Florida Agenda #94

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TM Photo courtesy, Chris Chisholm

Photo courtesy, ukgaynews.org.uk

H Florida’s Largest LGBT Newspaper and Entertainment Source H

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9/11 Remembered

The Wellness Center and Project Link have joined forces to open a thrift store next to the Wellness Center on NE 6th Ave (South of Scandals). Donations? Anything except clothing & shoes. Courtesy, blogher.com

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AGING SYMPOSIUM The Miami-Dade Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce’s objective is to educate and explore the needs of the GLBT Community, on Saturday, Sept. 24, from 8am to 4pm. Courtesy, Society805.com

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THE CLOSET BALL 2011 Will be held on Monday, Sept 26, starting at 9pm. Show up as a man and spend an hour with the help of a stylist and turn into a beautiful woman!

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AIDS WALK ST. PETE 2011 The Walk starts on Saturday, Sept. 10, at 8am at the North Shore Park in downtown St. Pete. to benefit members of the community affected and infected by HIV/AIDS. Courtesy, AIDS Walk St. Petersburg PAGE


“So Many Lost, So Few Recovered” Diary of a 9/11 First Responder On the morning of September 11, 2001, while the world watched in horror as the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center were first hit by two passenger jetliners and the two massive buildings collapsed into a pile of rubble of few hours later, hundreds of brave men and women (the first responders: fire fighter, police and paramedics) witnessed the horror firsthand, trying to save as many lives as possible while preserving their own lives. One such first responder is Shane Cook, a paramedic of ten years and a resident of Fort Lauderdale today. “The four days I was on the scene,”

said Cook, “is kind of a blur. You slept for a few hours here and there, then you’d wake up and do the same thing.” Early on the morning of September 11, 2001, Cook went off duty at 7:00 a.m. taking continuing education classes to update his skills as a paramedic. At 8:46 a.m., the first plane hit the north tower and the first call went out. At first, it was believed that it was a small plane, such as a Cessna, that hit the tower. “New York City had the resources to deal with something like that,” said Cook, “but no one was ready for the type of magnitude that took actually took place.”

By BOB KECSKEMETY Cook’s unit responded when the second call went out. “We got down there about five minutes before the second plane hit. It was when we all looked up and saw it, we understood what we were dealing with,” said Cook. “As a paramedic,” explained Cook, “your first rule is to ‘do no further harm’. But there is an unwritten rule that is for your own safety. The first thing you are taught is to ask yourself if what you are about to do is safe. Are you safe? Is your team safe? That’s the golden rule. The first thing you have to evaluate on any ‘9/11 Remembered’ continues on Pages 8 & 9

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Christopher Donahue Leaves Care Resource MIAMI, FL – In an emailed statement, Christopher Donahue announced last week that he resigned his position as PR/Marketing Manager at Care Resource, South Florida’s largest HIV/AIDS service agency. In his statement, Donahue wrote: “It really isn’t part of my job or in my job description, but I loved being able to help clients and it is what has kept me here. I am happy that I was able to help the community by bringing 8 clients into care over the past three years; some of which were newly diagnosed and some that had fallen out of care and were very sick.” H

Pride Center’s Senior Expo WILTON MANORS, FL – This year’s LGBT Senior Expo will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, October 22nd, at The Pride Center at Equality Park, 2040 North Dixie Highway in Wilton Manors. The event will provide LGBT Seniors with a comprehensive overview of healthcare services available to benefit the elder LGBT community. The event will feature a trade show with various LGBT-friendly medical, professional and financial services providers who are eager to assist our community. More than forty-five vendors will be on hand to address questions and provide information to support informed healthcare related decision-making. A healthy and tasty organic lunch will be served on a first come, first served basis. On site medical services, provided by MD at Home and additional providers, will feature health screenings, flu shots and more! Please RSVP to the Florida Assisted Living Coalition (please provide name and contact telephone number) at (800) 9392650. For more information, contact the Pride Center Deputy Director Kristofer Fegenbush at (954) 463-9005 ext. 111. H

LGBT Hispanic Heritage Celebration MIAMI BEACH, FL – The LGBT Hispanic Heritage Celebration will be held on Miami Beach on Saturday, October, 1st, at Lummus Park on Miami Beach from 12 noon to 6 p.m. The event is free and open to the public. The day is sponsored by the Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce and other community partners. The day will feature music, dance, entertainment, a cultural showcase, special guests, vendor booths and more. H

Clean Out Your Garage WILTON MANORS, FL – The Wellness Center and Project Link have joined forces to open a thrift store next door to The Wellness Center at 2927 NE 6 Avenue, just south of Scandals. The new thrift store is looking for items to sell in the store, so anything you have to donate, please drop it off however, they cannot accept clothing or shoes. H

Mistrial Declared in Lawrence King Murder Trial OXNARD, CA – A mistrial was declared in the trial of Brandon McInerney, charged with execution-style shooting death of his gay classmate, Lawrence King, in 2008 in their Oxnard, California classroom, according to the L.A. Times. Despite repeated votes, the jury in the high-profile case could not reach a verdict. “The mistrial is hardly a surprise,” said Eliza Byard, Executive Director of GLSEN. “This was always destined to be a case with little resolution and no winners, whatever the verdict. The central facts remain the same: homophobia killed Larry King and destroyed Brandon McInerney’s life, and adults failed both young men because of their own inability to deal forthrightly and compassionately with the multiple challenges they each faced. The jury’s indecision is a sad reflection of our collective inability to find common ground and invest in a better future for all youth and a culture of respect for all.” The mistrial brought to a close a trial that has been followed closely by gay-rights groups that have fought hard to protect gay and transgendered students from campus bullying. Prosecutors have announced that they will seek a new trial in the killing, but the district attorney’s office admits that it is an extremely difficult case, as the public may not see it as a straight forward murder case, but far more complex because of the age of the defendant at the time of the act and the manner in which he was raised by his parents. H

Congresswoman RosLehtinen Seeks Clear Guidelines for LGBT Taxpayers WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL 18) signed on to a letter to IRS Commissioner Schulman requesting that the IRS provide clear guidance for LGBT taxpayers. The letter asks the IRS to ensure that tax law is being applied fairly to all individuals. Since there is no equivalent federal recognition for those in same-sex marriages or domestic partnerships, many Americans are faced with a tax code that is confusing and ambiguous. Said Ros-Lehtinen: “I am proud of joining my Congressional colleagues on this letter. In these tough economic times, the American people deserve a tax code that is simple and not filled with unnecessary burdens. All Americans must be treated equitably by our tax system.” H

Broo-Ha-Ha Over Chaz Bono on “Dancing” LOS ANGELES, CA – There has been much controversy over Chaz Bono being a contestant on the upcoming season of ABC’s “Dancing with the Stars”. Bono, the son of Cher, will be the first transsexual contestant on the show, a casting choice that has been both applauded and derided.




Show regular Lacey Schwimmer, who will be Chaz’s dance partner, is not happy about the criticism the show has received over choosing Bono as one of the contestants. “It’s disappointing,” Lacey told TheInsider.com of the negative reactions. “No human is perfect, so why are they pointing out what they perceive to be an imperfection in someone else? It’s not cool. We’re all taught to not bully, or harass, and treat everyone as equals, yet all these people are doing exactly the opposite.” Luckily for Lacey and Chaz, the supportive sounds are drowning out the negative noise. “At the end of the day, everyone is going to have a hater. I choose not to listen to it, because it’s ridiculous. To us, it’s more important to focus on the positive people.” For Lacey, finding out that Chaz would be her season 13 partner was the best kind of news. "I was absolutely thrilled. I’ve always been a huge supporter of the LGBT community and I couldn’t be more excited to have Chaz. Not only is he Sonny & Cher’s child, but he’s also a generally cool person." And while producers didn't ask Lacey's permission to pair her with Chaz, she believes they knew it was an unnecessary conversation. “This is my sixth season -- the producers know that I’m very open-minded and really accepting of everyone,” Schwimmer said. “Ever since Lance [Bass] was on the show, it opened the door for the LGBT community to be accepted in Middle America and it’s about time. It’s 2011, let’s evolve a little bit here.” H

many healthy and loving families and uses a few individuals to make sweeping and degrading generalizations about the gay community. It’s shoddy journalism.” H

GLAAD Condemns Huff Post’s “Sugar Daddies” Article

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. government’s trial of former Lt. Dan Choi ended with a 10-day delay for the government to seek an order from a higher court stopping the decision made by U.S. Magistrate Judge John Facciola to allow Choi’s lawyers to argue the government singled out Choi for “vindictive prosecution”. According to Metro Weekly, Facciola said that he had found there was prima facie evidence for “vindictive prosecution,” meaning enough evidence was presented to allow Choi's lawyers to pursue such a claim. As a result, Choi’s lawyers would be able to ask for more documents and evidence from the government in order to investigate if higher-level officials advised their subordinates to try Choi in federal, rather than D.C., court and, if so, why. The government, represented in court by Assistant U.S. Attorney Angela George, told the court that it would be filing a writ of mandamus (or a writ of prohibition) against the judge – seeking to stop the pursuit of the “vindictive prosecution” defense. H

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) has stated their outrage over an article that ran on Huffington Post titled, “Sex for Tuition: Gay Students Using ‘Sugar Daddies’ to Pay Off Loan Debt”. The article, according to GLAAD, leaves “several alarming and dangerous stereotypes about the LGBT community completely unchallenged.” Amanda Fairbanks, the Huffington Post reporter, quotes someone as saying these gay students “used the money (from prostitution) to afford the extravagant and often lavish gay lifestyle.” While another said, “In the gay scene, all you really have is your age or your money.” Fairbanks herself writes, “Unlike in the straight world, many say they find working as an escort on the gay scene to be an accepted, even applauded practice.” Another person tells her, “The gay community was really the first to embrace the sugar lifestyle, even moreso than the straight community.” Fairbanks interviewed yet another person who told her that he “finds the gay culture more accepting of one-night stands and casual relationships.” “This level of carelessness is surprising, given the Huffington Post's track record of commendable coverage of LGBT issues,” says Herndon Graddick, Senior Director of Programs at GLAAD. “It feeds into very outdated stereotypes, ignores the broad range of people from our community with

Anchorage Group Campaigns to Protect LGBT Community ANCHORAGE, AK – According to the Anchorage Daily News, a new campaign has begun in the decades-long battle over adding Anchorage's gay and transgender residents to the city's anti-discrimination law. A local group, One Anchorage, filed an application last week that would put an initiative on the April 2012 municipal election ballot asking voters to ban discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. A similar proposal was approved by the Anchorage Assembly after two months of charged public meetings in 2009. Mayor Dan Sullivan vetoed the ordinance changes soon after, saying he hadn’t seen evidence of such discrimination. Currently, the anti-discrimination ordinance already makes it illegal to withhold housing, employment and other opportunities based on race, gender, age, religion, marital status, or physical and mental disability. One Anchorage wants voters to add “sexual orientation or transgender identity” to the list, said the group’s spokesman, Trevor Storrs. H

Lt. Dan Choi Trial Put on Hold

NOM Falls Short on Fundraising Goal by 99% PRINCETON, NJ – The National Organization for Marriage’s latest fundraising goal, called “The $100K Challenge” fell short of their goal by raising only $1,229. The “Challenge,” which ended August 31, heavily used online social networking, emails and SMS messaging, according to the website, NOM Exposed. H Continues on NEWS on Page 8

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Hoover High to Allow Student’s Pro-Gay Shirt BIRMINGHAM, AL – According to the Birmingham News, Hoover High School officials, after receiving pressure from the Southern Poverty Law Center, has reversed their decision to ban a 15-year old girl from wearing a t-shirt to school that expressed acceptance of homosexuals. The girl, Sara Couvillon, was called into the assistant principal’s office in August and told she couldn't wear a t-shirt that read, “Gay? Fine by me,” according to the Southern Poverty Law Center. School officials told Couvillon she was violating school dress code by wearing clothing that could constitute advertisement, said a SPLC attorney. Couvillon reached out to the Alabama Safe Schools Coalition after this year’s incident and eventually was put in touch with the SPLC. The SPLC sent a letter to Hoover school officials, warning them to stop the censorship by September 12 or face a federal lawsuit. The letter noted that a federal court previously ruled that a Florida school board could not ban students from wearing progay symbols or slogans, including the same expression that was on Couvillon’s tshirt. That case, Gillman v. School Board for Holmes County, Florida, resulted in the school district paying $325,000 in attorney’s fees to the student, the letter said. Hoover High Principal Don Hulin issued a written statement saying the school respects the rights of students to exercise all of their constitutional entitlements and works diligently to encourage a culture of tolerance and understanding among its diversified student body. “Our dress code at Hoover High School is designed to facilitate the learning environment that is so important to our school. The t-shirt at issue has not caused a substantial disruption and the student will be allowed to wear it,” the statement said. “Our focus has been and will be on the learning environment at Hoover High School.” H

Baldwin Running to Be First Openly LGBT U.S. Senator MADISON, WI – U.S. Representative Tammy Baldwin of Madison, Wisconsin, announced that she is entering the 2012 race to succeed retiring Democratic U.S. Senator Herb Kohl. Baldwin began to raise her political profile earlier this year when she joined tens of thousands of protesters who rallied in Madison against Governor Scott Walker’s union-crushing budgetrepair bill. Baldwin, 49, was first elected to Congress in 1998 and was an early opponent to the war in Iraq and has called for U.S. troops to be withdrawn from Afghanistan. Baldwin said as senator she would seek to “put people back to work immediately rebuilding roads and schools,” boost small businesses and entrepreneurs while also reining in the national debt. In an inter-


view with the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, she promised to wage an aggressive grass-roots campaign, both online and in person, and vowed to travel across the state. If she wins, Baldwin would be the first openly gay person to serve in the U.S. Senate. “The fact is, I’ve been honest about my sexual orientation my entire adult life,” she told the Sentinel Journal. “And integrity is important in public service. But what voters are looking for is somebody who understands them, is fighting for them and won't give up. The election is not going to be about me, it's about the voters.” H

Three Iranians Executed for Sodomy AHVAZ, IRAN – Iran Human Rights reported that three men were sentenced to death and executed by hanging by the Ahvaz revolution court, convicted of “unlawful” acts based on the articles 108 and 110 of the Iranian Islamic penal code. Articles 108 and 110 of the Iranian Islamic Penal code are part of the chapter covering the punishment of "Hadd" for "sodomy". Article 108 says: “Sodomy (or Lavat) is sexual intercourse between men”, and article 110 says:”Punishment for sodomy is killing; the Sharia judge decides on how to carry out the killing”. The spokesperson of Iran Human Rights, Mahmood Amiry-Moghaddam, said: “[The] executions for sodomy might be among the rare cases were the Iranian authorities to admit to having executed men convicted of homosexual acts.” He added, “Iranian authorities normally present such cases as rape, but rape has not been mentioned in this case.” H

Cheyenne Jackson Gets Married LONG ISLAND, NY – According to People magazine, “Glee” and Broadway actor Cheyenne Jackson married his longtime boyfriend in a Hamptons beach ceremony last weekend. The actor has been with physicist Monte Lapka for over 11 years. After they tied the knot, Jackson announced the news on Twitter: “It’s official, after 11 years together, Zora’s no longer a bastard. Married the best man I’ve ever known.” (Zora is the couple’s dog “daughter”.) H

California Senate Okays Anti-Gay Bullying Bill SACREMENTO, CA – The California Senate approved an anti-bullying measure named after gay student Seth Walsh. Walsh was the 13-year-old boy who hanged himself after he was constantly harassed by classmates who perceived him to be gay. He died 9 days after his mother, Wendy Walsh, found him hanging from a plum tree in their backyard. A federal investigation concluded that Tehachapi Unified School District failed to properly respond to the teen’s ongoing harassment. Continues on NEWS on Page 13

‘9/11 Remembered’ Continued from COVER

call you go on is: Is the scene safe. And obviously, the scene wasn’t safe — there was a whole lot going on. Then you have to ask yourself, is the risk to the citizens greater than the risk you would impose upon yourself or your group? And is that risk worth you or your crew’s life? You have to remember, a dead paramedic saves no one; a dead firefighter saves no one; a dead police officer saves no one. If you could save that person without doing harm to yourself, you’re good.” At 9:59 a.m., after burning for 56 minutes, the South Tower, the second tower hit by the airliner, collapsed due to structural failure. “Unless you were there, you really don’t realize what it’s like when that comes down,” said Cook. “The sound was just horrific. It didn’t sound like a hurricane – it didn’t sound like a tornado – it sounded like a thousand tornadoes and it felt like a thousand tornadoes. That rumbling – and you didn’t just feel it on the ground, you felt your whole body vibrate.” After the first tower fell, it was only a matter of time before the second tower came down. Cook said that everyone was pushed back from the scene. He said there was no time to pick up the patients that were still on the ground and put them on a stretcher. Cook said the command was, “This thing is falling, you need to run and run now. I kept saying to myself, ‘Oh my God, what has really happened here?’” The second tower came down at 10:28 a.m. after burning for 102 minutes. However, with the total destruction of the two towering buildings, so came down


the command structure of the emergency services. The command center was set up in the towers and the towers were equipped with the communications between the various departments. “There was a certain command structure to follow,” said Cook, “but after the towers came down, everything became such a blur because it made such a huge impact on somebody to watch their friends disappear in a cloud of debris – a big black blanket overwhelms you. Your first thought was ‘where’s my partner’ and my second thought was ‘am I okay?’ That day, that night and every day thereafter, it’s almost like you didn’t know. You were thinking of your friends, you were grasping very strongly to hope and you were very disoriented as far as getting a grasp on what just happened to you and what is your next move.” Cook remembers the constant chain of debris handed out by hand as searchers looked for survivors. Cook recalls that while walking by a pile of debris, he heard a cell phone ring. He grabbed one of the firefighters and asked him if he heard the phone also, which he did. They ran over to where they heard the phone and started digging. They found the phone but there was no person with the phone. Cook then took the phone to an area the Red Cross had set up to drop off personal affects found in the debris such as shoes, watches, wallets – anything that could have been used to identify anyone who would have been there. There was a morgue area where body parts were being brought and there was a ‘9/11 Remembered’ continues on Page 9

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‘9/11 Remembered’ Continued from PAGE 8

triage area set up near the George Washington Bridge. Cook was finally relieved of duty at 5:30 a.m. on September 12th, and he went to rest at the building set up with food, drinks and military cots so the emergency workers could get some rest. On hand were also stress relief counselors. “Everybody was exhausted and the look on their face – there was no emotion, they were just covered with soot and dirt. When I went to get some sleep, I saw a firefighter leaning against one of the equipment trucks and I remember looking at his face. You could see the outline of his mask and his jacket and there was no emotion on his face. I remember reaching out and touching him to make sure he was alive. That was the mentality that kept on going.” Cook said that he woke up around noon and, like any other day, he sat up in the bed and put his feet on the ground and wondered what the new day had in store for him. Then he looked up and saw where he was and suddenly remembered where he was at and what had happened the day before. The next day, the emergency workers had somewhat of a grasp of the coworkers they lost in the collapse of the two towers. Cook knew they had lost two companies. Seven people he personally knew were killed, his best friend John was gone, as well as a cousin and a total of 12 medics from his EMT service. No one cared about the equipment, but there were crews in the equipment when the buildings fell on the trucks. According to Cook, the hardest part was that you really just didn’t know. They weren’t responding to roll call, but he kept telling himself that they’ll check in eventually. Cook says that is what he kept telling himself for the first week – refusing to accept the knowledge and hardship he was going to have to face. “You get to know that each one of them has saved hundreds of lives, perhaps thousands,” said Cook. Not all calls are the big life-saving calls that require extraordinary measures like the ‘oh, my stomach hurts’ calls. But you are saving lives every day and every day you don’t know if that’s the call that’s going to get you. That’s a simple fact, that’s what you signed up to do.” “Every one of those people did their job and paid the ultimate price for doing their job. But more importantly, they did that job because that’s what they loved to do. And whether it be me or any other firefighter or paramedic or EMT that’s out there, we get into this knowing the great benefit of helping others: of saving other’s lives. But we also know in the back of our mind – and many don’t want to admit it – that we may be called upon to sacrifice our life for somebody else.” September 12th was simply an extension of September 11th, except it was postimpact, Cook described. He said that everyone would get an adrenaline rush every time someone said they found someone, and if they didn’t, there was a letdown. Cook remembers spending most of that day constantly handling the debris and taking care of the firefighters that were actually working in the debris piles. Cook finally went home on the evening of September 12th because he was no

longer needed on that site. “Occasionally you heard about some of the jubilations about some person being found and rescued, but at that point I wasn’t much needed anymore.” Cook also was not trained in search and rescue. Plus, as he described, the world kept going on and there were still regular EMT shifts to be filled – people were still getting sick and injured and the rest of the world went on. It was now time for him to go back to work and show up to do his job. Cook ended up leaving in October, not only saying goodbye to the EMS but also to New York City. “When I had left,” said Cook, “it was because I had a great job opportunity in radio production, which is something I went to school for. At least that was my excuse; that was my easy way out. There were a lot of others that did the same thing. A lot of people don’t realize after something like that how hard it is to deal with – it’s not the fact that you know they’re dead, the hardest part was that you go in and every single time you go in, or go on a certain call, you expect to see their face. And those faces aren’t there anymore. They’re there in your heart, there they in your head, but they are not there anymore. Not because it was their time or that they were suffering from some kind of disease, but because someone else in the world had different ideas and felt that they must take the most extreme measures to enforce those ideas on someone else. The truth is, if you weren’t there, you don’t know. And if you don’t know, you can’t say to somebody with absolute certainty the reason they did or did not do something for someone.” “The big thing for me is that it could have been me,” concluded Cook. “If I would have worked a double while I was doing my continuing education, I would have been dispatched down there and that could very well have been me. What I have a hard time accepting is who we did save that day. So many were lost, so few were recovered, so few were rescued. And that is the hardest thing I have to grasp from 9/11, was the ultimate sacrifice worth the ultimate sacrifice?” H

The Teardrop Memorial at the World Trade Center opens on Sept. 11, ‘11




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Where Were You? There are certain events that happen in a lifetime you won’t ever forget. Every slow motion moment is ingrained in our memories and will forever shape our view of the world. The terror of 9/11 is undoubtedly one of the most potent of these memories. For someone of my generation who barely remembers anything about the Gulf War, let alone the wars of the past, 9/11 affected me in a way that I can only imagine witnessing a war would. Prior to 9/11, any real terror had only been witnessed in movies or in far away countries that had nothing to do with a nineteen year old from London. The terrorist attacks on the USA eclipsed so much that I genuinely have no memory of anything even remotely similar to the effect the events had on me. An Alan Jackson song came out fairly soon after the events of 9/11, the title of which was ‘Where Were You When the World Stopped Turning’. I remember the whole thing as if it were yesterday. I was on holiday with my parents in Greece. We were staying at a beach resort and my sister and I had decided we didn’t want to join any of the super, fun, jovial ‘activities’ they had for the young people led by the all too smiley holiday reps. No – our idea of a holiday was to find somewhere far away from the shiny happy reps where we could chill out listen to music and enjoy the sun and sea. My sister, however, had managed to get too much sun and, feeling too ill, went up to the villa. I relaxed outside and took in the sea and continued to fry in the baking sun. My phone alerted me to the arrival of a text message. It was from my friend – they weren’t really supposed to text me, roaming charges aren’t what they are today and my dad was ready to shoot me anyway for how much I had spent texting all my friends about the trip, forgetting of course I was in a different country. The text message said ‘Get to a TV. New York is being blown up’. I looked at the message

and was instantly irritated. Did my friends have nothing better to do than to annoy me with silly jokes? I replied the obligatory ‘What are you talking about?’ and almost instantly got a reply ‘It’s like a movie, it almost has to be – GET TO A TV’. I replied back, ‘Ok but so help you if you are lying because I am enjoying sunbathing and have to walk all the way back to my villa!’. I grabbed my stuff and, with no real urgency, started making my way back to my villa. To get to the villas, you had to pass the pools and the club house. As I climbed the last step to reach the pool from the private beach, I was immediately struck with how empty it was. Empty is, actually, an understatement; it looked like everyone had been evacuated. The towels were still there, bags, phones, etc., beach balls and lilos still in the pool, but no one there. No shiny people, no staff, no screaming British brats, no adults. Just eerie silence. I came around to the clubhouse and saw everyone, all clamouring to stare at the small TV. It dawned on me there and then that something really had happened. I broke into a run up the hill to the villa, burst in to see my sister watching the TV in total shock. I focused in on what she was watching as a second plane hit the Twin Towers. I stood there motionless, unable to comprehend what I was watching. Surely this could only happen in an Independence Day-style Hollywood Blockbuster – how could this be real life? My phone started ringing; I answered it barely able to speak, so utterly confused as to what was unfolding in front of my eyes. One of my best friends was talking to me, asking if I was watching and reminding me we had only been there a year before – she was looking at a picture of us standing in front of the twin towers. That night at dinner, no one really spoke – a scary silence had befallen the entire holiday. Panic about potential lost friends and loved ones had taken over, teamed with the idea we may be stuck as flights had been cancelled left, right and center. I had a friend who was in NY. She had wit-

Letters to the Editor In response to the Editorial, “Wilton Manners” in the Florida Agenda, September 1, 2011. DEAR EDITOR, Thank you so much for your piece on Manners, it is so true and you nailed the subject on it’s head. Manners are just no longer of high priority anywhere anymore, not in the supermarket, or the bars or even with our friends. It is a shame. SINCERELY C G MICHAELS DEAR EDITOR, Your piece on manners though true in a way came across as extremely condescending, you would do well to remember that manners aren’t just about opening doors, or waiting patiently in line, but in the way in which you address an audience. ANONYMOUS In response to the Style feature, “Back to Black” in the Florida Agenda, September 1, 2011.


Alex Vaughn nessed it all, she was fine; we finally had confirmation of that. My parents knew everyone they knew was fine, and so we could settle down. Yet the uneasy feeling was there – it was palpable. We were in Greece, hardly a terrorist threat, but who knew? Ask us all a week before if we could believe what happened could … Back in London a few days later, the mood hadn’t changed. It had, in fact, gotten worse. The UK was on high alert, as was everywhere else in the world. Suddenly, my home city felt different in a way I couldn’t understand. Over time, it settled and we never forgot 9/11, nor the horrific images of people jumping from burning buildings, the huge loss of life, the fear of flying … but we relaxed into the safety of knowing we weren’t the USA, so terrorists wouldn’t strike us. Some four years later, in July, 2005, the 7/7 terrorist attacks hit London. The scale was smaller, but the impact was felt around the world. Yet for me, it was an extremely bizarre situation. I was due to travel that day, and still managed to. Yet, the first thing that morning, I was neither transfixed nor worried about people I knew. No, in my own city I knew that I didn’t know anyone who would be in town, on a bus or a tube at that time of the morning. My dad drove to work, my friends, if they worked, drove too. I sat back and watched the TV and tried to wrestle with the fact that a terrorist attack had taken place in my own city, in areas I knew well, that I had driven through, first with my parents and then, when I could drive, on my own. And yet, I felt isolated, out of the loop, whereas with 9/11, something that occurred in a city I had only visited a handful of times changed my world, my mindset, awareness and understanding of what I thought I knew. As we commemorate those lost nearly ten years ago, and celebrate the heroes, think back: Where were you? H


Alex Vaughn is the Editor-in-Chief of the Florida Agenda. He can be reached at editor@FloridaAgenda.com

Please send all your comments and letters to Editor@FloridaAgenda.com

DEAR EDITOR, Thank you for this piece, we need more fashion in South Florida. I enjoy these fashion pieces very much, as I would rather spend money on clothes than having to fork out the ridiculous amount charged for magazines these days and appreciate what you guys do for the community. SINCERELY, ALLAN CRAY In response to the Theatre review, “Angels In America” in the Florida Agenda, August 25, 2011. DEAR EDITOR, I don't think your newspaper should be promoting plays about AIDS. We have had too much talk about that in the GLBT community and it just scares people. ANONYMOUS In response to the Tiger’s Growl, “Assuming Being Gay is a Choice” in the Florida Agenda, August 25, 2011.

DEAR EDITOR, I read with great interest the piece about making being a gay a religion. It is such an interesting take on the fact people believe it is a choice and as Dave Tigercub pointed out making being Gay a religion would circumvent a lot of the issues that plague the community. I look forward to hearing more on the subject and sign me up to the church! SINCERELY, MACK In response to Word Play, “To Poke, or Not to Poke” in the Florida Agenda, September 1, 2011. DEAR EDITOR, As a fellow technophobe I totally feel for Christian in his to poke or not to poke dilemma, having recently joined Facebook (I know about 10 years too late) I have also been inundated with poke requests from people I really barely know but are friends of friends, and, now I have thought about it, I am sure it’s not socially acceptable to be poking all your friends friends! ROB PATTON







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Word Play


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For a Broward County Transit bus schedule and maps, please visit www.broward.org/BCT/MapsAndSchedules

Mass Transit to Limbo By Christian taylor-alexander my way and I tend to hit them), I decided to take the bus. How bad could it be? Plus, I’d save about $100 on taxi fare. It turns out that you don’t take just one bus to reach your destination. You have to take several, all going on their various routes, on differing schedules (which, when you want to be where you want to be and instead find yourself on a street corner by a bus stop wondering if the people driving by are judging you, can be extremely annoying). But a tranquilizer and about 20 minutes later, I didn’t mind as much. I stood waiting for the first in my series of buses (just for the sake of good taste, I will heretofore refer to the bus as the “Metro”). The clouds still threatened, but all they managed was just enough of a sprinkle to be slightly bothersome. The Metro arrived shortly after, just in time to shield me from the promised downpour. I got off at the first of my stops, having to walk a few blocks to get to the next stop. I walked down a block or two, turned a corner and could see the designated Metro pick-up spot. The sun was now trying it’s best to pierce the clouds, but after such a downpour, puddles had turned to miniature lakes. I slumped along, spying a bench at

Photo courtesy, Broward County Transit

Life on my schedule usually entails just drifting off for my nightly 20 or so minutes of sleep just as the rest of the world is on their second cup of coffee. Unable to avoid the morning sun rudely piercing through my drapes, I eventually lumber out of bed to face the day. Yet another South Florida morning, complete with sunshine and dotted with white fluffy clouds. This particular morning, however, all I could think of was the unavoidable afternoon downpours that would come later. As I was nearly completing my pregoing out ritual, and as if on cue, the clouds grew foreboding and I knew it would not be long before the daily summer deluge began. Knowing I had errands to run, I should have started my day earlier, but I have been, and suspect I always will be, a “roll out of bed when I damned well feel like it and leave everything to be done at the last possible minute” kinda guy. Again, I’ve gone off topic. What the hell was I talking about? Ah, yes. The weather here in the ironically named “Sunshine State”. So today, as I mentioned, I had some things to do. My brother was not available to drive me (I rarely drive myself … other cars, people and miscellaneous things tend to get in

the stop to rest a moment. I was wondering to myself how wet the bench would be when I tripped over some loose sidewalk. Arms flailing, clutching my old, reliable cell phone, I went into that little jog people do when they stumble and don’t want anyone to know. As I righted myself, I noticed both feet were up to my ankles in water. Wondering if my boots were waterproof, I shook off the little mis-step and proceeded to step on a floating candy wrapper that sent me flying once again, only backwards this time. I sat there for a moment; soaked through to my designer labeled ass … karma couldn’t be this big of a bitch.

The next Metro came, fully loaded, with no seats and the air conditioner set to penguin comfort. I stood there, clutching the hand grasp, my cold, wet Armani clad ass beginning to numb. It ended up taking me over three hours to get to my 10 minute appointment and another three plus hours to return to my little abode. Perhaps I’ve been spoiled for too long, but how anyone lives in Florida without a car is just incomprehensible to me. The moral of this rant? There isn’t one, except maybe if you know it’s going to rain … you might need more than an umbrella. Have a dandy day! H

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Pain is Inevitable, But Misery is Optional By CHRIS MANCINI, ESQ. Relationships are complex, particularly cross-generational partnerships. When you mix the co-dependency of both partners with substance abuse, the outcome will never be positive. Cross Generational relationships are often based on money, and the issues that plague these relationships are exaggerated when the couple can only come together when substances are involved. Dependency will then take on a more sinister meaning. Chris Mancini: “There is a subset of gay couples who fit the following profile: one of them is older, has money, is still sexually active and desires companionship. The other is younger, has no money, is sexually active and desires a great number of things that the older man's money can buy. They are each suffering from a form of addiction that steals their joy. The hopes and wishes of this couple are mismatched from the beginning and trouble will inevitably ensue, but some of these couples can reconcile their mismatched desires if there is enough mutual respect. They never succeed, however, when the element of alcohol or drug abuse is added to the relationship. With alcohol or drugs on board, their love boat always hits the rocks and this couple ends up in my law office or at The Mission of St. Francis with a variety of legal and personal problems that include domestic violence, assault and battery, stalking/harassment and personal and real property disputes. They then discover that the courts are a clumsy and expensive way to address the issues that have been simmering beneath the surface of their lives. There is a better way. In the immortal words of the Rolling Stones, “You can't always get what you

want, but if you try sometimes, you just might find you get what you need.” Experience has taught me that hopes and dreams and good wishes are never a match for understanding and preparation. Jack Labarga: “A perfect example of what Chris is talking about walked into my office this week; an older gay man with money and a young lover almost half his age. I find it interesting that it’s the older man that usually feels that it’s the younger one who needs help, but when I asked the older man, “What’s different this time?” his answer was “I won’t be giving out any money this time!” I replied, “You’ve known this young man for only a month and he’s already cost you a small fortune. Didn’t he get that new watch on his wrist from you?” “Yes.” “And aren’t you supporting him?” “Yes.” I replied, “You see the underlying issue (or at least one of them) is your lack of self-esteem. Your worth is attached to what’s in your wallet and if you have enough cash, it covers your insecurities and makes you popular and needed for the time being.” I went a bit further and found that he had become wealthy from an inheritance from an older lover. This is the stark nature of a disease cycle that may never get broken. True partners can’t walk on egg shells full of fear of not being accepted. Like any couple, when the issues continue to get shoved under the carpet, a home becomes a house that has nothing to offer but misery.” Jerry Stephenson: “I met the gay couple Jack is describing and soon realized that the younger man has a history of quitting everything he’s undertaken. He’s lost and he needs the older man to

believe in him because he doesn’t believe in anything, especially in himself. He’s good looking and talks like he has it together, but he denies the addictions that are leading him to bankruptcy, hospitalization, prison and even death. These two men are interdependent. The shortsightedness of the older man who says he knows that money won’t buy him love but acts like it will is fueled by the shortsightedness of the younger man who believes that money is the only thing that can make him happy, but it doesn’t.” Chris Mancini: “That said, not all couples act this way. Many of my friends are in cross generational relationships and where money and substance abuse are not involved mutual respect and love win out. I know that love is at the heart of this problem. We all seek love, and the wisest of us realize that love is, really, the only thing of importance in our lives. Unfortunately, we have to learn the hard way or be taught how to love others without enabling them or ourselves to live a lie. The essence of love is love of self and self-sacrifice – but there is a world of difference between self-sacrifice and selfishness. At my law office and at The Mission of St. Francis, we have a variety of tools such as an alcohol and drug detection device that alerts to the presence of alcohol or drugs in sweat or urine. We provide a variety of legal means to enforce compliance with both voluntary and 100% confidential therapy programs or court-ordered programs." "This kind of help can make your misery optional.” H

This article is a collaborative work by attorney Chris Mancini, Esq., Jack Labarga, director of The Mission of St. Francis, and Dr. Jerry Stephenson, addiction therapist. EDITOR’S NOTE: Chris Mancini, Esq., practices law at 330 S.W. 2nd St., Suite 212, Fort Lauderdale, FL and can be reached at 954-522-2744 or his cell: 305-219-6919; chrisjmancini@aol.com and www.chrismanciniesq.com Jack Labarga is the director of The St. Francis Mission, a four decade old recovery center that has been of service to over 10,000 people, located at 208 S.E. 8th Street, Fort Lauderdale, 954-761-3281. w w w. t h e m i s s i o n o f s t f r a n c i s . c o m ; info@themission.us. Jerry Stephenson, PhD., CAP, is a gay man and a 25 year practicing licensed addiction therapist. He has published several self-help books and has appeared on many TV and radio shows to discuss this subject. He can be reached through The Mission of St. Francis, on his cell at 954-632-1529, or drjerry.net.

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Continued from NEWS on Page 8

The legislation was introduced by openly gay Assemblyman Tom Ammiano, a Democrat from San Francisco, and cleared the Assembly on June 1 on a 52-26 vote. Senators approved the legislation with a 24 to 14 vote, and now it heads to Governor Jerry Brown, a proponent of gay rights, who is expected to sign the bill. H

London May Get First Gay Mayor LONDON, ENGLAND – Brian Paddick, a married gay man, former highranking officer in Britain's police force and a crusading victim of Rupert Murdoch’s News of the World’s phonehacking scheme, has been nominated as a London mayoral candidate by the Liberal Democrats party. The election will take place next year. H

Fox Warns Parents Not to Let Their Children Watch “Dancing With the Stars”

Photo courtesy, AP

NEW YORK, NY – Fox News has called on parents not to let their children watch the upcoming season of “Dancing with the Stars” because Chaz Bono will be appearing on it. Fox cited conservative doctor Dr. Keith Ablow, who said that the last thing vulnerable children and adolescents need as they wrestle with the normal process of establishing their identities, is to watch a captive crowd in a studio audience applaud on cue for someone whose identity culminated with the removal of her breasts, the injection of steroids and, perhaps one day soon, the fashioning of a make-shift phallus to replace her vagina. H

Medical Schools Teaching Little About Gay Health CHICAGO, IL — Future doctors aren't being taught enough about the unique health needs of gays and lesbians, a survey of medical school deans suggests. On average, the schools devoted only five hours in the entire curriculum to teaching content related to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender patients, according to the survey results appearing in Wednesday's Journal of the American Medical Association. A third of the schools didn’t have one patient during the years students work with patients. More than a quarter of the medical school deans said their school's coverage of 16 related topics was "poor" or "very poor." The topics included sex change surgery, mental health issues and HIV-AIDS. While nearly all medical schools taught students to ask patients if they "have sex with men, women or both" while obtaining a sexual history, the overall curriculum lacked deeper instruction to help "students carry that conversation as far as it needs to go," said lead author Dr. Juno Obedin-Maliver of the University of California, San Francisco. H



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Suicide Note By AJ CROSS Dear Mom, I have tried so hard for so long to get you to understand, but no matter how hard I have tried, you just chose not to get it. You are so blinded by your religion and sense of tradition to understand that the harder you hold on to your thoughts, the further you push me away. When dad left you years ago, you forgot that he left me too, and things were just as hard for me as they were for you. Imagine how hard it must be to feel abandoned by dad, who physically left, and then by you, who emotionally went away. I have done everything I can do to make you happy. I kept up my grades, kept my room clean and did all of my chores; I never argued or gave you a hard time. I picked you up off the kitchen floor and cleaned the broken bottle of whisky that you dove into so many nights. My only mistake was not being smart enough to put a password on my computer. I never thought you would invade my privacy that way. I never thought you would read my emails and find out that I was spending time with him. I never thought that if you found out, you would move so quickly toward anger and disappointment. Do you think that I want to skip gym class every week out of fear that one of the boys will see me staring too long in the shower? Do you think the look of disgust on your face pleases me? I wish you could see that I am still your son. I am not your Gay son, but simply your son who loves a little bit differently than you do. I am sorry that I am the way that I am, and that you would rather lose me than love me. They say you never know what you have until you lose it, and it seems that if I can't get you to love me while I am here and alive, then maybe I will get your love after I'm gone. I hope your God loves better than you do. I hope His capacity for understanding is better than yours. I hope that when you find me and this letter, that He will hold you in his arms the way I begged you to hold me in yours. My dying wish is that you share this

letter with as many parents as you can, so that they may reconsider their position when it comes to their own gay children. Most of all, I hope that you know I love you so much. This is my last goodbye and my final apology. Your Son, Michael P.S. To the parents who might read this letter: There are no hugs and I love you's from the grave. Ask my mother! According to the N.I.M.H. (National Institute for Mental Health) In 2010 the leading cause of death for youth ages 15-19 in the U.S. was suicide. 1 out of 5 suicides were related to sexual orientation or matters of homosexuality. H

EDITOR’S NOTE: If you are affected by this column, it is important to remember many people have turned the negativity imposed on them by their friends and families for being gay into positives and have gone on to help many people affected in this way. AJ’s column highlights that suicide is not the answer, we must all work together to ensure another note like the above does not enter our world. It is the job of the Florida Agenda and myself to ensure that solutions are found to all problems within the LGBTQ community. If you identify with the above and feel you can’t go on. STOP and call 954-567-TEEN.

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Home | Dining | Recipe | Fitness | Out In Florida | State-Wide Bar Guide | Style | Travel

WHAT’S INSIDE? n this week’s Style & Entertainment we envisage a somewhat cooler temperatures and look to what is hot in Fall fashion, get ready to layer yourself in autumnal hues, strong statement jackets and rustic accessories in Style, Paul Rubio shows us the travel delights of Hollywood, Florida, a seaside haven that has finally received some TLC from the LGBT Community in Travel and Michael French reminds us of the pitfalls and insecurities that accompany gossiping in Home. We visit an old friend by relaxing at Rosie’s and enjoying the staple favorites of the community in Dining, Tom Bonanti gives us a lesson in the importance of all the anti oxidants and good fats that we can gain from incorporating fish in our diets in in Fitness and Jean Doherty lets us be the chef with an exercise our sweet tooth, with a decadent recipe for American Fudge in Recipe. We also have your favorites, Out in Florida and our State-wide Bar Guide. Enjoy! H – AV


HOORAY FOR HOLLYWOOD... Hollywood, Florida Has Many Charming Factors

Travel PAGE 23


A Sweet Treat

The The Rustic Rustic Style Style of of Fall Fall Fashion Fashion

Style PAGE PAGE21 21 Recipe PAGE PAGE35 35 ROSIE’S BAR & GRILL An An Old Old Friend Friend

Dining PAGE PAGE 35 35 Photos courtesy, Chad Chisholm, Jean Doherty, Rosie’s Bar & Grill, HollywoodFL.org







Autumn Returns

As the blazing temperatures of Summer calm down, look great in this season’s rustic Fall fashion. Fall is approaching quickly, so be the first to layer yourself in this season’s rugged fashion. Whether you are enjoying the nature of a park or exploring a downtown urban oasis, enjoy warm colors and textures that are both practical and trendy. We’re showcasing many diverse options to suit the eclectic styles of fall. H

(Right Top) Jaco Palo crocodile motorcycle jacket (price upon request, www.jacopalo.com). Versace Collection Circle jacquard woven shirt $250, at Neiman Marcus. Xtreme belt in aged bark $29, at Overland. Axist heavy wash denim straightleg jeans $55, at Kohl’s. Right: Shearling and suede zip/snap vest $949, and Hopper tote $335, both at Overland. MICHAEL KORS snap military shirt $125, at Neiman Marcus. Apt. 9 jeans $54, at Kohl’s. (Left Top) MICHAEL KORS purple check plaid shirt $125, gray Moncler puffer vest $525, and Joe’s dark denim jeans $158, all at Neiman Marcus. Right: MICHAEL KORS Watts check multi-pocket shirt in granite $195, and 7 for All Mankind jeans $198, both at Neiman Marcus. Woven black braided belt $28, at Kohl’s. (Right Bottom) GAP blue striped wool scarf $24.99, at GAP. Center: Pure cashmere scarf in cranberry $55.99, at www.thepashminastore.com. Right: Banana Republic mini-stripe scarf $49.50, at Banana Republic. (Left Bottom) Leather newsboy hat $39, at Overland. Diesel leather patch gray and green zip-front sweater, at Neiman Marcus. Apt. 9 jeans $54, at Kohl’s. Center: Neiman Marcus cashmere V-neck sweater with toggle closure $395, and Joe’s dark denim jeans $158, both at Neiman Marcus. Right: Vince sweater $275, at Neiman Marcus. Axist heavy wash denim straight-leg jeans $55, at Kohl’s.

Photographed by Chad Chisholm Styled by Nick Mangiapane, Kevin Hopper and Dahlia Weinstein Models: Kawyn Furstoss, Spencer Neveu, and Daniel Zimlich of Wilhelmina

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Hooray For Hollywood... Hollywood, Florida Has Many Charming Factors By PAUL RUBIO Bordered by two of the world’s most popular GLBT cities, Hollywood, Florida, is often tossed aside as a sleepy side city, far removed from the queer Miami-Fort Lauderdale limelight. However, a burgeoning arts scene, an extreme beach overhaul, downtown gentrification and a booming restaurant scene has finally ushered in some muchdeserved TLC for this underdog city. Those tired of Miami and Fort Lauderdale’s more predictable scenes will find Hollywood a breath of fresh air – a city more about tradition, community and enrichment than cheap booze or standing and posing. Hollywood’s redux has unfolded on two main fronts – the beach and downtown. Hollywood beach continues to evolve as a more upscale destination with new construction set to unveil several trendsetting hotels in the coming years. These new hotels will delicately balance the traditional, old school throw back feel of the Broadwalk, where mom and pop ice cream shops and outdoor ethnic eateries reign supreme to commercial chains. Don’t expect Hollywood’s overly tanned old-timers to retire their 1940s clunky bicycles anytime soon. Embracing the full gamut of generations is one of

Hollywood’s most charming factors. It’s the beach’s no-frills fun and frivolity that unites people of all ages, races, shapes, genders and sizes. So, it should come as no surprise that gays here do not need to confine themselves to a separate “gay” beach; singles, couples and alternative families can readily enjoy the beach’s downy sands in harmony with the French Canadian tourists, sun starved vacationers and eclectic locals. To both the north and west of Hollywood beach, Florida’s environmental heritage has been sensationally preserved within the mangroves and virgin habitats surrounding Anne Kolb Nature Center and John U. Lloyd Beach State Park. A hop, skip and a jump from the city’s oceanfront action, old Florida awaits with endless opportunity for canoeing, kayaking, boating, picnicking and wildlife viewing. If you’re lucky, you may even spot manatees while kayaking through this pristine area. And, at John Lloyd State Park, there’s ample space for picnics, grilling or just chilling along the sugarloaf sand banks. Heading west on Hollywood Boulevard, the circular Young Arts Park segues from beachfront bliss to downtown delights. With a sprawling mega play-

ground, a state of the art amphitheatre hosting fabulous concerts, educational workshop spaces and lots of green space for quintessential outdoor fun, this urban park has become wildly popular with families from all parts of South Florida. The park hosts fabulous events on a regular basis – like Food Truck Monday evenings, Friday glassblowing workshops for adults and kids alike, scheduled jewelry making classes, as well as a regular concert series which recently included gay favorites En Vogue and Expose in a free concert sponsored by the City of Hollywood. At the western edge of Young Arts Park, Downtown Hollywood’s blossoming bar and restaurant scene commences along both Hollywood Boulevard and Harrison Street, leading to insider favorites like Mickey Byrne’s Irish Pub & Restaurant, upscale modern French dinging at Sage Café & Oyster Bar, sensational Merlots at Harrisons Wine Bar and decadent desserts at Sweetz Chocolate & Treats Café. Those looking for exceptional originality should definitely begin their citywide gastronomy tour with the restaurant leading the city’s foodie revolution – Lola’s on Harrison. Lola’s menu teems with innovative mouth-watering dishes like short ribs (or

Portobello mushroom steaks for vegetarians like me) smothered in homemade Coca Cola BBQ sauce, topped by a tower of buttermilk onion rings alongside a helping of creamed corn; fresh ricotta gnocchi in a hearty wild mushroom cream sauce that melts in your mouth as you eat it; and the best crab cakes you’ll have outside of Baltimore! Three separate drink menus complement the food experience – an awesome and enormous beer menu with several dozen American and Imported Hand Crafted Beers, an extensive affordable wine list and a book of artisanal cocktails full of muddled, fruity goodness! Beyond a day or evening trip to dabble in Hollywood’s beach and downtown offerings, the spectacular Hollywood Westin Diplomat is idyllic for a Hollywood vacation or staycation. With everything and anything you’d want from a grand hotel, combined with jaw-dropping views, quick beach access, plenty of swimming pools, excellent restaurants and bars (including one of my South Florida favorites – the Asian-inspired Azia), stellar service, a social vibe and a central location for enjoying Hollywood, Miami, and Fort Lauderdale – the Hollywood Westin Diplomat is one of South Florida’s best and most affordable hotel options. H

Photos courtesy, HollywoodFL.org






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FORT LAUDERDALE/WILTON MANORS ALIBI 2266 Wilton Drive, Wilton Manors Gayborhood tradition since 1997. Comfortable, inviting atmosphere with indoor video bars, outdoor drinking and dining. Drink specials all week, with mammoth 22-ounce Long Island Iced Teas for $3 on Thursdays ATOMIC/BOOM 2232 Wilton Drive, Wilton Manors The bar with two names features a dance club and Gayborhood bar. Drag Bingo on Mondays, karaoke Mondays and Tuesdays, dance music Fridays and Saturdays, and (indoor) Sunday T-Dance. BILL’S FILLING STATION 2209 Wilton Drive, Wilton Manors Videos, pool tables, dart boards, dance floor, happy hour, live shows, Tuesday and Thursday karaoke – and great burgers, to boot. Fun and friendly truck-stop-themed bar. BOARDWALK 1721 North Andrews Avenue, Fort Lauderdale Over 100 of the sexiest men from all over the world. Go-go dancers, cages, billiards, 2-4-1 Happy Hours. Drag emcees and did we mention the Boys? CORNER PUB 1915 N. Andrews Ave., Wilton Manors Friendly atmosphere, unpretentious clientele and staff. Next to Island City Pizza (so you can get your drink AND your slice on). CUBBY HOLE 823 N. Federal Hwy., Fort Lauderdale Butch bar and grill with a rockin’ daytime crowd (and a fun nighttime one, too). Fifty cent pool, 2-for-1 drinks all day every day, video games, hot movies on HDTV and DirecTV. Thursdays it’s Bare Bear Chest Night, and every Friday and Saturday the fur flies with Hot Bears on Poles (where their Grizzlies Grind)! DEPOT CABANA BAR AND GRILL 2935 N. Federal Hwy., Fort Lauderdale Adjacent to the America’s Best Inn and Suites. Pool open daily – No Cover or Day Pass. Great food, daily happy hour, Sunday afternoon T-Dance Poolside. Karaoke and live music. Open daily at 11:30 a.m. DUDES 3270 N.E. 33rd St., Fort Lauderdale Men dancing for men. Hot go-go boys in an upscale atmosphere, piano lounge for more quiet interludes. Steamy shower shows. JOHNNY’S 1116 W. Broward Blvd., Fort Lauderdale Club, bar, lounge. Male dancers and the men who love (to ogle) them. Sunday amateur strip contest (and karaoke!). LIPS 1421 E. Oakland Park Blvd., Oakland Park The Ultimate in Drag Dining. Dinner and shows six nights a week. Sunday Gospel Brunch with the Sisters of Sequins. LIVING ROOM 300 S.W. 1st Ave., Fort Lauderdale Fort Lauderdale Arts & Entertainment District meets South Beach. Friday nights they’re here, they’re queer, and they drink free from 10:30(ish) to Midnight. Only House Music club in town with its own Classical (and classicallychiseled) violinist. THE MANOR 2345 Wilton Drive, Wilton Manors WeHo vibe (think: LA’s The Abbey) in the heart of the Gayborhood. Dine, drink, dance, play, mingle. Theme rooms (salsa and meringue every weekend in the Latin Quarter!). Live dancing and dining. MATTY’S ON THE DRIVE 2426 Wilton Drive, Wilton Manors Drink specials, billiards, and a chill gayborhood vibe. 75 Cent drinks on Wednesdays. No Drama, No Smoking. MONKEY BUSINESS 2740 N. Andrews Ave., Fort Lauderdale Cozy neighborhood bar. Karaoke, drag shows, Patio Bar – and open at 9 a.m. daily. MONA’S 502 E. Sunrise Blvd., Fort Lauderdale Cocktail Lounge in the heart of Searstown. Fun customers, fun bartenders and fun proprietor (the Legendary Jerry). Outside patio. Wednesday karaoke, Thursday Speedball Tournament. NAKED GRAPE 2039 Wilton Drive, Wilton Manors Relaxing, friendly, hip, unique – the alternative gathering place on Wilton Drive. Wine tastings and events. Tuesday and Wednesday Late Night In the Biz.


PJ’S CORNER POCKET 924 N. Flagler Drive, Fort Lauderdale Interracial Private Social Club. Bottle club memberships. Get your groove back on Wednesday nights with $2 drinks. RAMROD 1508 N.E. 4th Ave., Fort Lauderdale Voted World’s Favorite Leather Bar. Pig Dance first Saturday of the month – South Florida’s Busiest, Craziest Monthly Party (with caged hunks at Midnight on Saturdays – is there a downside to this?).

SCORE 727 Lincoln Rd., Miami Beach Dance, drink, party all night on Miami Beach’s Lincoln Road. Tons of events throughout the year, including fundraisers for Winter Party, White Party, and Miami Beach Gay Pride. SPACE 34 NE 11th St., Miami Mingle and mix with gays and str8s in the heart of Downtown Miami. Indoor dance floors and outdoor rooftop bar, spectacular light show.

ROSIE’S BAR & GRILL 2829 W. Broward Blvd., Fort Lauderdale Nexus of the A-Gay List. Be Seen in the Scene (without making one). Food, folks, libations, and a killer Sunday Funday.

TWIST 1057 Washington Ave., Miami Beach Great music, friendly staff, hot tourists and locals. Never a cover, always a groove. Bungalow Bar = Hot Men. In SoBe’s Art Deco District.

SCANDALS SALOON 3073 NE 6th Avenue, Wilton Manors A line-dancin’, tight blue jeans-wearin’ good time. Country and western music, two-steppin’, three-steppin’, pool tables, and themed events year ‘round. Cowboys and Indians was never this much fun, Pilgrim.

JOHNNY’S MIAMI 62 NE 14th Street, Downtown Miami Club, bar and lounge. Johnny’s Miami boasts the best sound system in town! Plenty of safe, secured parking. Open 5pm to 5am daily. Hot male dancers and daily drink specials.

SIDELINES 2031 Wilton Drive, Wilton Manors Where Sports come first. Nationally known destination sports bar with TVs streaming NFL, MLB, NBA and college games. Pool tables, dart boards and large indoor (and now smoke-free) facility. Outdoor patio features area for smokers. Mixed crowd of gay men and women (who would have thought?). Featured in Bloomberg Businessweek and recommended by LOGO. STABLE 205 E. Oakland Park Blvd., Fort Lauderdale Levis-and-leather neighborhood bar, where the bears line dance and the cowboys are VERY friendly. SMARTY PANTS 2400 E. Oakland Park Blvd., Fort Lauderdale Cozy neighborhood bar with daily happy hour, and regular patrons. Show night Thursdays at 9 p.m. Karaoke Friday and Saturday nights, and with matinee on Sunday afternoon. TORPEDO 2829 W Broward Blvd., Fort Lauderdale Dance, shoot pool, drink til 4 a.m., 7 nights a week. Doors open at Midnight; dance til Dawn. VOODOO LOUNGE 111 S.W. 2nd Ave., Fort Lauderdale Gay and mixed every Sunday, with afternoon T-Dance and drink specials, then the popular Life’s a Drag show with gobs of female impersonators, hot dudes and the chicks who want to change them. WHISKEY BLUE 401 N. Fort Lauderdale Beach Blvd., Fort Lauderdale In the W Hotel on Fort Lauderdale Beach, downstairs it’s the elegant Whiskey Blue, upstairs the luxe Living Room: hot dance and social settings in a distinctive atmosphere with signature cocktails and upscale patrons. Indoor and outdoor lounges.

MIAMI/MIAMI BEACH BAR 721 721 N. Lincoln Lane, Miami Beach Plush, lush and flush, a luxe, sexy décor that includes soft carpeting, comfy couches and a Grown Up Playroom equipped with a flat screen TV for video games, pool table, ceiling-mounted speakers. Enjoy 5 to 10 p.m. happy hours including $6 premium drinks. CLUB BOI 777 NE 79 St., Miami With an urban vibe on the weekends, a diverse crowd and a diverse musical format, including Hip Hop, R&B, House, Reggae, Soca, Latin and Old School. Go-go bois and drink specials. CLUB SUGAR 2301 S.W. 32nd Ave., Miami Gay Latin scene, with Salsa, Merengue, Reggaeton, Hip Hop and House music always playing. DISCOTEKKA 950 NE 2nd Ave., Miami Hot music, hot scene, hot bartenders, and hot patrons in the hot heart of Downtown Miami. MOVA LOUNGE 1625 Michigan Ave., Miami Beach On Miami Beach’s famed Lincoln Road, never a cover. Drink specials all week long, live DJs, high energy music and a fun crowd getting their dance on til late. PALACE BAR 1200 Ocean Drive, Miami Beach This bar and restaurant in the heart of South Beach’s Art Deco District .Mouth-watering burgers, boys (and girls!). Weekend cabaret shows Thursday through Sunday.

ORLANDO/CENTRAL FLORIDA HANKS 5026 Edgewater Dr., Orlando, FL Friendly local bar with a cruisy attitude. One of Orlando’s oldest and friendliest Gay bars. Beer and Wine. Pool Tables, Video Games and a Large Patio area. HAMBURGER MARY’S BAR & GRILL 110 West Church Street, Orlando, FL Eat, Drink & Be Mary! Tuesday BINGO with Miss Sammy & Carol Lee, Wednesday Trivia with Doug Bouser and Leigh Shannon’s Cabaret Dinner Show is every Saturday, 7:30PM. PARLIAMENT HOUSE 410 N. Orange Blossom Trail, Orlando, FL All gay entertainment complex with 130 newly-remodeled hotel rooms. Cruisy Hotel, Nightclub, Pool Bar, Bear/Leather Bar. NEW PHOENIX 7124 Aloma Ave., Winter Park, FL Winter Park’s ONLY Gay & Lesbian Bar. Been There Forever! Karaoke every Tuesday and Friday at 9pm. Drag shows every Saturday night. Home of the $1 Jello shots. PULSE 1912 S Orange Ave., Orlando, FL Orlando’s Premier Gay Bar & Nightclub with Ultra Lounge, Jewel Box Dance Floor, and Adonis Dancers. Twisted Tuesdays with $10 All-U-Can Drink, College Wednesdays (18+) and 2-4-1 every Friday for Happy Hour. SAVOY ORLANDO 1913 N. Orange Ave., Orlando, FL “The hottest” gay bar and nightclub in Orlando. The MEN OF SAVOY Dancers from 6PM til 2AM every night in the main bar! Video Bar, Pool Tables.


H 27

CITY SIDE 3703 Henderson Blvd., Tampa, FL Tampa Bay’s “Best Happy Hour” til Midnight every night of the week. GBAR 1401 E 7th Ave, Tampa (Ybor City), FL Dance Club & Video Bar. Open Tuesday through Saturday, 4PM til 3AM. No cover before 10PM, $5 after with ID. VALENTINES NIGHTCLUB 7522 N. Armenia Ave., Tampa, FL Voted #1 Nightclub in Tampa. Open 7 days a week 3PM to 3AM. Monday, Latin Night, Tuesdays are Boys Night Out, Wednesdays are Karaoke Night, Thursdays, No Cover Dance Party, Fridays feature Hot Go-Go Girls, Saturdays are Latino Night “Uncut” and Sundays are Hip Hop Night. Ki Ki Ki III 1908 West Kennedy Blvd., Tampa, FL One of The Oldest Bars (beer and wine). A plain bar without pretention with it’s share of young regulars. RAINBOW ROOM 421 S. MacDill Avenue, Tampa, FL A mix between a neighborhood bar and a community center. Main bar with pool, darts, jukebox. Outdoor Tiki patio has a full volleyball court and live bands. Beer & Wine.

ST. PETERSBURG GEORGIES ALIBI 3100 3rd Avenue North, St. Petersburg, FL One of the most popular gay bars in St. Pete. It’s always busy! Great VJ’s play Top 40 music. Mondays are Drag BINGO and Talent contest, Pool tourney Wednesdays, and the legendary Long Island Iced Tea nights on Thursdays. Ages 21 and over, never a cover! FLAMINGO RESORT 4601 34TH ST SOUTH, St. Petersburg, FL Florida’s “largest, luxury all gay resort”. Non-stop entertainment, great menu, and drinks served poolside at the Cabana. Weekly events and 2-4-1 Happy Hour daily from 11AM to 9PM. Saturday Happy Hour ($1 off) 11AM to 9PM. GEMINI LOUNGE 2315 Central Avenue, St. Petersburg, FL Gemini Lounge aims to serve a variety of tastes; music, karaoke, Internet access, poetry readings and sports on TV. OAR HOUSE BAR & LIQUOR STORE 4807 22nd Avenue South, St. Petersburg, FL Fun, friendly, laid-back atmosphere where you can get great drinks at cheap prices! Drama free! Happy Hour daily from 2PM til 9PM. HAYMARKET PUB 8308 4th Street North, St. Petersburg, FL More of a Men’s bar. Showing hot videos, beer specials, Saturday Underwear Night, and different events each week.

WYLDE'S 3557 S. Orange Ave., Orlando, FL Neighborhood bar South of Downtown Orlando. Jukebox, Video Games, Pool Tables and Dancers.

HIDEAWAY 8302 4th Street North, St. Petersburg, FL The oldest Womyn’s bar in the country. Where Music is always the main entree! Coldest selection of beer in town.

PARADISE ORLANDO 1300 N Mills Ave, Orlando, FL Orlando’s casual Gay & Lesbian bar and nightclub. Patio, Tiki Bar and Pool Tables. Happy Hour 4 til 9PM and drink specials every day til 9PM.

DETOUR 2612 Central Avenue, St. Petersburg, FL The hottest club in St. Pete. Daily specials, karaoke nights and gogo boys from Rico's Men. Noted for it’s Saturday Drag shows and Karaoke nights. Full liquor bar.

BAR CODES (Formerly Bear Bar) 4453 Edgewater Drive, Orlando, FL Friendly Bar, Real Men and Bears... Oh My! Beer and Wine. Tends to attract the after work Happy Hour crowd.


TAMPA BAY 2606 2606 N. Armenia Ave, Tampa, FL Tampa's favorite Levi/leather bar has two floors (dimly lit), with the upstairs being the more cruisy. There's Hog House shop on-premises, and the 2606 is home to the Tampa Leather Club. Monday is Underwear Night, Tuesdays are $1 drinks and on Wednesdays, Longnecks are just $1.50. AZALEA LOUNGE 1502 N Florida Ave., Tampa, FL Exposed brick, cold beverages and friendly staff are the mainstays of the recently bloomed Florida Avenue flower! Neighborhood Bar, pool tables. BAXTER'S LOUNGE 1519 S. Dale Mabry, Tampa, FL Tampa Happy Hour Tradition. Serving up some of the hottest dancers Wednesday thru Saturday nights at 10PM. FLIRT NIGHTCLUB & SHOWBAR 1909 N 15th St., Tampa, FL (Ybor City) Get that hometown feeling. Amazing lazer shows, big headliners and has been around for 6 years.

COLD KEG NIGHTCLUB 4060 West New Haven Avenue, Melbourne, FL Largest Gay Club in Melbourne Florida and the Premier Gay Bar & Nightclub in Brevard County. ULTRA LOUNGE 407 Brevard Avenue, Cocoa, FL Nestled in Cocoa Village, this bar has a full coffee bar, serving espresso, lattes, cappuccinos as well as draft beers & wine.






H 29






THE METRO 2929 Plum Street, Jacksonville, FL The Metro Entertainment Complex has been serving the GLBT community for 17 years. Features a total of 7 different venues under one roof to choose from. Lesbo-A-Go-Go, monthly Tea Dances, special quest performers, female impersonators and live musicians. BOOT RACK SALOON 4751 Lenox Avenue, Jacksonville, FL Your Neighborhood Gay Bar - the place for men. Cold beer, music and a warm and cozy atmosphere. Hot men and cheap beer... We all know where that leads! AJ'S BAR & GRILL 10244 Atlantic Boulevard, Jacksonville, FL Annie and Janie invite you to stop by and see some old friends and meet some new ones! Great food, awesome service, delicious mixed drinks and live entertainment. PARK PLACE LOUNGE 931 King Street, Jacksonville, FL A fun and comfortable gay bar that’s accommodating to both gays and non-gays. A great place to watch your favorite game, or enjoy playing Wii while the liquor flows! THE NORM 2952 Roosevelt Boulevard, Jacksonville, FL A neighborhood bar. Everyone is welcome, but remember it is a girls bar! Beer and Wine only. 616 BAR 616 Park Street, Jacksonville, FL A warm and friendly atmosphere with a Patio bar. Karaoke on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Thursdays the Jax Bears are here for happy hour. Fridays and Saturdays enjoy the "Beer Blast". THREE LAYERS CAFE 1602 Walnut Street, Jacksonville, FL The name Three Layers comes from their large variety of delicious three layer cakes. An inviting loft style cafe located in Springfield. Enjoy a bistro style lunch or just stop in for your morning coffee. BO'S CORAL REEF 201 5th Avenue North, Jacksonville Beach, FL There are great shows Thursday through Sunday with the best of female impersonators. Pool tables, video games, and a large outdoor patio. The only gay bar on the beach!

INCAHOOTS 711 Edison Avenue, Jacksonville, FL This club offers good crowds every night. Recently remodeled with 3 bars and a friendly staff. Everyday is a different special. A fun place anytime. Full Liquor bar. Closed on Mondays and Tuesdays except for special events. KICKBACKS GASTROPUB 910 King Street, Jacksonville, FL This is a top class venue serving over 600 different bottled beers, 84 beers on tap, breakfast, lunch and dinner 20hrs a day 7 days a week!

KWEST 705 Duval St., Key West, FL Daily Happy Hour from 3-8pm, and a piano sing-a-long every Wednesday night. Men dancing for men after 10PM. Weekly drink specials and "Wet Jockey" contests on Fridays. SALOON ONE 801 Duval Street, Key West, FL (Behind 801 Bar) This is the only gay leather bar in Key West. Conveniently located in the Bourbon Street Pub Complex.


LA TE DA 1125 Duval Street, Key West, FL An upscale hotel complex with 3 bars, cabaret and restaurant.

THE ROUNDUP 560 East Heinberg St, Pensacola, FL A neighborhood gay men’s bar... Pensacola’s Cowboy Bar. Open 2PM til 3AM daily.

PEARL’S PATIO BAR FOR WOMEN 525 United St., Key West, FL Tropical themed women's bar for gay women and gayfriendly women alike. Patio bar with a full bar featuring drinks like "Cosmopearlitans" and "Pearl's Passion".

CABARET 101 S Jefferson St # E, Pensacola, FL Not strictly a gay bar, the charming and friendly Cabaret is very much a fixture in Pensacola's GLBT community, drawing a mixed bunch each evening for happy hour, karaoke, videos, comedy shows, live music, and all-around hobnobbing and socializing.

KEY WEST BOURBON STREET PUB 724 Duval St., Key West, FL Opened in October of 1995 and has continued to grow ever since, it is now part of the larger collection of gay action in The Bourbon St. Pub Complex. Hot Go-Go boy dancers and a busy crowd. “Where the boys are!” 801 BOURBON BAR 801 Duval St., Key West, FL Cabaret shows upstairs with nightly performances by famed performers Sushi, Kylie, RV Beaumont, Margo, and others. This legendary establishment has been around for over 30 years, and host Happy Hour specials daily from 11AM - 8PM. AQUA NIGHTCLUB 711 Duval St., Key West, FL Aqua features the "Reality is a Drag" show six days a week, followed by dancing. Monday is karaoke night and don't miss the great happy hour specials from 3-8pm daily.

BOBBY’S MONKEY BAR 900 Simonton St., Key West, FL The gay Cheers style neighborhood bar of Key West. Happy Hour from Noon to 7pm, Karaoke on Sunday nights, pool tournaments on Tuesday nights at 7pm. Free Wi-Fi access. GARDEN OF EDEN 224 Duval Street, Key West, FL A Rooftop Bar with the BEST VIEWS in the city & “BEST Long Island Ice Teas made by Melinda!” Gay, straight, fat, or skinny... Doesn’t matter! Clothing optional - gay friendly!

WEST PALM BEACH H G ROOSTERS 823 Belvedere Road, West Palm Beach, FL Dark bar that attracts a fun party crowd. Camp is in at H.G.'s, where drag shows and bingo nights pack in crowds looking for laughs and fun. THE LOUNGE 517 Clematis Street, West Palm Beach, FL Sushi, tropical views and tasty cocktails are accompanied by acclaimed resident DJ Daisy DeadPetals. FORT DIX BAR & CLUB 6205 Georgia Ave, West Palm Beach, FL Mostly local crowd looking to mingle and relax. The bar is a bit on the dark and dingy side, but who knows--that could be a plus.


H 31




OFFICE PUB 3704 Cleveland Ave , Fort Myers, FL Oldest gay bar in South West Florida with a festive attitude. This bear-friendly Office likes to have fun with underwear parties, drag shows, Wii bowling! Check out their country and western music night on Saturdays.

TUBBY'S 4350 Fowler Street , Fort Myers, FL Where men come to compete (in tournaments). "Never a cover... always a smile" Tubby's is a no-frills video bar with a total of 10 TVs and two projection screens available for patrons to use as they wish. Add a six-hour 2-4-1 Happy Hour during the Wii tournaments on the big screen! THE BOTTOM LINE 3090 Evans Ave , Fort Myers, FL This gay entertainment complex is one of the longest running clubs in southwest Florida at over 20 years, The Bottom Line features 7 bars, pool tables, drag shows and occasional guest appearances by porno stars.


TOTI: TAVERN ON THE ISLAND IN VENICE 127 Tampa Ave. East, Venice, FL This South Beach inspired gay bar, boasts a dance floor and a game room with pool tables and dart boards. It's clean, the music is mixed and the staff are friendly. A mixed crowd can be found most nights... younger, older (duh, this is Venice), gay and straight. Did you know that in the Caribbean, TOTI is slang for a beloved male appendage? How apropos.


SPIKES 4130 Northwest 6th Street, Gainesville, FL It is a laid-back kind of place, with friendly bar staff. The crowds vary depending on the night. The bar has a nice open air patio area that is rarely used, but would be nice if it was.

UNIVERSITY CLUB 18 East University Avenue, Gainesville, FL This is a fairly average small college town gay bar. It is usually busy and crowded on Thursday nights.


H SEPTEMBER 8, 2011 Fort Lauderdale






Abandoned Pet Rescue will be holding Rescue & Rejoice, an event to raise funds since the organization is run solely on donations they receive. The fundraiser will be held at Allied Kitchen and Bath (616 West Oakland Park Boulevard, Wilton Manors, FL 33311) on September 13th, from 6 to 8 p.m. and is co-sponsored by The Cabanas Guesthouse & Spa. Suggested donations include gift certificates and other merchandise that will hold a value in an auction environment. For more information on the Rescue & Rejoice event, or if your donation is something that needs to be picked up, please call Geri at (954) 581-6423 or email at apr954@aol.com. H

Wednesday, September 21, from 5 to 8 p.m. at Area 31 at The Epic Hotel, 270 Biscayne Boulevard Way in Miami. Join the launch of dot429 in Miami with their signature speaker series "429INSPIRED". Enjoy hosted cocktails, hors d' oeuvres and an inspirational talk by one of Miami's top luxury goods purveyors. While networking on the terrace overlooking the Miami Skyline, dot429 asks what inspires you? $25 advance, $30 at the door. RSVP at: dot429.com/events/429inspired-miamilaunch. dot429 is an online and in-person professional network and social magazine focused on creating opportunities and connections for the LGBT communities and their allies. Connect, engage, discover, inspire; dot429.com. H

MY GAY RADIO STREAMS LIVE Mygayradio.com is streaming live every Sunday from Rosie’s on Wilton Drive, 4 to 7pm, and every Monday they will provide a live streaming event with DJ Jared Michael from Maracas Restaurant (3001 N Federal Hwy., Fort Lauderdale), and you can get FREE margaritas from 4 to 7pm when you purchase a dinner. Listen live online at www.jumponmarkslist.com. H

GLBX AFTER-HOURS Hamilton Gallery at 615 East Las Olas Boulevard will be hosting the Gay and Lesbian Business Exchange (GLBX) After Hours Networking event on Thursday, September 22nd, from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. GLBX is a Council of The Greater Fort Lauderdale Chamber of Commerce. Exchange events are free for members. The mission of the Chamber is to drive economic growth for the Greater Fort Lauderdale community; it was recognized that the Gay and Lesbian Community needed to be included in a manner to unite and connect, giving an inclusive voice to continue to attract new Gay and Lesbian businesses. For information or reservations, contact Drew Miller at (954) 462-6000 ext 8775. H

PET ADOPTION WEEKEND A Pet Adoption Weekend will take place on Saturday and Sunday, September 24 and 25, from 12 noon to 4 p.m. at The Pet Project, 1164 E. Oakland Park Boulevard. Puppies, kittens, dogs and cats will be available for adoption. Rescuers and shelters are welcome to bring “adoptees”. Water and treats for the pets will be provided and hot dogs and sodas will also available for sale. There will also be a tent sale with 50% off selected merchandise at The Pet Project Thrift Store. For more information, visit www.petprojectforpets.org. H

TEXAS HOLD ‘EM POKER TOURNAMENT Women in Network (WIN) will be holding a Texas Hold ‘Em Poker Tournament taking place on three nights, Saturday, September 17, Saturday, October 15 and Saturday, November 5. Tournaments will be limited to the first 32-40 players who sign up. To register, please visit womeninnetwork.com/Poker.html. H

SYMPOSIUM ON AGING The Miami-Dade Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (MDGLCC) will hold a Symposium on Aging, with the objective to educate and explore the needs of the LGBT community. The Symposium will be held on Saturday, September 24th, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., at the Hyatt Regency Miami, 400 SE 2nd Avenue in Miami. The Symposium on Aging seeks to open a discussion and create an understanding of the needs and expectations of this powerful and growing segment of the LGBT community. The fee for admission, which includes seated lunch and refreshments throughout the day, is $35 for members of the MDGLCC and $55 for non-members. The event is open to the public. Limited space is available. RSVP required. For complete details, visit www.gogaymiami.com, call (305) 673-4440 or mdglcc@bellsouth.net.

011 TRANSCON: JUSTICE SUMMIT TransCon will focus on aiding legal and professional institutions gain a greater understanding about issues dealing with the transgender community concerning institutionalized discrimination, the basics of legal gender transition and the challenges of gaining access to healthcare, among other subject matter. The conference kicks off with a feature film at O-Cinema on Friday, September 30, and will continue at FIU Biscayne Bay Campus over the course of the following 2 days. Saturday, October 1, will offer a full day of workshops and lectures from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. and continuing on Sunday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. for a day of community and leadership building. Admission prices are as follows: feature film presentation only (additional) $15; feature film presentation with conference $10; conference registrationone day $35; conference registrationtwo days $75. Tickets are available at Aquafoundation.org/transcon2011. Presented by the Aqua Foundation for Women. H


Bay Area



H 33

Central Florida



A Sock Hop & Cruise In with the Flamingo Auto Group West at the Sawmill Camping Resort, 21710 US Highway 98, in Dade City, from September 9th through 11th. 50% off accommodations and a customer appreciation weekend. Weekend highlights include: laser light, clothing-optional pool party on Friday night with 2-4-1 drinks ‘til 11 p.m.; ‘50s entertainment on Saturday night with Joey Royal, classic car show, “Grease” sing-a-long, deejays spinning the latest hits in Woody’s and poolside, country music in the courtyard +Steamy Sunday Night. H

Thursday, September 15, from 7:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. at the Sheraton Orlando Downtown Hotel. Orlando Bear Bash is a unified gathering of Bear, Leather and Uniform men and their respective admirers. The event is being held from September 15-18, 2011, in sunny Orlando, Florida. With a consistent theme of unity, Orlando Bear Bash endeavors to bring these communities together. They will provide the attendees with a blend of circuit headliners and local talent through a packed schedule of events that bring you so much of what Orlando has to offer. The packed schedule of events include pool parties, leather and uniform cigar parties, The Big Gay Game Show, Karaoke, our own BLU (Bear, Leather and Uniform) Ball, and many other events. Check out their full schedule of events and check back regularly because events will be added. For more info, visit www.orlandobearbash.com. H

AIDS WALK ST. PETERSBURG 2011 Saturday, September 10, registration is from 8:00 a.m. Walk Starts at 10:00 a.m. from the North Shore Park in downtown St. Petersburg. Join them for the 2011 AIDS Walk St. Petersburg in sunny downtown St. Petersburg to benefit members of our community affected and infected by HIV/AIDS. Watch for more information. H

BOOT SCOOTIN’ COUNTRY WEEKEND Boot Scootin’ Country Weekend with the Florida Gay Rodeo Association, September 23rd through 25th at the Sawmill Camping Resort, 21710 US Highway 98 in Dade City. Come and check out the hot FRGA cowboys at the Sawmill Campground. Weekend highlights include: sensational country singer Judy K., country dance lessons and music with guest deejays Rodd and Ron, FGRA’s amazing Half Time Show, laser light clothing optional pool party Friday night plus happy hour at all 3 bars, delicious food and more. H

MISS GAY US-OF-A AT LARGE Come out and celebrate the reign of The Lady Tahjee Iman and crown her successor at the beautiful Honey Pot (1507 E 7th Avenue) in Ybor City. Entertainment by Jeana Jones, Jacqueline St. James, Chelsea Pearl, Whitney Paige, Kofi, Niesha Dupree, Kelexis Davenport, Tajma Hall, Luscious, Catia Lee Love, Arianna Evans, Frecklz, Tyjuan Davis and our special guests from RuPaul's “Drag Race” 3, Alexis Mateo. Wednesday, October 5th, from 7 to 10 p.m. H


THE CLOSET BALL 2011 Come out wherever you are! The Closet Ball will be held on Monday, September 26th, starting at 9 p.m. at the Parliament House, 410 N Orange Blossom Trail in Downtown Orlando. Here’s how it works: first, present yourself as a masculine MAN wearing anything you wish. Head backstage for one hour and, with the help of your stylist, transform into a beautiful WOMAN. Second, present yourself in an evening gown. Finally, head backstage where you'll change into your talent costume and emerge performing any talent of your choice. Categories are: male presentation (75 points), evening gown (75 points) and talent (75 points). Prizes for the winner are a crown, sash, plaque and $400 in cash and the stylist receives $100 cash. First runner up receives a crown, plaque and $200 cash and their stylist receives $100 cash. Second runner up receives a crown, plaque and theme park tickets. Entry fee: $102 ($2 goes to Hope and Help Center of Central Florida). Maximum 10 contestants. Reserve your spot now by contacting Ms. Darcel at (407) 252-8129.

Ybor Resort and Spa, 1512 8th Ave. (15th Street) in Ybor City. Every Sunday at 5 p.m. Lots of hot flavorful guys here lining up for some buns, wieners and other tasty items. Come on down and put some sun on those buns in our open-air tropical Asian-themed patio with Jacuzzi. Remember: what happens at the resort, stays at the resort. H




Thursdays hosted by Kevin Johnson. Win free drinks and prizes from 8 to 10 p.m. Code Bar opens at 7 p.m., the Video Bar opens at 10 p.m. and don’t miss Girl’s Night in the Blu Room, which opens at 11 p.m. with $3 Miller Lite longnecks. The Flamingo Resort is located at 4601 34th St. S in St. Petersburg. For more information, visit www.flamingofla.com. H

Friday, October 7, from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Parliament House, 410 N Orange Blossom Trail in Orlando. The Orlando Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence present Project NUNway, a fashion show benefitting Hope and Help Food Bank. A kickoff party to Pride. Door prizes, cover a $5 suggested donation. H

Insomniac, Music Owns Me, HTG and Vizion 1 Entertainment present Avicii, with special guests yet to be determined, on Wednesday, September 28th, from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m., at the House of Blues Orlando in Downtown Disney. Doors open at 9 p.m. H





Gossip: He said... She said... By MICHAEL FRENCH

Gossip is an unconstrained and most often derogatory conversation about other people. It can involve betraying a confidence, spreading sensitive information or making hurtful judgments. Gossip can be truly injurious to someone’s life and, in this litigious society, the perpetrator could find himself in court! Watch the movie “The Children’s Hour” with Audrey Hepburn and Shirley MacLaine. A vicious rumor spewed by a spoiled, unhappy girl causes an unspeakable tragedy and ruins the lives of at least three people. It was way ahead of its time. Habitual gossipers have very high levels of anxiety. They are generally unpopular because they become known as gossipers and untrustworthy. Spreading private information or negative judgments is very painful to others, reflecting poorly upon the character of the person gossiping. There are many

reasons people gossip: • To feel superior. People with poor self-esteem temporarily feel better by making disparaging remarks about others. • Out of boredom. When people can’t generate thought-provoking discussions based on knowledge or ideas, gossip can pique other’s interest. • Out of envy. This is a big one. People gossip in order to hurt those they perceive as being more popular, more talented or having a better lifestyle that thy envy. • To feel like part of the group. People gossip to feel as though they belong to the group. Yet, when acceptance is based on being “in on a secret,” it is not based on a person’s identity, but on cruel exclusion or maliciousness. • For attention. A person gets to be the temporary center of attention. Yet, spreading gossip and rumors is like buying attention: It’s only temporary and has no foundation. This person is not remembered as trustworthy and people will be very reluctant to confide in him or her. • Out of anger or unhappiness. A person can derive a sense of retribution with disparaging remarks, but their motive is transparent to any wise person.

It’s not always gossip when people talk about others. It’s natural to be curious about what’s going on in others’ lives. The key is to look at the intent in discussing other people and their relationships. Is the goal to understand the actions of another person or to improve the quality of life and relationships? Is there a genuine concern present, or is it just drama? People often need to vent about troubles and issues in their relationships, with co-workers, families and life in general. It doesn’t take a genius to know what someone’s motive is. Is the gossiper’s intent purely to feel a sense of superiority or get attention with disparaging remarks? How can you diffuse unwelcome gossip? It’s important not to fuel the gossiper with curiosity, agreement, and further questions. It’s best to change the subject with statements like; “I notice you talk about John a lot. I’m curious why he interests you so much” or “Let’s look at it from John’s side” or even “I feel uncomfortable listening to negative judgments about John unless we figure out how to help him”. If someone feels compelled to tell you something another person has said about you, that person who allegedly made the comment isn’t hurting you. It’s the one telling you! With some excep-

tions, they have some clandestine agenda shrouded in their not-so-forthright motives. The conclusion is: Gossipers show others his or her insecurity and mean spiritedness. This leaves a bad taste in everyone’s mouth, as if they had just eaten a bad apple. Ultimately, insight into the intricacies of human relations is more interesting, uplifting, constructive and enlightening than caustic onedimensional judgments and damaging rumors. We are all tempted to gossip. When you feel that temptation, first and foremost, think of the “Golden Rule”. How would you feel if the shoe was on the other foot; what really, if anything, especially positive will come of the nasty comments? The adage “If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all,” holds true. Instead of judging, be grateful you’re not the person, being gossiped about. If you’re the audience of a gossiper, take head. Associating with this person puts you at risk of being seen in a bad light. And, don’t think you’re immune from their venom. You could be their next target! H


Michael French, is Agenda’s Home from Home columnist. Contact Michael at mf7954fla@gmail.com




H 35

An Old Friend Relax at Rosie’s Bar & Grill By TIM SLIVINKSI Like most people, I truly enjoy finding new places to dine. It’s always exciting to discover a hidden gem tucked away in a strip mall, or a brand new establishment that is hitting its stride right out of the gate. At certain times, however, you just want the comfort of an old favorite, a place where you know precisely what to expect with no surprises to take you away from your main goal: to relax. That’s my sentiment about Rosie’s. It’s like an old friend I can return to whenever I feel that need to be in my comfort zone. I may stay away for a while, but when I return, it is as if I have never been gone. And as Martha Stewart would say, “that’s a good thing.” One of the primary attractions at Rosie’s is their outdoor space. It’s inviting and so well put together that it’s easy to forget that a major four lane road is just feet away from your table. The tropical landscaping is so lush and so well cared for that it all but creates a barrier wall between the restaurant and the street. Quite honestly, no matter the weather, Rosie’s is a spot where I insist upon eating outside. It’s just not a true Rosie’s experience if I don’t. By the way, a fairly recent development has now declared the entire outdoor seating area to be non-smoking. A recent Monday evening found the

jean’s kitchen

partner and I enjoying the relative comfort of a rain-cooled summer breeze as we collapsed from fatigue on the patio. After we each ordered a Skyy martini — they’re on special on Monday evenings — we decided to make a dinner of appetizers because it sounded like fun. After consulting with one another and a bit of discussion, we ordered the most amazing macaroni and cheese balls I have ever tasted. Delightfully crunchy on the exterior and wonderfully cheesy — in a good way — on the interior, they were delicious and amazingly comforting after a long day. My partner is a pickle fanatic, and he could not pass up the chance to order the deep fried pickles. I will admit that I was a bit hesitant, but after they arrived, I threw my hesitation off to the side of the patio. Again, they were crispy outside while offering an astringent tang on the inside. It’s a combination that works. In order to keep things a little — ahem — healthy, we also decided to have a Rose Garden salad brought to the table. It was crisp, green, crunchy (detect a theme here?) and beautifully tossed with tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots and onions. A smattering of cheddar and jack cheese on the top added interest to the fresh greens and veggies. It all created a comfortable, relaxing, delicious Monday night.

American-style Fudge

Fudge is a crystalline sweet, and controlling the sugar solution crystallization is the key to delicious, smooth fudge. One of the most important aspects of any sweet is the final texture. It’s the temperature that separates hard caramels from fudge and tiny microcrystals of sugar in fudge gives it its firm but smooth texture. The secret to successful fudge is getting these crystals to form at just the right time. American-style fudge contains chocolate, whereas in Europe it’s all or mostly caramel. • 1 lb pack of miniature marshmallows • 2 bars 200g chopped cooking chocolate (I use Lindt dessert – it has 70% cocoa) • 2 cups sugar • 1/2 cup salted butter • 1 (12 ounce) can evaporated milk • 2 teaspoons vanilla • 1 1/2 cups hazelnuts Roast the hazelnuts approximately 5-8 minutes, until lightly browned. Don’t skip this step, as the roasting really brings out the flavor. Keep your eye on them so they don’t burn. Using cooking spray, liberally spray a 9x13 inch pan and an 8 inch square pan. Measure out 1 1/4 cup of marshmallows and set aside for later use. Place the chopped chocolate and the rest of the marshmallows in a large glass bowl with the roasted hazelnuts. In a pan, combine sugar, butter, evapo-

rated milk and 1-1/4 cups of marshmallows. Bring to a low boil. Keep at a low boil and stir for 10 minutes (this is important or it won't set and it will be gooey). Remove from the stove, and add the vanilla. Pour the mixture over the chocolate, hazelnuts & marshmallows in the glass bowl, stirring quickly as it will begin to set. Pour into the sprayed pans with a spatula and cool. You can replace the hazelnuts with walnuts, or dried fruit … you are the chef. H


Jean Doherty is the Chef and Owner of Le Patio Restaurant in Wilton Manors (954) 530-4641

On another recent occasion, we decided to return to a couple of old favorites on the menu. I have always been partial to the Rose Nylund Wrap, and it has nothing to due with how hot Betty White currently happens to be. It’s a classic grilled chicken Caesar salad done in a convenient and tasty tomato-basil wrap. It’s easy to eat, and it always makes me smile. Its simplicity is what makes it so appealing. The b/f opted for one of his Rosie’s classics: the Young Ranch Hand. Grilled chicken sandwiches don’t really get any better than this. Swiss cheese, bacon, lettuce, tomato and ranch dressing top the juicy boneless chicken breast. It’s a bit messy, and that is part of its appeal. You may need the knife and fork to help you. If you’re up a tad early (10:00am) on a Sunday morning and want to get a head start on your day at the beach, stop in at Rosie’s for brunch. Just like lunch and dinner, they offer an array of fun, tasty options that will get your day going. I am particularly fond of the menu portion known as “Big Dicts.” It offers variations on the traditional eggs benedict. I particularly enjoy Not Crab with a K. Pan-seared blue crab cakes anchor this version of the breakfast classic, topped with poached eggs, sautéed spinach and herb hollandaise sauce – almost too decadent for a

ROSIE’S BAR & GRILL 2449 Wilton Drive, Wilton Manors, FL 954-563-0123 Sunday morning, but not with a mimosa. My partner is frequently drawn to the Greek omelet because he is a fan of the dish’s feta cheese, Kalamata olives, spinach and tomato combination. It’s his opinion that a Bloody Mary is the perfect accompaniment. During the earlier hours, a comforting mix of smooth jazz and funk play in the background to ease you into your day. It’s always swell to run into an old friend; it’s fun to get caught up and to renew the bond that made you friends in the first place. That’s what I do whenever I return to Rosie’s after a brief hiatus. It’s good to get to know Rosie’s again. H







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You Need Some Fish In Your Life!

Omega-3 Fatty Acids Have Many Health Benefits By TOM BONANTI Athletes and bodybuilders concerned about getting enough high quality protein often grab first for chicken breasts and lean beef, leaving fish to flounder in their nutritional regiments. In reality, fish should be an essential part of any body building diet, because it is loaded with protein, nutrients and the world’s healthiest fat. Let’s take a look at this gift from the sea and how eating fish can leave you with bigger muscles and a healthier heart. While it may be necessary to trim the fat from your beef, pork or chicken, with fish, it’s the fattier the better. The predominant fat in fish is the type that will keep your arteries clear and healthy. Fatty fish like salmon, sardines and mackerel are the only reliable sources of eicosapentanoic acid (epa),and docosohexanoic acid (dha), two important omega-3 fatty acids with a broad range of health benefits. Both of these miraculous omega-3’s help to lower blood triglyceride levels, making fish a hearthealthy choice in anyone’s diet. As an added benefit for those who work out, fish fat may also help to reduce the residual muscle soreness that accompanies working out. For the protein punch your muscles crave, fish will give you more bang for

the buck. Most fish is a lean protein source with a superb protein-to-fat ratio which will keep you in an anabolic state – key to muscle growth. Whenever possible, it is great to eat whole food protein an hour or two before your workout – and certainly within an hour following your workout. Guess what? Fish is digested and absorbed faster than beef, pork or chicken, and its amino acid profile makes it useful in muscle recovery as well as building mass. Besides those tremendous omega-3 fatty acids and the rich source of clean, lean protein fish provides, there is more good news. The iron in fish helps to carry oxygen to your working muscles; vitamin B6 assists in red blood cell formation; selenium can keep your prostate healthy; and zinc will boost your testosterone level. The down side to fish is that it often contains mercury. This neurotoxin is deadly to pregnant women, children and even the toughest muscle head. As a general rule, the larger the fish (like shark, tuna, swordfish and king mackerel) and those that have longer lives (like grouper and sea bass) can accumulate plenty of mercury. Salmon, catfish, shellfish, pacific halibut, sardines, tilapia and rainbow trout are safer options. And

remember: The American Heart Association recommends at least two 3ounce servings a week, but no more than 12 ounces on a weekly basis. Here are some healthy hints about cooking fish. A good filet will have no odor. Reputable fish markets are your best bet for the good stuff. Handle your fish as little as possible. Let it cook undisturbed for a few minutes and turn only once during cooking. This allows for browning of proteins on the surface, which contributes to its flavor. When it comes to seasoning, a good quality sea salt and pepper rub is all that a filet really needs. If you marinate, do so only for 30 minutes. Fish is more tender and porous than meat, so it requires less time to soak up the flavor. Over-cooking any food can rob it of important nutrients and vitamins. Delicate fish, like flounder, cook quickly (about two minutes per side if grilling or broiling). For thicker fish, like salmon and swordfish, just wait for the color to change from translucent to opaque, remove from heat and serve immediately. For more nutritional tips to help your workouts, please send an email to TrainerTomB@aol.com. H


Tom Bonanti, is a certified personal trainer and owner of Pump’n Inc gym at 1271 NE 9th Ave., Ft. Lauderdale, FL, Email: TrainerTomB@aol.com Facebook: TrainerTomB. www.pumpnincgym.com

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ROYAL PARK - Near Wilton Manors 1BR/1.5BA, $825$900/mo. 2BR/2BA, $950 - $1100/mo. Gated Security, Clubhouse, Pools, Gym, Sauna and Steam room. Pets OK. Cable/Water/Trash included. Call Naim Naqi, Broker/ SFG, Realtors (954)565.2025 SOUTH MIDDLE RIVER - This 2 bedroom apartment is part of a resort style compound. Amenities include CAC, dishwasher, 20" tile throughout, Side by Side fridge. Outside amenities include a POOL, laundry facilities and a very large fenced area for your pooch. Assigned parking with room for guests. Pets are Welcome $950 per month, available 10/1 but can be seen now. Call Brad at (954)200-0166

PT / FT ADVERTISING ASSOCIATE NEEDED - We are a streaming / internet LGBT radio station, south florida based. This a commissioned sales position. For more info do contact us via email; Info.MyGayRadio@gmail.com

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NEW MIAMI BAR - A Beautiful and upscale New Gay Bar located in the heart of Downtown Miami is opening soon - we are looking for Barbacks, Security, Bartenders, Cocktail Servers, DJ's, MC, VIP Host, Cashier, Male Dancers. Also looking for an experienced Bar Mgr. and Dance Mgr. Excellent Pay and benefits. Send Photos, Resume, Contact Info to: newmiamiclub@gmail.com NIGHTCLUB POSITIONS - TWIST - The popular gay bar in South Beach seeks responsible applicants with experience for all positions. Email resume to Valentino@twistsobe.com

WALK TO THE DRIVE - Attached PRIVATE APT. Large 1 Bedroom 1 Bath; w/ WALK-IN CLOSET + FULL SIZE Appliances. Lg. Liv. Rm. w/ SLIDING GLASS DOORS; Open out to Fenced Back Yard. FREE LAUNDRY. $765.00 Mo. Call (954) 825-5598

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RENTALS / FTL 2/1 CONDO ON THE OUTSKIRTS OF WILTON MANORS. Pool, located on the canal, dead end street; near I-95 and Oakland Pk Blvd. Dish washer. Includes cable and water. Coin laundry machines located on property. $800/month. Call (954)937-3872.

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VICTORIA PARK - Walk to Las Olas! This cute 1/1 is convenient downtown living. Safe, Immaculate, Assigned Parking $850 mo garbage and water included. Leida Alicea, Real Estate Recovery, 954-530-8198 www.lanhamassociates.com FORT LAUDERDALE – 1 BD apt, super clean and updated, laundry on premise. 731 NW 1st Avenue, $750/mo, will work with you on move-in cost, small gay complex. Call Nick (954)805-1195

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WILTON MANORS – Walk to the drive! Very large 1/1 w/private drive, screen porch, terrazzo throughout. Tile bath & shower. $785/mo. $400 sec. dep. Call (954)537-7513 WALK TO THE DRIVE – Attached PRIVATE APT. Large 1 Bedroom 1 Bath; w/ WALK-IN CLOSET + FULL SIZE Appliances. Lg. Liv. Rm. w/ SLIDING GLASS DOORS; Open out to Fenced Back Yard FREE LAUNDRY. $765.00/Mo. (954) 825-5598

FURNISHED / RENTALS / FTL PERFECT RELOCATION RENTALS – 3-6 MONTHS From $295/week & $1100/month Beautiful Studio, 1 & 2 BR Apts. Turn key, fully furnished & equipped, clothing optional pool, laundry, parking. Close to Gay & Nude Beaches. Pets Welcome. Includes utilities, cable, telephone, Wi-Fi Internet. 954-927-0090 or visit www.LibertySuites.com

ROOMMATES ROOM FOR RENT ON THE WATER! Private entrance and bath. Light cooking, no car preferred. Walk to Wilton Drive. No smokers please. $550/mo. everything incl. call (954)5667258 or (954)821-3091

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METH PROBLEM? www.SouthFloridaCMA.org

CHURCH OF THE HOLY SPIRITSONG Welcomes you to come and worship with us every Sunday at 10 am and every Wednesday night at 8 pm. We meet at the SpiritSong Worship Center at 2040B North Dixie Highway Suite 3 in Wilton Manors (Building B on Equality Park Campus, behind the Pride Center). God loves you just the way He made you. Come discover His purpose for you. For more info: (954) 418-8372, info@cohss.com, www.cohss.org.

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UPHOLSTERY GOLD COAST UPHOLSTERY - Re-upholstering, Cushions, Throw pillows, Large selection of fabric to choose from or bring in your own fabric. Broward / Dade. Palm Beach. Call Edgar (954) 491-4937




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