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forsyth central high school class of 2014
admir abidovic
austin adams
Jonathan adams
Knox allen
nathan alvarado
autumn amick
Dana anderson
Daniela arizaga
lana arpin
Jose arroyo
Michael atz
Monica Bailey
Mariah Baldwin
tyler Baldwin
timothy Barnhurst
elizabeth Beall
alanna Beaty
Merq Denzel Belongilot
Kayla Bennett
Joseph Bieler
Jacob Bollinger
taylor Bottcher
Michael Branigan
Joseph Buck
elizabeth Bush
grant Butschek
Madison caine
Matthew caison
lukas campbell
Mary campbell
elena campfield
alexander campione
gracie cantrell
Marissa cappizzi
ryan carr
Daniel carrillo
leah chamblee
naomi chance
cayden chesnut
emily chester
Madison childs
Je cho
Moira clark
Valerie clark
clarke cochran
Madison cole
Bristiel cook
arika cooper
Jacob copeland
amelia cornell
Desmond covarrubias
alexia craig
Victoria crandall
Paul cronner
rosie cruz
elizabeth Daffin
hunter Dampier
aria Davis
elizabeth Davis
Kwasheek Davis
leanna Davis
angelica De la rosa
tyler Dees
corene DePhillips
Douglas Dewberry
chelsea Dixon
samuel Downey
Marvin Duarte
Kevin Duque
emily Dutton
ashlyn easley
Jessica eck
tyler eddleston
Jaime edeus
tellia edmonds
sierra edmondson
Patrick ekhlas
Forsyth Graduation May 2014
forsyth central high school class of 2014
Jake ekhlas
Jeff evans
ryan fagan
rachel fahey
austin fairley
Kayla faulkner
Michael fink
adam fields
sarah fincher
charles flores
christopher focke
Jessica gallo sanchez
Kyle gamble
sead garanovic
fidencio garcia
refugio garza cortes
Jonathan geiger
Madison giddens
sydney giddens
Jessica gipe
ashley goldston
otto goligoski
Braulio gomez
nancy gomez
cynthia gonzalez
Jessica goodman
Morgan goodrow
Jake gorczyca
sarah gore
shane grizzle
Pierre guillermo
Jamie guillory
tristan hall
Kayleigh hammond
Kyla harrison
austin hatcher
ashley hayman
charly hernandez
Kevin hernandez
Maggie hess
tristan hewatt
Jacob hill
McKayla hill
Mollie hill
Zaher hishmeh
Marc hobgood
Matthew hobgood
christina holder
shay hollis
Mazz holt
olivia hornbaker
christian hull
austin hunt
Dominique insisiengmay
cory Jackson
gary Jackson
Jennifer Jacobs
ashley Jeter
catherine Johnson
Jeremiah Jones
Joshua Jordan
ilmiya Kamalova
emma Kane
rachel Karlan
Jacob Keesee
Dee Kelly
Zachary Kemp
shelby Kemptner
Jacob Kenny
emily King
lyndsay Kirby
Breanna Kitts
cara Kohler
sead Kurtic
haley lamb
Meagan lamb
Kevin landeck
Forsyth Graduation May 2014
forsyth central high school class of 2014
Kirstin lindstrom
Malissa little
rodrigo lizarraga
Jack longmore
ana lopez
sandy louizaire
caroline loveless
griffin luxford
cody Maltman
adam Maresco
albert Martin
courteney Martin
alan Martinez
sandra Martinez
leilani Massas
crystal Mattis
Dylan Mauldin
Miranda Mccanna
Jenna McDaniels
abigail Meert
Bruno Mejia
Jake Meriwether
courtney Merritt
William Michaels
Jeremy Miller
Julie Miller
ryann Miller
Zachary Mitchell
Mercedes Montoya
anna-nicole Moore
guadalupe Mora Juarez
Dustin Morris
Payton Mullinax
Mahmuud Muudee-ibrahim
chandler nardiello
gulnara nufarova
araceli orozco
edna osmanbasic
Kaitlyn oxford
austin Palasieski
Bonnie Parker
Jessica Parkhurst
spenser Patterson
ariana Pena
ana Pereira
lawrence Perkins
chase Peterson
chelcy Petersonspriggs
Daniel Phillips
Matthew Pirrello
alysa Poss
Michael Powell
caiti Pruitt
Forsyth Graduation May 2014
forsyth central high school class of 2014
olivia Pruitt
Maria Paula Queiroz
sandro radivojevic
Kaitlyn raines
cameron rainwater
anel ramic
gilbert rangel
christian resendiz
oscar ricardoramirez
Jeong-yun ro
storm roberts
Zachary robertson
Jermaine rodriguez
Marissa rodriguez
sierra romeo
Jane roney
taylor rose
stephon ross
Jeffrey rous
samantha roush
Daniel ryan
alexander sackmann
elizabeth sanchez
Jacqueline sanchez
Jordan schaller
James scott
crystal senesombath
chase sherman
anthony signa
Kyle sima
hannah skalleberg
Brian sloss
elvir smajlovic
Brittany snider
lindsay sokolowsky
Katrina solodky
robert spadafora
stephen spence
Jacob st.clair
elijah stall
John stancel
tyler stewart
Jamie stockdill
James stokes
samantha sullivan
casey sweeney
tiffany sykes
Zalia taylor
garrison teiger
abby tenhouseJohnson
amenda tharpe
frantzky thomas
Brittany thompson
elizabeth torres
Daniel trejo
alissa tucker
shane turner
Jacob tyra
alexandria Valero
Katrina Varchmin
nikolas Verbeke
amber Wager
Brandon Warner
frances Webb
John Webb
Bailey Webster
tyler Wells
teresa Weston
robbie White
William Wigington
nicholas Williamson
emily Winter
haley Womac
Madison Woodruff
sara yoho
Jessica Zajac
Briana Zelinski
Forsyth Graduation May 2014
lambert high school class of 2014
Zachary alexander
Dillon alexander
samuel alexander
murad alhonaiti
Parker allen
Dina aly
gentry anderson
elizabeth andrews
caitlin andrews
Jamie angle
lauren armitage
Kayla armstrong
abigail attaway
alexandra augello
melanie aycock
nolan ayers
tyler bagnato
christopher bahr
Davis bailey
casey baker
Kacie bapst
amanda baptie
steven barber
ansley barnes
christina barnes
madison barnhardt
ashley barron
Jennifer barto
Joseph bates
hannah bates
belinda baxter
samantha bay
rachel bellet
mackenzie bennett
cassandra benson
John benton
mitchell berggreen
megan bestor
Joseph bibik
Dylan biumi
logan blanc
lauren boatright
William bobbitt
raymond boland
brienna bolton
lauren boyce
Kristin brannigan
ashley brannon
nickolas braza
emily brennen
lawrence bridger
madeleine briggs
lucas brown
Kayla brugnoli
corey bryan
emerson buck
rachel buck
chandler burgess
michael bush
richard byrd
nicolas cafferatta
olivia carino
Jacob carlson
andres carrillorodriguez
hannah carroll
sean carruthers
isabelle castro
alexandra cavanaugh
anusha charania
adriana chechele
forsyth central high school class of 2014
John cartwright
nicholas Zernach
aj Zlaitc
Pablo castillo
ryan chambers
corbitt chandler
gabrielle Zuniga
Forsyth Graduation May 2014
lambert high school class of 2014
Kiera chiapperini
Jake chickowski
Zackary childress
Danielle chism
Jung choi
thomas chumley
ryan clark
connor claure
Julianna cline
Keaton cobble
grace colley
evan cookeDibarto
Zachary copman
claudia cornelison
sean courtney
gavrielle covault
evan crabtree
aaron craddock
Kyle crelin
Kohl crewdson
Dillon cromwell
chandler crumpton
michelle Daly
haley Davis
Zachary Davis
anna Deichsel
Dana Dell’aera
andrew Deloe
eric Devries
amy Dhuka
marissa Dibenedetto
adam Diemert
ashlen Dillinder
lucy Dills
Nicholas Dipaola
anil Dobani
Danielle Dollar
frederick Dreyer
Noah Dubeau
shane Duer
Kevin Duffy
laura Duren
Wesley eccleston
max edel
george edgar
robert elz
rosemary Kathleen erb
Jacob eskew
elise espy
rachel estes
mitchell fandos
anum farooqui
Delaney fechalos
Nicole fiechter
ryan finkenbinder
caroline flack
ryan flack
halle fleming
eden fletcher
Peyton foernsler
samantha folk
ashlie foster
mcclain freeman
madeleine fricano
Jacob fuller
claire gagnier
Kaleigh galvin
Nikko gardner
chad garrett
Payton gates
trevor gates
ashley gauthier
garrett geeflin
shani genosar
sean geoghegan
robert george
Jessica gerber
Forsyth Graduation May 2014
Forsyth Graduation May 2014
lambert high school class of 2014
steven geshrick Jr
megan gianini
madeline gilleland
Nathan gillio
lauren godleski
austin goehrig
stephen goetz
raul gonzales fernandez
samuel gooden
taylor gordy
mcKayla gorman
elisha gower
isabella green
elizabeth gubenko
sarah guerreso
caitlin guffin
connor haddock
michael halk
Kelsey halverson
Kathryn hamby
eunjun han
sabrina hand
benjamin harbuck
Jonathan hardy
autum harrington
Kyle harris
cooper harrison
haley hartle
spencer haynsworth
anna heine
Kyle heissel
eduardo hernandez
robert heugel
Joel hiatt
sarah hock
thomas hodge
Jacob holloway
erik holmberg
robert holtackers
emily horne
caleb horton
Peyton hosier
Kassie howard
sam howell
courtney huber
ryan huff
regen huffman
candice humphrey
harrison humphries
garrett hunt
Wynne huo
Yoon hwang
elisabeth iaderosa
anthony ialungo
charlie Jarrell
harper Jarrett
Jordan Jarrett
blake Jarvis
Paige Jarvis
Jordyn Jean-felix
benson Jernigan
gabrielle Johnson
Jessica Johnston
matthew Jones
aubrey Jones
alec Josie
hyuna Kang
surafel Kassa
robert Keator
edwin Kelly
taylor Kemmeling
David Kenyon
ahdil Khan
Julia Kien
sam Kilkenny
christian Kim
David Kim
Forsyth Graduation May 2014
lambert high school class of 2014
brian Kim
se bin Kim
soo Youn K im
samuel Kim
byung Woo K im
Justin Kim
alexander Kimball
benjamin Kimbrell
David King
brigette Kinkade
Jared Kirschbaum
haleigh Kraakevik
thomas Kubiak
ethan Kubler
Jordan Kuhlmann
conner lacks
morgan lafave
ryan lahey
Whitney lam
mcKenzie lamb
taylor landy
sean langley
Kelly larson
ryann laurin
christopher laye
madeleine laymac
richard le
William lebeau
eddie leblanc
Duncan leblond
cathy lee
Jessica lee
Waynie lee
mitchell lee
minju lee
Yu sang lee
Daniel lee
harrison lee
alex lee
matthew leonard
fredrick lewis
timothy lie
alexa lieberman
bo lim
Kensington little
Jonathan liu
emily livingston
robert logan
benjamin lottes
austin loughmiller
Kenneth lucas
Julien lunsford
chelsea ly
6638_2_community&SiouthernBank052314_Grad Forsyth Graduation May 2014 11
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Forsyth Graduation May 2014
lambert high school class of 2014
georgia lyman
robert lynn
marawan mahmoud
mark malaney
Dev mandavia
stephen mang
himanshu mangla
rachel mannion
shelby marrick
sierra martin
Kirsten martin
mitchell martin
Nicholas martinez
christopher martore
samantha marzzarella
haley massa
Kaelyn massella
erin masterson
Zachary matthews
David mattingly
amanda maxfield
Kevin mayer
tyler mayer
Parker mcbain
connor mccann
lauren mccormick
sean mccormick
hogan mcDade
Kyle mcDaniel
scott mcDonald
Kathryn mcgraw
sean mcKelleget
miriam mcKenzie
laurel mcKinney
Jordan mcKissock
hayden mcleod
Jenna mcloughlin
Davis mcmakin
Veronica mcmanus
Kristen meers
rachel mengler
lincoln metz
samantha michon
samantha miller
brandon miller
James miller
Paige mitchell
marian moccia
brittyn moellering
alexandra moore
travis moore
meagan morales
austin moreland
christian morillo
andrew morin
Kelsey morkem
meghan morris
catherine morrow
savannah musser
meredith myers
sarah Nash
lavanya Natchiappan
ali Nayebi
claire Needle
sushma Neelagaru
Jake Nelson
lien Nguyen
ashley Nickerson
connor Nies
angela Noh
ashley Nolan
hannah Noles
taylor Noll
Walker Nunes
alexander oakford
savannah oaks
blake objartel
Forsyth Graduation May 2014
lambert high school class of 2014
margaret o’brien
connor o’Donnell
Philip o’Donnell
Jeremy olson
Kip olvaney
elena ortiz-Villajos
oluwatomisin osunkoya
Jackson Palmer
Jenna Paolazzi
Nicholas Parham
Preeya Parmar
John Pastore
sarah Patrick
John Patterson
Devan Perry
avinash Perumpalath
Naomi Pettus
Noelle Petty
macon Pharr
mary Phillips
Zachary Phillips
richard Pickering
charles Pinkerton
chase Plaugher
alexandra Porter
lindsay Porter
lindsay Powell
anisha Prema
brandon Pun
sri sai sashank Pyneni
Jordan Quinn
cari rada
roman radzijevskij
Jack rainone
emilycarolin ramsey
branden rankin
James rathburn
ravi rawal
Jenson rawlings
anna reganall
ross reguiski
adolfo reyna
richard rising
chase ritterbusch
Drake ritterbusch
fernando rivas
reilly robbins
Nicolas rodriguez
Juan rodriguez
cole rogers
brent romaine
ashley romero
rachel ross
erica ruden
matteson rushing
mirchime saintil
felix salazar
Jose salgado
matthew salin
chloe sampson
colin santoro
Dylan sapp
amanda saulnier
sherly savarimuthu
Kailey schafer
Noah schuizh
Jessica schuyler
brittney schwind
mackenzie scudder
Joseph sellers
samuel sellers
gabrielle seok
Jacob settipani
Justin settipani
shahin shayesteh
Kristina shepherd
Kyle sherer
Forsyth Graduation May 2014
lambert high school class of 2014
madison sherlock
hyun shin
trevor shipes
megan shirley
steele shull
Nicholas shumate
chase shy
Kendra simpson
rachel slappy
michael sleister
sydnie smith
Kyle smith
madison smith
brooks smith
ryan smith
David snyder
Jasmine somerset
herbert sommerfeld
Joung son
Nicolas soong
Jake sorel
John spehr
brandon spenello
colton spieth
luke st. laurent
andrew standeven
Daniel standish
emily straight
Jacob straight
Jonathan strickland
coleman sturkey
samuel sung
samantha suss
Parker sutliff
shannon sweatt
Dania taha
tyler talgot
mary tarallo
griffin taylor
brianna tejeda
Kelly terpin
mitchell thomas
Jordan thomas
Dexter thomas
caleb thomas
cole thompson
Deprez thurston
Kevin thwaits
William tinsley
haley tokich
hannah tokich
Nicholas topper
ashton toth
bailey toth
avery trimble
hannah trinkle
tristan trust
gavin tyler
meaghan Upchurch
adrian Uribe
rachel Van D yke
olivia Vasquez
ian Walker
Keith Walsh
brian Walsh
megan Walz
hee J ae Wang
morgan Warner
Nicholas Watson
emily Weeden
cassidy Weekes
Nicholas Weiler
Jill Wellmann
mark Werner
Jeffrey Wessels
brandon Wharton
caleb swope
Forsyth Graduation May 2014
North forsYth high school class of 2014
cody agronow
Kaleb ainsworth
morgan allen
Kayla allred
Victoria alvarez
Jacob ambrose
molly anderson
Natalie andric
aaron anglin
shelby argento
gemma arreguin
amelia austin
grace babcock
brittanie bagwell
Jacob bagwell
hagan bailey
hannah bailey
Jacilyn bailey
Joseph bailey
Krista bailey
morgan bailey
tara bailey
sarah baird
amber bakelac
shayanne baker
Katherine banks
Derek barker
emily barrett
Devin barron
clayton barton
bennie bates
Jonathan bearden
sierra bearden
lambert high school class of 2014
turner Wheat
Joshua Wheeler
macy White
harrison White
Nathan Whitesel
brayden Whitford
megan Whitlatch
William Whitlock
garin Wickliffe
alexis Williams
samantha Williams
Xena Williams
Joseph Willingham
logan Willis
Jacob Wilson
spencer Wilson
alexandria Wilson
logan Wood
matthew Woodley
madison Wright
Kevork Yeremian
sarkis Yeremian
Jeehyun Yoon
Preston Yun
andrew Yusi
Jeremy Zimmerman
Forsyth Graduation May 2014
North forsyth high school class of 2014
Emily Bell
hailee Belt
Kendall Bennett
Julian Benton
Noemi Bernal
lillian Beutel
leonard Bishop
abigail Black
Brooks Blevins
Joshua Blevins
heather Bodamer
Jordan Bogigian
aaron Bohan
ryan Bok
sarah Boles
Zachary Boles
riggs Brady
Micah Branch
carrie Brannon
Quintin Bray
courtney Brousseau
ashleigh Brown
Madison Brown
ryan Brown
Paxton Brownlee
caleb Bryson
taylor Burgess
adrian Burns
Phillip Burruss
Jacqulyne Busche
Zachary Byers
Michelle cain
anna laura campbell
george cano
Kirsten cantrell
Michael carter
colin casey
april castillo
charles chafin
Janet chagolla
sarah champie
angelo changas
austin chapman
tyler chapman
clayton childress
coleman childress
grace chilton
hannah christian
chloe chung
Matthew cianciolo
Elijah clark
suzanna cochran
christina cole
alexandrea coleman
Eva coleman
Patrick collins
Matthew comella
christopher cooper
skyler corliss
stephanie corsini
Nicholas corsini
garrett craig
christina crawford
Deyion Keyaira crawford
John creech
Devon crowe
shonte cunningham
Devin curran
Matthew Dacus
ruby Daniel
Jake Danneman
James Davenport
Jeannie Davis
Jesse Davis
Jordan Davis
rachel Davis
Joshua Day
Forsyth Graduation May 2014
colton Delay
lindsey Densmore
Jacob Denson
Sara DiFrank
Jason Diloreto
anthony Ditaranto
David Dobrotka
alexander Domzalski
Miranda Dressel
Katelyn Dubrovin
Erin Dunn
Timothy Dupa
Hannah Durand
cheylin Dutra
Emilee Dutton
arica Dykes
David Edwards
Hannah Edwards
Dane Eife
lindsey England
Michael Eubanks
Brianna Fairbanks
lily Fausti
Dylan Favini
alexis Feliciano
Sarah Findley
Joshua Fisher
lyndee Fitzsimonds
Sean Floody
Vianelli Flores
Meredith Flowers
Elizabeth Flynn
Brittany Fogg
Michael Fonge
Spencer Forbes
aaron Fountain
Brandon Fowler
Bridget Fowler
Thomas Francis
Mason Furmanek
Braden gardner
Jacob gardner
Dustin garmon
Paige garrison
Michael gerchman
Hannah gillon
lee goe
andrew gomez
Monique gonzalez
Rubi gonzalez
James googer
Dakota gottberg
Shelby gowdy
Rayanne griffith
abigail grogan
ashton grose
Zakkary gross
Tyler gunter
lauren Haley
Edita Halilovic
Kyle Hamilton
Molly Hamilton
Jacob Hammond
alaina Hammonds
lyndsay Hampton
Kara Hamrick
alan Haney
alexander Hanson
Daniel Harp
lauryn Harris
Mikaela Harris
Scarlett Harris
adriana Haynes
Breanna Hayworth
Hunter Heard
Sara Heard
Montanna Heffington
Forsyth Graduation May 2014
Forsyth Graduation May 2014
Jacqueline Hemmis
Sara Hernandez
Kory Hickox
Kyle Hickox
cassandra Hicks
Hali Higginbotham
cody Hill
Kellie Hill
Jacob Hiltbrand
claire Hinton
Blake Hodges
David Holbrooks
Madison Honea
Emilie Hoyle
Jacob Huff
aaron Hurst
Madison Hurst
Blake Hutchison
linda Jabieski
ashley Jackson
Nicholas Jacobson
Madison James
Kylie Jefferis
ara Johnson
Joseph Johnson
Jenifer Jones
Taylor Jones
Justin Jordan
abigail Kahler
george Kantelis
Madison Katz
courtney Kelly
Tabitha Kelly
Savanna Kemper
Brandon Kerr
Madison Kilpatrick
cody Kimbrell
LET US CATER YOUR PARTY Pick Up o r Delivery
2-3 People 2 dozen fingers, 1 dozen lips, 50 wings, medium queso chips & dip $120
Heath King
Brandon laFountain
Natalyn Kingry
Morgan lancaster
Megan Kirkman
Michael land
Joel Knost
connor lane
Tomasz Kowalski
James lane
GRADUATION MENU World Famous Chicken Fingers Chicken Lips Mac & Cheese Rotisserie Chicken Baked Beans Pulled Chicken/ Green Beans Pork Salads Slabs of Ribs And Much More
5810 Bond Street, Cumming • 770-205-5512 (At the corner of Post Rd. & Majors Rd. In Vickery Village)
Open Mon-Fri 7am Sat & Sun 8am
18-20 People 3 dozen fingers, 2 dozen lips, 100 wings, medium queso chips & dip $180
10-12 People 3 lbs pulled pork or chicken, 2 slabs of ribs, 1 dozen buns, 2 large coleslaw, 2 large baked beans $120
18-20 People 5 lbs pulled pork or chicken, 3 slabs of ribs, 2 dozen buns, 1/3 pan coleslaw, 1/3 pan baked beans $180
Forsyth Graduation May 2014 21 6442_1_tannersVickery052314_Grad
Nicolas lanier
Zachary lanier
Jessica lester
lewis lester
ashley lightell
Madison little
Mark loggins
Felicia long
Paris Magallanes
Taylor Maguire
Mellisa Manon
Shannon Manon
Branson Marks
andrea Martin
Dakota Martin
Ethan Martin
Joshua Martin
Kayla Martin
McKensie Martin
Micheal Martin
isabella Martino
Brittany Mashburn
Maxfield Maslanka
Terry Mathis
McKenzie Mattie
Bridgette Mazuran
laura McDaniel
chase McFarling
Brandon Mcgee
Ryann Mcgonigle
Shawn Mclendon
Jacob McRoy
Sara Mejia
Mary Merck
Samantha Metzger
Vuk Micunovic
Zachary Miller
Kaitlyn Millwood
caroline Minter
Emily Minter
Madelynn Moeck
Bryan Montero
alisha Mooney
laura Moore
Emily Moran
Hannah Moye
laura Moyo
Katie Mulko
austin Murdock
Heather Myers
cesar Najera
Kaitlyn Newberry
Hannah Nix
Madison Noda
Eric Norton
Brittany O’Bryan
Eric O’Hara
Edward Okenica
Julianne Oliver
Margaret Owen
leeann Owens
ashley Padgett
Jake Padgett
Jerret Paige
angelia Faye Parazo
Seth Parks
Elizabeth Pate
Jonathan Pate
Kajal Patel
Destiny Patrick
Erik Pedraza
christopher Peek
Hipolito Perez
chase Perry
Joseph Peters
James Phillips
Burton Place
Forsyth Graduation May 2014
Jamie Pocock
Katie Poole
lea Porter
Timothy Pouncey
Justin Power
Dylan Powers
amber Pruitt
Hayley Pruitt
Meagan Pyeatt
Kelly Quinn
Rilee Racine
Brandon Randle
ashley Ranstadler
Kasey Reed
Ronald Reeves
luis Restrepo
amra Ribic
Brandi Richards
Erica Richards
Robert Riddle
Michael Rivera
Savannah Robar
Jameson Roberts
Wesley Robinson
angel Rodriguez
Dawson Rogers
Brady Roose
Timothy Roughton
Joseph Rowland
Jessica Rozzell
alexander Russell
Ryan Russomanno
McKenzie Rutan
Veronica Rutledge
Holly Samples
aubrey Sampson
Jose Sanchez
Bailey Sandoval
logan Sayre
avery Scarbrough
Tristan Schlagenhauser
autumn Schmidt
Rebekah Schnaubelt
Jessica Scott
Savannah Scott
Jordyn Seaney
Joseph Seawright
ashton Seibel
colton Shadburn
Kaitlyn Shafter
Nicholas Sharpe
Savannah Shoemake
Darrian Short
Evelyn Silva galindo
claudio Silva Manzo
Rodrigo Silva Manzo
Kyla Simmonds
lucas Slaton
clark Smith
Traydarius Smith
Sarah Smith
Tristan Snodgrass
luis Soria
catherine Spivey
Brayden Spry
Brianna Stanger
Forsyth Graduation May 2014
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Easy to Find! Exit 8, Mansell Rd. off 400N, West to Alpharetta Hwy and North 1 mile.
Emily Starling
Kyle Stephens
Jason Stiteler
Taylor Stoker
caleb Stowers
corey Strickland
alison Stringer
Benjamin Strube
carley Sudderth
Joseph Sullivan
Margaret Sullivan
Shahara Sutton
Macy Swanson
Mallory Swords
Estefanny Tasayco
Skyler Taylor
Harrison Thomas
Kaylyn Thomas
Meagan Thomas
Sarah Thomas
constance Thompson
courtney Thompson
austin Thornton
James Tootle
Bryce Trammell
leann Trussell
Margaret Turner
Shelby Turner
Sydney Turner
addison Vander linde
Elizabeth Vanderhoff
Joshua VanKempen
Nelson Vazquez
Jephte Velia
Jesse Vlaun
Shane Vosburgh
amy Wade
lindsey Wade
Elly Wagner
Noah Wagner
Treyson Wagner
lindsay Waller
chad Warner
Elyse Waterbury
austin Weldon
Hannah Weldon
allison Wells
Brittany West
Hannah Whaley
Jordan White
Emerson Whittle
Wesley Wiggins
caleb Wilkie
Nathaniel Williams
Natalie Williamson
Jarrod Willis
Shana Wilson
Jacob Wood
Kayla Woodford
chelsea Workman
Sydney Wright
Ryan Yates
Stacey Zeestraten
Jenna Zirlott
Hajra Zlatic
Forsyth Graduation May 2014
Benjamin Strube
carley Sudderth
Joseph Sullivan
Margaret Sullivan
SOUTH fOrSyTH HigH ScHOOl claSS Of 2014
Vivian adams
Oluwafunmilola adeosun
Taita adside
David aguilera
grant arnold
allison Baccari
amanda Baetz
Kailee Baker
anjana Balamourougan
isabella Ballew
Elliott Baring
Marnia Barnard
Matthew Barnett
Jordan Barry
carolynn Bass
ashley Bassett
Mark Batson
Michael Beckley
Eleanor Beeslaar
chase Bentley
Nathaniel Bernal
Maria Berrios
Nikita Bhakta
arushi Bhatia
Jonathan Bice
Hunter Bland
Veronica Block
Mary Boling
Brandon Bou
James Brazier
cassidy Brillhart
Melissa Brockelbank
James Bronk
Sara Brown
carson Brownlee
christopher Buehler
ariel Bulmash
Melissa Burke
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Forsyth Graduation May 2014
File: 6482_1_northGAVein052314Grad
Congratulations south Forsyth seniors
Class oF 2014 We are extremely proud of your success and wish you all the best in your future endeavors.
From: The Faculty and Staff of South Forsyth High School We Are South Forsyth! 28
Forsyth Graduation May 2014
SOUTH fOrSyTH HigH ScHOOl claSS Of 2014
rae cathcart
Jessie caudill
Margaret chambers
Dylan chatelain
Estefania chavez
Brian chenard
Nabeel chhatriwala
ahra cho
Kyu choi
Tore christiansen
Nicholas cichy
Taylor cira
lucas clari
Emily collins
lauren connell
Kyle cook
Elijah cottle
chelsea coulon
Tyler couzens
Tyler crawford
abigail crete
Quintin crist
rachel croce
Erika cronon
Michael crookshanks
Kelsey crumley
Marie cruz
Thomas cubitt
Vanessa cuellar
Olivia curry
andy Dang
layla Darian
Nikolas Datta
Daniel Deleon
amanda Derminasian
Sidhant Dewan
alec Diaz
Wesley Dickinson
Kayla Disraeli
Jonathan Dominick
Sydney Donaldson
Johnathan Dudley
Brandon Dulog
Elizabeth Eidson
andrew Elder
andrew Elkins
courtney Elmore
amanda England
Stephanie Epeagba
liam farrelly
Danielle faye
gabrielle feder
irene fenner
Katherine fields
alexandra flemington
Oscar flores cabrera
Hannah floyd
Paul fogarty
leah forsyth
christina fortier
Jacob francis
Nan free
Madison freeman
Natalie garcia
caroline garrison
Michael gatto
Matthew ghu
Taylor giller
Sara gillespie
James gilmour
Samuel gimotty
roja goverdhana
Shannon grand
Taylor green
Jessica griffey
Jordan griffin
Kandis grist
Forsyth Graduation May 2014
SOUTH fOrSyTH HigH ScHOOl claSS Of 2014
Daniel Hafner
rachel Haich
Samantha Haisten
Dylan Hales
Zachary Hallman
christopher Hamilton
Nicole Hand
ashley Hannan
robert Harris
Jordan Hawk
Sydney Haymond
Sid Haynes
Kadri Hearns
Mackenzie Heber
robert Hemker iii
cordasia Henderson
Victoria Hendricks
Joseph Henggeler
Emily Hering
Erik Herslebs
Jonathan Heyman
Kensley Hickman
Morgan Hildebrecht
Katherine Hill
Townes Hillier
cory Hobbs
caleb Hoffman
Emily Holder
Opal Hosey
Kristin Houston
James Howlin
cheston Husein
Holly Hutchinson
Melissa inal
Taylor Jackson
Morgan Jacobus
roshini Jagadam
Olivia Jeffrey
Haley Jenkins
Nancy Jhanji
Seung Jin
Brian John
Taylor Johnson
ashley Jonassen
radhika Kamath
Bjorn Kammholz
Katielee Kaner
Jae Kang
Kaitlin Karschner
rahul Katkar
Shayon Keating
allison Kimura
lauren Klein
Mikala Knox
Matthew Kobylski
alayna Kolb
James Kramlich
alyson Krenzer
Destiny Kruzel
Jared Kuhl
Blake lafayette
Timothy lai
greer landry
Phillip laPlante
Brett larkin
Taylor lashbrook
Jacqueline latour
antonia laubach
Tyler leachman
Katherine lee
Eli levine
Damien lewis
Jacob licht
Juliana lima
Jessica litavec
Madison lively
Joelle lombardi
Forsyth Graduation May 2014
SOUTH fOrSyTH HigH ScHOOl claSS Of 2014
robert loop
carina-Kay louchiey
richard lunsford
Megan lusher
Johnathan lyall
Samuel Maddox
raveena Mandala
Jessica Marques
Zachary Martin
Jordan Maryanski
Mitchell Mathias
Olivia Matthews
Nicholas Mazzeo
rachel Mcaninch
Emily Mccart
laura Mcclain
Hunter Mccorkle
Nicholas Mccracken
Kelli Mccravy
Samantha McDaniels
Blakely McDonald
cole McDuffie
Emily Mcgee
cayden Mcguire
Philip McManus
Hailey Merlo
christopher Merritt
andrew Mesa
Brice Messerly
caitlin MichaelMccullough
abbey Michelone
Emily Middleton
Samuel Miller
Jordan Mills
Prachi Mishra
Brian Mobley
affra Mohamed
Julia Moldenhawer
Vasishta Monavarty
cortez Montalbo
Taylor Moore
Jose Morales
Macy Moreau
Wyatt Moseley
Owen Moss
akhila Moturu
Jacob Mowery
Mason Mueller
caitlin Mullins
Nolen Murphy
Sierra Nadle
Pravallika Nallamotu
Justin Nation
lucas Neal
robert Nelson
Nicholas Newman
Norris Nicholson
corey Nolan
Kaitlyn Nolley
rebecca Norrey
Kelly Norris
Mackenzie Norton
Jordan Nourse
Jessica Nunley
John O’connor
Jennifer O’Neill
lauren Offenberg
Shane Olcott
Hailey Orechwa
Brenda Ortiz
Dhruv Patel
Drew Patrick
Joseph Patterson
Joshua Payne
Elli Peltonen
Harlee Pope
Juhitha Porika
Forsyth Graduation May 2014
SOUTH fOrSyTH HigH ScHOOl claSS Of 2014
Keri Porter
Sara Propes
Ellis Pullen
Brent Purks
Elizabeth Qardan
Brian Quercia
Husna rahim
Tyler rahn
lokdheeraj ravilla
Jessica ray
Sara reagan
lauren rebhandl
Daniel rech
ryan rector
richard relf
amy reynolds
Brooke rickman
luis rivera
Morgan roach
robert roddy
anurati romesh
Kyle rowan
Meghan rud
Katherine ryan
rebecca Sager
Derrick Saladna
Jessica Saltarelli
Ellarie Sapp
Macy Sarver
Kelly Scarratt
ross Schaber
Thomas Schmal
austin Schmidt
Natalie Schmitt
Marina Scott
ashita Sehgal
atif Shah
Hannah Shanley
Steven Sharpley
Nicholas Shepherd
Zimraan Shikari
roger Shin
Oluwatosin Shitta-Bey
ameen Siadat
William Sikes
courtney-rae Simmonds
Joseph Simpson
chase Smedley
Oudhay Sohal
Kyle Soles
yashwanth Soogoor
Jonathan Sosa
Dennis Sparks
Kaitlyn Spencer
Stephen Sperandeo
ryan Steinmetz
ashley Stidham
Neal Stouse
Terry Sullivan
Elizabeth Sundy
alexis Surbaugh
Jemila Swaby
Sarah Swinehart
Sarah Talbott
aditi Talkad
avari TawaterTiedemann
Jamie Taylor
Megan Tewes
arav Thadani
rachel Thomas
Jacob Thomson
Matthew Tibbetts
Nicollette Todd
christopher Torchia
israel Tordoya
alex Torres
Hoang Tran
Forsyth Graduation May 2014
We Tip Our Caps To The Graduating Class of 2014! Congratulations to the Graduating Class of 2014. We hope you’ll continue to follow the path to success. Our best wishes go out to you at this exciting time in your life.
Good Luck, Graduates!
Forsyth Graduation May 2014
SOUTH fOrSyTH HigH ScHOOl claSS Of 2014
Bryan Troye
alexandra Tucker
carrie Turner
Marissa Twitchell
Vineeth Uppu
lyndsey Upton
Shree Varadarajan
alejandra Vega
Sabina Vekris
Sanjay Velappan
Matthew Vollrath
Jaya Walden
Samuel Walker
frazer Warner
farran Waterhouse
Kyle Watford
Veronica Webber
courteney Welch
Matthew West
alex Westmoreland
Morgan White
Evan Whitehead
chad Whitlow
Brianna Whitney
griffin Wilcox
Brittany Wild
isaiah Williams
Taylor WilliamsKellogg
Nicholas Wilson
Jonathan Winkie
courtney Wisler
alexandra Witzel
alison Wood
aaron Woodmansee
Victoria Wright
Eve yang
William yarborough
Sangjoon youhne
grant young
gennadi Zabeline
Sophie Zhou
Kevin Zotta
WEST fOrSyTH HigH ScHOOl claSS Of 2014
alexis abbott
alison adams
charles adams
Bianca aguilar
luiza aliyeva
Beau allegood
austin allison
camille allison
Brett anderson
Haley anderson
Wilson anglin
Kalena archer
anthony ariondo
McKenna arnold
cody atcheson
Jessica Bagwell
Jessica Bagwell
Scott Barnes
Haleigh Barnett
Noah Bartholomew
Kathryn Bascom
Sydney Bauer
Forsyth Graduation May 2014
WEST forSyTh high School claSS of 2014
courtney Baum
lauren Bearden
Morgan Beaty
amber Bernard
James Berry
conner Best
Bryce Billington
Marlina Bishop
Trevor Biskup
amanda Bizzell
Karissa Blanchard
Sara Boeh
Valerie Bonifield
Tristan Bowden
Joshua Bowen
Samuel Bowlin
aaron Boyd
Kimely Boyd
colton Brack
hunter Bradbury
hunter Branham
Katherine Brassard
Marcus Bray
Meredith Bresnahan
Warren Brougher
cassidy Brown
cole Brown
river Brown
ryan Brown
gabrielle Brueckman
ringgo frank Buenaseda
Parker Bunten
Tyler Burch
Forsyth Graduation May 2014
Forsyth Graduation May 2014
WEST forSyTh high School claSS of 2014
Brooke Burnett
Makena Burns
Molly Butler
Daniela calderon
conner calhoun
Melanie cammarano
christopher cannizzaro
Valerie cardenas
Michelle casascapera
John cassandra
Vanessa castano
Kevin castellano
Jon caulk
logan chambers
carter chase
ana chavero
charles cinnella
Steven clark
Dillon coats
rebecca cole
austin coleman
Marcos colemenares
Jessica coley
Patrick collins
connor colson
John conway
Meredith cook
Tyler cotney
Daniel cottongim
candice cowan
Johnny crane
cannon croce
ryan Daly
Taylor Daniels
Erica Davis
Joshua Davis
Kathryn Davis
hannah Deaton
olivia Decherd
Nilah Deletto
John DelfMontgomery
lillian Dickinson
Maxwell Dixon
Jordan Donaldson
Joseph Donohue
Katherine Dorsey
Dakkon Doust
Jordan Downey
Danielle Dunn
Kathleen Eagar
Evan Echols
Danielle Eck
Tyler Elefante
James Ellis
Nicole Ellis
ashley Ellison
Katherine Emerson
Madeline England
Doran Erickson
alexander Eskew
Madison Estes
Benjamin Ewers
Konner fearman
Mark feind
Jeremy feltracco
Ethan ferguson
Forsyth Graduation May 2014
WEST forSyTh high School claSS of 2014
gabriela fernandez
gabriella fervienza
Blanca figueroa
Brandi fillingim
Dakota florenz
Brian fogg
Jared forstman
Beata fortunka
haley franklin
Weston freund
connor frick
Sarah fuller
Zachary funderburk
Brett gammon
Tori gandolfi
antonio garcia
Madison garcia
claudia garcia Vega
Brianna garmon
Monica garmon
Maxwell garrahan
Evin gear
olivia gelfand
Samantha gilfillan
alexandre gingras
chandler gladden
amanda godfrey
Molly godlewski
cameron goff
Kendall gonyea
aaron gonzalez
logan gorman
Kaitlyn gould
Mark gould
John graffius
ansley graham
rachel graham
Madison granito
Zane gray
Katlyn grella
Melissa griffin
Esmeralda guerrero
Shannon gunter
Marshall hahn
Branden hall
Sarah hamilton
lindsey hansard
Savannah harrell
Edward harris
Jordan harris
lindsay harris
Joshua harrison
Elizabeth harter
Joanna harter
Devin hartley
Timothy hartshorn
Stephen hewell
anna hiddleston
Samantha hipe
Nicholas holbrook
andrew holcombe
Noah holcombe
clara holt
Melissa hopfensperger
hannah huggins
Emma hunsburger
Forsyth Graduation May 2014
WEST forSyTh high School claSS of 2014
rowen hutchins
rachel Jackson
Taylor Jara
Samuel Jarvis
Sara Jenkins
alisanne Jensen
Elizabeth Jimenez
griffin Johnson
allison Jones
Mason Jones
Meaghan Jones
Shelby Jones
angela Jordan
Taylor Jordan
Maxwell Josephs
alexander Jue
arianna Jue
Emily Kaczmarek
Joseph Kaplan
Jacob Katz
Jake Kelley
Jared Kemmerer
Jacob Kempton
Kaitlyn Kennedy
Jillian Kibler
Keili Kimura
carson Kirby
Brandon Knight
Brandon labour
Joseph lacoss
Samantha lane
Mihika lanka
Simon lashure
chase layton
Vy le
cecelia lee
Stephney leffler
reid lemepton
Jared levent
lydia liles
Brandon liu
Drake lively
allie lobo
Timothy long
amanda look
Kaitlyn lorenz
Madison loudermilk
richard lowther
ashley luchik
hannah Mahoney
Brandon Maidel
Madeleine Malmfeldt
Victoria Manley
Jasmine Marion
andrew Marshall
anna Martin
Braden Martin
holly Martin
Kasey Martin
Melinda Martin
Brandon Mason
Brittany Mason
fabian MataSanchez
Joseph Mazur
Kelly Mazzolini
Mitchell Mcclellan
Forsyth Graduation May 2014
Congratulations 2014 graduates
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WEST forSyTh high School claSS of 2014
haley Mccloskey
Emily Mccullen
austin McEwen
Nathaniel Mcgill
James Mcgrath
Troy Meunier
charles Milford
caitlin Miller
Kyle Miller
logan Miller
Matson Miller
austin Moats
Johnathan Mobley
W. Montague
Emily Moore
Jamie Marie Moore
Devid Morales
Jacques Moster
clark Munroe
Brendan Neal
alexis Nelms
Sarah Nettuno
John Newman
Kathryn Newsome
lucie Nguyen
connor Nichols
Parker Nichols
North Nickel
Emma Niemi
harrison Nolen
Joshua o Neal
Madison o’connor
Juan ocampo
Karla ochoa reyes
Kyran ochocki
austin orenstein
Kathryn ortlip
Macie osborne
ricardo ospino
Stephen ott
Dana oviedo-mena
Bonnie owenby
harrison owens
aaron Pagenkopf
Jessica Pagenkopf
Natalie Pagenkopf
arielle Pagley
Bianca Papa
lauren Paravate
Daniel Parra
Miguel Pascual
hannah Patrick
carly Payne
Tristan Payne
amanda Perez
christina Perkins
ashley Peters
Peyton Pettus
fallan Pham
James Phillips
Kaitlyn Phillips
Noah Phillips
Sydney Picklesimer
gabriel Pierce
Jesse Pilcher
Forsyth Graduation May 2014
WEST forSyTh high School claSS of 2014
gerson Pilotzi
Megan Pinion
Sara Pitts
hannah Plemmons
Thomas Porter
Walter Porter
Monet Porzio
Elizabeth Powers
Danielle Priest
claudius Pritchard
Dylan Pugh
amanda randolph
Jayce ratliff
isabella ravagni
Samuel ray
Katrina reeves
Ella reitler
Erica renteria
isaiah reynolds
Madison rice
camila rivera Martinez
claudia rivera rodriguez
raelea robbins
clayton roberts
laura roberts
Shelby roberts
Shanon robertsriefkohl
Sarah robinson
Steele rogers
Brittnee rookin
aven rosario
Justin rosenblum
abigail rosenfeld
Joshua rosner
austin rothenberger
ashley rovner
ivy rummler
amrakh rustamov
Kristi Sagona
Maryam Salimova
Johnathan Salo
carlin Salter
Dylan Samples
Nico Santos
Sarah Schneeberg
Jamieson Schuster
rebecca Sciandra
Sarah Scussel
ansley Seay
caroline Severit
aliya Seymour
lauren Sgambato
ramazan Shakirov
Kyle Shaw
austin Shea
christopher Shirkey
Samantha Shroyer
helena Siewert
lauren Sigl
Branden Singleton
Tyler Sisson
alexandria Skinner
isabella Skinner
henley Slaton
Jordan Slaton
harrison Sloan
Forsyth Graduation May 2014
WEST forSyTh high School claSS of 2014
Brantley Smallwood
Nathan Smallwood
Brian Smiley
Breanna Smith
caitlyn Smith
Emily Soroka
Serena Spence
Nicholas Staiti
coleton Staton
lindsey Stevens
Walker Stipe
anthony Strangolagalli
Zachary Stuermer
areli Suarez
casey Sullivan
Samuel Sutko
Jackson Swartzendruber
Ethan Szabo
Sarah Szatkowski
Joshua Tate
Victoria Tate
Jordan Taylor
haley Temple
John Thombley
Daniel Thompson
Micah Thompson
andrew Tippens
Michael Toplisek
Zachary Trampel
Margaret Tribble
aaron Troop
Tevon Valdez
yeraldin Villagomez
Joshua Voskamp
William Wages
ashley Waits
robert Walker
Everlin Wang
Justin Warbington
amanda Ward
hunter Warneke
Dylan Warren
Kathryn Watson
andrew Weaver
Bradley Weaver
Joanna Wedemeyer
allison Wheeler
cayla Wheeler
Emma Whitt
caleb Whittington
andrew Wilson
Bryant Wilson
Julie Wilson
cristina Wing
Jonathan Wirth
robert Witemyre
Taylor Wittig
coralia Wolff
Kylie Woodall
Spencer Woods
Daniel Worster
Bricia Wright
Qing Xia
christopher Zalondek
Forsyth Graduation May 2014
Sydney Anderson
Mathew Ansley
Heather Bailer
Danielle Bartling
Nicholas Barwick
Abbey Bohn
Anthony Boudreaux
Amanda Boyd
Will Brabrook
Alex Brenner
Michael Bruckner
Anthon Carco
Cole Doxtader
Sofia ferrari
Juliet flores
Katle Gallamore
Nichol Grimaldi
Ansley Heard
Ray Herbert
Parker Hicks
Jess Hill
Michael Houlihan
Patrick Houlihan
Jack Joiner
Clair Kim
liz Kilgore
Garret Kliphouse
Katherine Kreutziger
Nicole Madda
Anoton Mannino
Yasmin Martins
John Massengill
Konnor McDonald
Jose Medina-Diaz
Jack Meersman
Evan Montalbano
John Nelson
Alexander Nguyen
Sydney ojeda
Abby osborne
Sean Pittman
Kristen Rocko
Brennan Ruf
Sophia Skokanic
Mary Carter Stewart
lizzie Stubbs
Anne Thatcher
Derick Thompson
Stephanie Thorpe
Monica Tran
Royall Tyler
Andrew Wilborn
Jessic Zalzman
Forsyth Graduation May 2014
United Futbol Academy
is a Premier Soccer Club serving the areas of
Forsyth * Norcross * Dawson * Lumpkin We offer the following programs:
Recreational U4 - U19 * Adult Academy U8 - U12 * Select U13 - U19 Fall Rec Registration Opens May 1st
Here’s to you, Class of 2014! We’re proud of you, and we wish you all the best as you pursue your goals for the future. May all of your hopes and dreams come true.
Academy Tryouts U9-U13 - May 27, 28 & 29 Select Tryouts U14-U19 - June 3, 4 & 5
Summer Camps Available: Summer Challenge Camps U6 - U14 Forsyth - june 9-13 and July 7-11 Dawson/Lumpkin - June 9-13
Summer Elite Camps U9 and Up Forsyth June 9-13 and July 21-24
Visit us online for more information:
www.UnitedFA.org Info@UnitedFA.org 678-648-7033
Skills for Soccer. Skills for Life.
Forsyth Graduation May 2014
covenant christian acaDeMY class of 2014
Grace arnold
isaiah arnold
Joanna Bailey
cole Bobbitt
colton nolan
toby sims
Jack Ward
taylor copeland
sherry Davis
annabelle Gardner
hanna Watson
Barry Watson
Mackenzie lintz
horizon christian acaDeMY class of 2014
taylor Brooke cohran
culver frederick faass
elizabeth lee failla
Juyoung ha
Garrett William heinrichs
anthony Bryant houghlin
Daeheon Kim
Do Yi Kim
Jaewon Kim
sichao liu
siliang liu
Davis ryan Martin
zachary tyler
sarah claire Wahn
amanda Bryson Watters
Benjamin thomas Weaver
seongbin Yim
tae Woong Yoon
frienDship christian acaDeMY class of 2014
Jae ha Woo
Mark iltsenko
Forsyth Graduation May 2014
charlie liu
Bag Joon Kim
Kristine tello
Jessica tof
Forsyth County board of education District 1 — Ann Crow
District 3 — Tom Cleveland
Ann Crow, an Atlanta native and graduate of Auburn University, began her third term on the board in January 2011. She, husband Roger and their three daughters became Forsyth County residents in 1984. Crow Crow is executive vice president of Crow Financial Services Inc., a business services firm. She has served the Forsyth County community as a director, officer and campaign chairwoman of the United Way; member and past president of Sawnee Woman’s Club; and officer and director of the Cumming/Forsyth County Chamber of Commerce where she led establishment of the chamber’s education committee. In addition, Crow was the co-chairwoman of the 1996 school system Strategic Plan Initiative, which is the system’s operating guide today; member of the Board of Education’s Blue Ribbon Task Force, Standard Bearer Evaluation Committee and 2001 SPLOST Referendum Committee.
Raised in DeKalb County, Tom Cleveland moved his family to Forsyth County in 1995, where his two sons attended Forsyth County schools. He began his third term on the board in January. Cleveland is employed by Sage Software as the leader Cleveland of HR operations and has spent his career implementing information technology solutions, with the past 10 years specializing in the human resources area. Cleveland served as the co-chair of the Vision 2010 steering committee, member of the teacher of the year selection committee, sex education committee and other various roles in the school system. He currently serves as a worship team member at First Baptist Cumming, a disaster assistance team member with the American Red Cross and a member of the Amateur Radio Emergency Services group within the county.
District 2 — Kristin Morrissey
District 4 — Darla Light, chair
Kristin Morrissey has a computer science degree from the State University of New York and Monroe Community College. She also studied microelectronic engineering at Rochester Institute of Technology. Morrissey retired after 16 years as an automation speMorrissey cialist for the Monroe County Library System. Morrissey and husband Joe have two children, Mackenzie and Sydney. She also graduated from the Georgia Academy for Economic Development and Leadership Forsyth. She’s a member of the Forsyth County Library Board of Trustees, Cumming-Forsyth County Chamber of Commerce Quality of Life Council and is secretary for the Forsyth County Community Connection. Morrissey was elected to the school board in November 2010.
Raised in Forsyth County, Darla Light graduated from Forsyth County High School and attended the University of Georgia, where she majored in special education. She began her term in January 2009. She and husband, David, a former educator, live in Forsyth County with their three children — Christopher Light and Payton, both of whom are graduates of Forsyth County schools and are enrolled in college, and Carlin, a 2013 graduate of North Forsyth High School. Light has served as a PTSO officer at elementary and middle schools and coached middle school basketball. She is a member of FCSÕ 2400 Challenge Committee, is active in the North Forsyth 400 Rotary Club and is a small business owner.
District 5 — Nancy Roche, vice chair Nancy Roche, who began her fourth term on the board in January, has a B.S. in computer science and mathematics. She has previously worked as a systems analyst for IBM. A member of the Forsyth County Board of Education since 2001, Roche served as chairwoman in 2003 and from 2005-2008. She was appointed to the Georgia School Board Associations Board of Directors in June 2007. She has served GSBA on the strategic planning committee, governmental operations committee, nominating committee and serves as a presenter and mentor for new board members. Roche is a member of the Deer Creek Shores Presbyterian Church where she sings in the choir, teaches Sunday school and serves on the Christian Education Committee, the Preschool Board of Directors and the Presbyterian Women. She is also member of the Forsyth County Republican Party and the Republican Women. Roche’s husband, Chris, is retired from IBM. They have three children: Christopher, Andrea and Terry.
Forsyth Graduation May 2014
The 55 members of the Pinecrest Academy Class of 2014 received $3,861,711 in scholarship awards from 54 colleges and universities across the country. Reflecting the school’s commitment to service, five of our college-accepted students chose to defer college to give a year of service to the Church throughout the world. We applaud this class for their success and outstanding example. University of Alabama • Anderson University • Arizona State University • Auburn University • Belmont Abbey College • Belmont University • Berr y College • Binghamton University • Boston University • Catawba College • College of Charleston • The Citadel • Clemson University • University of Dallas • Davidson College • University of Dayton • Elon University • Emory University • University of Florida • Franciscan University • Furman University • Georgia College • Georgia Institute of Technology • Georgia Southern University • Georgia State University • University of Georgia • Indiana University • Kennesaw State University • Louisiana State University • University of Miami • University of Minnesota • University of Mississippi • University of Missouri • University of New Orleans • New York University • University of North Carolina-Asheville • University of North Georgia • Northeastern University • Oglethorpe University • Pennsylvania State University • Piedmont College • Presbyterian College • Purdue University • Saint Louis University • Saint Mary’s College • Samford University • University of South Carolina • Spring Hill College • Stony Brook University • University of Tampa • Utah State University • Washington University in St. Louis • University of West Georgia • Wingate University
Pinecrest Academy serves students from PreK through 12th grade. Call 770.888.4477 or visit www.pinecrestacademy.org for more Information. 48
Forsyth Graduation May 2014