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The Blind Snowbird; A blind man’s Pridefest experience. PAGE 37

Anti-gay Senator Roy Ashburn comes out. PAGE 12

Courtesy, Robert Jacobs

Photo by creditblogs.sacbee.com


Newswire n Fort Lauderdale n Miami n Bay Area n Central Florida

n CON MAN: Rob Kohl, jailed. Police urge other victims to come forward. Details inside.


Courtesy, BSO

n WINTER MUSIC: Cazwell will perform and sign his new CD’s in Miami Beach.


Jack Rutland Resigns from Stonewall Library and Archives Nationwide Search Begins for New Executive Director By BOB KECSKEMETY Stonewall National Library and Archives executive director, Jack Rutland has resigned his post effective March 31, 2011, Rutland oversaw the operations of Stonewall for the last five years, during its most explosive period of growth. “I like symmetry in my life,” explained Rutland. “I came here when Stonewall was going through a big change and moving into a new space and now we’re getting ready for the next level and expand again. It’s also time for new energy here, for a new person to come in. It’s a good ending point for me as the library transitions into the next phase.” Rutland became an archivist right out of college. Originally from Ft. Lauderdale, Rutland lived in New York immediately prior to coming back to Florida where he was director of a

museum for the New York Historical Society. Rutland explained that when he took on the position of executive director, Stonewall shared a building with the Gay and Lesbian Community Center on N. Andrews Avenue in Fort Lauderdale. When Rutland came on board, the current space that is being used for Stonewall was just becoming available and Rutland was instrumental in the planning and execution of the new facility. The official ribbon cutting ceremony for the current location took place in April 2009. “When we moved in here,” said Rutland, “I knew that was going to be a huge thing for us. I didn’t realize quite how huge it was. When we had our grand opening in April, I looked out into the audience and saw the city commissioners, sheriff, mayor of Ft. Lauderdale and it was at that moment I had a little bit of a epiphany that this was bigger than we thought or ever imagined.” Now, just two years after moving into its current location, Stonewall has outgrown its available space and is looking

Photo by Bob Kecskemety

Jack Rutland resigns from Stonewall National Library and Archives. See RUTLAND RESIGNS on Page 14

Courtesy, Project Publicity

n ALL AMERICAN GODDESS: Benefit to raise money to send Kori Stevens to the National Goddess finals in Dayton, Ohio.


Courtesy, havcoentertainment.webs.com

n TOUCHED BY JOE: Community comes together to celebrate the life of Joe Bettes.


Courtesy, Parliament House

3 ½ years jail time for Hate Crime perpetrator in NYC’s Oldest Gay Bar By ALEX VAUGHN A drunken out-of-work exterminator is heading to prison for three-and-a-half years for slugging and slurring the bartender at Julius Bar on W. 10th St., the city's oldest gay bar, back in October. "I had no hatred in my heart," Frederick Giunta, 45, said as he was sentenced in Manhattan yesterday morning on charges of attempted robbery and hate-crime assault. "I don't consider myself a violent person. I do accept the guilt," Giunta said. "I do have remorse for what I'd done." Cops said a soused Giunta yelled antiblack and anti-gay slurs as he struck a black bartender who'd refused him service. "What are you going to do, you f---ing n---?" Guinta had yelled while striking the

26-year-old bartender in the face. "You are a f---ing f-----." "Today's sentencing serves as a reminder that there is no tolerance for bias-related violence," Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance said afterward. "Our office's Hate Crimes Unit, formed a few months prior to the crime that led to yesterday's sentencing, will continue to support the diverse communities of New York by aggressively investigating and prosecuting hate-motivated offenses," the DA said. Defense lawyer Hershel Katz countered that his client wasn't really a bigot -- just a foul-mouthed drunk. "He is basically an alcoholic and got into a situation he shouldn't have." Giunta will serve an additional two years -- on top of today's sentence -- as

Courtesy, www.eastvillagenews.com

Frederick Giunta punishment for a prior parole violation, said Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Bonnie Wittner. His lawyer said that the spewing anti-

See HATE CRIME on Page 14


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Former Mark’s List Employee Charged with Check Forgery

Courtesy, BSO

Rob Kohl FORT LAUDERDALE - Rob Kohl, 35 of Wilton Manors is currently being held in the Broward County jail charged with two counts of grand theft, one count of petit theft and one count of cashing a forged check. Kohl was a former employee of Mark’s List and did advertising sales for Florida Agenda newspaper and Mark magazine. According to Chris Caputo, Kohl’s roommate, on Thursday morning, March 3, Caputo went online to check his bank account and noticed that a check had been written on his account for $600 and made out to Kohl. Caputo confronted Kohl concerning the check and Kohl denied any knowledge. Upon looking at the back of the check online, Caputo said that he noticed that it had been withdrawn through a bank in Texas. When Caputo contacted the bank, they told him it cashed through a Ft. Lauderdale check cashing store here. Caputo then contacted the check cashing store which confirmed to Caputo that Kohl was a regular customer. Caputo also claimed that Kohl had pawned a television set owned by Caputo without Caputo’s permission. Upon investigation, Wilton Manors police found out that there was already an arrest warrant pending on Kohl. Another man has come forward as a victim of Kohl. The local man stated that he had become friends with Kohl over a few months and that Kohl had lied to him, and pretended he had cancer. He asked him for $1,500 for some treatment he was going to have. The man lent him the money and even had Kohl sign a repayment agreement. A few weeks after this Kohl gave him a check which bounced. Victims of Kohl are urged to come forward. Please contact Investigator Cameron on 954 – 828- 4224. H

of the winning ticket will receive a seven-night Mediterranean or Caribbean cruise in a verandah suite aboard one of the cruise line’s elegant and unique ships. As the pinnacle fundraising event for Team Sidelines, 100% of the raffles’ ticket sales will go to the 2011 Florida AIDS Walk and AHF Pharmacy, AIDS Healthcare Foundation, Out of the Closet, and each of the 2011 Florida AIDS Walk Beneficiaries – SunServe, Broward House, Women In Network, and The Pride Center at Equality Park. The raffle tickets are $25 each, are taxdeductible and may be purchased at Sidelines Sports Bar. It is not required for the winner to be present. H

“Stonewall Live!” FORT LAUDERDALE - Author, community activist and former board chair of The Stonewall Library Museum and Archives, Nate Klarfeld, recently launched a blogtalk radio program, “Stonewall Live!” After spending many years organizing book talks and author signings at The Stonewall, Klarfeld felt a wider audience could share gay literature and culture with the new medium of Internet radio. Started just a few weeks ago, the show has already attracting American Library Association book award winners, editors of national magazines and media and TV personalities. Best selling, openly gay author of one of the hottest selling self help books, “The Brain Mechanic”, Spencer Lord was one of the first guests. Sean Strub, founder of POZ magazine and an early leader of the HIV activist movement, ACT-UP recently did a great interview. In the upcoming weeks look for Reichen Lemkuhl from Logo’s ‘The A List’, Great Britain’s new ‘It Boy’ Emmanuel Ray, as well as authors of Young Adult gay literature, bloggers, and new media experts. The show is live on Thursdays at 9 p.m. ET with an interactive call-in and chat room for questions and comments. H

Sidelines Raffles Cruise for AHF WILTON MANORS - Sidelines Sports Bar will hold an exclusive raffle drawing on Wednesday, April 20, 2011 at 8 p.m. The grand prize will be one of the most luxurious cruise experiences in the world, a Silversea cruise. The owner

Courtesy, Stonewell Library Museum and Archives

Nate Klarfeld


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Anti-Bullying Initiative

Celebration of Joe Bettes

FORT LAUDERDALE - Broward County Sheriff Al Lamberti will discuss the office’s Anti-Bullying initiative. Commander Richard Wierzbicki, of the Sheriff ’s Hate Crimes and Anti-Bias Task Force, and Paul Hyman, Executive Director of the Pride Center at Equality Park, will also be in attendance. Narrated by Jane Lynch, the perfectly timed documentary Bullied will premiere at Cinema Paradiso, and will be made available for free to schools. It tells the story of Wisconsin's Jamie Nabozny, whose middle and high school years were spent getting peed on, kicked, and verbally abused by classmates because he's gay. Multiple suicide attempts and running away from home preceded a 1990s lawsuit that resulted in the first court ruling holding a school accountable for not preventing a student's victimization. (Represented by Lambda Legal, Nabozny eventually settled for around $1 million.) H

ORLANDO - On Friday, February 25, 2011, Joe Bettes passed away. Joe was a former Parliament House and Full Moon employee. Joe and his lover, Dennis McCormack also opened Friends Restaurant in Orlando. After selling Friends Restaurant, Joe and Dennis moved to Fort Lauderdale. In December 2010, Joe and Dennis moved back to Orlando. On Saturday, March 19, 2011, there will be a Celebration of Joe’s Life from 7:00pm – 9:00pm in the Disco. We are looking for people to perform (volunteer) and/or donate items to raffle off. (This is not a memorial… it is a CELEBRATION) The money raised will go to Dennis McCormack to help him pay for the funeral. Dennis and Joe have done a lot for the community. This is a call for the community to come together to take care of them. Please contact Fred@parliamenthouse.com to participate and support Dennis and Joe. H


Sponsored by Sheriff Al Lamberti and the Broward County Sheriffs Office, The Pride Center at Equality Park, Vision 2015 and the Southern Poverty Law Center. Wednesday, March 23, 2011, 7:00 p.m. Cinema Paradiso 503 SE 6th Street, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

Leather Men's Brotherhood set to give away $20,000 FORT LAUDERDALE - Leather Men’s Brotherhood, producers of The Leather Masked Ball ®, is celebrating its sixth anniversary fundraising season. In its five year history, The Leather Masked Ball has become one of the

Largest and most well respected Leather charitable events on the East Coast, receiving a Pantheon of Leather Award for their event in 2010. This year The Leather Masked Ball will reach a milestone of over $100,000.00 in charitable gifts. Local IRS recognized 501(c)3 non-profit organizations are invited to participate in this year’s selection process. Grant applications are available online and are now being accepted until April 8, 2011 for consideration for this year’s Leather Masked Ball 6 Grant Awards. Applications and information are available online at www.LMBFTL.org. LMB will again award two (2) $10,000 grants this year to deserving local and national charities. The Leather Masked Ball 6 will be held at Sea Monster in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, Friday, November 25, 2011. H


Michael Kenny, Executive Director of Florida Together, a statewide advocacy organization for more than 90 local gay and lesbian organizations. “Florida has an anti-bullying law but this policy and the specifics in the bill will go further and do more,” he said. Sobel’s proposal will require the model bullying prevention plan created by the DOE to include a designated school employee to serve as a counselor for bullying and harassment incidents. Many aspects of the DOE plan are modeled after an innovative and effective program that is currently implemented in Miami-Dade schools. That plan, under the direction of Ms. Suzanne Milano-Berrios, Director of Mental Health and Crisis Management Services and School Social Work Services at Miami-Dade Schools, addresses bullying issues including incidents that involve “sexual minorities.” H

Senator Sobel, SAVE Dade and FL Together Protect All Students from Bullying MIAMI - After collaborating with SAVE Dade, Florida Together and other experts, Florida Senator Eleanor Sobel filed Senate Bill 1582 which requires the Department of Education (DOE) to create model “stand alone” policies on bullying and harassment. “We are delighted to see action and progress on protecting all students from the real threats of school bullying,” said

Courtesy, FLSenate.gov

Florida Senator Eleanor Sobel


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MARCH 10, 2011


Open for Business Oakland Park Celebrates Re-Birth BY BOB KECSKEMETY First it was northeast Fort Lauderdale, then Wilton Manors and now it’s Oakland Park’s turn. The city of approximately 45,000 people over 6.9 square miles is celebrating a rebirth of sorts since Hurricane Photo by Bob Kecskemety Wilma damaged much of Oakland Park Mayor Allegra Webb Murphy and Real Estate the city in 2005. Recovery’s Gary Lanham. Last week, the city celebrated the opening of Real Estate Recovery offices under the leader- Lanham’s home is located only a few ship of Gary Lanham. Part of the pur- blocks away, also in Oakland Park. Oakland Park maintains a public-pripose of the office will be to make Oakland Park a more welcoming place to vate partnership with Oakland Park live, work and play. The offices, located Main Street, a private non-profit to on NE 12 Avenue just north of Oakland assist with marketing the downtown disPark Boulevard, is in the heart of the trict and helping business owners navicurrent redevelopment area of Oakland gate through city code regulations and Park known as the city’s Main Street ordinances. Oakland Park Main Street is responsiDowntown Redevelopment Project. The City of Oakland Park recently ble for creating a distinctive image and a invested $4.3 million to beautify NE 12 development-friendly environment for Avenue and NE 12 Terrace in its down- downtown Oakland Park. The organizatown district known as Main Street. The tion promotes downtown as a traditional beautification project included new dec- commercial center with a vibrant mix of orative lighting, attractive street furni- culture; mainly through organizing all ture, lush landscaping, paved sidewalks major events on Main Street. Oakland Park also wants to promote and walkways and plazas with pergolas itself as being more business-friendly and fountains. Oakland Park used a $6 million open than other cities in the area. Several years ago, the City of space grant to develop a park in the downtown district that opened in 2008. The Oakland Park created a Community park was named for the late Jaco Redevelop-ment Agency to act as a liaiPastorious, a hometown son and a world son between the city’s bureaucracy and renowned bassist. This 7-acre park is the the business community. If there are northern crown jewel of the downtown any problems with permitting, inspecdistrict and home to major events like the tions, etcetera, a business is encourannual Oktoberfest celebration and this aged to contact the CRA who can work directly with the permitting departweekend’s PrideFest gay pride festival. Oakland Park has adopted a down- ment, building department, fire martown master plan and zoning regula- shal and other agencies to get the papertions for landscape planting, signage work moving through the system. “It was just a matter of six weeks and graphics – and parking and traffic patterns. These modifications are from the time I got my permits to now, intended to encourage mixed-use and the time I’m open,” said Lanham. “This pedestrian-friendly development in the is the amazing part. Everybody from the permit people to the permit police downtown district. Earlier this year, G-Resorts stood in line and they were very cooperannounced that they had scrapped their ative and they walked us through the plans of building their new resort on the entire process. There’s always the possicorner of N.E. 15 Avenue and N.E. 26 bility of issues but we try to iron them Street in Wilton Manors and instead out as soon as possible.” “I’m very excited about what’s going would be interested in building the resort on the southern end of N.E. 12 on here in Oakland Park,” said Oakland Park Mayor Allegra Webb Avenue in Oakland Park. “We are trying to promote gay busi- Murphy. “It’s time for our city to redenesses, this [Real Estate Recovery] is a velop the downtown area. We’ve got gay-owned business,” said Lanham. new people, young people, moving into “We’re going to have a lot of gay-owned our area and these young people are businesses in the neighborhood. We’re full of energy and vibrancy. And they going make sure people understand, it’s deserve a downtown area which is not just about Wilton Manors anymore.” equally full of energy.” H

GOP Vows to Defend DOMA WASHINGTON, D.C. - Republican leadership in the House of Representatives have vowed to defend the nation’s Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) in court. Speaker of the House John Boehner stated last week that he may go to court to defend the federal law against gay marriage in which President Barack Obama’s administration last week declaired unconstitutional. Boehner contends that the president does not determine what laws are constitutional and what laws are unconstitutional and that only the courts can determine the constitutionality of a law while it’s the president’s duty to enforce all laws regardless of his personal feelings. DOMA defined marriage as a union between a man and a women and prevented the federal government from recognizing gay marriages and allows states to deny recognition of same-sex marriages performed in other states. The law was passed in 1996 by a Republican-led Congress and signed into law by President Bill Clinton. It's been used by federal officials to justify excluding gay couples from a range of benefits available to heterosexual couples. They include health, Social Security, pension and tax benefits, even to gay couples who were legally married in the handful of states that recognize same-sex unions. H

ROTC Welcomed Back at Harvard BOSTON, MA - For the first time since the Vietnam War, the Navy ROTC (Reserved Officers Training Corps) will return to the campus of Harvard University, the nation’s oldest college. Harvard officials citing the lifting of the ban on homosexuals openly serving in the U.S. military as the reason for lifting the ban. The ROTC was first thrown off the Harvard campus due to anti-Vietnam War sentiment, however, even after the war was over, Harvard would not permit the return of the ROTC due to the military’s anti-homosexual polices. Other Ivy League campuses around the country are now considering lifting the ban on ROTC involvement. H

Supreme Court Sides with Hate Group WASHINGTON, D.C. - The United States Supreme Court ruled last week that the First Amendment protects fundamentalist church members who mount protests outside military funerals. The court voted 8-1 in favor of the Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kansas. The decision effectively threw out a ruling of an appeals court ordering the church to pay a $5-million judgment


to the father of a dead Marine who sued the church for picketing his son’s funeral. “What Westboro said, in the whole context of how and where it chose to say it, is entitled to ‘special protection’ under the First Amendment,” wrote Chief Justice John Roberts in the court decision, “and that protection cannot be overcome by a jury finding that the picketing was outrageous.” H

Anti-Gay State Senator Comes Out CALIFORNIA - Roy Ashburn, an antigay state senator, who made a name for himself over 14 years for opposing gay progress, came out on a California radio talk show this week. "I am gay... those are the words that have been so difficult for me for so long," the 55-year-old divorced father-of-four told KERN radio. Last year, Mr. Ashburn opposed a bill to establish a day of recognition to honour murdered gay rights activist Harvey Milk. He has also voted in the statehouse against efforts to expand anti-discrimination laws and recognise out-of-state gay marriages. Mr. Ashburn said his votes reflected the way his constituents wanted him to vote, not his own "internal conflict". Mr. Ashburn said he felt the need to address rumours that he had visited a gay nightclub before his arrest on suspicion of drinking and driving in Sacramento on March 3. He has been on leave since his arrest last week on suspicion of driving under the influence. Mr. Ashburn, who represents California's 18th district, said he does not plan to run for any public office after his term ends later this year. H

Biggest LGBT Mardi Gras in Sydney SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA - The streets of Sydney were a rainbow of colour on Saturday night as the biggest ever Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras parade brought the 2011 festival to a close. The two week festival attracted visitors from all over the world and included films, art, cabaret and parties as well as a talk from Armistead Maupin, comedy from Lily Tomlin and the famous Bondi Beach Drag Races. The parade is usually led by the Chief of the Parade, a position which has previously been held by Rupert Everett and Margaret Cho, but this year it was led by eight people who organisers say have made a difference in the lives of gay people. They included Lily Tomlin, gay rights campaigner Peter Tatchell and two Melbourne teenager girls who protested against the ban on gay couples at a school dance. This year’s festival was a huge success and the organisers are now getting ready for Mardi Gras 2012 and hoping there is less to protest and more to celebrate. H


A bad romance: Lady Gaga and Target

Courtesy, skateboard-city.com

Lady Gaga Lady Gaga has nixed a deal to sell a special edition of her upcoming album at the retail giant. Gaga previously told, Billboard that her relationship with Target was tied to their "reform ... and to redeem the mistakes they've made supporting those [antigay] groups." Last month, Target announced it would be selling a deluxe edition of Lady Gaga's new Born This Way album, starting May 23. But now, a rep for the singer confirms the two sides "came to a mutual decision to end their overall exclusive partnership," reports The Advocate. Why? Gay advocates were concerned, citing Target's donations to a political candidate who was against gay marriage. Target came under fire last year after the discount store chain had donated corporate funds to MN Forward, a political action committee that supported anti-gay candidate Tom Emmer in his failed 2010 run for governor of Minnesota. "She and Target didn't see eye to eye on Target's policy of political donations and how they affect" the GLBT community, Bob Witeck of Witeck-Combs Communications, told the Advocate. H


MARCH 10, 2011




MARCH 10, 2011

Nationwide Search at Stonewall Library

Man gets 3 ½ years for Hate Crime

RUTLAND RESIGNS continued from Page 1

HATE CRIME continued from Page 1

to expand once again, this time taking an additional 1,500 square feet from the county library which occupies the same building. Most of this new space will be used for an expanded museum. Rutland explained that after being in the current location just a couple of months, he realized they were going to need more space. “I’ve been considering this for a couple of months,” said Rutland, “and this would be a perfect time to do it. This way the new person can part of the planning of the new museum instead of coming in after the fact. But I’m sure that in another five years, we’ll be looking for more space once again.” Just last week the board of directors announced the name change and added

Stonewall National Library and Archives

the word “National” to the library’s name making it the Stonewall National Library and Archives and better reflecting the scope of the organization. Stonewall currently has 16 exhibitions traveling around the country, and Rutland explained that the traveling exhibitions are now an entire program of their own. Rutland says that the board of directors has already begun a nation-wide search for his replacement. “Stonewall has an excellent reputation and is now known worldwide and it a one-of-its-kind facility. They [the board] will have no shortage of excellent, qualified candidates for my replacement. Rutland concluded saying he has no immediate plans after his retirement and, after a short break, may be willing to sit on the Stonewall board of directors and work as a volunteer. H

Photo by Bob Kecskemety

gay and racist insults while attacking a patron at one of New York City's oldest gay bars was spurred by drunkenness. The october incident occured at Julius, a Manhattan tavern where a 1966 "sip-in" helped usher in the gay-rights movement. The assault, which unfolded shortly after several other incidents authorities characterized as anti-gay attacks around the city, spurred an outcry from gay-rights advocates. In Giunta's case, police said the victim was trying to defuse a dispute between Giunta and another customer Oct. 11 when Giunta hit the victim in the face, disparaging his race and using an anti-gay epithet. The victim, whose name authorities did not disclose, is black. Giunta's lawyer, Hershel Katz, said Giunta's behavior stemmed from inebriation, not malice. "He was drunk as a skunk and, basically, his stupidity kicked in, more than anything else," Katz said after court Tuesday. "He doesn't bear anyone ill will." Giunta also pleaded guilty to attempted robbery for grabbing at another man's wallet and punching

Courtesy, DNAinfo.com

Julius Bar him at another bar earlier that evening. He was jailed while awaiting his sentence, on March 8. Julius' website stresses that it welcomes "ALL visitors and locals" but notes that it has been a gay gathering place since the 1950s. In 1966, several gay-rights activists went to the Greenwich Village bar and ordered drinks – with journalists in tow – to protest liquor regulators' policies against serving gays. The "sip-in" contributed to changes that ultimately allowed gay bars to operate openly. H


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MARCH 10, 2011


That’s something to be proud of… FOUNDER MULTIMEDIA PLATFORMS Gay Pride has been synonymous with the constant fight for equality and acceptance into greater society. From the Stonewall riots through to the pushing against Anita Bryant in the 70s, up past the Aids phobia of the 80’s and 90’s. The past leaders of the community stood up and provided us with the ability to not only live openly and freely here in Florida but with a voice as equals in society as a whole. When Pridefest comes to Fort Lauderdale on Saturday will we be thanking them and using our voices? Or have we forgotten the real meaning of Pride? I sadly suspect the latter. Pride synonyms include; conceit, self-esteem, egotism, vanity, vainglory. That says a lot doesn’t it? The Antonym, humility. Think about that. Pride was named as the opposite to shame. We have no reason to feel ashamed of who we are because of the fact we are gay. However if your personal gay ‘Pride’ sits more with a synonym than humility, there is shame in that. We enjoy all the advantages that revolutionaries fought long and hard for; the fact we can live life here in Florida openly, we can hold hands in the street, kiss in the supermarket with minimal resistance. We can hook up at a bar without fear of arrest or persecution and as times move on we can now enjoy a Domestic Partnership. However, there is still much to be done, and it is now down to this generation of gay people to do it. To remember the political undercurrent of Pride. The questions is, has Pride just become another weekend we demonstrate the hedonistic and selfish view society has of the gay population? I say no. I say let’s re- educate ourselves, thank those before us and continue the push to be fully accepted. Pride South Florida came about like Stonewall as a reaction of political changes in the country. Check out the history of Pride Fest on their website. They explain, ‘Pride in South Florida started as a protest and has grown as the political strength of the LGBT community grew… South Florida’s Pride celebrations have been rooted in Protest.

Their efforts inspired and galvanized gays and lesbians across the country. In the 80’s, AIDS challenged Pride to give visibility to a new issue. Pride assumed

Alex Vaughn a responsibility to remind the city and the media of the lives being lost to AIDS. In the 1990’s AIDS phobia fueled a growing fervor of religious extremism. “ExGay” ministries claimed that Gays can change their sexual orientation through Jesus, in a controversial “Truth in Love” campaign. In 1998, more than 3000 South Floridians rallied to protest Reverend D. James Kennedy of the Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church and his “hate campaign guised as Christian love.”’ I didn’t know that, did you? The above is a tiny fraction of the power of the Pride movement, just here in Florida, let alone nationally and globally. That is inspiring and is the spirit of ‘Pride’. Don’t get me wrong celebrating who we are with a great party is what we do best! So let’s not forget that, enjoy the music, the talent, the vendors and the drinks. Socialise and share in the community spirit of being proud. This week-

end is about a community who does not apologise and who has no shame for who we are. But who are we? Who we sleep with is not something to be proud of. Being hedonistic, drinking ourselves stupid and being promiscuous all under the banner of ‘pride weekend’ is not either. Pride comes from within as a result of achievement. We owe a huge debt of gratitude to those before use whose commitment and dedication to equal rights achieved a better, equal and safer life for us… we should be honouring them and continuing their work, not just enjoying the spoils of the war. This Pride, do something to be proud of, contribute to society. Help out at a homeless shelter or an old age home. Speak to your representative about political issues and or causes you want to join or push. Give your time to those less fortunate in the community; remember pride was started because a group of people came together as a community. Contact the Pride Center or Equality Florida and find out what you can do. Sign up for the AIDS Walk, or make sure you attend the NO H8 Photo Shoot against Prop8 on Sunday. Contribution to the bettering of the community and society is really something to be proud of. That is still what is lacking here; we all exist separately, fractioned off by ‘type’ and a myriad of other clique terms. This weekend it is crucial we show unity and pride for being part of a community that doesn’t back down to bigotry or hate, but that celebrates the power of a group of individuals who wouldn’t be bullied, abused, or made to feel like lesser members of society because of who they love. Who you sleep with is not a proud contribution to society. It’s what you do to benefit society as a whole with your strengths and support as a member of a community that is strong, powerful and accepting. That is Pride. H


Alex Vaugn is the Editor-in-Chief of the Florida Agenda. He can be reached at editor@FloridaAgenda.com

Letters to the editor DEAR AGENDA EDITOR: Just writing to find out if ANYONE in the community is even interested in finding out why Peter Avsenew has not been formally charged with the Wilton Manors double murder that happened the week of Christmas last year. We, the gay community, have gotten no updates since the first week of the New Year and it doesn't really even seem like anyone cares (or remembers). Won't the police or some news publica-

tion keep us informed? Why does it seem like this has been swept under the carpet?????? Google it - not a single news mention since January 4th.

- A CONCERNED CITIZEN DEAR AGENDA EDITOR: Welcome to the neighborhood. Communication with an open and respectful dialog would be a nice change around here. Maybe some

Town Hall’s with the City and community sponsored by your organization would go a long way toward you learning about our community and opening that dialog. The area encompasses all the stereotypes that people have come to expect however, it also is fill with normal everyday hard working people who just happen to be gay, bisexual or transgendered. Some other non-solicited suggestions; how about a restaurant review sections

along with information on their “gay day” or if they are gay owned and or gay friendly. Some in depth bar reviews that are less about the happenings than the vibe and people/workers/owners. Maybe some political “get to know your Representative or who running” information. A organization like yours could make great political inroads to a more cohesiveness between our community and our representatives.







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Who Knew? By SAM KNEW, MSW For many men society has dictated their roles in life. We take out the garbage, kill the big bugs and are handy with a hammer. As gay men, we have the additional responsibility of looking fabulous while doing so. Now, I know what some of you are thinking, “What’s a hammer?” Nonetheless, based on gender, we (and the world), see men in a certain stereotypical light. This limited view of males in our society has had its benefits historically; however, it has also created a perpetual state of denial, shame and injustice for some. It is estimated that one in six men are victims of sexual assault (rape). White heterosexual males commit the majority of cases; however, perpetrators can include women, friends and social acquaintances. In some cases victims are drugged or taken advantage of while under the influence of alcohol. An estimated 12% of case victims are in the age range of 25 and older. And similar to other cases of sexual assault,

“sexual desire nor sexual deprivation is the primary motivating force behind sexual assault. It is not about sexual gratification, but rather a sexual aggressor using somebody else as a means of expressing their own power and control,” according to the National Center for Victims of Crimes (NCVC). Unfortunately, male victims are less likely to report cases of sexual assault. One major factor with male victims, especially heterosexual victims, is the fear of how they will be portrayed publically. One study found that people place more blame and have less sympathy for male victims. Those reactions magnify when the victim is a gay man. In addition, there is the misguided notion that men should be able to fend off any form of sexual assault, which leads to the perception that male victims secretly desire the attack. There is also the negative stigma that gay men are more sexually promiscuous and fantasize about sexual assault – which makes them willing participants.

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ale M n o Male xual Se t l Assau More so, men (straight or gay) who are sexually assaulted may not consider themselves victims if they become sexually aroused during the attack. The NCVC reports that, “Since ejaculation is not always within conscious control, but rather an involuntary physiological reaction, rapists frequently succeed at getting their male victims to ejaculate.” For this reason, many victims blame themselves, which prevents them from reporting the crime – and seeking help. This misdirected blame may also be compounded with feelings of depression, sexual confusion and dysfunction, anger, guilt and suicide. Survivors, more than anything, need support and justice. Communities and laws are rapidly gaining awareness and shedding light on this disturbing crime. More information and preventative measures are available through local police departments and/or community centers. Community centers, like our own The

Sam Knew, MSW Pride Center at equality Park, will be holding an informational session in collaboration with the Wilton Manors Police Department on March 17th at 6pm. It is the goal of this meeting to provide the information necessary to help potential victims and help current victims become survivors. H


Sam Knew, MSW is an educator and local councelor. He can be reached at SamKnewMSW@gmail.com


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MARCH 10, 2011


Out in Florida / Home / Recipe Arts /Travel / Fashion / Fitness THE STYLE VOICE OF THE LGBT COMMUNITY

Inside this issue... n this packed issue of Florida Style you will find a hot Theatre review of Grey Gardens, the most stylish man bags in all price ranges, and interviews with Winter Music Conference’s hottest ladies; Kelli and dance queen, Kristine W. Of course we also have your favorites, Recipe, Fitness, Home and Travel. H – AV


Caribbean Blue Travel PAGE 35 Grand Bahama Redux

Man Bags q

‘European Man Satchel’ that suits your personality.

Fashion PAGE 41 Sunset at Nandana


Kelli from TV’s ‘NYC Prep’ Debuts Her First Music Single.

Arts PAGE 46

Forever Young q

Prep Princess Pops!

Strategies to help you slow down the aging process.

Fitness PAGE 44 Photos courtesy, Paul Rubio / Project Publicity / Louis Vuitton / istockphoto.com


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MARCH 10, 2011


Grand Bahama Redux

Caribbean Blue By PAUL RUBIO Though mass tourism of the seventies and eighties had severed all associations between luxury and Grand Bahama, ironically the hurricanes of 2004 blew away the touristy riff raff that had become the island’s Achilles heel. In the wake of Frances and Jeanne, Grand Bahama has begun to rebuild and return to its more illustrious period circa 1958, when it rivaled Cuba as the vacation grounds for wealthy Americans. Grand Bahama’s revival is concentrated in the West End district in a region known as Old Bahama Bay. Heavy public and private investment to the tune of 5 billion has translated into the construction of a new marina, a private airport, refurbished docks, an expansive golf course, restructured inlets, bike paths, and secluded beaches - an overall tropical utopia for luxury homes, condos, and resorts. At the westernmost reach of the West End, Nandana resort (www.nandanaresort.com; 877.220. 0737; 212.621.0350) rises from the Caribbean blue as a palatial Thai-inspired mansion segued between Earth and sea through placid waters of the surrounding 120’ infinity pool. The architecturally inspiring oceanfront wat impresses with soaring 40’ ceilings, oversized outdoor shower lounges, Burmese

Nandana's fabulous infinity pool

teak and stone clad interiors, and a 2000 square foot air-conditioned safari tent fashioned after the Indian campgrounds at Aman-i-Khas. The resort comfortably accommodates one dozen, regularly tended to by an entourage of smiling attendants and service professionals trained in the Maldives. During mealtimes two dedicated chefs ingeniously combine Florribean flavors with Peruvian and Cuban influences for novel gastronomic experiences. At all times, the resort’s 50' deep sea fishing yacht, 20' tender, bikes, jet skis, motorbikes, DVD library and well-stocked bar remain at guests’ disposal. Nevertheless, it’s the natural raw beauty of Grand Bahama combined with Nandana’s magnificence that fosters the most lasting memories. Spectacular sunsets viewed from the infinity pool, mountains of conchs on barrier islands, the reflection of enormous red and orange starfish in shallow waters, the downy sands on isolated beaches, and the ever-changing shades of blue in a single panorama - together with Nandana’s glorious infrastructure - revive a time bygone of exclusive Bahamian hideaways. Outside of the West End, a more stripped back and subdued Grand Bahama prevails. A single artery, Queens Highway, connects the West End

Beach at Lucayan National Park

to Grand Bahama’s capital, Freeport. Void of most the casinos and cheese of its heyday, Freeport is now a simpler port city with a renovated pier catering to cruise ship passengers and decent dutyfree shopping. East of Freeport, another sole highway, Grand Bahama Highway, links the rest of the island. True island life east of Freeport is quiet and simple; and the beaches are plentiful. Some of the softest sands and bluest waters are found in Lucayan National Park near the island’s midpoint. Below the walking trails and the sparkling beach areas, Lucayan’s underworld gives way to six miles of caves, caverns, and tunnels. Come nightfall, Grand Bahama’s gay nightlife is very much on the down low. So much so that the seven of us who visited never discovered the rumored gay club in Freeport. It wasn’t a big deal however. We boys (and our token straight girl) made our own fun at Nandana. In what became a nightly ritual, the hotel’s super welcoming, gayfriendly staff fed us fresh conch fritters and late night Bahamian treats while we downed late night champagne in the fabulous infinity pool. H

@ Sunset at Nandana / Photos courtesy of Paul Rubio

Paul Rubio, LGBT Travel writer, has authored numerous articles and an award winning book Out Traveler: South Florida. Paul can be reached at editor@FloridaAgenda.com


MARCH 10, 2011




The Blind Snowbird By ROBERT JACOBS

Robert Jacobs is originally from Long Island, New York. He earned an Associates degree in Advertising Design from New York tech. he transferred to the Rochester Institute of technology to major in Communications Design, receiving a Bachelors of Fine Arts Degree. Rob suddenly lost his eyesight from CMV Retinitis in September, 1995. It ended his professional application engineering career. Loss of access to his great passion for the visual arts further compounded his distress. Confronting total blindness, Rob learned adaptive technology, thereby implementing specific skills needed to continue writing, teaching and to maintain his independence. While adapting to blindness, Rob wrote and lectured for the MSPCA. He also facilitated a support group for others facing sight loss due to CMV. Additionally, he continues an on-going volunteer role as a tutor of English as a Second Language for immigrants. Rob became a winter resident of Key West in 1999. He was invited to write a weekly column for a local alternative GLBT publication. His column, "The Blind Snowbird", was very well received by a diverse and devoted readership. Rob has always maintained that the goal of his writing is "to engage, entertain, and enlighten people about each individual's personal struggle with adversity". He aims to creatively inspire others by presenting a unique perspective for a greater social purpose. In March 2003, Rob published "Songs of the blind snowbird". The book weaves previously-published columns with dramatic stories of concurrent events. He has since adapted some items into performance pieces. Rob continues writing, developing a new manuscript entitled "Pluck: A Bird's-Eye View". His blog serves as a platform for new writings and to post timely extractions from the incomplete manuscript. Rob also works in equity research and market investment.

"What's that cologne you are wearing?” he asked as we pulled out of his driveway.. Intentionally wandered off the sidewalk at the sound of a water fountain behind a chain link fence, voices had lured me up the driveway to seek directions. I'd been walking through this unfamiliar suburban neighborhood for over one hour. I was in the passenger seat beside him when he posed this question. "I am not wearing any cologne", I replied. “Something does smell familiar", he insisted. "Well,,,” the only fragrance may be my unscented deodorant or bath soap." (The previous week, my sister-in-law, Jane, felt compelled to inform me that it was Dove Beauty Bar. However, to me it was still soap.) "Dove Soap.", I told the driver. "Oh, that's it! I have a friend who uses cologne that smells like Dove." With that mystery resolved, I again thanked him for his generous offer to drive me to my destina-tion. He said it was still too far to walk. That was far from the oddest exchange I would have that afternoon. "I haven't had sex since I lost my clitoris in the accident", THE curiously odd LESBIAN confided to me. I was little more than a perfect stranger when she chose to impart this rather intimate bit of information. Without pressing her, I knew that, in time, further details would emerge. It may not be that I am just a sort of guy that people naturally feel comfortable sharing personal details with, rather, I think that she is the type inclined to be gregarious -- particularly when the information she chooses to share might have shock value. She relished the chance to intermittently toss me small bits of information about this topic throughout the afternoon. Was she trying to elicit a startled reaction from me? Later that afternoon,”Here", she placed my hand on the crown of her head. "Feel this indentation? That was also from the accident." Was she disappointed with my restrained response? Far more was yet to come. I sensed that it would be unnecessary to encourage her. It would ooze out slowly, like the viscous fluid contents of a cracked egg. Sure, my curiosity had been aroused, but, it did seem like an awfully personal matter, and I really did not know her. It already felt like an odd afternoon. As I was leaving the apartment on this epic journey, I recall telling my friend, "I am heading out. I feel that an adventure awaits me." I believe that nothing interesting happens if you sit around and wait. So I get out there. This gets noticed and commented on all the time. Total strangers often comment, "You sure do get around", as if a blind man isn't expected to do so. I value something which my first Orientation and Mobility instructor had said. He meant this ad-vice to be more specific to the day's lesson, but I have found

wider applications for this phrase: "Keep walking forward into more information." His statement was intended to teach how to find out what lies ahead. It is true -- just standing in place will get you nowhere. I've condensed this concept into the common idiom: "Don't just stand there!" Over 13 intervening years, I have found it applicable in many situations. I am frequently reminded that blindness presents interesting unpredictable challenges. For instance, I realized that blind-ness makes me "mingle impaired". Standing in a space crowded with people,, I hear them inter-acting, mixing, socializing, yet I do not know where to turn to find a familiar face. Never mind a familiar face, just any face at all -one that I might wish to address... like to ask "Is there any ven-dor here selling coffee?", or "Where is the bathroom?" Before leaving my rented apartment, I had inventoried the many pockets of my cargo pants. This ritual ensures that I am well-equipped for an outing: money, phone, digital recorder, keys, talking clock, hankie, etc. I don't know if these shorts are still in style, but I’ve never been very concerned with fashion (to the horror of many Gay friends); I wear what feels most comfortable, or as little as possible, other than for compliance with local ordinances about nudity. My destination was set: "Pridefest". I summoned up courage, adventure, confidence and bold-ness. After all, I was alone in an unfamiliar city, armed only with recorded text directions, down-loaded from Google earlier that day:. A set of specific instructions from my front door to a certain public park, calculated to be exactly 2.4 miles. At some point, I expected the need to solicit some assistance. This part of Florida is primarily suburban: a car-centric culture. Pedestrians are rare. I had long ago walked passed my last known milestone, and had not heard a single voice for quite some time. I had no way of measuring the distance already traveled. I walked along under the hot Florida sun. I stripped off my shirt. Cars and trucks whizzed by. My instructions called for a left turn on "Progresso Drive". But how many streets before I reached this intersection? For the last dozen blocks, I detected no storefronts into which I could inquire. Quite some time had passed before I finally heard human voices in the distance. I could tell that they were locals. Even from a distance, it was clear that they were just loafing. I moved quickly, closing the gap. They were not going anywhere. As I said, they were just loafing, aimlessly stand-ing around. I know that some people do this, I don't know why, but not everybody has much of an agenda. The words emanating down the expanse between us were, for all practical purposes, unintelligi-ble. Unfortunately, this remained to be the case even as the distance had significantly shortened. I approached with caution and low expectations. "Can you tell me if I passed Progresso Drive?" "Huh?" I repeated my question. "Never heard of that street.” "Am I still walking south on Fourth

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Avenue?" "Yeah, this is Fourth Avenue." "Am I heading south?" No response. I seemed to have taxed them too much already with my first two questions. I took a chance, fishing for some more information: "What is this cross street?" "Sixteenth Street”. To myself, 'the directions mentioned 8th Street, it seems I missed Progresso Drive. I’ll just keep heading what I believed to be south with the hopes of finding 8th Street, and improvise from there.' I calculated that I was facing south, as the afternoon was getting late, and the sun was above and to my right. I started moving forward, ABOUT TO PASS this small assemblage. A woman ap-proached me and grabbed my wrist. Her voice was barely audible, "I'll get you across the street" Despite her kind gesture by offering to help. Never mind that she grabbed the arm which held my cane. No time for me to give her lessons in leading the blind... She had pulled me so that the tip no longer touched the pavement. And suddenly, woops, there is the curb at my feet! Not much further along, I heard the water fountain. "I'll drive you to the park. Wait here", the man who identified himself as Robert had instructed me. He had made this offer when I first asked him for directions. "Give me about fifteen minutes", he said. I didn't want to wait fifteen minutes, but the alternative was dimmer. And I needed the rest. I would still get there quicker by his truck than by my own faulty devices. He had started to tell me that I would have needed to cross a major boulevard and some train tracks. I had known about the train tracks, but I thought that I had already crossed them... oh well; I was now in his hands. I put on my shirt. In fewer than 15 minutes, . He pulled up in front of me and told me to get in. Jumping back onto my feet, I moved a few paces toward the sound of the engine, felt for the door handle, and climbed into the passenger seat. He backed the truck onto the avenue, then asked about the cologne. I had learned that beyond the chain link fence was his Home and Garden Center. "Did you leave someone in charge?” I asked this man named Robert -- industrious as he must have been -- a business owner who was working on this beautiful Sunday afternoon -- so unlike the loafers I'd encountered about three blocks back. "No, I think I will close up for the day." I had already told him of my ambitious goal of walking to this park, but that I had missed Pro-gresso Drive. He had never heard of any such road. Then, Robert smugly harrumphed at my mention of the directions from the Google Maps web site. He commented how 'they are not very accurate'... as if I was a real chump to put my faith into anything on the Internet. Was there really a Progresso Drive? Well, it didn't matter anymore. And how I was to get home?.. well I'll worry about that later. Robert left me off at the entrance to the




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jean’s kitchen


Irish Stew

The Irish raised primarily sheep and root crops for subsistence. The sheep provided wool for warm clothing, milk for drinking and making cheese, and eventually food. The potato was introduced to Ireland by the late 1500s. Within 200 years it had replaced older staples, including oats and dairy products. The potato became the mainstay of the Irish diet. In the 1840s, the country's heavy reliance on potatoes led to the disaster known as the Irish Potato Famine. The Irish farmers grew one particular variety of potato, which turned out to be highly sensitive to disease. A potato blight that had started in Belgium swept over the country. It destroyed one-third of Ireland's potato crop in 1845 and triggered widespread famine. In the next two years, two-thirds of the crop was destroyed. More than one million people died as a result of the potato blight, and two million emigrated. Even though they had suffered through the Irish Potato Famine (also called the Great Famine), Irish people continued to love potatoes. Irish stew is a filling, flavorful peasant dish made with the cheapest, most readily-available ingredients. Every Irish household has its own version of this famous dish so here's mine. If you use a tougher cut of meat like the neck or scrag you can leave it to simmer longer before adding the potatoes. 1 tablespoon olive oil 2 pounds boneless lamb shoulder, cut into 1 1/2 inch pieces

1/2 teaspoon salt freshly ground black pepper to taste 2 large onions, sliced 4 carrots, peeled and cut into large chunks 2 pints of water, or as needed 5 large potatoes, peeled and quartered (Idaho or Russet) Bouquet garni Chopped fresh parsley for garnish (optional) Heat the oil over a medium heat in a large stockpot or Dutch oven. Gently brown the onions. When they are nice & brown scoop them out with a slotted spoon & set aside. Add lamb pieces stirring gently, until evenly browned. Season with salt and pepper. Add the carrots, and cook alongside the meat for a few minutes. Pour in the water. Add the bouquet garni. Throw in the spuds and the browned onions. Bring to a boil before turning the heat down to low and cover. Simmer for 2 hours or longer. The spuds should start becoming like puree. (Idaho and russet potatoes have a higher starch content and lower moisture, resulting in a mealier texture when cooked. This means they absorb more moisture and tend to fall apart when boiled.) Serve piping hot in bowls garnished with fresh parsley. You are a chef ! Happy Saint Patrick’sDay everyone. We will be doing Beef stewed in Guinness all week @ Le Patio. H


Jean Doherty is the Chef and Owner of Le Patio Restaurant in Wilton Manors (954) 530-4641


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MARCH 10, 2011




The Infamous Man Bag TOP 6 HOT Choices





Adidas originals color block bag, $55 www.adidas.com

Hot Topics canvas/nylon messenger, $45 www.hottopics.com

Bottega Veneta Celeste light calf leather navy messenger bag, $2700 www.bottegaveneta.com

I’m not exactly sure if it’s just me, or is it that every man I see around town is carrying a man bag or some type of shoulder bag? Sometimes it’s difficult to determine whether they are straight or gay. Gone are the days when men only carried a briefcase or gym bag! Society is constantly changing and fashion is very quick at reflecting this, designers such as Adidas, Louis Vuitton, Bottega Veneta, Gucci, Marc Jacobs, and a slew of others have taken notice and grossed millions of dollars as a result of the uptake of the ‘Murse’. With the demands of our work schedule, traveling, and the abundance of technology, modern society has therefore created a need for men to carry bags, fashion has made that demand stylish! Most men now, no matter their sexual preference or age accept the man bag as a necessary fashion accessory. Here are a few helpful hints when searching for that perfect ‘European man satchel’:

o Go for a style that suits your personality.

o Don’t stuff


Banana Republic blue Messenger, $98 www.bananarepublic.gap.com

or overfill your bag. It could destroy the leather or material.

oThink of

the functionality. There’s no point in having all those clasps, embroi deries, and buckles every where if they don’t do any thing, leave that to the girls!

o Make sure the bag has

enough compartments to suit your needs.


Gucci white canvas with green, red signature tote, $690 www.gucci.com

o Don’t be afraid to spend

a little extra for a good quality bag, it will prove a sound investment.

o Go for a neutral color such

as black, tan or navy if you intend on owning one bag.


@ Louis Vuitton Portes Documents Voyage, $3750 www.louisvuitton.com

Eric Christian is a style consultant. He can be reached at Eric@StyleConcierge Miami.com

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MARCH 10, 2011



“Grey Gardens” is a must see! By MICHAEL FRENCH Ft. Lauderdale’s very own Rising Action Theatre’s production of the Grey Gardens: The Musical at the Sunshine Cathedral, offers a comically disturbing portrait of a mother and daughter’s' relationship fraught with a paradox of emotions. It is a “MUST SEE!” Mother, Big Edie and daughter, Little Edie are iconic women — in an eccentric, precarious fashion — as the subjects of Albert and David Maysles’ documentary Grey Gardens. The Edies were the aunt and first cousin, respectively, of Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy. In the early 1970s, they lived in squalor and self-delusion at their dilapidated, family estate , Grey Gardens in East Hampton. Some believe most women become like their mothers. The stage musical Grey Gardens emphasizes this transformation with that of “Little Edie” Bouvier Beale by casting the same actress, Erin Pittleman as both Little Edie and her mother at the zenith and collapse of their family fortunes. Mother and daughter share a love of music. The women, breaking into song emphasizes their tenuous, fragile grasp on reality. It’s July 1941. Grey Gardens is a social landmark in East Hampton, Long Island, and home to quipping,sarcastic personalities. “We didn’t have a black sheep of our own, so we had to import one,” one of the Beales remarks of George Gould Strong,(Larry Buzzeo) Big Edie’s opportunistic,live-in piano player. The play opens with Little Edie (Lisa Kerstin Braun) announcing her engagement to Joe Kennedy Jr. (Christopher Michaels), older brother of JFK. Big Edie’s plans to sing nine songs at the party indicates only one of the family fractures that makes Little Edie eager to marry and escape Grey Gardens. Jerry Weinberg, as Big Edie’s father J.V. "Major" Bouvier, gives the song, “Marry Well” a real punch. Erin Pittleman makes Big Edie a larger than life figure prone to warbling in classic operatic style, or singing politically incorrect tunes such as “Hominy Grits.” She proves so innately likable she softens Big Edies’ hard edges and doesn’t seem to deserve the contempt of her daughter and father. Even if you’re don’t know the story of Grey Gardens , you can feel their future is ominous, and anticipating the decline of the women’s lives in Act Two. Lisa Kerstin Braun’s sweet voice conveys young Little Edie’s desperation. Her performance contains virtually no shared traits with the Little Edie at middle age. Her transformation is so bizarre, they’re like two completely different women. In many ways they are. Act Two fast forwards to 1973 and becomes the tale of two charmingly, some what daft ladies vicariously living their lives in the shortening shadow of days gone by. Erin Pittleman plays Little Edie, while Dee Deringer-Piquette takes over as the now “Mrs. Haversham like, Big Edie. The ghostly song “Entering Grey

Courtesy, Rising Action Theatre

Erin Pittleman stars in “Grey Gardens: The Musical”. Gardens” indicates the house’s filth: “The crumbling walls, the broken clocks/It’s like a 28-room litter box.” Big Edie’s teenage friend Jerry even wears flea collars on his pants to keep off the vermin! Neither Edie attempts to keep up appearances, further reflecting their decline. Ms. Deringer- Piquette gives Big Edie enormous charisma, even though she is bedridden for much of her time on stage. Big Edie's number “Jerry Likes My Corn” is both sweet , but hauntingly insane. At one point, the Edies aggressively volley their decades-long grievances at each other. Their simultaneous complaints to the audience have such yapping musicality, it could be a song. Meanwhile, Erin Pittleman’s poignant, touching song “Around the World” reaches emotional heights, tugging at one’s heart strings. Songs connect audiences to the roles’ feelings, but Grey Gardens’ songs also express the Edies' eccentric detachment from the world. Little Edie’s “The House We Live In,” is rousing, pitiful and comical. The ladies’ mental states, like their once regal home, Grey Gardens, have run riot and become, an unweeded garden that grows to seed. For anyone who has been a caregiver to an aging parent, whom at times tests the limits of their child’s love, who has put their own dreams on the back burner, this tantalizing play will echo a prickly, familiar, rotating, conflicting melange of anger, guilt, resentment,and sadness which at the same time battles with love, compassion, and commitment. H


“Grey Garden: The Musical” presented through April 3rd at Rising Action Theatre at Sunshine Cathedral, 1480 SW 9th Ave.,Fort Lauderdale, 954-561-2225


BLIND SNOWBIRD continued from Page 37 War Memorial Park -- the site of Pridefest. "Just walk straight ahead", he directed me from the driver's seat as I disembarked. "The ticket booth is about 50 feet in front of you." I vowed that I would use Google again in the future. I would also accept offered rides, if one hap-pens to come along. My excessive pride about being independent is not always to my benefit. "Stay to the left, and on the path", suggested some standers-by, upon entering the park. I took this unsolicited advice. Hearing music and commotion up ahead, I knew that I had arrived. Tap, tap, tap continued the sound of my cane on the pavement. I halted abruptly at the noise of a generator blocking my path. I must have looked weary and confused. One man took me by the arm and led me to a plastic seat, set a respectable distance from the front of the stage. The performer was some schlock hypnotist. From what I could gather, he had a group of participants with him up there. The people around me were busily gabbing and bustling about -- obviously not very absorbed in the enter-tainment. There was occasional, but not very enthusiastic applause. I felt silly sitting in that plastic chair all alone. I could detect that there were no other individuals on either side of me. The seat was in the shade, and the breeze felt a bit cool on my sun-baked skin. I yearned for the warmth of the sun. I moved over one seat. I stood up. I sat down. I stood up again. I moved back to stand in front of my original seat, turning my direction toward the sunlight. In my mind, I heard my message: "Don't just stand there!" My feet carried me away from the empty chairs. Sunlight beckoned me forward. I was nearing that time of day for coffee. When I heard voices gathered in conversation, I inter-rupted, and posed my question about coffee vendors. "No, but they are selling beer just over there, and to the left of that, they are selling wine." This inquiry served as an entree to communication with other attendees -- not a bad opening line, despite the lack of a positive answer. It was my first South Florida Pridefest. I needed to be flexi-ble to accommodate the occasion. Wine was not coffee, but such an indulgence might arouse the spirit of the festival. "We are mixing this Pinot Noir to create this champagne cocktail", I heard the man behind the table say to the person in front of me. It must have been a promotion from one of the corporate sponsors of the event. I REQUESTED one of these cocktails. I wandered away with a little plastic cup. It occurred to me that the festival attendees had been imbibing alcoholic beverages all after-noon. I had arrived late to the party, but had no intention of trying to catch up. I was a blind man in a strange place with no idea of how I would safely return to my apartment sometime later that day. I meandered through the crowd. A woman approached me. "Can I help you find something?" she asked while lightly touching my arm. "Are there any vendors selling souvenirs

profile of Pridefest?" I asked. "Sure, they are selling tee shirts." "Any tank tops?" "I believe so. May I walk you over there?" Flo was happy to see me arrive at her table. "We have them in black or in white. There is a rainbow design above the circle logo for the event. Additionally there are stick figures along the top and ...” she enthusiastically continued her sales pitch. That sounded like one busy illustrated bit of clothing. "Let me try it on in small." I stripped off my tank top and slid the yet- to-be purchased one over my head. "Fits fine.” I assured Flo, as I dug into my pocket for some currency. Now I would look like I really belonged there -- that I hadn't just wandered in by accident. Maybe that is why Jane, my soon to be good friend for the day, approached me. Then came her com-ment about her clitoris. I cannot say how this topic had come to be the initial line in our introduc-tion, but I was "in" with her. "Did you see the guys this morning at the ATM discussing what they would be wearing?" "Sorry I missed that." Could she tell that I was being a bit glib? "I want you to meet some of my friends", she said grabbing my hand. WE took an excursion all around the park, and I was introduced to a lot of lesbians. Each one came with a personal com-ment such as "She is my ex-girlfriend." Actually, most of them shared this label. A lot of girl-friends, "When I was dead..." often preceded many of her statements. "You must meet my friend Robert", she gushed, as if he was some sort of celebrity. "He is really my best friend". It was good to have such a genial guide. As we dashed around among the thoughtfully-dressed gay males, and the comfortably-attired women, I had my left arm firmly around her waist, looping my fingers in her belt loops for security. I maintained control of my cane in my right hand. "Do you want a beer?” clearly an encouragement, not a question. I must have still seemed a bit too sober for this crowd. She was again chasing down her best friend Robert. It seemed that he was always just ten paces ahead. In brief encounters, we would occasionally be honored with his company. At one point, he had mumbled something about needing to go home to have dinner. I could not figure him out from these extremely brief episodes. He seemed rather aloof to me, but obviously was Jane's hero. "After I was no longer dead, Robert was the first person whom I recognized." This clarified some of Jane's mystical connection to this earthbound idol. I felt she desperately wanted to follow him. Standing inside the gate, WE WERE told that we could not exit with the beer. I was holding a very large cup of beer. Actually, in my frequent state of not having the whole story, I did not know that she had been hanging on to a beer of her own. I thought that I had been holding her back from her mission. I made a gallant effort to drain my cup. I went from casual sips to chugging, so she could drag me towards the departing Robert, who already had a good lead on us.

My stomach had just accepted the final swigs from my cup, when she said, "Here, help me finish mine", and she poured it into my own empty cup, re-filling it halfway to the top. She tugged me out the gate, past the security personnel. We were walking fast, and she commented, "Isn't that funny? They let you pass right by them with your beer!" Was that a reference to my own blindness, or to theirs? Not certain. We dashed rapidly forward.. There was a lot of laughter between us, which almost sent us crash-ing to the ground several times. We covered a long distance heading to Robert's house, where she had parked her car. "Gee", she exclaimed after about twenty minutes, "I wonder where I left my keys?" "That's easy", I responded calmly. "They are where all lesbians stash their keys. They are hang-ing by that industrial size hook from the belt loop over your back pocket." Our feet never touched any pavement as we forged forward. There were no streets to cross, no sounds of traffic -- not even the sound of another person within range. I did not think this odd in the least, and was totally unconcerned about this mystical void. Maybe it was the beer buzz. Mov-ing at a fast pace, under my own power, with little concern for obstacles, provides me a sense of freedom, which I cannot achieve by myself. I had faith in Jane's ability to guide us safely -- even as the bizarre conversations which we shared took many twisting routes of their own. Her idiosyncrasies might stun some folks, but I was already prepared for anything. We finally returned to an urban landscape, and needed to cross a street. I learned that we were near the home of her very special Robert. "Come on through the gate and around to the pool", Robert instructed from the other side of a metal fence. We snaked through the property and arrived at a very low table which was surrounded by curved benches of the same substantial architectural structure. The heavy composition of this unusual outdoor furniture seemed stable and sturdy enough to withstand a nuclear holocaust. I was introduced to Robert's current boyfriend. He slurred his very warm greetings. Unlike the furniture, steady and sturdy he was not. He kept falling off the bench. The table's surface texture fascinated me. Irregular smooth materials were embedded into a dense cement-like form. "Mosaic. Very fifties", proudly boasted our host. To myself, 'Hmmm...Fifties... nuclear arms race... makes sense why this table fit a style of such sound proportion.' We were politely offered cocktails. I accepted, Jane declined. Robert dashed off to his unit. Left at the mid-century style table with Jane and the loopy lover, I suddenly realized that it had been an awfully long time since I had visited a bathroom. "Jane, would you mind...?" She led me back around the pool and to a set of stairs. I ascended first, and again took her arm at the top -- the second-floor

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catwalk, lushly embellished with many potted tropical plants. We entered Robert's dwelling. They chatted while I used the facilities. When I came back out to the living area, Robert insisted on sharing with me some of the fine fur-nishings and ornamental fixtures of his home. Not merely was this Robert a man of taste and style, but one of culture and aesthetic sensibilities. And with all this, he sported a sense of shrewd business acumen. "Come here, you must touch this" he insisted. Personal pride and deep enthusiastic ardor per-vaded the room like oxygen. He gingerly placed my hands on a brass figure which he described as a buck. "EBay” and a price which I now forget." The point was that it was a steal. As were the many origi-nal paintings which adorned the walls. "I picked up two for a mere $____, and just sold them to a man in France for $15,000." Robert could apparently highly value works of art for their beauty, simultaneously measuring their financial value. I felt it necessary to mention my own collections of antique furniture, statuary and my vast collec-tion of antique photographic portraits. I told Robert: "My gay younger brother has always had much more fashionable taste than me. According to a smug comment which he once made a long time ago, ‘Your home is like a museum'." "Oh migosh!!” Robert cried out, "That’s exactly what my own friends say to me!" They say, "Rob-ert, your home is like a museum!" There we stood: two proud homos named Robert -- well, it was Pridefest, after all! Maybe this scene is what reinforced my boldness to later remark, once we had returned to the six-ton outdoor low-slung mosaic table, "You know, Robert, your toilet paper roll is hung backwards." This time, I think that it was Robert whom I heard fall off the concave cement bench. "Really?" Is there a correct way?” he inquired with horror. I spoke frankly, "Yes, according to Ann Landers. The end of the roll should be draped forward over the top." Had I exposed a flaw in his world? Still, I hope that I didn't ruin his day. He did, however, usher Jane and me out of there rather abruptly. Robert explained, as Jane and I headed for the gate, that he and the boyfriend were about to have their dinner. I know that there really is not very much in this piece about South Florida's Gay Pride Festival, but, you probably realized by now that this is not truly a story about Pridefest. Nor is it about the two Jane’s, Nor of the three Roberts who entered into these scenes. You know what this writing is really all about, I am sure. H



MARCH 10, 2011

Forever Young Strategies to help you slow down the aging process By TOM BONANTI Father Time is no benevolent “daddy” as he wields his sickle and yields to no one. Whether you’re a tasty twink just beginning to experience life, or a burley bear who’s been around longer than Cher and cockroaches, time ravages onward leaving only wrinkles and wreckage in its wake. I suppose I’m sounding a bit negative, but there are things you can do right now to slow the aging process and feel years younger. Why not try a few of these happy, healthy and cheap suggestions before shelling out a fortune to the plastic surgeon! Eat less sugar. Sugar depletes your body of important minerals needed for a healthy metabolism. It depresses the immune system making your body susceptible to evil little pathogens that will make you sick. High glycemic diets – high in refined sugars and processed foods (bagels, donuts, fried fast food, and white bread) have now been associated with many forms of cancer. Sugary diets raise triglycerides and increase the risk of diabetes and heart disease. Go with whole grains, fresh fruits and veggies…you’ll live longer and have tons of energy to stay active! Quiet your mind and meditate a little

everyday. Stress can cause or at least exacerbate every major disease. The stress hormone cortisol can actually shrink the hippocampus, the part of the brain essential to thinking and memory. High levels of cortisol can also cause you to store more blood sugar and accumulate more ugly, stubborn blubber around your middle. Take a few moments everyday, put on some calming music, light some candles and try to meditate, calm down and relax. Eat more fish! The Omega-3 fatty acids in fish are among the most heart healthy on the planet. Eating fish can help lower blood pressure, improve your mood and feed your brain. Only two servings of broiled or baked fish a week or ½ gram of fish oil a day from fish or supplements is all you need to accrue the benefits of consuming man’s fine scaly friends. Doctors often don’t check homocysteine levels, but they should. According to experts, the lower your homocysteine, the healthier you are. A level of 9 umol more or less is generally considered optimal. Those with higher levels are dangerously at risk for heart attacks and strokes. Simply by supplementing with these three common B vitamins – Folic Acid, B6 and B12 you can bring homocysteine levels back to normal. There’s no better anti-aging strategy


“Growing older can be a graceful process of evolution and discovery.

– Tom Bonanti

Courtesy, istockphoto

in the universe than daily exercise. Anaerobic weight training twice a week for ½ to 1 hour will tighten and tone muscles and strengthen bones and joints. Working out 3-4 times a week for the same amount of time can help you build the lean muscle that will rev up your metabolism . Aerobic exercise 2-3 times per week for ½ hour to 45 minutes is sure to strengthen your heart and lungs and help you burn fat. Regular exercise relieves depression and anxiety; it lowers blood pressure and cholesterol; and it helps you to control your weight and maintain a “smokin” bod. In 2011, make more connections. People who live and work and socialize with other folks live longer and enjoy life more. Making friends, volunteering or

working for a cause and just having good friends and enjoying conversations are life-extending and health enriching. After all, “People who need people, are the luckiest people in the world.” Growing older can be a graceful process of evolution and discovery. Keeping fit, feeling great, and looking like a million bucks while you’re doing it takes work, some common sense, and a little love for the person you are! H


Tom Bonanti, is a certified personal trainer and owner of Pump’n Inc gym at 1271 NE 9th Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304, Facebook: TrainerTomB. www.pumpnincgym.com


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MARCH 10, 2011

home /arts


Pride, Like Charity, Begins at HOME! By MICHAEL FRENCH

It’s that time of year again. PRIDE in Fort Lauderdale! One definition found on the Web, defines “Pride” as “Self-respect and acknowledgment of one’s personal worth.” That being said, what can we do at

HOME to show pride in who we are, and what we represent as individuals and a community? Pridefest is this weekend, have a party at home to begin the festivities whether you’re planning on going to Pride or not. A great reason to be proud, to do at home, that will give anyone a well deserved sense of pride, is to make your PRIDE party a charity event. Choose a local charity. HIV, animal shelters, youth centers, gender specific and environmental charities abound. There won’t be any difficulty finding one that reflects a personal passion. Investigate the charity ensuring it is legitimate and it’s revenue is not dedicated to more salaries than benefits to the cause it represents. Select your favorite non profit cause then contact the charities’ administrators. They have and will be more than happy to give you literature acquainting you with their mission statement and increase awareness of it’s contributions to the community. They may have ideas for you to create a theme for your event relating to the charity. Invitations. Make sure they announce the charity. Your “cause celeb” should have art work suitable for invitations. Be CREATIVE, adding the important “Spice” of FUN to a purposeful event.

Don’t forget tax benefits! Keep receipts and a detailed record of expenses. Ask a CPA what is tax deductible and what isn’t. One ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. A verifiable record will help you ward off the raised eyebrow of your friendly IRS agent. Print receipts to give guests for their anticipated generous contribution! Your charity should have a receipt template. Keep a record of guests’ donations made to your charity. Delegate that task to someone you can trust. Now for the FUN part! An organized, imaginative and talked about party equals a very successful fete! Invitations should include, a theme, dress “code” and if it’s BYOB etc. Have a raffle. They help create a festive buzz. Get donations from merchants relative to your charity. Delegate the collection of raffle money and awarding prizes to someone else. You can’t be a mingling or networking host if you’re stuck in one place! Decorating! Let your creative juices flow! Of course the focus is on the RAINBOW! This doesn’t have to be expensive. A rainbow wall of balloons, strategically draped crepe paper, colored paper plates, and napkins are your most versatile, and

most economical decorations. Have a pool? In dollar stores you can find diode lights. Put them in the balloons, weigh them down with a stone, then place them in the pool. This will create a flotilla of rainbow colored orbs! Make a buffet with platters of food dedicated to each color of the rainbow. There’re delicious, healthy, fruits and vegetables in every color. Use vegetable based food coloring and fill bottles with the right colors. Buy bags of colored marbles and scatter them round the tables. Decorate with people! Yes! Divide the amount of your guests, those who have kindly RSVP’D, by the 7 of colors of the rainbow. If you have 35 guests, you’ll have 7 groups of 5 people. Politely insist each member of a group wear a shirt in the same rainbow color. With all the guests present, create a flag and a group photo all in one swoop. Have a good photographer! What a great souvenir for everyone! Please, don’t forget to hang at least one Pride flag in a very prominent place. After all isn’t that what the party is all about? H


Michael French, is Agenda’s Home from Home columnist. Contact Michael at mf7954fla@gmail.com

Prep Princess Pops! By MAX JIMINEZ Was the Kelli portrayed on the show the real you? Or was it the ‘reality’ you? I had about ten minutes max of TV time on each episode. There must be a lot more to me than that, right?! (Laughs)

Millions know Kelli as the rom Kelli f C girl from Bravo’s hit reality Y show, NYC Prep. Billed as TV’s ‘N uts the real life Gossip Girl, deb Prep’ st NYC Prep chronicled the her fir le! lives of a group of privising leged teenagers navigating music through Manhattan's elite Were you happy with how prep school scene. But Kelli’s you were portrayed? high school career wasn’t about I wanted the show to showcase my masquerade parties and debutante balls. She turned ‘Prep’ into ‘Prepare’, spend- budding singing career, which it did, so I ing her time out of the classroom gearing was happy. I do cringe at the scenes up for the launch of her singing career. when I was selecting my voice teachers, At long last, we’ll finally hear the results though. of her hard work when Kelli performs Do you keep in touch with anyone her first music single, “Gave Up on from the show? Love”, at Score on March 10th. Everyone has gone off to college. I guess like most high school friendships, NYC Prep’s Kelli is all grown up! It has been a very exciting time. Since we’ve gone our separate ways in order to the show ended, I have immersed myself chase our dreams. into my singing career. Your dream is to go from prep to pop! I like that. How are fans responding to the Why did you choose to make such a new Kelli? I think fans are most surprised to see powerful anti-love statement with your me out of my Upper East Side school girl first single? Are you really against love? uniform.

I am in no way against love. What I am against are people drowning and losing themselves into relationships without really knowing who they are or what they want out of life. How do you feel about Taylor Swift writing and singing about finding her Romeo? People are wasting too much time chasing white horses. You have never pined over an ill-fated love? Yes, of course I have. I have poems written about loves I had in the 4th grade. 4th grade love is a whole other story! (Laughs) What is ‘Gave Up on Love’ about? The song depicts the journey of a heart broken girl or guy at the point she or he begins hanging with friends and realizing life isn’t over because a relationship didn’t work out. The next best thing will come along eventually. When you’re in between relationships, it’s time to appreciate the real loves in your life – your friends. Would you turn away Mr. Right if he

Courtesy, Project Publicity

Kelli on the music video set of “Gave Up on Love”. appeared in your life right now? Yes, I have no time for nonsense. How did NYC prep you for the real world? If NYC Prep taught me anything, it was to develop a thick skin. When you put yourself out there, either with a show or a new record, you’re going to be critiqued. It’s important to take the good with the bad. How do you keep your focus? I stay true to myself. I was a singer before the show, I sang during the show and I plan on singing long after the show.H


Kelli performs “Gave Up on Love”, at Score, 727 Lincoln Road, Miami Beach on Thursday, March 10.


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out in florida


Fort Lauderdale




Saturdays from 7:30 p.m. to 3 a.m. at Hombre (2500 West Oakland Park Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale). South Florida’s friendliest and hottest bear night – a weekly event for bears, cubs, chubs, chasers and friends. 2-4-1 drinks from 5 to 9 p.m. $10 Beer Bust from 9 p.m. Free pool tables all night.H

Christina Visca in association with Joe (B) GMHC, Lifebeat, A.R.E.A. present Keep On Dancin’ Miami, remembering Mel Cheren with the music of the Paradise Garage. Music by Danny Krivit, Quentin Harris, Richard Vasquez and Tony Smith. Wednesday Mar 9, from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m., at Score, 727 Lincoln Road (Meridian Avenue) on South Beach. Proceeds to benefit $15 advanced tickets available through http://lifebeat.org/kod2011miami/, $20 general admission, $10 donation for WMC badge holders .H

SUNSHINE CATHEDRAL METROPOLITAN COMMUNITY CHURCHES PRESENTS VICKIE SHAW She looks like the woman next door ... All-American with blond hair, lipstick and polished nails. Once she opens her mouth, you’ll know she was born and raised in Texas and you’ll never stop laughing. Vickie is a stand-up comic and came out as a lesbian at the same time she became one. She says, ‘I would’ve come out as a stand-up, but it would’ve killed my parents.’ Saturday, March 19 - Vickie Shaw: 8pm - Tickets: $25.00,Walt Lawrence & Stephen Lewis Center for Worship and the Arts, 1480 SW 9th Ave, Fort Lauderdale, FL, 954.462.2004 ext 206 www.SunshineCathedral.org. H

LEATHER & FETISH NIGHT It’s back and “bigger” than before. The Depot welcomes host, Michael Brandon and porn star, Caedon Chase for the return of Leather & Fetish Night. You can also hang out, meet, and get photos with the guys at the VIP after-party at Badlands’ “Midnite on the Mezz”. Friday, Mar. 11 from 9 to 11:30 p.m. at The Depot (2935 N. Federal Hwy. in Ft. Lauderdale). H

SIDELINES BENEFIT FOR FLORIDA AIDS WALK Team Sidelines is hosting a fundraising charity party for the Florida AIDS Walk on Thursday, March 10th from 7 to 9 p.m. at Sidelines Sports Bar. Your $40 ticket donation will allow you to drink anything you'd like (open bar) from 7 to 9 p.m., enjoy some delicious cuisine donated by some of the area's favorite restaurants, like J. Mark's, Pink Submarine, Courtyard Cafe and J. Florant Belgium Chocolates. There will be plenty of giveaway items, raffles and prizes. Plus, Sidelines will announce their secret “luxury” raffle prize that night. Tickets for this one-time event are available at Sidelines. Ask for the manager on duty for your charity party tickets and have a good time for charity. H

WMC: RISE AFTERHOURS Sin Morera (NYC/IML/Cherry) & Josh Karmin (Toronto/FLY Nightclub) -- fierce beats, hot GoGos. $20, $10 reduced guestlist (text RISE to 77948), door by Asia. Friday, Mar 11 from 3 to 10 a.m., at Volume (formerly Nocturnal), 50 NE 11th Street in Miami.H

WMC: CAZWELL SPECIAL PERFORMANCE & COCKTAIL RECEPTION Grab your favorite Popsicle and head to Base on Lincoln Road for world-renowned deejay/producer/rapper Cazwell’s special performance and CD/DVD signing cocktail party for Winter Music Conference 2011. Be ready to unleash your wild side with your fellow hipsters and fashionistas for this complimentary event. In between working the turntables, Cazwell will be signing copies of his latest album and DVD set. While enjoying Cazwell’s hot tracks, guests will be able to browse the latest Adidas SLVR collection exclusively sold at Base and enjoy complementary cocktails. Friday, Mar. 11 from 5 to 9 p.m. at Base, 939 Lincoln Road on South Beach. After party at the Cha Cha Rooster at Lords with the world premier of Cazwell’s new music video, “Get My Money Back”.H



out in florida

MARCH 10, 2011

Central Florida

Bay Area DRAG KING IDOL 2 Come out for the second Drag King Idol 2 which runs every Thursday in March. Grand prize $250 for the finals on March 31st. 11 p.m. to 4 a.m. at Flamingo Resort, 4601 34th St. S in St. Petersburg. Some of the guest performers and judges are: Madisyn Michaels DelaMer, Dani Panic, King Aramis, D.J. Stacey X, Jo Jo, Teddy D, Tariq, Frankie J. Marstone, Michael Keefe, Lasha, Crystal and Natasha. No cover. H

ALL AMERICAN GODDESS BENEFIT Kori Stevens’ All American Goddess Benefit on Thursday, Mar. 10 from 9 p.m. to 12 midnight at the Flamingo Resort (4601 34th St. S, St. Petersburg). Come out and help raise funds to send Kori to the national finals of the All American Goddess Pageant in Dayton, Ohio.H

MISS GAY FL USofA NEWCOMER PAGEANT The Honey Pot (1507 East 7th Ave., Ybor City) will once again serve as the host venue for the 2011 Miss Gay FL USofA Newcomer Pageant on Sunday, Mar. 27 from 8 to 11 p.m. The evening will honor Alisa Summer (Miss Gay FL USofA Newcomer 2010) and features Amy DeMilo, Jocelyn Summers, Angelica Sanchez and Natasha Braxton. Hosted by Desiree Demornay (Miss Large & Lovely 2010) and Esmé Russell (Miss Heart of Florida Emeritus). VIP and reserved seating is available and additional information is available through Addison Taylor on Facebook. There will also be an after-party at G-Bar immediately following the pageant.H

LADY GAGA IN TAMPA Lady Gaga and special guests, Scissor Sisters will be coming to the St. Pete Times Forum on Saturday, April 16th from 7 to 11 p.m. Lady Gaga has captivated audiences around the globe with her stunning international smash, “The Monster Ball” tour, presented by Virgin Mobile. In 2010 the tour has taken her throughout Europe and North American, where she received rave reviews everywhere she stopped. With the majority of North American dates already sold out, Lady Gaga has announced she will be extending her North American 2011 tour, now including a stop at Tampa’s St. Pete Times Forum. H


“EROTICA” ORLANDO’S HOTTEST PARTY The art of seduction! This is always a giant event with adult video stars everywhere. Meet with the stars starting at 10:30 p.m. and autographs at 1 a.m. Vendors in the courtyard. This is one you don't want to miss, it's one of the biggest events of the year, so make your reservations now rooms are limited. Lots and lots of half-naked men everywhere. Don't forget you can also get a great bite to eat or a gourmet steak at the Rainbow Cafe'. Saturday, Mar 26, from 10 to 2 a.m. at the Parliament House, 410 N Orange Blossom Trail (W Livingston St) in Orlando. H

MISS HEART OF ORLANDO PAGEANT This is a preliminary to Miss Heart Of Florida. Monday, Apr. 18, from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. at Mr. Sister's, 5310 E Colonial Dr. in Orlando. H

PRIDE ON THURSDAYS Join us every Thursday night at Sun on the Beach to celebrate GLBT Pride! A party you'll never forget! Drink Specials all night long! 18 and up to party, 21 and up to drink! Diamond Divas Show at midnight! Alexis Mateo from Ru Paul's Drag Race Thurs Mar 17 9pm- 2am. Mile Marker 9 at OLD TOWN, 5770 West 192, Kissimmee, FL 34746. H

“EQUUS” Equus will be presented at The Pointe Performing Arts Center, 9101 International Drive in Orlando. Dr. Martin Dysart, a psychiatrist, is confronted with Alan Strang, a boy who has blinded six horses in a violent fit of passion. This very passion is as foreign to Dysart as the act itself.Admission is restricted to 18 and older due to nudity and adult content. Performances through March 20th. For more information, visit http://fantasylandtheatrical.com/content/view/127/ H

BACK DOOR BUMBY Revolution Nightclub (375 S. Bumby Ave (408) in Downtown Orlando) along with GRINDR and MyFlexRadio presents: “Back Door Bumby: Enter Through the Back” every 3rd Thursday of the month. No cover when you show your GRINDR or MyFlexRadio App. No cover ‘til 11pm for those 21+ (18+ welcome) and no cover ‘til 12 midnight with college or theme park ID. Free drinks 11 to 11:30 p.m. Drinks specials throughout the night. Performances by: Shantell D’Marco and Macaviti. D.J. Joanie on the decks in the disco area and V.J. J.B. Burgos in the Hydrate Video Bar. H


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MARCH 10, 2011





WILTON MANORS: 3 BR, 2 ½ Bath. Beautiful upgraded gourmet kitchen with breakfast area, granite counters, double ovens, large living/dining area that opens onto covered patio with full-sized pool. Mexican tile, wood stairs. $525,000. 954.881.1753, 954.612.0946 JOE MINOTTO Realtor, Real Living Infinity International TOWNHOUSE ISLES: Great location, private courtyard on tropical island paradise. Walk to Wilton Drive, minutes from shops and restaurants. Middle River views from bedrooms and driveway. Newer kitchen and bath. $249,900. 954.881.1753, 954.612.0946 JOE MINOTTO Realtor, Real Living Infinity International

REAL ESTATE MIDDLE RIVER TERRACE: 2/1 Single Family Home, oversize yard, separate laundry. Close to shops and restaurants on Wilton Drive. 1417 NE 5th Terrace. $104K. DaVinci Realty Group. 954.533.1130 (C): 954.993.1745. WILTON STATION: 2/2 Hard Wood Floors, Granite Countertops. Close to dining and nightlife in Wilton Manors, with 4th floor balcony view of the Drive! 2617 NE 14th Ave, Unit SF405. $209K. DaVinci Realty Group. 954.533.1130 (C): 954.993.1745. PUT YOUR IRA ON STEROIDS! Use your IRA to buy wholesale bank owned real estate and create a 12 % plus annual cash on cash return. Turn Key Real Estate company helps you buy a wholesale bank owned foreclosure with equity. Company also provides affordable renovation teams and property managers. Build wealth today with our proven 20 year turn key acquisition and management program. Contact Robert for more information. 954-336-0436 www.robertblairrealestate.com PROGRESSO: Huge Private 2/2 double lot, fireplace, brick front porch. 5 mins from Wilton Manors. 1203 NE 2ND Ave. $119K. DaVinci Realty Group. 954.533.1130 (C): 954.993.1745. FLORIDA IS ON SALE - FT LAUDERDALE & MIAMI. Yes now is the time to buy!! Not finding what you’re looking for? Frustrated? Too busy? Visiting and don’t know where to start? Tell me what you’re looking for and I’ll do all the work and find you the perfect place. For HOT deals, Short sales, Foreclosures, and Rentals. Call Joann Marcus/ Kensington & Company. Cell (954)940-1244 FORT LAUDERDALE Glen Wright gated community near downtown. 2,885 SQ FT, pool home built in 2005. Upgrades galore! $550K Call for photos or appt. Owner financing available. Kensington Realty 954-940-1244 WILTON MANORS 2.2/5 Stunning Riverfront Town Home with gorgeous views. Wall of sliding glass opens from light filled living area to very private deck and dock,perfect for entertaining.. Home is beautifully renovated and meticulously maintained. Kitchen features light wood cabinets,granite counter tops and S.S. appls. Complex has lush landscaping & great pool are. Best of all you get to enjoy it all w/o the maintenance. pet friendly. $249,900 Joann Marcus/Kensington & Company 954.940.1244 DRAKE TOWERS- 1BD/1.5BA FOR SALE! Priced for Quick Sale. Will accept best offer over 49K by March 25th Deadline. Call Lou 954.682.7901 WILTON MANORS: Well-designed, within walking distance to Wilton Drive. Spectacular new contemporary kitchen and baths. Covered patio with view of large deck with spa. Master suite has stacked washer/dryer and large walk-in closet. Upgrades include impact windows/doors, 24x24 porcelain floor tile. Massive garage and workshop. $374,900. 954.612.0946, 954.881.1753 JOE MINOTTO Realtor, Real Living Infinity International KEY WEST STYLE: Amazing Wilton Manors corner lot cottage in a tropical setting. Private outdoor patio overlooking new spa pool. Upgraded kitchen, new stacked washer/dryer, new A/C, front and back impact doors. Walk to Wilton Drive. $184,900. 954.612.0946, 954.881.1753 JOE MINOTTO Realtor, Real Living Infinity International

PERFECT WINTER VACATION RENTALS From $89/Night & $495/Week Beautiful Studio, 1 & 2 BR Apts. with Full Kitchens. Clothing optional heated pool, laundry, parking. Close to Gay Dania & Nude Haulover Beaches, Premium Cable, VOIP telephone & Wi-Fi Internet, Pets Always Welcome. Call 954.927.0090 or visit www.LibertySuites.com WE BUY HOMES FOR CASH ANY CONDITION, FAST 5 DAY CLOSING CONTACT ROBERT AT 954-336-0436

RENTALS / FTL WILTON MANORS, LUXURY TOWNHOME 3BD/3.5BA In the heart of Wilton Manors, just one block from Wilton Dr. Custom kit. w/ granite counters and breakfast bar, stainless steel appl., balcony, 2 car garage, community pool. $1900/mo. Please call Michael 954.270.9597 LAKERIDGE/FT LAUDERDALE Renovated 1/1, new kitchen, W/D, vaulted ceilings, 2 pvt decks, CAC, basic cable and electric included. Available 4/1/11. Near Publix, close to downtown. $950/mo F/L. Ref Req. 954.554.5095 WILTON MANORS 2BD/3BA WATERFRONT HOME! Ocean Access! Completely redone w/ new kitchen and baths! Almost 1700 sq. ft. Tile floors thruout. Master suite with jacuzzi tub, 2-car carport, high impact windows, new roof & electrical, W/D, quiet East side address! $1950/mo. 954.234.8759 WILTON MANORS 3BD/2BA POOL HOME!! All new kitchen w/ granite & stainless steel, cathedral ceiling family room, hardwood floors in all 3 bedrooms, 15X30 screened patio, lots of storage! W/D, fenced back yard. Walk to the drive from this quiet East side address. $1975/mo or rent to buy! 954.234.8579 RIVERSIDE PARK- 1/1 COTTAGE! Set in tropical private oasis! 5 mins from downtown. Tile thru-out, brand new granite & cherry kitchen, private W/D & screened patio. Gas/water/cable incl. $875/mo + sec. dep. Pets OK 954.990.8335 ROYAL PARK Near Wilton Manors 1BR/1.5BA, $825$900/mo. 2BR/2BA, $950 - $1100/mo. Gated Security, Clubhouse, Pools, Gym, Sauna and Steam room. Pets OK. Cable/Water/Trash included. Call Naim Naqi, Broker/ SFG, Realtors 954.565.2025 WILTON MANORS/THE WOODS CONDOS- 1BD/1BA, Waterfront, Poolview, Large Deck, W/D in unit, $795/mo + Deposit. Call 202.841.9216 MIDDLE RIVER & LAKERIDGE MOVE-IN SPECIAL 1/2 OFF 1ST MTH RENT!! 1 Bedroom/1 Bath $680/mo or $175/wk OR 2/2 $850/mo or $225/wk-(6 or 12) month lease. Pay your deposit today and you're in* details (954)527-9225

ROOMMATES WILTON MANORS-ROOM FOR RENT!! Walk to the Drive! Large room (furnished or unfurnished) w/ full access to house. W/D, Large yard, patio, garage available. $500/mo includes all util. Call Bob 954.565.5898

ACCOUNTING TAX PREPARATION SERVICE for individuals and selfemployed. Electronic Filing, Reasonable Fees, Personal Service. Located in Fort Lauderdale and Wilton Manors area. Call Tom (954) 764-0221 or e-mail taxpreparationservice @yahoo.com

MARCH 10, 2011


DATING MATURE CONTACTS & FRIENDSHIP. The Caffmos Community is a contacts and dating community site for mature men, bears, daddies and their admirers both young and old. Registration and membership is free. Come and join us at: Caffmos Community.com

CLEANING CLEAN IT RITE Best cleaning for your buck. Reliable & affordable. 10 years in business. 1 BR, $$45.00, 2BR, $55.00, & 3BR, $65.00. Manny (954) 560-4443 Broward, Palm Beach, & Dade

COMPUTER SERVICES FREE BRIEF COMPUTER ANSWERS BY ERIC AT THE STONEWALL LIBRARY BY APPOINTMENT Also Affordable In-Home, Installations, Tutoring, Virus Disinfection & Troubleshooting. Knowledgeable, Personable Service. Call Eric (954) 903-4383 or eric@startcomputing.info ** OPTIMA** COMPUTER REPAIR-COMPLETE IN HOME SERVICE. Get the best performance, protection & value from your computer investment, *A+ Hardware & OS CERTIFIED. *Friendly, professional, RELIABLE service. Reasonable rates. \Call Mike (954) 817-3883

COUNSELING A MIND AT PEACE/ THERAPEUTIC SERVICES/ RON "DOC" CHAMBERS, MSW (954) 627-0103 1975 East Sunrise Blvd Suite 629 Fort Lauderdale HIV Related Issues/Anxiety/Depression/Schizophrenia/Relationship Problems/Anger Management Problems/Same-Sex Battering/Domestic Violence. Most Insurance Accepted/Credit Cards Accepted. ARE YOU A GAY OR BISEXUAL MAN OVER 18? Do you ever take Xanax, Percocet, or any other RX pills with or without a prescription? Confidential research study. Cash compensation. Call for more information. Offices in Broward and Dade. (305) 529-1489

EMPLOYMENT South Beach AIDS Project is currently seeking an office manager for its executive offices in Miami Beach. Duties include reporting, answering phones and office administration. The job will be Monday through Friday. Experience is a big plus. Looking for someone who can start now. Call (305) 535 4733 South Beach AIDS Project has worked in the gay communities if South Florida for over 10 years. Offering free HIV testing/ counseling, prevention and educational programs. Come be a part of a great team! TWIST. The popular gay bar in South Beach seeks responsible applicants with experience for the following positions; Bartender, Bar back, Door host and Security. Candidates should be friendly, hardworking and a team player. Apply online: twistboys@aol.com

HOME IMPROVEMENT MASTER ELECTRICIAN- Service Upgrades, interconnected smoke alarms, phone and cable jacks, remodels, etc. No job to small! All work will be done in a neat & clean manner. LIC. CONTRACTORS BUILD CONFIDENCE! Gay owned. Lic#02CME2028X Call 954.665.0417

Derek’s 24 HR HANDYMAN SERVICE. Introducing our new cabinet shop! For all your custom made cabinetry countertops laminates. YOU MUST SEE OUR WORK, just ask our clients. All electrical to code; ANY & ALL plumbing work, Drywall finish work / repair. Crown / baseboard pro-install, interior / exterior painting, demo work, Pressure washing, Decor tile install, Complete home up-dates. For large jobs, 4-man crew available. WE CAN HANDLE IT ALL! Instant call back, direct service response. No job is ever too small. Excellent references. Derek (954) 825-5598 or E-mail: DerekGallaway@att.net

LICENSED MASSAGE RECESSION RELIEF-$40/90 MINS! LEAVE YOUR STRESS UP TO ME. Out calls higher. Let Denny make you feel like a Queen. Couples discounts, seniors welcome. New location: Delray Beach. 16 yrs experience. MA 18563. Denny (561) 502-2628. PROFESSIONAL THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE Deep Tissue, Swedish, Reflexology, Stretching, Mon-Sun, 10AM-8PM. In/Out Calls. NON-SEXUAL. Ft Lauderdale. Call Robert (954)494-2372 Lic.# MA 19604

MOVING ELITE RELOCATION MOVING & STORAGE We've provided quality moves for over 30 years. It's always a smooth move when you choose Elite Relocation. Contact us today: 954975-8660 elitemoving.com RAINBOW MOVING Delivery. Storage. Free Estimates. Office moves. Residential. Commercial. Expert Packaging. Short notice relocations. Licensed & Insured. Special Offer: up to 10 Free Boxes (medium/small) with local move. 10% OFF WITH THIS AD. (954) 245-2978 “Follow your Rainbow.” GUYS and DOLLIES. Moving * Storage * Packing * Crating * Shipping. “A” Rated Member of the BBB Register Movers since 1976. Major credit cards accepted. For free price quote, Call (954) 566-1270


MARCH 10, 2011


SPIRITUALITY The Parish of Sts. Francis and Clare 101 NE 3rd Street, just N of Broward and E of Andrews. Mass times: Sat @ 5 PM: Sun @ 10:30 AM; Wed @ 7 PM. Where we welcome and appreciate diversity - a progressive community in the Catholic tradition. 954-731-8173 www.stsfrancisandclare.org CHURCH OF THE HOLY SPIRITSONG Welcomes you to come and worship with us every Sunday at 10 am and every Wednesday night at 8 pm. We meet at the SpiritSong Worship Center at 2040B North Dixie Highway Suite 3 in Wilton Manors (Building B on Equality Park Campus, behind the Pride Center). God loves you just the way He made you. Come discover His purpose for you. For more info: (954) 418-8372, info@cohss.com, www.cohss.org.



MARCH 10, 2011



MARCH 10, 2011



MARCH 10, 2011


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