Florida Agenda #74

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n Fort Lauderdale n Miami n Bay Area n Central Florida n “SOUND

OF MUSIC“ SING-ALONG A benefit for the Rising Action Theatre; come in costume and yodel to one of the greatest musicals ever! Courtesy, Fox Home Video

n MGLFF The 13th Annual Miami Gay & Lesbian Film Festival, April 21May 1, premieres the film Going Down in La-La Land with Matthew Ludwinski PAGE 30 Courtesy, Dylan Rosser


Gay Teen Suicides More Common In Politically Conservative Areas Liberal Environment Better for Gay & Straight Teens By ALEX VAUGHN Lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) teens are five times as likely to attempt suicide than their heterosexual peers, says a new study, but living in a supportive community can help mitigate this effect. In addition, suicide attempts by gay teens – and even straight kids – are more common in politically conservative areas where schools don't have programs supporting gay rights, a study involving nearly 32,000 high school students found. Those factors raised the odds and were a substantial influence on suicide attempts even when known risk contributors like depression and being bullied were considered, said study author Mark Hatzenbuehler, a Columbia University psychologist and researcher. The teens answered questions about depression, alcohol use,

relationships with peers and family and sexuality. To evaluate the teens' social environment, Hatzenbuehler gave each of the counties where the teens lived a score based upon the proportion of same-sex couples living there, the county's percentage of registered Democrats and the proportion of schools which had gay-straight alliances and policies against bullying and discrimination. Gay, lesbian and bisexual teens living in counties with the lowest social index scores were 20 percent more likely to have attempted suicide than gays in counties with the highest index scores. Overall, about 25 percent of gay teens in low-scoring counties had attempted suicide, versus 20 percent of gay teens in high-scoring counties.

Photo courtesy, milkboys.org


See ‘GAY SUICIDES’ on Page 7

MINOGUE In her Aphrodite Live 2011 Tour in Orlando, Sunday, May 8 at 7pm at the Hard Rock Live Orlando. Tickets selling fast! PAGE 33

Cabinet minister, Sharizat Abdul Jalil being mobbed by delegates

Courtesy, The Star Celeb


ON 7TH Cazwell leads the line-up for a full day of activities to unite the GLBT community on Saturday, April 30, 8am - 5pm. PAGE 33 Courtesy, cazwell.com

Photo courtesy, bernama.com

Gay Boot Camp Illegal Minister Says Camp Breaches Children’s Rights By ALEX VAUGHN There has been an outcry in Malaysia after a group of teenage boys were sent to a camp in a bid to stop them becoming gay. The Terengganu state education department has ordered 66 boys, whose teachers hand-picked them as effeminate, to spend this week at a boot camp undergoing physical education, religious classes, and listening to motivational speakers. But cabinet minister Sharizat Abdul Jalil and human rights organizations say the camp breaches the children's rights and

would be traumatizing. Education department director Razali Daud told the New Straits Times the teachers had identified the boys as displaying feminine qualities – though educators in the conservative state of Terengganu did not detail what they were, the BBC's Jennifer Pak reports from Kuala Lumpur. He said he understands some people will end up as transvestites or homosexuals, but that the state will do its best to limit the number. It is the first such camp for

See ‘GAY BOOT CAMP’ on Page 16

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APRIL 21, 2011


news Aqua Foundation for Women Now Accepting Grant Applications MIAMI, FL – Aqua Foundation offers grants up to $20,000 to organizations for projects that work toward improving the wellness and equality of lesbian, bisexual and transgender women in South Florida. These grants allow organizations to provide a variety of projects for LBT women. The 2011 grant guidelines and application are now available. Applications must be submitted by Thursday, June 30, 2011. For more information, visit www.aquafoundation.org/grants-program. H


Opendoorwaysfl@gmail.com. H

Craig Stevens’ Birthday Celebration MIAMI, FL – Edison Farrow and his SoBe Social Club will be paying tribute to WSVN news anchor and community favorite Craig Stevens on his birthday. The party will be held at Farrow’s “The Simple Life Thursdays” at Cameo (1445 Washington Avenue, Miami Beach) on Thursday, April 21st.

“Sound of Music” Sing Along FORT LAUDERDALE, FL – There will be a “Sound of Music” Sing Along, a benefit for the Rising Action Theatre, at the Manor Entertainment Complex, 2356 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors of Friday and Saturday, April 29 and 30, starting at 7 p.m. Tickets are $15 in advance or $20 at the door. Bring five friends and get in free, use code “Maria” at check out. Get ready to yodel along to the most successful movie of all time on the big screen. Come in costume for one of the funniest and most liberating nights you will have in a long time. Whether you're a nun, a goat herder or a brown paper package tied up with string, best costume will win some new favorite things. With David Leddick hosting as Maria. H

Open Doorways Conference FORT LAUDERDALE, FL – Homeless youth in South Florida have no shelters that completely service sexuality and gender minorities. If this pattern continues, the LGBT homeless youth will be judged and misunderstood. If a LGBT youth homeless shelter is built, the youth will have a place allowing them to be nurtured, loved and selfexpressed. Open Doorways is holding a conference to discuss – and possibly build such a shelter – on Saturday, April 23, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Stonewall Library and Archives. Call or email for more information: (954) 404-0745,

WSVN News Anchor, Craig Stevens Photos courtesy, Miami Beach 411

This new Thursday night at Cameo has proven to be an instant hit; the first two weeks were a huge success. Drink prices have been lowered and the cover charge is only $5 and will feature DJ Daisy D. Craig Stevens co-anchors the news on Channel 7 at 5:00, 6:00, 10:00 and 11:00pm weeknights with Belkys Nerey. He also co-anchors two daily webcasts on WSVN.COM. He has been an anchor and reporter for nearly 20 years. At WSVN, Stevens has reported a wide range of stories: several hurricanes beginning with “Andrew,” the Oklahoma City bombing, elections from the local level to national races, including the disputed 2000 Presidential Election from Austin, Texas. He spent weeks following the murder of fashion designer Gianni Versace and the manhunt for Andrew Cunanan, Pope John Paul II's visits to Cuba and the United States, the death of JFK, Jr., the Elian Gonzalez saga and Fidel Castro's visit to the United Nations. H

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“Stonewall Uprising” Sneak Preview BOSTON, MA – Public Broadcasting System (PBS) and Facebook are inviting the LGBT community to preview an upcoming episode of the PBS television program, “The American Experience: Stonewall Uprising.” “Stonewall Uprising” is a documentary that tells the dramatic story of the Stonewall uprising in Greenwich Village, NYC, in 1969. The Stonewall riots, as they came to be known, marked a major turning point in the modern gay civil rights movement in the United States and around the world. On April 21st at 8 p.m. ET on the “American Experience” Facebook page (www.facebook.com/AmericanExperien ce) will be screening a sneak preview of the documentary in addition to segments from the WGBH Lab short film contest winners. The Lab’s contest winners — a high school teacher, a transgender activist, a video journalist, an animation student and a documentary filmmaker — contributed their videos to raise awareness for the issues of identity and acceptance that the LGBTQ community still face today, 40 plus years after the Stonewall riots. The screening will occur real-time nationwide, with the winning filmmakers participating in a live chat along with members of the “Stonewall Uprising” production team. “Kate Davis and David Heilbroner's taut documentary compellingly evokes the ‘Rosa Parks moment’ of the gayrights movement.” - TIME Magazine “Gripping! Allows us to experience a landmark civil rights event in a fresh and fascinating way.” – Owen Gleiberman, Entertainment Weekly.H

United American Families Act Reintroduced in Congress WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.), the ranking Democrat on the Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.), the ranking Democrat on the Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration and other members of the House announced the reintroduction of the Uniting American Families Act (UAFA). This legislation would allow Americans to sponsor their same-sex permanent partners for legal residency in the United States, a right currently enjoyed only by married opposite-sex couples under immigration law. Because the U.S. does not legally recognize same-sex couples and their children as families, many binational same-sex couples are torn apart. U.S. Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) also introduced UAFA in the Senate. “Today, thousands of committed same-sex couples are needlessly suffering because of unequal treatment under our immigration laws, and this is an outrage,” said Nadler. “Our Constitution guarantees that no class of people will be singled out for differential treatment — and LGBT Americans should not and


news must not be excluded from that guarantee.” “It’s appalling that the United States government forces families to separate,” noted Lofgren. “As a nation, we should be encouraging the cohesion of American families, not forcing the deportation of partners and parents. This is about discrimination, and in America we are all equal regardless of color, race, creed or sexual orientation.” UAFA would add the term “permanent partner” to sections of the Immigration and Naturalization Act that apply to married opposite-sex couples. “Permanent partner” is described as an adult who is in a committed, intimate relationship with another adult in “which both parties intend a lifelong commitment.” This legislation would afford equal immigration benefits to permanent partners as exist for married opposite-sex couples, and it would impose the same restrictions, enforcement standards and penalties as are currently in immigration law. At least 25 countries currently allow residents to sponsor same-sex permanent partners for legal immigration, including Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Israel, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.H

Lakers and GLAAD Get Together After Kobe Bryant “Faggot” Remark LOS ANGELES, CA – The Los Angeles Lakers joined the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) in issuing a statement regarding Kobe Bryant’s use of the anti-gay slur “faggot” during a recent basketball game and are committing to address homophobic remarks in the sport. “What happened in [the April 12th] game is not representative of what the Lakers stand for,” said Lakers spokesman John Black. “We want to reaffirm our commitment to all our fans and our appreciation for the support we receive from all segments of society. We also understand the importance of positive messages in helping us convey this. We appreciate the input we've received from GLAAD the past two days and will look forward to working with them on ways to help educate ourselves and our fans, and to help keep language like this out of our game.” “In light of this slur, there is a real opportunity to build support for our community and educate fans of Kobe Bryant, the Los Angeles Lakers, and the NBA about the use of such words,” said GLAAD President Jarrett Barrios. “The Los Angeles Lakers have taken a positive step and we look forward to working with them to create messages from players and coaches that combat bullying. We also suggested and will continue to advocate for zero tolerance policies for anti-gay slurs at home games, similar to what the New York Yankees adopted last year.” Continues on NEWS on Page 14

APRIL 21 2011


IGLTA: Countdown to Convention

Wilton Manors Consumer Expo Brings International Vendors to the Gayborhood Part Three of a Six-Part Series By CLIFF DUNN Although he might not be consciously aware of it, Reece Darham is an exponent of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s admonition that “there are no second acts” in life. This can be witnessed in the almost monomaniacal way the chairman of the Rainbow Business Coalition (RBC) of Greater Fort Lauderdale is overseeing preparations for the Consumer Trade Show and Expo his group is sponsoring as part of the International Gay and Lesbian Travel Association’s (IGLTA) upcoming convention in Broward County. Darham and his band of gay business and community leaders have focused on the IGLTA event as a means of promoting both immediate and long term growth in Greater Fort Lauderdale’s still-struggling economy. When IGLTA selected Fort Lauderdale as the host city for their 28th Annual Global Convention, dubbed “Unleashed,” the RBC saw the opportunity to highlight the area’s thriving LGBT community, the nation’s second largest. RBC was formed almost two years ago (under its original, informal working name, “Think Tank”) by a small group of LGBT business owners and community leaders who realized an opportunity to join together to promote unity, leadership, and common goals. As Peter Clark, Publisher of Hotspots magazine and a founder of RBC, pointed out at a recent board meeting, the group “is not a Chamber of Commerce, but a business league,” in which members “share information and best practices “ to grow their businesses and “generate awareness that will elevate Greater Fort Lauderdale as a top LGBT community and destination.” The organization soon had a new name, and a substantial and enthusiastic member base of over 90 LGBT businesses. These businesses and their owners have staked much of their hopes on the upcoming convention of IGLTA delegates, which starts on Tuesday, May 10, and continues through Sunday, May 15. At that time, around 800 travel professionals from more than 80 countries will descend on the Hilton at 17th Street Causeway for what organizers and locals alike hope will be the first of many such interactions and trips. “The goal is for the IGLTA delegates to leave craving for more of Fort Lauderdale,” Darham says. “For them to tell their clients, friends, and family about our hidden gem, and to send many tourists into our businesses.” A major element of that strategy will be held in Wilton Manors on Friday, May

13. Each year, the IGLTA convention conducts a Consumer Trade Show that allows attendees – including tour operators, hoteliers, media, destination resorts and communities, airlines, and travel agents, among others, to promote their businesses to the host city's LGBT community. According to John Tanzella, President of IGLTA, “this year's travel-themed Consumer Trade Show is particularly dynamic thanks to the support of the RBC, which joined forces with IGLTA to produce the free expo. Guests at the expo can visit travel vendors from around the globe.” The event, “Celebrate Fort Lauderdale,” which runs from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m., will open with a Parade of Flags on Wilton Drive featuring the global delegates. The parade, which will be led by Wilton Manors Mayor Gary Resnick, will culminate in Hagen Park, next to City Hall, followed by a free concert from international recording artist Kristine W. That performance has been underwritten by Jackson Paget and Mark Negrette, owners of Wilton Manors-based Georgie’s Alibi and Bill’s. Decorations for the park itself have been provided by Wilton Manors’ Boom nightclub. Local businesses wishing to purchase tables in the consumer show should contact the IGLTA offices (www.IGLTA.org). The RBC’s Darham, whose time is split between his RBC chair duties and his full-time job as owner of Wilton Manors-based Island City Health & Fitness, knows that the benefits of the convention and trade show are likely to accrue in waves. “I would love to see the community and local cities embrace this opportunity wholeheartedly, as this convention is infusing our local economy and benefiting everyone,” he notes. While he may sell some temporary guest memberships to delegates and their friends, the true payoff is likely to be felt later. “Our whole purpose is to create sustainable economic growth for Greater Fort Lauderdale and the LGBT community,” agrees Greg Hardy, Vice President at Oakland Park-based Solutions Insurance Services and an RBC member. “This is an unprecedented opportunity to showcase why we all choose to call this our home,” he adds. More information on “Celebrate Fort Lauderdale” and “Unleashed” can be found at www.IGLTA.org and www.RainbowBusinessCoalition.com.H

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“GAY SUICIDES” continued from COVER


Information on non-voters wasn't examAmong straight teens, suicide ined. Zachary Toomay, a high school senior attempts were 9 percent more common in low-scoring counties. There were from Arroyo Grande, Calif., said the 1,584 total suicide attempts – 304 of those study "seems not only plausible, but it's true." among gays, lesbians and bisexuals. The star swimmer, 18, lives in a conHatzenbuehler said the results show that "environments that are good for gay servative, mostly Republican county. He's active in his school's youth are also healthy for gay-straight alliance, and heterosexual youth." said he'd never been His study found a higher depressed until last year rate of suicide attempts when classmates "ostraeven among kids who cized" him for being vocal weren't bullied or depressed about gay rights. when they lived in counties Toomay said signs of less supportive of gays and community intolerance, with relatively few including bumper stickers Democrats. A high proporopposing same-sex martion of Democrats was a riage, also made him feel measure used as a proxy for down, and he sought guida more liberal environance from a school counment. selor after contemplating The research focused Dr. Robert Blum suicide. only on the state of Oregon Funding for the study came from the and created a social index to assess which outside factors might contribute National Institutes for Health and a cento suicidal tendencies. Other teen health ter for gay research at the Fenway experts called it a powerful, novel way to Institute, an independent Harvard-affiliated health care and research center. evaluate a tragic social problem. Michael Resnick, a professor of ado"Is it surprising? No. Is it important? Yes," said Dr. Robert Blum of Johns lescent mental health at the University Hopkins' Bloomberg School of Public of Minnesota's medical school, said the study "certainly affirms what we've Health. The study "takes our relatively super- come to understand about children and ficial knowledge and provides a bit more youth in general. depth. Clearly, we need lots more under"They are both subtly and profoundly standing, but this is very much a step in affected by what goes around them," he the right direction," he said. said, including the social climate and Blum serves on an Institute of perceived support. H Medicine committee that recently released a report urging more research on gay health issues. Blum said the new study is the kind of research the institute believes has been lacking. The independent group advises the government on health matters. The new study was published online Monday in the journal Pediatrics. Previous research has found disproportionately high suicide rates in gay teens. One highly publicized case involved a Rutgers University freshman who jumped off a bridge last year after classmates recorded and broadcast the 18-year-old having sex with a man. The study relied on teens' self-reporting suicide attempts within the previous year. Roughly 20 percent of gay, lesbian and bisexual teens said they had made an attempt, versus 4 percent of straight kids. "That challenges the myth that there's something inherent to being gay that puts LGB teens at risk for suicide attempts," Hatzenbuehler said in an interview with Reuter's Health, noting that schools can play an important role in cutting down on teen suicides by instituting policy changes that are supportive to their LGB students. The study is based on 2006-08 surveys of 11th-graders that state health officials conducted in Oregon classrooms; Oregon voter registration statistics; census data on same-sex couples and public school policies on gays and bullying. The researchers assessed proportions of Democrats versus Republicans; there were relatively few Independents.


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APRIL 21, 2011


Gay-cing the Silver Screen As the 13th Annual Miami Gay and Lesbian Film Festival kicks off this weekend, I got to thinking about gays in film. There have been gay characters in movies for over one hundred years – the big question is, however, how fair a depiction has been offered to date? Well, in short, not very – but that is changing. Gays have been shown either as stereotypical sissy queens, with fag hags, or bull dykes! Organizations such as GLAAD go as far to say that often in movies like Basic Instinct and Silence of the Lambs, gays and lesbians have been demonized and shown to be psychopaths. (Anyone with an ex might agree that’s fair enough!) Much has been written, discussed and complained about regarding how gays and lesbians are portrayed in the movies. In his book The Celluloid Closet, Vito Russo analyzes the representation of gays and lesbians in Hollywood films from the 1890s to the 1980s, and demonstrates a history of homophobia. He argues that Hollywood’s portrayal of lesbians and gay men has often been cruel and homophobic. Gay and lesbian characters have been defined by their sexual orientation, and lacked any complex character development. When you look back over gays in movies the slow progress of acceptance tracks closely to social evolution, not just in Hollywood, but globally. From 1890s to the 1930s, homosexuality was often presented as an object of ridicule and laughter; it is fair to say this continues today. The character of the sissy was popular at this time – a character who was a source of amusement and reassurance for the audience. The sissy was not a threatening representation of homosexuality because he occupied a middle ground between masculinity and femininity. From the 1930s to the 1950s, religious and women’s groups criticized Hollywood films for contributing to immorality. As a result, the industry introduced a self-censorship code that affected the portrayal of homosexuality. During these years, films could not feature overtly homosexual characters—so homosexuality was suggested through a character’s mannerisms and behavior, leading, of course, to reinforce the idea that all gay people were limp wristed mincers! This strict code was loosened in the 1960s and 1970s, which also saw the dawn of the women’s movement and the gay rights movement. While gays

and lesbians were becoming more visible and vocal in public life, their representation in films was becoming even more homophobic. At this time, gay characters were often represented as dangerous, violent, or murderous. Since the 1990s, Hollywood has improved its portrayal of gay and lesbian

Alex Vaughn characters. The popularity of films such as The Birdcage, Philadelphia, To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything, Priscilla Queen of the Desert, Flawless and In & Out demonstrates that audiences can and do enjoy films with gay and lesbian characters. But despite these advances, critics say the industry is still too cautious in its portrayals of gay themes, characters, and experiences. Hollywood films are designed to appeal to as large an audience as possible; and producers fear that focusing on gay and lesbian themes risks offending a large portion of the audience, as well as potential investors. This means that good gay films, or more importantly films with good and wellrounded gay characters, are somewhat renegaded to the ‘underground’. Movies like the British, Beautiful Thing and It’s My Party, starring Eric Roberts, were both touching movies that had a plethora of supporting characters to create ‘real life’ gay characters. They weren’t camp, overly emotional or even fashionable – they were just people getting on with their lives.

Letters to the Editor DEAR EDITOR, It was chilling standing with protesters being ridiculed by gay rodeo event-goers as they stood in line to pay to watch weaker creatures brutalized, as if they hadn’t been ridiculed or brutalized themselves. Suddenly in the majority, they had the power, you know? I hope as they continue to whine about how they can’t marry or adopt in Florida these men and women consider the calf they enjoyed watching get roughed up so badly she later died, in agony, of internal injuries. She’ll be shaking her head from

Brokeback Mountain proved there was appeal in a mainstream gay love story. The film, though visually stunning didn’t do much for politics, but made huge steps for showing it is possible for a movie with two gay characters involved in a relationship to be an international, award winning blockbuster. Today, there is undoubtedly more acceptance of gay lifestyles in film. In television, shows like Will and Grace opened doors to show that characters didn’t always have to be camp or in the closet. They could be just like Will, looking for love in all the wrong places, successful in business and socially, and not finding that special someone. Just last week, a gay-themed film has proved an unexpected success in conservative Malaysia although Malaysian films are not allowed to depict support for gay life and homosexual intercourse remains illegal in the country, punishable by up to 20 years in prison. When you actually think about it, the movement, like many others for the community, is on the right trajectory and we need to really think about what we would want to see in film – the chances are straight people would want to see it too! There is no question that with the a much enlightened and open-minded youth coming to the fore, we will soon be seeing more gay movies and more importantly more gay characters who are not defined by their sexuality. This will show that a gay movie isn’t what people imagine to be an ‘arty flimsy attempt’ to disguise gayporn, but real well-rounded characters who aren’t just like straight people, but are just like normal real gay people. Everyone has a story to tell after all. “In a hundred years of movies, homosexuality has only rarely been depicted on the screen. When it did appear, it was there as something to laugh at—or something to pity—or even something to fear. These were fleeting images, but they were unforgettable, and they left a lasting legacy. Hollywood, that great maker of myths, taught straight people what to think about gay people … and gay people what to think about themselves.” – Vito RussoH


Alex Vaugn is the Editor-in-Chief of the Florida Agenda. He can be reached at editor@FloridaAgenda.com

Please send all your comments and letters to editor@FloridaAgenda.com

calf Heaven, and might even forgive them. Sincerely, CHRIS MURPHY DEAR EDITOR, Thank you for giving the animals a voice. I have been a veterinarian for 20 years albeit a small animal veterinarian, but no animal in a rodeo looks like they like being there. It must be terrifying and painful for them. I always ask people if they would allow that same activity with their beloved dog or child ... the answer is always 'NO'. It is time to evolve.

Sincerely, RANDALL CANNON, DVM DEAR EDITOR, Thanks for the article on the Gay Rodeo. Get a ticket if you can, but don't let them know you are with the press. Go undercover, so to speak. It might be good for you to see what happens to these animals up close; then you will see why we are so opposed to it. Thank you! HEATHER







SALES & MARKETING Director of Sales CLIFF DUNN cliffd@floridaagenda.com - 407-744-1456 KEITH CHAMLEE - CENTRAL/BAY AREA keithc@jumponmarkslist.com - 954-465-1563 CLASSIFIEDS classifieds@jumponmarkslist.com - 954-903-4781 National Ad Representative RIVENDELL MEDIA: 212-242-6863


DISPLAY AD DEADLINES: Placement by Fridays, 5 p.m. Camera Ready Artwork by Mondays, Noon CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINES: Placement by Mondays, 5 p.m. Artwork by Mondays, Noon ALL MATERIAL in the Florida Agenda is protected by federal copyright law and may not be reproduced without the written consent of the Florida Agenda. The sexual orientation of advertisers, photographers, writers and cartoonists published herein is neither inferred or implied. The appearance of names or pictorial representation does not necessarily indicate the sexual orientation of that person or persons. Although this paper is supported by many fine advertisers, the Agenda cannot accept responsibility for claims made by advertisers. EDITORIAL POSITIONS of the Florida Agenda are expressed in editorials and in editors’ notes as determined by the paper’s editors. Other opinions are those of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Florida Agenda or its staff. TO SUBMIT A LETTER OR COMMENTARY: Letters should be fewer than 400 words; commentaries should be fewer than 750 words. Submissions may be edited for content and length, and must include a name, address and phone number for verification. Send submissions by e-mail to Editor@floridaagenda.com by fax to 954566-7900 or by regular mail to the Agenda office, attn: Letters/Commentary.

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APRIL 21 2011


Discriminatory Medicare Changes Deny Coverage for Lifesaving Procedure to Detect Anal Cancer By EliE SchochEt, MD

Squamous Cell Cancers of the Anus (SCCA) account for .05- 1% of all colon and rectal cancers (CRC) in the general population. Over the last five years, however, SCCA accounted for almost 20% of the colon and rectal cancers at Holy Cross Hospital in Fort Lauderdale. Squamous Cell Cancers of the Anus (SCCA) belong to the family of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) related cancers, as does cervical cancer and several others. SCCA can be detected through anal Pap screening, similar to vaginal Pap screening for detection of cervical cancer in women. If the anal pap identifies abnormal cells, a High Resolution Anoscopy (HRA) is performed to locate the specific areas for biopsy and subsequent ablation or eradication. It is this HRA procedure that Medicare has disallowed. This decision by Medicare has a significant impact specifically on the gay population in general and even more significantly on the HIV-positive population (male and female, regardless of sexual orientation). Prior to HIV, the incidence of SCCA in

men who have sex with men (MSM) was 35/100,000, a rate almost equivalent to the rate of cervical cancer in all women before the introduction of Pap screening. Through use of vaginal Pap tests and subsequent ablation or eradication of affected tissue, the rate of cervical cancer has been reduced by 80% in countries which adopted routine use of Pap screening in sexually active women. In 2011, the rate of cervical cancer in all women has been reduced to 0.8/100,000. It may be possible to achieve these same dramatic results in the prevention of anal cancer, as well. Prior to the development of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), the rate of SCCA in HIV-positive MSM was at least 70/100,000 and in the almost 15 years since the widespread adoption of HAART and the extended longevity of HIV-positive patients, rates have been reported to be from 90-140/100,000 and is continuing to rise in all reports. These findings place SCCA as the second most common cancer affecting both MSM and HIV-positive patients, exceeding both

lung cancer and colon cancer and only less common than prostate cancer. On February 14, 2011, new Medicare guidelines took effect, in which the use of HRA was “determined not to be medically reasonable and necessary at this time based on the current available published evidence�. As a result, HRA is no longer covered by Medicare. Most private health insurance companies base their rules of coverage on Medicare guidelines and are already identifying HRA as non-covered. These guidelines were only issued in Florida and, as of today, no other state has declined coverage. Cities with large gay populations such as San Francisco have been using anal pap screening for the past 15 years. For the last few years, many of the Fort Lauderdale physicians directly involved with caring for the large gay and HIV+ population here have been promoting the use of annual anal pap screening for all MSM and HIV+ people. Once abnormal cells are detected, patients are sent to a number of surgeons who can pro-

vide HRA, the only reliable method to find and treat these pre-cancerous lesions before they can turn into cancers. A number of concerned physicians and surgeons who care for our loved ones in Fort Lauderdale have filed an appeal to Medicare to reconsider this ruling, which can be considered discriminatory against the gay population. Concerned individuals who would like to support this effort to have Medicare reverse its decision, should contact their congressman and any other public officials who may be in a position to lobby on behalf of current and future patients with anal cancer. South Florida has one of the largest and fastest growing MSM populations in the world, and it is vital Medicare realize the importance of providing coverage for HRA to prevent the continued rise in anal cancer rates here at home. H


Elie Schochet, MD Division of Colon and Rectal Surgery Holy Cross Hospital Fort Lauderdale, FL

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news NEWS Continued from Page 5

In addition to the LA Lakers, NBA executives have agreed to meet with GLAAD to discuss ways to send a message about the power of such words to the league’s audience, many of whom are young people, parents or educators. Recently, GLAAD worked with the New York Yankees and World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) to address issues of homophobia in sports. After working with GLAAD, the New York Yankees adopted a new policy that strictly prohibits anti-gay slurs in Yankee Stadium.H

Inclusive Employment Non-Discrimination Act Introduced in U.S. Senate WASHINGTON, D.C. – In a bipartisan move, the U.S. Senate reintroduced of an inclusive Employment NonDiscrimination Act (ENDA), which would create federal protections against workplace discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. “In today's economy, job security is important to all Americans, especially LGBT people who can be fired for no other reason than their sexual orientation or gender identity,” said Human Rights Campaign (HRC) President Joe Solmonese. “Passing ENDA is a key element of making sure all Americans can get back to work and get our country moving again.” The Employment Non-Discrimination Act would address discrimination in the workplace by making it illegal to fire, refuse to hire or refuse to promote an employee based on the person’s sexual orientation or gender identity. Such protections currently exist in 21 states and D.C. for sexual orientation and 12 states and DC for gender identity. Among Fortune 500 companies, 87 percent have sexual orientation non-discrimination policies and 46 percent have gender identity non-discrimination policies. Additionally, more than 85 companies have joined the Business Coalition for Workplace Fairness, a group of leading U.S. employers that support the Employment Non-Discrimination Act.H

Louisiana Gay Dads Ruled Off Birth Certificate NEW ORLEANS, LA – A gay male couple who adopted a child in New York are being forbidden by the state of Louisiana to have both their names listed on the birth certificate of the child listing both as “father”. The 5th U.S. Court of Appeals sided with the state of Louisiana that only permitting the name of one father on the birth certificate does not violate the child’s right to equal protection under the law, nor did it require the state of Louisiana to recognize the adoption by both men that took place in New York. Adoptive children in Louisiana get a new birth certificate indicating the names of the adoptive parents; however, the state does not permit adoption by unmarried couples. The state contends


that putting both men’s names on the birth certificate would violate the state’s law. An attorney for Lambda Legal said the organization is reviewing the 72page court decision before making a decision to appeal the court’s ruling.H

We Can Hear Him Now! NEW YORK, NY – After nine years of being the “Test Man” in Verizon Wireless’ “Can You Hear Me Now?” ad campaign, Paul Marcarelli can now be heard telling his story. Verizon recently informed Marcarelli they were going to close the curtain on the highly successful advertising campaign which helped propel Verizon to the number one mobile service provider in the U.S. Marcarelli told The Atlantic that his Verizon contract required him to remain silent but since his contract will not be renewed he feels comfortable speaking about his role. Before signing on as “Test Man” in 2001, Marcarelli had been a struggling actor sharing an apartment with his boyfriend and another actor friend. By 2002, he was appearing onstage at a pro-football halftime show and reciting Verizon’s tagline in front of a crowd of 85,000. “Up to that point,” Marcarelli told The Atlantic, “I hadn't played to a house larger than 99 seats.” But this celebrity would have some painful effects on Marcarelli's personal life.H

California Passes Gay History Bill SACRAMENTO, CA – The California State Assembly has passed a bill requiring the state’s schools to teach gay history. The bill is headed over to the desk of Governor Jerry Brown who is sure to sign the bill making it law. Once signed, California will become the first state to require the teaching of gay history. Supporters say the bill is needed to counter anti-gay stereotypes and beliefs that make children in those groups vulnerable to bullying and suicide.H

Delaware Adopts Civil Union Bill DOVER, DE – Last week, the Delaware Senate passed a civil unions bill for same-sex couples by a vote of 136. And this week, following three hours of debate, the Delaware House has approved the same bill by a vote of 26-15. When the vote was announced, the balcony erupted into cheers, applause and cries of “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” With passage of the bill, Delaware becomes the eighth state to grant such legal status to same-sex couples and was written to parallel Delaware’s marriage code, but opponents say it will certainly be used to fight for same-sex marriage. Upon hearing about the passage of the bill, Delaware Governor Markell said: “It's time for this bill to pass. It’s time for the bill to be signed. It's the right thing to do for the people of Delaware.”H

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from the publisher

Bringing Our Story to the World What a ride the last twelve years have been. I’ve had the honor of working with a community with synergy you rarely find anywhere. Little did I know when I accepted a position working for thenPublisher of Express Gay News, Norm Kent, I would be taking the reins a few short years later under the Window Media umbrella. It was an honor publishing a weekly LGBT newspaper, but my goals were more ambitious. Taking the editorial and creative standards we had instilled in the newspaper and bringing it to a glossy was my next mission. Elevating the image of Florida’s LGBT community within the pages of a weekly glossy was reached with the purchase and redesign of 411 Magazine. This changed the face of local glossies forever. While the publication’s names and ownership have change several times over the last decade, the mission has not. Providing a voice for the community, and a vehicle to showcase all Florida has to offer, has always been my number one mission. In preparation for the Mark’s List expansion, I’m happy to announce that I will be taking my experience cross-country next month. I’ll be sharing my time between two target markets. Over the last two years, I’ve enjoyed working closely with Mark Haines and Bobby Blair. Bobby Blair will assume the Publisher role of Mark Magazine and Florida Agenda. I’m confident his leadership will allow the company to continue to grow. Utilizing my PR contacts, I will continue my role as Executive Editor of both publications. I will also assume a National Sales Director role within both companies. This isn’t a goodbye to South Florida, but a hello to the world. To not only elevate the Mark’s List brands, but to also bring the story of Florida’s LGBT community to the world.

Kevin Hopper Publisher & Executive Editor Mark Magazine & Florida Agenda


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APRIL 21, 2011



The Earth Is Yours

“GAY BOOT CAMP” continued from COVER

Terengganu but sexuality rights activist Pang Khee says there are camps that teach university students how to be more masculine, while at some school camps students are bullied if they are different. "It's crazy that the state itself is actively taking part in bullying and subjecting an already vulnerable group of students to further ridicule and torture," he said. "I think it's possible to teach people to pretend to be straight, that has been the case with most civilizations throughout history. But personally, when I was younger, as a Christian, I spent 12 years of my youth trying to go straight, and despite all my best efforts and fasting and crying and all that, I'm still gay." Under Malaysian law, people convicted of sodomy can be sent to jail for 20 years. However, Mr Pang says while many Malaysians do stay in the closet, lots of others come out. He personally is not afraid of being arrested. "The sodomy law in Malaysia interestingly enough has been used I think no more than 10 times," he said. "Half of those times were against Anwar Ibrahim, the former deputy prime minister, and the other half of the times were used against men who have sodomy with minors. I consider the government leaders to be homophobic, but I do not consider Malaysians in general to be more homophobic than any other country. I think there is a large amount of homophobia, as well as a large amount of acceptance." A coalition of seven women's groups has released a statement condemning the camp for promoting homophobia and breaching the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. The Joint Action Group for Gender Equality says if the Terengganu state has a definition for what constitutes "normal" behavior, then the criteria should be made public. Malaysia's women, family and community development minister, Sharizat Abdul Jalil, says she was alarmed to hear of boys being sent to a camp to correct their behavior. In a statement, she says being singled out in such a way would be extremely traumatizing for teenagers and could have serious psychological repercussions. Ms Sharizat says the camp violates laws regarding children and must be abolished. Meanwhile, Raymond Tai from the PT Foundation, which provides HIV prevention, support and care services, says sexual health workers worry it will drive more gay people in Malaysia underground. "It's getting difficult for us to do our outreach work at gay venues, as well as on the streets with sex workers and transgenders, simply because many of these people are very much underground now; they're not out in the open," he continued, "So it's difficult for us to reach them and even if we are able to reach them, there is a lot of harassment



Photo courtesy, Liseva

from the state authorities like the police, enforcement officers, religious officers." Gay rights groups have also criticized the measure, saying it promotes homophobia in the Muslim-majority country where gay sex is still illegal. In contrast an education official said the camp was meant to guide the boys back "to a proper path in life". State officials say that, if left unchecked, the students – aged between 13 and 17 – could end up gay or transsexual. They said they blame parents for encouraging boys to develop feminine traits by dressing them up in girls' clothing at a young age. Terengganu’s state education director, Razali Daud, was quick to point out the students were invited to join the camp and were not compelled to do so. "As educators, we have to do something about it before the young ones misunderstand people and reach the point of no return," he was quoted as saying by the New Straits Times. Activists say it is appalling that educators are persecuting children for expressing their personalities and identities. The Joint Action Group for Gender Equality said "corrective boot camps" violate the rights of people who are perceived as different. "It should be strongly opposed and challenged as it promotes homophobia and prejudice," the group said in a statement. "We should send a clear message to institutions that they have no business meddling with an individual's identity and personal preference." A campaigner for sexual rights, Pang Khee Teik, described the camp as outrageous and an example of homophobia. "All the students will learn from these camps is that they are expected to behave a certain way," said Mr Pang, cofounder of Seksualiti Merdeka. He concluded, "and in order to avoid further ridicule, perhaps they will learn to pretend better. In the end, we are only teaching them how to be a hypocrite." H

Photo courtesy, iStock

Earth Day has been around since, well, surely since the beginning of time. It’s a shame to honor its existence only one day a year, but at least the date serves as a marker reminding us to think about it. The gay community, I feel, is generally more conscious about the earth than most. Most of us juggle the simple task of putting trash here and recyclables there as we go about dashing through our busy lives. Even though we do so much, maybe Earth Day is the one day we should “think Globally and act Locally” and ask ourselves if we are doing all that we can? Are we turning off lights when not needed? Are we combining errands, or sharing a ride to save fuel? It’s a good day to stop and think about our “carbon footprint“. One way we can help the earth is to plant our gardens wisely by using water smartly. There is a term for this approach – it is called Xerophytic Gardening. I don’t really like the term, as it makes me think of cacti (which I have and like) but South Florida doesn’t and shouldn’t look like a desert. What it really means is to plant your garden to utilize the existing conditions to their best advantage. Noting such things as sun and shade patterns, wet and dry areas or soil types, we can then think how each area will be used; walkways, entrances, patios, pools and, of course, your hot

tub! Now we can explore style, and there are as many landscape variations as there are people. It’s a wonderful and rewarding way of expressing yourself. You could decide to make your landscape tropical or you could go for a northern look or maybe more formal, natural, Italian, Japanese, serene or exciting – x it’s all up to you! Whatever style you chose, I recommend aiming for something a little “over the top,” just for fun. You should also have any kind of plant you like, but herein lies the key: Each different kind of plant utilizes different amounts of water so, by placing plants of like requirements together, we can create zones, allowing us to water less where it isn’t necessary, while adequately watering areas that do. Planting around your home or anywhere helps the world in many ways, for not only are plants beautiful, delighting the eye and pleasing to the soul, but they do wonderful things for the environment, too. A single tree helps filter the air and produces oxygen – not to mention its ability to cool us and our houses, thus reducing our electricity costs and our carbon footprint. At Jesse Durko’s Nursery, we offer an extensive collection of trees and shrubs not commonly seen in regular nurseries throughout southern Florida, many of which are specially adapted to growing in gardens requiring less water. H

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APRIL 21, 2011




Your Life Partner in Real Estate The numbers over the last year and a half paint a stark picture of South Florida’s real estate market, which bottomed out in October of 2009. As is inevitably the case, however, “what comes down must go back up.” Lowerend price point properties that sold for $40,000 to $50,000 last summer are now seeing healthy increases to $70,000 and $80,000. I have been living is South Florida for over 20 years, and have been selling real estate for a dozen of those. It’s been a truism in real estate that once the bottom of the market starts climbing with price point increases, the middle and higher end markets will follow. What had been an anemic market has begun to show signs of life. Presently we have lowered our inventory of homes and condos to half of what they were from 2009. There are many Federal and local government programs that allow assistance and incentives to motivate people to buy. One example is the "Home Path Program" that allows a consumer to buy a home with as little as 3% down. On top of the assistance programs, we are also seeing historically low interest rates, hovering at just over 5%. The market has finally become affordable for many consumers. (By way of comparison, I remember when I bought my first home in Portland, Maine in the early 1980s, I paid 16.50%. To quote a familiar phrase, “We’ve come a long way, baby.”) When we review this past season of sales, I am sure we will see that the "snow birds" took advantage of lower price points and amazing interest rates. It’s safe to say that most consumers would rather pay about half of what

prices were just 6 years ago. With over 60 million "Baby Boomers" retiring, who wouldn't want their own piece of the South Florida sunshine? My motto, "Your Life Partner In Real Estate" is more than a catch-phrase: it is a watch word of my business and the professional relationships I have developed through the years. Most of my clients have become my friends and I sincerely believe that finding someone a home is more than just selling a house. Put me to the test; you will be happy you did. A native of Boston, Massachusetts. Robert Geary MacKilligan works with Galleria International Realty, on Fort Lauderdale’s Las Olas Blvd. A Bank Certified Specialist, he works directly with Broward Country banks to help buyers own their piece of South Florida’s foreclosure inventory, as well as with investors from all over the world. MacKilligan also serves as sales director on a number of development projects, including locations in Fort Lauderdale, Jacksonville, and New Smyrna Beach, Florida. MacKilligan has experience working with investors, contractors and building professions on projects from start to finish. Working with an international research statistical company, he follows real estate trends throughout the world, employing strategies that are invaluable when investors are looking to sell properties they own overseas. Robert Geary MacKilligan, “Your Life Partner In Real Estate.” Cell: 954-234-8759 rgmsell@aol.com.

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APRIL 21, 2011



Firm Up, Fix Up, Freshen Up – From the Ground Up! Home Renovation Financing Programs Homebuyers / Homeowners:


Do you find yourself house hunting and imagining what you’d do if only you had enough money to purchase a home and then make improvements without draining your hard-earned saving? Turn that fixer-upper into your one-a nd-only dream home with our unique, all-inone Purchase & RenovateSM loan. It provides the money you need to buy a home and to improve it – all with one application, one closing, and one monthly payment. You’ll enjoy benefits at every step: • More money. The loan is based on the home’s value after improvements. • Lower payments. The cost of improvements is spread out over the term of the loan. • Tax benefits. The interest on renovations may be tax deductible. • Freedom of choice. Make whatever improvements you want – from practical to luxurious.

Dated inventory? Listings that need some work? Our Purchase & RenovateSM programs can help make properties more marketable and help you increase sales – with a streamlined loan process for your buyers. • Increase your buyer base • Overcome the challenges of selling a home with needed repairs • You focus on selling; we'll oversee the renovation financing with a variety of renovation programs we can help you position older homes, short sales, fixer-uppers, rehabs and foreclosures – there are options for properties in virtually any condition. Need help to save a closing? Inspection uncovers a water leak? Replace a roof? A Streamline 203(K) loan may be the answer. Have a growing family wanting a bigger house? Could the home use some energy saving improvements? The FHA 203(K) pro-

gram can help address these needs. Have a buyer looking for an investment property? Foundation crumbling? Our conventional conforming renovation financing program may be the answer for this and more! r Todd Fogel Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Renovation Loan Specialist Todd.Fogel@wellsfargo.com o 954-229-1108 c 954-868-7015

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APRIL 21, 2011



Good News About Real Estate By Rick Gibson

Feeling confused about real estate today? You’re not alone … there is such negativity and so many conflicting perspectives that it’s hard to see the good news. So, what is the “good” news? My favorite example of news that got “lost” somehow is from 2005. CNN/Money published a real estate report on U.S. zip codes. Would you believe a large area of Fort Lauderdale and Wilton Manors ranked number one in the entire country for the fastest appreciation? The importance of that news is because history repeats itself. The same areas will appreciate again for the same reasons they did in 2005. In 2010, CNBC.com announced the City of Fort Lauderdale ranked number one in the United States for “buyer interest and demand.” I read all the local newspapers to see if I could find this news and was intrigued to find it was nowhere to be seen. Positive news seems to get lost and gloom and doom easy to find. This contributes to confusion in one of the most exciting real estate markets I have ever seen. Did the market drop since that report in 2005? Yes, a lot. Will it go back up? Of course it will. But, first it has to stabilize. In my opinion, it is stabilizing right now. This month, the Sun-Sentinel reported ten zip codes in Broward County experienced price increases when compared to last year. In February, traffic to real estate websites jumped 27% and sales of single family homes and condos in Florida were up 13% from 2010. Fort Lauderdale Beach is about to undergo a multi-million dollar facelift to transform the area west of AIA to upscale hotels, restaurants and shops. Do these numbers or information mean sellers should increase their prices? Not unless they happen to be selling in one of those 10 zip codes or in very select parts of Broward County. What does it mean? It means we should avoid negativity, realize we

are in a good place, make plans, and move forward with solid strategies. The recovery may be slow but the good news is that we are recovering now. Meanwhile, many people are in distressed personal situations, facing foreclosure, need to short sell their properties or considering bankruptcy. This is serious, and why the price recovery will be slow. Although not pleasant for anyone who needs or want to sell, there are many options, programs, and strategic ways to solve these challenges. I truly believe a solid plan and expert advice can turn around many of the real estate problems people are experiencing so they can still benefit from the low prices. Stigma and misinformation about short selling properties and bankruptcy seems common and is harmful. Please consult a Realtor® with the training and experience needed to provide you accurate information, your options and opportunities to help. Real estate is more highly specialized than ever, so please make sure you are in good hands and take action to find solutions to your problems. We hear “now is a great time to buy” over and over. It’s because it is true. Consider the people who do not own any real estate and that in many cases it costs less to buy a home than rent. They may not even be aware of their options. Loan programs such as HomePath and FHA financing are so affordable that assuming someone cannot own a home without trying may be a mistake. The most fortunate right now are investors and, at some level, all of us in real estate could think of our-

selves as investors. The opportunities to buy, improve and rent properties out for cash flow, tax benefits and future resale are incredible. The impact of this gentrification supports the entire market’s recovery. Past standards for return on investment (ROI) are being exceeded dramatically due to low prices and increasing rents. If you are in a position to invest in real estate right now you are fortunate and might consider it carefully. Don’t wait for it to get better. On the selling side of things, there are many of us who own properties worth much less than what we owe on them. It can also be a “great time to sell” if you reduce your debt and buy something else you like more and which is more affordable. For a limited time, there are tax benefits, federal assistance programs (HAFA, etc.) and cash at closing for short sellers. I recommend anyone considering short selling meet with a Certified Distressed Property Expert (CDPE) before listing their property. Sellers who are not upside down and do not have mortgages can consider renting their current property out, selling it or leveraging it to use this buying window of opportunity to upgrade, down-size or purchase investment property. Some of you can afford to make payments but will be eighty-yearsold by the time your properties break even, so may decide not to pay your mortgage and short sell or allow foreclosure. This is called “strategic default.” Some consider it unethical, but my position is to leave it to the business of the property owner and lender and not for me to decide. In any case, there are many opportunities and many solutions to problems. I only ask that people consider there is hope and are solutions out there. There is a lot of good news and there are a lot of people who care. r

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APRIL 21, 2011




City County Credit Union: It May Be Time to Spring Clean Your Finance Needs City County Credit Union is proud to be a part of the Wilton Manors community. They are a financial institution with a difference. As a not-for-profit cooperative, they are owned by their members (customers) and pride themselves on offering high levels of service and top value products to their owners. CCCU often says that they make the lives of members better with a variety of financial products to suit their needs at every life stage. The credit union offers personal loans as well as credit cards, and loans for vehicles and homes. They also make available deposit products to help members reach their savings goals, and checking accounts with no per check fees. Easy access to accounts is only a call or click away through their large Call Center, online banking from any computer and a 24-hour ATM network. To ensure greater geographical coverage, CCCU offers “shared facilities” – branches at other credit unions where members can make transactions. These shared facilities number more than 250 in the state of Florida and 4,000 nationwide. To South Floridians, a personal

vehicle is a necessity. And new members of CCCU are always delighted to learn about AutoBranch, the dealership that serves credit union members and provides a worry-free car shopping experience. AutoBranch promises buyers of its pre-owned vehicles, a 7-day/1,000 mile money back guarantee, a 100-day/3,000 mile limited warranty, and excellent pricing. City County Credit Union is federally insured by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), an agency of the Federal Government. CCCU has served Broward County since 1952 and the Wilton Manors area since 2009. In Wilton Manors, the credit union is active and visible in the community, participating in several organizations and events, including Pride Fest, the Stonewall Festival and Pride Center at Equality Park. They are also members of the Rainbow Business Coalition (RBC), and provide financial education sessions at Fusion on 9th Avenue. Visit the credit union’s website at www.CityCountyCU.org. Or stop by the Shoppes of Wilton Manors branch and ask for Gary Yamnitz, the Branch Manager, or call 954-745-2400. r

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MARCH 31, 2011


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APRIL 21, 2011


Not Many April Showers, But Plenty of Spring Flowers By Jesse Durko It’s the time of year when everything begins to pop in the garden as it responds to the warmer weather. Now is a good time to fertilize plants in the garden, as well as the time to prune anything that was damaged by the Winter’s cold. We will also need to replace the beds of annuals planted for cool season with warm, loving varieties. I personally avoid this project by planting perennial plants that don’t require replacing year after year. Our nursery features plants that are user friendly, and sustainable with minimum attention. We promote wise water management with an outstanding collection of unusual plants from around the world, as well as

an extensive collection of native trees, shrubs, and flowers. One plant that takes center stage now is the rose, but not just any rose will grow in Florida. We feature Antique roses, and the name alone tells you that they have been around a while. Our nursery is an organic garden – we don’t use pesticides or fungicides. As a result, we keep Antique roses as they are happy and thrive in our climate, requiring the least amount of fuss and no chemicals. Jesse Durko was formerly the director of Flamingo Gardens Botanical Garden. Jesse Durko’s Nursery opened in 1990. The tenacre property features unusual plants collected during Jesse’s numerous travels across the world. The

extensive collection features flowers, shrubs, aroids, heliconias, gingers, bromeliads, palms, bamboo, orchids, and flowering trees. The collection is aesthetically arranged and displayed throughout the grounds, and most plants are for sale in the nursery. The nursery is open 7 days a week from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Jesse Durko’s Nursery 5151 SW 70th Ave, Davie, FL. Directions: From I-95 or the Florida Turnpike, go west on Griffin Road to Viele Road (SW 70 Ave). Make a left and travel south one-half mile. From University Drive or I-75 travel east to Viele Road (on the right), and go south. The entrance is clearly marked on the right with a sign. r

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APRIL 21, 2011




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Home /Travel / Fitness / Profile Film / Theatre / Style / Recipe THE STYLE VOICE OF THE LGBT COMMUNITY

Inside this issue...


n this packed issue of style we speak to SoBAP’s Executive Director, Charles martin about new directions and go down in LA LA Land with Matthew Ludwinski just in time for the Miami Gay and Lesbian Film Festival. Also check out the review God of Carnage. As this is the ‘Home Issue’ we have also picked out the top finds to jazz up any home, and when it’s fabulous and ready take a look at Michael French’s top tips for the perfect party, as well as your favorites; Recipe, Travel and Fitness. Enjoy! H – AV

The Magical Maldives Travel PAGE 39 Anantara Dhigu Resort & Spa

Six Muscle Building Power Foods q

Removing the Frustration!

Fitness PAGE 37


Going Down in LA-LA Land

Room Defining Accessories


How Far Are You Willing To Go?

Home Stylish Home Home PAGE 38

Interview PAGE 30 Photos courtesy, Paul Rubio, iStock, unicahome.com, Thomas Synnamon

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APRIL 21, 2011




Are You Willing to Do Anything? Actor Matthew Ludwinksi Goes Down in LA-LA Land By TROY MAILLIS Going Down in LA-LA Land is premiering at this year’s Miami Gay & Lesbian Film Festival as the coveted final night feature. Based on the novel penned by Andy Zeffer, this film explores the ups and down, and trials and tribulations of trying to make it in Hollywood. What would you do to survive and achieve your ultimate dream? Directed by Casper Andreas, the film stars Matthew Ludwinski as “Adam,” a Hollywood newbie looking to get his start in the world of lights—camera— action. We recently caught up with Matthew to talk about his starring role, the steamy sex scenes and working with Casper Andreas. Going Down in LA-LA Land is premiering on the final night of the Miami Gay & Lesbian Film Festival. Will you be in Miami for the opening? How do you feel about the film being the closing night feature? I won't be able to make the opening, but all of us involved with the film are excited and honored to be the closing night feature. What did you do to prepare for your role in Going Down in LA-LA Land? Did you spend any extra time getting in tip top shape? Of course! I'm a vain actor! Whenever I have an important acting or modeling job I always try to step it up a bit. And Carbs—I didn't even LOOK at so much as a slice of whole wheat toast, which was difficult because during those long night shoots they sometimes had to bring in a second meal for the cast and crew at 2 a.m. and it was always something delicious and awful like "Jack in the Box" tacos and cheeseburgers. I also gave up alcohol two weeks before, and then the month of the shoot, which is what I'm going to use as my excuse for getting a little *ahem* sloppy at the wrap party. Did you read the book by Andy Zeffer? If so, what did you think? I knew that Casper had the rights to the book long before he cast me as the lead, so I bought and read the book before Casper had even finished the script. After reading it, I knew it was the perfect part for me. I was dying to play that role! It's fun to imagine oneself in various tragic situations, and this particular situation involves a sexy combination of porn, prostitution and Hollywood romance. Getting to play that role let me live in that world for a bit without any of the pesky consequences. Are there any parts of your character you identify with? Most of them. I mean, what actor wouldn't? My character is sort of an "everyman" actor type. He's a young man with big dreams and not a lot of

resources. I've certainly been there! As an actor, did you experience any similar situations as your character when getting started in the business? Absolutely. I know what it's like to feel objectified. I know what it's like to feel used. I know what it's like to feel desperate. And every actor has thought at some point about the casting couch, and has had the thought, "I wonder if it is possible to sleep my way to the top?" But really his whole journey from arriving to Hollywood bright and excited to the process of his disillusionment—I’ve experienced all of that. I think most actors have. You show a lot of skin in the film. Do you get nervous in situations like that? Not really. I'm pretty comfortable with my body. In my modeling days I would often be photographed in very little clothing. I was even in "Naked Boys Singing," so that tells you a little bit about the roles I get cast in. How intense were the sex scenes? Were you able to let go and have fun? I had fun in almost every scene, and I wasn't nervous about the sex scenes. My costars were so great, and everyone was very comfortable and committed. Occasionally I would freak out and worry that my "sock" was slipping off. But it didn't, so we're good! The pool scene was sort of difficult logistically. I was much more nervous about the scene where I had to be drunk and dance around wildly in my underwear. But that ended up being a blast. The film deals a lot with sex and porn. Do you have a favorite porn star? Who says I watch porn? I'm an actor on a limited budget and I have to content myself with those free 30-second porn clips on the Internet, and those clips don't usually credit the performers. Maybe I ought to buy some porn DVDs, you know, just to support the arts more. What was it like working with director Casper Andreas? Casper and I were already friendly from working together on his film, "Between Love and Goodbye," a few years ago. I knew we liked each other and would get along. We became good friends working on this movie. It made coming to work everyday a blast! I also came to ADORE the two other leads, Allison Lane and Michael Medico. Working with people you like is such a joy. I couldn't wait to start each day. Do you think roles like this “type cast” you as only being able to play one certain type of character? I hope not! I certainly don't mind being

Photo courtesy, Going Down in La-La Land

cast as the boy-next-door, but of course I want to do other things. In case you didn't notice, I'm a complex multi-faceted being! My character “Adam” was such a sweet little ingénue though, so I think it'd be fun to play someone really evil and diabolical next time. What other types of roles are you looking to sink your teeth into? Well naturally the next step in my career is to play a sexy vampire/werewolf, and then Hamlet. Maybe a sexy vampire/werewolf Hamlet – then I could retire.

Are there any directors or actors out there who you would love to work with above all others? Jim Carey and Nicole Kidman, because I am a blend of both. So maybe they could play my parents. What do you want the audience to take away from watching the film or following your character from beginning to end? That I'm an awesome actor with great hair! Ha! But really I think this movie tells a great story and I just hope people enjoy it. H

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APRIL 21, 2011


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APRIL 21, 2011


Fort Lauderdale BEAR CODES PRESENTS SPLASH! Saturday, April 30, from 2 to 8 p.m. in Fort Lauderdale at the Royal Palms Resort, 2901 Terramar Street. Monthly pool parties for bears, cubs, chubs, chasers and friends. Join them at the new Royal Palms Resort and Spa for the Official Opening Party of Splash with live deejays and more. The Royal Palms Boutique Hotel offers luxurious rooms, a full bar, a café serving great food and a full service spa and gym. And yes… a clothing-optional heated pool, so come in your swimsuits or your birthday suit… the choice is yours. As appreciation for your continued support of Bear Codes, they are extending to those that RSVP for the opening party event only, no cover charge (normal cover is $7). You must RSVP on Facebook to receive the free entry and you can only RSVP yourself. There will be an RSVP list at the door. Help spread the word and invite your friends on the invite link on the event page and give them a chance to RSVP and get the newest hottest pool party grand opening for free. Splash will be held monthly.H

IGLTA'S ANNUAL GLOBAL CONFERENCE Unleash your hidden talents at IGLTA's Annual Global Convention. Professionals from around the world will unite in Fort Lauderdale May 1015, 2011, to network, educate, brainstorm and take LGBT tourism to unprecedented levels. Educational programming, Unleashed 2.0, will serve as the cornerstone of future business development. Sessions will cater to all experience levels in social media, internet marketing and new travel technology trends to help you reach customers in a more efficient way. Mark your calendars now! This will be the must-attend event of 2011. Don't let your competitors leave you behind.H

MONTY CLIFT, THE RAREST OF BIRDS In a special performance to benefit The Modern Day Mystery School of Ft. Lauderdale, Omar Prince will star in a riveting solo performance as the incomparable Montgomery Clift, one of the screen’s greatest matinee idols of the 1950s and 1960s. Monty Clift, The Rarest of Birds has played in numerous off Broadway theater venues in New York City with many outstanding reviews and is the winner of the 2011 New York City Fresh Fruit Festival award for Best Solo Performance. One Performance Only, Friday, May 13th, 2011 at 8pm, Center for Spiritual Living 1550 N.E. 26th Street, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33305. Ticket Price: $25/pp Cash or Check Only. Please RSVP at the school’s email: moderndaymysteryschool@gmail.com.H

out in florida


Miami CAFÉ CON LECHE – 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY RECEPTION Tuesday, April 26, from 7 to 10 p.m. at Score, 727 Lincoln Road on South Beach. It has been over a year since the show aired and they would like to celebrate this triumph by hosting a reception in honor of Cafe con Leche’s success on the second level of Score night club.H

SHANGELA LIVE! Friday, April 29, from 9:30 p.m. to 3 a.m. at Club Sugar, 2301 SW 32nd Ave. in Coral Gables. Alex Infiniti and Club Sugar proudly welcome Shangela, the controversial star of this season's “Rupaul’s Drag Race”. Love her or hate her, see her perform live and in person! In the Main Room, House Music by resident DJ Jarell. In the Spice Lounge, Hip Hop and Latin Music by DJ Dave. Shows by divas T.P. and Sasha Lords and hosted by Alex Infiniti. 2 for 1 drinks ‘til 11:30 p.m. $5 house drinks and $4 domestic beer all night. And many more surprises.H

MEET ME AT THE MOVIES! The Miami Gay & Lesbian Film Festival, a critically acclaimed event, is based in the worldrenowned historic South Beach neighborhood and screens films and videos in locations throughout Miami-Dade county and Ft. Lauderdale. The 13th Miami Gay & Lesbian Film Festival starts on April 23 and will run through May of 2011. Watch for more details.H

HOUSE MUSIC CRUISE 2011 The Sistah Sojourn Travel Club Presents the second annual Old School House Music Cruise sailing from Saturday, May 21 to Thursday, May 26 and cruising from Miami to Jamaica, Grand Cayman and back to Miami. Featured deejays will include: Farely Jackmaster Funk , Gene Hunt, Melvin Gentry, Omar Abdullah and more. If you haven’t already booked your spot, visit www.housemusiccruise.com or call (708) 374-7824. Use promo code “JACKIE” for special prices. This will sell out so reserve your spot today.H

SIZZLE MIAMI May 26 - 29, 2011, in Miami. Partyseekers from around the world convene in sunny Miami, Florida, celebrating life, pride and liberty. Originally a one-day occurrence, Sizzle Miami has evolved into a 5-day smorgasbord of captivating day-time events and pulsating nightlife. Although Sizzle participants are mostly comprised of African-Americans and Latinos, all races are welcomed and encouraged to participate. For more info, visit www.sizzlemiami.com.H

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Bay Area DIVERSITY SLAM SPRING FLING Friday, Apr 22, 9 p.m. to 12 midnight, L Train, 900 Central Ave., Saint Petersburg. Open mic night spoken word, acoustic jams. H

PINK POOL PARTY Saturday, April 23, from 1 to 7 pm at the Flamingo Resort, 4601 34 Street in St. Petersburg. Fun in the sun. The Flamingo Resort, Florida’s largest gay resort, presents their 2nd annual Pink Park with Billboard Magazine reporting DJ Bruce Devery (of Detroit and Tampa). Bring your sunscreen and your pink bikinis.H

INTERPOL Thursday, Apr 28, from 6 to 10 p.m. at The Ritz Ybor, 1507 East 7th Avenue in Tampa. $24 advance tickets, all ages.H

PRIDE ON 7TH Saturday, April 30, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Ybor City. Pride on 7th is back and plans to welcome more than 10,000 attendees for its second annual festivities. The Umbrella Management Group, which is led by Jorge Alvarado, an entertainment visionary, has planned a full day of activities in support of unity within our community. Pride on 7th has expanded its space and its offerings this year. The event will be in the heart of Ybor City along Centro Ybor and will include many more activities including an anti-bullying march, a BINGO night, Miss Pride on 7th pageant and a red carpet finale. The event will also feature a family area, business vendors, live deejay and a special celebrity performance from Cazwell, a very popular artist within the gay and lesbian circuit. Pride on 7th is on Saturday, April 30th. The event will kick off at 9am with the anti-bullying walk and culminate with a red carpet dance party at G-Bar, an Ybor nightclub. Attendees are asked to donate $10 to Pride on 7th community beneficiaries. There is more information on Pride on 7th available at www.prideon7th.com.H

BEAR SOUP MIX Saturday, May 12, from 12 noon to 3 p.m. at the Flamingo Resort, 4601 34 Street in St. Petersburg. Special daily rate of $59.99. For reservations use code #1013. Make your reservations soon. All bears are welcome invite your friends and their friends.H

GAY BOWLING First Thursday of each month from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. at Dunedin Bowling Lanes, 405 Patricia Avenue in Dunedin. For more information, call (727) 7361282.H


out in florida

APRIL 21, 2011


Central Florida MISS HEART OF ORLANDO PAGEANT Miss Heart of Central Florida Pageant, Monday, May 2, from 7 to 10 p.m. Radisson Hotel – Orlando, 8444 International Drive in Orlando. An official prelim to The Miss Heart of Florida Pageant. The pageant’s goal is to offer a fairly judged outlet for female illusionist interested in growing in their craft and gaining more experience by competing. If you are interested in joining the Heart of Florida family, this is the first step in doing so. General admission $15, (advanced seating) or $20 at the door. Entry fee is $125 after April 20th. Contestant dancers $10. Categories include creative presentation, evening gown, question and answer and talent, Special guest judge: the reigning Miss New York, Claire Buffie. Winner receives $500 cash, photoshoot with Lindy Melendez, crown, and paid Ticket to Miss Heart of Florida; 1st runnerup $300 cash and paid ticket to Miss Heart of Florida, 2nd runner up $200 cash. Entertainers include: Tasha Long, Addison Taylor, The Minx, Conundrum, Aspen Love and Kathryn Nevets. For information, contact Ron Hankey, (727) 510-2857 or Karl G Von Hahmann at (863) 6512117. www.heartoffloridafi.com.H

NINA VS. RAJA RuPaul’s Drag Race girls at the Parliament House (410 N Orange Blossom Trail, Orlando), Saturday, May 7, 2011, in Orlando from 10 a.m. to 2 a.m. 1st runner up of season one, Nina Flowers and top 5 (as it stands right now), Raja of season three will be joining the award winning Footlight Players: Darcel Stevens, V, Armani, Sassy Devine and the Men of the Footlight Theater. Three rooms of music – DJ Brianna Lee of www.Gayinternetradiolive.com in the disco, Pop 40 mix in the video bar and hiphop/pop in the piano bar.H

KYLIE MINOGUE Kylie - Aphrodite Live 2011 Tour in Orlando. Sunday, May 8, from 7 to 11:00 p.m. at Hard Rock Live Orlando, 6050 Universal Boulevard in Orlando.H

ORLANDO BLACK PRIDE May 31 to June 5, 2011 in Orlando. Orlando Black Pride brings thousands of LGBTers together for a long weekend of events and entertainment. There are parties for the fellas, the ladies and everything in between, and you can find all the great events on the official website at www.orlandoblackpride.com. So head out to Orlando and get ready to party.H

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APRIL 21, 2011


Home Stylish Home Room Defining Accessories By Alex Vaughn & Eric Christian Like you, your home needs dressing. The right accessories and touches will change and enhance any living space. Home décor like fashion is about personal taste and your home is the best place to really be yourself, no judgement, no questions. However with clothing you are limited by boundaries, self or society imposed. Home décor... however is your chance to create your oasis in any way you like. Go wild; if it’s all ‘you’ then it will work. With stores like American Signature, T.J. Maxx, Home Goods and even Wal-Mart offering fantastic design led accents for your home one can’t go wrong. Start with a blank canvas and chose a theme; modern, classic, simple, colonial whatever it is and build with the accessories. The right Vase or Chair can demonstrate not only your personal taste but your ability to understand style. Don’t be afraid to blend styles or themes, I personally lean towards a deco/ modern/ pop art vibe. Enjoy our top picks of room changing home pieces; these statement objects d’art are undoubtedly the best jumping off point for creating a home stylish home. H

Banana Bud Vase $48 - $68 wwwjonathanadler.com


Black Canopy Bed $999 www.asfurniture.com

Boomerang Cocktail Table $199 www.asfurniture.com




Moroccan Pouf (Several colors available) $275 wwwjonathanadler.com

Gemstone Globe $399 www.replogleglobestore.com



Philippe Starck Gun Lamp $1756 www.unicahome.com


Le Corbusier Chaise Lounge $699 www.vivointeriors.com

Alessi Port Basket $96 www.alessi.com



Eric Christian is a style consultant. Eric@styleconciergemiami.com www.styleconciergemiami.com

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APRIL 21, 2011




Don’t Forget The Fight! An Interview with Charles Martin, SoBAP’s Executive Director By ALEX VAUGHN The South Beach AIDS Project (SoBAP) is an amazing organization based in Miami that has been helping those affected by HIV/AIDS, by offering a range of services from testing, through counselling to advice and making sure people don’t feel alone. Agenda caught up with Executive director of SoBAP Charles Martin, whose passion is helping the community in the fight against HIV/AIDS to discuss change, the future and to remember the past. Please tell Agenda readers some more information about SoBAP and the services you offer. SoBAP started before the advent of protease inhibitors with a group of guys who came together to help those who were infected. They would walk their dogs, or buy their groceries or just hold their hands so they would not be alone. As the years have passed and treatments have evolved, so has SoBAP. SoBAP works in the community to do testing/counselling for HIV, education and advocacy. Recently our services have expanded to include research and a holistic look at the health of gay men. SoBAP has just begun offering free syphilis testing on Thursday and Saturdays. We look to incorporate different services as well for gay men. You have just experienced a change in staff and direction, how will this impact the work you do? We changed directions to not only enhance the services that SoBAP offers but to stay a vital link in this fight for our tomorrow. SoBAPs’ staff is now much more trained in research. We hope the work that we do will not only make a difference in South Florida, but across the nation. It is an ambitious goal but to make a difference we must evolve in the way we work to protect the communities we work hard to service. South Florida is our home and the programs we offer here will be beneficial to all. Do you feel the community has become complacent in its attitude

towards HIV and AIDS? Not just our community but we as a nation have become much more apathetic about this virus. Because of the advancements we have made many of our younger gay men did not witness the devastation of AIDS. As we face our third decade in this struggle we have made progress but there is still much more to do. Many now do not see HIV as the virulent virus it truly is. Fortunately many of our young gay men did not have to sit by and watch family and friends become infected and die. We should be inspired by the leaps that we have made forward but we must also remain pragmatic, we must also know that this epidemic is far from being over and it is still something that we as gay men must remain vigilant about. We have been and still are the front line of this virus. This year is the 30th Anniversary of HIV/AIDS. In that time how do you think education has affected people’s attitudes towards the disease? I believe most gay men are cognizant of the risk they face. When I say gay men I am not forgetting that HIV is not just a gay disease, but we are focusing on gay men here. Is there misinformation out there? Yes, and we work every day to combat that. Even though our community is much more targeted for education, some are still not getting the message. Some still feel as though it will not happen to them. Some think one pill a day, how bad could that be? I have friends and colleagues who are positive and work hard every day to stop others from becoming infected. Because of the impact of AIDS on our community we are much more knowledgeable then other communities. How would you like to see the community get more involved? We cannot just do an AIDS walk once a

year and feel as though we have done our part, although that is something and I am not belittling any action. This virus affects our entire community and we must all come together to beat this epidemic. Any time you sit out an election or become disengaged from what is going on around you in this struggle than you are doing a disservice to our community. Call state and federal legislators. Let them know we will not be use as a political football. Our voices matter and together they are hard to ignore. Those who are positive we must work hard not to neglect or villainies. We must talk about HIV/AIDS and drag it into the light of knowledge. We cannot afford to allow racism, ageism or intolerance to infect our own community, Learn about HIV and take steps to protect yourself and all that you are intimate with. We deserve that from each other. What do you think the recent threat of government cuts says about attitudes towards HIV/AIDS? Everything is being cut and we know that we will be impacted as well. When we look at cuts to drug assistant programs that is criminal. Prevention is important and can not be eliminated nor trivialized. There are some things that we as a society should never cut. When we send billions to other countries we have to remember there is work here to do. When we turn our attention to other nations we inadvertently turn our back toward some of the most impacted communities here. I am not championing isolationism, we are leaders in the world, but we have to make sure that those who are infected are entitled to get the treatment that will save their lives, and we have to invest in all of our futures. How much of a challenge is it to reach people? What could be done to

make this easier? It is a challenge to keep our publics’ attention. HIV/AIDS is a subject we cannot allow to slip into the shadows of ignorance. This is how it survives. Messages have to be fresh but they also have to be accurate. We all have to work to keep AIDS on the front page of the paper. Many say it stigmatizes us as a people, but we must rise against this. HIV is a problem in our community we must face and own it to get ahead of this epidemic. The stigma attached to HIV/AIDS still exists how could this be reduced? We must destroy the stigma around HIV. We allow it to continue by allowing others to define us in ways. HIV/AIDS is a problem in our community, when we own it, when we realize that being positive does not define the character of those who are infected, when we see AIDS as a disease and only a disease, not a moral compass, than we will leave stigma behind and work together to end the progression of this virus. Do you believe there is enough organization in the fight against this disease? Where do you feel efforts could be improved? With the creating and the beginning of the implementation of the Strategic HIV/AIDS Policy I do believe we have a good blueprint for attacking this epidemic. Money has to be put behind this policy now. We can have the best plans in the world but without the money to execute the plan than we are just wasting time planning. We have been in this struggle for 30 years and many still blame those who are infected. What efforts could be improved? The efforts of our community is the simple answer. We must challenge the status quo. We must band together as a true community and demand not to be ignored or marginalized. We must not depend on just a few. We must find our voices again and raise them in harmony against this horrific epidemic. Visit www.sobeaids.org for info. H

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MARCH 31, 2011


Six Muscle Building Power Foods Take the Frustration Out of Shopping for Nutritious Foods By TOM BONANTI Did you ever get frustrated going into a nutrition store in search of the right blend of supplements that will lean you out and build muscle as well? Well, here’s good news. There are many foods you’re already familiar with that can do all these things and more. No, I’m not talking Jello-shots and pizza. I’m referring to popular, tasty, affordable products you can get at any grocery store. Here are my top six and why you need them in your nutritional plan. Where’s the beef ? It should be on your plate once a week, at least! Beef is rich in iron and zinc, two important muscle building minerals. Plus, it is a great source of creatine, a substance essential for pumping iron. As if this isn’t enough, lean fresh cuts of beef are rich in selenium. Studies have shown that men with low levels of selenium are as much as five times more likely to develop prostate cancer.

There’s nothing “fishy” about fresh cold water salmon. It’s simply up to the gills in quality protein and Omega-3 fatty acids. In addition to keeping your cholesterol levels in check, these good fats help slow protein breakdown after a grueling workout. This is important, because to build muscle you need to store new protein faster than your body breaks down the old protein stores. Yogurt is not just for breakfast. It is a perfect preor-post workout snack because it contains an excellent combination of protein (to build muscle) and carbohydrates (the energy you need to pump up). Yogurt also contains linoleic acid, a special good fat that supposedly makes your body store less bad fat! Don’t be an egghead and believe all the bad press! Eggs are the most perfect protein available. A few eggs a day will keep you fit and healthy because they are packed with riboflavin, folate, vita-

“...Good fats help slow protein breakdown after a grueling workout.”

mins B12, B6, D and E and iron, phosphorus and zinc. And don’t be afraid to eat the yolk, because it is especially rich in B12, a vitamin Photo courtesy of nutritionbalanceinfo.com which breaks down fats and helps fuel muscle contractions. Oil up and flex those muscles. Olive oil anti-oxidant that will help workout could be called ‘the elixir of the gods’. recovery. This vitamin, when consumed The monounsaturated fat in olive oil acts in foods like almonds, eggs and leafy vegas a sort of free radical fighting against etables, has been shown to lower the risk muscle breakdown and wasting which of Alzheimer’s disease in men. Don’t forcomes with overtraining, illness and get it! Make your list and get to the grocery other forms of stress. Olive oil is also rich in Vitamin E, a fabulous anti-aging store today. Any questions? Contact agent all its own. Olive oil and other TrainerTomB@aol.com anytime. H monounsaturated fats have been associated with everything from lower rates of heart disease and colon cancer to reduced risk of diabetes and osteoporoTom Bonanti, is a certified personal sis. trainer and owner of Pump’n Inc gym at A couple of handfuls of almonds a day 1271 NE 9th Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, won’t make you nutty or fat. They make FL 33304, Facebook: TrainerTomB. a perfect, handy snack at any time. www.pumpnincgym.com Almonds are rich in Vitamin E, a perfect


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APRIL 21, 2011


home / recipe


Essential Party Planning 101 By MICHAEL FRENCH

The summer party season is fast approaching! Are you ready? For some of us, entertaining just our nearest and dearest strikes terror in our hearts. For others, a house full of guests is true happiness. I’ve learned that throwing a party doesn’t have to be difficult. It should be fun. Here are ten basic rules for making your party an unqualified success. 1. Don’t Wait Until the Last Minute! Plan your party at least four weeks before the event. The more time you have before, the more fun you will have, instead of being in a mad rush at the end. Create three lists (guests, menu,

shopping). These keep track of everything. Your Guest List: Phone guests you feel are essential to your party. If “the party just wouldn’t be the same without them,” make sure they’re free and invite them ASAP. Give invitees at least three weeks’ notice. Try something really novel. Dust off the Mont Blanc and write an invitation. Taking the time to hand write an invitation conveys genuine sincerity. Food and Drink List: Cuisine and beverages are the party’s most important ingredients. Determine the main dish. To you it may be the same old paella, but to your guests it could be a new treat. If you’ll be cooking a complicated main dish, go for simple appetizers and side dishes. You cannot have too many beverages or ice. Don’t feel obligated to set up a full bar. It’s enough to offer beer, wine and a few popular liquors with the standard mixers. Encourage moderation! NEVER knowingly serve alcohol to an intoxicated guest! The Shopping List: List everything necessary to make the party happen. Nothing’s more annoying than thinking “I’m sure I have that” only to find out that you don’t have it when you need it. You don’t want to be scrambling to find essentials at the last moment. 2. It’s in the Presentation. Color, color,

color! Make sure you have as many colors and textures as possible. Think red peppers, tangerines, yellow squash and green beans to brighten up bland-looking dishes. Garnishes add color. They have the power to make even a simple dish look special. 3. Make Sure Your Kitchen Can Get the Job Done. It’s pointless to plan a party that your kitchen can’t handle. 4. Shop Smart. The sanest way to shop for a party is in stages. Don’t forget the local beverage warehouse. Thrift shops can yield wonderful finds for entertaining. 5. Set a Gorgeous Table. A beautiful table makes plain food elegant and inviting. You don’t need to spend a lot of money. Don’t limit centerpieces to flowers. Fruits, and vegetables, can add whimsy and charm. Don’t forget candles! 6. Make As Much As You Can As Far Ahead As You Can. Waiting until the last few days before your party to cook everything just doesn’t make sense. The idea is to minimize your efforts so you haven’t exhausted yourself by the time the party begins. 7. Don’t Drive Yourself Crazy Cleaning. The bathroom is the one place you should spend some time scrubbing. It’s the room by which your guests will judge the cleanliness of the whole house.

jean’s kitchen Pavlova is a meringue-based dessert named after the Russian ballet dancer Ánna Pávlova. The pavlova's internal consistency is completely different from a meringue, having a soft marshmallow like texture. This difference is due to the addition of cornstarch, the use of which is the defining feature of a pavlova recipe. You will need: • 5 large egg whites • 1 cup superfine (castor) sugar • 1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract • 1 teaspoon white vinegar • 1/2 tablespoon cornstarch (corn flour) And for the topping: • 1 or 2 cups of heavy whipping cream • 1 1/2 tablespoons granulated white sugar (or to taste) • 1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract • Fresh fruit of your choice… you are the chef. Preheat oven to 250 degrees F and place the rack in the center of the oven. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and draw a 7 inch circle on the paper. Turn the parchment paper over so the circle is on the reverse side. Beat the egg whites on medium speed until they hold soft peaks. Start adding the sugar, a tablespoon at a time, and continue to beat, on high speed, until the meringue holds very stiff and shiny peaks. Add the vanilla extract. Sprinkle the vinegar and cornstarch over the top of the meringue and, with a rubber spatula, gently fold in.

8. Keep Serving Simple. The bigger the party, the more you ought to consider setting up several food areas so that everyone doesn’t end up crowded in one spot. 9. Ask For Help. One word separates the confident host from the person who swears he’ll never entertain again as long as she lives: Help. The larger your party, the more help you’ll need. I’ve suggested this before. Don’t hesitate to ask relatives, close friends and coworkers. 10. Enjoy Yourself. The hardest and the most important thing for a party giver to do is enjoy his/herself ! You’ve worked hard, and want everything to be perfect. Your guests will never know you forgot the cucumbers for the salad. When guests arrive, they’ll be in a party mood and pleased just to have been invited. Take a deep breath before you open the door to welcome your first guest. RELAX! This is going to be fun! H


Michael French, is Agenda’s Home from Home columnist. Contact Michael at mf7954fla@gmail.com


Spread the meringue inside the circle drawn on the parchment paper, smoothing the edges, making sure the edges of the meringue are slightly higher than the center. (You’ll want a little well in the center of the meringue to place the whipped cream and fruit.) Bake for 60 to 75 minutes or until the outside is dry and is a very pale cream color. Turn the oven off, leave the door slightly ajar, and let the meringue cool completely in the oven. Just before serving gently place the meringue onto a serving plate. Whip the cream until soft peaks form. Sweeten with the sugar and vanilla and then mound the whipped cream into the center of the meringue. Arrange the fruit and serve immediately. Happy Easter everyone! H


Jean Doherty is the Chef and Owner of Le Patio Restaurant in Wilton Manors (954) 530-4641

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APRIL 21, 2011


The Magical Maldives Deep Blue Seas, Turquoise Reefs, White Sandy Beaches and Palm Trees! By PAUL RUBIO An incomparable showcase of Mother Nature’s omnipotence, the Maldives merge castaway fantasy with paradisiacal reality. Scattered randomly over the far reaches of the Indian Ocean, the country’s 26 isolated atolls and surrounding waters epitomize raw beauty and simplicity. Azure waters teem with rainbows of marine life. Shallow, uninhabited palm fringed islets drown in downy sands and rising tides. By night, moonlight illuminates vast expanses of great blue, forming an ever-changing kaleidoscope of aqua. It’s the presence of top global resorts, however, that ultimately consummates this Maldivian love affair, facilitating the romance between creature comforts and Earth’s core elements. In the Male Southern atoll, a series of petite islands host three separate Anantara properties – Anantara Dhigu Resort & Spa, Anantara Veli Resort & Spa, and Naladhu – Maldivian for “long,” “sand,” and “beautiful island,” respectively – all connected by a small network of foot bridges, lagoons and shuttle boats. Each property flaunts a unique style and appeal. Dhigu’s predominantly oceanfront bungalows, Veli’s traditional over water villas and Naladhu’s immaculate ocean homes suit all tastes of the discerning vacation palate. The Anantara enclave has nine eclectic bars and restaurants to choose from, three idyllic swimming pools and plentiful wide-open spaces for watersport enthusiasts. Opportunities for kayaking, snorkeling, windsurfing, wake boarding, parasailing, and waterskiing beckon at the water activities center, Aquafanatics, while ground staff

organize Asian cooking classes, local arts and crafts sessions and land based sports tournaments. The flagship overwater spa features the dexterity of Thai massage therapists, who indulge guests in traditional and signature treatments over tranquil glass bottom floors. In the entire Maldives, Naladhu is the only resort to provide the bona fide ocean home experience, pampering guests with 3200 square foot houses perched over the rising tide. The baroque-patterned, wrought iron entrance opens the doors of tropical elegance, combining contemporary minimalism with maritime nostalgia. Antique accessories commingle Asian inspiration with European influences. Replacing a central living room with an infinity pool, cool, fresh waters are steps away from anywhere in the house, spilling into the ocean at one end and into the innovative Plexiglas/marble bathtub at the other. Behind the bathing area, a passageway leads to the beautifully landscaped outdoor shower, mirroring the indigenous shrubbery and palm trees that adorn the western perimeter of the infinity pool. On the footsteps of the hardwood floors and meticulously furnished master bedroom, a queen bed hammock sways back and forth nearly gliding over the water. A thatched roof dining area and private veranda welcome the light mist from ocean zephyrs while unveiling a panorama of unadulterated ocean and sky. Personal butlers readily await the requests and whims of residents in Naladhu’s nineteen homes; but at most times, an overwhelming sentiment of completeness renders the intended

butler services null and void. Given Naladhu’s exclusivity, guests are able to use the common facilities and outlets of neighboring Veli and Dhigu, though the reverse does not apply. This means that guests can easily limit their interactions with others and maintain varying degrees of privacy. Across the lagoons, at Anantara Dhigu Resort & Spa, a festive yet relaxing ambience prevails. The property feels busy compared to its two neighbors with live music in the evenings, the enclave’s most popular restaurant, Fuddan Fusion Grill and the traffic of 110 villas. Dhigu, however, successfully stymies the big resort feel by virtue of its design and ample acreage. Service never drops below a fivestar level and the property fills a niche for couples who enjoy regular doses of human interaction. H

The views from the Anantara Dhigu Resort & Spa

Photos courtesy of Paul Rubio

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APRIL 21, 2011



“God of Carnage” Theatre Is Alive and Well In Boca Raton Stage review by WARREN DAY Sometimes you want a burger. Sometimes you want a steak. And this is also true when we attend live theater or the movies. On occasion, we just want an evening of diversion, a fast meal of entertainment where the goal is simply to relax. And yet, too many of those evenings can have the same effect on our minds and souls as fast food does on our bodies. The wonderful and highly professional Caldwell Theatre Company in Boca Raton is offering us the chance to have both, a brisk comedy that gives us some substance to chew on and leaves us with some nutrition for the effort. Yasmina Reza's 2009 Tony winning play, "God of Carnage," is, if you will allow me to torture this metaphor a bit more, a kind of Beef Wellington. On the surface it can seem to be just pastry, but inside there is real meat. As one of the world's most acclaimed playwrights working today, Ms. Reza's particular gift is to find so much comedy and drama within everyday events. Whereas other writers might need a salesman who is dying or an indecisive prince avenging the murder of his

father, Reza brings her characters together for an ordinary reason and allows them, while leaving us laughing, to reveal extraordinary things about us human beings. In her earlier play "Art," which was also an international hit, the plot was simply one man inviting two of his closest friends over to see something he had purchased and was very proud of. In that case, it was an abstract painting, but in their reactions to this work of art, Reza explores the meaning of friendship and how our different tastes in art, music, politics or whatever can simultaneously draw us together and drive us apart. In "God of Carnage," two couples meet to discuss a schoolyard incident where one of their boys has struck the other with a stick. The comedy comes from their wildly different reactions to this simple and commonplace event, but Ms. Reza uses it to explore how people who pride themselves on their civilized behavior can rather quickly become primeval in their reactions to others and themselves. Even beneath a veneer of what passes as quite successful lives

(great careers, big salaries, some e nv y - i n s p i r i n g possessions), most people, as Henry David Thoreau famously said, "lead lives of quiet desperation,” except this foursome is anything but quiet. And in a brilliant set designed by Tim Bennett, the living room in which all this takes place suggests a sandbox, which underlines how we grownups may have left childhood, but not its childish responses. Now if you think a comedy about two straight couples fighting over their children has nothing to do with you, just imagine it involves two beloved and pampered dogs, and then you can see how such things can divulge our true and universal human nature. The Caldwell Theatre Company is an Actors Equity playhouse, which means its cast has earned, by training and experience, their union cards, and that means you can see a production equal to

Photo courtesy, Caldwell Theatre Company

a Broadway touring show. From the building itself and the work on its stage, there is nothing "little theater" about them. And they don't present mummified productions of Neil Simon plays or the umpteenth revival of some 1950s musical, either. Directed by Kenneth Kay, "God of Carnage” is live theater that truly lives up to that claim. H


“God of Carnage” plays until May 15. For showtimes and ticket prices go to www.caldwelltheatre.com or call 561-241-7432. The theater is located at 7901 N. Federal Highway, Boca Raton, FL

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APRIL 21, 2011



CLEANING CLEAN IT RITE Best cleaning for your buck. Reliable & affordable. 10 years in business. 1 BR, $$45.00, 2BR, $55.00, & 3BR, $65.00. Manny (954) 560-4443 Broward, Palm Beach, & Dade

COMPUTER SERVICES FREE BRIEF COMPUTER ANSWERS BY ERIC AT THE STONEWALL LIBRARY BY APPOINTMENT Also Affordable In-Home, Installations, Tutoring, Virus Disinfection & Troubleshooting. Knowledgeable, Personable Service. Call Eric (954) 903-4383 or eric@startcomputing.info ** OPTIMA** COMPUTER REPAIR-COMPLETE IN HOME SERVICE. Get the best performance, protection & value from your computer investment, *A+ Hardware & OS CERTIFIED. *Friendly, professional, RELIABLE service. Reasonable rates. \Call Mike (954) 817-3883


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EMPLOYMENT NEW MIAMI BAR A Beautiful and upscale New Gay Bar located in the heart of Downtown Miami is opening soon- we are looking for Barbacks, Security, Bartenders, Cocktail Servers, DJ's, MC, VIP Host, Cashier, Male Dancers. Also looking for an experienced Bar Mgr. and Dance Mgr. Excellent Pay and benefits. Send Photos, Resume, Contact Info to:newmiamiclub@gmail.com TWIST. The popular gay bar in South Beach seeks responsible applicants with experience for the following positions; Bartender, Bar back, Door host and Security. Candidates should be friendly, hardworking and a team player. Apply online: twistboys@aol.com

HOME IMPROVEMENT MASTER ELECTRICIAN- Service Upgrades, interconnected smoke alarms, phone and cable jacks, remodels, etc. No job to small! All work will be done in a neat & clean manner. LIC. CONTRACTORS BUILD CONFIDENCE! Gay owned. Lic#02CME2028X Call 954.665.0417 PLACE TO PALACE Home improvement and handyman services. Best rates, and smart solutions. Drywall, Painting, Tile, Doors, Wood Decks, Masonry, Fences, and Ceiling Fans. Turn windows into doors! Truck available for yard clean-up or apartment maintenance and moves. All jobs. FREE estimates Lic. & Ins. CC#11-FC-16297-X Cert. Ctrl#11-18694 Call Ben (954)224-7638 Derek’s 24 HR HANDYMAN SERVICE. Introducing our new cabinet shop! For all your custom made cabinetry countertops laminates. YOU MUST SEE OUR WORK, just ask our clients. All electrical to code; ANY & ALL plumbing work, Drywall finish work / repair. Crown / baseboard pro-install, interior / exterior painting, demo work, Pressure washing, Decor tile install, Complete home up-dates. For large jobs, 4-man crew available. WE CAN HANDLE IT ALL! Instant call back, direct service response. No job is ever too small. Excellent references. Derek (954) 825-5598 or Email: DerekGallaway@att.net


RECESSION RELIEF-$40/90 MINS! LEAVE YOUR STRESS UP TO ME. Out calls higher. Let Denny make you feel like a Queen. Couples discounts, seniors welcome. New location: Delray Beach. 16 yrs experience. MA 18563. Denny (561) 502-2628. PROFESSIONAL THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE Deep Tissue, Swedish, Reflexology, Stretching, Mon-Sun, 10AM-8PM. In/Out Calls. NON-SEXUAL. Ft Lauderdale. Call Robert (954)494-2372 Lic.# MA 19604

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DENTAL 2005 FORD ESCAPE XLT all power, alloys, CD & very clean, spotless!!! $7,988 Call Dr Bill at (954) 260-9500 ADVERTISE YOUR USED CAR UNTIL ITS SOLD for only $69. Call Keith Chamlee for more info: (954) 9034781 2005 MITSUBISHI OUTLANDER LS All power options, very clean Call Dan Roskidany (954) 5519462 2005 MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS LS 1 owner, only 40k miles, leather, all the options $10,988 Call Dr Bill at (954) 260-9500 2007 TOYOTA SOLARA SE Alloys, pwr seat, CD $12,588 Call Dr Bill at (954) 260-9500 2009 TOYOTA COROLLA 3 to choose from, all power, all very clean from $12,988 Call Dan Roskidany (954) 551-946 2010 CHEVROLET HHR LT all power, CD/MP3, alloys, like new $13,988 Call Dr Bill at (954) 260-9500 1966 FORD MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE mint condition Mustang for car shows or cruising. Nightmist blue / blue interior / white power top. 72,000 original miles. Ready to show and GO. Needs nothing. All original with one $6000 repaint in 2004. Sprint 200 package, 6 cyl. Automatic trans with beautiful optional center console, original wire wheels. $21,900 Call Chris at (404) 273-5800 2008 AUDI A4 2.0T S-Line, 6speed, 20k miles, loaded, rare car! $24,988 Call Dr Bill at (954) 260-9500

EMPLOYMENT ASST. (SECY) WANTED PART-TIME. Take dictation into computer for author. (VERY computer savvy, please) Work Miami Beach. Call Mike (305)673-6151 or e-mail: rs312000@aol.com SOUTH BEACH Part-time sales associate for adult bookstore. Send resume to kdbstyle@yahoo.com

EXPERIENCED DELI HELP WANTED! (954)873-3889 RETAIL SALES POSITIONFull & part-time. Men's clothing store. (954)873-3889

WILTON MANORS ELITE PET SITTERS…CATS, DOGS, BIRDS, ETC…Why put your pet in a kennel? We will come to your home and care for your pets! While you are away, we will make your home look lived in by bringing in the mail, watering plants, managing lighting, etc. 14 years experience. Bonded and Insured. Call Tony 954.888.8909 or Donna 954.804.2106

REAL ESTATE Call JOANN MARCUS, THE BUYER'S AGENT! Tell me about yourself, what you're looking for and I'll do ALL THE WORK FOR FREE! Ease your mind and save your time! Visiting from out of town and don't know who to call? Call JOANN MARCUS, THE BUYERS AGENT! 954 940-1244 Hot Deals, Foreclosures, Short Sales, and Rentals. Kensington & Company

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POPULAR TOWNHOUSE COMMUNITY: located just off Wilton Drive. This is a 2/2.5 w/ large private patio/deck and hot tub. Tile flooring downstairs, credit towards new flooring for upstairs. WD in unit. Easy access to all the nightlife, shops, and restaurants on Wilton Drive. Pet friendly and investor friendly. NOT a short sale or foreclosure $189,000 Purchase with only 3.5% down. Call YOUR BUYERS AGENT, JOANN MARCUS (954)940-1244 Kensington & Company

WILTON STATION- 2 BD/2BA condo w 1,681 sqft, 3rd floor facing the Promenade, NOT the RR tracks! 3 balconies, marble floors, SS appliances, granite countertops, W/D. $1,950/mo o/b/o, BIG DOGS OK! Call Joe Schutz, EXIT Ryan Scott Realty. 954-461-7895 or www.EXITrsr.com--

FORT LAUERDALE TOWNHOME These unique two-story townhome are the best kept secret and best value in Ft. Laud. Located in a secured gated downtown neighborhood .Great location within walking distance to downtown, dining, nightlife, & attractions of Riverwalk. Beautiful heated pool & tennis courts in community. FHA approved financing, only 3.5% down required. Attractive pricing is a fraction of their 2004 sales, under $130,000! . Call YOUR BUYERS AGENT, JOANN MARCUS 954 940-1244 Kensington & Company POMPANO BEACH 1/1 CONDO- screened patio poolside, tiled entry/kitchen/bath, hardwood floors, CAC, low maint. fees. 5 mins to beach! Pet Friendly! 47K OBO. (954)782-1499 PUT YOUR IRA ON STEROIDS! Use your IRA to buy wholesale bank owned real estate and create a 12 % plus annual cash on cash return. Turn Key Real Estate company helps you buy a wholesale bank owned foreclosure with equity. Company also provides affordable renovation teams and property managers. Build wealth today with our proven 20 year turn key acquisition and management program. Contact Robert for more information. 954-336-0436 www.robertblairrealestate.com

RENTALS / FTL WILTON MANORS/FT LAUDERDALE Large 1/1, CAC, Updated, Private Patio and Parking, W/D, in a 4 unit gay complex. Drive by and see the cleanest apt. in the area! 15 NE 16th St. $850/mo. I will work with you on movein costs! Call Nick (954)805-1195 SOUTH MIDDLE RIVER- Charming studio apt. featuring lush landscaping, parking, and laundry facilities. POOL, friendly neighbors and roaming peacocks add to the fun! $595/mo. utilities included! Brad (954)200-0166 WILTON MANORS 1/1 Tile, $825/mo. incl. elec/water. Clothing optional pool, 9-unit gay complex, yard/patio. 125 NW 25th St. No Dogs. 954.326.9096 FT LAUDERDALE BEACH DUPLEX Spacious 2/2 unit with pool, front and back patio, W/D, full kitchen, parking, 2 minute walk to the beach! Pets OK w/ dep. $1850/mo+dep. (954)551-8621 OAKLAND PARK- LG STUDIO- loft style gated apartment with private patio, large closet, brand new bathroom, no kitchen. All utilities incl. with internet! $500/mo F/L (954)5538616 FT LAUDERDALE BEACH DUPLEX Spacious 2/2 unit with pool, front and back patio, W/D, full kitchen, parking, 2 minute walk to the beach! Pets OK w/ dep. $1850/mo+dep. (954)551-8621 COLOHATCHEE PARK AREA- Large Furnished Studio w/ full kitchen, DirecTV & Utilities incl. No Pets. $750/mo. F/S (954)682-9428 OAKLAND PARK GATED 3/2 Villa Furnished/Unfurn Annual lease avail JUNE 1 $1100/month+sec Open floor plan, patio, vaulted ceilings, w/d, cable, internet, tennis, pool, fitness ctr, walking/jogging/cycling area. No smoking (954) 260-7309 WILTON MANORS 2/1 Condo CAC, screened porch, overlooking the Middle River and pool on the 3rd floor. Excellent condition, $850/mo $1800 move in. Nice sized bedrooms, great complex at Wilton Shores East Bill Corey, Realtor 954-249-2009 or billcorey@live.com FORT LAUDERDALE/WATERFRONT! 2/2 Sub-Penthouse, completely renovated. New kitchen, new baths, new tile! Dockage available. Heated pool. Gym. $1500/mo, F/L/S Robert MacKilligan, Galleria Intl. (954)234-8759 WILTON MANORS/MIDDLE RIVER Luxurious newly renovated 2/1 poolside condo! Lush tropical landscaping, granite counters, SS Appliances. Walk to Wilton Dr. $895/mo. Available now! 202.413.3767


APRIL 21, 2011



WILTON MANORS, LUXURY TOWNHOME 3BD/3.5BA In the heart of Wilton Manors, just one block from Wilton Dr. Custom kit. w/ granite counters and breakfast bar, stainless steel appl., balcony, 2 car garage, community pool. $1900/mo. Please call Michael 954.270.9597 LAKERIDGE/FT LAUDERDALE Renovated 1/1, new kitchen, W/D, vaulted ceilings, 2 pvt decks, CAC, basic cable and electric included. Available 4/1/11. Near Publix, close to downtown. $950/mo F/L. Ref Req. 954.554.5095 WILTON MANORS 2BR/1BA- extra large garden apartment with private backyard. CAC, W/D,one mile to Alibi. Pets OK. $950/mo. EZ Qualify (954) 610-3310 PERFECT RELOCATION RENTALS – 3-6 MONTHS From $295/week & $1200/month Beautiful Studio, 1 & 2 BR Apts. Turn key, fully furnished & equipped, clothing optional pool, laundry, parking. Close to Gay & Nude Beaches. Pets Welcome. Incl. utilities, cable, tel., Wi-Fi Internet. 954-927-0090 or visit www.LibertySuites.com RIVERSIDE PARK- 1/1 COTTAGE! Set in tropical private oasis! 5 mins from downtown. Tile thru-out, brand new granite & cherry kitchen, private W/D & screened patio. Gas/water/cable incl. $875/mo + sec. dep. Pets OK 954.990.8335 WILTON MANORS/THE WOODS CONDOS- 1BD/1BA, Waterfront, Poolview, Large Deck, W/D in unit, $795/mo + Deposit. Call 202.841.9216 MIDDLE RIVER & LAKERIDGE MOVE-IN SPECIAL 1/2 OFF 1ST MTH RENT!! 1 Bedroom/1 Bath $680/mo or $175/wk OR 2/2 $850/mo or $225/wk-(6 or 12) month lease. Pay your deposit today and you're in* details (954)527-9225

ROOMMATES ROOMMATE WANTED-FT. LAUDERDALE- Furnished room with private bath, W/D, Jacuzzi, private patio, lakeview. All utilities incl. $125/week available immediately . (954)8030885

SPIRITUALITY The Parish of Sts. Francis and Clare 101 NE 3rd Street, just N of Broward and E of Andrews. Mass times: Sat @ 5 PM: Sun @ 10:30 AM; Wed @ 7 PM. Where we welcome and appreciate diversity - a progressive community in the Catholic tradition. 954-731-8173 www.stsfrancisandclare.org CHURCH OF THE HOLY SPIRITSONG Welcomes you to come and worship with us every Sunday at 10 am and every Wednesday night at 8 pm. We meet at the SpiritSong Worship Center at 2040B North Dixie Highway Suite 3 in Wilton Manors (Building B on Equality Park Campus, behind the Pride Center). God loves you just the way He made you. Come discover His purpose for you. For more info: (954) 418-8372, info@cohss.com, www.cohss.org.


OPEN FOR BUSINESS! By CLIFF DUNN It Must Be Gelato, ‘Cause Sorbetto Don’t Shake Like That To officially mark the most recent expansion of their comfort food empire, Shawn Bombard and Nick Berry – of the eponymous Shawn & Nick’s Courtyard Café, Shawn & Nick’s Courtyard Café at the Saloon, and Shawn & Nick’s Gelato Station – are celebrating the latter establishment’s Grand Opening on Mother’s Day weekend. The ubiquitous restaurateurs, who acquired the Wilton Drive frozen treat shop from its previous owner, Guy Le Houx (currently of Gelati Martini, just a couple of doors down), are combining the event with a fundraiser for the Pet Project. On Friday, May 6, diners at Courtyard Café who purchase dinner will receive a coupon for a free scoop at Gelato Station, and 10% of food sales that night will be donated to the animal-and-owner welfare agency. They will follow this with a Saturday dog wash and Sunday car wash, with price specials and more opportunities for giving.

You Can Fight City Hall In a move that was hailed by many Island City business owners as a victory for commerce and a positive move forward, the Wilton Manors City Commission recently reversed an earlier decision regarding the permitting and facility use fees for the upcoming “Celebrate Fort Lauderdale” event sponsored by the Rainbow Business Coalition (RBC) for the International Gay and Lesbian Travel Association (IGLTA) 2011 Global Convention, being held May 10 through 15 at various locations around Greater Fort Lauderdale. The RBC, consisting of gay men and women business owners from the spectrum of service and professional industries around Broward County, had requested – with the approval of the city manager and department heads – that the city waive the $2,000 permit fee and $1,000 facility use fee. According to the Commission’s March 22 Agenda Report, the “event consists of a consumer trade show, a concert and a parade of nations, which anticipates attracting 2,000 participants.” The Report went on to commend the RBC event as supporting a number of Wilton Manors’ strategic planning aims for the next several years, including building a “Strong Community Identity and Pride Objective,” establishing “Strong Working Partnerships and Relationships [between] Citizens, Community Organizations, Businesses, [and the] City,” and creating “More ‘Community Building’ Events and Festivals.” In spite of the overwhelming support for commissioners to waive the fees, which were paid for by the businesses that comprise the RBC, the Commission originally voted against the waiver. That changed when the panel reversed its decision. With a still-struggling economy and many local businesses holding

Cliff Dunn fast in the face of dwindling profit margins, many are wondering when the next doors on Wilton Drive will close. RBC members are hopeful that the influx of IGLTA conventioneers will pump up local businesses in the short-run, and lead to long-reaching economic benefits in the future. “This convention of around 800 international travel professionals is paramount to the growth and sustainability of the LGBT business community of Greater Fort Lauderdale,” insists Jennifer Morales, secretary of the RBC and Director of Marketing of Sidelines Sports Bar in Wilton Manors.

Location, Location, Location There’s an old adage about it being easier on the back to just get new friends than to help the old ones move. The relocation of Atlantic Properties International from one office suite to the one next door may have been just a stone’s throw, but the new digs are a world apart in terms of style, comfort, and space. With a state-of-the-art conference room and Client Suite (with soonto-be-added flat screen TV and conference capabilities), not to mention I.T. department and in-house legal and finance units, the 6,000 square foot space has plenty of room to accommodate the growth CEO and broker Carl Marzola envisions over the coming months. “We’ve been very fortunate with the core members of our team who make this such a success,” Marzola offers from the comfort of his new office. As part of his aggressive campaign to recruit, reward, and retain the best personnel, Marzola offers perks other brokerages don’t. “We’re very proud to offer health insurance and other benefits to our people. I am looking for high performers and high producers who want to fly their flag in a highly motivated environment.” With local realty stars including Scott Rouda, Dale Russell, Steve Marcus, Eric Ackerman, and Kip Reynolds manning the fort, Marzola & Company are readying themselves for the next changes to come in South Florida’s recovering real estate market.H


If you're “Open for Business”, you can contact Business Writer and Director of Sales, Cliff Dunn, with your story at Business@FloridaAgenda.com

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