April 2018

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APRIL 2018


Photography by Paparazzi Paul.

Note: You don’t have to get this magazine drunk to take it home. It’s free. WWW.FORWARDIANARTS.ORG


APRIL 2018

PAUL THINKING THOUGHTS Hey Dudes and Dudettes, I hope my words find you well. The month of March has been a great time for the arts and its vibrancy continues to enliven us as the promises of the warmer months of Spring and Summer are (slowly but surely) kept. With that said, I’m a bit hesitant in writing about the expectations of warmer weather because, when I did so last time, four Nor'easters plummeted the Northeast PA as well as other areas throughout the US in rapid succession. If this happens again, I promise never to refer to the weather again. However, in the midst of Winter storms of early Spring, a great number of wonderful things occurred while other plans were finalized. As you may know, The Forwardian Arts Society is the parent group for The Forwardian Gazette. We also put together its sister publication which is a Literary and Arts Magazine titled, “Forwardian” and we are continuing to accept submissions until May 11th. We are also holding an Art and Photography competition until April 14th to determine what image will be included in Forwardian" Gallery Section. We’ll be holding a special competition in May to determine what images will appear on the magazine’s front and back covers. We plan to publish the 3rd issue of the 2nd Volume of the magazine in July 2018. I would like to personally invite you to share your work and participate in our competitions as your words and images makes our magazine great. The Forwardian Arts Society also puts on a Cinematic Art event every year known as The Forwardian Film Festival which seeks to promote and encourage the creative endeavors of filmmakers by showcasing their work in an annual festival envi ronment. The festival takes place over a three day schedule and includes a film themed art exhibition along with the presen tation of short (up to 15 minutes in duration) and feature length (90 to 120 minutes in duration) films. Certificates are given to filmmakers who are chosen by the audience and a panel of Judges for Best Short Film, Best Feature Length Film, and the film determined to be the Best of the Festival. Submissions for our 2018 festival will be accepted from Friday June 1 st to Wednesday August 15th. The the films that were presented Certificates recognizing the high quality of their work during our 2016 festival were granted the honor to be showcased during the very prestigious 2017 Black Bear Film Festival. We’re planning to present our 2017 winners at the festival again this year which will be in October. In the meantime, we’ll be screening the films that won awards during both of our 2016 and 2017 festivals at The Pocono Community Theater and Cultural Center in East Stroudsburg, PA on Saturdays June 2nd and 9th beginning at 10am. It’s called The Forwardian Film Bestival and we’ll be showing short films on June 2nd and feature length films on the 9 th. Admission to the event is free and we’re very excited about it. So, mark your calendar, kids. It’s gonna be a great time and I hope to see you there. So, as the month of March comes to its conclusion and we begin sharing our welcomes to April, I am reminded that the up coming month is our official start of The Forwardian Arts Society season. This is the time when we’ll be putting a lot of things into action. We have lots of things planned to celebrate and lots of celebrations to be planned. Our season will con tinue (officially) until our 16th Anniversary Month in October. I will keep you informed as things progress and I welcome your thoughts on things we could be doing to better our expression of love for the arts together. We all equal participants in our fellowship and your insights and ideas enhances all our actions and aspirations. Well, that’s all from me for now. How are you? Please feel free to ask me any questions you may have about this publication, The Forwardian Arts Society, or anything at all. I promise to tell you everything. I would make a terrible spy. I look forward to hearing from you soon and I'll keep a good thought for you until then. Going Forwardian with you Paul Adam Smeltz The Forwardian Arts Society



APRIL 2018

Celebrating the Vets at PC3 Written by Paul Adam Smeltz In an endeavor to honor those who served in the military during recent wars (especially those who participated in Vietnam), The Pocono Cinema and Cultural Center (PC3) in East Stroudsburg, PA presented a Special Veterans’ Celebration on Sunday March 25th consisting of Words and Music along with an Art Exhibition showcasing the works of local Veterans. The evening included an Artists’ Reception for the Exhibition along with staged readings from novels and the singing of songs relating to the Vietnam War Era. The event served as a befitting tribute to those who fought for what they believed was right. A multitude of art lovers and supporters of the veterans being honored filled the theater to near capacity as the creative works upon the gallery’s walls captivated those who peered within their frames. A variety of subjects and colorful depictions touched the senses as the overall outstanding quality of the pieces on display moved each viewer toward an internal reflection of their being. The artists included Gary Embick, Laura Gonzales, Shary Maloney, Ray Roper, Don Sack, and Peter Salmon. The PC3’s Gallery Director, Andrea RobbinsRimberg, utilized well known effervescence to greet each visitor to the images which contributed greatly to their wonderful attributes as did the work JoAnn Mesko along with that of Jack and Jill Swersie did to put the show together. Conversations flowed throughout the Center that was inspired by the work and the congenial atmosphere when suddenly a call rang out announcing the program to be presented within one of the theaters was about to begin. The large gathering moved swiftly into the theater to find their seats and awaited for the performances to begin. This anticipated occurrence took place as the president of the PC3 Board of Directors, Dr. Margaret Ball, took the stage in order to welcome those who attended the event. Her words were followed by the singing of the National Anthem for the United States of America titled, “The Star Spangled Banner” which was sung by all who were in attendance and was led by an ensemble of singers consisting of Jeffery Gilbert, Dale Foley, Tassy Gilbert, Kelly Foley, Bob Riday, and Gary Raish. Their magnificent rendering of the song (as arranged by David Lantz III) proved to be an inspiring one and it set the tone for all that was yet to come. “The Star Spangled Banner” is adapted from Francis Scott Key’s poem “Defence of Fort M’Henry” which he wrote on September 14th, 1814. Music from the song, “To Anacreon in Heaven” (aka The Anacreontic Song) written by John Stafford Smith for the Anacreontic Society which was a popular gentleman’s club of amateur musicians located in London in the mid 18 th century was added to the poem. The song was made the na-

tional anthem by a congressional resolution on March 3 rd, 1931 which was signed by President Herbert Hoover. It was after the singing of the National Anthem did Juliet Dunham take the stage to share her welcoming sentiments and to give recognition to the Veterans who were present. This was followed by a number of “Page to Stage” readings from the books about two brothers who served in the Vietnam War titled, “Memories of Jake” and “Man with No Yesterdays” written by Susan Moore Jordan. Ms. Dunham served as the books’ Narrator while Dale Foley, Jeffrey Gilbert, Rob Howell, and Katherine Neville performed the roles of the characters in the novels. The readings provided additional substance to the books’ characters as well as to the themes relating to the Vietnam War and its aftermath on its veterans. It was after the readings did Ms. Jordan share her words of appreciation along with some insights on her work. The ensemble of singers who led in the singing of the National Anthem returned during a break in the readings to sing “The Sound of Silence” written by Paul Simon and was performed by Mr. Simon and Art Garfunkel who were known as Simon and Garfunkel and appears on their 1966 Album titled, “The Sound of Silence.” The ensemble’s rendition of the song was arranged by Mark Hayes. They later returned near the conclusion of the evening to share an opportunity to sing along to a medley of Songs from the Vietnam War Era with the audience. The first song was titled, “(Sittin' On) The Dock of the Bay” which was co-written by Otis Redding and Steve Cropper. It was recorded by Mr. Redding twice in 1967 including once just days before his charter plane crashed into Lake Monona located near Madison, WI on December 10 th resulting in his death. The second song was titled, “Leaving on a Jet Plane” (originally titled, “Babe, I Hate to Go”) which was written by John Denver in 1966 and most famously recorded by Peter, Paul, and Mary. The final notes of the sing along brought a conclusion to the evening which led a large number of the company to leave the theater and to congregate in the PC3 Gallery. Further explorations of the artwork and the experience of the performances filled the room with silent thoughts and quiet conversations. It was a good night touched a profound meaningfulness that echoed throughout the memories of those who served and a new understanding in those who support them. Susan Moore Jordan attended the College-Conservatory of Music in Cincinnati and moved to the Pocono Mountains in PA in 1971. She established a private voice studio and directed local community and high school musical theater productions. In 2013, Ms. Jordan write her first novel that would become part of her Carousel Trilogy titled, “How I Grew Up.” The novel is based upon the experiences of a close friend who went through a shattering event just as she was preparing to audition for the high school’s annual musical in Oak Ridge, TN during the mid 1950s. Two additional novels concluded the trilogy were titled, “Eli’s Heart” in 2014 and “You Are My Song” in 2015. Ms. Jordan retired from direct-


THE FORWARDIAN GAZETTE ing in 2015 and wrote about her adventures in “More Fog, Please: Thirty-One Years Directing Community and High School Musicals” in 2015. Her companion novels, “Memories of Jake” and “Man with No Yesterdays” were published in 2017. All of her books are available on Amazon in paperback, and the novels are also available as Kindle editions. Paperback copies of Jordan’s books can be purchased at the Pocono Cinema and Cultural Center in East Stroudsburg, PA whenever the theater is open. The Pocono Cinema and Cultural Center (PC3) is a three screen movie theater located in East Stroudsburg PA which originally was a vaudeville theater and opera house in 1884 known as “The Academy of Music.” The venue was converted into a movie theater in 1913. PC3 continues to be committed to serving the surrounding communities with a wide variety of independent and art films offering a unique cinematic experience that enlivens the human spirit. The beloved theater has taken on many forms over the years and is now a unique icon in downtown East Stroudsburg, PA. The Pocono Cinema and Cultural Center (PC3) current Art Exhibition showcasing the works of local Veterans will be on display throughout the coming months with their next Exhibition to be announced. The next events occurring at The Pocono Cinema and Cultural Center will be Walk to the Water: An Evening with Delwin Fiddler, Jr. who is an internationally renowned Native American performing artist on Sunday April 8th beginning at 7pm, The Royal Opera House’s production of Bizet’s “Carmen” on April 14th and 15th, the film “Enchanted” on April 21st and 22nd as part of their Family Movie Club Series, and Lisa Dellarossa: Celebrating Lady Legends on Saturday April 28th. The Vietnam War was a conflict that occurred in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia from November 1 st, 1955 to April 30th, 1975. It was officially fought between North Vietnam which was supported by the Soviet Union, China, and other communist allies and the government of South Vietnam which was supported by the United States, South Korea, Australia, Thailand, and other anti-communist allies. The participation in the war by the United States escalated shortly after August 2 nd, 1964 when the USS Maddox was allegedly fired upon by North Vietnamese torpedo boats in the Gulf of Tonkin. Congress adopted the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution on August 7 th, 1964 which granted president Lyndon B. Johnson unilateral power to launch any military actions he deemed necessary. In 2005, it was revealed that there was no attack on the USS Maddox on August 2nd, 1964. During the course of the Vietnam War, a large segment of the US population came to be opposed to the country’s involvement in the conflict with two thirds of citizenry believing that sending troops to fight in Vietnam was a mistake. Many aspects of the war led to its opposition which included the fact that it was initiated and conducted without being declared by congress as prescribed for by the US Constitution (Article One, Section Eight). This was seen by many as a weakening of the document and therefore undermining of the tenets and principles on which the country was formed. It also was noted that participating in an undeclared war violated the United States Armed Forces oath of enlistment which states “... I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic...”

APRIL 2018 Additionally, there were many accusations of War Crimes committed by the US military. A Pentagon task force known the Vietnam War Crimes Working Group (VWCWG) was established in 1968 to ascertain their veracity. Substantiated cases included massacres (most notably the My Lai Massacre) that occurred upon non-combatants resulting in numerous deaths, woundings, and sexual assaults. There were also numerous cases of US soldiers torturing civilian detainees or prisoners of war with fists, sticks, bats, water boarding, and/ or electric shock. For these and other reasons, many consider the Vietnam War period to be a time of humiliation for the nation.

OPPORTUNITIES TO BE A PART OF THE FORWARDIAN GAZETTE BECOME A WRITER FOR THE FORWARDIAN GAZETTE You are invited to share Articles relating accounts of art related events and functions you have encountered in your journeys in the creative realms. Please email your words and photographs. JOIN OUR MANAGERIAL TEAM The Forwardian Gazette would like to invite you to join our Managerial team. We have openings in all positions including Editor in Chief, Feature Editor, Marketing Director, Distribution Manager, and Graphic Designer. Note: Although it is hoped that The Forwardian Gazette will one day turn enough of a profit to provide a prosperous income for all who participate in its manifestation, all positions are presently performed on a volunteer basis. However, we are more than willing to express our appreciation by giving hugs. SHARE YOUR ENDEAVORS WITH OUR READERS We at the Forwardian Gazette would love to share your news with our readers. Please feel free to email us a press release about what you’re doing. The submission deadline for our May 2018 Issue is April 15th. We look forward to hearing from you. Please contact us at forwardian@hotmail.com or 570-269-3348 for more information.



APRIL 2018


Marching to the Ides of Poetry

The Origins Gallery in Stroudsburg, PA presented an installThe Eastern Monroe Public Library in Stroudsburg, PA held ment of their Poetry and Prose Series titled, “Poetry for the an Artist's Reception for their Along the Delaware Exhibition Ides” featuring Mike Wetmore and Company on Thursday by James Gloria on Thursday March 1st which was on disMarch 15th. Photography by Paparazzi Paul. play until March 28th. Photography by Paparazzi Paul.

The Reflections and Memories Exhibition

The Origins Gallery in Stroudsburg, PA held an Artists’ Reception for their Reflections and Memories Exhibition on Saturday March 10th which was on display until March 14 th. Photography by Paparazzi Paul.

The Art as Spirituality Exhibition

Geo-metrics, Steam Punk, and Hats. Oh Dear.

The Origins Gallery in Stroudsburg, PA held an Artists’ Reception for their Arts Showcase Exhibition featuring Daniel Ferron and Michael Kessler on Saturday March 17th which will be on display until April 4th. Photography by Paparazzi Paul.

The Origins of Springing Into Action

The PoconoArts Council in Stroudsburg, PA held an Artists’ Reception for their 2nd Annual Art as Spirituality Exhibition The Origins Gallery in Stroudsburg, PA presented their on Saturday March 10th which was on display until March Spring into Action Show on Friday March 23rd as part of the 24th. Photography by Paparazzi Paul. 5×7 Exhibition Series. Photography by Paparazzi Paul.



the Vets at PC3

APRIL 2018 STUFF THAT’S ALWAYS HAPPENING Every Tuesday The Shawnee Inn and Golf Resort in Shawnee-on-Delaware, PA presents their Community Concerts Series. 570-213-5050 www.shawneeinstitute.org First Wednesday of the Month

The Pocono Cinema and Cultural Center (PC3) in East Stroudsburg, PA presented a Special Veterans’ Celebration on Sunday March 25th. Photography by Paparazzi Paul.

The Week of the Holies

The Shawnee Inn in Shawnee on Delaware, PA presents The Riverside Rhythm beginning at 7pm featuring Big Band Music and Ballroom Dancing. 1-800-742-9633 www.shawneeinn.com Every Wednesday Saint Peter's Church In New York, NY presents their Midday Jazz Midtown Series. 212-935-2200 www.saintpeters.org Every Thursday The Renegade Urban Winery in Stroudsburg, PA holds an Open Mic Nite. 570-350-2638 www.therenegadewinery.com The ARTery Gallery in Milford, PA holds Artists Work Thursdays. 570-409-1234 www.arterygallerymilford.com First Friday of the Month

The Southside Shopping and Arts District of Bethlehem PA The Pocono Mountain Community Chorus of Churches preholds their First Friday monthly celebration of arts and culth sented their 39 Annual Holy Week Concert Series at variture inviting visitors to peruse art galleries, unique boutiques, th th ous churches on Sunday March 25 , Tuesday March 27 , salons and shops, while enjoying food and wine samples, th and Wednesday March 28 . Photography by Paparazzi Paul. live music, and special deals. 484-892-0395 www.southsideartsdistrict.com STUFF THAT IS STILL GOING ON Every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday The Underground Yoga Studio at the Historic Castle Inn in Delaware Water Gap, PA presents their Chair with a Flair Yoga with Amy Saturdays until April 28th. 570-534-0438 The Renegade Winery presents Live Music. See earlier listings. www.undergroundyogastudio.com Second Saturday of the Month The Frisky Goat Coffeehouse in Milford, PA will hold their Emerging Voices Open Mic hosted by Veronica Coyne beginning with sign ups and a Reception at 6:30pm with performances starting at 7pm. 570-664-1617 www.facebook.com/emergingvoicesopenmicnight Every Sunday Saint Peter's Church presents their Jazz Vespers Series. 212935-2200 www.saintpeters.org The Dunning Art Gallery located on the NCC Monroe Campus in Tannersville, PA presents their American Identity Ex- The Sherman Showcase in Stroudsburg, PA presents their hibition until May 18th. Photography by Paparazzi Paul. 570- Open Mic Nite Series. 570-420-2808 www.shermantheater.com 369-1800 www.northampton.edu



APRIL 2018


The East Stroudsburg University of PA presents

The Sherman Theater in Stroudsburg, PA Presents

An Artists’ Reception for their Mosaic of My Life Exhibition, an Arts Slam as part of their Global Week 2018 from April 2nd until the 12th

Steel Panther on Saturday March 31st America’s Bandstand featuring Joey and the T-Birds and the 2nd Street Players on Saturday April 7th Buckcherry on Friday April 13


Puddle of Mudd on Saturday April 14th The Amulet Tour with special guests Foxing and Hail The Sun on Friday April 20th The Sherman Theater in Stroudsburg, PA presents Twiddle as part of their Road To Red Rocks Tour on Saturday April 21st Dreams: Playing the Music of The Allman Brothers Band on Saturday April 28th

The Black Maria Film Festival Tour on April 12th Their production of A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen from April 17th until the 22nd Their Contemporary Dancers’ Spring Performance from April 19th until the 22nd Their Jazz Ensemble’s Spring Jazz Concert on Wednesday April 25th Their Musical Theatre Organization’s Cabaret on Saturday April 28th Their University/Community Concert Band on Sunday April 29th

570–420–2808 www.shermantheater.com

570-422-3483 www.esu.edu

The Underground Yoga Studio in Delaware Water Gap, PA presents

The Deer Head Inn in Delaware Water Gap, PA presents

Live Music Yoga Class with Nadya and Roy Emiliani on Sunday April 1st

A Jazz Jam with the Bill Washer and Friends Quartet on Thursday April 5th, 12th, and 19th The Nancy Reed Quartet on Friday April 6th

Their 360° of Gratitude Intro Workshop on Friday April 13th

The Alan Broadbent Trio on Saturday April 7th

An afternoon of Forest Bathing on Saturday April 14th

The Italian Band on Sunday April 8th

570-534-0438 www.undergroundyogastudio.com

Michael Collins on Friday April 13th

The Origins Gallery in Stroudsburg, PA Presents

Paul Jost on Saturday April 14th

An Artists’ Reception for their Arts Showcase: The Creative Works of Alison Gray and Krystal Waltz with music by Matt VanScoten on Saturday April 7th

Bill Warfield on Sunday April 15th

An Artists’ Reception for their Gifts of the Earth Exhibition featuring an installment of their Poetry and Prose Series featuring Mike Wetmore and Company on Saturday April 21st. 570-476-4460 www.facebook.com/OriginsGalleryStroudsburg

Alan Gaumer and Tony DiSantis: Trumpet Time on Friday April 20th The Dave Liebman Expansions on Saturday April 21st The Bill Charlap Trio on Sunday April 22nd

DeSales University in Center Valley, PA Presents

CampJam followed by a Jazz Jam with the Bill Washer and Friends Quartet on Thursday April 26th

Their 18th Annual Film Festival on Saturday March 24th.

The Marianne Solivan Trio on Friday April 27th

Their Spring Choral Concert on April 20th and 21st.

The Carolyn Leonhart Trio on Saturday April 28th

Their production of Into the Woods from April 25th to May 6th.

The Moravian College Band on Sunday April 29th

Their production of Beauty and the Beast until May 3rd

The Water Gap Jazz Orchestra directed by Matt Vashlishan on Monday April 30th

610-282-1100 www.desales.edu

570-424-2000 www.deerheadinn.com


THE FORWARDIAN GAZETTE The Kirkridge Retreat and Study Center in Bangor, PA presents

APRIL 2018

Singing for our Lives led by Dianne Petteway from April 6th to the 8th

The Animal Welfare Society of Monroe (AWSOM) will hold a Tricky Tray and Dinner beginning at 5pm at The Kalahari Resort in Pocono Summit, PA. Proceeds goes towards helping all the homeless animals in Monroe County. 570-4213647 www.awsomanimals.org

Sacred Activism from April 13th to the 15th

Sunday April 8th

Unbelievable: Why Neither Ancient Creeds nor Reformation The WVIA Public Media Studios in Pittston, PA presents SoFaith Can Provide Us With A Living Faith prano Jennifer Griffith Cowgill performing a program of from April 20th to the 22nd American music with pianist Rick Hoffenberg as part of their Simply Grand Concert Series. 570-344-1244 www.wvia.org Getting to Faith Through Doubt and Helping Congregants Get to Faith Through Doubt from April 27th to the 29th Wednesday April 11th 610-588-1793 www.kirkridge.org The Eastern Monroe Public Library in Stroudsburg, PA presents A screening of the film “Fences” on Sunday April 8th

The Dunning Art Gallery on the NCC Northampton Community College’s Monroe Campus in Tannersville, PA will hold a panel discussion as part of their The American Identity: Art that Expresses Social, Historical, and Political Issues in American Culture Exhibition. 877-543-0998 www.northamton.edu

Their Marc Berger BookHouse Concert on Friday April 13th Their Monroe County Book Expo on Saturday April 14th 570-421-0800 www.monroepl.org The Pocono Cinema and Cultural Center in East Stroudsburg, PA presents Walk to the Water: An Evening with Delwin Fiddler, Jr. on Sunday April 8th The Royal Opera House’s production of Bizet’s Carmen on April 14th and 15th The film “Enchanted” on April 21st and 22nd Lisa Dellarossa: Celebrating Lady Legends on Saturday April 28th.

The Centenary Stage Company in Hackettstown, NJ presents a production in the Sitnik Theater of the Lackland Performing Arts Center as part of their 27 th Annual Women Playwrights Series. Photography provided by The Centenary Stage Company. 908-979-0900 www.centenarystageco.org Thursday April 12th

570-421-6684 www.pococinema.org The 2nd Annual Jim Thorpe Independent Film Festival STUFF THAT MAY HAPPEN IN APRIL (JTIFF) will take place at the Mauch Chunk Opera House in historic Jim Thorpe, PA featuring films from around the Saturday April 7th globe including world, US, and PA premieres. The festival will continue until Sunday April 15th. www.jimthorThe Kabob House in Stroudsburg, PA presents their Belly peindiefilmfest.com Dancer Dinner Show featuring the talents of Nadira along with a four course meal. Reservations are Encouraged. 570- The 403 Broad Restaurant in Milford, PA will hold an 664-6868 www.kabobonsix.com Artist's Reception beginning at 5pm featuring the work of Jimmy Sheehan. 570-409-1246 www.403broad.com The Fire Escape Coffeehouse in Palmerton, PA presents the work of Diane Furry Paulhamus beginning at 6pm. 610-900- The Warren County ARTS will present a lecture and demon4440 www.thefireescapepalmerton.com stration of Encaustic Painting by artist Maria Filosa. Maria in the Oxford, NJ Municipal Building following their monthly meeting. www.wcarts.org



APRIL 2018

The Renegade Winery in Stroudsburg, PA will hold a Wine Glass Paint and Sip led by Julia. 570-350-2638 www.therenegadewinery.com Sunday April 15th The Raucous Resistance will hold their Spring Thing at The School of Visual and Performing Arts in Stroudsburg, PA to protest 451 days of shame featuring music, theater, raucousness, goodies and tricky-tray of artisan goods, gift certificates, and more. www.facebook.com/ResistanceArtists Karla’s Garden Studio in Stroudsburg, PA will hold their very first Wedding Event Sampling at The Historic Elk’s Lodge in East Stroudsburg, PA featuring a large assortment of vendors and caterers to explore. 570-401-3958 www.karlamalanga.wixsite.com/karlas-garden-studio

The Artery Gallery Fine Arts and Crafts in Milford, PA will host the Delaware Highlands Conservancy Artists’ Reception beginning at 5pm for their Sharing Place: Eagles and Their Environs Exhibition featuring the winners of their first annual photography contest. The Exhibition will be on display The Downtown Allentown, PA Restaurant Week offering a until May 7th. Photography by The Artery Gallery. 570-409variety of brunch, lunch and dinner menus with new items 1234 www.arterygallerymilford.com and new tastes will take plkace in restaurants throughout the town until April 22nd. 484-542-7827 www.downtownallen- Energy Work and Psychic Readings by experienced psytown.com chics, Jude Goode of Angels of Lightwork and Barbara Quarantello along with Energy Healing by Vyolet Albano Friday April 20th will be held in Room 208 of The Historic Castle Inn in Delaware Water Gap, PA beginning at 10am to benefit the Lakota The Scranton, PA Cultural Center presents their Youth The- Wolf Preserve. 570-269-9095 www.castleinnpa.com atre Program production of Disney's Beauty and the Beast until April 22nd. 570-346-7369 www.scrantonculturalcenSunday April 22nd ter.org The Pocono Heritage Land Trust (PHLT) will hold a LandThe New England Folk Festival takes place in the Middle scapes Across America Photography Workshop led by Len and High Schools Mansfield, MA until April 22nd. 617-299- Rue beginning at 10am with a Picnic Lunch Provided ex1590 www.festival.neffa.org ploring the historical Millbrook Village, VanCampen's Inn, and the Old Coppermines in the DWGNRA. 570-730-7202 Saturday April 21st www.phlt.org The PoconoArts Council will hold an Artists’ Reception for their Earth Speaks IV: A Juried Exhibition on the Climate Crisis in the ARTSPACE Gallery at the PoconoArts Cultural Center in Stroudsburg, PA. The Exhibition will continue to be on display until April 28th. 570-476-4460 www.poconoarts.org

Friday April 27th

Jibberjazz Productions in Schuylkill Haven, PA presents Some Kind of Jam 13 featuring a full weekend music and camping festival showcasing 29 eclectic musical acts across three stages along with numerous workshops and scheduled activities until April 29th. 570-739-7385 www.jibberjazz.The Pocono Mountains Theater Company will present a com Staged Reading of Lyle Kessler’s “Perp” in The Prosser Auditorium at Moravian College in Bethlehem, PA beginning at The Shawnee Playhouse in Shawnee on Delaware, PA will 7pm. www.poconomountainstheatercompany.org present their Children’s Production of “The Wizard of Oz Ballet” until April 29th. 570-421-5093 www.theL'ARCHET Concert Group presents Pianist Stephen Whale shawneeplayhouse.com in the Cecilia Cohen Recital Hall on the Campus of The East Stroudsburg University of PA. www.larchetconcertgroup.- The Kindred Spirits Arts Program will present Got That com Swing: The Art of The Solo with Renowned trumpet player Joseph Boga Nonet beginning at 7pm at the Delaware Valley Toast to Milford, PA Celebrate local growers, purveyors and High School auditorium in Milford, PA. 570-409 1269 producers with free product sampling at businesses through- www.kindredspiritsarts.org out Milford's commercial district. www.milfordpa.us



APRIL 2018 The Dance Festival in Milford, PA will take place throughout the town from May 18th to the 20th

The Delaware Highlands Conservancy Dinner will take place the Settlers Inn in Hawley, PA. 570-226-3164 The PoconoArts Council holds an Artists’ Reception for their www.delawarehighlands.org Members’ Exhibition, The 2018 Pocono Mountains Music Festival presents Cabaret: The Marcy and Zina Show, and Sunday April 29th The Milford Theater presents Child of the Empire: A Little Girl Grows from Zero to Twelve in Ninety Minutes on SaturThe Columcille Megalithic Part and Celtic Cultural Center in day May 19th Bangor, PA will celebrate Bealtainne beginning at 2pm featuring Maypole, Music, and Merriment. 610-588-1174 The Kindred Spirits Arts Program presents When Art Meets www.columcille.org Music: 20th Century Progress and Destruction on Saturday May 26th The Middle Smithfield Township, PA will host the Pocono Photo Club’s Artists’ Reception for their 5 th Annual Pocono AN EVEN SNEAKIER PEAK INTO JUNE Photo Club Exhibition and their kick off event for their Shop Local Restaurant Week within The Whispering Pines Ban- The Shawnee Playhouse’s Theatrical Arts Resource School quet Hall at The Country Club of the Poconos in East will offer a Theatre Camp to young people throughout the Stroudsburg, PA beginning at 6:30pm. The Shop Local month of June Restaurant Week will continue throughout the Township until May 6th while the 5th Annual Pocono Photo Club exhibi- The Forwardian Film Bestival takes place at The Pocono tion will be on display within The Whispering Pines Banquet Cinema and Cultural Center in East Stroudsburg, PA on June Hall until May 30th. 570-223-8920 ext 13 www.middle- 2nd and 9th beginning at 10am featuring the award winning smithfieldtownship.com films presented at the 2016/2017 Forwardian Film Festival A SNEAK PEAK INTO MAY

The PoconoArts Council holds an Artists’ Reception for their Nature and Geometry Exhibition on Saturday June 2nd

The Pocono Mountains Theater Company presents their production of Jessica Dickey’s “The Amish Project” at various The Origins Gallery holds Artists’ Receptions for their Funclocations in Northeast PA throughout the month of May tional Art Exhibition IV on Saturday June 2nd and for their Arts Showcase: The Creative Works of Grace Spezzano and The Underground Yoga Studio presents their Candlelight Richard D’Ambrosia on Saturday June 16th along with their Restorative Workshop on Friday May 2nd and their Mehndi, Poetry for the Summer Solstice Event on Thursday June 21st Meditation, and Mudra Spring forward into Self-LOVE and their Leather and Lace show on Friday June 22nd Workshop on Friday May 11th L'ARCHET Concert Group presents The American Classical The PoconoArts Council holds their Spring for the Arts Auc- Orchestra with Violinist Stephanie Chase on Saturday June tion, The Kirkridge Retreat and Study Center presents Con- 9th templative Quilt-making, and The Pocono Heritage Land Trust holds their Annual Meeting on Friday May 4th The Shawnee Playhouse in Shawnee on Delaware, PA presents their Production of “The Pirates of Penzance” from The Origins Gallery presents an Artists’ Receptions for their June 15th to July 8th Three Women in Art: Laura Gonzales, Jane Mayhew MacHale, and Dora Peiren Exhibition on Saturday May 5th The 2018 Pocono Mountains Music Festival presents You Got A Friend: The Music of the Brill Building on Friday and for their Open Studio Exhibition on Saturday May 19th June 15th The 111th Bethlehem Bach Festival takes place on May 11th, The Pocono Heritage Center holds an Artist’s Reception for 12th, 18th, and 19th their Picturesque Art Show Exhibition and The Eastern Monroe Public Library presents their Andy and Judy Daigle The Shawnee Playhouse presents their Production of “Who’s BookHouse Concert on Friday June 22nd in Bed With the Butler?” from May 11th until June 3rd L'ARCHET Concert Group presents The Ulysses Quartet on rd L'ARCHET Concert Group presents Tina Bouey and Tatiana Saturday June 23 Tessman on Saturday May 12th The Eastern Monroe Public Library presents The Bob Dor- The 2018 Celebration Of The Arts’ Camp Jazz will take place from June 24th to the 30th. ough Trio on Friday May 18th For More Listings: www.facebook.com/groups/Whattheforwardian



APRIL 2018



The Forwardian Arts Society invites you to participate in a competition to determine what image will be included in our literary and arts magazine "Forwardian" Gallery Section. We'll be accepting submissions of original work of art and/or photography until April 14th. 570-269-3348 www.forwardianarts.org

“We share the belief that the arts can inspire our creative dreams to become magnificent worlds of our deepest experiences reminding us who we really are. Therefore, our fellowship shares a desire to support, encourage, and explore the artistic experiences of creative individuals and groups as they go forward toward their dreams.” Mission Statement

The Festival of Wood 2018 invites Artists to place their work in their 2018 Festival that will take place at The Grey Towers National Historic Site in Milford, PA on August 4th and 5th. Woodcraft exhibit applications are due May 1 st. 570-4764460 www.poconoarts.org

As our mission statement suggests, The Forwardian Arts Society is a fellowship for people who love the arts. We define ourselves as a fellowship as compared to an organization because organization suggests some form of hierarchy exists where some members would have the right (or assume to have the right) to tell other member what to do. On Are you an Artist, Photographer, Writer, and/or Poet who the other hand, a fellowship suggests every member is equal would like to see your work published in our Literary and to one another and each member’s conduct in The ForwarArts Magazine "Forwardian?" Well, then. Here's your dian Arts Society is only governed by their love for the arts. chance. We'll be accepting submissions for our next issue until May 11th, 2018. We can't wait to experience your work. We invite everyone who love the arts to be a part of The 570-269-3348 www.forwardianarts.org Forwardian Arts Society. It’s free with the only requirements there are to be included is to have a love for the arts The 2018 Forwardian Film Festival seeks to promote and en- and a desire to be a part of The Forwardian Arts Society. courage the creative endeavors of filmmakers by showcasing their work in an annual festival environment. The festival The Forwardian Arts Society Friend and Facilitator, Paul takes place over a three day schedule and includes a film (aka The Forwardian Dude), travels all around experiencing themed art exhibition along with the presentation of short a multitude of adventures throughout the artistic commu(up to 15 minutes in duration) and feature length (90 to 120 nity. You can see him almost anywhere there's an artists' reminutes in duration) films. Certificates are given to filmmak- ception being held, a play being presented, or a concert beers who are chosen by the audience and a panel of Judges for ing performed with his camera and note pad. He posts his Best Short Film, Best Feature Length Film, and the film de- articles and reviews along with the photographs he takes on termined to be the Best of the Festival. Award winners will his Social Networks. He says, "The reason I do this is also be featured in subsequent showings throughout the year. twofold. One is to help promote the artist and the venue Submissions will be accepted from Friday June 1 st to through these sites and second to help people who can't atWednesday August 15th. 570-269-3348 www.forwardia- tend these events for whatever reason to still partake of narts.org them." Festivals The 19th Annual Black Bear Film Festival invites filmmakers to submit their work to their 3 day event to take place The Forwardian Film Festival presents the original cinethroughout Milford, PA on October 19th, 20th, and 21st. Full matic endeavors. The festival includes an Art Show and an length, shorts, drama, comedy, documentaries, and experi- Awards Ceremony. The 2016 Forwardian Film Festival remental films are welcomed. The 19th Annual Black Bear ceived The Monroe County Image Award. Film Festival submission deadline is Friday August 3 rd. 570We would like to pre409-0909 www.blackbearfilm.com sent more art related festivals to the community. These include The Forwardian Folk Festival to present folk music and folk art, The For-word-ian Festival to present the work of writers and poets, The Forwardian Fringe offering a creative free for all, and The Forwardian Theater Festival presenting well known and original plays. Please feel free to contact us through our Website at www.forwardianarts.org for more information.



APRIL 2018

“Suppose They Gave a War …….

Photography by Paparazzi Paul.

….. and Nobody Came.” Unknown


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