Amidst the Trees - Fall 2018

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FALL 2018

FCDSMagazine FCDS Forsyth Country Day School 5501 Shallowford Road Lewisville, NC 27023 336-945-3151— Head of School

Gardner Barrier ’97

Associate Head of School for Academic Affairs Director of the Middle School Michelle Klosterman, Ph.D.

Associate Head of School for Advancement Nathan Battle

Associate Head of School for Finance and Operations Andrea Matney

Director of the Upper School Steve Manna ’02

Director of the Lower School Dennis Moser, Ed.D.

Director of the Johnson Academic Center Ashley Clark

Amidst the Trees Editor

Priscilla St. John

Publication Design

Scarlett Jessup, ROODcreative

Printed by

Slate Marketing

Contributors & Special Thanks

Frank Brown, Jan DiBlasio, Renee Foust, Tom Howell, Mindy Li ’18, Cate Reece Lynch ’03, Beth Mack, Chris Turner

On the cover: Elliott Watlington ’04, finds his balance as the yoga and philosophy instructor for Wake Forest University Athletics.

Parents, alumni, and friends of Forsyth Country Day School are encouraged to contribute articles, photographs, and other items of interest to Amidst the Trees. Please send them to: or Editor, Amidst the Trees, Forsyth Country Day School, P.O. Box 925, Lewisville, NC, 27023. Alumni, alumni families, faculty, and friends of the school are encouraged to send Class Notes updates and pictures as well as birth notes and items for In Memoriam to Amidst the Trees is published twice annually and sent free of charge to parents, alumni, and friends of Forsyth Country Day School. POSTMASTER: please send address changes to Amidst the Trees, P.O. Box 925, Lewisville, NC, 27023.





from Gardner Barrier ’97 Head of School

Furies making an impact





Elliott Watlington ’04 shares his intentional, unconventional life








“Fore” real! FCDS honors its first state champions, the 1974 golf team


a message from Dear FCDS Community,

Gardner Barrier

How do you define wellness? I, along with a number of fellow staff members here at FCDS, recently asked ourselves this question as we set out to complete the 29-day Winston-Salem Wellness Challenge. Some of us started a new exercise program. Others focused on eating right, meditating, limiting screen time at night, or reading for pleasure. I didn’t win the challenge—I came in fifth—but one FCDS employee beat me out—alumna and fourth grade teacher Kim Fowler, who scored 109 to my 93. Impressive! Obviously, the point of a wellness challenge isn’t winning, but creating healthy habits that can help us lead healthier and better lives. I want that for our students, too. Teaching our students about wellness will help prepare them for what’s ahead no matter what that may be. One step we’ve taken to help students cultivate wellness is the new Wellness Program we launched in the Middle School this fall (see page 5). Another is to explore the idea that taking an intentional break from formal education between high


Gardner with fellow alumnus Elliott Watlington ’04

school and college in the form of a gap year can pay dividends when it comes to creating a meaningful life (see page13). The man on our cover, Elliott Watlington ’04, is an inspiration to those seeking wellness. This yogi discovered his passion during college, and has created an incredible, intentional life for himself grounded in yoga and its teachings. You can read about Elliott on page 21. Take care, be well, and Go Furies!

Gardner Barrier ’97 Head of School Follow @gardnerbarrier on Twitter

We Love Alumni Kids (and Their Parents)! What’s more special than giving your kids the FCDS experience you loved yourself? Here are all the alumni and their children who currently attend FCDS.

Our alumni kids! Note: some students are not pictured because they were off campus when this photo was taken.

Gardner and Heather Barrier - Livy and Maya Barry and Elly Barrineau - Vince and Cy Nathan and Kaitlin Battle - Reese and Bo Chris and Michelle Clifton - Phillip and Sarah Grace Mike and Christian Dew - Avery and Walker Brendan and Laura Dugan - Bobby and Thompson Roger and Kim Fowler - Gracie and Owen Jon and Jessica Heard - Kelly and Georgia Vance and Shaida Horner - Yasmin and Sarina Mark and Liz Kelly - Emily and Marcus Ted and Shiva Kincaid - Halle and Julia Jon and Dara Kurtz - Avi Jeff and Marianne Livengood - Jacob Ben and Sarah Loebner - Jackson Jack and Cate Lynch - Molly and John Sam and Martha Metzler - Bud and Bennett Tirso Martinez and Elizabeth Myers - Jorden and Tony Matt and Meredith Masten - Emily and Molly Brad and Lynn Michael - Jesse and Mary Kate Nick and Ryan Myers - Brynna and Riely

Chris and Heather Parker - Jacob Brian and Lori Patterson - Jenna and Ellie David and Debby Pollock - Madeline Robert and Jessie Quick - Robert Wes and Elaine Reed - Jeannie Susan Dew Reid - Hannah, Brooks, Ansley Mike and Liz Robb - Wyatt John and Mary Schultz - Will Joe and Barbara Scott - Will and Sam Rod and Kathy Sides - Eli David and Aliana Sindram - Josine and Juliana David and Amanda Smith - Noble Robert and Kaye Spaugh - Michael Scott and Darien Sutton - Harper Ken and Lindsay Teague - Luke Michael and Katie Teuschler - Maryann Ken and Lindsay Thompson - Charlie and Abigail Kevin and Danielle Williams - Ben and Hank Adam and Sara Willis - Liam



A group of eighth-grade girls, dressed out for PE in T-shirts, shorts, and sneakers, is standing in the newly created Cavert Wire Training Center in the back of the Tierney Gymnasium. Coach Melanie Nance, one of Forsyth’s two wellness coordinators, is holding a clipboard and a stopwatch as the girls take turns clambering onto a weight machine to do bar hangs. The idea is simple: Standing on a bench, you reach up and grab the metal handles over your head. You’ll have to jump up and pull yourself into the hang, with your upper body close to the bar and your elbows bent. Then, you’ll have to hold it as long as you can. As eighth grader Helen Newton jumps up and begins her hold, Coach Nance starts the stopwatch and begins to count, offering words of encouragement that spur her young student


on. The other girls join her, shouting, “You can do it, Helen!” “Go, Helen!” Helen’s face is intense with concentration and effort, but she’s giving it all she’s got, and when she finally drops, she knows she’s done her best. This is just part of the wellness program launched this year in Forsyth Country Day’s Middle School. Head of School Gardner Barrier believes the school’s mission—to prepare students for what’s ahead—means addressing a lot more than academics. “To truly prepare our kids for what’s ahead, we’re helping them develop life skills and cultivate their personal well-being. Through this program, we’re explicitly teaching them how to do that.” Coach Nance teamed with Coach Monty Gray, a former

public school teacher, administrator, and coach, to become the school’s founding wellness coordinators, working with students in grades six through eight. Melanie works with the girls and Monty with the boys, while Middle School counselor Jenifer Gornik works with both. “Wellness is a holistic approach to the betterment of our students,” Coach Gray explained. “We understand that academics are important, but we’re trying to reach the whole child as well.” For the physical component, the team has brought back the fitness tests the students know from Lower School and made them the focus of physical education. “The emphasis is on overall wellness and we want all kids to have access to it,” Coach Nance said.

“What Melanie and Monty and I are teaching in the wellness program—physical fitness, taking care of your body, learning to make good decisions, how to deal with your emotions and handle conflicts—these aren’t things you can opt out of in life,” Mrs. Gornik said. “These are vital skills for everyone.” For the physical education component, the goal is fitness as well as an outlet for their students’ bountiful energy. “In PE, we’re basically looking to keep kids active,” Coach Gray said. “It gives them an outlet for their energy, a break from sitting still. We work on skills—the bar hang, the mile run, the shuttle run, push-ups, and curl-ups (crunches).” The wellness team has brought back the fitness tests and their basic skills for some very specific reasons that align not just with physical wellness, but with overall wellness. “Practicing these


skills will help improve their physical fitness, but it’s about so much more than that,” Coach Nance said. “It’s about learning to set goals, and it’s about building their self-confidence—whether they consider themselves an athlete or not.” Coach Gray agreed. “We help them set SMART goals—Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relative, and Time-based. We have them ask, ‘Is it something I can do? How important is it to me to do it? How long am I going to give myself to reach this goal?’” At the beginning of the year, coaches Nance and Gray assessed the students to get a baseline of where each student was, then began working with them to set goals for improvement that are attainable for them. “If you can do two push-ups on the first day and you set a goal to be able to do 50 by the end of the semester, that’s not realistic,” Coach Nance said. “We teach them how to set goals that are specific to them, and not to compare themselves to others and what they’re doing.” The social-emotional component is harder to quantify, but equally important. The wellness teachers are following a set health curriculum that’s broken down by grade and—as with PE—by gender. Sixth graders are working on character traits and how to embody those in their daily lives, seventh graders are focused on relationships, and eighth graders are working on nutrition. “My role is to facilitate the guidance lessons for students,” Mrs. Gornik said. “I teach social-emotional lessons on a variety of topics including managing emotions, conflict resolution, and positive and healthy relationships.” Students don’t receive homework in wellness, and the main goal in the classroom is for them to interact. “I try to make these sessions as meaningful as I can,” Mrs. Gornick added. “I want the students to really participate, and to know that what they have to say matters.” In order to facilitate communication and help students feel comfortable discussing topics that can be difficult— personal relationships, conflicts they may


be having, character—the wellness room in the Middle School is not set up like a traditional classroom with hard desks and stiff chairs. Rather, the room is filled with comfortable seating options like couches and bean bag chairs. “We set it up so they can relax, let their guard down, and just talk,” Coach Gray said. “Sometimes that’s exactly what they need. We set it up so that the class is a community.” Breaking the groups up by boys and girls also helps kids relax. “We made the groups gender-based so that they would be more comfortable,” Coach Nance said. “I do think they’re more open to conversation. They’re more real in a single-sex environment.” That’s especially true during the middle school years, when hormones

have kicked into overdrive and bodies are rapidly changing. Students are faced with choices that test character—often for the first time, and they are dealing with friendship issues as well as—in many cases—their first romantic relationships. “They have a lot going on, a lot of things they’re just starting to encounter,” Coach Gray said. “We try to break down how to have healthy relationships, and how to avoid or address conflict.” They discuss and practice mediation, in which both sides meet with a neutral third party in order to resolve a conflict. “Really, the most important part of mediation is just listening to the other side,”

Coach Gray added. “Social-emotional issues are a huge part of everyday life, and we’re providing an opportunity to discuss those issues during class time,” Coach Nance said. “Recently, we watched a video on conflict resolution that involved a racial issue. There was prejudice, and that gave us the opportunity to discuss, ‘What does that mean?’ It means you make a pre-judgment. It opens the doors to those important conversations, and the students realize they can have them. We’re providing a safe place to do that.” Learning to express one’s emotions is a pillar of wellness—as much as exercise, eating well, or getting enough sleep. “The wellness program is not only physical, it’s about the emotional health of a person as well,” Mrs. Gornik said. “If you don’t address your feelings and can’t express your emotions, that will impact all areas of your life—academic, athletic—everything you do.” Coach Nance agrees. “We value their overall wellness, and this program is going to help them achieve that. I think parents and kids, too, are seeing that it’s an opportunity for real growth.” Even though the wellness program is still in its early days, it’s already having a positive impact. Eighth grader Andrew Peterson likes the concept and the teachers. “Coach Gray is really nice,” he said. “I already ate pretty well and drank water, but it’s helpful to have the concept reinforced.” Fellow eighth grader Meredith White agreed. “We’re learning about how to eat healthy and exercise, about how the food you eat can impact your body,” she said. “I’m drinking a lot more water now. They taught us the math about how much you should drink based on your body weight.” Meredith also believes that the program is helping students to open up and discuss issues in the guidance sessions. “It’s teaching us not to be afraid to talk about our health.” Mrs. Gornick is pleased with the program’s progress. “So far it’s going incredibly well,” she said. “I had high hopes for it, and it’s exceeding my expectations. These kids have a lot of meaningful stuff to say.”

A Space for Wellness

FCDS Opens the Cavert Wire Training Center For years, the Tierney Gymnasium was in need of a facelift, and its space was being used in ways that didn’t make a whole lot of sense. The arts were housed in the back of the gym, and the weight room was moved to the gym floor inside a chain link fence, which was called – with slight affection – “the cage” or “the yard” by those brave enough to venture inside. This summer, the Cavert Wire Training Center was born, and the Tierney has never looked better. The gym itself was refurbished, the ceiling repaired, the floors refinished, and the old bleachers torn out to make it a true practice facility not just for basketball, but for all sports. In the back of the Tierney Gymnasium – the area now called the Cavert Wire Training Center – an expansive weight room is equipped with all the strength training equipment an athlete could wish for. Upstairs, the space splits into two large rooms. On one side is a cardio theater featuring state-of-the-art treadmills, rowing machines, recumbent bikes, and elliptical trainers, and on the other side is a fitness studio tricked out with everything needed for group classes – from hand weights to yoga mats to balance balls to step risers and foam rollers. “In the past few weeks, the creation of the Cavert Wire Training Center in the Tierney Gymnasium has re-energized another area of campus,” said Associate Head of School for Advancement Nathan Battle. “On any given day, you used to walk past the Tierney Gym and you wouldn’t see any activity. Now, you go down there and see our teams working out.” The school also brought back a wellloved faculty member: former Middle School civics teacher and long-time wrestling coach Pat Rimron. He’s back now as the school’s wellness coordinator, a strength and conditioning coach, and Middle School wrestling coach. “My primary role is to facilitate the use of the fitness center by the school community,” Coach Rimron said. “The new facility is great. We’ve got top-of-the-line equipment, at gym-level quality.” This fall, he started working with the

basketball team, the golf team, and girls’ tennis, doing circuit training, a lot of core work, and swing-specific movements for the latter two. “All human movement flows from the core, so improving core strength is key for any athlete.” Faculty were given tours and an orientation on the new training center, and many are now working out there. Coach Rimron and Mr. Battle both foresee the use of the facility continuing to expand through the school community. “The way people choose to stay active and healthy varies from person to person,” Mr. Battle said. “To find something that fits your personality and lifestyle, you have to provide options. With the Cavert Wire Training Center and the renovation of the Tierney Gymnasium, we’ve provided those options for how to stay fit, healthy, and well.”


S E T O N S U P M CA Two Students Represent FCDS at Youth Leadership Seminar Rebecca Drucker ’20 and Gracie Fowler ’20 attended the North Carolina West Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership (HOBY) Seminar at Wake Forest University in June. Approximately 120 rising high school juniors attend this three-day leadership program in Winston-Salem each spring. HOBY Ambassadors have an opportunity to develop their critical thinking skills, learn about their personal leadership styles, and form an appreciation for community service. They attend panel sessions featuring prominent speakers from the government, businesses, media, and educational communities. HOBY Ambassadors also participate in a community service project and learn how they can lead service in their own communities. As a result of their experiences, the high school ambassadors return to their schools and communities eager to make a difference and share what they have learned. HOBY is one of the oldest and most prominent youth leadership organizations in the world. Founded by actor Hugh O’Brian after he spent nine inspirational days working with and volunteering for Dr. Albert Schweitzer, the 1952 Nobel Peace Prize Winner, O’Brian sought to change the world in his own way—by engaging young leaders, the world’s most promising enterprise and greatest asset. Rebecca and Gracie were selected by their teachers to represent FCDS at this highly regarded program, and we’re proud of how well they represented the school.

FCDS Student Drives Home a Win for Brenner Children’s Hospital Quinlan Smith ’20 founded the charity “Birdies Fore Babies” this past year, raising $2,310 to help children going through medical treatment. The young golfer - a member of FCDS’s varsity team - asked

Quinlan Smith ’20 presents a check for the money he raised through his golf charity.


Rebecca Drucker and Gracie Fowler, both juniors, at the HOBY Seminar.

family, close family friends, and Old Town Club members to make a pledge for each birdie he made this past year. The 85 birdies he carded in official tournament rounds hosted by various junior golf organizations and the FCDS varsity boys’ golf season added up to a very generous donation. Providing comfort to children in the hospital is personal to Quinlan. When he was 14 years old, Quinlan was seriously injured in a snowmobiling accident and spent Christmas in the hospital. Beyond gaining an appreciation for the doctors and nurses, he was affected by the unsettling feeling of a hospital stay. Since then he has been motivated to find ways to help kids in similar situations feel a little better during their hospital stays and medical treatment. Quinlan’s goal is to raise an additional $4,000 in the next 12 months. “It’ll take more birdies and more donors to make it,” he said. “It’s a fun challenge for the upcoming year.” Congratulations to Quinlan for giving back to his community in a meaningful way!

FCDS STUDENTS Organize FURY 5K to Benefit Hungry Kids Upper School students Yasmin Horner, Oliver Jewell, Kathleen Quinn, Sahar Sayess, Hannah Spencer, Emma Spencer, Katherine Angell, Sarina Horner, and Prescott Breitling organized the Fury 5K in September to help raise awareness and funds for at-risk children in Forsyth County through the Forsyth Backpack Program. The funds raised provided 1,600 meals for local kids. “We are so grateful to the Forsyth Backpack Club and the entire FCDS community for another well-organized, fun event that will directly benefit hungry school children in our community,” said Carol Templeton, the director of the Forsyth Backpack Program. “We love to see teenagers make a plan and take positive action to implement that plan. The Fury 5K allows adults and kids of all ages to participate and make a real difference in the lives of children experiencing food insecurity. Together, FCDS and FBP are feeding our future, one backpack at a time!”

Eight Members of the FCDS Upper School Orchestra Earn Chairs to Elite Orchestra Freshmen Sonya McNatt and Katherine Li, sophomore Phoebe Turvaville, juniors Duncan Hart, Zach Moore, Nicholas Steward, and Kael Zhang, and senior David Craig earned chairs to the North Carolina American String Teachers Association (NCASTA) All-State Orchestra Festival. The students auditioned for the program using a video submission process and were selected from more than 200 video submissions of the top string players in the state. On Oct. 19 and 20, the students attended masterclasses and sectionals, then performed under the direction of nationally renowned orchestra conductor Dr. Kirk Moss at the event, which was held on the FCDS campus. Congratulations to these students on this wonderful accomplishment!

FCDS Students Organize a Successful Blood Drive Congratulations to the student committee of Maddie Smith, Will Schomberg, Chris Hungate, Jozy Unal, Ellen Buck, and Nathan Hutchens for organizing the successful FCDS Blood Drive on Friday, Oct. 19. Thank you to parents, community members, teachers, and students for donating a total of 53 productive units of blood, which was ten units over the goal. This donation has the potential to save up to 159 lives in our community.

Three FCDS Students’ Bookmarks Chosen in Public Library Contest Congratulations to the three FCDS students whose bookmarks were chosen to be printed and handed out for the next year in the Public libraries of Forsyth County. Thank you to all who participated this year! The winners were: Bryce Baker - Sixth Grade Josine Sindram - Sixth Grade Bella St. John - Fifth Grade

These eight students earned chairs to the NCASTA All-State Orchestra Festival

Bookmark winners! From left: fifth grader Bella St. John and sixth graders Bryce Baker and Josine Sindram


FCDS String Orchestra CommissionS and Debuts Original String Suite It’s not every high school orchestra – or even every professional orchestra – that gets the opportunity to debut a piece commissioned specifically for them – and which they helped to shape into its final form. “This project gave our students an opportunity to see what actually goes into the creation of music,” said Aaron Craven, FCDS’s Orchestra Director. “Instead of pulling music from out of a library for the spring concert cycle, we decided to delve deeper and explore the compositional process: from finding a qualified composer, raising the money to pay that composer, and identifying the inspiration to create the music itself. Overall, this project has been an immense success.” Thanks to the generosity of parent donors (who wish to remain anonymous), the school was able to hire internationally known composer Dr. Luke Benton, who presented the first draft of the four-movement Skye Walker Suite in January. “When we started working on the piece that month, the students had an opportunity to make suggestions on what worked for them and what didn’t,” Mr. Craven said. “It was exciting to see them work with Dr. Benton and have him go back and make changes based on the students’ suggestions. The students really embraced the music and enjoyed working through the process of commissioning a piece of music.” The finished Skye Walker Suite is heavily influenced by the composer’s many trips to the Isle of Skye, Scotland and places that inspired him on the island. The music fuses traditional Scottish fiddle techniques with modern hip-hop harmonies and rhythms. “It is a personal and exciting piece for me and I’m thrilled to be a part of it,” said Dr. Benton. The Upper School Orchestra students played the world premiere of the piece on April 26, 2018. They were joined by special guest Corine Brouwer, the concertmaster of the Winston-Salem Symphony, for the performance. Thank you to our generous parents for supporting this wonderful initiative and special experience for our students. If you’d like to see and hear the inaugural performance of the Skye Walker Suite, please visit our YouTube channel.

FCDS Ties for Second Place at NCISAA State Track & Field Championships Congratulations to the girls’ and boys’ varsity track & field teams for their positive attitudes, strong performances, and impressive results at the NCISAA State Track & Field Championships at Ravenscroft in May 2018. Special recognition goes to the following students: • Lindsey Ickes took first place and the State Champion Title in the 3200m at 11:15.05 and 1600m at 5:19.76. • Ben Mitchell got his first State Champion Title in a time of 9:21.67 in the 3200m, and placed fifth in the 1600m in 4:27.34. • Gracie Fowler garnered a fourth-place finish in the discus at 96’ 7” and earned sixth place in the shot put (31’ 1”) and triple jump (32’ 8”). • Blanca Hervas got a fourth-place finish in the long jump


with a 16’ 1.25” leap, second-place in the 100m in 12.55, and second-place in the 200m with her third fastest time of the year of 25.42 into a 0.9 headwind. • Brooke Stewart demolished her #17 seeding by running .15 seconds faster than she ever had and placed eighth in the 100m with 13.28 (prelims) and 13.78 (finals). • Josie Kilborn ran in the first section of the 800m and finished in eighth place overall with a PR of 2:25.63. • The girls’ 4x800 relay (Josie Kilborn, Catherine Mitchell, Teodora Sorescu, and Caroline Clifton) finished in sixth place with a time of 10:45.81. • The boys’ 4x800 relay (Ben Mitchell, Daniel Snyder, Will Scott, and Zach Moore) finished fourth at 8:16.67. • Jalan Singleton finished sixth in the triple jump with a school record 44’ 0”, seventh in the long jump at 20’ 7”, and sixth in the high jump at 5’ 10”. • The girls’ 4x200 relay team (Brooke Stewart, Lilly Chase, Martina Lammel, and Blanca Hervas), though ranked fifth in the state, finished in a strong second place, crossing the finish line in 1:48.10. They missed the school record by only .18. • Will Scott won the first heat of the 1600m in 4:31.74 and just missed placing overall by less than a second. • The girls took to the track in the 4x100 (Brooke Stewart, Lilly Chase, Martina Lammel, and Yasmin Horner) and did a great job to finish sixth in 54.14. • The 4x400 relay (Josie Kilborn, Anastazia Novembre, Nicole Chung, and Lindsey Ickes) ran five seconds faster than they had all season, were second in the first heat, and finished eighth overall. • State Champion Lilly Chase’s weather-delayed win in the pole vault at 10’ 0” helped the girls’ team tied for second place with Charlotte Country Day. Congratulations to all of these FCDS student-athletes, their coaches, and their families!

FCDS Honors 2017-2018 Varsity Athletics Winners Congratulations to the FCDS student-athletes who were recognized at the annual Varsity Athletics Banquet. Team MVPs Girls’ Cross Country - Lindsey Ickes Boys’ Cross Country - Ben Mitchell Baseball - Will Schomberg Girls’ Soccer - Noel Ellis Girls’ Tennis - Maddie Smith Boys’ Tennis - Rohan Patel Field Hockey - Olivia Cain Boys’ Swimming - Nathan Jao Girls’ Swimming - Carstyn Klosterman Cheerleading - Kaitlyn Joy Volleyball - Hannah Reid Boys’ Basketball - Chase Walter Girls’ Basketball - Tori Huggins Boys’ Soccer - Josh Hewitt Boys’ Golf - Brandon Einstein Girls’ Golf - Zoe Kurtz Boys’ Lacrosse - Michael Noll

Girls’ Lacrosse - Avery Dew Softball - Ash Huggins Girls’ Track - Lindsey Ickes Boys’ Track - Ben Mitchell

Michael Noll - Boys’ Lacrosse Kyle Sudler - Boys’ Lacrosse Will Scott - Boys’ Cross Country

2017-2018 FCDS Sports Awards – Special Awards Male Athlete of the Year - Ben Mitchell Female Athlete of the Year - Tori Huggins and Lindsey Ickes Male Sportsmanship - Daniel Snyder Female Sportsmanship - Anna Marsh John Danforth Award - Chase Walter and Kate Rollins Venable/Nesbit Award for Faculty Spirit - Lexi Stephenson The H James Jim Tobias Award for Coaching Excellence - Joe Scott NCISAA All-State Lauren Turner - Girls’ Soccer Ben Mitchell - Boys’ Cross Country Lindsey Ickes - Girls’ Cross Country Nate Essick - Baseball Tori Huggins - Girls’ Basketball Nathan Jao - Boys’ Swimming Mclain Ralston - Boys’ Swimming Daniel Snyder - Boys’ Swimming Steven Insixiengmay- Boys’ Swimming Brandon Einstein - Boys’ Golf Tommy Aguilar - Boys’ Lacrosse

State Champion Lindsey Ickes - Girls’ Cross Country Nathan Jao - Boys’ Swimming 400 Medley Relay Steven Insixiengmay - Boys Swimming 400 Medley Relay Daniel Snyder - Boys’ Swimming 400 Medley Relay Mclain Ralston - Boys’ Swimming 400 Medley Relay Lindsey Ickes - Track and Field 1600, 3200 Meters Ben Mitchell - Track and Field 3200 Lilly Chase - Track and Field Pole Vault

Nine FCDS Students Win Art Awards at Dixie Classic Fair Congratulations to the following students whose art was recognized at the Dixie Classic Fair this fall. Lower School First Place - Sydney Clendenen Second Place - Kaylie Scott Third Place - Maddie McCann Middle School First Place - Sarah Clegg Second Place - Rose Parnia Third Place - Victoria Cain

Upper School First Place - Sydney Fasel Second Place - Kathleen Quinn Third Place - Madeleine Bennett

Give Day Alumni & friends Forsyth Fund Challenge

2 20 19 1 Day to 200 gifts #ForeverAFury 12


Contemplating the Gap Year Most FCDS students graduate Forsyth Country Day with one thing on their minds: going to college. After all, FCDS has always been a first-rate college preparatory school, and most students spend their Upper School years getting ready for—and often stressing about—that next step. For some, however, that next step is less expected. An increasing number of students across the world—and some at Forsyth Country Day—are embracing the opportunity to hit “pause” on their educations in the form of a gap year before going to college. Gap years—so called because their popularity in the United Kingdom results from the gap between the time Britons finish high school and start university—are beginning to become more popular in the United States. According to Karl Haigler, a former FCDS philosophy and history teacher, a long-time educational consultant, and the co-author of The Gap Year Advantage with his wife Rae Nelson, the time after high school is a great time to get to know yourself better. “The time period from 18 to 24 is an informative one,” Mr. Haigler said. “It’s called the emerging adult. Taking a break from formal education at this time can give kids a lot better understanding about themselves and put them in charge of their own lives. The net result is you get to know yourself better and understand what you might be able to contribute to others.” That’s what happened with Lizzie Martin ’09, who took a gap year to India between graduating from FCDS and officially matriculating at Princeton University. “Part of the reason I chose Princeton was its bridge year program,” she said. “I wanted to do it because I hadn’t done a lot of traveling and I didn’t have a lot of service experience. I really wanted to do service work, and I thought it would be a good break from the rhythm of school and a chance to figure out what I wanted to study once I got there.” Molly Burnett ’17, who just finished a gap year in which she studied Buddhism and authoritarian governments in Myanmar, learned Spanish in Costa Rica, and served as an au pair in Spain, had similar reasons. “I knew that I wanted to travel at some point and that there would never really be another time in my life where it would be so easy,” she said. “My college (Middlebury) encourages gap years and even has a resource guide for students considering a gap year, so I felt really supported in my decision.” Adam Smith ’14, had slightly different reasons for taking his gap year to Israel, where he spent four months studying at a university, three months serving in the Israeli Army, and one month living with a host family in Jerusalem. “I needed to organize myself before going to college,” he said. “I have ADHD, and getting organized was something I had difficulty with.” In addition, his faith guided his choice of destination. “I’m


Jewish, so it was a religious experience as well to go to Israel.” The transition from high school to living abroad essentially on your own can be challenging, but it’s made easier by choosing a supportive, structured program, Mr. Haigler said. “Parents should consider choosing a gap year program as parallel to a college search. Go with a settled program where there’s some structure, where there are standards and a touchpoint for communication.” Also, be prepared for an adjustment, during which being a little uncomfortable is not only normal, but enriching. “I knew that this would be good for me when I applied for it,” Lizzie said. “Then I was terrified. I panicked. I was so outside of my comfort zone, but in between your comfort zone and your panic zone is your challenge zone. Your challenge zone is bigger than you realize, and there’s really something about forcing yourself to be uncomfortable.” Adam said that—despite some initial homesickness—he adjusted well to the change. “I’ve always been adventurous, so it wasn’t really outside of my comfort zone. Getting homesick happens to everyone. I was excited to meet new people and to be in a new culture.” On Lizzie’s trip, she and her fellow Princetonians spent the first month living at a hill station in a mountain town, then moved to Varanasi, which is on the river Ganges between Delhi and Calcutta. “It is a very cool city. It’s one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world, and it has great religious importance.” While living with a host family in Varanasi, which helped with her intense study of Hindi, Lizzie worked at the Kirin Center, an organization that works to provide education and vocational training for young adults with various disabilities. “I taught English classes—mainly to faculty and staff. I taught two very basic introductory courses for vocational training, and I taught a crochet class in the arts center,” Lizzie said. Adam lived with a host family during his first month in Israel, and for him, it was one of the highlights of the trip. “This family basically became my family while I was there,” he recalled. “They barely spoke English, so I learned Hebrew. I would spend the Sabbath with them.” Then, he transitioned to the Israeli Army. “Joining the Israeli Army seemed like the coolest option at the time,” he said. “I was looking for the discipline of a military schedule and leadership experience.” Lizzie also became close with her host family. “I still keep in touch with them,” she said. “They were very supportive, and they helped give me a safe place to practice my Hindi learning and learn about the culture.” Molly particularly enjoyed being immersed in new cultures. “Gap years are a great time for practicing or learning a new language, because you have the time to really immerse yourself

Lizzie Martin ’09


Lizzie Martin ’09 teaching English at the Kirin Center in Varanasi

in a culture,” she said. “Similarly, you have time to explore an interest or to try a bunch of different things to find out what you love.” In addition to his military service and homestay, Adam also studied at the university. One of his favorite subjects was business. “Israel is where I learned to love business,” he said. “On the business track, I learned about Israeli businesses and start-ups.” Not coincidentally, he’s now majoring in business at Elon University. Molly also found new interests. “My gap year exposed me to topics I might never have chosen myself, but now really interest me, like imperialism in Southeast Asia, the Costa Rican far-right movement, and Spanish pop music,” she said. “I came back from my gap year with a newfound appreciation for learning things because they actually interested me, rather than because I felt obligated to learn them.” Lizzie agreed. “What I saw and experienced when I lived in India in terms of global poverty and gender inequality informed what I decided to study when I returned,” she said. “I ended up studying development and gender issues in South Asia, which I never would have if I hadn’t done this program. My academic work was grounded in practical reality. It made my coursework feel more meaningful because I could tie it to my real-world experiences.” Bringing self-awareness and an awareness of the world back to school helps “gappers”, as Mr. Haigler calls them, become


more successful once they return. In a study Mr. Haigler and Ms. Nelson did of 280 students who had taken gap years, they found that all gap year students reported having a better sense of who they are a person, a better understanding of others, and had additional skills and knowledge that informed their career and/or major. Further, in The Gap Year Advantage, Mr. Haigler and Ms. Nelson reported that students who took gap years “overwhelmingly report being satisfied with their jobs” because they gained a less selfish approach to working with people and careers. Molly certainly found this true after she arrived at Middlebury. “I think that after my gap year I had the advantage of knowing who I was outside of school and away from home before I started college, which a lot of freshmen don’t have,” she said. She was also pleasantly surprised at how easily she transitioned from her gap year to college life. “My main worry when I decided to defer college was that, after a year of doing fun, active, interesting things, returning to academics would be really hard, but I haven’t found that to be the case. Slipping back into academic routine was definitely easier than I had anticipated.” Lizzie agreed. “When I got to college, I didn’t feel like I had wasted time,” she said. “People feel the rush to get through everything. I never felt behind. I always felt I had an advantage.” The same thing was true for Adam. “It was one of the best years of my life, and one of the best decisions I’ve ever made,”

To Gap or Not to Gap?

Adam Smith ’14 with his Israeli host family

he said. “When I got to Elon, I felt ready to be there.” Students who take gap years also tend to form strong bonds not only with host families, but with fellow gappers. “I have a lot of great relationships both with the people I went with and with the people who did similar (gap year) programs,” Lizzie said. “It ended up being a community.” Molly concurred. “I made friends from all over the world and had a chance to reevaluate what I wanted from my college experience.” Today—having earned her bachelor’s degree in public policy with creative writing and South Asia studies minors and her master’s degree (also from Princeton) in public affairs—Lizzie is living in Philadelphia and working towards her Ph.D. in communication and political science at the University of Pennsylvania. Everything she has done has been inspired by her experiences during her gap year. “It was an incredibly humbling and empowering experience for me,” she said. “I wanted to think I could change people’s lives, and I think what we did was helpful, but I just saw so much more need. So much more than an 18-year-old could address. That motivated me.” “This is a new generational opportunity,” Mr. Haigler said. “These kids have a lot of questions, and they have a lot of options. Curiosity leads you down paths you never imagined possible.”

Karl Haigler doesn’t like the word “trend”, but the former FCDS teacher, educational consultant, and co-author of The Gap Year Advantage has to admit that gap years are becoming more popular. “I don’t like this ‘trend” thing – I’d rather talk about impact,” he said. “But the perception is that the gap year is trending and getting bigger.” With the advantages that a gap year may provide, students (and parents) may be wondering if a gap year is right for them. “I am a huge proponent of gap years, but do I think everyone should do one? No. They take a lot of resources, and that has to come from somewhere,” said Lizzie Martin ’09. Her gap year was fully funded by her college, Princeton University, as part of its Bridge Year Program. Mr. Haigler believes that funding doesn’t have to be an issue if the motivation is there. “You don’t have to go to a program. Find a structured volunteer experience,” he said. “You can find programs that provide room and board and all you have to do it get there.” Molly Burnett ’17 thinks that the decision to take a gap year should be very personal and not dictated by what others want. “People shouldn’t take gap years to bolster resumes or to look better on college applications. A gap year should be a time where you explore what you like, not what you think your parents or a potential employer might like. A gap year would probably not be the choice for someone who needs heavy structure or is on the fence about going to college in the first place.” Mr. Haigler agrees. “We always emphasize that college is part of the plan,” he said. “Get accepted, and then get a deferral. Colleges are becoming more and more open to this.” Many colleges – including perennially popular UNC-Chapel Hill, N.C. State, and Duke University – allow deferrals that would permit students to take a gap year. If a gap year is something that interests you or your child, be sure to talk to your college counselor about exploring the opportunity and do your research. “For parents, understand the potential for your child,” he said. “They’re all individuals and they’re all very different.” Parents, rather than stepping aside, should be actively involved in planning a gap year. “It needs to be almost parallel to a college search. Parents have to be a party to the equation,” Mr. Haigler said. “It can be a wonderful time to be part of your child’s development. It’s a great time for parents to get to know their kids better, and to get to know themselves better.“







Fury Flashback...


“Oh, what memories that linger there Beneath her crown of changing hair.�

The Evolution of Pattie Stoltz’s Hair 1990

Pattie Stoltz, who retired in 2018, enjoyed a storied career at FCDS. Many alumni still count “earning an A in Mrs. Stoltz’s class” among their proudest achievements and credit her with teaching them to write effectively. Throughout her time here, Pattie rocked many coiffures - from her initial bouffant to the sassy bob. Pattie, we salute you - the woman, the hair, the legend!

1996 2000 2004 2018 18

Donor Profile: Why i Give Betty Quick Betty Quick is a member of the FCDS Board of Trustees, an alumni parent of Robert Quick ’03 and Sara Quick Loebner ’05, and the proud grandmother of two Fury preschoolers, Robert and Jackson. Here’s why she gives to FCDS. “I give because I believe in education,” Mrs. Quick said. When she and her late husband Bob were trying to decide where to send their children to school, they considered a lot of options. “We asked ‘Public or private?”, then ‘Which private?’ We really believed in finding the best school academically, and FCDS was the best for them. It was wonderful that we got here.” Both Robert and Sara were “lifers”, starting at FCDS in pre-k and staying through Upper School graduation. “You give to support the mission of the school,” she said. “My children got a great education here and now my grandchildren will as well.”


CLASSNOTES Class of 1995 Wood Chatham, President and CEO of Clean Plate Restaurants, has been named one of America’s 40 Top Entrepreneurs for 2018 by KPMG and the University of Michigan’s School of Business. Wood was also named a member of the Young President’s Organization.

Class of 2009 Emily Krewson just finished five years as a kindergarten assistant at Sherwood Forest Elementary School. She’s finishing up her master’s degree in clinical mental health counseling and working downtown. Class of 2010 Michael Evans earned his bachelor’s degree in chemistry from Furman University and his master’s degree in chemistry from the University of California at Santa Barbara. Currently, he is working on finishing his final year of his Ph.D. in bioengineering from Harvard University. Michael works on designing novel treatment strategies for cancer and acute respiratory distress syndrome that utilize the body’s immune system to transport drugs where they need to go.

Wells Thompson ’03, Daphne (Clinard) Thompson ’02, and their three sons

Class of 2003 Wells Thompson ’03 and Daphne (Clinard) Thompson ’02 welcomed their third child, Soul River Thompson. Soul is their third son. Wells said, “Even our Golden Retriever, Spirit, is a boy! Praise God everything went well. Mommy and Soul are doing great!” Leota Wilson recently accepted a position as assistant director of residential education at UC Davis and is moving to the West Coast.

Class of 2014 Madison Scronce reports that the Scronces are doing well. Madison is finishing up her degree in industrial and systems engineering with minors in mathematics and cybersecurity. Upon graduation in December, Madison will continue to work full-time for Raytheon Space and Airborne Systems in the Dallas, Texas area. Chris and Megan (Shoaf) True welcomed baby girl Emerson on Sept. 26. Mom, Dad, Emerson, and FCDS alumni parents and former staff Tim and Sandy are doing well. Daniel Porada is co-founder of Synapse. Daniel earned his bachelor’s degree from Columbia University in neuroscience and behavior. Daniel hopes to use his knowledge of neuroscience to generate products with high practical consumer value and help to advance the field of neoroscience.

Class of 2005 Cameron (Howard) Perkins and her husband Max welcomed their first child, Maxwell Jeffrey Perkins, on Sept. 6, 2018. All are doing great! Jeffrey was 8 pounds 6 ounces, 21 inches long, and five days late. Class of 2008 Emilie (Mademann) Blinderman married Adam Blinderman in 2015. She has served as a varsity sailing coach at Connecticut College for six years, and, on May 26, 2018, Emilie and her husband welcomed a son, Finn Barrett. Lisa Waugh and Tom Gibson got married in November 2017. Kalen Rearden married Matthew Karahalios in July 2017.

Cameron (Howard) Perkins ’05 with son Maxwell Jeffrey Perkins


just breathe...



The FCDS Experience


Get your new




FCDS’s first state champions - the 1974 Golf Team!

The 1974 golf team now.


Forsyth Country Day’s 1974 Golf Team made school history as the first FCDS team to win a State Championship. Forty-four years later, the team has done it again: they’re the first team to be inducted into the Fury Athletic Hall of Fame as a group. These history-making athletes - Al Walker ’75, Sanford Hinkle ’75, David Bailey ’75, Alex Whaling ’75, Artie Williams ’75, David Hill ’75, Henry Hinkle ’77, Kent Hamrick ’76, and their coach, Jerry Francis, were induct-

ed into the FAHOF Class of 2018 at a ceremony at the Spring House Restaurant in September. At the event, Coach Francis (already a member of the Fury Athletic Hall of Fame) became the only two-time inductee. Congratulations to these exceptional athletes and their coach for this achievement, and for teeing off the success of the entire athletic program at FCDS. Go Furies!

Head of School Gardner Barrier with Athletic Director John Stubblefield inducted Head Coach Jerry Francis into the Hall of Fame for the second time.

John Danforth turned up to celebrate the 1974 golf team...because retirement will never dim his Fury Spirit!

Has it really been 44 years? Fury friendships never die.


2018 Valedictorian Achieves Her American Dream at FCDS By Mindy Li ’18


Unlike some international students who come to the United States because of their parents’ wishes, pursuing my education in America has been my dream since my first visit to this country in the summer of 2012. The three weeks that I spent in a summer camp in Florida completely changed my pattern of life. I loved how students moved freely between classes instead of sitting in one classroom and studying all day. I loved having open discussions with teachers instead of simply listening to lectures and taking notes. I loved designing my own schedule from a variety of courses instead of having the same schedule as every student in my class. For the first time, I experienced a drastically different, non-test prep academic life, which convinced me to pursue my high school education in America. Eventually, I obtained the opportunity to attend FCDS in my freshman year, but more challenges were waiting for me in my new life. Although I was relatively adaptable to new environments after growing up in both northern and southern China and attending both day schools and boarding schools, transitioning to a culturally different country without my parents was difficult. I was immediately overwhelmed by the intensity of academic work, and my imperfect English only worsened the situation. While watching other students talk effusively in their groups during lunch, I always remembered how happy and outgoing I had been when I was with my best friends in China. Under these academic and social pressures, I was disheartened and fell sick frequently during the first month of my freshman year. However, I turned out to be lucky because fortunately, I met wonderful teachers, friends, and host families. I am always thankful for the FCDS teachers who were so patient and helpful to me, such as Mrs. McKee who helped me improve my English writing and Mrs. Angell, who took me to math contests that undoubtedly enhanced my interest in mathematics. Students at FCDS also proved to be cheerful and encouraging. Not only did they integrate me into the FCDS family by helping me in classes and sharing their stories at school, they also helped me adapt to my life in the United States when we participated in after-school activities together and had fun at parties. However, when it comes to teaching me about American life and culture, nothing compares to the efforts of my host family. Without them, I would never have experienced the vibe of an authentic Thanksgiving family dinner or the fervor of Black Friday, nor would I have adopted a typical American lifestyle ever in my life. Thanks to the help and positive impact of these wonderful people, I conquered all problems that had once depressed me, and America became my second home because of them. After my successful adaptation to my new life and new school, my growth and transformation continued. Instead of being timid in front of strangers, I became more talkative and outgoing, which definitely boosted both my social and academic achievements. In my four years at FCDS, I turned from a childish freshman into a

much more thoughtful and independent-minded senior. Influenced by the way everyone helped me, I was always ready to help everyone around me with my best efforts, both on and off campus. As an international student, I was delighted to tell domestic students about my own country and culture, and I was eager to help international students to overcome any difficulties they encountered in the United States. Even as I move on to Brown University for my undergradate education, I will maintain my connection with the Fury family and I am looking forward to making more contributions to this lovely family as an alumna in the future. Mindy Li graduated from FCDS in spring 2018 as the school’s valedictorian. Now enrolled at Brown University – which she chose in part for its appealing liberal arts setting – she is studying applied mathematics.


FCDS Dedicates Fury Well #1 in Africa This year - thanks to the generosity of families who collected their spare change in water bottles - FCDS was able to sponsor and dedicate a well through Hydrating Humanity! Thanks to everyone who contributed, making clean water possible for the people in these pictures.




In 2018, FCDS graduated 72 amazing seniors, each of whom possess unique gifts and talents, and each of whom enriched the school in his or her own way. By tradition, Forsyth Country Day bestows four student awards to members of the graduating class and one faculty award at Commencement. This year, the winners were: Pattie Williams Stoltz Director’s Award - Will Auringer Carolyn P. Spencer Faculty Award - Logan Welborn Hagerman Award - Carrie Semke Founder’s Award - Mindy Li Jones Faculty Award - Joe Scott and Harriet Jennings


Virginia Nichols presents Logan Welborn with the Carolyn P. Spencer Faculty Award. The Carolyn P. Spencer Faculty Award is presented annually to that senior whose academic and personal excellence has best demonstrated a full appreciation of the opportunities offered by Forsyth Country Day School and whose actions reflect love of learning, thirst for knowledge, and positive spirit as demonstrated in the distinguished work of the late Carolyn P. Spencer.

Darcie TeVault with Will Auringer, winner of the 2018 Pattie Williams Stoltz Director’s Award. The Pattie Williams Stoltz Director’s Award is presented annually to that senior who has exhibited marked academic improvement and whose actions reflect an appreciation of the ideals of freedom and responsibility in his or her personal growth as demonstrated in the distinguished work of Pattie Williams Stoltz.

Ed McBride with Carrie Semke, winner of this year’s Hagerman Award. The Hagerman Award is presented annually to the senior who best exemplifies the characteristics of citizenship and service to the school and community.

Head of School Gardner Barrier ’97 presents the Founder’s Award to Mindy Li. The Founder’s award is given annually to the senior with the highest weighted grade point average after completion of the senior year.

Joe Scott and Harriet Jennings won the 2018 Jones Faculty Award, which recognizes the teacher or teachers whose love, understanding, generosity, and commitment to others embodies the highest ideals of the teaching profession. Congratulations to Joe and Harriet on this well-deserved honor!

Retired kindergarten teachers Judith Kuhn, Dianne Baker, Bonnie Greco, and Alice Mahoney presented all FCDS “lifers” with copies of Robert Fulghum’s “All I Really Needed to Know I Learned in Kindergarten.”

John Allison, retired chairman and CEO of BB&T and CEO of Cato (as well as an alumni parent) was the 2018 Commencement speaker.


Meet our newest alumni, the Class of 2018! Congratulations to the members of Forsyth Country Day School’s Class of 2018 on their many impressive accomplishments and contributions to the life of the school. We miss you already, but we wish you joy and success in college and in life. Please keep in touch! Christopher Dawson Atala - Wake Forest University William Edward Auringer - Berklee College of Music (Performance) Sydney Grace Beason - Furman University Michael Edward Bodenhamer – College of Charleston William Michael Boyles - North Carolina State University Blake Richard Budd - University of North Carolina at Wilmington Olivia Isabella Cain - Spelman College Ben Nicholas Caine - High Point University Xun Cao – University of Washington Nicolas Peter Chen - Wake Forest University Shiyu Chen - Massachusetts Institute of Technology Benjamin Douglas Clary Holt - Appalachian State University Andrew Gray Claybrook - Washington and Lee University Olivia May Cromie - Elon University Jackson Morehead Cruitt - Brevard College Samuel Patrick Daugherty - Appalachian State University


Nicole Elizabeth DeLissio - Winthrop University Jackson Thomas Dew - University of Richmond Regan Elizabeth Didier - University of Tennessee, Knoxville Jordan Kelly Dyer - University of Georgia Brandon Gregory Einstein - High Point University Noel Stewart Ellis - Appalachian State University Eleanor Joan Fowler - Appalachian State University Ruby Rose Gallagher - University of North Carolina at Wilmington Rafael Gaspar - Undecided Jiacheng Guo - University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Jackson Bradley Halus - University of Vermont Joshua Robert Hewitt - High Point University Gywneth Leah Howerton - North Carolina State University Zoe Renee Howerton - North Carolina State University Alexandra Spencer Huggins - The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Victoria Grayson Huggins - Emory University Lindsey Madison Ickes - High Point University Brooks Collin Jarrett - The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Logan Robert Johnson - The University of Texas at Austin Parker Linville Jones - High Point University Kaitlyn Jarrett Joy - High Point University Dimitrije Kitanovic - Undecided Zoe Brenner Kurtz - Elon University Gage Gabriel Leyba - East Carolina University Shuyao Li - Brown University Joseph Robert Libonati - Appalachian State University Eva Lucinda Long - American University Baylor William Matney - Appalachian State University Benjamin Wade Mitchell - Wake Forest University Taylor Dana Myers - Appalachian State University Willoughby Newton IV - Wofford College Michael William Noll - The University of Texas at Austin Aran Parnia - New York University Rohan Alpesh Patel - Wake Forest University Alexandra Grace Pollock - Furman University Mclain Alexander Ralston - University of Denver

Brendan Taylor Robinson - Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Katherine Cole Rollins - Clemson University Caroline Elizabeth Schipke - Seton Hall University Carrie Marie Semke - Appalachian State University Merideth Parker Sides - Savannah College of Art and Design Jalan Christian Singleton - Elon University Darrell McCampbell Smith - William Peace University Daniel Lewis Snyder - Grinnell College Mary Delaney Stark - University of North Carolina at Wilmington Brooke Alexandra Stewart - Appalachian State University Sadie Anabel Sullivan - High Point University Katherine Alexandra Surratt - Appalachian State University Thatcher Lovejoy Townsend IV - Washington and Lee University James Barta Wall - Hampden-Sydney College Thomas Chase Walter - Georgetown University JiaMing Wang - Georgia Institute of Technology Logan Brooke Welborn - Duke University Lily Christopher White - Washington and Lee University Robert Daniel Wood - University of North Carolina at Asheville Alexander Ian Zades - Rochester Institute of Technology




Mr. Barrier and some kindergarten friends study an aerial map of the school.

a message from Dear FCDS Community,

Gardner Barrier

The 2017-2018 school year was memorable for so many reasons. To have so many of you support Forsyth Country Day by enrolling your children here, through your work as a volunteer or staff member, or by your financial support through charitable giving—means so much to all of us here. The 2017-2018 academic year saw 100 percent Forsyth Fund participation by our staff, our Board of Trustees, and our indefatigable Parents’ Association officers and representatives. We also completed Phase 1 of our SCIF (Strategic Campus Improvement Fund) projects, which included the Engineering Center, the remodeling of Arts on Main and the dedication of the Jarrahi Family Center for Visual Arts, and the renovation of the Tierney Gymnasium and the creation of the Cavert Wire Training Center to support our commitment to the wellness of our students and our community. I’m so thankful to everyone who gave to support the important work we do here at FCDS. First, I’d like to thank our Board of Trustees for all they do for this school. I’m especially grateful to Board Chair Greer Cawood (whom you’ll hear from on the next page) for her tireless service to our school and to immediate past

Chair Stewart Beason, whose commitment and service cannot be overstated. Thank you both. I’m also grateful to Tori Boysen, our 2017-2018 Forsyth Fund chair, for her tireless work on this crucial fundraising initiative, and to everyone who donated in support of SCIF. The completion of the first phase of this project is already paying dividends to our students in terms of the quality of our engineering program, our arts spaces, and our ability to promote and teach wellness. Thanks to everyone for your support. Take care,

Gardner Barrier ’97 Head of School Follow @gardnerbarrier on Twitter

If your name or gift was omitted or if we made another inadvertent error, we apologize! Please let the Advancement Office know by calling 336-945-3151 ext. 506 or by emailing


a message from

Greer Cawood

Dear Furies:


On behalf of the Board of Trustees, thank you for your support of Forsyth Country Day School. It is a privilege to work with the committed members of our Board of Trustees and with our talented Head of School Gardner Barrier. Great things are happening at FCDS! This 2017-2018 Annual Giving Report is a celebration of the many people who made Forsyth Country Day School a giving priority. • 87 percent of FCDS parents supported the Forsyth Fund • 100 percent of our dedicated faculty supported • 100 percent of our Board of Trustees supported • The Strategic Campus Improvements Fund (SCIF) finished additional improvements to our campus with Arts on Main, which features the Jarrahi Family Center for Visual Arts, the creation of the Cavert Wire Training Center, and the Tierney Gymnasium renovation.

• We opened our FCDS Downtown space and are creating innovative programs for our students and our greater community. Please reach out to our advancement office if you’d like to tour the space and get “oriented” to what is ahead for FCDS Downtown. Thank you for your commitment to FCDS! Your generosity touches every area of the school and each and every student. Thank you for helping to make FCDS the incredible school it is and helping us prepare our students for what’s ahead. Sincerely, E. Greer Cawood Chair, Board of Trustees

Total Annual Giving 2017-2018 The Leadership Circle ($50,000.00 + ) Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy A. Dew FCDS Fury Club FCDS Parents’ Association Dr. and Mrs. Ali Jarrahi Mr. and Mrs. William T. Tessien The Founder’s Circle ($15,000.00 + ) BB&T Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Dennis W. Brinkley Cavert Wire Company, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas B. Constable Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnson Mr. and Mrs. W. Alexander Mitchell, III Mr. and Mrs. T. David Neill Mr. Mark A. Peters Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Spittler The Headmaster’s Circle ($10,000.00 + ) Randell and Cynthia Cain Mr. and Mrs. Scott E. Cawood Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Ickes Mr. Jeff T. Lindsay Dr. and Mrs. David F. Martin Mr. and Mrs. L. David Mounts Reynolds American Foundation Matching Donations Mr. and Mrs. Rodney R. Sides Mr. and Mrs. J. Howell Smith Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin C. Sutton, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Williams Mr. and Mrs. John B. Woodard The Pride Circle ($5,000.00 + ) Allergy Partners of the Piedmont ANONYMOUS Drs. Anthony and Katherine Atala Mr. and Mrs. Gardner E. Barrier Mr. and Mrs. Nathan E. Battle Mr. and Mrs. T. Stewart Beason Mr. and Mrs. Filippo Berti Mr. and Mrs. Philip Bowman Mr. and Mrs. John W. Burress, III Champion Industries, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O. Goodson Dr. Joel Hartman and Ms. Kendra Edge Mr. and Mrs. Vance L. Horner, II Drs. Shiva and Edward Kincaid Kooken Family Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Keith R. Kooken Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Kurtz Mr. and Mrs. Jon B. Kurtz Ms. Amy Leander Mr. and Mrs. Matthew V. Masten Mr. and Mrs. O. Harry McPherson Mr. R. Noll and Mrs. N. Jensen-Noll Mr. and Mrs. D. Chris Parker Mrs. Elizabeth L. Quick Samuel Schneider Foundation, Inc. Dr. Al Shih and Dr. Susie Hoffmann Drs. Aliana and David Sindram

Mr. and Mrs. Steven Sloan Mr. and Mrs. William D. Spry, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David G. Townsend Mr. Timothy and Dr. Michelle Welborn Your Cause

Wells Fargo Foundation Educational Matching Gift Program Mr. and Mrs. John S. Wilson, III Dr. T. Yalcinkaya and Dr. H. Mertz Mr. and Mrs. Scott K. Young

The Freedom Circle ($2,500.00 + ) Mr. and Mrs. Jeff T. Andrews ANONYMOUS Athletes Advantage Bank of America Matching Gifts Program Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Battle, III Mr. and Mrs. Bradford P. Breitling Dr. and Ms. James Camden Mr. and Mrs. Roger Caroway Central Carolina Air Conditioning, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Todd H. Chase Chermak & Hanson Orthodontics Dr. and Mrs. David S. Chermak Mr. and Mrs. Christopher R. Clifton Mr. Seth Constable Dr. and Mrs. William L. Craig, III Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Dew Mr. and Mrs. Keary J. Didier Grace Tisdale & Clifton, PA Mr. C. Greene and Mrs. V. Boysen Dr. and Mrs. Gregory Greenwood Handy and Handy Orthodontics Hitting Zone Sports Drs. Larry and Carlin Hollar Dr. and Ms. Russell Howerton Mr. and Mrs. Rashid M. Janjua Mr. Brad and Dr. Michelle Klosterman Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Kohlrus Mr. and Mrs. William Landwehr Mr. and Mrs. William Latham Mr. and Mrs. James E. Lowe Drs. Vance and Tina Merhoff Tina S. Merhoff, DDS, PA Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Michael Dr. Dennis A. Moser Mr. F. Mountcastle, III & Ms. J. Mountcastle Mr. K. Norman and Dr. L. Norman Mr. and Mrs. Sam C. Ogburn, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark N. Palmer PNC Foundation Drs. David and Deborah Pollock Ms. Kimberley Poor Mr. and Mrs. Greg A. Ralston Raymond James and Associates, Inc. Salem Sports, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Semke Mr. and Mrs. Griffis C. Shuler Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Siano Mr. and Mrs. Jack M. Strauch Dr. and Mrs. Vincent M. Stumpo The Color Spot Mr. W. Thompson and Dr. J. Christman Vienna Village, Inc Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Wagoner Mr. Thomas F. Walter

The Responsibility Circle ($1,000.00 + ) Allegacy Federal Credit Union Mr. Martins and Dr. Francisca Aluya Mr. and Mrs. Brett Andrews ANONYMOUS Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Baker Mr. and Mrs. T. Eugene Barrier Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Baughan BB&T Wealth Mr. C. Beechler and Mrs. A. Tomberlin Mr. and Mrs. Graham F. Bennett Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Carolina’s Realty Black Tie Transpsortation, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Boyles Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Boysen Breakfastime Mr. Andrew T. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Bruce T. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Brown Mr. George Brown Mr. W. Bryant and Dr. A. Bryant Mr. and Mrs. Ken R. Budd Mr. and Mrs. Eric L. Burg Dr. and Mrs. Henry W. Burnett Mrs. Rebecca Calderon Mr. and Mrs. Steven Calloway Carolinas Fertility Institute, PA Mr. M. Cassin and Ms. B. Cimolai Certus Psychiatry and Integrated Care Clean Air Environmental, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Clegg, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Coffey Colin Creek Farm, LLC Commercial Realty Advisors Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Cooper Mr. and Mrs. David L. Cotterill Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Cowan Mr. and Mrs. Sean J. Cromie Dr. M. Cullinan and Ms. A. Reilly Mr. Steve Darcy Mr. and Mrs. Eric R. Daugherty Mr. R. Delgado and Ms. G. Baca Dr. and Mrs. Michael G. Delissio Dew Mortgage, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. DiBlasio Ms. Beverly Dinkins Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Donnell Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Downing Dr. M. Drucker and Dr. E. Jaschik Dr. and Mrs. David A. Duncan Mr. and Mrs. David Eagan Mrs. Mary Eagan Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Fasel Mr. Edward and Dr. Jennifer Fey Flow Honda


Foothills Brewing Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Fowler Mr. and Mrs. Lyne Gamble Dr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Gendrachi Mr. N. Gregory and Dr. C. Chase-Gregory Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Murray M. Hewell Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Hewitt Mr. Terry Hicks Mr. Gray and Dr. Adrienne Hill Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan Mr. and Mrs. Glen A. Hutchison Dr. Charles Iacovou Dr. F. Iancu and Dr. O. Jurchescu Mr. and Mrs. John Jarrett Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dell H. Jennings Mr. and Mrs. Jason Koonin Mr. F. Lammel and Dr. G. Knebl Kohl Mr. and Mrs. Yongzhong Lan Mr. and Mrs. Barry Leonard Mr. and Mrs. Jason Long Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan K. Mack Dr. and Mrs. Chris Madden Magnolia Construction Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Manna Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Matney Dr. S. McNatt and Dr. M. Howard-McNatt Medaloni Cellars Miss Fuming Meng Mercedes-Benz of Winston-Salem Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Michalek Mr. Stu Miller, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh M. Morton, III Mr. and Mrs. James Nagel Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Niblock Dr. and Mrs. Emidio M. Novembre Ms. Elizabeth Ogburn Dr. and Mrs. Liston A. Orr Dr. and Mrs. R.B. Outland, Jr. Dr. F. Parnia and Dr. N. Motayagheni Drs. John and Dominique Patrick Mr. and Mrs. Brian K. Patterson Ms. Amelia Patton Dr. and Mrs. John Patton Mr. and C. Chris Perry Mr. and Mrs. Rick Pfefferkorn Mr. and Mrs. Kristopher Pinnow Mr. and Mrs. Dan P. Quesnel Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Quinn RAI Services Company Mr. and Mrs. H. Roger Reece Mr. and Mrs. David L. Ritchie, III Mr. Tanner Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Hal J. Rollins, III Mr. and Mrs. Hernan Sabio Mr. and Mrs. David W. Schomberg, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Scott Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Scott Rob and Kelly Showfety Mr. and Mrs. Konstantinos Siokis Mr. and Mrs. David L. Snyder Drs. M. L. Sorescu and I. M. Apoltan Mr. and Mrs. David T. Stauffer Dr. Scott T. Steffen


Mr. and Mrs. Jason P. Stern Ms. Tracy Stoltz Dr. M. Sullivan and Dr. S. Gesell Mr. and Mrs. Brad Sutika Mr. and Mrs. Brad Tate Mr. and Mrs. Mark I. Thompson Mr. Thomas Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Ken Tisdale, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thatcher L. Townsend, III Dr. and Ms. Jaime E. Trujillo Dr. John Unal and Dr. Medge Owen Mr. and Mrs. Christopher E. Verwoerdt Mr. and Mrs. John W. Vining Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walker Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Walter Mr. S. Wang and Mrs. L. Lu Ms. Rebekah R. Whitfield Winston-Salem Pediatrics Drs. Mark and Colene Winyard Mr. Jefferey Wood Mr. Keith Wood Honor Roll ($500.00 + ) ANONYMOUS Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Bible Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. Bland, Sr. Mr. Benjamin C. Burnett Ms. Margaret B. Burnett Mr. D. Tyler Burr Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Calderon Dr. and Mrs. Pedro Cardama Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Caty Center for Private Business @ Wake Forest University Dr. Y. Chen and Dr. I. Berquin Mr. and Mrs. Brian Clark Mr. and Mrs. John A. Danforth Mr. and Mrs. Raymond DeSabato Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Dillon, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Dinero

Mr. and Mrs. Brian R. Divelbiss Ms. Kerry Eagan Mr. Jimmie Ellis and Mrs. Misty Burr Dr. and Mrs. Michael Fitch Mr. Freddie Hall and Dr. Andora Bass Mr. and Mrs. Sid B. Hanes Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan J. Heard Rev. and Mrs. Giorgio Hiatt Ms. Debbie Huggins Mr. and Mrs. Stan C. Jewell John Dillon Insurance Agency Mr. and Mrs. P. Thomas Johnson, III Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Jones, III Mr. and Mrs. John A. Kazakos Mr. Kristopher Keiser, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kristopher J. Keiser, Sr. Ms. Mary-Freemon Keiser Ms. Sarah Keiser Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Laws Mr. Xiaofeng Li Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Livengood Mr. and Mrs. Craig Lyerly Mr. and Mrs. John Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Mansfield Marsh & McLennan Companies Mr. E. McBride and Dr. A. McBride Ms. Rebecca R. McKee Mr. and Mrs. Brandon McQuilkin Mr. and Mrs. Michael Miller Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Murphy Mr. Lucian Neal, II Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Newbauer Dr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Nichols Mr. and Mrs. Gregg B. Nicks Mr. and Mrs. Norman C. Parsons, III Patton Law Offices, PLLC Mrs. Julie A. Peters Mr. and Mrs. R. Crawford Pike Mr. and Mrs. Fayaz Qureshi

Mrs. Mary Radabaugh Mr. V. Rights and Dr. R. Rights Mr. S. Naset and Mrs. S. Saintsing Naset Dr. and Mrs. David Saliba Mr. Brian and Dr. Kerri Scherer Mr. and Mrs. John L. Schultz, Jr. Ms. Carolyn Shore Mr. A. Silwal and Mrs. P. Mishra Mrs. Abigail Moody Sinwell Mr. and Mrs. Andre D. Smith Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Craig Smith Dr. and Mrs. James C. Spencer Mr. Mike Stock and Dr. Carrie Stock Dr. and Mrs. Lijun Tang Mr. and Mrs. David Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Teague, Jr. Mr. and Ms. Tony Truong Mr. and Mrs. James Vail Mr. and Ms. John Vermitsky Mrs. Linda Williams Woodard & Company Asset Management Group Friends Mr. and Mrs. R. Scott Adams Mr. and Mrs. Steve Adcock Ms. Tara C. Aguilar Albemarle Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Alday Mr. William Allred Amazon Smile Foundation American Premium Beverage Mr. Brian Anderson Ms. Kari Anderson Mr. and Mrs. George Andrews Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Andrews Dr. G. Jao & Ms. J. Angelada-Jao Mr. Harrison S. Angell Mr. and Mrs. Spencer T. Angell ANONYMOUS Apeiron LLC Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Argenta Dr. and Mrs. Sam T. Auringer Drs. R. Badreddine and N. Abou Zeid Mr. and Ms. Steven Bagley Dr. and Mrs. William Baker Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ball Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Ballas Mr. and Mrs. Brian Bannigan Mrs. Gina M Barnhardt Mr. Thomas Barrier Mr. and Mrs. Joel L. Barto Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Bean Mr. Jeff Laprise and Ms. Allison Beason Mr. Chase Beason Mr. and Mrs. David Beason Mr. and Mrs. Edward Beason Dr. and Mrs. Edward S. Beason Mr. Tanner Beason Mr. James Wiatrek and Mrs. Happy Bell-Wiatrek Ms. Martha Benbow Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bennett Mr. and Mrs. J. Brett Bennett

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Biggers Mr. and Mrs. R. Gordon Bingham Mr. and Ms. Kurt Birkins Mr. E. Lincoln Bland, Jr. Ms. Ida Bland Mr. B. Bloodworth and Dr. L. Bloodworth Mr. Aaron Blynn Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Booke Mr. and Mrs. Stephen T. Boone Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bott, Jr. Ms. Bonnie F. Bowen Zades Mrs. Sarah Braden Mr. Peter Breitling Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brenner Mr. Kyle Bridges Mr. and Mrs. Paul Briggs Ms. Alie Brinegar Mr. Paul Brodish Mr. Matthew Brookby Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Brookby Mr. and Mrs. Lynn J. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Brown Mr. Dwayne and Dr. Iyandra Bryan Mr. and Mrs. Ron W. Buck Mr. and Mrs. Kevin R. Burke Mr. D. Burns and Dr. C. Burns Mr. Jack Butler Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Carlson Mr. H. Dreier Carr Mr. W. Speight Carr Mr. and Mrs. James Carros Mr. and Mrs. Ty Carson Ms. Cameron Casey Cash Lovell Stables, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Cavenaugh, III Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Cavenaugh Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Chance Dr. and Mrs. Simon W. Chao Ms. Kylie Chase Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Cheek Mr. and Mrs. Brian M. Chmil Choice Foods Mr. and Mrs. Yasha Choopani Ms. Raquel Chrysson Ms. Kathryn Clark Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Scott Claybrook Dr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Clemens Ms. Kelly Clemens Ms. Mary Clemens Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Clendenen Mrs. Carolyn Clifton Mr. and Mrs. W. Andy Clifton CME Group Community Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Coates Mr. Billy Cockrell and Ms. Amy Combs Mr. and Mrs. Allen D. Cook Mr. Christopher Cook Mr. John C. Cook Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Cooper, II Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cooper Mr. Stewart Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Corcia Mr. and Mrs. Mark B. Cordell

Mr. and Mrs. Aaron T. Craven Mr. and Mrs. J. Chad Craver Mr. and Mrs. Brandon T. Crocker Mr. and Mrs. Edward Crosby Mrs. Annie M. Cruitt Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Curl Ms. Karen L. Dalton Mr. and Mrs. Jon M. Daly, Sr. Ms. Tamela K. Davis Mr. and Mrs. William K. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Deeley Drs. Jeffrey and Kristen Denney Ms. Laura DiBlasio Mr. Jonathan DiIanni Mr. John Dillon, III Mr. and Mrs. Travis Dillon Mr. James Dobbins Ms. Meredith A. Dockery Mr. and Mrs. Necmeddin Doguc Mr. and Mrs. Louis W. Doherty Ms. Lauren Donovan Mr. A. Duarte and Mrs. P. Dos Santos Mr. John Duckett Mrs. Laura Dugan Mr. and Mrs. Adam Duke Mr. and Mrs. John M. Eagleson Drs. Charles and Christine Ebert Ms. Kelly Eisenbraun Mrs. Chelsea Eller Mrs. Michel B. Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Essick Mr. and Mrs. Greg Evans Mr. and Mrs. Michael Farabee, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Faraci Ms. Lilly Farahnakian Ms. Kelly Faulkner Dr. Nathan Faulkner Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Field Ms. Amy D. Figley Mr. Matthew Fishel Ms. Tatum Fishel Mr. Matthew L. Flinchum Mr. and Mrs. Mauricio Flores Mr. J. Foltz and Dr. M. Foltz Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ford Mrs. Edith Forrester Mr. Matthew Foster Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Foust Mrs. Kimberly R. Fowler Ms. Emily Freehling Mr. and Mrs. Doyle E. Freeman Ms. Carolyn O. Fulton Mr. and Mrs. Randall L. Fulton Mr. Scott Gallisdorfer Mr. and Mrs. Brendan Garcia Mr. James N. Gargis Ms. Kathryn W. Garner Dr. and Mrs. Francis Gayzik Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Giannone, Jr. Mrs. Lauren Gilbane Good Done Great Mr. V. Gorantla and Dr. T. Kanderi Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Gottfried Mr. Casey Graham


Mr. Jasper R. Graham Mr. and Mrs. William L. Gray Grecian Corner Mr. B. Green and Dr. M. Silver Mr. and Mrs. Correy Gristchuk Dr. and Mrs. Martin Guthold Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Haas Mr. Steven Haderer Mr. Gary Haley Mr. V. Hannak & Dr. C. Ferguson-Hannak Mr. and Mrs. Justin Hardy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hardy, III Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Harrell Mr. and Mrs. Lance Harrington Mr. and Mrs. L. Randolph Harrison Dr. and Ms. David Hart Ms. Nancy E. Hart Mr. and Mrs. Michael O. Hartley Mr. and Mrs. William A. Harvey, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Hawkins Mr. Andrew C. Hayes Ms. Brenda S. Hedgecock Mr. and Mrs. Lanny Hedgecock Ms. Hannah Hellebush Mr. James Helvey Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hendrix Ms. Laurette Henry Mr. Stephen M. Henry, Jr. Mr. John Hewell Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hewitt Ms. K. Higgins and Mr. M. Giannini Mr. Daniel Hill Mr. Gray K. Hill Mr. William Hilleary Mrs. Mildred E. Hines Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hirsch Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Holcomb Mr. Brian Holden Mr. and Mrs. Hurl Holloway Mr. and Mrs. James Howard Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Howell Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hoy Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Hsu Mr. Jeremy Huggins Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Hungate Ms. Jordan Hunley Ms. Joanna Huskey Mr. and Mrs. James P. Hutcherson Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Hutchins Ms. Jennifer Hutz & Mr. Matthew Long Mr. D. Insixiengmay and Ms. P. Sayaphanthong Ms. Amanda D. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Jackson, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Dylan Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Luke Jackson Ms. Staci Jackson Mr. Paul James, III Mr. and Mrs. C. Christian Jenkins Mr. Lars and Dr. Erin Jepsen Ms. Annie Jin Ms. Kelly N. Johnson Mr. Lukas Johnson Mr. W. Johnson, III and Mrs. S. Sparks


Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Jones Ms. Margaret Jones Mr. Murray Jones, Jr. Mr. Christopher and Dr. Jennifer Jordan Mrs. Sarah Jourdain Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Joy Ms. Ashley Joyce Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Joyner Mr. and Mrs. George W. Joyner, III Mr. and Mrs. Brian Kaplan Mr. and Mrs. James R. Kaylor Mr. and Mrs. Theodore T. Kazakos Mr. and Mrs. Adam C. Keener Mr. and Mrs. Weston T. Keit Mr. and Mrs. Brian Kennedy Mr. Charles Key Ms. Heather Kiger Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Kilborn Mr. John Kildahl Mr. and Mrs. Tross T. Kimmer, Jr. Mr. John Michael King Mrs. K. King and Mr. R. Cole Dr. and Mrs. Albert Klosterman Ms. Tammy N. Knox Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Kolbe Mr. and Mrs. Jason Kon Ms. Laura Kon Mr. and Mrs. George Koutsoupias Mr. Mark R. Kozlowski Mr. and Mrs. David Krueger Ms. Judith Kuhn Mr. John Lapides, III Mr. and Mrs. James C. Lawson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Layman Mr. and Mrs. Javon Lee Mr. R. Lee, Jr. and Ms. V. Keslar Ms. Virginia Lee Ms. Michaela Leighton Ms. Shelly Leighton Mr. and Mrs. Ernest A. Lertola Mrs. Katie Lewis Mr. Ernie G. Leyba Mr. Yuan Li and Ms. Dan Xue Mr. and Mrs. Mark Liberatore Mr. and Mrs. George Llanaj Ms. Lydia London Mr. Russell S. London Mr. and Mrs. Juan M. Lopez Mrs. Parker N. Lovell Mrs. Clare P. Lundquist Mrs. Erica Lyall Mr. and Mrs. Greg Machamer Mr. Brandon W. Mack Mr. and Mrs. Millard Mack Mr. Blake MacKeen Mr. and Mrs. William O. Maddux Mr. Gerald M. Malmo, III Mr. and Mrs. John R. Mann, Sr. Ms. Penny R. Marshall Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Martin Mr. Trent Wall and Mrs. Megan Martin-Wall Matilda Jane Clothing Mr. and Mrs. Ted Y. Matney

Mr. Andrew J. McBride Dr. Kevin McCann & Ms. Raluca Manea Mr. Patrick McConville Mr. and Mrs. Bernard McGinnis Mr. and Mrs. Dennis W. McNames Dr. and Mrs. J. Wayne Meredith Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Metzler Mr. and Mrs. Martin Metzler Ms. Gabrielle Miles Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Miles Mrs. Catherine J. Miller Mr. and Mrs. James A. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Robin K. Miller Milner’s American Southern Mrs. Marilyn Minford Mr. William Mitchell, IV Mrs. Susan Moffitt Mr. Amasa Monroe Mr. and Mrs. Michael Moore Mr. and Mrs. Jason Moore Mrs. Jane H. Morgan Mr. A. Morris and Ms. C. Hsu Mr. and Mrs. R. Scott Morris Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moss Ms. Valerie Moxley Mr. and Mrs. Steven Mullen Ms. Ann Parke Muller Mr. and Mrs. Bartholomew F. Munnelly Mr. and Mrs. Chris Munnelly Drs. Martin and Nancy Murphy Ms. Elizabeth Myers Mr. and Mrs. Matthew P. Nance Mr. and Mrs. Brian Neal Ms. Lydia Neill Ms. Mary Scott Neill Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Nesbit Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Newbauer Mr. and Mrs. Rick Newbauer Dr. and Mrs. William B. Newton, III Mr. Alex Niblock Norman Stockton Northwestern Mutual Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Nugent One Beacon Charitable Trust Ms. Maria Teresa Ortiz-Thompson Mr. and Mrs. E. Wright Outland Mr. William Overton Mr. and Mrs. Alex Palmatier Mr. and Mrs. Jim Paloumbas Mr. and Mrs. Stefanos Paparoupas Mr. Richard D. Pardue Mr. and Mrs. Bryan A. Parker Mr. Christopher Parker Mr. Neusom Parker Mr. Aaron Parks Mr. Bret Parks and Mrs. Juliet Parks Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Parlier Mr. and Mrs. Mark Pasche Mr. C. Patel and Dr. R. Patel Dr. and Mrs. Will Pearsall Mr. John Perry Mr. and Mrs. Russell Perry Mr. Scott Hidinger and Mrs. Blair Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Brock Phillips

Mr. S. Pierce and Mrs. S. Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Pinnow Ms. Sofija Pitovski Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Porter, Sr. Ms. Hailey Post Mr. and Mrs. Gopi Pothireddi Mr. John Pullen Mr. Benjamin Pulliam Mr. Jonathan Quesnel Dr. Kimberly Raab-Graham Mr. F. Rafi and Ms. A. Durrani Mr. J. Raichur and Ms. P. Mani Ms. Janet Read Mr. Oliver Read, V Mr. and Mrs. Jason E. Reader Ms. Caroline Rearden Mr. George W. Reece Mr. and Mrs. John Reece, III Mr. and Mrs. John E. Reece, II Mr. and Mrs. Mark Reece Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Reed Mrs. Susan Dew Reid Dr. P. Reynolds and Dr. S. Kalathoor Mr. R. Ricciardi and Mrs. C. Parr-Ricciardi Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Rich Ms. Rachel Riddle Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Rinehart Mr. and Mrs. Don L. Rinehart Mr. and Mrs. George Robertson Mr. Spencer Robinson Mr. Charles Roediger, III Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Roemer, Jr. Dr. J. Rogers and Dr. J. Gibbons Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Ronsheim Mr. and Mrs. Olof Rostlund Mr. and Mrs. Noel Ruebel Mrs. Doris Ruedin Dr. and Mrs. Andreas Runheim Mr. and Mrs. Hardy J. Saliba Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Sanborn Dr. and Mrs. William Satterwhite, III Mr. and Mrs. Ahmad S. Sayess Dr. and Mrs. William J. Scarpa, Jr. Ms. Lesley Schaeffer Mr. and Mrs. William E. Scheu Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Schipke Ms. Mary Schipke Mr. William Schipke Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Schultz Dr. and Mrs. John Loesch Schultz, Sr. Mr. Joshua Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. Jason Schymanski Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shaffer Ms. Brittany Shaver Mr. Artie Shaw Mr. and Mrs. J. Dwight Shaw Ms. Sydney Shaw Dr. and Mrs. James A. Shivers Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Shoaf Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Shore, Jr. Mrs. Carol Short Ms. Mary Grace Showfety Mr. and Ms. Robert S. Simon Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Skinner

Ms. Carson Smith Rev. and Mrs. David E. Smith Jr. Mr. and Mrs. G. Dee Smith Dr. Nick Smith and Ms. Felicia Carey Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Snow Mr. Kenneth P. Sommerkamp, Sr. South Pacific USA LLC Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Spaugh Rev. and Mrs. David G. Speakman Mr. and Mrs. John Spear Mr. and Mrs. Christian A. Speas Ms. F. Spillman and Mr. P. Thoren Drs. William and Debra Sponholtz Mr. Charles Spry Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel St. John Ms. Caitlin Stallworth Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stanley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Stark Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Stark Ms. Heidi A. Steffen Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Steppe Ms. Alexis Stevenson Dr. and Mrs. John H. Stewart, IV Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Stinehelfer Ms. Elizabeth Stockton Mr. and Mrs. J. Hill Stockton Ms. M. Kaythrn Stockton Mr. Richard Stockton Mr. Richard H. Stockton Ms. W. Wendall Stockton Mr. and Mrs. Ransom G. Stokes Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Stoltz, Sr. Mr. James Strickland Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Sudler Mr. Kenneth Sugden, Jr. Drs. Toby and Stacy Sullivan SunTrust Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Surratt Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Sutton Mr. and Mrs. Terry Sweatman Mr. Michael Swinson Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Szvetitz, IV Mr. Adam Tanious Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Tate Mr. Benjamin Taylor Mr. Christopher Tegeler

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Teuschler Mr. and Mrs. Eric Tevault Thai Harmony Mr. Elvin Thibodeaux Drs. Karl and Alexandra Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Thompson Mr. Alexander Thorup Ms. Mary Townsend Mr. B. Trachtenberg and Ms. J. Greiman Mr. A. Bielsten and Dr. A. Trawinski Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Trotter Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Turnblad, Jr. Mr. Chris B. Turner Twin City Kiwanis Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. David C. Twine Mr. T. Tyrrell and Dr. L. Kaylor Mr. and Mrs. Sandeep Uthra Mr. and Mrs. Richard Utzinger Mr. K. Price and Dr. G. Valencia Mr. and Mrs. James Vance Ms. Margaret Vance Ms. Patricia Vaughn Mr. Lathan Verwoerdt Mr. William Verwoerdt Mr. N. Vinukonda and Mrs. D. Poranki Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Vogler Ms. Whitley Vogler Mr. and Ms. Chad Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D. Walker Mr. James and Dr. Amy Wall Mr. Tyler Walley Mr. Bill Wang and Ms. Jiangping Zhou Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Ward Mr. and Mrs. Karl A. Warner Mrs. Erin Webster Mr. James Westbrook Mr. and Mrs. Kevin C. Westwood Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Whipp Mr. Alfred White, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John G. White Mr. Will Whitehurst, Jr. Ms. Shama Whitley Mr. Bill Wikel Ms. Alissa Williams Mrs. Louise Gunter Williams Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Williams, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene C. Wilson


Mr. S. Wilson and Dr. F. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Marc M. Winbush Ms. Stephanie Winfrey Ms. Shirl Wisniewski Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Wolfe Mr. and Mrs. R. Daniel Wood

Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Wooten Mr. and Mrs. Brad Wrenn Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wright Wright Service, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Wyshner Mr. and Mrs. William Wyshner

Mr. L. Xiao and Dr. Y. Zhou Mr. and Mrs. Wayne R. Yancey Mr. and Mrs. Preston C. Yates Mr. and Mrs. Chris Zecopoulos

The Founder’s Circle BB&T Charitable Foundation (11) Mr. and Mrs. Douglas B. Constable (7) Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy A. Dew (9)

Mr. and Mrs. T. Stewart Beason (3) Mr. and Mrs. Roger Caroway Mr. and Mrs. Scott E. Cawood (3) Mr. and Mrs. Todd H. Chase (10) Mr. and Mrs. Christopher R. Clifton (11) Dr. and Mrs. Gregory Greenwood (2) Dr. Joel Hartman and Ms. Kendra Edge Drs. Larry and Carlin Hollar (2) Dr. and Ms. Russell Howerton (3) Mr. Brad and Dr. Michelle Klosterman Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Kohlrus (3) Mr. and Mrs. William Landwehr (3) Mr. and Mrs. William Latham (2) Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Michael (3) Dr. Dennis A. Moser (4) Mr. K. Norman and Dr. L. Norman (4) Mr. and Mrs. Sam C. Ogburn, Sr. (6) Mr. and Mrs. D. Chris Parker (17) Ms. Kimberley Poor (3) Mrs. Elizabeth L. Quick (6) Mr. and Mrs. Greg A. Ralston (2) Raymond James and Associates, Inc. Dr. Al Shih and Dr. Susie Hoffmann (7) Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Siano (9) Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Spittler (2) Dr. and Mrs. Vincent M. Stumpo (5) Mr. W. Thompson and Dr. J. Christman Mr. and Mrs. David G. Townsend (14) Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Wagoner (4) Mr. Thomas F. Walter (2) Wells Fargo Foundation Educational Matching Gift Program (9) Mr. and Mrs. John B. Woodard (12) Dr. T. Yalcinkaya and Dr. H. Mertz (2) Mr. and Mrs. Scott K. Young (12) Your Cause (2)

Mr. and Mrs. Jeff T. Andrews (6) ANONYMOUS Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Baker (2) Mr. and Mrs. Steven Calloway (2) Dr. and Ms. James Camden (4) Mr. M. Cassin and Ms. B. Cimolai (2) Certus Psychiatry and Integrated Care Mr. and Mrs. Eric R. Daugherty (7) Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Dew (2) Dew Mortgage, LLC (2) Ms. Beverly Dinkins (2) Mr. N. Gregory and Dr. C. Chase-Gregory Dr. Charles Iacovou (2) Mr. and Mrs. Rashid M. Janjua (4) Mr. F. Lammel and Dr. G. Knebl Kohl (3) Mr. and Mrs. Yongzhong Lan Dr. and Mrs. Chris Madden Mr. and Mrs. Matthew V. Masten (6) Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Niblock (20) Dr. and Mrs. R.B. Outland, Jr. (6) Mr. and Mrs. Mark N. Palmer (3) Dr. F. Parnia and Dr. N. Motayagheni (2) Drs. John and Dominique Patrick Mr. and Mrs. Brian K. Patterson (7) Mr. and Mrs. Rick Pfefferkorn Drs. David and Deborah Pollock (2) Reynolds American Foundation Matching Donations (7) Mr. and Mrs. David L. Ritchie, III (2) Mr. and Mrs. Hernan Sabio (3) Mr. and Mrs. Scott Semke (2) Mr. and Mrs. Griffis C. Shuler (6) Drs. Aliana and David Sindram (4) Drs. M. L. Sorescu and I. M. Apoltan (2) Mr. and Mrs. Jack M. Strauch (6) Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Williams (3)

The Responsibility Circle Allegacy Federal Credit Union (2)

Honor Roll Mr. Martins and Dr. Francisca Aluya Mr. and Mrs. Brett Andrews (3) ANONYMOUS Athletes Advantage Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Baughan (16) Mr. C. Beechler and Mrs. A. Tomberlin (4) Mr. and Mrs. Graham F. Bennett (2) Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Boysen Mr. and Mrs. Bradford P. Breitling (2) Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Brown (2) Mr. W. Bryant and Dr. A. Bryant (2) Mr. and Mrs. Eric L. Burg (2) Dr. and Mrs. Henry W. Burnett (7) Clean Air Environmental, Inc. (2) Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Clegg, Jr. (12) Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Coffey Colin Creek Farm, LLC Mr. Seth Constable (2)

Forsyth Fund Giving 2017-2018 (Years of Consecutive Giving) The Headmaster’s Circle Mr. Jeff T. Lindsay (7) Dr. and Mrs. David F. Martin (10) Mr. and Mrs. W. Alexander Mitchell, III (13) Mr. and Mrs. T. David Neill (7) Mr. and Mrs. Rodney R. Sides (2) Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin C. Sutton, Jr. (2) The Pride Circle Drs. Anthony and Katherine Atala (2) Mr. and Mrs. Gardner E. Barrier (3) Mr. and Mrs. Nathan E. Battle (3) Mr. and Mrs. Filippo Berti Mr. and Mrs. Philip Bowman (2) Mr. and Mrs. John W. Burress, III (2) Randell and Cynthia Cain (6) Champion Industries, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Ickes (7) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnson (4) Drs. Shiva and Edward Kincaid (2) Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Kurtz (5) Mr. and Mrs. Jon B. Kurtz (15) Ms. Amy Leander (5) Mr. R. Noll and Mrs. N. Jensen-Noll (6) Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Smith Mr. and Mrs. William D. Spry, Jr. (2) Mr. and Mrs. William T. Tessien (2) Mr. Timothy & Dr. Michelle Welborn (6) The Freedom Circle Allergy Partners of the Piedmont (6) ANONYMOUS Bank of America Matching Gifts Program (9) Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Battle, III (2)


Mr. and Mrs. David L. Cotterill Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Cowan (9) Dr. and Mrs. William L. Craig, III (16) Mr. and Mrs. Sean J. Cromie (2) Dr. M. Cullinan and Ms. A. Reilly (3) Mr. Steve Darcy (5) Mr. R. Delgado and Ms. G. Baca (3) Dr. and Mrs. Michael G. Delissio (4) Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. DiBlasio (9) Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Donnell Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Downing (14) Dr. M. Drucker and Dr. E. Jaschik (2) Dr. and Mrs. David A. Duncan (2) Mr. and Mrs. David Eagan (5) Mrs. Mary Eagan (5) Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Fasel (15) Mr. Edward and Dr. Jennifer Fey (2) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Fowler Mr. and Mrs. Lyne Gamble Mr. C. Greene and Mrs. V. Boysen (6) Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Hall (2) Mr. and Mrs. Murray M. Hewell (4) Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan (7) Mr. and Mrs. Glen A. Hutchison Dr. F. Iancu and Dr. O. Jurchescu (2) Mr. and Mrs. Barry Leonard Mr. and Mrs. Jason Long (2) Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan K. Mack (7) Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Matney (17) Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Michalek Mr. Stu Miller, Jr. (5) Mr. and Mrs. Hugh M. Morton, III (4) Mr. and Mrs. James Nagel Dr. and Mrs. Emidio M. Novembre (2) Ms. Elizabeth Ogburn (2) Ms. Amelia Patton (2) Dr. and Mrs. John Patton (2) Mr. and Mrs. Dan P. Quesnel (10) Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Quinn (2) Mr. and Mrs. H. Roger Reece (7) Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Scott (3) Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Scott (19) Mr. and Mrs. David L. Snyder (14) Mr. and Mrs. David T. Stauffer Dr. Scott T. Steffen (2) Ms. Tracy Stoltz (5) Mr. and Mrs. Brad Tate (4) Mr. and Mrs. Ken Tisdale, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thatcher L. Townsend, III (2) Dr. and Ms. Jaime E. Trujillo (5) Mr. and Mrs. Christopher E. Verwoerdt (12) Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walker (3) Ms. Rebekah R. Whitfield (6) Mr. and Mrs. John S. Wilson, III (8) Drs. Mark and Colene Winyard (7) Mr. Jefferey Wood Mr. Keith Wood (2) Supporter ANONYMOUS Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Bible (3) Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. Bland, Sr. (12) Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Boyles (2) Mr. Benjamin C. Burnett

Ms. Margaret B. Burnett Mr. D. Tyler Burr (2) Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Calderon (2) Dr. and Mrs. Pedro Cardama Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Caty (2) Dr. Y. Chen and Dr. I. Berquin (5) Mr. and Mrs. John A. Danforth (2) Mr. and Mrs. Raymond DeSabato, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Dinero (2) Mr. and Mrs. Brian R. Divelbiss Ms. Kerry Eagan (3) Dr. and Mrs. Michael Fitch (2) Dr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Gendrachi (3) Mr. Freddie Hall and Dr. Andora Bass (2) Mr. and Mrs. Sid B. Hanes (19) Rev. and Mrs. Giorgio Hiatt (5) Mr. Terry Hicks (2) Mr. and Mrs. Stan C. Jewell Mr. and Mrs. P. Thomas Johnson, III Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Jones, III (2) Mr. and Mrs. John A. Kazakos Mr. Kristopher Keiser, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kristopher J. Keiser, Sr. Ms. Mary-Freemon Keiser Ms. Sarah Keiser Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Kelly (2) Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Laws (2) Mr. Xiaofeng Li (3) Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Livengood (2) Mr. and Mrs. Craig Lyerly (2) Mr. and Mrs. John Lynch (2) Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Manna (9) Marsh & McLennan Companies (3) Ms. Rebecca R. McKee (18) Dr. S. McNatt and Dr. M. Howard-McNatt (2) Mr. and Mrs. Brandon McQuilkin (2) Drs. Vance and Tina Merhoff (9) Tina S. Merhoff, DDS, PA (9) Mr. and Mrs. Michael Miller (2) Mr. Lucian Neal, II Mr. and Mrs. Gregg B. Nicks (2) Patton Law Offices, PLLC Mr. and Mrs. C. Chris Perry (6) Mrs. Julie A. Peters (4) Mr. Mark A. Peters (2) Mr. and Mrs. R. Crawford Pike (5) Mr. and Mrs. Kristopher Pinnow (2) Mrs. Mary Radabaugh Mr. and Mrs. Hal J. Rollins, III (16) Mr. S. Naset and Mrs. S. Saintsing Naset (3) Dr. and Mrs. David Saliba (3) Mr. Brian and Dr. Kerri Scherer (2) Mr. and Mrs. David W. Schomberg, Jr. (9) Mr. and Mrs. John L. Schultz, Jr. Ms. Carolyn Shore Rob and Kelly Showfety (9) Mr. A. Silwal and Mrs. P. Mishra (2) Mrs. Abigail Moody Sinwell (2) Mr. and Mrs. Andre D. Smith, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Craig Smith (3) Dr. and Mrs. James C. Spencer (2) Mr. and Mrs. Brad Sutika Dr. and Mrs. Lijun Tang (3) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Teague, Jr.

Mr. and Ms. Tony Truong (2) Dr. John Unal and Dr. Medge Owen (5) Mr. and Mrs. James Vail (2) Mr. and Ms. John Vermitsky (3) Mr. S. Wang and Mrs. L. Lu (2) Friends Mr. and Mrs. Steve Adcock (3) Ms. Tara C. Aguilar Albemarle Corporation (2) Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Alday Mr. William Allred Amazon Smile Foundation (3) Mr. Brian Anderson Ms. Kari Anderson Mr. and Mrs. George Andrews (4) Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Andrews Dr. G. Jao and Ms. J. Angelada-Jao (2) Mr. Harrison S. Angell Mr. and Mrs. Spencer T. Angell (3) ANONYMOUS Apeiron LLC Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Argenta Dr. and Mrs. Sam T. Auringer (6) Drs. R. Badreddine and N. Abou Zeid (2) Mr. and Ms. Steven Bagley (2) Dr. and Mrs. William Baker (2) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ball Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Ballas (5) Mr. and Mrs. Brian Bannigan (3) Mrs. Gina M Barnhardt (2) Mr. Thomas Barrier (3) Mr. and Mrs. T. Eugene Barrier (2) Mr. and Mrs. Joel L. Barto (2) Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Bean Mr. Jeff Laprise and Ms. Allison Beason Mr. Chase Beason (2) Mr. and Mrs. David Beason Mr. and Mrs. Edward Beason Dr. and Mrs. Edward S. Beason (7) Mr. Tanner Beason (2) Mr. James Wiatrek and Mrs. Happy BellWiatrek (2) Ms. Martha Benbow (2) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bennett (12) Mr. and Mrs. J. Brett Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Biggers (2) Mr. and Mrs. R. Gordon Bingham Mr. and Ms. Kurt Birkins Black Tie Transpsortation, Inc. Mr. E. Lincoln Bland, Jr. Ms. Ida Bland Mr. B. Bloodworth and Dr. L. Bloodworth (3) Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Booke (21) Mr. and Mrs. Stephen T. Boone (2) Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bott, Jr. Ms. Bonnie F. Bowen Zades (2) Mrs. Sarah Braden (11) Mr. Peter Breitling (2) Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brenner Mr. Kyle Bridges Mr. and Mrs. Paul Briggs (7) Ms. Alie Brinegar Mr. Paul Brodish


Mr. Matthew Brookby (11) Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Brookby (20) Mr. and Mrs. Lynn J. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Brown (2) Mr. Dwayne and Dr. Iyandra Bryan Mr. and Mrs. Ron W. Buck (2) Mr. and Mrs. Ken R. Budd (2) Mr. and Mrs. Kevin R. Burke Mr. D. Burns and Dr. C. Burns (3) Mr. Jack Butler Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Carlson (2) Mr. H. Dreier Carr Mr. W. Speight Carr (2) Mr. and Mrs. James Carros (2) Mr. and Mrs. Ty Carson (2) Ms. Cameron Casey Cash Lovell Stables, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Cavenaugh, III (2) Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Cavenaugh (2) Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Chance (20) Dr. and Mrs. Simon W. Chao (2) Ms. Kylie Chase Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Cheek Mr. and Mrs. Brian M. Chmil Choice Foods Mr. and Mrs. Yasha Choopani Ms. Raquel Chrysson Mr. and Mrs. Brian Clark (7) Ms. Kathryn Clark Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Clark (5) Mr. and Mrs. Scott Claybrook (4) Dr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Clemens Ms. Kelly Clemens Ms. Mary Clemens Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Clendenen (3) Mrs. Carolyn Clifton Mr. and Mrs. W. Andy Clifton (12) CME Group Community Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Coates (2) Mr. Billy Cockrell and Ms. Amy Combs Mr. Seth Constable (2) Mr. and Mrs. Allen D. Cook (9) Mr. Christopher Cook (2) Mr. John C. Cook Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Cooper, II (2) Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cooper (2) Mr. Stewart Cooper (2) Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Corcia (5) Mr. and Mrs. Mark B. Cordell Mr. and Mrs. Aaron T. Craven (6) Mr. and Mrs. J. Chad Craver (10) Mr. and Mrs. Brandon T. Crocker Mr. and Mrs. Edward Crosby Mrs. Annie M. Cruitt (2) Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Curl (12) Ms. Karen L. Dalton (20) Mr. and Mrs. Jon M. Daly, Sr. Ms. Tamela K. Davis Mr. and Mrs. William K. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Deeley (2) Drs. Jeffrey and Kristen Denney (2) Ms. Laura DiBlasio (2) Mr. Jonathan DiIanni Mr. John Dillon, III (2)


Mr. and Mrs. Travis Dillon (2) Ms. Meredith A. Dockery Mr. and Mrs. Necmeddin Doguc (2) Mr. and Mrs. Louis W. Doherty (2) Ms. Lauren Donovan Mr. A. Duarte and Mrs. P. Dos Santos (2) Mr. John Duckett (2) Mrs. Laura Dugan (2) Mr. and Mrs. Adam Duke (2) Mr. and Mrs. John M. Eagleson (7) Drs. Charles and Christine Ebert (2) Ms. Kelly Eisenbraun (5) Mrs. Chelsea Eller Mrs. Michel B. Ellis (2) Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Essick (2) Mr. and Mrs. Greg Evans Mr. and Mrs. Michael Farabee, Sr. (20) Mr. and Mrs. Michael Faraci (2) Ms. Lilly Farahnakian Ms. Kelly Faulkner Dr. Nathan Faulkner (2) Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Field Ms. Amy D. Figley Mr. Matthew Fishel Ms. Tatum Fishel (2) Mr. Matthew L. Flinchum Mr. and Mrs. Mauricio Flores (2) Mr. J. Foltz and Dr. M. Foltz (2) Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ford (2) Mrs. Edith Forrester (2) Mr. Matthew Foster Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Foust (5) Mrs. Kimberly R. Fowler (2) Ms. Emily Freehling Mr. and Mrs. Doyle E. Freeman (8) Ms. Carolyn O. Fulton (2) Mr. and Mrs. Randall L. Fulton Mr. Scott Gallisdorfer Mr. and Mrs. Brendan Garcia (2) Mr. James N. Gargis (2) Dr. and Mrs. Francis Gayzik (2) Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Giannone, Jr. Mrs. Lauren Gilbane Good Done Great Mr. V. Gorantla and Dr. T. Kanderi Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Gottfried (2) Mr. Casey Graham (2) Mr. Jasper R. Graham Mr. and Mrs. William L. Gray Mr. B. Green and Dr. M. Silver (2) Mr. and Mrs. Correy Gristchuk Dr. and Mrs. Martin Guthold (2) Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Haas (9) Mr. Steven Haderer Mr. V. Hannak & Dr. C. Ferguson-Hannak (2) Mr. and Mrs. Justin Hardy (2) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hardy, III (7) Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Harrell (20) Mr. and Mrs. Lance Harrington (7) Mr. and Mrs. L. Randolph Harrison Dr. and Ms. David Hart (2) Ms. Nancy E. Hart (13) Mr. and Mrs. Michael O. Hartley (3) Mr. and Mrs. William A. Harvey, Jr. (7)

Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Hawkins (3) Mr. Andrew C. Hayes Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan J. Heard (2) Ms. Brenda S. Hedgecock (2) Mr. and Mrs. Lanny Hedgecock (2) Ms. Hannah Hellebush Mr. James Helvey (2) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hendrix Ms. Laurette Henry (2) Mr. John Hewell (2) Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hewitt Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Hewitt (2) Ms. K. Higgins and Mr. M. Giannini (6) Mr. Daniel Hill (2) Mr. Gray and Dr. Adrienne Hill (2) Mr. William Hilleary Mrs. Mildred E. Hines Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hirsch (2) Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Holcomb (2) Mr. Brian Holden Mr. and Mrs. Hurl Holloway (2) Mr. and Mrs. Vance L. Horner, II (4) Mr. and Mrs. James Howard (2) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Howell (15) Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hoy Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Hsu Ms. Debbie Huggins Mr. Jeremy Huggins (2) Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Hungate (2) Ms. Jordan Hunley Ms. Joanna Huskey Mr. and Mrs. James P. Hutcherson (7) Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Hutchins (3) Ms. Jennifer Hutz & Mr. Matthew Long Mr. D. Insixiengmay and Ms. P. Sayaphanthong (2) Ms. Amanda D. Jackson (2) Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Jackson, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Dylan Jackson (2) Ms. Staci Jackson Mr. Paul James, III (3) Mr. and Mrs. C. Christian Jenkins (3) Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dell H. Jennings (2) Mr. Lars and Dr. Erin Jepsen (2) Ms. Annie Jin (6) Ms. Kelly N. Johnson Mr. Lukas Johnson Mr. W. Johnson, III and Mrs. S. Sparks Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Jones (16) Ms. Margaret Jones Mr. Murray Jones, Jr. Mr. Christopher and Dr. Jennifer Jordan Mrs. Sarah Jourdain (2) Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Joy (2) Ms. Ashley Joyce (3) Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Joyner (2) Mr. and Mrs. George W. Joyner, III (2) Mr. and Mrs. Brian Kaplan (2) Mr. and Mrs. Theodore T. Kazakos Mr. and Mrs. Adam C. Keener Mr. and Mrs. Weston T. Keit (2) Mr. and Mrs. Brian Kennedy (2) Mr. Charles Key Ms. Heather Kiger

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Kilborn Mr. John Kildahl (3) Mr. and Mrs. Tross T. Kimmer, Jr. (9) Mr. John Michael King Mrs. K. King and Mr. R. Cole Dr. and Mrs. Albert Klosterman Ms. Tammy N. Knox (2) Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Kolbe (2) Mr. and Mrs. Jason Kon Ms. Laura Kon Mr. and Mrs. Jason Koonin (3) Mr. and Mrs. George Koutsoupias (2) Mr. Mark R. Kozlowski (2) Mr. and Mrs. David Krueger (13) Ms. Judith Kuhn (2) Mr. and Mrs. James C. Lawson (19) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Layman (2) Mr. and Mrs. Javon Lee (2) Mr. R. Lee, Jr. and Ms. V. Keslar (2) Ms. Virginia Lee (4) Ms. Michaela Leighton Ms. Shelly Leighton (2) Mr. and Mrs. Ernest A. Lertola Mrs. Katie Lewis (11) Mr. Ernie G. Leyba Mr. Yuan Li and Ms. Dan Xue (2) Mr. and Mrs. Mark Liberatore (5) Mr. and Mrs. George Llanaj Ms. Lydia London Mr. Russell S. London Mr. and Mrs. Juan M. Lopez (4) Mrs. Parker N. Lovell Mrs. Clare P. Lundquist Mrs. Erica Lyall Mr. and Mrs. Greg Machamer (2) Mr. Brandon W. Mack Mr. and Mrs. Millard Mack (15) Mr. Blake MacKeen (3) Mr. and Mrs. William O. Maddux (11) Mr. Gerald M. Malmo, III (2) Mr. and Mrs. John R. Mann, Sr. (13) Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Mansfield (2) Ms. Penny R. Marshall (17) Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Martin (18) Mr. Trent Wall and Mrs. Megan Martin-Wall Matilda Jane Clothing Mr. and Mrs. Ted Y. Matney (2) Mr. Andrew J. McBride Mr. E. McBride and Dr. A. McBride (13) Dr. Kevin McCann & Ms. Raluca Manea (3) Mr. Patrick McConville Mr. and Mrs. Bernard McGinnis Mr. and Mrs. Dennis W. McNames Dr. and Mrs. J. Wayne Meredith (3) Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Metzler (3) Mr. and Mrs. Martin Metzler Ms. Gabrielle Miles (14) Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Miles Mrs. Catherine J. Miller Mr. and Mrs. James A. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Robin K. Miller (8) Mrs. Marilyn Minford (3) Mr. William Mitchell, IV (2)

Mrs. Susan Moffitt Mr. Amasa Monroe (3) Mr. and Mrs. Michael Moore (2) Mr. and Mrs. Jason Moore Mrs. Jane H. Morgan Mr. A. Morris and Ms. C. Hsu Mr. and Mrs. R. Scott Morris (2) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moss Ms. Valerie Moxley Mr. and Mrs. Steven Mullen(2) Ms. Ann Parke Muller (6) Mr. and Mrs. Bartholomew F. Munnelly (2) Mr. and Mrs. Chris Munnelly (3) Drs. Martin and Nancy Murphy (2) Ms. Elizabeth Myers Mr. and Mrs. Matthew P. Nance (9) Mr. and Mrs. Brian Neal Ms. Lydia Neill Ms. Mary Scott Neill (2) Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Nesbit (2) Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Newbauer (2) Mr. and Mrs. Rick Newbauer Dr. and Mrs. William B. Newton, III (11) Mr. Alex Niblock Dr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Nichols (6) Northwestern Mutual Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Nugent (14) One Beacon Charitable Trust Ms. Maria Teresa Ortiz-Thompson (6) Mr. and Mrs. E. Wright Outland (4) Mr. William Overton Mr. and Mrs. Alex Palmatier Mr. and Mrs. Jim Paloumbas Mr. and Mrs. Stefanos Paparoupas (2) Mr. Richard D. Pardue (2) Mr. and Mrs. Bryan A. Parker (6) Mr. Christopher Parker (2) Mr. Neusom Parker Mr. Aaron Parks Mr. Bret Parks and Mrs. Juliet Parks (2)

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Parlier (2) Mr. and Mrs. Norman C. Parsons, III (2) Mr. and Mrs. Mark Pasche (16) Mr. C. Patel and Dr. R. Patel Dr. and Mrs. Will Pearsall (2) Mr. John Perry Mr. and Mrs. Russell Perry Mr. Scott Hidinger and Mrs. Blair Phillips (2) Mr. and Mrs. Brock Phillips Mr. S. Pierce and Mrs. S. Ferguson (2) Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Pinnow Ms. Sofija Pitovski Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Porter, Sr. (10) Ms. Hailey Post Mr. and Mrs. Gopi Pothireddi (2) Mr. John Pullen (2) Mr. Benjamin Pulliam (2) Mr. Jonathan Quesnel Mr. and Mrs. Fayaz Qureshi (2) Dr. Kimberly Raab-Graham (2) Mr. F. Rafi and Ms. A. Durrani (2) Mr. J. Raichur and Ms. P. Mani Ms. Janet Read Mr. Oliver Read, V Mr. and Mrs. Jason E. Reader (2) Ms. Caroline Rearden Mr. George W. Reece (2) Mr. and Mrs. John Reece, III Mr. and Mrs. John E. Reece, II Mr. and Mrs. Mark Reece Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Reed (2) Mrs. Susan Dew Reid (2) Dr. P. Reynolds and Dr. S. Kalathoor (2) Mr. R. Ricciardi and Mrs. C. Parr-Ricciardi(2) Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Rich Ms. Rachel Riddle Mr. V. Rights and Dr. R. Rights (2) Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Rinehart Mr. and Mrs. Don L. Rinehart


Mr. and Mrs. George Robertson Mr. Spencer Robinson Mr. Charles Roediger, III Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Roemer, Jr. (3) Dr. J. Rogers and Dr. J. Gibbons (3) Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Ronsheim (2) Mr. and Mrs. Olof Rostlund (4) Mr. and Mrs. Noel Ruebel (7) Mrs. Doris Ruedin (13) Dr. and Mrs. Andreas Runheim (2) Mr. and Mrs. Hardy J. Saliba Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Sanborn Dr. and Mrs. William Satterwhite, III Mr. and Mrs. Ahmad S. Sayess (5) Dr. and Mrs. William J. Scarpa, Jr. (2) Ms. Lesley Schaeffer Mr. and Mrs. William E. Scheu (6) Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Schipke (2) Ms. Mary Schipke Mr. William Schipke Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Schultz (7) Dr. and Mrs. John Loesch Schultz, Sr. Mr. Joshua Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. Jason Schymanski (2) Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shaffer (2) Ms. Brittany Shaver Mr. Artie Shaw (2) Mr. and Mrs. J. Dwight Shaw (4) Ms. Sydney Shaw (2) Dr. and Mrs. James A. Shivers Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Shoaf Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Shore, Jr. (4) Mrs. Carol Short (2) Ms. Mary Grace Showfety (3) Mr. and Ms. Robert S. Simon (2) Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Skinner (2) Ms. Carson Smith Rev. and Mrs. David E. Smith Jr. Mr. and Mrs. G. Dee Smith Dr. Nick Smith and Ms. Felicia Carey (4) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith (2) Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Snow (6) Mr. Kenneth P. Sommerkamp, Sr. (21) South Pacific USA LLC Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Spaugh (3) Rev. and Mrs. David G. Speakman (6) Mr. and Mrs. John Spear (3) Mr. and Mrs. Christian A. Speas

Ms. F. Spillman and Mr. P. Thoren (3) Drs. William and Debra Sponholtz (2) Mr. Charles Spry (2) Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel St. John (15) Ms. Caitlin Stallworth (2) Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stanley, Jr. (14) Mr. and Mrs. John Stark (2) Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Stark Ms. Heidi A. Steffen (2) Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Steppe (2) Mr. and Mrs. Jason P. Stern (2) Ms. Alexis Stevenson Dr. and Mrs. John H. Stewart, IV (2) Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Stinehelfer (7) Mr. Mike Stock and Dr. Carrie Stock (2) Ms. Elizabeth Stockton Mr. and Mrs. J. Hill Stockton (20) Ms. M. Kaythrn Stockton (3) Mr. Richard Stockton Mr. Richard H. Stockton Ms. W. Wendall Stockton (2) Mr. and Mrs. Ransom G. Stokes (4) Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Stoltz, Sr. (6) Mr. James Strickland Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Sudler (2) Mr. Kenneth Sugden, Jr. (9) Dr. M. Sullivan and Dr. S. Gesell Drs. Toby and Stacy Sullivan SunTrust Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Sutton Mr. and Mrs. Terry Sweatman Mr. Michael Swinson Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Szvetitz, IV (6) Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Tate Mr. Benjamin Taylor Mr. and Mrs. David Taylor (4) Mr. Christopher Tegeler Mr. and Mrs. Michael Teuschler (2) Mr. and Mrs. Eric Tevault (8) Drs. Karl and Alexandra Thomas (2) Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Thompson (3) Mr. Alexander Thorup (3) Ms. Mary Townsend (2) Mr. B. Trachtenberg and Ms. J. Greiman (2) Mr. A. Bielsten and Dr. A. Trawinski (2) Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Trotter (2) Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Turnblad, Jr. (2) Mr. Chris B. Turner (20)

Mr. and Mrs. David C. Twine Mr. T. Tyrrell and Dr. L. Kaylor (5) Mr. and Mrs. Sandeep Uthra Mr. and Mrs. Richard Utzinger Mr. K. Price and Dr. G. Valencia (2) Mr. and Mrs. James Vance Ms. Margaret Vance Ms. Patricia Vaughn (2) Mr. Lathan Verwoerdt Mr. William Verwoerdt Mr. N. Vinukonda and Mrs. D. Poranki Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Vogler (15) Ms. Whitley Vogler Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D. Walker (2) Mr. Tyler Walley Mr. Bill Wang and Ms. Jiangping Zhou (2) Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Ward (2) Mr. and Mrs. Karl A. Warner (2) Mrs. Erin Webster Mr. James Westbrook Mr. and Mrs. Kevin C. Westwood (17) Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Whipp Mr. Alfred White, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John G. White Mr. Will Whitehurst, Jr. Ms. Shama Whitley (5) Mr. Bill Wikel Ms. Alissa Williams Mrs. Louise Gunter Williams Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Williams, Jr. (2) Mr. and Mrs. Eugene C. Wilson (8) Mr. S. Wilson and Dr. F. Wilson (2) Mr. and Mrs. Marc M. Winbush (6) Ms. Stephanie Winfrey Ms. Shirl Wisniewski (17) Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Wolfe (2) Mr. and Mrs. R. Daniel Wood (2) Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Wooten Mr. and Mrs. Brad Wrenn (3) Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wright (9) Wright Service, Inc. (2) Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Wyshner (2) Mr. and Mrs. William Wyshner Mr. L. Xiao and Dr. Y. Zhou (2) Mr. and Mrs. Wayne R. Yancey Mr. and Mrs. Preston C. Yates (3) Mr. and Mrs. Chris Zecopoulos (2)

Alumni Giving 2017-2018 Bill Allred 2001 Brian Anderson 1995 Elizabeth Holt Andrews 1996 Pete Andrews 1996 Harrison Angell 2017 Gardner Barrier 1997 Thomas Barrier Nathan Battle Allison Beason 1982 Chase Beason 2013 David Beason 1987 Ted Beason 1983 Stewart Beason 1981


Tanner Beason 2015 Trisha Folds Bennett 1980 Filippo Berti 1986 Ashley Newcomb Birkins 2003 Lincoln Bland, Jr. Ida Bland 2014 Rosalie Hill Bland 1985 Ben Bloodworth 2000 Leslie Branch Bloodworth 2003 Jeff Bott, Jr. 1985 Mary Rea Bouchard 2003 Katy Brookby Braden 2000 Richard Brenner 1981

Kyle Bridges 2005 Paul Brodish 1982 Matthew Brookby 2004 Michael Brown, Jr. 2006 Suzanne Burke 1981 Ben Burnett 2017 Molly Burnett 2017 Tyler Burr 2004 Jack Butler 2008 Brad Calloway 1977 Dreier Carr 2007 Speight Carr 2012 Jim Carros 1983

Cameron Casey 2011 Evan Trulove Cavenaugh 1979 Kylie Chase 2012 Raquel Chrysson 2010 Kathryn Clark 2007 Kelly Clemens 2010 Mary Katherine Clemens 2013 Chris Clifton 1988 Seth Constable 2011 Christopher Cook 2013 Carter Cook 2017 Bobby Cooper, II 2006 Stewart Cooper 2008 Ann Bernasek Cordell 1985 Mike Dew 1985 Laura DiBlasio 2004 John Dillon, III 2010 Meredith Dockery 2017 Nancy Williams Downing 1981 John Duckett 2005 Laura Beach Dugan 2001 David Eagan 1983 Kerry Eagan 2015 Bowen Vanderberry Eagleson 1986 Lilly Farahnakian 1990 Lisa Pappas Field 1986 Matt Fishel 2007 Tatum Fishel 2004 Matt Foster 1995 Kim Cotter Fowler 1992 Emily Battle Freehling Scott Gallisdorfer 2006 Laura Patti Giannone 1985 Lauren Campbell Gilbane 2003 Steven Haderer 2012 Sid Hanes 1979 Tom Hardy, III 1975 Susan Sturkie Harrison 1980 Jon Heard 1995 Hannah Hellebush 2007 Sam Hellebush 2003 Jed Helvey 2010 John Hewell 2010 Daniel Hill 1998 Alex Hilleary 2012 Brian Holden 2004 Shaida Jarrahi Horner 1989 Ryan Hsu 2004 Joanna Weatherman Huskey 1992 Jennifer Hutz Hutz 1995 Paul James, III 1978 Kelly Newcomb Johnson 1995 Luke Johnson 2011 Tommy Johnson, III 1984 Chris Jones 1983 Margaret Jones 2003 Wilson Jones, Jr. 2004 Paul Jones, III 1985 Sarah Fishel Jourdain 2003 Ashley Joyce 2000 Kris Keiser, Jr. 2007 Kris Keiser, Sr. 1980 Mary-Freemon Keiser 2008 Sarah Keiser 2012

Tricia Keiser 1982 Andrew Key 2011 Heather Kiger 1995 Shiva Jarrahi Kincaid 1986 Mike King Katie King 1995 Addison Ruffin Kon 2006 Jason Kon 2006 Laura Kon 2003 Jon Kurtz 1987 Jeff Livengood 1989 Clare Perry Lundquist 2007 Cate Reece Lynch 2003 Brandon Mack 2017 Blake MacKeen 1999 Susan Williams Mann 1976 Steve Manna 2002 Matt Masten Pat McConville 2002 Martha Bennett Metzler 2001 Lynn Patterson Michael 1987 Catherine Jones Miller 2003 Michael Miller 1992 Stu Miller, Jr. 1974 Will Mitchell, IV 2015 Susan Gunter Moffitt 1982 Janie Hauser Morgan 2003 Carol Cowan Morris 1982 Steve Mullen 1977 Chris Munnelly 2009 Elizabeth Myers 1999 Chip Neal, II 1983 Lydia Neill 2014 Mary Scott Neill 2010 Scottie Galloway Neill 1984 David Neill 1979 Alex Niblock 2010 Elizabeth Ogburn 1979 William Overton 2011 Chris Parker 1999 Heather Lowe Parker 1988 Neusom Parker 2012 Brian Patterson 1990 John Perry 2011 Robin Petruzzi 1995 Blair Phillips 1992 Sofija Pitovski 2010 David Pollock 1979 Eddie Pollock, Jr. 1975 Hailey Post 2012 John Pullen 1983 Ben Pulliam 2006 Jonathan Quesnel 2012 Midd Read, V 2006 Caroline Rearden 2010 Bill Reece 2010 Jack Reece, III 2005 Susan Dew Reid 1989 Alex Requarth 2014 Collin Requarth 2017 Chris Rhyne 2006 Spencer Robinson 2002 Charles Roediger, III 2004 Emily Brown Rostlund 2000

Bill Satterwhite, III 1980 Lesley Slusher Schaeffer 1982 Mary Kathryn Schipke 2012 William Schipke 2015 John Schultz, Jr. 1986 Josh Schwartz 1995 Carrie Danforth Schymanski 1999 Barbara Cowan Scott 1984 Artie Shaw 2010 Sydney Shaw 2011 Sally Hill Shore 1980 Mary Grace Showfety 2009 Betsy Cocks Siano 1989 Kathy Sides 1985 Rod Sides 1985 Aliana Trujillo Sindram 1995 Abigail Moody Sinwell 1986 Carson Smith 2010 David Smith, Jr. Rob Spaugh 2013 Chris Spear 1982 Fairley Spillman 1977 Charles Spry 2011 Caitlin Stallworth 2010 Rachel Kuhn Stinehelfer 1990 Elizabeth Stockton 2016 Hill Stockton 1978 Kathy Helms Stockton 1981 Katie Stockton 2009 Richard Stockton 2011 Wendy Stockton 1980 Lillian Booe Stokes 1985 Tracy Stoltz 1984 James Strickland 2010 Kenny Sugden, Jr. 1987 Michael Swinson 2011 Ben Taylor 2010 Christopher Tegeler 2005 Katie Miller Teuschler 1994 Lindsay Bloodworth Thompson 1995 Alex Thorup 2007 Mary Lyle Townsend 2011 Thatcher Townsend, III 1976 Joy Baynes Turnblad 1973 Molly Ferrell Twine 1976 Burton Vance 1977 Margaret Vance 1979 Tricia Vaughn 1979 Lathan Verwoerdt 2016 William Verwoerdt 2016 Whitley Vogler 2003 Tyler Walley 2000 Davis Westbrook 2012 Anne Crosby Whipp 1993 Buddy White, Jr. 2000 Will Whitehurst, Jr. 2012 Alissa Williams 2000 Danielle Williams Louise Gunter Williams 1978 Taylor Williams, Jr. 2005 Jeff Wood 1998 Amy Clemens Yates 2007 Preston Yates 2006 Sam Wood Zecopoulos 2006


Gifts in Kind American Premium Beverage Mr. and Mrs. Brett Andrews Athletes Advantage Athletes Edge Black Tie Transpsortation, Inc. Chick-Fil-A Peacehaven Road Ci Ci’s Pizza East Coast Wings Foothills Brewing Dr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Gendrachi

Grecian Corner Maple Chase Golf and Country Club Mayflower Seafood Medaloni Cellars Mid-South Irrigation Milner’s American Southern Mr. Barbecue Norman Stockton Mr. and Mrs. Kristopher Pinnow Salem Academy and College

Salem Sports, Inc. Sir Speedy Mr. and Mrs. Jason P. Stern Mr. and Mrs. Jack M. Strauch Tanglewood Park Thai Harmony Thai Sawatdee The Color Spot

Strategic Campus Improvements Fund (SCIF)


Mr. and Mrs. Jeff T. Andrews Mr. and Mrs. Gardner E. Barrier Mr. and Mrs. Nathan E. Battle Mr. and Mrs. T. Stewart Beason Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Boyles Mr. and Mrs. Bradford P. Breitling Mr. and Mrs. Dennis W. Brinkley Dr. Doris Brown Mr. and Mrs. Ken R. Budd Dr. Peggy Byun Randell and Cynthia Cain Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Caine Carolina Pharmacy Services, Inc. Cavert Wire Company, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Scott E. Cawood Clean Air Environmental, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Clegg, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas B. Constable Dr. and Mrs. William L. Craig, III Mr. R. Delgado and Ms. G. Baca Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Dew Dew Mortgage, LLC FCDS Fury Club Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ford Mr. J. Fuller and Dr. M. Fuller Mr. C. Greene and Mrs. V. Boysen Mr. V. Hannak & Dr. C. Ferguson-Hannak Mr. and Mrs. Justin Hardy

Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Hewitt Mr. and Mrs. Vance L. Horner, II Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Ickes Dr. and Mrs. Ali Jarrahi Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Kohlrus Kooken Family Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Keith R. Kooken Mr. F. Lammel and Dr. G. Knebl Kohl Mr. and Mrs. John Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Matthew V. Masten Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Matney Mr. and Mrs. O. Harry McPherson Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Medley Mr. and Mrs. W. Alexander Mitchell, III Dr. Dennis A. Moser Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Murphy Mr. and Mrs. T. David Neill Mr. R. Noll and Mrs. N. Jensen-Noll Mr. and Mrs. Mark N. Palmer Mr. and Mrs. Milton Parrish Mrs. Elizabeth L. Quick Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Quinn Mr. and Mrs. Hal J. Rollins, III Mr. and Mrs. Hernan Sabio Samuel Schneider Foundation, Inc. Schneider Mills, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. David W. Schomberg, Jr.

Rob and Kelly Showfety Mr. and Mrs. Griffis C. Shuler Mr. A. Silwal and Mrs. P. Mishra Drs. Aliana and David Sindram Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Spittler Mr. and Mrs. Jack M. Strauch Mr. and Mrs. Brad Tate Mr. and Mrs. William T. Tessien Mr. Connor TeVault Timothy D. Welborn P. A. Mr. and Mrs. David G. Townsend Mr. and Mrs. Thatcher L. Townsend, III Dr. and Ms. Jaime E. Trujillo Dr. John Unal and Dr. Medge Owen Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Wagoner Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Walter Mr. Thomas F. Walter Mr. Timothy & Dr. Michelle Welborn Ms. Rebekah R. Whitfield Mr. Gabe and Dr. Tammie Wiley Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Williams Mr. and Mrs. John S. Wilson, III Winston-Salem Pediatrics Mr. and Mrs. John B. Woodard Mr. and Mrs. Scott K. Young Your Cause

Gifts in Honor of Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Andrews Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Battle, III Mr. Peter Breitling Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brenner Mr. and Mrs. Allen D. Cook Mr. and Mrs. Allen D. Cook Ms. Tamela K. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Lyne Gamble Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Harrell Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hewitt Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hoy Mr. and Mrs. Albert Klosterman Ms. Judith Kuhn Ms. Amy Leander Mr. and Mrs. Bernard McGinnis Mr. and Mrs. Martin Metzler Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Parlier Dr. and Mrs. John Patton Samuel Schneider Foundation Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Sanborn Mr. and Mrs. William E. Scheu Ms. Tracy Stoltz Mr. and Mrs. Mark I. Thompson

our new son Will born on October 12, 2017 Happy Bell-Wiatrek The young Breitlings David and Scottie Neill Tara Craver and Gabby Miles Lorna Hogan Steve Manna Ann Britton, Mary Charles, and Mills Skylar and Maddox Harrell Meredith Gale Harvey Caroline Bailey Carsytn, Chase, & Rae Klosterman Gardner Barrier Kari Anderson and Virginia Lee Will Schultz Bud and Bennett Metzler Christian and Diane Jenkins and children and Jeffrey and Carrie Rinehart and children Gentry Gatewood Jack Brinkley, Matthew McPherson, Molly Weathers Brooks Michael McDuffie Mary Gray, Sam, and Lewis Speakman Pattie Stoltz Chris Turner and Boys’ Soccer Team

Gifts in Memory of Mr. and Mrs. R. Gordon Bingham Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Boyles Mr. Andrew T. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Bruce T. Brown Mr. George Brown Mrs. Rebecca B. Calderon Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Downing Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O. Goodson Mrs. Mildred E. Hines Mr. John Lapides, III Mrs. Marilyn Minford Dr. and Mrs. Liston A. Orr Mrs. Mary Radabaugh Ms. Lesley Schaeffer Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shaffer Mr. and Mrs. Steven Sloan Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Stinehelfer Mr. Adam Tanious Mr. Bill Wikel Mrs. Louise Gunter Williams

Carolyn Spencer Alex Rickabaugh Kathryn Leinbach Brown Kathryn Leinbach Brown Kathryn Leinbach Brown Kathryn Leinbach Brown Arthur Tab Williams, Jr. Kathryn Leinbach Brown Francis Hines Josh Kuhlman James L. Minford Kathryn Leinbach Brown my mother, Mary Brown Pullen Henry Booke Louise Joyce Kathryn Leinbach Brown Carolyn Spencer Josh Kuhlman Judy Wikel Carolyn Spencer

Matching Gift Companies

Albemarle Corporation Allegacy Federal Credit Union Bank of America Matching Gifts Program CME Group Community Foundation Good Done Great Marsh & McLennan Companies Northwestern Mutual Foundation One Beacon Charitable Trust Patton Law Offices, PLLC PNC Foundation Reynolds American Foundation Matching Donations SunTrust Foundation Wells Fargo Foundation Educational Matching Gift Program Your Cause


Forsyth Country Day School 5501 Shallowford Road Lewisville, NC 27023


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