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Airline allowing gay couples to say their “I do’s” in flight. PAGE 4

SMART Ride 7 rolls on the two day trip to Key West Nov. 18. PAGE 2

Courtesy, 365gay.com

Courtesy, SMART Ride


Newswire n Fort Lauderdale n Miami n Bay Area n Central Florida

n First Time Julie Carson becomes Wilton Manors’ first openly lesbian City Commissioner,

PAGE 6 Courtesy, Colorlines.com

Florida joins the growing list of states forced to cut drugs for HIV/AIDS patients due to budget issues.

By Bob Kecskemety

n All White It’s the last hoorah as White Party gears up for its final curtain call at Vizcaya,

PAGE 16 By Dennis Dean

n Majesty Royalty comes to Tampa in the form of Prince Poppycock,

PAGE 17 Courtesy, America’s Got Talent

n Pride!

Orlando is going to sizzle at the Orlando Black Pride Wet & Wild Weekend,


Courtesy, Orlando Black Pride

Florida's economic woes threaten uninsured HIV/AIDS patients Thousands in jeopardy of losing coverage By JEREMY JONES It appears Florida’s struggling economy has found its latest victims: uninsured HIV/AIDS patients. According to the Florida Department of Health’s Bureau for HIV/AIDS, a budget crisis is forcing the state to drop 350 uninsured HIV/AIDS patients from a federal drug subsidy program, and an additional 2,000

more patients may suffer the same fate. The need to drop patients from the AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP) stems from Florida’s $16 million shortfall of its $100 million drug program budget. Another factor affecting the cuts is the economy, which has triggered an increase in the number of Florida patients being enrolled in the program due to loss of employment and health insurance. The Bureau estimates the current enrollment to be approximately 11,000 patients. The lack of funding has forced the agency to put patients on a waiting list. “We have not had this type of demand

in 14 years,” said Tom Liberti, chief of the Bureau of HIV/AIDS. “We knew we had to have a waiting list quickly because we were over budget.” Liberti, who estimates there are more than 2,400 patients on the waiting list, says the Bureau began putting patients on the list June 1. Of these patients, more than 1,000 live in South Florida and approximately 300 live in Central Florida. In a state that has the third largest HIV/AIDS epidemic in the country, having to drop patients from ADAP is not

See HIV/AIDS on Page 5


Republican super-majority makes fight for gay rights tougher on state level By DMITRY RASHNITSOV As the Democratic Party all across the United States licks its wounds, the results in Florida are even more astonishing, considering the Sunshine State went blue for Barack Obama just two years ago. Democrats lost bids for Florida’s Governor’s office, State Attorney General, Chief Financial Officer and Agriculture Commissioner. In addition, when Florida’s legislature reconvenes next year, only 12 politicians

in the 40-member Senate and 39 politicians in the 120-member House will be affiliated with the Democratic Party. A Republican supermajority is born. What this means is that Democrats will not be able to stop any legislation that Republican Senate and House members put on the table. “At this moment, we don’t have one voice,” said Sen. Nan Rich of Weston, who will be the Democrat’s Senate leader

See ELECTION on Page 5

Alex Sink

Scott Maddox

Dan Gelber

Lorane Ausley Courtesy, Google Images

Democrats Alex Sink, Dan Gelber, Scott Maddox and Loranne Ausley all lost in Florida's election thanks to a backlash of the Democratic Party on the national level.


NOVEMBER 11, 2010



Research shows HIV/AIDS education working among gay men in Miami-Dade

Memories Burn Bright.” The event will begin at Richardson Park in Wilton Manors and end in the parking lot of The Shoppes of Wilton Manors. The community is invited to take part in this evening of reflection, solidarity and engagement as we celebrate the lives of those we’ve lost to HIV/AIDS. H

David Wylie Dies at Age 44

Courtesy, Barry University

MIAMI, Fla. - Dr. Evelio Velis, associate professor of the master of Science in Health Services Administration program at Bay View, is conducting a study in HIV/AIDS epidemic in Miami-Dade County. He selected two, three-year periods for comparison: 1993-95 and 2007-09. The data was obtained from the State of Florida Department of Health, Bureau of HIV/AIDS (HSDHIV). Preliminary results show that in 2007-09, there has been a significant increase in AIDS reported cases compared to 1993-95 among teens, females, and Black non-Hispanics in MiamiDade. AIDS cases associated with heterosexual contact significantly rose, while cases related to male sexual contact with another male (MSM) remained the same; an indication, Velis stated, that education related interventions seem to have been more effective among the latter group. “There is a need for aggressive HIV testing and primary prevention level type of interventions must be much more specific,” said Velis. “Educational programs must be specifically targeting those groups at higher risk. This is a communicable chronic disease and we must be prepared for a long journey.” Velis stressed that despite all educational efforts, the vast majority of HIV/AIDS cases are still associated to sexual behavior in both genders. Unprotected heterosexual contact has become the most relevant risk factor, replacing unprotected male sexual contact with other males, which was the top exposure category 15 years ago. H

World AIDS Day candlelight vigil and rally FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla.Broward House, the county’s oldest and largest HIV/AIDS service organization, will host the third annual World AIDS Day candlelight vigil and rally on Wednesday, Dec. 1 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. This year’s theme is “Our

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. Community activist and media personality, David L. Wylie, died on Oct. 10, 2010 of cancer. Having had a rough childhood, being abandoned by his birth parents, put up for adoption, and then abandoned again by his adoptive parents after coming out, Wylie had a special fondness for children working with Toys-for-Tots, The Trevor Project and other child advocacy groups. Wylie was an occasional photographic contributor to the former Buzz Magazine and was an early contributor to Latino Boys Magazine (LBM). Wylie then joined columnist Geo Bustamente, also from LBM, and took their talents to create GaySoFla.com, an online magazine. A memorial service will be held on Saturday, Nov. 13 at 4 p.m. at MCC Sunshine Cathedral, located at 1480 SW Ninth Ave., in Fort Lauderdale. H

SMART Ride 7 rolls to Key West Nov. 18

Courtesy, SMART Ride

KEY WEST, Fla. - More than 500 participants will span 165 miles over two days as the SMART Ride 7 prepares to hit the road Nov. 18-20. The Southern Most AIDS/HIV Ride has raised more than $2.2 million for charity since it began in 2003, and 100 percent of the proceeds from the event go directly to HIV/AIDS charities. Riders, who range in age from 18 to 73, come from all across the country to take part in the ride, which begins in Miami and ends in Key West. An estimated 19 percent of the riders are positive; 50 percent know someone living with HIV/AIDS; and 36 percent have lost someone to HIV/AIDS. H


NOVEMBER 11, 2010



NOVEMBER 11, 2010

Lexington,KY elects first openly gay mayor

Courtesy, JimGray.org

LEXINGTON, KY – Kentucky may be home to Republican Sen. Mitch McConnell, a staunch anti-gay rights supporter, but the state’s second biggest city just elected its first openly gay mayor. Those that went to the polls in Lexington elected businessman Jim Gray with 53 percent of the vote. Gray owns a construction company and had previously served as Lexington’s vice mayor. “I am here for my mother's generation, I am here for my generation and for your generation, and we are here for the next generation,” Gray told his supports after the victory was announced. While Gray played down his homosexuality during the campaign, it did become a hot button issue on talk radio in the days and weeks leading up to the election. Gray’s platform prefers to focus on job creation, but one of his initiatives is to embrace diversity throughout the city. “We won’t make Lexington the kind of city that attracts the best and the brightest if diversity is just a word that’s trotted out when we’re celebrating a week or month to recognize Black history, Disabilities Awareness, Women’s Rights or Gay Pride,” Gray said. “It has to become part of our city’s culture. I’ll be a mayor who looks beyond superficial categories to see the talents, interests and unique experiences each individual brings to the table.” H

news had voted in favor of allowing same-sex marriage in the state in 2009. The three justices issued a joint statement in defeat. “We hope Iowans will continue to support Iowa’s merit selection system for appointing judges. This system helps ensure that judges base their decisions on the law and the Constitution and nothing else. Ultimately, however, the preservation of our state’s fair and impartial courts will require more than the integrity and fortitude of individual judges; it will require the steadfast support of the people.” NOM President Brian Brown was proud of the work he and his team did in Iowa. “This election, we want Iowans to know that their values and their votes matter,” Brown said. “They need to know where these Justices stand, and unfortunately they stand on the idea that as Justices they are elite and are above the scrutiny of the people’s voice. Our opponents claim there is no such thing as an activist judge, but these judges have substituted their own values for the values of working families in Iowa.” Iowa Gov. Chet Culver, the politician who was pro-LGBT rights, lost his election for another term to Gov.-elect Terry Branstad, who in July told The Des Moines Register that there would be sufficient political pressure to force a vote on a marriage amendment. H

Record number of LGBT candidates elected to office

Log Cabin Republicans ask U.S. Supreme Court to review gay military ban

Iowa in danger of losing same-sex marriage rights Courtesy, Picassa.com

DES MOINES, Iowa – When voters go to the polls, many do not focus on the people running for various city, county or state justice positions. Some leave those contests blank or choose the name they like the best. Prior to 2010, only four judges had not been retained since 1962 in elections in Iowa, and zero of them were on Iowa’s Supreme Court, according to American Judicature Society. That all changed this year when three of Iowa’s Supreme Court Justices were ousted out of office, thanks to an influx of spending cash from the National Organization for Marriage (NOM), a group that’s only purpose is to keep marriage between one man and one woman. Iowa Chief Justice Marsha Ternus and Justices David Baker and Michael Streit did not receive the 50 percent vote needed to keep their seats. These three justices

expand its voice at all levels of government in America,” Wolfe said. “Out public officials are having a sizable impact on the local, state and national debates about LGBT equality. Increasing their numbers is a vital part of a long-term strategy to change America’s politics and make our country freer and fairer for everyone. We will continue to focus on training committed, qualified candidates, and we will work hard to get them elected to public office.” Some of the milestone LGBT victories included: Nickie Antonio’s election to the Ohio House. Antonio will be the first openly LGBT person to serve in the state legislature; Marcus Brandon’s election to the North Carolina House. Brandon will be the state’s only openly gay state legislator and one of just five out African Americans to serve as state lawmakers; Victoria Kolakowski’s election as a Superior Court judge in Alameda County. Kolakowski becomes the first openly transgender judge in America; and Laurie Jinkins’ election to the Washington State House. Jinkins is Washington’s first openly lesbian state legislator, and could help her gay colleagues pass a marriage equality bill in the next legislative session. The Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund is the only national organization dedicated to increasing the number of openly LGBT elected officials at all levels of government in the U.S. It has grown that number from 49 to more than 500 since its founding in 1991. A full 2010 Election Scorecard will be available soon at www.victoryfund.org. H

David Cicilline D-R.I., will become the fourth openly gay member of congress in January

Although anti-gay Republicans took back the U.S. House of Representatives, it turned out to be a banner year for LGBT candidates throughout cities, towns and municipalities in the country, according to The Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund. Of the Victory Fund’s 164 endorsements, 106 candidates claimed new political offices, including Providence, R.I., Mayor David Cicilline (pictured), who will become the fourth openly gay Member of Congress when the House convenes in January. Victory Fund President and CEO Chuck Wolfe touted the group’s success: “There is no sugarcoating the loss of so many of our straight allies in Congress, but we can be proud that our community continues to

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. – The Log Cabin Republicans (LCR), a Republican gay rights group, is taking the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell fight all the way to the Supreme Court. Lawyers for LCR asked the high court to vacate a 2-1 decision by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals until it considers the government’s appeal of the judge’s decision declaring the policy unconstitutional. “Unless the court of appeals stay is vacated, the respondents will be free to continue to investigate and discharge American service members for no reason other than their homosexuality, in violation of their due process and First Amendment rights,” the LCR’s lawyer wrote in its appeal. The request was directed to Justice Anthony Kennedy, who handles emergency motions from the 9th Circuit. President Barack Obama, meanwhile, has pledged to push the Senate to repeal the policy in the lame duck session before a new Congress is sworn in. “It is unfortunate the Obama Justice Department has forced the Log Cabin Republicans to go to the Supreme Court,” R. Clarke Cooper, the group’s executive director, said. In their filing Friday, Log Cabin lawyers disputed that the military would be harmed if the policy were suspended immediately. H


Weddings in the Air

Courtesy, 365gay.com

Aleksandar Mijatovic and Shantu Bhattacherjee from Germany will wed on a Scandinavian Air flight Dec. 6

NEW YORK, NY – According to On Top magazine, Scandinavian Airlines is allowing two gay and lesbian couples to say their “I do’s” while in flight. It seems that being a member of the “mile-high club” is no longer as prestigious as it used to be. The marriage ceremonies are part of the airline’s “Love is in the Air” campaign, which was sponsored by the International Gay Lesbian Travel Association. More than 300 submissions were received during the campaign, and the lucky two couples will tie the knot, first-class style, Dec 6 during a flight from Stockholm to New York. The winners are gay couple Aleksandar Mijatovic and Shantu Bhattacherjee, who are from Germany and have been together for seven years. Lesbians Ewa Tomaszewicz and Gosia Rowinska, who are from Poland, will join the other two. As part of the contest, the two couples will also receive free honeymoons in NYC and West Hollywood. On what he loves most about his partner and soon-to-be husband, Mijatovic says,“That now after seven years I still have butterflies in my stomach when I look at him. And I love the fact that I always feel that I am in a team and that I can rely on him and trust him unconditionally.” H

Gates: Repeal “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” WASHINGTON, DC - The Associated Press is reporting that U.S. Secreatary of Defense Robert Gates wants the Senate to quickly move ahead with repealing “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” during the lame duck session. Gates was not optimistic that the Senate would pass the National Defense Authorization Act which includes a DADT repeal. Gates also feels that if action isn’t taken immediately, there will be less chance of repeal once the new Congressional session begins in January 2011. Support for repealing DADT came from former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani who spoke on CNN saying that since the Republicans now have the majority in House, the new majority should not add roadblocks in front of advances in LGBT equality, particularly in ending DADT. “I didn’t see [Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell] as a big issue in [the election],” Giuliani said. “The social issues were not in this election. So maybe that’s an area where Republican can ease up a little bit.” H



Thousands in jeopardy of losing coverage HIV/AIDS continued from Page 1 something the Bureau wanted to do, says Liberti. New York and California rank No. 1 and No. 2. Flat funding from the Ryan White program, the economy and the increased number of patients came together to create what Liberti calls the “perfect storm,” which started in early 2009. While the Bureau, which has been around for more than 20 years, is trying to stabilize the program, it’s not there yet, he says. If the financial situation does not improve, there is a strong possibility that more patients could be dropped from the program. “When people are diagnosed ... they often need to be on medication right away,” said Lola Thomas, executive director of the AIDS Alliance of Northwest Georgia, one of the states that has a waiting list. “It’s devastating to the HIV community. It becomes difficult to keep up with the program.” As far as Florida is concerned, there

Election round-up ELECTION continued from Page 1 for the next two years. “There is no question we have to sit down and figure out a strategy.” Rich is a champion of LGBT rights and had previously filed bills to abolish the ban on gay and lesbian couples adopting children. The ban is no longer in place after a recent court ruling overturned it and the state refused to appeal. Palm Beach County Human Rights Council President Rand Hoch said the new makeup of Florida’s legislative bodies will resonate the same message towards the gay community as the previous legislative bodies had. “Neither the Florida Senate nor the Florida House of Representatives has been supportive of LGBT legislation for many, many years,” Hoch said. “The last pro-gay law – the Hate Crimes law – was passed in 1991. Not a single pro-gay law has been passed by the legislature in almost 20 years. While there may be fewer legislators willing to voice their support for pro-LGBT legislation, it makes no difference if legislation can not get passed. So I do not think that the outcome of the legislative races means very much at all.” One extremely tough loss as a voice for the LGBT community was Florida Rep. Kelly Skidmore (D-90) who ran for the State Senate seat in District 25. Skidmore had also sponsored a bill to overturn the ban on gay adoptions, and she was the politician that led the fight for inclusion of LGBT youth in a safe schools bill that passed last year. “Kelly Skidmore never had a chance to win the Senate race,” Hoch said. “While it is a shame to lose an advocate, she did little to change the hearts and minds in Tallahassee. In fact, during her entire

are no guarantees that more patients won’t be cut, but the Bureau is trying to make it through March 31 of next year before any additional cuts are made. Liberti estimates that the state saves about $10,000 per every patient dropped, but that is not the ideal scenario. “Everyone is trying very hard so that we don’t have to do that. I’m trying to stay optimistic,” Liberti said. That optimism is linked to several grant programs totaling millions of dollars, some of which the state has never been eligible for until now. The downside is the fact that grant awards aren’t usually handed out until at least April 1. Liberti says his office is going for as much money as possible. In the meantime, dropping patients from ADAP and reducing eligibility were the immediate steps that had to be taken to ensure the program could stay afloat. Some of the patients being dropped may be able to obtain drugs for free or at a minimal cost directly through programs offered by drug manufacturers. The state is assisting patients in this process. H

tenure in the legislature, she was never able to get a hearing on the LGBT civil rights bill she sponsored. The seat she ran for went to Sen.-elect Ellyn Bogdanoff, who has worked behind the scenes with the Palm Beach County Human Rights Council for the past several years. Her insight proved to be invaluable. While I do not see her as being a champion of our issues, clearly she will be able to help us determine what is - and what is not – possible to accomplish in the years to come.” According to Equality Florida, a statewide LGBT civil rights organization, the election results were disappointing, but the state is moving toward equality, at a ginger pace. “Record majorities of Floridians now stand with us on nearly every issue we fight for,” wrote Equality Florida’s Tobias Parker in a post. “But the reason this support has not always translated into victories at the ballot box is that Florida’s voting districts are drawn to dramatically favor the party in power, which leads to extremism.” With the passage of Amendments 5 and 6, Florida’s districts will all be redrawn to look more fair and equal and be less about the number of Republicans and Democrats that live in each area. “Our elected leaders may propel us or stymie our progress, but they cannot stop our forward march,” wrote Tobias. “Full equality is inevitable as long as we continue to stay in the fight.” Hoch believes the frontier for gay equality needs to be taken down to the hyper-local level. “It is too bad that all of the money raised for lobbying and candidates did not go toward setting up LGBT community centers in as many places across Florida as possible,” Hoch said. “Think of the progress that could have been made if that had been the focus of our attention over the past 10 years.”H

NOVEMBER 11, 2010



NOVEMBER 11, 2010



Wilton Manors elects first openly lesbian City Commissioner Julie Carson sworn in Nov. 9; will serve out Flippen’s remaining term By BOB KECSKEMETY On Nov. 2, voters in Wilton Manors chose Julie Carson in a special election to replace Vice Mayor Justin Flippen on the Wilton Manors City Commission. Carson beat out Celeste Shank Ellich with 52 percent of the vote. Flippen resigned his commission seat in order to run in the Democratic primary for Florida State Representative-District 92. With her victory, Carson becomes the first openly lesbian to win election to the City Commission. “I am so excited and very happy to be on the City Commission and so glad I have the opportunity to serve the residents of Wilton Manors,” said Carson, who chose to run a special election to serve out the remaining two years of former Vice Mayor Justin Flippen’s term. “I believe that my biggest contribution could be made in two years. And should I decide, and should the voters decide they want me back, then I’ll consider another run, but this is going to be two years.” Carson sat on the commission briefly when, in November 2008, then City C ommission e r Gary Resnick ran for and won the mayoral race, leaving his commission seat empty. The commission then u n a n i m o u s l y To view a video of Carson www.FloridaAgenda.com. a p p o i n t e d Carson to fill the seat until a special election was held in February 2009. She lost that election to Scott Newton. Carson received a full honor scholarship and graduated Summa Cum Laude in 1983 from Middle Tennessee State University with a major in Foreign Language and a minor in Political Science and Women’s Studies. She became interested in public service when she was elected to serve as governor of Tennessee Volunteer Girls State, an annual leadership and citizenship-training program which selects 500 young women of academic excellence and provides them with an opportunity to form and run a mock government. Carson worked portions of her summer breaks serving as a legislative aide for Girls Nation Program in Washington, D.C. and on the U.S.

Congressional staff for Tennessee Congressman William Hill Boner. Carson is also an accomplished triathlete, participating in as many as 15 events a year. She moved to South Florida from Nashville, Tenn. in 2001. In Nashville she was active in her synagogue and in politics. Six years ago she moved to Wilton Manors from Fort Lauderdale and has been active at her synagogue, Congregation Etz Chaim. She says one of her first tasks will be to create harmony between the residents and the City Commission. “I want to make sure all the gaps are bridges between all the communities in the city and that everyone has access to the commission in order to voice their opinions and ideas.” She also wants to take a close look at the city’s budget, implementing some zero-based budgeting in various departments in order to determine what services are necessary and how

Courtesy, Bob Kecskemety

being sworn in to her new position, go to

to provide them at the lowest possible cost. In order to better communicate with the residents of Wilton Manors, she is planning to have open office hours and is hoping to have meetings throughout the city so that she can meet with residents from different parts of town who do not otherwise have access to the City Commission. Carson also plans to focus on the city’s elementary school and its seniors community. She regularly consults State Rep. Gwyndolen Clarke-Reed, who serves on the state’s Elder Committee. She also believes that business development in the city is important and would like to see the business permitting process be made easier. The city has already budgeted to hire a new director of Community Services.


NOVEMBER 11, 2010



NOVEMBER 11, 2010



Equality Florida to honor Martin Gill during Broward Gala Come out and honor Martin Gill, the man who changed the thinking of the people and officials in the State of Florida during the eighth annual Equality Florida Broward Gala. The event, which will recognize Gill’s perseverance during the adoption battle of his two sons, will take place on Sunday, Nov. 14 at 5 p.m. at the Fort Lauderdale Museum of Art in downtown Fort Lauderdale. Gill will receive the Voice for Equality Award during the gala. Gill’s perseverance made national news as, instead of laying down and following Florida’s ban on gay adoption, he fought, with the help of the ACLU, to get the state to change their views and permit him to adopt his two foster sons. In November 2008, a Florida juvenile court judge ruled that Gill should be able to adopt the two young brothers he and his partner had been fostering since 2004. However, the state of Florida appealed this decision to Florida's Third District Court of Appeals.

On Sept 22, that same court ruled that Florida’s law banning adoption by gay people is unconstitutional because it has no rational relationship to the best interests of children. The state’s Department of Children and Families, Gov. Charlie Crist and Attorney General Bill McCollum decided not to appeal the court’s ruling to the Florida Supreme Court, thus killing Florida’s 33-year ban on gay adoption, which went all the way back to the days of Anita Bryant. “Equality for LGBT people in Florida has entered a new era,” said Brian Winfield, Equality Florida’s communications director, “Martin Gill is the primary catalyst who has brought that about by courageously refusing to allow the state to take his boys away and for standing up for them for years in court battles and ultimately winning, thus bringing a three-decade old bigoted, harmful state law to its knees.” Tickets to the gala are $125 and can be purchased by at www.eqfl.org.

8:10 p.m.. Tickets are $32.50 (gratuity not included) and can be purchased online at www.smarttix.com or reservations can be made by calling (813) 220-1546. Ticket prices include appetizer, entrée, dessert and performance. Seating is limited so reservations are recommended. “S/HE” is part of Thinking Cap Production’s Plays with a Bite series, featuring vanguard drama and European cuisine at The Wine Cellar Restaurant, located at 199 E. Oakland Park Blvd., in Oakland Park. The Wine Cellar Restaurant is now accepting reservations for Thanksgiving. Dinner includes appetizer, soup or salad plus the traditional Turkey dinner with all the fixings and dessert for $17.95.


PRODUCTION Creative Director DENNIS DEAN Production Manager JONATHAN BUGG


SALES & MARKETING Brand Managers: BRAD CASEY - REAL ESTATE bradc@jumponmarkslist.com - 954-554-4912 KEITH CHAMLEE - CENTRAL/BAY AREA keithc@jumponmarkslist.com - 954-465-1563 KEN FRITZ - BARS & NIGHTLIFE kenf@jumponmarkslist.com - 954-599-0124 JIM VERRICHIA - CLASSIFIEDS jimv@jumponmarkslist.com - 954-303-5355 National Ad Representative RIVENDELL MEDIA: 212-242-6863


DISPLAY AD DEADLINES: Placement by Fridays, 5 p.m. Camera Ready Artwork by Mondays, Noon CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINES: Placement by Mondays, 5 p.m. Artwork by Mondays, Noon ALL MATERIAL in the Florida Agenda is protected by federal copyright law and may not be reproduced without the written consent of the Florida Agenda. The sexual orientation of advertisers, photographers, writers and cartoonists published herein is neither inferred or implied. The appearance of names or pictorial representation does not necessarily indicate the sexual orientation of that person or persons. Although this paper is supported by many fine advertisers, the Agenda cannot accept responsibility for claims made by advertisers.

Play centers around the Journey of a man in a woman’s body Just in time for Transgender Day of Remembrance (Nov. 20), the Wine Cellar Restaurant will be presenting the play “S/HE,” a new production written by Nick Mwaluko and directed by Nicole Stodard. The show is being performed by Thinking Cap Theatre, a Fort Lauderdale-based theatre company devoted to experimental, socially-conscious work. Thinking Cap also aims to take traditional stories and recreate them to more accurately reflect them in today’s society by tearing up stereotypes and present works that have never before been presented on stage. “S/HE” is about the journey of a man living in a woman's body that is written to compel us to rethink our answers to some of the most basic questions about how humans identify themselves: are you a man, woman or both? How do we really know? “S/HE” is a term generally used to indicate a gender-neutral alternative to using “he” or “she.” The play will run for a limited engagement of six performances: Nov. 12, 13, 16, 17, 19, and 20. Dinner seating is at 7p.m. and the show will start at approximately



The Wine Cellar presents transgender play ‘S/HE’ By BOB KECSKEMETY



Gill was at center of gay adoption battle in Florida By BOB KECSKEMETY


EDITORIAL POSITIONS of the Florida Agenda are expressed in editorials and in editors’ notes as determined by the paper’s editors. Other opinions are those of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Florida Agenda or its staff. TO SUBMIT A LETTER OR COMMENTARY: Letters should be fewer than 400 words; commentaries should be fewer than 750 words. Submissions may be edited for content and length, and must include a name, address and phone number for verification. Send submissions by e-mail to TroyM@jumponmarkslist.com by fax to 954-566-7900 or by regular mail to the Agenda office, attn: Letters/Commentary.

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Featured from left to right, Arsimmer McCoy (Sam) and Damian Robinson (Sam 2)

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NOVEMBER 11, 2010


Waiting for rights never works It’s been a common mantra coming from with my husband over the weekend. Want the Democratic Party, the Obama to talk wars, terrorism and national Administration, large beltway equality defense? Stop kicking out qualified LGBT service members to coddle groups like the Human Rights bigots in the military. Want to Campaign and many others talk taxes and “small governfor years: just be patient and ment?” Stop overtaxing my wait. We’ll get to you and your family because the federal basic civil rights eventually, government refuses to recogbut we’re a little busy. Stop nize my marriage and wants griping and hop on board or to tell me who I can love. you’ll be a wedge distraction These are real issues that that makes us lose elections. LGBT people face every day. So how has that plan These are things that impact worked out? the lives of those that can’t The LGBT community has afford to buy their way been blamed, cajoled, insultaround discrimination with ed, courted and ignored WAYMON HUDSON privilege and cold-hard cash depending on whether our votes and dollars are needed, yet when it that allows them to “vote with their wallet” comes time for real leadership on issues over basic human rights. To tell us to wait that matter to basic, day-to-day rights, we is to tell us to not live our lives fully and are told to wait. Now, after the disastrous with the confidence in basic things needed midterm elections, we’ve lost the chance of to survive. We’ve seen the devastating effect that a generation to push forward on civil rights societal oppression of LGBT people has on and equality for LGBT people. younger generations as bullying and suiWe waited and once again got burned. In the majority of states, we can still be cide stories hit the news everyday. Yet, have fired, kicked out of homes or denied servic- we moved beyond simply lamenting these es just for being gay. Want to talk about losses and worked to force change that jobs, jobs, jobs? Make it so I don’t lose mine would make their lives easier? Have we for mentioning I went to the grocery store done all we can, or are we simply waiting?

Face Off

We’ve seen the popping up of groups that go around the “conventional wisdom” of the larger equality organizations like Proposition 8, the Defense of Marriage Act and Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell court challenges that look to topple bigoted laws that congress, political leaders and pet lobbyists refuse to tackle or show real leadership on. These very court cases have been mocked and looked at with disdain by politicos, even as they force the progress we need. We’re at a crossroads. We can continue to watch our rights traded away in the name of political “compromise,” or we can refuse to wait. We can say that delay is simply being complicit to bigotry. We can demand action and leadership even as we take the fight to the courts and the American public ourselves. If we don’t learn the lessons of the past, history is doomed to repeat itself. We can no longer be patient. We can no longer wait. Equality can happen, but we have to carry the load – each and every one of us. Patience in politics is a fallacy and the death of progress. We have to be agitated and engaged. We have to apply pressure. Waiting is never an option, and we must never accept it. We have to make our issues a priority, because no one else will. Lesson learned.

By Dennis Dean

Angry protestors take to the streets in Fort Lauderdale during a National Day of Protests.

Did the Democrats deserve the backlash they received during this year’s midterm elections? Why or why not?

“Of course they didn’t. This country’s electorate is short-sighted and simple. They want to be provided for but they don’t want to pay taxes. This election was a referendum on the awful state of the economy, circumstances created by the Bush administration that we are still paying for today. According to Pew data, Republicans are more reviled than Democrats by the lot of Americans. This election said one thing to Washington: ‘We are unhappy.’”

There is the general sentiment that the midterm elections are a referendum on the performance of the administration during its first two years. However, the political scourging that was the midterms is more a referendum of the economy. Many arguments will be made on both sides regarding the wisdom or voracity of the governing economics that has taken place during Obama’s first two years. The fact is, the current administration made several political moves without thinking of external factors (i.e. timing, backlash, etc.) and these mistakes have created rifts not only between parties, but also within the Democratic Party itself. This has left the administration open to bitter criticisms from Republicans, which was answered with strict policies of noncooperation within the Democratic Party. We are now left with less of a two-party system and more of a political staring contest. The question now is: who blinks for the welfare of Americans first?”

“I do not believe that the country is backlashing Democrats for being Democrats – I believe there were a lot of other factors at work. It is very tempting for someone like me to blame the ‘mean Republicans’ who obviously decided when they lost the presidential election that they would prefer to see the country divided and destitute than to cooperate with a young black liberal president. However, that is not the whole story. It appears that some journalists and thought leaders were correct in saying that no president can be truly great in our current environment. Others said, as much as they admire Barack Obama’s determination to get some good things done, which he DID, he hurt his standing and that of his friends by not paying more attention to the image he was getting and by not going on record loudly and frequently with a desire to listen to the people – ALL PEOPLE”

– Geno Mehalik, Altamonte Springs, Fla.

– Tim Hendricks, Superior, Colo.

– Yvonne Rohrbacher, Fort Lauderdale, Fla.


NOVEMBER 11, 2010




Gay American Heroes Michael Sandy – one of many Gay American Heroes of the National Rainbow Memorial. We must never forget the lives taken from us in our fight for our rights and freedoms as LGBT people in America. Memorials have long been a way to honor family and friends who have passed on, sometimes at the hands of others. Memorials start us on the road to healing and give comfort to us knowing that our loved ones will never be forgotten. They also give life to those we’ve lost and create awareness for many who may not realize that these kinds of tragedies regularly occur. One gay murder every nine days – one gay bashing every six hours in America. On Oct. 22, 2010, more than four years after the fatal beating of Sandy, 28, a bench and plaque were erected in his honor at Plumb Beach, the site of his murder in 2006. Relatives and city officials had been planning the dedication for months. A reminder of the horrific attack will have special meaning because of a string of recent attacks against gays. Sandy, of Williamsburg, New York, was lured to the secluded Plumb Beach spot by men he met online, who plotted to rob him. They attacked him, and when he tried to

escape, they chased Sandy onto the Belt Parkway where he was hit by a car. He died two days later. Four men were jailed for hate crimes in the attack. Witnesses testified that one of the assailants rifled through Sandy’s pockets as he lay fatally wounded on the ground - and two of them later laughed over newspaper headlines describing the attack. “This is a young man who had a family that loved him, and loves him, and he’s gone now, for no reason at all, because people felt that because he was gay his life was worthless," said City Councilman Lew Fidler (D-Sheepshead Bay), who sponsored the memorial. “The spate of anti-gay violence and hate crimes Courtesy, Gay American Heroes that we’ve had ... makes it clear that we still have miles to go.” The inscription on the memorial at Plumb Beach reads: In loving memory of Michael J. Sandy, Oct 12, 1977- Oct. 10, 2006, who died of injuries inflicted on him Oct. 8. This memorial is dedicated to Michael and all who have died at the hands of violence and hate crimes.

For more stories visit: www.GayAmericanHeroes.com

NOVEMBER 11, 2010




NOVEMBER 11, 2010

‘The Boys’ are back in town By WARREN DAY Forty two years and a whole different era ago, Matt Crowley's groundbreaking play "The Boys in the Band," opened in New York - that was 14 months before Stonewall, 14 years before we became AIDS attentive, and 30 years before "Will and Grace" made use of similar stereotypes for the peacock network. It wasn't the first gay play by any means. "The Children's Hour" opened in 1933 and "The Killing of Sister George" in 1964, but those lesbian themed productions were basically tragedies where people died for their sins. "The Boys" was comedy filled with laugh-out-loud oneliners. Yes, they were zingers with a sting, but a mainstream audience found it an enjoyable romp on the other side of the street. It was a soldout sensation, attracting a cross-over audience. No less a flag-waving, Republican-voting icon than Bob Hope attended and recommended it to others. It became the thing to see and was made into a successful 1970 film directed by William Friedkin ("The French Connection," "The Exorcist"), the first American mainstream movie to revolve around gay characters. But in the 1980s it became fashionable to treat this play as something of an embarrassment, the equivalent of a gay minstrel show where the unhappy homosexuals strut and do their stuff for the amusement of the straight folks. Now that gay liberation has been around for a generation and even the Republican Party is beginning to make nice, the play is being revived in more ways than one. In March of this year a production opened in New York in an actual penthouse apartment where the audience was treated like guests to the birthday party that forms the focus of the evening. And for the first time in over two decades, a fully staged production is being produced in Fort Lauderdale by the Rising Action Theatre at their new location in the Sunshine Cathedral complex. The director is Michael Leeds, who wrote and directed the Broadway musical "Swinging On A Star." The cast are mainly new to the Rising Action Theatre, but have a lot of stage experience elsewhere. There's the refreshing alteration of having Larry and Hank played by Hispanic actors, a change that's nicely integrated into the play by Leeds. "The Boys in the Band" is a genuine ensemble piece, meaning the roles are

interdependent and you need all nine of the actors to rise to a certain level for the production to work effectively. I caught one of the first performances where the acting was very uneven and the cast hadn't yet clicked as a group, but that could certainly improve as it continues its run. For actors and the director, Crowley's play demands a careful balancing act between scenes that are outrageously funny and ones that are painfully poignant. When I saw it,

Courtesy, Rising Action Theater

these actors were doing better with the laughs than the pathos, a situation that led to some jarring moments. Is this play dated? There are popculture references that those under 50 may not get (Rosemary DeCamp anyone?), but if you think these characters and their dilemmas don't exist in 2010, then tune into the reality show "The A List" on the Logo channel any Monday night and you'll see that Michael, Harold, Emory and even Cowboy are alive and still bitchin' away in New York City. Talk about embarrassments! Matt Crowley never matched the success of his first play, but in 2002 he did write a sequel entitled "The Men From the Boys," which picks up the same characters 30 years later. SPOILER ALERT: As the first play revolved around a birthday party, the sequel is a wake for Larry, the promiscuous fashion photographer who was in a tumultuous relationship with Hank the schoolteacher. Michael is still the host, still miserable, and still in debt, but laying off the booze. It's his best friend Donald who now has that problem. Harold shows up late again and brings a blond "actor/ dancer/ waiter" as his date to the funeral. Bernard, "The African Queen," is the most contented of the lot, and Emory is still slinging the outrageous one-liners ("The one good thing about Alzheimer's is that you get to hide your own Easter eggs"). Performances are Thursday, Friday and Saturdays at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 7p.m. through Dec. 12 at Rising Action Theatre, Sunshine Cathedral located at 1480 SW Ninth Ave., Fort Lauderdale. Tickets are $35 and can be purchased at by calling 1-800-595-4849, or visit www.risingactiontheatre.com.


NOVEMBER 11, 2010



NOVEMBER 11, 2010



Dollars & Sense By GENE INGER With demand for money very low, it’s no surprise that Americans have a case of Elvis Presley’s “suspicious minds” when talking of a recovery in the economy. And, most of the buying that is currently going on originates in professional circles and exits quickly if need arises. The simple explanation as to why the market’s rally should advance is the Federal Reserve’s action. But, it should be noted that just the ability to push prices unrealistically higher doesn’t mean that growth automatically follows. For three years we warned to “corral the wagons” and be defensive with respect to excess risk, as the ‘epic debacle’ called for in May of 2007 would be a very long-term process. As we contended that for the last several months, not as an explanation for cynicism about the purported economic improvements, it is at least gratifying to hear the Fed seemingly admitting in plain English that we were right. The “fix” was in and they did do this. While many Americans are benefiting by improved prices in their mutual fund and all sorts of retirement plans, there is a looming downside to be pondered: a bond bubble will eventually be pricked, and someone will say ‘ouch’. Higher rates will be equated with a realization that economic recovery is taking hold, as will potentially surprise investors, with mostly selling of stocks, almost ironically because the economy is recovering. It’s almost like getting a lap-dance; if a stripper is showing full frontal nudity, there’s not much left to the imagination once you enter the supposedly privileged environment of a private performance. This market has been foreplay in a sense, and once we spike into a “top,” we should see a buying “climax.” The American dream has become a “rental;” home ownership is like wandering into a dark room where you don’t know what will be lurking around the corner. That’s been a nightmare for those who didn’t listen to our warnings back in the bubble’s froth during 20052006. The housing market is now more attractive, but getting a deal closed isn’t easy, and there is a probability of housing prices generally continuing to decline for at least a year or two, not only because of inventory, but because of what’s in the shadows yet to hit. A true “deal” is a deal in any economic environment, but that often means paying cash or obtaining seller financ-

ing. Furthermore, nobody in their right mind should even consider measuring prices of condos or houses in terms of declines from the peak as that peak bubble was an anomaly likely never to be seen in our lifetimes again. There are few closings in some portions of the market because most sellers are still unrealistic. With the economic collapse and job insecurity and now the “mortgage-gate” crisis, which has by no means peaked, you might need pricing to drop another minimum of 10 to 20 percent. As we look to 2011, it seems that the emerging American trend of saving, of avoiding tendencies to be attracted to glitz or conspicuous consumption, are newly engrained just as it was in our grandparents’ generation after going through another depression era. This is now the fourth year that I’ve argued to get out of debt, don’t use debt and owe zero to anyone. This is toughest on youngsters who have student loans set up on salaries they anticipated but won’t exist as they graduate. The good news from this debacle is that it will be uphill for the youth, who have time on their side. The bad news is that this projected recovery will take so long that the established elderly who thought they were solid may never recover to where they were, while the vast middle-aged crowd of white collar workers laid off will find it very difficult to get rehired again. Bottom line: we are one headline away from a shot-across-the-bow of this market; so while it’s fatiguing if concerned and risky if you’re not, it is an orchestrated upside move that is “at risk” of reversing from a slight provocationalmost like the hottie you are sure wants to meet you, let’s you buy drinks for hours, then leaves with someone else, which sort of crashes your night. The Nation went through a transformation into something less than the power that we were. Now we must go through a redirection of that transformation, which is a lengthy process as we warned. It will also restore balance and stability – in time but not on a dime. It’s like meeting your newest love interest; don’t expect too much too fast. And as usual, don’t assume the top’s not out there, or that the bottoms are all behind.

Gene Inger provides expert market opinion via several Internet videos daily, focused on trading and economics. For more information, visit www.ingerletter.com.


NOVEMBER 11, 2010



NOVEMBER 11, 2010

Fort Lauderdale

out in florida





Come out and support Rosie’s SMART Ride Team, Rosie’s Riders, on Monday, Nov. 15 from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. Now is the time to get your favorite community celebrity to be your server. Servers include Carol Moran, Matt Auslander, Kevin Hopper, Michael Panandrea and Terry DeCarlo. All of the tips and 20 percent of all sales will benefit the SMART Ride. Rosie’s is located at 2449 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors.H

Saturday, Nov. 20 at the Genna Lounge, 529 Lincoln Road in Miami Beach from 9:30 p.m. to 4:30 a.m. This celebrity charity event, in support of Florida Breast Cancer Foundation, will include fashion shows, performers, awards, silent auctions and celebrity speakers. Ticket price is $65 per person. This is a black tie event and is expected to be sold out. Open bar, passed hors d'oeuvres, fashion shows, celebrity speakers and will be recording for Mode Lifestyle TV from 8:30 to 11 p.m. After party from 11 p.m. to 3:30 a.m., free general admission. Admittance between 8:30 and 11 p.m. only with prior confirmed registration and ticket. A percentage of all tickets and sponsorships for this event will be donated by Mode Lifestyle Magazine to Florida Breast Cancer Foundation. To purchase your tickets, visit: www.modelifestyle magazine.com. For event registration visit www.modelifestylemagazine.com or send an email to registrations@ ModeLifestyleMagazine.com or call 1-888-450-8561.H

THE LEATHER MASKED BALL V Since 2006, The Leather Masked Ball has become an international destination for the hottest leather men on the planet and has become the premier leather event in South Florida. Volunteer organizers are ramping up to make TLMB5 totally awesome with the music and entertainment the crowd has come to expect. Once again, this landmark charity event is expected to bring a packed house to their new venue, Sea Monster, located at two South New River Drive West in downtown Fort Lauderdale. This year’s celebrity DJ is Paul Kraft from Dallas, Texas. Tickets are available now, and a limited number of discount hotel rooms are available at Marriott Courtyard on Fort Lauderdale Beach. Tickets can be purchased at www.leathermaskedball.org/tickets. This year The Leather Masked Ball has committed to $20,000 in grants to support The Pride Center at Equality Park (GLCC) and a pioneer program to keep young gay men off crystal meth as well as The Leather Archive and Museum in Chicago. The Leather Masked Ball will be held on Friday, Nov. 26, from 8 p.m. to 3 a.m. The Leather Masked Ball is run entirely by volunteers from Leather Men’s Brotherhood and totally underwritten by corporate sponsors.H

“JEANS FOR LIFE” AIDS Healthcare Foundation and Out of the Closet have announced a 2010 Jeans for Life campaign. Everyone has jeans, and most of people have a few pairs that need a new home. Whether they’re blue, red, faded or acid-washed, Out of the Closet needs them. The Jeans for Life program is a fun, easy way for everyone to donate toward the care of people living with HIV/AIDS. Drop off your donated jeans at: Sidelines Sports Bar, Georgie’s Alibi, Bill’s, New Moon and from Nov. 1 through Nov. 15. Help support both the local and global HIV initiative.H

WHITE HORIZONS The only official morning party, White Horizons is a true dance event that provides the absolute best in sound, lights, and deejays. With no lack of energy or spirit in the crowd, this event is a must for true dance music enthusiasts. Sunday after-after hours/Monday morning party, Mon., Nov. 29 at Nocturnal Nightclub, 50 NE 11th Street in Miami.H

CIRQUE BLANC 10 The Women's White Party, Fri., Nov. 26 at the Nikki Beach Club, One Ocean Drive in Miami Beach from 9 p.m. to 4 a.m. Cirque Blanc, the signature Women’s White Party event, explodes in a sea of white with the sounds of the hottest girl deejays (D.J. Irene Pardo and D.J. Meesh) in the country. Bid on items in the silent auction, stroll the gardens, mingle under the stars or share a romantic moment in one of the oceanside cabins.H

WHITE PARTY The crown jewel of HIV fundraisers where thousands dressed in white dance under the Miami moon. Celebrity performances, top deejays, a food court filled with some of Miami's hottest restaurants, local bars, and casino on the most breathtaking renaissance gardens in the country. VIP bar and casino bar with wristband. D.J. David Knapp. Saturday, November 27 at the Vizcaya Museum and Gardens, 3251 S. Miami Ave. in Miami from 6:30 to 11:30 p.m. For more info: visit www.whiteparty.org.H


Bay Area MR. ULTIMATE ILLUSIONIST PAGEANT The Ultimate Illusionist Pageant will be held on Friday, Nov. 19, 2010 at the Flamingo Resort, located at 4601 34th St. S. in St. Petersburg from 8 p.m. to 3 a.m. Entry fee is $150. For more information, visit www.flamingofla.com.H

out in florida

NOVEMBER 11, 2010


Central Florida MANICURE/PEDICURE AND CHARDONNAY This is a relaxing event to end the week on a positive note. Come and have a glass of Chardonnay or Merlot and enjoy good conversation while you’re being pampered and rejuvenated on Friday, Nov. 12 from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. at Jordan’s Day Spa. For more information, call (407) 320-1908 or email jayc2nyc@yahoo.com.H

PRINCE POPPYCOCK LIVE NBC’s “America’s Got Talent” finalist Prince Poppycock will make a live appearance on Friday, Nov. 26 at Steam Friday, located at 1507 E. Seventh Ave., in Ybor City. This party is going to be huge. Prince Poppycock will be making his first nightclub appearance in the United States at Steam Friday following his successful finish in “America Got Talent” this past summer. If you haven’t seen him, you can check him out on YouTube — he’s absolutely amazing, and wait until you hear him sing. A large turnout is anticipated, so you are requested to come early to avoid the long lines. Doors open at 10 p.m. with $1 drinks from 10 p.m. to 11 p.m. Bottle service will be available. To reserve a table, call (352) 284-8500. There will be a meet-and-greet following the show.H

BERLIN: A SQUARE ONE CREATIVE EVENT On Saturday, Nov. 13 from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m., The Ritz Ybor presents: Square One’s third annual fall 2010 Creative & Performing Arts Showcase called “Berlin,” featuring more than 100 local artists and live performances by Bella Danza (Artistic Director: Maria Capitano Pardo), VYB Dance Company, Mighty Mongo, 10th Concession, Shakemode, Anye Cole, Lindsay Vitola and a fashion show experience by Paul Raymond. This is the largest and most popular, creative event in the area. Open to all ages, and all guests are encouraged to wear the color purple. Cost is a $2 donation at the door, $5 for access seating and $10 VIP access tables or VIP Access Balcony. “Berlin” will help benefit Tampa Bay Businesses for Culture & the Arts. The Ritz Ybor is located at 1503 E. Seventh Ave., in Tampa. For more information, visit www.squareoneflorida.com/berlin.html.H

FLAMINGO TURNABOUT The first-ever turnabout at the Flamingo Resort. All the money raised will go to benefit A.S.A.P. See the staff dressed up and performing. Thursday, Dec. 9 from 10 p.m. to 4 a.m. at the Flamingo Resort, located at 4601 34th St. S. in St. Petersburg.H

ALL AMERICAN GODDESS PAGEANT Be a part of one of this year’s most fabulous events when the winners of both the All American Goddess Pageant and the All American Goddess Pageant At-Large will be be crowned. The event takes place on Monday, Nov. 15 beginning at 9 p.m.. Join Kori Stevens, last year’s Sunshine State All American Goddess, Alyssa Edwards and Kelexis Davenport at the Footlight Theater at the Parliament House, located at 4191 North Orange Blossom Trail in Orlando. Reserved seat tickets are $10.H

CLASSIC WEEKEND – WET & WILD PARTY OrlandoBlackPride.com and WETPromotions.com presents 2010 Classic Weekend-Classic Friday - Wet & Wild Party on Friday Nov. 19 from 11 p.m. to 4 a.m. at Aqua Lounge, located at 2869 Wilshire Drive in Orlando. The party is hosted by Neaundre and Norie. DJs Surreal and Risque will be spinning the best tracks. Cost is $10 online until Nov. 14 at www.WETPromotions.com.H

“ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW” Running now through Nov. 13th at the Theatre Downtown, 2113 N. Orange Av. in Orlando. Advance tickets are $18/$20 at the door. For all advance tickets, reservations and info, call (407) 841-0083 or visit www.theatredowntown.net.H

“AIMING FOR THE MOON” Gidget Galore's “Aiming for the Moon: My Meteoric Rise to Mediocrity” on Saturdays November 6, 13 and 20 at 8 p.m. Industry Night Monday, November 22nd at 8 p.m. Reserved seat tickets are $10 at the Footlight Theatre at the Parliament House.H

PULSE TURNABOUT 2010 Pulse Turnabout 2010 is a benefit for Hope and Help Center of Central Florida on Thurs., Nov. 11 at Pulse, 1912 S Orange Avenue in Orlando from 9 p.m. to 3:30 a.m. It’s one of Pulse’s most-anticipated events of the year. Come out for a great time! For more info, visit www.hopeandhelp.org.H


NOVEMBER 11, 2010




NOVEMBER 11, 2010


PHOTOGRAPHER POMPAMO BEACH FURNISHED EFFICIENCY Great area. Private entrance. Must have job and transportation. NO smoking/drugs. NO pets. Background check. $450/Mo. F/S. (954) 933-2457 ROYAL PARK Near Wilton Manors 1BR/1.5BA, $825 $900/mo. 2BR/2BA, $950 - $1100,/mo. Gated security, Clubhouse, Pools, Gym, Sauna and Steam room. Pets OK. Cable / Water / Trash included. Call Naim Naqi, Broker / SFG Realtors (954) 574-6047


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ROOMMATE FT. LAUDERDALE Room for rent in pool home on water. Share house & pool. NO security deposit. Utilities, cable, internet, W/D included. NO drugs. Smoking outside. Steady income required. $600/mo. NO pets. Call Rob or Mark. (954) 792-1761 OAKLAND PARK Resort-like setting. 3BR/2BA house w/pool, spa, tiki bar. Large BR, share BA w/1 guy. House privileges. Must like dogs. $650/mo includes utilities. No drunks/drugs. 1st, last, 1/2 mo sec. Ref required. (954) 9801123 SPACIOUS ROOM FOR RENT IN BEAUTIFUL PALM AIRE COUNTRY CLUB IN POMPANO BEACH Fort Lauderdale Line. $700 includes utilities, cable TV in room, and wireless internet. Minutes from everything. Private Bedroom and bath. Condo is 2000 square feet and overlooks the golf course with great balcony views. Includes use of pool and all common areas. I am drug free and professional. Please be the same. No pets allowed. Call me at (203) 232-7005 or email me at cbert30@aol.com.

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RENTAL - FT. LAUDERDALE FT LAUDERDALE 1129 NE 5th Terrace. (Off 13th Street) 1BR/BA, in gated complex. 700 sq. ft. Beautiful yard. Laundry on premises. Parking in front. $700/mo. (954) 551-3621

WILTON MANORS JUST BLOCKS FROM WILTON DRIVE Beautiful 2BR/1BA apartment on the Middle River across from nature preserve. Eat in kitchen, large living room, central A/C, $975/mo F/L/S. Yearly lease (954) 288-6749 EAST FORT LAUDERDALE/LAKERIDGE Renovated 1BR/1BA. Fenced house, private deck, W/D, new kitchen, vaulted ceilings, CAC, Water, electric, and basic cable included. F/S required. $1100/Mo. Also available, Large efficiency, $750/Mo. No pets. Near Publix and Wallgreens. (954) 5545095

RENTAL/FURNISHED HOUSING PERFECT RELOCATION RENTALS-FROM $295/WEEK. For 4 Week + Stays through December. Beautiful Studio, 1 & 2 BR Apts. Turn key, fully furnished & equipped, clothing optional pool, laundry, parking. Close to Gay & Nude Beaches. Pets Welcome. Incl. utilities, cable, tel., Wi-Fi Internet. (954) 9270090 or visit www.LibertySuites.com

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SOUTH MIDDLE RIVER Gay compound 1BR/1BA, garden apartment. Features designer kitchen with high-end appliances, D/W, and covered parking. Lush landscaping with W/D on premises…are just some of the amenities offered. All util-


lease terms available. Call Tim at (954) 258-2584

CLEAN SWEEP – Professional Cleaning Service, Homes, Apartments and Offices. Move in & Move out cleaning. Serving the community for 15 years. Call Todd (954) 383-1127

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COUNSELING A MIND AT PEACE/ THERAPEUTIC SERVICES/ RON "DOC” CHAMBERS, MSW 954-627-0103/ 1975 East Sunrise Blvd Suite 629 Fort Lauderdale HIV RelatedIssues/ Anxiety/Depression/ Schizophrenia/ Relationship Problems/Anger Management Problems/Same-Sex Battering/ Domestic Violence Most Insurance Accepted/Credit Cards Accepted LONELY? Not leaving the house much? And you just can't get motivated? Depressed, at the end of your rope? Can't find anyone to talk about what's going on in your head? Be a good friend; know when depression crosses the line. Call the GLBTQ Helpline & Suicide Awareness Program. Simply to talk, learn, and become aware. GLBTQ HELPLINE & Suicide Awareness (305) 646-3600. Free & Confidential. Tri-lingual counselors available 24/7 For you or a friend.

HOME IMPROVEMENT REMODELING/HANDYMAN. Over 35 years experience. I do it all. Call Mark at (954) 592-5898. Derek’s 24 HR HANDYMAN SERVICE. Introducing our new cabinet shop! For all your custom made cabinetry countertops laminates. YOU MUST SEE OUR WORK, just ask our clients. All electrical to code; ANY & ALL plumbing work, Drywall finish work / repair. Crown / baseboard pro-install, interior / exterior painting, demo work, Pressure washing, Decor tile install, Complete home up-dates. For large jobs, 4-man crew available. WE CAN HANDLE IT ALL! Instant call back, direct service response. No job is ever too small. Excellent references. Derek (954) 825-5598 or E-mail: DerekGallaway@att.net HOME REPAIR & RENOVATION Call Steve for your home improvement projects. Electrical, Tile, Plumbing, Painting, Carpentry, Flooring, Drywall Repairs Quality Work At Fair Prices (954) 632-8773 CLASSIC RESIDENTIAL SERVICES ALWAYS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE. REASONABLE RATESSENIOR DISCOUNT. ERRANDS-HELP WITH SHOPPONG-TRANSPORT. HOME MANAGEMENTPROFESSIONAL-CURTEOUS AND RELIABLE. AREA RESIDENT 10 YEARS-REFERENCES PLEASE CALL (954) 977-3546

SERVICES GUYS and DOLLIES Moving * Storage * Packing * Crating * Shipping. “A” Rated Member of the BBB Register Movers since 1976. Major credit cards accepted. For free price quote, Call (954) 566-1270 GOLD COAST UPHOLSTERY Re-upholstering, Cushions, Throw pillows Large selection of fabric to choose from or bring in your own fabric. Broward / Dade. Palm Beach. Call Edgar (954) 491-4937. Re-upholstering, Cushions, Throw pillows Large selection of fabric to choose from or bring in your own fabric. Broward / Dade. Palm Beach. Call Edgar (954) 4914937 PROFESSIONAL THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE Deep Tissue, Swedish, Reflexology, Stretching. Mon-Sun, 10am-8pm. In/Out Calls. NON-SEXUAL. Ft. Lauderdale. Call Robert (954) 4942372. Lic# MA 19604





LICENSED MASSAGE PROFESSIONAL THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE Deep Tissue, Swedish, Reflexology, Stretching. Mon-Sun, 10am-8pm. In/Out Calls. NON-SEXUAL. Ft. Lauderdale. Call Robert (954) 494-2372 Lic: MA 19604 massagerelax4u@aol.com



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NOVEMBER 11, 2010




NOVEMBER 11, 2010

EMPLOYMENT LATE NIGHT PARTY BAR looking for bartenders, door staff, security. Must be reliable honest and have transportation. Apply in person any day between midnight and 2am. Or send resume with picture to torpedobarmgr@cs.com COZMOS LOUNGE IS SEEKING MALE DANCERS. Great opportunity to make some serious $$$. Cozmos Lounge is seeking all types ( Jocks, Twinks, Muscle, etc) for immediate employment. $100 Sign-Up bonus, plus first pair of Ginch Gonch underwear provided. Must be well groomed! Email dancers@cozmosbar.com or call (954) 235-0000 www.cozmosbar.com THE ROYAL PALMS on Fort Lauderdale beach is seeking an ambitious and goal oriented Spa Manager as well as other health and beauty professionals for excellent career opportunities. Please drop off resume at 2901 Terramar Street, Fort Lauderdale Beach. HAIRSTYLIST or BARBER. A new exciting style shop opening. Now hiring experienced Hair Stylist or Barber. Minimum of 5 years experience. Please email resume to: Touch1213@gmail.com or for more information please call (404) 519-1846 TWIST- The popular gay bar in South Beach seeks responsible applicants with experience for the following positions; bartender, door host and security. Candidates should be friendly, hardworking and a team player. Email cover letter and resume to valentino@twistsobe.com or send via post to TWIST, 1057 Washington Avenue, Miami Beach, FL. 33139 Check us out at www.twistsobe.com - click on employment and apply online. Are you a gay or bisexual man over 18? Do you ever take Xanax, Percocet, or any other RX pills with or without a prescription? Confidential research study. Cash compensation. Call for more information. (305) 529-1489 PAID RESEARCH STUDY Participate in a confidential research study regarding HIV medications and drug use. Earn Cash!!! Call us to see if you qualify at (305)672-6623. University of Delaware Research Center (Hablamos Español) GAY GUEST HOUSE IN FT. LAUDERDALE is accepting applications for a well-rounded, versatile team player with excellent housekeeping, people and computer skills. Must be reliable, responsible, friendly, and comfortable in ALL aspects of Guest House operations. Immediate position is full time year round. Some experience helpful. Background/credit check will be performed on new hire. For consideration, email resume and/or background info to: mdj@dunesresort.com.


RETAIL SALES Men’s Clothing store is seeking professional sales people, Full-time and Part-Time positions available. Please call (954) 873-3889

ELECTRICAL Remodels, Service Changes, House Re-wires, Generator Hook-up, Cable & Phone Services. No Job Too Small. Quality Work at Reasonable Prices. Licensed & Insured Lic # 02CME2027X (954) 882-6082

ANNOUNCEMENTS ALL GLBT Veterans – AVER meets at 7pm on the second Tuesday of each month at the GLCC/Pride Center. We assist Veterans with benefits, advocacy and outreach. Join the Color/Honor Guard or Sports teams. Call (954) 903-8310 or www.AVER-FGC.us

CO-INFECTION FORUM, FOR PEOPLE AFFECTED AND INFECTED WITH HIV AND HEP C Meets weekly on Tuesdays @ The Wellness Center of SF @ 2921 NE 6th Ave. Wilton Manors, FL 33334. Phone # (954) 568-0152. Facilitated by 'pup' and Phil. Conversation and and information updates. Free and confidential.

POSITIVE ISSUES GROUP MEETS THURSDAYS FROM 7-8:30 FOR "HIV+GAY MEN & THE MEN THAT LOVE THEM" Support group. Facilitated by Jerry Hornacki. RSVP: wcsfjerry@cs.com Phone: 954-568-0152

SPIRITUALITY CHURCH OF THE HOLY SPIRITSONG Welcomes you to come and worship with us every Sunday at 10 am and every Wednesday night at 8 pm. We meet at the SpiritSong Worship Center at 2040B North Dixie Highway Suite 3 in Wilton Manors (Building B on Equality Park Campus, behind the Pride Center). God loves you just the way He made you. Come discover His purpose for you. For more info: (954) 418-8372, info@cohss.com, www.cohss.org



jean’s kitchen Potato and leek soup with Bouquet Garni By JEAN DOHERTY/LE PATIO Originally native to the Eastern Mediterranean area and Asia, leeks have been cultivated for more than 3,000 years and have long been popular in Europe. In 640 A.D., the Welsh wore leeks in their hats to distinguish themselves from the enemy during the battle between King Cadwallader of Wales and the Saxons. The leek became an emblem of pride in Wales, and Welshmen wear the leek to commemorate King Cadwallader’s victory on St. David’s Day, March 1. The leek in Hebrew is called karti, which is a pun on the Hebrew word “yikartu,” meaning “to be cut off.” Thus, the Jews eat leeks at Rosh Hashanah to symbolize a wish for enemies to be cut off. Nero ate leeks with oil regularly, thinking they were good for his singing voice. Perhaps Nero got the notion from Aristotle who claimed the clear cry of the partridge was due to its diet of leeks. Go figure.

Directions: Using a sharp knife, halve the whole leek lengthwise and rinse well under cold running water to rid the leek of any sand. Slice thinly crosswise into one inch pieces and set aside. In a heavy saucepan over medium heat, melt the butter and add the chopped leeks and cook until wilted, about five minutes. Add the reserved bouquet garni, chicken stock, potatoes, salt and pepper, and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat to a simmer and cook for 30 minutes, or until the potatoes are falling apart and the soup is very flavorful. Remove the bouquet garni and, working in batches, puree the soup in a food processor or blender. (Alternately, if you own an immersion blender, puree the soup directly in the pot.) Stir in the crème fraiche and adjust the seasoning, if necessary. You don’t have to use cream, I never do. You are the chef. Serve immediately, with some of the snipped chives or parsley sprinkled over the top of each bowl of soup.H

Ingredients: 1 large or 2 small leeks, about 1 pound 2 tablespoons butter 5 cups chicken stock 1 to 1 1/4 pounds russet potatoes, diced Salt & pepper 1/2 to 3/4 cup crème fraiche or heavy cream 2 tablespoons snipped chives or parsley to garnish Courtesy, Feel good eats

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