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Comedian Tony Tripoli performs at the Andrews Living Arts Studio. PAGE 12

HIV-positive porn actor comes forward after industry scare. PAGE 4

Courtesy, 4 The Sea Productions

Courtesy, jetsetmen.com


Newswire n Fort Lauderdale n Miami n Bay Area n Central Florida

n Dog Gone? Death row dogs may get a reprieve from the County Commission

PAGE 5 Courtesy, sun-sentinel.com

n Go Nuts! 'Tis the season for a real good "Nutcracker" ...ballet style.


Courtesy, nutcracker.synthasite.com

n All Right! EQFL: Gay rights moving in the right direction in Florida.


Broward County leads state in reported hate crimes Record low incidents for state as a whole By DMITRY RASHNITSOV For the fourth year in a row, Broward County leads the state of Florida in the number of reported hate crimes, but officials say the numbers aren’t as dire as they seem for the second largest county in South Florida. Attorney General Bill McCollum released the 2009 Florida Hate Crimes Report, which indicates that reported hate crimes in Florida are at their lowest level since 1990. During the 2009 calendar year, 148 hate crimes were reported by law enforcement agencies, well below the annual average of 262 reported hate crime incidents since reporting began in 1990. “Floridians must continue working to ensure that everyone is free of intolerance and hate,” said McCollum. “Even one hate crime is one too many.” Broward County had 22 reported hate crimes, while Miami-Dade County reported 17 hate crimes, Palm Beach County


PAGE 17 Courtesy, transadvocate.com

Courtesy, allamberti.com

Broward Sheriff Al Lamberti (above) says BSO planning town halls meeting to educate public on hate crimes. hate crimes reported in the state. Wierzbicki said that, although many LGBT community members live in Broward and Miami-Dade, no minority group should have a false sense of security just because they think they are in a safe neighborhood. “Always be aware of your surroundings, walk in groups and in well-lit areas,” Wierzbicki said. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, the LGBT community is still

See HATE CRIMES on Page 4

PBHRC urging Gov.-elect Scott to grant equal employment for state employees

Courtesy, gonzochasing.blogspot.com

n Hot & Cold Get hot with Revolution's Winter Beach Party this Saturday, Dec. 18.

reported nine hate crimes, Orange County also had nine hate crimes, Pinellas County had three hate crimes and Osceola County had one reported hate crime. The Broward County Sheriff ’s Office believes the numbers continue to be the highest in Broward County because the agency has made a concentrated effort to educate constituents on what a hate crime is and encouraged them to report it. “Sheriff Al Lamberti and I are glad to see the numbers are down statewide, but at the same time we here in Broward County investigate any reports of hate crimes very seriously until the evidence shows otherwise,” said BSO Commander Richard Wierzbicki of the Hate Crimes/Anti-Bias Task Force. “We have done a successful job of not only spreading the word, but also going into schools and educating kids at a young age to respect all people no matter their race, ethnicity or disability.” Of the 262 reported hate crimes, 33 were based on sexual orientation, about 13 percent, with Broward and Miami-Dade counties leading the way in that category – each with eight hate crimes based on sexual orientation. Those two counties account for nearly 50 percent of the sexual orientation

The Palm Beach Human Rights Council has sent a letter to Florida Gov.-elect Rick Scott requesting that his first executive order as governor be to address equal opportunity in state employment. This is not the first time the West Palm Beach-based organization has made this request to a Florida Governor. Their requests for the same issue remained ignored by outgoing Gov. Charlie Crist. Rand Hock, PBHRC president, remains optimistic that the incoming governor will be more receptive.

The governor could guarantee equal opportunity to all state employees, regardless of sexual orientation, with a simple executive order. PBHRC sent the text of the proposed executive order to Scott in a Dec. 6 letter addressing the issue. The Council's proposed executive order would require all state agencies to “recruit, appoint, train, evaluate and promote state personnel on the basis of merit and fitness, without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or

See PBHRC on Page 4

Courtesy, equalvoiceforfamilies.org

Florida Gov.-elect Rick Scott (above). PBHRC believes Scott more receptive than Crist on LGBT issues


DECEMBER 16, 2010



Report reveals Florida’s shift in favor of gay rights ST. PETERSBURG – Florida now ranks among the top five states in the nation in protecting LGBT people from discrimination, according to a report released by the statewide civil rights group Equality Florida. Equality Florida's report, Winning Equality, looks at the progress made in Florida since the organization formed in 1997. It documents pro-equality successes in areas of workplace non-discrimination, family recognition, and school safety, while also highlighting that the organization has defeated anti-LGBT legislative efforts in every session over the past 13 years. “A great deal of work remains, but Floridians can be proud of the progress in our state over the past decade,” said Nadine Smith, executive director for Equality Florida. “This report demonstrates that, while political winds may shift during an election cycle, the longterm trend in Florida is strongly in favor of fairness and equality for everyone, including lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people.” Highlights from the report include: repeal of the anti-gay adoption ban; banning workplace discrimination; providing domestic partner benefits; ensuring school safety; and engaging business leaders. The report includes maps of Florida comparing the existence of LGBT legal protections in 1997 and today. Florida now leads the Southeastern United States in passing over 55 local policies outlawing discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, banning harassment of LGBT students, and providing domestic partnership benefits to our families. To view the full report, visit www.eqfl.org/equalityreport.H

A.J. Cross appointed to city board

A. J. Cross

Courtesy, AJ Cross

FORT LAUDERDALE – Fort Lauderdale Mayor Jack Seiler appointed A.J. Cross, vice president of NRJ Corporation, to the city’s Budget Advisory Board. Cross’ nomination was approved unanimously by the Fort Lauderdale City Commission. Cross has played a vital role in the local

LGBT community since moving to this area 11 years ago and is a valued businessman and philanthropist. Cross will be the only member of the LGBT community to sit on the Budget Advisory Board and one of only a few to sit on any of the cities’ advisory boards. “I was honored that Mayor Seiler appointed me to the board and surprised and pleased the city commission voted me in unanimously,” said Cross. “I’m looking forward to helping to ensure that the budget for the city remains strong and that we follow through responsibly. I plan to represent the LGBT community with responsibility and humility. H

Pride for Tots

Linda Stewart

Courtesy, OrlandoSentinel.com

ORLANDO – In the spirit of the holiday season, Orlando’s Come Out with Pride has launched a new program, Pride for Tots, to help collect toys for Christmas gifts for the area’s deserving children and make sure that no child will be left behind this holiday season. “Poverty, especially that of children, is a major problem in our country and affects everyone regardless of their sexual orientation,” said COWP Executive Director Mikael Audebert. “This is also a great way to mend fences and change hearts and minds by getting our LGBT community more involved in social problems that are universal and that we should all care about.” This is the first year of the program, and Orlando City Commissioner Linda Stewart helped locate organizations in need of the toys. You can drop-off new, unwrapped toys at Bananas Café, Wells Fargo Maitland, Field BMW, Bella Vita Medi Spa (which will also give a $10 gift card for every drop), Watermark, Pulse Nightclub, Re/Max Town Centre, Lucky at Rain Nightclub, Vitality Wellness & Spa and The Center. More drop-off locations are available at www.comeoutwithpride.com/pridefortots. H



Neil Rogers in hospice care FORT LAUDERDALE – Long-time openly-gay radio personality Neil Rogers, 68, is in hospice care after recently suffering several heart attacks and strokes. “Neil Rogers is suffering from progressive vascular dementia, a very common form of dementia characterized by blockages in the blood supply to the brain, which lead to neurological symptoms,” his attorney said in a released statement. “The complications associated with Neil’s diabetes and the corresponding stroke, have functionally impaired his cognitive abilities … Neil is also suffering presently from Sundowners Syndrome, also known as sundowning. It is a symptom often associated with the early stages of dementia, including Alzheimer’s. Rogers started his radio career in the Miami/Ft. Lauderdale market at WKAT in March 1976, and by the end of the year he was one of the top-rated radio personalities in the market. In 1977, when singer Anita Bryant began a crusade to repeal then Dade County's ordinance banning discrimination against homosexuals, Rogers responded by announcing on the air that he was homosexual. Although Bryant's campaign to repeal the ordinance was successful, Rogers' admission did nothing to hurt his radio career and his ratings steadily increased, becoming the highestrated talk show host in Miami. Rogers retired from radio in June 2009 and split his time between his homes in Plantation and Toronto, Canada. In October, it was reported that Rogers had suffered both a heart attack and a stroke and was scheduled for surgery as his condition improved. However, his health took a turn for the worse since Thanksgiving and doctors cancelled the surgery until Roger’s health improves. H WILTON MANORS – Last Monday, the Leather Men’s Brotherhood handed out checks totaling $20,000 with $10,000 going to the Pride Center’s Crystal Meth Prevention Program and another $10,000 going to the Leather Archives and

Leather Masked Ball hands out checks Museum in Chicago. The money was raised as part of the fifth annual Leather Masked Ball, which was held during Thanksgiving weekend. Each year, the profits of the Ball are divided between the Leather Archives and Museum and a local charity. “The Leather Masked Ball has become a remarkable community-wide effort,” said Ed Nicholas, treasurer of the Leather Men’s Brotherhood. “This is my fifth year and it’s become such a pleasure working with the other board members, volunteers, sponsors and community to make the whole event come together and make it happen.” H

‘Toy’s Story’ a success

Courtesy, The Manor Complex

WILTON MANORS – According to Broward House’s Terry DeCarlo, last week’s “A Toy’s Story” held at The Manor Entertainment Complex produced two truckloads of toys to be donated to Kids in Distress. Approximately 500 people attended the event, which also featured a concert by the Fort Lauderdale Gay Men’s Chorus. H

Fulgencio de Jesus Aponte Contreras dies

Courtesy, James Perigny/Red Hispana

FORT LAUDERDALE – Fulgencio de Jesus Aponte Contreras, AIDS activist and president of Red Hispana Florida, passed away Dec. 7. For the past year, Contreras had been suffering with multiple cancers. Right up to his passing, Contreras was fighting for the rights and dignity of PLWAs both in Venezuela and in the U.S. Contreras was diagnosed HIV-positive in the early ’90s and moved from Venezuela to Spain to seek medical help and eventually moved to Florida. His role as a community leader developed while working at Hispanic Unity. In April 2004, he helped co-found Red Hispana Florida to help others cut through red tape and seek out medical help and enroll in clinical trials. H

DECEMBER 16, 2010



DECEMBER 16, 2010



HIV-positive porn actor causes industry scare Actor claims he was infected during Florida porn shoot By DMITRY RASHNITSOV On Oct. 9, the AIDS Healthcare Foundations’s worst fears were realized when porn star Derrick Burts, who goes by the name of Cameron Reid in straight films and Derek Chambers in gay films, tested HIV-positive. He became known as "Patient Zeta" and sent chilling fears down California and Florida’s porn industries. Burts, 24, identified himself to the Los Angeles Times in hopes of helping prevent other porn stars from being put in compromising situations. He is also pushing for mandatory condom use in adult films. "Making $10,000 or $15,000 for porn isn't worth your life," Burts said. "Performers need to be educated." He tested positive at the Adult Industry Medical Healthcare Foundation in Sherman Oaks, Calif., just weeks after test-

Broward Hate Crimes HATE CRIMES ontinued from Page 1 the most targeted group among minorities. The SPLC has a list of 18 anti-gay hate groups all across the United States including three in Florida: Coral Ridge Ministries in Fort Lauderdale, Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville and Liberty Counsel in Orlando. “There is a tremendous amount of hate out there,” Wierzbicki said. The Attorney General’s Office of Civil Rights, which compiles the report, also conducts hate crimes training for law enforcement throughout Florida and has developed programs for elementary, middle and high school students to teach them how to recognize hate crimes, how the law protects victims of hate crimes, and how such crimes affect Florida communities. McCollum continues to support better protection for victims of hate crimes and

Human Rights Council PBHRC ontinued from Page 1 expression, genetic information, pregnancy or marital status or other non-job-related factors.” “Unlike Charlie Crist, who spent much of his adult life in the political arena, Rick Scott has spent years in the corporate world," said Hoch in a written statement. “As he takes over as Florida's chief executive officer, Rick Scott can take this opportunity to assure all state employees that under his leadership, they will be evaluated based on the basis of merit and fitness, as opposed to any non-job related factors.” Similar executive orders have been issued by the governors of 30 states including: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan,

ing negative on Sept. 3. Burts went six weeks without any follow up or care from AIM. Burts said the clinic told him he contracted HIV from someone they described as “known positive." Clinic officials, however, said "Patient Zeta acquired the virus through private, personal activity." "That's completely false," Burts said. "There is no possible way. The only person I had sex with in my personal life was my girlfriend." Burt’s girlfriend tested negative, and he says he believes he contracted HIV during a porn shoot in Florida for Jet Set Studios. He is now receiving care from AHF and the AIM clinic’s license has been suspended. Burts grew up in Whittier, Calif., and graduated from a hotel management school in Florida, He worked as a hotel manager and magician before doing porn. H was recently involved in obtaining the support of State Attorneys General for federal hate crimes legislation approved by the U.S. House of Representatives. The AntiDefamation League commended the attorney general for his leadership as a principal signature on a letter in support of The Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crime Prevention Act (HCPA), which became law last year. In May, Wierzbicki and Lamberti helped make Florida the second state in the nation to add the homeless as a protected group in the state’s hate crimes law. Wierzbicki also spoke in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee in September about the need to add homeless to nationwide hate crimes reports. BSO plans on holding town halls all around the county beginning in the spring to continue to educate people on what a hate crime is and making sure they know its ok to report it. “It’s a double-edge sword for us,” Wierzbicki said. H Minnesota, Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, Washington and Wisconsin. Optimism is one thing, but if Scott’s answers, or lack thereof, during the election debates are any indication of what he will do for the LGBT community, the PCHRC could be waiting a long time for Scott to take action, if he ever does. In a debate with Sink, Scott refused to directly answer the question of whether he thought homosexuality was immoral, rather saying he believes "marriage is between and man and a woman" and that children are better off "if they are raised by a married couple." He continued by saying, “We know that, and studies show that, children raised in a traditional family do better in school and in life,” Scott has also blasted Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum for supporting “pro-homosexual rights candidate Rudy Giuliani for president in 2008.” H



Law sponsored by Keechl behind fate of death row dogs Commissioners taking second look at dangerous dog law year-old husky named Brandie was sentenced to death for killing a tea-cup pooA death row for dangerous dogs ordi- dle in Coconut Creek named Jack. nance passed by the Broward County Brandie, who had been housed for Commission in 2008 is scheduled for a months at an animal shelter at her ownreview and possible revision this week. ers’ expense, was released last week as Florida law allows a dog two attacks county commissioners take another look before the animal is declared dangerous at the law. She is required to be muzzled and must be put to death. However, as part of her release. Broward's law, which supersedes the Unfortunately, Brandie’s story started state, allows only one attack. with a common practice. She was being Broward County has euthanized 56 walked on a retractable leash by the dogs after declaring them dangerous mother-in-law of her owner when she under the law. Two met up with more are currently Jack, who was awaiting court an unleashed clemency. but on his own Broward’s law property. A conwas championed frontation by then Broward ensued and Jack County Mayor Ken didn’t survive. Keechl and passed Prior to her the commission release, Brandi with a unanimous was ruled to be vote. Since the law dangerous and passed, dog owners ordered “disalike have stated posed of by the their disdain for county in a Courtesy, Stephen Lang the law and filed A memorial depicts dog owners’ humane mandislike for Keechl’s law lawsuits. Keechl’s ner.” support of the law even made him a tarBrandie’s owner, Lon Lipsky, camget during his failed reelection cam- paigned and rallied against Keechl durpaign in which he lost to Chip LaMarca, ing his reelection campaign. who opposed the ordinance. “[The ordinance is] talking about 50 "I don't think the county should be in the dogs that have killed other dogs. And dog execution business,'' LaMarca said. every time a dog like Brandie kills Commissioner John Rodstrom, who another dog there’s a victim,” Keechl voted along with Keechl and the rest of said. “For example, in Brandie’s case, it the commission to pass the ordinance, was a poodle named Jack. So it’s easy to has joined LaMarca in agreeing that the say, ‘oh my god we want to save this dog.’ law needs a second look. But what people are forgetting is that a “The limited number of animals that dog killed another dog.” are subject to this ordinance are dogs Keechl, however, does not feel his supwho kill other dogs off their property port of the ordinance cost him reelecand have not been provoked,” said tion, even though some expressed their Keechl. “So I, and my colleagues, felt dislike for the ordinance via a “memorithat it was the appropriate thing to do.” al” posted on a fence following the elecKeechl said that two city commission- tion. It featured Keechl’s name, photos of ers, one from Oakland Park and another dogs, the words “B’BYE and a bag of dog from West Park, had come to him saying poop taped to the sign with the phrase, that they had seen a news clip on televi- “SUITABLE PARTING GIFT.” sion of three dogs eating a cat alive. “I think the vast majority of people They pointed out to Keechl that many who voted in the election didn’t even cities don’t have ordinances that deal know about the issue. Commissioner with animals that kill. DeMarca … made an issue of this, Keechl said that he also spoke to dog among other things, and there’s a saying owners who voiced concerns over the that when you are in politics don’t deal original writing of the ordinance, which with children or animals because deals with a dog’s natural instincts of there’s a passion on both sides of the protecting its property or master. issue. But I believed then, and I believe Though the law has been on the books now, that the focus should be saving all for two years, most people didn’t know those innocent dogs that we put to death about the law until recently when an 11- every day.”H


DECEMBER 16, 2010



DECEMBER 16, 2010



DADT hits roadblock … for now

Dan Choi

DMV clerk tells transgender woman she’s making an ‘evil decision’

Courtesy, ltdanchoi.com

WASHINGTON D.C. – After years of campaigning by President Barack Obama, months of testimony and public opinion by the highest ranking members in the Armed Services and thousands of pleas from service members, the road to repealing Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, the policy that allows gays and lesbians to be fired from the military for being homosexual, has hit a roadblock. Needing 60 votes, the United States Senate fell three votes short of moving to stop debate on the Defense Authorization Bill, which includes the DADT repeal. "Despite having the bipartisan support of a clear majority of senators, a minority of senators are standing in the way of the funding upon which our troops, veterans and military families depend," Obama said in a statement. "This annual bill has been enacted each of the past 48 years, and our armed forces deserve nothing less this year." The bill is cosponsored by Sens. Joseph I. Lieberman (I-Conn.) and Susan Collins (R-Maine). Gay rights groups are livid, and some even protested in front of the Senate chambers shortly after the defeated vote. "History will hold these senators accountable and so will many of their constituents," said Aubrey Sarvis, executive director of Servicemembers Legal Defense Network, a group pushing for repeal of the law. "There will be no place for these Senators to hide. The Senate and the president must remain in session and in Washington to find another path for repeal to get done in the lame-duck." Joe Manchin of West Virginia was one of the Senators who voted against cloture, which would have brought the bill to a full Senate vote. Manchin stated that he did not support cloture because he had not yet consulted constituents on the issue, but said that the policy "probably should be repealed in the near future.” According to reports, however, Lieberman sent out a tweet saying he and Collins are immediately introducing a freestanding bill to repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell and that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has agreed to bring it to the floor in the lame-duck session. Nearly 13,400 service members have lost their job since 1994 because they were outed for being gay or lesbian.H

Amber Yust

Courtesy, AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. – One of the most annoying experiences a person has to go through is getting a new license from the Department of Motor Vehicles. But for one transgender woman in California, that annoyance turned to harassment. Amber Yust, 24, claims that the DMV worker who helped her change her name from David to Amber sent a harassing letter to the address on her newly printed driver’s license. "Although I helped you with the name change, I have to say I do not support the reason for it," says the letter, signed with only a first name and typed on plain paper. "I also do not believe the state's recognition of it - through official documents - makes it legitimate or any less evil." Yust said she also received a pamphlet from a New York-based conservative Catholic ministry. "Going into a DMV isn't exactly a fun experience," Yust said. "So to have someone who dislikes something about you or has some strange interest in you decide to use your personal information for something other than what it was supposed to is really scary. I want people to feel safe." Yust has filed claim against the DMV for $25,000 in damages stating that its employee's actions violated her privacy and civil rights. In addition to trying to receive damages and attorney's fees from the DMV, Yust said she plans to seek a court order requiring the DMV to prevent future discrimination "If it was an African-American who went to the DMV and the DMV person sent a letter saying you should be lynched and then sent the address to the KKK, people would be going berserk," said Yust’s attorney Chris Dolan. "That's exactly what happened here, but you just insert the word transgender for black and religious fanatic for KKK."H



DECEMBER 16, 2010


Boston’s Foodie Revolution By PAUL RUBIO Year after year, Boston’s academic arena lures fresh, virginal sycophants to enter a world of scholarship and sagacity, well endowed with countless opportunities for rebellion against Puritan ways. While the nerds hit the books and the underage heretics hit the “packies” (liquor stores), Boston’s more seasoned, post-pubescent residents revel in the city’s endless choices for inspired dining, adult-style binge drinking, and those “wicked pisser” nights. These folks have made this historic wonderland home - inhabiting the quaint brownstones on sleepy side streets, creating their own Freedom Trails, admiring the sea port flavor of Boston Harbor, sampling Back Bay’s latest eatery, and devouring the classical elegance and charm of Boston.

Russell House Tavern - Bringing the New American gastro-tavern trend to Harvard Square, the Russell House Tavern pays homage to the locale’s history, ethos and culture, lining walls with local vintage photos from Harvard Square circa 1950s, using only local farm-to-table products, landing at a price point suitable for students while presenting food and drink options that easily warrant the short trek to

Cambridge. The tavern’s “torched tuna,” “salt and pepper laughing bird shrimp,” “creamy spinach gratin” and “dirty Caesar” put a fierce modern twist on American favorites. The “Andria pizza” with local burrata, black mission fig, and sweet garlic is the city’s wildest $13 food orgasm, the perfect prelude to market fresh mains liked the seared local monkfish loin with creamed fennel and roasted celery root. With most apps and small plates around $10, foodies can easily indulge in multiple gastro-masterpieces by Chef Michael Scelfo. 14 JFK Street, Cambridge, (617) 500-3055, www.russellhousecambridge.com

Towne Stove and Spirits - The foodie marriage between two of Boston’s most famous chefs, Jasper White and Lydia Shire, has spawned yet another beautiful offspring – this time an elegant, high-energy mega restaurant dedicated to comfort seafood and over-the-top worldly eats in the heart of Back Bay. Combining Lydia’s love for butter, lobster, global ingredients, and originality with Jasper’s love for New England seafood and a renowned equilibrium between home style cooking and haute cuisine, Towne Stove and Spirits boasts a menu as fun and busy as the crowds waiting for hours to sample the latest

White-Shire conception. It’s hard to go wrong with any of the 50 plus familystyle, savory creations; however, the “wood grilled lobster & corn pizza with honeyed ricotta,” the seasonal “razor clams a la plancha in baqsque alioli,” the “twice fried green beans with white soy and ginger juice,” and the “peking chicken and pot pie” should not be missed under any circumstance! Spread between a bustling bar in the front serving the best in mixology, a contemporary frenetic dining room downstairs, and a quieter, sparkling upstairs, this gastronomic trendsetter is currently one of the hottest seats in town! Towne - 900 Boylston Street, Boston (near the Mandarin Oriental Boston), (617) 2470400, www.towneboston.com; Summer Shack- 50 Dalton Street, Boston, (617) 867-9955, www.summershack restaurant.com.

Back Bay Social Club – Recreating the quintessential 1960s Manhattan social club ambience, the late night Back Bay Social Club revives a classy yet comfortable centralized meeting point for combining good times, good food, good people, and good conversation. The personality-driven resto-lounge feels like “Cheers” meets underground Prohibition rebellion, a place to come as you are and celebrate a love of great

Courtesy, Towne Stove & Spirits Boston

spirits. The sensational “squash salad with manchego & maple,” the succulent “Rhode Island style frito misto with peppadew peppers and garlic butter” and the home-made “fetuccini with porcini ragu” are perfect complements to the awesome wine and beer list and the kick-ass cocktails, like the “Gin Somethin” – millers gin, st. germain, grapefruit bitters, fresh grapefruit juice, simple syrup, muddled limes, cucumbers, and soda water. 867 Boylston Street, Boston, (617) 247-3200, www.backbaysocialclub.com.


DECEMBER 16 2010



Florida takes huge pro-LGBT leap forward in 2010 By STRATTON POLLITZER, DEPUTY DIRECTOR FOR EQUALITY FLORIDA What a year! 2010 has been the most historically significant year yet in the fight for full equality for Florida's LGBT community. And while a disappointing election season means we face some new challenges, as long as our community keeps fighting, we will continue to carve out victories in 2011. Topping the list this year was the overturning of Florida's notorious ban on gay and lesbian adoption. On Sept. 22 the Third District Court of Appeals ruled unanimously that there is "no rational basis to prohibit gay parents from adopting" and that the anti-gay adoption ban was unconstitutional. While the ACLU fought an outstanding legal battle in the courtroom, Equality Florida has worked in the legislature and the court of public opinion for the past seven years to shift hearts and minds in favor of ending the ban. At our urging, Gov. Crist and the Department of Children and Families (DCF) quit enforcing the ban immediately following the court ruling and did not appeal to the Florida Supreme Court, which would have delayed a final decision for years and where the outcome was uncertain. The day after the ruling came down, DCF sent an agency-wide memo instructing staff that, "You are no longer to ask prospective adoptive parents whether they are heterosexual, gay or lesbian, nor are you to use this as a factor in determining the suitability of applicants to adopt. Focus your attention on the quality of parenting that prospective adoptive parents would provide, and their commitment to and love for our children." This year we continued to win local victories, including adding sexual orientation and gender identity/ expression protections to Orange County's (Orlando) and Leon County's (Tallahassee) human rights ordinances. With 5.5 million people protected, Florida ranks fifth in the country. And we expanded protections for LGBT students with a new anti-bullying policy in Hillsborough County (Tampa). With 1.1 million students protected, Florida ranks sixth in the nation. We also continued to gain recognition for our families with domestic partnership victories in St. Petersburg and Kissimmee. One in three Floridians now has access to DP benefits. And Florida leads the south with 25 openly LGBT elected officials, including Craig Lowe, who we helped elect as the first openlygay mayor in north Florida last April. And although the November elections were disappointing, we won the most important contest on this year's ballot fair districts. Record majorities of Floridians now stand with us on nearly every issue we fight for. But the reason

this support has not always translated into victories at the ballot box is that Florida's voting districts are drawn to dramatically favor the party in power, which leads to extremism. Amendments 5 & 6 will forever change how districts are drawn in Florida and will create a more balanced government that actually reflects where our state stands on LGBT issues.

adopted, they are ready to fight to keep this injustice from returning. Victory will require a statewide grassroots effort, a strong media campaign and a volunteer army ready to engage Florida voters. As a new and uncertain legislative session begins, our staff and volunteer teams are focused on the following priorities for 2011:




PRODUCTION Creative Director DENNIS DEAN Production Manager JONATHAN BUGG

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SALES & MARKETING Brand Managers: BRAD CASEY - REAL ESTATE bradc@jumponmarkslist.com - 954-554-4912 KEITH CHAMLEE - CENTRAL/BAY AREA keithc@jumponmarkslist.com - 954-465-1563 KEN FRITZ - BARS & NIGHTLIFE kenf@jumponmarkslist.com - 954-599-0124 CLASSIFIEDS classifieds@jumponmarkslist.com - 954-903-4781 National Ad Representative RIVENDELL MEDIA: 212-242-6863


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Courtesy, Stephen Lang

TOP GOALS IN 2011 "Keep Winning and Never Go Back". Our top priority for 2011 is to protect the adoption victory. The same anti-gay extremists who pushed for Florida’s anti-marriage amendment in 2008 have already announced their intention to seek a ballot measure putting this discriminatory adoption ban into our state constitution in 2012. This is not only a threat for children and families in Florida, but a victory here would embolden further measures in other states across the country. Our years of experience in fighting the adoption ban have taught us that when people understand that this ban literally tore families apart and prevented children from achieving their dream of being

• Build bipartisan and business support for the Florida Competitive Workforce Act, a bill that would add sexual orientation and gender identity to the state's civil rights law. • Build support for stronger recognition of domestic partnerships through a statewide bill, local DP policies, and public and private employer benefits. • Continue our 13-year record of defeating every anti-LGBT bill in Tallahassee We are at a turning point in our civil rights struggle, and full legal equality for the LGBT community is closer than it has ever been. Our job is to hasten its arrival. Visit www.EQFL.org and become a member today. H

EDITORIAL POSITIONS of the Florida Agenda are expressed in editorials and in editors’ notes as determined by the paper’s editors. Other opinions are those of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Florida Agenda or its staff. TO SUBMIT A LETTER OR COMMENTARY: Letters should be fewer than 400 words; commentaries should be fewer than 750 words. Submissions may be edited for content and length, and must include a name, address and phone number for verification. Send submissions by e-mail to Editor@jumponmarkslist.com by fax to 954-566-7900 or by regular mail to the Agenda office, attn: Letters/Commentary.

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Who Knew? By SAM KNEW, MSW If you’ve glanced at your television sets recently you’ve probably noticed the networks’ obsession with other people’s obsessions. From sex to over-eaters to hoarding to counting steps – we have witnessed people obsess with it all – and that includes people’s fear of STDs (sexually transmitted diseases). They live in fear, isolation and usually in silence of their obsessive-compulsive disorders (OCD). In some cases these individuals have worried themselves sick about getting sick. This obsession of contracting an STD, such as HIV can be classified under the “chicken or egg” syndrome. In a society of billboards, TV campaigns and marches across every main street of the country pleading us to get tested and be protected, it’s no wonder so many suffer from this form of OCD. However, some feel a more accurate diagnose would be hypochondria (a belief that real or imagined symptoms are evidence of a serious illness, despite medical reassurance and other evidence to the contrary). What ever you call it, this fear can be

so overwhelming it has scared some individuals sexless. On the surface this may seem like a good thing – people holding out on sexual encounters, afraid of contracting an STD. But some mental health professionals point out this paralyzing and compulsive behavior can lead to more serious problems. This specific form of OCD is categorized as a “fear of contamination.” Individuals who suffer from this form of OCD usually have an irrational fear of being contaminated by germs, dirt, pathogens or anything unsanitary. This fear often causes people to take on compulsive behaviors such as constant hand washing, tak- Sam Knew, MSW ing multiple showers a day, washing and rewashing clothing and other repetitive ritual actions.

DECEMBER 16, 2010


HIV and OCD scared sexless.

The emotional and physical toll of this type of paranoia can set off a chain reaction of issues. This includes stress related illnesses, such as loss of appetite, ulcers, depression and sleep depravation. In addition, this fear makes it extremely challenging to pursue mature, healthy relationships – even with one’s own family and friends, much less romantically. The obsession can even take on a life if it’s own, for example some individuals feel compelled to be tested regularly, even daily, disbelieving negative results. Oddly enough, a similar form of OCD may develop for individuals who have contracted HIV, or any other type of immune weakening infection. These individuals may develop social phobias (a fear of being criticized by

others). Their fear may additionally lead to an anxiety disorder, with symptoms including: discomfort or pain in the chest; dizziness; nausea; cold or hot flashes; difficulty breathing; and physical tremors. These phobias can lead to individuals becoming so paralyzed and ashamed of their condition they may avoid seeking treatment. Additionally, a recent study identified that there is an increased risk factor of developing a substance use disorder (SUD), specifically methamphetamine (meth), in HIVpositive men who have sex with men (MSM), and suffer from severe forms of OCD. To make matters worse, studies show that meth use interferes with HIV medication adherence. Treatment of this disorder can come in many forms. In some cases several forms of behavioral therapy, including exposure therapy – where clients are asked to confront their fears. In extreme cases psychosurgery may be considered. Less invasive treatments include the use of medication (usually in conjunction with therapy). Sufferers could also benefit from support groups and relaxation techniques such as yoga and meditation. H



DECEMBER 16, 2010

The Amazon Trail

Believing in Santa By LEE LYNCH I came across this retweet on Twitter: "1 kid still believes in Santa, 1 doesn't. Thank God there isn't a WikiLeaks for preschoolers" (From Hide and Seek Media, @ruminations.) Wouldn’t it be cool if there really was a Santa Claus? I don’t remember learning that he was a figment of the adult imagination, but I must have, and must have been disappointed. I think the revelation came in stages. In the next to final stage my mother would have admitted something like, “Daddy and I help Santa.” Perfectly believable. Pulling the wool over kids’ eyes only takes a little imagination. I’d prefer a WikiLeaks for adults that would reveal something like: Santa is a lesbian; and for Snopes.com to confirm it. The lesbian or gay male Santa/s would always distribute homeless kittens, puppies and other pets to deserving caretakers, especially those who are the only gay people in nursing homes. S/he would carry sacks and sacks of high spirits as well as mentors for gay kids. For grownup gays, instead of games that use Get-Out-of-Jail-Free cards, Santa would pro-

duce Get-Out-of-the-Closet-Free passes. With a finger classically at the side of the famous Santa nose, and winking at spiritual gays, our hero would give unenlightened antigays huge raggedy old stockings filled with coal and the names of miners killed or injured while digging it out of the earth. The elves would sneak candy canes made of common sense into the offices of politicians and refuse to leave until each elected official choked down every last sweet scrap. Lee Lynch To the parents of baby dykes and fledgling faeries s/he would bring pretty packages of unconditional love to use unsparingly on their offspring,

whatever their true genders or sexualities. Every Bob Cratchit and first-nameless Mrs. Cratchit would win the lottery so they could properly care for and educate Tiny Tim and his siblings, even the gay ones. Santa would chuckle magnificently as s/he showered my beloved wife, who does have a first name and it’s Sweetheart, with everything her big heart desired. And any of us gays who wanted a Mac Air or an iPad, would get one and we’d write gay and lez lit on them. Every soldier, gay or straight, would receive a plowshare, or even a whole plow, under the tree, while elves (aka Courtesy, Dog Ear Audio faeries) would magically disappear every weapon on the globe. Al-Qaeda might get some of those sensible candy canes and some of that coal, if we could find


them. Corporate directors would get genuine hearts, and they wouldn’t be made of candy. President Obama would get back his dark hair and a veteran’s expertise from former President Clinton. Oh, wait, that part’s already happening. Ellen DeGeneres’s stocking would be filled with a contract for the primest prime time talk show. TV and radio would be gifted with inspiration to replace greed and return to entertainment instead of right-wing proselytizing. Fox, in specific, would get a stocking filled with e-mails suggesting they present balanced news and information. Hollywood would receive scripts in which the gay characters don’t get killed off at the end and are allowed to live happily ever after. David Sedaris would have a piece in the New Yorker every week. Oh, wait up again, that would be a gift for me, but I’ll bet he wouldn’t mind. Newly out gay geeks would receive gaydar apps. Santa would give the spirit of the holidays to Amazon.com, which would, in turn, give lesbian and gay male publishers a bigger percentage. Without war and the divisions that create it, without putting all this money into fighting for our rights, we’d have more resources to feed the hungry and cure the sick – is that too much to ask, MyGaySanta.com? Or maybe someone should buy the domain name, www.MyGaySanta.com, and seriously figure out how to bring gifts like these to the world. Pulling the wool off grownups’ eyes would take only a little imagination. Merry holidays to all and to all a good new year.H



DECEMBER 16, 2010


Better late than never

How Ed Cook changed his life through healthy living By BOB KECSKEMETY At 56, Ed Cook enjoys walking around in a tank top and being stopped by younger guys who want to tell him how incredible he looks. And when they ask him how old he is, Cook further enjoys the looks on their faces. Cook, however, wasn’t always so fortunate. From the age of 37, Cook admits he had let himself go. He was gaining weight and gave up on his appearance. He says he felt that life became too overwhelming and he gave up, claiming there wasn’t enough time. At the age of 48, he went to a doctor who told him that if he continued on this course he would end up with severe medical problems, including diabetes, heart attack and an early death. “I knew,” said Cook, “that when I walked out that door that my life would never be the same.” His life changes included joining a gym and a low carb diet. “I just trained like hell” said Cook, who dropped 52 pounds in seven months. While working out one day, several body builders approached Cook and told him that he should start competing. Originally, Cook was not too keen on the idea, but then got curious and went on the Internet and started

checking out some of the over 50 competitions and thought he could probably do it. Cook entered his first competition and, from that moment on, he’s been hooked. He says he loves the body building sport and loves what the sport has done for him. He also encourages others to get involved. “It’s a statistical fact that 97 percent of people fail in their diet and fitness goals in their first year,” said Cook. “Then I asked myself why I succeeded and realized that, even Ed Cook though I had let my physical body go, I had been working through some very tough issues that had been bothering me throughout my life.” One of those issues was dealing with his own sexuality.

He says that in order to succeed, a person must first figure out what their goals are and what motivates them to become more fit and healthy. Without goals, you’re not going to accomplish anything. He says that many fail because of an inner struggle and that it’s just not enough not being satisfied with the way you look or feel. “It’s just like the guy who says that if he could buy a Courtesy, Ed Cook Porsche, he would be happy. But six months later, he realizes that that the Porsche is just basic transportation and not that big of a deal,” Cook said. “You have to remember that the body is

just a material thing, but it’s connected to a wonderful spirit inside. If the spirit is sick and unhappy and unhealthy, there is no way the outer-self can heal itself and become whole. To fix the body, you must mend the mind, then everything else will fall into place.” Cook said that in order to succeed, you have to set goals that are practical and realistic. You have to put those goals in writing and create a specified work out time that doesn’t interfere with family or work. Five years ago he found out about a social network site for body builders called Body Space and is now one of the top members. He says that he has a lot of friends and that the many messages he receives usually end up in one of two categories: messages from military personnel and messages from people who tell him what an inspiration his Body Space profile has become for them. “This body is great and the fame is fun, and it’s good to have people pat you on the back and tell you how great you are,” says Cook. “But what it’s really about is giving back to others — which is what life is really about.”H



DECEMBER 16, 2010


Have You ‘Sh*t’ Your Pants Lately?

Comedian Tony Tripoli By TROY MAILLIS Comedian/actor Tony Tripoli, who has shared on-screen laughs with household firecrackers such as Kathy Griffin, Charlie Sheen and Bo Derek, is everything you want in a comedian and more. And he will make sure you know it! Andrews Living Arts and 4 The Sea Productions present “Tony Tripoli: I Sh*t My Pants!” (An Evening of Sophisticated Stand-Up) Dec. 17-19. In addition to stand up, he currently writes jokes for “Fashion Police” with Joan Rivers. Tony joked with Agenda about his upcoming show and why you will ‘sh*t’ your pants. AGENDA: You have a show coming up in Fort Lauderdale next week. Can you talk about the show and what we can expect? TONY: I am very excited. It’s going to be a really fun time. The show is called “Tony Tripoli: I Sh*t My Pants!” It’s practically and operetta. It’s just embarrassing, true tales of disasters happening in my life. I will say things that are so shocking and so ‘inside’ Hollywood. It’s my story of a single 40 year old gay guy living in West Hollywood. AGENDA: When did you know that comedy was your thing? Was it something that you always knew you wanted to do or did it just happen? TONY: I think it happened in a way similar to a lot of other comics. I was always a pain in the ass and I just found a way to make

money off of it. One of the things that’s wonderful about me is I have opinions about everything regardless of whether I know anything about that topic. Since I was little, I have always been a mouthy person. I was that kid in the grocery store who would see a handicapped person and yell, “Hey look at that retarded person.” Basically I’m still doing that. Now it’s just my job. AGENDA: Have you always been an openly gay comedian and actor? Were there any obstacles as a result? TONY: I’ve always been completely openly gay and out of the closet. Let’s be honest, I didn’t have a lot of other choices. From across the room no one is going to think I’m a lumberjack. My television agents know not to submit me for any commercials or sitcoms unless the role is a gay role. With straight roles, I spend the whole time trying not to “walk that way” or “talk that way” and it takes all the fun out of it. There is a lot of bullshit you have to go through to actually get to perform, but once you are finally performing that’s the good part. So to do something that will take the fun out of it—why would you do that to yourself ?

AGENDA: What has it been like working with Kathy Griffin and Joan Rivers? Have they taught you a lot in your own career? TONY: Kathy Griffin and I worked together and were best friends for about 10 years. There were times we would sit around and watch television and throw jokes around. I would eventually hear some of the jokes when she would perform, and I would remember back to when that funny joke or story was created in the room. It was thrilling. That was enough for me, and I never thought I would do stand-up myself; but my mom kept insisting that I should do it. I eventually did one night of stand-up at a benefit just so I could call my mother and say, “Look, I’m finally going to do stand-up.” My whole family flew in to watch me tell my story, and I thought that would be it. But when I walked off stage that night, I thought that it was the most fun I’d ever had. When you are doing stand-up, an editor, director, writer or producer can’t come in a change anything and take out the parts you like. You as the stand-up comedian becomes all of those roles. That kind of control is thrilling for someone who is pushy like me. It was the greatest thing. I hate to admit it, but my mother was right. I’ve been doing stand-up ever since.

AGENDA: How does it work on a show like “Fashion Police,” and what other projects are you working on moving into 2011 ? TONY: With “Fashion Police” it’s a conversation between four people: Giuliana Rancic, George Kotsiopoulos, Kelly Osbourne and comedy legend Joan Rivers. It’s like Joan is hosting a little cocktail party. There are a few of us who write jokes for Joan the night before the show. We all sit around and laugh and laugh and laugh; and Joan laughs harder than anyone. Joan and I eventually go through the jokes and rank them based on what that show has time for. While the show is happening, I help guide her on how many jokes she can tell. One of the most amazing things I can tell you about Joan is that she is one the most generous audience members. She absolutely wants to be knocked off of her chair with laughter. She loves when someone else is on a roll and being hilarious. She’s a delight in every possible way. I have big plans with Joan for 2011 and will be opening for her on the road. You can check out tonytripoli.com for all of the details.H

Tony Tripoli: I Sh*t My Pants! (An Evening of Sophisticated Stand-Up) Andrews Living Arts 23 NW 5th Street Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 Tickets: (954) 647-2409 Friday, Dec. 17 at 8 PM Saturday, Dec. 18 at 7 & 9 PM Sunday, Dec. 19 at 7PM



jean’s kitchen

Simple cream of asparagus soup By JEAN DOHERTY/LE PATIO Asparagus has been used from early times as a vegetable and medicine, owing to its delicate flavor and diuretic properties. There is a recipe for cooking asparagus in the oldest surviving book of recipes. It was cultivated by the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans, who ate it fresh when in season and dried it for use in winter. Asparagus is pictured on an Egyptian frieze dating to 3000 B.C., and France’s Louis XIV had special greenhouses built for growing it. Asparagus is low in calories and is very low in sodium. It is also a good source of vitamin B6, calcium, magnesium and zinc, and a very good source of dietary fiber, protein, vitamin A, C, E, and K, and then thiamin, riboflavin, rutin, niacin, folic acid, iron, phosphorus, potassium, copper, manganese, selenium and chromium (whew!), a trace mineral that enhances the ability of insulin to transport glucose from the bloodstream into cells. In other words, it’s very healthy. The shoots are prepared and served in a number of ways around the world, typically as an appetizer or vegetable side dish. In Asian-style cooking, asparagus is often stir-fried. Cantonese restaurants in the United States often serve asparagus stirfried with chicken, shrimp, or beef, and also

wrapped in bacon. Asparagus may also be quickly grilled over charcoal or hardwood embers. It is also used as an ingredient in stews and soups. In the French-style, it is often boiled or steamed and served with hollandaise sauce, melted butter or olive oil. In recent years, almost as a cycle dating back to early culinary habits, asparagus has regained its popularity eaten raw as a component of a salad. Ingredients: 1 chopped onion A dash of extra virgin olive oil 2 lbs of peeled and washed asparagus tips 1 big potato cut in cubes A good splash of fresh cream Salt, pepper & paprika Directions: In a good-sized saucepan lightly brown the onions at medium heat. Add the asparagus and the potato, and 2 to 3 pints of water and boil for about 20 minutes. Blend well in a food processor or directly in the pot with an immersion mixer. You are the chef, so you taste and season with salt, pepper and a pinch of paprika and of course the fresh cream.H

DECEMBER 16, 2010



DECEMBER 16, 2010



Shake-Attack: Burgers that are dunk-alicious By CAMERON O’CONNOR Traditionally, New York culture is slow to come to South Beach because, frankly, many want to be the anti Big Apple. However, this trend is being defied in the Foodie World as more and more New York hot shot Chefs are opening their own South Florida locations. Ah, and then there is the hamburger – another food trend that has inexplicitly taken off. No longer is the burger condoned to fast food floozies, this is a gourmet succulent meal that goes for thousands of dollars at some of the world’s best restaurants. When you combine these two trends you get South Beach’s newest patty joint, Shake Shack. Located at the base of the architectural explosion that is 1111 Lincoln Road (really just a fancy parking garage with shops, restaurants and a bank on the ground floor), Shake Shack is taking SoBe by storm by revolutionizing the causal dining environment that is the largest tourist trap in South Florida. For a mere $4.25 you can try the original Shake Burger, which includes American cheese, lettuce, tomato and the special secret Shake sauce. Make it a double for $7.25. This burger may be the best piece of patty this side of In N Out. The juices roll out oh so delectably, and whatever is in that Shake sauce is as addictive as nicotine. For those interested in the less-meaty route, try the ‘Shroom Burger ($6.75), which includes: crisp-fried portabella mushroom filled with melted muenster and cheddar cheeses and topped with lettuce, tomato and the aforementioned special Shake sauce. Can’t decide between the two? Why not try the Shake Stack ($8.75), which combines the meat patty with the portabella mushroom in one ridiculously tall feast. Save room for a side of cheese fries ($3.75). These golden-fried (with zero trans-fat) Yukon potatoes are just the side dish to make you feel full and fat. If hot dogs are more up your ally, Shake Shack offers four varieties, including a chicken hot dog that will have you clucking for more. The most creative is definitely the Second City Bird Dog, which includes chicken sausage with mustard, relish, onions, cucumbers,

pickles, lettuce, tomatoes, sport pepper and celery salt ($5.75). Need something to wash it all down? Order specialized ShakeMeister Ale from Brooklyn Brewery ($5.25 for 16 ounces), a Shake Chord from California ($6) or a Shake Shiraz from Eastern Australia ($6.50). In NYC, the original Shake Shack is exactly what the name says, a shotty house-like structure in the middle of Madison Square Park. The lines stretch all the way through the park, especially on nice and warm summer afternoons, because the only thing that tops this place’s burgers is the frozen custard cre-

Courtesy, Cameron O’Connor

ations. My favorite is the Shark Attack, frozen chocolate custard blended at high speed with peanut butter, chocolate truffle cookie dough, chocolate sprinkles and chocolate pearls. Cost of the frozen creations ranges from $4.50-6.75. Not impressed by this review? Well then you should know that Shake Shack’s burger has won awards at both the Food Network New York City Wine & Food Festival and the Food Network South Beach Wine & Food Festival. Shake Shack is part of the Danny Meyer Union Square Hospitality Group, the same company that owns famous eateries Tabla and Eleven Madison Park in New York. Meyer will be hosting the Danny Meyer Shake Shack Burger and Wine pairing seminar at the 2011 Food Network South Beach Wine & Food Festival on Feb. 26. Meyer has taken the concept of modern day roadside stand and transformed it into the place see and be seen. For more information, visit www.sobefest.com.H


DECEMBER 16, 2010



DECEMBER 16, 2010

Fort Lauderdale VEGAS NIGHT—CHIPS FOR CHARITY Wilton Manors Council and Gay & Lesbian Business Exchange (GLBX) announces its first fundraising reception. Vegas Night – Chips for Charity, will take place on Thursday, Jan. 13 from 5:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. at Hagen Park, 2020 Wilton Drive, Wilton Manors. Admission is $40 per person and includes tastings from local restaurants, five hours of gaming, live music, and open bar service. The event will raise money for the Chamber and Kids in Distress. For more information, call 954-462-4911 or e-mail Dan@FTLChamber.com.H

TONY TRIPOLI: I SH*T MY PANTS Comedian/actor Tony Tripoli, who has shared on-screen laughs with Kathy Griffin, Charlie Sheen and Bo Derek, will perform his newest show, “I Sh*t My Pants,” Dec. 17-19. The show will take place at 23 NW Fifth St., Fort Lauderdale. Tickets are $20. For more information, call (954) 647-2409 or visit www.andrewslivingarts.com.H

“NEEDS WHEELS” BENEFIT FOR FATHER BILL COLLINS Join the South Florida community on Dec. 20 at 8 p.m. for the "Needs Wheels" It's a Wonderful Benefit for Father Bill Collins of the Poverello Center. The benefit will take place at Johnny’s, 1116 W. Broward Blvd., Fort Lauderdale. Monies raised will be used to purchase a new car for Father Bill. Dale Madison and Russel of Stable will host the benefit. There will be incredible performances from some of the most well-known local celebs in the business and a silent auction with over $8,000 in items from our sponsors. For donations, call (954) 554-4912 and make all checks payable to Poverello Center, memo New Car.H

"A CHRISTMAS CAROL" What would Christmas be without Charles Dickens' beloved tale. The Empire State Theater at 1140 North Flagler Drive, Fort Lauderdale, is presenting a oneman version Thursdays Sundays until Dec. 25. Scott Sowers, who recently appeared in HBO's "Boardwalk Empire," plays all the parts. For showtimes, tickets and information, call (954) 678-1496 or visit www.empirestage.com.H

out in florida


Miami MIAMI INTERNATIONAL ART FAIR It’s time for the Miami International Art Fair (MIA) in Miami Beach, Jan. 13-17, 2011 at the Miami Beach Convention Center, Hall D, 1901 Convention Center Drive. Come experience America’s most exciting mid-winter contemporary art fair. MIA will be an inaugurating, intriguing and unique new model this year, combining a highly selective art fair with a strong, central curatorial vision, in addition to independently curated projects. Highlighting MIA in 2011 is the special installation Museum of Modern Ice, bringing Canadian artist Gordon Halloran’s dazzling paintings in ice to sunny South Florida for the first time. Tickets are $50 in advance and $75 at the door. For more information, call (239) 949 5411.H

JUMP! SUNDAYS Edison Farrow, Omar Gonzalez and Tony Ferro present JUMP! Sundays, South Beach’s new hot spot on Sunday nights. Doors open at 10 p.m. with free Svedka vodka drinks until 11 p.m. Admission is $10. JUMP! takes place at Lux (formerly Liquid Niteclub), 1439 Washington Ave., Miami Beach.H

GEORGE BALANCHINE'S “THE NUTCRACKER” Miami City Ballet presents George Balanchine's “The Nutcracker,” Dec. 17-23 at the Adrienne Arsht Center Ziff Ballet Opera House, 1300 Biscayne Blvd., Miami. This production is a magical treat for young and old. Miami City Ballet's production boasts beautiful sets, lavish costumes and magical special effects. A large, talented cast present a holiday treat for the entire family. For ticket information, call (305) 949-6722. Prices vary.H

MDGLCC TOY DRIVE & HOLIDAY CELEBRATION Please join the Miami Dade Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce for a toy drive and holiday celebration on Thursday, Dec. 16 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the LGBT Visitor's Center, 1130 Washington Ave., Miami Beach. Please bring an unwrapped toy to benefit the Miami Beach Police Toy Drive. There will be an open bar, complimentary hors d'oeuvres, a DJ, a visit from Santa Claus and other special surprises. Please RSVP to Stephanie@tma-pr.com or call (305) 673-4440.H


Bay Area

out in florida

DECEMBER 16, 2010


Central Florida



On Saturday, Dec. 18, Flamingo Resort presents its first Ugly Christmas Sweater Party. If you haven’t received one already through the years, hit the thrift stores, craft stores, hardware stores and find (or make) the most hideous Christmas sweater you can imagine for a chance to win cash and prizes. Prizes in three categories: Overall Ugliest Sweater, Most Creative Ugly Sweater and Sexiest Ugly Sweater. Contest runs from 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. at the Flamingo Resort, 4601 34th St. S., St. Petersburg. Come out and celebrate in an ultra-festive environment and share your holiday cheer.H

Blaze Adonis and Kai'ja Adonis present “Broadway Christmas 4,” a benefit for The Trevor Project on Thursday, Dec. 16 from 9 p.m. to midnight at Revolution Nightclub, 375 S. Bumby Ave., Orlando. The evening will be filled with music and comedy from many of your Broadway favorites, old and new. There will be a VIP reception starting at 8:30 p.m. with wine and hors d’oeuvres. Showtime begins at 8:30 p.m. and is hosted by Baby Blue. There is also a cast of over 50 of your favorite LGBT entertainers. All of the proceeds will benefit The Trevor Project, the leading national organization focused on crisis and suicide prevention efforts among LGBTQ youth. A $10 donation gets you into the VIP reception, show and Revolution for the after-party.H

POST- CHANUKAH HOLIDAY MIXER & WINE TASTING Mindy Solomon, of the Mindy Solomon Gallery, is holding a mixer to bring together Jewish LGBT community together for a post-Chanukah Holiday Mixer on Thursday, Dec. 16 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at her gallery at 124 Second Ave. NE, St. Petersburg. Sponsoring the event are: The JCC Suncoast, myQmunity.com, Blue Heron Café and PRP Wine International. There will be light food and a wine tasting. Admission is free. The mixer is designed to get people meeting, sharing and having fun.H

FUNDRAISER FOR THE ST. PETERSBURG MEN’S CHORUS The GayStPete House will he holding a fundraiser for the St. Petersburg Men’s Chorus on Thursday, Dec. 23 at the GayStPete House, 4505 5th Ave. North, Saint Petersburg. Enjoy a relaxing evening poolside with incredible eats, full open bar, live entertainment and plenty of holiday cheer. No gifts but please make a donation to the Chorus. All of your donation goes to the chorus. For more information, visit www.stpetemenschorus.com.H

STEAM FRIDAYS CHRISTMAS PARTY DJ Manny Lehman will headline at the Steam Fridays Christmas Party to be held at The Honey Pot, 1507 E Seventh Ave., Ybor City. The party will be held on Friday, Dec. 17 from 11 p.m. to 4 a.m. Lehman is one of the biggest DJ’s in the world and will celebrate the holiday in style. The club will be transformed into the “Nutcraker Suite” and will come to life with aerialists performing and so much more. Doors open at 10 p.m. with no cover until 10:30 p.m. and $10 after. Drinks are $1 from 10 p.m. to 11 p.m.H

WINTER BEACH PARTY The Winter Beach Party will be held at Revolution on Saturday, Dec. 18 from 10 p.m. to 3:30 a.m. at Revolution, 375 S. Bumby Ave., Orlando. The Winter Beach Party is a night for girls who love girls and the friends that love them. Ladies of the Majestic Theater Show at 10:30 p.m. and 12:30 a.m. featuring Baby Blue, Desiree Demornay, China and special guest Poison Ivy, direct from South Beach. There will also be a sultry burlesque show with the sexy Les Vixens at midnight. Drinks are $1 from 9 p.m. to 10 p.m., no cover until 11 p.m. for those 21 and over (18+ welcome).H

“GOD HELP US, EVERYONE” Ashton Kutcher, Lucille Ball, Joan Crawford, Miss Piggy and Cher (or at least their impersonators) present “A Glittering StarStudded Christmas Carol” on Saturday, Dec. 18 starting at 7:30 p.m. in the Footlight Theater at the Parliament House, 410 N. Orange Blossom Trail, Orlando.H

“THE NEARLYWED GAME” … at Hamburger Mary’s in Orlando, will be held on Saturday, Dec. 18. This is a fun and new twist of the classic TV game show, “The Newlywed Game.” Each month, six couples (same-sex and opposite sex couples) will compete to see who knows, or thinks they know, each other the best. The couple with the most matching answers will win fabulous prizes. No subject is off limits — mature content and not for the faint of heart. The 8 p.m. show this month will be a normal couples’ round, and the 9:30 p.m. show will consist of gay men coupled with their best female friends (a.k.a. fag hags). For more information, visit www.hamburgermarysorlando.comH


DECEMBER 16, 2010




DECEMBER 16, 2010


Batters up

Gay softball league produces star power By RYAN DIXON Sitting on those bleachers at the end of November at Mill’s Pond Park in Fort Lauderdale reminded me of when I used to watch my brother’s high school baseball team back in 1995. I lost sight of the fact that baseball season had ended just one month earlier when the San Francisco Giants won the World Series. While this was no major league game, the business at hand was serious for all the players involved in the Hurricane Showdown tournament. Gay softball teams from across the country were out to prove they were the best, including those from South Florida who are a part of the South Florida Amateur Athletic Association (SFAAA), a gay and lesbian softball league But one player who really stood out was Chris Gunderson, who took a flight the Friday evening before the tournament from the City of Brotherly Love to grace Fort Lauderdale with his pitching power, but not for a team from Philadelphia. Gunderson was playing the number one position for the Chicago Spin. The

year before he played for a team from Houston and he used to play in Chicago. So when the Spin called and said they needed a pitcher for the tournament, he agreed. He has played softball for a while now, and has made the Hurricane Showdown his own personal tradition. Being the tallest member on his team gave Gunderson the intimidation factor on the mound. Watching him pitch reminded me of the movie “Rookie of the Year,” where the kid loses the ability to throw fast and has to throw a floater ball for a strike to win the game. I was amazed at how Gunderson could just flick his wrist and have the ball just drop right in the strike zone. His pitching and the offensive output the rest on the Spin put out lead to them finishing their group to a 2-1 start, but unfortunately the fell short in the elimination round. This year’s tourney was the first visit for the D-Division team Ybor Eagles from Tampa, but they have plans to also play in Atlanta and Birmingham. Nashville was represented by two teams via the Force and Players, who were mostly self-funded

Courtesy, Ryan Dixon

without sponsors. The boys from the Providence Grind took some time out of their cold Thanksgiving up North to come and play as well. And while they didn’t win the champi-

onship, the Dallas Assault win the award for the team that traveled the furthest to take part in the tournament. To see a list of winners in the three divisions, visit www.sfaaa.net.H



DECEMBER 16, 2010


MIDDLE RIVER TER. CONDO-QUALITY Gigantic 1BR/1BA: $910/mo. C/Air, Open Granite Kitchen w/bar, D/W, Ice-maker, Designer Bath, Must see! 1 yr lease, F/S. Call (954) 4489811. MIDDLE RIVER & LAKERIDGE 1st month is FREE. 1BR/1BA, $690/mo. or $175/Wk. or 2BR/2BA, $875/mo. or $225/wk. Efficiency $620/Mo. or $155/Wk. with a 6 or 12 month lease. Pay your deposit and you are in. *Details. (954) 527-9225 WILTON MANORS Walk to the Drive. Small 1BR/1BA in quiet complex. Air conditioners, ceiling fans. Tile floors throughout. $640/mo. $300 deposit. NO pets. (954) 5377513 EAST FORT LAUDERDALE/LAKERIDGE Renovated 1BR/1BA. Fenced house, private deck, W/D, new kitchen, vaulted ceilings, CAC, Water, electric, and basic cable included. F/S required. $1100/Mo. Also available, Large efficiency, $750/Mo. No pets. Near Publix and Wallgreens. (954) 5545095

AIR CONDITIONING REPAIR/SERVICE EXPERT AIR ADVICE Air conditioning repairs. Cooling is what we do best. FPL Rebates, Insured, CACO 36862. Free Estimates on Replacements. $75 – Tune Up. Call (954) 764-1990


LONELY? Not leaving the house much? And you just can't get motivated? Depressed, at the end of your rope? Can't find anyone to talk about what's going on in your head? Be a good friend; know when depression crosses the line. Call the GLBTQ Helpline & Suicide Awareness Program. Simply to talk, learn, and become aware. GLBTQ HELPLINE & Suicide Awareness (305) 646-3600. Free & Confidential. Tri-lingual counselors available 24/7 For you or a friend.

ALTERATIONS / SEWING SERVICES SEW WHAT'S NEW? I'VE MOVED! The sewing and design studio is now located at 3455 N.E. 12th Avenue, Suite #2, Oakland Park, FL 33334, around the corner from the Oakland Park Post Office. Available Tuesday - Saturday until 7 P.M. Walkins welcome, Appointments appreciated. Call Paul Michael (954) 260-3558



ROOMMATE OAKLAND PARK Resort-like setting. 3BR/2BA house w/pool, spa, tiki bar. Large BR, share BA w/1 guy. House privileges. Must like dogs. $650/mo includes utilities. No drunks/drugs. 1st, last, 1/2 mo sec. Ref required. (954) 9801123 SPACIOUS ROOM FOR RENT IN BEAUTIFUL PALM AIRE COUNTRY CLUB IN POMPANO BEACH Fort Lauderdale Line. $700 includes utilities, cable TV in room, and wireless internet. Minutes from everything. Private Bedroom and bath. Condo is 2000 square feet and overlooks the golf course with great balcony views. Includes use of pool and all common areas. I am drug free and professional. Please be the same. No pets allowed. Call me at (203) 232-7005 or email me at cbert30@aol.com.

REAL ESTATE SERVICES FREE FORECLOSURE DEFENSE ADVICE! We offer a free consultation to discuss your particular situation. Do not wait; you can do something about the pressure. We have answers. Call for no obligation meeting. Financial Rescue, Inc 954-566-1228 info@financialrescueinfo.com TIRED OF LOOKING? WE’LL DO IT FOR YOU! No cost, No hassle. Hundreds of Fort Lauderdale / Wilton Manors rental properties to choose from and we do the work finding the right one for you. Call Randy at Eastside Realty Group, (954) 599-9437

EAST FT LAUDERDALE/WILTON MANORS. Large, quiet 2bedroom unit. Totally renovated with Italian porcelain tile, blue pearl granite & stainless kitchen, double oven, stunning black granite on 48 inch Thomasville vanity and linen closet inside oversized bath. Sit-in dining room, central a/c, ceiling fans, D/W, washer/dryer in unit, private patio & more. Charming, beautifully landscaped 5-plex close to beach & 1 minute to Wilton Dr. Photos at www.yourperfectapartment.com. $1,250/mo. Call Rick: (954) 253-1929. ROYAL PARK Near Wilton Manors 1BR/1.5BA, $825 $900/mo. 2BR/2BA, $950 - $1100,/mo. Gated security, Clubhouse, Pools, Gym, Sauna and Steam room. Pets OK. Cable / Water / Trash included. Call Naim Naqi, Broker / SFG Realtors (954) 574-6047 WILTON MANORS EFFICIENCY Located near 7th Avenue & Wilton Drive. (By the Shoppes of Wilton Manors) A/C, ceiling fans, terrazzo & tile floors, laundry room with washer & dryer. Screened in patio & pool. Off street parking. Utilities, electric, & water included. (954) 563-4442 WILTON MANORS JUST BLOCKS FROM WILTON DRIVE Beautiful 2BR/1BA apartment on the Middle River across from nature preserve. Eat in kitchen, large living room, central A/C, $975/mo F/L/S. Yearly lease (954) 288-6749 WILTON MANORS 2BR/1BA garden apartment with private backyard & patio. CAC, W/D, all updated. 1 mile from Alibi. Pets ok. $950/mo. (954) 610-3310 WILTON VILLAGE GAY-FRIENDLY STUDIO 1yr Lease/Superclean quiet corner unit. Heated pool, W/D on premises.1-block to ALIBI+Wilton Drv. $600/mo+utils.F/L + $300Sec. 954-298-2208

REAL ESTATE WILTON MANORS - Beautiful 2000 sq. ft. 3 bed 2.5 bath pool home on huge tropically landscaped corner lot. Perfectly renovated with new kitchen and baths. New roof, new impact windows, new pool. Walk to Wilton Drive. Nothing to do but move in.$529,900 Call Glenn Smith Coastland Realty 854-873-4220 WE BUY HOMES FOR CASH ANY CONDITION, FAST 5 DAY CLOSING CONTACT ROBERT AT 954-336-0436 PUT YOUR IRA ON STEROIDS! Use your IRA to buy wholesale bank owned real estate and create a 12% plus annual cash on cash return.Turn Key Real Estate company helps you buy a wholesale bank owned foreclosure with equity. Company also provides affordable renovation teams and property managers. Build wealth today with our proven 20 year turn key acquisition and management program. Contact Robert for more information. 954-336-0436 www.robertblairrealestate.com

RENTAL - FT. LAUDERDALE EAST FORT LAUDERDALE - LARGE TOWNHOME WITH POOL Beautiful two bedroom townhome in quiet 5-plex, 5 minutes to beach & I-95. Large, sit in kitchen with center island, central a/c, ceiling fans, washer/dryer in unit, dishwasher & more. Small pets ok. Great neighbors and neighborhood. Master bedroom has walk-in closet & sliding glass doors to private balcony. $1,225/mo. Call Rick at (954) 253-1929. Photos at www.yourperfectapartment.com SOUTH MIDDLE RIVER Gay compound 1BR/1BA, garden apartment. Features designer kitchen with high-end appliances, D/W, and covered parking. Lush landscaping with W/D on premises…are just some of the amenities offered. All utilities included. This value cannot be beat at $850/ mo. Flexible lease terms available. Call Tim at (954) 258-2584

RENTAL/FURNISHED HOUSING PERFECT RELOCATION RENTALS-FROM $295/WEEK. For 4 Week + Stays through December. Beautiful Studio, 1 & 2 BR Apts. Turn key, fully furnished & equipped, clothing optional pool, laundry, parking. Close to Gay & Nude Beaches. Pets Welcome. Incl. utilities, cable, tel., Wi-Fi Internet. (954) 927-0090 or visit www.LibertySuites.com IMMACULATE, NICELY FURNISHED, 1 BR CONDO - Avail. Jan/Feb 2011. Completely renovated. lst flr. 2.5 miles to beach, heated pool. Wilton Manors. $1600/mo. Call 954-5864906 or email massarosusan@yahoo.com.

ADULT/DATING MATURE CONTACTS & FRIENDSHIP The Caffmos Community is a contacts and dating community site for mature men, bears, daddies and their admirers both young and old. Registration and membership is free. Come and join us at: CaffmosCommunity.com EXCLUSIVE GAY EVENT PLANNING - WE KNOW HOW 2 PARTY! @ ren.dez.vous we cater to the gay elite who seek to turn their fantasies into reality. From intimate cocktail parties at home, extravagant penthouse events up to a private circuit party experience. We provide the highest levels of creativity, from the tame to the risque, we've got your desires covered. Our line of event services allow you to create the hot experience you had imagined. We take pride in delivering UNIQUE and UNEXPECTED details to ensure your satisfaction. We can provide: hot wait staff, beautiful dancers, sexy bartenders, fabulous venues, models and more. If you can dream, we can make it happened. We can also dream it for you. We know how 2 party! Antonio (407) 455-4280 www.eventsbyrendezvous.com

INFECTED WITH HIV AND HEP C Meets weekly on Tuesdays @ The Wellness Center of SF @ 2921 NE 6th Ave. Wilton Manors, FL 33334. Phone # (954) 568-0152. Facilitated by 'pup' and Phil. Conversation and and information updates. Free and confidential. POSITIVE ISSUES GROUP MEETS THURSDAYS FROM 7-8:30 FOR "HIV+GAY MEN & THE MEN THAT LOVE THEM" Support group. Facilitated by Jerry Hornacki. RSVP:

wcsfjerry@cs.com Phone: 954-568-0152

BARTENDING/ENTERTAINMENT PROFESSIONAL, ATTRACTIVE, AND ATTENTIVE BARTENDER(S) FOR YOUR HOLIDAY PARTIES Fast and friendly bartender(s) will take care of your guests. From causal to formal, we make sure that your guests do not wait long to get a drink. Enjoy your party while we take care of the important aspect....serving your guests their drinks NOW! Call Jeff @ (954) 566-5300

CLEANING SUNSHINE CLEANING. Professional cleaning service for your home or office. We are reliable and offer competitive rates. Specializing in deep cleaning & organization. We work within your schedule. Serving Broward County for over 10 years. References available. Call Nicholas (954) 773-5372

ELECTRICAL Remodels, Service Changes, House Re-wires, Generator Hookup, Cable & Phone Services. No Job Too Small. Quality Work at Reasonable Prices. Licensed & Insured Lic # 02CME2027X (954) 882-6082


TOP to BOTTOM CLEANING Let me take care of your everyday cleaning. Before or after your Holiday parties. For your home or office. You can be assured you will receive quality, dependable and honest service every time. Affordable home & business cleaning rates. References available. Uilas (754) 234-9305

HOUSEKEEPING POSITION AVAILABLE at The Royal Palms Resort, 2901 Terramar St., Ft. Lauderdale Beach. Attention to detail essential. Must be reliable. Stop in to fill out an application.

CLEAN SWEEP – Professional Cleaning Service, Homes, Apartments and Offices. Move in & Move out cleaning. Serving the community for 15 years. Call Todd (954) 383-1127

HAIRSTYLIST or BARBER. A new exciting style shop opening. Now hiring experienced Hair Stylist or Barber. Minimum of 5 years experience. Please email resume to: Touch1213@gmail.com or for more information please call (404) 519-1846

CLEAN IT RITE Best cleaning for your buck. Reliable & affordable. 10 years in business. 1 BR, $$45.00, 2BR, $55.00, & 3BR, $65.00. Fort Lauderdale, Broward & Palm Beach. Call Manny (954) 560-4443

ARE YOU A GAY OR BISEXUAL MAN OVER 18? Do you ever take Xanax, Percocet, or any other RX pills with or without a prescription? Confidential research study. Cash compensation. Call for more information. (305) 529-1489

COMPUTER SERVICES GEEK PATROL COMPUTER SERVICES - Florida Tech Support. On-Site & Remote Support Located in Wilton Manors - Windows & Mac (OS X) Security, virus, & spyware removal, repairs & upgrades, wired & wireless networking. Gay owned. www.FLTechSupport.com Call (954) 453-9574 COMPUTER REPAIR -COMPLETE IN HOME SERVICE *Get the best performance, protection & value from your computer investment. *A+ Hardware & OS CERTIFIED. *Friendly, professional, RELIABLE service. Reasonable rates. Call: Mike (954) 817-3883 FREE BRIEF COMPUTER ANSWERS BY ERIC AT THE STONEWALL LIBRARY BY APPOINTMENT Also Affordable In-Home, Installations, Tutoring, Virus Disinfection & Troubleshooting. Knowledgeable, Personable Service. Call Eric (954) 903-4383 or eric@startcomputing.info

PAID RESEARCH STUDY Participate in a confidential research study regarding HIV medications and drug use. Earn Cash!!! Call us to see if you qualify at (305)672-6623. University of Delaware Research Center (Hablamos Español) RETAIL SALES Men’s Clothing store is seeking professional sales people, Full-time and Part-Time positions available. Please call (954) 873-3889 AUDITIONS! Naked Boys Singing! Thursday, January 6th Noon- 5pm. The show features six handsome Males of various body types. PAY provided! Seeking 6 attractive NON-EQUITY men with great voices and comic timing. To schedule an Audition time email TDangora@gmail.com. ITALIAN DIRECTOR is seeking actors for LGBT Theater Production in Fort Lauderdale from February 18 to March 12. Looking for nice faces and bodies, ages 25 to 35. The play includes full frontal nudity scenes. Auditions run January 26 to 28. Rehearsals begin February 1. Please send resume and head/body shots to theblueseagull@gmail.com.

COUNSELING A MIND AT PEACE/ THERAPEUTIC SERVICES/ RON "DOC” CHAMBERS, MSW 954-627-0103/ 1975 East Sunrise Blvd Suite 629 Fort Lauderdale HIV RelatedIssues/ Anxiety/Depression/ Schizophrenia/ Relationship Problems/Anger Management Problems/Same-Sex Battering/ Domestic Violence Most Insurance Accepted/Credit Cards Accepted

HOME IMPROVEMENT HOME REPAIR & RENOVATION Call Steve for your home improvement projects. Electrical, Tile, Plumbing, Painting, Carpentry, Flooring, Drywall Repairs Quality Work At Fair Prices (954) 632-8773




PROFESSIONAL THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE Deep Tissue, Swedish, Reflexology, Stretching. Mon-Sun, 10am-8pm. In/Out Calls. NON-SEXUAL. Ft. Lauderdale. Call Robert (954) 494-2372. Lic# MA 19604 GUYS and DOLLIES Moving * Storage * Packing * Crating * Shipping. “A” Rated Member of the BBB Register Movers since 1976. Major credit cards accepted. For free price quote, Call (954) 566-1270

REMODELING/HANDYMAN. Over 35 years experience. I do it all. Call Mark at (954) 592-5898. Derek’s 24 HR HANDYMAN SERVICE. Introducing our new cabinet shop! For all your custom made cabinetry countertops laminates. YOU MUST SEE OUR WORK, just ask our clients. All electrical to code; ANY & ALL plumbing work, Drywall finish work / repair. Crown / baseboard pro-install, interior / exterior painting, demo work, Pressure washing, Decor tile install, Complete home up-dates. For large jobs, 4-man crew available. WE CAN HANDLE IT ALL! Instant call back, direct service response. No job is ever too small. Excellent references. Derek (954) 825-5598 or E-mail: DerekGallaway@att.net

LICENSED MASSAGE THE BEST RECESSION MASSAGE IN TOWN, LEAVE YOUR STRESS UP TO ME. $40 - 90 mins / Unemployed, SS or SSI Disability: $20 - 1 hr / Out calls higher. Let Denny make you feel like a queen. Couples discounts. Seniors welcome. Delray Beach/New Location. 15 years experience. MA#18563 Call Denny at (561) 502-2628 Serious calls only.


SPIRITUALITY CHURCH OF THE HOLY SPIRITSONG Welcomes you to come and worship with us every Sunday at 10 am and every Wednesday night at 8 pm. We meet at the SpiritSong Worship Center at 2040B North Dixie Highway Suite 3 in Wilton Manors (Building B on Equality Park Campus, behind the Pride Center). God loves you just the way He made you. Come discover His purpose for you. For more info: (954) 418-8372, info@cohss.com, www.cohss.org

GOLD COAST UPHOLSTERY Re-upholstering, Cushions, Throw pillows Large selection of fabric to choose from or bring in your own fabric. Broward / Dade. Palm Beach. Call Edgar (954) 491-4937. Re-upholstering, Cushions, Throw pillows Large selection of fabric to choose from or bring in your own fabric. Broward / Dade. Palm Beach. Call Edgar (954) 4914937

DECEMBER 16, 2010



DECEMBER 16, 2010




DECEMBER 16, 2010


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