President Randy Faul (863)244-3709 president@floridatrailriders.org
AA/A Don Chriss (407)694-5614
Specialty A/B Peter Magee (352)-472-6932 cr250@bellsouth.net
Vice President James Hill (941) 812-1247 vicepresident@floridatrailriders.org Secretary Kelsey Salter secretary@floridatrailriders.org Treasurer Allen Pearce (352)339-5644 treasurer@floridatrailriders.org
Hare Scrambles Randy Rash (954)931-5709 hschair@floridatrailriders.org Enduros George Tolson (863)698-3837 endurochair@floridatrailriders.org Enduros Glenn Hunt (678)-231-4100 ghunt350xc@gmail.com Hare Scrambles Dan Aitken (407)461-8595 hsref@floridatrailriders.org Associate HS Ref Pete Rose (941)270-1189 pwrracingktm@gmail.com
Magazine Editor Dave Dekmar (941) 356-7796 ftrmagazine@dekmar3d.com
Specialty C/Women Jimmy Pitts (321)632-3456
Hare Scrambles B/C Ryan McCarthy (941)234-5086
Timothy Campbell
Specialty A/B Danny Kittell (727)244-7299 cell (727)786-8922 home kittell@verizon.net
Specialty C/Women Kerri Chambers (863)956-9140 jekchambers@aol.com
Saturday Classes Kurt Lucas (786)385-7771 ktmx16@gmail.com
Quads Pete Rose (941)270-1189
Hare Scramble Brandon St. John (912)729-1089 hsscore@floridatrailriders. org
Enduro CBob House (770)778-9343 cbr46@yahoo.com
Electronic Scoring Maintenance Tim Nordle score.n.it.4.ftr@gmail.com
facebook.com/ ftr-floridatrailridersmagazine
issuu.com/ floridatrailriders magazine
FLORIDA TRAIL RIDERS IN THIS ISSUE Page 4 Page 4 Page 6 Page 7 Page 10 Page 12 Page 16
Executive Committee Contacts Riders Reps Area Reps and Club Contacts The Prez Says CFTR Message From Elesa Berard 8 Tips Peace River Hare Scramble
On The Cover: Barry McCarty and Kyle McAfee battle to a second and third place overall finish behind Clay Llyons at the Peace River Hare Scramble. PC: Morgan Hill
Area #1: Don St.John Counties: Out-of-State, Escambia, Santa Rosa, Okaloosa, Walton, Holmes, Washington, Bay, Jackson, Calhoun, Gulf, Gadsden, Liberty, Franklin, Leon, Wakulla, Jefferson, Madison, Taylor, Lafayette, Dixie Area #2: Larry Roberts Counties: Hamilton, Suwannee, Columbia, Baker, Union, Bradford, Nassau, Duval, Clay, Putnam, St. Johns Area #3: William Toreki (352)372-1135 stillbill@cox.net Counties: Gilchrist, Alachua, Levy, Marion, Citrus, Sumter, Lake Area #4: Joe Carrasquillo (386)295-8428 fdjoec@aol.com Counties: Flagler, Volusia
CLUB Area #10: Luis M Rodriguez (772)871-6385 luisabx@hotmail.com Counties: Okeechobee, St. Lucie, Martin Area #11 Peter Rose (941)270-1189 pwrracingktm@gmail.com pete.rose@marinemax.com Counties: Charlotte, Glades, Lee, Hendry, Collier Area #12: Kyle McAfee Counties: Palm Beach Area #13: Paul Lucas Counties: Broward, Dade, Monroe
1 Apollo Motorcycle Club Mark Bordelon (321)794-0993 voice and text markbord115@gmail.com www.apollomotorcycleclub.com
14 Sarasota Area Dirt Riders Randy Faul (863)244-3709 president@floridatrailriders.org www.sarasotadirtriders.com
2 Azalea City Motorcycle Club Gary Wyatt-Interlachan,Fl (386)684-2698 wyattg1@windstream.net
15 Sarasota Area Quad Riders Amanda Fronckowiak-Venice,Fl (941) 223-6974 ajc7191@comcast.net
3 Big Scrub Trail Riders Allen Pearce-Tavares,Fl (352) 339-5644
16 Southeast Florida Trail Riders Fra n k Ca m p b e l l -We s t p a l m Beach,Fl (561) 951-3732 Seftr35@yahoo.com
www.bigscrub.com 4 Central Florida Trail Riders Elesa Berard (407) 376-7115 elesa@embarqmail.com 5 Columbia Enduro Riders Ricky Dennis-Columbia,SC (803)786-0051 mastercraft@bellsouth.net 6 Daytona Dirt Riders Shaun Foutch (386)214-4878 eastflorida234@yahoo.com zwww.daytonadirtriders.com
Area #5: Troy Stainbrook
7 Family Riders, Inc. Johnny Thomas-Hanahan,SC (843)553-1463 familyriderssc@bellsouth.net
Counties: Hernando, Pasco. Pinellas, West Hillsborough
8Greenville Enduro Riders Chris Poole-Laurens,SC info@greenvilleenduroriders.com
17 Sumter Enduro Riders Johnny McCoy-Sumter,SC (803) 481-5169 serma@ftc-i.net www.sermaclub.com 18 Suncoast Trail Blazers Troy Stainbrook-President (813) 892-0929 www.suncoasttrailblazers.com 19 Sunrunners M/C Dale Ellis-Auburndale,Fl (407)467-1196 dlellis@laneconstruction.com 20 Tallahassee Trail Riders Mikey Rainey (850)591-5386 www.tallahasseetrailriders.org
Area #6: Mike Belle Counties: East Hillsborough, Polk Area #7: Bill Jenkins, Jr. (407)282-6056 ford3233@aol.com Counties: Seminole, Orange, Osceola Area #8: Mark Bordelon (321)794-0993 mborde01@intersil.com Counties: Brevard, Indian River Area #9: Ron Thomas (941)232-9562 ronthomasftr211@gmail.com Counties: Manatee, Sarasota, Hardee, DeSoto, Highlands
9 Old School Dirt Riders Ben Kelly-Sarasota,Fl (941)650-1473/(941)650-1474 ftr90racer@yahoo.com 10 Palm Beach Track & Trail Randy Rash (954)931-5709 11 Perry Mountain M/C Glenn Hollingshead-Selma.AL (334)872-0619 hhollingsh@msn.com 12 Nature Coast Trail Blazers Rob Swann (813)731-5552 rswann222@gmail.com www.naturecoasttrailblazers.com 13 River City Dirt Riders Barry Miller-President (904)613-6572 rcdrjax@gmail.com
21 Treasure Coast Trail Riders Luis Rodriguez (772)801-9777 luisabx@hotmail.com
The Prez Say’s
FLORIDA TRAIL RIDERS As you read this, we have finally started our season with both our enduros and the hare scrambles series well on the way with a couple of each in the books. It’s pretty obvious that everyone was ready to start as the attendance was exceptional and buzz was off the charts. Friends and family coming together to enjoy the weekend away from all the hustle and bustle is always a good reason to load up all the toys, the kids and the dog to hit the road to go to this thing called ‘Race Weekend”. Things sure has changed from the good ole days when we had to work on the bikes all week, load up Saturday night and head out early Sunday morning in a rundown van that looked like a bunch of gypsies heading to a concert. Riding gear, bikes and gas was squeezed in every inch of the race van along with 3 or 4 of us sitting anywhere there was an opening. Now days we load Thursday, leave early Friday and set up and start cooking steaks by 5 o’clock. Along with our campers comes the trailer with all the toys, race bikes and enough spare parts to open up a small parts dept. Things sure has changed from those days when you had to worry about if you got the points filed and the gap set correctly along. Those were the days when it was a major task just to finish and hope that it wasn’t a wet muddy event as that
meant chain and sprockets, brake shoes and anything else that moved that usually was worn out by the end of the day. Now days we can go almost the whole season on the same parts we started with even with a couple mud runs. I guess the reason I brought all this up on how we used have to do it is the fact that sometimes we forget where we come from and how much our sport has evolved. We are now watching the push to go electric as KTM has already introduced a mini off road race bike that just needs to be charged. Just think how much our sport has changed since the 60’s and 70’s but one thing that hasn’t changed is the fun and the friendship that comes along with all of us circling the wagons. Remember where we come from and make the most out of our sport and our lives as we all know the saying, ‘Life is Short” so live for the weekends with your family and enjoy life. Thanks for listening, Randy Faul
8 www.floridatrailriders.org
As I was clearing trail for the Daytona Dirt Riders Hare Scramble, I came on an amazing site. There, in the middle of the palmettos, pines and various weeds, briars and face-slappers, was this awesome vine of morning glories. The purple contrasted brightly against the dark greens of the surroundings. I couldn’t control the smile or the quiet “thank you”. Right before the race, Betty and I were on a cruise with our family to the Caribbean. It was our first time down in the “little latitudes”. While there, I got to ride a quad unto a black (volcanic) sand beach and marveled at the mica in the sand making it sparkle like diamonds. The terrain on St. Lucia was mountainous with deep valleys filled with coconut palms, banana trees and lush foliage. Even my son’s video couldn’t capture the incredible colors. And don’t get me started on the waters around the islands! In Psalm 96:11-12 the author wrote, “Let heaven celebrate! Let the earth rejoice! Let the sea and everything in it roar! Let the countryside and everything in it celebrate! Then all the trees of the forest too will shout out joyfully. God loves us so much He created all this for our pleasure. The book of Job puts it this way;
“But ask the beasts, and they will teach you; the birds of the heavens, and they will tell you; or the bushes of the earth, and they will teach you; and the fish of the sea will declare to you. Who among all these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this? In his hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of all mankind. So this season, while you’re out prepping trail or just cow trailing through your favorite riding area, take the time to realize that our loving Father thinks so much of you He placed the trees, flowers and woods for your enjoyment. Most of all, He gave you the breath and life to thank Him for it! “The Good Race” joy service returns every Saturday night from 7:30 to 7:45 pm. We will meet at the CMA tent on vendor’s row. Bring a chair and come join us! Blessings on and off the road, Jim and Betty Edleston CMA
Starting Line to Checkered Flag… “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” 2 Timothy 4:7
Starting Line to Checkered Flag… “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” 2 Timothy 4:7
If you're in the market for some new gear; a stand, ramp, tie downs, tool box, fuel can etc. check out Matrix Concepts. They make some quality products that are used in all the pro pits. Right now they are having a great Fall sale. Sign up for their e-mail news letter and, as of the time this is issue is posted, use the code:G650C you will get 50% off your whole order and spend $100 you get free shipping and make sure you if you add your name and number and pick a art style you will also get free custom graphics for whatever you order. www.matrixracingproducts.com
ftrmagazine@dekmar3d.com 9
Central Florida Trail Riders: A Message From Elesa Berard
FTR was proud to host the 1st Hare scramble of the 2019 season. We had the largest turn out in history on that property at 917 entries with approximately 25 returns. Parking was very tight and lots of people piled in, but CFTR wants to thank the FTR community for doing a great job cleaning up behind themselves. Our club members only found a couple of camp sites that left their garbage, everyone else did a tremendous job taking their garbage to our dumpster, of which we ended up needing 2 dumpsters. Our president Dave Nagel was kind enough to stay behind and manage through a lot of disgusting garbage work to get the dumpsters picked up and all the garbage gone. With no serious injuries over the weekend, CFTR always counts that as a successful race! The race track really broke down and was extremely rough and the dry conditions left the ground very unforgiving. Lots of blistered hands an heat exhaustion. Looking at the tough races ahead this was a good one to condition yourself with. There was some debate on whether the club used last year's trail ran backwards, of which the club was extremely proud of the work they had put in to giving the racers a new trail other than the fence choke points that we have to go through. But even doing that the track ended up extremely rough and gave everybody a run for their money. Many thanks to all our Volunteers who come out and help make our event a success, without our members we couldn’t do this! CFTR used new food vendors this year, which was super scary when we weren’t sure if they would show up, but ended up very happy with their participation in our event. Chris at WTF Concessions 863-512-6657, Darien BBQ 863-272-0831, and Sandra at Tony’s Italian Ice 863-272-9497 all showed up with great food and great service. We had a band Saturday night and it really brought a relaxed enjoyable vibes to the event! Lots of people came with their lawn chairs and drinks and listened. We were very lucky to have had Roger Ennis and his Blues and Grass Band come play for us for a few hours. Definitely want to try to do that again at our race. Central Florida Power Sports as always supported our race with water and coolers for our gate workers as well as transportation to help the event run smoothly. Many thanks to Jason Ennis and team! Again processing almost 190 renewal and new FTR memberships challenged the FTR sign up line but this year we handled it and was able to start the races on time both days! Looking forward to the rest of the season and if anyone local to Central Florida would like to come out and join our club here's how to do that; Meetings are every second Tuesday of the month beginning at 7:30pm and held at Ace Café, 100 Livingston St. Orlando, FL 32801 407-996-6686 Central Florida Trail Riders is a charter member of the American Motorcyclist Association and one of the member clubs of the Florida Trail Riders. Our members participate in Enduros, Hare Scrambles, Motocross events and weekend trail rides. We are a family oriented club interested in promoting Off-Road Motorcycling. We organize, promote and host at least one Hare Scramble and the annual Straight Arrow Enduro event each year. During these events we enjoy camping, riding, barbecuing and working
10 www.floridatrailriders.org
together. Join us! You will have friends to ride with, a pit crew at the races and someone to make sure you get home if you have trouble. Our members come from Orange, Osceola, Seminole, Volusia and Lake counties. Virtually all of Central Florida is represented by our members. You will have fun and an opportunity to promote our sport!! CFTR has been a club for over 40 years. CFTR has strong youth participation. This provides the opportunity for our younger members to be mentored by a variety of experienced members and for them to mentor to the younger members as they age up. Strong character is modeled for them to learn from, and we watch in amazement as they exhibit exceptional citizenship with others they teach along the way. As a non-profit organization we also give the opportunity for community service hours. Lots of hard work for great causes! Dave Nagle is our steady leader always keeping the ship pointed in a good direction. Joe our long standing treasurer is our conservative voice of reason and thank goodness he keeps us from buying too much beer….LOL Without our trusty trail bosses no race would ever happen. Thanks go to Tony Wallace, Brad Clark and Eric Berard We have so many other members that deserve thanks that I could just copy our entire membership list, as so many volunteer their time and resources and share ideas for enjoying our sport. You join by coming to a meeting and filling out an membership application and paying $10 per family, then joining in the fun. President Dave Nagle 407-222-0050 CentaurConstruction@yahoo.com Vice President Elesa Berard 407-376-7115 elesa@embarqmail.com Treasurer Joe Smith 407-234-7002 Lockman1010@aol.com Secretary Carl Specht 407-404-3408 Madj33p@gmail.com Competition Director Dave Munro 407-282-0396 djmunro@cfl.rr.com
ftrmagazine@dekmar3d.com 11
his month the Tech page is going to be a spot for some useful although not all that unheard of tips and advice from the top of my head. I'm not the most seasoned rider but I've been riding bikes of all kinds for many years and have picked the brains of some of the most unique and wise people to swing a leg over a seat. Some of these you might have heard of before but hopefully there will be at least one that will make you say "Why didn't I think of that?" So here it goes... 8 Tips of the top of my head. Tip 1: Goggle Prep! Hopefully everyone takes good care of their goggles as it is their job to take care of you and your eyes. Remove the lens and hand wash with a mild dish soap and water. Let them air dry, throwing them in the dryer is not a smart idea. Treat your lens with Rain-X plastic water repellent to help keep the water and mud to a minimum. Rain-X Anti-Fog applied to the inside of a lens helps them from fogging up in this stupid humidity that we all deal with in Florida.
Tip 2: Hydrate! This is a given. In case you haven't noticed, it's hot in Florida almost all the time. Most people underestimate the importance of hydrating well in advance of your race. Drinking a gallon of water a day, throughout the day not all at once, at least 3-4 days ahead of race weekend will give you the hydration needed in advance to help you compete. Remember, to stay properly hydrated don't wait until your thirsty! Tip 3: Clean and Lube your cables! If you've ever been in the pits at a pro race and snapped the throttle on a race bike it will be silky smooth and the clutch lever will be butter. Chances are the cables are cleaned and lubed before every weekend. Remove the throttle cable from the carburetor before cleaning and lubing to avoid filling the slide with junk. Carefully inspect the inner wire for any broken strands, and replace the cable if it is worn or frayed. Clean with a contact cleaner and a cable-luber. Then use a lube designed specifically for cables. Have a stuck throttle or a heavy clutch will ruin your day over a 10 minute job that you should have done.
12 www.floridatrailriders.org
Tip 4: Clean your throttle tube! Since Tip 3 was about cables you might as well clean and inspect your throttle tube. Florida sand will do a number on throttle tubes and no matter how protected you think they are with bark busters and hand guards the gritty stuff will find its way in. Take the tube off and clean it your way, soap and water, parts washer or even just an air hose. Give your handle bar a light sanding to ensure it's smooth and replace the tube without using grease or oil. The tube and bar should be dry as not to attract contaminates. A clean throttle should snap open and closed without any hesitation or grit. Tip 5: Drain your gas! I learned this from someone that was obsessed with this and for good reason. When you've finished your last race or ride drain your float bowl (on a normally carbureted machine) Evaporating fuel will leave a residue leaning out the jetting and can also varnish and clog small passages pretty quickly. It doesn't take long to get the gas flowing again and it's worth the peace of mind that you have a clean carb running your ride. Tip 6: Where short socks when you can! If your comfortable in your boots you should where the thinnest and shortest socks that you can stand. Your feet are designed to help release heat and maintain a healthy body temperature. Wearing tall, thick socks prevents heat loss so to stay cool keep them thin and short, If your boots allow it. Tip 7: Heads up! This one is a given and it shouldn't even be a tip but I've seen a lot of racers looking down in front of their bike. Get your head up and enjoy the view. Look as far ahead as you can and where you want to go. This will give you confidence to handle what's coming your way. If you stare down at your front wheel you will not have time to properly respond. The more experienced you get the more comfortable you'll get at looking ahead and picking your lines. Tip 8: Last but not least...Have Fun! You've spent a lot of time and money to be a off-road motorcycle enthusiast you might as well enjoy it. Get out there and ride, do your best and feel sorry for the people in this world that don't know what it's like to ride a dirt bike.
DO YOU WANT TO ADVERTISE WITH FLORIDA TRAIL RIDERS MAGAZINE? Request a rate card at FTRMAGAZINE@DEKMAR3D.com or call 941-356-7796. Or go to floridatrailriders.org Deadline for new ads is the 15th of each month. Go to www.floridatrailriders.org to download and print your Rider Information Sheet. ftrmagazine@dekmar3d.com 13
14 www.floridatrailriders.org
Around The Pits H
ere they are ladies and gentlemen, the official 2019 AMA Florida Hare Scramble and Enduro State Champion Number One Plates you can walk away with if you're the one that wins your points class. The Florida Trail Riders is now a AMA sanctioned championship racing series. This means that FTR has finally gotten the recognition its racers deserve. All of our events will be promoted by AMA online and in the AMA Magazine drawing new racers from afar. As FTR continues to grow, the future is looking bright and the competition is going to be stronger than ever.
have been nominated for FTR Vice President. Here is a brief bio on myself. Married to Stacy for 35 years. Two Children. Two grandchildren. Started racing FTR in 2003 or 2004 - should have started sooner. Won Super Senior C Championship in 2007/2008 –
Promoted to B Have raced EVO class and competed in a few FTR Enduros. Currently racing quad Silver Master Class – working back into racing after a few knee surgeries, I do plan on racing a bike class this season as my conditioning improves. Area 11 BOD Representative - held position since 2015. Hare Scramble Associate Referee – held position since 2016. Hare Scramble Committee Quad Rider Representative. Member of FTR Hare Scramble Tech Inspection Team. Member of SADRA and OSDR. OSDR Club Vice President. I attend every Hare Scramble event and by being a member of the Tech Inspection Team, this allows me to understand the current FTR environment and gives access for FTR membership to voice concerns.
My viewpoint for change is that, the change must benefit the majority, not just one person or special group. I believe I am fair, do not make hurried decisions, I gather facts and weigh all the pros & cons before taking a position on a subject. Difficult choices must be made at times, not all will like or agree, but one must stand up for what is best for the future of FTR and its membership. So, I’m throwing my hat into the ring to serve as FTR’s Vice President. My commitment to FTR is long and strong. I doubt you’ll find many, if any, who question my dedication to this organization. My intentions are pure, and my actions demonstrate that I do not serve any special interest groups, but rather make decision I believe are in FTR’s best interests as whole. I will serve the organization well as Vice President and I would appreciate your vote. I make myself available, so contact me with any questions you may have. pwrracingktm@gmail.com 941-270-1189 Thanks for your vote Pete Rose
The 2019-2020 FTR Rule Book is now available on the website www.floridatrailriders.org
Don't forget to update your transponder at the FTR Signup Trailer if you have changed classes and/or numbers.
We want to hear from you . send your letters and race reports to ftrmagazine@dekmar3d.com Its a great way to share your excitement and appreciation for the sport you love.
Hare Scramble #1
2019 THE PEACE RIVER HARE SCRAMBLE Round one of the, now official, AMA Florida Hare Scramble State Championship Series finally got under way after a short delay due to Mother Nature rescheduling the DDR Hare Scramble. The Central Florida Trail Riders welcomed a record crowd of 917 entries to the 2019 Peace River Hare Scramble and they did not disappoint. The track was fast and the racing was hot but for everyone it was just great to back in the saddle. Garrett Edmisten hasn't slowed down as he took another overall win by over two minutes. Ron Commo, Travis Hullfish, Scott Gawler Jr, and Landon Lynn rounded out the top 5. On 4 wheels, Brandon Frazier took a healthy win over Jimmy Tyson, Chuck Piper and the rest of the AA Quad class. Thanks to CFTR and all of the FTR crew for putting on a great first race of the 2019-2020 season. PHOTOS BY MORGAN HILL
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randt817@gmail.com (863)244-3709
Add your unique perspective to our content mix! FTR Magazine is your magazine. We're looking for off-road racers, riders and enthusiast to share their expertise, knowledge and stories. If you love dirt bikes and/or quads and love showing off what you have send us your photos with a little bit about them. For all the mechanics out there, tell us your secrets! Tech tips are great and everyone has a better way. Let's hear yours. Let's see some content FTR members. I know you guys have adventures, riding trips, vacations and even mishaps. For all the pit moms and dads out there, we all know the preparation is the hardest part. Share your tips on packing, prepping, motivating and feeding your racers. Tell us all about it. The bottom line is we need your help to keep the FTR Magazine fresh. You won't get paid but you will get bragging rights and a lifetime of memories!
SAMPLE ARTICLE TOPICS ]Race reports! Give us the rundown on how your race went. ]Gear and bike reviews. Do you have the latest gear or the
newest hottest bike or an old bike that's new to you? Tell us all about it.
]A Day In Your Life: What's it like for you to race off-road. ]What's in your toolbox? Tell's al about your favorite tool kit. ]What's cookin'? Do you have the perfect track side recipe? Tell us how to do it.
]Show us where the magic happens. Do you have the perfect or not so perfect, but you still love it, workspace? Send us the pics and tell us all about it.
]Have you always wanted to be a writer? Send us your stories. ]And kids lets see your artwork! When you're ready submit here: ftrmagazine@dekmar3d.com
26 www.floridatrailriders.org
Hare Scrambles Pre-Entry Website FTR has contracted with a new company for Hare Scramble pre-entries. The website is: www.imathlete.com. •You can sign in to this website and build your profile. •You only have to do this once. •You will use the Username and Password you set up to access your account for the pre-entry. •Pre-entry will open approximately 10 days before the race weekend.
2019 2020
Enduro # 1 GERA Little Brown Jug
Grant Baylor HP
Hare Scramble Committee Meeting -7:00 pm
Bartow, Fl
HS #1
Central Florida Trail Riders
Garrett Edmisten OA
Enduro #2
Garrett Edmisten HP
HS #2
Azalea City Motorcycle Club
Garrett Edmisten OA
HS #3
Sarasota Area Dirt Riders
Homeland, Fl
Enduro #3 Perry Mountain
Maplesville, Alabama
Enduro #4
Big Scrub Trail Riders
Tavares, Fl
HS #4
Big Scrub Trail Riders
Tavares, Fl
Hare Scramble Committee Meeting -7:00 pm
Punta Gorda, Fl
HS #5
Old School Dirt Riders
Punta Gorda, Fl
HS #6
Daytona Dirt Riders
Ormond Beach, Fl
Board of Directors Meeting
Brooksville, Fl
HS #7
Brooksville, Fl
Enduro #5 River City Dirt Riders
Seville, Fl
HS #8
Palm Beach Tracks and Trails
HS #9
Treasure Coast Trail Riders
Indiantown, Fl
Hare Scramble Committee Meeting -7:00 pm
Indiantown ,Fl
Enduro #6
Central Florida Trail Riders
Richloam, Fl
HS #10
Big O
Okeechobee, Fl
Enduro #7
CERA Sandlapper
Salley, SC
Enduro #8 Apollo Motorcycle Club
HS #11
Dade City, Fl
Enduro #9 Daytona Dirt Riders
Ormond Beach, Fl
Apollo Sanction Meeting -7:00pm
HS #12
HS #13
Bartow, Fl
HS #14
River City Dirt Riders
30 www.floridatrailriders.org
Suncoast Trail Riders
Nature Coast Trail Blazers