTSTANDING PRICE.!! Great Terms!! High Traffic Plaza!! Lots Of Parking!! With Tenants that have been there for over 25 Years!! Right off of "Wilton Drive".1 Space with Approx. 800 Sq Ft., 1 Space with Approx. 1500 Sq Ft. This Space will Go Quickly!! Do Not Delay-Call Today!! Robert Geary MacKilligan "Your Life Partner In Real Estate" – Bank Certified Specialist-Galleria International Realty On Las Olas Cell 954-234-8759 rgmsell@aol.com COMMERCIAL SPACE ON FEDERAL HWY - 4400-5400 SQ FT between Oakland Park Blvd and Commercial Blvd. Can be used for medical or retail! Plenty of parking. $11/SQ FT!!! available now. Call Robert MacKilligan, your life partner in real estate. Galleria Intl Realty (954)234-8759 or rgmsell@aol.com

CLEANING SERVICES HOUSEKEEPING AVAILABLE at reasonable rates. Call Dan at 954-594-0186..

METH PROBLEM? www.SouthFloridaCMA.org

RETAIL SALES POSITION - full or part-time available immediately! Call (954)873-3889 DAY LABORERS WANTED!!! Must be able to lift/move furniture without incident. E-mail rgmsell@aol.com SHORT ORDER COOK WANTED! Now hiring all shifts-must be able to flip an egg in a pan. Apply in person @ Courtyard Café, 2211 Wilton Drive. NO phone calls please.

HOME IMPROVEMENT Derek’s 24 HR HANDYMAN SERVICE. Introducing our new cabinet shop! For all your custom made cabinetry countertops laminates. YOU MUST SEE OUR WORK, just ask our clients. All electrical to code; ANY & ALL plumbing work, Drywall finish work / repair. Crown / baseboard pro-install, interior / exterior painting, demo work, Pressure washing, Decor tile install, Complete home up-dates. For large jobs, 4-man crew available. WE CAN HANDLE IT ALL! Instant call back, direct service response. No job is ever too small. Excellent references. Derek (954) 825-5598 LAWN & PROPERTY MAINTENANCE - For all of your landscaping needs from interior to exterior including clean up and plant care at reasonable prices, call Daniel at Exotic Landscaping 954-520-9140. Licensed. We also do property management on large and small properties.


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RENTALS / FTL NICE 3/2 HOUSE JUST MINUTES TO WILTON MANORS! Great looking 3/2 in South Middle River. Newer appl. and kitchen cabinets, W/D inside, spacious split floor plan and a huge backyard. Close to Wilton Drive, Downtown/Las Olas and just 15 mins from the beach. Asking $1200. Call Alex, Re/Max Preferred (954)683-4880

FURNISHED / RENTALS / FTL PERFECT RELOCATION RENTALS FROM $295/WEEK With 4 Week Minimum through December. Beautiful Studio, 1 & 2 BR Apts. Turn-key, fully furnished & equipped, clothing optional pool, laundry, parking. Close to Gay & Nude Beaches. Pets Welcome. Incl. utilities, cable, tel., Wi-Fi Internet. 954-927-0090 or visit www.LibertySuites.com


ALIBI AREA FURNISHED EFFICIENCY APT. - Efficiency with private entrance and parking, walk-in closet, ceiling fan, AC, kitchenette, laundry on site, electric and Direct TV included, NO SMOKING, NO PETS: $675/mo+sec. Call 954-682-9428

FORT LAUDERDALE - IMPERIAL POINT - Well-maintained, quiet 1 bedroom apartment in Georgian Court complex on NE 62nd Street. Convenient to downtown, beach and Wilton Manors. Nice grounds and pool. $700/mo. Call (917)334-1146

FORT LAUDERDALE BEACH - 1/1 Modern completely furnished apartment on the intercoastal 200’ from the RitzCarlton & Beach Place. Yearly $1495/mo. Seasonal 3-4 mos.$2745.00/mo. Call Elden (954)462-1295

FANTASTIC 1/1 - Near Wilton Manors. Great backyard! Pets OK with approval. Satellite, garbage & water included. F/L/S $795/mo. Call (954)632-6662 2/1 CONDO ON THE OUTSKIRTS OF WILTON MANORS. Pool, located on the canal, dead end street; near I-95 and Oakland Pk Blvd. Dish washer. Includes cable and water. Coin laundry machines located on property. $800/month. Call (954)937-3872. ROYAL PARK - Near Wilton Manors 1BR/1.5BA, $825$900/mo. 2BR/2BA, $950 - $1100/mo. Gated Security, Clubhouse, Pools, Gym, Sauna and Steam room. Pets OK. Cable/Water/Trash included. Call Naim Naqi, Broker/ SFG, Realtors (954)565.2025

DIGNITY FT LAUDERDALE - Roman Catholic Mass every Sunday 7 PM at Holy Angels CC 2917 NE 6th Ave, Wilton Manors. Monthly socials and more. There is always room at our table. Dignityftl@bellsouth.net.

WILTON MANORS GAY COMPLEX - Remodeled 1/1 Central air. Tile floors. Heated pool. Pets OK. One block to Wilton Drive. $800/mo. $1700 moves you in. (954)600-0620

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MOVING ELITE RELOCATION MOVING & STORAGE We've provided quality moves for over 30 years. It's always a smooth move when you choose Elite Relocation. Contact us today at (954)975-8660 - www.elitemoving.com RED BOX MOVING - OWNER IN TRUCK ON EVERY MOVE. CALL NORBERT DIRECTLY. Affordable, Reliable, Careful. MV#567/INSURED. (954) 305-9176 or (561) 506-5540 www.redboxmoving.com

SPIRITUALITY THE PARISH OF STS. FRANCIS & CLARE 101 NE 3rd Street - just North of Broward Blvd. and E of Andrews Ave. Mass Times: Sat @ 5 PM; Sun @ 10:30 AM; Wed @ 7 PM. Where we welcome and appreciate diversity - a progressive community in the Catholic tradition. (954)731-8173; www.stsfrancisandclare.org

OAKLAND PARK - Coral Heights Section, 2BD/2BA Freshly Painted, All New just 2 years ago including tiled floors in both bedrooms, both baths have been updated with white vanities, kitchen has maple cabinets and white appl, Maple floors in kitchen, dining room and living room, PLUS Oversized "Florida Room", fenced backyard, W/D, small pets OK, F/L/S/ move in now. Home is 1/2 of a Duplex, $1250.00/mo. Call for appt. (954)234-8759 Robert Geary MacKilligan "Your Life Partner In Real Estate" Bank Certified Specialist - Galleria Intl Realty on Las Olas FT LAUDERDALE - CONDO QUALITY 2BR/1BA. Walk in shower, Designer bath, Open Granite Kitchen, Smooth top range, D/W, Icemaker, very spacious unit, CAC. $1250/mo. 1yr Lease, F/S. Call (954) 448-9811

CHURCH OF THE HOLY SPIRITSONG Welcomes you to come and worship with us every Sunday at 10 am and every Wednesday night at 8 pm. We meet at the SpiritSong Worship Center at 2040B North Dixie Highway Suite 3 in Wilton Manors (Building B on Equality Park Campus, behind the Pride Center). God loves you just the way He made you. Come discover His purpose for you. For more info: (954) 418-8372, info@cohss.com, www.cohss.org.

UPHOLSTERY GOLD COAST UPHOLSTERY - Re-upholstering, Cushions, Throw pillows, Large selection of fabric to choose from or bring in your own fabric. Broward / Dade. Palm Beach. Call Edgar (954) 491-4937


OAKLAND PARK 2/1 - Good size 2/1 in this modern well managed 5-plex. Central air/heat, tile floors, large living/dining room with open plan kitchen, dishwasher, fridge/freezer. Ceiling fans, on-site laundry, assigned off-street parking, water/sewer included, small pets ok with approval. Great floorplan for 2 sharing. $8.95/month. Call Michael (954)540-3543 LAKERIDGE 1/1 GARDEN SETTING - Charming one bedroom apt in this well-maintained Lakeridge 5-plex. Tile floors, CAC, great location. Small pets OK with approval. Water and sewer included. Fabulous garden setting with sitting areas. Clean and ready now. $760/mo. Call Michael (954)540-3543 WILTON MANORS AREA - very nice 2/1, CAC & heat, tile floors, private patio & parking, W/D hook-ups, dishwasher, hurricane windows, gated entry. $1,000/mo. F/L/S Call (954)682-9428 WILTON MANORS - Walk to the Drive! Small 1/1. Tile throughout. Ceiling fans, 2 A/C units, laundry avail. $640/mo. $300 sec. dep. (954)537-7513

GUYS and DOLLIES. Moving * Storage * Packing * Crating * Shipping. “A” Rated Member of the BBB Register Movers since 1976. Major credit cards accepted. For free price quote, Call (954) 566-1270

SAILBOAT BEND 2/1 - Renovated 2/1 apt. in a beautiful complex. Spacious living area, granite counters, S/S appliances, tile throughout. CAC. Historic Sailboat Bend neighborhood. Asking $1100. Call Alex, Re/Max Preferred (954)683-4880.


PRIVATE YARDS AND MINUTES TO WILTON MANORS Nice 1/1 in a newly renovated complex minutes from Wilton Manors. Private yard and entrance for each unit. Granite counters, newer appliance, tile flooring, W/D on premise. Asking $800. Call Alex, Re/Max Preferred (954)683-4880. HUGE ONE BEDROOM, LIKE NEW CONSTRUCTION Huge and newly renovated private 1/1 apt. with brand new S/S appliances, CAC, granite counters, tile flooring and giant bedroom, over-sized walk in closet. Great bathroom, party shower. Asking $900. Call Alex, Re/Max Preferred (954)683-4880 LIKE NEW CONSTRUCTION MASTERPIECE - This home has been renovated with such detail it is for the pickiest tenant. Stunning granite kitchen, tray ceilings, high end lighting, W/D in home, lots of parking, great part of South Middle River just blocks from Wilton Dr. Asking $1200. Call Alex, Re/Max Preferred (954)683-4880

METH PROBLEM? www.SouthFloridaCMA.org

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