Dizaina nodaļa Funkcionālā dizaina apakšnoza
Dizaina nodaļa Funkcionālā dizaina apakšnozare Dizaina nodaļa Maģistru 2. kurss Funkcionālā dizaina apakšnozare Maģistru 2. kurss Autore: Sintija Mieze Sociālā dizaina un informācijas dizaina kurss Autore: Sintija Mieze Sociālais dizains: prof. Barbara Ābele Sociālā dizaina un informācijas dizaina kurss Informācijas dizains: Martin Foessleitner Sociālais dizains: prof. Barbara Ābele Mācību gads 2021/22 Informācijas dizains: Martin Foessleitner Mācību gads 2021/22
POP-UP SKOLA Sintija Mieze
Dizaina nodaļa Funkcionālā dizaina apakšnozare Maģistru 2. kurss Autore: Sintija Mieze Sociālā dizaina un informācijas dizaina kurss Sociālais dizains: prof. Barbara Ābele Informācijas dizains: Martin Foessleitner Mācību gads 2021/22
rīks mācībām ārtelpā
POP-UP SCHOOL tool for outdoor learning
POP-UP SKOLA rīks mācībām ārtelpā
POP-UP SCHOOL tool for outdoor learning
92% Latvijas skolu ir neatbilstoša gaisa kvalitāte. Nevēdinātās telpās ar augstu CO2 koncentrāciju samazinās skolēnu veiktspēja – viņi ātrāk nogurst, ir grūtības koncentrēties, var parādīties galvassāpes un citas veselības problēmas.
92% of Latvian schools have bad air quality. In unventilated rooms with high CO2 concentrations, students performance decreases - they get tired faster, have difficulty to concentrate, headaches and other health problems can occur.
Rīks skolotājiem mācību uzdevumu veikšanai ārtelpā
A tool for a teacher to perform teaching tasks outdoors
Kvalitatīva mācīšanās ātelpā arī palīdz mācībām klasē. Tas var novest pie dziļākas izpratnes mācību priekšmetos, kuri tiek mācīti klasē un tos bieži ir grūti efektīvi mācīt izmantojot tikai iekštelpu metodes. Mācības ārpus klases attīsta vairākas prasmes: vispārējās un uz mācību priekšmetu balstītās zināšanas; domāšanas un problēmu risināšanas spējas; arī savstarpējo sadarbību un komunikāciju.
Good quality learning outside the classroom adds much value also to classroom learning. It can lead to a deeper understanding of the concepts that span traditional subject boundaries and which are frequently difficult to teach effectively using classroom methods alone. It provides a context for learning in many areas: general and subject based knowledge; thinking and problem-solving skills; co-operation and communication. https://www.easchooltours.com/blog/why-is-learning-outside-the-classroom-so-important
MĒĶAUDITORIJA skolotāji un skolēni
Tas, ko mēs redzam, dzirdam, garšojam, sataustam, smaržojam dod mums galvenos ceļus uz mācīšanos. Mācīšanās potenciāls tiek palielināts, ja mēs izmantojam fizisko, vizuālo un naturālistisko mācīšanās veidu kombināciju, kā arī mūsu lingvistisko un matemātisko inteliģenci.
TARGET AUDIENCE teachers and students
What we see, hear, taste, touch, smell gives us the main paths to learning. The potential for learning is increased if we use a combination of physical, visual and naturalistic ways of learning, as well as our linguistic and mathematical intelligence. https://www.easchooltours.com/blog/why-is-learning-outside-the-classroom-so-important
Izvēlies literatūras darbu atbilstoši mācību stundas tēmai. laiks Pirmā sniegotā diena, pusdienaslaiks. mācību priekšmetu caurvija Latviešu valoda / literatūra, dabaszinības, mūzika.
Choose a literary work according to lessons on the topic. time The first snowy day, noon. subject flow Latvian language / literature, natural sciences, music.
Vakar uzkrita pirmais sniegs. Nu viss ir balts. Tik balts, ka nekā nevar atšķirt. Baltā vistiņa izdēja baltu olu un pazaudēja to sniegā. Baltais gailis dziedāja baltu dziesmu, tā ieskrēja pažobelē, piesala tur un palika karājoties kā balta lāsteka. BALTĀ PASAKA / I.Ziedonis
The first snow fell yesterday. Well everything is white. So white that nothing can be distinguished. The white hen laid a white egg and lost it in the snow. The white rooster sang a white song, it ran into the hut, froze there and remained hanging like a white icicle. THE WHITE FAIRY TALE / I.Ziedonis
Vakar uzkrita pirmais sniegs. Nu viss ir balts. Tik balts, ka nekā nevar atšķirt. Baltā vistiņa izdēja baltu olu un pazaudēja to sniegā. Baltais gailis dziedāja baltu dziesmu, tā ieskrēja pažobelē, piesala tur un palika karājoties kā balta lāsteka. BALTĀ PASAKA / I.Ziedonis DABASZINĪBAS LATVIEŠU VALODA MŪZIKA
The first snow fell yesterday. Well everything is white. So white that nothing can be distinguished. The white hen laid a white egg and lost it in the snow. The white rooster sang a white song, it ran into the hut, froze there and remained hanging like a white icicle. THE WHITE FAIRY TALE / I.Ziedonis NATURAL SCIENCE LATVIAN LANGUAGE MUSIC
PIEMĒRI UZDEVUMIEM literatūra: Lasīt darbu, analizēt to un meklēt saisītbas dabā. mūzika: Klausīties sniega čaboņā, ejot pa to, staigājot u.c. dabaszinības: Novērot nospiedumus sniegā - dzīvnieku, cilvēku. Doties ārā, vērot sniega snigšanu, tā struktūru.
EXAMPLES OF TASKS literature: Read the work, analyze it and look for connections in nature. music: Listen to the snow while walking through it, etc. natural sciences: Observe footprints in the snow - animals, humans. Go outside, observe the snow, its structure.
DARBNĪCAS MĒRĶIS Kopā ar skolēniem pārbaudīt paredzētās darbnīcas metodes darbībā.
PURPOSE OF THE WORKSHOP Together with the students to test the intended workshop methods in action.
DARBNĪCAS NOSAUKUMS Koku identificēšana pēc lapām.
NAME OF THE WORKSHOP Tree identification by leaves.
MĒRĶIS Attīstīt analītiskās, izpētes spējas. Veidot aprakstu, atpazīt ģeometriskas formas, krāsas, ieraudzīt atšķirības.
THE AIM To develop analytical, research skills. Create a description, recognize geometric shapes, colors, see differences.
VIETA Parks, pagalms.
PLACE Parks, courtyards.
1.UZDEVUMS Sameklēt parkā / pagalmā pēc iespējas vairāk kokus, nofotografēt tā lapas. Paņemt lapas paraugu.
TASK 1 Find as many trees in the park / yard as possible, take pictures of their leaves. Take a sample leave.
2.UZDEVUMS Katru atrasto koka lapu uzlikt uz baltas papīra un veikt lapas analīzi aprakstot to.
TASK 2 Put each of tree leaf on the paper and perform a leaf analysis by describing it.
Ja vienā zara posmā ir 156 skujas, cik skuju ir visā zarā? Cik zaru ir kokā un cik skuju aptuveni ir eglē?
If there are 156 needles in one small branch, how many needles are in the whole branch? How many branches are in the tree and how many needles are in the spruce?
Cik garš ir tavs solis? Cik soļu gara un plata ir pļava? Cik zāles stiebru ir 5x5cm lielā laukumā? Cik zāles stiebru ir pļavā?
How long is your step? How long and wide is the meadow? How many grass stalks are in a 5x5cm square? How many grass stalks are in the meadow?
EMORI Sandra Sugako
Dizaina nodaļa Funkcionālā dizaina apakšnozare MA 2. kurss Autore: Sandra Sugako
Sociālā un Informācijas dizaina modulis Sociālais dizains: prof. Barbara Ābele Informācijas dizains: Martin Foessleitner 2021/22 m.g.
EMORI Workshop 4 tasks + 7 participants
EMORI Darbnīca 4 uzdevumi + 7 dalībnieki
EMORI Mobile app - emotion regulation tool for adults living in Latvia. In collaboration with Riga Stradins University. RSU content + LMA design solution. Mobilā lietotne - rīks emociju regulācijai un tās pratības attīstīšanai. Pieaugšiem Latvijas iedzīvotājiem. Sadarbībā ar Rīgas Stradiņa Universitāti. RSU saturs + LMA dizaina risinājums.
Workshop 01 Questionnaire 02 Recognising emotions 03 Road of acceptance 04 Above and below
Darbnīca 01 Aptauja
02 Emociju atpazīšana 03 Pieņemšanas ceļš 04 Virs un zem
Questionnaire Aptauja 5 questions to better the understanding of the target audience 5 jautājumi, lai labāk izprastu mērķauditoriju cilvēcīgā līmenī
Recognising emotions Emociju atpazīšana
To understand if RSU translations are understandable to the user Lai saprastu vai RSU tulkojumi ir lietotājam saprotami
2 Therapy based tasks 2 Terapijā balstīti uzdevumi 2 Tasks which are intended to be included in the app 2 uzdevumi, kurus paradzēts iekļaut lietotnē
Introduction Iepazīšanās
Questionnaire Aptauja
Next task
Nākamais uzdevums
Recognising emotions Emociju atpazīšana
Next task
Nākamais uzdevums
2 Therapy based tasks
2 Terapijā balstīti uzdevumi
Goodbyes Atvadas
Me / Es
7 Adults (24-58 y) / 7 Pieaugušie (24-58 g)
01 Questionnaire 01 Aptauja
1. Kas besī?
2. Kad besī?
3. Kas palīdz?
4. Kādas lietotnes izmanto ikdienā?
5. Kas attur no palīdzības meklēšnas? (ja tāda vajadzīga)
1. What annoys you? Kas besī? Stupidity & disrespect
Stulbums & necieņa
2. When does it annoy you? Kad besī? - Stressful situations
- Stresa situācijās
- While at work
- Darbā
- While with family
- Esot ar ģimeni
- While on social media
- Sociālajos portālos
3. What helps? Kas palīdz?
- Silence
- Klusums
- Talking to someone
- Aprunāšanās ar kādu
- Not taking everything personally
- Neņemt visu personīgi
4. Which apps do you use daily? Kādas lietotnes izmanto ikdienā?
5. What keeps you back from looking for help? Kas attur no palīdzības meklēšanas? “ I think I’m supposed to deal with my problems on my own ” “ Es domāju, ka man pašam jātiek galā ar savām problēmām ” Observations / Novērojumi Regardless of age, the answers to these questions are more or less the same. Neatkarīgi no vecuma, atbildes uz šiem jautājumiem ir daudz maz vienādas.
02 Recognising emotions 02 Emociju atpazīšana
EMOCIJAS Pēc saviem ieskatiem novieto dotās emociju kārtis pie atbilstošajām kategorijām
+ Uzticīgs
Vainīgs Nedraudzīgs Nokaunējies
Observations / Novērojumi There are 6 base emotions and 36 emotions that follows them. Each of the 6 base emtions has 6 resulting emotions. None of the
participants were able to arrange the emotions accordingly as they were initially intended. This indicates a misunderstanding of what the given words mean.
Dotas 6 pamatemocijas un 36 emocijas, kas attiecīgi izriet tām.
Katrai no 6 pamatemocijām ir piederīgas 6 izrietošās emocijas. Neviens no dalībniekiem nesarindoja emocijas kā tās paradzētas, kas liecina par neizpratni, ko dotie vārdi apzīmē. Solutions / Risinājumi To find more suitable names for the emotions or explain them. Rast emocijām piemērotākus vārdus vai skaidrot tās .
03 Road of acceptence 03 Pieņemšanas ceļš
PIEŅEMŠANAS CEĻŠ Uzzīmē ceļu un papildini to ar visām tām lietām, ko tu nevari nedz mainīt, nedz kontrolēt
Observations / Novērojumi Most participants chose to draw things (which they can neither change nor control) rather than write them down, although this
was not required. One participant did not draw the road because they believed that the given square could be a road and one drew a road at the bottom of the page and wrote their answers at the top. Lielākā daļa dalībnieku izvēlējās tās lietas (ko tie nevar nedz mainīt, nedz kontolēt) zīmēt, nevis pierakstīt, kaut gan tas nebija prasīts. Viens dalībnieks ceļu nezīmēja, jo uzskatīja, ka laukums var būt ceļš un viens ceļu uzzīmēja lapas apakšā un savas atbildes - augšā. Solutions / Risinājumi User should be given clear tools to work with - it is possible to choose a ready-made road and provide textual answers.
Lietotājam būtu jādod skaidri rīki ar ko darboties - iespējams jāizvēlas jau kāds gatavs ceļš un jāsniedz tekstuālas atbildes.
02 Recognising emotions 02 Emociju atpazīšana
VIRS UN ZEM Tās emocijas, ko tu ļauj redzēt citiem novieto virs līnijas, tās, kuras tu no citiem slēp - zem līnijas
Observations / Novērojumi Older adults are not as capable in recognising emotions as emojis. Some of the participants chose to put the emotions on the line instead of above or below it. There is also a difference in the positioning.
Vecākiem pieaugušajiem emociju atpazīšanas pratība emoji
vaidā nav tik attīstīta kā jaunākiem. Daži no dalībniekiem izvēlējās
emocijas novietot uz līnijas tā vietā, lai novietotu tās virs vai zem. Novērojams arī atšķirīgs izkārtojums. Solutions / Risinājumi Teach and/or explain the meaning behind the emojis. Provide an option to arrange emotions as the user prefers.
Mācīt un/vai skaidrot emoji nozīmi. Dot iespēju izkārtot emocijas pēc lietotāja ieskatiem.
Summary / Kopsavilkums Overall the workshop helped to gain an understanding about how well the target audience understands the translations and the tasks provided by RSU. This workshop gave a great example of how the tasks should be incorporated in the app - what works and what we should pay more attention to while developing it. The target audience that has been selected currently has very different levels of abilities and perhaps the target audience needs to be narrowed down. Kopumā darbnīca palīdzēja saprast to cik labi mērķauditorija izprot RSU piedāvāto materiālu un tulkojumus. Šī darbnīca deva lielisku piemēru tam kā uzdevumi būtu jājiekļauj lietotnē - kas strādā un kam būtu jāpievērš lielāka uzmanība to izstrādājot. Šobrīd izvēlētā mērķauditorija ir ļoti plaša ar ļoti dažādiem spēju līmeņiem, iespējams mērķauditorija ir jāsašaurina.
EMORI Džūlija Ekuse
Dizaina nodaļa Funkcionālā dizaina apakšnozare MA 2.kurss Autore: Džūlija Ekuse Sociālā un informācijas dizaina kurss
Sociālais dizains: Barbara Ābele Informācijas dizains: Martin Foessleitner 2021/2022 m.g.
emociju regulācija kā pašpalīdzības rīks ikdienā emotion regulation as a tool of daily self-help
Emociju regulācija tiek definēta kā prasme modulēt emocijas, lai optimāli pielāgotos apkārtējās vides situācijai
Emotion regulation is defined conceptually as the individual’s ability to organize his or her emotional stimulations to achieve a compatible relationship with the environment
Shields & Cicchetti, 1997; Gross & John, 2003
MĒRĶIS / GOAL Izveidot digitālu pašpalīdzības rīku Latvijas iedzīvotājiem emociju regulācijas prasmju uzlabošanai To design a digital self-help tool for Latvian residents improving emotion regulation skills
Darbnīcas mērķi: - satikt mērķauditoriju ar paaugstinātu stresa un spriedzes līmeni darbā, notestējot metodes ar un bez mākslas terapijas elementiem - saprast mērķauditorijas spēju atpazīt, novērtēt un nosaukt vārdā savas emocijas, lai izprastu lietotāja spējas kontrolēt un konfrontēties ar tām - izprast vai un kādi taktīlie rīki spēj palīdzēt labāk attēlot savas emocijas un jūtas, lai lietotnes tālākā izstrādes procesā piedāvātu taktīlu rīku kopumu, kas mijiedarbosies un/vai papildinās digitālo lietotni - identificēt, vai emocijām ir forma, lielums, krāsa un faktūra, lai iegūtu formu un krāsu kopumu, lai to vēlāk varētu pielietot EMORI lietotnes vizuālās identitātes izstrādē
Goal of the workshop: - meet the target audience, who’s daily work is related to high stress - understand target audience’s ability to evaluate, recognize and name their emotions, conceive their ability to control emotions and confront emotions - identify whether and which tactile objects can help to better represent target audience’s emotions and feelings in order to offer a set of tactile tools that will interact and / or complement the digital application in the further development of the app - recognize whether emotions have shape, size, color and texture in order to obtain a set of shapes and colors for later use in the development of the visual identity of the EMORI application
970 miljoniem cilvēku visā pasaulē ir garīgās veselības traucējumi Trauksme ir visizplatītākā garīgā slimība pasaulē, kas skar 284 miljonus cilvēku Depresija skar 264 miljonus cilvēku Alkohola lietošanas traucējumi skar 107 miljonus cilvēku Narkotiku lietošanas traucējumi skar 71 miljonu cilvēku Ēšanas traucējumi skar 16 miljonus cilvēku
970 million people worldwide have a mental health or substance abuse disorder Anxiety affects 284 million people in the world Depression affects 264 million people Alcohol use disorder affects 107 million people Drug use disorder affects 71 million people Eating disorders affect 16 million people
Our World in Data, 2018
Mūsu darbs ir otrs izplatītākais stresa avots. Sešdesmit procenti pieaugušo ziņo, ka jūt, ka viņu darbs ir ļoti nozīmīgs stresa avots, kas mūs ietekmē smagāk nekā citi stresa veidi. Stress darba vietā negatīvi ietekmē arī darbinieku garīgo veselību, palielinot trauksmes, izdegšanas, depresijas un atkarīgu vielu lietošanas risku. Darbinieki, kuri ir pakļauti stresam darbā, biežāk iesaistās neveselīgā uzvedībā.
Our jobs are the second most common source of stress. Sixty percent of adults report feeling that their jobs are very significant sources of stress, affecting us more severely than other forms of stress. Workplace stress also has adverse effects on workers’ mental health, with an increased risk of anxiety, burnout, depression and substance use disorders. Workers who are stressed at work are more likely to engage in unhealthy behaviors.
Tā rezultātā daudzi ugunsdzēsēji apspiež savas jūtas, radot postošas sekas savai garīgajai veselībai. Pētījumi liecina, ka lielam skaitam cilvēku ir bijušas tādas garīgās veselības problēmas kā PTSD, trauksme, depresija un domas par pašnāvību.
As a result, many firefighters have suppressed their feelings, with devastating consequences to their mental health. Research indicates that a large number have experienced mental health issues such as PTSD, anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts.
7 2 6
3 5 4
Funkcionālā dizaina nodaļa, MA 2 studente
Tika satikti 15 Valsts Ugumnsdzēsības un Glābšanas Dienesta darbinieki
Tika sagatavotas 15 kastītes ar 4 uzdevumiem rīka testēšanai
7 jautājumu kārtis un 7 tukšas atbilžu kārtis, lai saprastu lietotāja spēju izprast, definēt un
Functional Design programme MA 2 student
Met 15 workers at State Fire and Rescue Service Republic of Latvia
15 boxes with 4 tasks were designed
aprakstīt savas emocijas 7 cards with questions and 7 answering white cards that will help to gather if target audience can understand, define and name their emotions
Piešķir emocijai formu Divas kārtis, kur uz vienas ir norādītas 8 pamatemocijas (skumjas, bailes, dusmas, prieks, kauns, vaina, riebums, interese) uz otras lūdz izvēlēties 4 emocijas un izmantojot baltu plastilīnu iedot emocijām formu un lielumu Two cards with 8 basic emotions (sadness, fear, anger, joy, shame, guilt, disgust, interest) the other card asks to choose 4 emotions and use white plasticine to give these emotions form and size
Piešķir emocijai krāsu Tiek dota viena kārts ar 8 pamatemocijām (skumjas, bailes, dusmas, prieks, kauns, vaina, riebums, interese) uz otras kārts lūdz izvēlēties 4 emocijas un izmantojot iepriekš sagatavotas 8 krāsainas papīra formas un iedot katrai emocijai krāsu/formu One card is given with 8 basic emotions (sadness, fear, anger, joy, shame, guilt, disgust, interest) and the other card asks to choose 4 emotions and using pre-prepared 8 colored paper forms and give each emotion a color / shape
Attēlo savas dusmas Tiek dota viena kārts ar 8 pamatemocijām (skumjas, bailes, dusmas, prieks, kauns, vaina, riebums, interese) uz otras kārts lūdz izvēlēties 4 emocijas un izmantojot iepriekš sagatavotas 8 krāsainas papīra formas un iedot katrai emocijai krāsu/formu One card is given with 8 basic emotions (sadness, fear, anger, joy, shame, guilt, disgust, interest) and the other card asks to choose 4 emotions and using pre-prepared 8 colored paper forms and give each
Analizēt novadīto darbnīcu un veikt secinājumus Analise workshop’s outcomes
1 uzdevuma fotofiksācija / 1st task’s process photo
2 uzdevuma fotofiksācija / 2nd task’s process photo
3 uzdevuma fotofiksācija / 3rd task’s process photo
4 uzdevuma fotofiksācija / 4th task’s process photo
Formu kategorijas veidojot emocijas plastilīnā / Categories of emotions shaped in plasticine
Līnijas / Lines
Aplis, lode / Circle, sphere
Izmantoja 6 reizes Were used 6 times
Izmantoja 10 reizes Were used 10 times
Trīsstūris / Triangle Izmantoja 4 reizes Were used 4 times
Emoji / Emoji
Četrstūris / Square
Amorfas f. / Amorphous s.
Izmantoja 5 reizes Were used 5 times
Izmantoja 9 reizes Were used 9 times
Izmantoja 10 reizes Were used 10 times
Dzīvnieki / Animals
Cilvēks / Human
Faktūras / Texture
Izmantoja 5 reizes Were used 5 times
Izmantoja 6 reizes Were used 6 times
Izmantoja 6 reizes Were used 6 times
Plakanums / Flatness Izmantoja 7 reizes Were used 7 times
Visvairāk pielietotās krāsas emociju aprakstam / Most used colors for defining emotions
- dusmas - vaina - skumjas (2x) - anger - guilt - sadness (2x)
- kauns - bailes + interese + prieks (4x) - shame - fear + interest + happiness (4x)
- skumjas (3x) - riebums (3x) - kauns (2x) - bailes + interese (2x) + prieks - sadness (3x) - disgust (3x) - shame (2x) - fear + interest (2x) + happiness
- riebums - vaina (3x) + interese (2x) + prieks (2x) ) - disgust - shame (2x) + interest (2x) + happiness (2x)
- dusmas - bailes - riebums + prieks (5x) + interese (2x) - anger - fear - disgust + happiness (5x) + interest (2x)
- dusmas (4x) - riebums + prieks (2x) + interese - anger (4x) - disgust + happiness (2x) + interest
- vaina (3x) - dusmas - bailes (2x) + interese - guilt (3x) - anger - fear (2x) + interest
- bailes - kauns + interese (2x) - fear - shame + interest (2x)
Visvairāk pielietotās formas emociju aprakstam / Most used shapes for defining emotions
- vaina (3x) - dusmas - bailes (3x) + interese - guilt (3x) - anger - fear (3x) + interest
- riebums - vaina (2x) + interese (2x) + prieks (2x) - disgust - guilt (2x) + interest (2x) + happiness (2x)
- dusmas (5x) - riebums + prieks (2x) - anger (5x) - disgust + happiness (2x)
- kauns - bailes + interese + prieks (4x) - shame - fear + interest + happiness (4x)
- bailes - kauns + interese (2x) - fear - shame + interest (2x)
- dusmas - vaina - skumjas - anger - guilt sadness
- bailes - riebums - dusmas + interese (2x) + prieks (5x) - fear - disgust - anger + interest (2x) + happiness (5x)
- skumjas (3x) - riebums (4x) - bailes - kauns + interese (2x) + prieks - sadness (3x) - disgust (4x) - fear - shame + interest (2x) happiness
Psihologs, braucot pie mums, runā pārsvarā par atkarībām. Mūsu tēmas ieteikumi netika ņemti vērā When coming to us, a psychologist mostly talks about addictions. Suggestions on our topic were ignored
Taktīlie uzdevumi atraisa un atslābina, rosinot dziļāku sarunu Tactile tasks loosen and relax, encouraging deeper conversation
Tiek jauktas emocijas ar pašsajūtu Emotions are mixed with feelings
Vairākumam ir grūti aprakstīt savas emocijas Most find it difficult to describe their emotions
Vēlas uzlabot paškontroli pār dusmām, sliktām domām, neuztvert lietas personīgi Want to improve self-control over anger, bad thoughts, do not take things personally
Ikdienā bieži izjūt trauksmi, dusmas, bailes, skumjas Everyday at work often feel anxiety, anger, fear, sadness
Ir grūti kontrolēt emocijas It is hard to control emotions
Kad jutas dusmīgi, izgāž dusmas uz pārējiem, nodarbojas ar hobijiem, fiziskas aktivitātes When feeling angry, pour anger at others, do hobbies, exercise
Kā parādīja dizaina darbnīca, sastopoties ar savu mērķauditoriju - VUGD darbiniekiem, tika konstatēts, ka ir visbiežāk izjūt grūtības aprakstīt savas emocijas, pareizi tās nosaukt vārdā, bet stresa situācijā vairākums cenšas emocijas neturēt sevī, nodarboties ar hobiju, būt klusumā, nodarboties ar fiziskām aktivitātēm, lai balansētu ikdienas satikšanos ar dažādām emocijām. Darbojoties ar taktīliem priekšmetiem mērķauditorija šķita atvērtāka un relaksētāka. Kā var redzēt, krāsa un forma var aprakstīt,attēlot gan negatīvu, gan pozitīvu emociju abos gadījumos. No plastilīna uzdevuma var secināt, ka emocijai nav viena noteikta forma (pozitīva vai negatīva) un tomēr bija novērotas formu un tēlu kategorijas. Šis novērojums palīdzēs turpmākajā projekta pētījumā veidojot gan jaunus dizaina rīkus un metodes, gan Emori digitalās lietotnes identitātes izstrādē.
As the design workshop showed, when encountering its target audience SFRS employees, it was found that it is most often difficult to describe their emotions, to name them correctly, but in a stressful situation most try to keep emotions, engage in hobbies, be quiet, engage in physical activities. to balance daily encounters with different emotions. When working with tactile objects, the target audience seemed more open and relaxed. As can be seen, color and shape can be described, depicting both negative and positive emotions in both cases. From the task of plasticine it can be concluded that emotion does not have one specific form (positive or negative) and yet categories of shapes and images were observed. This observation will help in the further research of the project in the development of both new design tools and methods and the development of the Emori digital application identity. p.s.
Dizaina nodaļa Funkcionālā dizaina apakšnozare MA 2. kurss Autore: Ieva Rosne Sociālā un informācijas dizaina kurss Sociālais dizains: prof. Barbara Ābele Informācijas dizains: Martin Foessleitner 2021/22 m.g.
The brain grows by use Glen Doman
Latvijā ir aptuveni 20000 cilvēki ar garīga rakstura traucējumiem. Daudzi no viņiem ir neverbāli. Tādejādi viņi nevar paust savas vēlmes, vajadzības. Liels laiks tiek patērēts mēģinot uzminēt personas vajadzības, kā arī bieži var rasties pārpratumi un agresija.
There are about 20,000 people with mental disabilities in Latvia. Many of them are non-verbal. Thus, they cannot express their desires, needs, pain and feelings. A lot of time is spent trying to guess what are the person’s needs. This can often lead to misunderstandings and aggression.
Kristers, 22
Latvijā ir aptuveni 20000 cilvēki ar garīga rakstura traucējumiem. Daudzi no viņiem ir neverbāli. Tādejādi viņi nevar paust savas vēlmes, vajadzības. Liels laiks tiek patērēts mēģinot uzminēt personas vajadzības, kā arī bieži var rasties pārpratumi un agresija.
There are about 20,000 people with mental disabilities in Latvia. Many of them are non-verbal. Thus, they cannot express their desires, needs, pain and feelings. A lot of time is spent trying to guess what are the person’s needs. This can often lead to misunderstandings and aggression.
Kristers, 22
Mērķis ir izstrādāt rīku, kas atvieglotu komunikāciju starp cilvēku ar GRT un viņa atbalsta personu.
The aim is to develop a tool to improve and facilate communication between the person with mental dissabilities and his / her support person.
Intervijas Alternatīvā komunikācija Darbības principu izstrāde Prototipēšana Testēšana
Mērķis ir izstrādāt rīku, kas atvieglotu komunikāciju starp cilvēku ar GRT un viņa atbalsta personu.
The aim is to develop a tool to improve and facilate communication between the person with mental dissabilities and his / her support person.
Intervijas Alternatīvā komunikācija Darbības principu izstrāde Prototipēšana Testēšana
Intervijas Alternatīvā komunikācija Darbības principu izstrāde Prototipēšana Testēšana
Uzsākot darbu, izmantojot dažādas dizaina pētniecības metodes, tika veikta izpēte. Tās laikā tika veiktas intervijas, apzinātas dažādas alternatīvās komunikācijas metodes. Tika veikta darbības principu izstrāde, prototipēšana un testēšana.
At the beginning, the research was carried out using various design research methods. During it, interviews were conducted, various alternative communication methods were identified. Operating principles were developed, prototyped and tested.
Intervijas Alternatīvā komunikācija Darbības principu izstrāde Prototipēšana Testēšana
Uzsākot darbu, izmantojot dažādas dizaina pētniecības metodes, tika veikta izpēte. Tās laikā tika veiktas intervijas, apzinātas dažādas alternatīvās komunikācijas metodes. Tika veikta darbības principu izstrāde, prototipēšana un testēšana.
At the beginning, the research was carried out using various design research methods. During it, interviews were conducted, various alternative communication methods were identified. Operating principles were developed, prototyped and tested.
Darbības posmi
Sections of activities
Tiek rādīti un nosaukti komunikācijai nepieciešamie vārdi.
The words needed for communication are displayed and named.
Process tiek atkārtots ar noteiktu intesitāti un regularitāti.
The process is repeated with a certain intensity and regularity.
Negarlaikot un mainīt kartiņas pietiekami bieži.
Don’t bore and change cards often enough.
Cilvēks iemācās atpazīt vārdus, māk uz tiem norādīt.
A person learns to recognize words, can point to them.
Darbības posmi
Sections of activities
Tiek rādīti un nosaukti komunikācijai nepieciešamie vārdi.
The words needed for communication are displayed and named.
Process tiek atkārtots ar noteiktu intesitāti un regularitāti.
The process is repeated with a certain intensity and regularity.
Negarlaikot un mainīt kartiņas pietiekami bieži.
Don’t bore and change cards often enough.
Cilvēks iemācās atpazīt vārdus, māk uz tiem norādīt.
A person learns to recognize words, can point to them.
Inese Apraksts
Mamma meitai Madarai (31), kurai ir smagi GRT. Abas dzīvo divatā.
Mom to daughter Madara (31), who has a severe mental dissabilities. Both live together.
Tā kā Madara ar ārpasauli nekomunicē nekādā veidā, Inesei ir grūti saprast ko Madara vēlas un kas viņai būtu vajadzīgs.
Since Madara does not communicate with the outside world in any way, it is difficult for Inese to understand what Madara wants and what she needs.
Attieksme un uzskati
Pirmās intervijas laikā Inese izsaka prieku par to, ka šāda komunikācijas rīka izveide iecerēta. Domā, ka tas būtu noderīgi. Tomēr pauž neticību, ka no meitas varētu sagaidīt atgriezenisko saiti.
Attitudes and beliefs
During the first interview, Inese is pleased that such a communication tool is planned. She thinks that would be useful. However, she distrusts that her daughter could be expected to provide feedback.
Inese Apraksts
Mamma meitai Madarai (31), kurai ir smagi GRT. Abas dzīvo divatā.
Mom to daughter Madara (31), who has a severe mental dissabilities. Both live together.
Tā kā Madara ar ārpasauli nekomunicē nekādā veidā, Inesei ir grūti saprast ko Madara vēlas un kas viņai būtu vajadzīgs.
Since Madara does not communicate with the outside world in any way, it is difficult for Inese to understand what Madara wants and what she needs.
Attieksme un uzskati
Pirmās intervijas laikā Inese izsaka prieku par to, ka šāda komunikācijas rīka izveide iecerēta. Domā, ka tas būtu noderīgi. Tomēr pauž neticību, ka no meitas varētu sagaidīt atgriezenisko saiti.
Attitudes and beliefs
During the first interview, Inese is pleased that such a communication tool is planned. She thinks that would be useful. However, she distrusts that her daughter could be expected to provide feedback.
Madara Apraksts
Madarai ir 31 gadu jauna sieviete, viņai ir smagi garīga rakstura traucējumi. Madara dzīvo kopā ar mammu Inesi, viņai vajadzīga nepārtraukta uzraudzība.
Madara is a 31-year-old woman with severe mental disorders. Madara lives with her mother Inese, she needs constant supervision.
Komunikācijas iemaņas
Madara nerunā tikpat kā nemaz. Viņas vārdu krājumā ir daži vārdi, kurus viņa atkārto, bet tie nav kontekstā ar to ko viņas vēlmēm vai vajadzībām.
Madara doesn’t speak much at all. Her vocabulary contains some words that she repeats, but they are not in context with what her desires or needs are.
Mērķi un motivācija
Atvieglot Madarai komunikāciju ar mammu, dot iespēju viņai paust savas vēlmes un vajadzības.
Goals and motivation
Facilitate Madara’s communication with her mother, give her the opportunity to express her wishes and needs.
Madara Apraksts
Madarai ir 31 gadu jauna sieviete, viņai ir smagi garīga rakstura traucējumi. Madara dzīvo kopā ar mammu Inesi, viņai vajadzīga nepārtraukta uzraudzība.
Madara is a 31-year-old woman with severe mental disorders. Madara lives with her mother Inese, she needs constant supervision.
Komunikācijas iemaņas
Madara nerunā tikpat kā nemaz. Viņas vārdu krājumā ir daži vārdi, kurus viņa atkārto, bet tie nav kontekstā ar to ko viņas vēlmēm vai vajadzībām.
Madara doesn’t speak much at all. Her vocabulary contains some words that she repeats, but they are not in context with what her desires or needs are.
Mērķi un motivācija
Atvieglot Madarai komunikāciju ar mammu, dot iespēju viņai paust savas vēlmes un vajadzības.
Goals and motivation
Facilitate Madara’s communication with her mother, give her the opportunity to express her wishes and needs.
Darbnīcas / Workshops Mēneša garumā notika trīs darbnīcas To laikā Madarai tika parādīti un nosaukti vārdi no 5 kartīšu komplektiem Katrā komplektā bija 5 kartītes Komplekta rādīšanas ilgums bija 5 sekundes Darbnīcu laikā tika izmantoti arī vairāki dažādas sarežģītības komunikācijas kartīšu komplekti, kā arī instrukcja Madaras mammai Inesei darba turpināšanai mājās.
Three workshops took place during one month During that time names from 5 sets of cards were shown and reed to Madara Each set contained 5 cards The duration of one set was 5 seconds During the workshops, several sets of communication cards of different complexity were used, as well as an instruction for Madara’s mother Inese to continue working at home.
Kartīšu autore Ieva Rosne
Darbnīcas / Workshops Mēneša garumā notika trīs darbnīcas To laikā Madarai tika parādīti un nosaukti vārdi no 5 kartīšu komplektiem Katrā komplektā bija 5 kartītes Komplekta rādīšanas ilgums bija 5 sekundes Darbnīcu laikā tika izmantoti arī vairāki dažādas sarežģītības komunikācijas kartīšu komplekti, kā arī instrukcja Madaras mammai Inesei darba turpināšanai mājās.
Three workshops took place during one month During that time names from 5 sets of cards were shown and reed to Madara Each set contained 5 cards The duration of one set was 5 seconds During the workshops, several sets of communication cards of different complexity were used, as well as an instruction for Madara’s mother Inese to continue working at home.
Kartīšu autore Ieva Rosne
Dažas dienas pēc pēdējās darbnīcas, no Ineses tika saņemta ziņa par to, ka Madara izrunā un atpazīst dažus no darbnīcās izmantotiem vārdiem.
A few days after the last workshop, the meesage was received from Inese that Madara pronounced and recognized some of the words used in the workshops.
Brīnumi tomēr notiek! ATPAZĪST
Dažas dienas pēc pēdējās darbnīcas, no Ineses tika saņemta ziņa par to, ka Madara izrunā un atpazīst dažus no darbnīcās izmantotiem vārdiem.
A few days after the last workshop, the meesage was received from Inese that Madara pronounced and recognized some of the words used in the workshops.
Brīnumi tomēr notiek! ATPAZĪST
Komunikācija / Communication Komunikācijas rīks, kas sastāv no trīs daļām: Vārdu komplekts ar vārdiem par komunikāciju, sajūtām, izziņu. Dažādas sarežģītības pakāpes komunikācijas komplekts. Instrukcija komplekta lietošanai.
A communication tool consisting of three parts: A set of words about communication, feelings, cognition. Communication set. Instructions for using the kit.
Komunikācija / Communication Komunikācijas rīks, kas sastāv no trīs daļām: Vārdu komplekts ar vārdiem par komunikāciju, sajūtām, izziņu. Dažādas sarežģītības pakāpes komunikācijas komplekts. Instrukcija komplekta lietošanai.
A communication tool consisting of three parts: A set of words about communication, feelings, cognition. Communication set. Instructions for using the kit.
Dizaina nodaļa Funkcionālā dizaina apakšnozare MA 2. kurss
Autore: Lauma Reitere
Sociālā un Informācijas dizaina kurss Sociālais dizains: prof. Barbara Ābele Informācijas dizains: Martin Foessleitner Sadarbībā ar Pusaudžu resursu centru 2021/22 m.g.
Pozitīvās paš-sarunas mācību rīks Positive Self-talk Learning Tool
Ievads Preface
Pašapziņa Veselīgs pašnovērtējums darbojas kā vairogs (buferis) pret garīgās veselības draudiem - bailēm un vientulību, tādējādi kavējot trauksmi un depresijas simptomus. Viena no pašapziņas celšanas metodēm ir iemācīties atpazīt negatīvas domas un prast pieņemt sevi. Izmantojot mākslas terapijas metodes pašapziņas celšanai, tika radīti mācību rīki pozitīvās paš-sarunas apgūšanai pusaudžiem.
Self-esteem Healthy self-esteem acts as a shield (buffer) against mental health threats - fear and loneliness, thus preventing anxiety and depressive symptoms. One of the methods of raising self-confidence is to learn to recognize negative thoughts and to be able to accept oneself. Using art therapy methods to raise self-esteem, were created teaching tools for teens to learn positive self-talk. S. Buchalter, “Raising Self-Esteem in Adults: An Eclectic Approach with Art Therapy,” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7683508
Emocionālas Kļūdainas Prasmes Nepatiesas
Domas Thoghts
Mistaken Skills False
Pašapziņas nofokusēšana Ieguvumi pēc tikšanās Ja mums ir veselīgs pašvērtējums mēs pieņemam savu izskatu. Ja mums ir zems pašvērtējums mēs nepieņemam savu izskatu. Zema pašapziņas rezultātā ir negatīvas domas par sevi. Pozitīvajai un negatīvajai pašrunai ir nepieciešama izglītojoša daļa.
Focusing on self-esteem Benefits from meeting If we have a healthy self-esteem we accept our appearance. If we have low self-esteem we do not accept our appearance. Low self-esteem results in negative thoughts about yourself. Positive and negative self-talk needs an educational part.
Kritiskos brīžos spēju izdarīt secinājumus un sev palīdzēt tikt galā ar konkrēto problēmu. At critical moments, I can draw conclusions and help myself to cope with a particular problem.
Man ir ļoti grūti sevi motivēt. Bet man ļoti patīk zīmēt un gleznot visu ko. It is very difficult for me to motivate myself. But I really like to draw and paint everything.
Mērķauditorija Pusaudzis 12 - 17. gadi
Target audience Teenager 12-17 years
Darbnīca Workshop
Negatīvā, pozitīvā Paš-saruna Nepieciešams Katram dalībniekam dators. Pozitīva gaisotne, lai atraisītos. Mērķis: Noskaidrot, kādas ir pusaudžu negatīvās domas un izprast, cik viegli viņi prot saskatīt pozitīvo. Iegūt pusaudžu viedokli par pozitīvās paš-sarunas rīku.
Negative, Positive Self-talk Required Computer for each participant. Positive atmosphere to unwind. The aim: Find out what are the negative thoughts of teenagers and understand how easily they can see the positive. Get teen views about positive self-talk tool.
Manas kājas
Tavas garās skropastas
Tavs deguns
Negatīvās domas Pozitīvās domas Uzdevums Dalībnieki uzraksta, negatīvo domu. Samainās ar kartiņām. Aizpilda otru pusi ar pozitīvām domām. Pie sevis piedomā: “Kā es atbildētu ja tā par sevi domātu mana labākā draudzene?” Mērķis Noskaidrot uz ko ir vērstas pusaudžu negatīvās domas. Cik viegli un ātri viņi pārvērš negatīvo domu pozitīvajā ja saruna ir ar labāko draugu.
Negative thoughts Positive thoughts Task Participants write down negative thoughts. Swap cards. Fills the other side with positive thoughts. Thinking to yourself: "How would I respond if my best friend thought that of herself?" The aim Find out what negative teenagers thoughts are about. How easily and quickly they turn a negative thought into a positive one if talking to a best friend.
Ka es ātri sadusmojos
Ka esmu patiesa pret sevi
Ka kritiskos brīžos spēju sev palīdzēt tikt galā ar problēmu.
Negatīvās domas Pozitīvās domas Uzdevums Dalībnieki atkārtoti uzraksta negatīvo domu. Vairs nesamainās ar kartiņām. Aizpildot otru pusi ar pozitīvām domām, pie sevis piedomājot: “Ko es labu tagat teiktu pas sevi?” Mērķis Analizēt kāda ir pusaudžu paš-saruna, runājot ar sevi kā ar savu labāko draugu.
Negative thoughts Positive thoughts Task Participants write down the negative thought again. No more exchanging cards. Filling the other side with positive thoughts, thinking to yourself: "What good would I say to myself now?" The aim Analyze adolescent self-talk while they talking to self as with the best friend.
Negatīvo domu kolāža Uzdevums Dalībnieki veido negatīvo domu sajūtu kolāžu. Iekriekš pierakstītās negatīvās domas pārvērš vizuālā kolāžā. Mērķis Iegūt negatīvo domu sajūtu kolāžu un saprast, kā iegūtā kolāža ietekmē viņu noskaņojumu.
Negative thought collage Task Participants form a collage of negative thoughts. Previously recorded negative thoughts turn into a visual collage. The aim Get a collage of negative thoughts and understand how the resulting collage affects their mood.
Pozitīvo domu kolāža Uzdevums Dalībnieki veido pozitīvo domu sajūtu kolāžu. Iekriekš pierakstītās pozitīvās domas pārvērš vizuālā kolāžā. Mērķis Iegūt pozitīvo domu sajūtu kolāžu un saprast, kā iegūtā kolāža ietekmē viņu noskaņojumu.
Positive thought collage Task Participants form a collage of positive thoughts. Previously recorded positive thoughts turn into a visual collage. The aim Get a collage of positive thoughts and understand how the resulting collage affects their mood.
Risinājums Solution
negatīvo domu transformēšnai pozitīvajās
negative thoughts transformation into positive
Pozitīvo domu kolāžas veidošanai
To create a collage of Positive thoughts
M O D U L I S “D I Z A I N S S A B I E D R Ī B A I” S O C I Ā L A I S D I Z A I N S + I N F O R M ĀC I J A S D I Z A I N S F U N KC I O N Ā L Ā D I Z A I N A N O DA Ļ A , M A 2 .KU R S S AU TO R E : L Ī G A R Ī G A PA S N I E DZ Ē J I: P R O F. B A R B A R A Ā B E L E & M A R T I N F O E S S L E I T N E R S A DA R B Ī B Ā A R R Ī G A S J U G L A S V I D U S S KO LU
2 02 1
- palīgrīks skolotājiem skolēnu iekārdināšanai rakstīt ar roku - a tool for teachers to entice students to write by hand -
“After age 11, you can learn things – but you have to really want to, you have to be motivated, you have to practise. The ideal position is if you learn in early childhood and then you have a skill for life.”* - Angela Webb -
/ clinical psychologist and the chair of the National Handwriting Association /
*Lai iemācītos lietas pēc 11 gadu vecuma - ir vajadzīgs liels gribasspēks, motivācija, treniņi. Vislabāk ir mācīties jau agrā bērnībā, lai iegūtu prasmes visai turpmākajai dzīvei! https://www.theguardian.com/education/shortcuts/2018/feb/26/how-hard-is-it-to-learn-to-write-by-hand-as-an-adult
Mūsdienās cilvēki vairs neattīsta savu rakstītprasmi, arvien mazāk savu rokrakstu izmanto ikdienas vajadzībām un nesaskata rakstīšanā nekādu vērtību. Būtiski ir ieinteresēt skolēnus rakstīt ar roku jau agrā vecumā, veicināt rakstītprasmes pielietošanu ikdienā, un izkopt savu rokrakstu, lai digitālajā laimetā nepazaudētu autentiskās vertības, jo datorraksts diemžēl ir samazinājis rokraksta vērtību. Skolēnos ir jārosina interese par rakstīšanu caur radošumu, eksperimentiem, dažādām metodēm, lai nostiprinātu rokraksta izmantošanu ikdienā. Un jo vairāk praktizē - jo skaistāks rokraksts top!
It is important to encourage students to write by hand from an early age, to promote the use of writing skills in everyday life and to develop their handwriting, so that in the digitized age we do not lose authentic values, because typing has unfortunately reduced the value of handwriting. Pupils need to be encouraged to write through creativity, experiments and different methods to strengthen their daily use of handwriting. And the more you practice - the more beautiful the handwriting becomes!
nepareizi iemācīta rakstība nepareiza pildspalvas turēšana
incorrectly taught incorrect pen holding
rakstītprasmes prakses trūkums
lack of practice
pārāk ātra rakstība
writing too fast the impact of technology
tehnoloģiju ietekme
Raksti ar roku!
smadzeņu darbību
brain function
sniegumu visos akadēmiskajos priekšmetos
performance in all academic subjects
lasīšanu, valodas rakstīšanu un kritisko domāšanu
reading, language writing and critical thinking
kognitīvos procesus (uzmanības noturība, atmiņa, loģika, saistīta runa, valoda, pacietība)
cognitive processes (attention, memory, logic, related speech, language, patience)
Z un Alpha paaudzes jaunieši, kuri vēl tikai apgūst burtus, kā arī izkopj pareizu un glītu rakstīšanu / meklē savu rokrakstu Young people of the Z and Alpha generations, who are still learning the letters, as well as cultivating correct writing / looking for their own handwriting style
skolēni jau raksta patstāvīgi Latvijas izglītības standartā ir ietverta norma un paraugi glītiem rakstu darbiem obligātās glītrakstu nodarbības mūsdienās nav, tāpēc ir jāmotivē skolēnus rakstīt glīti pupils already write independently the Latvian education standard includes a norm and samples of penmanship there are no compulsory calligraphy classes today, so pupils need to be motivated to write neatly
Mērķgrupas rokraksta un rakstītprasmes izpēte Target group handwriting and writing skills research
INTERVIJU REZULTĀTI / RESULTS OF INTERVIEWS Mērķauditorijas izpētē caur intervijām izskanēja dažādi viedokļi par to, kas ir rokraksts un ko rakstīšana ar roku ietekmē.
paraksts signature
In the target audience research, different opinions were expressed through interviews about what handwriting is and what writing with hand influences.
skola school
PILDSPALVA & PAPĪRS & TINTE pen & paper & ink
pieskāriens papīram a touch of paper
daudz rakstīt write a lot
pašizpausme self-expression
IDENTITĀTE & PERSONĪBA identity & personality
ķeburi / dakteri bad handwriting / doctors
RAKSTURA ĪPAŠĪBAS characteristics
plakāti protestos posters in protests
vēstules / kartītes letters / cards
burtu izskats
the appearance of the letters
pacietība patience
stils style
sajūta feeling
MĀKSLA / KALIGRĀFIJA art / calligraphy
retums / liela vērtība
plānotājs planner
rarity / great value
cilvēka atstātās pēdas human footprints
domas / idejas / skices thoughts / ideas / sketches
sīkās muskulatūras treniņš fine motor skills
apzināta klātesamība deliberate presence
ātrāka rakstība nekā datorā faster writing than a computer
autentiskums / personiskāka sajūta authenticity / more personal feeling
uzrakstītais neizgaist what is written does not disappear
atmiņas uzlabošana memory improvement
uzmanības noturība persistence of attention
koncentrēšanās un pacietības uzlabošanās
spēja radoši izpausties
improving concentration and patience
creative expression
emociju atklāšana / rūpes reveal emotions and care
smadzeņu darbības aktivizēšanās brain activation
nomierinošs efekts kā sava veida meditācija calming effect as a kind of meditation
strukturētas informācijas veidošana creation of structured information
emociju izlikšana / domu brīvība evoke emotion / freedom of thought
1,5 h
Skolotājs iepazīstina skolēnus ar rakstītprasmes ietekmi un nozīmi ikdienā.
The teacher introduces pupils to the impact and importance of handwriting.
Uz PostIt lapiņām skolēniem jāuzraksta teikums, vai viņiem PATĪK / NEPATĪK rakstīt ar roku. To viņi pielīmē pie sienas, atkarībā no intensitātes (augstāk - ļoti patīk rakstīt, zemāk - nepatīk rakstīt).
Pupils should write a sentence on sticky notes if they LIKE / DISLIKE to write by hand. They stick it to the wall, depending on the intensity (above - I really like to write, below - I don't like to write).
Jautājums diskusijai kur Tu izmanto savu rokrakstu? Skolēni sauc dažādas lietas, kuras skolotājs apkopo uz tāfeles.
Question for discussion where do you use your handwriting? Pupils name different things which the teacher summarizes on the board.
Skolēni veic 3 dažādus uzdevumus, ar kuriem iepazīst, ka rakstīšana ir interesanta un vajadzīga arī savstarpējā komunikācijā!
Students perform 3 different tasks to get to know that handwriting is interesting and necessary for mutual communication!
Pēc visiem uzdevumiem skolēniem vēlreiz jāpaskatās uz PATĪK / NEPATĪK sienu un jāapdomā - vai arī tagad viņi var teikt tāpat, vai tomēr grib mainīt savu viedokli.
5 After all the tasks, the pupils have to look at the LIKE / DISLIKE wall again and think about whether they can say the same now or if they want to change their minds.
MĒRĶIS: Parādīt, ka rakstīšana ir radošs process, ne tikai ar pildspalvu, bet jebkurā vietā un laikā - kaut vai jūras smiltīs vai ar izkausētu šokolādi uz kūkas. NEPIECIEŠAMS: eļļa, balta lapa, vates kociņš vai ota, lukturītis UZDEVUMS: 1. uz lapas uzrakstīt un izdaiļot savu vārdu ar eļļā iemērktu vates kociņu 2. lapu pagriezt pret gaismu, paskatīties kā eļļa reaģē gaismas avota ietekmē
GOAL: To show that handwriting is a creative process, not only with a pen, but anywhere and anytime - even in sea sand or with melted chocolate on a cake. REQUIRED: oil, white page, cotton swab or paint brush, flashlight TASK: 1. Write and decorate your name on the page with a cotton swab dipped in oil. 2. Turn page against the light, look around how the oil reacts to the light source
MĒRĶIS: Skolēniem ir jāraksta tā, lai otrs varētu izlasīt un saprast saturu. Caur eksperimentiem rakstīšanā ar roku, ir iespēja ieinteresēt par rakstīšanas procesu un veidot sadarbību starp skolēniem. NEPIECIEŠAMS: piens, vates kociņš vai ota, papīrs, svece vai lampa, vai gludeklis UZDEVUMS: 1. uzrakstīt slepenu novēlējumu kādam klasesbiedram ar pienā iemērktu vates kociņu 2. skolēni samainās ar lapām 3. klases priekšā skolotājs parāda ar svecīti, kā slepeno ziņojumu atkodēt, lai mājās vecāku uzraudzībā - viņi paši var mēģināt izlasīt šos novēlējumus
GOAL: Pupils should write so that the other can read and understand the content. Through experiments in handwriting, there is an opportunity to take an interest in the writing process and build collaboration among students. REQUIRED: milk, cotton swab or paint brush, paper, candle or lamp, or iron TASK: 1. to write a secret wish to a classmate with a cotton swab dipped in milk 2. students exchange pages 3. in front of the class, the teacher shows with a candle how to decrypt a secret message so that at home - under parental supervision - they can try to read these wishes themselves
MĒRĶIS: Uzlabot rakstu darbu kultūru, līdz ar to samazināt gramatisko kļūdu skaitu, kā arī iemācīties rakstīt bez svītrojumiem un ķēpājumiem. Iedvesmot skolēnus ar veiksmīgiem kartīšu piemēriem un parādīt, ka ar roku rakstīts teksts ir vērtība mūsdienās, tādēļ ir jātrenējas, lai veidotos glīts rokraksts un nebūtu kļūdu. Caur kartīšu un vēstuļu kultūru var veidot atgriezenisko saiti, tādējādi veicinot rokraksta izmantošanu arī ikdienā! NEPIECIEŠAMS: dažādas kartītes iedvesmai, sagrieztas lapas kartīšu formātā, dažādi rakstāmie piederumi UZDEVUMS: 1. radīt apsveikuma kartīti vai uzrakstīt vēstuli kādam sev mīļam cilvēkam 2. uzdāvināt to izvēlētajam cilvēkam un gaidīt atbildi
GOAL: To improve the culture of writing, thus reducing the number of grammatical mistakes To inspire students with successful examples of greeting cards and to show that handwriting is a value nowadays, so you need to train to create a nice handwriting. You can create contact through the culture of cards and letters, thus promoting the use of handwriting in everyday life as well! REQUIRED: various cards for inspiration, cut pages in card format, various writing accessories TASK: 1. create a greeting card or write a letter to someone you love 2. give it to the chosen person and wait for a response
Šāda darbnīca aicina skolēnus izvērtēt savu rokrakstu un pārdomāt iespējas savas rakstītprasmes uzlabošanai, kā arī pavadīt kvalitatīvu laiku kopā ar saviem klasesbiedriem un skolotājiem. This workshop invites pupils to evaluate their handwriting and think about ways to improve their writing skills, as well as to spend quality time with their classmates and teachers.
Ja ir sagatavoti materiāli un skolēniem parāda priekšā viņiem patīk darboties un rakstīt ar roku! If the materials are prepared and the pupils are shown in front of them they like to work and write by hand!
3.klasē skolēniem vēl patīk rakstīt ar roku - ir jāmeklē vecuma posms, kad viņiem vairs nepatīk rakstīt! In the 3rd grade, pupils still like to write by hand, but teachers need to look for the age when pupils no longer like to write!
Saspringtajā mācību procesā pedagogiem nav laika un iespēju, izsekot līdzi visu skolēnu rakstītprasmes attīstībai. Lielā mērā tā ir vecāku un vecvecāku ATBILDĪBA. In the tense learning process, teachers do not have the time and opportunity to keep track of the development of all pupils' writing skills. This is the responsibility of parents and grandparents.
neviens ar skaistu rokrakstu nav piedzimis tas ir ilgstošs darbs uz papīra, treniņš ar pildspalvu, kuru vari attīstīt tikai Tu pats! *
* no one is born with a beautiful handwriting it 's a long job on paper, a workout with a pen that you can only develop on your own!
Dizaina nodaļa Funkcionālā dizaina apakšnozare MA / 2.kurss Autore – Helēna Vernere Sadarbības partneri – JVĢ Sociālais dizains – prof. Barbara Ābele Informācijas dizains – Martin Foeslaitner Rīga / 2021
9:41 AM
DIGITĀLA TERMINU VĀRDNĪCA Mobilā lietotne, kas skolēniem skaidro un palīdz jēgpilni izprast terminu teorētisko un praktisko nozīmi, mazinot neizpratni jaunas mācību vielas apguvē. Mācību saturs organizēts septiņās cilvēka dzīves darbībai nozīmīgās jomās!
DIGITAL DICTIONARY OF TERMS A mobile app that explains and helps students meaningfully understand the theoretical and practical meaning of terms, reducing confusion in learning process The curriculum is organized into seven key areas of human life!
MĒRĶAUDITORIJA Veiksmīgas sadarbības rezultātā ar Jurmalas valsts ģimnāzijas vadību, kopā izvirzījām un sašaurinājām mērķauditoriju līdz konkrētām (9a, 9b, 9c) klasēm.
TARGET AUDIENCE As a result of successful cooperation with the management of Jurmala State Gymnasium, together we set and narrowed the target audience to specific (9a, 9b, 9c) classes.
TERMINU DARBNĪCA Identificēt trūkumus esošajās vārdnīcās un meklētājprogrammās, kuras skolēni aktīvi izmanto mācību procesā. Ar mērķi aktualizēt un konstatēt esošās nepilnības, radot idejas un priekšlikumus – lietderīgas, jēgpilnas un kvalitatīvas mobilās aplikācijas izveidei.
DIGITAL DICTIONARY OF TERMS Identify gaps in existing dictionaries and search engines that students actively use in the learning process. With the aim of updating and identifying the existing problems, creating ideas and proposals for the development of a useful, meaningful and high–quality mobile application.
Izmantojot viedierīces, atrast norādītajā vietnē terminu. Izprast lietotnes lietojamību un patērēto laiku meklējot. MINIMĀLAIS LAIKS – 00:00:20 MAKSIMĀLAIS LAIKS – vairāk kā 00:05:00
Using smart devices, find the term on the site. Understand the usability of the site and the time spent searching. MINIMUM TIME – 00:00:20 MAXIMUM TIME – more than 00:05:00
Izmantojot visas “neatļautās” metodes, atrast to pašu terminu vietnēs, kur parasti meklē atbildes uz jautājumiem. MINIMĀLAIS LAIKS – 00:00:03 MAKSIMĀLAIS LAIKS – 00:01:53
Using all "unauthorized" methods, find the same term on sites where usually look for answers to questions. MINIMUM TIME – 00:00:03 MAXIMUM TIME – 00:01:53
Atrast norādes savai grupai, kas atrodama uz popkorna tūtas iepakojuma apakšas. Sadalīties grupās un kopā atrast labāko veido, kā klasesbiedriem izskaidrot terminu viegli saprotamā valodā: stāstot, zīmējot, dziedot, lasot, utt.
Find the instructions for the group on the bottom of the popcorn package. Divide into groups and find the best way how together explain to the classmates the term in easy–to–understand language: storytelling, drawing, singing, reading, etc.
Kuros mācību priekšmetos skolēni jūt vislielāko nepieciešamību pēc jēgpilniem terminu skaidrojumiem? Būtiski iezīmējās 2 prioritārie mācību priekšmeti: VĒSTURE UN FIZIKA
In which subjects do students feel the need for meaningful explanations of terms? 2 priority subjects were significantly marked: HISTORY AND PHYSICS
LAIKAM IR NOZĪME Identificējot būtiskākos trūkumus esošajās meklētājprogrammās, secinājām, ka liela nozīme ir patērētajam laikam meklējot atbildes uz jautājumiem. Ne vienmēr atrastās atbildes ir skolēniem saprotamas, iezīmējot problēmas aktualitāti un nepieciešamību pēc jēgpilna rīka, kas ne tikai paskaidro teorētiski, bet palīdz izprast terminus caur praktiskiem piemēriem.
TIME MATTERS Identifying the most significant problems of existing search engines, we concluded that the time spent searching for answers to questions is more than important. The answers found are not always understandable to students, highlighting the urgency of the problem and the need for a meaningful tool that not only explains the theory, but helps to understand the terms through practical examples.
For a successful presentation of the model, students must first be introduced to the concept of social entrepreneurship, supplemented by the specifics of local legislation. It is certainly worth supplementing the concept of the Social Economy discussed at EU level and reference should be made to the prospective revision of the concept of "enterprise", as this points to the application of a prospective model in the context of students' professional careers. It is valuable to provide an overview of how different players and organizations can (better) contribute to the social aims and societal challenges. Students are well aware of the importance of 3 dimensions in the development of a modern business model - elements of economic sustainability, social impact and sustainable use of resources. The lecturer visually displayed it with color codes (economy - red, social - yellow, environment - green) Insight into the diversity of social entrepreneurship business models allowed students to more quickly define the economic elements of their project - the solution, benefits, customers and users, which were then used in the concept model. Although the social aspects were understandable to the students, some aspects posed a challenge, where the possible lack of experience in measuring social impact was an obstacle to fully formulating the answers in all social aspects. For almost all students, the biggest challenge was the formulation of the environmental impact, because (probably due to the specifics of the ideas) the information was repeated. The second challenge is to formulate the environmental value for customers or other groups involved. Some examples would probably be valuable here. In general, the students evaluated the model positively and its regular practice can contribute to the strengthening of understanding and also to the practical application of the model in the course of further professional activity.
Modeļa sekmīgam izklāstam sākumā studenti jāiepazīstina ar sociālās uzņēmējdarbības konceptu, papildinot ar vietējās likumdošanas īpatnībām. Noteikti vērts papildināt ar ES līmenī apspriesto Sociālās ekonomikas jēdzienu un jānorāda uz perspektīvo jēdziena "enterprise" pārskatīšanu, jo tas norāda uz perspektīvu modeļa pielietojumu studentu profesionālās karjertas attīstības kontekstā. Ir vērtīgi sniegt pārskatu par to, kā dažādi dalībnieki un organizācijas var (labāk) dot ieguldījumu sociālo mērķu un sabiedrības izaicinājumu sasniegšanā. Studenti labi uztvērta 3 dimensiju nozīmi mūsdienu garam atbilstoša uzņēmējdarbības modeļa veidošanā - ekonomiskās ilgtspējas elementus, sociālo ietekmi un ilgtspējīgu resursu pielietojumu. Pārskatāmīgai to vizuāli attēloju ar krāsu kodiem (ekonomika - sarkans, sociālais - dzeltens, vide - zaļš). Ieskats sociālās uzņēmējdarbības biznesa modeļu dažādībā ļāva studentiem operatīvāk definēt sava projekta ekonomiskos elementus - risinājumu, ieguvumus, klientus un lietotājus, kas tālāk tika izmantoti koncepta modelī. Lai arī sociālie aspekti studentiem bija saprotami, izaicinājumu sagādāja atsevišķi aspekti, kur, iespējams, nepietiekamā pieredze sociālās ietekmes izmērīšanā bija šķērslis, lai līdz galam formulētu atbildes visos sociālajos aspektos. Gandrīz visiem studentiem lielākais izaicinājums bija ietekmes uz vidi formulējums, jo (iespējams, dēļ ideju specifikas), informācija atkārtojās. Otrs izaicinājums - vides vērtības formulējums klientiem vai citām iesaistītām grupām. Šeit, iespējams, vērtīgi būtu atsevišķi piemēri. Kopumā studenti modeli novērtēja pozitīvi un tā regulāra praktizēšana var sekmēt izpratnes stiprināšanu un arī modeļa praktisku pielietojumu turpmākās profesionālās darbības gaitās.
Social Business Model Name, surname: Sintija Mieze Challenge that exists: Impact of the pandemic on school operations → Exploiting the potential of outdoor spaces in the learning process Solution (in brief): Outdoor teaching methodology + tools / aids for implementing the methodology
1.A What is the value for the customer? What 2.A What social or societal value is created? problem does the product/service solve? involvement of various members of society; Personal growth of teachers; joint activities of different age groups; Positioning of schools (public image); opportunity for parents to work with children; Diversity of teaching methods (different, intergenerational cooperation creative teaching techniques); emotional and physical health for participants opportunity to study outdoors; new methodology also for distance learning; “keeping connected” - opportunity to meet if it is not possible to meet indoors; the use of fresh air outdoors, given that there may be poor indoor air quality;
1.B Who is the customer? Local Authority; School; Corporate sector (company)
Planet 3.A Which environmental value does the product/service create? distance learning, restoration of the natural link, outdoor learning
2.B To whom does your company create social 3.B For whom does your company create value? environmental value? teacher, student; community; employees of corporate sector
Local Authority; School;
1.C How is the relationship with the customer?
2.C What is the relationship to the target group?
3.C How is the relationship environmentally responsible?
examples of good practice; event - at school, municipality; Social Networks; Homepage; Youtube channel; Remote consultation;
cooperation with the school, coordination of teachers' content; possibility to adapt the relevant specifics performances in teachers’ audiences
online consultations; digital manual;
1.D How do you create contact with the customer?
2.D How to create socially responsible communication?
3.D How to create environmentally responsible contact?
examples of good practice; event - at school, municipality; Homepage; Social Networks; school 2030;
school; Social Networks; youth centers; Associations of teachers
digital environment;
1.E What is the most important source of income? Regular workshops - fee Schools – from facilitating training course for teachers Honorar as a guest lecturer – by giving performances like “Why studying outside is important”
2.E How does the revenue create social value? 3.E How does the revenue create environmental value? the learning process will be improved new tools for learning will emerge nature acquisition, its acquaintance and new methodology - an integrated tool in the development learning process nature conservation / restoration / improvement in the urban environment
1.F What are the most important activities?
2.F What are the activities ́ social dimensions?
3.F What are the activities ́ environmental dimensions?
a new method of learning; easy to use material;
raising awareness of why it is important to significantly strengthen / restore / create links with nature
regular acquaintance with nature through learning activities; understanding nature
1.G What are the most important resources?
2.G How to secure human resources?
3.G How is resource consumption environmentally responsible?
infrastructure or computer, internet outdoor space - meadow, park, forest, yard 1.H Who are the collaborative partners?
support person for counseling
work takes place outdoors
2.H How do your partners take social responsibility?
3.H How do your partners take environmental responsibility?
Sharing experience about outdoor activities Involving new target audiences
Sharing costs and experts Choosing “green” service providers
1.I What are the economic costs?
2.I What are social/societal costs?
equipment material recovery maintenance of social networks website costs graphic designer for material preparation
unusual method - confusion insecurity for the teacher using unusual methods additional / unusually invested work in the preparatory process for the lesson
3.I What are the environmental consequences?
Local Authority Students Schools and teachers School2030 Ministry of Education
"use" of nature in the learning process
Grow a Business Name, surname: Sandra Sugako Challenge that exists: Citizens of Latvia have low emotion regulation skills. Solution (in brief): Create a digital app (EMORI) that will help to improve Latvians emotion regulation skills.
1.A What is the value for the customer? What 2.A What social or societal value is created? problem does the product/service solve? Ability to regulate your emotions Healthy employee/ self-confident and openBetter relationship between people minded individual Better working atmosphere Emotional balance
Planet 3.A Which environmental value does the product/service create? Nonmaterial solution – uses the devices you already have
1.B Who is the customer? Businesses / individuals
2.B To whom does your company create social 3.B For whom does your company create value? environmental value? Adults living in Latvia It supports the usage of electronic devices which you already have, doesn’t create any waste. Always available to the user
1.C How is the relationship with the customer?
2.C What is the relationship to the target group?
3.C How is the relationship environmentally responsible?
Trust gained by scientifically proved methods. Gathering legal data from the users, possibility Subscription based & accessible tool to provide feedback Paperless solution
1.D How do you create contact with the customer?
2.D How to create socially responsible communication?
3.D How to create environmentally responsible contact?
Public speeches / ads in forums Workshops and masterclasses
Advertisement (partners) – RSU – therapists, mouth to mouth
All of the communication happens via digital media or by talking to the target audience
1.E What is the most important source of income?
2.E How does the revenue create social value? 3.E How does the revenue create environmental value? App keeps getting updated Digital – eliminates all of the waste provided by art therapy and commute
Subscriptions – businesses / individuals. Sponsorship from entrepreneurs that take care about their personnel (emotional balance)
1.F What are the most important activities? First app that uses different therapy methods and educated the society in Latvian Giving immediate results to user based on processing the data
2.F What are the activities ́ social dimensions? 3.F What are the activities ́ environmental dimensions? Improves the mental wellbeing in the society. Might encourage companies to take better care All digital of their employees. “Open up” the topic about the importance of mental health.
1.G What are the most important resources?
2.G How to secure human resources?
Willpower. Competence partners/ Collab partners Intellectual resources (med approaches, existing methods/ protected) Coding and programming Cloud services
Scientific proof to secure trust of the user, therapists and other people to promote the app Thoughtful design to make it available to everyone – just one tap away
1.H Who are the collaborative partners?
2.H How do your partners take social responsibility?
3.H How do your partners take environmental responsibility?
RSU cares about the authenticity of the tasks in the app – so that they have a scientific background (so it works).
Hopefully all of the partners are being thoughtful about the resources used during the project
1.I What are the economic costs?
2.I What are social/societal costs?
The creation and maintenance of the app
3.I What are the environmental consequences?
Not available to some people with disabilities. Not available to people who doesn’t own smart Paper waste while testing phones/ tablets, people who lack technological skills
RSU (+therapists), programmers other LMA students
3.G How is resource consumption environmentally responsible?
Social Business Model Name, surname: Džūlija Ekuse, noglueforclue@gmail.com Challenge that exists: Citizens of Latvia have low emotion regulation skills. Target audience – people with high stress level at work. Solution (in brief): Create a digital app (EMORI) that will help to improve Latvians emotion regulation skills. My additional aim for the digital app is to design a tactile toolkit.
1.A What is the value for the customer? What 2.A What social or societal value is created? problem does the product/service solve? Learn how to manage personal emotions related to high stress at work Provide better working atmosphere and networking focused on reaching the results Healthy mindset, healthy families, healthy workers Well-being Reduce stress, anxiety, depression, use of addictive substances Live more meaningful life
1.B Who is the customer? - Companies - Municipalities - Schools - Medical institutions - Staff - psychologists, therapists - Parents
- Activate emotion regulation and raise awareness about mental health at work - Reduce psychological risks and stress at work - Improve health of individuals and well-being of organizations and national economies
3.A Which environmental value does the product/service create? Use of resources or secondary materials. I drive to them, they drive to me Zoom or other platforms If plasticine - then the use of recycled material Cards - recycled paper, plastic
2.B To whom does your company create social 3.B For whom does your company create value? environmental value? Primary audience I will work with - firemen - medical staff
For corporate partners introducing them with more sustainable solutions to create productive working atmosphere
1.C How is the relationship with the customer?
2.C What is the relationship to the target group?
Formation of certificates ..? How will he remember me, PR?
- to position the target group as a co-creator, the objects created by them can be sent, or I would pick them up and pick them up and a new product would be created - feedback is needed, the first meeting with the tool can be created together, the challenging points would be discussed. It can also be a group where people are able to open up and speak openly
- Social Networks - Radio - company - training also on the website, which will contain instructions + a set of tactile tools - workshops (work environment, festivals, schools, hospitals, prison) - co - creators, whose objects will be transformed into another product to be purchased, e.g. Other people
1.D How do you create contact with the customer? - Social networks, website - Radio - Social campaigns, driving advertisements - Ambassadors - Therapists (patients, associations) - Exhibition outside + physical involvement of people - Stands at festivals - Training Centers / Municipality - Conferences - Exchange of expertise in European Union projects - Start-up
2.D How to create socially responsible communication? - digitally through audiences (FB + IG + Twitter) social campaigns, digital media + advertising banners, posters + social advertising) companies, schools, medical institutions, municipality - Clubhouse conferences / forums, LinkedIn, Twitter - short film with interviews
3.C How is the relationship environmentally responsible? - Flexible payment system (?) For companies, schools depending on materials used. Different levels of the toolkit can be offered - The submitted results are converted into another product (plasticine ceramic, fabric, metal?), About which the public will be told and the topic will be updated
3.D How to create environmentally responsible contact? Use distance communication and reviewing the results Distribution of digital materials (where needed)
1.E What is the most important source of income? - Selling the physical product - tactile tool - Another product that will be made from a tactile tool, eg an emotion vase for the interior - Workshops, seminars, conferences – service Income from selling the tactile objects as design objects (storytelling incl.)
1.F What are the most important activities?
2.E How does the revenue create social value? 3.E How does the revenue create environmental value? - Improve the health of individuals and wellbeing of organizations and national economies - Entrepreneurs in the work environment may be involved in more psychologists who will use this tool with company employees - To develop and educate people on this topic and its topicality - Entrepreneurs create a new work culture by including the mental health of employees as part of a productive and meaningful working life
To direct the profit to psychological support in the work environment as well as investing in “green” solutions
2.F What are the activities ́ social dimensions? 3.F What are the activities ́ environmental dimensions? - Empathetic approach - will improve the user's emotion regulation - Conversation + action + problem update skills - The material in these workshops is - Product - a gift that can be purchased - helps to make your life happier / more used from the latest “green” from a tactile set meaningful (?) achievements - Will improve the socio-economic - will help the user to pay attention to himself, - I use atypical materials (?) situation (then you will already see J) his health, self-love (?) - Materials are recycled - Storytelling, based on facts and people's - atypical material that successfully helps to - Another product is made from the real experiences - show a unified complete the task material used experience and that there is a sense of - Different materials can be used for different community and feel alike purposes - Tactile set - a method of talking about - The user's story is turned into a powerful your emotional health and ability to story confront emotions - emotion regulation seminars, school - The product is improved / updated, depending on the feedback combinations - Human development and help to live a more meaningful / happier life Emotions are also present in the physical body
1.G What are the most important resources? -
raw materials (plasticine) premises and IT equipment facilitator of workshops psychologist logistics (transport) opinion leaders
1.H Who are the collaborative partners? - entrepreneurs (ex-clients) - schools / universities - foundations / associations - municipality - hospital / therapeutic practice staff, ambassadors - kinesiologists (Emotions are also in the physical body)
1.I What are the economic costs? - raw materials - logistics - human resources - social campaigns - IT services
2.G How to secure human resources? - training / certificates - remuneration - employment - soc. guarantees
2.H How do your partners take social responsibility? - Topic update - Support campaigns - Riga Stradins University, other Universities - Psychology / Medical Associations - firefighter department as ambassadors - Barter option with materials or transport? - Supporters, sponsors
2.I What are social/societal costs?
3.G How is resource consumption environmentally responsible? - Recycle point - Emotional education - Economic goodness - Reduce the negative emotion aspect of the family - rent of transport vehicles - digital communication forms - Reduce drug use, drug use
3.H How do your partners take environmental responsibility? Choosing the “green” profile of: - logistic providers - material suppliers - Place (work, school, park)
3.I What are the environmental consequences?
- going through “Hero journey” (by Joseph - Raw materials Campbell) to provide changes in your life - to reveal yourself and yourself, to pull out psycho- - Logistics, transportation emotional problems in personal / family / work life
Grow a Business Name, surname: Ieva Rosne Challenge that exists: lack of employment of people with mental disabilities Solution (in brief): Providing a service to address the employment of people with mental dissabilities, both through examples of good practice and by providing support and advice to companies in the employment of people with mental dissabilities.
1.A What is the value for the customer? What 2.A What social or societal value is created? problem does the product/service solve? A dignified life Introduction of social values in the company Recognition, self-esteem Staff development Improving the quality of life High-quality order Development of an inclusive society Suitable employee Strengthens the status of a socially responsible company and its personnel
1.B Who is the customer? Socially responsible companies Country Municipality
Planet 3.A Which environmental value does the product/service create? Reuse of resources Use of local resources
2.B To whom does your company create social 3.B For whom does your company create value? environmental value? People with mental disabilities Company staff For the general public in the long run
In the mid and long term perspective – the clients that receive the service
1.C How is the relationship with the customer?
2.C What is the relationship to the target group?
3.C How is the relationship environmentally responsible?
Social Networks Examples of good practice Sharing the experience in public events Flexible payment system Cooperation partner
User research Creating a user-oriented service Providing consultations and adaption process
Online consultations Consultations remotely Remote support Choosing a “green’’logistics provider (where necessary)
1.D How do you create contact with the customer?
2.D How to create socially responsible communication?
3.D How to create environmentally responsible contact?
Apeirons et al. other NGOs Negotiation festival "Lamp" or other conferences Social Networks The media Employers' Association Personnel Management Association Municipal institutions Minister of Welfare Municipal training center
Social Networks Non-governmental organizations Parent organizations
Digital format – experience stories, guidelines, insight
1.E What is the most important source of income? Product (produced by persons with mental disabilities) sales Business service - training Consulting fees Income from guest lectures, workshops Involvement in EU projects as an expert
2.E How does the revenue create social value? 3.E How does the revenue create environmental value? Improving the quality of life An inclusive society Re-designing the concept and making it Opportunity gives recognition more environmentally friendly Reduction of stigma and stereotypes (communication, logistics, support services Systemic changes etc.) Creating an inclusive work system Favorable changes and improvement of social policy
1.F What are the most important activities?
2.F What are the activities ́ social dimensions? 3.F What are the activities ́ environmental dimensions? Working with a team creates an A dignified life understanding that a person is needed, will New skills and abilities incl. Using local materials to create new help to become better Development of social skills products Production of niche products from second raw Examples of good practice - are provided materials in digital and video format Understanding of the target audience and experience in working with it Examples of good practice Knowledge and practical experience
1.G What are the most important resources?
2.G How to secure human resources?
Human beings: job educator supervisor administrative work (accounting, lawyer, project manager) Products for sale - designer, materials needed for production Education and experience Safe environment - custom rooms transport Civil insurance
Social guarantees - employment contract, insurance Civil law insurance A shuttle service is provided Safe environment Psychological support
1.H Who are the collaborative partners?
2.H How do your partners take social responsibility?
3.H How do your partners take environmental responsibility?
Socially responsible companies Municipality Non-governmental organizations Partners that help optimize resources Volunteer work Attraction of new clients
Socially responsible partners Re-use of equipment (where possible)
Successful pilot project with the company Opinion leaders Municipalities Ministry of Welfare
3.G How is resource consumption environmentally responsible? Where possible – choice of green service providers (materials, logistics, communication)
1.I What are the economic costs?
2.I What are social/societal costs?
Salaries Premises Transport Website maintenance Education
Various risks related to the target audience: Psychological insecurity Changing the usual environment Time management New challenges Negative experience of the first work experience - expression of emotions
3.I What are the environmental consequences? CO2 while transporting employees to the company
Social Business Model Name, surname: Lauma Reitere reitere.lauma@gmail.com Challenge that exists: Low self-confidence. Negative thoughts about person himself Solution (in brief): Positive self-talk learning tool
1.A What is the value for the customer? What 2.A What social or societal value is created? problem does the product/service solve? Positive impact to individuals in the working A confident employee who knows his value. places, teenagers, and society in general A cohesive team. Improving self-confidence. Self-confidence among teenagers Positive thoughts about person himself A sense of belonging to the collective. 1.B Who is the customer? Corporate sector (companies) Local Authority Education institution Youth centre
Planet 3.A Which environmental value does the product/service create? Involvement of local businesses. Improve productivity = less impact on environment Recycled and recyclable materials
2.B To whom does your company create social 3.B For whom does your company create value? environmental value? Employees in the companies Teenagers with low self-confidence
Teeneagers - it is important for them not to harm nature and this solution can help
1.C How is the relationship with the customer?
2.C What is the relationship to the target group?
3.C How is the relationship environmentally responsible?
Information campaigns Youtube Channel Key note speeches in thematic conferences Discussion panels on related topics
Evaluation of target group’s needs
Entrepreneurs invest in the self-confidence (and responsibility) of teenagers (future employees).
1.D How do you create contact with the customer?
2.D How to create socially responsible communication?
3.D How to create environmentally responsible contact?
Professional organisations (e.g. personnel, business effectiveness etc) Website Workshops Partner’s activities Youth Resource Center
Youth Resource Center Youth centres School Youth NGOs
Digital communication and distribution of materials
1.E What is the most important source of income?
2.E How does the revenue create social value? 3.E How does the revenue create environmental value? Include in school curricula as a tool. A self-confident society. No impact so far identified Self-confidence is improved by understanding when to seek help.
Income (subscription) from Premium version of app
1.F What are the most important activities? App Design Evaluation of user experience (feedback) Gathering info for content update
2.F What are the activities ́ social dimensions? 3.F What are the activities ́ environmental dimensions? Simple for the user. Interaction with each other. Turn negative thoughts into positive ones and Most of activities can be done in digital way get another positive view of yourself. or with less impact on environment
1.G What are the most important resources?
2.G How to secure human resources?
App Designer Content generation (specialists) Assistant / Teacher, psychologist. Programmer/ Coder For employees - the game manager Teenagers as a focus group during the testing Atmosphere The Game factilitator to company’s empoyees Server 1.H Who are the collaborative partners?
3.G How is resource consumption environmentally responsible? Digitalized communication Less paper works Environmentally friendly materials
2.H How do your partners take social responsibility?
3.H How do your partners take environmental responsibility?
Psychologists Youth Resource Centre School
Recycling Eco-logistics Digital communication Use of local brands
1.I What are the economic costs?
2.I What are social/societal costs?
Content generation and updating costs Maintanence costs Production costs Logistics
More severe cases that require the help of a therapist. Embarrassment if different comparing to other teenagers' negative communication style
3.I What are the environmental consequences?
Psychologists Sociologists Youth Resource Centre School Professional organisations
(Still) some paper works Pachaking Delivery
Social Business Model Name, surname: Līga Rinkeviča
Challenge that exists: It is important to encourage people to write by hand from an early age, to promote the use of writing skills in everyday life and to develop their handwriting, so that in the digitized age we do not lose authentic values, because typing has unfortunately reduced the value of handwriting. In the handwriting process there is involved the whole human body. And there are many benefits to writing by hand, which combines all cognitive processes (attention, memory, logic, related speech, language, patience), brain function reading, language writing and critical thinking improvement.
Solution (in brief): If we are talking about a solution, then it is currently being developed. It could consist of 2 parts: combining technology (as a digital platform) with authentic values (as boxes of penmanship for different levels of difficulty). An interactive tool for improving writing skills, will motivate both parents and children to write by hand on a daily basis, spend time together and will be able to use it at a time and place convenient for them. This solution helps motivate to develop people's handwriting qualitatively and train their writing skills.
1.A What is the value for the customer? What problem does the product/service solve? -improving writing skills -good handwriting -relationship building (work in a team or parent vs. child)
1.B Who is the customer?
2.A What social or societal value is created? -improvement of certain character traits -cognitive processes improving (attention, memory, logic, related speech, language, patience) -quality time together -self-expression
2.B To whom does your company create social value?
INDIVIDUALS #1: people interested in improving -children handwriting and learning new things like -teachers calligraphy iNDIVIDUALS #2: parents / teachers … CORPORATE SECTOR: entrepreneurs with employees who is looking for new team building and expression experience
3.A Which environmental value does the product/service create? -use of environmentally friendly materials -use of local/ recycled resources
3.B For whom does your company create environmental value? -
Corporate sector Schools Families
1.C How is the relationship with the customer?
2.C What is the relationship to the target group?
-educational materials -contest -explaining the benefits through email marketing -examples of good practice -experience
-conversations -interviews -surveys -target audience observations
1.D How do you create contact with the customer?
2.D How to create socially responsible communication?
-social networks like Facebook / Instagram / Tiktok -school system - e-klase.lv - personality development courses -brand website -school and other events (conferences etc.) -media
1.E What is the most important source of income? -We manage the workshop and offer it for a onetime fee -we create a product and offer to purchase -monthly payment to get access to the premium version (for regular use) -guest lecturers who further educate others on a specific topic -consultations -involvement in projects as experts -video tutorials
-online forums -personality development courses
2.E How does the revenue create social value? -new initiatives such as mandatory penmanship lessons in schools -teaching methods are integrated into school curricula - social behaviour (tradition to use nice handwriting)
3.C How is the relationship environmentally responsible? -e-signature -online training -subscription principle by levels (basic / pro) -flexible payment system -on-line consultations - write and send proposal to the customer by using recycled paper
3.D How to create environmentally responsible contact?
-digital advertising -e-mail marketing
3.E How does the revenue create environmental value? -research into new sustainable techniques - buying recycled paper
1.F What are the most important activities?
2.F What are the activities ́ social dimensions?
-combining authentic values with digital skills -a moment of surprise in performing tasks (handwriting kits of different difficulty levels with a -regularly updated content digital platform) -contest -show that writing can be surprising, creative, interesting -handwriting can help a lot of aspects of people's lives -practical workshop with personality development
3.F What are the activities ́ environmental dimensions? -use of atypical materials to improve handwriting
1.G What are the most important resources?
2.G How to secure human resources?
-facilitator of the event -infrastructure - premises for the workshop -internet connection / computer / devices for an online master class -specialists as a guest lecturer - paper and other small equipment
-safe environment -additional equipment -facilitator of the event
1.H Who are the collaborative partners?
2.H How do your partners take social responsibility?
3.H How do your partners take environmental responsibility?
-parents, schools and teachers, who will understand the importance of strengthening handwriting - partners invite teenagers to take part in the workshops
-partners collect the paper to use for workshops
1.I What are the economic costs?
2.I What are social/societal costs?
- when providing a paid service - there are fixed costs (salaries, transport, premises, website maintenance, programmer services, Internet, human resources as a guest lecturers, accounting, product development costs)
-time management -new challenges -negative first experience -cannot reach the entire target audience -psychological insecurity that a person will not learn to write with hand or will not be able to perform work tasks -insecurity to lose in the contest
3.I What are the environmental consequences?
-paying participants so that new levels of handwriting can be further developed (parents, schools and entrepreneurs) - provider of recycled paper - provider of premises - guest lecturer (history of handwriting etc) -Youth centers to promote handwriting among their “clients” - teenagers
3.G How is resource consumption environmentally responsible? -not buying, but renting things -partners that help optimize resources -partners who care about environmental issues
-impact of movement with the car
Grow a Business Name, surname: Helēna Vernere Challenge that exists: Uncertainty and confusion in learning a new subject. Creating a solution, the big challenge is to design the content so that the student does not return to search engines such as: Google, Wikipedia, etc. Solution (in brief): Digital Glossary (mobile app)
1.A What is the value for the customer? What 2.A What social or societal value is created? 3.A Which environmental problem does the product/service solve? value does the product/service create? Meaningful understanding of terms that provide The municipality / school subscribes to a understanding strengthens erudition and No physical resources are used. mobile app to provide students with professional language for the future. meaningful, understanding-based learning 1.B Who is the customer? Municipality / School / Local community
2.B To whom does your company create social 3.B For whom does your company create value? environmental value? Pupil / Teachers
Pupil, School, Municipality, support. Mobile application development for all smart devices. VIZM…
1.C How is the relationship with the customer?
2.C What is the relationship to the target group?
3.C How is the relationship environmentally responsible?
The student as a creator of future content. With the opportunity to offer your own terms / explanations. Creation of new words, enrichment of language.
Students as future content creators. Introduction with the language specifics
Subscription principle / flexible payment system, no paper invoices or other documentation
1.D How do you create contact with the customer?
2.D How to create socially responsible communication?
3.D How to create environmentally responsible contact?
Social network channels - cooperation with Skola2030 / Ministry of Education Organizing the thematic events ”Tava klase” (TV project)
Go to them / Address through workshops. Show that I care! All the social networks, the platforms that students use the most, giving the impression that I am in their "league". Involve in creating the content
When operating workshops, the resources used are recyclable and do not have a negative impact on the environment. Addressing remotely (via Social Network channels) does not use physical resources.
2.E How does the revenue create social value? 3.E How does the revenue create environmental value? I will improve the quality of life, skills, competence of students in future employment. Gaining income from product subscription, Subscription. The digital glossary is integrated into the directing the income to the development of Earning the income from running the curriculum. the mobile application, the creation of workshops. terms. In research / creating new Participation fee / one - time fee. explanations of terms, submitting them to Subscription fee that allows you to receive the the Terminology Commission and creating Premium service. a future term fund. 1.E What is the most important source of income?
1.F What are the most important activities?
2.F What are the activities ́ social dimensions? 3.F What are the activities ́ environmental dimensions?
Content / platform created that has not been created so far. Method of presentation. User path - respectful search time and how important it is for the student to find information FAST and MEANFUL.
Respectful - a type of communication appropriate for the target audience. Who talks to them and is built on a platform that is easy and understandable for them to use over time. Modern approach!
Mobile app is used on smart devices…
1.G What are the most important resources?
2.G How to secure human resources?
3.G How is resource consumption environmentally responsible?
Application development funding, professional Hopefully, to be responsible and empathetic to support. Mobile application development for the target audience and the environment. all smart devices. 1.H Who are the collaborative partners? National level - VIZM, VVSC (policy makers and practitioners) School2030, Soma.lv, Letonika.lv, Tilde, Thesaurus,
2.H How do your partners take social responsibility?
3.H How do your partners take environmental responsibility?
Spreading the message and promotion of solution Hopefully everyone, this should be explored.
This should be explored, but in part there could be developers of mobile applications and other digital tools who use equipment / techniques to develop tools…
2.I What are social/societal costs?
3.I What are the environmental consequences?
Mobile app developers (more as subcontractors)
1.I What are the economic costs? Mobile application development and maintenance
The mobile app is based on the Basic Education Standard, which aims to adapt Mobile app is used on smart devices (that learning content to social groups in the Special has negative impact on environmental Education section, but my research is missing aspects) here to understand what learning content is consumed and whether mobile apps are used in these social groups. In any case, it would be worthwhile to identify this aspect.
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