3 minute read

Norican Starts Ambitious Net-Zero Journey Under Auspices of Science-Based Targets Initiative

was selected as the supplier and the process concept was developed in detail.

In the further course of the project, it is planned to enable Howmet Tital to offer the OEM the compressor housing made of the material A205 by around mid-2023.


If you have any questions about the plant and possible areas of application, Access in Aachen would be pleased to hear from you.

About Access:

Access e.V. is a non-profit independent research institute with locations in Aachen and Cottbus. At the Access TechCenter, casting technology manufacturing routes and materials are developed and qualified for a wide range of industrial applications in accordance with aerospace standard EN 9100. Certification and digitalisation of the processes form the basis of the industry-oriented development. ■

工艺概念。 随着项目的开展,计划于2023年年中由Howmet Tital公司向OEM企业提供使用A205铝合金材料制成的 压缩机外壳。 如果您对工厂和更多应用领域有任何疑问,请联系亚 琛Access技术中心。


Access技术中心是一家非营利性独立研究机构,位于 德国亚琛和科特布斯。在Access技术中心,根据航空航 天标准EN 9100开发铸造技术、制造方法和材料,并使其 适用于广泛的工业领域。工艺的认证和数字化是行业导向发 展的基础。■

Norican Group, home to DISA, ItalPresseGauss, StrikoWestofen and Wheelabrator, has signed its commitment letter to the Science-Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) – making the group the first among its peers to do so.

By signing up to emissions reduction and net zero journeys under the initiative, the group is committing to setting ambitious global targets for the emission of greenhouse gases, in line with what climate science says is necessary.

Following the commitment, Norican and its brands will now develop both near-term emissions reduction and longer-term net zero targets with the help of SBTi guidance, with a view to officially submitting its sciencebased targets for SBTi approval and start tracking performance against them in 2023.

Anders Wilhjelm, CEO of Norican Group, comments: “Sustainable development is the existential challenge and opportunity of our time. Bold ambition and action are needed, and they are needed now. The industries we serve can contribute significantly to the global effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. At Norican, we have a long tradition of continuous improvement, which we will continue and further strengthen. Beyond this, we’re in a unique position to support and influence the industry through the use of our production technologies and

诺瑞肯集团,携旗下四大品牌迪砂(DISA)、意特佩雷 斯高斯(ItalpresseGauss)、史杰克西(StrikoWestofen) 和维尔贝莱特(Wheelabrator),共同签署其对“科学碳目 标倡议 (SBTi)”的承诺书——诺瑞肯集团是业内首家签署 该承诺书的企业。

通过签署该“科学碳目标倡议”,诺瑞肯集团承诺将 致力于实施减排和净零的举措,根据气象科学的要求和指 标,积极制定合规的全球温室气体排放目标。

按照承诺书的目标,诺瑞肯集团及其旗下各品牌将从 现在开始, 在“”科学碳目标倡议( SBTi)” 的指导下, 制定近期减排目标和长期净零排放目标,并计划于近期正式 向“科学碳目标倡议”组织提交报告并获得批准,并将从 2023年开始接受监测和追踪。 诺瑞肯集团首席执行官安德斯·维尔杰姆这样评价集 团的这一举措:“可持续发展是我们面临的生存挑战,也 是当前需要把握住的机遇,当此时刻我们需要展现出雄心 并付诸实行。我们服务的行业在全球范围内,为减少温室 气体排放这一目标做出了重大贡献。在诺瑞肯集团,我们

innovations, and this we find truly exciting.

“The SBTi provides standards, guidance and resources to businesses like us, who want to take meaningful climate action, as well as holding us accountable against targets set. We hope many of our customers and suppliers will join us on this journey.”

Norican Group is now listed on the SBTi dashboard, where its targets will be published once confirmed: https:// sciencebasedtargets.org/companies-taking-action

Why science-based targets?

Science-based targets are emission reduction and net zero targets that are in line with what climate scientists say is necessary to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement and avoid climate catastrophe:

These targets show how much and how quickly individual organisations need to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions to prevent the worst effects of climate change.

Crucially, they clearly define and capture the exact scope of an organisation’s emission reduction efforts, including direct and indirect emissions. This means businesses are asked to not only look at their direct emissions (from their facilities and vehicles, for example), but also emissions generated up and down their value chains. This means engaging customers, suppliers and employees to bring down their emissions.

Anders concludes: “We have a long history of helping our customers improve their processes, from enhancing energy efficiency to reducing scrap. This is both good for the planet and good business. By signing up with the SBTi, we’re committing to take it to the next level.” · limit global warming to well below 2°C above preindustrial levels, and · pursue efforts to limit warming to 1.5°C. ■

保持着不断进步提升的悠久 传统,并将进一步延续和强 化这一传统。 除此之外, 我们正处于一个独特的位置 上,可以通过使用我们的生 产技术和产品创新来支持和 影响行业,这令我们感到非 常激动。” “作为企业,我们希望 采取有意义的减排行动并对 设定的目标贯彻到底,而科 学碳目标倡议( SBTi)正是 为像我们这样的企业提供了 行动标准、指导目标和资源 支持。我们十分希望能吸引 到越来越多的客户和供应商 也加入到我们的行动中来。” 诺瑞肯集团的名字已经出现在”科学碳目标倡议 (SBTi)”的名录中,其行动计划和目标在确认后将会 详细发布,请参考:https://sciencebasedtargets.org/ companies-taking-action 为何选择”科学碳目标”倡议 基于科学的碳排放,目标是通过减排和净零行动,以 达到气候学家所说的实现《巴黎协定》的以下碳排放目标, 从而最终避免气候灾难: · 将全球平均气温较前工业化时期上升幅度控制在2 摄氏度以内 · 并努力将温度上升幅度限制在1.5摄氏度以内 根据这些目标,各个组织可以评估需要付出多少程度 和速度的努力,来减少温室气体排放,以防止气候变化带来 的最坏影响。 更为重要的一点是,“科学碳目标”对于组织内减 排工作的具体范围给出了较为准确的定义,包括直接和 间接排放。这意味着企业不仅要查看其直接排放(例如 来自其生产设施和车辆的排放),还要查看其产业链上 下游产生的排放。这也意味着要动员客户、供应商和员 工共同参与进来,开展减排行动。 安德斯最后概括道:“我们在帮助客户改进流程方 面有着悠久的历史,包括从提高能源效率到减少废料的 整个过程,这可以兼顾环境保护和企业的商业利益。通 过签署加入“科学碳目标”倡议组织,我们有决心继续 做好这一点,并使之提升到新的水平上来。”■

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