Fargo Monthly September 2014

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Trend ng #DowntownFargo I am a downtown kind of guy. I live on Broadway and bleed excitement for the city’s center. I am extremely grateful to be able to launch this issue that highlights some of the hidden gems of Downtown Fargo. To show our support, we decided to mail a magazine to every mailbox in the downtown area for everyone to read starting this month. The idea of this issue was to show our readers something they might not have been aware of in Downtown Fargo. Everyone knows about the Fargo Theatre, but what about all the other interesting things and places around? I hope you enjoy our list and will send us some more so we can add to it on fargomonthly.com.

Mike Dragosavich,

Publisher drago@spotlightmediafargo.com

My Downtown Hidden Gems 1

I get all my men’s hygiene products at SHANNALEE downtown, believe it or not. They have a men’s brand called Jack Black with shampoo, body wash, lotion, etc.

Authentic Chicago Style Beef Sandwiches at Dempsey’s. These french dip-type sandwiches are the best.


The second screen at the Fargo Theatre. It holds about 75 people.




30 50 Hidden Things To Do, Eat And Experience In Downtown Fargo We explored Downtown Fargo to find some of the hidden treasures this unique section of town holds.


22 The Future of Fargo

The People Who Make Downtown Thrive

City Commissioner Mike Williams talked to us about some of the key initiatives that are important to the future of Fargo.

We talked with some downtown businesses owners what being downtown does for their company.


Downtown Shopping And Eating Guide Wondering where to eat or shop in Downtown Fargo? Let our helpful guides show you where you need to go.

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Fa r g o Creating a magazine can be a daunting business. There is always a deadline to meet, a fact to double check, an article to proof and countless other aspects that keep me up at night. This month, in our quest to find 50 Hidden Things to Do, Eat and Experience in Downtown Fargo, we contacted 342 businesses with the help of the Downtown Community Partnership.

It was our goal to explore the hidden aspects of Downtown Fargo that truly make it unique. One of the most staggering facts that I learned this month was that, according to the Downtown Community Partnership, there are over 420 businesses in Downtown Fargo. 420 businesses in 425 acres. That is an astounding number. When you think about the type of impact that has on the community, it’s overwhelming. The numbers remain impressive. The Renaissance Zone has quintupled its value in the 15 years since it was enacted. The Downtown Fargo area is now valued at $600 million. With so many businesses, so much fascinating information and too many great places to eat, drink and shop to list, it was a challenge to limit the number of hidden things downtown to 50. We believe that we were able to find a diverse list that showcases what makes Downtown Fargo a one-ofa-kind gem in our region. As always, if you have any more, disagree or simply want more information, I encourage you to email me at andrew@spotlightmediafargo.com. I’ll see you downtown.

Andrew Jason, Editor



We participated in the Ice Bucket Challenge along with the rest of America. I encourage everyone else to participate and, most importantly, donate money to this great cause. Go to www.alsa.org/donate.

Volume 4 / Issue 10

September 2014

Fargo Monthly Magazine is published 12 times a year and A SPOTLIGHT MEDIA PRODUCTION it’s free. Copies are available at over 800 Fargo-Moorhead locations and digitally at fargomonthly.com.

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Fargo Monthly is published by Spotlight Media LLC. Copyright 2014 Fargo Monthly Magazine & fargomonthly.com. All Rights Reserved. No parts of this periodical may be reproduced without written permission of Fargo Monthly. Fargo Monthly & spotlightmediafargo.com will not be held responsible for any errors or omissions found in the magazine or on fargomonthly.com. Spotlight Media LLC., accepts no liability for the accuracy of statements made by the advertisers.




Meet ou













r Team!

Every month, Spotlight Media brings you Fargo Monthly, Stride, Bison Illustrated and Design & Living Magazine. Here are the people who make these wonderful mags.



Meet The Photographer Jesse Hoorelbeke is the man behind J. Alan Paul Photography. He is the head photographer for Spotlight Media. You can check out his work at jalanpaul.com.











Downtown Revitalization has been a buzzword since the 1960s when retail stores left in masses for shopping malls. Many communities reacted by mimicking the malls and turned their main streets into pedestrian parkades. Another common solution was to provide downtowns with plenty of parking like the malls, so cities demolished blocks of buildings for parking lots. Even the Federal Government got in the act, offering cities grants through a program called Urban Renewal. This systematically demolished historic structures and replaced them with shiny new office buildings or modern shopping centers. Many experts consider the above efforts downtown revitalization failures.

It took a generation or two, but many cities realized the best way to revitalize their downtown was to build off their past. This meant preserving the existing environment of downtowns that include buildings, retaining the original street grid system and maintaining density. 16

This was a different approach. Unlike demolishing a building and replacing it with something shiny and new, preservation was not a popular option in the 1970s. Preservation was much more incremental and took time. Today, preservation has become so successful that shopping malls are mimicking downtowns in building what are commonly referred to as “lifestyle centers.� Amenities of a typical modern lifestyle centers include landscaped, park-like pedestrian areas, low volume two-lane roads and parking behind buildings.

ABOUT MIKE HAHN: Hahn is the President/CEO of Downtown Community Partnership. The DCP is a non-profit group dedicated to be promoters, educators, advocates and visionaries for Downtown Fargo and Moorhead. Hahn can be reached at: mike@downtownfargo.com

So why is downtown so important to Fargo and the Red River Valley? Here are a few things to consider:

Downtown Fargo is a prominent employment center – 11,268 employees work downtown. Collectively, Downtown Fargo is the largest employer in the region. Downtown Fargo is home to many independent businesses – With over 420 businesses, many of these are locally owned. According to the US Small Business Administration, locally owned businesses return about 60 cents out of every dollar of retail sales to the community. Chains return only about 20 cents. Downtown Fargo is one of the state’s largest cities – According to the US Census, Downtown Fargo is estimated at 4,360 residents. This makes it North Dakota’s 13th largest city in between Valley City (pop. 6,699) and Grafton (pop. 4,324). Downtown Fargo is the historic center of the region – From train depots to farm implement shops to mercantile stores, many downtown buildings are historically significant and reflect the history of the region. Downtown Fargo represents a huge amount of public and private investment – Imagine what it would cost to recreate all the infrastructure and buildings that already exist downtown. The total appraised value of Downtown Fargo was $279 million in 2003, compared to $555 million in 2013: a 98.9 percent increase. Downtown Fargo is a major tourist draw – When people travel, they want to see unique places and local treasures. There isn’t a downtown like ours anywhere else in the world. Now compare that to shopping centers and strip malls with their chains. Downtown Fargo is often recognized as the place local residents will most likely take visitors. Downtown Fargo provides a sense of community and place for the region – In the retention and recruitment of a competitive workforce, prospects evaluate the place they want to work with the place they want to live. For many prospects, a community or region that offers a strong sense of place with vibrancy and distinctiveness often outweighs the offer from an employer. In most cases, that strong sense of place comes from the city center. To illustrate the power of place, Tom Lucas, ESPN’s GameDay Director, said it best when explaining why Downtown Fargo was selected as the site to originate their nationally televised show: “Downtown offers a strong sense of place that is uniquely Fargo, and this is what we want to show our audience.”







School is overrated. Full stop. As parents, students and teachers start the new school year, I’m reminded of how overrated the school year is. There is so much energy and commitment to our school buildings and the classroom. I think it’s wrong. It’s a shortsighted approach to learning. In many ways, the expectations of learning in the classroom create laziness in those who buy into the concept that schools are the primary place where we learn.

The question often creates a bit of confusion and a tremendous amount of tension. Now entering my fourth year of teaching in a college classroom, I believe wholeheartedly that the answer is both. As the instructor, I’m only half the solution. My role is to give my best effort to improve the learning conditions for the students. However, I believe the student carries more of the responsibility to learn, to apply the new information and to be in control of their own destiny.

As we enter the next chapter of the digital age with nearly all of the world’s information on the Internet, which can be accessed from anywhere our smartphones go, we must push ourselves to realize that learning opportunities are all around us. Schools are one of many places for learning, but they are not the only, and sometimes not the best, place.

As Fargo-Moorhead emerges, it is up to each person to create their own learning outcome. We must take control of our acquisition of knowledge and seek ways to learn what works best for ourselves. For me, the classroom was not the best teaching tool, but the University of Minnesota campus was. I learned more from having coffee with my classmates, the mentorship from professionals and the hands-on experience of scaling Students Today Leaders Forever – a nonprofit organization that I co-founded with several classmates.

As an adjunct professor at the Offutt School of Business at Concordia College, I begin my class each year with the question, “Is it the teacher’s job to teach or the students job to learn?” 18

When I work with entrepreneurs, many

of them talk about how they learn. You may be surprised to know what they need more than anything – each other. It’s this need that has led to several self-organized learning groups in our community that continue to build our city. Entrepreneurs have a funny way of focusing on what they want or need to learn and taking it upon themselves to figure out how. We can learn a lot from the world’s greatest entrepreneurs, as many have become our teachers. Bill Gates may be the most innovative philanthropist of our time, yet he didn’t finish college. Mark Zuckerberg is the youngest person to become a billionaire, yet he was encouraged to stay in school instead of building his company. Our risk takers, our artists and our entrepreneurs are often some of our best students, and they take it upon themselves to explore new solutions, disrupt outdated models and give us one of the greatest learning lessons each of us can learn – the importance of taking risks. So, to all the students and teachers heading into the classroom, please remember that learning is everywhere, and schools are a great place to start. Yet, we all need to remind ourselves that we are in control of our learning’s future and we must continue to push ourselves.

Self-Organized Learning Groups E-Commerce Breakfast

Kirk Anton and Emerging Prairie bring these monthly breakfasts to you. The breakfasts bring together a group of people interested in e-commerce industry. Watch emergingprairie.com for more information. Social Entre Discussion Group

This is a group interested in social entrepreneurship that meets the first Tuesday of every month to provide help and insights for individuals and organizations with innovative approaches to social problems. Mobile Tech Meetup

Every third Wednesday of the month, a group of people meet up to discuss mobile technology and where it is going. Learn more at meetup.com/Fargo-Mobile-TechMeetup. Girl Develop It

This is a chance for women interested in learning more about coding. A new group in Fargo, they will have courses on coding, leveraging existing technology and building websites. Learn more at meetup.com/GirlDevelop-It-Fargo. DSGNx

Jeff Knight, a prominent local designer, heads up this group dedicated to the design community. Watch their Facebook page at facebook.com/dsgnx to stay on top of all their events. 1 Million Cups

Each week, two entrepreneurs present their startup journey story. These presentations, which are quickly growing, are held every Wednesday morning from 9:15 – 10:15 a.m. Watch their website for more information, emergingprairie.com/1-millioncups-fargo.





By Andrew Jason Photo by J. Alan Paul Photography



KEY INITIATIVES Permanent Flood Protection Promote Infill Public Art Bicycle/Pedestrian Infrastructure Design Standards

Mike Williams has been City Commissioner since 2004. Fargo has seen a lot of growth in the last 10 years, and Williams has been helping guide the future of the city. In 2012, the City of Fargo conducted an extensive study about the direction of Fargo. We talked with Williams about how the key initiatives are coming along.

1 Permanent Flood Protection “Things like flood protection are happening. We’ve been buying out homes and raising dikes. Right now, if we had a flood like 2009, which was a record flood, that year we used three million sandbags. At this time, we would maybe use 800,000 - 900,000. That shows how much work has been done as far as urban protection goes. We’ve gotten homes out of the way.”

2 [ Public Art ] “We’ve formed an arts task force. When we are working on the NP Avenue corridors, we have landscape architects and now we’ve brought in artists. On the front-end, when projects are being designed, we’re looking for opinions from art professionals. The idea there is, we invest hundreds of millions of dollars in infrastructure in any given year. By leaving an artist out and having them coming in at the end, it looks like it always costs money, but if you bring them in on the front end, you’re just getting an artist’s view on the way you build your city from the start.”


20 3 [ Promote Infill ] “On the infill side, it’s a tale of two cities. We continue to expand our boundaries but we’re also having good fortune with our infill, so the Renaissance Zone has quintupled in its value. From $150 million to now $600 million in value in that geographic area, and we’re only half done ... Right now, we’re incentivizing sprawl through our policies and incentives. We need to address that. We diminish the incentives we have for infill when we compete with the incentives for premature expansion, so it’s not as productive as it could be.”

5 [ Design Standards ] “Quality design standards are a work in progress. That’s like the historic overlays in neighborhoods. The Hawthorne neighborhood is a historic neighborhood. Some of those quality design standards are being implemented, but it isn’t across the board yet, so we are still getting some cookie cutter neighborhoods.”

4 Bicycle/Pedestrian Infrastructure “In 2010 we didn’t have a bike lane. Now we have 40 miles of on-street bike lanes. We’ve made some good improvements on the biking end and also on the transit. The transit ridership has tripled since 2004, so we had 800,000 riders in 2004 and now we have over 2.1 million. Over half of those are college age … There are areas of our cities that aren’t high walk scores because they figure if you have to walk more than six blocks, it’s not likely you’re going to do that on a regular basis to go about your daily chores. The downtown area scores a 92, which is very high, and some neighborhoods that are close to the corridor score in the 80s-90s, which is very good … Some of the newer neighborhoods with low density have bad scores for walkability because there’s no place close to get your stuff.”


1. Permanent Flood Protection 2. Promote Infill 3. Public Art 4. Bicycle/Pedestrian Infrastructure 5. Design Standards 6. City-Wide Trail Loop 7. Public Gathering Spaces 8. Incentives for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Production 9. Quality New Development 10. Year-Round Recreational Opportunities 11. Tree Canopy 12. Parks, Open Space and Habitat 13. Healthy Food 14. Amenities and Beautification as an Economic Development Tool 15. Festivals and Cultural Events 16. Waste and Recycling 17. Historical Preservation 18. One Way to Two Way Conversion Study 19. Improve Transit 20. Entrepreneurship


The Fargo Comprehensive Plan Go2030 was created by the City of Fargo Department of Planning and Development, a consultant team and input from citizens. You can see it for yourself on the City of Fargo’s website, cityoffargo.com/CityInfo/Departments/ PlanningandDevelopment/FargoComprehensivePlanGo2030 25



DRUNK LETTERS What do Bill Murray, Chad Kroeger, Avril Lavigne, Christopher Walken and Hulk Hogan all have in common? Not a whole lot. But, little do these celebrities know, they will all soon be receiving letters from residents of one of the drunkest cities in America. By Erica Rapp Photo by Andrew Jason


runk Letters to Famous People is a comedic talk show and web series that is exactly how it sounds: a group of friends get together and film themselves discussing celebrities and write one collective letter to them, all while inebriated.

They either star in the show or work behind the camera (and sometimes the bar.) The series, based out of Fargo, is broadcasted on their YouTube channel once or twice a month. The idea of writing letters to famous people while being intoxicated sprouted from Elliott, who drunkenly wrote a letter once to Jim Carrey and actually received an unexpected response in the form of a signed headshot. After conversing with close friends, the idea was born to document this process and see how many celebrities decided to pay attention.

“At the start of each episode, we try to do an introduction of the famous person we’re writing to and a small discussion on trivia and such,” said member Nick Boe. “Shortly after that, it’s mostly impromptu. The booze always takes things away from there, always.”

The episodes are slightly guided by a host with a few talking points, but for the most part, they let the alcohol take the lead. At the end of each episode, they compose their letters to the famous person and each one is read out loud and posted. And yes, the letters do actually get mailed. Keep in mind: they also keep track of their blood alcohol content the entire time.

Dustin Elliott, Nick Boe, Derek Mutch, Michelle Pearson, Scott Motschenbacher and Kyle Olson are the main contributors to the web series.

Not only does this group of friends broadcast their drunken displays on the Internet, they also incorporate community involvement. Each episode



We were able to hunt down one of the elusive drunken letters. Enjoy this gem written by Michelle Pearson to Christopher Walken.

usually takes place in a local bar or venue, and they aim to have a local guest star in each show. Recently, they have also done fan giveaways that include tickets, gift cards, merchandise and novelty items. “We’re writing letters to really famous people, but at the same time, we’re incorporating guests and places of Fargo,” said Mutch. “And so far every person or guest that we’ve had on the show with us, we’ve tried to showcase some of their talents.” The group says overall they have had positive feedback and success. They’re not too worried about offending anyone. Let’s face it: someone out there won’t agree with their thoughts on Katy Perry, and they are not out to please anyone. They also still can’t agree upon who gets the most drunk, because someone different takes the cake each time. “It took a lot of trial and error and some stupid ideas,” said Elliott. “One night we filmed three episodes but could only use the one. The footage was terrible. We decided to write to Mr. Peanut, and that was a terrible drunk idea. What were we going to do, mail it to Planters?” They’re looking forward to writing to as many famous people as possible. Most of all, they plan to branch out with a podcast and hopefully trademark their idea. They’ve even discussed starting a bowling team. Drunk Letters to Famous People has yet to get a response from their chosen celebrities, but they know that the day will come. The group welcomes anyone to contribute to or participate in the show in any way. They have already had support from various local bars, venues, brewing companies and radio stations. You can find their videos and contact them through their YouTube channel and Facebook page.

FOR MORE INFORMATION youtube.com/dl2fp facebook.com/dl2fp * Disclaimer: Drunken Letters to Famous People videos contain adult content.

It’ s easier to see the glass half full when the bottle is half priced.




Hidden Things To

Do, Eat & Experience in Downtown Fargo Downtown Fargo has many hidden treasures. Everybody knows about the Fargo Theatre or the deliciousness served up at the Hotel Donaldson, but what about some of the awesome aspects of this part of the city that makes it one-ofa-kind? This month, we went off the grid to bring you some of the best hidden things to do, eat and experience in Downtown Fargo. Now get up and go see all this city has to offer. By Andrew Jason Photos by Tiffany Swanson & Andrew Jason 31


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A BREW FOR YOUR DOG Hotdog! Pet Salon 635 1st Ave N, Fargo hotdogpetsalon.com

Show your dogs that you love them by getting them a nice cold brew. OK. It might not exactly be a beer for your dog, but this non-alcoholic Bowser Beer comes in various flavors and is packed with proteinrich 100 percent USDA beef or chicken and has a malt barley for shiny coats and glucosamine for healthy joints.

OLD FASHIONED SODA POP SHOP Zandbroz Variety 420 Broadway, Fargo zandbroz.com

For 17 years, Zandbroz operated Dakota Soda. Offering many different soda fountains and a lunch counter, it closed six years ago. Luckily for us, they have converted it to Danz Boys Books, a used bookstore. With the original booths, backbar and counter, the room is filled with used books, specializing in North Dakota and Minnesota history. This beautiful room is filled with taxidermied Bobcat, opossum, woodchuck and birds.

FARGO HISTORY fargohistory.com

Fargohistory.com is a website created by Angela Smith, an Assistant Professor of History at NDSU. She created this website for a digital history class. The website has a fascinating timeline of Fargo’s history and an interesting documentary entitled “Prostitution and Fargo’s Most Notable Madam.”


LET OUT YOUR INNER GAMER Section 9 Cyber Café 14 Roberts St, Fargo section9cafe.com

Section 9 Cyber Café offers the latest and greatest in gaming. From top of the line computers to classic game consoles, you can find it all. You can either pay an hourly, daily, weekly or monthly pass to play to your heart’s desire. If you’re looking for a fun party spot, they also rent out the rooms.



INDOOR SKATEBOARDING THIS Skate and Snow 625 1st Ave. N, Fargo thisskatesnow.com

One of the most unique aspects of this skateshop is the indoor mini ramp in the basement of the building that anyone can use. For only $2, and with the signature of a waiver, anyone can skate this indoor ramp, which is open primarily during the winter.

MONTE’S PATIO Monte’s Downtown 220 Broadway, Fargo montesdowntown.com

While it’s no secret that Monte’s is a great downtown restaurant, people might not know about the patio in the back. This patio is great for a casual lunch or late-night martini.

10.1.14 EXPIRES 11.1.14





HIDDEN GEM Hotel Donaldson hoteldonaldson.com 101 Broadway N, Fargo


In the Hotel Donaldson there is a spot hidden right in front of everyone. For everyone who has seen the mosaic mural when you walk in, look closer. There is a door hidden in the wall. People are encouraged to take something and leave something behind. People have found Legos, jewelry and even money inside this secret compartment.


TRIP DOWN MEMORY LANE Fargo Pinball 413 Broadway N, Fargo Search “Fargo Pinball” on Facebook

Downtown Fargo actually extends quite a bit farther than most people think. According to the City of Fargo, Downtown Fargo extends as far west as University Ave. and goes east to the river. It extends north to 7th Avenue and goes around Sanford Hospital and extends south to 3rd Avenue and goes around Island Park and Prairie St. John’s. Fargo Pinball beckons back to days gone by. With 21 different pinball machines, this fun arcade lets people purchase a membership that gives them around the clock access to play a wide variety of pinball games. With Star Trek, Fish Tails and other games, this will please any pinball fanatic.



Looking for more information about historic Downtown Fargo? The city of Fargo created a self guided tour of Downtown Fargo. This series narrated by Merril Piepkorn, allows you to guide yourself through downtown while listening to the recordings. You can download the recordings from cityoffargo. com/CityInfo/Departments/ PlanningandDevelopment/ HistoricPreservation/ LookAroundDowntown.






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From Left to Right:


TIGI Global Creative Director Nick Irwin, Elaine Olivieri, Joseph Olivieri, TIGI Global President Tom Monaghan, Mario Olivieri, TIGI US Vice President Tom Buffano, TIGI US Creative Director Thomas Osborn

1. Doll Makeup by Olivia LaRae France 2. Mr. Joseph welcoming the crowd 3. Avant Garde Model by Elaine Olivieri 4. Judges evaluating Doll Makeup Models 5. Model by Lindsey Singer 6. Downtown Warriors take the stage (Women’s Cut/Color category) 7. VIP Pre Party; Brittney Gould, Michelle Hermann, Kelli Karn, Elaine Olivieri, Kathy Colvin 8. Josef’s West ‘Tea Party’ model by Maddison Kitko 9. Jungle Fever/Avant Garde models by Lillian Fehn & Heather Stach | Photos by Jenna Lenertz and Kaytlin Dargen





HIDDEN ART There is art hidden along Broadway that you may have never noticed. Murals are inlayed in the bricks at intersections on Broadway. These murals depict scenes ranging from Bonanza Farms to North Dakota wildlife. Look closely at the black streetlights and you’ll realize they have metal stamped city logos on the bases and metal bands around the glass lamps.

MEDITATION SPOT Roberts Street Chapel robertsstreetchapletproject.com 333 Roberts St, Fargo

One of local artist Marjorie Schlossman’s largest projects is the new Roberts Street Chapel. This chapel, an ongoing project, was purchased in 2001 by Schlossman and renovated by architect Bruce Hella. This building is filled with light provided by a large skylight. Schlossman created this chapel as a place where people can go to meditate and enjoy the silence. There is a large 56 foot mural that Schlossman has painted as well. The chapel is open periodically throughout the week.



According to the Downtown Community Partnership, Fargo has 59 restaurants downtown. They are broken into the following categories: downtownfargo.com

Evening Coffee Shops

Late night Lunch



Pubs Pizza



According to the 2012 Fargo Parking Evaluation conducted by the City of Fargo, there were a total of 3,766 public parking spaces in Downtown Fargo. 1,622 of these spots were on the street while 2,144 spaces were off-street. There were also an additional 3,904 private parking spaces.





MIMOSAS & MANICURES Nail Bar 505 Broadway, Fargo nailbarfargo.com

The Renaissance Zone, an incentive program to encourage business growth in Downtown Fargo, has quintupled its value in its first 15 years. According to City Commissioner Mike Williams, it went from $150 million to $600 million in value in Downtown Fargo.

The Nail Bar is the only spot in Fargo where you can get a manicure or pedicure while enjoying a glass of wine or a beer. Talk about the ultimate in luxury.

LOOK DOWN Gallery 4 114 Broadway N, Fargo gallery4fargo.wix.com/gallery4

You can sometimes discover something new if you just look down. That is true at Gallery 4. This cooperative art gallery has miniature art hidden in the floor. Your kids can enjoy this fun scavenger hunt while you enjoy the original artwork.


A TRIP TO CUBA Rhombus Guys 606 Main Ave, Fargo rhombuspizza.com

It’s a Cuban sandwich transformed into a pizza. Made with mustard sauce, Canadian bacon, pulled pork, pickles and mozzarella, this was the winner of the annual pizza contest held at Rhombus Guys. Starting this fall, it will be added to the menu, as it well deserves.





PLAINS ART MUSEUM SCAVENGER HUNT Plains Art Museum 704 1st Ave. N, Fargo plainsart.org


Hidden throughout the Plains Art Museum are dozens of miniature clay human figures created by Omaha-based artist Jamie Burmeister. Next time you’re at the museum, have your kids go on a scavenger hunt to find them all.


The Boiler Room boilerroomfargo.com 210 Broadway Ste 90, Fargo

The Boiler Room is one of Downtown Fargo’s newest hotspots. This restaurant in the basement of the Loretta Building has some of the best cocktails in town, created by their talented staff. We recommend the Pisco Sour, Green and Gold and Gingerbread Cookie.

Gingerbread Cookie

HIDDEN MUSIC VENUE The New Direction facebook.com/thenewdirection 14 Roberts St. N, Fargo

Most people know about the different music venues downtown, but there’s one you might not know. The New Direction is an independent venue that hosts a variety of concerts, but focuses on metal and rock shows.

Pisco Sour 38


Green and Gold

22 23

FARGO DOG AT SIDESTREET Sidestreet Grille and Pub sidestreetpubfargo.com 301 3rd Ave. N, Fargo

Don’t tell your cardiologist about this one. This Nathan’s hot dog is wrapped in bacon, deep fried, topped with pulled pork, Swiss cheese and horseradish mayo and served on a New England roll. Decadence at its finest.

HUNGRY? GRAB A TOMATO There is a public garden downtown where residents are invited to come and help themselves. The Native American Girl Scout Troop tends this 5th street garden that is planted in the US Bank Plaza. When the garden is ripe, anyone is allowed to pick produce that includes tomatoes, peppers, lettuce and sunflowers.




ALLEY ART There is a new movement to make our alleys more beautiful. Alley Fair is behind this movement that’s in the process of painting different dumpsters. So far three different dumpsters have been painted downtown and the Convention and Visitor’s Bureau has commissioned for three more painted dumpsters.

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FARGO GREATEST CITY IN THE WORLD MUG Unglued Market 408 Broadway, Fargo ungluedmarket.com

Believe it or not, this is becoming one of Unglued’s most popular items. This mug was used in Brad Wimmer’s mayoral campaign and is designed and sold by the folks at Unglued.

BLT PIZZA Blackbird Woodfire 206 Broadway N, Fargo blackbirdwoodfire.com

We love BLTs. We love pizza. We REALLY love Blackbird Woodfire’s BLT pizza. Made with fresh tomatoes, a delicious harissa mayo, enough fresh greens to make it seem healthy and, of course, plenty of bacon, this dish brings together some of the greatest pleasures in life.






According to the Downtown Community Partnership, Downtown Fargo has 75 shops. They are broken into the following categories:


Fine Jewelry Furniture

Art Books

Grocery and Pharmacy


PIANO PROJECT Artist Susanne Williams has always worked to make Fargo beautiful, but now she’s making it sound beautiful. The Piano Project is a public art project that will save old pianos from being destroyed, artistically painting them and placing them around Downtown Fargo. Anyone is invited to sit down and play the pianos. The first piano is in front of Uptown Gallery at 74 Broadway.

OSSOBUCO Toscana 202 Broadway N, Fargo toscanadowntown.com

You might not know how to pronounce this dish, but you will love the taste. Toscana’s ossobuco is made with a slow roasted veal shank that is so tender it will melt in your mouth. It is then served on a bed of fresh mashed potatoes and topped with a wild porcini mushrooms sauce.



The Loretta Building kilbournegroup.com 210 Broadway, Fargo


Boutique Wine and Liquor Clothing


The Loretta Building at 210 Broadway is one of the most unique buildings in Downtown Fargo. The building was built in 1912 and the Kilbourne Group, who renovated the building, kept the historical feel. In fact, the entire fourth floor is 100 percent reclaimed 1920s-era floor from Hallock, N.D.



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BIKE SHARE PROGRAM facebook.com/GreatRidesBikeshare

A new initiative from a local nonprofit, Great Rides Fargo, is launching the Great Rides Bike Share. This program will bring around 100 bicycles to 10 docking stations located around NDSU and Downtown Fargo. Anyone can purchase a pass and will have access to the bikes 24 hours a day. All NDSU students will automatically be enrolled.



Clockwerks 1101 1st Ave. S, Fargo Search Clockwerks on Facebook

EAT ELK Würst Bier Hall 630 1st Ave. N, Fargo wurstfargo.com

Würst Bier Hall is known for their wild sausages, but one of their most popular exotic sausages is their elk sausage. The elk comes from Colorado, is stuffed with jalapeños and cheese and is served with grilled onion, sauerkraut, sweet peppers and hot peppers.

SHINE THOSE SHOES Broadway Shoe Company 102 Broadway, Fargo facebook.com/broadwayshoeco

The Broadway Shoe Company recently opened up their new store at 102 Broadway in Downtown Fargo. Not only does this store sell a wide variety of high-end shoes, you can also receive a shoeshine for only $4. They recommend a shoeshine every two weeks with Fargo’s harsh weather.

Clockwerks caters to clock enthusiasts. With about 400 unique clocks for sale, Clockwerks has a large variety, although they specialize in repairs. Over the last nine years, they have repaired 5,716 clocks. They have sold everything from a high end $24,000 grandfather clock to a $10 wristwatch.





Merchants National Bank Building 122½ N. Broadway, Fargo cocomsp.com

This new 6,000 square foot collaborative workspace has offices in Minneapolis, St. Paul and now Fargo. CoCo is dedicated to helping freelancers, small business and corporate workgroups grow their business. This workspace gives members a casual and flexible workspace, meeting rooms and educational and social events.






D’VINE 212 Broadway N, Fargo facebook.com/ dvinefargo

Art and Wine Walk September 11

Good wine, good art and good people. What more can you ask for? For $20, you can stroll Downtown Fargo and enjoy wine sampling, live artists and great shopping. There are over 25 businesses that participate. Check out downtownfargo.com for more information.

LATE NIGHT MUNCHIES Radisson 201 5th St. N, Fargo radissonfargo.com

Do you have the late night munchies but are craving something a little nicer than the typical 2 a.m. greasy food truck? The Radisson has the answer for you. On Fridays and Saturdays in The Lobby Bar from 11 p.m. to 3 a.m., they offer a changing brunch buffet. The buffet usually includes breakfast items like French toast, eggs, bacon and sausage as well as lunch and dinner items.


FARGO PRIDE SHANNALEE 313 Broadway N, Fargo shannalee.com

This custom made Fargo sweatshirt is made specifically for SHANNALEE. It is available in many different colors and will be available in Bison colors so you can really show your Bison pride.

The new wine and cheese bar, D’Vine, offers their guest over 100 different types of wine, a plethora of cheese and small plate options and sake cocktails. Besides the culinary delight, the restaurant also offers a visual treat with its unique design of reclaimed wood.



THERE’S AN APP FOR THAT The Beefsteak Club 612 1st Ave. N, Fargo thebeefsteakclub.com

Appetizers have long been relegated to cheap, fried grub. The Beefsteak Club is changing that with their lobster corn dogs and duck fat fries. The corn dogs are made with real lobster tail, while the duck fat gives the fries a taste like no other French fry out there.

BLOCK IT OUT O’Day Caché 317 Broadway N, Fargo odaycache.com

Almost everything from O’Day Caché is hand-selected from India, China, Turkey or Thailand by Cindy O’Day. This hand-carved block printing is an example of the unique items available in the store. Imported from India, there are dozens of options to choose from and for only $18, you can’t go wrong with this unique purchase.




LOCAL ICE CREAM Milkhaus Ice Cream facebook.com/ Milkhauscream

Last December, a new local ice cream hit the restaurants of Fargo-Moorhead. Milkhaus Ice Cream offers a variety of flavors of push-up ice cream at Red Raven, Atomic Coffee and Blackbird Woodfire. Their flavors include bacon, green tea, salted caramel, white chocolate lemon, hickory smoked vanilla and rhubarb. They hope to hit grocery stores this fall.


POKE Wasabi 623 NP Ave, Fargo wasabifargo.com

Wasabi’s poke (pronounce pou-kei) is such a hidden treasure it’s not even listed on the menu. This dish is a specialty of head chef T.J. Edra and is based off a typical sushi dish in Hawaii. It is ahi tuna and avocado served over a ginger salad. Ask for it and the staff will be happy to make the dish for you.


WE ARE OTA Fargo Civic Center 207 4th St N, Fargo weareota.com

What do you get when you combine South Dakota, North Dakota and Minnesota? OTA of course. This group is dedicated to building a relationship between these states. The first OTA event in Fargo will take place Friday, Sept. 12. The event will bring 18 speakers and 550 OTA members together for a day of bonding and relationship building.

44 MIX AND MATCH Lot 2029 612 Main Ave, Fargo lot2029.com

Lot 2029 prides itself on the fact that it is easy to mix and match their apparel as well as being affordable. You can get the outfit pictured below for less than $70. Don’t feel like going to the store? Check out their new website, which doubles as an online store.







SEPT. 12, 2014




HAPPY BIRTHDAY FARGO BREWING COMPANY Fargo Brewing Company 610 University Dr. N, Fargo fargobrewing.com

The Fargo Brewing Company is turning four years old and everyone is invited to their party on Sept. 12. The bash will include music from country-punk band Lucero, food trucks and plenty of Fargo Brewing Company beers. Check out jadepresents.com/lucerofargo for tickets.





RUNNING CLUB Beyond Running 516 Broadway, Fargo gobeyondrunning.com

ALLEY FAIR alleyfair.com

On Saturday, September 20 the alleyway south of Main Ave, between 9th and 10th streets South is going to look much different, thanks to the Alley Fair. From 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. there will be a farmers market, artist market, live music, food trucks, live art demonstrations and more. The evening concert will feature a beer garden along with a performance by Diane Miller and the Silver Daggers.

If you enjoy running, but need some motivation to hit the pavement, then Beyond Running has the answer for you. There is a free running club that goes out on Tuesday and Thursday nights at 6:30 p.m. They offer three, five and sevenmile routes. All levels are welcome to attend.

BLUE GOOSE CAFÉ Blue Goose Café 425 Broadway, Fargo facebook.com/TheBlueGooseCafe

A few months ago, Granville Wood opened up The Blue Goose Café in the Great Northern Bicycle Company. This little cafe’s menu changes weekly but always features delicious food made with quality ingredients.


GRILLED DUCK BREAST AND LEG CONFIT Mezzaluna 309 Roberts St. N, Fargo dinemezzaluna.com

Since opening, Mezzaluna has been among the pantheon in the FM dining scene. It is the top rated restaurant in Fargo on yelp.com. A menu item that illustrates Mezzaluna’s quality is the Grilled Duck Breast and Leg Confit. The panroasted breast of duck with leg meat confit and served with Lingonberry-pecan preserves is certainly a hidden pleasure.


Where to eat




Fargo is quickly becoming a foodie city and Downtown Fargo is leading the trend. There are so many places to eat, it can be daunting to choose where to go. We’re here to help with that problem. You decide what mood you’re in and we’ll tell you where you should be eating. Bon appétit!

Duffy’s Tavern



Fort Noks Bar of Gold


Rooters Dempsey’s


Bismarck Tavern









The Beefsteak Club Hotel Donaldson Wasabi Drunken Noodle


King House


The Nestor




Sports Bar Pickled Parrot



Mexican Village Vinyl Taco


Zest Restaurant JL Beers

Teaberry Cold Fusion Atomic Coffee Babb’s Coffee House

Rhombus Guys

Spicy Pie

Blackbird Woodfire Sammy’s Pizza Fryn’ Pan The VIP Room The Boiler Room OB Sports Zone Sons of Norway

Romo’s Tacos


Café Aladdin

Sweeto Burrito


Josie’s Corner Café


The Radisson Lounge


Hotel Donaldson Lounge

GO ?

Bun Appetit Bakery Würst Bier Hall

Nichole’s Fine Pastry


Scratch Sandwich and Deli Café Muse (Plains Art Museum) Subway





Moxie Java

OB Grill



Red Raven

Erbert and Gerbert’s Smiling Moose Deli McDonald’s

Taco John’s


Alphabetically Organized

Atomic Coffee 222 Broadway #100, Fargo

Nichole’s Fine Pastry 13 8th St. S, Fargo

The Beefsteak Club 612 1st Ave. N, Fargo

OB Grill 22 Broadway N, Fargo

Babb’s Coffee House 604 Main Ave, Fargo

Blackbird Woodfire

206 Broadway N, Fargo

The Boiler Room 210 Broadway Suite 90, Fargo (Basement of the Loretta Building)

The Nestor 1001 NP Ave. N, Fargo

OB Sports Zone Adjacent to OB Grill

Pickled Parrot 505 3rd Ave. N, Fargo

Pita Pit 206 Broadway N, Fargo

Bismarck Tavern 522 Broadway, Fargo

The Radisson Lounge 201 5th St. N, Fargo

Café Aladdin 530 6th Ave. N, Fargo

Rhombus Guys 606 Main Ave, Fargo

Bun Appetit 623 NP Ave, Fargo

Red Raven 916 Main Ave, Fargo

Café Muse 704 First Ave. N, Fargo

Romo’s Tacos 118 Broadway, Fargo (Basement of the Black Building)

Chub’s 421 N University Dr, Fargo Cold Fusion 114 Broadway, Fargo

D’vine 212 Broadway N, Fargo Drunken Noodle 623 NP Ave, Fargo

Dempsey’s 226 Broadway, Fargo Duffy’s Tavern 16 12th St. S, Fargo

Empire 424 Broadway N, Fargo Erbert and Gerbert’s 300 Broadway N, Fargo Fort Noks Bar of Gold 52 Broadway N, Fargo Fryn’ Pan 300 Main Ave, Fargo

Hotel Donaldson 101 Broadway, Fargo

Hotel Donaldson Lounge Adjacent to Hotel Donaldson JL Beers 518 1st Ave. N, Fargo

Josie’s Corner Café 524 Broadway N, Fargo

Juano’s 402 N Broadway Dr, Fargo King House 122 N Broadway Dr, Fargo McDonald’s 905 Main Ave, Fargo Mexican Village 814 Main Ave, Fargo

Mezzaluna 309 Roberts St. N, Fargo Monte’s 220 Broadway, Fargo

Moxie Java 111 N Broadway N, Fargo

Rooters 107 Broadway N, Fargo Sammy’s Pizza 301 Broadway N, Fargo

Scratch Sandwich and Deli 68 Broadway #101, Fargo Sidestreet 301 3rd Ave. N, Fargo

Smiling Moose Deli 102 Broadway N, Fargo Sons of Norway 722 2nd Ave. N, Fargo

Spicy Pie 322 Broadway N, Fargo Sports Bar 619 NP Ave. N, Fargo

Subway 115 Broadway N, Fargo Sweeto Burrito 117 Broadway N, Fargo Taco John’s 318 10th St. N, Fargo

Teaberry 119 Broadway N, Fargo Toscana 202 Broadway N, Fargo Uncorked 12 Broadway N, Fargo Vinyl Taco 520 1st Ave. N, Fargo The VIP Room 624 Main Ave, Fargo Wasabi 623 Np Ave, Fargo

Würst Bier Hall 630 1st Ave. N, Fargo

Zest Restaurant (Radisson) 201 5th St. N, Fargo


Where to shop




Along with a healthy eating scene, Downtown Fargo is quickly becoming a mecca for shopping. With over 60 shops downtown, anyone can find what they’re looking for, whether that is a new pair of shoes or original artwork. With help from the Downtown Community Partnership, we have compiled a list of stores so you can shop until drop, Downtown Fargo style.

Great Northern Bike Company Paradox Comics and Cards

Antiques on Broadway Frontier Americana

Art Materials/Uptown Pen

Now and Then Shoppe

Boerth’s Gallery and Design Studio

Reed and Taylor Antiques Clockwerks

Mathison’s Express Press Graphics THIS Skate and Snow

B.D.S Books

Christian Eggert Violins

CW Magazines

Fargo Linoleum

Zandroz Variety

Frontier Americana

Buyer At Large

Beads on Broadway

Downtown Diva

Gompf Displays, Inc.

McNeal and Friends

Bridgetown Imports

O’Day Cache

iCare Repair

One World

Mister Money USA

Proper and Prim

Music Emporium

Red Silo Studio

Modern Textiles Pinch and Pour



Violet Vintage

Orange Records

Royal Jewelers

Boucle Yarn Studio

Wimmer’s Diamonds


c. lizzy’s

Zandbroz Variety

ecce art + yoga


Gallery 4

Beyond Running

Plains Art Museum

Dakota Boys Ranch

Rando Art Studio

Downtown Diva

Red Silo Studio

Fowlers Heritage Company

The Uptown Gallery

Halberstadt’s on Broadway

Boerth’s Gallery and Design Studio

Kittson Boutique

Interoffice Workspace Furniture and Design


McNeal and Friends Northern Home Furniture and Design

Violet Vintage TAG Your Day by Nicole

Mystique Boutique

White Banner Uniform Shop


Scan Design The Studio

LIST VIEW Aendee 5 8th St. S, Fargo Antiques On Broadway 6 Broadway N, Fargo Art Materials/Uptown Pen 300 Broadway N, Fargo B.D.S Books 1200 1st Ave. N, Fargo Beads on Broadway 114 Broadway N, Suite L4, Fargo Beyond Running 516 Broadway N, Fargo Boerth’s Gallery and Design Studio 212 Broadway N, Fargo Boucle Yarn Studio 616 Main Ave, Fargo Bridgetown Imports 512 Broadway N, Fargo Buyer At Large 18 8th St. S, Fargo c. lizzy’s 410 Broadway N, Fargo Christian Eggert Violins 618 Main Ave, Fargo CW Magazines 1200 1st Ave. N, Suite D, Fargo Dakota Boys Ranch 1001 4th Ave. N, Fargo Downtown Diva 1 8th St. S, Fargo ecce art and yoga 216 Broadway N, Fargo Fargo Linoleum 317 Roberts St, Fargo Fowlers Heritage Company 210 Broadway N. Suite A, Fargo Frontier Americana 114 Broadway N. Suite G6, Fargo Gallery 4 114 Broadway N, Fargo Gompf Displays, Inc. 110 University Dr. S, Fargo Great Northern Bike Company 425 Broadway N, Fargo Halberstadt’s on Broadway 102 Broadway N, Fargo iCare Repair 23 8th St. S, Fargo Interoffice Workspace Furniture and Design 505 Broadway N, Fargo Kittson Boutique 610 Main Ave, Fargo Lot 2029 612 Main Ave, Fargo Mathison’s Express Press Graphics 1213 NP Ave, Fargo McNeal and Friends 506 Broadway N, Fargo

Alphabetically Organized

Music Emporium 305 Roberts St. N, Fargo Mystique Boutique 412 Broadway N, Fargo Northern Home Furniture and Design 505 Broadway N. Suite 201, Fargo Now and Then Shoppe 1017 4th Ave. N, Fargo O’Day Cache 317 Broadway N, Fargo One World 614 Main Ave, Fargo Orange Records 641 1st Ave. N, Fargo Outermost Layer 518 Broadway N, Fargo Paradox Comics and Cards 26 Roberts St, Fargo Pinch and Pour 210 Broadway N. Suite 102, Fargo Plains Art Museum 704 1st Ave. N, Fargo Proper and Prim 315 Broadway N, Fargo Rando Art Studio 11 8th St. S, Fargo Red Silo Studio 12 Broadway N, Fargo Reed and Taylor Antiques 806 Main Ave, Fargo Revolver 627 1st Ave. N, Fargo Royal Jewelers 73 Broadway N, Fargo Scan Design 110 Broadway N, Fargo SHANNALEE 313 Broadway N, Fargo TAG 300 Broadway Atrium, Fargo Clockwerks 1101 1st Ave. S, Fargo The Studio 11 8th St. S. Suite 3, Fargo The Uptown Gallery 72 Broadway N, Fargo THIS Skate and Snow 625 1st Ave. N, Fargo Unglued 408 Broadway N, Fargo Violet Vintage 1 ½ 8th St. S, Fargo White Banner Uniform Shop 228 Broadway N, Fargo Wimmer’s Diamonds 602 Main Ave, Fargo

Mister Money USA 303 Broadway N, Fargo

Your Day By Nicole

Modern Textiles 17 7th St. S, Suite 202, Fargo

Zandbroz Variety 420 Broadway N, Fargo

102 Broadway N. Suite 103, Fargo



BUDDY WALK FARGO Going into its second year, the Buddy Walk Fargo has a lot to live up to, but the planners are ready for the challenge. By Andrew Jason Photos courtesy of the Buddy Walk Fargo


he Buddy Walk is a national event held in different cities across the US and is sponsored by the National Down Syndrome Society. The goal last year was to raise $21,000, in honor of the fact that Down syndrome occurs when someone has a full or partial extra copy of chromosome 21. The walk ended up raising $75,000. In fact, the Buddy Walk Fargo was presented with the Buddy Walk of the Year award for their success. Their ambitions are higher this year. They hope to raise $100,000. All proceeds from the walk, happening Saturday, Oct. 4, will go toward opening a GiGi’s Playhouse in Fargo. “GiGi’s Playhouse is a Down syndrome achievement center that offers therapeutic and educational and social opportunities for individuals with Down syndrome from birth to adulthood,” said Marijo Schwengler, chair of Buddy Walk Fargo.

The walk is huge for families with family members who have Down syndrome, as it shows they are not facing the challenges alone. The organizers are hoping to have 2,000 participants in the Buddy Walk with 75 All-Stars – individuals with Down syndrome.

“I think right away you focus on all the things you’re not going to have,” said Steve. “But then on the next breath, you realize how much you’ve gained. Blake’s brought us so many different things that make us happy.”

“When you’re first told all those negative stereotypes that are out there, it just makes you feel, ‘Oh gosh. How am I going to do this?’” said Schwengler. “Then you meet all these wonderful people and you wonder, ‘What was I scared for?’” Steve and Teri Johnson’s son, Blake, has Down syndrome and participated in the walk last year. Several months ago, the Johnsons received an email from the national Buddy Walk, requesting photos of individuals with Down syndrome for a video presentation in Times Square that will be part of the kickoff of New York City’s Buddy Walk. Blake’s photo was selected to be shown in the video montage, so this month the Johnsons will be traveling to New York City to participate in the walk. While raising a child who has Down syndrome offers its unique challenges, it offers many rewards. It was a shock at first when the Johnsons learned about Blake’s diagnosis, but they quickly turned it positive.

This photo of Blake Johnson will be shown in Times Square during the kickoff Buddy Walk taking place in Central Park in New York City.

Buddy Walk Fargo Saturday, October 4

Registration begins at 9 a.m. Walk kicks off at 10:30 a.m. Scheels Arena upwithdownsfargo.com/ BuddyWalk.html Buddywalkfargo




in photos



Photo by J. Alan Paul Photography


owntown Fargo is one of the prettiest spots in our city. Take a look at this historic district through the lens of different photographers – both professional and amateur – who captured Fargo’s beauty. Photo by Cheri Buus

Photo by Erin Gaffaney

Photo by Christie Gleason

Photo by Brian Walker

Photo by Dan Francis

Photo by Kary Janousek

Photo by Charles Elhard

Photo by Dan Francis

Photo by Rebecca Raber

Photo by Corey Carson

Photo by Bill Neuhauser

Photo by J. Alan Paul Photography 59



Photo by Dan Francis

Photo by Charles Elhard

Photo by Brian Walker

Photo by Rebecca Raber

Photo by Brian Walker 60

Photo by Alicia Rexin

Photo by Kary Janousek

Photo by Dan Francis

Photo by Brian Walker




e v i r h T n w o Downt

By Andrew Jason // Photos by Tiffany Swanson

It’s impossible to credit one person with the revitalization of Downtown Fargo. It takes a group of people who are brave enough to take the risk of opening up or managing their own store. We hit the street to talk to nine of them about what being downtown means to them.

Brittany Beauchene

Owner of Broadway Shoe Company Are you getting a lot of walk-in traffic being in Downtown Fargo? A ton. That’s probably been one of the bigger surprises just because my husband and I moved back here from D.C. so we’ve been gone. Before we left, it didn’t seem like it was all that busy down here, so the change coming back here was really eyeopening, with just how many people are out here all day long. Not just Friday and Saturday night.


Emily Beck

Executive Director of Fargo Theatre The Fargo Theatre is such a staple of downtown. What does that mean for the theatre? I think it’s a tremendous honor for the theatre for people to think of us as a staple, like you said, or an anchor. Before my time, the theatre was a huge part of the revitalization effort downtown, so the team really worked hard to make this a more vibrant, active downtown community.

Cari Luchau What does downtown mean to you as a business owner? As a business owner, we love being downtown because it’s the urban center of, really not just our metro area, but the regional area in the southern Red River Valley. For us, we love the arts and the culture and the lively vibe that happens downtown. We love the fact that we can go out on a Monday night and we can see people walking up and down visiting restaurants just as much as you do on a Thursday or Friday.

Co-owner of c. lizzy’s

Casey Absey Was it a no-brainer to be located downtown? Downtown was our main choice. I don’t even think we looked anywhere else … We’ve always found ourselves coming downtown. We like the feel of it, the vibe of downtown better. Downtown’s in sort of a renaissance. It’s always felt really more natural for us to be here than out on 45th or something.

Owner of Blackbird Woodfire




Eric Brown What does having your business downtown mean for you guys here? We think of downtown as the epicenter of the arts in the Fargo-Moorhead community. Being right next door to the Fargo Theatre, that historic icon, is important to us because we kind of feel like we’re right in the center of it with all the galleries, cultural events that happen … We feel very fortunate to be here.

Store Manager at Art Materials

Kat Kunz What does Downtown Fargo mean to Fowlers? I used to work at more of a commercial-based store. It’s kind of more (of) a community (here). I know my neighbors. It’s like a big network, family, which is kind of nice to come to work, walk down the street. When I walked out to my car (at my old job), other co-workers wouldn’t say hi to me by my first name.

Manager at Fowlers Heritage Company


Maddie Van Beek

Manager of Beyond Running

Talk about Beyond Running’s involvement with the community. We have running groups on Tuesday and Thursday nights at 6:30 p.m. It’s really cool because you get a group of people here every week that just come to hang out and have a good time. It’s not intimidating. It’s just a good way to get together and train so that you’re not doing this on your own. It’s really cool to see all these first time walkers and runners coming in that are really nervous to come to a running group because they think it’s going to be intimidating and scary, but we’re super welcoming and it’s just fun to see people grow and have a good time.



Mary Cantrell

Tom Smith

Owner of Scan Design You’ve been here for almost 10 years. Where do you see downtown and your store in 10 years? It’s hard to guess. You know, with some of the plans you hear about, it sounds like it might be even more vital and busy. If they get a parking ramp and they build that big skyscraper, it’s going to change the character.

For the better or the worse? For the better. Everything has changed for the better downtown. The only thing is keeping up with the infrastructure. Keeping up with the changes is a challenge. We do need the parking ramp. We have a lot of customers who come in and say to us, ‘Well, I saw a parking space and so I came today.’ You think, ‘Well how many people don’t come through the door because they don’t see a parking space?’


Owner of Great Northern Bike Company What do you think the Bike Share Program will do for Fargo and downtown? I think it’s going to be one more amenity that Fargo has to offer. It’s going to be a great benefit for NDSU students and that continuing link from the downtown area from the campus at NDSU. For the regular public users of the systems, it’s going to be a great little extra thing downtown.




Ingredients • Mahon cheese - 4 oz. (cut into two separate rectangles) • Egg wash - (2 eggs wisked with 2 tsp. cold water) • Flour, AP - 1/2 cup • Bread crumbs - 1 ½ cup • Salt & pepper - To taste • Red grapes - 2 large clusters • Olive oil - 2 tbsp. • Fresh mushrooms (shiitake, Portobello, oyster, etc.) - 1 lb. • Shallot, diced - 1 tsp. • Garlic, minced - 1 clove • Sherry wine - 2 tbsp. • Fresh thyme leaves - 1 tsp. Photo by Tiffany Swanson

Instructions Lightly dredge the cheese in flour and dip into the egg wash. Place the cheese in the breadcrumbs and press slightly to ensure breadcrumbs stick to the cheese. Place breaded cheese in a 365-degree deep fryer until golden brown and remove to a paper towellined plate or tray.


Remove any stems from grapes and lay out on a baking sheet. Drizzle with olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Place in a 350-degree oven for approximately 12-15 minutes or until grapes are slightly shriveled and releasing juice. Remove from oven and allow to cool to room temperature before refrigerating.

Clean the mushrooms and quickly sauté with shallot and garlic. Deglaze pan with sherry wine, reduce and remove from heat. Allow to cool slightly and season with thyme and salt and pepper.

Reheat cheese in oven until hot and melted. Place cheese on a plate and garnish with roasted grapes and mushrooms. Drizzle the place with good quality olive oil and juice left from roasting.



here’s no question that the Fargo area is on the move and growing like crazy. There’s also no question as to what’s bringing folks here. Whether it’s a job in the oil industry, healthcare or technology, folks from around the country are seeing potential in Fargo and its surrounding area. The question isn’t so much anymore, “What’s bringing them?” but rather, “What will keep them?” I like to think that it’s the overall cultural experience. When it comes to creating a memorable cultural experience, many things come into play. Quality restaurants, however, tend to be at the top of the list for many nowadays. When doctors, university professors and company executives are recruiting potential talent, you can bet that they’re making a visit to a favorite restaurant while showing off the community. A quality restaurant environment is the perfect way to entice urban residents from around the country to consider moving to our area. It’s an effective way to reinforce that Fargo isn’t the culinary and cultural wasteland that so many think it is. An exciting and vibrant restaurant has a way of creating a hustle and bustle, sophisticated urban feel that even a less populated city can pull off. It creates so many sounds, aromas and interesting people to observe and take in. My favorite restaurant sound is the shaking of the cocktail. It’s almost as if the mixologist is recreating the theory of Pavlov’s dog. He shakes the drink and customers come running for another cocktail. The excitement of a good restaurant has a way of spilling out onto the sidewalks and into everything we do. As Moorhead moves forward, I hope city officials and potential business owners can continue to find some common ground. We certainly have our work cut out for us, but it seems crazy to perpetuate the idea of Fargo

and Moorhead’s downtowns being two completely separate entities. With just a short walk in between, it only makes sense to create an equal quality downtown experience on both sides of the river. At Mosaic Foods, we feel fortunate to have been given so many great opportunities within this community and we’re grateful that we will be part of growing the restaurant scene in Moorhead. We realize that other restaurants came to Moorhead long before us and have been working hard to maintain their own success. I can assure you that we have no intention of claiming to be a pioneer of this concept. We will, however, encourage continued development on the Moorhead side of the river as well as maintain our loyalty to downtown Fargo. Our job is to promote the necessity of a great restaurant as a key component to the overall cultural experience and growth of our community. We intend to follow through with that commitment. With all of that said, I encourage you to stop by and visit us at Rustica. Whether you’re in the mood for a full meal or simply feel like a cocktail with a friend, we’ve got you covered. If nothing else, you can sip on a glass of wine and nibble on a plate of Fried Mahon Cheese. Come on, I had to sneak a recipe and food shot into this column some how.

REACH OUT eric@mosaicfoodgroup.com Eric Watson is the owner of Mezzaluna and Mosaic Foods in Fargo. He is also the founder and president of the Fargo branch of the American Culinary Federation.



Elijah Larson, a bar manager and the head mixologist at The Boiler Room, pours an incredible amount of dedication into his craft and, as a result, has found himself in local, regional and national spotlights.

MIXOLOGIST In 2012 Larson won the Minnesota Absolut Bloody Mary Contest, which ended up being the ninth best cocktail in the country that year. He started competing in contests in 2011, and not long after won “Most Creative” in the High Plains Reader’s Cocktail Showdown. By Amber Morgan Photos by J. Alan Paul Photography


arson, who has been bartending since the early 2000s, hasn’t reached his level of success through pure luck.

“I try to study every day, whether that’s the current cocktail or bar book I’m reading. I subscribe to a handful of other nationally and world renowned bartenders’ blogs and their YouTube channels,” he says. “So I’m constantly studying to educate myself on what’s happening in the bigger markets and improve my knowledge on spirits and the history of spirits, and the history itself.” He doesn’t only observe how others perfect the craft; he also works to develop his own ideas. “I


try to write a new recipe every day. The goal is to publish a cocktail book eventually.” Larson has written over 100 recipes for drinks, including shots, and he uses them while he is working. His specialty, he says, are cocktails. “I’m pretty good at figuring out someone’s palate. If they give me a flavor or just a spirit, I can go from there and create something original just for them.” It’s clear Larson is passionate about the educational side of his work, and he says he wants to see that side grow in the local market. He believes if local bartenders and mixologists are intending to stay ahead of other markets, they need to be constantly educating themselves. “My personal belief is that every bartender should be able to make a top 25 cocktails of all time.” While he doesn’t believe every bartender at every bar needs to be able to make “a perfect Manhattan,” he does believe continuously improving one’s craft is important in order to stay relevant in this line of work. Larson’s dedication to his craft shows no signs of wavering, as he is currently preparing for five contests, including HPR’s annual Cocktail Showdown.

THE PRAIRIE WIND • • • • • •

5 part Luxardo Maraschino Liqueur 5 part Lillet (French Aperitif Wine) 2 parts Hendricks Gin 4-5 fresh basil leaves Orange Bitters Rinse 4 drops Orange Flower Water Muddle four basil leaves with the Maraschino and Lillet. Add Hendricks and ice. Stir for 30 seconds. Rinse low ball glass with Orangie Bitters and add fresh ice. Double strain over the fresh ice. Add four drops Orange Flower Water. Garnsih with fresh basil.



MUSIC SPOTLIGHT AAHHH, THE GOOD ‘OL DAYS... I recently spent a weekend working at the Soo Pass Ranch in Detroit Lakes, Minn. Not at a rock festival, or an EDM festival or a “hippie jam” festival, but at the infamous country music festival, We Fest. This was my fourth year working the festival, helping my father-in-law, and something happened that has never happened to me at these festival grounds… I was robbed. While sleeping after my first day of exhausting work, someone crawled into my tent, grabbed a couple beers out of my cooler, an unopened bottle of whiskey, my backpack and my cell phone. Luckily, two girls found my pack and my phone and turned it in to the VIP campground information booth. This incident caused me to think about the day when a different kind of festival was held at the Soo Pass Ranch. I’ll never forget, while living in Missoula, Mont. in 2003, my bandmate told me that he was going to a festival at the Soo Pass Ranch that summer. I couldn’t believe it when he told me who was scheduled to play. Widespread Panic, Allman Brothers Band, moe, Galactic and Gov’t Mule were just a few of many great artists that were on the lineup. I was shocked to hear that they were going to play at a festival 50 miles from my home town. That festival was fittingly called the 10,000 Lakes Festival. The next year, my band had the opportunity to perform at this festival and, given the fact that we were all originally from Fargo, we were ecstatic. So we lined up a bunch of shows in the surrounding area, packed up Big Mama (our 59 passenger school bus, modified to our liking) and set out from Eureka, Calif. to the land of 10,000 lakes and its namesake festival. When we got there, it was amazing. All the people I grew up with, knew so well and loved so much were there, as well as my favorite band at the time, the String Cheese Incident. Our performance was probably one of our best ever. Heavy rains came in as we were about to start our set on the only indoor stage and it was absolute pandemonium. One of the best moments of my life, I could have died leaving the festival and would have had no qualms about it. But I survived. 74

By the time the next year’s festival came, I had already moved back to Fargo and had been back for almost six months before the third installment of 10KLF. I was between bands at the time, so I didn’t have the privilege of performing but had a great time nonetheless. One of my other favorite bands performed that I have previously mentioned in this forum, Sound Tribe Sector 9, as well as a solo performance from Phish guitarist, Trey Anastasio. More years came and went, bringing more great artists, including some dear friends of mine getting the opportunity to perform as well as the opportunity for me to perform, assist in production, make new friends and make new connections that would become great assets to my career as a musician and a local promoter. I was beginning to realize how important this festival was to the Fargo-Moorhead area and its thriving music scene. In 2008, my current band, Sovereign Sect had the privilege of performing, and the following year my old band that I performed with at my first 10K experience, Living InTentCity, got a slot as well. This festival was a Fargo musicians’ dream. This was too good to be true. As it turns out, it was. In December 2009, after seven years, Rose

Presents, one of the principal partners, announced that 10KLF would be “on official hiatus until further notice” because the festival “could not grow to financial success.” I was crushed. My experience at this year’s We Fest really made me realize how much I miss our little backyard gem we called ‘10K.’ As I looked around (mainly for my belongings), I also realized that the Soo Pass Ranch space is wasted. It is one of the best festival grounds and it is only used once a year. 10KLF may not have had the attendance that We Fest has, nor did it have the same profit margin, but it actually meant something more than just a party. It’s been five years since I left the Soo Pass Ranch with a huge smile on my face and I think that it is time to bring back 10K!

REACH OUT seth.holden.722@gmail.com

Seth Holden is a local promoter and drummer for several local bands.

Photo courtesy of Plains Art Museum

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New Town in

By Amber Morgan


The store specializes in footwear but also offers clothing for women, and accessories such as socks, bags, hats and more for men, women and children. Their brands are top-tier and include names like Johnston & Murphy, Cole Haan, Allen Edmonds, Steve Madden, Donald J. Pliner and Frye. Store owners Nicole Gruchow and Brittany Beauchene are also business partners at Your Day by Nicole, the bridal shop located next door.


facebook.com/broadwayshoeco 102 Broadway N, Suite #101, Fargo


The owners behind the fitness studio value your convenience, which is why they are opening their space for members 24 hours a day, seven days a week for all 52 weeks of the year. In addition to the variety of equipment they offer, they also provide personal training and chiropractic services.


fitness52fargo.com 2600 52nd Ave. S, Fargo


This artisan ice cream company is connecting to the community by obtaining most of their ingredients through local sources. Their ice cream is sold in various retail spaces, and once a week they venture downtown to sell via their “Icicle Tricycle.”


Search Milkhaus on Facebook 1407 1st Ave. N, Fargo


The husband and wife team behind the studio combined his love of photography and design and her love of decorating and upcycling to form a “hobby business” located in downtown Fargo. Their shop features repurposed furniture, jewelry, candles and more, all created by themselves or their family and friends.


Search Red Silo Studio on Facebook 12 Broadway N, Fargo



Fargo’s new specialty smoothie and juice bar offers over 30 smoothie options and 13 fresh fruits and vegetables for you to build your own juice on the spot. Nothing is pre-made, but if you’re unsure about building your own, the bar will provide you recipes.


juiceitjuicebar.com 4302 13th Ave. S, Fargo


The donut and deli shop offers new assortments every day. In addition to their donut options, they offer soup, salad and sandwiches, bakery items like apple fritters and rolls whose contents vary, but sometimes include sausage, egg and cheese and ham and cheese.


Search Paradise Donuts on Facebook 3001 13th Ave. S, Fargo


The “fast casual” restaurant chain is known for its hot specialty subs, especially its premium meats and cheeses. The chain was founded by former firefighting brothers, and the restaurant’s firehouse décor is based on their family’s decades of fire and police service. The Fargo location will be decorated with firefighter memorabilia from both Fargo and West Fargo Fire Departments and will also feature a custom, hand-painted mural that pays tribute to the Fargo community.


firehousesubs.com 5675 26th Ave. S, Fargo




Rustica is a new member of Mosaic Foods and is located in downtown Moorhead. The location was chosen for its historic character. The exposed brick walls and large windows complement the restaurant’s rustic vibe. Owner Eric Watson classifies the food as contemporary American cuisine with a Spanish-Italian influence.


Search Rustica on Facebook 315 Main Ave., Moorhead


Sandy’s has been serving our community for over thirty years, and their new downtown shop tells us they’ll be sticking around. Visitors to their new location can expect a new style of coffee, locally-roasted from Stumbeano’s. They also plan on opening a food truck to sell their donuts and coffee downtown on weekend nights.


sandysdonuts.com 300 Broadway, Fargo


Just about everything off the menu is made from scratch and from recipes that have been passed down for generations. You can build custom sandwiches from their homemade breads, imported meats and cheeses, and fresh vegetables and spreads. They also offer locally-roasted coffee, hot specials and desserts.


facebook.com/scratchsandwich 68 Broadway N, Fargo


Z!ng was created for those living fastpaced lives who desire healthy food options. This app-based food ordering system allows you to order wherever you are via the app from your phone, and then pick up your order from Z!ng’s drive-thru at your convenience. It follows a “take-and-make” model – everything is designed for final preparations to be made at home, all under 15 minutes or less.


zingdinner.com 3241 42nd St. S, Fargo




FM Pride Last month there were a multitude of events for Pride Week. A 5K Run/Walk, block party, parade and other events brought solidarity to the LGBTQ community of Fargo-Moorhead. Photos by Kensie Wallner Photography

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Event Calendar


CALENDAR Stay up to date with what’s going on in the area. FARGOCONNECT 3rd from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. FargoConnect is bringing businesses, academia and government together to engage in dialogue around the human connection between communication and technology. fargoconnect.com FargoDome 1800 University Dr. N, Fargo CRUISIN’ BROADWAY 4th from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Don’t miss the final Cruisin’ Broadway event of the summer to see all your favorite collectible cars.

61FOR61 4th to 6th This annual fundraising event will include a variety of activities. Some of the festivities will include a radiothon, cookouts and a rally at Sickie’s Garage. For a full listing, go to sanfordhealth.org and search “61 for 61.” Locations Vary KOO KOO KANGA ROO 4th from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. The self-proclaimed “kids band for adults too” are also described as an “interactive dance party duo.” The show is centered on acting silly, dancing as hard as you can and sweating. Activities and games will take place before and after the show.


jadepresents.com/charlie-parr-moorhead Rourke Art Museum 521 Main Ave, Moorhead ZOOLEBRATION 4th from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. Cris Linnares & Bill Marcil Jr. will host this 21+ event at the Red River Zoo. It’s the perfect way to spend an evening under the stars. redriverzoo.org Red River Zoo 4255 23rd Ave. S, Fargo

downtownfargo.com Downtown Fargo

kookookangaroo.com Moorhead Center Mall 510 Center Ave, Moorhead

CHARLIE PARR 4th at 7 p.m. This Minnesota musician plays three different instruments to create some of the most heartfelt folk music you may ever hear. This is a 21+ event.

GREATER MOORHEAD DAYS 4th - 9th The Greater Moorhead Days are a celebration of Moorhead, and will feature events such as a parade, a 5K run & walk, a pageant, a kids fest, a medallion hunt and more. ci.moorhead.mn.us Locations Vary FARGO BEER FESTIVAL 5th from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Dozens of specialty and premium craft brews will be featured, including new releases and seasonal brews. fargobeerfestival.com Fargo Civic Center Lawn 207 4th St. N, Fargo



DICK BEARDSLEY RUN 6th at 8:30 a.m. The 19th annual run is back in Detroit Lakes. With a half marathon, two-person relay and 5K walk/run, there is something for everyone. dickbeardsleyrun.com The Pavilion 1361 Washington Ave, Detroit Lakes, MN ROOTS ON THE RED 6th and 7th at 11 a.m. This two-day blues festival is family friendly and is promised to be an absolute blast. Come listen to some of the area’s greatest Americana, bluegrass and folk musicians. jadepresents.com/roots-on-the-red-sept6moorhead Bluestem Amphitheater 801 50th Ave. SW, Moorhead ILLUMINIGHT 5K 6th at 6:30 p.m. Wear your best glow-in-the-dark gear and get ready to run, walk or jog this nighttime race. Proceeds benefit several charities including American Gold Gymnastics and the Anne Carlsen Center. illuminight5k.com Old Broadway 22 Broadway, Fargo WALK OF HOPE 7th at 2 p.m. The 14th annual Walk of Hope aims to raise awareness about suicide. The walk will include a short program featuring music, a speaker and an open mic for individuals to share their stories. myfirstlink.org Fargo Public Library and Civic Center Courtyard 102 3rd St. N, Fargo KIDS KLUB DUCK CALLING AND CAMO PARTY 8th from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Arrive decked out in your favorite camouflage gear, get your face painted camouflage and try out some hunting gear. scheelscommunity.com/events/kidsklub-duck-calling-camo-party Fargo Scheels 1551 45th St. S, Fargo



FM CHAMBER FOURTH ANNUAL MEETING 11th from 12 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. Take a look back on The Chamber’s 2013-14 year by celebrating the achievements and honoring outstanding volunteers for their incredible contributions to a successful year. fmwfchamber.com Holiday Inn 3803 13th Ave. S, Fargo CORKS & CANVAS 11th from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Enjoy the last Corks & Canvas of the summer by strolling through downtown, viewing art and drinking wine.


downtownfargo.com Downtown Fargo THE BLACK BIB AFFAIR 11th from 5:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Enjoy signature dishes from some of the finest local chefs, and wine courtesy of Bernies Wines & Liquors while you participate in a silent auction. All proceeds will benefit the March of Dimes, which works to improve the health of infants. Ramada Plaza & Suites 1635 42nd St. S, Fargo LEILA RASTEGAR OPENING RECEPTION 11th from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Leila Rastegar’s oil paintings will be on display at ecce art + yoga from September 11 through October 1. ecce216.com/events ecce art + yoga 216 Broadway, Fargo OTA FARGO 2014 12th from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. This event brings together artists, entrepreneurs and community leaders to share stories of health and well-being, technology, philanthropy, business, design and community.


weareota.com Fargo Civic Center 207 4th St. N, Fargo KAT PERKINS 12th at 7 p.m. This North Dakota native gained national attention while on “The Voice.” She will be







Event Calendar making her comeback to the state with a performance at the ND Horse Park. 701live.com/event/kat-perkins-fargo North Dakota Horse Park 5180 19th Ave. N, Fargo JON PARDI 12th at 7:30 p.m. This up and coming country star has opened for stars like Eric Church and Luke Bryan. He’ll perform radio singles like “Up All Night,” “Missin’ You Crazy” and “What I Can’t Put Down.”


jadepresents.com/jon-pardi-fargo The Venue at The Hub 2525 9th Ave. SW, Fargo LGBT FILM FESTIVAL 12th at 8 p.m. 13th at 3 p.m. and 8 p.m. The festival celebrates lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender experiences through both American and international films for the way they enrich, entertain and encourage a sense of community. fmlgbtff.com Fargo Theatre 314 Broadway N, Fargo OSCAR AND FELIX 12th - 14th & 18th - 21st Neil Simon’s “The Odd Couple” has been updated to present day and showcases the trials and tribulations of two of the play’s main characters.

fargoparks.com Thunder Road Family Fun Park 2902 Thunder Road, Fargo

TAKE BACK THE NIGHT 18th at 6 p.m. The Rape & Abuse Crisis Center is leading a march and rally to raise awareness and protest sexual and intimate partner violence.

NDSU BISON VS. INCARNATE WORD 13th at 2:30 p.m. The Bison will be making their homegame debut for the 2013-2014 season in this game against Incarnate Word from San Antonio, TX. The game can also be watched on KVLY and ESPN3.

raccfm.com Island Park 302 7th St. S, Fargo


gobison.com FargoDome 1800 N. University Dr, Fargo

JUVENILE DIABETES RESEARCH FOUNDATION WALK 14th at 1 p.m. This walk is meant to raise money for critically needed type 1 diabetes research. This year, the organizers hope to raise $50,000 with this 1-3 mile walk. People can participate individually or as a team. scheelsarena.com/events/juvenile-diabetes-research-foundation-walk Scheels Arena 5225 31st Ave. S, Fargo THE GREATEST LIFE ON EARTH 18th from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Essentia Health Cancer Center is hosting this event, which offers fellowship, carousel rides, photo booth, a strolling magician and live entertainment. Everything is free – including dinner.

fmct.org/productions The Stage at Island Park 333 4th St. S, Fargo

redriverzoo.org Red River Zoo 4255 23rd Ave. S, Fargo

61FOR61 RUN/WALK 13th at 8 a.m. This run/walk will raise money for Sanford’s annual 61for61 fundraiser. Registration starts at 7 a.m. and the festivities kick off around 8 a.m. with a youth run at 10:30 a.m.

WEST FARGO CRUISE NIGHT 18th from 5 to 9 p.m. Some of the coolest cars in the Red River Valley will be lining Sheyenne Street in West Fargo for this fun night.

Go to sanfordhealth.org and search “61 for 61.” Scheels Arena 5225 31st Ave. S, Fargo FUN DAY WITH YOUR SON DAY (MOTHER/SON EVENT) 13th from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. It’s finally mom and grandma’s turn to race go carts, play a few rounds of mini golf and challenge their son to a game of laser tag.

topperscarclub.com Sheyenne Street in West Fargo MICHAEL D. DUNN OPENING RECEPTION 18th from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Come view painter Michael D. Dunn’s “new and newly revealed works” at this reception.


WALK TO END ALZHEIMER’S 20th at 8 a.m. This 2.5 mile walk is one of many Alzheimer’s walks across the country. People are encouraged to create a team and come participate in this event to put an end to the horrible disease. scheelsarena.com/events/walk-endalzheimers Scheels Arena 5225 31st Ave. S, Fargo WEST FEST 20th This day of fun will celebrate all things West Fargo. The day will be kicked off with a 5K and 10K and will be followed by a full day of events.


westfargond.gov/westfest West Fargo JUNK MARKET BY ECO CHIC 19th from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 20th from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. This is an event for vendors and shoppers looking for quality repurposed furniture, beautiful antiques, vintage finds, salvaged treasures and handmade treasures found in the upper Midwest.


fargojunkmarket.com Red River Valley Fairgrounds 1805 West Main Ave, West Fargo WHY TREATIES MATTER EXHIBIT 20th - Oct. 12th This traveling exhibition explores the Native American nations in Minnesota and their history of treaty making with the United States. The event will take place in the library at MSUM.


Livingston Lord Library 1104 7th Ave. S, Moorhead

theuptownartgallery.com The Uptown Art Gallery: South 72 Gallery 72-74 Broadway, Fargo

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ALLEY FAIR 20th from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. This fair will turn the alley into a work of art. There will be farmers and artists markets, food trucks, live music and art demonstrations, as well as a show by Diane Miller and the Silver Daggers.


alleyfair.com Alleyway south of Main Ave, between 9th and 10th St. S, Fargo NATIONAL GYMNASTICS DAY 20th from 2 to 5 p.m. This special event offers a variety of gymnastic stations free of charge. The first 250 children to participate will receive a medal and all kids will receive a recipe and a coupon to return to an open gym.


tntkidsfitness.org TNT Kid’s Fitness And Gymnastics 2800 Main Ave, Fargo NDSU BISON VS. MONTANA 20th at 2:30 p.m. FCS powers clash in this early season showdown. As always, the game can be watched on KVLY if you weren’t able to get a ticket to the game. gobison.com FargoDome 1800 N. University Dr, Fargo


MSUM INAUGURATION 22nd to 26th There will be a number of events for the installation of MSUM’s new president, Anne Blackhurst. Events include a community block party, an academic symposium and Blackhurst’s actual installation. mnstate.edu/inauguration MSUM 1104 7th Ave. S, Moorhead MSUM HOMECOMING 22nd to 28th MSUM’s Homecoming will be a week long celebration. Highlights include a dance for students, the burning of the M and fireworks and a football game. Go to the website for the full schedule. mnstate.edu/homecoming MSUM 1104 7th Ave. S, Moorhead MACY GRAY 25th at 8 p.m. This Grammy Award-winning musician


will stop in Fargo shortly after releasing her eighth studio album, “The Way.” She has evolved as an artist over her career, but her voice is still distinctly Macy. jadepresents.com/macy-gray-fargo Fargo Theatre 314 Broadway, Fargo WIT September 25th-October 18th Theatre B opens its 2014-2015 season with the Pulitzer Prize winning “Wit” by Margaret Edson, in collaboration with the Embrace Cancer Survivorship Program.

25TH STREET BLOCK PARTY 27th from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. Come for games, music, food and prizes. All proceeds go to the Jeremiah Program, a nonprofit organization designed to fit the needs of single mothers and their children. Corner of 13th Ave. and 25th St. S FM COLLEGE AND CAREER FAIR 29th from 9 to 11 a.m. and 6 to 7:30 p.m. This free event at the Scheels Arena is the perfect way for college students to meet future employers. Scheels Arena 5225 31st Ave. S, Fargo

theatreb.org Theatre B 716 Main Ave, Fargo YOUNG PROFESSIONALS NETWORK 25th at 5:30 p.m. This will be a night of inspiration and entertainment as The Chamber celebrates the 10th anniversary of the Young Professionals Network. fmwfchamber.com Cambria Suites 825 Beaton Dr, West Fargo JUDGMENT AT NUREMBERG 26th - October 5th Tin Roof Theatre Company presents the first show of the season, about four German judges and prosecutors accused of crimes against humanity during the Nazi regime. tinrooftheatre.org The Stage at Island Park 333 4th St. S, Fargo

Q-ZILLA FEATURING GODSMACK WITH SEETHER 2nd at 7:30 p.m. Presented by Q105.1, these three rock groups take the stage to put on a powerful show. jadepresents.com/godsmack-fargo Scheels Arena 5225 31st Ave. S, Fargo OKTOBERFEST 3rd and 4th Oktoberfest is fun for the whole family, from Weiner dog races to the pub crawl. The festivities begin at 4:30 p.m. on Friday. October 3 with the tapping of the keg. The festivities continue all day Saturday. Downtown Fargo FARGO FORCE VS. MADISON CAPITOLS 3rd & 4th at 7:05 p.m. Fargo’s favorite hockey team takes on Wisconsin’s Madison Capitols in this twogame series.


FALL HOME SHOW 26th at noon and 27th at 9 a.m. This show gathers a wide array of exhibits under one roof. Brian Santos, who has appeared on HGTV, TLC and Discovery Channel will be a guest speaker as well. hbafm.com Scheels Arena 5225 31st Ave. S, Fargo GERMAN CULTURE DAY 27th from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Celebrate German culture through a combination of traditional music and dance, children’s activities and crafts.

fargoforce.com Scheels Arena 5225 31st Ave. S, Fargo GIGI’S PLAYHOUSE FARGO BUDDY WALK October 4th at 10:30 a.m. Celebrate Down Syndrome Awareness Month to promote acceptance and inclusion of people with Down Syndrome. upwithdownsfargo.com/BuddyWalk.html Scheels Arena 5225 31st Ave. S, Fargo

hcscconline.org/german-culture-day Hjemkomst Center 202 1st Ave. N, Moorhead

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SEPTEMBER LIVE MUSIC CALENDAR THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4TH Echo’s Answer – The Aquarium The Groovetones – HoDo CM&MK – Max Lounge Blues Valley Band – Tailgator’s The Roosters – Windbreak FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5TH Hammerhead – The Aquarium Max Hay – Bar Nine The Rolling Stoners – JT Cigarro Pearl Street – Max Lounge Bruce and Tiki D – O’Kelly’s Work Release – Pickled Parrot Songwriters Night – Red Raven Hometown Zero – Speck’s Heavy Is The Head – Sidestreet Power Play – Shotgun Sally’s Redline – Spirit’s Lounge (Holiday Inn) Roadtrip Radio – VFW: Downtown Measures – VFW: West Fargo Junk FM – Windbreak SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 6TH O’fosho – The Aquarium Max Hay – Bar Nine OB Juan & The Amigos – Dempsey’s Blues Valley Band – Hennessy’s Irish Pub The MTVs – JT Cigarro DJ P – Max Lounge Work Release – Pickled Parrot Hometown Zero – Speck’s Sell Out Stereo – Shotgun Sally’s Redline – Spirit’s Lounge (Holiday Inn) Roadtrip Radio – VFW: Downtown Measures – VFW: West Fargo GB Leighton – Windbreak SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 7TH Michael D – Windbreak MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8TH Confusion – Dempsey’s TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9TH GC & The Sideways – Dempsey’s Vinegar Strokes – JC Chumley’s Lars and Joe Pony Show Patio Party – Shotgun Sally’s WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10TH Dan Christianson – Hennessy’s Irish Pub Vinegar Strokes – JT Cigarro THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11TH Dessa – The Aquarium Blues Valley Band – HoDo Warren Christensen – Max Lounge Old Time Jam – Red Raven Todd Sisson – Tailgator’s Funk Life Origins – VFW: Downtown Slamabama – Windbreak FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12TH Inside Out Strings – The Aquarium Q5 Band – JT Cigarro Sam Roth – Max Lounge C.O.D. – O’Kelly’s

Measures – Hennessy’s Irish Pub Babylon – Pickled Parrot Go Steve Jones – Rick’s Boogie Wonderland – Shotgun Sally’s Mick $ Rich – Speck’s Someday Heroes – Spirit’s Lounge (Holiday Inn) C.O.D. – VFW: Downtown Hollywood Knights – VFW: West Fargo Trailer Choir – Windbreak

Tune in Tokyo – Pickled Parrot Mistreated – Rick’s Confusion – Speck’s Tripwire – Shotgun Sally’s Save Me CJ – Spirit’s Lounge (Holiday Inn) Mike Holtz – Tailgator’s The Groovetones – VFW: Downtown Good for Gary – Windbreak SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13TH Frost Fire – Dempsey’s Zak Shaffer – Hennessy’s Irish Pub DJ P – Max Lounge Tune in Tokyo – Pickled Parrot Mistreated – Rick’s Confusion – Speck’s Helena Handbasket – Sidestreet Michael D Band – Shotgun Sally’s Save Me CJ – Spirit’s Lounge (Holiday Inn) The Groovetones – VFW: Downtown Good for Gary – Windbreak

SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 21ST Strange Daze – Windbreak MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 22ND Poitin – Dempsey’s TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23RD El Dub – Dempsey’s Vinegar Strokes – JC Chumley’s WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24TH The Vinegar Strokes – Bar Nine Eden Parker – Hennessy’s Irish Pub Pony Show – JT Cigarro

SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 14TH La Luz – The Aquarium Singer Songwriter Night with Darrin Wentz – HoDo Dirty Word – Windbreak

THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25TH Inharmonicity – HoDo Greg Breske – Max Lounge Celtic Jam – Red Raven Dueling Duo Piano Show – Shotgun Sally’s Todd Sisson – Tailgator’s October Road – Windbreak

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 15TH Moody River Band – Dempsey’s TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16TH C.O.D. – Dempsey’s Michael Shynes Patio Party – Shotgun Sally’s

FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26TH Warren Christensen – Max Lounge Ploy Boys Unplugged – O’Kelly’s Loy Ave – Pickled Parrot 40 Watt – Speck’s Junk FM – Shotgun Sally’s The Blue Whalers – VFW: Downtown Gun Shy – VFW: West Fargo Chris Brooks – Windbreak

WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17TH Lars and Joe Pony Show – Bar Nine Critical Lama – Hennessy’s Irish Pub InFringe – JT Cigarro THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18TH Kind Country – HoDo Vinegar Strokes – JC Chumley’s Katie Holman – JT Cigarro Zak Shaffer – Max Lounge Todd Sisson – Tailgator’s Hollywood Knights – VFW: West Fargo Boomtown – Windbreak

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27TH Tiny Moving Parts – The Aquarium Flashback – Elk’s Lodge Moody River Band – Hennessy’s Irish Pub The Roosters – JC Chumley’s Loy Ave – Pickled Parrot 40 Watt – Speck’s The Pat Lenertz Band – Sidestreet Copperhead Creek – Shotgun Sally’s Mike Holtz – Tailgator’s The Blue Whalers – VFW: Downtown Gun Shy – VFW: West Fargo Vintage Raggs – Windbreak

FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19TH Frozen Teens – The Aquarium The Ciro & Topher Show – Bar Nine 8 Bit Perception with Matty J & Friends – Dempsey’s Zak Shaffer – JT Cigarro Frost Fire – O’Kelly’s Babylon – Pickled Parrot GC and The Sideways – Sidestreet Roosters – Shotgun Sally’s Mick $ Rich – Speck’s Someday Heroes – Spirit’s Lounge (Holiday Inn) C.O.D. – VFW: Downtown Hollywood Knights – VFW: West Fargo Pop Rocks – Windbreak

SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 28TH Porches – The Aquarium 8th Hour – Windbreak MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29TH Sebadoh – The Aquarium Mikel Wright & The Wrongs – Dempsey’s

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20TH Jon Wayne and the Pain – The Aquarium Aquarium At Dempsey’s Night – Dempsey’s The Ciro and Topher Show – Elk’s Lodge

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TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30TH Boots – Dempsey’s

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Check out our guide to the best drink specials in town! For a more in-depth listing, visit fargomonthly.com

Acapulco 1150 36th St S, Fargo, ND

Alibi Lounge & Casino 1340 21st Ave. S, Fargo Applebees 4 area locations

Bison Turf 1211 N University Dr, Fargo








$.99 16 oz. Miller, Coors & Bud $1.99 Dos Equis Amber

$3 Margaritas (original, rocks or blended) All Day

$4.99 pitchers of Miller, Coors & Bud $5.99 Dos Equis

$1.50 domestic beer & regular margaritas

$5 Jumbo Margaritas

$2 Mexican beers

$2.50 Morgans& Bacardi Limon $3 Iced teas

2 for 1 everyday Noon - 7 p.m.

2 for 1 everyday Noon - 7 p.m.

2 for 1 everyday Noon - 7 p.m.

2 for 1 everyday Noon - 7 p.m.

2 for 1 everyday Noon - 7 p.m.

2 for 1 everyday Noon - 7 p.m.

2 for 1 everyday Noon - 7 p.m.

$2 off margaritas $3 Coronas/ Corona Lights

$2 UV vodkas

Ladies Night $3 Cosmos and Applebitinis, $5 Sangrias, $10 house wine bottles

$2 Long Island teas $3 Jeremiah Weed teas

$5 mucho drinks

$5 sangrias

$8 pitchers of Bud Light

Happy Hour drink specials All Day

Mini Mug Night

Mug Night

$3.75 Stoli’s $5.75 domestic pitchers

$3 Windsors, Morgans, Bacardis, Smirnoffs and Jim Beams

$3.75 Bloody Mary/ Caesars 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. Mug Night

$4 32oz domestic draws $3.25 wells

$5 Housemade Sangria & $2 PBR Pounders 3 - 6 p.m.

$5 Housemade Sangria & $2 PBR Pounders 3 - 6 p.m.

$5 Housemade Sangria & $2 PBR Pounders 3 - 6 p.m.

Blackbird Woodfire 206 Broadway, Fargo Bomb Shelter 325 10th St. N, Fargo

2 for 1 appetizers Texas Hold ‘Em tourney 7:30 p.m.

College ID Night $5 Cover Free taps and wells 9 p.m. - Midnight

Ladies Night All you can drink wells for $5 9 p.m.-12:30 a.m.

3 for 1s 9 p.m.Midnight

The Bowler 2630 S University Dr, Fargo

$2.50 Morgans $3 Tito’s vodka $3.25 select spirits

$2.50 Morgans $3 Tito’s vodka $3.25 select spirits

$2.50 Morgans $3 Tito’s vodka $3.25 select spirits

$2.50 Morgans $3 Tito’s vodka $3.25 select spirits

$2.50 Morgans $3 Tito’s vodka $3.25 select spirits

$2.50 Morgans $3 Tito’s vodka $3.25 select spirits

Borrowed Buck’s Roadhouse 1201 Westrac Dr, Fargo

Birthday Buckets

Mug Night

$.50 taps $1 Morgans $1 Teas 8 p.m. - Midnight

$3 Coronas, Crown Royals, Stolis 9 p.m. - Midnight

$2 tall taps $2 Morgans $2 bomb shots 8 - 11 p.m.

$2 tall taps $2 Morgans $2 bomb shots 8 - 11 p.m.

Buffalo Wild Wings 3 area locations

Happy Hour All Day $1 off well drinks 9 p.m. - Midnight

$2 Jeremiah Weeds $3.50 energy blasters 9 p.m. - Midnight

$2.99 tall domestic taps All Day 2 for 1 well drinks 9 p.m. - Midnight

$3 teas All Day 2 for 1 Morgans 9 p.m. - Midnight

$3.50 Mexican bottles/pints $3.50 jumbo margaritas All Day

$3.75 Bloody Marys/Caesars 11 a.m. - 5 p.m.

$2.50 You-call-its 9 p.m. - Midnight

Bulldog Tap 4265 45th St. S. Ste. 161, Fargo

$3.50 tall domestic taps 6 p.m. - Close

$2.75 domestic bottles $3.50 Ice Holes 8 p.m. - Midnight

$3.50 UVs and Bacardis 8 p.m. - Midnight

$3.25 Morgans $3.75 Crowns 8 p.m. - Midnight

$3.75 Stolis and Jack Daniels 8 p.m. - Midnight

$3.50 Smirnoffs and Windsors 8 p.m. - Midnight

$3.50 tall domestic taps & import bottles All Day

Chili’s Grill and Bar 3902 13th Ave. S, Fargo

$3 tall domestic drafts, wine and margaritas 5 for $10 buckets of beer 3 - 6 p.m.

$3 tall domestic drafts, wine and margaritas 5 for $10 buckets of beer 3 - 6 p.m.

$3 tall domestic drafts, wine and margaritas 5 for $10 buckets of beer 3 - 6 p.m.

$3 tall domestic drafts, wine and margaritas 5 for $10 buckets of beer 3 - 6 p.m.

$3 tall domestic drafts, wine and margaritas 5 for $10 buckets of beer 3 - 6 p.m.

Chub’s Pub & Package Place 421 N University Dr, Fargo

Big Mug Monday $4.95 beers $3.25 refills $2.95 10 oz wells

Happy Tuesday Happy Hour prices 4 p.m. -Close $2.95 Stumplifters

$2.75 old school beers $2.75 Morgans and Windsors

$.75 taps 8 p.m. - Close

$6 select domestic beers & a shot $2.95 teas & Stumplifters

2 for 1 appetizers until 9 p.m.

must present coupon

$2.50 Morgans $3 Tito’s vodka $3.25 select spirits

$3 tall domestic drafts, wine and margaritas 5 for $10 buckets of beer All Day $2.95 Bloody Marys/Caesars 8 a.m. - Noon $3.25 Jack Daniels $2.95 UV vodkas

one valid coupon per customer

$1 off drinks when you wear your Chub’s sweatshirt

expires 10.1.14








Dempsey’s 226 Broadway N, Fargo

Rum-Day: $3 Malibus, Bacardis & Morgans

$2 domestic taps or 2 for 1 wells

$3 premium wells

$3.25 specialty or import bottles or taps

$3 Old Styles and $4.25 Jamesons

$3 Old Styles and $4.25 Jamesons

Happy Hour drink specials 4 p.m. close

D’Woods Lounge 3333 13th Ave. S, Fargo

$2.75 domestic bottles $3 Bacardis

$2.75 domestic bottles $1 off martinis

$3.50 Stolis $3.50 domestic taps

$3.50 Crown Royals $3.50 taps

$3.75 teas $3 Windsors

$3 Smirnoffs $3 Morgans

Empire 424 Broadway N, Fargo

$3.25 Crown Royals

$2.75 Bacardis

$2.50 Windsors

$2.95 Morgans $3.75 Jack Daniels

$3.25 import bottles $2.95 Jim Beams

$3.25 import bottles $3.75 Jagermeisters

$2.50 rail vodkas $2.50 Windsors

Happy Hour 4-7 p.m. $4.25 Margarita’s, Long Island Ice Tea’s & $15 buckets of beer

Happy Hour 4-7 p.m. $2.25 taps

Happy Hour 4-7 p.m. $2.75 select whiskeys $2.75 import bottles $2.75 Micro Domestic Beers

Happy Hour All Day

$3.50 Bloody Mary 2 - 6 p.m. $3.25 Bacardis, Morgans, Malibus All Day $3.25 Chuck Norris shots

Any special throughout the week is honored all day long.

Labby’s Grill & Bar 1100 19th Ave. N, Fargo

$2.50 domestic/ $3.50 import bottles 8 p.m. - Close

Mug Night 5 - 9 p.m.

$3.50 teas 3 p.m. - Close

$2.95 selected pounders 8 p.m. - Close

$1 off bottled beers and drinks 9 p.m. - Close

$1 off Bloody Marys/Caesars 9 p.m. - Close

Lucky’s 13 Pub 4301 17th Ave. S, Fargo

$2.25 short domestic beers

$2.50 Coronas/ Corona Lights 1/2 price margaritas

$3 tall domestic taps 3 p.m. - Close

1/2 price bottles of wine $2 PBR bottles 3 p.m. - Close

Happy Hour 3 - 6 p.m.

$2.50 mimosas $6.75 BLT Bloody Marys

Happy Hour 4 - 6 p.m. & ​9 - 11 p.m. & Service industry night- $2 off drinks from 4 p.m. - Close

All bottles of wine 1/2 price​all night. ​ Happy Hour 4 - 6 p.m. & ​9 - 11 p.m.

Martinis will be $9 all night. Happy Hour 4 - 6 p.m. & ​ 9 - 11 p.m.

Happy Hour 4 - 6 p.m. & ​9 - 11 p.m.

Happy Hour 4 - 6 p.m. & ​9 - 11 p.m.

Happy Hour 4 - 6 p.m. & ​9 - 11 p.m.

Northern Gentleman’s Club 325 10th St. N, Fargo

Happy Hour 5 - 7 p.m.

Happy Hour 5 - 7 p.m.

Happy Hour 5 - 7 p.m.

Happy Hour 5 - 7 p.m.

Happy Hour 5 - 7 p.m.

Happy Hour 5 - 7 p.m.

Old Broadway City Club 22 Broadway N, Fargo

$5.95 pitchers

$2.95 domestic pints 6 p.m. - Close

$2.50 selected shots/drinks 9 p.m. - Close Wine Club Night

U-Pay-The-Day Tap beers are the price of the date 8 - 10 p.m.

$2.95 Bloody Marys/mimosas Skip-N-Go Naked 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.

$2.95 Domestic Pints 6 p.m. - Close

Wine Club Night

Fort Noks Bar of Gold 52 Broadway N, Fargo

Max Lounge 1380 9th St. E, West Fargo

Old Broadway Grill 22 Broadway N, Fargo

JT Cigarro 4554 7th Ave. S, Fargo

1/2 Price Bottles of Wine 5 - 10 p.m.





Mug Night

Ladies Night

domestic bottles


5 p.m. - Close

$5 domestic taps and wells

Happy Hour 4-7 p.m. $3.25 Stolis All Day $3.25 Goldschlager & Icehole 8 p.m. - 1 a.m.

$2.50 mimosas $6.75 BLT Bloody Marys 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.

$2.95 Bloody Marys/mimosas/ Skip-N-Go Naked 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.



2 for 1 rum drinks





Bloody Mary’s


5 p.m. - Close

all you can drink mimosas

wells All Day

domestic bottles

$3 wells All Day

For information on how to get your business featured in next month’s issue, email info@spotlightmediafargo.com

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one valid coupon per customer

expires 10.1.14







Happy Hour from 4 to 9 p.m. $2 PBR and Busch Light Pounders, $2.50 Domestic Bottles, $4 Fireball, $4 Parrot Jars

Happy Hour from 4 to 9 p.m. $3 Ice Hole, $3 Captain Morgans, $4 Parrot Jars, $4.50 Chuck Norris

Happy Hour from 4 to 9 p.m. $4 Water Moccasins, $7 Parrot Jars Craft Beer, $8 Parrot Jars

Happy Hour from 4 to 9 p.m. $3 Ice Hole, $4 Crown Royal, $5 Patron from 4 p.m. to close

Happy Hour from 4 to 9 p.m. $3 Malibu, $3 Windsor, $5 Chuck Norris

$2 off martinis $1 off beer Wells & wine by the glass

$2 off top shelf liquor & $1 off beer Wells & wine by the glass

$2 off all glasses of wine & $1 off beer Wells & wine by the glass

$2.50 16 oz. taps $2 domestic $3 premium $5 long island teas

Happy Hour 3-6 p.m.

Happy Hour 3-6 p.m. 1/2 off wine 6 p.m. - Midnight

Happy Hour 3-6 p.m. $2 off original cocktails from 6 to close

Happy Hour 3-6 p.m. $5 domestic pitchers 9 p.m. to close

Happy Hour 3-6 p.m. $2 off all canned/ bottled beers and 2 for 1 rail drinks from 9 to close

2 for 1 rail drinks $4 craft pints 9 p.m. - Close

$4 Build Your Own Bloody Mary Bar from 12 to 5, $3 You Call It’s for service industry all day

$3.05 Morgans $3.45 tall domestic taps 4:30 p.m. - close

$3.75 Crown Royals $3.95 Crown Blacks

$2.95 Bacardis/ domestic bottles 4:30 p.m. - close

Mug Club Night $3.75 Jack Daniels/ teas

$3.25 UV vodkas

$3.25 import and specialty bottles $3.25 Ice Hole shots

$3.35 tall domestic taps All Day $2.75 well drinks 4:30 p.m. - Close

Rooter’s Bar 107 Broadway N, Fargo

$2 12oz domestic draws All Day

$2.50 domestic bottles All Day

$2.50 Morgans & Windsors All Day

$2.50 teas $7.50 domestic pitchers

Happy Hour from 4:30-6:30 p.m. (2for-1 drinks)

$2.50 Homemade Bloody Marys w/ beer chaser 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Shotgun Sally’s Rock and Roll Saloon 1515 42nd St. S, Fargo

$1 off drinks 9 p.m. - Midnight

$1 off drinks 9 p.m. - Midnight

$1 off drinks 9 p.m. - Midnight ½ price bottles of wine

$1 off drinks 9 p.m. - Midnight

$3.75 Jamesons $.75 off craft bottles

College night with ID All Day Happy Hour

$3 Windsors $2.50 domestic pints $3 Leinenkugels and Nordeast pints

$3 rums $.75 off domestic bottles and micro craft pints $5 perfect storms

$3.15 Miller High Life bottles $3.40 Bacardi Limon and Sailor Jerrys

$3.15 Bud and Bud Light Bottles

$3.15 Bud and Bud Light bottles $3 white zin and merlot wines

$2.95 pounders

$3 Bacardis & Jim Beams

$1 off bar pours & jumbo beers 4 - 7 p.m.

Sports Bar 619 NP Ave. N, Fargo Tailgators Sports Cafe 1322 Main Ave, Fargo

Pickled Parrot 505 3rd Ave. N, Fargo

Radisson 201 5th St N Fargo Rhombus Guys Pizza 606 Main Ave, Fargo

Rick’s Bar 2721 Main Ave, Fargo

Sidestreet Grille & Pub 301 3rd Ave. N, Fargo Slammer’s Sports Bar & Grill 707 28th Ave. N, Fargo Speck’s Bar 2611 Main Ave, Fargo Spirits Lounge 3803 13th Ave. S, Fargo

TGI Fridays 4100 13th Ave. S, Fargo


$3 Bloody Marys $7 bottomless mimosas

$3.50 Stolis $3.75 Summit pints

$3.75 Jack Daniels, Jack Honeys & Jim Beams $3.75 New Belgium bottles

$2 off All pitchers $3 rail vodkas $1 off u-call-its Service Industry Night

$3.15 Coors Light and Mich Golden Light bottles

$3.15 Bud and Bud Light bottles. $3.40 Morgans

$3.75 Bloody Marys and Caesars All Day well specials $2.75

$2.80 All wells $5.25 Busch Light pitchers

$2.95 Morgans $3.95 Jack Daniels

$2.95 whiskeys & Barefoot wines

$3.25 import and craft beers $3.25 Smirnoffs

$3.25 UV drinks

$2.75 wells $3.35 20oz taps

$1 off bar pours & jumbo beers 4 - 7 p.m.

$1 off bar pours & jumbo beers 4 - 7 p.m.

$1 off bar pours & jumbo beers 4 - 7 p.m.

$1 off bar pours & jumbo beers 4 - 7 p.m.

$2.50 tap beer pints $3.50 talls

$2.50 Stolis & $3.50 Stolis with energy drink

College night 1/2 price any beer

$2.95 Jack Daniels, Morgans, Bombay Sapphires & Grey Gooses

1/2 off pitchers 7 10 p.m.

1/2 off pitchers 7 10 p.m.

$3 pounders $3.50 Bloody Marys

$3.50 Crown Royals $3 UVs

$2 domestic bottles and $3 Morgans

$7.25 domestic pitchers $2.50 Schnapps $2.50 well drinks

$3.50 import bottles $3.50 gator teas $2.50 Schnapps

$3 Bacardis $3 Chucks/Jag Bombs $2.75 Windsors

$3.75 Bloody Marys $1 off whiskeys $2.90 domestic pints and bottles

$3.75 Bloody Marys $1 off whiskeys $2.90 domestic pints and bottles

$5 select Jack Daniels

$3 martinis 1/2 off bottles of wine

$3 select appetizers and drinks

$5 select drinks

* This is not a full list of specials. Specials subject to change. For updated and entire list of specials, go fargomonthly.com.

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one valid coupon per customer

expires 10.1.14








VFW 202 Broadway N, Fargo

$2.75 Morgans

$6 domestic pitchers

$3 bar pours

$2.75 domestic pounders

$3 domestic bottles $3 long island teas

Happy Hour 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. $3 Long Island teas

Happy Hour All Day

Vinyl Taco 520 1st Ave, Fargo

$1 off Margaritas

$1 off Vinyl Sunrise

$1 off Mexico Mule

$1 off Bourbons

$1 off Moonshine

$1 off Sangria

Ladies night: Free Miller Light taps and wells 9 p.m. Midnight

$1 u-call-its 9 - 10 p.m. $2 u-call-its 10 - 11 p.m.

$1 u-call-its 9 - 10 p.m. $2 u-call-its 10 - 11 p.m.

Service industry night $2 u-call-its 9 p.m. - close

Windbreak Saloon & Casino 3150 39th St. S, Fargo Happy Hour All Day. $1 off drinks

Domestic bottles & Morgans for $2.95

$2.75 Windsors $2.85 Jack Daniels

$3.50 Long Island teas $3.95 Crown Royals

$3.30 Smirnoffs $3.85 Malibus

$5.95 domestic pitchers and $3.30 Bloody Marys and Caesars until 5 p.m.

$5.95 domestic pitchers and $3.30 Bloody Marys and Caesars until 5 p.m.

$1 off beer, wine, & cocktails 3-6 p.m. $3.25 tall domestic taps 7 p.m. - close

$1 off beer, wine, & cocktails 3-6 p.m. $2.50 domestic bottles 9 p.m. close

$1 off beer, wine, & cocktails 3-6 p.m. $3 Captain Morgan and Chuck Norris 8 p.m. - close

$1 off beer, wine, & cocktails 3-6 p.m. $5 pitchers of PBR 8 p.m. - close

$1 off beer, wine, & cocktails 3-6 p.m. $3.25 Stolis and Bacardis 8 p.m. close

$3.50 crown royals & Long Island Teas 8 p.m. - close

$3.25 tall domestic taps & import bottles All day

Happy Hour 5 6:30 p.m. & Service industry night – $2.50 “you call it’s” 9 p.m. - Midnight

Happy Hour 5 6:30 p.m. & 50 cent domestic taps 7 - 9 p.m., $2 domestic bottles & wells 9:30 - 11 p.m.

Happy Hour 5 6:30 p.m. & $2.50 domestic pints & $3.50 premium pints 8 p.m. Midnight

Happy Hour 5 6:30 p.m. & $6.50 domestic pitchers & $2.50 Smirnoffs 9 p.m. - Midnight

Happy Hour 5 6:30 p.m. & $2.50 domestic bottles & Captain Morgans 8 - 10 p.m.

Happy Hour 5 - 6:30 p.m. & $6 domestic pitchers 12 - 4 p.m.

Happy Hour 5 6:30 p.m. & $2.50 domestic bottles & wells All Day

2 for 1 wells 9 p.m. - close

3$ craft and import beers 9 p.m. - close

$5 ladies night 9 12 p.m.

6$ Mugs & $3.50 refills 9 p.m. - close

Free Jello shots with drink order 9 p.m. - close

Mug day all day 6$ 32oz mugs and 4$ refills

4$ Bloodies, Caesars and Margaritas all day

Speak Easy 1001 30th Ave. S, Moorhead

$1.75 bottles $4 martinis

2 for 1 drinks

$4.25 pitchers

$1.95 22oz beers $3.25 Sam Adams & Shock Tops

$4.25 pitchers

Bloody Mary specials $4.95 pitchers

$1.95 grande beers All Day

O’Leary’s Pub 808 30th Ave. S, Moorhead

Happy Hour 1 p.m. - 7 p.m.

Happy Hour 1 p.m. - 7 p.m.

Happy Hour 1 p.m. - 7 p.m.

Happy Hour 1 p.m. - 7 p.m.

Happy Hour 1 p.m. - 7 p.m.

Bloody Marys special

Sunday Funday $5 domestic pitchers All Day

$2.75 Morgans

2 for 1 8 - 11 p.m.

$2.75 whiskeys

Ladies night 8 - 10 p.m. $5 pitchers

Late night Happy Hour 9 p.m. Midnight

$5 pitchers All Day

Bloody Mary special

$3 tall domestics, $3 Stolis & $3 Jack Daniels 8 p.m.

$2 domestic pints & wells 8 p.m. -

Mug night 8 p.m. $5 mugs

$2.50 domestic bottles, $3 well specials 8 p.m.

$2.50 Morgans and Bacardis 8 p.m.

$3 teas & bomb shots 8 p.m.

$6 domestic pitchers & $2.50 Icehole All Day

Hooligans 3330 Sheyenne St, West Fargo

$2.50 domestic bottles All Day

$3 domestic talls All Day

$3.50 well margaritas, $3 Corona & Dos Equis

$2.50 Morgans & Bacardis All Day

$3 well drinks 7 p.m. - close

$3 bomb shots 8 p.m. - Midnight

O’Leary’s Pub 715 13th Ave. E, West Fargo

Happy Hour 1 - 7 p.m.

Happy Hour 1 - 7 p.m.

Happy Hour 1 - 7 p.m.

Happy Hour 1 - 7 p.m.

Happy Hour 1 - 7 p.m.

Silver Dollar Flying Pig 221 Sheyenne St, West Fargo

Happy Hour 8 p.m. - 12 a.m.

Happy Hour 8 p.m. - 12 a.m.

Happy Hour 8 p.m. - 12 a.m.

Spicy Pie 745 31st Ave. E. Ste 110, West Fargo

$1 off 20oz taps or $.75 off 16oz taps

$3 you-call-its

$6 domestic & $7 import pitchers

$2 whiskey drinks

$2 rum drinks

$2 vodka drinks

$3 Bloody Mary’s and/or Caesars

Three Lyons Pub 675 13th Ave. E, West Fargo

Mug night

Mug night

Tall beers for the price of short 7 p.m. - close

$1 off Long Island teas & $5 martinis 7 p.m. - close

$2.75 Windsors $1 off bottled beer 8 p.m. - close

$3.50 Bloody Marys, Caesars & domestic pints until 6 p.m.

Happy Hour All Day

$2.75 Captain Morgan, $3 Crown Royal & $3 Washington Apples from 7 - 11 p.m.

$3 32 oz. Mongo Mugs, $1 off drinks for ladies & $3 shots from 7 - 11 p.m.

$2.50 Windsors, $3 Jeremiah Weed, $3 Chuck Norris from 7 - 11 p.m

$5 pitchers, $2.75 Bacardi & $3 Bazooka Joes from 7 - 11 p.m.

Happy Hour from 4 - 8 p.m. and $3 Ice Hole shots from 7 - 11 p.m.

$3.50 Bloody Marys/Caesars from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., $2.50 Ron Diaz & $3 Jag Blasters from 7 - 11 p.m.

$2.75 Pounders, $3 Seagram’s & $3 Charlie Sheens

$3 Jag $6.50 mug $2.50 Ice Hole

$3 Bacardis $2.75 Dr. Mcgillicuddy’s

$3 Jeremiah Weed $3 UV vodkas

$3 Morgans $2 Jags

$3 Jack Daniels

$3 Jim Beams $3 Bloody Marys/ Caesars

$3 Bloody Caesars $3.50 Sambuca

Woody’s Bar 1550 32nd Ave. S, Fargo

MOORHEAD Dave’s Southside Tap 803 Belsly Blvd, Moorhead JC Chumley’s 1608 Main Ave, Moorhead

Mick’s Office 10 8th St. S, Moorhead

Vic’s Bar & Grill 427 Center Ave, Moorhead

WEST FARGO Bar Nine 1405 Prairie Pkwy, West Fargo

Town Hall Bar 103 Main Ave. W, West Fargo

Work Zone 701 Main Ave. E, West Fargo

* This is not a full list of specials. Specials subject to change. For updated and entire list of specials, go fargomonthly.com.

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