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Locals Only February 2014

Why a Community Bank is a great option S

electing a bank seems like an easy assignment. Many times the bank we select is chosen because it’s closer to where we live or work. Convenience of location has always been the number one reason customers select a bank. Convenience is important and should be considered when making a banking decision on where to bank. Some banks today offer seven-day a week banking with expanded hours and are open most holidays. This gives you flexibility to do your banking when it is convenient to you. But, you should expect more from a bank than a good location and hours. Banks today are technologically superior and offer products that are key elements in selecting a financial institution. What do you need from your bank and what do you expect your bank to provide should be questions asked when making decisions to select a bank. Suddenly the “free” checking account with no services or options is not as important as being able to access an account and whether you feel comfortable and welcome when you enter or telephone your bank. Are you greeted with a familiar, smiling face? Do they call you by name, do you genuinely feel that the staff cares about you? Checking products and how they are marketed to customers is another important difference to compare when selecting a bank. Most banks offer checking products that range from “free” checking to club accounts. These two types of accounts are the extreme examples of relatively no service or features from a bank with a “free” account and an account with many features that are paid for on a monthly basis.


Locals Only February 2014

Overdraft fees and protection vary from bank to bank as well. No customer wants to be overdrawn, but it happens from time to time and a bank may charge from $15 to $30 dollars per item for an overdraft fee. Know what you’re getting into before you open the account. You may also want to know how to visit with a customer service or bookkeeping person to answer a question or solve a problem. Most community banks have local people handling your problems such as a lost or missing check or even help balance your checking account. If the customer service is available only through a 1-800 number, you might think twice before selecting this bank.

to another community as they are promoted within the bank’s system. Comparing interest rates and fees are also important in deciding on a bank as banks may differ. This would include document preparation fees, late fees, extension fees, and other fees that might relate to the type of loan you are requesting. Rates and fees are disclosed and can be compared before designing a loan application. It’s good policy to always ask what the fees and rates on a loan are before applying. Bankers do like customers who are concerned about lower rates and fees as they feel the customer will pay the loan back.

Lending is another product that customers expect and need from banks. Most people need a loan for a car, business or home and rely on their bank to provide this service. All banks make loans, but their process of approving an application may differ. How they handle a customer may differ, if they keep the loan or sell it to another financial institution. These questions may not seem important when you open an account at a bank but when you need a loan it will matter.

The location(s) of your bank is important. But also be sure to consider the technology the bank has installed and the products you might use such as banking with your personal computer, checking services, researching a problem, or just working with a loan officer to get a fair loan at a competitive interest rate with reasonable fees. These factors will help you to know your money is secure, and have access to it when it counts.

Most local banks make decisions locally and have continuity in their lending staff as officers move up through the ranks in the same bank. This allows you to keep the same loan officer as you grow with the bank. In a regional bank the decisions many times are made in the lending centers where applications are sent. They use formulas and credit scores to approve loans. The loan officer for a regional bank may work in the community for a few years and move to another community for a few years and move

Last, but not least, is community involvement. In today’s hectic and sometimes seemingly uncaring world, it is refreshing to see and know that a bank and its staff are involved in your community and care. Also it is good to know that your money is being invested in your community. Community reinvestment and support are crucial to most areas. Is the bank involved in your community; are they not only giving financial support, but seen actively working for and in the community?

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Our Experienced Lending Team Our Experienced Lending Team

What does it mean to have an

What does it mean to have an experienced lendi

It means that your request will be handled with utmost level of professionalism and competence. that you can count on the lending team to guid experienced lending team? through the lending process...It means a lo

Our Experienced Lending Team

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through the lending process...It means a lot.

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Locals Only February 2014





It means that your request will be handled with the


The Highest Standards of Care and quality W

hen suffering injury or sickness, It is important to choose the right hospital. With many hospitals, standards of care are very much alike, but for different reasons some hospitals offer better care than others. When trying to choose the best hospital for you, those reasons need to be investigated. When identifying which hospital is best, where the hospital is located is an important consideration. In a time of an unforeseen emergency the reason for that is clear, as the only answer is the nearby hospital. For many people only one hospital is close by, so visiting one farther away would be a problem. For reasons of family and travel time, most people want to be treated in a hospital near their home. Depending on the seriousness of the situation, a hospital which is farther away but offers more specialized care may be a better choice. Quite often people will choose a hospital where their primary doctor has an affiliation. Many doctors have referred patients to the same hospital for years, as they are known there and can often see and perform surgery on patients quickly.


needed, such as surgery and conval es cent care, can quickly become a large expense. When choosing a hospital, your insurance coverage may be the top consideration. It is worth considering what other options a hospital offers if location and insurance will not affect your decision.

Quite often people will choose a hospital where their primary doctor has an affliation. Many doctors have referred patients to the same hospital for years, as they are known there and can often see and perform surgery on patients quickly. Many hospitals may offer different medical accreditations than others, such as the Joint Commission, or have achieved high status in treating specialized medical procedures.

Hospitals are categorized as preferred providers by medical insurance companies. Patients choosing a hospital that is not listed in their medical insurance plan will often pay higher fees than those which are recommended by their insurance company.

If a hospital is accredited by the Joint Commission, certain areas of quality will be followed in areas that cover storage management and nursing care practice. When hospitals receive accreditation by the Joint Commission, they are subjected to frequent evaluation of their standards and keep these standards continuously updated.

Many medical procedures that are

Hospitals which have been awarded

Locals Only February 2014

certification in areas such as quality a nd cons i s tency a re wel l w orth considering. Another way of distinguishing excellence is the Magnet Program, which covers outstanding nursing work and other forms of patient care. It is awarded to select hospitals across the nation, so some are not certified. If you are able to enter a hospital that has achieved Magnet status, you can expect excellent patient care. Although it depends on what procedures must be done, selecting a hospital specializing in a particular surgical procedure may be essential. All kinds of patients needing medical attention arrive at hospitals every day, but many hospitals will specialize in several areas. Two hospitals within a city may offer similar services, for example, but one might specialize in gastroenterology while another supports an advanced cardiac unit. You should know which is which. To ensure quality care, hospitals may transfer patients to a more suitable facility. Depending on the seriousness of an injury or illness, a hospital with more specialized care will receive the patient. To be sure of the best outcome when caring for an injury or illness, choosing the right hospital is important. That’s why you should know about the strengths of your local hospitals before the need for emergency care arises.

We’re honored to serve you It’s an honor to be recognized as the nation’s leading hospital for maternity and newborn care. Look a little closer and you’ll discover that Northside performs more surgeries and diagnoses and treats more breast and gynecologic cancer than any other hospital in Georgia. While people chooseNorthside for our expertise, they also know us for our exceptional compassionate care. Visit us online at www.northside.com

Locals Only February 2014


the Road to Responsible Gun Ownership C

hoosing a handgun, whether for home defense or concealed carry, is a decision which takes a lot of consideration, a lot of shopping, and if you’re new to the market, probably a lot of talking to merchants and other gun owners. Being properly informed is your first step on the road to responsible gun ownership.

Size and caliber

Whatever your level of ability, there is usually a handgun on the market that will fit your needs, both technically and physically. It’s a good idea to always make sure you physically shop for a handgun at some point, regardless of how you intend to buy it. Pistols comes in many shapes, sizes and calibers, and the choice might seem a bit overwhelming. The first thing you should consider is size. If you aren’t going to be carrying the pistol on your person, a larger framed pistol will serve you just fine. You’ll be able to hold more ammunition in the magazine, and your recoil and sighting will be much more manageable. If you’re trying to find a handgun to carry concealed, a smaller pistol will serve you better. While you won’t have the weight to help absorb recoil, or the longer sight plane, you won’t have to worry about it nearly as much. Most concealed carry guns are designed to be used at close ranges, as well as remain hidden when not in use. Caliber is an important consideration as well. Larger caliber weapons will deal more damage with every hit, but at the cost of recoil and size of the weapon. While your objective shouldn’t be to kill an attacker, you’ll want to choose a large enough caliber to put a stop to any threat you might


Locals Only February 2014

face. Smaller calibers will work better for novice shooters and those who need a smaller weapon outright.

Other things to consider

There are a few other important decisions to make when it comes to choosing your handgun to make sure you’re buying the correct weapon. First off, you should be able to operate the weapon easily and without complication. Take time to learn about the gun you choose, and make sure you know about loading, firing and switching the safety on and off before you attempt to use the weapon.

time is significantly reduced. A revolver is a good option for a beginner, but there are good automatics for novices as well. It is more important to have a gun with pointand- shoot accuracy instead of sighted accuracy when it comes to self-defense. If you are being assaulted, you are probably not going to have the need to draw a bead on your attacker, nor will you have the time. When you’re shooting for selfdefense, you’re usually firing fast and instinctively, so it’s good to have a gun that reflects your firing style.


Being properly informed is your first step on the road to responsible gun ownership When it comes to handguns, there are two variations: the automatic and the revolver. The automatics are the typical clip-fed modern handgun and usually come in smaller calibers, also known as “auto calibers.” Automatics are complicated machines and can be trickier to clean and operate than a revolver, but they make up for it by being fast to fire and easy to reload. Revolvers are much simpler machines and have been around a lot longer than automatics. They have a wider range of calibers available, are easier to clean, but firing speed and reload

As with any weapon, be familiar with the use and care of your gun before you attempt to deploy it in a selfdefense maneuver. Spend plenty of time with your weapon at the firing range and become familiar with the limitations of your weapon. Responsible gun ownership starts with gun safety. Always make sure you are handling your weapon in a manner that is safe for you and those around you, and never leave your pistol where children can get their hands on it. Always treat the weapon like it’s loaded, and never point at anyone you don’t intend to shoot. If you have further questions, your local gun shop will be the place to get answers. Most of the time the staff is very passionate about their trade and will be more than happy to help you select a weapon within your price range and abilities. Remember to ask plenty of questions, and if you don’t quite like the answers, feel free to ask other gun shops or gun owners.

rt eC gu h tio n ge n i or n gi a

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KnoWledgeable and Friendly StaFF

We Proudly SuPPort our Community! 706.216.1468 • 5711 Hwy 53 East, Dawsonville Locals Only February 2014


Non-Surgical Hemorrhoid Treatment N

ew non-operative hemorrhoid treatment now available in Georgia. For years people have been suffering from hemorrhoids. Painful surgery and ineffective creams are out. A simple effective treatment is finally here. Rubber band ligation and a variety of new topical compounds are now the safest and most effective treatment available. Hemorrhoids are blood vessels located around the anus. If they swell they put pressure on the rectum and cause pain and bleeding. Hemorrhoids are classified into two general categories: internal and external. Internal hemorrhoids lie inside the rectum and usually can not be seen. Bleeding comes from stool rubbing against the swollen hemorrhoids. Itching comes from leakage of intestinal fungus causing a skin infection. Sometimes internal hemorrhoids prolapse and protrude. If so they appear as pink or purple moist tissue. Prolapsed hemorrhoids are painful. They may recede on their own or require reduction.


Locals Only February 2014

Prolapsing hemorrhoids require treatment before they become trapped outside and require emergency care. The ease and safety of hemorrhoid banding has made it the number one choice for symptomatic hemorrhoids.

Rubber band ligation and a variety of new topical compounds are now the safest and most effective treatment available. External hemorrhoids lie on the outside skin of the anus. Swelling of external hemorrhoids can usually be eliminated with banding of the internal hemorrhoids. Bothersome residual skin tags can be easily excised in the office. Blood clots sometimes form in external hemorrhoids, causing an extremely painful condition called a thrombosis. Constipation and the recent focus on core body exercising has

increased the incidence of this painful condition. External thrombosis may look rather frightening, turning purple or blue, and could possibly bleed. Specially compounded medications can help limit the pain. Excision may be required. Anal Fissures are painful tears of the lining of the anus. They are usually associated with constipation and hemorrhoid swelling. The pain is sharp and burning that occurs after bowel movements and may last for hours. Fissures are frequently misdiagnosed and not treated properly. The proper usage of specially compounded topical ointments has eliminated the need for surgery in most cases. Anal bleeding and pain of any sort is alarming and should be evaluated; it can indicate a lifethreatening condition, such as colorectal cancer. Hemorrhoids are the No. 1 cause of anal bleeding and are rarely dangerous, but a definite diagnosis from a physician experienced with non-surgical treatment of hemorrhoids and fissures is a must to get the relief you deserve.

Free Home Colon Cancer Screening for the month of March. E-mail Colon@HCofAmerica.com for more info.

Best Hemorrhoid Treatment in GeorgiaNo Surgery Required The Hemorrhoid Centers of America, directed by Alan L. Goldman, M.D., FACS, focuses on non-surgical hemorrhoid treatment and curing anal fissures. Every year they help thousands of patients avoid painful and unnecessary surgery. There is no longer a reason to suffer from the pain, bleeding, swelling, and itching from hemorrhoids. You can get the relief you deserve today with a quick, effective, painless office treatment. Through the use of the CRHO’Regan Banding system they treat all grades of hemorrhoids quickly and effectively. No anesthesia is required and you can return to work the same day.

“If I had known how quick and easy this procedure would be I would have done it years ago. Thank you so much. This has changed my life. Thank you Dr. G.” Dr. Goldman founded The Hemorrhoid Centers of America in 2006. He is the most experienced physician in the United States when it comes to the non-operative treatment of hemorrhoids and anal fissures. He is a Board Certified Surgeon who now dedicates his practice to help patients avoid surgery.

HCA has six offices to serve you; Atlanta, Cumming, Holly Springs, Lawrenceville, Marietta, and Roswell. Call us at 770-442-3117 or visit us at HCofAmerica.com to schedule an appointment. Locals Only February 2014


Building Confidence & Self-esteem With Dance C

ulture cannot only be classified as an era in time, a historical landmark and site of the Mona Lisa. Culture is also obtained through expression in theatre and drama, as well as movement of the body with son and dance. Dance in itself has as many forms as the rainbow has colors, from our beloved classical ballet to our historical Irish Step Dance. When making a decision to enhance one’s dance training and/or theatre education, there are a few things to consider. Just as the reputation of any college or university rests primarily on the caliber of professors who instruct there, so too does a top-notch performing arts studio. A quality studio will employ well rounded and experienced instructors who have been performing and teaching movement for years. Teachers with experience will enjoy the opportunity to pass on their knowledge and love of dance and theatre through the students they teach. The best instructors have been performers themselves, and while perfectly capable of teaching recreational steps and body movement, are equally suited to preparing students for the rigors and pressures of auditions and major productions. Professional instructors know what’s required under the glare of the klieg lights because they’ve been there themselves. Of equal importance as tenure and performance experience, is the openmindedness of the instructors. The performing arts, in all its various forms, is not calculus or grammar; there is more than one way of doing things. The arts of dance, theatre and song are by definition the free physical expression of that art form, and any studio employing


Locals Only February 2014

a “My way or the highway” mentality, with instructors who are rigid and unyielding in terms of embracing new ideas, is probably not the best available choice. Moving beyond the essential characteristics of instructor quality, is the importance of remembering that “variety is the spice of life.” Ideally, a quality studio will offer a variety of classes, i.e. tap, ballet, jazz, modern, hip-hop, lyrical

A quality studio will employ well rounded and experienced instructors who have been performing and teaching movement for years dance and theatrical dance. At the risk of being spread too thin, some studios will offer adjunct classes beyond the discipline of dance itself. These are all forms of self expression and culture that could potentially be offered at the proper venue. Any studio offering such a wide range of study taught by quality instructors is most definitely worth a serious look. Does the studio offer the opportunity to work with outside guest artists and master teachers? An experienced instructor is well aware of the advantages a student will gain by studying with other mast teachers. The finer studio will not only encourage their

students to study with other qualified instructors, but will provide the venue of study intensive workshops to broaden the education process of students interested in furthering their artistic career. Beyond the caliber of instruction and variety of classes offered by a performing arts establishment, is the physical space and location of a studio. Clean, spacious and well lit dance spaces are essential, along with the appropriate changing and dressing facilities. Finer studios will offer state-of-the-art equipment and a wood sprung floor, in essence, a “floating” floor that minimizes impact and helps to reduce the wear, tear and injuries which are all too common in the dancing world. And lastly, it’s important to take into consideration the ultimate achievement level of former students and the instructors. While most budding artists take classes to foster healthy bodies and friendships with others who enjoy the same forms of expression, there is always a certain percentage who aspire to greater heights. Consideration would be given to the performance opportunities available to those who desire to pursue a career in the arts. The performance experience should exclude any envy or rivalry amongst the corps of performers. On the contrary, during competition performances, the sense of being the best you can be while striving to perform in unison with team members, builds a strong and lasting camaraderie and discipline of teamwork relationships. So too does performance, which incorporates other art forms, including musicians, actors and visual artists such as lighting technicians, build an understanding of confidence, selfesteem and the desire to strive.

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Locals Only February 2014


Guiding You Through Funeral Arrangements W

hen grieving over the loss of a loved one, the last thing you want to be thinking about is planning their funeral. However, if no funeral plans were made prior to the death, you may find yourself facing this reality. This is a difficult process and you want to make sure that you are comfortable with any arrangements you might have to make. When you are ready to begin planning, the first step you need to take is to choose where you would like to have the service. This decision may be easier if your loved one was a member of a church, synagogue, mosque or other religious organization. Next, perform a search on the Internet or newspaper obituary page to find funeral homes in your area. Call each one and make an appointment for an on-site or telephone arrangement conference with a funeral director to discuss your basic options. Most likely, the cost of the funeral is one of your concerns. Start your conversation with the funeral director by asking about the basic fee. Independent familyowned funeral homes may offer lower costs, but you won’t know for sure until you talk to them. From there, you can follow-up with questions on available services and any down payments you will need to make. After this initial conversation, you can make a more educated estimate of your funeral budget.


Locals Only February 2014

There’s no getting around the high cost of funerals. It is said to be one of the most expensive purchases you will make. The total cost can easily run over $10,000, with the casket alone making up over half of the sum.

“If you are planning a funeral with other family members, make sure you discuss who is going to be the primary contact for all funeral arrangements. This allows the funeral home to contact the proper person to carry out your personal wishes.” With the funeral director, you will review general pricing with a list of services. You won’t want to make any decisions on the spot, so ask the funeral director for an itemized price in writing.

other funeral homes and on the Internet, then make the choice that works best for your situation. If you are planning the funeral with other family members, make sure you discuss who is going to be the primary contact for all funeral arrangements. This makes things easier for both the funeral home and family members who are trying to get information on arrangements. After finalizing your decision on what type of service you would like, you need to get all of the paperwork in order. This means filling out and submitting all necessary permits and copies of death certificates, as well as securing burial arrangements at the cemetery or crematory. This may all seem overwhelming, but remember that if you have done your research you have chosen the best funeral home for the needs of your loved one. They have the expertise to guide you through this difficult process and to ensure the funeral runs smoothly for everyone.

The Federal Trade Commission mandates that each funeral home provide customers with a pricing list. Remember that you have control over what services you receive. You should never pay for funeral services that you do not want.

Remember if you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask the funeral home for their advice. You always have the option of finding a different funeral home if you have problems with them down the road. If that happens, you only need to pay for services that you requested them to perform.

If casket prices at your chosen funeral home are too pricey, you have the right to purchase a casket elsewhere with no additional charge. Compare prices at

Contact your funeral home for additional questions or concerns.

You’ve just heard the news. Now, you need the information. When someone you know passes away it’s important to know the arrangements your family has made. We provide accurate information and up-to-date obituaries & service times online. Information can be found quickly on our home page.

Pre-Planned Funeral Arrangements Easy, Affordable & Appreciated "They've made life's biggest decisions together."

770-887-2388 210 Ingram Avenue Cumming, GA www.ingramfuneralhome.com

Call us today to learn more about pre-planning. Locals Only February 2014


The I.R.S. and Your Peace of Mind T

he complexities of filing taxes increase every year, prompting more people to turn to professional tax preparation services. You may even be planning to count yourself among these people if your personal financial situation has grown overly complicated. Hiring a professional to file your taxes may be a good way to save time, but even that decision can be more intricate than many people realize. Your money and reputation are at stake, so the stakes are high. The IRS urges all taxpayers to employ care and caution when choosing a tax professional, as these professionals will not relieve people of the legal responsibilities of their tax returns. There is no doubt that most professional tax preparers are honest people who provide excellent services to their clients, but there are still unscrupulous tax preparers out there who can cause their “clients” considerable legal and financial difficulties. The IRS doesn’t certify tax preparers, and the federal government does not require tax professionals to have any form of certification or education. Some states do require tax preparers to be licensed, but that is an industry that remains largely unregulated. In other words, most of the time you cannot be sure that the “professional” you have hired to file your taxes is qualified to do the job. The IRS does license Enrolled Agents who must pass an exam and have continuing education to maintain their licenses. The Treasury Department authorizes these Enrolled Agents to


Locals Only February 2014

represent taxpayers at all levels of an audit. When you hire a tax preparer, verify whether they will be able to provide you with representation if the IRS audits your return. This is also a good opportunity to inquire about the preparer’s audit rate.

You can also contact the board of accountancy for CPAs or the bar association for attorneys in your state to further inspect the preparer’s professional record. Qualities of a legitimate and reputable tax preparer include:

Your money and reputation are at stake, so the stakes are high.

- Affiliation with an organization that requires continuing tax education - A preparation fee based on the complexity of your return - A willingness to answer all of your questions - Availability beyond the preparation and filing of your tax return - Familiarity with all of the states in which you must file - Familiarity with any special circumstances that may apply to you - A willingness to include an itemization of all judgment calls with your copy of the return - A willingness to provide an in-person review of the refund with the preparer.

The important thing is that you know precisely what you are paying for. Confirm that you are hiring someone who specializes in tax preparation (CPA is a designation indicating a qualified accountant who may or may not be a tax specialist).

Warning signs that may indicate a disreputable tax preparer include: - Claims that they can obtain larger refunds than their competitors; - Guarantees of a refund up front; - A request that you sign a blank form; - Tax preparers who are unwilling to sign a return (this is known as “ghost” preparation).

Always investigate your preparer’s credentials and/or the business for which he or she works. Don’t be afraid to contact the Better Business Bureau to verify that the preparer and/or business does not have a questionable history.

It is very important that you thoroughly discuss your financial situation with your tax preparer. Once you are confident that your tax professional is competent, reputable, respected and suited to your needs, you can hire with confidence and put your mind at ease.

Complicated taxes? Bring it on. Taxes are complicated. Getting your taxes done isn’t enough - you need your taxes done right. That’s where we come in. We hire and train the most qualified tax professionals to ensure you claim every credit and deduction you deserve so you get your maximum refund. Guaranteed.¶ Call today to make your appointment.

FOUND FROM BEST BRA 537 Lake Center Parkway, Cumming, Ga 30040 2330 Canton Hwy, Cumming, GA 30040 3040 Keith Bridge Road, Cumming, GA 30041

770-887-1650 770-886-5150 678-455-3150

HRBLOCK.COM ¶If you discover an H&R Block error on your return that entitles you to a larger refund (or smaller tax liability), we’ll refund the tax prep fee for that return. Refund claims must be made during the calendar year in which the return was prepared. OBTP#B13696 ©2013 HRB Tax Group, Inc.

Locals Only February 2014


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Check out our Facebook Page @ Facebook ID: North Cumming 1715 Friendship Circle | Suite 100 | Cumming, GA 30028 Phone: (470) 253-7349 | Fax: (470) 253-7352 16

Locals Only February 2014

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