Food Drink Magazine Issue 15 October 2021

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NOVEMB ER2021 2020 October

Gizem KESKIN Ca DRE#02138553

Discover your next home with San Diego's next generation realtor


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Karachi Eat Festival






10701 AUDREY WAY 92129

Cava: The Restaurant Chain With A Regrettable Location Problem

San Diego - California

© Copyright 2021 HGH Perfect Inc All Rights Reserved


Lyon Street Food Festival




A small village with a rich cuisine




Food Festival in Bengal



Best Mexican Rice Recipe Rice pudding recipe is extremely delicious. Collection of attractive recipes from chicken and rice

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Welcome to Karachi! The largest metropolis of Pakistan that inhabits a whopping 16.5 million population and stands as the 11th largest city in the world. The diverse ethnicities never let this city sleep and have made it so culturally rich that you would never get bored of exploring it. To the south is the Arabian Sea, the most popular attraction for many which makes Karachi the largest industrial hub of the country. A city so rich in culture, is best known for exceptionally good food. Be it the local cuisine or taste from across the border, you will find almost anything to satisfy your craving.

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To celebrate the best taste in the city and support new vendors, the first Karachi Eat Festival was organized in 2014 at the famous landmark of Frere Hall and since it began an annual festival. This foodie utopia brings enticing cuisine in one place and it has been growing ever since. Each year, the festival attendance is significantly growing and attracts celebrities and even tourists. Packed with fusion flavors, music, and tons of activities for kids, Karachi Eat is now the largest and the most anticipated festival for foodies in the country. My first visit to Karachi Eat Festival was in January 2018 with my friend DB when the venue was shifted to a park near my house. It was a three-day, fun-filled weekend and the attendance was nearly 300,000! As far as my memory can recall, there were 125 food stalls and vendors were invited from other cities to participate. Since the festival was huge, I could hardly take a complete tour and taste everything. There were several cuisines to taste from including the local Karachi street food, Indian, Thai, Sri Lankan, Burmese, Japanese, and so much more all in one place. There were performances by singers at night and crowd had already started to gather. 6 I

The first thing I tried was a Burmese/Pakistani fusion yellow curry called Khaowsuey packed with spicy condiments and served with noodles, and it was just amazing. Since then, it became one of my favorite foods. Its food stall was jam packed, but surprisingly the service was quick. Since the festival, that khaowsuey place has become one of the leading places in the city that makes the best Burmese fusion cuisine. Our next stop was at a taco stall. I had never tried this signature Mexican food before, and I thought this is the closest I could get to taste tacos. I ordered Steak Taco and it actually had the taste of steak with some sour and tangy feeling, something that Pakistanis love to add in everything that they cook. There was already some hype of this new burger joint in the city, but I didn’t get the chance to try it. As we moved further and deeper into the stalls, there was the stall of this new burger place! My friend and I waited for five minutes in the queue and ordered this burger whose name I’ve forgotten. We shared it and it was huge that we had to open our mouths wide. The sauce was dripping and the thick patty was juicy. My friend and I then visited the restaurant some months later.

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To our left were stalls of drinks in hundreds of flavors, colors, and sizes. Since it was the winter of January, my friend and I decided to get some coffee and gear ourselves up for the performances by singers which was the upcoming major segment of the event. We tried cappuccino from the Brew Factory and prepared ourselves for the concert. The crowd flocked towards the stage for the back-to-back performances by people’s favorite singers. Although, a huge crowd surrounded the stage area, but it didn’t divert the rush from the stalls. Families were still entering the park and the stalls were getting even busier. My next visit to the Karachi Eat Festival was in the following year in 2019. This time, the venue was the Beach Park and attracted a much bigger crowd. The ticket price was slightly higher than the last year and a small amount of it was redeemable. We were a group of three hungry foodies on the lookout for new things to eat. We were told that this year the number of stalls will be less due to quality control reasons, but new eateries will be making their entry to serve the best food.

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Our first stall was the much anticipated and hyped corn dogs from a new eatery. I don’t exactly remember which flavor I tried, but it was mushroom something and it was delicious! We three friends purchased three different flavors which were served by creamy dips. This is the advantage of living in a metropolis. New places keep opening up and you get to try something new every now and then.

The crowd was getting bigger and the stalls were getting busier. The creativity brought to food was incredible. There were gelato tacos, galaxy cone that is sure to wake up the child in you for its rainbow colored cone and sprinkles. There were so many flavors in popcorn that we could actually see people having a hard time in deciding which ones to try.

We had ice-lollies from a new stall in different colors and they were so refreshing. The many popping colors on the menu attracted mostly children and it was a big hit that year. New ice-cream stalls were the show stealer and we were not surprised when we tasted them.

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The cheese and mince-filled breads called “Naans” were amongst popular stalls and are still the talk of the town.

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The mini burgers with mini grilled patties were amongst our favorite. They were easier to eat and tasted so good! As a meat lover, I could not resist the mutton ribs which were so succulent. You could smell the ribs from a fairly good distance. The best part about the entire food gala was the pleasant weather that kept the entire event engaged and comfortable.

There was no wonder that a food festival of this magnitude was all over the news and social media. With so much coverage on every channel, Karachi Eat Festival set the bar high each year and did not disappoint its crowd. We saw people in wheelchairs having the best time that serves as a testament to the success of the event. Unfortunately, I could not attend the festival in 2020 and then it was cancelled the next year following the Covid-19 pandemic. If it happens by the end of 2021, I am sure it must be a tremendous event once again with much more to explore and eat. It served as a great platform for new entrepreneurs entering the food business which helped them establish restaurants and introduce new taste. Since the venue was shifted to the Beach Park that year, a green location adjacent to the beach, it experienced drizzle all day. Hot cappuccinos and flavored teas were there to keep us warm. There was a huge play area for kids and bands were invited to perform. Outside the park, there was a big parking lot with ample space. I guess this was one of the reasons for the change in venue as a much bigger crowd was expected than last year.

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Tet Nguyen Dan, or Tet, is Vietnam's most important and wellknown holiday and celebration. On the Lunar calendar, a lunisolar calendar, it is the Vietnamese New Year, which marks the advent of spring. Tet begins on the first day of the Lunar calendar's first month (approximately late January or early February). The holiday will take place from February 10 to February 16 in 2021. The 12 days of Tet are rooted in Vietnamese New Year customs, and they are replete with religious rituals, quality family time, and cleansing ceremonies aimed at washing away all the bad luck of the previous year and embracing the new one anew. Tet customs include visiting someone's house on the first day of the new year (xông nhà), ancestral worship, wishing New Year's greetings, providing lucky money to children and the old. Tet is also a time for pilgrimage and family get-togethers. Vietnamese people visit their families and temples during Tet, forgetting about their misfortunes from the previous year and praying for a brighter year ahead.

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Tet foods in Vietnam are numerous and unique, and each one has its own importance. They show respect and reverence to ancestors while also providing hospitality to friends and visitors. Tet meals are the most distinctive and diversified Vietnamese dishes that best define and reflect traditional Vietnamese cuisine. Here are Eight traditional Vietnamese dishes that you must eat during Tet, the Vietnamese people's most important festival. 1. Banh chung (Vietnamese Square Sticky rice cake) Banh Chung's square form is thought to symbolise the Earth and is connected with deep cosmic connotations. In addition to the steamed form, the Northerners like the fried version, which is made by frying Banh Chung in a nonstick frying pan with a little oil over medium heat. This squareshaped cake takes 6-8 hours to boil from start to end. This cake has been a part of Vietnamese cuisine for a long time. Banh chung first appeared during the King Hung dynasty, according to tradition. This cake represents the ground, which expresses appreciation to the ancestors as well as the soil and sky. 14 I

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Furthermore, it highlights the significance of rice and nature in water rice cultivation. In contrast to current quick cuisine, the preparation of banh chung takes time and involves the participation of multiple individuals. Family members frequently take turns keeping an eye on the fire overnight, telling each other tales from previous Tet. Glutinous rice, pig meat, and mung beans are the main components, which are wrapped in a square of bamboo leaves to give the rice a green hue after boiling. The sticky rice must be excellent because it was soaked in water the day before. Rice cake is wrapped in a square shape and must be neither too tight nor too loose. The cake will next be cooked in wood for around 12 hours. It is nutritious, has a unique flavor, and can be stored for a long time. If you eat banh chung with veggie pickles, you will have a wonderful experience.

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2. Thit kho trung (Vietnamese Braised Pork with Eggs). Cubed pork is marinated in garlic, fish sauce, sugar, and coconut water. The eggs are utilized because they represent kindness and pleasure in this meal. Hardboiled eggs are peeled. The pork is simmered in a saucepan with peeled hard-boiled eggs for a few hours before being served with vegetable pickles. This Vietnamese thit kho dish is a low-and-slow braise with extremely tender and delicious pork, as well as hard-boiled eggs that have soaked up all of the spice. Because of how well it preserves after cooking, it's usually eaten during the Lunar New Year. It's flavorful, salty, and somewhat sweet, with fish sauce and soy sauce as the primary seasonings, and it's served with hard-boiled eggs. These are the flavors and memories of my youth, served on a big pile of steaming white rice with a side of pickled mustard greens.

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3: Banh Tet (The Cylindrical Steamed Cake) The components of sticky rice, seasoned pork, and mung bean are same in both Banh Tet and Banh Chung, but the form differs. Banh Tet is cylindrical and may symbolize the Moon, whereas Banh Chung is square and represents the Earth. This is a popular dish in the south of Vietnam, and it takes a long time to boil. Generations of Southern families make and cook this unique cake on New Year's Eve in order to enjoy delicious meals on the first day of the New Year. The children will assist with cleaning the banana leaves and wrapping the parcels according to the adults' directions, while the moms will be in charge of seasoning the pork, steaming the mung beans, making the sticky rice, and combining everything together. All of the activities help to generate warm and pleasant memories. Banh Tet is sweet or salty depending on the filling, the sticky part will have a sweet taste.

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4: Cu Kieu / Dua Muoi (The Pickles) Small pickled leeks, pickled onion, and pickled cabbage (Dua Hanh & Kieu) To make the pickles, ferment a variety of root vegetables and leeks - a great accompaniment to the braised pork and eggs in mild fish sauce. Pickled tiny leeks, in particular, are frequently made by housewives in the weeks leading up to the Tet holiday. Some families also like to buy pickled onions in plastic jars from the local market.

In any case, the pickles are so popular that virtually every household has at least one jar on hand. This type of traditional Vietnamese Lunar New Year meal aids in the digestion of other meatheavy dishes.

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5. Mut (The Candied Fruits) This is where the authentic Vietnamese cuisine can be found. The candied fruits are quite popular in local markets, ensuring that every household may get kilos of candied delights such as coconut, sweet potato, tamarind, mango, and other tropical fruits.

During the Tet periods, brightly colored candied fruits are generally available on the tables to serve any guests that arrive. It is enjoyed by people of all ages. So, if you go to Vietnam for Tet and ask, "What do Vietnamese eat during Lunar New Year?" you should get candied fruits as an answer. For the Tet festival, every Vietnamese household makes a box of Tet jam as a present to greet visitors during this unique week. Vietnamese jam, unlike Western jam, is mostly dry, consisting of dried fruits and seeds such as sunflower seeds and watermelon seeds. Mut is frequently kept in specific boxes and placed on the living room table. Mut contains ginger, carrot, pumpkin, lotus seed, coconut, and sweet potato flavors in addition to certain seeds. It's impossible to compare the pleasures of Mut and a cup of tea.

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6: Nem Ran or Cha Gio (kinds of Vietnamese Spring Roll) At Northern Vietnam, “Nem Ran” is a common daily meal item as well as an essential delicacy in traditional tables for honouring the ancestor. In a similar vein, “Cha Gio” is a well-known dish in Southern Vietnam. Both are fried on the outside to make them crispy, with beef, egg, mushroom, onion, shrimp, peanuts, and other ingredients on the inside. Fresh veggies are commonly served with these spring rolls, which are wrapped in rice paper and dipped in fish sauce. Both "Nem Ran" and "Cha Gio" have an enticing presentation that may make your mouth wet. As is customary, the spring rolls should be served hot and crispy...

7: Boiled Chicken – The most popular food for Vietnamese Lunar New Year Most shrines in Vietnam dedicated to the veneration of the ancestors include a spot for boiling chicken, a popular dish during the Tet celebrations. Some households may choose to cut the chicken into little pieces and display them on the dish instead of using the prepared entire chicken for worship. The meal should be garnished with Vietnamese coriander and served with a salt, pepper, and lemon juice sauce. The golden cooked chicken with flawless skin symbolizes a prosperous start to the New Year.

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8: Yummy watermelon seed, sunflower seed... The salt roasted cashew nut, lotus seed, watermelon seed, sunflower seed, sesame seed candy, and peanut candy are the most popular goods. During the Tet holiday, you'll be able to easily acquire these seeds, nuts, and candies in local markets.

If you have the opportunity to visit a Vietnamese household, you will almost certainly be welcomed to sample at least one of the seeds and nuts mentioned. Alternatively, you may purchase your favorite delectable cuisine and sample it for yourself. Chewing is a pleasurable sensation.

times, regardless of how contemporary their family is. Apart from cleaning and adorning residences and sharing best wishes, one of the most important aspects of the Tet celebrations is to eat properly.

So, if you happen to be in Vietnam around Tet, an unique event when the entire country shares in the relaxed The top 8 traditional Tet meals listed atmosphere, feel free to sample the above are worth trying to get a sense Vietnamese traditional Tet food you come of how the Vietnamese celebrate their across. In fact, the Vietnamese Lunar New Lunar New Year. Year is a wonderful opportunity for international foodies to sample Tet Everyone is recommended to have specialties that are rarely available at some of the unique Tet cuisine on their other times. I 23 tables throughout the festive

Gizem KESKIN Ca DRE#02138553

Discover your next home with San Diego's next generation realtor


With diverse cultures and more than 250 ethnic groups, food plays a major part in the uniqueness of my country. My name is Rachel Otulaja, I am from Ogun state in one of Africa's most beautiful countries, Nigeria. I am a graduate of Child development and family studies from the prestigious Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria. I love to travel, cook, dance, sing and sew. I also work as a customer care representative or virtual assistant to organizations and individual clients who need my services. Before I go on, I will like to give a quick explanation about the attributes of Nigerian delicacies. Nigerian Delicacies exposed Nigerian foods, just like other west African foods especially soups are popularly known for being spicy and highly aromatic.

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As Nigerians don't eat their soups in Isolation, there are lots of solid foods (‘swallow’ as popularly called) with which they partner their soups while eating. The technique for eating is molding the solid foods into little balls that can easily be swallowed, dipping them into the soups and finally swallowing. speaking of swallow foods, Nigeria has lots of them ranging from Eba (cassava flakes made into soft solids), pounded yam which is mostly loved by the Ondo and Delta tribes in Nigeria, Amala which is pertinent to the Oyo people, wheat, fufu, tuwo (rice swallow) for the Hausa people, Starch, etc. Carbohydrate foods such as yam, cassava, plantains, rice, and beans are prominently part of the Nigerian diet and they are often consumed with diverse soups or stews that contain meats, fish, and vegetables. The Food Festival in Nigeria is another ball game entirely, a serious affair that has everyone going all out to make sure it is successful. Since I won’t be able to discuss all the foods we have in Nigeria and festivals as well, I will talk about the “Port Harcourt bole festival” in this piece.

Port Harcourt ’Bole’ or ‘Boli’ Boli or Bole (roasted plantain) is a delicious and filling street food that students and low-income earners popularly eat as a snack but the fact that Nigerians have no class when it comes to ‘bole’ stands sure, The snack is popular on the street but it can be made at home in ovens or on open grills. This street food popular in the Niger Delta region is made from plantain roasted and served with pepper sauce and roast fish or chicken, or with yam or potato. It is also popular in western Nigeria, where it is served with groundnuts (peanuts) or palm oil and salt.

Port Harcourt, Nigeria. The city of Port Harcourt in Nigeria is, generally regarded as the capital of Bole and fish, as there are vendors in literally every street corner with piles of Bole and fish to tantalize the taste buds of hungry passers-by and captivate the mind of visitors.

This brings me to describe the biggest food fair in the south-east and western parts of the country, ‘the Bole Festival’.

Because the natives believe that good living comes with good eating, the people have greatly taken advantage of the city’s richness in plantain, got creative, and carved a niche for themselves.. 6 I

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Port Harcourt ‘Bole’ Festival The Bole Festival, a food funfair that takes place at Port Harcourt, Rivers State in Nigeria. is currently the biggest food festival in the Southern and Eastern parts of the country. It is an annual entertainment and social gathering event tied to Port Harcourt’s signature food ‘Bole’, a delicacy of roasted plantain, fish, yam, and other roastable edibles with the sole aim of celebrating the rich culinary heritage of the Niger Delta, placing emphasis on the various creative ways many people prepare Bole (roasted plantain) and roasted fish which is by far the most popular street food in the area. The event celebrates the Nigerianevolved urban culture that creates a guide to our rich heritage using food, this festival attracts lovers of food from across the world. On the streets around its venue, the Bole Festival gathers together about 8,000 guests for one day. The food feast is currently the biggest in the south of Nigeria attracting thousands of food lovers from all over the country. During the festival, food exhibitors demonstrate creative and stylish preparations of bole. Apart from the exhibitions, there are food contests, music and comedy performances, and indoor and outdoor games, with prizes. 6 28 I I

There is never a dull moment at all at the festival as it is full of fun-filled activities such as dance, music, games and comedy that trigger an adrenaline rush Bole which is made from plantain is usually served in different ways depending on the part of the country you find yourself in. In places like Port Harcourt, Yenogoa, and most cities in the south, it is often served with pepper sauce, roasted fish, with yam or potato by the side, while in Akwa Ibom you can have it served with roasted chicken and a special sauce, in Lagos and other south-western states, it is served with roasted peanuts or palm oil sprinkled with salt. There are usually a variety of food exhibitors showcasing and selling diverse displays of Bole (plantain) and fish. And the festival is usually marked by side attractions such as music performances, comedy, food competitions, indoor and outdoor games with prizes to be won and fun and game activities for kids. Since the first edition of the Bole Festival in 2016, organizers of this feast have offered free vendor spaces as a means to empower local street food sellers, thereby, giving them the opportunity to showcase their creativity with the bole, gain clients and increase monthly sales by over 200 percent on the day of the festival.

The yearly event, which started in 2016, with only 300 people in attendance and two local street food sellers, has witnessed tremendous growth in the past two years. In 2017, there were over 2,000 attendees and 35 vendors. By 2018, over 8,000 people were in attendance with 80 vendors and they even gained sponsorship from big brands. The festival has also encouraged and built a strong and interactive online community for food lovers. In 2018 the event became a testament to the cause and effect of such a festival. The event was hosted by David Wilson alongside a Speech featuring music and cultural dance performances. Another eye-catching activity that takes place at that festival is face-painting which involves artists having to make beautiful but temporary paintings on the faces of attendees. A beautiful Reciparian Cake caught the attention of many with its beautiful, mouth-watering looks that depicted the Bole, Fish, and sauce in its natural habitat. The event features both musicals from Port Harcourt-based artists, stand-up comedy, and a couple of other outdoor games including a drinking competition.

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The festival has successfully encouraged and built a strong connection and interactive online community for food lovers. This year’s Bole festival held on August 3’s theme was “Our taste, Our Culture”. The Festival is unrivaled in its iconic arrangement where people of all age groups and caliber are joined for a day in a fun, laughter, dance, and sampling of culture through something as simple as food. You can agree with me that the best bonds are created over food, drinks, and shared experiences, this is an experience to have at least once in a lifetime and it is even better with a group of friends to spice up this fun and unforgettable experience. The festival usually has social media buzzing with pictures and videos that leave those who didn’t attend wishing that they did. When Port Harcourt in Nigeria brags about being the “world Bole capital”, you can agree with me that they aren’t joking about it because from Bolè to cake to a variety of other amazing dishes, Port Harcourt sure takes the lead when it comes to hosting food festival.

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Cava: The Restaurant Chain With A Regrettable Location Problem Ossiana TEPFENHART

Did you ever find a restaurant that seems to have a great menu, good service, and disastrous locations? Most of the time, this only seems to happen with certain chains that are famous for discount food. (For example, I’ve met people who note that the presence of a Checkers is a bad sign in terms of neighborhood.)

Once again, it’s very Chipotle-like in this sense. It’s the places that Cava calls home that seem to make me wince. Every time I’ve seen a Cava, there seems to be three things that ring true about the location:

The foot traffic is crazy. Like, I’m saying Lately, I couldn’t help but notice that that there is never a lull here, unless it this is an issue with a restaurant chain was during that first curfew during the my husband is a fan of: Cava. For those pandemic. not in the know, Cava is a MiddleEastern chain that focuses on locallyThey’re located in areas that tend to sourced foods that come in the form attract entitled, snooty people. At least, of a bowl or salad. It’s like the Chipotle this seems to be the problem in New of Mediterranean fare in terms of both Jersey. I’ve seen so many people pitch ambiance and ordering style. fits over stupid stuff at their Paramus location, it actually put me off the The Cava Experience With Yours Truly chain altogether. When it comes to Cava, my husband always pesters me to drive there for a bowl of their food. I always try to dissuade him from going there, though! Eventually, we go there, and then try to avoid eating there. For someone who’s a junkie for good food, it can be hard to imagine why I’d ever act this way. Ever wonder what could make a restaurant with great food make a food critic balk? It’s actually very simple. The Problem That Killed My Cava Appetite When you’re working on a restaurant chain, location and ambiance are everything.The ambiance of Cava’s interior isn’t bad, though most locations are crazily packed. 32


Without fail, people’s behavior around the outside of the location make me lose my appetite. How many Karens screeching about a parking space does it take to make me never want to go near a place again? One. Just one. Get Your Sh*t Together, Cava! Cava has an amazing menu that would make most people start craving them on a regular. They also have some of the best organic non-alcoholic drinks ever. However, they have got to do something about their locations. This chain could end up choking itself if it doesn’t!

Lyon Street Food Festival Dave WINTERIDGE

Lyon has for a long time been considered as the culinary capital of France, if not the World. Situated in the south-east of France, on the banks of the mighty Rhone river, it is ideally located to benefit from a variety of fresh produce. To the north, Charolais beef or Bresse chicken as well as cream and butter. To the east, the Alps are known for cured meats, cheeses and charcuterie



and then to the south, seasonal fruit and vegetables and olive oil.Combine all that fantastic produce with a massive wine region, Cote du Rhone and slightly further south wines such as Chateau Neuf du Pape, and you literally have food heaven! Lyon is the third largest city in France, after Paris and Marseille, and is a truly vibrant city.

When I came across an advert for a food festival in Lyon it was only natural that we had to get tickets. Unfortunately, due to World events over the past 18 months we have had to wait, but, finally, across the weekend of 17th-19th september we got to go to Lyon. The festival was billed as à Street Food Festival, which is of particular relevance to me at present as I continue plans with setting up my own food truck. We booked tickets for the Friday night and all day Saturday and set out

determined to make the most of what was on offer. We arrived in Lyon by train Thursday afternoon and, after deciphering the local transport network of trams and underground, set out to explore. Lyon is a big university city and blends a mix of traditional 18th century architecture with very modern, impressive edifices. To be honest my wife and I toured the city with wide-eyed excitement - we really did feel like hicks from the sticks!

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Friday evening we arrived at the venue for the festival, disused factory units with graffiti that gave à real vibe of street food before we even entered. As with all large events in France at present everybody has to provide proof of either à double Covid vaccination or à negative test within the last 72 hours and mask wearing is encouraged - which



clearly was not going to happen with so much food and drink on offer! The festival had been billed as having 100 chefs with a section for African food, Asian food, Food Trucks and live DJs and bands. In addition there were due to be 200 ateliers, workshops, including wine tastings and cookery classes with the likes of the Institut Paul Bocuse.

The expression, “like kids in à sweet shop” could not have been more appropriate! We had arrived early so were able to take a tour of the venue before the crowds arrived. Each food stand was offering a couple of different dishes for about 5 euros each. There were the usual burgers, of course, but then there were some very special dishes. There was no way we were going to be able to sample everything, so we thought we might try some of the more different options available.

Nattin (a Vietnamese dish), an African chicken dish with the most amazing spicing and I added extra hot sauce!and Tacos with Andouillette. In the wine district we drank Cote du Rhone and listened to the buzz and the DJ while we planned what to eat next. Later in the evening we headed to the Oktoberfest Hall for some beer and an extremely good live band. After five hours of food, drink, music and crowds we headed out to catch the Metro back to our hotel but we still had tickets for Saturday.

On Friday evening we had Panang Curry, Pulled Pork Burger (amazing!),

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Saturday proved to have a different vibe. On Friday night it was loud with two live bands, DJs, the bars were busy and there was a real festival buzz. Saturday was chilled with more families and the music toned down. The sun was shining and in the outside area the feeling was like a garden party. We also had a treat with Anne-Sophie Pic present. She holds the most Michelin Stars of any chef in the World - her various establishments currently have 8 stars! - and she brought her brand new food truck. We started our culinary adventure at the BBQ area by having a Pulled Tiger Pitta. Not a real Tiger! but a Corsican speciality of Tiger Veal barbecued and served with Tzatsiki and Corsican cheese - delicious.

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We continued with a dish from the Institut Paul Bocuse (Paul Bocuse was an extremely well renowned chef from Lyon who died in 2018). A griddled piece of salmon served in a homemade bread topped with a special sauce. We had to try something from the Pic -up truck so went for a pulled pork burger with a homemade bun. To be completely honest probably not as good as the pulled pork burger from the night before, but still darn good..

Overall I have to say the experience was tremendous. A well organised event in a superb venue with some fantastic chefs and an atmosphere of people wanting to enjoy themselves. It seems to have been a long time since we have had events on this scale and I sincerely hope they continue. Next year the Lyon Street Food Festival is scheduled to take place in June and I am seriously hoping to get my own food truck there for a couple of days!

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Gizem KESKIN Ca DRE#02138553

Discover your next home with San Diego's next generation realtor

A small village with a rich cuisine

Miguel Cardoso

Located in the most western part of Europe, there’s a little country, and no it’s not Spain if you’re wondering. It’s smaller but as rich in culture and in history as any other country, it is Portugal. A country whose history is heavily influenced by food, going from never ending sieges defeated by throwing bread at the enemy lines to navigating the most treacherous of the seven seas in search of best spices coming from the unknown world. But today we are not here to talk about such feats, today I’ll take you on culinary journey to the town of Vinhais, where one of the largest smoked meats festivals, in the country, is held.

Situated in the northern part of Portugal, just 4 km away from the Spanish border, we find the town of Vinhais, although with small population of only 9,000 inhabitants, it’s been holding the biggest festival of smoked meats in the country for the last 40 years, the “Feira do Fumeiro”, which translates to smokehouse fair in English.

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Taken from Feira do Fumeiro de Vinhais

Starting off in 1981 with its first edition, the festival has grown exponentially over the years having around 80,000 visitants every year, and with no sign of decline in these numbers. The festival lasts for 4 days allowing you to experience the best the region has to offer, from small stands selling the most varied cheeses and smoked meats, traditional and regional cuisines where one can enjoy the regional wine and food; to horse shows, bull wrestling and at night musical concerts. However, as you may have guessed already, the prized jewels of this festival are the smoked meats. Here you’ll find the most delicious, varied, smoky, cured meats you’ll ever have the pleasure to taste but among them, there are select few that stand out.

Boil it or roast it and you’ll have the most pleasant aroma coming from your kitchen, serve it on a plate and slice it to surprise your family and friends because believe me no one expects for blood and honey to mix so well.

Taken from Feira do Fumeiro de Vinhais

The alheira, a sausage that within itself holds various types of meat from pork and veal to poultry, to these you add olive oil and regional wheat bread, which is then boiled and smoked to create an utterly delicious sausage perfect for a hearty meal, whether you boil it alongside with potatoes and other vegetables or decide to have a cheat day on your diet and fry it with some chips and a nice fried egg, it is something to die for!

Taken from Feira do Fumeiro de Vinhais

The Presunto, better known as Iberian ham to foreigners, cannot be ignored either. A majestic pork leg cut from the best fed pigs, it is then massaged and greased to be further smoked for not less than 12 months. Although it is a bit too salty for some people, have a thin slice and pair it with some buttery sheep cheese and you’ll have the perfect afternoon snack.

Taken from Feira do Fumeiro de Vinhais

The Chouriça doçe de Vinhais, or sweet smoked sausage, is a must have! Although made from contrasting and peculiar ingredients such as pigs’ blood, honey, nuts, and bread, one may find it odd how these ingredients make up for such an amazing dessert.

Taken from Feira do Fumeiro de Vinhais

To finish off this small presentation of specialties we have the Salpicão de Vinhais, the sausage king of Vinhais, oak trees.

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This smoked sausage is perfect to make an omelet, the smokey taste with traces of wine blends flawlessly with the egg. If you don’t take my word for it, every year the festival holds a competition to reward the best Salpicão made that year, maybe you’ll take the word of the champion. However as curious as you may be, you may ask what makes the smoked meats of the “Feira do Fumeiro” so special? Why are they so sought for in Portugal? The ingredients that are used to prepare a dish are incredibly important. We are bombarded with stories from chefs on how they pursue only the best ingredients to produce and cook only the most outstanding dishes. By now the answer shouldn’t be a surprise, the ingredients used in the confection of the smoked meats are important, but one stands out above all – the meat, and the pigs where it’s taken from. The meat used to create these delectable and savory treats is made only with the meat taken specifically from pigs properly identified as Bísaros. From Celtic origins and currently disseminated mostly in the northern Portuguese territory, this breed almost went extinct in the 90’s. Thankfully due to local efforts and EU protection, the number of producers went from just 21 in the 2000’s to 150 in 2020. Thanks to them we can still enjoy their meat. 44 I

The pigs and piglets are (and must be) raised following the ancient and traditional customs of the region, which means the pigs not only have a close relation with their owner but are given an outdoors space where they can roam freely. These pigs are only fed with natural products, such as chestnuts, oatmeal, and cabbage. This method not only makes for sustainable and environment friendly practice, but at the same time it greatly influences the meat since it provides flavour and minerals to it. In efforts to preserve this flavourful breed, the festival holds a competition to reward and remunerate the most Bísaro of Bísaros, meaning the swine that has best qualities of this breed, characterized by long ears, and arched back, wins. Unfortunately, the pig itself doesn’t win anything and most likely is still turned into sausages and ham, nonetheless should you feel pity for our meaty friend, you can always buy him as your new pet.

Despite all the good things I’ve said about this festival, the past two years were harsh. Covid-19 hit Portugal hard, and all social events were cancelled. Lockdown was mandatory, as it was the case in most countries, we were locked at home and left to attend our business within. Be that as it may, the town hall and the organizers of the “Feira do Fumeiro” didn’t stand down, with much grief in their hearts due to not being able to bring the festival to the people of Vinhais and the country. An online platform in support of the festival was created and it’s open since the 1st of February of this year (2021). It allows the visitor to learn about the product they’re buying and who they are buying it from. Thankfully next year, you’ll be able visit the real festival and enjoy it in person. Take a stroll through the stands and chat with people, they will happily tell you all about their products and give you a taste; hear the folklore musicians walk through the festival, playing with their hearts and smiles wide open; sit down and try the local cuisine and enjoy the wine while chatting with other visitors or simply enjoy it by yourself and absorb all the best the Portuguese culture has to offer because deep down Portugal is made of amazing food and amazing people.

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One of the most famous European festivals to take place each year Octoberfest. The festival actually takes place during September and traditionally finishes on the first weekend of October. During this time Munich in the Bavarian region of Germany is transformed into a massive beer drinking community. People from all over the World arrive in Germany to take part in what has become possibly the largest beer festival and funfair anywhere. Many other cities in different countries now hold their own versions of Oktoberfest based on the original concept.


The first Oktoberfest was held to celebrate a royal wedding in 1810 when the entire population of Munich was invited to participate in the celebration in the fields in front of the city gates. The closing ceremony included a horse race which continued each year until 1960. Oktoberfest has only been cancelled 24 times and only due to war or epidemic. The festival is very much associated with beer drinking and there are some strict rules concerning the beer served. Only beer brewed within the city limits of Munich and meeting certain criteria is permitted to be served and is known as “Oktoberfest Beer”. In addition to the beer the festival is about celebrating the culture of Bavaria and Germany and includes traditional food, costumes and customs.

Before any beer is served the breweries and restaurants parade into the festival site in traditional costume with horses and decorated floats. At precisely 12 noon the Lord Mayor opens the first barrel of beer, followed by 12 gunshots after which the restaurants can start serving beer. The first litre is normally served to the Bavarian President. But Oktoberfest is not just beer. Bavaria is renowned particularly for its sausages such as Bratwurst, made from either pork, veal or beef, or Weisswurst, a Bavarian white sausage made from minced veal, pork and back bacon. The most common food associated with the festival however is a half spit-roasted chicken known as Hendl. Up to half a million Hendle are served each year! Almost anywhere you go in the festival grounds you will come across people roasting and then eating these delicious greasy feasts! Other popular dishes may include a roasted pork knuckle and, of course, the ubiquitous pretzel. But, let’s face it, you are going to need something fairly substantial and greasy to soak up all that beer. Unfortunately Oktoberfest 2021, like 2020, has not taken place due to ongoing pandemic fears. Here are a few Oktoberfest numbers for you and we all hope to be drinking again next year. 1.Nearly 7 million visitors attend each year from around 45 countries. 2.The Red Cross has 15 hangover recovery beds and between 7000 and 10,000 people will seek medical attention. 3.The record for a waiter carrying the most number of beers at one time is 27 - that is 1 litre Steins. 4.A little over 7 million litres of beer are consumed 5.It is estimated that the festival is worth 1.1 billion Euros to the Munich economy

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Bengal’s love for cinema and literature have been brought before the world by legendary icons Satyajit Ray and Rabindranath Tagore. However, if one wants to experience Bengal’s equally famed love for food, there is no better place to be than in the capital city of Kolkata during their beloved Durga Pujo. This festival of Goddess Durga had initially began as a purely religious celebration in 1901. Today it is a reflection of Bengal’s beliefs, traditions, intellect and has been recognized by the UNESCO as an Intangible Cultural Heritage. While Durga Pujo can not be solely called a food festival, it encompasses within itself the oldest and the biggest food festival of the state of Bengal.

Goddess Durga. Photographed by Pritika Mustafi.



To put matters into perspective, the celebration is not conducted in a limited space. The entire state of West Bengal is adorned with lights, and “pandals” are constructed in every block to host the idol of the Goddess. Since pandals express Bengal’s creativity, every year a sweet cultural battle takes place to decide which block has built the most awe-inspiring pandal for the Goddess. Leaving aside the main roads where traffic is regulated, one can hardly walk two steps before finding temporary stalls of food, each selling a different variety of lipsmacking delicacy.

A Pandal in Kolkata. Photographed by Sutapa Saha.

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The reason being Bengal, especially Kolkata, itself turns into an art exhibition due to the creativity of the pandal designers. People flock the streets as they “pandal-hop” from one pandal to another even in the odd hours of the night. The ad-hoc food stalls are set up not only around the pandals but even on pavements throughout the city to satisfy the appetite of the crowds who have been outside their homes for hours trying to figure out which pandal mesmerized them the most. Most stalls remain open for all 24 hours in the last 4 days of this 10-day celebration. The economy created around this festival is equal to $4.53 billion and is often compared to that of Rio de Janeiro’s.

Crowd inside a Pandal in Kolkata. Photographed by Sutapa Saha.

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Bengal’s street food is just as diverse as their traditional main courses and desserts. The most popular and easily available street dishes in this annual Kolkata food festival are Phuchka, Kathi Rolls, and Fish Fry. Phuchka is a timeless street food and is an absolute favorite of all age groups and social classes. They are deep fried hollow and crispy wheat balls with a simple yet delicious mashed potato filling and is accompanied by spicy tamarind water. It is the most affordable street food dish in Kolkata and is inevitably present outside each pandal irrespective of its popularity and crowd. Fusion Phuchkas are a common sight in international food festivals held in Kolkata. However, during the Durga Puja food festival the traditional and original recipe is followed.

Kathi rolls are prepared by wrapping filling with parathas (a form of round flatbread). The main core of the filling is potato, chicken, mutton, or fried egg and is accompanied by cucumber, onion, ketchup and mustard sauce. When all the elements come together, it gives rise to a savory musical on your tongue. This dish is preferred as an evening snack by students and adults while returning from college or work. The Kathi roll stalls are mostly found along the pavements and are always crowded. It is a convenient choice as it can be enjoyed on the go. Fish holds exceptional cultural significance in Bengali households and their devotion towards seafood is unparalleled.

Fish symbolizes good luck and prosperity and plays a role in certain Bengali ceremonies unlike other Hindu religions in India. The fish fry had its origin during the British era in Kolkata when Bengal’s loyalty towards fish blended with the English culinary style. The dish is prepared by marinating a boneless Bhektki fish fillet and then masking it in bread crumbs before deep frying it using a special technique so that the rectangular shape of the fillet remains intact throughout. It is served with salad and mustard sauce. This dish is pricey as compared to Phuchka and Kathi Rolls but is always sold out if you are late to order. Fish Fry is always present in every local food festival in Bengal too.

From left to right: Phuchka, Kathi Rolls, fish Fry

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Pandal Hopping at dawn. Photographed by Anne D.

None of the famous food festivals of India can carry on without Biryani and Bengal is no exception. However, the ingredients and taste of Biryani varies state-wise and the debate of which state in India cooks the best biryani is a never ending one. Biryani is a rice-based dish that is cooked with chicken, mutton, or beef. It is rich in flavor and one of the most sought-after dishes in India. The Bengali Biryani is just as flavorful as its other regional counterparts but it is light in texture and comes with a piece of potato and an egg.

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The scrumptious soft piece of potato is known to have started arguments amongst peers over its ownership during a shared meal. The preparation of Biryani is elaborate. Even though there are street stalls selling pre-packaged meals, most people prefer relishing the delicacy in established restaurants. This has led to several mainstream restaurants introducing new menus during Durga Puja which sport only biriyani and few other dishes. It allows the chef to focus only on the biryani preparation. More people are satisfied as serving time is lessened and they do not have to wait for long in the queues outside the restaurant.

From left to right: Biryani, Kosha Mangsho, Khichuri

The Bengali Mutton Curry or Kosha Mangsho is a must try for anyone visiting Bengal. It is a traditional dish prepared using the slow cooking method which concentrates on retaining the mutton’s flavor. The spice hits the tongue palate magnificently and when coupled with the tender meat and the gorgeous aroma, it becomes an experience that is hard to forget. Similar to biryani, it is best enjoyed in restaurants due to its cooking method. It is customary to eat a vegetarian lunch on the 8th day of the festival. The lunch is called “bhog”. Bhog has religious significance and is not served in restaurants. Pandals take initiative on this auspicious day.

The main dish in Bhog is Khichuri. It is a one pot traditional meal of rice and lentils. It is not too spicy and is usually accompanied by potato wedges and another vegetarian side dish which differs from pandal to pandal. However, if one digs deeper into a hot plate of Khichuri, one will unravel the most intimate Bengali emotions in each grain.

Priest in a Pandal. Photographed by Pritika Mustafi

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. This delicacy is a preferred meal served to the ill for their speedy recovery, is unquestionably a favorite during rainy days, and is cooked to celebrate all auspicious ceremonies. It is a comfort meal that is often cooked in every Bengali kitchen and encompasses within itself innocent memories of childhood and the feeling of homely love. From left to right: Roshogolla, Mishti Doi Bengalis know how to end a meal in a correct fashion. Being the Land of Sweets of India, Bengal’s range of desserts is diverse. The top two household favorites are Roshogolla and Mishti Doi. Roshogollas are spongey white curdled milk balls dipped in sugar syrup. This sweet is synonymous with Bengalis. It is a must have in every occasion whether personal, social, or religious. Irrespective of whether it’s breakfast or dinner, this sweet is gladly enjoyed by the people of Bengal after each meal and it is customary to gift a pot of this sweet whenever someone visits their relative’s house. Bengalis finish their celebratory meals with at least two desserts. More options are included if the host is financially strong. Mishti Doi is basically yoghurt that’s prepared by combining jaggery with milk. It is popular among children as well who accept this as a delicacy that rivals their favorite scoops of ice-cream. However, one should definitely not stop only at these two dishes. Bengal is a gold mine of desserts which has something or the other to satisfy every sweet tooth out there.

The ambience, the cheerful people, the festive decorations, the Bengali pride, makes one taste the celebration of life in every bite one takes in this food festival. Held during the months of September-October, Durga Puja is undoubtedly one of the great Indian food festivals that one could experience.

Street decoration surrounding a Pandal. Photographed by Sutapa Saha. 58 I

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From left to right: Roshogolla, Mishti Doi


Televido, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Longganisa is a Filipino dish that is a must-have on every dinner table in the Philippines. What if I told you something? That we have a diverse selection of sausages from all across the country here in the Philippines, some of them are mentioned below: A few of the numerous kinds of Longganisa that can be found across the Philippines are Imus Longganisa, Calumpit Longganisa, Pampanga Longganisa, Bacolod Chorizo, and Vigan Longganisa to name a few.

Vigan Longganisa-BrokenSphere, CC BY-SA 3.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

The Longganisa de Vigan is the most well-known variant of the Longganisa in the nation. Vigan, a popular tourist destination in our country, is considered to be one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that their version of Philippine Sausage has grown to become one of our country's most renowned sausages. Longganisa is available in two varieties in Vigan: one which is sweet and the other that is garlicky and salty. Due to its distinct taste as well as the inclusion of "Sukang Iloko" vinegar, it has become very popular in recent years.

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Mexican chorizo

There is a theory that Vigan longanissa was inspired by Mexican chorizo, which would explain why it has a spicier, saltier, tangier, and garlicky flavor than other longganisa. This longganisa's biggest distinction is that it's been sun-dried for half a day to eliminate extra moisture before being prepared. The practice of manufacturing it dates back to the days of the Spanish galleon trade, according to legend.

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The ingredients for Vigan’s longganisa according to Kawaling Pinoy are listed below: • 2 tablespoons soy sauce • 2 tablespoons vinegar • 2 tablespoons anisado wine • 1/2 cup brown sugar • 1 tablespoon salt • 2 pounds coarsely ground pork • 1 pound pork fat diced • 1 head garlic peeled and minced • 2 teaspoons ground black pepper • 2 teaspoons paprika • hog casings about 12 to 15 feet • 1 cup water • 2 tablespoons oil

Ray in Manila, CC BY 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

We'll see how far we can go into this dish. Did you know that the Longganisa Festival is held in the city of Vigan, in the Philippines, every year? Given the fact that the Vigan longganisa, the local equivalent of Mexican salami, has a very garlicky flavor that has grown popular among Filipinos, the festival will include a group cabinet dedicated to the salami. The Longganisa Festival is also celebrated during the Vigan City Fiesta Days, which are held every year in August. During the longganisa march, the city attempts to set a new record for the longest longganisa ever manufactured by a single organization. Vigan longganisa, a local variant of Mexican salami, has an unique garlicky flavor that has become a favorite among Filipinos' sense of taste due to its distinct garlicky flavor.

The flavor of Vigan longganisa has not yet been duplicated by anybody, despite many efforts to do so. It is as a consequence that the people of Biguenos think this is due to the centuries-old history of local producers in making Vigan longganisa, which is a dish that utilizes all or most of the ingredients from Vigan. It is said that Vigan's garlic and sugarcane vinegar are even superior than they were before. Participants in the Vigan City Fiesta are given a special blessing upon their return home. The festival, which continues until the 27th of January, coincides with Vigan's cityhood anniversary celebrations as well as the city's yearly commemoration of thanksgiving to St. Paul, all of which take place at the same time. In the road-moving competition, the Ilocos Region will be represented by 13 competing groups, each of which will compete throughout three distinct classes, all of which will be held in the region. Several groups of high school and college students will make a spectacle out of Longaniza's death.

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Best Mexican Rice Recipe Linh Nguyen Quy

With its aesthetically appealing crimson colour and acidic tomato taste and spices, this dish is sure to please. Try it as a meal foundation or a delicious side dish today. Mexican rice, which is bursting with flavor and vibrant hues, is much better than simple steamed rice. Not that ordinary rice isn’t great, but restaurantstyle Mexican rice is on another level. And, if you’re serving Mexican food at home, why not make it even more genuine by using the greatest Mexican rice recipe? Ingredients 1 1/2 cups jasmine rice 1 cup skinned, chopped tomatoes 1/4 small white onion, coarsely chopped 1 clove garlic, coarsely chopped 1/3 cup safflower oil 3 1/2 cups chicken broth 1/3 cup carrot coins 1/2 cup peas

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Steps Pour boiling water over the rice and let aside for 10 minutes. In cold water, rinse the rice. In a blender, puree the tomatoes, onion, and garlic until smooth. In a big saucepan, heat the oil. Stir in the rice until it is evenly covered. Cook the rice until it becomes brown. Any surplus oil should be drained. Cook until the tomato puree has been absorbed. Cook uncovered until the broth has been absorbed, then add the broth and veggies.Cook for another 5 minutes, covered, over a low heat. Remove from the heat and cover for another 15 minutes. Turn the rice over and check for any residual moisture before serving. If there is, cover and cook for a further five minutes.

In Mexican cuisine, what kind of rice is used? This web page about the rice used in Mexican cuisine was my guide: The most frequent type of rice used in Mexican cooking is long grain rice. In this dish, I chose basmati, which is one of the most fragrant long-grain choices. Mexican Rice Colors, Why is Spanish Rice Red? It’s commonly referred to as Spanish rice, but there’s a big distinction between the two: Spanish rice gets its red color from saffron. This recipe is a twist on the classic red rice and vegetable dish that can be found all across Mexico.

Is red rice good for you? Rice that is red in color. Deeply pigmented red rice types, such as Himalayan red rice and Thai red cargo rice, provide an amazing assortment of minerals and beneficial plant components. This kind has more protein and fiber than white rice types, but its antioxidant content is where it truly shines. Some Mexican rice: Mexican Brown Rice, Mexican Red Rice, Mexican Yellow Rice, Mexican White Rice.

Is there a distinction between Mexican rice and Spanish rice? The terms “Spanish rice” and “Mexican rice” are sometimes used One of the characteristics that interchangeably and refer to the distinguishes Mexican rice is the range same meal. Rice, tomatoes (or of colors available depending on the tomato sauce), chicken bouillon, or additives used. Some say the key to broth are common basic components mastering this dish is figuring out how in both. The only minor variation may to acquire that distinctive orange-red be that Spanish rice is prepared with color. Mexican Rice, on the other hand, saffron instead of cumin, depending may come in a range of colors based on on who cooks it. the seasonings and rice variety used.

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Is it preferable to eat Spanish rice or Mexican rice? Spanish rice is heartier and firmer, while Mexican rice is softer and “melts in your mouth,” according to the Latin food brand. In any case, they’re each delectable in their own right.

When it comes to Mexican rice, how long does it last? In the fridge, Mexican rice lasts approximately 3 to 4 days. You’ll want to use it up or put it in the freezer before then.

Is it possible to consume warmed What distinguishes Spanish cuisine from rice? Of course, if you’ve only chilled it for Mexican cuisine? a few of days, it’s conceivable. I The cuisine of Spain is more don’t think so if it’s been more than Mediterranean in nature. They consume a lot of seafood. Potatoes, eggplant, and four days. Reheating Mexican rice is simple. You olive oil are common ingredients in Italian meals, whereas chili peppers and may cook on the stovetop or in the tortillas are common in Mexican cuisine. microwave. You may need to rehydrate it with a little broth or Mexican cuisine is generally hotter. water. To enhance the flavor of the rice. Mexicans are very important in Serving Suggestions for Mexican enhancing the taste of food. Rice Mexican rice is delicious because it brings together tomatoes, onions, garlic, When it comes to presenting Mexican rice, the sky is the limit! This cumin, chicken stock, jalapenos, bell stuff will take taco night to the next peppers, limes, and cilantro. level, but don’t forget to prepare it when you’re having fajitas, stuffing it What’s the deal with my rice not being into burritos to compete with fluffy? If you remove the cover from your quick Chipotle, topping enchiladas with Spanish rice recipe, the rice will not get sauce, flautas, empanadas, and so much more! fluffy. Leave it alone once the lid is on and the temperature is down. If you lift How to preserve food the lid, the steam will escape, leaving you with crispy rice instead of fluffy rice After processing, you can put it in a box and store it in the refrigerator. If you are a lover of Mexican food, How do you keep Mexican rice from you should definitely not miss this becoming mushy? Your Mexican rice should not be mushy article, here are all the things that I if you follow this recipe. If it still has too want to share about traditional much water in it by the time it should be Mexican food, it will not take you too long to make it. completed, remove the saucepan and Traditional Mexican rice is full of resume cooking over low heat so the flavor and very healthy, I think this is water evaporates.. a good suggestion for busy people.

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Rice pudding recipe is extremely delicious. Linh Nguyen Quy

What is Rice Pudding? Rice pudding is a dessert prepared with rice, water, or milk, and spices like cinnamon, vanilla, and raisins. Desserts and meals are both served with variations. It is frequently mixed with a sweetener like as sugar when served as a dessert. It’s simple to make: just combine all of the ingredients in a baking dish and bake. If you restrict your portion sizes and consume mostly nutritious meals the rest of the day, this dessert may be part of a balanced diet. To ensure a delicious Rice Pudding must be full of the following ingredients. Preparation takes about 5 minutes. It’s also extremely cost-effective, as it only requires a few components! The Rice The best rice for rice pudding Because rice is the major ingredient in this dish, the type of rice you choose is critical to the final result. Uncooked long-grain or short-grain white rice can be used in this recipe, but not uncooked brown rice, which requires more cooking liquid than white rice. If you’re starting with cooked rice, though, you can use either white or brown rice. Jasmine rice has a lovely flowery flavor, and it’s my go-to rice for rice pudding. Basmati rice releases its starch, resulting in a creamy, somewhat firm texture that is ideal for rice pudding. Rice pudding can’t be made using brown rice since it’s too hard. Risotto rice (arborio rice) is equally as tasty, but it requires a little more liquid and takes a little longer to prepare. 70 I

Short grain white rice or jasmine rice are good options if you want rice that is soft but not mushy. It must be uncooked rice. Cooked rice doesn’t have the same creamy texture as uncooked rice, and the texture of uncooked rice isn’t as appealing – it’s either firm or mushy, and you can’t get the exact soft texture you want for rice pudding. Milk ( coconut milk) Any type of milk will work, however, the creamier the results will be if the fat content is higher. Do you want to eat a dairy-free or vegan diet? You may also use canned coconut milk, but be aware that the flavor will be very strong (or try the subtler stuff found in boxes). If you’re starting with uncooked rice, use 4 cups milk; if you’re starting with cooked rice, use 3 cups. Sugar: If you want it sweeter, start with 1/3 cup granulated sugar and add more at the end. Play experiment with brown sugars or liquid sweeteners, but start with a few tablespoons and adjust as needed. Cream Just a bit, mixed in at the end to provide a slight richness to the texture while also lightening the sauce (it comes out a bit brown from the cinnamon). Substitute butter for the oil – it has a same effect.

For Flavor: Vanilla, almond, rosewater, orange blossom water, and pandan extract are some of the flavors used. The traditional form is sugared and seasoned with cinnamon.

When served with extra fruit, apple sauce, or fruit compote, this delightful German take on it produces a creamy and deliciously sweet dish that may be enjoyed for breakfast, snack, lunch, or supper.

Add Dried Fruits Rice pudding is enhanced by the inclusion of raisins, chopped dried apricots, and even chopped dry mango. Add dried fruits in the last ten to fifteen minutes of cooking if you want softer textures. If you like your fruit to have more texture and chew, add it at the end of the cooking process.

Creamy Portuguese Rice Pudding (Arroz Doce)

Popular in Rice Pudding While the fundamental meal is quite simple, as I previously stated, different styles may be found in different areas. Some recipes call for additional water, while others call for evaporated and/or condensed milk. The sugar and seasonings are also different. German Rice Pudding

Arroz Doce, while not traditional, is a popular Portuguese delicacy that children who grew up with compare to an ice cream cone. It’s usually served cold, although some individuals prefer it slightly warm or at room temperature. Arroz Doce is created using a shortgrain rice (such as arborio rice) that is cooked slowly and is creamier than the restaurant version. It is also seasoned with lemon peel.

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Thai Rice Pudding

For decades, this simple dish has been a mainstay of English dinners. Short-grain rice, comparable to risotto rice, is excellent for a rich and creamy meal; it also works well as pudding rice.

Thai rice pudding is delicious, nutritious, and healthful. This classic dish, which should be served warm, may be part of your breakfast with fresh fruit on top, or a delicious dessert with marinated berries. Sweet rice (also known as sticky or glutinous rice) is sweetened with coconut milk, brown sugar, and warm spices like cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, and star anise in this famous Thai delicacy.

Classic British toppings like roasted rhubarb, poached pears, or highquality jam can be added to your handmade rice pudding. Try caramel sauce, amaretto cherries, or cinnamon and raisins instead of the traditional ingredients. It takes 2 1/2 hours to cook and 15 minutes to stand after taking it out of the oven. Spanish Rice Pudding (Arroz Con Leche)

The recipe for mango sauce, which has a tropical fruit flavor and is ideal for summer. British Rice Pudding

The rice is cooked with only a little water and mostly milk in the Spanish version, then seasoned with lemon and cinnamon. The cinnamon lends a lovely warmth, while the lemon brings a pleasant freshness to the dish.

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INSTRUCTIONS Arroz with Leche literally translates to “rice with milk,” but it’s actually a thick rice pudding that everyone cooks differently.

Combine the rice and milk in a measuring cup. In a large pot, combine 1 cup uncooked short-grain or long-grain white rice and The most common ingredients are lemon 3 cups cooked rice. For uncooked rice, use 4 cups milk; for cooked rice, use 3 peel and cinnamon sticks, although cups milk. other recipes also include wine, extra spices, orange peel, and even a coating Toss in the seasoning. of caramelized sugar on top. 1/4 teaspoon kosher salt and 1/3 cup granulated sugar Scrape the seeds from This traditional Arroz with Leche dish is 1/2 vanilla bean and add the seeds and popular in Spanish families. It’s creamy pod to the pot if using vanilla bean. Add and sweet, with a hint of lemon. It’s a 1 1/2 tablespoons of vanilla bean paste if simple dish that may be served hot or using. Add any extras you like. cold. Leftovers are great for breakfast. Other improved Rice Budding varieties such as. Vegan Rice Pudding, Coconut Milk Rice Pudding, Banana Rice Pudding, Lemon grass- coconut rice pudding, Creamy rice pudding with cardamom and almonds, Chilled banana and pistachio rice pudding..ect.. How to Make and Serve Rice Pudding INGREDIENTS 1 cup white rice, long or medium grain 3 to 4 cups milk 1/3 cup sugar 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/2 vanilla 1 tablespoon butter 1/2 cup cream 1/2 cup raisins, 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon

Reduce to a low heat after bringing to a low boil. Bring the mixture to a boil and stir the rice to keep it from sticking. Simmer for until the rice is tender. Reduce the heat to a low level and cook, uncovered, until the rice is very soft and the sauce begins to thicken, about 20 to 22 minutes for uncooked rice and 10 to 12 minutes for cooked rice. Combine the butter and vanilla essence in a mixing bowl. Remove from the heat and, if preferred, whisk in 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla essence and 1 tablespoon unsalted butter until melted. If necessary, remove the vanilla bean pod. Rice pudding is ready to be served. As the rice pudding cools, it will thicken even more. If preferred, thin with additional milk and serve warm or cold.

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Collection of attractive recipes from chicken and rice Linh Nguyen Quy

Here’s your go-to dinner recipe for a hectic day! From start to finish, this 20Minute Chicken and Rice Dinner combines chicken, rice, and vegetables in one skillet. It also employs materials that you probably already have on hand, so there’s no need to go to the store late! then add cream of chicken soup, water, instant rice, and broccoli. Just make sure you use instant rice to speed up the cooking process! You may even use quick brown rice if you follow the instructions below. No one will have time to wonder.

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Ingredients: 1 1/4 pound chicken breast, boneless and skinless (4 small or 2 large cut in half lengthwise for thinner pieces) 1 tablespoon oil (vegetable) Campbell’s® Condensed Cream of Chicken Soup, 98 percent Fat-Free Cream of Chicken Soup, or Condensed Unsalted Cream of Chicken Soup, 1 can (10 1/2 ounces) 1/2 gallon of water paprika, 1/4 teaspoon 2 cups uncooked instant white rice (reduce to 1 1/2 cup for creamier rice) 2 cups broccoli florets (fresh or frozen) (about 6 ounces)

Instructions: Step1: Season the chicken with salt and pepper in the first step. Step 2 Pour oil into a skillet and cook on medium heat, add the chicken and fry until golden on both sides. Remove from the skillet. Step 3 Bring the soup, water, and paprika to a boil in a pan. Step 4 Combine the rice and broccoli in a mixing bowl. Reduce the heat to a low setting. Toss the chicken back into the skillet. Additional paprika can be sprinkled on top of the chicken. Step 5 Cook for 5 minutes, or until the chicken is cooked through and the rice is soft. Before serving, season to taste. Tips to cook chicken and rice yummy If you’re using unsalted cream of chicken, season to taste. The flavor of the dish was improved with 1/4 teaspoon of salt, according to our test kitchen. This dish may be made with any Campbell’s® condensed cream soup (including Cheddar cheese). Is it okay if I use brown rice instead of white rice? Yes, as long as the brown rice is quick. Simply reduce the quantity to 1 1/2 cup.

Do you want to produce enough for 8 people? Double the remaining ingredients and use a 22.6-ounce can of Campbell’s® Condensed Cream of Chicken Soup. Cook in a 6-quart pot (you’ll need to brown the chicken in two batches because it won’t brown as nicely if you cook it all at once). Reduce the doubled amount of rice to 3 cups for a creamier rice.

Arroz con pollo. Baked pieces of chicken with bone, rice with paprika and peas. Black background. Served on black plate or spanish pan.

Paprika Chicken & Rice Bake This was fantastic! To add richness to the rice, I added a small amount of parmesan (about 1/4 cup). Next time, I’ll probably sauté an onion with the peppers, as well as some cayenne. This is a really basic dish that may easily be substituted! The finest things in life may sometimes be found in a single pot! This baked chicken and rice meal saves you time and effort while still providing plenty of flavor. Remove the seasoned chicken from the pan and sauté garlic and onions in the remaining juices.

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Cook the rice and stock together, then top with the chicken and bake for another 25 minutes (optional: broil the chicken separately to get a crispier skin.) You’ll be left with a pile of wonderful food, and you’ll want to make this extremely easy dish at least once a week for the rest of your life.

Chicken with hidden veggies sauce This vegetable sauce goes nicely with chicken (as in the recipe below), but it’s also delicious with meatballs, veal, or white fish, to mention a few options. I often use it to sneak additional vegetables into spaghetti sauce.

Slow Cooker Butter Chicken It may be prepared with almost any vegetable, and I generally use It’s creamy, mild, saucy, buttery, and comforting, making it an excellent family whatever I have on hand. Carrots, pumpkin, butternut squash, zucchini, dish. It’s a dump-and-start supper that tomatoes, cauliflower, spinach, or takes less than 10 minutes to prepare. kale are all good choices for this sauce, though the last two will yield The spices used in this dish have a strong fragrance and a wonderful flavor. a less vivid color. This nutritious chicken dish goes well It doesn’t require much; serve it with basmati rice cooked in your Instant Pot with brown rice, black rice, or (see my Instant Pot basmati rice recipe quinoa. Serve this chicken and vegetable sauce over zucchini here) or on the stovetop, and/or naan noodles for an added vitamin boost. bread purchased or made at home. If you want to create your own naan bread, I have a wonderful recipe for you.

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Easy Chicken and Rice Casserole. This is a dump-and-bake dish in the truest sense: In a casserole dish, combine the uncooked rice, onion, broth, and cream of mushroom soup, then top with the chicken thighs. You won’t need to use a skillet or bowl because you’ll layer the ingredients in the baking dish. As a result, this dish is ideal for a lazy Tuesday when ordering pizza is all too tempting. Cuban Chicken and Rice The dynamic combination is more than simply a simple supper pairing; its international appeal has made it a staple of famous Spanish recipes like arroz con pollo, as well as Latin American countries like Cuba and Puerto Rico. This meal, like Mexican rice, cooks the rice in a tomato and broth combination with cumin, annatto, and turmeric for a distinctive color, but the chicken is cooked with the rice. I hope the above recipes can make your life easier, especially for those of you who are busy. If you are looking for a nutritious meal without taking too much time, you should not ignore this article. Good luck.

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