verview Effect Professional Experience Article
Every living creature strives to survive. For insects, it’s the hope to not be eaten by something bigger. For humans it’s the desire to matter and explore. Whether it’s mattering to someone or something, humans yearn to find purpose. And one way to find ones’ purpose is through the Overview Effect. Originally coined by space philosopher and author, Frank White, the term “Overview Effect” is the shifting of one’s perspective to see the bigger picture. Described by astronauts as they look in on our Blue Planet from space, the Overview Effect has the potential to affect us even if we haven’t been to space. This concept is yet another way we can use the science we learn from space to improve life here on Earth. This time in a clinical therapeutic setting, available to those with an open and curious mind. One of my main goals as a therapist is to guide clients to find their own Overview Effect within their individual lives. Bringing the wisdom of spaceflight to Earth so we can all grow. While we’re still unsure about the psychological processes at play in the Overview Effect, we know it is characterized by a strong emotional response. The Overview Effect has been described as a sense of awe and wonder. This cognitive shift brings about a sense of clarity as the mind considers the big picture of feeling connected to our Earth. The fragility and unity become apparent, as the perspective shift happens. We know as therapists that environmental connectedness (along with social, spiritual, emotional, intellectual, physical, financial, and occupational satisfaction) is a dimension of wellness. By focusing on an “on Earth” version of the Overview Effect”, we can start to introduce this cognitive shift in our clients/patients within their own lives. The consideration and exploration of new perspectives can add options for clients if they feel trapped by their stuck points. It creates a connection on an existential level, that can have measurable outcomes. By connecting a client to explore their purpose, values, and beliefs, they can create goals that we as clinicians can help them achieve. Simply put, the Overview Effect helps 8
January 2022 InSession |
clients get out of their head by empowering them to find their meaning. This might translate into sessions by exploring skills that help a client focus on something other than their anxiety. Acknowledgement, holding space for their experience and then showing how to redirect their mind when panic starts. Breaking the feedback loop of panic, by introducing a perspective that breaks the cycle of anxiety. We can encourage our clients to find their place in space if you will. Setting up healthy distractions that can channel their moments of stress/anxiety into eustress. Reminding them to connect with their “why” to help sift through junk anxiety versus real anxiety. Encouraging a client to setup reminders in their daily life as to what their own bigger picture is, and working towards it with small, measurable, and attainable goals. The idea being that investing their emotional energy to something bigger than any one of us, helps to minimize the snowball that anxiety tends to become if left to its own devices. Purpose is a lifelong need. It never goes away, but often changes. We look forward and many times expect linear growth. However, when we look back, we see a meandering path that led us to our present. Life transitions are inevitable as are the feelings that comes along with them. By furthering our awareness of the Overview Effect, we can begin to consider how we contribute to the greater good in our own way. By seeing the bigger picture through a cognitive shift, we’re able to continue adapting to change, build resilience, grit, and ideally live our authentic lives by seeing our place on our beautiful spaceship Earth. Written By: Sharife Gacel, MS, LMHC, LPC Sharife has 10 years of clinical experience. She specializes primarily in anxiety and life transitions. She received an MS in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, a BS in Psychology, and a BS in Molecular Biology and Microbiology. She is a NASA/JPL Solar System Ambassador and serves on the Board for the Central Florida Astronomical Society. She enjoys scuba diving, playing with her adopted greyhound Anubis, and connecting with others about space.