Florida Creative Living Magazine

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March - April 2012

Florida Creative Living | For All Ages!


Creative Living Florida

March - April 2012 4th ISSUE



38 24 Front Cover Topics


13-14 Be A Green Kid : Enjoying Earth

24-25 Power or Hype? : Energy Drinks and Food Bars

49 4

For All Ages! |

Florida Creative Living


Featured Business : Backyard Getaway


St. Patrick’s Day : Lots of Green


Is Your Body Starving for Oxygen? : Breathing Techniques by Divine Wellness

In Every Issue

Artist Corner Artwork created by artist - pgs 54-55 Band Directory List of Florida Bands - pg 55 Business Directory List of Florida Businesses - pg 56 Chef’s Delight Low-fat, Gluten Free, Diabetic, easy to make friendly recipes - pgs 57 Community Spotlight Florida businesses news - pg 57 Va Memoirs Featured stories of Veterans - pg 65

March - April 2012

March - April 2012

Florida Creative Living | For All Ages!


Kids & Teens March - April 2012 4th ISSUE



News How to Pick a Great Book to Read The World Is Full of Good Books | pg 12

Sports Getting Muscles Should You Pump Iron? | pgs 25-26

Be a Green Kid Enjoy Earth | pgs 13-14

Techno & Science Candy Experiments Science Fair Project Ideas | pgs 26-27

Getting Along With Brothers and Sisters Dealing With Feelings | pgs 15-16 Love and Romance Why Do We Fall in Love? | pgs 16-19 Someone is Spreading Rumors About Me What Can I Do? | pgs 19-20 Healthy Habits Dealing With Addiction Signs of Addiction | pgs 20-22 Motivation and the Power of Not Giving Up Getting Motivated | pgs 22-24 Power or Hype? Energy Drinks and Food Bars | pgs 24-25


For All Ages! |

Florida Creative Living

March - April 2012


Step Into Your Brain An American Museum of Natural History Exhibit | pgs 27-28 Staying Safe Use Your Head | pgs 29-30 Doodle Corner Word Ladder, Connect-The-Dots, and More... Activity Center | pgs 30-33

March - April 2012

Florida Creative Living | For All Ages!


Adult Living March - April 2012





News Backyard Getaway Your Complete Pond Source & More! | pg 37

Health Is Your Body Starving for Oxygen? Breathing Techniques by Divine Wellness | pg 49

Wizzle Workz Creating an Artist Life | pg 38

The Most Serious Health Concerns for Women What You Can Do | pgs 50-51

Tried In The Furnace of Affliction The Will to Survive | pgs 39-40 “Can I Save the World?” Easy Solutions to Global Warming at our Fingertips| pgs 41-43

Sports Women and Golf TIps for Women Golfers| pg 51 Crossword & Sudoku Fun Time for a Break! | pgs 52-53

Home St. Patrick’s Day Lots of Green | pgs 43,45

Technology Technology of Tomorrow | pgs 59-60

When Bad Things Happen to Good People Advice to Get Through the Tough Times | pgs 45-46

Entertainment Comedian Louis Martin Port Saint Luice, Florida| pgs 62-63

The New Classiest Trend in Dog Housing For Dog Lovers | pg 47 Tips for Green Living in the Home Making Sustainable Choices| pg 48


For All Ages! |

Florida Creative Living

March - April 2012

VA Memoirs Politics VS The Veteran Help Those That Served Our Country | pg 65

March - April 2012

Florida Creative Living | For All Ages!


Creative Living Florida



pringtime is in the air in the state of Florida with its glorious weather and plethora of green spaces. It is hard to imagine a better place to enjoy blossoming trees. This time of year is when I love to plant flowers in the garden, and see them grow from a bulb into an exquisite flower.

Would you like to enjoy a beautifully landscape backyard to enjoy this spring? Let Backyard Getaway help you set up that backyard that you have been yearning for. View page 37 to learn more. Are you having a hard time relaxing with the everyday stress of life? Did you know that you maybe lacking oxygen to your brain? Let Divine Wellness help show you ways to improve your mind, body, and spirt visit page 49. We at Florida Creative Living wish all our readers a Happy St. Patrick’s Day, and a Joyous Easter!

Susan Gulash | susan@floridacreativeliving.com Florida Creative Living is a full-size, full-color, bi-monthly, online interactive magazine published six times a year by Gulash Graphics. It is distributed free of charge and no content is allowed to be reproduced in whole or part without written permission from Florida Creative Living. This publication is not responsible for statements made by advertisers or writers and is not necessarily the opinion of Florida Creative Living. Typographical errors, and the accuracy of information supplied by advertisers, or the action of the advertisers are not the publication and its publisher responsibility. Editorial submissions are welcome. Publisher reserves the right to reject or edit for length and clarity all submissions.

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Florida Creative Living

March - April 2012

s d i K &

s n e Te Section

Kids & Teens | NEWS

ld r o The w f o l l is fu s! k o o tb a e r g Reviewed by: Mary L. Gavin, MD

3. Find a family favorite. What was your


he world is full of great books, just waiting mother’s favorite book when she was your age? to be read. How can you pick one you’ll Or your dad’s? What about a sibling’s? Ask them and give it a read. Then you can talk about what really like? Here are some tips: they liked about it and share your thoughts. It’s a fun way to get to know your family a little better, 1. What makes you happy? If you have a favorite and to find a book you’ll enjoy! hobby or pastime, look for books about that activity. Are you really into dinosaurs or dogs or a specific 4. Ask an expert. Your local library is a great celebrity? Are there a few careers you’re interested place to find books that you’ll love, and you don’t in? You can find books about almost anything you have to search all by yourself. Tell a librarian like, and you’re more likely to enjoy reading a book about your interests — rock stars, sports teams, historical events, whatever you’re into — and if you’re already interested in its subject. the names of some books you already like. Your 2. Fact or fiction? Some books are entirely made librarian can help you find other books that you’re up and imagined. Those are called fiction books. sure to love. Your teacher is another good person Novels, short stories, and fables are all examples of to ask. fiction. These books can transport you to another world or help you imagine something beyond your 5. Launch a book swap. Why not get some friends together and trade favorite books? It’s own experience. always fun to see what your friends are reading. Nonfiction books give you the who, what, when, and Even if they’re not exactly bookworms, you can why. They tell stories using facts — but that doesn’t all encourage each other to read and share books mean they’re boring. Nonfiction books can bring and authors you like. You also can look for book to life everything from the first trip to the moon to swaps in your area. It’s a great way to build your what it’s like to explore the deepest oceans. Many of personal library for free! them read like novels from start to finish. Try both ©1995-2012. The Nemours Foundation/KidsHealth®. fiction and nonfiction books to see which you like Reprinted with permission better. 12

For All Ages! |

Florida Creative Living

March - April 2012

Be a

Green Kid

Kids & Teens | NEWS

Enjoy earth

Reviewed by: Mary L. Gavin, MD

hat does it mean to be green? “Green” is more than just a color. It also means taking special steps to protect the environment — the water, the land, and the air we breathe. Why green? Plants are green, and without them the Earth wouldn’t be such a lovely home for us human beings.


uses fuel to run the water heater that warmed up the water.

Here’s a list of other stuff you can reduce:

• Turn off lights you’re not using. Better yet, encourage your parents to switch to compact fluorescent light bulbs. They last longer and use less energy. They do need to be disposed Every day, people make choices that affect the of properly, though, so make sure your mom amount of trash and pollution that gets produced in or dad helps if one breaks. our world. What can you do? A whole lot, actually. Here’s a four-step guide to being green: • Turn off the water when you’re brushing your teeth. 1. Reduce the amount of stuff you use and throw away. • When you can, walk or ride your bike instead of driving in the car. You’ll use less gas — and 2. Reuse stuff when you can. get some exercise! 3. Recycle cans, bottles, paper, books, and even • Unplug the chargers for your phone and MP3 toys. player when you’re not using them. 4. Enjoy the Earth — walk in the woods, plant a tree, • Put your computer to “sleep” instead of leaving and eat some of the delicious food it produces. it on with the screensaver running.

Reduce It!

Reuse It!

When you use less of something, you do a good thing Sometimes people call ours a “throwaway for the Earth. For instance, a shorter shower means society.” That means that we’re a little too willing you used less water and less fuel since your house CONTINUE TO NEXT PAGE March - April 2012

Florida Creative Living | For All Ages!


even require it. Tell your mom or dad you want to become “Chief of Recycling” for your household. That means you’ll organize the recyclable items in bins, remember to put them on the curb on recycling day, and help remind others which items can be rinsed and recycled.

Kids & Teens | NEWS to throw away old stuff and buy new stuff. Many times, even if you no longer need something, someone else just might. For instance, if your baby brother outgrows his plastic basketball hoop, why not give it to another family who has a little kid? That’s one less plastic basketball set that they need to buy. It’s also one less large plastic toy that needs to be produced, packaged, and shipped to the toy store.

By separating plastic bottles, cans, bottles, and more, you’re reducing the amount of trash that goes to the landfill. What’s a landfill? A big mountain of trash, where all the trash trucks go to dump their loads. Recycled goods go instead to a recycling center, where they can be crushed, broken down, and later turned into new cans, bottles, and paper.

Here are some additional ways to reuse the stuff you have:

•Use rechargeable batteries for your handheld computer games, MP3 What else can be recycled? Sometimes water can be. For players, cell phones, and digital cameras. instance, some communities take used water — like from the washing machine and shower — and clean it up so it’s •Choose reusable travel cups instead of safe to use for watering the grass and flowers. disposable paper or plastic cups.

Enjoy It!

•Take your own bags — preferably It’s true that trash and pollution are problems, but the Earth reusable ones — when you go to the remains a huge and glorious place that’s ready for you to explore. You can start locally by visiting the naturally beautiful grocery store. spots in your city and state. Go for a hike, visit local nature •Drink tap water instead of buying bottled centers and gardens, climb up mountains, and explore lazy water. If you don’t like how your tap water creeks. tastes, a low-cost filtration system could make a difference. Get a reusable water Experience the outdoors in all sorts of weather — from a sunny day at the beach or lake to a wintry adventure when bottle so you can take it with you. it snows. And if you’re planning a family vacation, suggest •Organize a swap among your friends. a trip to a national treasure, such as the Grand Canyon, What can you swap? Books, toys, even Yellowstone Park, or Chincoteague Island to roam with the clothes. It’s a way for everyone to get wild ponies. something new without spending any money and without throwing a bunch of But before you travel the globe, take a look at your own stuff away. Set aside some items for your backyard. Is there a spot where you could plant a tree or put in a little fruit or vegetable garden? If so, get out there swap when you’re cleaning your room! and get your hands dirty. Then you can watch with pride as •Take paper from your computer printouts your tree takes root and your garden plants grow from sprigs and use the other side for more computer to big plants full of ripe, red tomatoes or tiny, succulent blueberries. Who knew being green would taste so good? printing or just to draw or doodle on.

Recycle It!

Recycling has never been easier. Many communities will pick it up right in front of your house and some towns


For All Ages! |

Florida Creative Living

©1995-2012. The Nemours Foundation/KidsHealth®. Reprinted with permission

March - April 2012

Kids & Teens | NEWS h t i w g n o l A g n i t t Ge Sisters

d n a s r e Broth

Dealing With Feelings Reviewed by: D’Arcy Lyness, PhD

n a house with more than one kid, there are bound to be some problems. Brothers and sisters borrow stuff, and don’t always return it in top condition. Younger kids sometimes feel like the older kids get to do whatever they want. Older brothers and sisters think that the baby of the family gets more attention. These are typical problems found throughout the ages, everywhere in the world.


When brothers and sisters don’t get along, it’s called sibling rivalry (say: sih-bling rye-vulree). A sibling is a brother or sister and rivalry means competition. It’s normal, but too much competition can make for an unhappy home life.

you working hard — like when you and your brother spend time shooting hoops. If he’s good at it, it may make you want to improve, too. But some sibling rivalry involves arguing, like when you think your brother is hogging the ball. People who love each other might argue sometimes, but too much fighting is unpleasant for everyone. Have you ever heard of the green-eyed monster called jealousy? Sometimes brothers and sisters are jealous of one another. For instance, if your sister always does well at school, it may be frustrating for you, especially if your grades are lower. Although you’re probably proud of your sibling or siblings, it’s normal to be a little jealous, too. It may make you feel better to focus more on doing your own personal best, rather than comparing yourself with a brother or sister. All kids want attention from their parents, but sometimes you need to take turns. If you’re feeling ignored or like your sibling is always in the spotlight, talk to your mom or dad. If a parent knows you’re feeling left out, together you can figure out ways to help you feel better again.

Don’t Lose Your Cool

Sometimes when you’re jealous and frustrated, it’s easy to lose your Let’s talk about getting along with temper. Try to follow these tips to avoid getting into a fight with your brothers and sisters. They’re not brother or sister: so bad, are they? •Take a deep breath and think a bit. Try to figure out if you are angry What Is Sibling Rivalry? with the person or just frustrated with the situation. A little competition isn’t a bad thing. Sometimes it can keep CONTINUE TO NEXT PAGE March - April 2012 Florida Creative Living | For All Ages!


them, they’ll be more likely to do it for you.

Kids & Teens | NEWS •Remind yourself that you have special talents. Your sister may have won an art contest, but you might be better at basketball, or math, or singing. Eight-year-old Marisa says her brother “always wins running races, but I always get gold stars for good homework grades and that makes me feel better.”

Hopefully, these tips will work. But if the situation gets out of control and you and your brother or sister start fighting a lot, you may need to talk to someone. Mean words can lead to hitting and physical fighting. If this is going on with you and your sibling, talk to a parent or another trusted adult.

Future Friends

It may be hard to believe now, but your brother or sister may turn out to be your best friend someday. Many brothers and sisters fight and compete with each other while growing up but become very close when they get older. As you grow up, your friends might •Try to congratulate your siblings change, but your family is your family forever. on their achievements and share ©1995-2012. The Nemours Foundation/KidsHealth®. Reprinted with permission their happiness. If you do this for

Love and Romance Why DO We Fall In Love? Reviewed by: D’Arcy Lyness, PhD

e’ve all experienced love. We’ve loved (and been loved by) parents, brothers, sisters, friends, even pets. But romantic love is different. It’s an intense, new feeling unlike any of these other ways of loving.


Why Do We Fall in Love?

Loving and being loved adds richness to our lives. When people feel close to others they are happier and even healthier. Love helps us feel important, 16

For All Ages! |

Florida Creative Living

understood, and secure. But each kind of love has its own distinctive feel. The kind of love we feel for a parent is different from our love for a baby brother or best friend. And the kind of love we feel in romantic relationships is its own unique type of love. Our ability to feel romantic love develops during adolescence. Teens all over the world notice passionate feelings of attraction. Even in cultures where people are not allowed to act on or express these feelings, they’re still there. It’s a natural part of growing up to develop romantic feelings and sexual attractions to others. These new feelings can be exciting — or even confusing at first.

The Magical Ingredients of Love Relationships CONTINUE TO NEXT PAGE

March - April 2012

Love is such a powerful human emotion that experts are constantly studying it. They’ve discovered that love has three main qualities: 1. Attraction is the “chemistry” part of love. It’s all about the physical — even sexual — interest that two people have in each other. Attraction is responsible for the desire we feel to kiss and hold the object of our affection. Attraction is also what’s behind the flushed, nervous-but-excited way we feel when that person is near.

Romantic love is when attraction and closeness are combined. Lots of relationships grow out of an initial attraction (a crush or “love at first sight”) and develop into closeness. It’s also possible for a friendship to move from closeness into attraction as two people realize their relationship is more than “just like” and they have become interested in one another in a romantic way.

2. Closeness is the bond that develops when we share thoughts and feelings that we don’t share with anyone else. When you have this feeling of closeness with your boyfriend or girlfriend, you feel supported, cared for, understood, and accepted for who you are. Trust is a big part of this. 3. Commitment is the promise or decision to stick by the other person through the ups and For people falling in love for the downs of the relationship. first time, it can be hard to tell the difference between the intense, These three qualities of love new feelings of physical attraction can be combined in different and the deeper closeness that ways to make different kinds goes with being in love. of relationships. For example, closeness without attraction is Lasting Love or Fun Fling? the kind of love we feel for best The third ingredient in a love friends. We share secrets and relationship, commitment, is personal stuff with them, we about wanting and deciding to support them, and they stand by stay together as a couple in the us. But we are not romantically future — despite any changes and interested in them. challenges that life brings. Attraction without closeness is more like a crush or infatuation. You’re attracted to someone physically but don’t know the person well enough yet to feel the closeness that comes from sharing personal experiences and feelings.

Sometimes couples who fall in love in high school develop committed relationships that last. Many relationships don’t last, though. But it’s not because teens aren’t capable of deep loving. We




March - April 2012

Kids & Teens | NEWS relationships as teens because adolescence is a time when we instinctively seek lots of different experiences and try out different things. It’s all part of discovering who we are, what we value, and what we want out of life. Another reason we tend to have shorter relationships in our teens is because the things we want to get out of a romantic relationship change as we get a little older. In our teens — especially for guys — relationships are mainly about physical attraction. But by the time guys reach 20 or so, they rate a person’s inner qualities as most important. Teen girls emphasize closeness as most important — although they don’t mind if a potential love interest is cute too! In our teens, relationships are mostly about having fun. Dating can seem like a great way to have someone to go places with and do things with. Dating can also be a way to fit in. If our friends are all dating someone, we might put pressure on ourselves to find a boyfriend or girlfriend too. For some people dating is even a status thing. It can almost seem like another version of cliques: The pressure to go out with the “right” person in the “right” group can make dating a lot less fun than it should be — and not so much about love! CONTINUE TO NEXT PAGE

Florida Creative Living | For All Ages!


Kids & Teens | NEWS

Some of the ways people grow close are:

•Learning to give and receive. A healthy relationship is about both people, not how much one person can get from (or give to) In our late teens, though, the other. relationships are less about going out to have fun and fitting in. •Revealing feelings. A supportive, caring relationship allows Closeness, sharing, and confiding people to reveal details about themselves — their likes and become more important to both dislikes, dreams and worries, proud moments, disappointments, guys and girls. By the time they fears, and weaknesses. reach their twenties, most girls and guys value support, closeness, and •Listening and supporting. When two people care, they offer communication, as well as passion. support when the other person is feeling vulnerable or afraid. They This is the time when people start don’t put down or insult their partner, even when they disagree. thinking about finding someone Giving, receiving, revealing, and supporting is a back-and-forth they can commit to in the long run process: One person shares a detail, then the other person shares — a love that will last. something, then the first person feels safe enough to share a little more. In this way, the relationship gradually builds into a place What Makes a Good of openness, trust, and support where each partner knows that Relationship? the other will be there when times are tough. Both feel liked and When people first experience falling accepted for who they are. in love, it often starts as attraction. Sexual feelings can also be a part of The passion and attraction the couple felt early on in the this attraction. People at this stage relationship isn’t lost. It’s just different. In healthy, long-term might daydream about a crush or relationships, couples often find that intense passion comes and a new BF or GF. They may doodle goes at different times. But the closeness is always there. the person’s name or think of their special someone while a particular Sometimes, though, a couple loses the closeness. For adults, song is playing. relationships can sometimes turn into what experts call “empty love.” This means that the closeness and attraction they once felt It sure feels like love. But it’s not is gone, and they stay together only out of commitment. This is love yet. It hasn’t had time to grow not usually a problem for teens, but there are other reasons why into emotional closeness that’s relationships end. needed for love. Because feelings of attraction and sexual interest Why Do Relationships End? are new, and they’re directed at Love is delicate. It needs to be cared for and nurtured if it is to last a person we want a relationship through time. Just like friendships, relationships can fail if they with, it’s not surprising we confuse are not given enough time and attention. This is one reason why attraction with love. It’s all so some couples might not last — perhaps someone is so busy with intense, exciting, and hard to sort school, extracurriculars, and work that he or she has less time for a out. relationship. Or maybe a relationship ends when people graduate and go to separate colleges or take different career paths. The crazy intensity of the passion and attraction phase fades a bit For some teens, a couple may grow apart because the things that after a while. Like putting all our are important to them change as they mature. Or maybe each energy into winning a race, this kind person wants different things out of the relationship. Sometimes of passion is exhilarating but far too both people realize the relationship has reached its end; sometimes extreme to keep going forever. If a one person feels this way when the other does not. relationship is destined to last, this is where closeness enters the picture. Moving On The early passionate intensity Losing love can be painful for anyone. But if it’s your first real may fade, but a deep affectionate love and the relationship ends before you want it to, feelings of attachment takes its place. loss can seem overwhelming. Like the feelings of passion early in CONTINUE TO NEXT PAGE


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Florida Creative Living

March - April 2012

the relationship, the newness and rawness of grief and loss can be intense — and devastating. There’s a reason why they call it a broken heart.

It seems hard to believe when you’re brokenhearted that you can ever feel better. But gradually these feelings grow less intense. Eventually, people move on to other relationships and When a relationship ends, people experiences. really need support. Losing a first love isn’t something we’ve been Relationships — whether they emotionally prepared to cope with. last 2 weeks, 2 months, 2 years, or It can help to have close friends a lifetime — are all opportunities and family members to lean on. to experience love on its many Unfortunately, lots of people — different levels. We learn both often adults — expect younger how to love and how to be loved people to bounce back and “just in return. get over it.” If your heart is broken, find someone you can talk to who Romance provides us with a really understands the pain you’re chance to discover our own going through. selves as we share with someone new. We learn the things we love

Kids & Teens | NEWS about ourselves, the things we’d like to change, and the qualities and values we look for in a partner. Loving relationships teach us self-respect as well as respect for others. Love is one of the most fulfilling things we can have in our lives. If romance hasn’t found you yet, don’t worry — there’s plenty of time. And the right person is worth the wait. ©1995-2012. The Nemours Foundation/ KidsHealth®. Reprinted with permission.

Someone is Spreading Rumors About Me What can i do?

Reviewed by: D’Arcy Lyness, PhD

here is this girl at school, and we don’t really get along. She keeps spreading rumors about me and people are turning against me. What should I do? - Sam*


Spreading unkind gossip in person or online is not a decent or mature way to act. It hurts the person being talked about, and it intimidates other people.

Sadly, when other people see this kind of thing going on, they don’t always stand up for what’s right. They may become less friendly to the person who is being talked about because they’re afraid of becoming the next target. It doesn’t mean they don’t care. In Some people spread rumors as a fact, seeing someone else getting bullied makes other people feel way to intimidate others and gain bad. Bullying is like meanness pollution. It affects everyone in the status or popularity. But spreading environment. rumors as a way to turn people against someone is a form of We don’t have to be good friends with everyone — or even like bullying — and it can have serious everyone. But not liking another person doesn’t give someone consequences for the person doing CONTINUE TO NEXT PAGE it. March - April 2012

Florida Creative Living | For All Ages!


what you’re going through. Keep him or her up to date on what’s going on, even as things start to get better. A trusted adult confidante can help you feel more supported and less alone. Plus, adults can take steps to the right to spread rumors, put a stop to the rumors and gossip. gossip, or putdowns. Acting like this shows a lack of Find your friends. Find a friend or two who will stick by you and who courage. It’s a false way to won’t listen to rumors. If you want, share how you feel with those friends. gain popularity or status in Don’t dwell on the situation, though. Spend time and energy having fun with your friends and doing activities you enjoy. the group.

Kids & Teens | NEWS

Real popularity comes from feeling comfortable with ourselves. People who are truly well liked treat everyone with respect and fairness. They don’t put other people down or try to gain power by having “followers.” They’re confident and sure of themselves, so they don’t have to resort to this kind of behavior.

Speak up. Consider speaking to the girl who’s spreading rumors. If you can, approach her. Calmly say something like, “I know we don’t get along. You don’t have to like me, but you need to stop spreading rumors about me and talking behind my back.” Don’t be angry or mean. Avoid yelling. Just say what you want calmly, clearly, assertively, and maturely. After you’ve said what you want, you can simply walk away. There’s no need to wait for her to say anything back. Leave her to think about what you said. Before you try talking to the girl, though, talk with an adult about what to say and how to approach her. Every situation is different, and you want to make sure things don’t turn into more meanness, yelling, or fighting. It can also help to have a friend stand with you when you talk to the girl.

So what can you do if you find yourself the target of rumors Care for yourself. Do things that strengthen your confidence and positive feelings. Going through a situation like this can be difficult and painful. and social bullying? Gather your inner strength, get support from people who care, focus Turn to a trusted adult for on positive things, and believe in yourself. These things can help you go support. Talk to someone you through a difficult situation and come out stronger. can confide in, like a parent, ©1995-2012. The Nemours Foundation/KidsHealth®. Reprinted with permission. teacher, school counselor, or Kids & Teens | HEALTHY HABITS coach. Let that person know

Dealing With Addiction Signs of addiction Reviewed by: Mary L. Gavin, MD

J 20

ason’s life is beginning to unravel. His grades Defining an addiction is tricky, and knowing how to handle one have slipped, he’s moody, he doesn’t talk to is even harder. his friends, and he has stopped showing up for practice. Jason’s friends know he has been What Are Substance Abuse and Addiction? experimenting with drugs and now they’re CONTINUE TO NEXT PAGE worried he has become addicted.

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Florida Creative Living

March - April 2012

The difference between substance abuse and addiction is very slight. Substance abuse means using an illegal substance or using a legal substance in the wrong way. Addiction begins as abuse, or using a substance like marijuana or cocaine.


And some substances are more addictive than others: Drugs like crack or heroin are so addictive that they might only be used once or twice before the user loses control.

Physical signals:

•changes in friendships, such as hanging out only You can abuse a drug (or alcohol) without having an addiction. For with friends who use drugs example, just because Sara smoked pot a few times doesn’t mean that •spending a lot of time figuring out how to get she has an addiction, but it does mean that she’s abusing a drug — and drugs that could lead to an addiction. •stealing or selling belongings to be able to afford drugs People can get addicted to all sorts of substances. When we think •failed attempts to stop taking drugs or drinking of addiction, we usually think of alcohol or illegal drugs. But people •anxiety, anger, or depression become addicted to medications, cigarettes, even glue! •mood swings

•changes in sleeping habits Addiction means a person has no control over whether he or she uses a •feeling shaky or sick when trying to stop drug or drinks. Someone who’s addicted to cocaine has grown so used •needing to take more of the substance to get to the drug that he or she has to have it. Addiction can be physical, the same effect psychological, or both. •changes in eating habits, including weight loss or gain

Physical Addiction

Being physically addicted means a person’s body actually becomes Getting Help dependent on a particular substance (even smoking is physically If you think that you or someone you care about addictive). It also means building tolerance to that substance, so that a is addicted to drugs or alcohol, recognizing the person needs a larger dose than ever before to get the same effects. problem is the first step in getting help. Someone who is physically addicted and stops using a substance like drugs, alcohol, or cigarettes may experience withdrawal symptoms. Common symptoms of withdrawal are diarrhea, shaking, and generally feeling awful.

Many people think they can kick the problem on their own, but that rarely works. Find someone you trust to talk to. It may help to talk to a friend or someone your own age at first, but a supportive and understanding adult is your best option for Psychological Addiction getting help. If you can’t talk to your parents, Psychological addiction happens when the cravings for a drug are you might want to approach a school counselor, psychological or emotional. People who are psychologically addicted relative, doctor, favorite teacher, or religious feel overcome by the desire to have a drug. They may lie or steal to get leader. it. Unfortunately, overcoming addiction is not easy. A person crosses the line between abuse and addiction when he or Quitting drugs or drinking is probably going to be she is no longer trying the drug to have fun or get high, but has come one of the hardest things you or your friend have to depend on it. His or her whole life centers around the need for the ever done. It’s not a sign of weakness if you need drug. An addicted person — whether it’s a physical or psychological professional help from a trained drug counselor addiction or both — no longer feels like there is a choice in taking a or therapist. Most people who try to kick a drug substance. or alcohol problem need professional assistance or a treatment program to do so.

Signs of Addiction

The most obvious sign of an addiction is the need to have a particular Tips for Recovery drug or substance. However, many other signs can suggest a possible Once you start a treatment program, try these addiction, such as changes in mood or weight loss or gain. (These also tips to make the road to recovery less bumpy: are signs of other conditions too, though, such as depression or eating disorders.) •Tell your friends about your decision to stop using drugs. Your true friends will respect your Signs that you or someone you know may have a drug or alcohol decision. This might mean that you need to find a addiction include: new group of friends who will be 100% supportive. Unless everyone decides to kick their drug habit Psychological signals: at once, you probably won’t be able to hang out with the friends you did drugs with. •use of drugs or alcohol as a way to forget problems or to relax •withdrawal or keeping secrets from family and friends •Ask your friends or family to be available when •loss of interest in activities that used to be important you need them. You might need to call someone in the •problems with schoolwork, such as slipping grades or absences CONTINUE TO NEXT PAGE

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you can use these tips to help him or her. For example, let your friend know that you are available to talk or offer your support. If you notice a friend backsliding, talk about it openly and ask what you can do to help.

middle of the night just to talk. If you’re going through a tough time, don’t try to handle things on your own — If your friend is going back to drugs or drinking and won’t accept your help, don’t be afraid to talk to a nonthreatening, understanding adult, like your accept the help your family and friends offer. parent or school counselor. It may seem like you’re ratting your friend out, but •Accept invitations only to events that you know it’s the best support you can offer. won’t involve drugs or alcohol. Going to the movies is probably safe, but you may want to skip a Friday night Above all, offer a friend who’s battling an addiction lots of encouragement party until you’re feeling more secure. Plan activities and praise. It may seem corny, but hearing that you care is just the kind of that don’t involve drugs. Go to the movies, try bowling, motivation your friend needs. or take an art class with a friend. •Have a plan about what you’ll do if you find yourself in a place with drugs or alcohol. The temptation will be there sometimes, but if you know how you’re going to handle it, you’ll be OK. Establish a plan with your parents, siblings, or other supportive friends and adults so that if you call home using a code, they’ll know that your call is a signal you need a ride out of there. •Remind yourself that having an addiction doesn’t make a person bad or weak. If you fall back into old patterns (backslide) a bit, talk to an adult as soon as possible. There’s nothing to be ashamed about, but it’s important to get help soon so that all of the hard work you put into your recovery is not lost. If you’re worried about a friend who has an addiction,

Staying Clean

Recovering from a drug or alcohol addiction doesn’t end with a 6-week treatment program. It’s alifelong process. Many people find that joining a support group can help them stay clean. There are support groups specifically for teens and younger people. You’ll meet people who have gone through the same experiences you have, and you’ll be able to participate in real-life discussions about drugs that you won’t hear in your school’s health class. Many people find that helping others is also the best way to help themselves. Your understanding of how difficult the recovery process can be will help you to support others — both teens and adults — who are battling an addiction. If you do have a relapse, recognizing the problem as soon as possible is critical. Get help right away so that you don’t undo all the hard work you put into your initial recovery. And, if you do have a relapse, don’t ever be afraid to ask for help! ©1995-2012. The Nemours Foundation/KidsHealth®. Reprinted with permission.

Motivation and the Power of Not Giving Up Getting motivated Reviewed by: Steven Dowshen, MD


ave you ever set a goal for yourself, like getting fit, making honor roll, or being picked for a team? Like lots of people, maybe you started out doing great, but then lost some of that drive and had trouble getting motivated again.

You’re Not Alone!

start on something, no matter how small, is a big deal. But it’s not impossible. With the right approach, you can definitely do it.

Getting Motivated

So how do you stay motivated and on track with your goal? It all comes down to good planning, realistic expectations, and a stickto-it attitude. Here’s what you need to do:

First, know your goal. Start by writing down your major goal. Everyone struggles with staying motivated and reaching Your major goal is the ultimate thing you’d like to see happen. For their goals. Just look at how many people go on diets, example, “I want to make honor roll,” or “I want to get fit enough to make the cross-country team,” or even, “I want to play in the lose weight, and then gain it back again! Olympics” are all major goals because they’re the final thing the The reality is that refocusing, changing, or making a new CONTINUE TO NEXT PAGE


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goal setter wants to see happen (obviously, some goals take longer and require more work than others). It’s OK to dream big. That’s how people accomplish stuff. You just have to remember that the bigger the goal, the more work it takes to get there. Make it specific. It’s easier to plan for and master a specific goal than a vague one. Let’s say your goal is to get fit. That’s pretty vague. Make it specific by defining what you want to achieve (such as muscle tone and definition or endurance), why you want to get fit, and by when. This helps you make a plan to reach your goal.

Kids & Teens | HEALTHY HABITS I’ve run 10 miles, I’m nearly halfway to my goal!” Reward yourself with something you promised yourself when you set your goal. Feel successful — you are! Now think ahead to accomplishing the rest of your goal: “What do I have to do to reach 26 miles? How am I going to make the time to train?”

Getting Motivated

Writing down specific steps has another Make it realistic. People often abandon their goals because their advantage: If you’re feeling weak on willpower expectations are unreasonable. Maybe they expect to get ripped abs you can look at your list to help you refocus! in weeks rather than months, or to quit smoking easily after years of Recommit to your goal if you slip up. If you slip lighting up. up, don’t give up. Forgive yourself and make a Let’s say you want to run a marathon. If you try to run the entire plan for getting back on track. distance of 26.2 miles tomorrow without any training, you’re unlikely to succeed. It takes the average person 4 months of training to run that Pat yourself on the back for everything you did far! But the bigger risk is that you’ll get so bummed out that you’ll give right. Don’t beat yourself up, no matter how far off track you get. Most people slip up when up your marathon dreams — and running — altogether. trying to make a change — it’s a natural part of Part of staying motivated is being realistic about what you can achieve the process. within the timeframe you’ve planned. Competing on the Olympic ski team is a workable goal if you are 15 and already a star skier. But if Writing down daily tasks and mini-goals helps you’re 18 and only just taking your first lesson, time isn’t exactly on here too. By keeping track of things, you’ll quickly recognize when you’ve slipped up, making it your side. easier to refocus and recommit to your goal. So Write it down. Put your specific goal in writing. Then write it down instead of feeling discouraged, you can know again. And again. Research shows that writing down a goal is part of the exactly where you got off track and why. mental process of committing to it. Write your goal down every day to What if you keep slipping up? Ask yourself if keep you focused and remind you how much you want it. you’re really committed to your goal. If you are, Break it down. Making any change takes self-discipline. You need to pay recommit — and put it in writing. The process constant attention so you don’t get sidetracked. One way to make this of writing everything down may also help you easier is to break a big goal into small steps. For example, let’s say you discover when you’re not really committed to a want to run a marathon. If it’s February and the marathon is in August, goal. For example, perhaps you’re more in love that’s a realistic timeframe to prepare. Start by planning to run 2 miles with the fantasy of being a star athlete than the reality, and there’s something else that you’d and work up gradually to the distance you need. rather be or do. Then set specific daily tasks, like eating five servings of fruit and veggies and running a certain amount a day. Put these on a calendar or planner View slip-ups as lessons and reminders of why so you can check them off. Ask a coach to help you set doable mini-goals you’re trying to make a change. When you mess for additional mile amounts and for tasks to improve your performance, up, it’s not a fault— it’s an opportunity to learn such as exercises to build strength and stamina so you’ll stay motivated something new about yourself. Say your goal is to fight less with your brother or sister. You may to run farther. learn that it’s better to say, “I can’t talk about this Reaching frequent, smaller goals is something to celebrate. It gives you right now” and take time to calm down when you the confidence, courage, and motivation to keep running — or doing feel your temper growing out of control. whatever it is you’re aiming to do. So reward yourself! Keep a stick-to-it attitude. Visualize yourself achieving your goal: a toned you in your prom Staying Motivated dress or a successful you scoring the winning Check in with your goal. Now that you’ve broken your goal down into a soccer goal. Self-visualization helps you keep series of mini-goals and daily tasks, check in every day. what you’re trying to accomplish in mind. It helps you believe it’s possible. You can also call up your It helps to write down your small goals in the same way you wrote mental picture when willpower and motivation down your big goal. That way you can track what you need to do, check are low. off tasks as you complete them, and enjoy knowing that you’re moving toward your big goal. Positive self-talk also boosts your attitude and As you accomplish a task, check it off on your list. Tell yourself, “Hey,

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people who want to help you succeed. For instance, if you’ve been going to your friend’s house to study together every Thursday after school, but now your pal is turning on the TV, IMing friends online, or gabbing on the phone and ignoring your pleas to get down to work, time to find another study buddy. You can’t stay focused on your motivation. Tell yourself, “I deserve to make the it’s goal if your friend doesn’t share that goal — or, even worse, is trying honor roll because I’ve really been working hard” to hold you back. Seek out others who are on the same path you are or “I feel great when I swim — I’m doing well on and work with them instead. my exercise plan!”


Share with a friend. Another boost is having supportive people around you. Find a running buddy, a quit smoking buddy, or someone else with a similar goal so you can support each other. Having a goal buddy can make all the difference in times when you don’t feel motivated — like getting up for that early-morning run.

Don’t Give Up! Ending an unhealthy behavior or creating a new, exciting one is all about taking responsibility for our lives. Finding the motivation to do it isn’t necessarily easy, but it is always possible. You can stay motivated by writing down your goals, sticking to your schedule, and reminding yourself of what led you to set your goal in the first place. Change is exciting — we’d all be very bored without it. Good luck in reaching your goals!

If you’re not getting support from someone when you really need it, you may need to take a break from that friendship and surround yourself with

©1995-2012. The Nemours Foundation/KidsHealth®. Reprinted with permission.

Power or Hype? Energy Drinks And food bars Reviewed by: Mary L. Gavin, MD


he Buzz on Energy Foods

Energy drinks and nutrition bars often make big promises. Some say they’ll increase energy and alertness, others offer extra nutrition, and some even claim to boost your athletic performance or powers of concentration.

With so much going on in our lives, lots of people feel tired and run down. And many of us find ourselves skipping a meal sometimes. So it’s not surprising that nutrition, protein, and energy drinks and food bars have flooded the market, offering the convenience of energy on the go.

Sometimes, this can be good news — like for the person who has to skip breakfast. Food bars will never beat a well-balanced meal or But once you cut through the hype and look past snack when it comes to meeting our nutrition needs. But many of the flashy packaging on energy products, chances them do contain more nutrients than a candy bar or a bag of chips. are what you’re mostly getting is a stiff dose of sugar But just because a product contains vitamins and minerals does not automatically mean it is good for you. and caffeine. So should you eat or drink these products? The occasional energy drink is probably OK, and a protein bar in the morning is a better choice than not getting any breakfast at all. But people who have about three or four energy drinks and a couple of protein bars every day are overdoing it.

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Know the Downsides

Here are some facts to keep in mind when it comes to food bars or energy drinks: They contain excessive sugar and calories. Did you know that some energy bars and drinks contain hundreds of calories? That may be OK for athletes who burn lots of calories in high-intensity activities, like CONTINUE TO NEXT PAGE

March - April 2012

competitive cycling. But for many teens the extra sugar and calories just contribute to weight gain, not to mention tooth decay. Energy drinks are often full of caffeine. Caffeine may be legal, but it is a stimulant drug. It can cause side effects like jitteriness, upset stomach, headaches, and sleep problems — all of which drag you down, not power you up! Large amounts of caffeine can have even more serious side effects (including fast or irregular heartbeats, high blood pressure, hallucinations, and seizures), especially for people who have certain medical conditions or who take medications or supplements. Energy drinks are not the same as sports drinks. They should not be used to rehydrate because they contain so much caffeine.

Kids & Teens | HEALTHY HABITS it safe. Always check the label carefully before you eat or drink any kind of energy supplement.

They’re expensive. Though energy bars and drinks are everywhere these days, they don’t come cheap. At about $3 a pop, you can get a better (and cheaper) energy boost by eating a whole-wheat bagel with cream cheese. And you can get better hydration by drinking 8 ounces of tap water. Other on-the-go foods that provide plenty of nutritional Food bars don’t make good meal replacements. You never really bang for the buck include trail mix, fresh or dried see someone eat an energy bar for dinner and then sit back with a fruits, and whole-grain cereals. satisfied grin. Nothing beats a real meal for both that well-fed feeling Cutting Through the Hype and the nutritional satisfaction your body needs. There’s some clever marketing behind energy bars Although many nutrition bars have vitamins and minerals added, they and drinks, and you’ve got to be a pretty savvy can’t give you all the different nutrients your body needs to grow, consumer to see through it. So be critical when develop, play sports, and handle all the other stuff on your schedule. reading labels. As with everything, if it sounds too The only way to get that is through eating a balanced diet and not good to be true, it probably is. skipping meals. These products aren’t the healthy choices the They may contain mysterious ingredients. In addition to caffeine and advertising hype makes them out to be. The truth sugar, some brands of energy drinks and food bars can have ingredients is, the best energy boost comes from healthy whose safety and effectiveness haven’t been tested — things like living. People who eat well, drink water, and get guarana (a source of caffeine) and taurine (an amino acid thought to enough physical activity and sleep will have plenty enhance caffeine’s effect). Some contain herbal supplements that are of energy — the natural way. not regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), such ©1995-2012. The Nemours Foundation/KidsHealth®. Reprinted with permission. as ginseng. These kinds of ingredients may cause problems, especially for people who are taking certain medications or have a health condition. So play

Kids & Teens | SPORTS

Getting Muscles Should you pump iron? Reviewed by: Mary L. Gavin, MD


ver wish you could be as muscular as a superhero or your favorite professional athlete? Well, the big muscles you’re thinking about aren’t possible for kids. Superheroes, of course, aren’t real, and professional athletes are grownups, whose bodies are different from kids’ bodies in many ways. CONTINUE TO NEXT PAGE

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Kids & Teens | SPORTS

muscles? You might think you need a lot of foods that contain protein (such as meat and eggs) or foods that contain iron.

But no one magical food helps build muscles. Your muscles — and your entire Boys, especially, might wish for bigger body — will be strong and healthy if you eat a variety of nutritious foods. muscles, but their bodies can’t build that kind of adult muscle until they’re older. On the bright side, both boys Should You Pump Iron? and girls can do a lot to build strong, Some kids want to lift weights so they can look bigger and stronger. But lifting healthy muscles. Let’s find out how. weights won’t produce big muscles in kids who haven’t gone through puberty yet, and lifting heavy weights can be dangerous to kids’ muscles and tendons.

Playing Makes Muscles

It sounds too simple, but it’s true. Playing, running, jumping, and riding your bike can make your muscles stronger. Any physical activity you like to do — from dancing to playing football — can make you stronger. Why? Because you’re using your muscles when you do it.

Eat Strong

What should you eat if you want strong

With supervision from a coach or trainer, kids can do some light weightlifting or exercise with resistance bands (large rubber bands). This kind of exercise can improve muscle tone, meaning a kid’s muscles will be leaner and stronger, but not really bigger. Push-ups, sit-ups, and chin-ups also help build strong muscles. But so can plain old running, jumping, and climbing. Get the message? More playtime means stronger muscles. Now that’s something to get pumped up about! ©1995-2012. The Nemours Foundation/KidsHealth®. Reprinted with permission.

Kids & Teens | TECHNO & SCIENCE

Candyperiments Ex

Science Fair project ideas Reviewed by: Mary L. Gavin, MD

ant to be a candy scientist? Try these experiments to unwrap the secrets lurking inside sticky, sweet, and colorful treats. These are perfect for science fair projects, but be sure to get adult help when the experiment uses the microwave. Melted candy is hot!

Acid Test


Chocolate Bloom

Something strange happens when chocolate melts and hardens again — Chocolate Bloom. Discover what’s in your chocolate bar as one of the ingredients reveals itself.


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Sour stuff often contains acid. Test different sour candies to see if they pass the Acid Test.

Color Separation

You know there are artificial colors in your candy, but how do they make something brown or purple? Just like you do when you mix paints in art class. Try Color Separation to extract the different dyes in candy.

March - April 2012

D e n s i t y Rainbow

Here’s another chance to explore the colors of candy. In this experiment, you’ll dye water using different colored Skittles. Then, thanks to something called “density,” you can create a liquid Density Rainbow!

Lifesaver Lights

Crunch, crunch, crunch. You’re chewing the candy in your mouth, but did you know that you also might be

breaking down its chemical bonds? Find out how Lifesaver Lights make sparks fly!

Sink or Float?

Oil Test

Kids & Teens | TECHNO & SCIENCE

If you had to build a candy boat, would you choose a Hershey’s Kiss or 3 Musketeers bar? Sticky Stuff Glue is sticky and so is candy, but Find out if they Sink or Float. what makes something sticky? Find out how sticky works and test various candies to see which one is the real Sticky Stuff.

Some chewy candy contains oil. How can you find out? Melt a Starburst and do the Oil Test.

Floating Letters

To view how to perform these experiments, please visit www.candyexperiments.com/p/ experiments.html

Some candies wear their initials. Think of Skittles and, of course, M&Ms. Those letters are made of edible ink. Try Floating Letters to see how to remove them from the candy.

© Loralee Leavitt. Used with permission.

Step Into Your

BRain An American Museum of Natural History Exhibit

Reviewed by: Mary L. Gavin, MD

f you could magically shrink yourself and walk through your But neurons don’t write messages on little yellow sticky notes. Their messages are lightning fast and own brain, what would you see? chemical. Neurons send electric signals that trigger A new exhibit at New York City’s American Museum of the release of chemicals called neurotransmitters. Natural History lets you take just such a walk. Visitors enter Brain: The Inside Story through a tunnel of sparking, See a Brain the Size of a Golf Cart! The exhibit has a few preserved, real brains on display, twinkling, snapping, and crackling electrical impulses. but it also uses models to explain the mind-blowing That’s what goes on in your brain all the time. You have 100 billion way it works. Some are actual size and some fill the tiny brain cells called neurons. They’re always making connections CONTINUE TO NEXT PAGE — sending messages — to other neurons.


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Kids & Teens | TECHNO & SCIENCE room. How about a brain the size of a golf cart that lights up? There’s also a sculpture of the subcortical brain (the thinking brain) that reaches to the ceiling at 35 times its normal size. The models demonstrate how your brain has different parts that do different jobs like keeping you breathing, using words to communicate, and storing happy memories so you can enjoy them later (like remembering a great birthday party!). After passing through the tunnel of crackling brain cells, you enter a mini-theater where you can follow a high school student who’s preparing for a dance audition. She waits for her turn, gets nervous, calms down, performs her dance, and then feels great about it afterward. With each step in the process, visitors can monitor a 4-foot-high model of the dancer’s brain to see which regions light up with each action and reaction.

well after more connections are made in a part of the brain called the visual cortex. That’s why little babies shouldn’t drive cars! From age 2 to 12, your neurons sprout branches called dendrites and make more connections than your brain will ever need. It’s during these years that you gain important skills like being able to walk, run, talk, and think about things you can’t see, like “fairness.”

Brains Take 20 Years to Develop

By age 12, you’re pretty smart, but your brain isn’t done developing until about age 20. Most of the parts are set for life around 12, but your cortex continues to develop. That’s the part of your brain that handles the most complicated tasks, like making a plan B in case plan A doesn’t work out. Your brain changes as you grow up, but the different activities that you do can actually “shape” your brain, researchers have found. They include reading, performing music, playing sports, studying, and meditation.

The exhibit lets visitors attempt to “drive” through the maze-like streets of London, like an English cab driver would. An exhibit kiosk gives elaborate instructions — turn left here, right here, go straight here — and visitors can test their navigational ability. A Bravo for the basal ganglia! Visitors learn that it’s the study of London cab drivers found that a part of their brain called brain part that stores “procedural memory,” which the hippocampus was larger than average — perhaps because allowed the dancer to easily perform moves she had they had committed the street map of London to memory. practiced many, many times.

Celebrity MRIs in the Brain Lounge

The brain exhibit concludes in the Brain Lounge, where there’s nightclub lighting; loud music; hip, gray couches shaped like brain matter; and a large, circular flat-screen TV inset in the floor. What’s playing are MRIs — brain scans that show how blood flows in a person’s brain. An MRI is used to spot problems in the brain, but it also can show which parts of the brain are active in healthy Brains Evolve The exhibit lets visitors play with models of the human people. brain — like a 3D puzzle — and challenges them to piece them together correctly. Researchers believe The MRIs on display in the Brain Lounge aren’t just any MRIs. the human brain evolved over millions of years to get They’re notable people doing highly skilled tasks. A United Nations interpreter does a live translation of a speech from Arabic bigger and better able to handle complicated stuff. to English. New York Knick Landry Fields analyzes video of himself We still have some of our original brain components playing basketball, and renowned cellist Yo-Yo Ma listens to music. — sometimes called our lizard brain. Your lizard brain The brain scans show blood flow as flashes of color, lighting up the can do some basic stuff that keeps you alive and active regions of the brain. kicking, but if you want to speak in words or plan your vacation, you’ll need your prefrontal cortex. That’s a As a parting thought, the brain exhibition reminds visitors that newer part of the human brain in your forehead area. we humans are the only animals who can think about thinking! Without it, we couldn’t plan, solve problems, or create If you’re thinking about visiting this exhibit at the American Museum of Natural History, it will remain in New York until August in ways that animals cannot. 14, 2011. (It’s the same museum featured in the movie “Night at So now you know the human brain has changed over the Museum” and yes, you can see the statue of Teddy Roosevelt millions of years, but did you know your own brain will out front.) change a lot in your lifetime? You’ve probably noticed that babies grow at an amazing rate. Something else After New York, the exhibit heads on a global tour, beginning in amazing goes on inside a baby’s brain, even before China in November 2011, continuing to Spain in July 2012, and he or she is born. An unborn baby adds a half million then to Italy in March 2013. neurons every minute while still in the mom’s belly. Think about all the stuff you do without having to think about it. Maybe you can turn a cartwheel or whistle. If not, just about everyone can tie shoes! That’s procedural memory, too.

By the time the baby is born, just about all the little person’s neurons are in place. But the real excitement happens in the first 2 years when connections start to form between those brain cells. Until about 4 months of age, babies don’t see very well. They start seeing


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©1995-2012. The Nemours Foundation/KidsHealth®. Reprinted with permission.

e s n e f e Self - D

Kids & Teens | STAYING SAFE

head use your

Reviewed by: Steven Dowshen, MD ou’ve seen it in movies: A girl walks through an isolated parking garage. Suddenly, an evil-looking guy jumps out from behind an SUV. Girl jabs bad guy in the eyes with her keys — or maybe she kicks him in a certain sensitive place. Either way, while he’s squirming, she leaps into her car and speeds to safety.


That’s the movies. Here’s the real-life action replay: When the girl goes to jab or kick the guy, he knows what’s coming and grabs her arm (or leg), pulling her off balance. Enraged by her attempt to fight back, he flips her onto the ground. Now she’s in a bad place to defend herself — and she can’t run away. Many people think of self-defense as a karate kick to the groin or jab in the eyes of an attacker. But self-defense actually means doing everything possible to avoid fighting someone who threatens or attacks you. Self-defense is all about using your smarts — not your fists.

Use Your Head

People (guys as well as girls) who are threatened and fight back “in self-defense” actually risk making a situation worse. The attacker, who is already edgy and pumped up on adrenaline — and who knows what else — may become even more angry and violent. The best way to handle any attack or threat of attack is to try to get

away. This way, you’re least likely to be just using words to get you out of a injured. tight spot. Then you can redirect the bully’s focus (“Oops, I just heard the One way to avoid a potential attack bell for third period”), and calmly walk before it happens is to trust your away from the situation. instincts. Your intuition, combined with your common sense, can help get you Something as simple as not losing your out of trouble. For example, if you’re temper can de-escalate a situation. running alone on the school track and Learn how to manage your own anger you suddenly feel like you’re being effectively so that you can talk or watched, that could be your intuition walk away without using your fists or telling you something. Your common weapons. sense would then tell you that it’s a good idea to get back to where there Although de-escalation won’t always are more people around. work, it can only help matters if you remain calm and don’t give the wouldDe-Escalating a Bad Situation be attacker any extra ammunition. Attackers aren’t always strangers who Whether it’s a stranger or someone jump out of dark alleys. Sadly, teens you thought you could trust, saying and can be attacked by people they know. doing things that don’t threaten your That’s where another important self- attacker can give you some control. defense skill comes into play. This skill is something self-defense experts and Reduce Your Risks negotiators call de-escalation. Another part of self-defense is doing things that can help you stay safe. Here De-escalating a situation means are some tips from the National Crime speaking or acting in a way that can Prevention Council and other experts: prevent things from getting worse. The classic example of de-escalation •Understand your surroundings. Walk is giving a robber your money rather or hang out in areas that are open, than trying to fight or run. But de- well lit, and well traveled. Become escalation can work in other ways, too. familiar with the buildings, parking For example, if someone harasses you lots, parks, and other places you walk. when there’s no one else around, you Pay particular attention to places can de-escalate things by agreeing with where someone could hide — such as him or her. You don’t have to actually stairways and bushes. CONTINUE TO NEXT PAGE believe the taunts, of course, you’re

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Kids & Teens | STAYING SAFE •Avoid shortcuts that take you through isolated areas. •If you’re going out at night, travel in a group. •Make sure your friends and parents know your daily schedule (classes, sports practice, club meetings, etc.). If you go on a date or with friends for an after-game snack, let someone know where you’re going and when you expect to return. •Check out hangouts. Do they look safe? Are you comfortable being there? Ask yourself if the people around you seem to share your views on fun activities — if you think they’re being reckless, move on. •Be sure your body language shows a sense of confidence. Look like you know where you’re going and act alert. •When riding on public transportation, sit near the driver and stay awake. Attackers are looking for vulnerable targets.

•Be willing to report crimes in your neighborhood and school to the police.

Take a Self-Defense Class

The best way — in fact the only way — to prepare yourself to fight off an attacker is to take a self-defense class. We’d love to give you all the right moves in an article, but some things you just have to learn in person. A good self-defense class can teach you how to size up a situation and decide what you should do. Self-defense classes can also teach special techniques for breaking an attacker’s grasp and other things you can do to get away. For example, attackers usually anticipate how their victim might react — that kick to the groin or jab to the eyes, for instance. A good self-defense class can teach you ways to surprise your attacker and catch him or her off guard. One of the best things people take away from self-defense classes is selfconfidence. The last thing you want to be thinking about during an attack is, “Can I really pull this self-defense tactic off?” It’s much easier to take action in an emergency if you’ve already had a few dry runs. A self-defense class should give you a chance to practice your moves. If you take a class with a friend, you can continue practicing on each other to keep the moves fresh in your mind long after the class is over. Check out your local YMCA, community hospital, or community center for classes. If they don’t have them, they may be able to tell you who does. Your PE teacher or school counselor may also be a great resource ©1995-2012. The Nemours Foundation/KidsHealth®. Reprinted with permission.

•Carry a cell phone if possible. Make sure it’s programmed with your parents’ phone number.

Kids & Teens | DOODLE CORNER

St. Patrick’s Word Ladder

Directions: Make our way from the leprechaun trap to the luck o’ the Irish by changing just one letter on each step to make a new word! There are 7 steps in this word ladder.


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T R A __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ L U C

March - April 2012

P __ __ __ __ __ __ K

Leprechaun catcher. Streetcar. A group with the same goal. Fancy hardwood. Top of a mountain. To poke with a beak. Rubber ice hockey disk. Good fortune.

Kids & Teens | DOODLE CORNER

Happy Easter Crossword Puzzle








WORD BANK: Easter, Bonnet, Grass, Basket, Easter Lily, Dinner, Eggs, Bunny

ACROSS 1 . It’s fun to color these. 4. A container used when gathering eggs. 6. The main meal of the day. 7. Trumpet shaped flowers.

Down 2. Used in basket to cushion eggs 3 Named after Eastere, the goddess of spring. 4. A hat usually held by ribbons. 5. A young rabbit.

March - April 2012

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Kids & Teens | DOODLE CORNER

Holidays Connect-The-Dots


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March - April 2012

Doodle Pad

Kids & Teens | DOODLE CORNER

Spring Break Memories!

Draw your favorite part of 2012 Spring Break Vacation. Email your pictures to doodlepad@floridacreativeliving.com to be featured in our website Kids & Teens section.

March - April 2012

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March - April 2012

Adult Living Section

November - December 2011

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March - April 2012

Backyard Getaway | Myakka City, Florida

Adult Living |NEWS

View pg 5 for Backyard Getaway ad.

Contact: Dave or Lisa Burns| Email: lisa@backyardgetaway.net | Phone: 941.752.7663 | Website: www.backyardgetaway.net


ave you ever considered adding the peace & tranquility of flowing water to your backyard? Have you dreamed of a Koi pond filled with graceful Koi or a water garden over flowing with beautiful lilies, maybe a wildlife habitat or a pondless waterfall or even a pet friendly pond for your dog, Backyard Getaway will create your perfect getaway in your own backyard. Backyard Getaway is a family owned pond installation, renovation and maintenance service and water garden supply business that grew from a hobby into a passion. Over 15 years ago, Dave caught the pond “bug” when he purchased his first pond kit. It did not take long before he was digging a larger pond and adding Koi & water lilies, soon Lisa was hooked too. Dave started helping friends & family create their own backyard retreats. Before they knew it, Backyard Getaway was born. In 2004, they opened their first retail pond store in Sarasota complete with working water features. The business has changed over the years to meet the needs of their customers. In 2010, Dave and Lisa moved the business and their home to a 6-acre property in Myakka City where they have room to propagate native Florida aquatic plants & offer Koi & pond supplies to customers by appointment. Whether you have an existing pond that needs renovation or maintenance or if you would like to add a new water feature to your yard, quality service has been & will remain the number one priority for Backyard Getaway.

Over the last couple of years Backyard Getaway has expanded their outdoor living services to include lake fountain & floating bio-island installations, outdoor fireplaces, firepit, landscape & fiber optic lighting, flagstone pathways, rain water harvesting and more. Backyard Getaway loves do-it-yourselfers. They offer pond supplies and equipment through their online store and local delivery in Manatee, Sarasota & Hardee County. Dave is happy to walk you through your pond installation and will even visit your home for a consultation. Dave and Lisa enjoy sharing their love of water gardening so much that they even offer seminars and hands on classes through out the year. Dave and Lisa are both very proud of receiving the Manatee Chamber’s 2011 Business/Education Partnership award for their donated wildlife habitat & water feature at Haile Middle School. The students from the STAR program created the feature as a hands on class with the help of Backyard Getaway. Giving back to the community is very important to the Burns that is why they fundraise and donate a feature each year to a local school or non profit. Backyard Getaway offers professional pond design, installation, renovation & maintenance services in Bradenton, Sarasota & the Tampa Bay area. Visit their website to learn more at www.backyardgetaway. net or find them on facebook at www.facebook.com/ backyardgetawayponds

January - February 2012

By Lisa Burns

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Wizzle Workz | St. Petersburg, Florida

Creating an

Artist’s Life

View pg 54 to view all of Wizzle Workz creations in our artist corner.

Contact: Sheree Rensel | Email: wizzlewolf@aol.com | Website: www.wizzlewolf.com


little girl stood in the vestibule of an small Detroit home. Her father told her to wait while he went into the house to talk to his brother. Being mischievous, the girl tiptoed forward and peeked through the windows of the French doors. Overcome with curiosity, she reached up and opened the door to reveal a large living room with no furniture. There was an easel and the walls were lined with canvases. The smell of turpentine and oil paint enveloped her. The first thought that came to her childish mind was “I am not sure what my uncle is doing in here, but I want to do this too!”

swans on a lake. He paid her $50. That was the beginning of her career as an artist. After graduating with a B.F.A. and M.F.A in painting from Wayne State University, she continued working as a mixed media artist and educator at various colleges and as an artist-in-the schools. In 1991, she decided to move to St. Petersburg where she began work with the Pinellas County Arts Council. Despite her love and devotion to her hometown, Detroit, Sheree quickly fell in love with St. Petersburg where she continues to live and maintains a studio. Sheree’s work is diverse. Known for her bright and lively colors, each series of work delves into ideas surrounding specific themes. One current series, “States of Being”, investigates emotions and psychology . Everyone experiences moods, emotional fluctuations, and a myriad of feelings. Each State of Being painting represents how you might feel at any given moment. Each painting starts with the statement: “I AM ________________.” (calm, alive, free, lonely, etc.) Washes of color and images illustrate the given emotion and freezes that moment in time. Hopefully after learning to BE through these feelings, the ultimate conclusions will be life is beautiful and good. See more of Sheree’s work at www.wizzlewolf.com

That scenario was decades ago. The little girl was Sheree Rensel. She turned that childish thought into a reality and has been an artist since that day. All through her school years, she painted and drew pictures for her friends. She sold her first painting at the age of 15 to a local real estate broker. It was a silly painting of two


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View pg 5 for Wizzle Workz creations in our artist corner.

By Sheree Rensel

March - April 2012


Adult Living |NEWS

FURNACE OF AFFLICTION Visit Marianne Lordi’s Blog www.mblordi.com

The Will to Survive f we are truly followers of Jesus Christ, we will face trials of every kind. We are a tested people and each trial has been designed for the purposes for which God allows. We are all being made ready to wear the regal robes of eternal royalty. Christ is in each storm we face and it is his power that is causing all things to work for our good.


It is especially trying in these dark days as believers endure trials of every kind marking the countdown to Christ’ return. The faith of all is being put to the fire. None of us are exempt. Are you willing to stand and believe in spite of all that is happening in your life? The above photo is one of the remarkable works done by a man named Rob Bohning. If you click on the picture, you will see the true majesty of his work. He has captured God’s creation as no one I have ever seen. Rob is a godly, loving husband and father. He is an amazing photographer. He has two gorgeous young children. And, he has a rare incurable cancer called Medullary Thyroid cancer. But Rob is not about to give up! What makes this man stand out is that he has unwavering faith that God cares about his affliction and is more than

able to bring him through it. Rob is in the fiery furnace of testing but he knows full well that his Savior, Jesus Christ, is with him! Rob and his wife, Lori, had emailed me after visiting my blog. I can say from my heart that I am blessed to have them now as friends. When writing to me of his cancer, Rob said, ” All I know is God is good and wastes nothing! That includes this cancer.” It was shortly after his forty-second birthday that Rob received this cancer diagnosis. Sadly, that was not all. The following day, Rob’s dad died from another kind of cancer. How does Rob keep his faith so strong while facing surgeries and treatments that he must endure? My dear friends, the reason that Rob can have peace despite his affliction is because his faith has been tested and proven to be real. He understands that God’s will is good no matter what form it takes. He is a man who knows the God who created him and is willing to serve him in any way that he is called to. In his weakness, he has found God’s strength! True sons and daughters will suffer for Christ. It has been written that blessed is the person whom the storm drives to God. It is only there that you will find true happiness. The worth of a soldier is never known in times of peace. It is only in the battle that the true strength and courage of a believer is revealed. Faith is not faith until it has been tested! Those who draw near to God in times of trials will find that they cannot leave his Presence without receiving his strength. God has put a lot of wonderful people in my life through this blog. Rob Bohning and Lori have touched my life in such a way that I will never be the same. When I recently wrote about how I was going through some painful struggles of my CONTINUE TO NEXT PAGE

March - April 2012

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Adult Living | NEWS own, Rob wrote again asking me how he can pray for me! I am humbled by this man’s faith and dedication to God. He has taught me that trusting that God is with us in our problems is the greatest honor we can give to him. Rob will be having his first chest surgery on February 22nd to remove some nodes. I am humbly asking all of those who come to this site to please pray for Rob’s surgery. Please also keep him, Lori and their children in prayer. We are all in the battle as long as we are on this earth. But God never leaves us to fight alone. I am asking for the army of God’s people to rally for Rob. I am sure that he prays for all of us here on this site too. We are members of Christ’ own body. We cannot be defeated. There are no casualties in God’s army. We are performing the purpose for which he has created us. This body of death will not always be with us. Our victory has been declared. Christ has set us free!

through infertility. He is an amazing man, and the strongest person I have ever met in my life. I adore him and he is my life. He won’t be defeated and he will fight this beast of cancer. We are never defeated if we have the Lord, there is always victory. Through the storm, we have the peace of knowing that “all is well” and we keep our eyes on our Savior. Lori Bohning Rob’s Caringbridge address for those who wish to send him good wishes: http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/ robbohning/guestbook My heart and my prayers continue to go out to this family whose faith has inspired me so greatly!

I pray for all who visit my site. You matter to me and I thank God for bringing you here to see the messages he gives me for you. I hope you will find peace from the truth. I am blessed to have met so many prayer warriors who also teach the good news and hope through Jesus Christ. One What should you do in times of trouble? Rejoice! Great of them, Charles Woodruff has a powerful blog that I visit everyday. I never leave his site without gleaning strength trials bring out God’s greatness in you. and hope from his biblical teachings. I urge you to visit his site, CyberWord of Truth, and be blessed. He never fails to UPDATE: pray for me and for all those who visit him. Rob had his surgery. The doctors were able to take some © Marianne Lordi. Used with permission. large nodes out but had to leave some with hopes of going back later. He needs our prayers still. He is determined to fight and he continues to hold on in faith that his God is going to take him through this. I believe him. Recently, on the Caringbridge site, Rob’s wife, Lori, wrote this on March 2nd: Many of you have not known my husband until now, many of you have known him, but not when faced with such adversity. We have been hit by bad new after another, to the point where I physically get a reaction whenever we walk into a small doctor’s room. Nothing will ever explain the feeling when I sat in one of those rooms, waiting for the surgeon to give me the status of Rob’s surgery. Nothing. Four walls and words of little or no real hope. Words like, “aggressive” “spreading” “tumors of concrete” bounced off the walls as I sat there an hour after the surgeon had left the room. I crumbled and couldn’t find my breath, as you can imagine. A few hours later I was able to see Rob in post op. There he was looking at me and holding my hand. I took a deep breath just seeing him so strong, only a few hours after surgery. We were together for a few days in the hospital room, and when night hit, the demons lurked in and took over my fears. That’s when Satan plays on my thoughts, at night when I am at my weakest. Rob talked and prayed with me all night long that first night, as I cried. He would wake up, on and off throughout the night, praying for me and for the fears to go away. That’s my husband. The same husband that would sing to me when we went


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March - April 2012

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e “Can I Sav ” ? d l r o W e th Easy Solutions to Global Warming at our Fingertips

ith so much information out there about global warming and the effects that are causing natural disasters, is there anything we as individuals can do to make a difference? Yep! You don’t need to move mountains, but a small pebble can really make ripples that can create positive changes world wide. Here’s a few “pebbles” you can use today!

I do not like to focus on the doom of global warming because that’s not the best mindset for me to find solutions and implement actions. I truly believe we all can make a difference in our lives, in the lives of our families, friends and community. I also am a firm believer that every single action taken produces a ripple effect throughout the world. When we take a simple action such as changing a light bulb to a compact fluorescent bulb, a positive motion is We all feel we have a purpose in life. As set in place. more of us become aware of the damaging effects of global warming, we are also Just for fun, let’s see what can happen: concerned about practical solutions to (this will show how the action affects the problem. Most importantly, how can others) we fit in as part of the solution, instead of the problem? o That old bulb in the living finally goes out. You go to your local hardware store Unfortunately, many of us become and see miles of shelves of light bulbs! overwhelmed when we watch the ever- OY! (production of CFL bulbs) increasing natural disasters and it starts to feel like the world is crashing around o Someone comes over to help and us. I remember watching the plane hit maybe suggest a CFL. “A what?” you the World Trade Center over and over and ask. The assistant tells you that even over again. I remember being completely though the bulb is more expensive paralyzed to the television. Sleep was than a basic tungsten bulb, it will last optional, but only in between important years longer, it will not burn hot, uses news breaks. I felt helpless. I wanted to way less energy, thus saving you money understand the reasoning behind the every month AND prevents the release attacks to ease my fears of possible future of more than 450 pounds of emission attacks, but I mainly wanted a sense of from a power plant normally used to control back into my life. light the old style bulbs into the air! (increased sales and more potential


March -April 2012

advertisement of a green product, decreased amount of carbons released into the atmosphere) o You read the advertisement and glimpse the familiar EnergyStar sign. So, you think, “Why not!” (increased awareness of a great program) o You go home and your kids ask you about the funny looking bulb. (educates the kids and tell their friends how smart their parents are!) o Your friends come over for dinner and recognize the bulb, but never really considered buying one until now. (increased awareness through word-of mouth [extremely powerful!!!] and more potential sales, advertisement, decreased emissions) o You get the electric bill the next month and notice you really did use less electricity AND saved a little money. ($$$) o You go to buy more CFL bulbs and realize the prices dropped a bit due to increased sales! (supply and demand of a product that improves our world) CONTINUE TO NEXT PAGE

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for others I’ve met from different countries. Their views and actions have taught me so much about global warming. I also have greater appreciation for our abilities as Americans to make changes worldwide.

That’s just for changing one bulb! Just one action really can make an impact. Just because we do not always see the immediate results don’t mean they aren’t there!

So to further answer people’s question - “What are the best solutions to global warming?” My suggestions are all easy to do, but the main factor lies with what is comfortable for you. If I am given a great idea, but is too time-intensive, I probably won’t do it. But if it’s as easy as hitting the enter key, now you got my attention!

Now, years later, I must say living in Thailand has taught me a lot about saving energy as well as joining together for what you believe in. I’ve seen Thais go to the employment office and march because wages were too low. I have witnessed the ousting of a political figure because the Thais felt betrayed.

o Want to invest in the stock market? What companies are moving forward in cleanup? Researching new technologies? Contributing portions of their profits to support environmental organizations?

Ok. We are much more aware of what’s going on. We understand we have a problem. So what are the best solutions of Now what? global warming? Can we help save the world? Yep. I would first suggest ACTION do whatever feels right for you. The I started with small steps. As I learned more, I found the bigger steps easier than I level of comfort will be different realized. I discussed my views with others and listened to their ideas. for everyone. To me, My friends in Alabama recently installed it can be summed up solar heaters and a tankless water heater. as: AWARENESS and Businesses are seeing the advantages of ACTION doing the right thing and stepping up their AWARENESS environmental cleaning efforts People My first exposure to from all walks of life have created petitions environmental issues requesting a more proactive government. came about while working at Home Depot. Need some ideas to get your creative green I watch as a person juices flowing? OK! Here you go! Enjoy! chained himself to our lumber shelves and o Get the family involved - make it fun and awaited the local police. educational. His actions, maybe a bit extreme to some, o Make it a project during your child’s science created awareness to fair. the customers, Home Depot and the media. o Chat with your friends - they may have Many of those same some unique ideas. actions ultimately changed the way Home Depot purchased and sold o Add a signature tag to your emails. I have a personal account with Yahoo. Whenever lumber. I send someone an email, my signature message or quote is at the end of the page. I create the signature once and forget about it. If you see a quote you like or have a For me, my level of comfort was message to share with others - signature it! turning off the lights. The more I learned, the more I did to help the o Find out what tax incentives or refunds are available to you, i.e. hybrid car tax environment. Learning about basic, incentives, toilet replacement rebates, deduct the costs of easy-to-do home repairs really energy-saving appliances and energy renovations in your home. made a difference and increased my confidence as well as the o Support greener businesses. Our money dictates what businesses sell. Our support confidence of my customers. encourages businesses to continue doing the right thing.

I have greater respect for Thais and


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o Vote. What candidates are fighting for positive changes in the environment? Who seems to be making global warming a primary focus in their campaign? How does the candidate balance global warming and the economy? Does the candidate understand the threat and what solutions does he or she offer?

Florida Creative Living


March - April 2012

o Join others online and become a part of something bigger. In the past, petitions involved going door-to-door or standing near the mall entrance. Thanks to the internet, a letter to Congress has never been easier - or more effective! Read the letter already prepared. If you agree with it, type your name and hit ENTER !

Adult Living |HOME

communicators and very o Submit your ideas to websites. I would love input from you! Your ideas can be just inexpensive. Get the kids or the what someone else needed! Many websites would also benefit from your thoughts community involved. Let your voice be heard too! and appreciate the communication! o Start a discussion group in your community. Barnes and Noble or Borders are excellent meetings spots. It’s a great way to meet others and bounce around ideas. o Help improve your neighborhood. In Tampa, there’s a wonderful community group that has a Project Lottery. Each participant chooses a project they need completed on their house. A name is pulled every month. The neighbors spend one weekend on the project. The lucky owner provides drinks and snacks to the neighbors volunteering.

About the Author

As a writer, teacher and founder of http://www.citizens-stopglobalwarming.com , Helena Jackson is constantly trying to find simple and easy ways to make a difference in the world.

o Create a website of your own! Everyone has a voice. Today, websites are effective

St. Patrick’s Day Lots of Green


he groundhog saw his shadow. New Orleans threw beads for Mardi Gras. Now it’s the leprechaun’s turn to hide his pot of gold. St. Patrick’s Day is here. Four-leaf clovers, blarney stones and Erin Go Bragh!celebrating the green holiday is more fun and more expensive than ever. Internet users are busy sending electronic Irish greetings to cube-mates. While Blue Mountain will send a free “Happy Shamrock Day” message, many other e-card sites require paid registration. Egreetings. com offers animated antics, including the classic “Irish Montage,” the ever-popular “St. Patrick’s Day Chin Song” and the witty “Top Leprechaun Complaints.”

FTD offers a St. Pat’s Cookie Tin and a St. Pat’s Gigantic Fortune Cookie. But if your honey is cutting back on carbs, send a fat-free Todd Oldham St. Patrick’s Day Bouquet or a 15 Stem Mixed Tulip Bouquet. For the fashionable, Zales offers an engravable Sterling Silver Saint Patrick Pendant while Patagonia Gifts has designed Celtic Love Knot cufflinks for your stylish Irishman. Red Envelope, a popular personalized gift company, has gifts for the entire family. They offer matching green “Ireland” track jackets and hoodies for Mom and toddler. Treat Dad to their green plaid leather flask. Grandma and Grandpa might like the Irish cable knit throw and four-leaf clover key chain.

Celebrating St. Pat’s Day extends beyond gift-giving. Irish-lovers all over are attending March 17th day events. Parades, festivals and If you would rather send a more personal offering, CONTINUE TO PAGE 45 you can send your sweetie a St. Paddy’s Day treat.

November - December 2011

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Florida Creative Living

March - April 2012

parties unite towns. Chicago is holding its 55nd Annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade at noon. Arrive early and watch as the Chicago River turns green. The parade committee raises funds through the sale of commemorative souvenir books. Printed yearly, this coffee table collector’s item contains stories and pictures of Chicago’s annual tradition. wallets. Specialty gift shops, e-card retailers and popular tourist cities If you’re planning on heading East instead, Boston is also a popular destination. While will reap revenue as we send many public events offer free admission, others require purchase. For a price you can flowers, watch Irish dancers, eat attend Irish concerts at the Orpheum, Boston Symphony Hall or the Roxy. Foodies may corned beef and cabbage, and enjoy the Gaelic Gourmet Gala at the Hotel Commonwealth, which features top Irish send online greetings. Did anyone and Bostonian chefs. The athletic can register for the 69th Annual St. Patrick’s Day find that pot of gold yet? Road Race & Walk benefiting the South Boston Boys & Girls Club.

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Passport holders may choose to go for the real deal. Thousands of tourists flock to Ireland during the month of March. From March 15-18, 4,000 performers and one million spectators will celebrate in Dublin. Cities of Galway, Limerick, Waterford and Cork also hold large festivals. Travelers can book a flight on Aer Lingus and fly from a variety of hubs. Vacation deals are available from sites like: Travelocity, O’Connors, Go Ahead Tours and Brennan Vacations.

About the Author

Laura Watkins is a contributing business writer for http://goliath. ecnext.com. Goliath is one of the Internet’s largest collections of business research, news and information.

On March 17th, Americans will be raising pints of Guinness and also opening their

Advice to get through the tough times ach of us experiences situations where we feel robbed, slandered, misunderstood, cheated, or simply jerked around in life. The end result may be the loss of a job, a friend, a love interest, a business deal, or the creation of a rift between family members. The pain we feel is very real, very deep, and very private. Often it’s impossible for people around us to understand the scope, or the depth of the pain we carry as a result of the emotional wounding we’ve experienced. What then, do we do when life really hurts?


inflicted upon us by other people. Some levels of pain are small, and we have the ability to let the situation roll off our back, letting us carry on in life as if nothing happened. For some, there are situations where the wound is so deep, we find ourselves crippled by it, not knowing how to get out from under the pain and the hurt that results. It’s in the midst of surrounding, choking pain that many people bog down in knowing what to do, or how to cope.

handful of steps we must all take in dealing with life’s hurts.

First. Privately admit to yourselves, you’ve been hurt! Own it. Embrace it. Everytime we lose something of value in life, we will enter a grieving process. Recognize this and be honest about it. It’s important to start at a place of honesty, recognizing your pain for what it is, a grieving process. This process may seem so insignificant, but for many there is tremendous difficulty in admitting, “ I Through the course of my own painful am feeling really hurt by this situation, experiences, I have learned and and as a result, I’ve lost something very identified key factors that help us deal precious to me.” with life’s pain. Other people’s list may There are varying degrees of pain we include additional points or comments, Secondly, (and this step in the process, often feel in response to situations but I believe there are a small few is no where near as easy as it sounds for

March - April 2012

Florida Creative Living | For All Ages!


Adult Living |HOME it often goes against our human nature) we need to forgive our offender. Understand, that by forgiving our offender, we are not letting him or her off the hook as far as consequences are concerned. By forgiving, we’re letting our self off the hook. We’re giving up any motivation or thought of revenge. When a person refuses to forgive, they choose to carry the pain, the anger, the bitterness, of the situation around with them every minute of the day and night. To a person who doesn’t forgive, the situation becomes an emotional wound that festers with compounding or secondary emotional infection. Until we forgive our offender, our offender ends up owning our emotions. (Many people have a poor understanding of what forgiveness is. For those who find themselves in this position, a simple internet search under the heading “Understanding Forgiveness” will produce many good articles and aides on this subject.) The third step in the process of responding to life’s deep hurt’s is to find a “safe friend” and share your pain with them. We all have friends in our lives, but what is meant by the term “safe friend”? “Safe friends” are friends who listen to you, are empathetic with you, can advise you honestly, but the most important quality in a “safe friend”, is the person’s ability to respect and maintain confidentiality. Not all friends are “safe friends”. “Safe friends” are often few and far between. “Safe friends” can be a current friend, a counselor, a priest, a therapist, a law enforcement officer, a lawyer, someone who’s been through a similar situation, or a person recommended to you by a friend because your friend feels they


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simply can’t help you, but know of a person who can. Fourth, at some point in our healing process, we need to decide to carry on in life. If we don’t carry on in life, then we’re choosing to let our offender win, and we’re choosing to be our offender’s victim. While this can be difficult to hear when we’re in the depths of a painful experience, being a “victim” is a choice, it’s a mental state, and it can be terribly crippling. For those caught in a victim mentality, it’s important to understand, they are in the position of strength, for they can choose to no longer be a victim by removing themselves from the conflict. If you feel you are being

with me her critical situation of a serious internal family conflict between her and her brother. The situation had become so difficult my friend was considering buying a gun to use against her abusive drug addicted sibling, if necessary. Her hurt was real, as was the pain caused her, but the use of a gun is not a solution, for the act of pulling the trigger and ending the life of her brother would haunt her in years to come at every family reunion, family wedding, family birthday, or family holiday. Her drug addicted brother would end up owning her emotions from his grave. There are many people in serious situation like my close friend, and it’s for this reason I share her story. In this particular case, and as I advised her, my friend’s solution lay in forgiveness, then seeking out a local “safe friend” in the law enforcement or legal community who could help her establish safe legal boundaries with this sibling, until he gained control of himself, and his social behaviors. For my friend, her boundaries might take on the form of having her extended family join her in introducing to the brother a drug rehabilitation intervention, perhaps it’ll take a restraining order, or perhaps lifting him totally out of his environment cutting him off from his drug source by giving him jail time. This may sound extreme for a family member to do, but remember this line, if you remember no other...”Better alive in a cell, than dead on the street!” The establishing of proper healthy boundaries is always a healthy life direction, and a hurt by a person, and you find a healthy good way for people to remove themselves way to remove yourself from that from the role of a victim. situation, then that person has no more emotional power over you. When life really hurts, there are positive solutions that empower us to live life to the Often when people struggle with life’s fullest in spite of our wounding. We may have hurts and pains, little thoughts of to change friends, and distance ourselves revenge enter into their minds. In the from wreckless and immature associations, heat of the moment, many arguements but we can bounce back, we can smile again, can be made to seemingly justify getting we can laugh, and we can rise above our back at a person, but is it the right circumstance. The choice is always ours. decision. Acts of revenge are never considered a consequence. Revenge is About the Author one type of offence being exchanged James C. Tanner of www.silent-wonder.com for another. People who harbor desires and of www.whats-he-like.com is a retired for revenge are people who struggle entrepreneur, a former special Investigator, and a published writer whose articles are with the aspect of forgiveness. currently enjoyed by over 12.5 million Recently, while in a conversation with a readers monthly. close friend, our conversation took on a more serious note. She began to share

Florida Creative Living

March - April 2012

Adult Living |HOME

For Dog Lovers


rue dog lovers always like to provide their canine familiars with the best treats available in the market. For the most dedicated luxury dog houses are one of the best and classiest ways for the owners to show their love for their pet. Luxury Dog houses are easily becoming a tendency among the classiest dog-friends.

As they become ever more popular among the buyers, so does the offer of this product grows and luxury dog houses come as varied as the client’s taste and wallet; If you are out to get one for your beloved dog all you need is a little market research and you will find plenty of places already selling and/or making you a fully customized dog house. If you don’t know where to start looking, the internet might be just the perfect place to start looking for luxury dog houses, as there are already many websites dealing with this kind of specific product and the offer keeps getting more advanced and attractive.

trying to spoil your dog and make him as happy as possible, not making his life harder. Popular among this new trend is to build the luxury dog houses in accordance to the dog owners´ own house, including matching the architecture and the design of both the interior and the exterior of the house, thus creating a visual harmony. The prices of such houses vary as much as the price of houses for human habitation. It will all depend on the level of luxury you are willing to offer your dog; nevertheless it is not an inexpensive business to build luxury dog houses. If you really want to bring something special home to your dog, you need to be ready to loosen up your wallet. This houses can be come a very expensive gift but they are also a great and classy way to show some love to your furry friend.

Some companies who offer custom dog house building even offer you the possibility to specifically choose all the type of materials involved in the building of the house. The available offer of custom features is immense and they range from actual wall paper, window covering, interior and exterior special wall painting , specific dog furniture- including beds, About the Author sofas and even some design pieces that serve also as dog toys- to Anthony Hutch is an author and animal lover that lighting and air conditioning. The outside of the luxury dog houses have purchases and reviews insulated dog houses, not been forgotten , and if you think your beloved dog deserves it, you cedar dog houses and outdoor cat houses can even manage to build him his own private dog house garden, with his own lawn , sand boxes and even a pool . The possibilities are truly virtually infinite. As long as you keep it functional in the dog’s point of view, you can really build your hearts desire. It is important to keep the dog’s perspective in mind when dealing with custom luxury dog houses. Some features are beautiful and look really good on human’s houses but for the obvious reasons, just don’t work with dogs. Remember you are

March - April 2012

Florida Creative Living | For All Ages!


Tips for Green Living in the Home

Adult Living |HOME

Making Sustainable Choices o you care about the environment and your health, but want to be stylish with your home décor at the same time? Luckily, there are plenty of green living options that can be implemented in your home in order to create a great look while remaining eco-friendly.


attractive, and can help you make your home more eco-friendly.

When buying for your kitchen, look for modern appliances to help bring your home up-to-date. By purchasing those appliances with the Energy Star rating, you can potentially cut the amount of energy you use to power those appliances in half. Adding faucet aerators to your kitchen and bathroom faucets will also help reduce Making Sustainable Choices the amount of water you use while still providing you with a high Making sustainable choices are an important pressure stream of water. component of green living. Making sustainable choices means purchasing products that don’t cause Obtaining Green Products a negative impact on the environment and that will Fortunately, green living is rapidly growing in popularity. In response, not make it more difficult for future generations to many manufacturers are offering lines of eco friendly products that continue to sustain themselves. Making sustainable can be used for decorating purposes. In addition, a growing number choices during the design process is referred to as of online and offline stores that are dedicated solely to green living ‘green design’ or ‘sustainable design’. Some great are becoming a more sustainable choices to consider when decorating common occurrence. include: One great resource for green living products is www.greenhome. • Natural stone counter tops com. This site carries only eco-friendly products, including furniture, • Cabinets and other products made from woods bedding, and home furnishings. Home furnishings offered at www. such as bamboo, eucalyptus, or recycled wood greenhome.com include candles, picture frames, tableware, home • Carpet made from natural fibers, such as wool accessories, clocks, lamps, rugs and carpet. Another great online and cotton, or made from recycled materials resource for green living products is www.livingreen.com. Here, you • Green-friendly paint and home wallpaper, which can find wall coverings, furniture, flooring, and more. Go to www. is being offered by a growing number of vivaterrra.com for fabulous green gifts for the home and garden. manufacturers • Antiques – after all, they are being recycled! Although it may take a little more time and effort to find and purchase eco products for your home, the effort will be worth it. You don’t have to create a bland and boring home Not only will you be doing your part to help conserve and protect décor in order to enjoy green living. In fact, there are the environment, green living is better for your health and can save numerous options out there that will allow you to you money in the long run. make your home look great while still protecting the planet. About the Author San Francisco Interior Designer - Mint Home Décor.

Appliances for Green Living

When it comes to green living, a great place to start is in your kitchen. Remodeling can add a great deal of value to your home, can make it more functional and


For All Ages! |

Florida Creative Living

March - April 2012

Adult Living |HEALTH

Divine Wellness, LLC | Apopka, Florida

Is Your Body Starving for Oxygen?

Breathing Techniques by Divine Wellness

Contact:Melissa Wilder | Email: divinewellness8@gmail.com | Website: www.divinewellness4u.com

id you know that most people access less than 30% of their full breathing capacity leaving their cells starved for oxygen? This deprivation can cause or worsen many illnesses. Learning how to enhance your breathing, even for short periods of time can help with conditions like asthma, high blood pressure, panic attacks, muscle tension and attention deficit disorder. Conscious deep breathing releases toxins on a cellular level, balancing the nervous system which can help with insomnia, stress, anxiety and depression.


Another added benefit of breathwork is the removal of stored negative emotions and energetic blockages. So often we internalize our feelings without allowing ourselves to fully express them. Anger, resentment, traumatic

events, fears and hurt can become stuck in our energy body and often manifest into symptoms in the physical body. By safely releasing these emotions you can experience more freedom, peace, joy and fulfillment in your life. Self-doubts, worry and negative thoughts will start to melt away with each session, leaving you recharged and revitalized. Divine Wellness, LLC offers affordable weekly breathwork sessions in the Orlando area to assist you in shedding all that no longer serves you. Start the transformation today and breathe your way to a better life! No experience necessary, all are welcome. Visit us on the web at www.facebook.com/ OrlandoBreathwork or join our Meetup group to RSVP for a session www.meetup.com/OrlandoBreathwork. Breath is the bridge which connects life to consciousness, which unites your body to your thoughts. ~Thich Nhat Hanh View pg 34 for Divine Wellness, LLC ad.

By Melissa Wilder

March - April 2012

Florida Creative Living | For All Ages!


Adult Living |HEALTH

The Most Serious Health Concerns for Women

What You Can Do

hese days, it seems women have more health concerns than ever. Perhaps they are greater in number than ever before or perhaps we are just more aware of women’s issues as women are more comfortable having them brought to the forefront.


One issue that continually does get the attention it deserves is breast cancer. The breast cancer statistics are alarming, and almost everyone you know has a sister or mother who has suffered from this deadly disease. If caught early enough, it does not have to be deadly. In fact, there are things you can do so that you don’t get it at all. Every woman (young and old) should be checking their breasts monthly to detect for any strange lumps or any unusual signs. This can be done in the shower, with one arm raised and the other performing the checking task. Any doctor can show you the specifics on how to do this. If you do sense something suspicious, make an appointment with your doctor right away to have it looked at. The other thing you can do is be a conscious consumer; every day the FDA is coming out with new information as to what may be potential carcinogens (cancer-causing agents), from food additives to plastics to


For All Ages! |

Florida Creative Living

environmental hazards. Becoming aware and taking the time to be educated can make all the difference in the world. Another major health concern for women is heart disease. This continues to be the number one killer of women, actually, and it doesn’t just happen to those you would suspect. When people think of heart disease, most people think of the severely obese. However, women can suffer from heart disease, high blood pressure, and clogged arteries from poor food choices, lack of exercise, and stress. Believe it or not, if you eat fast food on a regular basis and skip the gym in favor of drinks after a very stressful work day that ends at 7:00 p.m. instead of 5:00 p.m., you may be in a higher risk category than your friend who remains calm, eats a lot of healthy food choices, and practices yoga a couple times a week. If you know you are in the first group, the best thing you can do for yourself is to start making small changes. If you can’t get away from a stressful job or career, make sure to step away each hour and do deep breathing exercises, and stretch your body while at work. Go to the ladies room to do it if necessary! Try to make smarter food choices, even if it means just eliminating one of your favorite junk food meals’ a week. If you’re not big on exercise, start with a simple walk a couple times a week and go from there. The sooner you make these changes, the healthier you will be and the less at risk for heart disease. A third issue for women and one that has been on the rise for quite some time is obesity. The “average” American woman has increased in size to a size 12 or even a size 14, with many women reaching far beyond that size. This can be unhealthy depending on your body fat percentage. While women can take some of the same steps as with heart disease discussed above, people who suffer from obesity may need to take more drastic measures in order to get their weight down. If you are obese, it is definitely time to get

March - April 2012


your diet in check so that you don’t later develop heart disease, or adult diabetes, or a host of other problems from being overweight. Eating a lot of processed, artificially sweetened, or sugar and fatladen foods is likely a habit, and one that needs to be nipped in the bud. Hand in hand with poor eating habits is exercise habits, and if you don’t have any it’s time to get some! It will be difficult at first, and you are likely to be winded and tired after a very short time of exertion. However, if you keep pushing through the challenging times you will soon see and feel the difference. You will notice

you have more energy, as your workout time may go from ten minutes on the treadmill to fifteen to twenty. As you benefit from this greater energy, it will not only help power you through your workout sessions, but it will put a brighter spin on the rest of your life. You will find you have more energy throughout the day, and chances are you will continue to burn calories because of this. You will probably find an easier time making healthy food choices if you incorporate exercise into your fight against obesity as well.

Adult Living |HEALTH Women’s issues can be the same as men’s issues or they can be different. The good news is, women’s health concerns get discussed more than they used to, and this gives us greater power in awareness.

About the Author

Megan Hazel is a freelance writer who writes about health and fitness topics, similar to what consumers read in Women’s Health.

Adult Living |SPORTS

Women and Golf ith the sport of golf gaining such mainstream popularity, it is no surprise that more and more women are starting to pick up golf clubs and head out to the course. Whether you are a young lady following in the footsteps of your parents, or a wife joining her husband for a few holes, there is no doubt that you will soon become an addict. But before you head out to the tee, keep these few fundamentals in mind.


The first step in swinging a golf club is properly gripping the club. First, rest the club on the ground, and then place your left hand on the club (if you are right handed). Make sure the thumb on your left hand is placed on top of the club’s grip so that it is pointing towards the ground. Your thumb and index finger will make a ‘V’ that should be pointing towards your chin. Then place your right

Tips for Women Golfers

palm on top of the thumb of your left hand. The ‘V’ of the thumb and index finger of the right hand should point towards the right shoulder. Don’t grip the club too tight; in reality you should place relatively little pressure on the club. One of the most common errors I see women beginners make, is flexing the left elbow on the takeaway. This is wrong! On the takeaway, your left elbow should ALMOST be locked straight, and remain this way until the end of the follow-through.

mind is that most of the power in your shot comes from your core. This means that gaining distance can be achieved by generating a good body turn at impact. Do not just use your arms in your swing. Use your whole body. Turn your hips as you are making contact with the ball.

I also see a lot of women bend their wrists when making contact with the ball; perhaps to try and help the ball into the air. Do not try to use your wrists to help the ball in the air. In reality, swinging DOWN, not up on the ball, is what carries it into the air.

About the Author

These are just a few tips that I thought would be useful for beginner women golfers. Keep these in mind before teeing off. To really build a strong, fundamentally sound swing, I recommend going to a golf-pro in your area for lessons. Savannah Durbin is an avid golfer and aspiring computer engineer. To read more golf tips and articles, visit: www. golfenthusiastic.com

Another thing women should keep in

March - April 2012

Florida Creative Living | For All Ages!




Crossword Puzzle

1. Outbuilding 5. Military trainee 10. Health resort 13. Ashen 15. Stage whisper 16. Bronze 17. Mediterranean fruit 18. Belonging to them 19. Floor covering 20. Oval 22. Contusion 24. Entrance 25. Swimming shoe 26. Aft 29. Sediment 30. Hawaiian garland 31. Crown-like headdress 34. Send payment for 38. Encounter 40. Walk clumsily 42. Orderly 43. Small branch 45. Massage 47. Concession given to mollify 48. Salver 50. Steal cattle 52. Show appreciation 55. Land measure 56. Facile 57. Law officer 61. Paddle 62. Former European gold coin 65. Sashay 66. Single 67. Give expression to 68. Beauty parlor 69. Golf accessory 70. Go in 71. Salacious


1. Wild plum 2. Mound 3. Iniquity 4. Separate into parts 5. Provide 6. Type of tree 7. Perish 8. Fit to eat 9. Hunting dog 10. Airfield 11. Heitate 12. Ire 14. Extradite 21. Relating to sound

23. Overturn 25. Fire 26. Voluntary contributions 27. Ooze 28. Level 32. Synthetic resin 33. Operate 35. Thin fog 36. Object of worship 37. Variety 39. Heading 41. Dry out 44. Spanish nobleman 46. Compulsory force

49. Fall 51. Successive 52. Walking 53. Woodworking tool 54. Prepare food by straining or blending 55. Daisylike flower 58. Not in active use 59. Current 60. Withstand the force of something 63. Crib 64. Consumed

View our next issue for the correct answers to this Crossword puzzle. 52

For All Ages! |

Florida Creative Living

March - April 2012


Adult Living | CROSSWORD & SUDOKU FUN A sudoku puzzle is a logic puzzle which is solved using logic and reasoning. Though the number of squares in the grid may vary, a standard Sudoku puzzle is a 9x9 grid divided into nine 3x3 blocks in which some of the numbers are given. The object of the puzzle is to fill in the rest of the grid using only the numbers 1 through 9 so that no number repeats in any block, row or column. The difficulty is determined by how many and which numbers are given and where they are placed in the grid and can range from very easy to extremely challenging. Though sudoku puzzles generally use numbers as symbols, no mathematical skills are required to solve the puzzle. View our next issue for the correct answers to this Sudoku puzzle.

Answer Guide Jan.- Feb. Issue

Crossword Puzzle


March - April 2012

Florida Creative Living | For All Ages!


Adult Living | ARTIST CORNER Sheree Rensel

Sheree Rensel

Artwork Title: Alive Size: 24” X 24” Price: $450

Artwork Title: Calm Size: 24” X 24” Price: $450

To purchase, please visit: http://www.wizzlewolf.com/ 2000.html

To purchase, please visit: http://www.wizzlewolf.com/ 2000.html

Sheree Rensel

Sheree Rensel

Artwork Title: Free Size: 24” X 24” Price: $450

Artwork Title: RaduabtSize: 24” X 24” Price: $450

Location: St. Pete., Florida

Location: St. Pete., Florida

Location: St. Pete, Florida

Location: St. Pete, Florida

To purchase, please visit: http://www.wizzlewolf.com/ 2000.html

To purchase, please visit: http://www.wizzlewolf.com/ 2000.html

Sheree Rensel

Charles Marton

Artwork Title: Thankful Size: 24” X 24” Price: $450

Artwork Title: Butterflies Price: $15

Location: Gulfport, Florida

Location: St. Pete., Florida

To purchase, please visit: http://www.wizzlewolf.com/ 2000.html

To purchase, please visit: http://www.zazzle.com/ butterflies_horizontal_ mug-168318472425751880

Sessie Welzien Location: Key West, FL

Sessie Welzien

Artwork Title: Square Coin Purses Price: $12

Artwork Title: Round Coin Purses Price: $15

Contact: Sessie by email at sewfast321@aol.com to purchase your customized purse.

Contact: Sessie by email at sewfast321@aol.com to purchase your customized purse.

For All Ages! |

Florida Creative Living

Location: Key West, FL

March - April 2012

Adult Living | ARTIST CORNER Sessie Welzien Location: Key West, FL

Sessie Welzien

Artwork Title: Purses Price: $20

Artwork Title: Purses Price: $40

Contact: Sessie by email at sewfast321@aol.com to purchase your customized purse.

Contact: Sessie by email at sewfast321@aol.com to purchase your customized purse.

Abigail White

Abigail White

Artwork Title: Yellow Habitat Home Large Giclee size 26x39 Price: $500.00 Small Giclee 12” x18” Price: $149.00

Artwork Title: Purple Habitat Home Large Giclee size 26x39 Price: $500.00 Small Giclee 12” x18” Price: $149.00

View more sizes and prices at www.ColorsOfWhite.com/prints

View more sizes and prices at www.ColorsOfWhite.com/prints

Location: Key West, FL

Location: Key West, FL

Abigail White Location: Key West, FL

Artwork Title: Habitat’s Bayside Landing Large Giclee size 26x39 Price: $500.00 Small Giclee 12” x18” Price: $149.00 View more sizes and prices at www.ColorsOfWhite.com/prints

Location: Key West, FL

Are you a Florida Artist that has paintings, drawings, photography, pottery, etc to sell? Want to become famous? Have your informati on listed and include your picture of your art work for a low fee of $20.

All proceeds from Abigail White prints, benefit Habitat for Humanity of Key West & Lower FL Keys. Please contact opsdirector@habitatlowerkeys.org to order.

Attention band members, are you having a hard time finding gigs? Would you like to be listed for $20? Have a sound recording of your music? The $20 it includes one of your songs and your band informati on. Listi ngs are grouped by genres. Let Florida Creati ve Living give you that exposure to have your phone ring!

Adult Living |BAND DIRECTORY Tampa’s Arlington Road Band Classic Rock & Roll Blues Country Location: Land O’ Lakes, FL Manager: Chuck Johnson Email: branchwoodvideo@hotmail.com

March - April 2012

Phone: 813.948.6814 Florida Creative Living | For All Ages!


Adult Living | BUSINESS DIRECTORY Saint Pete., Florida

Apopka, Florida Divine Wellness, LLC Apopka, FL

Health and Wellness

www.divinewellness4u.com www.facebook.com/ DivineWellnessLLC

Bradenton, Florida

Motorhead Mobile Mechanic

The Pier Aquarium

St. Pete., FL Non-Profit Organization

O: 813.458.0334

O: 727.803.9799 ext. 207 www.pieraquarium.org

MJ Real Estate

Wizzle Workz

O: 813.948.6814 C: 813.376.8646

www.wizzlewolf.com YouTube: wizzlewolf

Lutz, FL Mechanic


Lutz, FL Real Estate Agency


St. Pete., FL


Bankers Life & Casualty Company Bradenton, FL Insurance

O: 941.730.8243

Software Architecture Symposiums International Lutz, FL Computers/Technology

O: 813.690.9739


Tampa, Florida Stacy’s Gluten Free Goodies Tampa, FL

Land O’ Lakes, Florida


O: 813.477.4247 www.gluten-free-goodies.com

Myakka, Florida Sweet Whimsy

Land O’ Lakes, FL Custom Pendants

O: 813.244.3582 www.oursweetwhimsy.com

Backyward Getaway Myakka, FL


O: 941.752.7663


Lutz, Florida

Port St. Lucie, Florida

Richard Pickle Enterprises,Inc. Tampa, FL Home Inspector

O: 813.843.8564 www.richardpickle.com

Wellington, Florida

Gulash Graphics

Simply Saltsational

W4CY Radio

O: 813.994.5110 C: 813.458.1098

O: 772.475.7408 www.simplysaltsational.com

O: 561.506.4031 www.w4cy.com

Lutz, FL Design Firm



For All Ages! |

Florida Creative Living

Port Saint Lucie, FL Spa/Beauty

March - April 2012

Wellington, FL Internet Radio

Adult Living | Chef’s Delight

Ingredients Coarse salt and ground pepper 12 ounces of penne noodles 1 pound large (31 to 35) peeled and deveined frozen shrimp, tails on (if desired), thawed 3 tablespoons olive oil 2 garlic cloves, minced 2 tablespoons coarsely chopped fresh basil 1/4 teaspoon red-pepper flakes 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice Instructions 1. In a large pot of boiling salted water, cook penne noodles until al dente; reserve 1/2 cup pasta water. Add shrimp to pot, and stir. Immediately drain noodles and shrimp, and set aside (the shrimp will continue to cook). 2. In same pot, heat oil over medium. Add garlic, basil, and red-pepper flakes. Cook, stirring, until garlic is golden, 1 to 3 minutes. 3. Remove from heat; return pasta and shrimp to pot. Add lemon juice and enough pasta water to create a thin sauce that coasts pasta. Season with salt and pepper, and serve.

Florida Based Businesses


is hosting a month long celebration in July. Come party with Them!!

July 1-14 Auction to benefit Majical Miniatures July 15-31 FBB Sponsor giveaway* Majical Miniatures is a wildlife/barnyard animal rescue and rehabilitation center. There goal is to keep the animals spirits “wild” always with intentions to release back into the wild. Those who can not be released are life long educators at Majical Miniatures. Backyard Getaway has agreed to not only donated their expertise but also their valuable time to build a pond in this education center. All we need now is the funding. This is where you come in. We are looking and for some great FBB who would be willing to donate products and services to our auction for such a worthy cause. To learn more on how you can help, please visit www.florida-based-businesses.com/christmas-in-july.html March - April 2012

Florida Creative Living | For All Ages!



For All Ages! |

Florida Creative Living

March - April 2012

Adult Living | TECHNOLOGY

The Technology Of TOMORROW

Instant Coffee Makeup! I am instant coffee person so please excuse my lack of knowledge of recycling ground coffee beans. Apparently there are plenty of ways you can reuse the crushed beans and some of them include in facepacks, fertilizer for mushrooms and closet deodorizer! The key however is to get the grounds completely dry before you use them; wet grounds get moldy fast. ReBirth is an appliance that does just this; it dries up the wet grounds so that you can put them to their life’s purpose post their caffeine stage. Designer: Seul-gi Kim

Bench Tweets

Kudos to the British Royalty for recognizing the potential of social media! Gizmodo’s Kat Hannaford reports that invitees have been encouraged to report the event live via Twittter and mobile uploads! This brings me to the project at hand called TweetingSeat, and exploration into thepotential for connecting physical and digital communities. What this means is that the bench is an interactive medium that records the users behavior whist he/she sits on the bench, happily tweeting to their followers. It has two cameras’ one camera is located on the bench looking at the surrounding space, and another is located nerarby looking at the poeple who use it. Both these cameras capture the proceedings and stream it live to the twitter page. Big Brother enough for ya? Designer: Christopher MchNicholl

March - April 2012

Florida Creative Living | For All Ages!


Adult Living |TECHNOLOGY

For Aspiring DJ’s The RSON8 is a touchscreen controller for aspiring DJ’s, talent required, although it does make mixing music a lot easier for noobs. The device has grooves where digital buttons appear allowing one to augment track(s) and levels. The screen also uses next generation tactile feedback substrates so you can literally feel the sliders. And if you’re still scratching your head as to how to pronounce it, try “resonate”. Hit the jump for a video. Designers: Vibhas Jain

Visit: www.vimeo.com/37523672

Take a Green Break The Green Air is a mass of greens that you plant atop your monitor and use it as a frequent reminder to stop and smell the flowers! I am going to skip the technical details, and focus on the fact that we do need to contemplate our workspace and environment. In a sterile office setup with mechanical schedules, placebos like a mock green patch can do wonders for productivity and our health. Green Air is just another example of how we can pep up our space. Designers: Wang Yi PEng, Fan Xu & Zhu RB


For All Ages! |

Florida Creative Living

March - April 2012

March - April 2012

Florida Creative Living | For All Ages!



Nationally Know Comedian


Louis Martin

or the last serveral years I have area and myself. (Enough of the P.C. Stuff) Groupies!!! Let’s had the opportunity to perform face it, everybody likes to say they knew “So-n-So” before stand-up across the country. they were famous Worldwide. So ladies here’s your chance to get to know Louis Martin before TMZ makes it impossible for you to leave my place without it being posted all over the net. I would like to say, try to wait until I get off the stage. I did have one lady get on stage with me and started trying to distract me during my set. I finished my set but needless to say I started getting a little off...track that is. In addition, to the previously mentioned fans I would also like to meet other Stand-Up Comics. Some in the industry say they do not like to watch other comics perform and beyond their own shows they’re pretty much nowwhere to be found. I’m on the other side. I enjoy watching other comics then working with them to enhance both or our sets. By Louis Martin Need a Comic? Comments? Questions? Criticism? To contact me, please send me an email at myemail@louismartincomedy.com

Some of the gigs were paid, some sets donated at Charity Events and like many other comics, I continue to perform at various OpenMIcs to work out new material and to keep the rest of it fresh. I would like to meet fans of Stand-Up. Since moving back to the East Coast I have decided to enhance my accessibility to my fan base by creating this website called, “www.louismartincomedy.com”. I am always looking to increase the exposure of various artist, shows in the 62

For All Ages! |

Florida Creative Living

Click on the image above to view one of my shows.

March - April 2012

March - April 2012

Florida Creative Living | For All Ages!



For All Ages! |

Florida Creative Living

March - April 2012

Adult Living | VA Memoirs POLITICS vs

THE VETERAN Help Those That Served Our Country


he United States Marine Corp is still looking for ‘a few good men’ and the United States Government is now looking for 1.2 trillion dollars to help balance the budget.

And to make those of us who served, a little more interesting, they are looking at the military health care system. Yes.. you heard me right. A short time ago one of our Florida Representatives Jeff Miller (R-FL) who served as Chair of the House Committee on Veterans Affairs outlined his concern in this area. They refer to it as ‘Sequestration” . As Rep Miller stated “As it stands right now, sequestration of government programs is imminent”.

about to move out on’ and they reply, ‘ when you reach the top you will know.’ For those of us who have had the experience of entering a VA hospital or being treated in one , we can understand that such a reduction in funding can truly create hardship on some veterans. If it creates a hardship on just one, that is one to many. In 1966 I was unfortunate to visit, as a patient, a field hospital in Vietnam. They stated I would experience some difficulty with my back in years to come and I did. Entering the James A Haley Hospital in Tampa, was made a lot easier by the admissions office and the treatments I received in the next two years were excellent. I found that in my conversations with fellow veterans , all were satisfied with the care they received. Thumbs up to the staff at James Haley. They made me whole again. And that is the way it should be. From the soldier who suffered his or her injuries in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq or any other conflict, we went because we were told to do so. If we were injured all was asked was that the government who sent us, try and make us whole again.

What that may mean is that the axe may fall in the near future and be I think that will be somewhat difficult if they continue to reduce the budget of ready. Such cuts, could be the reason the VA, all while we continue to send our men and women into harms way in far to reduce the VA’s budget by as much reaching countries around the world. as 2%. Is there a better way? So when you hear of such reductions in the VA Budget perhaps it s time to pick up Well, according to Miller and Senator the phone and call your elected representative and express your opinion. Or send Patty Murray (D-WA) they have that email or a letter. It is time our representatives know that certain things are contacted the Office of Management ‘not on the table” as were the military pay checks and limited VA services last year and Budget asking if OMB intended used as an excuse to reach a ‘continued resolution’ in the world of politics. to touch the VA budget. They have not yet to my knowledge, received Military veterans are not asking for a lot. Just a fair playing field. a reply other then ‘OMB will provide sequester implementation guidance later in the year’. Kind of like ‘what is by Chuck Johnson .. U.S.Army/ MSG (Ret) the enemy strength on the hill we are

March - April 2012 Florida Creative Living | For All Ages!


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