February 2015

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A student–run publication

February 2015

Romance is in the Air!


CONTENTS Fox Times | FEBRUARY 2015 2 From the Editor 3 Letters to the Editor 4 Club Spotlight 8 Ask Foxy 9 Fun Facts & Word Scramble 10 Foxes Basketball 11 Pick Up Lines 12 Foxy Centerfold 14 Interior Design Show

15 Haiti 16 Interview – Pamela Beckford 18 Valentines Tips 19 Cheers & Jeers 21 Recipe of the Month 23 National Awareness February Challenge Wednesdays with Wolfgang 24 Security Spotlight 25 Comics by Phil Hands

Advisor Shannon Gerke Corrigan gerkecor@fvtc.edu Fox Times Staff Members Rich Weber – Editor In Chief Patty Jacob – Editor of Fun William Miller – Layout & Design


Contributors Jenny Metellus Rick Helms Michael Milspaugh Josh Buser Furry Love Dianne Tyler


F rom The Edit or Satire: A literary work holding up human vices and follies to ridicule or scorn. Trenchant wit, irony, or sarcasm used to expose and discredit vice or folly. From the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Article 18: “Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.” Article 19: “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.” An Amendment I would add. “Everyone has the right to be a jackass. Everyone should think long and hard before exercising that right.” There are literally millions of things I would rather write about right now. In fact, I already had this editorial written and uploaded for Bill to layout. Instead I feel compelled to write about something that makes me wholly uncomfortable. #Je Suis Charlie and #Je Suis Ahmed #Je Suis Charlie, because I stand with the people that satirize the ridiculous, and lampoon the ludicrous. #Je Suis Ahmed, because I stand with the man that was senselessly murdered to protect that right. “A Twitter user, identified as @Aboujahjah, said: “I am not Charlie, I am Ahmed the dead cop. Charlie ridiculed my faith and culture and I died defending his right to do so.” (The Guardian, January 10) Ahmed Merabet was a French Police Officer that the terrorists murdered in cold blood. Here is a quote from his brother, Malek Merabet. “My brother was Muslim and he was killed by two terrorists, by two false Muslims,” he said. “Islam is a religion of peace and love. As far as my brother’s death is concerned it was a waste. He was very proud of the name Ahmed Merabet, proud to represent the police


and of defending the values of the Republic — liberty, equality, fraternity.” (The Guardian, January 10) I write satire. I have a satirical mind, in virtually every instance I can see the humor in a situation and lampoon it. To see the humor in situations, to be able to use sarcasm effectively is a sign of high intelligence. To take the ridiculous, ludicrous, and inane, to wrestle it into the light of day exposing it for all to see. I do not view the attacks on Charlie Hebdo and MoPo in Hamburg as a religious assault upon the freedom of expression or speech. I personally view them as an assault by a couple of disturbed (jackasses) individuals without a sense of humor. Why? What drives a person to commit such an act? Over a cartoon? A photo? A movie? A book? Really? Seriously? The fact that someone felt that a cartoon was worth murdering 12 cartoonists and editors, a police officer, and others is so difficult for me to fathom and wrap my head around, I am at a loss for words. Maybe I am missing the point here. Maybe I am incapable of understanding the motives behind the attack. I continue to ask why. What is the big deal with a cartoon? I have seen some truly offensive photos, articles, and cartoons. I haven’t killed anyone. I have no plans to do so either. I look at the offensive images, find the meaning within, then accept or dismiss the messaging. At no point within this process do I consider murder a possible outcome. Again, maybe it is just me. How do all of you feel? Were the cartoons so offensive that 17 people in total needed to die? Did the cartoons warrant firebombing another paper? I am interested in your responses. Email me at fvtcfoxtimes@gmail. com and let me know your opinion. Hopefully, we have brighter things to discuss next month. Rich

Letters to the Editor Dear Editor,

Dear Editor,

What happened to John Rank? I used to see him all the time prancing down the halls, and haven’t seen him yet this year. Did something happen to him? Did he leave?

I heard the Fitness Center is going to be updated. What is being updated? Like new equipment, or carpeting? When will this happen? I graduate in December, will this be done before then so I can use the new stuff?

Concerned Rankophile Dear Concerned, Unfortunately, the Lollipop Guild needed their mascot back, and John had to leave us… Ha, ha, ha. I’m just kidding… He went home to the Oshkosh Campus to be the big fish in a little pond. Dear Editor, The FVTC basketball teams are having good seasons, yet I see virtually no students at these games. The opposing teams have fans that travel to see their team. Our students can’t be bothered to go to Menasha to see them play? Kind of disappointing. FVTC Fanatic Dear Fanatic,

Feeling Fit Dear Fit, Great question! I would actually be your Student point man for this project. The Wellness Center is going to be expanded to include the hallway next to it. The current room will be used as a group fitness room. The hallway will be renovated into an aerobic and weights area. We are currently deciding on what and how much new equipment comes in. Construction of the new facility should begin in early June, and be finished by August. If you have any further questions, pop into Student Life and see me, or email me again at fvtcfoxtimes@ gmail.com.

I agree completely. I go to the games when I can, and I encourage everyone else to do so as well.

F x Times Articles Wanted Do you like what you see within these pages? Then join us. Do you think you can do better? Then get up off your duff and

do it. If you need article suggestions, let me know. Email me at fvtcfoxtimes@gmail.com


By Dianne Tyler

For many of us here at FVTC, December 9th 2014 was a memorable day. Phi Theta Kappa held its first ever Honors In Action project. Through research, collaboration, teamwork, and dedication, we were able to finalize our project with a “Pie-in-the-Face” fund-raiser. Our fund-raiser contributed to an amazing foundation that is catering towards growing awareness, and sharing their family’s story of their fight against Esophageal Cancer. All of our efforts put into this project were paid-off when we presented the Greg Derks Foundation with a check containing all proceeds earned — totaling the sum of $600 — from our “Pie-in-the-face” fund-raiser. We were honored to have been able to put together such a successful event, as was the Greg Derks family themselves. Greg Derks was diagnosed with Esophageal Cancer on September 14, 2013. The biopsy showed squamous cell carcinoma in his bones, which indicated he was in stage 4. Greg began to fight the disease head on, but soon after, on November 12, 2013, he lost his battle to the aggressive cancer. At the age of 36, Greg left behind his wife Jessi, and their two daughters Sydney and Ruby. Jessi started the foundation in memory of her husband to help others, as well as, to raise awareness of Esophageal Cancer. More information about the Greg Derks Foundation can be found on Facebook at www.facebook.com/pages/ Greg-Derks-Foundation-Inc. They can also be contacted by email at derksfoundation@yahoo.com. “Pie-in-the-face” Recap We would like to thank all of the participating club Advisors, Officers and Members, as well as, FVTC Students and Faculty. With the help of everyone who was involved, those who donated, and those who volunteered, we created lasting memories, laughter, new friendships, and not to mention, a nice “little” mess.


Oshkosh Collegiate DECA By Rick Helms

The Oshkosh Collegiate DECA team has been very busy creating leaders and giving back to our community. Most recently we had four members (Alex House, Lindsey Neau, Rick Helms, and Ryan Schroeder) and our advisor (Teri Stark) who all volunteered to judge at the DECA District 4 Career Development Conference held at Green Bay Preble High School. It was a great experience to work with the Oshkosh North High School DECA students in helping them prepare for the competition and then to judge the event. As students whom have competed it was interesting to learn the other side of the table and to learn how things are different at the high school level. Thanks for the opportunity Oshkosh North High School DECA students and their advisor Mrs. Ward!

As we head into this spring we are also raising money and awareness for Collegiate DECA’s national civic consciousness project, the Wounded Warrior Project. Be on the lookout for various fund-raisers and other events to give back to our veterans! Some of our crazier team members will be “Getting Their Plunge On” at the Oshkosh Polar Plunge on February 20th at Menominee Park in Oshkosh. Join us in supporting Special Olympics of Wisconsin by either donating to our team or stopping by with hot cocoa or coffee!

Used with permission

Over winter break we also had the opportunity to volunteer at the Oshkosh Celebration of Lights. We had several students helping out there as well.

Thanks to Alex House, Alexa Donicht, Annie O’Keefe, Chris Pierce, Dillian Baker, Rick Helms, and Ryan Schroeder. It was a blast to see our members handing out candy canes to all the kids who came to see Santa and to collect donations for the local food pantry. Congratulations to the Oshkosh Celebration of Lights Committee for another successful year!!


February SAC Events FVTC’s Got Talent Casino Night Free Fun and Prizes Wednesday February 4th Friday February 20th 11:30 am in commons 6:00 pm to 9:30 pm Room A170ABC Live Music in Connection Café Free w/student ID February 10th 11:30 am in Connection’s Café Teddy Bear Day Jokes for Dinner w/ Arvin Mitchell Thursday February 12th Wednesday February 18th 11:30 am & 5:00 pm in commons 6:00 pm in commons $5.00 w/student ID SAC Meetings (Anyone is welcome to attend or join us during the Student Activity Club Meetings) Tuesday February 3rd 11:30 to 12:30 Rm G120A (Student Success Center) Tuesday February 10th 11:30 to 12:30 Rm G120A (Student Success Center) Tuesday February 17th 11:30 to 12:30 Rm G120A (Student Success Center) Tuesday February 24th 11:30 to 12:30 Rm G120A (Student Success Center) 6 | FVTC STUDENT PUBLICATION | FEBRUARY 2015

AITP Article

By Michael Milspaugh

The Association of Information Technology Professionals, Fox Valley Technical College Student Chapter, is holding our Computers 101 session February 21st from 9am until 3pm. The cost is not yet determined, however lunch will be included as it was last time. To register or for more information email us at aitp101@gmail.com. We are currently working with the Electronics Club to hold a LAN Party in March. It will be a “Send Off” for Spring Break, more details to come. Another event in the process of planning is the NCC (National Colligate Conference) in Omaha, Nebraska this year. This is a great way for us in the IT programs to show off our talents and

strengths. It is also a good place for us to get more information regarding various Certifications, Certificates, Hardware, and Software that is available currently or in the near future. We will be able to meet representatives from various vendors and tests for some Certifications will be available at reduced prices. We are planning to hold at least one more Computers 101 session this semester and possibly, with the Electronics Club, hold another LAN Party before semesters end. All-in-all this semester is shaping up to be an eventful one. Spread the word regarding the aforementioned dates and times. Any questions we can be reached at aitp.fvtc@gmail.com.

FabLab Club By: Josh Buser

The two FabLabs we have here on campus are an excellent resource for students and the community. On the Appleton campus we have a club that teaches students about the machines and design fundamentals. Our four main machines are the laser, 3D printer, vinyl cutter and CNC mill. This year we have several exciting projects that our members came up with.

puts people born with disabilities or who lost fingers or hands due to an accident in contact with groups like us who have 3D printers. The hands are not as good as the real thing but are an extremely cost effective and very functional prosthetic. We have been contacted by a 5 yearold girl and the club will build her a custom prosthetic hand and wrist.

The first project focuses on another main point of the Lab; K-12 STEM outreach. Our club is designing and making a working model of a hydroelectric generator. This model features a water source which turns a turbine connected to a generator that powers an LED bulb to teach Elementary students about how a stream system and hydroelectric power works. This model will be on display at the Paper Discovery Center here in Appleton.

Lastly, our club is teaming up with the electronics club to design and produce Christmas ornaments for sale. The ornaments will be made out of acrylic and have a circuit of flashing lights designed by the electronics club. We hope to have them done soon and sell them in the commons as a fundraiser. (Update: the went very well. Thank you to all that purchased the ornaments!)

Our next project is through an organization called Enabling the Future (http://enablingthefuture. org/). This group designed several scalable models of simple prosthetic hands that are designed to be made on a 3D printer. The group

If you have any questions about what we do or are interested in doing a project of our own, stop by and check us out! We usually meet Thursday nights at 3:30 and are located in F100D. Even if you can’t make it to a meeting there is usually someone around who would be willing to show you the Lab. FACEBOOK.COM/FVTCFOXTIMES | 7

Dear Foxy, What do you do for fun? Are you a gamer? Watch a lot of movies or television? Inquiring Minds Dear Minds, Thank you for asking, I do play video games in my spare time. Crash Bandicoot and Star Fox were possibly my favorites. I enjoy sports and roleplaying games for the most part, as first person shooter games are for those people that haven’t seen a real woman naked.

Dear Foxy, Will you be my valentine? I have enclosed my picture. Hope to see you soon you ravishing animal! Furry Love Dear Furry Love, Wow! Nice picture! Lucky for you I have been looking for my next ex-girlfriend. Give me a call at 1-900-FOXILICIOUS.

Unfortunately I do not have much time for television, when I did I enjoyed the original Hawaii 5-0, T.J. Hooker, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Movies are about the same, with Backdraft and Hercules with The Rock being my current favorites. Have a great semester! Foxy Hey Foxy, Are you and Sly Fox related? Curious Dear Curious, Sadly yes, Sly is related to me. Please keep it on the down low. I try not to think about it too often, he is always such a goody two shoes. He never causes a good old fashioned ruckus like I do. I just cannot understand how he can go through life without rocking the boat. Foxy


Furry Love

VALENTINE’S DAY FUN FACTS 1. Men spend almost twice as much on Valentine’s Day as women do. This year, the average man will spend $156, while the average woman will only spend $85. 2. 15 percent of U.S. women send themselves flowers on Valentine’s Day. 3. According to the condom company Durex, condom sales are highest around Valentine’s Day, which are 20 percent to 30 percent higher than usual. 4. “Wearing your heart on your sleeve” is more than just a phrase. In the Middle Ages, young men and women drew names to see who their Valentine would be. They would wear the name pinned to their sleeve for one week so that everyone would know their supposed true love.

of chocolates was introduced by Richard Cadbury in 1868.

6. About 1 billion Valentine’s Day cards are exchanged each year. This makes it the second largest seasonal card sending time of the year 7. More than 35 million heart-shaped boxes of chocolate will be sold for Valentine’s Day. 8. 189 million stems of roses are sold in the U.S. on Valentine’s Day. 9. 220,000 is the average number of wedding proposals on Valentine’s Day each year. 10. In the 1800s doctors commonly advised their heartbroken patients to eat chocolate, claiming it would sooth their pain. To this day, many women find comfort in a box of chocolates when dealing with heartbreak.

5. The chocolate box has been around for more than 140 years. The first Valentine’s Day box

Valentine’s Day Word Scramble 1. lootaccehes 2. Tnienleasv yda 3. seosr 4. pidcu 5. artesh 6. velo 7. amcnreo 8. Hteeaerwst 9. dre Answers on Page 18.



FOXES BASKETBALL Schedule February FOXES Basketball vs Gogebic Tuesday February 3rd Women @ 5:30 pm / Men @ 7:30 pm FOXES Basketball @ Silver Lake College Wednesday February 4th FOXES Basketball @ Gogebic Saturday February 14th

* All home games are played at UW Fox Valley 1478 Midway Road in Menasha


Foxy’s Favorite Bad Pick-up Lines Heard On Campus By Foxy

Baby, do fries come with that shake?

Let me read your palm, I see myself in your future.

Is there an airport nearby, or is that my heart just taking off. Are you a banana? Because I find you appealing. Did it hurt when you fell from Heaven? Was your dad a boxer? Because you’re a knockout.

Smoking is hazardous to your health, and baby you’re killing me.

Do you live in a cornfield? Because I am stalking you.

Are you a fruit, because honey do you know how hot you look right now.

My Doctor says I am lacking vitamin you…

You look cold, want to use me as a blanket? If I had a penny for every time I thought of you, I would have exactly one cent. Because you never leave my mind.

I have a boyfriend. I have a math test later. I thought we were talking about things we were going to cheat on later.

I just met you and this is crazy, here’s my number. I don’t have rabies.

B9, will you be mine?

Did you have lucky charms for breakfast? Because you look magically delicious.

Do you have a band aid, because I just scraped my knee falling for you.

I have never heard a pick-up line in my life. I must be universally unattractive.

Is your furrsona a cheetah because you’ve been running through my mind all day?

Your head’s wagging no but your tail ‘s wagging yes.


Interior Design Show



By Jenny Metellus

My name is Jenny Metellus, I am an International Student from Haiti. I am studying Business Management under the Entrepreneurship’ label at Fox Valley Technical College on the Appleton campus. I am so excited and happy for having the opportunity to study here in the college with such a friendly environment, and the teachers are very helpful.

Amazing music called “Compas”, well-made crafts with the Haitian styles, and some special places for people to have an unforgettable and memorable time. If you ever want a place to enjoy yourself and do not know where to go, use Haiti as a reference. Go there, experience the surprise that is waiting for you, and when you come back, explain to the others what you thought of the experience. Here is a little view of Haiti.

Since I’ve been in the USA, I notice that some people have some concerns about Haiti. I realized it is because of some bad views and pictures people took when they visited Haiti, and show the United States their version of Haiti. Every country has good and bad sides, Haiti is not as structured as some other countries; however, it has many beautiful characteristics to make people remember it forever. For those who do not really know Haiti, it is an Island that shares the same land with the Dominican Republic in the Caribbean. Haiti is a tropical country which has beautiful beaches, great tourism and hotels, and awesome, yummy dishes with natural Caribbean flavor.


February Author Chat — Pamela Beckford By Rich Weber

This month I was able to wrangle enough time for a chat from a Poet friend of mine. Pamela Beckford is a fine poet and even better person. She is the Executive Director of the United Way of Wells County in Indiana. Here is a little bit about her from her Amazon page: Pamela has lived in northeastern Indiana all her life and began writing poetry in 2013. Once she began, the words seemed to pour out and she explored various poetry forms. The mother of a very talented fashion designer and the grandmother of the world’s most adorable little boy, Pamela is also an avid reader and the CEO of a local nonprofit in her community. Let’s begin our chat. Fox Times — You are lost at sea and find an island refuge. Miraculously, your five favorite books are there. What are they and why those? Pamela — Tough question to start with. I’m a reader first and read everything I can get my hands on. I go back to some of the classics first though.

forms — they are short and force me to convey a strong feeling or emotion in very few syllables. So, yeah, exposure is always a challenge. I have actually sold quite a few books for a self published poet though. I’m going to be concentrating more on small independent bookstores to do some signings and readings in 2015. What do you enjoy most about the writing process? The quiet space my head goes when I’m writing. I am transported to a slice of heaven.

I always enjoyed Little Women and have re-read it many times.

What have you found to be your biggest struggle as a Poet/Author?

Great Expectations by Charles Dickens is one of my very favorite books ever — I can fall into the world of Pip and Miss Haversham

Convincing people that not all poetry is Walt Whitman. It doesn’t have to be long or boring or stodgy.

Then I turn to some more current books — The Shining is my all time favorite book so I would have to have it with me.

Do you have any projects you are excited/ passionate about, yet are unable to finish them?

And The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand

I have a new collection that I really want to have released by the end of January (in time for Valentine’s Day sales) and I think it will be my best

And, of course, The Bible Are you a pantser or plotter, or a mixture of both? Poetry is a bit different than writing fiction I think. I write when I am inspired by something. That something can be a holiday, a warm fuzzy feeling, the weather or a way to get out some anger. Exposure is an obstacle for Authors, how have you battled that, and do you suggest anyone follow the path you have laid? I’m not sure that I have done a very good job of that at all. Poetry is a unique genre in that a lot of people don’t think they like it. The kind of poetry I write is really quite different. I use several of the poetic


continued... yet. But life has been getting in the way of putting it together. I need to find a weekend to do all the formatting and poem order and it just feels so daunting that I keep putting it off. Which of your published works are you most proud of? Why that one? Currently Dreams of Love is my favorite collection. But Love: Lost and Found has a cover I just love. I think I am partial to my first book (Dreams of Love) because it was the first one – doesn’t everyone remember their first one?!?!?!?! As an Author, how many of your preconceived notions about writing have come true? How many have fizzled into thin air? I had zero pre conceived notions When did you decide to be a Poet/Writer?

two that you wrote yourself? Do you prefer writing alone, or with another author? Actually that was my second book. Kirsten has been one of my biggest encouragers and is a poet herself. I met her online but then we actually had a face to face meeting and really clicked. I invited her to collaborate on Voices of Nature — it was an experiment for me to see if I could write beyond the “love” poems. I have to admit that I didn’t enjoy it quite as much. The ratings of your books continue to improve as you put each one out. What do you attribute that to, growth as a writer or simply practice makes perfect? I would like to think that I am getting better, but I think a lot has to do with building a few that really appreciate the type of poetry I write. And practice makes perfect definitely is true.

I started writing poetry in 2013 when a friend encouraged me to try it and use it as therapy. I just couldn’t call myself a poet for a long time though. Which fictional character would you most like to meet? What would you ask them? Jack Torrance — I’m not sure I would ask him anything, but I would just like to study him. Do you have any daily writing rituals? For example, all of your pens must face a certain way, or you wear a funny hat for inspiration? My only ritual is that I can’t write on a laptop or on paper (my handwriting is indecipherable). I use only my iPad and sometimes my iPhone if I have something that really needs to get out and I’m not near my iPad If you could have a Literary career in the mold of a current Poet/Author, living or dead, who would it be, and why? It seems so many authors are eccentric. I don’t fancy myself to be terribly eccentric. But I would have liked living in the time of Louisa May Alcott. It seemed to be so romantic — but that is probably more my own made up view of her world. Your first book, Voices of Nature, was cowritten with Kirsten A. How different was the process of writing that one, versus the


Don’t Know What to Do for Your Loved One on Valentine’s Day? By Patty Jacob

Many people meet and fall in love, then forget some of those special days that held meaning for them. As it gets closer to Valentine’s Day are you having a hard time deciding what to get for your significant other? How about if you recreate the special day when you first met? What about where he/she proposed to you? Doing so can bring back a lot of memories and what day is better to remember them than Valentine’s Day. Valentine’s Day is all about love and doing special things for each other.

Try to recreate as much of it as possible, from the time you first met to what you were wearing. If you called him or her to ask them out on your first date, do the same. If he or she picked you up, pick them up. Do the same when you proposed to your loved one, and ask them if they will marry you again. This is great for people that are going to be celebrating a milestone anniversary. Best wishes and I hope your first date/proposal is even more perfect the second time around.

Skip the Chocolates and Flowers and Enjoy a Good Romantic Movie! By Patty Jacob

Why spend money on flowers and chocolates for Valentine’s Day when you can stay home and snuggle enjoying a good romantic movie? There are many romance movies out there, here are a few examples. Many of these can be found at your local library so it won’t cost you. So make your plans and pick a great romance movie, and enjoy it snuggling up with your loved one. Love Story — This movie is from the 70’s, and is a tear jerker. It starts out when a wealthy Harvard law student Oliver meets Jenny, a middle class girl who is studying music at Radcliffe College. It is love at first sight, and despite the protests from Oliver’s father, they get married. Everything seems to be happy until Jenny becomes ill and it is found to be terminal. Together they try to cope with the situation as best as they can. Gone With the Wind — This movie is set during the Civil War and it focuses on the life of the petulant southern belle Scarlett O’Hara. Living on her large plantation, the movie goes through her survival in the South during the Civil War and Reconstruction, and her tangled love affairs with Ashely Wilkes and Rhett Butler. An Affair to Remember — While on a cruise from Europe to New York a man and a woman both engaged to other people fall in love. At the end of the cruise they agree to meet again in six months at the top of the Empire State Building. Before the six months is up she has a terrible accident that keeps her from meeting him. He thinks she has married or does not love him anymore, but that is not the case. You will have to watch to see what happens. These are some great movies and here are a few others, Sleepless in Seattle, Ghost, Titanic, You’ve Got Mail, Pretty Woman. Answers for Word Scramble from Page 9. 1)chocolates, 2) Valentine’s Day, 3) roses, 4) cupid, 5) hearts, 6) love, 7) romance, 8) sweetheart, 9) red




Cheers — to the start of a new semester!

Cheers — to our new Wellness Coordinator, Brandy Hankey! Cheers — to the new Public Safety building! Hopefully I get to taze someone or watch the tower burn. Cheers — to Viviana Ramirez! Jeers — to Mother Nature! Make up your mind! Jeers — to anyone that would kill people over a cartoon. Jeers — to the jack wagon that didn’t stop for pedestrians in the crosswalk by Entrance 1. Darn lucky no one got hit. Jeers — to Governor Walker, for far too many reasons to list here.

If you wish to submit a cheer or jeer, send an email to fvtcfoxtimes@gmail.com with cheers and jeers in the subject line.



Recipe of the Month By Patty Jacob

Valentine Rice Krispy Treats Ingredients: 3 tablespoons margarine 4 cups miniature marshmallows 6 cups crispy rice cereal 2 to 3 drops of red food coloring Directions: Stovetop 1. In a large saucepan melt butter over low heat. Add marshmallows and stir until completely melted. Remove from heat. 2. Add Rice Krispy’s cereal. Stir until well coated. 3. Using a buttered spatula or wax paper evenly press mixture into 13 x 9 x 2-inch pan coated with cooking spray. Cool. Cut into 2-inch squares or use a heart shaped cookie cutter. Directions: Microwave 1. In a glass dish, add butter and marshmallows and microwave for 1 minute. Stir until completely melted. If not melted return to the microwave for another 20 to 30 seconds. Stir in food coloring. 2. Add Rice Krispy’s cereal. Stir until well coated. 3. Using a buttered spatula or wax paper evenly press mixture into 13 x 9 x 2-inch pan coated with cooking spray. Cool. Cut into 2-inch squares or use a heart shaped cookie cutter. Fox Times is looking for photographers willing to take random pictures, attend sports events, and attend school events. Email foxtimes@fvtc.edu if interested!


TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR SERVICES! What can the Wellness Coordinator help students with? “Good question! My ultimate goal is to help you reach your personal wellness goals in mind, body and spirit. There is no cookie cutter mold that works for everyone so I will work with you to find what best fits you personally. Maybe your goal is a physical change or stress management or maybe you just feel unfulfilled and don’t know what is missing in your life. I am here to be your health coach, encourager and friend as you go through your own amazing transformation to become your ideal self whatever that may look like.” ~ Brandy Hanke, CWP-Wellness Coordinator

In the Wellness Center we offer a variety of FREE services to you as students: 1. Wellness Incentive Programs – Participate in a variety of year round wellness programs to help you stay on track and upon completion your name will be entered for a chance to win all types of prizes including FVTC Wellness Center branded merchandise, Free Smoothies and up to $50 gift cards! 2. Group Exercise Classes – Check out our current group fitness schedule in the Wellness Center to find a time that works for you. Classes range from 10 minutes to 1 hour and are for ALL fitness levels! 3. 15 Minute Individual Consultations – Come to the Wellness Center desk to schedule your consultation when it works for you. We offer a variety of consultation topics: • Fitness Assessment – You will undergo a test which includes 1 minute of pushups, 1 minute of sit up, 3 minute step test and a flexibility test to give you a starting point. Each month come back and retake this assessment to track your progress! • Body Measurement Assessment – During this appointment we will record all your current body stats including: height, weight, inches, body fat and blood pressure. Knowing your numbers is a powerful tool and a GREAT way to start any program. • Nutrition Assessment – Come to this appointment with a food log with at least a 3 day food record log and together we will create a realistic eating plan. • Equipment Orientation – During this meeting we will show you around the Wellness Center and teach you how to use the equipment, show you proper form while using the machines and set you up for success during your workouts. If you have any questions about services offered please see Marissa Hunnel, our Wellness Coordinator.

Get me stamped at Student Life for a FREE Cappuccino @ Connections Cafe


FEBRUARY By Patty Jacob


African-American History Month American Heart Month Children’s Dental Health Month Eating Disorders Screening Program Month Ethnic Equality Month Wise Mental Health Consumer Month

February Challenge By Rich Weber

The Flash Fiction Challenge and Poetry Challenge so far has earned zero entries, though I hear constantly that people enjoy the challenges. While I appreciate that this is getting some of you to write and stretch your comfort zones, which is what the challenges are supposed to do — it would be nice to see some of your efforts. With that being said, here is your challenge this month. You may choose to do a Short Story, Flash Fiction, or a Poem with it. Convince the world that a stapler is the most romantic gift in the world. Use your imaginations and have fun with it! Submit your Challenge to fvtcfoxtimes@gmail.com with Challenge in the subject line by February 15th for inclusion in the March issue.

Wednesdays with Wolfgang By Rich Weber

This month I spoke with Wolfgang regarding his February sessions. On the Appleton campus, he has a session on Co-Dependency, February 11th, at 11:30 AM in room E130AB. On February 19th, on the Oshkosh campus, he will be doing a Lunch & Learn on Depression and Co-Dependency. For those of you lonely this Valentine’s Day, or recently single, whether by choice or not by choice, Wolfgang is available to chat about those issues. Simple contact the Counseling/Advising office and make an appointment, or pop in and ask if Wolfgang is free for a few minutes. As always, the successful smoking cessation program is continuing and beneficial for those of you that wish to quit, yet haven’t quite been able to yet. Contact Wolfgang for more information. Again I must stress to everyone, if you are struggling with dependency, abuse, or other issues and need someone to talk to, Wolfgang is the person to see. He is there to listen, to help, and maybe assist you get back on the path to success.


By Rich Weber

What program are you in, and why did you choose that one? I am in the Criminal Justice — Law Enforcement program. I have had an interest in law enforcement as long as I can remember, but in my senior year of high school was when I began to pursue law enforcement seriously. I had an eye opening experience that showed me that there are many people out there who need help and that it takes a patient person to be able to help them. I decided that I wanted to go in to law enforcement so that I can keep people safe as well as help them. What drew you to being in Security Services? Initially it was a poster. I was here for Discovery Days while I was in high school and I saw that Security was hiring. I decided that I would fill out an application and see where it lead me. I saw it as a great networking opportunity within the school and a great position to have; it certainly has been both of those for me. You can’t always be a Security Intern, what do you do in your free time? When I’m not working at Security, I am either in class, working at another job, or at home with my wife. I honestly do not have a lot of free time, but I am alright with that. When I do encounter free time once in a blue moon, I enjoy water sports such as knee-boarding and bare-footing, as well as hunting. What do you like best about being with security? I like how no two days are the same. I know that can be said for a lot of jobs, but I really mean it. One day you might find yourself working Security for Governor Walker down at our AMTC campus in Oshkosh, another day you might find yourself jump starting a friend’s car because they left their lights on, again, or you may even find yourself helping the Outagamie County SWAT Team by role playing in their scenario based training. All of which I have had the opportunity to do in my time here. If you had to choose, what super power do you wish to have? I would hands down choose the ability to fly. It may seem generic, but it would be entirely practical. Getting to school, fighting bad guys, a quick coffee run it almost always would be useful, especially in law enforcement.


Used with permission

Comics by Phil Hands


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