The Voice

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The Stars Shine Bright “Stars of the Rainbow” 2011 Scheduled for April 3 By Bob Kecskemety Mark your calendars for Sunday, April 3 from 4 to 6 p.m. for this year’s “Stars of the Rainbow” which celebrates its eighteenth anniversary celebrating the best our community has to offer. 2011 Stars of the Rainbow Honorees represent individuals, businesses and organizations that exemplify the spirit of volunteerism and activism. Honorees have represented the LGBTQ community in a positive light, and have supported the efforts of the Pride Center.

AIDS Walk Team Raises Vital Funds for Center Services Team member Joe Guerrero a Top Fundraiser Overall for Florida AIDS Walk On Sunday, March 20, the Pride Center again will participate in the 10-kilometer Florida AIDS Walk through Fort Lauderdale. All funds specifically raised by the Pride Center team will return to the Center for use in vital services and programs to people living with HIV/AIDS. The Center’s team will be joined by thousands of others committed to action to halt the escalating spread of HIV/AIDS in South Florida. “I clearly remember last year’s AIDS Walk,” says Joe Guerrero, the team’s top fundraiser. “I walked up to a sea of green Pride Center t-shirts worn by men and women, young and old, inclusive of a true community.” Last year’s Pride Center team raised around $23,000. Local lives benefitted from that success. “I marched with pride realizing the impact the money I raised would go back directly to help my HIV positive brothers and sisters at the Center,” says Guerrero. Guerrero again sets an ambitious pace for the Center’s participation in the Walk. He’s the second-highest individual fundraiser for the Walk of all teams and participants. “I have raised over $9,000 from my family and friends,” says Guerrero. “I look for-

ward to walking with my Pride Center family as we work as one for those we have lost and for those alive that still need our help.” The Pride Center team boasts many outstanding fundraisers, including Douglas Cureton, Tony Miceli, Chris Caputo, Ralph Caraglia, Paul Mullen, Anthony Johnson, Keith Ackerman, Jim Cooper, Jeff Black, Shelly Weinrib, Stacy Shervan and Will Cudequest. Their efforts — and the work of the more than 75 other Pride Center walkers — will make a difference in our community long after the walk. “I promise you when you walk with The Pride Center family at this year's AIDS Walk, you will walk away with some beautiful memories and a full heart,” says Guerrero. “Will you join us?” Opportunities still exist to join or sponsor the Pride Center team financially. Contact Kristofer Fegenbush at or (954) 463-9005 for more information, or visit and follow the AIDS Walk link to our team page. The Florida AIDS Walk is presented by the AIDS Healthcare Foundation and its services worldwide in fighting the spread of HIV/AIDS.

Only a limited number of $150 tickets are still available for what promises to be the social event of the season located in the Crystal Ballroom at the Hyatt Regency Pier Sixty-Six, 2301 S.E. 17th Street Causeway in Fort Lauderdale. To purchase tickets go to This year’s event will be emceed by Bishop S. F. Makalani-MaHee and Donna Woessner and includes great entertainment, terrific hors d'oeuvres, cocktails, and outstanding company and fellowship in service to our community. Wachovia/Wells Fargo is the Presenting

Sponsor of the event. 100% of all monies collected through ticket sales and donations support the programs and services of the Pride Center at Equality Park. The Pride Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and all donations are tax deductible as allowed by law. For information about additional underwriting and sponsorship opportunities, please contact David Yalen, Membership Development Coordinator at (954) 463-9005 or email And the Honorees Are ... See STARS OF THE RAINBOW on Page 4



Paul Hyman, LCSW, MBA The Pride Center’s leadership team had the opportunity to complete a Developing Organizational Excellence curriculum with in-kind professional coaching assistance from Jack Johnson and Angela Robinson. The team engaged in powerful conversations and learning that resulted in: clarity of what we as a leadership team care about, improved communication, better management of capacity, and creating a strategy to guide the implementation of our Shared Commitments. Defining the team’s commitments to each other, to the Center and to the Community focused the senior staff and the Board on what we will we accomplish and by when. As a result, during the next 12-18 months, the Center’s leadership team has adopted the following Shared Commitments, related to the Center’s mission: Reciprocal Communication • Advocate for community and inclusion — host discussions and events, a Community Advisory Board, and Town Hall Meetings. • Understand needs -- conduct a community needs assessment • Evaluate current progress -quality assurance/improvement and program evaluation

Expand Cultural Leadership • Preserve and convey our unique LGBT essence and identity • Develop the Pride Center’s national prominence • Support the greater community Fiscal Strength • Expand Resources --grants, donors, sponsors • Upgrade Financial Management Systems Create a Strategic Plan Realizing these Shared Commitments introduces exciting ways to engage the community in the Center’s work. There are two valued ways for individuals and groups to contribute: donate time and donate money. The Center thrives, because of the contributions of tireless and devoted volunteers and generous donors.

Messaging (Marketing and Public Relations) • Tell the Center’s story -- develop a compelling Case Statement of who we are

Become a member! Be a volunteer! Connect with your community! Paul can be reached at

Help Make Vision 2015 a Reality The Pride Center’s capital campaign effort is called “Vision 2015” and is led by Team 2015 Chair, Doug Tinklepaugh. Vision 2015 charts our course to achieve a debt-free Center, by the end of 2015. Forty percent of the $4.75 million purchase price of our new Center has already been paid. Through Vision 2015 we will engage donors at a variety of levels to contribute annually for the next five years, resulting in a debt-free Center. In addition to naming and recognition opportunities for larger donors, the campaign’s Visionary Club level makes it easy for almost

anyone to contribute. “The Visionary Club invites 1,000 people to donate $1,000 per year for five years. At this affordable level, we can include everyone in providing a debt-free Center for generations to come.” states Mr. Tinklepaugh. An automatic, tax deductible credit card donation of less than $90 per month, puts you in the driver’s seat of making Vision 2015 a reality. For information about Vision 2015 donating and volunteering opportunities, please contact Jason Burns, Major Gifts Officer at

The Pride Center 2040 N. Dixie Highway Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33305 Mail Correspondence to: P.O. Box 70518 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33307-0518 (954) 463-9005 Fax (954) 764-6522 Email: Website: Board of Directors Richard Stoll, Esq, President Ilene Berliner, Vice President Nicole M. Mannarino, CPA, Treasurer David Feinberg, Secretary Ted Adcock, Robert Boo Irwin Drucker, David Guzman George Kling, Lea P. Krauss, Esq, P.A. Donn Rubin Pride Center Staff Paul Hyman, MBA, LCSW, Executive Director, Kristofer Fegenbush, MSW, Deputy Director, Jorge Gardela, Senior Health Outreach Director, Jason Burns, Major Gifts Offer, Janet Weissman, Business Manager, Linda Jain, Program Operations Manager, Frank Gurucharri, PALS Project Manager, Jeff Grigsby, LIFE Coordinator, Magno Morales, CHOICES Coordinator, Listron “Blue” Mannix, Minority Testing Initiative Manager, Donna Woessner, Women and Senior Services Coordinator, David Yalen, Membership Development Coordinator, Tony White, CTR Coordinator, Andres Santofimio, Case Manager, Emilio Aponte, RESPECT Coordinator, Mauricio Ferrer, Health Coordinator, S.F. Makalani-Mahee, Data Entry Specialist, Shanna Ratliff, Information Analyst, Daniel Dardenne, Testing Specialist, Albert Taylor, Testing Specialist, Sandra Garcia, Peer Educator, Clarence Collins, Facilities Assistant Clifton Squire, Maintenance Technician The Pride Center Voice Editor: Bob Kecskemety Production Managers: Chris Caputo, Kevin Hopper and Kristofer Fegenbush Advertising Manager: David Yalen Contributing Writers: Paul Hyman, Bob Kecskemety, Linda Jain, Frank Gurucharri, Listron “Blue” Mannix, David Yalen, Joe Guerrero, Sam Budyszewick and Kristofer Fegenbush Photographers: Steven Shires, Bob Risse, Mauricio Ferrer, Peter Giraldo, Vicki Hartsough and Alex Quintero





Stars of the Rainbow 2011 the mid-80s, she pioneered a gay variety/talk television show called “Way Off Broadway” costarring with her friend and mentor, Dana Manchester. Nikki also Our honorees represent individuals, civic played the role of Carlina in groups and businesses that exemplify the spirit of volunteerism and activism. They have the movie “Catherine’s Grove” and appeared in dedicated their time and support in making music videos for Evelyn the Pride Center at Equality Park what it has Thomas and Gloria Estefan. become today. Along the way, Nikki has captured numerous titles Pastor Leslie Tipton of the including Miss Florida F.I. and Church of the Holy SpiritSong Miss Continental Elite. Board Member Star of the Year In 2009, Nikki signed on with Broward House as Born and raised in the suburbs of Los Community Liaison, lending Angeles, Rev. Leslie Tipton refers to herself as her skills with event produca “Valley Girl.” After earning a tion, promotion Nikki Adams B.A. in Psychology at San and fundraising Diego State University in to Broward County’s oldest and 1986, she served as an largest HIV/AIDS organization. Aircraft Maintenance Officer “Though garnering numerous in the United States Marine accolades throughout my Corps for over ten years. Rev. career,” said Nikki, “I am humTipton has lived in the Fort bled for this recognition from Lauderdale area since 2003 the community I call home. It is and served for three years as my pleasure and privilege to the Secretary on the Board of serve as a representative for Directors for the Pride Center South Florida, and I do so with at Equality Park. She is an great PRIDE!” ordained Reverend in the Donna Markland serves as Christian faith and serves as Pastor Leslie Tipton the Minority AIDS Coordinator the Associate Pastor of at the Broward County (Florida) Administration and Outreach at Church of the Health Department / HIV/AIDS Program Office. Holy SpiritSong in Wilton Manors, FL, on the She provides capacity building, technical Campus of Equality Park. Pastor Leslie is very assistance for minority comactive in the South Florida community. She munities and she also superresides in Miramar with her wonderful wife, vises the Prenatal HIV Sandra and their many pets. Program. “It is with humility that I accept this Ms. Markland chairs the award,” said Reverend Tipton in response to HIV/AIDS Minority Network, being chosen the Pride Center Board Member Black Advisory Group in Star of the Year. “My service to our communi- Broward County. The Network, and collaboratty is in direct response to God’s call on my life ing partner agencies in the comand that is, in part, to let the GLBTQI commu- munity, have launched nity in South Florida know that God loves several HIV/AIDS them and accepts them just the way they are. prevention iniDon’t let anyone tell you differently!” tiatives in the comNikki Adams of Broward munity House and Donna Markland of s u c h the Broward County Health a s : STARS OF THE RAINBOW continued from Page 4

Department Community Stars of the Year

Nikki Adams’ career as a female impersonator has spanned over 34 years, traveling throughout the United States and abroad bringing her unique act and much soughtafter emcee capabilities to countless nightclubs, theaters, corporate events and fundraisers for varied LGBT and mainstream organizations. On a national and local basis, she has helped raise millions of dollars for charity. In

street outreach, leadership training and multicultural, multi-ethnic prevention efforts to bring about HIV/AIDS awareness to hard-toreach populations in Broward County. Donna has also worked on numerous HIV/AIDS Hispanic Latino initiatives since the inception of the Broward Community Planning Partnership.

The Trevor Project Non-Profit Star of the Year The Trevor Project is a nonprofit organization and the leading national organization focused on suicide prevention efforts among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning youth. The Trevor Project operates The Trevor Lifeline, a tollfree number and confidential service staffed by trained counselors. The Trevor Project also provides guidance and vital resources to parents and educators in order to foster safe, accepting and inclusive environments for all youth at home and at school. Executive Director Charles Robbins has spent his career in non-profit management. From founding organizations to serving in

senior fundraising and development roles at some of the most prominent LGBTQ organizations in the country, Charles is a seasoned leader and passionate advocate. During his four-year tenure at The Trevor Project, the full-time staff has grown from five to 24 and the annual budget has quadrupled to $4 million. Charles is a member of the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention, the National Lifeline Suicide Prevention Consumer/Survivor Subcommittee, the Suicide Prevention Plan Advisory Committee for the California Department of Mental Health, and the California LGBT Health Network. His professional experience includes serving as development director for the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, various senior fundraising roles at GLAAD and founding Project Angel Heart, a Denver-based nonprofit. A Colorado native, Charles holds a

certificate in non-profit administration from the University of Colorado, Denver, and is a Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) by the Association of Fundraising Professionals. When he’s not leading the Trevor staff, you’ll find Charles spending time with his husband, Damon, in Los Angeles or Palm Springs.

South Florida Gay News Norm Kent, Publisher Media Star of the Year The successor to Express Gay News, SFGN was inaugurated in January of 2010, designed to be a progressive, credible, newsworthy LGBT newspaper for South Florida, illuminating the lives, breadth and dimensions of the LGBT community. SFGN prides itself on reporting openly and honestly on the community’s wins as well as its wounds, its accomplishments as well as its failures. Its publisher, Norm Kent, is a constitutional rights and criminal defense attorney who has been practicing law in South Florida for over 30 years. Formerly the morning drive radio talk show host for WFTL 850 AM, Kent has served on the Board of Directors of local AIDS agencies, the American Civil Liberties Union, and the National Organization for Reform of Marijuana Laws. “Our management and staff appreciate the acknowledgement that this award embraces,” said Kent in response to being chosen the Media Star of the Year. “However, for a free community print newspaper to survive in the 21st century, even one with a niche as clearly defined as our own, the very people here giving us this award also have to support our efforts and energies with an ongoing financial commitment in advertising, determining for yourselves if you want the history of the LGBT community written by guides showing shirtless men holding up cocktails or fact-driven newspapers which chronicle our lives. The future and that choice, is ours to make.”

U.S. Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and U.S. Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz Public Official Stars of the Year Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen represents Florida’s 18th Congressional District, a diverse area which includes Miami, Little Havana, Coral Gables, Pinecrest, Miami Beach, Westchester and the Florida Keys. Ros-



Stars of the Rainbow 2011 Lehtinen was born in Havana, has fought for equality Cuba and at the age of eight, for all of Florida’s famher family was forced to flee ilies — from full marthe oppressive communist riage equality to regime of Fidel Castro where repealing Florida’s the family settled in Miami. painful ban that proIn 1982, she was elected to hibits loving gay and the Florida State House of lesbian parents from Representatives and the adopting children. Florida Senate in 1986, becomJust a few months ing the first Hispanic woman to ago Rep. Wasserman serve in either body and was Schultz voted in favor elected to the U.S. House of of repealing the disRepresentatives in 1989 — the criminatory “Don’t first Hispanic woman to serve Ask, Don’t Tell” policy in Congress. that prevents gay men She has been a long-time U.S. Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and lesbians from servsupporter of policies that help end discrimina- ing openly in the armed forces. She also suption and violence against individuals as a ports the Obama Administrations recent deciresult of their sexual orientation or gender sion to stop defending the unconstitutional identity expression. ‘Defense of Marriage Act’ (DOMA) in federal She was a founding member of the House court. While making strong Congressional LGBT Equality Caucus. The progress toward equality, Caucus works toward the extension of equal Rep. Wasserman Schultz rights, the repeal of discriminatory laws, the knows we have a long way elimination of hate-motivated violence, and to go to achieve true equal the improved health and well being for all opportunity for LGBT regardless of sexual orientation or gender Americans who still face identity expression. She fought tirelessly to undue prejudice and treatrepeal the oppressive “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” ment. policy of the military. She cosponsored the “I am humbled to receive Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Extension Act this honor from the Pride and to provide assistance to state and local Center,” said Rep. Debbie law enforcement agencies to facilitate the Wasserman Schultz. “As investigation and prosecution of violent, bias- your representative in motivated crimes among other pro equal Washington, I promise to rights legislation. continue my fight for equaliFor more than eighteen years, Debbie ty and justice so that we Wasserman Schultz has dedicated her public may all live, love and prosper Arther B. Smith life to working on behalf of the people of in a more perfect union.” South Florida. On January 4, 2005, she was sworn in as a member of the United States House of Representatives representing Arthur B. Smith Florida’s 20th Tyler Healis Congressional District Sustainability Award which includes portions of Miami Beach, Arthur Smith moved to Hollywood, Fort South Florida in 1987. Lauderdale and west Already a successful lawyer to Sunrise. As in Massachusetts, Smith Founding Vice-Chair decided he would sell his of the House LGBT house up north, close his law Caucus, Rep. offices and relocate to South Wasserman Schultz Florida where he specializes has consistently voted in real estate development, to expand civil rights estate planning and corpofor the LGBT commurate law. Over the years, nity by ensuring fedSmith represented many eral protection from estates which have conhate-motivated viotributed to the Pride Center lence and by providat Equality Park. He also reping remedies for resented the John C. Graves unfair discrimination U.S. Representative estate which oversaw the in the workplace. She Debbie Wasserman Schultz

creation of the John C. Graves Charitable Fund at the Community Foundation of Broward, from which the Pride Center has received sizeable grants. Mr. Smith represents the Gilbert Corwin estate which has bequested $350,000 to the Pride Center.

PALS Project Volunteers Volunteer Star of the Year For years, the PALS Project has provided local gay, bisexual and transgender-identified men with vital social support, accurate HIV information and effective tools to lead safer, richer lives. Two of the guiding principles in the PALS Project are to “give back” and to use “peer support”. Non-paid staff (volunteers) are graduates of the PALS programs and who come back to work in partnership with paid staff in almost all aspects of initiatives. Volunteer serve as: (1) peer facilitators in programs, small groups and individual coaching sessions; (2) peer educators in community workshops; (3) quality assurance/improvement evaluators; (4) customer relations specialists; (5) activity/event planners; and (6) care team associates to help participants with special needs. PALS volunteers provide the Center and the community literally with thousands of hours of service each year. In addition, PALS volunteers spearheaded the Pride Center’s participation in 2010 Florida AIDS Walk, raising over $23,000 for HIV/AIDS services at the Will Spencer

Center. “I received so much from the LIFE program that I became passionate about giving back and helping my brothers who are HIV-positive,” says Will Cudequest, one PALS volunteer. “But what really happened is that I got even much more back when I volunteered! Thank you so much -- my life has changed!” “Without the daily service, energy and dedication of volunteers, the PALS Project as we know it wouldn’t exist. Period,” says Kristofer Fegenbush, Deputy Director of the Center. “I’m inspired, humbled and challenged by how they impact the lives of so many people in our community — regardless of health status, age, race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or income — including mine.”

Will Spencer Alan Schubert Humanitarian Award Will Spencer moved from New England to Fort Lauderdale over 23 years ago. He’s an avid tennis fan, is openly gay and HIV positive who has lived without traditional medications for over 17 years – he is also a major advocate for complementary therapies. For the bulk of the last 15 years, Spencer has been a full time volunteer for many different charitable organizations. He currently or has sat on the board of directors for the Broward County HIV Health Services Planning Council, CAMP4Health, Kids in Distress, Children’s’ Diagnostic and Treatment Center, Dublin School (Dublin, NH), Gay and Lesbian Fund, Broward AIDS Partnership and is a lifetime member of Leadership Broward. Spencer is also a Pride Center Founders Circle member, supporter of the Transformers and Sunflower Circle of Friends, Broward House Spirit of Hope Society recipient, a member of the Legacy Society and the list goes on and on. “Being honored is always a double-edged experience,” said Spencer upon hearing that he is receiving a Stars of the Rainbow Award this year. “On one hand it is especially nice to be recognized for doing what I can. On the other, Cleve Jones (founder of The Quilt and visionary pioneer for the LGBT movement) once wisely pointed out that, ‘It feels a bit as if I am a fraud, not worthy. I get so much more in return than I could ever fully express with words.’”



Black Gay Pride at The Pride Center The Pride Center at Equality Park Sponsored the 12 Annual Black Gay Pride South Florida Celebration, a weekend celebrated through the performing, visual and cinematic arts. The opening evening was capped off with a proclamation declaring February 26th Black Gay Pride Day in the city of Wilton Manors by Commissioner Julie Carson.

Kwanzaa at the Pride Center The Health and Community Services Programs in collaboration with Black Gay Pride South Florida hosted a very well attended celebration of unity, art, culture and community for Kwanzaa. The African-American community was encouraged to know their HIV/AIDS status and invited to make the Pride Center at Equality Park their resource for counseling, testing, and referrals.

First Latino Summit Winter Wonderland Party PALS volunteers organized a very successful Winter Wonderland party for graduates, friends, family members and community supporters of the LIFE Program. Over 100 people attended this reunion event. Sponsors included Panache Style, Stork’s Bakery, Mama’s Cakes, To The Moon, Java Boys and Andrews Diner.

Photographers: Steven Shires, Bob Risse, Mauricio Ferrer, Peter Giraldo, Alex Quintero and Vicki Hartsough

The Pride Center hosted the first Latino HIV/AIDS Leadership Summit. More than 180 community leaders discussed how to mobilize within the Latino community. The Summit was organized by a partnership between Latinos en Acción of Broward County, the Florida Latino HIV/AIDS Advisory Group, and the Florida Department of Health Statewide Latino AIDS Coordinator with the capacity building assistance program at the Latino Commission on AIDS. Participants shared experiences in community mobilization and practiced in action planning workgroups.



Founders Reception at Hyatt Regency Pier Top Monthly cocktail reception for major financial supporters of the Center. Sponsors for Stars of the Rainbow enjoyed a martini tasting before the event. Have you considered becoming a Founders Circle member?

Seniors Exercise Classes Enhanced Fitness focuses on physical activity and is designed to help older adults at all levels of fitness to become more active, energized and empowered to live independent lives. The Enhanced Fitness program at the Pride Center draws over 30 seniors per class. The Center offers six classes per week.

Coffee and Conversation “Coffee and Conversation” is just one component of the Pride Center’s senior programming. Over 60 LGBTQ seniors meet weekly for conversation, food, programs and friendship. The senior group gathers in numbers exceeding 120 for special holidays.

Flea Market The Pride Center continues to provide a busy, popular flea market the first Saturday of every month on the Equality Park campus in Wilton Manors. Over 100 vendors offer crafts, plants, furniture, antiques and clothing. All proceeds support the mission-driven work of the Center. Come visit!

Safe Schools Bullying Training To address the total health and well-being of LGBT youth in the wake of a number of LBGT youth suicides, the Health and Community Services Programs partnered with Safe Schools South Florida to train, equip and empower educators to help keep LGBT youth safe in our schools.

Founders Reception at Allied Kitchen and Bath

Monthly cocktail reception for major financial supporters of the Center. Guests were encouraged to bring a toy for disadvantaged children. The funds donated by Founders Circle members underwrite vital programs and services to the community. Photographers: Steven Shires, Bob Risse, Mauricio Ferrer, Peter Giraldo, Alex Quintero and Vicki Hartsough



Calendar of events Saturday, March 19 Womenʼs Symposium at the Pride Center Workshops on sexual health, families, adoption, finance, youth/bullying and more. Generational Round Table Discussion. Networking and more. Contact Linda Jain at for more information. 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Pride Center

Sunday, March 20 Florida AIDS Walk All proceeds raised specifically by the Pride Center team return to the Center for use in vital HIV/AIDS programs and services. To learn more, contact Kristofer Fegenbush at, 9:00 a.m. Huizenga Park, Downtown Fort Lauderdale

Wednesday, March 23 “Happy Hiney Health” Community Event A community educational dinner about menʼs anal health. RSVP at (954) 463-9005, 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. at the Pride Center

Wednesday, March 23 Bullied

(BSOʼs Anti Bullying Initiative Film Presentation) Cocktails, movie premier and panel discussion about the film “Bullying.” Admission is $100. All proceeds benefit the Vision 2015 Campaign for the Pride Center. Contact Jason Burns at for more details., 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. at Cinema Paradiso

Saturday, March 26 Womynʼs Spirituality Conference

Thursday, May 5 May Founders Circle Reception

A free day-long conference on spirituality. For more information contact Bishop S.F. Makalani-Mahee at smakalanimahee@PrideCenterFlorida.or g, 10 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Pride Center

Monthly cocktail reception for major donors and potential new donors. To learn more about becoming a Founders Circle member, please contact Jason Burns at, 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at B Ocean Hotel

Saturday, March 26 SheFest A free womynʼs music festival. For more info contact Bishop S.F. Makalani-Mahee at smakalanimahee@PrideCenterFlorida.or g, 7:00 to 9:30 p.m. at the Pride Center

Saturday, April 2 Pride Center Flea Market 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (1st Saturday of every month)

Sunday, April 3 STARS of the Rainbow Annual fundraising gala honoring community stars. Tickets are $150 per person, include hors dʼoeuvres, open bar and entertainment. Visit for more information and tickets. Proceeds benefit Pride Center programs and services. 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. at the Hyatt Regency Pier 66 Hotel Crystal Ballroom

Saturday, April 9 Gay BINGO 7:00 to 10:30 p.m. at the Pride Center (2nd Sat. of every month)

Groups at Pride Center WEEKLY RECURRING MEETINGS AA – Attitude Adjustment Group, Recovery, Mon-Fri, 7-8a AA – Candlelight Meditation Group, Recovery, Tues, 8:309:30p AA – Each Day a New Beginning, Recovery, Daily, 910a AA – Northeast Group, Recovery, Mon, 8:30-9:30p AA – Sober, Proud and Gay, Recovery, Fri, 8:30-10p AA – Pride 5:45 Meeting, Recovery, Daily, 5:45-6:45p Assertiveness Skills, Trng/SunServe, Educational, Mon, 5:30-6:30p Coffee and Conversation – SAC, Social/Seniors, Tues, 10:30a-12noon Double Winners, Support, Wed, 5:45-6:45p Games Day, Social, 2nd & 4th Tues, 1-4p Gay Bridge Club, Fun, Mon & Fri, 1-4p Gay Catholics Group, Spiritual, Tues, 7:30-9:30p Gay Hearts, Social, Sun, 13:30p Man2Man Talk, Social, Mon, 78:30p Mindfulness Skills Training, SunServe/Educational, Tues, 56p Monday Night Women's Group, Social, Mon, 7:30-9p Narcotics Anonymous Rainbow Group, Recovery, Wed, 8-9p New Path Narcotics Anonymous Group, Recovery, Mon/Tue/Thu, 7-8p New Path Narcotics Anonymous Group, Recovery, Sat/Sun, 4-5p

Saturday, May 7 Pride Center Flea Market 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (1st Saturday of every month)

Saturday, May 14 Gay BINGO 7:00 to 10:30 p.m. at the Pride Center (2nd Saturday of every month)

And Donʼt Forget: FREE Confidential Rapid HIV Testing at the Pride Center, every weekday from 10 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. and weekends from 12:00 noon to 4:30 p.m.

Seniors Coffee and Conversation every Tuesday at the Pride Center, 10:30 a.m. to 12 noon.

Seniorsʼ Game Afternoon or Speakersʼ Series, every Tuesday, 1 to 3 p.m.

For further information call Linda Jain at 954-463-9005. Visit Calendar of Events for meeting room assignments.

Overeaters Anonymous, Recovery, Sun, 12n-1:30p Overeaters Anonymous, Recovery, Fri, 7:30-9p POZ Attitudes Here and Now, HIV Support, Wed, 7-9p Positive Connections, HIV Support, Tue, 6:30-8:00p SAGE Menʼs Social, Social/Seniors, Wed, 1-3p Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous (SLAA), Recovery, Fri, 7-8p Senior Exercise Class Health, Senior, Mon/Wed/Fri, 10:15-11:15a Senior Exercise Class Health, Senior, Mon/Wed/Fri, 11:15a-12:15p Senior Gay Menʼs Support Group, Support, Mon, 11a-12n Smart Recovery, Recovery, Thur, 6:30-8p Toastmasters, Educational, Mon, 7:15-9:15p Women 4 Women, SunServe/Support, Wed, 5:457:15p Women's Non-Competitive Basketball, Social, Sat, 3-5p Young Adult Group, (23-35 yoa), Support, Thur, 8:30-9:45p Youth Group (Social 12-17/1823 yoa), at SunServe, Tue, 7:30-9:30p BI-WEEKLY RECURRING MEETINGS Ballet & Opera Group, Educational, 2nd & 4th Sunday, 1-4p Bereavement Group, Support, 2nd & 4th Sunday, 2-4p Bisexual Connections, Support, 1st & 3rd Wed, 7:30-9:30p Broward Anti War Coalition, Support, 1st & 3rd Wed, 7:30-

9:30p Lovers & Friends, Closed, 2nd & 4th Sun, 1-4p Medicine Signs Meditation Group, Spiritual, 1st/3rd/5th Thurs, 7-9p POZ Long-Term Survivor, Gay Men/HIV Support, 1st & 3rd Thur, 6:30-8p Senior Games Day, Social, 2nd & 4th Tue, 1-4p Spirituality Think Tank, Spiritual, 2nd & 4th Thurs, 7-8p MONTHLY RECURRING MEETINGS/EVENTS AVER (American Veterans for Equal Rights), Open to all Vets, 2nd Tues, 7:30-9p Big Menʼs Club: Chubbies & Chasers, Social, 3rd Sat, 1-4p Pride Center BINGO, Open to Public, 2nd Sat, 7-10p Dolphin Democrats, Mthly Meeting, 2nd Wed, 7:30-9:30p Lavender Speaks, Social, 3rd Thurs, 7:30-10p Pride Center Memorial Garden Club, Educational, 3rd Wed, 79p Pride Center Flea Market, Open to Public, 1st Sat, 8a-2p Primetimers, Open to Public, 1st Sun, 2-4:30p SAGE Computer Club, Educational, 2nd Wed, 4-6p SAGE Movie Movie, Social, 3rd Mon, 4-6p S. F. Rainbow Alliance of the Deaf, Support, 1st Sun, 2:303:30p TERI Mthly Meeting, 3rd Mon, 6:30-8p Transgender Support Group, Support, 3rd Fri, 7-8:30p Women in Network, Social, 1st Wed, 7-9p



HIV Counseling and Testing Expands Off-Site Services Pride Center Testing Adds Locations Throughout Broward County Recently, Pride Center Testing (PCT) began off-site HIV counseling and testing in several new locations throughout South Florida. The Club Fort Lauderdale, a local private gentleman’s club, welcomed PCT to provide testing services on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8 p.m. to 12 midnight and at the popular Sunday poolside barbeque from 12 noon to 5 p.m. PCT added three private testing sites through Broward Addiction and Recovery Centers in Coral Springs and Fort Lauderdale. The Pride Center now also provides weekly testing at Ana G. Mendez University in Miramar on Fridays from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and provides testing at Florida Atlantic University health fairs and other local events. “We’re excited about these expansion opportunities,” says Listron “Blue” Mannix, Minority Testing Initiative Manager for the Pride Center. “As we further develop our relationship with the communities we serve, Pride Center Testing will flourish. We continue to encourage the community to seek testing. We commit to providing timely results and offering thoughtful, compassionate counseling. We continue our role in the overall strategy to fight HIV/AIDS in our communities.” In 2008, the Center began off-site testing — in addition to its popular on-site Rapid HIV Testing — at the Cooperative Feeding Program, a local homeless shelter. The Center continues to test there every Monday and Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The Center also began testing at the Black Banana Night Club in 2008. Since then, PCT has been involved in testing at community events, health fairs and other organizational locations. “Over the years, we’ve developed a good

Transgender Medical Symposium Attracts Crowd Over 80 Professionals Attend First-Ever Education Event at the Center

Listron “Blue” Mannix

reputation and relationship both with the Florida Department of Health (DOH) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) allowing us to become a leading provider of HIV testing, counseling, referral and linkage to care in the community,” says Mannix. “We’ve been doing this well for over 15 years.” At the Equality Park campus on Dixie Highway in Wilton Manors, the Pride Center’s free Confidential Rapid HIV Testing hours for walk-ins are Monday to Friday 10:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday from 12:00 noon to 4:30 p.m. For additional information, please email or call (954) 566-3553.

“Bullied” premier to benefit Capital Campaign The South Florida premier of the powerful movie “Bullied” will benefit the Pride Center’s Vision 2015 campaign. Cocktails and a panel discussion will accompany the event on Wednesday, March 23 from 6 to 9 pm at Cinema Paradiso. “Bullied” chronicles the story of Jamie Nabozny, a student from Ashland, Wisconsin who stood up to his anti-gay tormentors with a federal lawsuit. The suit led to a landmark decision that held school officials accountable. Despite that ruling, antiLGBTQ bullying continues to be a severe

problem. Today more than 80 percent of LGBTQ students report being harassed at school. Schools across the country still are unwilling or afraid to openly address anti-gay bullying. The panel discussion after the movie will feature the Southern Poverty Law Center, Sheriff Al Lamberti and Paul Hyman from the Pride Center. Admission is a $100 tax-deductible donation. For more information contact Jason Burns at (954) 463-9005 or

Last month, the Pride Center hosted Broward County’s first Transgender Medical Conference. Over 80 medical and clinical professionals participated actively in the day’s activities. “For those in our community that identify as transgender, there are significant challenges accessing culturally competent medical and clinical services,” says Linda Jain, Program Operations Manager at the Center. “This conference represented one step towards addressing those challenges.” The Symposium aimed to educate the medical and clinical communities about the unique care required for this medically underserved community. “Injustice at Every Turn: A Report of the National Transgender Discrimination Survey” states that 50% of the respondents reported having to teach their medical providers about transgender care and 28% postponed care

when sick or injured due to discrimination. The Pride Center collaborated with the Broward County Health Department, SunServe and the Florida Caribbean AIDS Education and Training Center to plan and execute the successful event. Speakers included: Marilyn Volker, Ph.D., a Board Certified Sexologist; JoAnne Keatley, MSW, Director for Transgender Health at the University of California; James Lopresti, PH.D., L.M.H.C, founding Director for Mental Health Services for SunServe; and M. Layne Yassesn, PA, specializing in Psychiatry, Neurology and Transgender Medicine. “The positive feedback we’ve received since hosting the Symposium has been overwhelming,” says Jain. “The collaborative energies of so many groups will enable us to expand this event in the future.”

Activities Abound to Celebrate Women’s History Month The Pride Center is proud to sponsor and host several exciting events in celebration of Women’s History Month. “This is an historic month at the Pride Center for women,” says Donna Woessner, Women and Senior Service Coordinator at The Pride Center. “We are thrilled to be offering a wide range of events in celebration of Women’s History Month.” Women's History Month is an annual declared month worldwide that highlights contributions of women to events in history and contemporary society. The National Women’s History Project has named this year’s Women’s History Month 2011 - Our History is Our Strength. In honor of this theme, the women at the Pride Center and throughout the community have organized events that will highlight some of our history throughout the decades. For Women Only: Spaces, Organizations, Events and Publications Created by and for Women – A 13-panel retrospective provided by Stonewall Library and Archives. This exhibit explores the history and implications of some of these special spaces for women. Installation - Friday, March 18, Will displayed for the rest of the month of March.

Simply … Woman: A Symposium – A free day-long event featuring plenary sessions about the state of LGBT rights in Florida and nationally, a generational round table, breakout groups, networking and more. Breakfast and lunch will be offered. Saturday, March 19, 2011, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. “Naked with Fruit”, by Meryl Cohen – A Lesbian play reading presented by the Women’s Theatre Project, Saturday, March 19, 2011, 8- 9 p.m., Tickets $10. Speak Fire:Womyn’s Spirituality Conference – A free event that brings together spiritual leaders in the women’s community to empower them to reconnect with the spirit and truth inside. Saturday, March 26, 2011, 12noon – 6 p.m. South Florida Womyn’s Music Fest – A free event that features the best of South Florida’s independent music scene. Saturday, March 26, 2011, 7 – 9 p.m. The Pride Center’s S.F. Makalani-Mahee states, “These events are designed to encourage women to speak and sing in their own unique voice.” For more information about the Pride Center or this event, please contact Linda Jain, Program Operations Manager or Donna Woessner, Women and Senior Services Coordinator at (954) 463-9005.



The Pride Center Welcomes Two New Members to the Leadership Team The Pride Center is proud to introduce new leadership team members and structure for 2011 By PAUL HYMAN

Lea Krauss

Returning Board members Richard Stoll and David Feinberg have assumed officer roles on the Board. Richard began his term as Board President in January and David serves as the new Board Secretary. As the Board grows, the Center is supported by their solid leadership. Kristofer Fegenbush has served as PALS Project Manager at the Center for the last five years. In January 2011, he began his new role as the Center’s Deputy Director. Kristofer’s established record as a seasoned manager and strong leader, renders him a well-prepared candidate to oversee the Center’s programs and operations. Newly appointed Board member, Lea Krauss -- originally from Long Island, NY, has resided in Greater Fort Lauderdale since 2000. Lea is also a Director of the Gay & Lesbian Lawyer’s Network of Broward County, has her own Criminal Law Firm in Fort Lauderdale and is a former

Broward County prosecutor. Ms. Krauss focuses her law practice in the areas of general criminal defense, domestic violence restraining orders and traffic ticket defense. Ms. Krauss resides in Fort Lauderdale and enjoys the companionship of her long-term partner and their two dogs. The Center also welcomes Jason Burns to the new Major Gifts Officer role at the Center. Jason comes to the Pride Center with a strong work history, most recently as a member of the Development Team at United Way of Broward County. With significant experience in local community involvement and political activism, Jason was a police officer for more than four years until an injury on the job introduced the need for career change. In his role as Major Gifts Officer, Jason’s primary focus will be on both Founders Circle membership development and on the Center’s Vision 2015 Capital Campaign, as well as related corporate and foundation sponsorships. Jason looks forward to blending his passion for his career with achieving ever increasing fiscal sustainability at The Pride Center.

Jason Burns

LBT Women Art Expressions

The works of 10 local women who served an important role in the artistic community were featured at The LBT Women Art Expressions Gallery Opening and Reception. The collection was as eclectic and unique as each of the women who shared a part of herself with every creation.

World AIDS Day

Inspired by Annie Lennox’s campaign, Pride Center volunteers spearheaded an effort to provide t-shirts proclaiming “HIV Positive” for World AIDS Day. Regardless of health status, gender, sexual orientation, race or culture, Pride Center staff, volunteers and friends walked in solidarity through Wilton Manors. On this day, all embraced a positive mindset to combat stigma and advocate for vital services for people living with HIV/AIDS. Photographers: Vicki Hartsough and Bob Risse


Below see some of our Business Founders. For a full list of our Business Founders, please see page 12. We will highlight additional valuable supporters in our next newsletter. To become a business founder contact Jason Burns:

















954-463-9005 ext. 104



Elton John AIDS Foundation Funds New Pride Center Program $75,000 Will Enable the PALS Project to Expand its Health and Prevention Services

Drop in “Living Room” space partially funded by the Elton John AIDS Foundation grant encourages positive social support

The Pride Center’s well-known PALS (Positive Action for Living Safely) Project recently received a $75,000 grant from the Elton John AIDS Foundation. The newly funded “LIFE Goes On” program will allow PALS to upgrade its service to the community through peer education, wellness seminars, provider training and a drop-in space. “This grant allows PALS to expand health and prevention work not only to men who are

living with HIV but also to those in the community who are at risk for HIV,” says Frank Gurucharri, PALS Project Manager. “This is a natural evolution of our ongoing LIFE Program.” New education and coaching opportunities will allow community members to develop behavioral health skills to enhance and protect their health and the health of their partners.

The PALS Project currently offers health education, wellness empowerment, riskreduction counseling, service linkage, and emotional and practical support to the nearly 9,500 gay and bisexual men living with HIV in Broward County. PALS also offers two well known workshops: the five-week CHOICES program and the 17-week LIFE Program. PALS helps men lead safer, richer lives. “For the last five years, the impressive performance of PALS Project staff and volunteers has allowed the Center to impact the lives and health of local gay, bisexual and transgender-identified men,” says Kristofer Fegenbush, Deputy Director of the Pride Center. “The expanding role of our Center as a hub of gay culture and advocate for HIV education, prevention and wellness support uniquely positions us to be highly successful in our collaboration with the Elton John AIDS Foundation.” The new LIFE Goes On program will fund six areas of service. First, a wellness series of community presentations begins next week with a “Happy Hiney Health” dinner seminar. Second, PALS will develop PALS Peer Partners, a certification course and ongoing professional development coaching for volunteer peer educators. Third, the program will provide several peer-led community presentations on HIV, stigma and identify, including narratives

from individuals living with HIV. Fourth, LIFE Goes On will provide HIV self-management educational seminars for community based providers. Fifth, the program will offer oneday self management workshops for people newly diagnosed with HIV/AIDS. Finally, the grant has allowed the establishment of a functioning “Living Room” drop-in space on the Equality Park campus. This safe space will encourage positive social support with community resource information, HIV/STI testing and intervention referrals, and linkages to health resources. “Now PALS expands its peer power even more,” says Ralph Caraglia, longtime peer educator and volunteer. “This allows PALS volunteers greater opportunities to ‘give back’ by preventing HIV and improving the health of our communities.” Broward County, according to the latest (2006-08) epidemiological reports by the Florida Department of Health, has the highest rate of all HIV cases (59%) in the State. Annual participation in PALS programming has grown by more than 450% in the last three years, which includes helping the men already living with HIV in Broward County to enjoy healthier lives and to lower their risks of transmission. PALS’ LIFE and CHOICES programs are funded by the Florida Department of Health, Bureau of HIV/AIDS.

Founders and Business Founder Members Lifetime Bob and Hal BernierPeterson Alan Schubert Gill Corwin

Corporate Cornerstone & Platinum Level ($10,000 and above) Anonymous (2) Diplomat Pharmacy Embassy Suites Hotel – Fort Lauderdale HotSpots Magazine / Peter Clark James Laird Michael Trost Wachovia Wells Fargo Foundation 9

Diamond Level ($5,000 – $9,999)

A Celebration of Friends, Inc. DC Allen and Ken Flick Anonymous (1) Ron Ansin and Jim Stork Dolphin Democrats David McLaren Dale Russell and Jan Carpenter Richard Schwarz and Tom Massey S.MarkGraphics Arthur Smith, Esq. Slammer Florida Agenda Markʼs List Magazine Jim Stepp and Peter Zimmer Will Spencer/CAMP Inc.

Gold Level ($2,500 – $4,999) Agel Independent / Dave Litty

American Tax and Insurance / Al Cicotti and Kevin Palombo Ameriprise / Tracey Cramer Bayview Cadillac Ilene Berliner and Maura Lane Doug Candler City County Credit Union Ted Emery Edward Jones / Darcy Beeman Maria Kondracki and Jim Dwyer Forest Trace – Luxury Resort Adult Community Bill Greeves and Robert Hubbard The Kenneth S. Hollander Charitable Foundation George Kling Ellen Krider / RBC Wealth Management Law Offices of George Castrataro Nicole Mannarino and Lisanne Cattoretti Metro Media Works / Chris Caputo Robert Pavlick Pinnacle Constructors, LLC / Doug Tinklepaugh and James Rickard Herbert Reis and William Coffey Rosieʼs Bar and Grill Source Salon / Ronnie Pryor Robert Joshua / The Joshua Tree

Silver Level ($1,200 – $ 2,499) AIDS Healthcare Foundation Allied Kitchen & Bath

Paul Alpert Jorge Ajuria, MD Anonymous (2) Ron Ansin and Jim Stork Aseracare Home Health / MaryAnn Sannasardo, RN, BSN Atlantic Shores Hospital Bank United / Brenda Hartley Stephen Banigan and William Van Scoy Don Barlow Steve Barnard Bears of South Florida David Bebbington Steven and Thomas Begert-Clark Scott Bennett Fred Berger and Ken Merrifield Norman Berkowitz Best Buy Biztex Services, Inc. Boardwalk / Victor Zepka and Jim Kolkana John Bolton Robert Boo and Fabio Correia Brilliant Innovations / Rachel Haratz Bruce Borger Broward House BugJuice Media / Joanne Hayes Business & Professional Group – BPG Gerald Byers and Rudy Wengenroth James Burroughs Dave Charles Church of the Holy Spirit Song Alberto Colonia and George Hunker Crown Wine & Spirits Donald Croxton and Douglas Pew Mike Dager and Harvey

Shapiro Michael Dane c/o Senior Living Finders Dominick Destefano and Mark Freeman Stephen Driscoll and Robert Tocci Irwin Drucker Downtown Events Greg Dudzek and Jayant Goyle Chris Dunham / Dunham Insurance Services Eastside Property Management / Ed Nicholas and Chris Griswold Joshua Estrin and Luis Perez Jared Falek Brian Farley and Brian Alose Fast Printz Hal Feldberg Dennis Fitzkee and Bernie Langeluttig Freedom Travel / Richard Safaty Gables Wilton Park Apartments Ed Garcia Designs Gecko Plumbing, Inc. / Mase Varley Stephen Gerben and Robert Buckley James Gigliello Fred Goodyear Lawrence Gordon Mark Gordon and Aldo Buono Randy Grant and Bruno Trambusti Greenberg Traurig / Rose La Femina Jeff & Mei Sze Greene Foundation, Inc. Jeffrey Gross Marc Grossman David Guzman and

Justin Hilt Peter Hardy-Smith and Steven Devito Cal Harrison Tyler Healis Gerald S. Hirschtritt/Coldwell Banker Residential Real Estate Hans Hochkamp and Joseph DeBacco Paul Hyman and Bill Bracker James Jagielski Bret Johnson and Adelio Orlando Dr. Charmaine Johnson-Leong, DDS Jack Johnson and Charles Prather James A. Johnson Jean Johnson John Jovanovich and Paul Holoweski Mark Kasper Katz and Allen P.A. Former Broward County Mayor Ken Keechl and Ted Adcock Gary Kempler Mark Ketcham and Werner Lutz Kingʼs Cup / Will Mazza and Shawn McCormack KL Corning, Inc. / Lynn Corning Jeffrey Kramer Lea P. Krauss Esq Robert Kuhn and Steven Geyer Bruce Lane Law Office of Cal Steinmetz Law Office Of Gregory W. Kabel Chuck Loring Steven C. Lowensten Five Dollar Fund of the Community Foundation of Broward

John Leyden and Tom Valentine Donald Lucas Norton C. Lyman and Kimeo Sato Lyons, Snyder & Collin, P.A. Ken Kalenderian Marriott Harbor Beach Resort & Spa Carmine Martorilli and Robert Poster Edwin Mayer and Didier Moritz David McConnell Joe McConnell Kent McIntyre and John Tambasco W. Lynn McLaughlin and David Webb Rev. Thomas Millner and Raymond Garassino Anthony Molluso and Bill Volbrecht David Moon and Eugene Smith Greg Moore and Allan Barsky Natura Dermatology / Dr. Will Richardson Richard Nolan and Robert Pingpank Northern Trust Bank David Feinberg and Jeff Maisonette Daniel J. OʼFlaherty and Mario Flores Joe Pallant and Danny Selvin Cliff Pettit and Chip

Matza Pierce Aire, Inc. / Jim Pierce Planet Press Copy This Michael Preihs and Khoi Luong Premier Event Staffing Bruce Presley and Chris Hedlund Pride Institute Fort Lauderdale John Ramos Regions Bank Eric Reivik and Andy Harrison/PC Lauderdale – Renewed Dr. Gary Richmond and Vernon Appelby Donn Rubin and Steve Harmon Lee Rubin Runyan Law Firm, P.A. Neelie Sacharow Richard Sargent and Peter Genovese, MD Russell Sassani MD and Michael Schneider / Take Shape Plastic Surgery PA Jack Schlossberg Ted Schultz Dr. Mark Schweizer and Robert Voelker Steve Shires Photography Jeffrey and Belinda Shover Tim Singer and Richard Cascarelli Solutions Insurance

Services / Greg Hardy and Rick Soloway Dave Starkey and Arianto Sumargo Sterling Tax and Accounting Services Richard Stoll, Esq. Terry Stone and Mike Bush Dave Stubbins TD Bank Ken Tewel and Ron Duran William Thornton and Adam Kratochwill Anthony Timiraos and Arthur Crispino Tower Entertainment / Steven James Don Tsang and Howard Elfman Mark Turner and Chuck Nicholls Ultimate Smile Dental / Dr. J. Michael Heider and Thom Carr Carlos Perez Varela The Peninsula Assisted Living Fred Wahl Charles Walker Rodney White and Michael Williams Sumner T. White Cole Wolford, MD and Steven Schmidt Justin Yovino, MD / Sunrise Intracoastal Plastic Surgery Center Bob Young

Join the Pride Center Founderʼs Circle! Support the programs and services of the Pride Center. For more information, please contact Major Gifts Officer

Jason Burns:

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