Florida Agenda #75

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PROFILE: Debra Hampton Talks Hollywood Events, Magic & Milestones

OPINION: Dab the AIDS Bear Warns About Cuts to HIV/AIDS Services




Newsline n Fort Lauderdale n Miami n Bay Area n Central Florida n BEAR

CODE Splash Official Launch Party; live deejays and heated clothing optional pool; come in swimsuits or your birthday suit! PAGE 20 Courtesy, The Complete Bear

n TGIF Thank GLAAD It’s Friday, fantastic networking opportunities, great prizes and annual Membership to GLAAD with VIP Series tickets. Friday and Saturday at Lords South Beach. PAGE 20 Courtesy, GLAAD


U.S. Representative Addresses LGBT Community at Pride Center Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz Woos Packed House By BOB KECSKEMETY Last week, U.S. Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz held a town hall meeting at the Pride Center at Equality Park where she addressed issues pertinent to the gay community. Despite only a few day notice of the town hall meeting, the main hall of the Pride Center was packed with community members interested in what the Congresswoman had to say. After introductions by Paul Hyman, Executive Director of the Pride Center and Gary Resnick, Mayor of Wilton Manors, Wasserman Schultz took to the podium and commended the local LGBT community on what a fine job they have done in having such a great community center. She then told how proud she was to represent one of the largest LGBT communities in the country. Wasserman Schultz is originally from Long Island and attended the University of Florida, where she majored in Political Science. Upon


Photo courtesy, 112th Congress

Prop 8 Supporters Attack Judge

Buns, Wieners and Burgers, Oh My! Ybor Resort and Spa brings back their fabulous Sunday BBQ’s at 5pm. PAGE 21

Motion Filed to Vacate Judge Vaughn Walker’s Injunction By ALEX VAUGHN Supporters of Proposition 8, California's voter-approved ban on samesex marriage, are asking that a judge's injunction barring the measure's enforcement be thrown out because the judge failed to disclose his involvement in a long-term same-sex relationship. In August, then-U.S. Chief Judge Vaughn Walker ruled the measure violates the Constitution's equal protection clause. "Proposition 8 does nothing more than enshrine in the California Constitution the notion that opposite-sex couples are superior to same-sex couples," Walker wrote in his 136-page opinion.

Courtesy, Gareth Robinson


BENEFITS APPROVED Unanimous vote to offer the same benefits to gay people and their families in Orange County, FL. PAGE 2 Courtesy, airfloridavirtual.com

graduation, she decided to stay in Florida and moved to Broward County. At the age of 26, she was elected to the Florida House of Representatives and became the youngest female legislator in the state's history. After 8 years in the House, she ran for and won State Senate in 2000. When there became a vacancy for the U.S. House District 20 seat in Florida, she ran and won overwhelmingly. She currently sits on the House’s Budget and Judiciary Committees and is the Democratic Party’s Chief Deputy Whip. She is also Vice Chair of the House’s GLBT Caucus. Last month she received the Pride Center’s Stars of the Rainbow Award for public service and was recently selected by President Barack Obama as the new Chair of the Democratic National Committee. Wasserman Schultz, now 44, lives in Weston, Florida, with her husband, Steve, eleven year old twins and a seven year old. ‘ADDRESS’ continues on Page 6

Photo courtesy, AP Photo/San Francisco Daily Journal, S.Todd Rogers

But on April 6, Walker ended months of speculation by publicly disclosing "that he is gay and that he has been in a committed relationship for more than 10 years," said a motion filed Monday by Proposition 8 backers. In previous press reports, according to the motion, Walker refused comment on his sexual orientation. While the press reports do not address the question of whether Walker and his partner have any interest in marrying, the motion said, Walker should have either recused himself from the case or disclosed his sexual orientation "so that the parties could consider and decide, ‘PROPOSITION 8’ continues on Page 7

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APRIL 28, 2011


Transgender Woman Runs for Miami Commission MIAMI, FL – A transgender woman, Donna Milo, is now campaigning for the District 2 seat on the City Commission in the city of Miami. The seat is currently held by Marc Sarnoff, who is seeking reelection. Milo ran for Congress last year.H

Orange County Approves Same-Sex Benefits ORLANDO, FL – Last week, the Orange County Commission voted unanimously to offer the same workplace benefits to the partners and children of gay employees as they do for heterosexual employees, including life, health, dental and bereavement.H

Sidelines Congratulates Raffle Winner WILTON MANORS, FL – Sidelines Sports Bar congratulates Donald Paulter, the winner of the club’s allinclusive Silversea cruise raffle held last week at Sidelines. Paulter is entitled to select either a 7-day Caribbean or Mediterranean cruise in a verandah suite aboard one of the line’s elegant and unique ships. The cruise raffle was part of the fundraising efforts organized by Team Sidelines for the Florida AIDS Walk. Representatives from Silversea Cruises were present to select the winning ticket.

news As the pinnacle fundraising event for Team Sidelines, 100% of the raffles’ ticket sales will go to the 2011 Florida AIDS Walk and AHF Pharmacy, AIDS Healthcare Foundation, Out of the Closet and each of the 2011 Florida AIDS Walk Beneficiaries – SunServe, Broward House, Women In Network, and The Pride Center at Equality Park.H

Celebrate National Bring Your Straight Friend to Happy Hour Day at Mova MIAMI BEACH, FL – Each year, thousands of LGBT people come out, a nerve-racking and life changing moment. Often they do this to their close friends they trust the most. April 29th is the day to celebrate the people who have supported the LGBT public the most, your friends. Lincoln Road's only martini bar will be celebrating the special day by launching its new STR8 UP MARTINI HAPPY HOUR. The launch party will include an unlimited premium martini tasting. For only $10, enjoy Mova's signature martinis from 6 to 8 p.m. with straight, gay, questioning, fag hag, fashionista, and everything in between friends. RSVP is a must for the unlimited martini tasting. For more information, visit www.movalounge.com. Mova Lounge is located at 1625 Michigan Avenue on Miami Beach. H

The Pet Project Holds 3-Day Fundraiser WILTON MANORS, FL - The Pet Project is holding a three-day fundraising weekend from May 6 through May 8. On Friday, May 6, from 6 to 10 p.m., there will be a “Dine and Donate” at the Courtyard Café, 2211 Wilton Drive with a portion of the checks being donated to the Pet Project. On Saturday, April 7, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., there will be a “Dogwash” at the Gelato Station, 3031 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. Donation is $10 per dog. Finally, also at Gelato Station on Sunday, May 8, from 10 a.m.to 2 p.m., there will be a car wash. The mission of The Pet Project is to do what needs to be done to keep the human/animal bond intact for people living with life threatening or terminal disease through pet care services and education.H

GLAAD to Trump: “You’re Fired” NEW YORK, NY – The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation has called for a national boycott of all things Trump. In a statement to the press, they wrote that Donald Trump is attempting to take his celebrity businessman act all the way to the White House. Unfortunately, throwing gay and lesbian families under the bus, and trying to exclude them from health care and marriage, has become part of his campaign platform.


“Trump thinks gay couples and their families shouldn't have access to the same health care as families headed by straight parents. When asked about whether same-sex couples should have the same medical and civil benefits as other couples, Trump said, “As of this moment, I would say no and no.” Donald Trump on marriage equality: “I'm not in favor of gay marriage. They should not be able to marry.” “I just don't feel good about it. I don't feel right about it. I'm against it… I'm opposed to gay marriage.” Trump recently appeared on Fox News and made his position clear by emphatically saying once again, “I'm against gay marriage.” GLAAD contends that Trump is out of step with many Americans, who are increasingly supportive of marriage for gay and lesbian couples. Last week CNN released the fourth credible poll in the past eight months to show an outright majority of Americans in favor of marriage equality. “Trump is sending the message to the 1 million gay couples who are raising approximately 2 million kids in the United States that they shouldn't be treated equally. He wants their viewership for his shows and their money at his properties (Gay and lesbian travelers spend an estimated $17 billion a year for tourism), but Trump doesn't want to allow them the same dignity and respect as all loving couples and families. This is both an unfair and unwise business practice.” H

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L.A. Lakers and Kobe Bryant Release PSA

66 Teen Boys Sent to Anti-Gay Counseling

LOS ANGELES, CA – The Los Angeles Lakers debuted a new video message to their fans making it clear that anti-gay and defamatory slurs (like the one used by Kobe Bryant recently) have no place in their stadium. The video is airing locally in the Los Angeles area, but more importantly, it will play during Lakers home games at the Staples Center. H

KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA – The Malaysian government has sent 66 Muslim schoolboys to a four-day camp to receive counseling on masculine behavior to discourage them from becoming gay. The students were identified by their school teachers as displaying effeminate mannerisms. The boys, with ages ranging from 13 to 17 were officially sent to a “self-development course”. The course includes religious and motivational classes and physical guidance. Gay sex is illegal in the Muslim majority country. H

Clementi Roommate Charged with Hate Crime TRENTON, NJ – Dharun Ravi received a 15 count indictment last week by a Middlesex County grand jury which included invasion of privacy charges and committing a hate crime. Ravi allegedly used a webcam to spy on a same-sex encounter involving his roommate, Tyler Clementi and displaying the video on the internet. It is widely accepted that Clementi, 18, committed suicide in September 2010 once the video was released publically. It was the Clementi suicide that helped ignite the nationwide conversation on bullying. The indictment includes bias intimidation, and witness and evidence tampering. Clementi Clementi drowned in the Hudson River after jumping off the George Washington bridge after he found out about the public release of the video however, lawyers for Ravi contend that the webcam stream was only viewed by a single completer and did not actually show them having sex. The death of Clementi in his first weeks at college, came amid a string of high-profile suicides of young people who were gay or perceived to be gay. However, because of the suicide of Clementi and the circumstances surrounding his suicide, Clementi became the face of the issue. H

Photo courtesy, allfacebook.com

Facebook Restores Kissing Photo PALO ALTO, CA – According to AmericaBlog, Facebook removed then restored a photograph of two men kissing after a Facebook community uproar. Facebook apologized for the removal and restored the photo online. Facebook released the statement saying, “The photo in question does not violate our Statement of Rights and Responsibilities and was removed in error. We apologize for the inconvenience.” H

Queerty Goes Offline? NEW YORK, NY – Popular gossipy gay news website, Queerty, went offline last week. Queerty’s final message to the community on their website is: “After more than five years of serving the LGBT community with news and entertainment, Queerty has come to a close. The decision to shutter the site was not an easy one to make, and it is with great pain that we say goodbye to our loyal readership. From all of Queerty's writers and contributors, from our first unto our last day, thank you for spending some time with us.” But this story is not over yet. Queerty released on their website today, that they shall return. “You heard us right, after a few weeks of downtime, Queerty will soon return as the one place you need to turn each day. Stay tuned for more news next week. We’re working as fast as we can to get things back up and running.”H

California Debates Gay History SAN FRANCISCO, CA – California legislators are debating placement of gay history in their school’s textbooks. Conservatives claim that including gay history studies would indoctrinate students, undermine religious values and politicize the curriculum. The State Senate approved a measure last week barring gay studies last week but it still needs to clear the Democraticcontrolled State Assembly and Governor Jerry Brown’s pen. Currently, there is legislation in California that would add lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people to the list of social and ethnic groups that schools must include in social studies classes. The legislation requires the California Board of Education and local school districts to adopt textbooks and other teaching materials that cover the contributions and roles of sexual minorities. The current measure also prohibits any materials that “adversely reflect” on gays or any particular religions. However, individual school disctricts would have the flexibility to decide what to include in the lessons and at what grades the students would receive them. H


APRIL 28 2011


IGLTA: Countdown to Convention

Kristine W Headlines “Celebrate Fort Lauderdale” Concert for Delegates By CLIFF DUNN

Part Four of a Six-Part Series

With just over two weeks remaining until the delegates and attendees to the International Gay and Lesbian Travel Association (IGLTA) 28th Annual Convention descend on Greater Fort Lauderdale, preparations are under way for the range of events, seminars, meetings and parties that will welcome the estimated 800 travel professionals from approximately 85 nations. Within the local LGBT business community, much of the attention is focused on the Consumer Trade Show hosted by the Rainbow Business Coalition (RBC) of Greater Fort Lauderdale. This event will take place on Friday, May 13, at Wilton Manors’ Hagen Park. Planners are hoping that the highlight of a very successful expo will be the free live concert by Billboard recording artist Kristine W and guest performers, pop star Tony Cruz and Charlotte McKinnon, former lead singer of Company B. For those unfamiliar with the headlining act, Kristine W (born: Kristine Weitz) has 15 Number One Hits on the Billboard Hot Dance charts – more than Madonna – and was named by Billboard as one of the Dance/Club Play Artists of the Decade (2000 – 2009). Needless to say, this kind of talent doesn’t come cheap. RBC chair Reece Darham and his fellow organizers of “Celebrate Fort Lauderdale” learned early on in the process to – in the words of the late Earl Nightingale – “mine their acres of diamonds” and turn to members of their own organization to make it rain. Says Darham: “Jackson Padgett and Mark Negrete, the owners of Georgie’s Alibi and Bill’s, have given over $7,000 towards Kristine W and her back-up dancers, including their accommodations, entertainment and transportation for the four nights they will be in town. Jackson coordinated all the negotiations for the talent, and personally signed her to this event. Without his influence, it would have been a challenge to get someone of her caliber.” Other local bar and restaurant owners have likewise stepped up. “Ken and Lloyd from Scandals and The Stable have also been tremendous,” says Darham. “Not only will they be giving $3,500 in beer, but have also secured Barefoot Winery as the wine sponsor. They also have coordinated the alcohol permitting and insurances, which have taken considerable time and challenges to achieve. They will be the alcohol vendors for the event, giving the RBC 100% of all proceeds from sales. Impressive.” Darham continues: “What has been so incredible to me is just how freely and willing all of them have been to give to this event to make sure it is a success. Jackson and Ken obviously don't know the word ‘No,’ because whenever I go back to them and ask if they could - fill

in the blank - they are there with check book and connections in hand to make it happen. Their commitment to the RBC has been phenomenal.” “Boom's General Manager, Chris, is donating his time and warehouse full of decorations to make Hagen Park sparkle,” Darham adds. With an event and attendance the size Darham and his co-organizers are expecting – approximately 2,000 to 3,000 guests descending upon Hagen Park, located next to Wilton Manors City Hall – there are a large number of corporate, community, and individual sponsors, benefactors and volunteers who have committed time, staff or resources to ensure its success. “Brown Forman [one of the largest American-owned spirits and wine companies and among the top 10 largest global spirits companies, with a strong corporate commitment to diversity] also gave a $3,000 cash donation and an additional $1,500 in-kind donation to the event, and will be the sponsor of the VIP tent for the IGLTA delegates,” notes Darham. Others who have contributed time and efforts to the expo: “Terry DeCarlo of Broward House has offered his time to produce the concert on the night of the event, and has secured Wendy Hunt as the DJ, who is donating her time as well, and two other magnificent artists to perform: Tony Cruz and Charlotte McKinnon. Cash donations have come in from many RBC members, such as Orton Terrace and Northwest Savings Bank, and the eight bars who collaborated at this year's Miami Beach Pride - Alibi, Bills, Boom, Johnny's, Scandals, Sidelines, The Manor, and The Stable donated 100% of their tips for the expo and concert. As to the actual day of the expo – which falls on Friday the 13th for those who pay attention to such details – Darham is heaping in his praise of volunteers and their organizations whom, he says, “are coming out of the woodwork to help out on the day of the event: The Pride Center, Stonewall Street Festival, Wilton Manors Main Street, Volunteer Broward, Marc Hansen and Pride South Florida. And, of course, the countless businesses who participated in the Welcome Guide and Banner along Wilton Drive, who have helped promote Wilton Manors, Fort Lauderdale, and Broward County as the LGBT destination of choice.” ith the level and showing of commitment he and his fellows are bringing to the table, Vincent Frato, general manager of Georgie's Alibi can’t help but boast. “This year belongs to the world's newest number one gay destination: Fort Lauderdale and Wilton Manors, Florida. Get used to it!” H

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APRIL 28, 2011




‘ADDRESS’ Continued from COVER Photo courtesy, Bob Kecskemety

Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz speaking to the LGBT community at the Pride Center at Equality Park. View the full video at www.FloridaAgenda.com. “I know you have been frustrated at times. I know that perhaps the pace of change has not come fast enough; I’ve had so many conversations with so many of you saying, ‘come on, let’s go, let’s pick up the pace.” “I understand that there has been slow changes of pace on gay rights,” said Wasserman Schultz, “hate crimes, the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, the decision not to fight the appeal of DOMA and the deportation of a foreign partner in a gay partnership. Well he [President Obama] may have been a little bit of a late-bloomer but you certainly have a lot to be proud of with the hate crimes legislation, the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, the decision of the Obama administration, through Attorney General Eric Holder not to appeal the overturning of the Defense of Marriage Act and to halt the deportation of foreign gay partners. That’s tremendous progress. I would not have believed it if you had you told me at the start of my congressional career that we would make this much progress [in just two years].” Yet, she explained, there is so much more to do. She’s looking forward to passing the Employment NonDiscrimination Act, a Student NonDiscrimination Act, a resolution supporting the National Day of Silence, the United American Families Act and a focus on non-bullying measures. She also feels that the government should provide programs and backup to the public schools to provide a safety net for kids who are struggling with their sexuality so that LGBT teen suicides stop appearing in newspaper headlines. After speaking, Wasserman Schultz conducted a short question and answer session. Most questions had to do with budget cuts proposed by the Republican majority in the House of Representatives. One of the most touching questions, however, came from a woman who was under chemotherapy and paying $14,000 per treatment. Another tearful moment was when a gay couple introduced themselves, legally married, they faced separation due to the government’s current policy not recognizing foreign nationals in gay couples. Other questions included school bullying and teen suicide, lack of Democrats standing up to the Republicans, Medicare and Medicaid cuts, the economy and lack of jobs and increasing Ryan White funding.H

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‘PROPOSITION 8’ continued from COVER

before the case proceeded further, whether to request his recusal." Walker, who retired at the end of February, told reporters earlier this month he didn't think it was appropriate for any judge's sexual orientation, ethnicity, national origin or gender to stop them from presiding over a case, according to a Reuters report. "That's a very slippery slope," said Walker, who was appointed to the federal bench in 1989 by President George H.W. Bush. But, argues the motion filed Monday, if Walker and his partner ever wanted -- or thought they might want -- to marry, he "plainly had an 'interest that could be substantially affected by the outcome of the proceeding,'" it said, citing federal law regarding disqualification of judges. "Only if Chief Judge Walker had unequivocally disavowed any interest in marrying his partner could the parties and the public be confident that he did not have a direct personal interest in the outcome of the case," the motion said. Same-sex marriage advocates decried the move. "Supporters of Proposition 8 are grasping at straws because they don't like the outcome," said Michael ColeSchwartz of the Human Rights Campaign. "If their real intent was to 'protect marriage,' they should argue that a straight married judge be disqualified since he would conceivably have an interest in protecting his own marriage. The argument is simply ridiculous on its face."

news The motion says that proceedings in the case have been "marked by a number of irregular and unprecedented rulings, both procedural and substantive, that give gravely disquieting force to the 'appearance of partiality' created by the belated disclosure of Chief Judge Walker's long-term, committed relationship." It cites multiple examples, including the fact that Walker refused to stay his judgment pending appeal despite its "unprecedented nature ... and its sharp conflict with the uniform judgment of appellate courts throughout the country." As a result, the motion argues, the Ninth Circuit was forced to issue such a stay. The Proposition 8 backers emphasize that in the motion, they are not suggesting a gay or lesbian judge could not hear the case -- only that no judge should try a case where they might have an interest in the outcome. "We deeply regret the necessity of this motion," it says. "In this case, it is undeniable that Chief Judge Walker failed to make the required disclosure. At no point prior to the entry of judgment did Chief Judge Walker disclose that he is in a now 10year long, committed same-sex relationship. And he has yet to disclose whether he has any interest in marrying his partner should the injunction he issued be upheld on appeal," the motion said. "... Simply stated, under governing


APRIL 28 2011


If the appeals court rules they do not, the Supreme Court may not wade into the issue, some legal experts have said, giving no clear guidance on the constitutionality of same-sex marriage nationwide. The high court, in a 1997 unrelated appeal, expressed "grave doubts" about the ability of such private groups to challenge rulings that strike down ballot initiatives. The state's high court had allowed same-sex marriages in California, but then Proposition 8 passed with 52 percent of the vote in 2008. Prior to Walker's Photo courtesy, thefrustratedoptimist.wordpress.com ruling, the California Supreme California law, Chief Judge Walker cur- Court allowed that initiative to stand, rently cannot marry his partner, but his saying it represented the will of the decision in this case, and the sweeping people. injunction he entered to enforce it, The real problem faced by Prop 8 would give him a right to do so." supporters real problem is that their The civil rights challenge remains at case is seen now as profoundly weak, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th and relies almost entirely on archaic and Circuit, and the issue remains unre- rapidly eroding social prejudices against solved, although a ruling is expected homosexuality. During the trial, they later this year. The court in December only called two witnesses, and that set aside Walker's decision, which would witness was unable to provide a factual have allowed same-sex marriages to basis for the assertions being made by resume in California. Prop 8 supporters — that extending Walker's ruling assured a swift federal marriage rights to gays and lesbians appeal that ultimately may reach the U.S. would harm anyone. Conversely, Prop 8 Supreme Court. One sticking point could opponents were able to demonstrate, in be whether Proposition 8 supporters in vivid detail, precisely how they were percourt -- all private citizens and groups -- sonally hurt by California’s decision to have legal "standing" to continue appeal- deny gays and lesbians their fundamening the case. tal rights.H

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APRIL 28, 2011


Just a Number? It has happened … I turned 29 this week and I can now see 30 coming at me like a juggernaut. This unsurprisingly got me thinking about age: Is it really anything more than a number? In so many cases it isn’t; I don’t feel 29, I don’t look 29 (sadly, I have always looked about 32, contrary to the various ‘procedures’ I have endured to stay 21 forever!) All in all, I feel pretty good about being 29 … well, I did until one of my soon-to-be former friends pointed out that in the gay world age works similar to the scale we use to guess a dogs age (take from that what you will). So, apparently I now fall into a lost age group and won’t be found again till 32, the ages in the gay world are 18, 21, 24, 32, 35, the ever-popular 39, anywhere between 42 - 48, then dead. According to this cruel and evil scale, I am roughly middle aged. (Definitely a more worrying thought than turning 30.) So, here I am in middle age, too young to be ‘old’ and too old to be a twinky. What to do? Well, turning to drink would be fruitless (and a road already well-travelled), drugs aren’t going to do it (though a Vicodin here or there wouldn’t hurt!). Promiscuity? Not feeling that either. I am nearly 30 – after all, surely it’s time to settle down, right? Age may just be a number, but the higher it gets the more neurotic one becomes! Don’t worry; I am not going to get into a tirade about a culture obsessed with youth, mainly because it’s been done – we get it: old = bad, young = good. I disagree with the status quo, more than likely because I now don’t think of myself as young anymore. I have taken on responsibilities, got a life (so to speak) and am on track to becoming a contributing member of society. Gone are the flitting days of youth, and sure I miss them, responsibility free days of gay abandon. Experience, however, has taught me being too young does you no favors. Being good-looking is the only thing to bank on! All in all, that age-old saying “you are only as old as you feel” has plenty of joke possibilities, but it’s a good way to go; live life to its fullest and feel whatever age you want. We are an aging population and people love to say the gay com-

munity is obsessed with youth, so many older guys claim they are ‘recapturing their youth’ by dating the ‘cute as a button, not quite as smart twink’; however, it’s worth noting that the 50-year old divorced straight man with the 22 year old big busted blonde fiancé is no different. Let’s not blame the community – as I get older I’m blaming everyone. A sort of equal opportunity blame. No, seriously, a more positive step would be to make sure we each know age is just a number, and the way to make it hurt less, is to be proud of whom you are and where you are in your life. So where does that leave me? Well, like anyone, a bit of self-help and I am super positive, till I think a little more; I would like to believe I am a good prospect for a relationship now that I have matured somewhat… unfortunately, and very generally speaking, with so many different rules and regulations in the gay community it would seem I am not eligible for such a thing until I hit the next age bracket. At 21, there would have been no problem, as I go for older it worked perfectly up I would say till 26, checking my sliding scale, that would be another ‘lost’ age. After 26, I can’t be the younger guy, so to speak. I will be the first to admit

this self-pity is just an excuse. ‘The One’ as it were, will rarely be lost due to something as trivial as a number, but that logical thought will remain on the outskirts of my semi-private pre-30 internal meltdown. So, we know what’s attractive in youth, but what about in age? Well, there’s always the parental figure theory. I personally don’t go in for it, but I know many who do; older men are oft looking for a son, one they couldn’t have, they







Alex Vaughn

General Manager JAMIE FORSYTHE Administrator CHRIS HAMEL

will make poor choices and be taken advantage of, as well of course as being used as an ATM, though people would argue, many actual dads feel that way! Then there is the wealth of experience that could be that offers the theory that a higher ‘number’ is so much more attractive. I stress ‘could be’; age in this case is nothing but a number, trust me it does not equate to more intelligence or even more experience for that matter. I have spent plenty of time with people older than myself who seem to have lived under rocks! Many of my friends back home have already hit 29 and we all agree it feels a bit like the green mile. Thirty is coming, there’s nothing to be done about it and we have all started scrambling around wondering where our youth has gone, questioning if we have, or when we will, achieve our hopes, dreams and all that jazz. Then it hits you … that question. Am I where I thought I’d be? I have decided I am close, what do you Photo courtesy, Janie Jones think for yourself ? With all that said, I shall remain 29 till I achieve a couple more of my goals, so after reading this you will forget I ever divulged my real age, and will act with utter shock and surprise when I tell you next April that I, in fact, could quite possibly be turning 29!H



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Alex Vaughn is the Editor-in-Chief of the Florida Agenda. He can be reached at editor@FloridaAgenda.com

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APRIL 28 2011


Floridians Living With HIV/AIDS In Danger of Losing Health Services Ryan White & ADAP Faces Economic Crisis By DaB garner

I have just returned from the long exhausting trip and meeting. The following is my record of the events: After Dab the AIDS Bear and I drove to Jacksonville, we rode the bus provided by AIDS Healthcare Foundation with 70 other activists, HIV/AIDS consumers and health care providers. Upon arriving in Tallahassee, we were pleased to see over 150 fellow activists, consumers and health care providers from the panhandle, Jacksonville and the Orlando areas. Unfortunately, this is where the good news ends. I knew the situation was headed downhill as soon as I saw the same size of the meeting space provided. The space for the meeting with the Department of Health was not adequate for the number of people, so only about half were able to be in the room at any one time. We were then informed the choices

our state faces is either lowering Ryan White eligibility from 400 percent of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) to 200 percent of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL), or capping ADAP and other services. According to the Department of Health (DOH) statistics, if we lower eligibility to 200 percent of FPL, 314 Floridians Living with HIV/AIDS will be dropped by AICP (AIDS Insurance Continuation Program) and 1562 Floridians living with HIV/AIDS will be dropped from ADAP. No statistics were presented on the number of consumers on HOPWA (Housing Opportunities for People with AIDS program) who would be affected. After the very short presentation there were a few words from the DOH concerning the needs and impact of lowing Ryan White eligibility, but the majority of the meeting was by people – including myself – giving their testimonies about living with HIV/AIDS and how important Ryan White funding is for survival. We were also asked by the representatives from DOH to offer suggestions and recommendations which I

found ironic, since basically either choice endangers the lives of Floridians living with HIV and AIDS. Since I will be attending the remaining three meetings in Tampa and Miami over the course of the next 16 days, I am hoping those in charge of these meetings learned a few lessons. First, the meeting spaces need to be large enough for everyone to attend the entire meeting. I also hope they will offer more information about the potential impact of the change in eligibility requirements, potential solutions and advise the community when the change will occur. But most of all, I hope to see everyone impacted in our community, whether you are a health care or service provider for people with HIV, living with HIV yourself, know someone living with HIV or lost someone to AIDS. We must all work together to prevent Floridians with HIV losing life saving services, because without hope, there is no living with HIV. Not only with this affect us in Florida, the other states are watching to see what happens here next.H

Photo courtesy, rnw.nl


Daddy Dab Garner, Founder of Dab the AIDS Bear Project, is a long time survivor and HIV/AIDS activist. He can be reached at DaddyDab@ dabtheaidsbearproject.com

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APRIL 28, 2011


networking / opinion

Navigating Networking Giving Back IS Profitable! By DreW MILLer People ask me all the time, "How do you do so much?" My response is "It’s not so much, I really enjoy it. Along with good time management and a fine-tuned calendar, I make it work." In this column, I would like to shed light on how "Giving Back" is enjoyable and profitable for your business. Several years ago, my partner and I got involved with HRC (The Human Rights Campaign is America's largest civil rights organization working to achieve lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) equality.). It was our first time doing something for a cause greater then ourselves. Our participation started with the Winterfest Boat Parade Party, which we later co-chaired. Being on the board for HRC gave me skills I found helpful later in my career. I found enjoyment, long time friends and raised money for a great organization. I hired a caterer, Primavera Restaurant, who believes in giving back to the community. They created a delicious menu for a fantastic price that more than suited our needs and left everyone satisfied. Because of the relationship I formed with Giacomo at Primavera, I later signed him up with a merchant account. Our charitable work together lowered his business expenses and brought me a new client. Giving back is profitable! My first networking group was The

Business Professional Group. BPG believes that building long-term relationships between community members enhances personal and business growth. I learned the intricacies of networking and the benefits of belonging to a networking group. I was asked to join the board as the Social Director (I know – perfect fit, huh?) which I happily accepted. Joining the board raised my involvement with the group and created a level of respect and trust with its members. To this day, I use many of their services. I have made many friends and clients throughout my years with BPG. Joining the board and giving back became profitable. When the Greater Fort Lauderdale Chamber of Commerce formed the Gay and Lesbian Business Exchange, I signed up. GLBX recognizes the positive contributions of the Gay and Lesbian Community within our city and surrounding area as being a major driver to our local economy. I joined the “GLBX Leads Group” to expand my networking contacts. Later, my good friend Chris Caputo from Metro Media Works suggested we join the board. That one decision completely changed me in a way I did not expect. Once on the GLBX board, I quickly realized the opportunities I have to contribute to our business community and the difference I could

make. When the Business Development Executive (membership sales) position opened up at the Chamber, a light went on for me. I realized I could create a new career out of the enjoyment I find in networking. In addition, I will create many new business relationships, colleagues and friends along the way. Currently, the GLBX board is developing a new interactive website that we hope will unify our business community. Giving back to the community through GLBX created a profitable new career for me. Then, along comes Rainbow Business Coalition. RBC’s primary mission is to unite the LGBT community by leadership and advocacy. When I was asked to join RBC, I didn’t really get what they did but I joined anyway. I didn’t understand how I was going to get business from RBC, but I was willing to give it a try. I was told it’s not a networking group and I didn’t understand why it was called a Business Coalition. As time when on, I got the big picture and a better understanding. The main purpose of the RBC is to publicize the greater Fort Lauderdale area as the best place to live and visit if you are an LGBT person. Along with me on the board are many of the very successful LGBT business owners/managers of our community. I am sitting with the movers and shakers of our community. We are sitting together working through our differences and creating real opportunities for our community. I found myself creating real friendships and new business partners with people I truly respect as leaders in our community. Currently, the RBC is


organizing a free concert (including recording artist Kristine W.) and trade show to be held in Hagen Park for the IGLTA (International Gay & Lesbian Travel Association) on May 13. Giving back to the Greater Fort Lauderdale LGBT community through RBC has turned out to be profitable for me in the end. I know it looks like a lot – and it is. My life is full of good friends, great colleagues, customers and acquaintances -all of whom I depend on in many ways. My life would not be as complete if we hadn’t seen the value in giving back. So thanks to all who cross my path for making my life more enjoyable. Special thanks to Kevin, who joins me in everything I bring his way.H


For Drew’s complete listing of upcoming networking meetings, visit FloridaAgenda.com Drew Miller is a business and networking consultant. He can be contacted at Drew@DrewMiller.biz.

Who Knew? Those Crazy Gays... By saM kneW, MsW It has been nearly 40 years since the American Psychiatric Association (APA) removed homosexuality from its official Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). Yet the question still lingers in the minds of some, “Is being gay a disorder?” It is a question some members of the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (GLBTQ) community have even asked themselves at some point. But is it possible that being gay is making us crazy? Incredibly enough, our own hangups about our sexuality may actually be driving us to the edge. Studies have found that many members of the GLBTQ community are at a higher risk of disorders such as anxiety, substance abuse, and suicide. In fact, GLBTQ individuals are six times more likely to attempt suicide. However, it should be noted that the majority of GLBTQ individuals never attempt suicide. Rates are higher however with individuals who have more trouble fitting into both the GLBTQ community and straight community. For example, one study showed 83% of transgender

Photo courtesy, leadfreejigs.com

people had considered suicide, and 54% had actually attempted it. Complicating matters more, those who have attempted to take their life may also be suffering from one or more other mental health disorders, including anxiety and depression. Not surprising, how one struggles to understand and accept their sexual identity plays a large role in their mental health. So how exactly do all these negative thoughts and feelings lead to depression? Well in short, neurotransmitters, a chemical in the brain, relay a series of specialized messages among brain cells. Levels of norepinephrine or serotonin (types of neurotransmitters) affect a person’s mood. For example, increased levels could stimulate feelings of motivation or self-confidence. But as far as science can tell, it is still a chicken and egg theory. Is it the chemical imbalance that causes depression, or vice versa? Either way, it is known that individuals suffering from depression have this

chemical imbalance – and GLBTQ individuals are six times more at risk of being clinical depressed. One way many of these feelings of depression and anxiety can manifest themselves is through substance use and abuse. Although there are an array of substances abused by members of the GLBTQ population, alcohol and crystal methamphetamine seem to be the two most common – more so among gay men. And although these substances, among others are commonly abused throughout most communities, it seems in the GLBTQ community alcohol consumption rates do not decrease over time as with most. Additionally, multiple studies report nearly one-third of all homosexuals will struggle with substance abuse as means of coping with acceptance. Gay men are also at an increased risk of developing other disorders. Eating disorders, such as anorexia (self-starvation), bulimia (purging), compulsive overeating and binging can become life

threatening. Much of the time these kinds of disorders revolve around issues of self-worth and control. These forms of compulsive disorders can take other various forms of obsessive-compulsive disorders (OCD). OCDs can manifest in various forms, from obsessive fears of contracting infections to compulsively repeating rituals, such as hand washing. Perhaps it’s the unique stressors many members of the GLBTQ community undergo – as early as pre-adolescence that place us at higher risk. From our fears and struggles of self-acceptance to social-acceptance, our thoughts and experiences shape us into the people we are – for better or worse.H


Sam Knew, MSW is an educator and a local counselor. He can be reached at samknewmsw@gmail.com

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APRIL 28 2011


‘JUDGE ATTACK’ continued from COVER

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Home / Out In Florida / Profile Books / Style / Recipe / Fitness THE STYLE VOICE OF THE LGBT COMMUNITY


n this week’s issue of Style, Hollywood is definitely in the air with the formidable Debra Hampton and get up close and personal with author Andy Zeffer. As the weather turns and we spring into fashion, check out the short list of the hottest shorts around. Then go Green with Michael French in Home. What’s your beef ? Check out Recipe then unwind with an at home spa day with tips from Tom Bonanti in Fitness! Enjoy! H – AV

Relax & Chill... You’re Worth It Fitness PAGE 23

Try an At-Home Spa Day to Soothe Body and Soul

The Long & Short Of It This Season’s ‘Short’ List


Inside this issue...

Style PAGE 18


Andy Zeffer

Author Talks New Film

Profile PAGE 22 Photos courtesy, iStock, streetwearmagnet.com, Going Down in LA-LA Land

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APRIL 28, 2011


Debra Hampton A Hollywood Event

By ALEX VAUGHN ... whenever I sing "I'm Tired" from Blazing Saddles I channel that Fraulein, my mother).

Debra Hampton is an awardwinning performer who, over the years, has worked with some of the biggest selling recording artists of all time. She has toured the world and has a repertoire steeped in the "Great American Songbook", including the Classics of Motown, R&B, unlikely gems, contemporary standards all finished in the glow of Debra's own exquisite original compositions. The Agenda caught up with the formidable chanteuse as she prepares for her Big Birthday Bash on Sunday!

Now, what’s the biggest cringe moment? When a rubber outfit I was wearing slipped below my nips and no one told me and I performed for a half hour not knowing ... well you can imagine the rest …

You are having your Birthday bash on Sunday, how exciting. I'm beyond excited. I've spent the last year of my life creating my new showplace, Hollywood Events, so it could be ready for my 38th birthday bash on May 1. (Ok, my 48th – whatever!) Tell us more about the grand opening of Hollywood Events. It will be an evening of great entertainment with people I've worked with and admired, like Mickey Havens, Nicky Adams, Joe Posa (as Joan Rivers), David McBride and others, along with wonderful food and surprises. I’m proud to be opening Hollywood Events. It’s an elegant event hall; the décor is antique mixed with a contemporary style. We have two beautiful bars, a stage, nice lighting and sound system, dance room and seating and a private dressing room. A lot of love went into this place; I’d love for you to stop by and check it out. It’s a great place for hosting parties, seminars, wedding or fundraisers. I’m also offering it to other entertainers that have a following so they may also put on their own events. We can also accommodate you with hotel rooms. How long have you been performing in Wilton Manors? I've been performing in this wonderful community for over 6 years. I've gone from Hamburger Mary's, where I lost the title of "Hamburger Mary" to a drag queen (even though they say I'm a drag queen in a female body), to Dudes, where I performed with lots of almost naked guys, to Chardees, The Mix, Galanga, Scandals, Monkey Business and now at the Alibi every Tuesday, and MoJo on Wednesdays. What do you enjoy most about performing? I love the variety of music that I am able to perform in front of the most appreciative audiences imaginable in South Florida. I love seeing my audience react to songs arranged in new and


creative ways by my long-time producer Eddie Montilla, who works with stars like Queen Latifah, Little Wayne and Usher. What is the benefit with working within the gay community? The joy of acceptance and affection. I think the gay audiences can relate to me and vice versa, because there is admiration for our unique styles … plus, I get to be "NASTY" at times, knowing it is ok with my audience. You have a line of personal greetings cards. What made you come up with the idea? How are they doing? My greeting cards are the result of my love of the process of song writing. I love the collaboration with others in producing songs that directly cover different occasions … from break up to make up, from birthdays to condolences, my line of greeting cards combines original songs on a CD inserted into a greeting card. The cards are geared toward all relationships. Channel 7 news featured them on their Styles section. Are there any disadvantages to working within the community? None that I've encountered, other than not being "hit on" too often (just kidding ... I'm an old married lady with a great hubby who even allowed me to donate all of our wedding loot to Tuesday's Angels.) When you look back over your career here, what has been the highlight? Having my sweet mommy live to see me perform for large audiences. (She passed recently and I miss her sweet face

What social influences do you think affect your popularity and how do you think your show helps the community. Having lived in the 60's and right up through Lady Gaga. I have been blessed to be able to sing so many different types of music without sounding dated. People seem to compare me with Bette Midler and I am flattered. I have been influenced by so many entertainers and the issues they confronted in their lives. I think my benefit shows like Stonewall and "Broward Bares It" have been most rewarding. Volunteering is inspiring to keep the spirit going until there is full equality for everyone. Tell Agenda readers a bit more about your long awaited CD “Night Secrets”. “Night Secrets” is a sexy collection of tunes that set a mood. The CD is romantic and mellow with foreplay, during play and after-play as a theme. I love turning men on … all men! So what’s next for Debra? Lots of events at my new show place and a brand new show called "Boobalicious".H


Debra’s Birthday Bash May 1st at 7:30pm Hollywood Events 101 North Ocean Drive, Suite 132, Hollywood FL (954) 929-9494

Photo courtesy, Debra Hampton

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APRIL 28, 2011




The Long & Short Of It This Season’s “Short List” By Alex Vaughn & Eric Christian In much of Europe and the United States during the 19th and early 20th centuries shorts were worn as outerwear only by young boys until they reached a certain height or maturity. When boys got older, typically around puberty, they would receive their first pair of long trousers. This produced the perception Men’s Board that shorts were only for young boys. Shorts $107 Because of this, men would not wear www.streetwear magnet.com shorts to avoid looking immature. In the 1890s, knee pants (an early type of short pants) became the standard wear for American boys. Many urban school portraits from the 1890s show all but the oldest boys wearing knee pants. From the 1950’s, however, shorts became a staple of men’s wardrobes – particularly in the US – and were traditionally slim and fitted. In many countries, however, there are few formal setHugo Boss Khaki tings where wearing shorts would be Shorts $175 www.circlemens acceptable, as they are considered casual wear.com wear. Notable exceptions where men may wear short trousers to the office or at a formal gathering are South Africa, Bermuda, Australia and New Zealand. Styles • Baggies: loose-fitting shorts which reach the knees. • Bermuda shorts: Approximately knee-length short trousers commonly worn in Bermuda (with long socks Dolce & Gabbana Luxe and a blazer and tie) for business Boutique Shorts $385 attire and even at cocktail parties. www.dolceandgabbana.com • Board shorts: A combination of shorts and a bathing suit, which have recently gained in popularity, that reach the knee or below. • Cargo shorts: Typically khaki shorts with cargo pockets. • Cut-offs or Daisy Dukes: Homemade by cutting the legs off trousers, typically jeans (known as "denim Ed Hardy Men’s cut-offs"), above the knee. Tiger Gold Print Board Shorts $45 • Cycling shorts: Skin-tight long www.edhardyshop.com shorts originally worn by cyclists to reduce chafing while cycling, but which have also been adapted and adopted as street wear. • Hot pants: Categorized as "short shorts," they commonly have an inseam length of two inches or less. They are meant to emphasize the buttocks and the legs. • Jean shorts: Made out of denim, jean shorts are worn by both genders. • Three quarter pants (Or Flood Pants): A name used to refer to pants such as Shants or Shankles which go James Perse Cargo Shorts down to the calf and are arguably not $155 long shorts but ‘short longs’. www.jamesperse.com • Zip-off Shorts or Convertible Shorts: A pair of long pants that zip off at the knee, allowing the wearer to change from pants to shorts as the Eric Christian is a style consultant. weather changes. Eric@styleconciergemiami.com • Yimps: Very short men's shorts www.styleconciergemiami.com designed to have a vintage, midcentury look.H







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home / recipe

APRIL 28, 2011


Saving Mother Earth, One Home at a Time By MICHAEL FRENCH

Earth Day has passed. Just as a real “Child of Christmas” practices the spirit of the holiday all year long, a true friend of the earth doesn’t recycle the Grey Goose bottle only on Earth Day. His lifestyle is environmentally friendly 365 days a year. The first Earth Day was in 1970. Regardless of the waxing and waning of political and societal attitudes towards the environmental movement, the effects of man’s exploits have taken an increasingly obvious toll on Mother Earth’s health. We DO KNOW what we do or say can come back to haunt us. That rests true

with our behavior towards our planet, evident in climactic changes, destruction of natural habitats, catastrophic oil spills, arsenic in drinking water, fish with two heads and the alarming disappearance of honey bees endangering food supplies due to the indifferent use of pesticides. The list is endless. No one has to look far, especially in Florida, to see what damage man’s unadulterated greed, wanton carelessness and belligerent ignorance has wrought upon the only home he knows: EARTH! YES! I confess! I am what misinformed, narrow-minded people, benignly satisfied, being comfortably numb with the status quo, would prefer to blast as a “bleeding heart liberal, anti-American/free enterprise, TREE HUGGER!” If those are the definitions of someone who cares about the health of the “Home” we all share, then so be it! Did I say “Share?” Go ahead, label me! Being gay, I’ve been called worse – far worse. Florida’s ecosystems are extremely fragile. Her unique, expansive coral reefs, wetlands, beaches, etc., are very sensitive to human abuse. Intense heat radiated from giant parking lots causes storm clouds to pass us by, taking life giving rain with them. Beach erosion, algae blooms, decimated populations of the manatee, panther, avian and fish species, weather pattern changes threatening the existence of the Everglades, just to name a few, are

sad results of man’s poor stewardship of the paradise he was given. Battered Florida teeters on a slippery precipice of an ecological abyss. Contrary to what some will preach, Earth is NOT ours to exploit with unadulterated greed and blind, myopic goals, rationalized with Machiavellian dogma. Earth, is man’s to nurture and revere. So, what can we do, one home at a time, to preserve our Earth? Don’t get negative falling into that “What can one person do to make a difference?” trap! All of the progress the GLBT community has made began with one person! Being “Green” is so many things. In most cases it’s economical. Recycle as much as possible. Buy a water filter apparatus instead of the trendy expensive bottled stuff and use a refillable water bottle. Disposable bottles are a huge problem. Purchase a reusable bag for grocery shopping. Buy certified organic produce and meats. At home, don’t use the heat button in the dishwasher, reduce the hot water heater temperature, and program the thermostat to 78 degrees, using fans liberally. Use power strips for computers, TV’s, and other electronics. They still sap power all day unless turned off at the power source, using up to $10.00 each per month! Wash clothing in cold water. Hot water is expensive and harsher on those designer duds. Use an environmentally

friendly detergent. Get a water saver shower faucet. Xeriscape! You’ll use far less chemicals and water, saving lots of money, plus have a killer yard! The National Wildlife Federation will issue you a plaque you can proudly display in your yard once they’ve determined your property fits the criteria to earn a “Natural Habitat” designation! That brings me to being “Green” on the road. Get rid of gas guzzlers! We know the culprits and how useful most of them are NOT! Anyway, they don’t make you more “butch”. Keep tires properly inflated, increasing gas mileage up to 20%. Slow down! Where’s the fire? Don’t start from the red light as if it was the Daytona 500! That only shows you don’t know this habit wastes gas, tires, and don’t see it’s only 500 feet to the next red light. All of us have the responsibility and power to make positive changes. Apathy and lack of knowledge are our biggest hindrances leading to becoming a “greener” society. Every small step towards a greener lifestyle and mother earth breathes easier. It all begins at HOME!H


Michael French, is Agenda’s Home from Home columnist. Contact Michael at mf7954fla@gmail.com

jean’s Beef en daube kitchen Provençal Daube is a classic French stew made with cubed beef braised in wine, vegetables, garlic and herbes de Provence. Although most modern recipes call for red wine, a minority call for white, as do the earliest recorded daube recipes, like “Grannies Pork” the one you love that I serve at Le Patio which calls for olives, and others that have prunes or flavoring with duck fat, brandy, nutmeg, cloves, juniper berries or orange zest (the list is long). For best flavor, it is cooked in several stages, and cooled for a day to allow the flavors to meld together. In the Camargue area of France (my favorite place in the world), bulls killed in bullfighting festivals are often used for daube. All stews are wonderfully warm and comforting, but this recipe stands out for its simplicity and versatility. Traditionally, it should be prepared the day before it is served. It is generally served with rice, noodles or mashed potatoes, and accompanied by red wine. • 2 teaspoons olive oil • 1 tablespoon of flour • 1/2 lb smokey bacon chopped • 12 garlic cloves, crushed • 3lbs boneless chuck roast, trimmed and cut into 2-inch cubes • ½ bottle red wine • 2lbs chopped carrots • 2 big onions chopped

• 1/2 cup beef broth • 1 tablespoon tomato paste • 1 (14.5-ounce) can diced tomatoes, undrained • 1 bouquet garni • Salt & pepper Heat olive oil in a thick-assed saucepan over medium heat. Add garlic, bacon and onion to pan; cook for 5 to 10 minutes or until all is fragrant, stirring occasionally. Remove with a slotted spoon and set aside. Increase heat to medium-high. Add beef to pan. Sprinkle beef with salt and black pepper. Cook 5 minutes, browning on all sides. Sprinkle with a good tablespoon of flour. Add wine and stock to pan, and and stir well. Bring to a boil, scraping the bottom of the pan to loosen the browned bits. Add onions, bacon and garlic and all the remaining ingredients. Simmer for 2 to 3 hours, or until the beef is tender. Discard bouquet garni. Serve with noodles, rice or mashed potatoes. Garnish with chopped fresh thyme or rosemary. You are the chef ! H


Jean Doherty is the Chef and Owner of Le Patio Restaurant in Wilton Manors (954) 530-4641

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APRIL 28, 2011


Fort Lauderdale

out in florida





Saturday, April 30, from 2 to 8 p.m. in Fort Lauderdale at the Royal Palms Resort, 2901 Terramar Street. Monthly pool parties for bears, cubs, chubs, chasers and friends. Join them at the new Royal Palms Resort and Spa for the Official Opening Party of Splash with live deejays and more. The Royal Palms Boutique Hotel offers luxurious rooms, a full bar, a café serving great food and a full service spa and gym. And yes… a clothing-optional heated pool, so come in your swimsuits or your birthday suit… the choice is yours. As appreciation for your continued support of Bear Codes, they are extending to those that RSVP for the opening party event only, no cover charge (normal cover is $7). You must RSVP on Facebook to receive the free entry and you can only RSVP yourself. There will be an RSVP list at the door. Help spread the word and invite your friends on the invite link on the event page and give them a chance to RSVP and get the newest hottest pool party grand opening for free. Splash will be held monthly.H

Friday, April 29, from 9:30 p.m. to 3 a.m. at Club Sugar, 2301 SW 32nd Ave. in Coral Gables. Alex Infiniti and Club Sugar proudly welcome Shangela, the controversial star of this season's “Rupaul’s Drag Race”. Love her or hate her, see her perform live and in person! In the Main Room, House Music by resident DJ Jarell. In the Spice Lounge, Hip Hop and Latin Music by DJ Dave. Shows by divas T.P. and Sasha Lords and hosted by Alex Infiniti. 2 for 1 drinks ‘til 11:30 p.m. $5 house drinks and $4 domestic beer all night. And many more surprises.H



Tidal Wave kick-off party featuring Bear D.J. Bill James, spinning the classics and the music you love to dance and sing along to. Hot bear contest for a chance to win a VIP pass to Tidal Wave events during Gay Days in Orlando. Sunday May 1, 6 to 11 p.m. at The Manor Entertainment Complex, 2345 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. No cover. Hot man dancers and flaggers too. $15 import beer buckets, $12 domestic beer buckets, $10 Malibu Rum buckets and $20 Mojito pitchers.H

Thank GLAAD It's Friday in South Florida featuring ABSOLUT® VODKA! GLAAD with Mark’s List presents national networking event series for young LGBT professionals and straight allies in South Florida, featuring ABSOLUT ® Vodka, this April! Set in popular venues, TGIF events include hosted ABSOLUT® Vodka cocktails, one-year GLAAD memberships, special guest hosts and nightly prize drawings as well as the opportunity to network and meet with likeminded professionals. Purchase a TGIF Series Pass to help GLAAD amplify the voices within our community and see for yourself why so many people love to "Thank GLAAD It’s Friday!" Special guests will be Glenn Douglas Packard (Emmy-nominated Choreographer & LGBT Advocate), Daniel Miagany (International Male Cover Model & LGBT Advocate). Friday, April 29 & May 20, 2011 9 pm – 11 pm Lords South Beach, 1120 Collins Blvd Miami Beach, FL H

KYLIE Kylie – Aphrodite Live 2011 Tour in Fort Lauderdale. Saturday, May 7, from 7 to 11:00 p.m. at the Bank Atlantic Center, 1 Panther Pkwy in Fort Lauderdale.H

IGLTA'S ANNUAL GLOBAL CONFERENCE Unleash your hidden talents at IGLTA's Annual Global Convention. Professionals from around the world will unite in Fort Lauderdale May 1015, 2011, to network, educate, brainstorm and take LGBT tourism to unprecedented levels. Educational programming, Unleashed 2.0, will serve as the cornerstone of future business development. Sessions will cater to all experience levels in social media, internet marketing and new travel technology trends to help you reach customers in a more efficient way. Mark your calendars now! This will be the must-attend event of 2011. Don't let your competitors leave you behind.H

MEET ME AT THE MOVIES! The Miami Gay & Lesbian Film Festival, a critically acclaimed event, is based in the worldrenowned historic South Beach neighborhood and screens films and videos in locations throughout Miami-Dade county and Ft. Lauderdale. The 13th Miami Gay & Lesbian Film Festival starts on April 23 and will run through May of 2011. Watch for more details.H

SIZZLE MIAMI May 26 – 29, 2011, in Miami. Partyseekers from around the world convene in sunny Miami, Florida, celebrating life, pride and liberty. Originally a one-day occurrence, Sizzle Miami has evolved into a 5-day smorgasbord of captivating day-time events and pulsating nightlife. Although Sizzle participants are mostly comprised of African-Americans and Latinos, all races are welcomed and encouraged to participate. For more info, visit www.sizzlemiami.com.H

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Bay Area INTERPOL Thursday, Apr 28, from 6 to 10 p.m. at The Ritz Ybor, 1507 East 7th Avenue in Tampa. $24 advance tickets, all ages.H

PRIDE ON 7TH Saturday, April 30, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Ybor City. Pride on 7th is back and plans to welcome more than 10,000 attendees for its second annual festivities. The Umbrella Management Group, which is led by Jorge Alvarado, an entertainment visionary, has planned a full day of activities in support of unity within our community. Pride on 7th has expanded its space and its offerings this year. The event will be in the heart of Ybor City along Centro Ybor and will include many more activities including an anti-bullying march, a BINGO night, Miss Pride on 7th pageant and a red carpet finale. The event will also feature a family area, business vendors, live deejay and a special celebrity performance from Cazwell, a very popular artist within the gay and lesbian circuit. Pride on 7th is on Saturday, April 30th. The event will kick off at 9am with the anti-bullying walk and culminate with a red carpet dance party at G-Bar, an Ybor nightclub. Attendees are asked to donate $10 to Pride on 7th community beneficiaries. There is more information on Pride on 7th available at www.prideon7th.com.H

out in florida


APRIL 28, 2011


Central Florida COUNTER-PROTEST THE WESTBORO BAPTIST CHURCH Friday, April 29, from 5:30 to 6:30 a.m. at Dr. Phillips High School, 6500 Turkey Lake Road in Orlando. Westboro Baptist Church is protesting homosexuality in our school. We need to counter-protest them to show that we will not be fazed by their disgraceful and hateful rhetoric. Invite everyone you know to come out and support us. They ask that you please refrain from becoming violent or showing up under the influence of any drugs or alcohol. Feel free to bring a sign, but please keep the message positive. Prove to them that love overcomes hate any day of the week.H


Saturday, May 12, from 12 noon to 3 p.m. at the Flamingo Resort, 4601 34 Street in St. Petersburg. Special daily rate of $59.99. For reservations use code #1013. Make your reservations soon. All bears are welcome invite your friends and their friends.H

Miss Heart of Central Florida Pageant, Monday, May 2, from 7 to 10 p.m. Radisson Hotel – Orlando, 8444 International Drive in Orlando. An official prelim to The Miss Heart of Florida Pageant. The pageant’s goal is to offer a fairly judged outlet for female illusionist interested in growing in their craft and gaining more experience by competing. If you are interested in joining the Heart of Florida family, this is the first step in doing so. General admission $15, (advanced seating) or $20 at the door. Entry fee is $125 after April 20th. Contestant dancers $10. Categories include creative presentation, evening gown, question and answer and talent, Special guest judge: the reigning Miss New York, Claire Buffie. Winner receives $500 cash, photoshoot with Lindy Melendez, crown, and paid Ticket to Miss Heart of Florida; 1st runnerup $300 cash and paid ticket to Miss Heart of Florida, 2nd runner up $200 cash. Entertainers include: Tasha Long, Addison Taylor, The Minx, Conundrum, Aspen Love and Kathryn Nevets. For information, contact Ron Hankey, (727) 510-2857 or Karl G Von Hahmann at (863) 6512117. www.heartoffloridafi.com.H



Ybor Resort and Spa, 1512 8th Ave. (15th Street) in Ybor City. Every Sunday at 5 p.m. Lots of hot flavorful guys here lining up for some buns, wieners and other tasty items. Come on down and put some sun on those buns in our open-air tropical Asianthemed patio with Jacuzzi. Remember: what happens at the resort stays at the resort.H

Wednesday, May 25, from 9:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. at Parliament House, 410 N Orange Blossom Trail (W Livingston St) in downtown Orlando. Come see Cuca drag it up at Camp Drag. You never know what this crazy girl is going to end up doing so come out to be surprised and entertained.H


GAY BOWLING First Thursday of each month from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. at Dunedin Bowling Lanes, 405 Patricia Avenue in Dunedin. For more information, call (727) 736-1282.H

ORLANDO BLACK PRIDE May 31 to June 5, 2011; Orlando Black Pride brings thousands of LGBTers together for a long weekend of events and entertainment. There are parties for the fellas, the ladies and everything in between and you can find all the great events on the official website. So head out to Orlando and get ready to party... www.orlandoblackpride.com.H

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APRIL 28, 2011




Andy Zeffer: Then and Now Author Talks About the New Film By TROY MAILLIS Harry Potter — Twilight — Jurassic Park. What do these movies have in common? They all started out as popular books. Going Down In LA-LA Land, which is premiering at this year’s Miami Gay & Lesbian Film Festival, is based on the book of the same name by Andy Zeffer. As with any movie adapted from a book, there are always going to be specific details and nuances left out; but that doesn’t mean it’s not worthwhile to sit back and enjoy the film. Will seeing this movie make you want to pick up the book for those juicy details? “Absolutely,” says author Andy Zeffer. He recently caught up with Mark’s List to talk about his thoughts on the book-tomovie endeavor, his mixed feelings, the movie’s star, Matthew Ludwinski, and director Casper Andreas. Going Down in LA-LA Land has its world premiere as the closing night film at the Miami Gay & Lesbian Film Festival on May 1st. Are you excited to finally see your book as a movie? Well this whole experience has kind of left me with mixed feelings. It’s a little bittersweet seeing the movie come out. Writing the book was very labor intensive, and I hoped it would lead to more in my career — a job writing for Page Six or something like that. But I’m excited about the movie, and I hope it brings a new audience to the book. Have you seen the movie? The filmmaker [Casper Andreas] would not let me see it. He told me he wanted me to see it as part of the audience. I’ve only seen the trailer, but from what I’ve seen it looks great. Did you ever think that a movie would come to fruition? It seems like it’s been so long and so much has happened between when I wrote it and now. The filmmaker [Casper Andreas] was involved with many different projects and kind of put this one on the shelf for a while.

When did you find out they were interested in making a movie? I’ve known Casper for years and I brought the book to his attention to see if he would be interested in it. I think he really identified with it, because he is an actor himself. It’s an independent film and getting them made is a real struggle. So it was in the works for a while. What do you think about the casting choice of Matthew Ludwinski? Who did you ultimately envision playing the lead? I think he’s gorgeous. He’s young and, at the time I moved to LA, I was around his age. It seems like the perfect fit. It was really funny when he arrived in LA and first started looking for work. I was talking with Casper the other day about it and it’s eerily similar to the character in my

book. I honestly thought an unknown actor would do the best job. I couldn’t really think of any wellknown actors out there who could pull off the vulnerability needed for this role. But for the female lead I wanted someone like Anna Farris.

Andy Zeffer, Author of Going Down in LA-LA Land

Did you work with Casper on the script? I had started doing the script but had never really done one before. It’s hard because you have to take so much out of the book to fit within the amount of time for the movie. I’m hoping to re-publish the book on Amazon so audiences can get all of the details. But I do think the movie captured all of the great stuff. The ending is different than the book’s ending, but I think the script captured the essence of the book — the friendship between the gay character and his straight, female roommate; and trying to make it out there and survive when you really don’t know your head from a hole in the ground. For those who haven’t already read the book, do you think they will get the same experience from the film? I think after seeing the film it’s going to make people want to read the book even more. There is so much hilarious stuff in the book that couldn’t make it in the movie. There’s a chapter in the book

Photo courtesy of Gio Photography

about the “A List” group of guys in LA who drive all the hottest cars and have the newest cell phones and a lot of other fun things. I hope the movie will make people want to read the book even more. I’m also hoping the movie will open doors for everyone involved in the project and be a stepping stone to do other great things. Will you be at the Film Festival? I’m not sure yet. I have a lot of different things going on right now, but I’m really going to try. What do you ultimately want the audience to take away from the story? I hope people will love the movie and get a kick out of it. There is a really great friendship story throughout the movie that’s really touching and important.H


Going Down in LA-LA Land has its world premiere as the closing night film at the Miami Gay & Lesbian Film Festival on May 1st. Ticket information is available at www.mglff.com

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APRIL 28, 2011


Relax and Chill... You’re Worth It! Try an At-Home Spa Day to Soothe Body and Soul By TOM BONANTI Unfortunately, life seems to be getting more stressful all the time! Whether you’re multi-tasking like a maniac at work, or agonizing daily over rising gasoline prices and the crappy economy, you can often feel desperate, depressed and depleted. If your present budget won’t allow you a day away at one of the luxurious day spas advertized in this publication, you can have a fully recharging “Day at the Spa” right at home. Make sure to prepare for your special day. Tell everyone that you simply will not be available. Grocery shop and buy things you can eat without cooking, unless you find cooking relaxing and enjoyable. Fruits and vegetables, whole wheat crackers, or whole grain bread and herbal teas should work fine. Get a facial mud pack (any inexpensive brand at the grocery store), lavender or eucalyptus oil (you may need to go to a health food store for these), and some Epsom salts. Keep some calming music handy – but no TV. On your spa day, try to remove your-

self from stresses that daily bombard you and sap your sanity. No clocks or watches, no computers, no cell phones or Blackberries – and by all means, stay home and out of noisy, chaotic, traffic. Remember, silence is golden. Learn to treasure and embrace it and you’ll soon luxuriate in its restorative effects on your body and soul. Begin your spa day by awakening naturally. Yawn, stretch and ponder your dreams. Make a smoothie or enjoy some fresh bread and fruit for breakfast. Don’t do anything else while you eat. Pretend multitasking was never invented. Commit to making this your day, since, for once, it is “all about you”! After you eat, have a good stretching session. No noisy gym on this day. Instead, lie on the floor and stretch your entire body, pointing your toes outward and reaching your hands above your head. Then stretch each part of your body slowly. Stretching just for the sake of it is highly relaxing and invigorating. You might find it becomes a good morning habit.

Commit to making this your day, since, for once, it is “all about you”!

Spend time outdoors. Get in touch with the simple, uncomplicated beauty of nature. If possible, have a meditation session outside. Sit or lay down comfortably and take several deep breaths. Imagine parts of your body and tell them to relax one by one – from the tips of your toes to the top of your head. Continue breathing in a steady rhythm. Just relax and don’t use this time to dwell on cares or problems. If they arise, slowly put them aside and concentrate on the rhythm of your breathing. After a nature walk or a light nap, get your facial mud pack and treat yourself to a facial. Follow this with a luxurious bubble bath. Pour in several drops of the eucalyptus or lavender oil and add into the bath the instructed amount of Epsom salts. As you soak, massage your scalp, feet, hands, shoulders or any other part of your body that needs release and relaxation! During the day, eat whenever you like.

Photo courtesy of massagemag.com

Do not be tempted to check e-mail or give into pesky distractions. Stay off line and for once try to stay disconnected to the crazy world around you. Put the office, household chores – even the gym – on hold as you focus on yourself. One need. One thought at a time.H


Tom Bonanti, is a certified personal trainer and owner of Pump’n Inc gym at 1271 NE 9th Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304, Facebook: TrainerTomB. www.pumpnincgym.com

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H 24




CLEAN IT RITE Best cleaning for your buck. Reliable & affordable. 10 years in business. 1 BR, $$45.00, 2BR, $55.00, & 3BR, $65.00. Manny (954) 560-4443 Broward, Palm Beach, & Dade

MASTER ELECTRICIAN- Service Upgrades, interconnected smoke alarms, phone and cable jacks, remodels, etc. No job to small! All work will be done in a neat & clean manner. LIC. CONTRACTORS BUILD CONFIDENCE! Gay owned. Lic#02CME2028X Call 954.665.0417

COMPUTER SERVICES FREE BRIEF COMPUTER ANSWERS BY ERIC AT THE STONEWALL LIBRARY BY APPOINTMENT Also Affordable In-Home, Installations, Tutoring, Virus Disinfection & Troubleshooting. Knowledgeable, Personable Service. Call Eric (954) 903-4383 or eric@startcomputing.info ** OPTIMA** COMPUTER REPAIR-COMPLETE IN HOME SERVICE. Get the best performance, protection & value from your computer investment, *A+ Hardware & OS CERTIFIED. *Friendly, professional, RELIABLE service. Reasonable rates. \Call Mike (954) 817-3883


FREE LIFE COACHING Planning a change in your work? Have questions about your current relationship? Thinking about new priorities in your future? You can meet one of our life coaches for confidential discussions to help you achieve your goals. Estas planeando en cambiar de trabajo? Tienes dudas o preguntas sobre tu relación actual? Has pensado sobre nuevas prioridades en tu futuro? Has una cita con nuestros consejeros personales que te pueden ayudar a alcanzar tus metas en sesiones totalmente confidenciales. Juntos is at 2330 Wilton Drive, Wilton Manors. (954) 765-6239. www.latinossalud.org A MIND AT PEACE/ THERAPEUTIC SERVICES/ RON "DOC" CHAMBERS, MSW (954) 627-0103 1975 East Sunrise Blvd Suite 629 Fort Lauderdale HIV Related Issues/Anxiety/Depression/Schizophrenia/Relationship Problems/Anger Management Problems/Same-Sex Battering/Domestic Violence. Most Insurance Accepted/Credit Cards Accepted.

DENTAL 2005 FORD ESCAPE XLT all power, alloys, CD & very clean, spotless!!! $7,988 Call Dr Bill at (954) 260-9500 ADVERTISE YOUR USED CAR UNTIL ITS SOLD for only $69. Call Keith Chamlee for more info: (954) 9034781 2005 MITSUBISHI OUTLANDER LS All power options, very clean Call Dan Roskidany (954) 5519462 2005 MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS LS 1 owner, only 40k miles, leather, all the options $10,988 Call Dr Bill at (954) 260-9500 2007 TOYOTA SOLARA SE Alloys, pwr seat, CD $12,588 Call Dr Bill at (954) 260-9500 2009 TOYOTA COROLLA 3 to choose from, all power, all very clean from $12,988 Call Dan Roskidany (954) 551-946 2010 CHEVROLET HHR LT all power, CD/MP3, alloys, like new $13,988 Call Dr Bill at (954) 260-9500 1966 FORD MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE mint condition Mustang for car shows or cruising. Nightmist blue / blue interior / white power top. 72,000 original miles. Ready to show and GO. Needs nothing. All original with one $6000 repaint in 2004. Sprint 200 package, 6 cyl. Automatic trans with beautiful optional center console, original wire wheels. $21,900 Call Chris at (404) 273-5800 2008 AUDI A4 2.0T S-Line, 6speed, 20k miles, loaded, rare car! $24,988 Call Dr Bill at (954) 260-9500



APRIL 28, 2011

EMPLOYMENT SOUTH BEACH Part-time sales associate for adult bookstore. Send resume to kdbstyle@yahoo.com NEW MIAMI BAR A Beautiful and upscale New Gay Bar located in the heart of Downtown Miami is opening soon- we are looking for Barbacks, Security, Bartenders, Cocktail Servers, DJ's, MC, VIP Host, Cashier, Male Dancers. Also looking for an experienced Bar Mgr. and Dance Mgr. Excellent Pay and benefits. Send Photos, Resume, Contact Info to:newmiamiclub@gmail.com TWIST. The popular gay bar in South Beach seeks responsible applicants with experience for the following positions; Bartender, Bar back, Door host and Security. Candidates should be friendly, hardworking and a team player. Apply online: twistboys@aol.com


PLACE TO PALACE, LLC Home improvement and handyman services. Best rates, and smart solutions. Drywall, Painting, Tile, Doors, Wood Decks, Masonry, Fences, and Crown/Ceiling Fans. Turn windows into doors! Truck available for yard clean-up or apartment maintenance and moves. All jobs. FREE estimates Licensed and insured. CC#11-FC-16297-X Cert. Ctrl#11-18694 Call Ben (954)224-7638 Derek’s 24 HR HANDYMAN SERVICE. Introducing our new cabinet shop! For all your custom made cabinetry countertops laminates. YOU MUST SEE OUR WORK, just ask our clients. All electrical to code; ANY & ALL plumbing work, Drywall finish work / repair. Crown / baseboard pro-install, interior / exterior painting, demo work, Pressure washing, Decor tile install, Complete home up-dates. For large jobs, 4-man crew available. WE CAN HANDLE IT ALL! Instant call back, direct service response. No job is ever too small. Excellent references. Derek (954) 825-5598 or E-mail: DerekGallaway@att.net

LICENSED MASSAGE RECESSION RELIEF-$40/90 MINS! LEAVE YOUR STRESS UP TO ME. Out calls higher. Let Denny make you feel like a Queen. Couples discounts, seniors welcome. New location: Delray Beach. 16 yrs experience. MA 18563. Denny (561) 502-2628. PROFESSIONAL THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE Deep Tissue, Swedish, Reflexology, Stretching, Mon-Sun, 10AM-8PM. In/Out Calls. NON-SEXUAL. Ft Lauderdale. Call Robert (954)494-2372 Lic.# MA 19604

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APRIL 28, 2011


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APRIL 28, 2011



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Classifieds/Open For Business



Call JOANN MARCUS, THE BUYER'S AGENT! Tell me about yourself, what you're looking for and I'll do ALL THE WORK FOR FREE! Ease your mind and save your time! Visiting from out of town and don't know who to call? Call JOANN MARCUS, THE BUYERS AGENT! 954 940-1244 Hot Deals, Foreclosures, Short Sales, and Rentals. Kensington & Company

WILTON MANORS/MIDDLE RIVER Luxurious newly renovated 2/1 poolside condo! Lush tropical landscaping, granite counters, SS Appliances. Walk to Wilton Dr. $895/mo. Available now! 202.413.3767

POPULAR TOWNHOUSE COMMUNITY: located just off Wilton Drive. This is a 2/2.5 w/ large private patio/deck and hot tub. Tile flooring downstairs, credit towards new flooring for upstairs. WD in unit. Easy access to all the nightlife, shops, and restaurants on Wilton Drive. Pet friendly and investor friendly. NOT a short sale or foreclosure $189,000 Purchase with only 3.5% down. Call YOUR BUYERS AGENT, JOANN MARCUS (954)940-1244 Kensington & Company FORT LAUDERDALE TOWNHOME These unique two-story townhome are the best kept secret and best value in Ft. Laud. Located in a secured gated downtown neighborhood .Great location within walking distance to downtown, dining, nightlife, & attractions of Riverwalk. Beautiful heated pool & tennis courts in community. FHA approved financing, only 3.5% down required. Attractive pricing is a fraction of their 2004 sales, under $130,000! . Call YOUR BUYERS AGENT, JOANN MARCUS 954 940-1244 Kensington & Company POMPANO BEACH 1/1 CONDO- screened patio poolside, tiled entry/kitchen/bath, hardwood floors, CAC, low maint. fees. 5 mins to beach! Pet Friendly! 47K OBO. (954)782-1499 PUT YOUR IRA ON STEROIDS! Use your IRA to buy wholesale bank owned real estate and create a 12 % plus annual cash on cash return. Turn Key Real Estate company helps you buy a wholesale bank owned foreclosure with equity. Company also provides affordable renovation teams and property managers. Build wealth today with our proven 20 year turn key acquisition and management program. Contact Robert for more information. 954-336-0436 www.robertblairrealestate.com

RENTALS / FTL NORTH MIDDLE RIVER- furnished efficiency in small gay compound! Walk to GLCC & Alibi. Walk-in closet, on-site laundry, parking. Water & elec. Incl. Looking for quiet, reliable tenant. No Pets. $500/mo. (786)624-1774 WILTON MANORS/FT LAUDERDALE Large 1/1, CAC, Updated, Private Patio and Parking, W/D, in a 4 unit gay complex. Drive by and see the cleanest apt. in the area! 15 NE 16th St. $850/mo. I will work with you on movein costs! Call Nick (954)805-1195 SOUTH MIDDLE RIVER- Charming studio apt. featuring lush landscaping, parking, and laundry facilities. POOL, friendly neighbors and roaming peacocks add to the fun! $595/mo. utilities included! Brad (954)200-0166 WILTON MANORS 1/1 Tile, $825/mo. incl. elec/water. Clothing optional pool, 9-unit gay complex, yard/patio. 125 NW 25th St. No Dogs. 954.326.9096 FT LAUDERDALE BEACH DUPLEX Spacious 2/2 unit with pool, front and back patio, W/D, full kitchen, parking, 2 minute walk to the beach! Pets OK w/ dep. $1850/mo+dep. (954)551-8621 OAKLAND PARK- LG STUD- loft style gated apartment with private patio, large closet, brand new bathroom, no kitchen. All utilities incl. with internet! $500/mo F/L (954)553-8616 FT LAUDERDALE BEACH DUPLEX Spacious 2/2 unit with pool, front and back patio, W/D, full kitchen, parking, 2 minute walk to the beach! Pets OK w/ dep. $1850/mo+dep. (954)551-8621 COLOHATCHEE PARK AREA- Large Furnished Studio w/ full kitchen, DirecTV & Utilities incl. No Pets. $800/mo. First month/Security.*Application/Background Check Req. (954)682-9428 WILTON MANORS 2/1 Condo CAC, screened porch, overlooking the Middle River and pool on the 3rd floor. Excellent condition, $850/mo $1800 move in. Nice sized bedrooms, great complex at Wilton Shores East Bill Corey, Realtor 954-249-2009 or billcorey@live.com FORT LAUDERDALE/WATERFRONT! 2/2 Sub-Penthouse, completely renovated. New kitchen, new baths, new tile! Dockage available. Heated pool. Gym. $1500/mo, F/L/S Robert MacKilligan, Galleria Intl. (954)234-8759

WILTON STATION- 2 BD/2BA condo w 1,681 sqft, 3rd floor facing the Promenade, NOT the RR tracks! 3 balconies, marble floors, SS appliances, granite countertops, W/D. $1,950/mo o/b/o, BIG DOGS OK! Call Joe Schutz, EXIT Ryan Scott Realty. 954-461-7895 or www.EXITrsr.com-WILTON MANORS, LUXURY TOWNHOME 3BD/3.5BA In the heart of Wilton Manors, just one block from Wilton Dr. Custom kit. w/ granite counters and breakfast bar, stainless steel appl., balcony, 2 car garage, community pool. $1900/mo. Please call Michael 954.270.9597 LAKERIDGE/FT LAUDERDALE Renovated 1/1, new kitchen, W/D, vaulted ceilings, 2 pvt decks, CAC, basic cable and electric included. Available 4/1/11. Near Publix, close to downtown. $950/mo F/L. Ref Req. 954.554.5095 WILTON MANORS 2BR/1BA- extra large garden apartment with private backyard. CAC, W/D,one mile to Alibi. Pets OK. $950/mo. EZ Qualify (954) 610-3310 RIVERSIDE PARK- 1/1 COTTAGE! Set in tropical private oasis! 5 mins from downtown. Tile thru-out, brand new granite & cherry kitchen, private W/D & screened patio. Gas/water/cable incl. $875/mo + sec. dep. Pets OK 954.990.8335 WILTON MANORS/THE WOODS CONDOS- 1BD/1BA, Waterfront, Poolview, Large Deck, W/D in unit, $795/mo + Deposit. Call 202.841.9216 MIDDLE RIVER & LAKERIDGE MOVE-IN SPECIAL 1/2 OFF 1ST MTH RENT!! 1 Bedroom/1 Bath $680/mo or $175/wk OR 2/2 $850/mo or $225/wk-(6 or 12) month lease. Pay your deposit today and you're in* details (954)527-9225 SOUTH MIDDLE RIVER- Charming studio apt. featuring lush landscaping, parking, and laundry facilities. POOL, friendly neighbors and roaming peacocks add to the fun! $595/mo. utilities included! Brad (954)200-0166 WILTON MANORS 1/1 Tile, $825/mo. incl. elec/water. Clothing optional pool, 9-unit gay complex, yard/patio. 125 NW 25th St. No Dogs. 954.326.9096

FURNISHED / RENTALS / FTL PERFECT RELOCATION RENTALS – 3-6 MONTHS From $295/week & $1200/month Beautiful Studio, 1 & 2 BR Apts. Turn key, fully furnished & equipped, clothing optional pool, laundry, parking. Close to Gay & Nude Beaches. Pets Welcome. Incl. utilities, cable, tel., Wi-Fi Internet. 954-927-0090 or visit www.LibertySuites.com

ROOMMATES ROOMMATE WANTED-FT. LAUDERDALE- Furnished room with private bath, W/D, Jacuzzi, private patio, lakeview. All utilities incl. $125/week available immediately . (954)803-0885 MIDDLE RIVER POOL HOME F2 housemates sought for 3 bedroom beautiful renovated Middle River Terrace pool home. $650 per month Call Bob (954) 646-1605

SPIRITUALITY The Parish of Sts. Francis and Clare 101 NE 3rd Street, just N of Broward and E of Andrews. Mass times: Sat @ 5 PM: Sun @ 10:30 AM; Wed @ 7 PM. Where we welcome and appreciate diversity - a progressive community in the Catholic tradition. 954-731-8173 www.stsfrancisandclare.org CHURCH OF THE HOLY SPIRITSONG Welcomes you to come and worship with us every Sunday at 10 am and every Wednesday night at 8 pm. We meet at the SpiritSong Worship Center at 2040B North Dixie Highway Suite 3 in Wilton Manors (Building B on Equality Park Campus, behind the Pride Center). God loves you just the way He made you. Come discover His purpose for you. For more info: (954) 418-8372, info@cohss.com, www.cohss.org. DIGNITY FT LAUDERDALE - Roman Catholic Mass every Sunday 7 PM at Holy Angels CC 2917 NE 6th Ave, Wilton Manors. Monthly socials and more. There is always room at our table. Dignityftl@bellsouth.net.


APRIL 28, 2011


A Rosie Future for the Royal Couple By CLIFF DUNN You may not have gotten your invitation to attend the Royal Nuptials between His Royal Highness Prince William of Wales and his future consort, Kate Middleton (bear in mind the couple sent out 1,900 invites, so yours may just be lost in the mail), but Cliff Mulcahy and John Zieba, the owners of Rosie’s Bar & Grill in Wilton Manors, have your ticket to a “Rehearsal Dinner” for the Royal Couple fit for a Queen (or Drag King, for that matter). Tonight (Thursday, April 28, just hours away from the real wedding), Rosie’s commands the attendance of every Queen, Princess, and Lady-inWaiting from 7 to 11 p.m. for their faux wedding rehearsal dinner, which will include an Ugliest Bridesmaid Dress Contest, hosted by entertainer Joe Posa performing as Joan Rivers. Although Prince Wills and Lady Kate will be decked out in their finest (and veddy British) duds, the Lords and Ladies of Rosie’s mandate that guests attending the Rehearsal don ugly dresses, big wedding hats, and whatever passes for your “crown jewels.” And while a Vanity Fair/60 Minutes poll earlier this year found that 65% of Americans said they could care less about the Royal Wedding, clearly none of them lives in the gayborhood, where the world’s largest concentration of Queens and wanna-bees may be found.

Rain Man Can’t Dance, But He Is An Excellent Driver Miami is poised for the grand opening of Johnny’s Club, Bar & Lounge’s new location South of the (Broward) Border and, while Open for Business has it on the best authority that impresario Sean David is pulling out all the stops to bring hot dancers, great music and a VIP vibe to the Magic City, in spite of what you may have read elsewhere, there’s no apparent truth to the rumor that he is employing the best “autistics” money can buy. On the other hand, we hear that the sound system will be kicking – taking full advantage of the venue’s superlative acoustics. Is there a Copy Editor in the house?

Gary and Reece’s Peaces An interesting exchange between Wilton Manors Mayor Gary Resnick and Reece Darham, owner of Island City Health & Fitness (ICHF), during the April 20 General Meeting of the Rainbow Business Coalition (RBC) of Greater Fort Lauderdale: Darham, who serves as the chair of RBC, had just complimented and thanked Wilton Manors officials for waiving city license and permitting fees for the upcoming Consumer Trade Show in Hagen Park, which the gay business and community group is sponsoring as part of the International Gay and Lesbian Travel Association‘s (IGLTA) 28th Annual Convention, coming to Greater

Cliff Dunn Fort Lauderdale May 10 through 15. Darham, feeling waggish, enquired of His Honor if the city would likewise suspend fees for the June 19 Stonewall Wilton Manors Street Festival and Parade and the Halloween-themed Wicked Manors in October. The mayor’s rejoinder: would the fitness club owner be willing to waive gym membership fees at ICHF for city employees in exchange for this consideration? Less than a beat later, Darham responded in the affirmative, to the applause of the fifty-plus RBC members and guests in attendance. “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the Children of God.” Matthew 5:9. (Disclaimer: Open for Business can’t even spell quid pro quo, much less know what it means.)

Little Nicky’s Knows the Bear Necessities One of the area’s newest Italian ristorantes, Little Nicky’s, knows that a growing Bear (or Cub, or Otter) needs to eat, and they have a menu that will please the most voracious Kodiak appetite. Less than two months old, their Dixie Highway and Commercial Blvd. location (two doors down from Publix on the northwest corner) is jumping with a crowd that means business when it comes to il mangiare. Little Nicky’s has a terrific ambience and a welcoming atmosphere, whether one is mezzo-soprano or Tony Soprano. Owners Jeffrey and Bobby (one of whom is gay, the other very gay-friendly; we leave it to you to figure which is which) offer free delivery to all places in the gayborhood and parts beyond, and if you’re in training for Bear Nation, Open for Business recommends their Hungry Bear Special, which includes two of their signature 16” cheese pizzas, two salads (even a Grizzly has to watch his mid-section on occasion), 12 garlic knots, and a two-liter of soda for $19.95. Leave room for dessert? Yeah, right.


If you're “Open for Business”, you can contact Business Writer and Director of Sales, Cliff Dunn, with your story at Business@FloridaAgenda.com

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