Florida Agenda #97

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H Florida’s Largest LGBT Newspaper and Entertainment Source H

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Courtesy, picable.com

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CELEBRATE HISPANIC HERITAGE The LGBT Hispanic Heritage Celebration will be held on Miami Beach on Saturday, October 1 at Lummus Park, from noon to 6 p.m. featuring music, vendors & more! Courtesy, Club Desolteros

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DOLLHOUSE REVIEW Presented by Mimi Imfurst on Friday, Sept. 30, 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. at Georgie’s Alibi. Featuring Anjila Cavalier, Madisyn Michaels, & Naomi Wynters


A small group of gay rights activists have put many of the country’s largest retailers on notice over their indirect and, until recently, unnoticed roles in funneling money to Christian groups that are vocal in opposing homosexuality. As reported in the Florida Agenda earlier this year, more than 600 companies were listed at www.cvn.org, the Christian Value Network’s domain that hosts links to various corporate online stores. Among the groups using the Christian Values Network to raise money were Focus on the Family, Family Research Council, Summit Ministries, Abiding Truth Ministries and the Liberty Counsel. Each organization has been identified as an anti-gay “hate group,” according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Dozens of major companies like Netflix, Target, Best Buy, REI, Delta Air Lines, Apple, Microsoft, Netflix, Walmart and even Sesame Street participated in CVN’s service. When customers made purchases through CVN, a donation was made to the charity of the customer’s choice. In recent months, thanks to a remarkably successful online boycott campaign including change.org, major companies, such as Microsoft and Apple, rushed to disassociate themselves from CVN. Since then, CVN has changed their name to Charity Giveback Group or CGBG. Once again, advocates are demanding that the retailers end their association with the Internet marketeer that gets a commission from the retailers for each online customer it gives them. It is a rou-

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Transgender Children’s Quest to Be Who They Are By ALEX VAUGHN After his parents, Pauline Moreno and Debra Lobel, adopted Thomas at age 2, they observed that he was aloof. Regardless of the fact he was physically male, Thomas has always maintained that he is a girl. At 3-years-old Thomas had learned sign language because he had verbal apraxia, a speech impediment that hindered his ability to talk. The toddler pointed to himself and signed, “I am a girl.” “Oh look, he's confused,” his parents said. Maybe he mixed up the signs for boy and girl. So they signed back. “No, no. Thomas is a boy.” But the toddler shook his head. “I am a girl,” he signed back emphatically. When teased at school about being quiet and liking dolls, Thomas would repeat his simple response, “I am a girl.” Thomas, now 11, goes by the name of Tammy, wears dresses to school and lives as a girl. Transgender children experience a

disconnect between their sex, which is anatomy, and their gender, which includes behaviors, roles and activities. In Thomas’ case, he has a male body, but he prefers female things likes skirts and dolls, rather than pants and trucks. “It's important to acknowledge the signs of gender dysphoria, especially for children,” said Eli Coleman, who chaired a committee to update treatment guidelines for the World Professional Association for Transgender Health, an international medical group meeting this week in Atlanta, Georgia. "By not addressing it, it could be really more damaging for the child than not. "It's a very difficult area and there are a lot of children who have gender nonconformity. They will simply grow out of that. Many of them later on identify as gay or lesbian, rather than transgender." The American Psychological Association warns that, “It is not helpful to force

Photo courtesy, Pauline Moreno, CNN

October 7 through 10, celebrities, entertainment, speakers, vendors, and the longest parade in the history of Orlando Pride... Breaking records!

Courtesy, Philly Dragopolis


Gender Dysphoria Signs in Children as Young as Two Years Old



The Conservative Marketeer Changes Name and Fights Back Photo courtesy, StoryBalloon.org

Part 1 of a 4 part series highlighting Florida’s oldest and largest LGBT political organization ahead of its Awards Dinner, which will be held on Sunday, October 23.

Major Corporation in E-Commerce War Over Donations

the child to act in a more gender-conforming way.” When they're forced to conform, some children spiral into depression, behavioral problems and even suicidal thoughts. ‘TRANSGENDER CHILDREN’ continues on Page 11

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IGLTA Lesbian Travel Survey FT. LAUDERDALE, FL – The International Gay and Lesbian Travel Association is working with Curve magazine to gather data on the seldom-tracked lesbian travel market. Women who fill out the joint survey by October 28 have the opportunity to win a two-night stay from IGLTA member The Angler’s Boutique Resort in Miami Beach. “We try to be as inclusive as possible, but – as with many LGBT organizations – the gay men tend to outnumber the women,” IGLTA President/CEO John Tanzella said. “We welcome this opportunity from one of our media partners to gather more information about what lesbian travelers really want. It will be great to share this data with our member businesses.” The survey is available through October 28 by clicking the link on the home page at www.iglta.org. H

Stonewall Library to Honor Elaine Noble and Joel Burns FT. LAUDERDALE, FL – The Stonewall National Library and Archives will honor Elaine Noble and Joel Burns with their Stonewall Heritage of Pride and Stonewall Spirit of Pride Awards at its Our Stars event on November 11. Elaine Noble, who in 1975 became the first openly gay person in American history to be elected to a statehouse, and “Man of the Year” Joel Burns, the Fort Worth City Councilman whose tearful speech on bullying to his colleagues was seen by over two million people around the world on YouTube. “It's our great pleasure to celebrate our history and culture by honoring these two incredible role models,” said Brian McNaught, chair of the Stonewall Our Stars Committee. “Elaine Noble made it possible for other gay politicians to be out of the closet. Joel Burns now carries the torch that Elaine first lit.” On the evening of November 11, Library patrons will gather at the home of Brian McNaught and Ray Struble for a private reception with Noble and Burns. Stonewall will present the Stonewall Heritage of Pride Award to Elaine and the Stonewall Spirit of Pride Award to Joel at the reception from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. For more information on how you can join the celebration, please visit www.stonewallnationalmuseum.org and click on the Our Stars Ticket link. H

The Pride Center Presents “The Magic Wand” WILTON MANORS, FL – Now through September 30, The Pride Center at Equality Park and the Latin Pride Gallery presents “The Magic Wand,” the original art by Ken Merrifield in The Pride Center’s Main Hall. Admission is free. One of the tools that Ken Merrifield uses to enhance his photographs is called “The Magic Wand.” Like a Fairy Godmother, Ken can work magic on his photos in a myriad of ways thus changing a very ordinary picture into a very gay work of art. In his 68 years, he also has created a vast col-

lection of paintings in acrylics and oils. He loves to take photos during his travels and aims to produce pleasing (and very gay) compositions of form, color and perhaps, a bit of nostalgia. Ken will donate 20% of sales to the Pride Center’s Senior Advisory Council for Senior Services. H

Members Needed: Wilton Manors Economic Development Task Force WILTON MANORS, FL – The City of Wilton Manors is looking for volunteers to serve on the city’s Economic Development Task Force. Prospective members should fit into one or more of the following categories: business owners representing retail and/or general business; commercial property owners with ownership of commercial property in the City of Wilton Manors; and/or residents of the city with expertise in real estate, development and/or marketing. Members need to make a commitment to attend a once-a-month meeting. The goals of the group will be to come up with a marketing strategy for the City of Wilton Manors, identify appropriate development and/or redevelopment opportunities and to recommend programs, incentives and ordinances to encourage economic development in the City of Wilton Manors. If you are interested, email your resume and/or letter of introduction identifying your background and your interest on the task force to Heidi Shafran, Community Development Services Director at hshafran@wiltonmanors.com. Make sure to be clear how you meet the residency or business ownership requirement. The membership of the Task Force will ultimately be selected by the City Commission at a future City Commission meeting. H

College Game Days at Sidelines Sports Bar WILTON MANORS, FL – Fans of college football are heading over to Sidelines Sports Bar on Wilton Drive where, from now through December, they will show all of the NCAA scheduled college football games. Games are typically played on Saturdays and everyone is encouraged to dress in their team’s colors and cheer them along. H

All Aboard!: The Depot Cabana Bar and Grill Celebrates One Year FT. LAUDERDALE, FL – When you look at the success that has become Greater Fort Lauderdale’s The Depot Cabana Bar and Grill, it’s hard to fathom that co-owner Jim Babb – an attorney from Houston who came to South Florida seeking a fresh start for both his life and his career – he had “no particular plan in mind” as to what he was going to do with the rest of his life. October 1 marks The Depot’s one-year anniversary at their current location, 2935 North Federal Highway, less than five minutes from the spectacular sands and sights of Fort Lauderdale Beach, the shopping and scenery of Wilton Drive, and access to accommodations and main thoroughfares in the form of US-1 and nearby I-95,

Oakland Park, Commercial, and Sunrise Boulevards. The success of The Depot can be attributed to the variety of what they offer. “We have leather events, events for bears, gay women, no cover, everyone’s welcome,” fires off Babb. “We have a leather deejay, a highly popular lesbian deejay, and a twinkie deejay,” he adds. Babb with his partner have thrown their and the bar’s support behind a number of important local causes, including the Smart Ride and the South Florida Boys of Leather. In addition, they have started promoting monthly events, including their summer deep sea fishing tournament. Their marketing plan also included launching what they hope will become a local staple: the traditional poolside Sunday T-Dance, bringing back to South Florida’s gay community a fun, sun-packed reminder of great times past in Greater Fort Lauderdale’s incomparable climate. On Saturday, October 1, at 2 p.m., join the crew at The Depot to celebrate their 1 Year of Making a Splash at the anniversary pool party. This weekend also marks their “marriage” between The Depot Bar and The Courtyard Cafe, which will be cooking up great appetizers, salads, sandiwches, burgers and more. H

GOP Debate: Gay Soldier Booed ORLANDO, FL – At the recent Fox News/YouTube Republican Debate held in Orlando, the audience booed a video submitted by Stephen Hill, a soldier serving in Iraq concerning the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” In the question directed at former Senator Rick Santorum, Hill asked: “Do you plan to circumvent the progress that has been made for gay and lesbian soldiers in the military?” The audience at the debate then booed the military man. Santorum answered: “Any type of sexual activity has absolutely no place in the military. And the fact that they are making it a point to include it as a provision within the military – that we are going to recognize a group of people and give them a special privilege, I think tries to inject social policy into the military and the military's job is to defend our country. We need to give the military, which is all volunteer, the ability to do so in a way that is most efficient and protective of our men and women in uniform and I believe this undermines that ability.” Debate panelist Megyn Kelly asked a followed up question: “So, what would you do with soldiers like Stephen Hill now he’s out? What would you do as president?” Santorum responded: “What we’re doing right now is playing social experimentation with our military right now, and that's tragic. Going forward we would reinstitute that policy....” Neither Santorum, any of the other candidates, nor the debate panel addressed the disrespect the audience gave to Hill. The next day on Fox News, Santorum did say: “I condemn the people who booed that gay soldier. That soldier is serving our country. I thank him for his service to our country. I’m sure he is doing an excellent

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job. I hope he is safe. I hope he returns safely, and does his mission well. I have to admit I seriously did not hear those boos. Had I heard them, I certainly would have commented on them.” H

Obama to U.N.: “We Must Stand Up for the Rights of Gays and Lesbians Everywhere” NEW YORK, NY – During the opening session of the United Nations last week, President Barack Obama spoke out in favor of gay rights worldwide: “And to make sure our societies reach their potential, we must allow our citizens to reach theirs. No country can afford the cancer of corruption. Together, we must harness the power of open societies and open economies. That is why we have partnered with countries from across the globe to launch a new partnership on open government that helps ensure accountability and empower citizens. No country should deny people their rights, the freedom of speech and freedom of religion, but also no country should deny people their rights because of who they love, which is why we must stand up for the rights of gays and lesbians everywhere. And no country can realize its potential if half its population cannot reach theirs.” H

YouTube Mystery Airman Reveals Identity NEW YORK, NY – An airman stationed in Germany who, for the last few months has been posting anonymous videos on YouTube under the screen name “AreYouSuprised?” has revealed his identity to ABC News. For months he has been posting videos telling what it was like serving in the military while living under “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” Last week, immediately following the repeal of DADT, he posted another video, showing his face for the first time, of him calling his father in Alabama, and telling his father he was gay. The airman, Randy Phillips, spoke with ABC News about coming out and his whole family now knows he’s gay. “It feels great. It’s nice not having to look over your shoulder or worry about who you are talking to,” Phillips told ABC News. “I think everybody knows. I never thought I’d be so comfortable with it. It’s very supportive. Everybody’s been absolutely great.” Phillips father told ABC News that he wasn’t thrilled that his son put the video clip on YouTube but repeated that he loved his son and always will. H

Santorum Gets No Satisfaction from Google MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA – A Google search for Santorum has generated some inappropriate results ever since gay columnist Dan Savage organized an online campaign to link graphic sexual terms to the socially conservative senator’s name. Several of Google’s top search results would offer sites with the following information: “A frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the by-product of anal sex.” Continues on NEWS on Page 8

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The presidential candidate has reached out to Google to remedy his problem but he said that Google has refused to help. “I suspect if something was up there like that about Joe Biden, they’d get rid of it,” Santorum said. “If you're a responsible business, you don't let things like that happen in your business that have an impact on the country.” A Google spokesperson has responded to Santorum’s charges: “Google’s search results are a reflection of the content and information that is available on the web. Users who want content removed from the Internet should contact the webmaster of the page directly. Once the webmaster takes the page down from the web, it will be removed from Google’s search results through our usual crawling process.” H

Marines Recruit at Gay Community Center TULSA, OK – The U.S. Marines have hit the ground running, recruiting gays and lesbians since the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” when they accepted an invitation to set up a recruiting booth on the first day of the repeal at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center in downtown Tulsa. According to the New York Times, the Marine recruiters admitted that they feared some protests and insults and had planned their “exit strategy.” However; they were met with quiet conversation. Three women wanted to sign up but they did not meet the stringent qualifications, two for medical reasons and one because of weight restrictions. The Marines were the military branch most opposed to ending DADT, but they were the only one of five invited branches of the military to turn up with their recruiting table and chin-up bar at the center Tuesday morning. With the law now changed, the Marines appear determined to prove that they will be better than the Army, Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard in recruiting gay, lesbian and bisexual service members. H

Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen Signs on to Respect for Marriage Act WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Log Cabin Republican Club has thanked Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (FL) for becoming the first Republican member of Congress to co-sponsor the Respect for Marriage Act. In a written statement, the Log Cabin Republicans said: “Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen has long been on the frontlines in fighting for human dignity at home and abroad. As a founding member of the House LGBT Equality Caucus, she has been a reliable ally and leader time and again on legislation to secure freedom and fairness for all Americans. Log Cabin Republicans are grateful that she has once again stepped forward as an inclusive leader by co-sponsoring the Respect for Marriage Act,” said R. Clarke Cooper, Log Cabin Republicans Executive Director. “Marriage is a fundamental right of all Americans. The so-called Defense of Marriage Act (“DOMA”) is an offense to the core conservative principles of liberty


and federalism. It has been repudiated by its author, former Congressman Bob Barr (R-GA), and is rejected by a growing majority of Americans. It is time that our law respected all marriages. There is much work to be done to make that dream a reality, but with Congresswoman RosLehtinen’s leadership, marriage equality is on the horizon.” Congresswoman Ros-Lehtinen said, “I’m pleased to join the Log Cabin Republicans in our fight for marriage equality. I cosponsored the repeal of DOMA because I firmly believe that equality is enshrined in our constitution and in our great democracy.” H

Montana Bar Association Elects First Openly Gay President HELENA, MT – Shane Vannatta, a Missoula, Montana lawyer specializing in Business Law, was inducted as the President of the Montana State Bar Association. Besides was described as an ambitious man with a heart for community service and pro bono work. Vannatta, an openly gay man, graduated from Bainville (Montana) High School and attended the University of Montana, graduating with a degree in political science in 1990. He graduated from The University of Montana Law School in 1993. H

Tasmanian Assembly Votes to Support Gay Marriage HOBART, TASMANIA, AUSTRALIA – The Tasmanian House of Assembly voted last week to become the first Australian state to formally support same-sex marriage. It vowed to put pressure on the Australian federal government to change its law claiming that it was time for the federal government to provide marriage equality for all Australians, regardless of gender or sexuality. Motions of support for marriage equality have been passed by the Labor Party in Queensland, West Australia, South Australia, Victoria and Northern Territory. But Prime Minister Julia Gillard has expressed her support for retaining the current definition of the country’s Marriage Act. H

White House Names Pentagon Official as LGBT Liaison WASHINGTON, D.C. – Gautam Raghavan, currently the deputy White House liaison at the Department of Defense, will be taking over as the full-time LGBT liaison in the White House Office of Public Engagement, according to several LGBT advocates informed of the decision, Raghavan will be filling a role held by Brian Bond for the first two years of the Obama administration. Raghavan was one of the Pentagon officials who managed the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal process. Raghavan, who is openly gay, previously worked for the Democratic National Committee as the Midwest finance director and director of the Indo-American Leadership Council where he coordinated the DNC’s major donor fundraising across the Midwest as

well as within the Indian-American and South Asian-American communities in the U.S. H

Philippine President Voices Limited Support for Gay Rights MANILA, PHILIPPINES – Philippine President Benigno Aquino has voiced some support for gay rights but stopped short of endorsing gay marriage or adoption. Aquino made the comments during a visit to New York where same-sex marriage was recently legalized. The Philippines has a large gay scene and a gay political party which has been pushing for an anti-discrimination bill for eleven years. The Roman Catholic Church remains opposed to the bill, saying it will open the door to gay marriage. H

Lt. Dan Choi Re-Enlisting ARLINGTON, VA – More than two years after former infantry officer Daniel Choi came out on a television news talk show as a gay service member, an event that led to his discharge, the Iraq war veteran says he will re-enlist in the U.S. Army. Choi told Political that “Going back to the military will be a vindication. [I’m] going back because I fought to go back. The seriousness of our claims was not just political theater -- it was really drawn from our lives. I sacrificed so much so I could go back.” Choi became a gay rights icon after the West Point grad told television host Rachel Maddow that he was gay back in March 2009. His resulting military discharge galvanized opposition to DADT which allowed for gay individuals to be removed from service. Choi’s activism led to trouble with the law, and he was later arrested for chaining himself to the White House fence during a protest. Choi said that he had been unsure about whether he should re-enlist but eventually concluded that it was important to show the seriousness of his actions. H

Obama to Address Human Rights Campaign National Dinner WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Human Rights Campaign announced that President Barack Obama will deliver the keynote address at the organization’s 15th annual National Dinner on Saturday, October 1 in Washington, D.C. President Obama previously addressed the event in 2009. “We are honored to share this night with President Obama who has a tremendous record of accomplishment for LGBT people,” said Human Rights Campaign President Joe Solmonese. “On the heels of the end to ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,’ we look forward to celebrating our victories and redoubling our efforts for the fights that remain ahead.” H

Larry Flynt Offers $1Million for Dirt on Perry AUSTIN, TX – Larry Flynt and his Hustler Magazine are offering $1 million to anyone who can document a gay or


straight sexual relationship with Republican presidential hopeful and Texas Governor Rick Perry. Flynt made the offer in a full-page ad in the Austin Chronicle. The ad also ran in the national satire publication, The Onion. According to the Houston Chronicle, Flynt said his office hears considerable chatter about Perry’s private life. Flynt made a similar offer regarding President Bill Clinton in 1998. H

Ryan Idol Convicted of Attempted Murder SACRAMENTO, CA – The Sacramento Superior Court has convicted former gay porn star, Ryan Idol of attempted murder for smashing his girlfriend over the head with a toilet tank lid. Idol, 47, whose real name is Marc Anthony Donais, was taken into custody and held without bail after his conviction for the September 2009 attack in the woman’s Sacramento home. H

Lady Gaga Tribute to Fallen Teen Jamey Rodemeyer LAS VEGAS, NV – Gaga dedicated a song to Jamey at a concert in Las Vegas Saturday night, while a tribute to the teen played on the video screens above the stage. His mother, Tracey Rodemeyer, told CNN's Anderson Cooper last week that “it just seems like it was either end of the spectrum -- he was either loved so sincerely, or he was bullied. There wasn't much in between.” His father added that the taunting began in middle school and became progressively worse. "We went to the school and got some help," Tim Rodemeyer said. "Eighth grade seemed to be a little bit better for him, but it was still continuing in eighth grade." Jamey Rodemeyer took his life on September 18. His final Twitter post said: "bye mother monster, thank you for all you have done, paws up forever" and was included in her video tribute to him. Gaga calls herself “mother monster” and her fans “little monsters.” Lady Gaga then attended a political fundraiser for President Barack Obama in Silicon Valley Sunday evening. The $35,800-a-person event for about 70 people was hosted under a tent in the yard of Cheryl Sandberg, the chief operating officer of Facebook. Gaga tweeted to her millions of followers last week that she planned to meet with the president to discuss "how to stop bullying" after a teen took his life. “Jamey Rodemeyer, 14 yrs old, took his life because of bullying," her Twitter post said. "Bullying must become be illegal. It is a hate crime.” H

Ex-Gay Service Members Sue for Back Pay WASHINGTON, D.C. – Just days after the end of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” lawyers from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) filed claims arguing on behalf of service members who said they received only half of their separation pay when

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they were discharged for their sexuality. Lawyers said that when lead plaintiff, former Air Force staff sergeant, Richard Collins, who served nine years before two civilian co-workers observed him exchanging a kiss with his civilian boyfriend and reported it to his superiors, received an honorable discharge under DADT but his separation pay was half what it should have been. According to a written statement by the ACLU: “Federal law entitles service members to separation pay if they have been involuntarily discharged from the military after completing at least six years of service. But in 1991, the Defense Department adopted an internal policy that automatically cuts a former service member’s separation pay in half if the service member is discharged because of ‘homosexuality.’” The ACLU said the suit represents a class of 146 service members who were involuntarily and honorably discharged from the military, served for at least six years and received 50% separation pay due to homosexuality. All were also discharged within the past six years, putting them within the statute of limitations. H

Same Sex Marriage Petition to the White House WASHINGTON, D.C. – In a petition posted by Colton D. from Grosse Pointe, Michigan, President Obama is being asked to consider supporting a bill to fully legalize same-sex marriage across the county. “The LGBT community is the last group of people to not get full rights in our nation,” said the petition on the White House website, www.whitehouse.gov, “the great nation of freedom and opportunity. We the people need to call on President Barack Obama to take a stand as our country's leader, and fully legalize same-sex marriage across the whole nation.” To be considered by the White House, 5,000 signatures must be generated by October 22. H

Servicemembers United: 14,346 Discharged Under DADT WASHINGTON, D.C. – A grand total of at least 14,346 servicemembers were discharged due to “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” in the law’s nearly 18 years on the books. That final figure was released by Servicemembers United and combines the number of discharges reported by the Office of the Secretary of Defense, which obtained the data from the Defense Manpower Data Center, combined with the number of discharges reported by the Department of Homeland Security and the National Guard Bureau for fiscal years 1994 through 2010. One additional discharge was reported by the Department of Defense for fiscal year 2011, which is also included. H

“Playboy Club” Star Comes Out HOLLYWOOD, CA – Sean Maher, star of the new NBC series “Playboy Club” has opened up about his sexuality in an interview in Entertainment Weekly.

Maher told EW: “I was nervous coming here today because I’ve just never talked about it. But, it’s so liberating. It was interesting to be coming to have a conversation that I was always afraid to have. This is my coming out ball. I’ve been dying to do this.” Maher, 36, said he never discussed his sexuality publically but, then again, he had never been asked. He added that coming out wasn’t so much a choice as much as it was a reality of the business when he first came to Los Angeles. He also said that he was pressured by his former manager and agent to keep quiet about his sexuality. Previously Maher also appeared in the short-lived television series “Ryan Caulfield: Year One” and “Firefly.” In the September 19 premier of “Playboy Club,” Maher’s character is involved with launching the Chicago chapter of the Mattachine Society, an underground gayrights group from the ’50s and ’60s. H

China Lifts Ban on Inmate Homosexuality BEIJING, CHINA – China has dropped a policy that discriminated against homosexual inmates according to a judicial official in charge of penal human rights studies. The Ministry of Justice has rewritten the national code of conduct for prison inmates, eliminating bans on homosexuality, dyed hair and other lifestyles and practices that were previously not allowed in prisons. The revision was made in order to show respect for the human rights of prison inmates, according to Feng Cangjian, head of the Human Rights in Justice office of the ministry's Institute for Crime Prevention. H

Indianapolis Has 3 Gay City/County Council Candidates INDIANAPOLIS, IN – For the first time in the history of Indianapolis, Indiana, the city has three openly gay, major-party candidates for city council. All three candidates are Democrats, according to the Indianapolis Star, “The historical significance of it is the fact that it doesn’t matter,” said Todd Woodmansee, an attorney who's running in District 21 on the Eastside against Republican Councilman Ben Hunter. “We can have people running regardless of what their sexual orientation is, regardless of what their race is, and regardless of what their religion is.” At-large candidate Zach Adamson, the owner of a downtown hair salon, put it differently: “There aren't a lot of gay potholes. We don't have gay or lesbian parking meters. I’m focusing on the issues that are impacting people on a daily basis.” Jackie Leigh Butler, who's running in District 5 on the Northeastside, faces Republican incumbents. Butler’s partner, Dawn, and 8-year-old son, Will, have accompanied her as she visits doorsteps. She has counted just one bad encounter, a door shut in her face after she handed the voter party campaign literature and identifying herself. Republican leaders agree that issues facing Indianapolis should determine a voter’s decision, not a candidate’s sexual orientation. H

‘E-COMMERCE WAR’ Continued from COVER

tine arrangement on hundreds of e-commerce sites, but again, a share of the commission that retailers pay is donated to a Christian charity of the buyer’s choice. They are asked to select from a list that includes prominent conservative evangelical groups. Now, the marketeer, CGBG and the Christian groups are fighting back, saying that the hundred or so companies that have dropped the marketeer were misled and that the charities are being slandered for their religious beliefs. The national battle was ignited in July by Stuart Wilber, a 73-year-old gay man in Seattle. He was astonished, he said, when he learned that people who bought Microsoft products through a Christianoriented Internet marketer could channel a donation to evangelical organizations that call homosexual behavior a threat to the moral and social fabric of the nation. “I said, ‘You’ve got to be kidding, Microsoft?’” Wilber notied that the software giant — like many other corporations accessible through the commerce site, including Apple and Netflix — was known as friendly to gay causes. In July, Mr. Wilber went to a web site that helps groups and individuals circulate petitions, called Change.org, and started one, asking Microsoft to end its association with what he called “hate groups.” By that night, 520 people had signed, with their ire copied to Microsoft officials — and Microsoft quietly dropped out of the donation plan. Much to Mr. Wilber’s surprise, this would be the start of an electronic conflict that has put hundreds of well-known companies in an unwelcome glare. Caught in the middle between angry gay-rights advocates and bloggers wielding the strength of the gay community’s purchasing power on one side and the conservative Christian groups that say they are being attacked for their legitimate biblical views of sex and marriage on the other side are the retailers. Companies, including such giants as Macy’s, Expedia and Delta Air Lines, have the dual aims of avoiding politics but not offending any consumers. They are now being pressured to make a choice that may involve little money either way, but that could offend large blocks of consumers. “This is economic terrorism,” said former Arkansas Governor and presidential candidate and pastor Mike Huckabee who is a paid CGBG consultant. “To try to destroy a business because you don’t like some of the customers is, to me, unbelievably un-American,” he said in an interview. As word of Mr. Wilber’s victory spread virally, Ben Crowther, a college student in Bellingham, Washington, started a similar Internet appeal to Apple, which soon succeeded after drawing 22,700 signers. AllOut.org, a gay-rights group in New York with hundreds of thousands of email-ready members, focused on the travel industry, helped to push Avis, Westin Hotels & Resorts, Expedia and many other hotels and travel agencies to disassociate themselves from CGBG. Close to 100 companies have left the charity arrangement, though most refuse

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to discuss the matter. These have become the objects, in turn, of a counter-campaign from the Christian groups — “Please Don’t Discriminate Against My Faith” is the heading of a sample letter — and of highlevel entreaties from Mr. Huckabee and other Christian leaders. A few companies that briefly left the network have been persuaded to rejoin, including Delta, PetSmart, Sam’s Club, Target and Wal-Mart. Beyond condemning the advocates’ efforts as an infringement on consumer freedom, Mr. Huckabee said it was offensive to apply the “hate group” label to organizations that are legal, peaceful and promote biblical values. The Southern Poverty Law Center has labeled the Family Research Council a hate group for “regularly pumping out known falsehoods that demonize the gay community,” said Mark Potok, a project director at the law center — and not, he said, because the council calls homosexuality a sin or opposes gay marriage. The falsehoods, he said, include the discredited claim that gay men are especially prone to pedophilia. The Family Research Council has accused the law center of “slanderous attacks.” Advocates insist that their push is not anti-Christian. “It has nothing to do with biblical positions,” said Mr. Steele, the blogger. “It has to do with the fact that these groups spread lies and misinformation about millions of Americans.” The discomfort of retailers has been evident in their varied responses. Expedia, in an e-mail to AllOut.org in August, confirmed that it had withdrawn from the network. “Expedia values diversity in its employee base and customer base and does not support discrimination of any kind based on sexual orientation,” the message said. Barneys New York said it had left CGBG because of the site’s support for groups that promote discrimination. But Microsoft, though it led the way with its swift response, has never said a public word about it, nor has Apple been willing to do more than confirm that it no longer is associated with CGBG. This summer, Macy’s told Change.org that it had left the network because “Macy’s serves a diverse society” and is “deeply committed to a philosophy of inclusion.” In a statement explaining why it had returned to the network, Wal-Mart and its sister company Sam’s Club said their marketing affiliates included “more than 43,000 diverse organizations” that “serve a wide range of interests with diverse viewpoints.” Delta changed course “because of the letters we received from several faithbased leaders,” including Mr. Huckabee, said Chris Kelly Singley, manager of corporate communications. “This was important to them, and we were willing to reconsider,” she said, adding that Delta had a history of supporting gay and lesbian causes. “We don’t want to engage in a political debate,” Ms. Singley said. “And we just thought we were flying airplanes.” H

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“I Don’t Have Time to Network!” When You’re Busy, It’s the Best Time to Network By DREW MILLER We have all said it at one time or another. However, if you are too busy with your current workload to get future business, you are going to have a slow period. Let’s face it; nobody really wants a slow period. A slowdown means you become concerned, stressed both fiscally and emotionally. When we’re busy, it’s the best time to keep up on your networking. You are pumped up, you are confident and you are ready to divide and conquer. Your energy alone will sell itself ! Time management is something everyone works on, pays attention to and gets stressed about. It is vitally important to having a balanced life. With a balanced life, everything you do is more fulfilling. Projects become opportunities versus something you struggle to get done. Work and play time join and become equal. This is what we are all aspiring to. If that’s not where you’re headed, I am here to tell you, you are missing out. Balancing all that I do is critical because I don’t want it to be just about work. I want to live a fulfilled and powerful life. I discovered this the hard way.

In 2006, the real estate market went haywire and everything changed. In late 2008, the market crashed and I found myself scrambling for income. This was when I learned the importance of networking. If I had only networked and marketed my business during the busy period, I would have had business during the slowdown. Instead, since I worked solely within the mortgage industry (and we all know where that went!), I was faced with reinventing myself. First thing: I set up my website with Google pay-per-click to generate online traffic in the hopes of getting appraisals from new sources. This really paid off. Today, my website is booming with traffic and I am getting appraisals from divorce attorneys, realtors helping their clients, and homeowners interested in combating their property taxes. Second: I found another source of income that required me to get out and network my businesses. While out looking for businesses in need of merchant services, I was able to expand my network of colleagues. I met realtors, lawyers and insurance folks that continue to drive appraisals my way.

Networking Calendar October GLBX Leadsgroup-GFLCC Date: October 5 & 19 2011 Time: 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Location: Greater Fort Lauderdale Chamber of Commerce 512 NE 3rd Avenue Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 Mack Mixer Date: October 11, 2011 Time: 6:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Location: To Be Announced www.mackplanet.com NonProfit Committee MeetingGFLCC Date: October 12, 2011 Time: 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Location: Greater Fort Lauderdale Chamber of Commerce 512 NE 3rd Avenue Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 Trustee Reception-GFLCC Date: October 12, 2011 Time: 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Location: Rare Las Olas 401 East Las Olas Boulevard Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301

GLBX Luncheon-GFLCC Date: October 13, 2011 Time: 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Location: Riverside Hotel 620 E Las Olas Blvd Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 INTRO-Luncheon-GFLCC Date: October 13, 2011 Time: 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. Location: Riverside Hotel 620 East Las Olas Boulevard Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 United States BIZ PERKS-GFLCC Date: October 14, 2011 Time: 8:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Location: Edward Jones Investments/Leann Barber 1719 E. Commercial Blvd. Fort Lauderdale, FL 33334 Business After Hours East SideGFLCC Date: October 20, 2011 Time: 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Location: Great Florida Bank - Wilton Station 1201 NE 26th Street Bay 109 Wilton Manors, FL 33305

Third: (and most unexpected), I joined the team at the Chamber encouraging others to network with the Gay & Lesbian Business Exchange. GLBX is the trifecta of networking for me. While being on the board of GLBX and the GLBX Leads group along with membership, I learned the importance of building an army of workers for my business to ensure I do not have another income CRASH! Networking has turned into something I really enjoy. I have met so many new friends along the way. People I might not have ever come in contact with otherwise, but I’m really happy to have them in my life. Just the other day, I got my tail light replaced at ECO-Friendly Auto Center. The owner, Sully (GLBX Leads Group) is a Harley-ridin’ family guy from Coral Springs, and he couldn’t be more genuine and open to making new friends in the GLBX. Greg Hardy with Solutions Insurance and Victor Flores with Fastprintz are two people I spend a lot of time with networking. So much so they have become dinner companions, and I look forward to the quality time we share. When I

Member Orientation-FTL-GFLCC Date: October 21, 2011 Time: 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Location: Greater Ft Lauderdale Chamber of Commerce 512 NE 3rd Avenue Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 Cocktail Fundraiser Smartride Date: October 21, 2011 Time: 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Location: The Manor 2345 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors, FL 33305 Downtown Council Breakfast-GFLCC Date: October 27, 2011 Time: 8:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Location: Tower Club Atop Regions Bank Bldg 100 Southeast Third Avenue Fort Lauderdale, FL 33394 GLBX Afterhours-GFLCC Date: October 27, 2011 Time: 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Location: To Be Determined Board of Directors/Trustee Luncheon-GFLCC Date: October 28, 2011 Time: 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Location: Embassy Suites - Fort Lauderdale 17th Street 1100 S.E. 17th Street Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316

needed marketing material for my SmartRide team fundraisers, I called on my friend Victor and he donated a banner without a second thought. Speaking of SmartRide, there is a fundraiser for this worthy cause at my home on Oct. 8. (Details on my Facebook page). It’s the perfect place for you to get starting networking yourself. Yes, you’re invited. H


Drew Miller is a business and networking consultant. He can be contacted at Drew@DrewMiller.biz.

Net@Noon-GFLCC Date: October 28, 2011 Time: 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Location: Greater Fort Lauderdale Chamber of Commerce 512 NE 3rd Avenue Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301

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‘TRANSGENDER CHILDREN’ Continued from COVER “He seemed so depressed and unhappy all the time,” Lobel said. “He didn't enjoy playing. He sat there all the time, not interacting with anybody. He seemed really lonely.” “His personality changed from a very sad kid who sat still ... to a very happy little girl who was thrilled to be alive,” says Moreno. After seeing therapists and psychiatrists, the mental health specialists confirmed what Thomas had been saying all along. At age 7, he had gender identity disorder. The diagnosis was hard for Moreno and Lobel to accept. They have been accused of terrible parenting by friends, family and others, that “we're pushing her to do this. I'm a lesbian. My partner is a lesbian. That suddenly falls into the fold: ‘Oh, you want her to be part of the lifestyle you guys live,’” Moreno said. Moreno and Lobel allowed their child to pick his own clothes at age 8. Thomas chose girl's clothing and also picked four bras. Then, Thomas wanted to change his name to Tammy and use a female pronoun. This is called social transitioning and can include new hairstyles, wardrobe. Aside from mental health therapy, this stage involves no medical interventions. Every step of the way, her parents told Tammy, “If at any time you want to go back to your boy's clothes, you can go back to Thomas. It's OK.” Tammy has declined every time. This summer, Tammy began the next phase of transition, taking hormone-blocking drugs. The hormone blockers are also reversible, because once a child stops taking the drugs, the natural puberty begins, said Dr. Stephen Rosenthal, pediatric endocrinologist at UC San Francisco. But if the child wants to transition to the other gender, he or she can take testosterone or estrogen hormone treatment to go through the puberty of the opposite gender. This transgender hormone therapy for children is relatively new in the United States after a gender clinic opened in Boston in 2007. Programs for transgender children exist in cities including Los Angeles, Seattle and San Francisco. The kids are treated by pediatric endocrinologists after long evaluations by mental health professionals. Dr. Kenneth Zucker, head of the Gender Identity Service in the Child, Youth, and Family Program and professor at the University of Toronto, conducted a study following 109 boys who had gender identity disorder between the ages of 3 and 12. Researchers followed up at the mean age of 20 and found 12% of these boys continued to want to change genders. “The vast majority of children lose their desire to be of the other gender later,” he said. “So what that means is that one should be very cautious in assuming say that a 6-year-old who has strong desire to be of the other gender will feel that way 10 years later.” All of this leads to unsettling answers for families trying to understand their children. No one knows whether a child's gender dysphoria will continue forever or if it is temporary. H


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A Free Country? Whenever anyone moves to a new place, there is a period of settling in, learning the law of the land, understanding how people conduct themselves. It doesn’t take long to see major differences between one place and another. Some positive; some not. I recently moved from London to South Florida. Here, you smile at people on the street, you say good morning to fellow runners you pass, you engage in chit-chat in the elevator, you tip more than 10% and so on. Quality of life in terms of material possessions is not only celebrated but also encouraged. These all serve to put the USA and South Florida ahead in my view. Yet here, in the land of the free, home of the brave, and a former AAA credit rating, the one thing that sticks out as flawed and as glaringly different from Europe is gay rights in relation to the government. A few weeks ago, our cover story was about America weighing in on gay policies of a foreign country, throwing its weight around per se. As recently as two weeks ago, America announced it would be “forcibly campaigning” for gay rights in Africa. These both sound positive, and they are. But I would love to know how the U.S. government can get involved abroad whilst rights in America’s own backyard are somewhat of a joke. In Europe, the hot button issues affecting the LGBT community (i.e., marriage, adoption and healthcare) have all been taken care of long ago. By taken care of I mean acknowledged and major steps have been taken. For instance, the UK is now considering calling “civil partnerships” (which have been in place since Dec. 2005) “marriage.” Ludicrous that it has already been working for six years at a government level, whereas here the best we have is a handful of states that allow something — be it marriage, civil partnerships, domestic partnerships. Seriously, as a leading free country of the western world, why is America so far behind? The illogical government policies are a major factor. I have recently been informed that gay laws like any laws passed during one president’s term can be overturned by the next. Or state laws overturned by the next governor. Am I the only person who finds that absurd?

Furthermore, why is gay marriage taking so long to hit a federal law? Repeatedly, polls have indicated that a majority of voters are in favor of marriage rights for all. Please – someone take it, sign it and move on. In a democracy, the majority leads. Why are we still talking about it? Move on to policies that genuinely have the country in turmoil – war, terrorism, and the economy. America was once a leading economic power. It has been downgraded. That’s right. The country built on the American dream, the land of opportunity, has been downgraded. When you look at the big picture, you can’t help but be bemused by the way the government works. Laws are written with so many loopholes and smoke and mirrors to ensure their passage that they ultimately become limited, blocked, or in some way not 100%. For example, though DADT has been repealed finally, there have not been steps to implement equal benefits for same-sex spouses of those serving. No healthcare, nor death benefits. Furthermore, what is going to happen to those who now come out, serving openly and proudly. What happens to them if certain Republicans win the national election with a stated mandate to repeal the repeal of DADT? On paper, Wilton Manors, Key West, Miami, Tampa and other cities in Florida seem like the perfect places for gay people to move. And in many ways, they are. However, we still live under the control of the U.S. government, which means, equal rights don’t exist quite yet. You can hold hands in the street, but you can’t get married. You can go to a bar openly and kiss, but you can’t receive the same health benefits from your partner that a husband and wife can expect. The list goes on. From an outsider’s point of view, it seems like gay issues are great for the tug of war on a presidency. They seem to offer the right balance of glamour and disgust in equal measure. You have people in government like Sally Kern and her hate speech warning of how gays are worse than terrorism. I mean really? How does someone in a position of power say these things? A free country it may be, but I can’t imagine anyone getting away with that kind of bile in Europe. On the other hand, you have the gloss of support from Anne Hathaway and Brad Pitt. The gay issues in government are like a really

Letters to the Editor DEAR EDITOR, Two weeks ago, I began advertising my fitness, nutritional and yoga services in your publication. The response has been nothing short of overwhelming! Not only has my customer base for private training sessions increased, I have received and accepted invitations to do group yoga session at the Pineapple Point Guesthouse & Resort, speak on fitness and health at the monthly meeting of a nudist club, conduct multiple private yoga sessions, do exercise rehabilitation on a senior citizen with a shoulder injury, and teach a class in nutritional cooking. Each of these opportunities was directly related to the


Alex Vaughn poor production of a comedy of errors. The stars are there, but the storyline is dire. It is 2011 and America is stuck some 20 years ago. People in power STILL place the blame of HIV at the doors of the gays. Wake up! Activists aren’t fighting for unique or unusual laws to protect gay people. They are basic. How can a country run when no one really understands how the government works? It is supposed to be for the people. Yet, you often hear about closed-door meetings to decide the rights of, let’s face it, a powerful part of American society. As the country embraces gay people, when will the government catch up? Neil Patrick Harris, Jane Lynch, Ellen DeGeneres, Mary Cheney, Chaz Bono are people making changes, moving forward, being who they are. And I join the applause for them. Yet, in a place where there are more gay people in the public eye than anywhere else in the world, how can a government still play silly buggers with people’s rights. STILL be arguing over laws that, if passed, would undoubtedly bolster the U.S. in terms of respect from a global perspective and economic growth. Do they not realize the bottom line? Marriage for gays will have a tremendous effect on the economy; and not just from a domestic dollar standpoint either. How have they not caught onto the fact that courting the pink pound, euro or yen is a great theory and, for many, San Francisco, Fort Lauderdale, NYC, and D.C. are great tourist draws because of it. Think how much further that foreign currency would go if rights were afforded to all of America’s LGBT community. Ask yourself, would you visit a country with anti-gay laws? No of course not. It’s wrong, unfair and immoral. Well, amusingly, the former AAA country of America is one of them and, scarily, this upcoming presidential election could enlist a host of new anti-gay laws. That alone is a reason to consider your vote. What is the difference between the antigay laws at home vs. those America wants to fight abroad? Not a lot when they both entail imprisonment for being who you are. H


Alex Vaughn is the Editor-in-Chief of the Florida Agenda. He can be reached at editor@FloridaAgenda.com

Please send all your comments and letters to Editor@FloridaAgenda.com

responses to my advertisements. In these days of economic strife, and increasing customer dissatisfaction, I wanted to take a moment to compliment not only your professional staff and the help they provided, but also the amazing reach of your multiple publications. Again my thanks, many times over. SINCERELY, ANDY KRESS, SET, CFT DEAR EDITOR, I found last week’s cover story on the local historian extremely fascinating. I think it is wonderful that someone wants to take the time in preserving our

history. At the end of the day without this much of what we have achieved and done here in Florida will be forgotten. Organizations like Stonewall and what Fred Frejes is doing are what will be around for the future generations to see what life was like here. I for one remember when Wilton Manors wasn’t the cosmopolitan area it is now but rather a ghetto, an outsider’s area that was rough and raw and now look at it. To have that chronicled and reported will show the future and other communities what happens to benefit areas and to benefit people when the community works together. THANK YOU, STAN HART







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DISPLAY AD DEADLINES: Placement by Mondays, 5 p.m. Camera Ready Artwork by Mondays, Noon CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINES: Placement by Mondays, 5 p.m. Artwork by Mondays, Noon ALL MATERIAL in the Florida Agenda is protected by federal copyright law and may not be reproduced without the written consent of the Florida Agenda. The sexual orientation of advertisers, photographers, writers and cartoonists published herein is neither inferred or implied. The appearance of names or pictorial representation does not necessarily indicate the sexual orientation of that person or persons. Although this paper is supported by many fine advertisers, the Agenda cannot accept responsibility for claims made by advertisers. EDITORIAL POSITIONS of the Florida Agenda are expressed in editorials and in editors’ notes as determined by the paper’s editors. Other opinions are those of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Florida Agenda or its staff. TO SUBMIT A LETTER OR COMMENTARY: Letters should be fewer than 400 words; commentaries should be fewer than 750 words. Submissions may be edited for content and length, and must include a name, address and phone number for verification. Send submissions by e-mail to Editor@floridaagenda.com by fax to 954-566-7900 or by regular mail to the Agenda office, attn: Letters/Commentary.

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Who Knew? The Game Plan - How to Stay Safe On Second Base By SAM KNEW, MSW least long enough to get to know your partner), followed by testing. “Suiting up” for the “big game” is another option; this includes using a barrier method, such as a condom. Some complain of a lack of sensation, and others of the taste. However, condoms come in an assortment of textures and flavors for just those reasons. For our extreme, more trusting (or daring) players, who choose to go at it commando (unprotected), you can reduce your risk by limiting your exposure to bodily fluids (such as semen). The longer you’re exposed, the greater your risk. One option is to move the “finish line.” Preferably somewhere where fluids are less likely to enter your bloodstream. However, you still run the risk of exposure with “pre-game” anticipation. Lastly, in the conventional wisdom and

Photo courtesy, VisualPhotos.com

There’s a pretty good argument why baseball is one of American’s many favorite pastimes. It could be because of its humble beginnings in our backyards, the excitement of the seventh inning stretch, or even the body hugging uniforms. But honestly, what’s not to love? Balls, men and team showers. With paralleling references like that, it’s no wonder that sex is usually described in baseball terms. I’m pretty sure I know where “first base” begins and what’s considered a “home run,” but what falls in between varies on each of our own moral compasses, including oral sex. And just like the game, a good game plan can make all the difference--especially to your health.

The risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases (STD) orally varies depending on the disease itself. The most common oral STDs include herpes, gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, and HPV. The rate of contracting HIV orally is debated among experts; however, most conclude that the risks are low. Health conditions of both “players” are key factors. Open sores, compromised immune systems and viral load are all contributing factors. Interesting enough, we have some naturally built-in defense systems to help protect us from transmitting and contracting diseases orally. Large sugar-protein molecules in saliva (glycoprotein) help prevent diseases from being transmitted. Our mouth also has a protective (yet fragile) membrane that safeguards us. In addition, gastric acids in our stomach kill most bacteria and viruses. Again however, a person’s health condition is a contributing factor, including such diseases as oral, throat and stomach ulcers. Now, when was the last time you checked for that? That being said, there are risk-reducing precautions one can keep in mind. Of course there’s good ‘ole abstinence (at

words of Stanford University, “swallow or spit, just don’t let it sit.” No matter how you play it, it’s clear you need a solid game plan ahead of time. This can make the difference between a perfect season and overtime at your doctor’s office. H


Sam Knew, MSW is an educator and a local counselor. He can be reached at samknewmsw@gmail.com

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Snowbiz Chaz Dazzles, Carson Shines, on Dancing With The Stars By NICHOLAS SNOW

Robert Whitaker of Newport, Rhode Island, responded, “I believe that we have to embrace others that may appear to be different from ourselves as it is our differences that make us truly beautiful inside and out! Chaz has more courage, grace and dignity than many of the people who have issues with him on DWTS! He is all man where it counts in his heart and soul. He's a gem and a gentleman!” One detractor who I don’t believe wants to be named expressed, “If I say that I do not like it — and I do have a right to say and feel that way just as you have a right to feel the way you feel about it — will you take what I say as just a person who has a right to feel and say that I don't like it, or will you just take what I say and say that I am wrong and fight with me about it. Am I right?” No, he isn’t. Sindy Rose believes that “Chaz has tremendous courage and is a source of inspiration,” adding that “a small and vocal group hasn't stopped him. I am in awe of him.” Arlene Deane said, “I would like to congratulate these men for the courage it takes just to be themselves every day. I may not exactly understand them and their feelings but I know their lives can't be easy because of other peoples’ fear and prejudices. I commend both of them as I do all of our armed forces. Courageous is what they all are and we should be inspired to be ourselves and stand up and fight for that freedom!” Michele Marchesa of Cinnaminson, New Jersey expressed, “Many celebs that have appeared on DWTS have been in trouble with the law. You would think that would upset people. No, all this furor is over Chaz Bono because he had a sex change. For example, Tom Delay violated campaign finance laws; Macy Gray — DUI; Aaron Carter, Michael Irvin and Louie Vito — possession; Kelly Osbourne — bar fight; Lil Kim — perjury; Brandy — reckless driving; David Hasselhoff is a fall down drunk and Lawrence Taylor was caught with an underage prostitute. But to some of these idiots … Chaz Bono on DWTS is the worst thing that ever happened.” Michelle Cvitkovic insightfully

Photos courtesy, ABC Television

At deadline for the first edition of my column for the Florida Agenda, both Chaz Bono and Carson Kressley have made it past week one on ABC’s Dancing with the Stars (DWTS), and I fully predict they will each make it past week two as well. I also foresee one big GLAAD award for the show that is putting the “T” in LGBTQ visibility like never before. But do fans and followers of the show worldwide agree about the historic nature of the program? I asked my own followers on Facebook as well as fans of the official DWTS page for their perspectives.

responded, “Why are they history-making appearances? Billy Tipton's wife and kids didn't know he was transgendered until he died. Liberace was famous before Carson was born. Paul Lind and Charles Nelson Reilly were mainstays on television in the 60's and 70's. When an out and proud gay man is partnered with a man, and an out and proud lesbian is partnered with a woman, then we'll see historymaking appearances. Someone's already said that Carson was happy to be paired with a female partner. I'd still love it if he could dance one spotlight with a male partner. I can't help but wonder if his performance would be even more magnetic.” To Chaz on his Facebook page, Andrea Stephens-Grimmelsman of Cincinnati, Ohio, wrote, “I think you are pretty awesome — such a gentle soul and kind heart. We need more people like you in the world.” Mark Adamson of Inverell, New South Wales expressed, “Chaz, you are an amazing man. So brave! Have been a fan of your mum’s for most of my life. And to see you finally become the person you were born to be is inspiring. Much respect my friend. Much respect.” For me, Aizen-Choi C. Kym of Fort Wayne, Indiana answers the “is this history-making?” question best. “Thank you for being visible. Your courage gives me strength to continue my journey.” I met Chastity Bono backstage at the L.A. Pride festival one year. She was very down to earth. Now, Chastity is history just as Chaz is making history, evolving the world’s consciousness. H


Follow Nicholas Snow online at ww w.Facebook. com/Snowb izNow, www.Twitter.com/SnowbizNow, and at www.SnowbizNow.com. Follow “The Power To Be Strong” HIV Testing/ Safer Sex Awareness Campaign at www.Facebook.com/PowerToBeStrong.

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Visiting Hours By AJ CROSS I was asked to re-run my award winning column from August 2010 titled “Visiting Hours” by a reader who just lost his partner and was dealing with the partner’s family and possible loss of his home after 15 years because it was in his partner’s name. The Florida Agenda and I want to express our sincerest condolences for the loss of “Frank.” I hope this story helps. 1947 was such an important year for so many people as Jackie Robinson became the first African-American to play in major league baseball. For AfricanAmericans, this news was so important because it placed all eyes on the great talent and ambition possessed by minorities in the United States. It was a great year for John Clay Morris as well, but his achievement never made the headlines and his story or name was never known. It was the year that he fell in love. He fell in love with Anthony Walker, his long time business associate and his love was not unrequited. They could not allow anyone to know how they felt about one another, share public moments of affection, or declare a vow of lifelong commitment in front of friends or God. On the contrary, they had to hide any signs of what they felt for one another. They had to speak to one another plainly and without emotion at work and both were constantly in fear that someone would read into their body language or even thoughts and everything they had would be ruined. It was not a time where two men loving one another was understood or accepted. It was a time when such a love being exposed could bring an end to not only the relationship they had, but their very lives. Many years had passed and they both successfully kept hidden their affections and would travel on so-called business trips to other cities and places where they could be with one another. They shared such happiness when they were alone with one another. Year after year, for over twenty-five years, they never strayed, nor opened their hearts or beds to any other person. They eventually found a small house on the outskirts of town where they felt no one would know and they began to collect photos of trips and memorabilia of things they did together. John started a collection of spoons from all of the places they had visited together and eventually the spoons covered an entire wall in their kitchen. John had never loved anyone more and Anthony made so many professional sacrifices to accommodate the needs of the relationship. On September 18, 1972, after just getting home from work, John noticed Anthony sitting in his favorite chair with no lights on and he sat down next to him and asked what was wrong. His lover grabbed his hand and, with a few tears in his eyes, told him that he was

diagnosed with lung cancer. It had developed for so long that there was little the doctors felt they could do for him and now it was just a matter of time. As months passed and Anthony became more ill, it became necessary to hospitalize him. It was decided that his remaining days would be in the hospital and one night around 8 p.m., John arrived at the hospital to spend time with Anthony. The nurse at the front desk greeted him and when he told her that he was there to visit Anthony Morris, the nurse asked what his relationship to the patient was. It was then for the first time in over twenty five years that he had ever been asked that question and the only answer he could give was that he was his friend. The nurse apologized and told him that only family members or his spouse were allowed to visit. He paused for a moment and asked if an exception could be made, and the nurse told him that it was hospital policy. He barely made it to a waiting room chair and fell hard into the seat. How could he not be able to see his lover? Not be able to hold his hand and comfort him. John was devastated and he went home. A few days had passed and though they spoke on the phone, it was not enough and they missed one another desperately. On a cold morning in the early part of August, someone knocked on John’s door. When he opened the door, it was the local Sheriff. He informed John that Anthony’s sister became his executor and due to the mounting medical bills foreclosed on the mortgage to the house they had shared for so many years. You see the house was in Anthony’s name and as such John had no legal rights to the home or its contents. The next day, Anthony’s sister arrived at the house with movers and for the first time John was confronted about his relationship with Anthony. She told him that she had known for years of what “they were” to one another. She told him that she couldn’t stop her brother from living the life he chose, but she would make sure that his memory would not be disgraced. Anthony had no choice but to watch as box after box of his belongings and memories were taken from the house. He cried as the spoons on the wall began to disappear and he simply looked at Anthony’s sister with tears in his eyes. He was not only going to lose the love of his life, but everything that they had together. As the last box was being packed, she looked at him and said the last thing she would ever say to him. She told him that he could pick one spoon out and keep it, because she knew whatever her feelings were, he had made her brother happy. John died a few years later, never having said goodbye to Anthony. He was buried with the spoon. H

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Almost 30 Years Serving the Needs of Broward’s LGBT Community Dolphin Democrats Honor the Best of the Community Part 1 of 4, by BOB KECSKEMETY Florida’s oldest and largest LGBT political organization, the Dolphin Democratic Club, will be holding their annual Dolphin Democrats’ Awards Reception on Sunday, October 23 at the IGFA Fishing Hall of Fame and Museum, 300 Gulf Stream Way in Dania Beach near Griffin Road and I-95. The annual Dolphin Democrats’ Awards Reception is its premier event that recognizes outstanding leaders who have demonstrated their strength to lead and a vision to improve the lives of the LGBT community and all deserving citizens. Honoring these special members of the community celebrates the accomplishments and strengths and hope for the future. The proceeds will benefit the Dolphin Democrats’ 2012 “Get Out the Vote” campaign with a portion going to the Children’s Diagnostic and Treatment Center (children with AIDS), the House of Hope and Stepping Stones. A total of twelve awards will be given out. This year’s recipients are: Jennifer Morales and Laurie Whittaker of Sidelines (Jamie Bloodworth Award); Patricia Windowmaker, Senior Legal Council of the Broward Sheriff ’s Office (Trailblazer Award); Congressman Ted Deutch and Oakland Park Vice Mayor Anne Sallee (Political Alliance Award); Peter Clark of Hotspots (Media Award); Salvatore Torre (Volunteer of the Year Award); Broward House (Community Service Award); Women in Network (Broward Leadership Award); Tim Ross (Distinguished Service Award); Gail Butler of Auto Nation/Maroone Ford (Humanitarian Award) and Michael Albetta (Dolphin of the Year). This year’s Honorary Chairperson is Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz. “This is not a rubbery chicken political dinner,” said Richard Cimoch, events cochair for the Dolphin Democrats. “It’s excellent food from over a dozen restaurants. The theme this year is ‘A Taste of Broward’ and the International Fishing Hall of Fame is magnificent – spectacular. The place is absolutely beautiful.” Cimoch has been busy the last few months coordinating the event and getting participation from local bars and restaurants. Jennifer Morales and Laurie Whittaker of Sidelines Sports Bar, Carol Moran of Blue Moon and Victor Zepka of Boardwalk are providing the liquor and wine and over a dozen restaurants have confirmed their participation with more to come. Also The Manor Entertainment Complex has been very involved. “I firmly believe that this event will make or break the election,” said Cimoch. “The Dolphins are usually very successful in its get out the vote campaigns and if [President] Barack Obama doesn’t win Florida, I don’t think he’ll get reelected. So it’s really crucial we have a very strong get out the vote center and we get the people to the polls like we did the last time. If he doesn’t get in, God only knows what we’ll get.” Membership to the Dolphin Democrats is around 200 for a non-election year and closer to 500 in election years. In 2008, the

year of the last Presidential election, member was around 450. “This is a very crucial event,” added Cimoch. “Every person in the community is needed to help make a better future of the gay community and the whole community in general. We could have better influenced the 2010 Congressional elections with a better gay Get Out the Vote campaign mobilizing people here in Broward and helping in Palm Beach.” In 2010, the voter turnout in predominantly Democratic Broward County was very low. Next year, the Dolphin Democratic Club will be 30 years old. The organization was started by a small group of people that originally called themselves the Tuesday Night Meeting. Some of the original members are still active today such as Barbara Stewart and Wilton Manors Vice Mayor Tom Green. Today, many of the local politicians are members and attend regular Dolphin Democrats’ events and speak at their meetings. Salvatore Torre, recipient of this year’s Volunteer of the Year award said, “There are so many people that volunteer every day and give so much of their time. I appreciate getting the recognition. People don’t realize how much work goes into setting up the events and setting up the meetings.” Torre has been a member of the Dolphin Democrats for the last two years. He currently sits on the board of directors of the organization. He said he does a lot of behind-thescenes work and helps set up the meetings. Dolphin of the Year award recipient, Michael Albetta reflected on his history with the organization when he found out he was receiving an award. “As John F. Kennedy said, ‘Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.’ This [the Dolphins] is my participation in regards to making sure that all people are regarded equally – regardless of race, color, creed, religion or national origin. All people must be treated equally, it’s in our Constitution.” Albetta has been a member of the Dolphins since 1997 and has served on the board since 1998. He has served as either president or vice president from 2003 through 2005 and was elected president again in 2009. He has also served on the state’s LBGT Caucus. The Dolphin of the Year Award generally goes to a former president of the Dolphin Democrats. Tim Ross, who will receive the Distinguished Service Award, has been a member of the Dolphins since 2006. He served as secretary of the Dolphins from 2009 to 2010 and is currently still serving on the board. Tickets for the Dolphin Democrats’ Awards Reception can be purchased online at its website, www.DolphinDems.org. Individual tickets are $75 which includes the reception, dinner, awards presentation and silent auction. VIP tickets of $150 per person also includes the VIP reception. For additional information, either visit the website or call (866) 478-8262. H

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Travel | Style | Recipe | Fitness | Out In Florida | Statewide Bar Guide | Remember When | Profile

WHAT’S INSIDE? n this week’s Style & Entertainment, we get up close and personal with super diva Macaviti, discussing his new single and his transition from drag performer to recording artist in Profile; Eric Christian sheds some light on this season’s most wearable trends and the best places to get them no matter your budget in Style; and we take a trip down memory lane with our new feature Remember When. Paul Rubio takes us cruising on the luxury Celebrity Silhouette Cruise in Travel; Tom Bonanti shows us how to find that fountain of youth with some tips to “Turn Back Time” in Fitness; and Jean Doherty helps us create a classic with Coq Au Vin in Recipe. We also have your favorites, Out in Florida and our statewide Bar Guide. Enjoy! H – AV



Travel PAGE 24

IF YOU COULD TURN BACK TIME Take Measures to Stall Aging

Fitness PAGE 39 ViN COQ AU VIN

STYLE CONCIERGE Highlights the Fashion Trends for Fall/Winter 2011 Menswear

Style PAGE PAGE23 23


French for “Rooster Wine”

Setting His Own Path and Destiny

Profile PAGE 38

Recipe PAGE 37 Photos courtesy, Celebrity Cruiselines, Lanvin, Macavity, TravelSplendid.com, TheBigDesk.com

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Style Concierge Highlights the Fashion Trends for Fall/Winter 2011 Menswear By ERIC CHRISTIAN The fall and winter season is just around the corner. While many of us in Florida and warmer sections of the country are still enjoying swimsuits, the beach and the sun, those in cooler climes are contemplating and beginning to prepare their wardrobes for the seasons ahead. Sooner or later, the temperature will drop, and with it will come heavier clothing needs. Fortunately, fall and winter fashions are available for purchase in stores now. So what better time for the Style Concierge to tell you the fall/winter trends for men this season?

Military Influence is Back Again! For those of you who don't like it, guess what? Seems as if it's here to stay! Channel your inner sergeant when you

It’s All About Shearling According to Women's Wear Daily, the outerwear trend for fall/winter 2011 is shearling. This season, many designers such as Burberry Prorsum, Ralph Lauren Purple Label, Rick Owens, Balmain, and Boss Black created their key jackets, coats, and blazers using this material that has become popular again.

Photos courtesy, Versace, Lanvin, Ralph Lauren, Alexander McQueen, Burberry

Velvet Hits the Runways Velvet has been around for quite some time now. It's considered very classic and timeless if worn correctly. Velvet should never be worn over velvet but with denim, trousers, and khakis. It's now come back as a "new" trend for the fall. It's most commonly seen in burgundy, black, navy blue, and chocolate. It’s seen this season in runway shows from many designers including Lanvin, Gucci, Dsquared2, Dolce & Gabbana, and Etro.

stock your fall and winter wardrobe this year – from army green, mocha, and brown to waist and double-breasted trench coats that flatter the body and hide any embarrassing flaws during the cold winter months. Designers such as Alexander McQueen, Neil Barrett, Versace,and Burberry Prorsum continue to keep this trend alive this fall/ winter 2011/2012 season.

I am certainly excited this fall/ winter season to see what everyone will be wearing. Any of these styles can be found in all major department stores. For those of you that are on a budget, select look-alike styles at stores like Zara, Gap, Banana Republic, Top Shop, and H&M stores. H


For styling, luxury personal shopping, editorial and shopping tours, contact fashion & style expert Eric Christian at eric@styleconciergemiami.com and online at www.styleconciergemiami.com

Military Influenced Jacket

Military Influenced Jacket

Velvet Jackets Lanvin Velvet Jacket

Ralph Lauren Purple Label Shearling Jacket

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Celebrity Silhouette Sets Sail Part 1: Cruise Rapture By PAUL RUBIO Last month I ventured to the Holy Land on the sophomore voyage of the new Celebrity Silhouette (celebritycruises.com) cruise ship. Over 3000 party-hungry men (and 17 brave women) had christened the ship two weeks prior on its maiden voyage from Italy to Israel and back, in association with Atlantis events. Though I chose to set sail on one of the regularly scheduled itineraries rather than indulging in the Atlantis hype, I found the Celebrity Silhouette exceptionally gay friendly, superbly service-oriented, and sensationally fun. I’m no stranger to cruising but this was my first Celebrity cruise (I am a Carnival and Princess Cruiselines regular). Immediately, I was blown away by the style and sophistication of the ship. Each of the common rooms impressed me more than the next. The ship has a youthful, whimsical and super stylish feel, with sexy interiors highly reminiscent of my favorite “W” hotels. The first days of the cruise were spent at sea. “Sea Days” tend to be my favorite days on any cruise, allowing me to relax

completely without creating minuteto-minute itineraries for thoroughly exploring a new city or island in just a few hours. Sea days were a time to get to know the ship inside and out. My balcony stateroom was spacious and modern, including an extra large bathroom and a priceless view, as we sailed past Sicily and the Greek Islands. A lover of cocktails, I found the Martini Bar and Crush my favorite space on the ship (and the Raspberry Lemonade Martini arguably my favorite drink in the world!). Feeding off a 28-degree concept of deep glacial whites and blues with its Philippe Stark-style mega chairs and sleek chaise lounges, the oval-shaped bar comfortably seats a few dozen, sporting a counter made of solid ice. The Hideaway, two floors above, functions as an eclectic coffee and chill-out lounge area, where both relaxation and good conversation unfold over avante-garde seating areas resembling bird cages and nests. The world-class Aqua spa is flanked by the most expansive, state-of-the art fullscale gymnasium I have ever seen on the

high seas! Quasar, the ship’s main nightclub across from the shopping arcade (which includes Michael Kors and other retail shops) is a pimped out palladium that puts South Beach’s most popular trendsetters to shame! Besides the constant eating orgies in the regular dining rooms and all-you-can eat buffets, the ship boasts ten – yes ten – specialty-dining restaurants on board, including the interactive Lawn Club Grill (think: upscale BBQ on the top deck where a Celebrity Chef helps grill your selections and you make your own flatbreads) and traditional fine dining at Celebrity’s most renowned restaurant, Murano. Indeed, my sea days on the Celebrity Silhouette were long and lazy. I’d sleep in, order breakfast on my balcony and then head to the quiet Solstice deck on level 15 for some intense summer sunbathing. I caught up on my favorite magazines in the Library lounge and participated in a workshop or two that peaked my interest – like the Riedel Wine Workshop, which demonstrates

how the shape and quality of a wine glass affects taste and smell of various wines and the iMovie workshop, so I could finally learn to use this useful application on my Mac! Lots of eye candy at the gym meant long hours of cardio and pumping iron to work off the colossal portions I had been consuming. I met some great people – both gay and straight – my first nights at the casino and at the “Friends of Dorothy” meeting, a group that proved to be tons of fun throughout the sailing. Throw some casino time in, lots of drinking, even more eating, late night dancing and some special events with the Captain – I probably would have been more than content with 12 “sea days!” But alas, Greece, Italy and Israel were calling; and our ports of call (including Rome, Santorini, and Haifa), were not to be missed. To be continued next week with, Celebrity Silhouette Sets Sail, Part II: Ports of Call.

Quasar Nightclub

The Martini Bar

Murano Restaurant

The Solarium

The Atrium

Photos courtesy, Celebrity Cruiselines

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The Depot will be holding their first anniversary celebration on Saturday, October 1 from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. at 2935 N Federal Highway in Fort Lauderdale. No cover charge. Music by DJ Bill Bennett, North America’s number one leather deejay as voted by Instinct and OUT Magazine. Entertainment by the worldfamous Sushi and the 801 Girls of Key West. Other special guests. H

TransCon will focus on aiding legal and professional institutions gain a greater understanding about issues dealing with the transgender community concerning institutionalized discrimination, the basics of legal gender transition and the challenges of gaining access to healthcare, among other subject matter. The conference kicks off with a feature film at O-Cinema on Friday, September 30, and will continue at FIU Biscayne Bay Campus over the course of the following 2 days. Admission prices are as follows: feature film presentation only (additional) $15; feature film presentation with conference $10; conference registrationone day $35; conference registrationtwo days $75. Tickets are available at Aquafoundation.org/transcon2011. Presented by the Aqua Foundation for Women. H

BLESSING OF THE PETS The Parish of Sts. Francis & Clare (NE 3rd Street, Fort Lauderdale – 954-7318173 ) and Church of Our Savior, MCC (2011 South Federal Highway, Boynton Beach – 561-733-4000) will hold their annual, “Blessing of the Pets” service on Saturday, October 1, 2011 at 10 a.m. The service is in honor of the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals. Congregants and members of the community are encouraged to bring their pets to be blessed. In asking for a blessing of our animal friends we acknowledge the blessings they bring into our lives. This service is a time of thanksgiving for the unconditional love between animals and humans. H

“SPIRIT OF HOPE” GALA Broward House’s “Spirit of Hope” Gala – “A Night at the Cotton Club” – will be held on Friday, October 7 from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. at the Signature Grand Mansion in Davie, Florida. Broward House’s “Spirit of Hope” galas are one of the most anticipated events of the South Florida social season. This year’s gala is honoring Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Tuesday’s Angels and AIDS Healthcare Foundation. Come out and relive those days of the secretive Speakeasies, where fabulous flappers will be waiting to welcome you. You will be treated to a three-course meal and all the hootch your liver can handle. Throughout the evening, you will be dazzled by the Cotton Club cast. Enjoy casino games such as roulette, craps, poker and blackjack. Tickets are $100 per person or a table of ten for only $950. For tickets or more information, visit www.BrowardHouse.org/donate.html. H

SENIOR EXPO The LGBT Senior Expo will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, October 22 at The Pride Center at Equality Park, 2040 N Dixie Highway in Wilton Manors. The event will provide LGBT Seniors with a comprehensive overview of healthcare services available to benefit the elder LGBT community. The event will feature a trade show with various LGBT-friendly medical, professional and financial services providers, who are eager to assist our community. Please RSVP to the Florida Assisted Living Coalition (please provide name and contact telephone number) at 800-939-2650. For more information, contact Pride Center Deputy Director Kristofer Fegenbush at 954-463-9005 ext. 111. H

LGBT HISPANIC HERITAGE CELEBRATION The Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce, along with multiple community partners, invites you to the first Hispanic LGBT community celebration designed to showcase the cultural contributions of this segment of the Hispanic community. Free and open to the public, featuring music, dance, entertainment, cultural showcase, special guests, celebrities, vendor booths and much more. Saturday, October 1st, at Lummus Park, Miami Beach, from 12 noon to 6 p.m. For more information, visit www.celebrateorgullo.com. H

13TH ANNUAL MIAMI GAY AND LESBIAN FILM FESTIVAL From October 1 to November 1 at various locations. To enrich, entertain and educate the public, encourage a sense of community through international and culturally diverse film, video and other media that offer historical and contemporary perspectives on the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender experience. For a complete schedule; www.mglff.com. H

HEAT MIAMI BLATINO EXPLOSION Friday, October 7, from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. in downtown Miami. Columbus Day Weekend will never be the same because The Heat is On! More information is available at www.thevaultmiami.com or by calling (954)3363197. H

HELLROTIKA SAVE Dade's 17th annual Halloween extravaganza, Hellrotika will be held on Saturday, October 29 from 7 p.m. to 2 p.m. at Jungle Island, 1111 Parrot Jungle Trail in Miami. For a limited time, buy your specially-priced advanced-sales tickets now at www.hellrotika.com. Amazing music by renowned deejays, top-shelf liquor, costume contest, celebrity appearances, special performances and over 1,000 of Miami’s spookiest partygoers. General admission is $40 in advance, $60 if purchased after October 21 and at the door. H

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Bay Area THE DOLLHOUSE REVIEW Mimi Imfurst presents The Dollhouse Review St. Pete: Welcome to the Dollhouse on Friday, September 30, 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. at Georgie's Alibi, 3100 3rd Avenue N in St. Pete. Mimi Imfurst is hosting this exciting cabaret-style drag experience. With sit-down service, this is going to be completely and absolutely fabulous. The final Friday of every month, Georgie’s Albi transforms itself into the Dollhouse Review celebrating a new theme every show. This month, Dollhouse is celebrating little girls, a world of dolls and candy – it’s a teenage dream, a slumber party and a world where girls just want to have fun. Featuring Mimi Imfust and the Dollstars--Anjila Cavalier, Madisyn Michaels and Naomi Wynters. Come early and get a seat. Showtime 9 p.m. No cover. H


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Central Florida “COME OUT WITH PRIDE” OPENING CEREMONIES On Thursday, October 6 from 6 p.m. to 1 a.m. Come out and celebrate the launch of Pride Weekend at The Abbey in Orlando. This high-fashion event will include 32 designs by eight talented students of the International Academy of Design and Technology. Presented by Macy’s and Sue-Bee. No cover, live deejay music. Silent auction (includes tickets on JetBlue, certificates to Ideal Image, two-night hotel stays, restaurant gift cards and more.) Live art, cash bar. The fashion show and judging will take place at the COWP kickoff on October 6 and the winning designer will be featured on stage at Come Out With Pride on Saturday, October 8. Both the winning designer and design will also be featured in our famous parade. Get tickets at www.ComeOutWithPride.com. H



Bare As You Dare/Black Light Body Paint Weekend will be held the weekend of September 30 through October 3 at Sawmill Camping Resort, 21710 US Highway 98 in Dade City, Florida. Expanded nudity policy that weekend with professional body painter, Douglas Stevens – you supply the body, Sawmill supplies the paint. Laser light clothing optional pool party Friday night with 2-41 drinks after BINGO ‘til 10 p.m.; fabulous deejays; Splash pool bar and café. Reservations 352-83-0664. H

Friday, October 7, from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Parliament House, 410 N Orange Blossom Trail in Orlando. The Orlando Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence present Project NUNway, a fashion show benefitting Hope and Help Food Bank. A kickoff party to Pride. Door prizes, cover a $5 suggested donation. H

TOPS & BOTTOMS WEEKEND WITH S&M RANCH October 7 through 10 at Sawmill Camping Resort, 21710 US Highway in Dade City. Columbus Day is Monday so make it a long weekend. Free Thursday or Sunday night stay with your paid weekend reservation. Highlights include S&M Ranch's first Beer Bust with $10 all the beer you can drink weekend, the Trident Motocycle Club on Saturday, clothing optional pool. Reserve now at 352-583-0664 or visit on a day/evening pass. H

“ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW” A live production of the “Rocky Horror Picture” featuring The Sawmill Players, from October 14 through 17 at Sawmill Camping Resort, 21710 US Highway 98 in Dade City. Dig out your Rocky Horror costumes and get ready to do the Time Warp again. Don’t miss this hysterical weekend. Make your reservations now. Sawmill supplies the props. Reserve your cabin, RV or tent site today or visit on a day/evening pass at 352-583-0664. H

JOEY D’S PENITENTIARY Halloween Weekend with Parade and Joey D's Haunted Penitentiary will be held October 28 through 30 at the Sawmill Camping Resort, 21710 US Highway 98 in Dade City, Florida. Sawmill’s annual Halloween Parade starts at 6 p.m. on Saturday, emceed by Crystal Chandelier. Contests with cash and other prizes for Best Individual Costume, Best Group, Best Float, and more. Make your reservation now at 352583-0664 or visit on a day/evening pass. H

ORLANDO PRIDE October 7 through 10. Nationally recognized celebrities and entertainment, respected speakers, scores of vendors, and the longest parade in the history of Orlando Pride all have contributed to this special event that continues to break records for Orlando LGBT festivals in which attendance has doubled or tripled each year. The Come Out with Pride committee is comprised of volunteers who are dedicated to bringing a free, world-class event to Central Florida. For more information, visit www.comeoutwithpride.com. H

“DRAG RACE” VIP PARTY RuPaul “Drag Race’s” VIP Block Party, Saturday, October 8 from 4:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. at The Monkey Bar, 26 Wall Street Plaza in Orlando. This will be Orlando’s largest block party but you must be 21 or older to attend. The hot bartenders of “Jungle Sundays” will be serving drink specials all night long. Shotboys, Jungle Stud Dancers and hot go-go gods. Two great shows by the stars of RuPaul’s “Drag Race”: Alex Mateo, Tyra Sanchez and Yara Sophia. Be the first to meet members of the cast from the upcoming season 4 of “Drag Race.” Dance the night away with live DJs on Wall Street Plaza. H

BACK DOOR BUMBY Revolution Nightclub (375 S. Bumby Ave (408) in Downtown Orlando) along with GRINDR (iPhone App) and MyFlexRadio presents: “Back Door Bumby: Enter Through the Back” every 3rd Thursday of the month. No cover when you show your GRINDR or MyFlexRadio App. H

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FORT LAUDERDALE/WILTON MANORS ALIBI 2266 Wilton Drive, Wilton Manors Gayborhood tradition since 1997. Comfortable, inviting atmosphere with indoor video bars, outdoor drinking and dining. Drink specials all week, with mammoth 22-ounce Long Island Iced Teas for $3 on Thursdays ATOMIC/BOOM 2232 Wilton Drive, Wilton Manors The bar with two names features a dance club and Gayborhood bar. Drag Bingo on Mondays, karaoke Mondays and Tuesdays, dance music Fridays and Saturdays, and (indoor) Sunday T-Dance. BILL’S FILLING STATION 2209 Wilton Drive, Wilton Manors Videos, pool tables, dart boards, dance floor, happy hour, live shows, Tuesday and Thursday karaoke – and great burgers, to boot. Fun and friendly truck-stop-themed bar. BOARDWALK 1721 North Andrews Avenue, Fort Lauderdale Over 100 of the sexiest men from all over the world. Go-go dancers, cages, billiards, 2-4-1 Happy Hours. Drag emcees and did we mention the Boys? CORNER PUB 1915 N. Andrews Ave., Wilton Manors Friendly atmosphere, unpretentious clientele and staff. Next to Island City Pizza (so you can get your drink AND your slice on). CUBBY HOLE 823 N. Federal Hwy., Fort Lauderdale Butch bar and grill with a rockin’ daytime crowd (and a fun nighttime one, too). Fifty cent pool, 2-for-1 drinks all day every day, video games, hot movies on HDTV and DirecTV. Thursdays it’s Bare Bear Chest Night, and every Friday and Saturday the fur flies with Hot Bears on Poles (where their Grizzlies Grind)! DEPOT CABANA BAR AND GRILL 2935 N. Federal Hwy., Fort Lauderdale Adjacent to the America’s Best Inn and Suites. Pool open daily – No Cover or Day Pass. Great food, daily happy hour, Sunday afternoon T-Dance Poolside. Karaoke and live music. Open daily at 11:30 a.m. DUDES 3270 N.E. 33rd St., Fort Lauderdale Men dancing for men. Hot go-go boys in an upscale atmosphere, piano lounge for more quiet interludes. Steamy shower shows. JOHNNY’S 1116 W. Broward Blvd., Fort Lauderdale Club, bar, lounge. Male dancers and the men who love (to ogle) them. Sunday amateur strip contest (and karaoke!). LIPS 1421 E. Oakland Park Blvd., Oakland Park The Ultimate in Drag Dining. Dinner and shows six nights a week. Sunday Gospel Brunch with the Sisters of Sequins. LIVING ROOM 300 S.W. 1st Ave., Fort Lauderdale Fort Lauderdale Arts & Entertainment District meets South Beach. Friday nights they’re here, they’re queer, and they drink free from 10:30(ish) to Midnight. Only House Music club in town with its own Classical (and classicallychiseled) violinist. THE MANOR 2345 Wilton Drive, Wilton Manors WeHo vibe (think: LA’s The Abbey) in the heart of the Gayborhood. Dine, drink, dance, play, mingle. Theme rooms (salsa and meringue every weekend in the Latin Quarter!). Live dancing and dining. MATTY’S ON THE DRIVE 2426 Wilton Drive, Wilton Manors Drink specials, billiards, and a chill gayborhood vibe. 75 Cent drinks on Wednesdays. No Drama, No Smoking. MONKEY BUSINESS 2740 N. Andrews Ave., Fort Lauderdale Cozy neighborhood bar. Karaoke, drag shows, Patio Bar – and open at 9 a.m. daily. MONA’S 502 E. Sunrise Blvd., Fort Lauderdale Cocktail Lounge in the heart of Searstown. Fun customers, fun bartenders and fun proprietor (the Legendary Jerry). Outside patio. Wednesday karaoke, Thursday Speedball Tournament. NAKED GRAPE 2163 Wilton Drive, Wilton Manors Relaxing, friendly, hip, unique – the alternative gathering place on Wilton Drive. Wine tastings and events. Tuesday and Wednesday Late Night In the Biz.


PJ’S CORNER POCKET 924 N. Flagler Drive, Fort Lauderdale Interracial Private Social Club. Bottle club memberships. Get your groove back on Wednesday nights with $2 drinks. RAMROD 1508 N.E. 4th Ave., Fort Lauderdale Voted World’s Favorite Leather Bar. Pig Dance first Saturday of the month – South Florida’s Busiest, Craziest Monthly Party (with caged hunks at Midnight on Saturdays – is there a downside to this?).

SCORE 727 Lincoln Rd., Miami Beach Dance, drink, party all night on Miami Beach’s Lincoln Road. Tons of events throughout the year, including fundraisers for Winter Party, White Party, and Miami Beach Gay Pride. SPACE 34 NE 11th St., Miami Mingle and mix with gays and str8s in the heart of Downtown Miami. Indoor dance floors and outdoor rooftop bar, spectacular light show.

ROSIE’S BAR & GRILL 2829 W. Broward Blvd., Fort Lauderdale Nexus of the A-Gay List. Be Seen in the Scene (without making one). Food, folks, libations, and a killer Sunday Funday.

TWIST 1057 Washington Ave., Miami Beach Great music, friendly staff, hot tourists and locals. Never a cover, always a groove. Bungalow Bar = Hot Men. In SoBe’s Art Deco District.

SCANDALS SALOON 3073 NE 6th Avenue, Wilton Manors A line-dancin’, tight blue jeans-wearin’ good time. Country and western music, two-steppin’, three-steppin’, pool tables, and themed events year ‘round. Cowboys and Indians was never this much fun, Pilgrim.

JOHNNY’S MIAMI 62 NE 14th Street, Downtown Miami Club, bar and lounge. Johnny’s Miami boasts the best sound system in town! Plenty of safe, secured parking. Open 5pm to 5am daily. Hot male dancers and daily drink specials.

SIDELINES 2031 Wilton Drive, Wilton Manors Where Sports come first. Nationally known destination sports bar with TVs streaming NFL, MLB, NBA and college games. Pool tables, dart boards and large indoor (and now smoke-free) facility. Outdoor patio features area for smokers. Mixed crowd of gay men and women (who would have thought?). Featured in Bloomberg Businessweek and recommended by LOGO. STABLE 205 E. Oakland Park Blvd., Fort Lauderdale Levis-and-leather neighborhood bar, where the bears line dance and the cowboys are VERY friendly. SMARTY PANTS 2400 E. Oakland Park Blvd., Fort Lauderdale Cozy neighborhood bar with daily happy hour, and regular patrons. Show night Thursdays at 9 p.m. Karaoke Friday and Saturday nights, and with matinee on Sunday afternoon. TORPEDO 2829 W Broward Blvd., Fort Lauderdale Dance, shoot pool, drink til 4 a.m., 7 nights a week. Doors open at Midnight; dance til Dawn. VOODOO LOUNGE 111 S.W. 2nd Ave., Fort Lauderdale Gay and mixed every Sunday, with afternoon T-Dance and drink specials, then the popular Life’s a Drag show with gobs of female impersonators, hot dudes and the chicks who want to change them. WHISKEY BLUE 401 N. Fort Lauderdale Beach Blvd., Fort Lauderdale In the W Hotel on Fort Lauderdale Beach, downstairs it’s the elegant Whiskey Blue, upstairs the luxe Living Room: hot dance and social settings in a distinctive atmosphere with signature cocktails and upscale patrons. Indoor and outdoor lounges.

MIAMI/MIAMI BEACH BAR 721 721 N. Lincoln Lane, Miami Beach Plush, lush and flush, a luxe, sexy décor that includes soft carpeting, comfy couches and a Grown Up Playroom equipped with a flat screen TV for video games, pool table, ceiling-mounted speakers. Enjoy 5 to 10 p.m. happy hours including $6 premium drinks. CLUB BOI 777 NE 79 St., Miami With an urban vibe on the weekends, a diverse crowd and a diverse musical format, including Hip Hop, R&B, House, Reggae, Soca, Latin and Old School. Go-go bois and drink specials. CLUB SUGAR 2301 S.W. 32nd Ave., Miami Gay Latin scene, with Salsa, Merengue, Reggaeton, Hip Hop and House music always playing. DISCOTEKKA 950 NE 2nd Ave., Miami Hot music, hot scene, hot bartenders, and hot patrons in the hot heart of Downtown Miami. MOVA LOUNGE 1625 Michigan Ave., Miami Beach On Miami Beach’s famed Lincoln Road, never a cover. Drink specials all week long, live DJs, high energy music and a fun crowd getting their dance on til late. PALACE BAR 1200 Ocean Drive, Miami Beach This bar and restaurant in the heart of South Beach’s Art Deco District .Mouth-watering burgers, boys (and girls!). Weekend cabaret shows Thursday through Sunday.

ORLANDO/CENTRAL FLORIDA HANKS 5026 Edgewater Dr., Orlando, FL Friendly local bar with a cruisy attitude. One of Orlando’s oldest and friendliest Gay bars. Beer and Wine. Pool Tables, Video Games and a Large Patio area. HAMBURGER MARY’S BAR & GRILL 110 West Church Street, Orlando, FL Eat, Drink & Be Mary! Tuesday BINGO with Miss Sammy & Carol Lee, Wednesday Trivia with Doug Bouser and Leigh Shannon’s Cabaret Dinner Show is every Saturday, 7:30 p.m. PARLIAMENT HOUSE 410 N. Orange Blossom Trail, Orlando, FL All gay entertainment complex with 130 newly-remodeled hotel rooms. Cruisy Hotel, Nightclub, Pool Bar, Bear/Leather Bar. NEW PHOENIX 7124 Aloma Ave., Winter Park, FL Winter Park’s ONLY Gay & Lesbian Bar. Been There Forever! Karaoke every Tuesday and Friday at 9 p.m. Drag shows every Saturday night. Home of the $1 Jello shots. PULSE 1912 S Orange Ave., Orlando, FL Orlando’s Premier Gay Bar & Nightclub with Ultra Lounge, Jewel Box Dance Floor, and Adonis Dancers. Twisted Tuesdays with $10 All-U-Can Drink, College Wednesdays (18+) and 2-4-1 every Friday for Happy Hour. SAVOY ORLANDO 1913 N. Orange Ave., Orlando, FL “The hottest” gay bar and nightclub in Orlando. The MEN OF SAVOY Dancers from 6 p.m. til 2 a.m. every night in the main bar! Video Bar, Pool Tables.


CITY SIDE 3703 Henderson Blvd., Tampa, FL Tampa Bay’s “Best Happy Hour” til Midnight every night of the week. GBAR 1401 E 7th Ave, Tampa (Ybor City), FL Dance Club & Video Bar. Open Tuesday through Saturday, 4 p.m. til 3 a.m. No cover before 10 p.m., $5 after with ID. VALENTINES NIGHTCLUB 7522 N. Armenia Ave., Tampa, FL Voted #1 Nightclub in Tampa. Open 7 days a week 3 p.m. to 3 a.m. Monday, Latin Night, Tuesdays are Boys Night Out, Wednesdays are Karaoke Night, Thursdays, No Cover Dance Party, Fridays feature Hot Go-Go Girls, Saturdays are Latino Night “Uncut” and Sundays are Hip Hop Night. Ki Ki Ki III 1908 West Kennedy Blvd., Tampa, FL One of The Oldest Bars (beer and wine). A plain bar without pretention with its share of young regulars. RAINBOW ROOM 421 S. MacDill Avenue, Tampa, FL A mix between a neighborhood bar and a community center. Main bar with pool, darts, jukebox. Outdoor Tiki patio has a full volleyball court and live bands. Beer & Wine.

ST. PETERSBURG GEORGIES ALIBI 3100 3rd Avenue North, St. Petersburg, FL One of the most popular gay bars in St. Pete. It’s always busy! Great VJ’s play Top 40 music. Mondays are Drag BINGO and Talent contest, Pool tourney Wednesdays, and the legendary Long Island Iced Tea nights on Thursdays. Ages 21 and over, never a cover! FLAMINGO RESORT 4601 34TH ST SOUTH, St. Petersburg, FL Florida’s “largest, luxury all gay resort.” Non-stop entertainment, great menu, and drinks served poolside at the Cabana. Weekly events and 2-4-1 Happy Hour daily from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday Happy Hour ($1 off) 11 a.m to 9 p.m. GEMINI LOUNGE 2315 Central Avenue, St. Petersburg, FL Gemini Lounge aims to serve a variety of tastes; music, karaoke, Internet access, poetry readings and sports on TV. OAR HOUSE BAR & LIQUOR STORE 4807 22nd Avenue South, St. Petersburg, FL Fun, friendly, laid-back atmosphere where you can get great drinks at cheap prices! Drama free! Happy Hour daily from 2 p.m. til 9 p.m. HAYMARKET PUB 8308 4th Street North, St. Petersburg, FL More of a Men’s bar. Showing hot videos, beer specials, Saturday Underwear Night, and different events each week.

WYLDE'S 3557 S. Orange Ave., Orlando, FL Neighborhood bar South of Downtown Orlando. Jukebox, Video Games, Pool Tables and Dancers.

HIDEAWAY 8302 4th Street North, St. Petersburg, FL The oldest Womyn’s bar in the country. Where music is always the main entree! Coldest selection of beer in town.

PARADISE ORLANDO 1300 N Mills Ave, Orlando, FL Orlando’s casual Gay & Lesbian bar and nightclub. Patio, Tiki Bar and Pool Tables. Happy Hour 4 til 9 p.m. and drink specials every day til 9 p.m.

DETOUR 2612 Central Avenue, St. Petersburg, FL The hottest club in St. Pete. Daily specials, karaoke nights and gogo boys from Rico's Men. Noted for it’s Saturday Drag shows and Karaoke nights. Full liquor bar.

BAR CODES (Formerly Bear Bar) 4453 Edgewater Drive, Orlando, FL Friendly Bar, Real Men and Bears... Oh My! Beer and Wine. Tends to attract the after work Happy Hour crowd.


TAMPA BAY 2606 2606 N. Armenia Ave, Tampa, FL Tampa's favorite Levi/leather bar has two floors (dimly lit), with the upstairs being the more cruisy. There's Hog House shop on-premises, and the 2606 is home to the Tampa Leather Club. Monday is Underwear Night, Tuesdays are $1 drinks and on Wednesdays, Longnecks are just $1.50. AZALEA LOUNGE 1502 N Florida Ave., Tampa, FL Exposed brick, cold beverages and friendly staff are the mainstays of the recently bloomed Florida Avenue flower! Neighborhood bar, pool tables. BAXTER'S LOUNGE 1519 S. Dale Mabry, Tampa, FL Tampa Happy Hour Tradition. Serving up some of the hottest dancers Wednesday thru Saturday nights at 10PM. FLIRT NIGHTCLUB & SHOWBAR 1909 N 15th St., Tampa, FL (Ybor City) Get that hometown feeling. Amazing lazer shows, big headliners and has been around for 6 years.

COLD KEG NIGHTCLUB 4060 West New Haven Avenue, Melbourne, FL Largest Gay Club in Melbourne Florida and the Premier Gay Bar & Nightclub in Brevard County. ULTRA LOUNGE 407 Brevard Avenue, Cocoa, FL Nestled in Cocoa Village, this bar has a full coffee bar, serving espresso, lattes, cappuccinos as well as draft beers & wine.

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THE METRO 2929 Plum Street, Jacksonville, FL The Metro Entertainment Complex has been serving the GLBT community for 17 years. Features a total of 7 different venues under one roof to choose from. Lesbo-A-Go-Go, monthly Tea Dances, special quest performers, female impersonators and live musicians. BOOT RACK SALOON 4751 Lenox Avenue, Jacksonville, FL Your Neighborhood Gay Bar - the place for men. Cold beer, music and a warm and cozy atmosphere. Hot men and cheap beer... We all know where that leads! AJ'S BAR & GRILL 10244 Atlantic Boulevard, Jacksonville, FL Annie and Janie invite you to stop by and see some old friends and meet some new ones! Great food, awesome service, delicious mixed drinks and live entertainment. PARK PLACE LOUNGE 931 King Street, Jacksonville, FL A fun and comfortable gay bar that’s accommodating to both gays and non-gays. A great place to watch your favorite game, or enjoy playing Wii while the liquor flows! THE NORM 2952 Roosevelt Boulevard, Jacksonville, FL A neighborhood bar. Everyone is welcome, but remember it is a girls bar! Beer and Wine only. 616 BAR 616 Park Street, Jacksonville, FL A warm and friendly atmosphere with a Patio bar. Karaoke on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Thursdays the Jax Bears are here for happy hour. Fridays and Saturdays enjoy the "Beer Blast." THREE LAYERS CAFE 1602 Walnut Street, Jacksonville, FL The name Three Layers comes from their large variety of delicious three layer cakes. An inviting loft style cafe located in Springfield. Enjoy a bistro style lunch or just stop in for your morning coffee. BO'S CORAL REEF 201 5th Avenue North, Jacksonville Beach, FL There are great shows Thursday through Sunday with the best of female impersonators. Pool tables, video games, and a large outdoor patio. The only gay bar on the beach!

INCAHOOTS 711 Edison Avenue, Jacksonville, FL This club offers good crowds every night. Recently remodeled with three bars and a friendly staff. Everyday is a different special. A fun place anytime. Full Liquor bar. Closed on Mondays and Tuesdays except for special events. KICKBACKS GASTROPUB 910 King Street, Jacksonville, FL This is a top class venue serving over 600 different bottled beers, 84 beers on tap, breakfast, lunch and dinner 20hrs a day 7 days a week!

KWEST 705 Duval St., Key West, FL Daily Happy Hour from 3 to 8 p.m., and a piano sing-a-long every Wednesday night. Men dancing for men after 10 p.m. Weekly drink specials and "Wet Jockey" contests on Fridays. SALOON ONE 801 Duval Street, Key West, FL (Behind 801 Bar) This is the only gay leather bar in Key West. Conveniently located behind 801 Bourbon Bar.


LA TE DA 1125 Duval Street, Key West, FL An upscale hotel complex with 3 bars, cabaret and restaurant.

THE ROUNDUP 560 East Heinberg St, Pensacola, FL A neighborhood gay men’s bar... Pensacola’s Cowboy Bar. Open 2 p.m. til 3 p.m. daily.

PEARL’S PATIO BAR FOR WOMEN 525 United St., Key West, FL Tropical themed women's bar for gay women and gayfriendly women alike. Patio bar with a full bar featuring drinks like "Cosmopearlitans" and "Pearl's Passion".

CABARET 101 S Jefferson St # E, Pensacola, FL Not strictly a gay bar, the charming and friendly Cabaret is very much a fixture in Pensacola's GLBT community, drawing a mixed bunch each evening for happy hour, karaoke, videos, comedy shows, live music, and all-around hobnobbing and socializing.

KEY WEST BOURBON STREET PUB 724 Duval St., Key West, FL Opened in October of 1995 and has continued to grow ever since, it is now part of the larger collection of gay action in The Bourbon St. Pub Complex. Hot Go-Go boy dancers and a busy crowd. “Where the boys are!” 801 BOURBON BAR 801 Duval St., Key West, FL Cabaret shows upstairs with nightly performances by famed performers Sushi, Kylie, RV Beaumont, Margo, and others. This legendary establishment has been around for over 30 years, and host Happy Hour specials daily from 11 a.m. - 8 p.m. AQUA NIGHTCLUB 711 Duval St., Key West, FL Aqua features the "Reality is a Drag" show six days a week, followed by dancing. Monday is karaoke night and don't miss the great happy hour specials from 3 to 8 p.m. daily.

BOBBY’S MONKEY BAR 900 Simonton St., Key West, FL The gay Cheers style neighborhood bar of Key West. Happy Hour from Noon to 7pm, Karaoke on Sunday nights, pool tournaments on Tuesday nights at 7pm. Free Wi-Fi access. GARDEN OF EDEN 224 Duval Street, Key West, FL A Rooftop Bar with the BEST VIEWS in the city & “BEST Long Island Ice Teas made by Melinda!” Gay, straight, fat, or skinny... Doesn’t matter! Clothing optional - gay friendly!

WEST PALM BEACH H G ROOSTERS 823 Belvedere Road, West Palm Beach, FL Dark bar that attracts a fun party crowd. Camp is in at H.G.'s, where drag shows and bingo nights pack in crowds looking for laughs and fun. THE LOUNGE 517 Clematis Street, West Palm Beach, FL Sushi, tropical views and tasty cocktails are accompanied by acclaimed resident DJ Daisy DeadPetals. FORT DIX BAR & CLUB 6205 Georgia Ave, West Palm Beach, FL Mostly local crowd looking to mingle and relax. The bar is a bit on the dark and dingy side, but who knows--that could be a plus.






OFFICE PUB 3704 Cleveland Ave , Fort Myers, FL Oldest gay bar in South West Florida with a festive attitude. This bear-friendly Office likes to have fun with underwear parties, drag shows, Wii bowling! Check out their country and western music night on Saturdays.

TUBBY'S 4350 Fowler Street , Fort Myers, FL Where men come to compete (in tournaments). "Never a cover... always a smile" Tubby's is a no-frills video bar with a total of 10 TVs and two projection screens available for patrons to use as they wish. Add a six-hour 2-4-1 Happy Hour during the Wii tournaments on the big screen! THE BOTTOM LINE 3090 Evans Ave , Fort Myers, FL This gay entertainment complex is one of the longest running clubs in southwest Florida at over 20 years, The Bottom Line features 7 bars, pool tables, drag shows and occasional guest appearances by porno stars.


TOTI: TAVERN ON THE ISLAND IN VENICE 127 Tampa Ave. East, Venice, FL This South Beach inspired gay bar, boasts a dance floor and a game room with pool tables and dart boards. It's clean, the music is mixed and the staff are friendly. A mixed crowd can be found most nights... younger, older (duh, this is Venice), gay and straight. Did you know that in the Caribbean, TOTI is slang for a beloved male appendage? How apropos.


SPIKES 4130 Northwest 6th Street, Gainesville, FL It is a laid-back kind of place, with friendly bar staff. The crowds vary depending on the night. The bar has a nice open air patio area that is rarely used, but would be nice if it was.

UNIVERSITY CLUB 18 East University Avenue, Gainesville, FL This is a fairly average small college town gay bar. It is usually busy and crowded on Thursday nights.

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jean’s Coq au Vin kitchen “Coq au vin” (French for 'rooster in wine') is a French braise of chicken cooked with wine, lardons, mushrooms, and garlic as an option. While the wine is typically Burgundy wine, many regions of France have variants of coq au vin using the local wine, such as coq au vin jaune (Jura), coq au Riesling (Alsace), coq au Champagne, and so on. You can use any wine really, for as I always say, “You are the chef!” • 4 chicken thighs and legs • 5 slices bacon, sliced into 1/2-inch pieces • Salt & freshly ground black pepper • 2 onions, chopped • 1 pound baby carrots • 30 small pearl onions, peeled • A pound of button mushrooms, wiped clean and halved • 1/3 cup all-purpose flour • 2 teaspoons tomato paste • A bottle of full-bodied red Burgundy • 1 1/2 cups beef stock • 1 bouquet garni In a large, heavy-assed saucepan over high heat, fry the bacon until crisp and all of the fat is rendered. Using a slotted spoon, transfer the crisp bacon bits to paper towels to drain. Set aside and reserve. Season the chicken pieces with the salt and pepper. Brown the chicken pieces in the hot bacon fat, working in batches, if necessary, until golden on all sides. Transfer the chicken

pieces to a large plate or bowl and set aside. Reduce the heat to medium-high and add the chopped onion and pearl onions, and cook until golden brown. Add the mushrooms and cook for 5 minutes longer, or until they've released most of their liquid and have begun to brown. Add the flour and tomato paste and cook, stirring for 1 minute. Slowly add the wine and stock, stirring constantly. Add the bouquet garni, the reserved bacon, carrots and chicken. Bring to a boil, reduce the heat to medium, and cook the sauce at a gentle simmer for 15 minutes, until liquid is slightly thickened. Cook for about 1 1/2 hours, stirring regularly until the chicken is very tender. Taste and adjust the seasoning if necessary. This dish may be prepared 1 or 2 days in advance and then reheated slowly just before serving. Serve with egg noodles. H


Jean Doherty is the Chef and Owner of Le Patio Restaurant in Wilton Manors (954) 530-4641

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Macaviti – Visionary, Artist, Creator Setting His Own Path and Destiny Macaviti may not be someone you know just yet, but he is definitely someone you won’t forget. Bursting with creativity and avant-garde style, it’s not hard to see how he has managed to stay current and at the top of his game predominantly in Orlando and the Bay Area. Often referred to as a super Diva for his striking costumes and incredible performance attitude, Macaviti has managed to evolve from a drag performer to a recording artist. The Florida Agenda sat down with him to get to know the powerhouse a little better. How long have you been performing in Florida? Well if feels like a lifetime. However, I have been an entertainer for about 12 years now with many more to come. So all those wishing I would fade in the background ... suffer ... I have legendary perseverance and not planning on going anywhere but to the top. When did you start performing? Well my mom says I came out the womb with jazz hands; however, I started performing in Orlando in 2000. At first, I was just a club kid personality and would make outrageous outfits to wear out. I was always intrigued by the club kids in New York and remember seeing how extravagant and creative they were on the Geraldo and Joan Rivers shows. I always knew I wanted to be in the spotlight, but never thought about being a drag performer. Even to this day, I still don’t consider myself a drag queen. I just enjoy allowing my creative inspirations to craft my image. After going to a few parties, friends would ask me to get on coffee tables and perform. Before I knew it, I was gracing stages everywhere. What do you enjoy most about performing? The ability to create and influence people through my performances and music is a feeling that is unparalleled to anything else. If I can inspire one person to think as an individual and not like a herd of sheep, then my goals are definitely being accomplished. I never set out to be an entertainer because I wanted to be popular or to fill some void I have socially. I perform because it is not only therapeutic for me. I do it because I simply have to, just as I have to eat and breathe. Your costumes are mind blowing, what inspires you? I‘ve always been a visionary. Even as a child, while my mom was sewing and cutting out patterns, I would take the scraps of fabrics and make my own outfits and perform for her. I just always had a love for fashion especially high fashion. I often find beauty in the unusual or unconventional, and, like any other

artist, my mind sees shapes and forms most other don’t see. Have you ever wanted to try for a show like “American Idol” or “America’s Got Talent”? Maybe not “American Idol” as I would be a ball of nerves amongst all the extraordinary singers. But best believe, if I had a voice like Whiney or Mariah, I’d be dangerous. Many of my friends pressure me to audition for RuPaul’s Drag Race and to appease them, I have auditioned a few times already. It would be great to be featured on the show, but I’m not waiting for some casting agent to shine their light on me. I’m definitely on a path to take control of my own destiny. How have all the positive reviews of “It’s Hot” helped in pushing your career further? Well originally, I don’t think people were expecting me to transition to a recording artist. Most drag entertainers don’t seem to think progressively; to further themselves outside the comfort of the gay community. The focus is usually a pageant title or crown, and I was never content with putting myself on display for someone to make me feel admirable of a crown. So when the opportunity arose for me to record with my producer DJ Nineteen69, I took it and ran with it--not having a clue where it would take me. Since the release of “It’s Hot,” I have received quite a bit of positive feedback from not only friends and well wishers, but other DJs, producers and artists. A few even are interested in collaborating with me on projects, so of course I’m ecstatic about that. When I wrote “It’s Hot,” I never thought I could write a song. But because Nineteen69 kept encouraging me to tap deeper into my creativity, now I can’t stop writing.

Even though I think its going to take a while before people completely view me as a recording artist, this is just a very small step of great things to come.


Where would you really like to go in the future? Right now the options are endless. It is just a matter of me pumping the gas and going full speed ahead. I am in the process of working on putting together a full-length CD and gathering producers willing to work with an independent artist. In addition I could definitely see my self having my own talk show or taking my music on tour with a Cirque Du Soilel-style show. Are there any disadvantages to working within the community? As an entertainer, you make a lot of sacrifices. One of the biggest sacrifices is having meaningful relationships. I was one of the lucky ones who was able to maintain a relationship with my husband for seven years, although that did not come without a price. Sometimes you often feel torn between your personal life and your professional life. That also goes for friendships as well. Many times people befriend you because they want to get a piece of you or the “glamour” surrounding you, which makes it hard to figure people’s sincerity. I think sometimes with all flashing lights, there is a lot of smoke and mirrors which makes it had for both sides to see reality. However I do pride myself on being honest with myself and I think if you’re honest with yourself that will help you maintain a sense of veracity. When you look back over your career here, what’s the highlight? I think the last few years combined have been a highlight from performing for thousands at the Cherry Ball in Washington D.C. and at Atlanta Pride.

However, I recently performed my track “It’s Hot” live at The Manor in Fort Lauderdale. Knowing that the promoter Gary Santis has a reputation of only working with premiere entertainers, It was a complete honor

to receive that opportunity from him. I’m not even sure if he remembers, but he gave me my very first headlining gig back in Orlando. So of course upon arriving at the club and seeing giant posters and ads of myself everywhere, I was like WOW! For the first time I think I TRULY felt like a star. Now, what’s the biggest cringe moment? LOL. The biggest cringe moment would probably be performing my track live for the first time at Revolution in Orlando on my birthday. As I said before, this is a new step for me. For the first time that I can remember, I was extremely nervous thinking about how people would received me standing there with a microphone. Since then, I think I have more comfort with performing my own music rather than lip syncing someone else’s words. I find a huge sense of accomplishment knowing I now have the power to influence through my own music. What effect has social networking had on your popularity and how do you think your show helps the community? The era of social networking has had the most effect on my career. Through Myspace, I have often met promoters or club managers, and have negotiated gigs via the computer. Social networking sites have allowed me to reach an audience I might not have had the chance to and like every other opportunity in my life, I have used it to my advantage. I think the community as a whole has already embraced cyber world for better or worse. I think it has definitely made people and places accessible that weren’t before. Many business and people have blossomed due to social networking. However, on the flip side, I think popularity of social networking had inhibited not just our community, but people in general, from physically interacting with one another. For social butterfly like me, going out to restaurants or clubs can be frustrating as I think as a society we are forgetting how to interact without a keyboard or phone in front of us. So what’s next for Macaviti? Of course, it’s in my nature to always keep everyone guessing. But in the midst of travelling all over performing for the masses, I do have new tracks coming out titled “All I Need” in November and “Pop That” in the spring … so stay tuned. In the meantime, feel free to check me out on my fan page at www.facebook.com/Macaviti and make sure you check out my new track “It’s Hot” on iTunes. H

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If You Could Turn Back Time! Well, you can’t really, but you can take some measures to stall it a little. By TOM BONANTI keep you looking younger! And don’t forget the importance of moisturizing your skin at night and in the morning before you go to work. Yo-yo or crash diets are a “no-no”! While it’s tempting to starve yourself or try a new gimmick to shed fat fast, such strategies can wreak havoc with your heart, cause bagging, sagging skin, and make you fatter in the long run. Eat healthy and exercise regularly starting today! That waist and butt didn’t blimp out overnight, so it only makes sense that you can’t tone up and trim down and acquire a gorgeous body overnight. Diet wisely by losing only one to three pounds per week and always combine a sound nutritional plan with a program of wise, consistent exercise. Stop smoking and eating so many sweets. Both of these vices can cause wrinkles by speeding up the degradation of elastin and collagen, both crucial skin proteins. In addition, cigarette smoking can dry out your skin and give you bad breath and yellow teeth. Lovely! Try eating more fruit instead of cupcakes and brownies. Try replacing cigarettes with more sex. Great cardio! Life is a bitch and then you die – and stress is here to stay. But when stress makes you feel out of control, certain

Photo courtesy, TheBigDesk.com

Face the facts. We are living in very stressful times. Worrying about your job and this crappy economy, not getting enough sleep, poor nutritional habits, etc. are just a few of the factors that speed up the aging process in one hell of a hurry. You can use botox, collagen and a top notch plastic surgeon to fight off the ravages of Father Time, but you may just go broke in the process. Result: more damn stress! Why not let The Florida Agenda offer a few cost-free suggestions this week on how to eliminate some of your stress and the wrinkles that come with it! Remember when your mother told you to stop scowling or your face would freeze that way? Well, your old lady had a point. Every time you cop a facial expression, tiny creases form underneath the surface of your skin; the more you do the expression, the deeper the creases. As you age and your skin loses moisture and elasticity, these lines turn into permanent deep grooves. Hint: so that you won’t end up looking like one of the apple trees in the “Wizard of Oz,” try to keep your eyes, eyebrows and forehead relaxed. Also, try sleeping on your back and avoid sleeping on your side with your face scrunched up in the pillow. Yes, more time on your back will

catabolic hormones, like cortisol, adrenaline and neurodrenaline, rage wildly in your body speeding up the aging process. Try deep-breathing activities like yoga and meditation—both can be done anywhere. Try listening to classical music. A little Mozart can make you calmer and smarter, too. Masturbation is also a great stress releaser, but not recommended at your job. A great tan is sexy. But years of baking and broiling can also cause skin to become dry, splotchy and wrinkled. To prevent these casualties and worse, use a sunscreen, a minimum of SPF-15 daily

and your skin will retain its moisture and absorb the sun’s cancer fighting and bone building Vitamin D. Here’s to youth, beauty, joy and happiness. Remember, life is too short to be stressed and miserable. For more fitness tips, contact TrainerTomB@aol.com! H


Tom Bonanti, is a certified personal trainer and owner of Pump’n Inc gym at 1271 NE 9th Ave., Ft. Lauderdale, FL, Email: TrainerTomB@aol.com Facebook: TrainerTomB. www.pumpnincgym.com

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Remember When... Dr Bill Henkel and Jeff Stryker on the Backstreet Balcony, 1982

Former Illinois County Judge, Dr. Bill Henkel, remembers this photo fondly of himself and porn star, Jeff Stryker, who originally hails from Illinois. “I was hosting a party for Jeff at Backstreet in Fort Lauderdale, which is now Revolution LIVE. This picture was taken on the balcony overlooking the swimming pool. The event was huge as it was at the height of his porn career and the whole place was packed.” What does this photo remind him of most? “What I love most about this picture is that here is a hot guy who is still alive and has survived thirty years of gay life, he is still active in the media production business now in California.” Dr. Bill Henkel is retired and lives in Wilton Manors, Florida. If you have a photo you would like to see featured in “Remember When” that takes you back, please send it, along with a description, to editor@floridaagenda.com.

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EMPLOYMENT ATTENTION; ARE YOU A HOT NEW DJ LOOKING TO HAVE YOUR MIXES BROADCASTED ACROSS THE GLOBE? ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A DJ SHOW WEEKLY TO PROMOTE YOUR TALENTS? If so, we are accepting DJ mixes & resumes. This is your chance to be promoted & marketed across america - around the world. LIVE DJ events are also offered in south florida & beyond for talented mixers. Our music format is "dance, gay club, pop & electronica." We broadcast - stream on the internet 24/7 & reach millions of listeners worldwide. Email; DjJared.MyGayRadio@gmail.com PT / FT ADVERTISING ASSOCIATE NEEDED - We are a streaming / internet LGBT radio station, south florida based. This a commissioned sales position. For more info do contact us via email; Info.MyGayRadio@gmail.com NEW MIAMI BAR - A Beautiful and upscale New Gay Bar located in the heart of Downtown Miami is opening soon - we are looking for Barbacks, Security, Bartenders, Cocktail Servers, DJ's, MC, VIP Host, Cashier, Male Dancers. Also looking for an experienced Bar Mgr. and Dance Mgr. Excellent Pay and benefits. Send Photos, Resume, Contact Info to: newmiamiclub@gmail.com

COMPUTER SERVICES **OPTIMA** COMPUTER REPAIR - COMPLETE IN HOME SERVICE. Get the best performance, protection & value from your computer investment, *A+ Hardware & OS CERTIFIED. *Friendly, professional, RELIABLE service. Reasonable rates. Call Mike (954) 817-3883

COUNSELING A MIND AT PEACE/ THERAPEUTIC SERVICES/ RON "DOC" CHAMBERS, MSW (954) 627-0103 1975 East Sunrise Blvd., Suite 629 Fort Lauderdale. HIV Related Issues /Anxiety /Depression /Schizophrenia /Relationship Problems /Anger Management Problems /Same-Sex Battering /Domestic Violence. Most Insurance Accepted /Credit Cards Accepted.

COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY!!! Create Your New Business In Wilton Manors!! The "Gay Mecca Of The South"at an OUTSTANDING PRICE.!! Great Terms!! High Traffic Plaza!! Lots Of Parking!! With Tenants that have been there for over 25 Years!! Right off of "Wilton Drive".1 Space with Approx. 800 Sq Ft., 1 Space with Approx. 1500 Sq Ft. This Space will Go Quickly!! Do Not Delay-Call Today!! Robert Geary MacKilligan "Your Life Partner In Real Estate" – Bank Certified Specialist-Galleria International Realty On Las Olas Cell 954-234-8759 rgmsell@aol.com

CLEANING SERVICES HOUSEKEEPING AVAILABLE at reasonable rates. Call Dan at 954-594-0186.

LICENSED MASSAGE AWESOME MASSAGE BY JIM - Special First Time Client Rates. Offering Swedish, Deep Tissue, Sports and Lomi Lomi Massage. All in a very comfortable, relaxed and Private Massage Studio conveniently located On the SE Corner of Oakland Park Blvd and Federal Hwy - Nationally Certified and Licensed MM22293 - www.massagebyjim.com or call Jim Libonati (954)600-5843 info@massagebyjim.com.

MASSAGE THERAPIST/SKIN-CARE SPECIALIST - 78 Degrees Spa is looking for a massage therapist and a skin-care specialist for our Wilton Manors Spa (male preferred). Great opportunity to build clientele or expand established client list. Season is just around the corner! Please call (954)630-1444; ask for John. GENESIS HEALTH INSTITUTE - the premier Anti-Aging health facility located in Wilton Manors is looking for a hospitality-oriented, friendly and health-oriented Front Desk person to work 24-32 hours weekly. Please email resume or interview request to dimitrighi1@aol.com. RETAIL SALES POSITION - full or part-time available immediately! Call (954)873-3889

HOME IMPROVEMENT Derek’s 24 HR HANDYMAN SERVICE. Introducing our new cabinet shop! For all your custom made cabinetry countertops laminates. YOU MUST SEE OUR WORK, just ask our clients. All electrical to code; ANY & ALL plumbing work, Drywall finish work / repair. Crown / baseboard pro-install, interior / exterior painting, demo work, Pressure washing, Decor tile install, Complete home up-dates. For large jobs, 4-man crew available. WE CAN HANDLE IT ALL! Instant call back, direct service response. No job is ever too small. Excellent references. Derek (954) 825-5598 or E-mail: DerekGallaway@att.net LAWN & PROPERTY MAINTENANCE - For all of your landscaping needs from interior to exterior including clean up and plant care at reasonable prices, call Daniel at Exotic Landscaping 954-520-9140. Licensed. We also do property management on large and small properties.

LICENSED MASSAGE RECESSION RELIEF - $40/90 MINS! LEAVE YOUR STRESS UP TO ME. Out calls higher. Let Denny make you feel like a Queen. Couples discounts, seniors welcome. New location: Delray Beach. 16 yrs experience. MA 18563. Denny (561) 502-2628.


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RENTALS / FTL FORT LAUDERDALE - IMPERIAL POINT - Well-maintained, quiet 1 bedroom apartment in Georgian Court complex on NE 62nd Street. Convenient to downtown, beach and Wilton Manors. Nice grounds and pool. $700/mo. Call (917)334-1146 FANTASTIC 1/1 - Near Wilton Manors. Great backyard! Pets OK with approval. Satellite, garbage & water included. F/L/S $795/mo. Call (954)632-6662 2/1 CONDO ON THE OUTSKIRTS OF WILTON MANORS. Pool, located on the canal, dead end street; near I-95 and Oakland Pk Blvd. Dish washer. Includes cable and water. Coin laundry machines located on property. $800/month. Call (954)937-3872. ROYAL PARK - Near Wilton Manors 1BR/1.5BA, $825$900/mo. 2BR/2BA, $950 - $1100/mo. Gated Security, Clubhouse, Pools, Gym, Sauna and Steam room. Pets OK. Cable/Water/Trash included. Call Naim Naqi, Broker/ SFG, Realtors (954)565.2025 SOUTH MIDDLE RIVER - This 2 bedroom apartment is part of a resort style compound. Amenities include CAC, dishwasher, 20" tile throughout, Side by Side fridge. Outside amenities include a POOL, laundry facilities and a very large fenced area for your pooch. Assigned parking with room for guests. Pets are Welcome $950 per month, available 10/1 but can be seen now. Call Brad at (954)200-0166 WILTON MANORS GAY COMPLEX - Remodeled 1/1. Central air. Tile floors. Heated pool. Pets OK. One block to Wilton Drive. $800/mo. $1700 moves you in. (954)600-0620 OAKLAND PARK - Coral Heights Section, 2BD/2BA Freshly Painted, All New just 2 years ago including tiled floors in both bedrooms, both baths have been updated with white vanities, kitchen has maple cabinets and white appl, Maple floors in kitchen, dining room and living room, PLUS Oversized "Florida Room", fenced backyard, W/D, small pets OK, F/L/S/ move in now. Home is 1/2 of a Duplex, $1250.00/mo. Call for appt. (954)234-8759 Robert Geary MacKilligan "Your Life Partner In Real Estate" Bank Certified Specialist - Galleria Intl Realty on Las Olas LAKERIDGE - Extra-Large studio w/ private entrance and parking! Walk to the Drive! Includes all utilities! Only $600/mo. F/L Call (954)553-8616 POINSETTIA HEIGHTS - Furnished efficiency w/ prvt entrance & parking! tile thru-out, large walk-in closet. Utilities incl. w/ DirecTV. No Pets/No Smokers-$650/mo. F/L Call (954)682-9428

MOVING ELITE RELOCATION MOVING & STORAGE We've provided quality moves for over 30 years. It's always a smooth move when you choose Elite Relocation. Contact us today at (954)975-8660 - www.elitemoving.com RED BOX MOVING - OWNER IN TRUCK ON EVERY MOVE. CALL NORBERT DIRECTLY. Affordable, Reliable, Careful. MV#567/INSURED. (954) 305-9176 or (561) 506-5540 www.redboxmoving.com GUYS and DOLLIES. Moving * Storage * Packing * Crating * Shipping. “A” Rated Member of the BBB Register Movers since 1976. Major credit cards accepted. For free price quote, Call (954) 566-1270


LAKERIDGE - very nice loft-style 3BD/1BA, new kitchen w/marble, CAC, W/D, private yard and parking, tile thru-out. Just minutes from Wilton Drive! $1300/mo. F/L Call (954)553-8616 OAKLAND PARK 2/1 - Good size 2/1 in this modern well managed 5-plex. Central air/heat, tile floors, large living/dining room with open plan kitchen, dishwasher, fridge/freezer. Ceiling fans, on-site laundry, assigned off-street parking, water/sewer included, small pets ok with approval. Great floorplan for 2 sharing. $8.95/month. Call Michael (954)540-3543

FURNISHED / RENTALS / FTL PERFECT RELOCATION RENTALS – 3-6 MONTHS From $295/week & $1100/month Beautiful Studio, 1 & 2 BR Apts. Turn key, fully furnished & equipped, clothing optional pool, laundry, parking. Close to Gay & Nude Beaches. Pets Welcome. Includes utilities, cable, telephone, Wi-Fi Internet. 954-927-0090 or visit www.LibertySuites.com

ROOMMATES ROOM FOR RENT ON THE WATER! Private entrance and bath. Light cooking, no car preferred. Walk to Wilton Drive. No smokers please. $550/mo. everything incl. call (954)5667258 or (954)821-3091

SPIRITUALITY THE PARISH OF STS. FRANCIS & CLARE 101 NE 3rd Street - just North of Broward Blvd. and E of Andrews Ave. Mass Times: Sat @ 5 PM; Sun @ 10:30 AM; Wed @ 7 PM. Where we welcome and appreciate diversity - a progressive community in the Catholic tradition. (954)731-8173; www.stsfrancisandclare.org DIGNITY FT LAUDERDALE - Roman Catholic Mass every Sunday 7 PM at Holy Angels CC 2917 NE 6th Ave, Wilton Manors. Monthly socials and more. There is always room at our table. Dignityftl@bellsouth.net. CHURCH OF THE HOLY SPIRITSONG Welcomes you to come and worship with us every Sunday at 10 am and every Wednesday night at 8 pm. We meet at the SpiritSong Worship Center at 2040B North Dixie Highway Suite 3 in Wilton Manors (Building B on Equality Park Campus, behind the Pride Center). God loves you just the way He made you. Come discover His purpose for you. For more info: (954) 418-8372, info@cohss.com, www.cohss.org.


GOLD COAST UPHOLSTERY - Re-upholstering, Cushions, Throw pillows, Large selection of fabric to choose from or bring in your own fabric. Broward / Dade. Palm Beach. Call Edgar (954) 491-4937

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