October 2017

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Photography by Paparazzi Paul. WWW.FORWARDIANARTS.ORG



THINKING THOUGHTS Hey Dudes and Dudettes, I hope my words find you well. Well, September was filled with all the wonderful festivals that signifies the completion of another Summer season. These included the Celebration of the Arts Festival in Delaware Water Gap, PA (our lead story) and Riverfest in Easton, PA. Now, the Fall Festival Season is upon us and I’m looking forward to partaking of all their wonders. These include the 18th Annual Black Bear Film Festival that takes place in Milford, PA from Friday October 20th to Sunday October 22nd. The festival has several venues in which they show films and have discussions relating to the art form. It will be in one of these venues (the Pike County Public Library to be specific) where I will be presenting the films that won awards during the 2016 Forwardian Film Festival. It starts around noon and it’s free. I hope to see you there. Speaking of films you can watch for free, The Forwardian Film Festival will be taking place this month as well. I’m very excited about it as it’ll be held the week before the Black Bear Film Festival. We’re very fortunate to have a nice variety of films to show which encompasses all genres of cinema. We’ll begin taking in art for our The Art That Dreams Are Made Of Exhibition very soon and I would like to invite those of you who are artists and/or photographers to share your wonderful talents by placing your work in the show. The festival and exhibition will run from Friday October 13th to Sunday October 15th with an Artists’ Reception scheduled for the first day of the event. It’ll be held at The Antoine Dutot Gallery and Museum in Delaware Water Gap, PA. You’ll find a prospectus within the issue of this Magazine. We’re also preparing the publication of The Forwardian Gazette’s sister magazine Forwardian which is comprised of literature and art our many friends have contributed to it. We received a nice amount of exemplary work for this upcoming issue. I can’t wait to complete the process of arranging all the articles, poetry, and images so each piece will be shown in the light it deserves and to share it with you and many others. I consider myself very fortunate that so many talented people have sent some wonderful things such as poetry, stories, images, films etc my way via The Forwardian Arts Society. I also feel very blessed to be able to partake of the many art related events I experience and share with others. And, I’m very thankful for all the people I’ve encountered that has made my journey through the arts something meaningful and enjoyably enriching. Thank you all. Well, that’s all from me for now. How are you? Please feel free to ask me any questions you may have about the publication, The Forwardian Arts Society, or anything at all. I promise to tell you everything. I would make a terrible spy. I look forward to hearing from you soon and I'll keep a good thought for you until then. Going Forwardian with you Paul Adam Smeltz The Forwardian Arts Society




Oh Lordy, COTA’s 40. Written by Paul Adam Smeltz The year 2017 com- set the tone of the festival that embodied a quiet reflection upon memorated the 40th year the many years of its existence. I then ventured to one of the since The Celebration of the new COTA venues which was located at The Deer Head Inn Arts (COTA) Festival began where Pianist Kirk Reese along with Joe Michaels on bass, and in the Delaware Water Gap, Ron Bogart on drums were wooing the audience. I later went to PA. What began as a few The Castle Inn where a performance by the MUSE III Dancers musicians who desired to was taking place. I spent a great deal of time going to one gloriplay for their friends and ous venue to another and encountered wonderful things at each. family on a makeshift platWarmer temperatures greeted me form in front of the steps of as I arrived at the festival site on Sunthe town’s Grand Castle Inn for an afternoon evolved into a day September 10th. Musicians were three day festival filled with music, art, food, and other enpreparing their instruments for the chantments that delights the thousands of visitors who come day while the Jazz Mass Choir pracevery year to the event. Many changes occurred in COTA ticed their selections for the festival’s throughout the years but the numbers of modifications never Annual Jazz Mass which has become reached such magnitude than it did for the 40 th Anniversary of a favorite among festival goers for the the festival. music and for the meaningful mesA new generation of Board of Directors were presented to sages conveyed through the insights the COTA volunteers during the first of their General Meetings shared by the clergy who participate. for 2017 which are designed to explore ways the community of The Jazz Mass ended and I entered festival lovers can make the upcoming event even more enrich- the Deer Head Inn where Pianist Richard Burton and friends ing that the previous year. New venues were introduced to en- were performing and their renditions of the songs they played hance the audience’s experience of the festival. They were The proved to be an enjoyable way to begin the festival for the day. Castle Inn and The Dear Head Inn. The beloved Main Stage I traveled from one venue to another until I experienced the fiwhich was named The Rick Chamberlain (COTA Co Founder) nal performance I enjoyed at the festival was given by a wonStage after his passing in 2015 was also named as a venue as derful Latina vocalist named, “Lara Bello.” The sultry sounds it’s iconic place in COTA continues to be an inspiration to vol- and dance movements Ms. Bello exquisitely employed seduced unteers and audience alike. the audience into delving deeper into every measure of the A modest amount of rain touched the earth as I traveled to song. It was at the end of her performance did I venture home. partake of the festival’s opening day of Friday September 8 th. The Celebration of the Arts (COTA) Jazz and Arts FestiYet, The Hall of The Castle Inn and its grand décor dispelled val began in 1978 by Phil Woods (1931-2015), Rich Chamberthe climate through the excellent qualities of the art that were lain (1952-2015), and Ed Joubert (????-1981). It takes place evpart of COTA’s Music Motif Art Exhibition whose jurors were ery year during the Weekend after Labor Day. From its humble Andrea Robbins-Rimberg, James Chesnick, and Jill Swersie. beginnings which consisted of a 4 hour concert held on risers An award ceremony was held in order to recognize the artists near the steps of an Annex of the Castle Inn with an audience of whose works the jurors selected and to present tokens of appre- just over 500 people which was mostly made up of friends, ciation for their talents. It was shortly after the ceremony did family, and some ardent jazz fans, the festival has evolved to the time arrive to partake of an event featuring the arts of The- become a Mecca for jazz enthusiasts throughout the world. The ater and Dance in a program titled, “We The People.” three day festival is presently presented in cooperation with the I was met with some Borough of Delaware Water Gap, PA, The Castle Hill Developchilled temperatures on my ment, Inc., and the Delaware Water Gap, PA Joint Toll Bridge second day (Saturday Sep- Commission. Music presented at the festival is recorded by tember 9th) of the festival. Chiaroscuro Records for later release. In addition to it’s annual But, the greetings I received festival, The Celebration of the Arts (COTA) also supports the from the friends I have met arts and the music of jazz in all its forms and historical breadth during past events generated through youth education, performing arts presentations, schola great deal of warmth within arship opportunities, and community outreach throughout the my heart. The sounds of the Pocono area. Please feel free to explore The Celebration of the Jay Rattman Quartet on the Rick Chamberlain (Main) Stage en- Arts (COTA) Facebook their website at www.cotajazz.org for ticed my soul to listen as the relaxed rhythms of the musicians more information. Thank you for reading this article.





A New Gallery at 800

The SOHO in the Burg Gallery who held an The newly established Fine Art Gallery at 800 Artists’ Reception for their A Moment in Time Ex- Monroe in Stroudsburg, PA who held an Artist’s hibition at The Renegade Urban Winery in Strouds- Reception on Saturday September 16th featuring the burg, PA on Friday September 1st. The Exhibition work of Beverly Abel. The Exhibition will be on will be on display until late October. Photography display until November 10th. Photography by Paby Paparazzi Paul. parazzi Paul. Photography by Paparazzi Paul. A Place of Gloria at the Dutot

Autumnal Poetry and Cold Art

The Antoine Dutot Museum and Gallery in Dela- The final days bade its radiant farewell to the town ware Water Gap, PA who held an Artist’s Reception of as the borough’s Origins Gallery in Stroudsburg, on Friday September 15th for their final scheduled PA commemorate the annual passing of the Sumexhibition for 2017 for their Creating a Sense of mer Season with their Poetry of the Equinox event Place: Delaware Water Gap, En Plein Air Exhibi- on Thursday September 21st and the gallery’s One tion which featured the work of James A. Gloria. Nighter Cold Exhibition presented on Friday SepThe Exhibition will be on display until October 8th. tember 22nd as part of their Small Works Series. Photography by Paparazzi Paul. Photography by Paparazzi Paul.





Every Sunday

The Eastburg Community Alliance presents their Music Saint Peter's Church presents their Jazz Vespers Series. on Mondays Series. 570-424-7540 www.eastburgal- See earlier listing. liance.com The Sherman Showcase in Stroudsburg, PA presents Every Tuesday their Open Mic Nite Series. 570-420-2808 www.shermantheater.com The Shawnee Inn and Golf Resort in Shawnee-on-Delaware, PA presents their Community Concerts Series. EVENTS AT REOCCURRING VENUES 570-213-5050 www.shawneeinstitute.org The Pocono Cinema and Cultural Center Every Wednesday in East Stroudsburg, PA Saint Peter's Church In New York, NY presents their The film Martin Luther: The Idea that Changed the Midday Jazz Midtown Series. 212-935-2200 www.- World on Sunday October 1st, Rocky Horror Picture saintpeters.org Show on Friday October 13th, Hocus Pocus as part of their family film series on Saturday October 21st, and Every Thursday their Halloweek featuring the films Halloween, Halloween 4, The Shining, and The Night of the Living The Deer Head Inn in Delaware Water Gap, PA Dead from October 27th until November 2nd. 570 – 421 presents a Jazz Jam. 570-424-2000 www.deerheadin- – 6684 – www.pococinema.org n.com The Kirkridge Retreat and Study Center The Renegade Urban Winery in Stroudsburg, PA holds in Bangor, PA an Open Mic Nite. 570-350-2638 www.therenegadewinery.com Bread for the Journey: A Celebration of Poetry and the Human Spirit with Rick Benjamin, Judy Brown, KenThe ARTery Gallery in Milford, PA holds Artists Work neth Carroll, Kathleen Glaser, Michael Glaser, Mark Thursdays. 570-409-1234 www.arterygallerymilford.- Nepo, Kurt Lamkin, Mark Nepo, and Deanna Nikaido com from October 4th to the 7th, Wild Soul: An Outdoor Journey of Intuition, Imagination, and Ancient Wisdom The Come Paint With Me plein air program led by Joan led by Dan Hines and Carol Kortsch from October 19th Polishook. 570-775-6896 www.joanpolishook-art.- to the 22nd, Compassionate Listening: Healing Our com World from the Inside Out led by Yael Petretti from October 20th to the 22nd, and their 75th Kirkridge HomeEvery Friday, Saturday, and Sunday coming Celebration led by Jean Richardson, Robert Raines, Cynthia Hirni, and Cindy Crowner from OctoThe Deer Head Inn and The Renegade Winery presents ber 27th to the 29th. 610 – 588 – 1793 – Live Music. See earlier listings. www.kirkridge.org


THE FORWARDIAN GAZETTE The Sherman Theater in Stroudsburg, PA

OCTOBER 2017 Wednesday October 4th

Secondhand Serenade: "Awake" - the Ten Year An- The East Stroudsburg University of PA’s Madelon niversary Tour on Thursday October 5th, Theory Of Powers Gallery holds an Artist’s Reception beginA Deadman on Friday October 13th, Air Supply on ning at 4pm for their Alluvial Plain Exhibition feaSaturday October 14th, the Rage On The Stage Tour turing the work of Yvonne Love. The Exhibition on Saturday October 28th, and The Pocono Great will continue to be on display until October 27 th. Talent Event 2 on Sunday October 29th. 570 – 420 570 – 422 – 3216 – www.facebook.com/EsuArt– 2808 – www.shermantheater.com Gallery The Shawnee Playhouse in Shawnee on Delaware, PA

Saturday October 7th

The PoconoArts Council holds an Artists RecepTheir featured production of “Legally Gray” from tion for their Autumn Impressions Exhibition beOctober 6th until the 22nd and a Watercolor Work- ginning at 4pm in the PoconoArts Cultural Center shop led by Toni Chaplin from October 15th until in Stroudsburg, PA. The exhibition will continue to the 19th. 570 – 421 – 5093 – www.the- be on display until October 28th. 570 – 476 – 4460 shawneeplayhouse.com – www.poconoarts.org Discounts off the admission to Headlined and Featured productions are available. Contact The For- The Monroe Farmers Market holds their Harvestwardian Arts Society for more information. Fest in Courthouse Square Courthouse Square in Stroudsburg, PA beginning at 8am. 917 – 716 – The Origins Gallery in Stroudsburg, PA 6489 – www.monroefarmersmarket.com Artists' Receptions for their Photography II Exhibi- The Eastburg Community Alliance holds the Antion on Saturday October 7th which will be on dis- nual Fall Fest and Block Party which takes place at play until October 15th and for their Spotlight: The The Historic Dansbury Depot and Crystal Street Works of the late Dan Whitaker Exhibition on Sat- Area of East Stroudsburg, PA beginning at 11am. urday October 21st which will be on display until See earlier listing. October 31st. The Receptions will begin at 6pm at The PoconoArts Community Center in Strouds- The Kindred Spirits Arts Programs presents Reinburg, PA. 570-476-4460 www.facebook.com/Ori- venting Baroque with The PUBLIQuartet at The ginsGalleryStroudsburg Historic Milford Theater in Milford, PA as part of their 2017 Season. 570 – 409 – 1269 – www.kinSINGULAR EVENTS dredspiritsarts.org Sunday October 1st

The MCCD Kettle Creek Environmental Education Center in Stroudsburg, PA holds an An Artists’ ReThe East Stroudsburg, PA United Methodist ception beginning at 11am featuring the works of Church presents Fall Into The Arts featuring a Stu- The Pocono Photo Club and others. The Exhibition dent Fine Art Exhibition, Music by Local Musi- will continue to be on display until October 30 th. cians, and a concert given by Organist Christopher 570-421-5444 www.stroudsburgboro.com Johnson. 570 – 421 – 3280 – www.esumc.net The Totts Gap Arts Institute holds their Wine and Goodwill Event at Tolino Vineyards in Bangor, PA. 610 – 588 – 5817 – www.tottsgap.org



OCTOBER 2017 Friday October 20th

The Patisserie Fauchere in Milford, PA presents Film The 18th Annual Black Bear Film Festival takes place in historian and author John DiLeo who will be speaking Milford, PA featuring an Opening Night Gala, Salons, about his new book titled, “Ten Movies At A Time: A Talks, and films galore. The festival continues until Oc350-Film Journey Through Hollywood and America tober 22nd. 570 – 409 – 0909 – www.blackbearfilm.1930-1970” beginning at 4pm. 570 – 409 – 1212 – com www.hotelfauchere.com Saturday October 21st Friday October 13th The 15th Annual Pocono Mountain Film Festival takes The Forwardian Film place at The Mount Airy Casino and Resort in Mount Festival takes place at Pocono, PA. 570 – 234 – 6713 – www.pmffdigitaltheThe Antoine Dutot atre.com Gallery and Museum in Friday October 27th Delaware Water Gap, PA until October 15th. Photography by Paparazzi The Eastern Monroe Public Library in Stroudsburg, PA Paul. 570 – 269 – 3348 presents Tal Naccarato beginning at 7:30pm offering as or 570 – 476 – 4240 – www.forwardianarts.org or evening of Folk and Country Blues as part of their BookHouse Concert Series. 570 – 421 – 0800 – www.www.dutotmuseum.com monroepl.org Saturday October 14th Saturday October 28th L'ARCHET Concert Group presents Pianist Liana Paniyeva in the Cecilia Cohen Recital Hall on the Cam- The Borough of Stroudsburg, PA will hold its 3 rd Anpus of The East Stroudsburg University of PA. nual Halloween Along Main event. 570-421-5444 – www.larchetconcertgroup.com www.stroudsburgboro.com The ARTery Gallery in The Grey Towers Historical Association in Milford, PA Milford, PA holds an presents Forevermore: A Tribute to Edgar Allen Poe Artists’ Reception beginDramatic Reading presented by the American Readers ning at 6pm featuring the Theatre. 570 – 296 – 9630 – www.greytowers.org work of Marie Liu and Randall FitzGerald. The Tuesday October 31st Exhibition will continue to be on display until NoThe Centenary Stage Company in Hackettstown, NJ th vember 6 . Photography provided by The ARTery holds a narrated historical walk throughout the campus Gallery. 570-409-6754 – www.arterygallerymilford.followed by a Staged Reading of the play “Tillie com Smith” (a woman whose spirit haunts the campus) by Jeanne Murray Walker in the Sitnik Theater of the Wednesday October 18th Lackland Performing Arts Center. Photography proThe East Stroudsburg University of PA’s Theater De- vided by The Centenary Stage Company. 908 – 979 – partment presents their production of The Crucible by 0900 – www.centenarystageco.org Arthur Miller as Directed by Stephanie Daventry French in the Smith-McFarland Theatre of the ESU Fine and Performing Arts Center until October 22nd. 570-422-3483 – esuarts@esu.edu WWW.FORWARDIANARTS.ORG


OCTOBER 2017 Passionate Art Lover Membership in The Forwardian Arts Society

The Origins Gallery and The PoconoArts Council Although our Basic Art Lover Membership level is holds an Artists' Reception on Saturday November free, we offer an upgraded membership level for 4th. those who would like to support us financially. We thank those who choose to become Passionate Art The Origins Gallery holds a one day ComplimentaLovers of The Forwardian Arts Society by providries Exhibition on Friday November 10th and an ing discounts or special offers to various businesses Artists' Reception on Saturday November 18th. and organizations. Those who choose to support our magazine through their membership will reAN EVEN SNEAKIER PEAK ceive a listing of their name along with all the benINTO DECEMBER efits listed in our website's Join The Forwardian Arts Society Section. Our Annual Passionate Art The Totts Gap Arts Institute holds their Community Lovers Membership can be gained by making a doOpen House on Sunday December 10th. nation at the $20.00 level. The Origins Gallery holds an Artists' Reception on Saturday December 16th.


Supporting The Forwardian Gazette through a For a more complete listing of art related events sponsorship includes a listing of their name or their that is frequently updated, please explore our businesses'/organization's name along with their What The Forwardian is Happening in the Arts public contact information including their address, Facebook group at: phone number, and website along with an Annual www.facebook.com/groups/Whattheforwardian Passionate Art Lover's Membership. Sponsorship in The Forwardian Gazette can be gained by makSUPPORT THE FORWARDIAN GAZETTE ing a donation at the $50.00 level. The Forwardian Gazette’s existence (as well as all OPPORTUNITIES TO BE A PART OF The Forwardian Arts Society’s endeavors) relies on THE FORWARDIAN GAZETTE the prayers and good thoughts of all who would like to offer them. For this, we are most grateful as The Forwardian Gazette would like to invite you to we appreciate your good energies and your friend- join our Managerial team. We have openings in all positions including Editor in Chief, Feature Editor, ship. Thank you. Marketing Director, Distribution Manager, and However, to publish The Forwardian Gazette in a Graphic Designer. printed form, we do need something in the way of financial supported to give to those who would Note: Although it is hoped that The Forwardian print it. So, we would like to humbly ask those of Gazette will one day turn enough of a profit to proyou who are able and willing to provide us with the vide a prosperous income for all who participate in necessary funds to do so. its manifestation, all positions are presently performed on a volunteer basis. However, we are more We will accept donations in any amount either than willing to express our appreciation by giving through our Website or the postal service; which- hugs. ever is convenient for you. However, if you donate $20 to us, we’ll provide you with a One Year Pas- Note: Neither The Forwardian Arts Society nor sionate Art Lover Membership in The Forwardian The Forwardian Gazette is registered as a non Arts Society. If you donate $50, you’ll be listed as profit or not for profit entity. Therefore, your donaa sponsor of The Forwardian Gazette. tions are NOT tax deductible.



OCTOBER 2017 We invite everyone who love the arts to be a part of The Forwardian Arts Society. It’s free with the only requirements for membership is to have a love for the arts and a desire to be a part of The Forwardian Arts Society. We have a monthly online newsletter we would be honored to email you.

The Forwardian Arts Society Friend and Facilitator Paul (aka The Forwardian Dude) travels all around experiencing a multitude of adventures throughout the artistic community. You can see him almost anywhere there's an artists' reception being held, a play being presented, or a concert being performed with his camera and note pad. He posts his articles and reviews along with the photographs he takes on his Social Networks. He says, "The reason I do this is twofold. One is to help promote the artist and the venue through these sites and Thank you for reading this issue of The Forwardian second to help people who can't attend these events for Gazette. I hope what your discovered in these pages whatever reason to still partake of them." prove to be informative and entertaining. You may SOME OTHER THINGS WE DO contact us at: The Forwardian Gazette 2132 Wallace St. Stroudsburg, PA 18360, forwardian@hotmail.Forwardian com, or www.forwardianarts.org. Your Pal, Paul WHO THE FORWARDIAN DID THIS?

The Forwardian Gazette’s sister magazine, “Forwardian” is a Literary and Arts Magazine that is published on line biannually. If you who would like to see your work published in “Forwardian,” We'll be accepting submissions for our next issue until November 15th. See our Website for details and to read our current issue.

“We share the belief that the arts can inspire our creative dreams to become magnificent worlds of our Our On Line Art Competition deepest experiences reminding us who we really are. Therefore, our fellowship shares a desire to support, en- We invite photographers and artists to participate in our courage, and explore the artistic experiences of creative online competition to determine whose work will be inindividuals and groups as they go forward toward their cluded in a special section in the next issue of Forwardian. You'll be able to submit your work on Facebook dreams.” Mission Statement from the 1st to the 14th of every month. Winners are As our mission statement suggests, The Forwardian chosen by individuals who view the images on FaceArts Society is a fellowship for people who love the book and vote for their favorite one from the 15th to the arts. We define ourselves as a fellowship as compared 28th of the month. See our Website for details. to an organization because organization suggests some Festivals form of hierarchy exists where some members would have the right (or assume to have the right) to tell other The Forwardian Film Festivals. Our 2017 festival premember what to do. On the other hand, a fellowship senting original cinematic endeavors will take place suggests every member is equal to one another and from October 13th to the 15th which will include an art each member’s conduct in The Forwardian Arts Society show. See our Website for details including how to subis only governed by their love for the arts. mit your art and photography to be part of our exhibition. WWW.FORWARDIANARTS.ORG



Relative Announcements:

We’ve received The Monroe County Image Award THE EXHIBITION: for our 2016 festival and the winners of awards distributed to films that were determined to be ex- TITLE: The Art That Dreams Are Made Of. th traordinary during our 2016 festival will be shown DATE: Artists’ Reception – Friday October 13 6 to 9pm. nd LOCATION: The Antoine Dutot Gallery and Museum in on Sunday October 22 during a Salon presented Delaware Water Gap, PA by The Black Bear Film Festival in Milford, PA. PARTICIPATION:


WHO CAN PARTICIPATE?: Artists and Photographers who would like to present their work are invited to participate. Individuals and groups are welcomed to enter their work for consideration.


I have met a great number of folk musicians during my explorations into the arts. But, there are no fes- THEME: The exhibition is part of The Forwardian Film Festivals dedicated to the musical form in the area tival so the suggested theme is anything related to film and where I live. So, I thought it would be nice to have movies. However, anything an Artist or Photographer would like to place in the show would still be considered. one. Contact me through our Website if you would like to get involved in putting one one. PRESENTATION: There are three methods Artists and/or Photographers can present their work.

THE FOR-WORD-IAN FESTIVAL Not too many people know this, but there are a lot of writers in Monroe County, PA (where I live). There are some events honoring them, but no sizable festival that would celebrate the whole gamut of writing. So, again, I thought it would be nice to have one. Contact me through our Website if you would like to get involved in putting one one. THE FORWARDIAN FRINGE FESTIVAL


Artists and/or Photographers could price their piece and a 25% commission will be collected by the The Antoine Dutot Gallery and Museum.


Artists and/or Photographers could donate their piece for The Forwardian Silent/Deadly Arts Auction from with all proceed would be divided between The Antoine Dutot Gallery and Museum and The Forwardian Arts Society.


Artists and/or Photographers could donate their piece for The Grand Forwardian Raffle from with all proceed would be divided between The Antoine Dutot Gallery and Museum and The Forwardian Arts Society.

When I first heard about Fringe Festivals, I understood them to be free for alls with no program and Note: Pieces donated for The Forwardian Silent/Deadly Arts everyone performing whatever they want with no Auction will have the value of the work listed on the auction limitations. This sounds really cool to me so I think form with 10% of its value listed as the opening bid. this would be great to do. Contact me through our SUBMISSIONS Website if you would like to get involved in putting PREPARATION: All work must be exhibition ready and one one. ready to hang and must be original. Artists and Photographers THE FORWARDIAN THEATER FESTIVAL

are responsible for insuring their work.

DROP OFF DATES: Work may be dropped off at The Antoine Dutot Gallery and Museum on October 10 th and 11th in- from 6 to 8pm.

There are a lot of theater groups around the area cluding the local college and secondary schools. It FORMS: Downloadable Submissions Forms must be would be great to have a couple of days where well printed, completed, signed, and presented during the drop off known and original plays can be performed. Con- dates. A limited number of forms will be available on site. tact me through our Website if you would like to PICK UP DATE: Unsold and un-auctioned pieces must be get involved in putting one one. picked up on Sunday October 15th no later than 8pm unless special arrangements has been agreed upon.





THE 2017 FORWARDIAN FILM FESTIVAL AT THE ANTOINE DUTOT GALLERY AND MUSEUM IN DELAWARE WATER GAP, PA FRIDAY OCTOBER 13th 6 TO 9PM The artists’ reception for The Art That Dreams Are Made Of Exhibition Meet and greet for the filmmakers A Silent (But Deadly) Arts Auction SATURDAY OCTOBER 14th 6 TO 9PM Short films. SUNDAY OCTOBER 15th 1 TO 7PM Feature length films. ON SATURDAY AND SUNDAY Question and answer sessions with the filmmakers along with Awards presented to deserving filmmakers as determined by our panel of judges and the audience. EVERY FORWARDIAN FILM FESTIVAL DAY p





“For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: …….

Photography by Paparazzi Paul.

….. now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.” 1 Corinthians 13:12King James Version (KJV) WWW.FORWARDIANARTS.ORG

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