Cesis Designjam

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DESIGNJAM organizers: Art Academy of Latvia, Latvian Academy of Culture, Cēsis Culture and Tourism centre thanks: Erasmus mobility program, State Culture Capital Foundation, Cēsis Culture and Tourism centre, Cēsis Municipality, Rucka Artist Residency, Design Information Centre univercities -participants: LMA Latvijas Mākslas akadēmija – Funkcionālais dizains, Grafikas un iepakojuma dizains. AAL Art Academy of Latvia – Functional design, Graphic and packaging design. LKA Latvijas Kultūras akadēmija – Kultūras un radošo industriju menedžments. LAC Latvian Academy of Culture – Management of Culture and Creative industries. BA Banku augstskola – Radošo industriju menedžments.. SBF School of Business and Finance MBA Creative Industries Management RSU Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte – Sociālantropoloģija RSU Riga Stradiņš University – Social anthropology


what a pleasure to see young designers combining skills with passion and flair, working hard in a team as well as a group and delivering with fun and delight in time

thank you to all participants and Barbara Abele, Ilona Asare, Ieva Goba, Agnese Hermane, Maija Rozenfelde, Dita Trapenciere and Daina Vitolina for this great experience martin foessleitner




Design offers a platform for social interaction. AXIS

Design is the intermediary between information and understanding. Richard Grefé

Design is the transformation of existing conditions into preferred ones. Herbert Simons


Design is organisation. Francesco Franchi


Information Design is the defining, planning, and shaping of the contents of a message and the environments in which it is presented, in order to satisfy the information needs of the intended recipients. International Institute for Information Design (IIID) idx

Use what exists to create what is to be. Soichiro Fukutake


















discoverdiscover define define developdevelop deliver deliver detect detect distill distill


„ … „“ … “

distribute distribute dialogue dialogue

dic dic foessleitner@hi-pe.a foessleitner@hi-pe.a













discover define



develop deliver

detect distill

British Design Council and IIID

imagine a jam session in music. you come together, bringing your instruments, your skills, your open mind. someone sets up a theme, and you start to Jam around it. you don’t overanalyse it, you don’t discuss it to death, you jam. you bounce your ideas off other people, and play around with what comes back. together, you build something which none of you could have built alone. and at the same time, you are learning new ideas, discovering more about how you work and whom you best work with, sharpening your skills, and having a great time. and who knows, maybe there are one or two ideas there which might make it to the next album. or maybe you jammed so well, you decide to form a band… a Design Jam works in just the same way. but it’s not music you are jamming - it’s design. And it’s not just talking - you are here to turn your ideas into a concrete design, prototype and plan of action which you might want to make real. To prototype and plan it in a way that someone could go out and make it real, „creating platforms of social interactions“ knowing what resources they would need, what they should do, and who they should talk to? that’s the challenge of the jam. And finally we will recheck and test our designs in real life.

The diamond diagram is based on research at the British Design Council and further developed by the requirements of information design by IIID as a simple graphical way of describing the design process. Divided into three distinct phases, Explore, Create and Check, it maps the divergent and convergent stages of the design process, showing the different modes of thinking that designers use. EXPLORE: Discover and Define It begins with an initial idea or inspiration, often sourced from a discovery phase in which user needs are identified. These include market research, user research and managing information. Followed by the definition stage, in which interpretation and alignment of these needs to business objectives is achieved. Key activities during the Define stage are project development, management and sign-off. CREATE: Develop and Deliver The third stage marks a period of development where design-led solutions are developed, iterated and tested within the company. Key activities and objectives during the Develop stage are multi-disciplinary working, visual management and development methods. The fourth stage represents the delivery activities, where the resulting product or service is finalised and launched in the relevant market. CHECK: Diagnose and Distill The key activities and objectives during this stage are user experience testing and reflection about to extract the learnings and restart the process again. Following the definition of information design: is the defining, planning, and shaping of the contents of a message and the environments in which it is presented, with the intention to satisfy the information needs of the intended recipients

For some time Cesis town is a playground for many students - painters, architects, antropologists, journalists, designers, etc. For two days or two weeks - it doesn‘t matter. The game students, teachers and Cesis town are playing is colourful and the result of the game is mutually benefitial for all. Each student workshop questions Cesis inhabitants‘ perceptions, challenges, point of views, asks for inhabitants‘ action - in short shakes Cesis a bit. And Cesis florish - in students paintings, discussions, installations and in students hearts and minds. Design Jam 2016 in Cesis was one of the most colourful games in last years. Bringing together artists, designers, cultural managers and economists and tackling practical challanges Cesis is facing in most creative ways shows the positive aspects for interdisciplinary wokshops. Creative but practical results of Design Jam 2016 are introduced in Creative center Skola6 develoment and have helped to build SKOLA6 identity and outer communication.

Ilona Asare, Cesis Culture and Tourism center & Dita Trapenciere, SKOLA6 project leader

Greta Molteni, Claudia Tambella, Leyla Tawfikl, Patrizia Muffatti

To experience the process of design thinking for students of Culture Management and Creative Industries of Latvian Academy of Culture was a challenge. The exploration, creation of ideas for two cases in Cēsis, testing, implementation and presentation of results at municipality was a great opportunity for students from several universities to learn to know each other, to work together and to grow. The workshop opened up new way of looking at things. Design thinking approach is universal and can be used also in their managerial or entrepreneurial work. Thank you Martin Foesslaitner for your designful approach to all of us! Thank you Cēsis and Ilona Asare for you hospitality! Thank you colleagues form Art Academy of Latvia –Barbara Ābele and Maija Rozenfelde for your intrinsic involvement to make it all happen! Agnese Hermane Head of Culture Management and Creative Industries MA sub-programme Latvian Academy of Culture

Design thinking - thinking and doing; think before, during and after doing; think much more than twice… So many meanings are offered by the combination of these two precious words. For someone it could be a novelty, for others - a long lasting experience already, someone may be misunderstood, but someone could even be irritated by mentioning of the words design together with thinking. Design thinking is actually not measurable by the consumption categories - like or dislike, cheap or expensive. Luckily it is a much broader concept understanding of single facts and the cumulative context. It is an intermediary between the reason and consequence, between the challenge identification and solution. And design thinking is no more a subtle tool just for the designers, but overwhelming interdisciplinary approach and challenge for everyone. Through the years of experience I keep appreciating the three diamond method (created by British Design Council and improved by IIID) and now I’m ready to announce that it has to be stored in the first aid kit in every place of the world. Cēsis city is one of the rare and first municipalities in Latvia using this opportunity to look at the local problems with the strangers’ eyes through the glasses of a design thinker Martin Foessleitner. Our workshop was a perfect combination of competences - design, business, culture industries, management and social anthropology. It proved the ability of a city municipality to ensure good communication between many disciplines and the inhabitants. Thank you all - Cēsis to involve us in your family case, all the students for your curiosity, Ilona for support, Ieva & Rucka for hospitality and colleagues Maija, Agnese and Martin for work together, sometimes till 22:00. Barbara Ābele Associated professor/Design Department Art Academy of Latvia

When speaking about design with general public, very often it’s hard for people outside our industry to see beyond pretty pictures. Sometimes even for students it takes time to grasp the much broader meaning of design. How are we being approached by the communicator, what is the structure of the message, the tone of voice, the overall need –only after these much deeper questions are answered, we can turn to matters of a cohesive visual language. Design is organisation and it has to be approached that way from the very bottom of each problem. During our intensive workshop lead by design mastermind Martin Foessleitner all of us where able to experience a truly holistic approach to design thinking. We had the honour to witness students from different fields coming together not only to find a common language among themselves, solve difficult communication issues, but also to educate the organisations involved –Municipality of Cēsis and coworking space Skola 6. Perhaps it’s one of the most important missions for all of us involved in design – to find new and creative ways to educate decision making organisations who can truly make a difference if they adopt design thinking processes into their daily operations. Cēsis and Skola 6 are definitely being great role models to others by opening up and collaborating in such ways! Greatest thank you to Martin Foessleitner, design thinking warrior, who continues to spread his knowledge and work with students selflessly! Thank you, Cēsis, Ilona and Dita for being proactive and inviting us! My colleagues Barbara and Agnese, students –it was a great pleasure to be a part of this process with all of you together, thank you! Maija Rozenfelde Lecturer, Design Department Art Academy of Latvia

Anna Brigadere Silvija Indriksone Gundega Kalendra Toms MazjÄ nis


Problem (a short description of situation) There is a gap between the people of Municipality of CÄ“sis and inhabitants in CÄ“sis. Sometimes ideas for developing the town have not heard or have misunderstood.


: FROM ipality Munic Cesis

TO: J nis

We ask about that people in Cēsis Alīna: She isn’t active participant in public hearings and survays because her opinion doesn’t account. Agris and Andrejs: They proposal special manager/speaker from municipality who visits offices and explains people personally new projects. Līga and Andris: They are careful following local news but not participate. Public hearings is for young ones. Pēteris un Maiga: Trust to mayor and municipalities decisions. They don’t have a time for participating. Jānis: The new projects in city cann’t involve in public discussion – it is waste of time and money. Decisions about new projects has to be made by municipality with full responsibility.

Conclusion Information in the public hearings, on the website of Cēsis Municipality sometimes is not understandable, like a foreign language to them; the bureaucratic language is too official and boring. Latvian would say – tas ir priekš kaķiem!





We offer The passionate inhabitants of Cēsis will be like ambassadors of Municipality, of new ideas and projects. Everyone can be a postman who explains the information in easy and attractive way on different projects about new buildings, environment improvement, architecture, urban planning, events). The postman will turn the official information into the stories and will inform other residents in Cēsis about his or her field. The main idea is to explain that the projects are good for them and Cēsis town, for their own benefit). People in Cēsis will be part of the process of placemaking. They will create the town and feel important.

Why it is necessary People in Cēsis will be part of the process of placemaking. They will create the town and feel important.


How Opinion leaders from different areas (business, medicine, law, sports, arts and design, IT, education, engineering, hospitality and tourism, etc.) become an ambassador of Municipality.

They will share ideas with their colleagues, business partners, friends and family. The creative amateur groups (music, visual arts, theatre etc.) could make a performance in the place where is planned a project or tell the story in their own way.

Inga: Is important to hear face to face from trustable person. And bring her feedback back to municipality. JÄ nis: He is not interested in public hearing and survey. But if information comes from local person/buddy then that becomes personal.

Rita: Believes to “Postman rings” and a communication will turn around – her opinion will be account. Inta and Aiva: They like the idea “Postman rings” campaigns. It makes possible to get more people (like old or intravert).

Skola6 We offer a network for spreading idea and opening event of Skola6. Everyone can be a postman who explains and promote the information in easy and attractive way about Skola6. We have found the postmen among our friends, family, acquaintances, colleagues and random people on the street.

Who • Our group; • Postman (passionate people from Cēsis) in real life and on internet; • Skola6 team.

How There are two ways how deliver the information. • via Facebook. A personal message about Skola6 by Gundega. • by real people in Cēsis. We will go on the streets, talk with people, explain the situation, give a letter in the special envelope and offer him or her to be a postman of Skola6. The postman will give a story to his friends; friends gives a message to his friends and so on.

8 hours 9 Postmans in CÄ“sis 59 shares

(include Mayor of CÄ“sis) approx

12 000 reaches



Where toilets and garbage cans are missing in the city?

How it works

Through the regular polls and surveys at the beginning of decision-making in non-anonymous. Through the stickers in the interactive way.



58% more night life and relax places for young people in Cesis 31% more benches and garbage upgade visual identity 7% upgade CÄ“su VienÄŤbas square visual image restores sidewalks 3% RoĹžu square need to be planted with roses 1% more responsibility

42 respondents

AKMENS, ŠĶĒRES, PAPĪRĪT’S Liene Putne Laima Engere Agnese Naudiša Ieva Libarte-Makstniece



Aisma un KÄ rlis


Vēlos, lai šī māja burbuļo. Evija koordinēja, es pati strādāju divus mēnešus. Vietējiem koncepts nav saprotams, dalīšanās ir jaunums. Gribētu apvienot mazpilsētas sindromu ar jauno. Te ir ļoti labas privātās iniciatīvas un atvērta pašvaldība.




Dita Trapenciere

Problem of SKOLA6 management is lack of time, finances and workforce. It have led to different misunderstandings into society about SKOLA6 coworking space concept.

SKOLA6 has lot of information about accesable tangible and intangible services accesable at SKOLA6, but they need help to deliver this information to potential clients.


For organizing information known game comes to help. Let’s play!

Elements of this game are interacting and changing winning roles all the time. That shows, how important all elements are.

Rock stands for tangible services, like all premises and infrastructure

Paper stands for organizing, handling and delivering information to all target groups and also it is about, how SKOLA6 is positioning itself and it’s residents.


Scissors stands for intangible services, like events, seminars, networking, contacts, trainings

The aim is to organizeinformation about SKOLA6 concept in understandable form and deliver in attractive way to potential client. By keeping in mind, that manager of SKOLA6, has to be able to handle modules of information by its own. Before starting to arrange information, it was necessary to have an interview with manager of SKOLA6 to clarify uncertainties. There are information modules, pictograms, colour schemes, patterns developed and each of them are prepared independent, to ensure easy access and usability.






drop in drop out

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Creativity is contagious Pass it on

ing ork ow


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k or ow

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o rea di stu ec ie im at re ll t Fu ents orkingng in cess e ev tw eti ac dr ne ark ksp ss a s m or ne om w uis ro s b ng ce i ing eti n rv e e me itch ork ls ing k i-fi ter una 2 rk ow o n w 1, i ec h pr omm ow im nt th c rc o n fo ll t t m mo Fu ents orkingng chairess 1s nd on ev tw eti d dr m 2 ne ark k an ss a s 3d om m es n e om Fr 4 d uis ro s 2 b g n ice eti en rv e s ing me ch l kit i-fi ter una ay w n i rd pr omm pe s c R ces EU ac 55 4/7 2

rk ro wo -D co in or g op rf Dr nts rkin ai g h e o n c ev tw eti d ne ark k an s m es om d ro g

There are postcards, booklet and poster developed, to offer layout, how information modules, can be handled. Next step was to check the results with manager of SKOLA6 Dita Trapenciere and potential clients.


It’s more understandable, definitely. That is another matter.» Vai Jūs pievienosiet pastkartes svītras, lai var rakstīt otrā pusē? Definitely useful as I do not have technical skills to do this

It increases interest about place. They should have this poster before

Looks good, I like it Tas palielina interesi par vietu. Viņiem vajadzēja šādu plakātu no sākuma


Sabīne Baumane Karīna Papanova Ieva Sarmiņa Kristīne Bramberga

Where is the elephant?*

*elephant - each artist is a big personality, but SKOLA6 is a small community


coworking workshops and exhibitions

art sound

We had 5 in-depth interviews with: -a manager -an urban planner and enthusiast for creative cities; -a designer; -a musician; -a creative mapping researcher

What we found out: SKOLA6 includes 8 members + 1 manager.

On the 8th of April they will open their premises to 32 new members.

“We would love to build a whole community, but we need entrepreneurs who are willing to grow.” /Dita Trapenciere/

“We have to create a space where they WANT to collaborate.”/Evija Taurene

Problem nr.1 Each member has his own working hours, so it is difficult for them to collaborate.

Problem nr.2 Relevant information sometimes is not passed on among people working in SKOLA6.

How to create a community where management and members are all like a family?

SKOLA6 needs to get people talking

A platform for informal communication

Team building activ-


Snacks and drinks Cozy

Personal Moderator


Humor The round table effect

The Meeting

The Feedback


“I want SKOLA6 to be boiling of creativity.”


”Helping each other is cool.”


”SKOLA6 – a place where the impossible can be reality.”


“What will happen here depends on what we will do.“


”I am the frame for SKOLA6.”

The Prospect A common vision*

What is SKOLA6 for you?

*Striving for the same goals in the future

The Prospect Jour fixĂŠ*

*A meeting for the members of SKOLA6 on the first Thursday of each month

contacts: agnese.hermane@lka.edu.lv abelebarbara@gmail.com foessleitner@hi-pe.at



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