Summer 2014

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F x Times JUNE 2014

Student Success Center Tree of Success


CONTENTS Fox Times | JUNE 2014 3 Student Life Staff

By: Deanna Culver and Ivan Vue

4 PAS Nationals

By: Fox Valley Technical College PAS

Growing a Garden Using Pots and Planters

By: Patty Jacob

5 The Many Facets of the Accounting Club

By: Charlotte Orr

6 Hmong Student Union (HSU)

By: Julie Moua

7 Phi Theta Kappa Helped Girls go to Prom YOUR FOX VALLEY TECH PHI THETA KAPPA

By: Janice Kaat, Treasurer

8 Natural Resources Club Hosts World Potluck/Work Day

By: Sarah Lauer

FVTC Mother and Daughter Continuing their Education Goals

By: Deanna Culver

9 NACA Pocalypse 2014

By: Deanna Culver

By: Deanna Culver

By: Deanna Culver

FVTC Family Carnival FVTC’s Got Talent


My Journey to a Better Life Started at FVTC

By: Deanna Culver

12 Author Chat with Shannon A Thompson

By Rich Weber

15 FVTC Student is restoring a 1974 Chevy pickup truck for a fellow soldier

By: Deanna Culver and Charlie Andrews

16 Fab Lab’s Fabulous Guitar Building

Written and Contributions by: Deanna Culver, Steven Gallagher, Jeffrey A. Laurich and FVTC Fab Lab Home page

17 Fab Lab Memberships Role out this Month 18 Sunday May 11th is Mother’s/Mom’s Day

By: Deanna Culver

By: Deanna Culver

By: Deanna Culver

Idea’s for Mother’s/Mom’s Day There are Times when Only a Mom’s Love will Do

20 My First Semester Journey

By Rich Weber

By Rich Weber

How I Dealt With End Of Term Anxiety

21 June Flash Fiction Challenge

By Rich Weber

By Rich Weber

June Poetry Challenge Do You Have What It Takes?

22 JAMAICA 2014

By: Deanna Culver

23 COMICS Advisor Shannon Gerke Corrigan Fox Times Staff Members Deanna Culver

13 FVTC Auto Club

Rich Weber

14 FVTC Wins WIR 2013 Track Championship (Beat the Heat)

Tatiana Herazo

By: Deanna Culver and Dave E. Sarna


Patty Jacob

William Miller

Nicholas Verhagen

Student Life Staff

By: Deanna Culver and Ivan Vue

There is always something going on in Student Life. The staff are always willing to help anyone in need of assistance. They have many duties that include but, are not limited to: • • • • • • • •

Make Student ID’s and Student Badges Assign Lockers to Students Staff interaction with many Guest Speakers Build Relationships with the Students and Staff at FVTC Promote College Trips and Events Connect Students with Campus Resources Various Intramural Sports Sell of FVTC Clothing and Discount Ticket to many events

personal life. Choosing to become involved will help make you a better team player, critical and creative thinker, adapt to change more effectively and develop positive leadership skills. Explore your options by checking out the many opportunities that Student Life offers. Student Life Staff include:

Student Life can help you make your college experience a time where you build skills to use throughout your work and

Vicky (Barke) Weiland (Student Life Director, SGA) John Rank (Athletic Director, SAC) Shannon Gerke Corrigan (Student Life Coordinator, Fox Times, Volunteerism) Penny Brickner (Administrative Assistant, Intramural Board) Lori Bradish (Sales and Marketing) Nikki Minten (Student Life Assistant) Ivan Vue (Student Life Assistant) Sarah Freimuth (Student Life Assistant) Pat McConnell (Student Life Assistant) Viviana Ramirez (Student Life Assistant)

Student Life is Where You Belong! You are about to embark on a learning adventure as a student at FVTC. Student Life can help you make your college experience a time where you build skills to use throughout your work and personal life. Choosing to become involved will make you a better team player, critical and creative thinker, adapt to change more effectively and develop positive leadership skills.

Viviana Ramirez

Rich Weber

Dawn Rosicky

Nikki Minten

Sarah Freimuth

Ivan Vue

Pat McConnell


PAS Nationals

By: Fox Valley Technical College PAS

Two months ago twenty-three members of the Fox Valley Technical College PAS (post-secondary agriculture students) went to St. Cloud Minnesota for nationals, leaving on Tuesday, March 11th and coming back Saturday, March 15th. While there, we participated in many competitions, having four crop specialty teams, three dairy specialty teams, three knowledge bowl teams, and twenty individuals participating in either career planning, career progress, employment interview, or prepared speaking. We did very well in the competition. Our crops teams placed first, second and third, we also had individuals placing third in career progress and third in prepared speaking.

Going to nationals was a fun learning experience, making new connections with people from different states. We participated in many activities, like an auction to support PAS funds, in the auction was donated items from schools or other supporters. On the last night there was a dance for all the schools in the competition. We learned new dance moves from other people and got to show off the ones we already knew. Also, during the competition we were able to attend different tours, like an Angus Farm, a rose garden, brewery, corn head plant, Cabelas, and Jennie-O Turkey.

Growing a Garden Using Pots and Planters By: Patty Jacob

Do you like to have fresh spices or vegetables but can’t afford to buy them or have a place to grow them? All you need is some planters/pots, seeds, or you can buy the plants already started, and a patio/deck and you can grow whatever you want. You can grow an assortment of spices all in one pot. I like to grow chives and then when they are ready I trim them and freeze the chives until I am ready to use them. In the fall you can bring them in and continue to have fresh spices throughout the winter months. Then in the summer move it back outdoors. You can grow anything from carrots to squash in a planter or pot; all you have to do is make sure you have good sunlight so they can grow. If you are going to grow carrots or onions make sure your pot is deep enough, otherwise they will only grow so far. Also make sure you don’t overcrowd the pot with too many plant. If you are going to plant cucumbers or other vegetables that grow on vines, you can make an easy trellis to help the plants stay up. All you need is 3 to 4 dowels and string. Poke the dowels into the pot evenly apart and wrap the string around it starting on the bottom and going up. This will also help to keep the plant together as it gets fuller. I like to do this on my tomatoes, cucumbers, and beans. If you don’t want to make your own you can also buy different types of stakes at any hardware store. ⁕ Want to research more on how to grow a garden using pots, visit your local library where they have an assortment and great selection of books on outdoor planter gardening. Happy Gardening!!!


The Many Facets of the Accounting Club By: Charlotte Orr

The 2013—2014 school year has been a prosperous one for the Accounting Club! We have had the honor of hosting numerous guest speakers at our monthly meetings held on the second Tuesday of every month in room A141B. These speakers have included local employers such as Cadre and Schenck, VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistant) Coordinator — Jackie Zolp, and Fox Valley Technical College’s illustrious Barb Smith and Aaron Hunnel! The Accounting Club has also participated in many campus activities this year. Several of our members volunteered at the Money Conference held on the Appleton Campus. This was a very exciting experience as we had the opportunity to assist members of all ages of our community in learning about how to handle their money both in the present and in the future. Aside from crunching numbers, if there is one thing that accountants love to do it is talking about money! This was further proved when one of our members volunteered at Community First’s Reality Check. We participated in this event last year as well. Reality Check is always a joy to attend. Through a role-playing simulation, we get to help educate high school students in everyday tasks such as balancing a check book and creating a family budget. The ensuing scenarios always promise to entertain! Have you checked out the latest update to the Accounting Club display case located on your way out of entrance 18? If you haven’t had a chance to do so, we recommend that you head over as soon as you finish reading this issue of the Fox Times! The current beautiful display was crafted for us by the Interior Design department’s Nicole Fitzgerald. Fitzgerald did a wonderful job in portraying what accountants spend most of their time thinking about…NUMBERS! We are lucky to have access to students who are vastly talented in such a wide variety of disciplines at Fox Valley Technical College. Being allowed the opportunity to work together to blend our talents will only make us stronger! Foxes Food Pantry is new to Fox Valley Technical College this year. As one of the Accounting Club’s service projects, we set out to donate at least 100 cans by the end of the year. We are proud to say that with the help of the Fox Valley Technical College community, we have not only reached that goal, we have surpassed it! The Accounting Club members are also fond of Club Recruitment days. All of the clubs in attendance make sure to have lots of goodies to pass out at each Club Recruitment day. If you missed the Recruitment days this year, make sure to check your student Handbook for when they will be held next year. You will not be sorry that you took the time to do so! Are you familiar with the Accounting Club’s infamous Resume Book? Every year, the Accounting Club publishes and circulates a book compiling the resumes of both continuing and graduating members. This has proven to be a wonderful asset to those seeking employment of all kinds, including internships. This year, we have decided to circulate the book as a digital file. Getting your name out to around 100 employers simply cannot be any easier than submitting your resume to the book! All it takes is one e-mail. We encourage members who wish to participate to make an appointment with Employment Services to let the experts help in finalizing your resume before submission. On Friday, January 17th, 2014 Schenck was kind enough to welcome our club into their Appleton office. As we were treated to a tour of the facilities, we saw that the office space is quite a bit larger than one might think from looking at the exterior of the building. Following this delightful tour was a highly informative Q&A session with members from many of the different departments that Schenck has to offer. We were given a brief history on how each individual ended up at Schenck and then allowed to ask any questions of them that we might dream up. This was an absolutely wonderful way to catch a glimpse of what each department does on a day to day basis. If one is new to accounting, there are not many opportunities such as this one to get an idea of what field one may want to pursue. Further, this was an excellent opportunity to network with a highly successful area employer. Did you know that your activity with any club is eligible to be listed on your co-curricular transcript? If you are not familiar with the co-curricular transcript, you can find more information at Student Life. We are proud to say that being a part of Accounting Club has simultaneously been a rewarding and fruitful experience for our members. Two of our members secured Internships with Schenck this semester. The Wisconsin Technical College Systems Ambassador recipient as well as the runner up are current members of the Accounting Club. We have had a great group of people this year and hope you would like to join us next year! If you are interested in more information on the club, feel free to contact the Accounting Club president at the e-mail listed below. We are also currently accepting nominations for officers of the 2014 — 2015 school year! Nominations will be accepted until May 9th, 2014. Feel free to inquire at the e-mail below for more information! Being an officer in any club not only looks great on your resume, but is also a wonderful way to meet people, build your leadership skills, and ultimately get the most out of your experience at Fox Valley Technical College! Contact: Charlotte Orr Accounting Club President WTCS Ambassador 2014


Hmong Student Union (HSU) By: Julie Moua

My name is Julie Moua, and I am proud to be a 2013—2014 student member of Hmong Student Union (HSU). HSU meets every Tuesday in the commons from 11:30am—12:30pm. Come join us to learn about the Hmong culture, including sharing about other cultures all over the world. Our weekly meetings are led by HSU President Ching Thao, and Vice President PhaNyia Lo who both discuss with all members the wonderful agenda provided by our Secretary, Jeffrey Xiong. Our treasurer, Gao Lee, also discusses the clubs’ funds and keeps track of all events to reach our end of the year fundraiser goals. All members are welcome to share ideas and thoughts at any time during the meeting. In addition, our club Advisor, Wendy Moua, supports all members and is present at all times at the weekly meetings for questions and or concerns. Similar to all student clubs on campus, HSU members have the opportunity to attend all Student Government meetings (SGA) and voice their opinions and ideas. For just attending one of the SGA meetings, I was able to credit our club account $100! HSU can be a fun and exciting learning experience through volunteering, attending and creating events. In December 2013, our President Ching Thao was able to volunteer at Salvation during Christmas and assist with translating. In October 2013, three members of HSU had the opportunity to attend the conference, HaSEAAC’s 13th Annual Tate of Toj Roob —The Mountains of two cultures, at UW-Stevens Point. The members were able to return and share what they learned regarding the new and old ways Hmong families now practice in marriage. One of the new events created for 2013—2014 was the partnership with Yumhmie Eggrolls in fundraising for our year-end event. Our first eggroll fundraiser began last Fall 2013 and was a great success. With continuous support and requests, we were able to complete another eggroll fundraiser in March 2014! Thank you to all who have supported HSU and help us reach our end- year field trip goal. Most of all, your support gives us the opportunity as students to continue learning and appreciate the value of cultures! HSU membership is open to all FVTC students attending credited classes. Don’t wait to join us and learn the Hmong culture! For more information or contact, please e-mail HSU president, Ching Thao at


Phi Theta Kappa Helped Girls go to Prom By: Janice Kaat, Treasurer

It was that time of year when the student’s attention was turned to Prom and all that went with it. Some of the girls dreamed of going but finances were not available to allow them to purchase a nice dress or anything else. The Cinderella Boutique came to their rescue. Members of Phi Theta Kappa drove around picking up dozens of prom dresses from those that had donated them for the Boutique. One of the Phi Theta Kappa members mentioned the Cinderella Boutique to their mother and she donated 11 sets of silk boutonnieres and corsages that she made for the occasion. You have to have flowers if you are going to the prom.


Sandy from Spark Salon and Spa in Appleton gave a donation to provide hairstyling for the girls on prom day so they could look their best. Fifteen girls participated in the event. They each received a dress of their choice, shoes, jewelry, a purse, makeup, flowers, hairstyling and even some gift cards to dinner. On the day of the event fourteen volunteers from Phi Theta Kappa worked for over 45 hours to make this event possible. Overall Phi Theta Kappa members donated 90 hours of volunteer time to give the girls a chance to go to the prom. For these fifteen girls the Cinderella Boutique made their dreams a reality. Phi Theta Kappa is so much more than getting good grades. It is reaching out a helping hands to those in the community. For those of you who are members, come and make a difference. If you are not a member, don’t let the train leave without you. We welcome all new students to take the challenge and leave your footprints in the sands of time. Until Next Time, Your Phi Theta Kappa


Phi Theta Kappa is more than just an honor society for those who have worked hard to reach their goal of getting a 3.5 GPA or higher. It is a group of people who not only care about their grades, but they care about the community around them. On March 4th a group from your Phi Theta Kappa went to be helping hands for Hu Hot’s Restaurant. One helped the host by seating people, one greeted people as they came through the door, and others bussed tables and filled up water bottles. They not only helped the staff at Hu Hot, but they had a great time and good fellowship in the process. The proceeds from that event (10% of their total sales) went to help with sending a group from Phi Theta Kappa to the regional conference. They learned a lot and have some great ideas for expanding your Phi Theta Kappa’s endeavors in the community, the school, and the lives of those around us. On April 5th Phi Theta Kappa is once again going to host the Cinderella project to help those girls who would like to go to the prom but have no means of acquiring the apparel needed. If there is any way you can help, please feel free to stop anyone wearing a Phi Theta Kappa top or email Keep your eyes open for any posters on the bulletin boards for your various Phi Theta Kappa projects. These go to fund scholarships and other events that help others. If you are a member of Phi Theta Kappa, come to one of the member meetings. If you are not a member but would like to be, talk to a Phi Theta Kappa member to find out more or check up on Facebook, FVTC Phi Theta Kappa. Until next time, gain knowledge. Janice Kaat, Treasurer Phi Theta Kappa


Natural Resources Club Hosts World Potluck/Work Day By: Sarah Lauer

The Natural Resources Club has an ongoing relationship with the International Exchange Club, we really enjoy working together! This year, the club volunteered alongside each other hosting fundraisers, picking up trash on campus, and to celebrate the end of the year, we will have a World Potluck/ Work Day at High Cliff State Park on Sunday, May 4th at 9am — 4pm. All students are encouraged to attend. The more folks, the more food and fun! Here are a few reasons why potlucks are so great. Huffington Post wrote, “These get-togethers are a great way to see how others make major life changes work in their own lives.” They provide time to reunite with old friends and meet new ones, to be inspired and made hopeful through the sharing of each others’ stories and — best of all — to taste everybody else’s food and try new recipes, a colorful feast of a multitude of whole ethnic dishes, while preparing only one dish yourself! How perfect! Hear are some students’ perspectives on how collaboration, or working together can be easy and what it means to them. Ruth Arana from El Salvador. — How do I work together with other FVTC Students? Basically I have the best experience here in Fox Valley Technical Collage, Wisconsin United States First of all, I am passionate person about the cultural differences and the best opportunity to be a leader,

develop, and to get experiences is to collaborate and work together with others in this case with FVTC Students. The majority of the Student in FVTC are dynamic, enthusiastic Image provided by: these people work hard, and the most important reason to work with them is because they communicate their beliefs, ideas, values, needs. In addition, it is interesting working together because we discus many things that are related as we grow as students and friends. The pursuit of success in our strength to work together. In conclusion, I will continue working with FVTC students because more opportunities in our every day life are waiting for us, it means more knowledge, friendship and success. Matt VanSambeek — Helping one another with common goals and finding students with the same cause is great. You can ask for help and connect with other students who are in the same boat Christi Coakley — We work together in groups, classes, picnics, and clubs. Think about what working together means to you. If you’re interested in volunteering at High Cliff but can’t make the World Potluck/Work Day please contact Linda at (920) 989-1106 Ext. 223

FVTC Mother and Daughter Continuing their Education Goals By: Deanna Culver

Tatiana Herazo and Zaida Landry are both attending FVTC Appleton Campus. Tatiana started college in the year 2013 and Zaida started college in 2011. Many years ago Tatiana came to the conclusion that without an education her options would be limited. She made some short and long term goals in regards to her education. She wanted to be a good example and influence on her family and friends by returning to school to get an education in Psychology/Counselor and hopes to continue with her education with achieving her Associates, Bachelors and Master’s Degree. Tatiana says that her daughter Zaida has been a supportive part of her decision to continue with her education. Tatiana volunteers with the Fox Cities United Way and is on the team with FVTC Fox Times. Tatiana is a great example of accomplishing her future career goals. Zaida is in the Early Childhood Education Program. Zaida graduated from Nimitz High School in Houston, TX and is continuing her education at FVTC in hopes to one day becoming a pediatric cardiologist. Zaida loves working with children so she decided to go to college. She is happy and proud of herself for furthering her education with part of her goals to have the ability to change lives. Zaida plans to continue her education with a Master’s Degree in Early Childhood. Zaida volunteers at the Appleton YMCA and is on the FVTC SAC team. Both Mother and Daughter are in a few classes together at FVTC Appleton Campus and enjoy the time they have together while achieving their goals and reaching many milestones for their future careers. They both work really hard and are great people to know. Best of Luck Ladies.


NACA Pocalypse 2014 By: Deanna Culver

The National Association for Campus Activities (NACA) advances campus activities in higher education through a business and learning partnership, creating educational and business opportunities for its school and professional members. Established in 1960 to help increase the buying power of campus programming dollars, NACA now has more than 950 college and university members and over 500 associate members who represent artists, lecturers and performers. 18 Students and 2 Staff Members attended this year’s NACA April 3 through April 6 in Minnesota. We all had a great time even with a little sleep that we each got throughout the few days involvement. What a great conference for FVTC Students and Staff Members to have the opportunity to pick and choose whom we’d feel would be a great addition to our monthly events with FVTC SAC— Student Activities Committee team from Appleton and Oshkosh Campuses.

FVTC Family Carnival By: Deanna Culver

Each year FVTC SAC team puts on a family carnival. This year the FVTC Family Carnival will be Friday May 9, 2014 starting at 2pm in the FVTC Appleton Athletic Field. There will be lots of fun activities (games), food, family and friends to interact with. Check into Student Life if you’re interested in more information and if you’re also able to volunteer some time during this wonderful end of the year event for all.

FVTC’s Got Talent By: Deanna Culver

FVTC Student Max Sheppard won the 2014 FVTC’s Got Talent and sang for us live in the Connections Café on Tuesday, April 15, 2014 and did a remarkable job. Many people were able to sit back and relax while enjoying some peaceful music together. Max Sheppard is a Marketing Student at FVTC Appleton Campus. Congratulations on a win with the FVTC’s Got Talent Contest and Thank You for sharing some great music with us all.


SUMMER FUN FACTS Barbecue hamburgers are the most popular grilled food that people consume in the summer time. Barbecue steak, hot dogs and chicken follow closely behind burgers. Watermelon is the unofficial fruit of summer that is regularly consumed during this time of the year. Most people might not realize that watermelon is a vegetable and not a fruit. Popsicle’s were invented by a boy named Frank Epperson in 1905. He accidently left a mixture of powdered soda and water outside overnight and it froze. The next day he came outside find a Popsicle and this frozen treat soon became a big hit. Memorial Day is the official time of the year that pools are opened to the public. However this holiday happens in late spring and not the summer time like some people assume. Frisbees are popular summer time toys and they were originally invented as pie plates in the 1870s they really became popular in the 1940s.

The Dog Days of Summer is a reference to the Dog Star which is a part of the constellation Canis Major. The summer month of June is named after an ancient Roman deity named Juno. July is named after Julius Caesar, August is named after the first Roman Emperor Augustus and September is named after the Latin word “septem” or seven.

June Word Scramble answers on page 23

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

mmwiinsg lpoo gubs tnnaus acbhe kcoo tou oth gdo aarepd imemrlao ayd hotmrse yda


Answers for April’s Sudoku.

My Journey to a Better Life Started at FVTC By: Deanna Culver

Many years ago I wasn’t so sure what I wanted to do with my life as far as a career goes. I received my H.S.E.D. back in 1995 and thought that I’d like to eventually return to school/college to earn an Associate’s Degree but, I wasn’t sure I had it in me. I knew I was a caring, loving and giving person but I didn’t know that I was capable of achieving much more in life. I knew I wanted to help people as I’ve always enjoyed volunteering and working with others, so that seemed like a great fit for me. A few times through the years I became discouraged and unsure of where I was actually headed. I worked really hard on a journey of self-understanding which led me to the

Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse field. During this time, I thought about being a child care provider, police officer, or a counselor. It was very difficult for me to figure out where I wanted to go in life. I could not have made my decision if it were not for the many FVTC staff and faculty who were there to help me. I sought out services in the Counseling and Advising Services with Sandi Moore. Sandi has always been there to help, support, guide and care about me. I also sought out support in the Disability Services with Karen Glad because I knew I needed more help. I would like to thank Mr. Greg Delaney for always being


available, supportive, helpful, and patient with me through the years. Mr. Wolfgang J. Wallschlaeger for helping me through difficult decisions and supporting me through the years. I’ve been encouraged and supported also by great Student Life Staff members Vicky (Barke) Weiland and Shannon Gerke Corrigan who were there to listen, support, and cheer for me even when times became really tough. Thank you to the many other people that helped me to reach my goals. In 2013, I found my path after years of going back and forth with career choices and being unsure of how I was going to meet all the requirements

continued on page 11

My Journey to a Better Life Started at FVTC continued from page 12

of schooling. I’m happy to say that I graduated on May 18, 2014 with an Associate’s Degree in Applied Science and Gerontology for Domestic Abuse and Mental Health Advocacy. It took me years of working hard in all my classes and learning more about myself along the way. During my time at FVTC I’ve gotten involved in many clubs and organizations. These clubs have helped me tremendously in finding the person inside of me that I thought I lost along the way of being a working mom and focusing on the needs of my family. I went into Student Life and joined with FVTC Fox Times (Fox Times Student Newspaper/Magazine) and FVTC SAC (Student Activities Committee). Then I joined the AODA Club, The Intramural Board, and went to every scheduled SGA meeting through the years. I also joined in with the Work Study program and I’ve learned a great deal of professionalism and personal growth through these clubs and other experiences. I was feeling really good getting involved with our college and enjoyed meeting and working with so many wonderful people, students, and staff. With all the classes and time that I’ve spent on my studies I’ve come to realize that I am much stronger than I used to be and found a new part of myself. I’ve reached far and high to get to where I needed to be for me and then in turn I was able to interact with others to join in with meetings, leadership sessions, and clubs. I took a variety of classes while working on my degree; many of them I took because I wanted to improve myself. I’ve had so many struggles within my life and almost gave up a few times. I consider FVTC my second family because without all the great supporters there I most likely wouldn’t have made it too much further on my own. I knew what I wanted in life but didn’t know how to get there or even if I had to learning ability. I have a learning disability and some physical disabilities but the people that I grew to know and love at FVTC made me feel like I could accomplish more than I was giving myself credit for. I’ve overcome so many blocks in the road and detours that I’m happy I took this chance on myself. I am a better person for taking this time to learn more about myself while also learning the tools I needed to eventually be back in the workforce. I know my limitations and what my body can and cannot do. I know what I’m capable of doing now that I’ve been given the tools to find myself and my career path.

choices and paths to get us to where we want to go. Sometimes it may seem hard but the outcome is fantastic. I was a lost soul in this world just working to make ends meet but, through it I always wondered what more could I be doing for myself, my family and my community so I turned to the great students and staff at FVTC to help get me to a place where I was able to figure out where I wanted to go with my life. Through the years I was honored to be on the Dean’s List 2008, 2011 and 2012 and in turn this has been a reward knowing that I was doing a great job keeping my studies up while also being involved with so many other great opportunities at FVTC. It’s been a long and knowledgeable journey for me and I couldn’t have done it all without all the great support and positive energy that FVTC has brought into my life. I’ve been honored and it has been a privilege to learn so many great important things from FVTC and I’m very humbled and thankful for all these great years of getting to where I felt I needed to be. This journey of mine has been fun as well. There is so much to do, learn and see. To anyone who might be reading this, I hope that they know that FVTC is a great college to attend and there are so many great opportunities that are offered. If I can do it, anyone can do it. You can do anything great by believing in yourself, working hard, having determination and the support you need. Thank You Fox Valley Technical College for seeing me through the many years I’ve attended college and for all the great insights, information, knowledge, personal growth, and support you’ve given me. I have nothing but high appreciation for attending this college. It’s been a wonderful journey.

The hidden pain that I feel on a daily basis even on the toughest of days won’t hold me down. I’m aware of what I can give to myself, my family and my community and all I can do is be the best me I know how to be. My three daughters are so proud of me that I’ve seen a new part of them as my children loving and supporting me through the years and since I graduated. I am much happier than I’ve been in a very long time because of my experiences in life and with FVTC by my side. Learning new things all the time is just a great gift to be able to accomplish. No one can take away what I’ve worked so hard for all these years. I love the fact that we have a wonderful Technical College in our community that is able to offer so many great career


Author Chat with Shannon A Thompson By Rich Weber

This month I interviewed Shannon A Thompson, COO of AEC Stellar Publishing, and a successful YA author. You can find her online at, along with various social media sites. Her books, November Snow, Minutes Before Sunset, and Seconds Before Sunrise are available on all platforms. Let us begin. An introduction to Shannon, from her Amazon Author page. “I’m a 22-year-old author, avid reader, and a habitual chatterbox. In 2007, I was 16 when I published my first YA dystopian novel, November Snow. In 2012, I was featured in a poetry collection, and in 2013, I signed The Timely Death Trilogy with AEC Stellar Publishing, Inc. After releasing the first installment, my young-adult, paranormal romance, Minutes Before Sunset, became Goodreads Book of the Month. My life changed. Since then, my first short story, Sean’s Bullet, was also published in an anthology, and my poem was featured in a Norwegian magazine. My latest novel, Seconds Before Sunrise, released on March 27, 2014. Writing is what I do, and I love it more and more every day. Outside of my publications, I graduated from the University of Kansas with a bachelor’s degree in English with an emphasis on creative writing. This little fact also means I live in Lawrence, Kansas--home of the Jayhawks. Rock Chalk! After also working for my publisher as a Social Media Marketing Manager, I became the C.O.O. While most define a C.O.O. as the Chief Operating Officer, my fellow AEC author, Ryan Attard, redefined it as the Cognitive Operations Overlord. I think I prefer his creative definition.”

SAT-I wouldn’t say that I’ve received the opposite reaction, but I would say that I have been surprised by some reactions in the degree that they happened. For instance, Jessica and Eric of The Timely Death Trilogy change a lot from book 1 to book 2. Of course there is a reason, but I still expected some backlash, especially toward Jessica, but the amount was surprising when no one seemed bothered by Eric’s attitude or reckless decisions. Everyone focused on Jessica and Jessica alone. Rich-What do you enjoy most about the writing process? SAT-I enjoy losing myself when I’m writing. I become someone else, and the world melts away. My friends always joke that there could be a fire in my room while I was writing and I wouldn’t know it. There’s something quite blissful about giving yourself in to create your art. Rich-Do you have any projects you are excited/passionate about, yet are unable to finish them? SAT-I have never really had trouble finishing a project. The only hurdle is finding the time, but I have a plan for which novels I want to release when, so I am excited about certain novels that are planned for the future, but I still enjoy the current project I am on. That being said, I’ve always wanted

Rich-Thank you for taking the time to do this Shannon, I appreciate it. SAT-You are welcome, thank you for having me. Rich-Has there been a character you wrote that you intended to elicit a specific reaction, and received the exact opposite reaction?


to finish a memoir, but it’s just not the right time for me just yet. Rich-What have you found to be your biggest struggle as an Author? SAT-Accepting the fact that everyone – especially loved ones - will not support your decision to pursue your art was the hardest part for me. It seems society likes to discourage people from seriously following a passion. I say “seriously” because people encourage until the pursuer begins making sacrifices – like taking an unconventional job – to follow their dreams. Rich- When did you decide to be a Writer? And why? SAT-I’ve been a writer as long as I can remember, but I decided to take it seriously when I was eleven years old. My mother had always encouraged my writing, but when she suddenly died, I knew I had to pursue my dreams right away. I wanted to spend my life doing what I love. Rich-Do you have any daily writing rituals? For example, all of your pens must face a certain way, or you wear a funny hat for inspiration? SAT-I have a lot of quirky writing rituals, but my favorite has to be how I love to write during dark, stormy nights. Since we can’t have dark stormy nights every night, I drape a blanket over my window and play a thunder setting on a noisemaker. Works every time. continued on page 13

Author Chat with Shannon A Thompson continued from page 12

Rich- Exposure is an obstacle for Authors, how have you battled that, and do you suggest anyone follow the path you have laid? SAT-I began my blog in September of 2012 because I was advised by my publishing coach to start one. I didn’t think much of it, but I had a contract within four months. Now, a year and half later, I have over 15,000 followers. I love my blog. I practically live on it. But I would suggest every writer find their own way to venture into social media. Like a story, every writer has a different path. It’s important to be true to yourself.

Rich-In your opinion, what is the biggest obstacle facing Authors in 2014? SAT-Honestly? Themselves. For instance, authors sometime forget that it isn’t this giant competition. One author’s success doesn’t undermine your own chances. Many authors also feel saddened when they receive bad reviews or harassment (which is understandable) but writers – first and foremost - must concentrate on writing. Rich-Thank you again for the time, I know how packed a schedule can be. SAT-Thank you for having me!

FVTC Auto Club

By: Brady Ehlen President FVTC Auto Club

As most have come to know, last year the JJ Keller Transportation Center received a multi-million dollar referendum in order to make improvements to the facility. We would like to welcome you to the new and improved auto shop in the transportation center. This new expansion has given us double the space in which to teach and learn. The shop added 12 twin-post hoists and an additional alignment drive-on hoist to the existing three alignment hoists which were moved from the old shop area. Each bay has a new snap on tool box filled with new tools for each student to use. These tool boxes are flat top so they also serve as a work bench to provide added work space. This has improved efficiency in the areas of inspection, diagnosis, and repair. These improvements give the students the actual feel of a state of the art shop environment. This has enabled us, as future automotive technicians, to effectively and correctly complete our tasks the first time.

a couple of new vehicles to the fleet. Some vehicles have been donated by General Motors Company or purchased by FVTC. They range from a 2013 Cadillac XTS4 to a 2009 GMC Sierra 2500 diesel. Additional vehicles added were Asian imports such as the Lexus IS250, Acura TL, and Hyundai Sonata. These new vehicles give the students the opportunity to learn the latest technologies that modern vehicles have to offer. Expansion was also done in the diesel and truck driving areas, with multiple bays added in diesel and two new inspection bays for truck driving, along with new classrooms also equipped with starboard technology.


With the ever-increasing enrollment of new students interested in the transportation programs and newer technological advances, these additions to the transportation building will increase our learning potential and keep our students up to date in the ever changing transportation

We also have added a classroom in the shop that is large enough to accommodate two “live” vehicles parked inside for easy demonstration purposes. Also, the new classroom is equipped with the latest in Starboard technology for enhanced presentations.

Please stop in and take a tour of the new and improved Transportation Center.

Along with the new building and equipment we have added

John Xiong Treasurer FVTC Auto Club

Brady Ehlen President FVTC Auto Club


FVTC Wins WIR 2013 Track Championship (Beat the Heat) By: Deanna Culver and Dave E. Sarna

It has been most rewarding to be the Lead advisor for the Beat the Heat Club for these past 14 years. We have done some exceptional things and opened up new avenues for students that have an interest in the High Performance Automotive industry. We were able to travel to far off places and take on exciting challenges which the students continually rose to the occasion. I would most like to thank Dr. May and the Executive Board for blessing off on this pursuit which gratefully rendered continual enjoyment without injury. I deeply hope that some interested faculty member would step up and take the reins of this well-established FVTC club.

“Drag racing was the highlight of my summer! I learned more about drag racing then I ever thought I would and I think anybody that likes racing and going fast should join this club.” ~ Dan Jasinski

“Driving the Beat the Heat Chevy Monte Carlo was my first experience in a drag race car and it was “awesome”. I felt very comfortable behind the wheel after receiving the program of instruction from both Dave Sarna and the Beat the Heat volunteers. Following the first night I was addicted to the sport and even returned to run my own street car. I would strongly suggest anyone considering drag racing to contact Dave or stop by during our meeting nights. Naturally, the greatest reward was helping FVTC win the track championship this year. It will always be a special memory!” ~ Chris Loofsboro


FVTC Student is restoring a 1974 Chevy pickup truck for a fellow soldier By: Deanna Culver and Charlie Andrews

I am a veteran and I attend FVTC Appleton Campus. I am submitting an article that I wanted to have posted within the FVTC Fox Times Publication in honor of my friend Ben who is also a military veteran. Ben just came back home from his active military responsibilities and duties so, I’m writing an article about a letter I received from his mother Laura recently since Ben’s been having a hard time being back within civilian life. I too had some really hard times when I came back home from my own military duties and responsibilities. I didn’t know all the details about Ben’s situation until this special letter came to me from his mother. Ben has a daughter he hasn’t known since being in active duty. He came home last Friday with the 1157 so we gathered with family and friends to welcome him home. I was able to talk with Ben for some time in order to help me to understand what’s been going on emotionally with him. He was having trouble with transitioning back to civilian life. While in active duty his fiancé wanted to call it quits while he was deployed. He was in shock from after serving courageously in a warzone without fear or question that his mission was for our country, his family, and all the families back home. In honor of Ben’s service to our country we wanted to do something wonderful for Ben so we’ve chosen to restore his truck for him to use after being injured in active duty. Parts of his mother’s letter to me was that Ben found out he was a father shortly before leaving for Afghanistan and spent a week with his daughter before going off to war. He spends time with her on twitter but, that’s not the same. He wasn’t at home to see his daughter’s first steps or to comfort her when she cried. Ben lived with me and his mother Laura before he left for active duty. Since being back home his fiancé and daughter live with me for the time being. Ben was in need of a vehicle that works in order to go to work each day to support his family. He’s in the process of finding a place to call home again for himself and his family so this is another reason he’s having a hard time emotionally and physically. He does own a truck but it doesn’t run. His fiancé usually works the evening shift and Ben works the graveyard shift so they can’t share a vehicle with their shifts overlapping. Ben at times feels like he’s losing his mind because he’s use to an active duty military lifestyle and not a civilian lifestyle yet. Ben went to a military high school and signed up for active duty shortly after graduating and he looked forward to going overseas and serving his country. While there he was wounded in the line of duty. I’m writing this letter to you Charlie because Ben needs our help in restoring his truck to get him to and from all the places he needs to go as well as to picking up his daughter to spend time with her. With this letter I’m asking for his fellow military men and women of this country to please help Ben in any way possible. It’d be great to help Ben understand and know that he’s cared about, that he’s not alone, and that we honor his service to our country. Ben needs our help not only to successfully conform to society now but with our help, we can help support Ben’s transition back into civilian life. We could help put a smile back onto his face and within his heart knowing that he can do everything he needs to do to help care and support his daughter and his family.

“Ben’s mother and some of his family asked me if I would help with restoring Ben’s truck because I am currently attending fox valley technical in Appleton WI. I’m involved with the automotive collision and refinishing department as a student so, I jumped at the chance to help for many reasons besides how much I enjoy working on vehicles and my relationship with his family, I’m a fellow veteran myself and even if I didn’t know anything about fixing vehicles I would have been all in anyway. well I went to my instructor at school Jerry Goodson and asked for some help or ideas for bens truck and explained bens situation besides the truck project and he offered me the chance to head up this “project Rush” and restore Bens 1974 Chevy pickup at school with the help of my class mates, we took a vote in class and had a unanimous decision to participate in “project Rush”. all my class mates were without a doubt all about helping out a veteran and can be proud of that fact, not only are we learning about our career in auto body repair but we get to show ben and all veterans that we care, and are proud that what ben did overseas allows us all the freedoms to do what we enjoy, weather we have served in the military or not.” ~ Charlie Andrews


Fab Lab’s Fabulous Guitar Building

Written and Contributions by: Deanna Culver, Steven Gallagher, Jeffrey A. Laurich and FVTC Fab Lab Home page

This semester (Spring 2014) I was offered a very unique experience in the FVTC Fab Lab department to build my own guitar. I have always been doing many different things for everyone else that I decided that before I graduate in May that I’d like to make a guitar for myself, something just for me. I am now getting close to the end of class and am getting more excited to see my finished guitar. It’s made with my own uniqueness with a few things that I love in life. Both my instructors Steve and Jeff are very patient and helpful with me and other students. I have never made anything like this before and even though I don’t know how to use/play guitar I am hopeful that eventually I’ll learn how to play the guitar with my very own hand made one. The class has been really fun and informative. I never realized just how much goes into making these beautiful instruments. In the Fab Lab students get to design their guitar, fabricate the various elements, build the electronic components, and apply the finishing touches with their own unique designs. With the end of the semester approaching FVTC SGA and Fab Lab will be auctioning of a beautiful guitar and amplifier at the SGA Picnic. Information about the guitar being

auctioned off as well as information about the FVTC Fab Lab is enclosed with this article along with photos. Steven Gallagher (Fab Lab Program Specialist- Applied Engineering Technology) How long has the guitar classes been offered: Two years How many classes are offered each year: Up to 10 classes including summer camps Jeffrey A. Laurich (Instructor-Mechanical DesignMechanical Design Department) Please tell me a little about the guitar that will be auctioned off at this year’s SGA Spring Picnic: The guitar takes a look back at the design elements of the 1950s and the 1960s. Americans were obsessed with space exploration and popular culture reflected that. TV Shows like The Jetsons employed the type of graphic design decorating this guitar. The guitar shape is also a sign of the times, based on popular models developed in this period.

continued on page 17


Fab Lab’s Fabulous Guitar Building continued from page 16

Fab Lab Guitar Building description: A person learns about design and manufacturing principles and techniques through the process of designing and building an electric guitar. Topics include; body and headstock design, basic woodworking, finishing, fretting, electronics assembly, hardware assembly and guitar setup. Discover the processes that go into creating a consumer product and walk away from the seminar with a beautiful solid body electric guitar that you designed and built yourself. Seminar is limited to 10 individuals or teams at a time and all materials are provided with the cost of the program. Registration/Refund deadline is 14 days prior to each session. Here is information about the upcoming fall class for Electric Guitar Building. Please check availability, times, and dates by searching online for this class for any changes in schedules of the upcoming fall session.

Next available Class: 23392 Electric Guitar Building Meeting Times: 9/2/2014 - 9/23/2014 Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM BC162 Appleton Campus Start Date: 9/2/2014 Delivery Mode: In Person Classroom Credits/CEU: 0.75 Location: D. J. Bordini Center End Date: 9/23/2014 Total Hours: 30.00

Fab Lab Memberships Role out this Month By: Fab Lab Club

In response to new demands, the Fab Lab now offers memberships for community members.


The Fab Lab membership begins the third week of the month with an Introduction to the Fab Lab class that familiarizes you with the Fab Lab, its equipment, tools and the software needed to make almost anything. The fourth week of the month is the Certifications on all of the equipment which prepares you to use the equipment without the staff standing behind you. Following these two classes, you have the following month to come and go as you please. When this month of use is over you can decide to continue month by month or semi-annually. We have limited supplies that are available for a nominal price or you can bring in your own. We are also looking for makers, so if you think you are one, contact us at Remember if you are a registered student you can use the lab by contacting us and letting us know when you would like to come over.


Happy Mother’s Day/Happy Mom’s Day Sunday May 11th is Mother’s/Mom’s Day By: Deanna Culver

About 96% of American consumers take part in some way on Mother’s Day. (Hallmark)

Idea’s for Mother’s/Mom’s Day By: Deanna Culver

• • • • •

If you’re able to, visit your Mom in person and spend the day with her or call your Mom If you’ve already bought a card to send, tuck a personal letter inside of it Make a special meal for your Mom with a nice bouquet of flowers Offer to have your Mom take the day off from doing any house work (do it for her) Take your Mom on a special outing (travel somewhere she’d like to go)

There are Times when Only a Mom’s Love will Do By: Deanna Culver

There are Times when Only a Mom’s Love will Do Mom I love you for the million hours you gave me Wiping the many tears you shed to save me Your beautiful and you give from your heart With the pretty sights from your eyes I’m able to reach the stars in the sky We did so many things together Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall It didn’t matter about the weather Mom you’ve given me words of wisdom of love and praise With all your kind and loving ways Mom your love is like a pretty butterfly From the wind, the rain, and the pretty blue sky Mom you’ll always have a special place To shine your reflection on my face Mom I know you’ll walk the many extra miles Just to see your children’s smiles You work your fingers to the bone To make a house for us all into a home Mom your always here and there to teach and guide And, I know you’ll always stay right by my side Mom you continue to do your best to lend a helping hand Until your children have the strength to stand I know you’ll pick me up when I fall down Forever be a friend that will stick around Mom I know your best to listen well To keep your word and never tell You stand quietly by my side Giving me the strength I need While encouraging me to succeed Mom you’re so bright and strong Whenever I need someone to lean on you’ll be around In my facial expressions everyone will see A love from a Mom that knows no boundaries Sharing a love that has no end I know you’ll forever be my friend Mom I know you love me so very much Through all the laughter, the smiles and with your loving touch I know you’ll always be here, there, and everywhere to brighten the day With your loving and many guiding words you’ll say Mom I know you think of me often throughout the days Your safety for me you continue to pray You brighten my days without any fear With kiss and hugs wrapped around me like a momma bear You’ll stay with me forever and always By influencing my life in so many precious ways More than anyone can count There’s definitely no doubt The values my Mom has taught me with all the care she’s given The love that’s shown and enriched my life isn’t ever hidden Mom you understand all my crying tears Soothing any disappointments too And, calming all my inner most fears It’s so definitely true Mom shares in my happiness Inspiring me with loving confidence


Mom has given me the gift of life with unclosed doors The moments when I took my first steps Unsteadily across the floor The many words I had to say On any given moment in time or day Mom would encourage and help to guide me I was told I had the prettiest eyes The smile that would go on and on for many miles Mom would say she’d look within my heart She’d see my soul and my eyes would glow Mom gave me so much love and care We’d go out together maybe here, there and everywhere We’d make the perfect Mom and Daughter pair Even with many worries that crossed Mom’s mind She was never ever that far behind She’d wonder if there was anything else she could’ve done To make my life so much better than she had I would walk the paths of the unknown Telling Mom over and over again to never be sad Like an eagle from its nest in the sky who has flown I’m not just her baby anymore I’m grown With her special love she showed me the way To believe in myself and the decisions I will make I wouldn’t be far from her either on any given day And, wherever I may go she can be sure Mom’s life lessons to make my eyes not blurred For each tear she’s cried for me For each truth she’s helped me to see The mistakes of yesterdays are not of todays For any heartache will be taken away by Mom will be A terror or nightmare she’ll make disappear For her I won’t be living in fear The mistakes of todays won’t be of tomorrow Mom sees me as a precious flower For all the times she’d tied my shoes when I was little And tucked me into bed Or when I needed something She’d put my needs and wants first before her Instead of in the last or in the middle So much has been shared through the years The many dreams, the laughter, and loving tears Will continue to deepen each and every year When I would walk before her when I was small She’ll know I’d walk through life standing tall She’s helped me to master challenges through it all She’s got my best interest at heart Not always sure on where to start Mom finds it difficult to stand back and let go To help me learn from my own mistakes As I move forward she’ll give me life lessons to take Realizing I’m growing up before her eyes She’ll always that’s definitely no lie A loving, caring, and special Mom she’ll always be Mom admires my every step my every movement And, all my many different achievements I remember all the wonderful days in the park continued on page 19

There are Times when Only a Mom’s Love will Do continued from page 18

She’d look around to protect with her eyes that sparked With the boundaries and safety in sight She’d be on the path towards home with it being bright Giving of her time and energy that’s devoted Mom will live on inside my laughter with no particular motive Mom’s loves is right from the start She holds me close to her heart The bond between Mom and me will continue to grow For her love of me will always be strong and it shows Unconditionally a love so tight that’s right Mom will be there guiding me in the dark with a light She never feels that she has given enough I tell her that it’s going to be alright I’ve learned from the best how to be tough Don’t worry I’ve learned to be strong by you For you Mom gave me my powerful strength To get through the many different days She continues to put her hands together and to God she’d pray For another beautiful and safe day I’d say Mom there’s no worries and no sorrows For today is life lessons learned for all the tomorrows My Mom is there when things may go wrong With a big hug and a kiss to help me along Always there when she is needed and she’s near Gently wipes my eyes when I’d shed a tear Mom is gentle, good, helpful, and kind With a shoulder to cry on and secrets to share She’s never far away or behind With a warm heart and hands that really care She’ll encouraged me to dream While helping to nurture The seeds of my self-esteem Mom would protect me enough To help me to stand up strong and tough Teaching me right from wrong There’s not a job left undone because my Mom is strong She’ll help to celebrate my successes While teaching me to accept my defeats Not to pass judgment on anyone in life Mom gives me the courage to continue on and be honest Letting me know how much I am loved and appreciated Mom’s arms are will never run out of hugs She’ll dry the tears sliding down my face Holding my hands when my heart will race

Helping me to stand tall if burdens are to great Preparing me to carry the loads of my fate Mom will heal the hurts and sufferings of any day With God by my Mom’s side she’ll always pray To be a Mom that’s brave and helps makes me unafraid Mom’s been knocked down and yet she stands strong up from the ground Her generosity to help others gives me the insight of unselfishness While keeping her love of helping everyone as guidance Mom has patience, understanding, and compassion She is the rock in times of sorrow She’ll make promises she can keep for a better tomorrow Her ears are sharp to hear a pin drop When I’m in need she’ll plant the seeds of words with wisdom in a crop Mom’s smiles can brighten any moment in many precious ways While her arms full of hugs put joy in my stressful days Mom’s wonderful love for me will forever stay With the values she’s taught and shown will continue to enrich my life Mom is a teacher, a counselor, a nurse, and a leader A cook, a friend, a chauffeur and a cleaner Even on days when she’ll act like a kid I see her inner most sincerity If there’s troubles in her family she’ll do her best to beat the struggles At times she’ll say “back in my day” At times it may seem a story told over and over Through Mom’s eyes I can see her heart will be for me forever Even on days when Mom feels down I will lift her up and take away her frown In life where ever I am my Mom can count on me too With her love for me that goes on and on for miles She’ll always have the best of the best to share of loving smiles Mom will be there through any such pain Helping to shed the tears with no shame She’ll stay constant in my life Guiding and loving with no price Hard work and determination through and through Mom says to never give up, she always there for me when things get tough Let our steps in life continue on she’d wish me the best With all the wonderful things life has to offer, Mom say I’m never a pest Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall it didn’t matter about the weather We did so many things together Mom gave me the words of wisdom to love and live by With Mom’s kind and loving ways She’s always giving me the support I need and praise There are Times when Only a Mom’s Love will Do

Jessalyn, Kristen, Deanna, and Melissa


My First Semester Journey By Rich Weber

This was my first semester back in school in 20 years. I am a returning adult student in the Professional Communications program that was terrified of my first day of class. Will the instructors poke me with sharp sticks and call me rude names? Will my classmates laugh at me because I haven’t had to open a textbook in two decades and might not remember how? Can I compete with all of these “kids” and their inherent knowledge of technology and the latest learning skills? What if I can’t? What if I fail? What if no one likes me? What if my clothes are from the 80’s? I don’t even remember how to roll my jeans. What if…? What if I met some fantastic people that helped me transition back into the life of a student and were there to answer any question or silly concern I had? Luckily for me there were people like this. Any question I had, there was someone for me to ask. Always a friendly, understanding face that knew exactly how I felt, because they had been there to. Student enrollment services helped me out when I was confused on a few things. They could not have been more understanding and did what they could to ease my fears and walk me through what I needed to do. The counselors in the counseling center were there when I had questions regarding which classes I should take, and really anything else I needed to ask. Whether a helpful ear to listen to trivial concerns or more important issues to work through, they are there and have been incredibly helpful to yours truly. Special shout out to Dr. Sandi Moore, a

counselor that is retiring this year. FVTC is losing a special person in Dr. Moore. The staff in the Student Life Center. They understand that sometimes students just need to blow off some steam and get away from studying for a bit. So they organize trips, contests, games, and anything else they can think of to help out the student body. If you haven’t stopped in there yet, I highly recommend that you do so. Special shout outs to the people in charge of Student Life. Vicky Barke, Shannon Gerke-Corrigan, and John Rank. Pop in and say hi, tell them Rich sent you. Vicky is also retiring, so do pop by soon. Lastly, the instructors that I have had this semester have been tremendously helpful in my transition back to college life. Not to say that they have taken it easy on any of us, they just didn’t poke me with any sharp sticks or place kick me signs on my back. If I had questions on an assignment, they were more than willing to help and discuss what I did not understand. Shout out to all of my instructors, with a special note to Mary Walsh-Curry, who is retiring this year as well. I have had a successful semester, I managed to assimilate into college life and become quite involved with the extracurricular activities the college offers. The more involved you are, the more successful you will be, in my opinion. That is my journey so far, one semester down, three more to go. I look forward to the coming year and a half, to meeting many of you and experiencing all of the wonderful things that FVTC has to offer. Have a great summer!

How I Dealt With End Of Term Anxiety By Rich Weber

We have all felt it. That feeling you get when you just know, know! That you could have studied 15 minutes longer for the final exam, or rewritten that final research paper one more time. Sitting down and staring at the exam feeling the wave of despair wash over you as everything you learned in the class leaks out of your head, leaving your mind blissfully blank and shell shocked. Taking an exam in the computer lab and having a panic attack because you can’t remember how to change between spreadsheets in Excel, even with the textbook in front of me. Rewriting my research paper for the seventh time in three days the day it is due. Panicking over how ill prepared and obviously I was going to fail my group presentation speech. Being so worried over how long my paper for another class


was that I forgot to edit it until 30 minutes before it was due. What helped me were my instructors being very helpful and recognizing the deer in the headlights look and headed it off before it got too bad. There was plenty of review time in my classes, question and answer time, and each of the instructors have a great deal of open office time to chat about the course. All of this was beneficial to me. The counselors in the counseling center are also there to help with anxiety and to just talk. To lend an understanding ear. Let me tell you, it does help. I asked for help, and I got it. My heart beat still quickens and roars on until I see the grade posted though, that I don’t think will ever subside. That is how I was able to deal with the anxiety this semester, by asking for help. How did you handle it? Were you calm, cool, and collected?

June Flash Fiction Challenge By Rich Weber

Welcome to the Flash Fiction Challenge! Flash Fiction is typically 500-1,000 words in length, for these challenges, we are looking for 500-600 word maximum. We are looking for as many of you, the student body, to submit your stories. The challenge is that I will give you a sentence, and you will need to create a story with that sentence as inspiration. The sentence (or prompt) this month is, Once upon a time... Yes, this one is purposely vague and open. Use your imaginations and have fun with it!

Submit your Flash Fiction stories to fvtcfoxtimes@gmail. com with Flash Fiction in the subject line. The Fox Times team will select the three best stories among the submissions for publication in the next edition of Fox Times! All submissions must be your original, unpublished work and sent in no later than June 15th, 2014. *Stories will be judged based on grammar, spelling, typos and adherence to the challenge parameters. *Any questions, let us know!

June Poetry Challenge By Rich Weber

Welcome to the Poetry Challenge! Poetry is a fun, creative, and exciting endeavor for millions of people across the globe. This month I think we will try the Palindrome form. Palindromes in my opinion are quite difficult, at least they are to me. I think all of you will be up to the challenge. From the website Shadow Poetry, “…Also Known as Mirrored Poetry A palindrome, by definition, is a word, phrase, verse, sentence, or even poem that reads the same forward or backward. It stems from the Greek word palindromos: palin, meaning again, and dromos, meaning arunning. Combining the two together, the Greek meaning gives us, running back again...

Shown below are examples of the word-unit palindrome. The carefully placed words form the same sentence, whether it is read forward or backward. For example, ‘Mirrored images reflect images mirrored’ which includes a word in the center as a reversal point for the sentence or even the poem.” That is your challenge this month. Write a Palindrome using the terms breath, angels, and sun. Then submit it to us for publication! Please submit your original, unpublished work to with Poetry Challenge in the subject line by June 15th, 2014. Thank you for participating!

F x Times Do You Have What It Takes?

Happy June everyone! As we wind down another school year those of us at the Fox Times have to say good bye to several members of the staff. Unfortunately they can’t stay forever and have to graduate and get real jobs. While this is sad for us as some of our friends leave, it opens up opportunities for you! Yes! You! Do you have what it takes to be a member of the Fox Times? Can you write? If so, then come on down to a meeting! 2:30 pm every Friday afternoon in Student Life. If you can’t write, no problem! We can’t either! Ha! What are we looking for? High quality and fun people. We have a blast here at the Fox Times, and are filled with energetic, amazing students. From our fearless leader, Advisor Shannon Gerke-Corrigan, all the way down to us little people, we set the standard of quality and professionalism. There is no need to submit writing samples, just stop by a meeting and give us a try. See you there!


JAMAICA 2014 By: Deanna Culver

There were twenty FVTC students and staff that went to Jamaica over spring break in which they had the privilege to help with cement layout at the Cove Primary School. The Cove Primary School’s logo is “Hard work brings true Joy”. I wasn’t able to attend this adventurous opportunity however, I have spoken with a few attendees about their experiences. It sounds like it was a great adventure. Vicky Barke (Weiland) quoted “Our student’s walk away saying it’s been a life changing experience and they had an opportunity to submerse themselves with another culture and make a difference”.

Julie Boyers Picking walkway

At home of Campbell

Bruce Weiland and Vicky Waylend (Barke)

Dawn Rosicky, Julie Boyers, and Katie Tesch

Children at Cove Primary School

Children at Little Condon Polmovg


FACEBOOK.COM/FVTCFOXTIMES | 23 1)swimming pool, 2)bugs, 3)suntan, 4)beach, 5)cook out, 6)hot dog, 7)parade, 8)memorial day, 9)mothers day June Word Scramble aaswers from page 10



Fox Valley Technical College graduates, are you looking for something more? FVTC grads can get a head start on a four-year degree, transferring 60 credits to UW-Green Bay, entering as a junior, and needing only 60 credits to graduate. Earn your degree online and select a degree path that works for YOU! Full-time academic advising and career counseling available on-site at FVTC. Visit or call 920-465-2423 to chart your future at UW-Green Bay.

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