April 2011
Volume 56, No. 4
The OfďŹ cial Publication of the Finger Lakes Region, Sports Car Club of America.
Solo and Membership meetings - Tuesday, April 5 Burgundy Basin Inn, 1361 Marsh Road, Pittsford, NY
Finger Lakes Region - SCCA www.flr-scca.com
REGIONAL EXECUTIVE Michael Toombs ...................... (585) 328-2617 152 Gillette St. Rochester, NY 14619-2227 re@flr-scca.com ASSISTANT REGIONAL EXECUTIVE Scott Moller ............................. (585) 230-5464 1301 Whalen Rd Penfield, NY 14526-1917 assist-re@flr-scca.com TREASURER Elizabeth Thiel ........................ (585) 671-9995 fax (585) 266-0942 753 Klem Rd. Webster, NY 14580 treasurer@flr-scca.com SECRETARY Carl F. Dresie ......................... (585) 544-6482 119 Brookview Dr. Rochester, NY 14617-3903 secretary@flr-scca.com ACTIVITIES DIRECTOR Barb Lissow ............................ (585) 338-7249 250 Carter St. Rochester, NY 14621-5142 activitiesdirector@flr-scca.com DIRECTORS Dave Ciufo .............................. (585) 346-5002 6488 Coe Rd. Livonia, NY 14887-9306 director3@flr-scca.com Charles Tanck ......................... (585) 467-4993 175 Eastgate Drive Rochester, NY 14617-4104 director1@flr-scca.com Mark Eksten ............................ (585) 766-2777 872 North Winton Road Rochester, NY 14609-6836 director2@flr-scca.com Fran McAllister ....................... (585) 750-4674 625 Fairmount Ave. Rochester, NY 14626-1613
COMPETITION BOARD Rich Smith, Chair .................... (585) 703-0631 clubracing@flr-scca.com Dave Ciufo .............................. (585) 346-5002 Fran McAllister .........................(585) 254-5920 Peter Kummer ...........................(585) 624-2853 Russell Jaslow ......................... (585) 724-5890 Mary Hartman ......................... (585) 426-3288 Erik Shepard............................. (585) 269-7097 “Glen National” RACE CHAIRMEN TBA national@flr-scca.com “FUN ONE” RACE CHAIRMEN TBA funone@flr-scca.com CHIEF REGISTRAR Marsha Toombs .......................(585) 328-2617 registrar@flr-scca.com CHIEF, TIMING & SCORING Carl F. Dresie ............................(585) 544-6482 ts@flr-scca.com
CHIEF, FLAGGING & COMM. Barbara Lissow .........................(585) 338-7249 fc@flr-scca.com CHIEF, STARTER John Flowers ........................... (607) 546-2369
CHIEF, GRID ....................................................................TBA CHIEF, PITS &PADDOCK ....................................................................TBA CHIEF, SCRUTINEERING Bruce Perry ...............................(585) 382-9234 tech@flr-scca.com CHIEF, SOUND CONTROL Jim Craven ................................(585) 889-5363 sound@flr-scca.com NYSRRC REPRESENTATIVE Mary Hartman ...........................(585) 426-3288
RALLY CHAIR(S) ....................................................................TBA INTERIM ROADRALLY CHAIR Tom Langdon ...........................(315) 524-2260 rally@flr-scca.com RALLYCROSS CHAIR Tony Zanni ................................(585) 281-2510 rallycross@flr-scca.com
SOLO BOARD Brian Buchman ........................ (585) 747-3808 solo_chair@flr-scca.com Dave Avery ...............................(585) 425-9610 david.avery@kodak.com Alan Smith ................................(585) 359-4688 asmith2357@aol.com Marnie Soom.............................(585) 233-2760 marniesoom@gmail.com Mike Stutzman ..........................(585) 889-2564 stutz@eartling.net CHIEF, REGISTRAR Cory Kuhns ...............................(585) 210-0824 soloregister@flr-scca.com CHIEF, SAFETY STEWARD Dave Avery ...............................(585) 425-9610 david.avery@kodak.com CHIEF, TECHNICAL INSPECTION Jim Hoelscher............................(585) 247-9596 jhoelsch@rochester.rr.com CHIEFS, NOVICE PROGRAM Alan Smith ................................(585) 359-4688 asmith2357@aol.com TIMING/SCORING & RESULTS Jake Massey ..............................(585) 697-4139 eselred@yahoo.com CHIEF, SOUND CONTROL Edwin Jeffries ...........................(585) 730-2778 edwinjeffries@gmail.com CHIEF, TROPHIES Marnie Soom.............................(585) 233-2760 marniesoom@gmail.com CHIEF, WORKERS Edwin Jeffries ...........................(585) 730-2778 edwinjeffries@gmail.com CHIEF, WAIVERS Brian Buchman ........................ (585) 747-3808 solo_chair@flr-scca.com
MEMBERSHIP Mike Brunner ............................(585) 752-7233 membership@flr-scca.com TOP END EDITOR Carl Dresie ................................(585) 544-6482 cfdresie@cs.com MERCHANDISE Chris McAllister..............(585) 872-2530(days) merchandise@flr-scca.com EQUIPMENT CHAIRMAN Alan Blood ................................(585) 242-9039 equipment@flr-scca.com REGIONAL HISTORIAN Lynn Randall.............................(585) 451-5298 historian@flr-scca.com WEBMASTER MaryAnne Shults ......................(949) 768-2609 webmaster@flr-scca.com
STPR® Motorsports, LLC
Managers Meridith Croucher.....................(315) 331-5354 chairman@stpr.org Lewis Giesy ..............................(315) 597-9637 Alan Smith ................................(585) 359-4688 rallymaster@stpr.org Treasurer Joyce Bucknam .........................(315) 597-5668
AREA 10 DIRECTOR John Walsh .............................. (585) 546-5670 244 Mendon Center Rd Honeoye Falls, NY 14472-9335 NEDIV EXECUTIVE STEWARD, RACE Earl Hurlbut. .............................(585) 219-4891 ehurlbut@rochester.rr.com NEDIV ROADRALLY STEWARD Ted Goddard ............................(802) 263-5678 tedgcb@tds.ner NEDIV RALLYCROSS STEWARD Scott Beliveau ...........................(603) 524-4305 beliveau@aavid.com NEDIV SOLO STEWARD David Newman ....................... (610) 4335690 dn59@verizon.net NEDIV SOLO SAFETY STEWARD Bruce Bellom ............................(914) 739-6815
Additional positions: see http://www. nescca.com/nescca_main/contacts.html
April 2011
The Official Publication of the
Finger Lakes REGION
Staff TOP END is the official publication of the Finger Lakes Region (FLR), SCCA, and is mailed to all members in good standing and to advertisers. Opinions expressed herein are the sole responsibility of the contributor and do not necessarily reflect the views of FLR. Permission to reprint articles is granted to all SCCA regional publications and its national magazine, SportsCar. Full credit must be given to FLR, TOP END and the author. Non-membership subscription rate: $15.00 per year. Submit subscription orders and address changes to the Circulation Editors. Bulk rate mail is not forwarded by the Post Office when you change your address, even if you file a forwarding request with your Postmaster. Submit materials for publication to the Editor or any of the Editorial Staff. Contact Editor for information regarding submission of classified advertising. Contact the Advertising Editor for commercial advertising. Deadline for submissions to TOP END is the 12th of each month. Typed, printed and electronic files are acceptable. Contact Editor regarding electronic file formats and fonts. All submissions are subject to revisions that may be necessary to meet the requirements for publication.
2011 April
EDITOR/ADVERTISING Carl F. Dresie 119 Brookview Dr. Rochester, NY 14617-3903 (585) 544-6482 e-mail: cfdresie@cs.com CO-EDITOR/COPY EDITOR Lynn Randall 15 Diana Dr. Scottsville, NY 14546 (585) 889-1289 e-mail: lynnscca@rochester.rr.com EDITORIAL CONSULTANT MaryAnne Shults 23864 Sycamore Dr Mission Viejo, CA 92691-3038 (949) 768-2609 e-mail: webmaster@flr-scca.com TOP END CIRCULATION Change of Address Notify the SCCA National Office in Topeka and the Membership Chair: Mike Brunner 228 Robert Quigley Dr. Apt-1 Scottsville, NY 14546 (585) 752-7233 e-mail: membership@flr-scca.com And/Or: The EDITOR (see above)
Contents RE’s Report ...................................................4 Meeting Minutes ................................... 4 - 7 March Membership ........................... 4 - 6 February BOD Minutes .................... 6 - 7 FLR News ............................................. 7 - 8 5 Minutes ............................................... 7 Passings .................................................. 7 Membership News ................................. 8 Photo submissions .................................. 8 Over the edge ......................................... 8 National News ............................................. 9 Race ................................................... 10 - 11 Solo ........................................................... 12 Rally .................................................. 13 - 16 Rally Meeting Notess ........................... 13 Wellsboro Results ................................ 13 RallyCross Results ............................... 14 Cabin Fever .................................. 14 - 15 Long Way Home ........................... 15 - 16 Classified Ads ................................... 16 - 17 Membership Application.............................18 Calendar ..............................inside back cover Last Pit ...................................... Back Cover Photo Credits: Front Cover, Back Cover ........ Nate Michals p 3 ............................................... John Walsh p 9 ................................................ Staff Photo p. 11 .............................Courtesy of R, Guhde
Cover Photo: Jake Vallee, 1st at the Feb.27 RallyCross at Perry’s Park with a total time of 12.08 for the eight runs. Nate Michals photo.
Tony Zanni setting up the RallyCross course at Perry’s Park. - ~20 deg. F, 40+mph winds, snowing like a --------3
REPort Mike Toombs Regional Executive Just got back from the National Convention and a few weeks later there was the Northeast Division Roundtable. This was the first year for a new format for the Roundtable. The division and not an individual region put on this Roundtable. Back when the Roundtable was started it was designed to be a training session for the upcoming season. Over the past decades it has morphed into something else. Now we have moved it back to focus on training on Saturday. There were quite a few people who made the drive to be at these Saturday sessions, several making four plus hour drives. I spent Saturday morning in registration training sessions. The NESCCA website registration system has been discontinued. We were presented with a couple of different choices for our new online registration. The region’s chief registrar and the Board of Directors made the decision to go with Motorsportsreg.com. Our Chief Registrar has a column else where in Top End to help you get started. Every region in the Northeast Division except for two regions will be using Motorsportsreg.com. I have been pushing to move the Division to go back to NEDiv and move away from NESCCA. What looks like is going to happen is that the main NESCCA website is going to be reached via www.nescca.com or www. nediv.com. The basic web page design will be changed slightly to emphasize the Northeast Division and NESCCA will continue to be used for national club racing. 4
We are officially are going to be running solo events at the Seneca Army Depot again this year. We still need to work out some long-range plans, but we will be back there again this year. Brain Buchman has put together a schedule, so the season must be right around the corner. This time of year is when everyone starts getting antsy – how much longer do I wait before the Miata comes out of the garage. I like the Subaru, but there is no comparison between the two. I really need to find a solo car quickly. Until next month, Mike
Meeting Minutes Finger Lakes Region, SCCA General Membership Meeting Minutes March 1, 2011 Location: Burgundy Basin Inn, 1361 Marsh Road, Pittsford, New York 14534 Regional Executive Mike Toombs called the meeting to order at 8:06 p.m.
Membership Report – Mike Brunner Membership was up two from the 458 of last month to 460. Included in the 19 members present for the Solo and general membership meetings were new members Guy, Jeanne and Matt Bringley. Mike Toombs noted that we received $140 from the national office for membership retention. National Convention Report – Mike Toombs Finger Lakes Region members Mike Toombs, Mike Brunner, Tina Reeves, John Walsh and Eva Ames attended the National Convention in Las Vegas. It was noted that John looked “quite in place” on the stage, each of four times. Eva joined the region while attending RIT. She is currently on the Rally Board. The consensus was that the meeting was a great convention. A lot of useful information was picked up. Also picked up at the convention were two trophies for first place overall for region communications. One trophy for the website and one for the newsletter. The award for Top End was passed to Carl Dresie, Top End editor at the meeting. The website trophy will be delivered to MaryAnne Shults by Lynn Randall later in the month. John Walsh reported on the financial statements made at the convention.
The following are arranged by topic and may not be in chronological order. The February 1, 2011 General Membership Meeting minutes as printed in the March 2011 issue of Top End, were approved on a motion by Charles Tanck, seconded by Barb Lissow. Activities – Barb Lissow The region will have a booth at the auto show on March 3 through 6. We will be back in the hallway where we have been before. Contact Barb Lissow at 338-7249 or activitiesdirector@flrscca.com if you would like to work.
April 2011
Financially the club is doing well. Pro had a small positive, while Enterprises had a small loss but were still able to pay on their loan. Insurance costs will remain very close to the same. Insurance cost assessments for races is being discussed at Topeka. By weekend, by event or by sanction number are possibilities. The impact of the various plans is being reviewed. New Business MotorsportsReg will have training sessions at the RoundTable. There will also be a RallyCross safety steward training session. A picnic or other site is being considered for a summer meeting. Mike Toombs also asked that anyone having ideas for increasing participation in the meetings contact Mike or a board member. Race Report We will be using Motorsportsreg. com for both the National and Fun One races. The status of the rechargeable transponders was checked by charging them and recording the charging light and the charge remaining light. Rental numbers at events are down to only a few at each race. Working units will be sold to region members, with a small number kept in hand to rent as needed. Rally Report – Alan Smith There have been two events since the last meeting. The Ithaca Winter Rally on Feb. 5 had nineteen entrants. (Results and an article were printed in the April issue of Top End. Ed.) The fourth event, “Cabin Fever Rally 2011”, run on Feb. 19 had 16 entries. We had a really great Winter Rally Series with snow falling and slippery roads. As a result a number of stories came out of the series. RallyCross The first RallyCross, held on Feb. 27 had ten entrants. A second site is under consideration in Seneca County. That move may
2011 April
impact the competitors from the Buffalo area. Wellsboro Winter Rally The first winter performance rally conducted by the STPR® subsidiary on Feb. 12 was a learning experience. All seven of the competitors entered finished. This one-day event had a lot of snow. Times for the nine-mile stage last summer were in the eleven-minute range; in the snow the best times were about nineteen minutes. A good time was reported by a number of people and plans are to do this again next year. Solo Report – Brian Buchman The group controlling the Seneca Army Depot has asked for funds up front to help pay for the repair of the sealer between the concrete slabs. Tina Reeves is still working with SeAD on funding of the repair work. We would like to run several events at SeAD. Several alternative sites are being investigated. Issues include pavement quality and the need for cars to be registered for one of the sites. Running a series with adjacent regions is also a possibility. Two sponsors are willing to support our Solo Series. This should help us have a full eight-event season. The first two weekends will be at RIT on April 30 and May 1 and May 14 and 15. The April 30 event will be a Novice school followed by the first event in the series on May 1. The second weekend will be a Test-n-Tune followed by the second event. Treasurer’s Report – Elizabeth Thiel Checking account balance and other financial information is available for review from Elizabeth. The bond coverage for the Regional Executive and Treasurer will be paid. Deposit for the two weekends at Watkins Glen International will be paid by the end of the month. The bulk mail account needs to be reviewed and closed if it is no longer needed. Newsletter mailing is
now part of the FedEx expense. The treasurer’s report was accepted on a motion by John Walsh, seconded by Mike Brunner. The meeting was adjourned at 9:12 p.m. on a motion by Mike Brunner, seconded by Alan Smith. Respectfully submitted, Carl F. Dresie, Secretary Bench Racing It was noted that with the traction control turned on, Subaru’s would spin on a dime, sometimes to the passengers discomfort. Not all traction control fourwheel drive cars will do the NASCAR spin. Alan Smith was the designated “abstention” voter for the meeting. The changes in membership renewal with the change from spousal to family membership were discussed. It appears that the second family member, exspouse, is not being credited for race work. That credit can be enough to pay for the membership renewal. The snow during the Winter Rally Series events reduced visibility to the point that a GPS was needed to show where the road was going. In spite of that assistance (or maybe because of the GPS unit) several competitors and workers saw snow banks and for that or other reasons needed to be towed. In one reported case, a new car was the result of leaving the road and quitting the rally inverted. The “local” encountered by Alan Smith and Eric Hobron was courteous enough to move over and let them by, twice. It seems that it was not a local, but in fact one of the rallymasters. They also noted that forgetting to add the car number to the out time results in a score of 100 even after working very hard on a hill climb. Many of the places serving food in the area that we run rallies through close 5
up before workers arrive. It is possible to be ticketed for speeding on a bicycle. If they require license plates for bicycles, should they include Big Wheels?
Finger Lakes Region, SCCA Board of Directors Meeting Minutes February 22, 2011 Location: 753 Klem Rd., Webster, NY Mike Toombs called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. Officers and directors present: Michael Toombs, Regional Executive; Scott Moller, Assistant Regional Executive; Elizabeth Thiel, Treasurer; Carl Dresie, Secretary; Barbara Lissow, Activities Director; Dave Ciufo, Charles Tanck, Mark Eksten and Fran McAllister, Directors. Also present: Meridith Croucher, STPR® Motorsports, LLC Manager Items are presented by subject and may not be in chronological order. The minutes of the Dec. 28, 2010, board of directors meeting were approved on a motion by Scott Moller seconded by Dave Ciufo. Note that the January board meeting was cancelled. Activities Report – Barb Lissow A reminder to Rally, RallyCross, Solo and other chairs that all events need to be scheduled through Barb. As a policy, we do not schedule two events at the same time. Dates should also be given to Carl Dresie so that they can be included in the calendar published on the inside of the back cover of Top End. The Rochester Auto Show will run March 3 through March 6. Hours are noon to 10 p.m. on Thursday and Friday, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Saturday and 10 a.m. to 7 .m. on Sunday. More information is available at http:// 6
www.rochesterautodealers.com/news. asp?id=144. Cars and workers are needed. Our booth will be in the back hallway where we have been in the past. Extra copies of the March issue of Top End were ordered for the show. Solo schedule information is needed for distribution at the show. New Business The promotion of the monthly meetings was discussed. This could include programs and other draws that would raise attendance. Transponder rentals at the races are down to only a few per event. Excess transponders will be offered for sale to region members at $50 each on a first come first served basis. Old Business Thanks from Barb Lissow for all the people who attended and the effort they put into the Year-End Banquet. Mike Toombs commented that the National Convention was great. A number of ideas came out of the meetings and are being brought forward. New memberships, conversion of weekend members and membership retention are part of these ideas.
Race Report The NEDiv (NESCCA) race registration system is no longer in operation. All regions in NEDiv, except for WDC will be using MotorsportReg. com. Training sessions for this new process are scheduled for the Roundtable. MotosportsReg have three registration options: free, a 4.25% plan and a 4.75% plan. The second plan has a cost of 4.25% of all credit card entry fees paid through MotorsportReg. We may use the second plan. We may also charge 5% for a refund. Entries can still be paid by check, cash or credit card on site. Paper entries will still be accepted. A MotorsportReg training session will be held at the March 5 Roundtable meeting in Mt. Pocono, PA. More information is available at http://www. nescca.com/nescca_main/convention. html#roundtable. Westward Ho The date available for Westward Ho is no longer available. There is sentiment on the board to run this event. Promotion, cosanctioning, accompanying series, alternate dates, etc. were discussed as
April 2011
means to bringing the entries up to a viable level. Glen Double National Race Chris DeMinco has been named chair of the Glen Double National race at Watkins Glen, July 8 through 10. Fun One 2011 A possible chair has yet to commit to the Fun One ’11.
be based on 45 cars. The Pennsylvania DCNR requested that paperwork be in by March 1. Training videos are being updated. Volunteer t-shirts will be limited to 400. A spectator site will be opened up on the Waste Management site, with a $5 entry fee. The Super Special stage entry will remain at $5.
Rally Report We have run four events in the Winter Rally Series. Car counts have been 26, 25, 19 and 16. A fifth event will not be run.
Treasurer’s Report – Elizabeth Thiel Elizabeth Thiel presented the Profit and Loss by Class statement for Jan. 1, 2011 through Feb. 22, 2011. Negotiations are still underway on the NEDiv sponsorship for the race sessions of the Mini-Con. We are expecting reimbursement from NEDiv for additional expenses.
The first event in the RallyCross series is scheduled for Feb. 27.
Vouchers for National Convention expenses are still being received.
Solo Report The Seneca Army Depot has an engineering report on the cost of repairing filler strips as $77,000. The Finger Lakes Region, Glen Region, Central New York Region, Mohawk Hudson Region, Western New York Region and the BMW club met to establish an offer to SeAD for the use of the site in the future. The rental fees would be increased by $350 plus $5 per car with a minimum of 25 cars. The return offer included an immediate payment of $21,000. All scheduling will go through Tina Reeves. Negotiations are continuing.
Other expenses shown are awards for the Annual Membership Recognition and Awards Banquet and $225 meeting site rental for the monthly membership meetings.
The steward’s report for Fun One ’10 has been delayed.
The 2011 Solo Series schedule has not been set. Brian Buchman investigating other sites.
STPR® - Meridith Croucher The budget for the Wellsboro Winter Rally was presented. This event is the only standalone regional performance rally in the northeast. A preliminary financial report was presented. Results were given. Everyone had FUN. Planning for the Susquehannock Trail Performance Rally is underway. This event will be close to what was run in 2010. The budget being prepared will
2011 April
Income and expenses for the Winter Rally Series are still being received. A balance sheet for all activities will be available at the March meeting. The Treasurer’s report was approved on a motion by Barb Lissow, seconded by Mark Eksten. The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m. on a motion by Dave Ciufo, seconded by Scott Moller. Respectfully submitted, Carl F. Dresie, Secretary
FLR News
“5 Minutes” Items of immediate interest.
Passings Bell, William W. ROCHESTER. March 18, 2011 at the age of 83, died peacefully after a long struggle with cancer. Born in Rochester, he grew up in Washington, DC. After serving in the army, he graduated from Haverford College in 1949 and from Cornell Law School in 1956. He then returned to Rochester and was a practicing Attorney at Harter Secrest & Emery for many years. He was a life-time member of Finger Lakes Region Sports Car Club of America and a member of the NY Bar Association, Jazz Club, New Horizons Band and a frequent announcer at the Watkins Glen Sports Car Races and other race events. Bill will long be remembered by his family as a loving brother and uncle, and by his friends as a delightful raconteur of jokes and reminiscences. He is predeceased by his wife, Phyllis. He is survived by his sister, Barbara; 4 nieces, 2 nephews and their children. Friends may call Saturday, 3-6 PM at the funeral chapel (2305 Monroe Ave.). Services will be private. Contributions may be made to Eastman School of Music, 26 Gibbs St. Rochester, 14604. (As reported at: http://www. anthonychapels.com/obituaries/ William-Bell4/) Hartman, Louise P. (Roudet) March 17, 2011, mother of Finger Lakes Region member Mary Hartman. Thiel, Kurt K., Sr. March 16, 2011, father of Finger Lakes Region members Dan and Kurt Thiel.
Stop by the Solo and general membership meetings at the Burgundy Basin Inn on April 5. Get the news before you see it in print, offer your input and be part of the discussion. (Also, hear what isn’t in print. Ed.) 7
Membership News and Information Welcome to the Finger Lakes Region, SCCA Timothy Yale Norton First Gear Rally, Solo Website
Matthew Joseph Bringley First Gear Club Racing, Solo Website Daryl Barrett Regular
Address changes Scott D Hume Michael A Hausknecht Kevin Wade Harvey Eva Ames Kai Kao
Don't forget to renew Brian Cass Richard Hutchinson
Addresses and contact information is available from the membership chair, Mike Brunner at (585) 752-7233 or membership@flr-scca.com or from the regional executive, Michael Toombs at (585) 328-2617 or re@flr-scca.com.
Photo submission Do you have photos of Finger Lakes Region events and action? They can be shared with all region members by posting to FLR-SCCA. If you need 8
instructions on how to post them, e-mail MaryAnne Shults at mcs@shults.com. If not on FLR-SCCA, post to your own personal Flickr account, or on Facebook. If you post to Flickr or Facebook, e-mail the URL/links to me. Thank you, MaryAnne Shults mcs@shults.com
Lastly, why am I doing this? Because I can :) Use it if you got it!!!! My donation page link is: http:// overetheedge.kintera.org/wny/chrismc allister?faf=1&e=4357981200 The event page link is: http:// overetheedge.kintera.org/faf/home/ default.asp?ievent=461568 Chris McAllister
Repel the Seneca Niagara Casino Hello all my friends, family, and colleagues! I am going to repel the Seneca Niagara Casino (27 stories) for Special OlympicsOn Friday July 29th I am hoping to be one of the participants repelling the outside of the Seneca Niagara Casino in Niagara Falls to raise money for the SPECIAL OLYMPICS...I need to raise $1000 to secure my spot - there are only 150 total so I need to get moving on my donations! Oh, and hey, if you don't feel like donating why don't you join me! At Doyle Chevrolet Subaru, your Webster Chevrolet dealer and Rochester Chevrolet dealership resource, we’re looking forward to showing you our wonderful selection of Chevrolet cars, trucks, vans, and SUVs while providing you excellent prices and helpful, friendly service. At Doyle Chevrolet Subaru, Price and Service Are Why We Sell! Doyle Chevrolet Subaru 740 Ridge Road Webster, NY 14580 Sales (585) 347-2073 Service (585) 347-2077 http://www.doyle.gmpsdealer.com/HomePage
April 2011
National News Solo Contingency Programs and Online Registration Now Available TOPEKA, Kan. (Feb. 18, 2011) – With the season-opening event for the 2011 Tire Rack SCCA National Solo season just a few weeks away, participants should register now to be eligible for the thousands of dollars in contingency payouts. Tire Rack SCCA ProSolo National Series As part of its across-the-board Platinum SCCA contingency program, Volkswagen offers both event and year-end prizes for drivers finishing in the top three in either class or Gumout Super Challenge competition. Drivers taking a class win in one of 16 eligible classes earn $400. Should they take the Gumout Super Challenge, they win $800. Year-end class winners can also garner another $1,000 for doing it in a Volkswagen, with the year-end Challenge winner grabbing a $5,000 prize. Honda, also a Platinum contingency sponsor, will pay $500 for a Super or Ladies Challenge win in each event, and $150 for a class win. Year-end class and challenge champions could take home $500 from Honda. Longtime SCCA supporter Hawk Performance offers up $100 in product credit to any class or Gumout Super Challenge winner displaying Hawk Performance decals. Bridgestone will post $500 for a Challenge win, as well as cash for a top three finish in any Street Touring class. Win a season-long class or Challenge title, and take home another $1,000. Toyo Tires matches Bridgestone’s posting for Tire Rack ProSolo Street Touring® participants with its Silver level Contingency program.
2011 April
Hoosier, Kumho, Mazdaspeed and TRD each post Bronze level programs, meaning registration and redemption are handled through those companies directly. Kumho offers product credit for class and Challenge wins at events, including a $600 credit for a win in the Street Touring category. Hoosier offers two tires for a class win and one for a second-place finish. Event Gumout Super Challenge, year-end point Champions and Finale class winners each take four tires with a win. Mazdaspeed will again pay out class; Challenge and year-end awards ranging from $200 for a class event win to $800 for a point championship. Likewise, TRD will pay class and year-end awards ranging from $200 to $1,000 for competitors in Toyota vehicles. Tire Rack SCCA Solo National Tour In Tire Rack Solo National Tour competition, Volkswagen will pay up to $500 for a class win and $300 for second place for VW drivers in any of 34 eligible classes. Bridgestone, Toyo and Yokohama will each pay out top three finishes in the Street Touring Category, with $300 going to the winner. AST Suspension continues as a contingency sponsor, offering the topthree finishers in eligible classes product
certificates, with a $500 award going to class winners. Like AST, Hoosier and Mazdaspeed also offer Bronze packages. Winners on Hoosier tires win a pair of tires, with a single tire going to second-place finishers. Mazda will pay a National Tour class winner $200 for a win and $100 for a second place finish. Kumho Tires offers product credits to top-three in class finishers, rewarding the Street Touring Category with $600 in credit to champions, and $400 and $300 for second and third. All other classes receive $300, $200, and $150 in credit for a top three finish. In addition to the National program contingencies, Bridgestone and Toyo Tires have also posted programs for the Tire Rack SCCA Divisional Solo Championships that matches their National Tour payouts. For complete details on all of these contingency programs, visit www.scca. com/solo and click the “contingencies” link. A link for online registration is available there as well. The 2011 Tire Rack SCCA Solo National Tour begins March 12, with the Dixie National Tour in Adel, Ga. The Tire Rack SCCA ProSolo National Series begins with the Mineral Wells Pro Solo, March 26, in Mineral Wells, Texas.
Amatuer Ansel Adams?
Do You Photograph People And Action?
Help Us Keep TOP END “TOPS” We are in need of photographs taken at FINGER LAKES Region races, rallys, meetings, etc. If take photographs at these or other occasions and are willing to see them published, please send them to MaryAnne Shults (see page 8) and/or to: TOP END Editor 119 Brookview Dr. Roch., NY 14617 e-mail: cfdresie@cs.com Please do not send copyrighted photos without exclusive written permission of the photographer. 9
Race Rich Smith Competition Board Chair
Race registration notice By Marsha Toombs, Finger Lakes Region Registrar Drivers…Beginning with the 2011 season, most of the regions in NEDIV will utilize MotorsportReg.com for online event registration for their events. From the NEDIV website… After more than 10 years processing registrations for the division, the NESCCA/NEDiv on-line registration system will NO LONGER do so starting in 2011. National SCCA has selected MotorsportReg as their vendor for the major championship events that they operate, which includes the National Championship Runoffs. After presentations by two vendors at the recent NEDiv MiniCon, each region independently selected the vendor that they will use during the upcoming year. At this time, New England, Glen, New York, Mahoning Valley, Finger Lakes, Steel Cities, Mohawk Hudson, Northern New Jersey and Tri-Region will be using MotorsportReg: Washington DC and South Jersey will use DLBracing. Any driver who wishes to enter an event conducted by a region using the 10
MotorsportReg vendor will need to go on line to MotorsportReg.com and create a new profile. It is a straightforward process, but if you need help, do not hesitate to contact the vendor directly. Drivers, who enter WDC and SJR events, will need to create a profile on DLBracing.com if they have not already done so. Again, this is a very straightforward process. Those drivers who have continued to rely on paper entries may be required to have an on-line profile established. Every effort will be made to continue to display the entire schedule in the Guest Area of the NEDIV/NESCCA website with links to the appropriate vendor with supps that can be downloaded, viewed and/or printed. Lastly, you will no longer be able to create an account on this website. If you have an account, you will still be able to request forgotten passwords and you will still be able to log into the system to obtain historical event information
Executive Steward Town Hall at the Track
In order to effect better communications with competitors and volunteers who participate in NEDiv Club Racing events, I will be conducting Town Halls at selected races during the 2011 season. My purpose is to provide information and access for participants to a top level of administration at the divisional and national level. The Divisional Executive Steward is the individual who is responsible for Club Racing in each of the nine divisions in the SCCA. This is an opportunity to establish contact and open dialogue with officials who can provide answers
and solutions to issues related to SCCA club racing. The Town Halls will be scheduled as part of post-track activities on Saturday at a track location to be announced. I have requested that Race Chairmen determine locations and post that information at Registration and Tech. The schedule for 2011 is: April 16-17 WDC Regional @ Summit Point April 30-May 1 NER Rational @ NHMS May 21-22 WDC National @ Summit Point May 28-30 MVR Regional @ Nelson Ledges June 18-19* NER Regional @ Lime Rock July 2-3 MHR Regional @ Lime Rock July 8-10 FLR Dbl National @ Glen July 23-24 GLEN Regional @ Glen July 30-31 STC National @ BeaveRun Aug 27-28 MVR National @ Nelson Ledges Sept 10-11* NER Regional @ NHMS Oct 7-9 GLEN Regional @ Glen Earl Hurlbut Divisional Executive Steward SCCA Northeast Division
April 2011
The 2011 Hoosier racing Tire Formula First Championship March 18, 2011 The Hoosier Racing Tire Formula First Championship is a series of Cross Regional races contested in the Central, Great Lakes, Northeast and Southeast divisions of the Sports Car Club of America. It consists of 11 regional races on 6 weekends at 6 different tracks so the series has broad exposure. The series is now in its sixth year and has a large following amongst Formula First competitors in the country and one of the reasons for this broad appeal is the fact that the series has just the right balance between broad appeal racing participation and professionalism. In the past we have had positive media coverage in publications such as Sports Car, Grassroots Motorsports Magazine, E-Formula Car Formula Car News as well as web based news outlets such as Apexspeed and E FormulaCarNews Formula Firsts are air-cooled VW powered formula cars. They feature four wheel disk brakes, spec Hoosier tires, dry sump lubrication and feature very tight racing, much drafting and typical wheel to wheel action. For those who do not want to own and prepare their own car there are a limited number of state of the art rentals available for a race weekend of for the whole season. The Formula First Driver’s Association organizes the races and currently the Association is in the process of lining up Sponsorship for the series and each individual weekend events. More information can be obtained by e-mailing the Association at fst@rochester.rr.com
The 2011 Hoosier Race Tire Formula First Regional Championship Series Rounds 1-2 May 28th and 29th Nelson Ledges Double - Mahoning Valley Region Rounds 3-4 June 25-26 Waterford Hills Double* Rounds 5-6 July 23rd and 24th Grattan Double Rounds 7-8 August 13th and 14th Road America Double Rounds 9-10 Sept 3rd - 5th Mid Ohio Double Round 11 - November 4th & 5th US Formula First Grand Prix - ARRC Road Atlanta (SE Div) *These series dates are SCCA sanctioned double Regional events (exc. Waterford. It is not an SCCA event).
78 Bennington Drive Rochester, NY 14616 585-621-8200
4 Time HSR 4 Hours of Sebring Class Winner 2006-2009
2011 April
Brian Buchman Solo Chair
2011 Season update By Brian Buchman, Solo Chair I wanted to give you all a little update about how the 2011 season is shaping up so far. The biggest question on all of your minds is probably whether or not we are going to run at the Seneca Army Depot again this year. The simple answer right now is still maybe. Tina Reeves has been working diligently with the board members at the Seneca County Economic Development Agency to allow us and other surrounding clubs to use the site again this year. The biggest hurdle to overcome was cost of repairs to the runway. Without getting in to a lengthy discussion about who will repair the site and when, their board initially decided they would take it upon themselves to make the repairs this fall after our season was over and pay for it out of their pocket. The plan was to have the clubs using the site, as well as the State Troopers, reimburse the EDA over the next several years to cover the expense, as we are the main users of the site. A formula was drafted amongst the regions to do this. Somewhere in this course of events the EDA had a slight change of heart and now wants the regions to front about 1/3 of the cost of repairs before we are allowed to use the site again. Tina is in negotiations with the EDA to show how much we have contributed to the EDA over the years all of the clubs have used it and 12
we are now awaiting their reply. So that is why it is still a maybe. (Negotiations were successful; we will be running at SeAD again this year. See schedule below. Ed.) I have been calling other potential sites with limited success but do have a few promising leads. Upstate Auto Auction who runs out of the old Elmgrove facility has tentatively agreed to let us use their lot for an event. The downsides there are the Upstate Auto Auction is struggling financially and may go under so I am trying to get put in touch with the investor who now owns the lot. We will also need a permit from the town of Gates to run there. The lot is far from perfect but it may suffice for an event or two per year. Letchworth State Park has also tentatively agreed to let us use one of their lots near the entrance to the park near the pool. This is a decent sized lot and the gentleman I have been working with is very excited to host us. The one snag that has arisen is that since this is State property any pavement including the lot is considered "state interstate" so all vehicles running there must be insured AND registered. Bad news for some of our competitors. I am working with him right now to see if any mod cars could be considered "karts" and run without a problem but full size vehicles would still need to be registered. Alan Smith had the brilliant idea of borrowing a dealer plate from a member (not mine!) to technically register any vehicle it is stuck on. I am still waiting for a response on this and would then need to know if anyone has a spare dealer plate they would be willing to lend to our cause :). On a positive note we do have two sponsors! Doyle Chevrolet/Subaru has agreed to sponsor the Finger Lakes Region’s Solo events for 2011 and will be supporting us financially similar to what Cortese has done in the past. Moto Option clothing has also approached me about a sponsorship role. They
are a clothing company based out of Williamson primarily involved in motocross and snowcross but the owners are excited to try solo. They could offer clothing and prizes of that nature along with gift certificates and they also have strong ties with Red Bull and could potentially get some support from them. We are emailing back and forth right now and working out the details. So what I am saying is one way or another we will have a great season. Some of it may end up happening last minute so I am asking for your forgiveness and flexibility in this. We do have our initial events scheduled at RIT. I am looking for chairs for events 1,2 and the test and tune so if anyone would like to set up please contact me. I will also be scheduling a chiefs meeting and a novice school meeting shortly to tie up some lose ends and start planning.
2011 Solo Schedule* April 30th,Novice School @ RIT May1st, FLR #1 @ RIT May14th, Test and Tune @ RIT May15th, FLR #2 @ RIT June 12th, FLR #3 @ SeAD June 26th, OOR #1 @ SeAD (WNY) July 17th, FLR #4 @ SeAD July 30-31st, Divisionals/FLR #5 @ SeAD August 14th, FLR #6 @ SeAD August 21st, FLR #7 @ SeAD September 25th, FLR #8 @ RIT October 2nd, OOR #2 @ ECC-N (Champagne Run) * Some dates may be changed, Check the Solo Yahoo Group and Finger Lakes websites and/or Top End.
April 2011
Rally Tom Langdon Interim RoadRally Chair
Rally Meeting Notes March 8, 2011 96 Church Street, Victor, NY
Eight RoadRally and RallyCross enthusiasts were present. The items discussed during the meeting are grouped by subject and are only loosely in chronological order. Winter Rally Series Cabin Fever 2011 was reviewed and a few “war stories” told. Some of the anecdotes are included in Jamie’s report. (That review and results are printed in the April issue of Top End. Ed.) Audit reports for the rally events are due 14 days after the event. That information is needed for insurance and sanction fees. The fifth event in the Winter Rally Series was cancelled. The weather conditions were such that dusting off an old rally would have been problematic. Frozen snow covered roads are preferred to mud and slush. Planning for the 2011-2012 Winter Rally Series needs to be started. Two volunteers for rallymaster have come forward. A late November or early
December date for the first event needs to be looked at. Wellsboro Winter Rally The inaugural event of the Wellsboro Winter Rally, a coefficient 2 regional performance rally, was run on Feb. 12. All of the seven competitors entered were able to finish the four stages. That in spite of the snow, falling, blowing and piled up. Waste Management was very helpful in maintaining the course. Alan Smith reported that we learned a lot and that everyone had a good time, in spite of the cold. The hand warmers supplied by TreadZone were appreciated. Results are printed in Top End. RallyCross Series The February 27 RallyCross event had ten competitors entered. Results are available for printing in Top End. Tentative dates for the remaining 2011 RallyCross series are May 21, June 18, July 23, August 27, Sept. 24, Oct. 29 and Nov. 12. These dates are dependent upon course condition. All but possibly the last one are slated for Perry’s Park. Summer Rallies Summer rally dates are: May 22, June 3, July 16 and Oct. 16. The June date is for the charity rally run with STPR®. Rick Barnes is planning a short tulip rally out of Geneva for the July 16 event. Miscellaneous Discussions Eric Hobron has been contacted regarding new checkpoint signs. Tom Langdon has been investigating the availability of new checkpoint clocks. Timewise has new models
available. The Zeron clocks being used for the RallyCross events need repair. Two are still operational. Weekend memberships should be sent as soon as possible (two days) after the event. That allows for the information to be available if the competitor wants to apply for full membership. Licensed RoadRally Safety Stewards are needed to do the required pre-rally safety check. A training session is needed. Tom Langdon will be contacting the division RoadRally Steward, Steve McKelvie to arrange for training. Previous safety checklists are available from Carl Dresie. Available forms and information will be forwarded to Tom Langdon. A rally looks completely different in the daylight during a pre-check from what it appears at night and in the snow. Restroom availability at the break on a rally is an important consideration. Competitors turning on their lights in preparation to leave a checkpoint can present a problem. If a rental car with four wheel drive and seasonal tires can make it through a snow-covered stage, a rally car should be able to make it through. Mitsubishi has stopped production of EVO’s. Mahany Welding Supply does all day clinics on welding in their shop/lab. More information is available on the internet at www.mahanyweld.com and on Facebook.
Wellsboro Winter Rally Results Car No. 80 281 501 280 143 573 15
Driver Jon Kemp Bill Miller Justin Carven Gregory Healey Antonio Esposito Paul Martino William Petrow
2011 April
Co-Driver Rod Hendricksen Ron Kuhn Ayodale Carven Aaron Crescenti Philip Barnes Jordan Guitar Jeremy Neyhart
Place Class O.A. Cls Open PGT G5 G5 L P G2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 1 1 2 1 1 1
Stage Time, Minutes:Seconds 1 2 3 4
18:15.4 21:04.4 23:15.9 22:47.6 19:45.9 44:12.7 52:56.6
18:41.8 19:33.8 29:31.9 21:13.3 36:21.8 23:33.5 25:26.8
18:50.0 20:10.0 22:45.0 38:43.0 35:11.0 21:57.0 22:23.0
18:34.0 19:23.0 22:07.0 33:19.0 26:32.0 31:48.0 20:40.0
Total Time
Diff. Previous
0:00 0:00 0:00 2:00 0:00 0:00 0:30
1:13:41.2 1:20:10.8 1:37:39.8 1:40:02.6 1:57:50.7 2:00:51.2 2:01:25.8
06:29.6 17:29.0 02:22.8 17:48.1 03:00.5 00:34.6 13
RallyCross Event #1 Results February 27, 2011 Perry’s Park
Car No. 55 56 82 36 58 10 31 282 5 34
RallyX Class OPEN O4 2WD U4 O4 2WD O4 OPEN U4 2WD
Name Jake Vallee Jesse Luce Rick Leto John Stewart Benjamin Ripson Ben Gilmore Jeff Ripson Brendon Raymondi Christos Kardaras Melvin Dillon
Car Subaru WRX Subaru Impreza Chevy Cavalier Subaru Impreza Subaru RS Neon Subaru RS Surbaru STI Subaru Impreza L Mini Cooper S
Place O.A. Cls 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 2 6 2 7 3 8 2 9 2 3 10
Run time plus number of cones, Maximum = 3.00 Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 12.08 1.72+1 1.65 1.77 1.52 1.34 1.36 1.37 1.35 12.30 1.81 1.85 1.59 1.61 1.45 1.31 1.34 1.34 13.58 2.36 1.80 1.74 1.74 1.48 1.52 1.47 1.47 14.06 1.76 3.00 1.70 1.67 1.50 1.52 1.50 1.41 14.61 2.16 2.03 1.88 2.11+1 1.67 1.60 1.62 1.54 15.13 1.75 1.80 1.85 1.67 1.51 1.72+2 1.85 3.00 16.00 2.47 2.12 2.19+1 2.10 1.75 1.81 1.78 1.78 16.72 1.68 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.50+2 1.46+1 1.58+1 1.50+2 18.80 1.62 1.64 1.89+2 1.65 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 21.14 2.07 2.05 2.02 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00
Cabin Fever Rally 2011
February 19, 2011 Jamie Hayslip, Rallymaster the conditions best you. You also don’t “Super” Bob VanSice and son Ryan who Cabin Fever 2011 let your wife see her car looking like a volunteered to work three checkpoint Rally Report mud monster from a cheap horror flick. controls, including two in the first half By Jamie Hayslip, Rallymaster, Cabin Fever 2011
I made sure to get the car washed before I returned home.
“It’s always an adventure.” That’s the comment I have made after almost every winter rally event that I have participated in over the past seven years. It does take a sense of adventure, I think, to head out on cold winter nights and drive 180+ miles on the back roads of New York’s Finger Lakes and Southern Tier regions.
Fast forward to 3:00pm the next day for Rally registration at the Yard of Ale in Piffard. The weather conditions were dramatically different compared to 24 hours earlier. The spring-like conditions of the day before were ousted by a cold front that brought a 20° drop in temperature accompanied by snow and wind that are much more seasonable for mid-February in western New York. As the competitors arrived at Rally Headquarters, Cory Kuhns helped as the Tech Inspector while Scott and Monica Grinnell and Gretchen Kriesen pitched in on registration duties. All in all, 16 teams entered, including four in Equipped Class, six in Limited, three in Stock, and three in Novice.
To properly describe the adventure of Cabin Fever 2011, allow me to start the story one day before the actual event. It was not a cold winter night. It was a rather sunny, 50° day and I was embarking on the final pre-run. The adventure began when I discovered that the unpaved road sections of the route were spectacularly wet and muddy -so wet, in fact, that it looked like there were rivers and mudslides where roads should be. At some points I was certain my trusty VW Jetta (actually borrowed from my wife, Gretchen) would be stuck. At other points I had to avoid sections of complete wash out. I wish I were exaggerating. Despite the slightly horrific conditions, I finished the prerun duties – in rallying, you don’t let
In the first half of the event, the driving difficulty was high due to ice and snow accumulation on the roads, not to mention the occasional blinding white out. The rookie sweep crew of John Hayslip and Art Kriesen did pull out one team’s car from a ditch, but as a whole the competitors were able to handle the tricky conditions impressively. Just as impressive as the teams competing, were
of the event. Using their approach of following the complete Rally route instead of taking the shortcut, they were able to complete checkpoint #1 duties then pass the whole field in plenty time to open checkpoint #7. After a break in Franklinville, the second half seemed a touch easier as visibility improved while the surface conditions remained very inconsistent. Checkpoint operations continued to run smoothly in the second half thanks to the great work by the rest of the control teams: Tom and Deb Langdon, Carl Dresie and Barb Lissow, Dennis Gorlick and Tom Kubus, Dave Avery and Sally Bossert, and Mike Toombs and Larry Wells. Congratulations go out to all those rally adventurers who endured the event, with special mention to the top place finishers in each class: First place – Novice: Jed Scheckler and Doug Binder. First place – Stock: James Nauman and Matt Rhoads. First place – Limited (and second overall): Karl Hughes and Mark Laitenberger. And finally, great job to Gary Thomas and John Kastenhuber who took their first win of the season placing First in Equipped and overall.
April 2011
Cabin Fever Rally 2011 Results Car No.
Class Speed
Driver Navigator
Position O.A. Cls
Score Factr'd Raw
Leg scores with Time Allowance (- + early) 1
6 TA 0.5
-1 TA 0.5
7 6
-6 TA 0.5
-7 TA 0.5
3 TA 0.5
3 TA 1.5
1 TA 0.5
Equipped Ben Gilmore C Pam Peterson
Equipped Dan Thiel A Dan Thiel JR
-5 TA 0.5
-2 -6
Equipped Gary Thomas A John Kasternhuber
Equipped Alan Smith A Eric Hobron
Limited B
Karl Hughes Mark Laitenberger
Limited B
George Maudlin Shaun Hallam
Limited A
Cory Kuhns Marnie Soom
0 TA 3.5
0 TA 0.5
-13 TA 0.5
8 TA 2.5
Limited B
Jerry Kerwin Karl Haltner
-1 TA 0.5
21 TA 0.5
Limited A
Limited B
-5 TA 9.5
Jeffrey Coppola Zach MacMullen
-109 TA 2.5
Rich Smith Tony Zanni
-43 TA 0.5
-64 TA 0.5
Stock B
James Nauman Matt Rhoads
Stock A
Andy Walker Dan Kaufman
Stock A
Bryon Scheible Phil Scheible
Novice C
Jed Sheckler Doug Binder
9 TA 5.5
Novice C
Peter C Blood Alan C Blood
Novice C
Garrett Briggs Casey Gross
48 TA 0.5
200 TA 0.5
The Long Way Home January 15, 2011
The twelfth (next year, my event will be a teenager!) version of the Long Way Home was held on January 15th. This year, the event was part of a new WINTR (Winter INTernational Rally) series that includes events from Michigan, Ohio, New England, and Ontario. This helped to bring out some high level competitors. Twenty-five teams competed, six in equipped, four in Limited, seven in Stock, and eight in Novice for a well balanced field. We had several teams that traveled a significant distance to the Yard of Ale in Piffard to compete. The evening was a perfect rally night with lots of snow to make it challenging. There was plenty of blowing snow in sections of the first half, up to the break in Friendship. The second half passed through more open areas, and the blowing snow created deep drifts to work through and keep up the challenge. I think most everyone had an enjoyable event. Of the eight Novice teams, Garrett
2011 April
Briggs and Caset Gross came out on top with 726 points; they even had three incredible scores of -7, -5, and -7. Second in class were James Williamson and Adam Borgus with 1094 points. Third was taken by Bridget McMahon and Josh Perry close behind with 1119 points. Tom and Deb Langdon were first in Stock class with 121 points, with Jacob Peters and Matt Rhoads close behind with 143 points. Rounding out the top three was Andy Walker and Dan Kaufman with 189 points. Of the four Limited teams, Jerry Kerwin and Greg Lester were first with 126 points followed by George Modlin and Shaun Hallam at 257 points and Cory Kuhns and Marnie Soom with 564 points. Equipped had a large field of six teams. Ron Johnstonbaugh and Jack Von Kaenel took first in class and first overall with 35 factored points (they ran B speed). Paul Choniere and John Buffum came in second with 59.5 factored points (they dropped to B Speed early in the event). Locals Gary
Thomas and John Kastenhuber came in third with 93.5 factored points (they ran B speed as well.) As with all of these events, there is no way that they could be run without lots of dedicated workers. I would like to thank Craig McMaster, Alan and Peter Blood, Carl Dresie, Barb Lissow, John Walsh, Mike Toombs, Elizabeth Thiel, Paul Vogel, Chris and Jake Bucknam, and Larry Wells for working checkpoints. Thanks to Cory Kuhns for doing tech and Tom Langdon for teaching the Novice class. Ben Gilmore and Pam Peterson, did a great deal of work to help me by doing registration, with much help from Marnie Soom, and working the card exchange checkpoint right before the break at the southernmost checkpoint. Ben and Pam also did the scoring back at the Yard of Ale. The final thank you must go to my lovely wife Amy; she is the one that makes it possible to put these events on. Until the next event, Alan Smith Rallymaster, The Long Way Home
THE LONG WAY HOME, January 15, 2011 By Frank Beyer
The drive to Piffard, NY (yes, there is a Piffard) gave us a chance to try the footing in the Erie/Ontario Lake Effect snow falling in the brisk winds. Finger Lakes Region uses a scoring system where cars average one speed for the whole event, and your score is “factored”; the faster you run, the smaller the factor to reflect the difficulty of trying to average a higher speed. Speed choice, therefore, is a critical decision, especially running up and down the hills around the Finger Lakes, where it is hard enough to stay on time, much less trying to average 45 MPH and stay out of the snow banks. My driver, Mike Mazoway, driving MY car, decided that B speeds (40) would be more appropriate, especially when we drove through snow drifts on our way to the end of the odometer check. Rallymaster Alan Smith has been at this stuff for a while; seems as if Alan puts on about fifty rallies a year, ramrods the Susquehannock Trail Performance Rally®, is putting on a new event, the Wellsboro Winter (Performance) Rally, and for all I know, builds new rally roads in his spare time. He makes it look easy; never gets excited (at least on the outside) and never raises his voice. You can expect a long, hard slog capped by tough checkpoint locations. He did not disappoint. Alan led us through the usual catalogue of twisty roads down towards the south end of the Finger Lakes, throwing in a radio control every once and a while to keep us honest at the bottom of a hill followed by a regular open control at the top of the hill. And, of course, he threw in the railroad tunnel we’ve seen before in the middle of a tight, snowed-in road, with two checkpoints that would be tough to make at 25 miles per hour much less the 45 or 40 everybody was going. Alan was
smiling during the break, listening to our war stories about sliding around on his roads, especially at the tunnel. That was because he knew we were going to have to do the tunnel road all over again. Brilliant guys (like, oh, say, Mike and I) took time allowances around the tunnel the second time through but still struggled to get up the icy hill to the second checkpoint, cursing Alan out all the way up. The snow stopped falling toward the end of the rally, giving us a clean run through the snowdrifts to the Yard Of Ale, where a nice little buffet warmed us up while we waited for the scores. The WINTR SERIES drew in some of the top teams: Ron Johnstonbaugh and Jack vonKaenel repeated their Son Of Sno*Drift result finishing first with a score of 35; Paul Choniere and John Buffum handicapped themselves by twowheel driving their Mazdaspeed 6, but runnered-up with 59.5. I said that speed choice was critical: Gary Thomas & John Kastenhuber started out at the fast speed, then opted down after a couple of legs in the snow, finishing at 93.50. Those two legs made the difference as Mike and I ran B speed all the way and came in at 93.75. Bah! Everybody’s favorite happy couple, Tom & Deb Langdon, drove in Stock class and came in fifth overall, while Greg Lester blew in from Ohio to pair up with Jerry Kerwin and take first Limited and sixth overall. Dave Siesicki pulled his “20 Year Old Honda Civic” out of a ditch in time to take 7th overall with my WINTR partner, Steve McKelvie. And, I have to recognize “fast” Danny Thiel and Bob Thiel. Danny’s old Volvo, 14,000 miles, almost all on rallies, finished mid-pack. Dan won STPR in that Volvo a lot of years ago, and I had the chance during this rally to watch him slewing sideways away from each checkpoint and never letting up. Danny was always fun to watch, and it made my night to get to see one of the old experts blasting through the snow.
Classified Ads
For Sale: 2001 BMW 330I race car, ex-Grand Am road racing car, 3.0l engine, 5 speed manual transmission, 3.38 rear differential, M3 headers with 3 inch exhaust, full cage tied in to rear subframe, AMB timing and driver ID system, AIM MXL data logging dash, Koni spec 2800 series double adjustable shocks, H&R springs, ground control camber plates, steel braided brake lines, 10 lb. fire suppression system, single dry brake fuel fill with discriminator, dual sump fuel pumps, 17 gallon fuel capacity, six point driver restraint belts, right and left head restraint nets, drivers side window net, FIA seat on sliders, 16 inch cooling fan, 75mm dry lube wheel studs, 17 inch OZ wheels, M lower front wishbones, Delrin front wishbone mounts, Delrin rear subframe bushings, Delrin rear diff mounts, Delrin front trailing arm mounts, ball socket rear knuckle mounts upper and lower, stock DME reflashed, water bottle bracket, radio box, M3 style front bumper cover, front brake cooling ducts, tow hooks front and rear. Included spares package: hood, left and right fenders, front left and right lower arms, rear left and right trailing arms, 2 lower rear wishbones, rear cradle, left and right axles, front left and right spindles, spare brake pads, spare brake rotors, spare differential, set of wheels with rain tires, 8 sets of springs, front hub. Car had 13 top tens in 2007 and 2008, 3 podiums, took 4 th overall in Grand Am championship in 2007. Car can be taken as is with some on track dents and dings or can be repaired and painted as you would like. Other cars are for sale is you are looking for more than one. $36,000 OBO. Contact John Bosch (585) 746-7241. (4/11) For Sale: 2002 CARBIR CS-2 Sports 2000, Full Carbon Body, Spare Nose, 3 Way Adjustable Ohlins, Elite Motor, 3 BBS Wheel Sets, Rains, PiII Dash and Spare Dash, 28 gear sets, Blueprinted Gearbox, Plated Suspension, Updated Front Uprights, Polished Tub, Spares package included, Great Car, well built and meticulously maintained, $30k, $28k as roller, $33k for everything with 24ft enclosed Pace trailer, Call: 315-524-2899 or Email: wayland@rochester.rr.com (4/11) For Sale: 18’ Open Race trailer, Diamond plate deck, 4’ tool box, tire rack, New Electric Brakes, New Winch, Awning system, Aluminum Ramps, Excellent condition. $2,400. Contact Steve (585) 750-9504 (4/11)
April 2011
Classified Ads For Sale: 1967 Jaguar XKE Roadster Series 1.5 42K miles, 4.2 liter engine, matching numbers, new paint (no rust), new top, new Connolly leather, stored inside, runs great. Jim Nolan 1969 Eddy Rd. Walworth, NY 14568. Ph. (585) 314-1500 (1/11) For Sale: Mazda 323 GTX rally cars #1: 1988, 145K miles. Runs/drives. Has rust in quarter panels. Would make a great RallyCross or TSD car, or restore it. Many extra parts available. On snow tires on OEM wheels, includes older gravel tires on a 2nd set of wheels. $1200 as is, or with a spare gearbox & short block for $1500. #2: 1989, mileage unknown. Open-class stage rally car with logbook. Currently registeredinsured-inspected. Too much to list. On studded snows, with Kumho gravel tires on a second set of wheels. Includes second set of doors with lexan windows. Great as a first stage rally car, for RallyCross, ice racing, etc. $4000 as described, or bundle with a spare long block assembly, N.O.S. gearbox, spare drive shaft, rear end, new unmounted Hankook gravel tires and a set of Borbet wheels for $5000. If interested in either, contact Rick by phone at (585) 967-3762 or by email at expjawa@hotmail.com. (12/10) For Sale: 2005 Margay Brava 4.4 go-kart with blue printed World Formula engine. Blue printed by Rich Gamrod in the spring of 2010. Includes One fold up stand and one two-level stand that easily transports two karts, gears, many spare parts, spare slicks and rain tires on wheels. Also includes freshened raptor motor. Will separate some items. Call Chris at (315) 597-5668 (12/10) For Sale: Chrome plated 5-spoke steel wheels. Five bolt pattern, optional wheels for late ‘70’s early ‘80’s Buick (Century and others). No rust, just dirt. 4 for $75. Contact Gene Dinkel (585) 383-0363 (11/10) For Sale: RacePro Engineering offering our race winning 1995-based Mustang Cobra ASedan. History of podiums at SCCA Runoffs! Brand new (1.5 hours only) Marollo-built full race 302, Ford Boss block, Holly 650, aeroquip, best of everything! Dyno sheets available. Freshened Tremec 5-speed. Professionally built cage. Variety of spring rates. Koni 2-way adjustable shocks. monoballs. Brand new Baer racing brakes all around. ATL fuel cell. Three sets wheels, 2 with Hoosier slicks, and 1 with Hoosier rains. OMP Harness good through
2011 April
2014. Wired for radio. Current Annual SCCA safety and tech inspection, Log Books. Literally thousands of dollars in Spares Package, including nose, wing, Koni struts, 2-way adjustables, various rate Eibach & Hyperco springs, Baer rotors & calipers, racing radiator, Holly jets, motor parts, ignition parts, suspension parts, tons more. Duplicates of everything that can wear out or break! Build sheet and complete spares list upon request. Balanced and completely sorted. Car is 100% race ready. Located in Watkins Glen, NY. $ 17,500 for quick sale. Ed LoPresti. 607-535-4237. (11/10) For Sale: 14 ft. enclosed racecar trailer/ Ramps/Inverter/ Electric Brakes/Winch/Gas Box/12’ Awning. Smithy Lathe Mill (NEW) Dry Sump Tank (7qts) Scales Leak down Gages Craftsman Rolling Tool Box w/Ramp. Racecar jack. Scales used to corner weight a racecar. Shop equipment. Call for what is available. Come look and ask questions. Jim Nolan 1969 Eddy Rd. Walworth, NY 14568. Ph. (585) 314-1500 (11/10) For Sale: Sparco Sprint 5 race seat and mounting brackets - Brand new, never used. Seat is black. Brackets are red. $399. Seat: http://www.sparcousa.com/pseats_comp. asp?id=622 Bracket: http://www.sparcousa. com/pseats_acc.asp?id=153 Call Scott (585) 506-7366 or msgrinnell@mindspring.com. (10/10)
For Sale: Jeep Grand Cherokee wheels (16x7-5 bolt) and Bridgestone Winter Dueler tires (275/75/16). Will separate. $500/ obo. Wheels are in good condition. Tires have good tread. Call Scott (585) 506-7366 or msgrinnell@mindspring.com. (9/10) For Sale: Magnetic autocross numbers (white) 1, 8 and 6 two ea. Magnetic SCCA Solo2 emblems two ea. Magnetic CSP (red letters on white background) two ea. $25.00 takes all. Contact Steve at (585) 586-9152 (9/10) For Sale: Buick Gran Sport, 1986, only 1029 made. V6 with Bosch fuel injection. Body restored, plus many new mechanical parts, interior excellent. Not a “winter beater.” Reduced to $3000. Contact Gene Dinkel (585) 383-0363 (12/09) Wanted: Miata interior parts for first-gen (1990-1997) car. Unload the leftovers from that Spec Miata or Production car build. Call Scott (585) 506-7366 or msgrinnell@mindspring. com (7/10) Wanted: Finger Lakes Region SCCA member looking for scrap metal, batteries, wire, etc. Will help clean out yards, cellars, attics, garages, etc. Call Brian Barlow at (585) 289-8007 or e-mail playfreeguitar12@yahoo. com (7/10)
Free Classified Ads for FLR Members To place a Classified Ad: Contact the editor at cfdresie@cs.com. Ads will run for three issues, or longer if space allows. Be sure to notify the editor if your item has been sold or is otherwise no longer available. Your ad will also be published on the Finger Lakes Region's Website in the Forum section ("Classified Ads") at http://www.flr-scca.com/phpBB3/ viewforum.php?f=13. Classified Ads are free to members, $5.00 per issue for non-members.
Commercial Ad Rates # of Issues Full Page ½ Page ¼ Page Business Card
12 $500 275 150 75
6 $275 150 80 40
3 $150 80 45 20
1 $100 40 25 10
Contact the editor at cfdresie@cs.com for more info. 17
Membership Application REGION #62
Dear Prospective SCCA Member: To apply for membership in the Sports Car Club of America, the world’s largest member participation automotive organization, please complete the form below and return, with payment, to SCCA Membership Department, P. O. Box 299, Topeka, KS 66601-0299. PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE Name _____________________________________ Birth date_________________ E-mail_______________________________________ / / Address___________________________________ Telephone_______________________________________________________________ City_________________________________________ State ________Zip __________________County __________________________ Have you been an SCCA member before?
Year______________Previous Member # ____________________________
Please list name and age of spouse and children under age 21:
Spouse's Name____________________________________________________Birth date______ / ______ /______ Spouse's Member Number (if current member)________________________________________________________ Name___________________________________________________________Birth date______ / ______ /______ Name___________________________________________________________Birth date______ / ______ /______ Name___________________________________________________________Birth date______ / ______ /______ Name___________________________________________________________Birth date______ / ______ /______
Please indicate the area(s) of SCCA in which you plan to participate, or which interest you most. Your response will be used to allocate your national dues to the areas you indicate. Thank you. Club Racing
Pro Racing
Annual National Dues
Annual Regional Dues
REGULAR MEMBER..........................$65 FAMILY MEMBERSHIP.......................$85 FIRST GEAR (21 & Under) NEW CLUB RACING VOLUNTEER
+ +
REGULAR MEMBER.................$15 FAMILY MEMBERSHIP .............$25
= = = =
$80 $110 $45 $30
Enclosed is my check or Money Order for $____________________ U.S. VISA
Please send me a Crew License
No.____________________________________ Exp. Date __________________________
I hereby apply for membership in the Sports Car Club of America, Inc., and its Finger Lakes Region (#62) and agree to abide by the bylaws. Applicant's Signature____________________________________________ Date __________________________ Dues include payment for subscription to SportsCar ($24 value). Dues are not deductible as charitable contribution.
April 2011
Calendar of events for the Finger Lakes Region March 2011
FINGER LAKES Region General Membership Meeting - 8:00 p.m. – Burgundy Basin Inn, 1361 Marsh Road, Pittsford, NY 14534 (Contact re@flr-scca.com for further information)
April 2011
Double Regional Race, MARRS, VIR
GLDiv Double Driver's School, Nelson Ledges(NeOhio)
Pro IT Series, Pocono (NNJ)
Double Regional, NARRC, Pocono (NNJ)
FINGER LAKES Region Rally Meeting, -7:30 p.m., 96 Church St., Victor, Rick Barnes (rbarnes@torsen.com / (585) 967-3762)
FINGER LAKES Region SOLO Test ‘n Tune, RIT See: http://www.flr-scca.com/solo/schedule.html
FINGER LAKES Region SOLO #2, RIT See: http://www. flr-scca.com/solo/schedule.html
16-17 Regional Race, MARRS, Summit Point (WDC)
RallyCross (WDC)
WNY Solo #1, ECC-N
RallyCross (WDC)
Solo Test&Tune Pleasant Gap, PA (CPR)
STPR® Committee Meeting – Rochester, 7:30 p.m. 5795 W Henrietta Rd , Rochester, NY (Contact meridith1c@msn. com for further information.)
STPR® Committee Meeting – Rochester, 7:30 p.m. 5795 W Henrietta Rd , Rochester, NY (Contact meridith1c@msn. com for further information.)
STPR® Committee Meeting – Wellsboro, 1:00 p.m. (Contact meridith1c@msn.com for further information.)
Solo, Pleasant Gap, PA (CPR)
FINGER LAKES REGION Board of Directors meeting - 7:30 p.m., Thiel’s, 753 Klem Rd., Webster, NY (Contact re@flr-scca.com for further information)
FINGER LAKES REGION Board of Directors meeting - 7:30 p.m., Thiel’s, 753 Klem Rd., Webster, NY (Contact re@flr-scca.com for further information)
FINGER LAKES Region SOLO Meeting - 7:00 p.m. – Burgundy Basin Inn, 1361 Marsh Road, Pittsford, NY 14534 (Contact re@flr-scca.com for further information)
FINGER LAKES Region General Membership Meeting - 8:00 p.m. – Burgundy Basin Inn, 1361 Marsh Road, Pittsford, NY 14534 (Contact re@flr-scca.com for further information)
FINGER LAKES Region Rally Meeting, -7:30 p.m., 96 Church St., Victor, Rick Barnes (rbarnes@torsen.com / (585) 967-3762)
RallyCross School (WDC)
20-22 ProSolo, New Meadowlands, East Rutherford, NJ 21
RallyCross, Perry’s Park, (FLR)*
STPR® Committee Meeting – Wellsboro, 1:00 p.m. (Contact meridith1c@msn.com for further information.)
21-22 WOR Games Double Regional, Mid Ohio(W Ohio) 21-22 National Race, Summit Point (WDC) 22
Finger Lakes Region Social Rally, Rick Barnes (rbarnes@torsen.com / (585) 967-3762)
29-30 12-hour Enduro, NJMP (JRB)
Solo, Philipsburg, PA (CPR)
28-29 Double Regional Race and PDX, Level 1, Nelson Ledges (MVR)
FINGER LAKES Region SOLO Novice School, RIT See: http://www.flr-scca.com/solo/schedule.html
4/30-5/1 National Race, New Hampshire, (NER)
28-29 Double Regional Race, NARRC, New Hampshire (NER)
4/30-5/1 Regional Race, New Hampshire, (NER)
May 2011 4/30-5/1 National Race, New Hampshire, (NER) 4/30-5/1 Regional Race, New Hampshire, (NER) 1
FINGER LAKES Region SOLO #1, RIT See: http://www. flr-scca.com/solo/schedule.html
WNY Solo #2, SEAD
Solo, Pleasant Gap, PA (CPR)
FINGER LAKES Region SOLO Meeting - 7:00 p.m. – Burgundy Basin Inn, 1361 Marsh Road, Pittsford, NY 14534 (Contact re@flr-scca.com for further information)
FINGER LAKES REGION Board of Directors meeting - 7:30 p.m., Thiel’s, 753 Klem Rd., Webster, NY (Contact re@flr-scca.com for further information)
June 2011 3
Test day, NJMP (SJR)
STPR® Charity Rally, Wellsboro, PA.
STPR®, Wellsboro, PA,
2011 dates are subject to change. Request dates from the Activities Director. * RallyCross events are subject to field conditions.
Finger Lakes REGION WEBSITE AND BULLETIN BOARD www.flr-scca.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/Finger-Lakes-Region-SCCA/143648208904 2011 April
Treasurer 753 Klem Rd. Webster, NY 14580 TOP END Editorial Staff 119 Brookview Dr., Rochester, NY 14617-3903
Playing in the snow (and mud) at Perry’s Park