Grace Alive - April-May 2023

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Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Iglesia Presbiteriana Gracia de Cristo

“Together at Grace, Loving God and Loving Others”

APRIL/MAY 2023 VOL 139

We Need Both Christmas and Easter

“God raised Him up, loosing the pangs of death, because it was not possible for Him to be held by it.” – Acts 2:24

Each year, in the weeks leading up to Christmas I find myself filled with tangible joy, with expectation. Each year, in the weeks leading up to Easter I find myself filled with much different emotions, with tangible dread, darkness. It is after Christmas that pain sets in. Following the birth of Jesus Herod sends his minions door to door in a frantic attempt to eliminate the child.

It is after the long week we call holy, that hope sets in. Following the miracle of Easter morning, the tide shifts and life defeats death.

Christmas is one type of miracle, Easter is another. Christmas is surprise, Easter is shock. Christmas brings gifts and trees, Easter brings a grave and a tree twisted for sinister purposes. Christmas and Easter are the two essential and inseparable Christian miracles. Both are unexpected. Both intentional decisions of God. Both necessary... for us. If one is held and the other rejected, Christian faith falls.

Without both Christmas and Easter our understanding of God would be incomplete. Without both events our life here would be uncertain. Without both our hope for more beyond this life a mere wish.

That First Christmas

Those who were closest to Him that first Christmas sensed that His birth brought them, and the world, a new beginning.

Mary, His mother, said, “my soul magnifies the Lord.”

The angel said, “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.”

The prophet Simeon proclaimed, “My eyes have seen Your salvation.”

That First Easter

Those who were closest to Him that first Easter sensed that His death and resurrection brought them, and the world, a new beginning.

The angel said, “Why do you seek the living among the dead?”

Mary, His friend, said, “Rabboni!” (Teacher)

Thomas declared, “My Lord and my God!”

We celebrate His birth, we mourn His death, we marvel at His resurrection. Jesus was not a victim of circumstance. He was not overpowered and surprised by the dark designs of evil men and the even darker plans of the devil. Peter in his first sermon, Acts 2, “...this Jesus, delivered up according the definite plan and foreknowledge of God, you crucified and killed by the hands of lawless men. God raised Him up, loosing the pangs of death, because it was not possible for Him to be held by it.”

God made a decision at Christmas and Easter, because He loves us. He decided to leave heaven and enter this world at Christmas, Immanuel, “God with us.” He decided to carry His cross, absorb our sins, breathe His last breath, defeat death, and live again on Easter, “Savior.”

Max Lucado wrote a book whose title contains four powerful words, “He Choose the Nails.”

Together we are Christmas people, Easter people, Jesus people!

2 Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church Pastor


An Easter Poem (2023)

He rode in True power masked by a borrowed donkey

Crowds shouted

Expectations high, each envisioned a throne

It was Holy Week

Blood over doors, plagues, death, a dramatic escape

He willingly

Walked into a trap set by priests and pastors

He entered Temple, whip in hand, Furious prayer had been sold for profit

He sat and taught

Knowing full well the thorns, the crown, each lash

Hanging now

Divine love stripped, beaten, gasping for breath

Jeering from below

Unaware that if not Him it would have been them

A loud cry, then silence

Without breath or heartbeat, cold and colder

Taken down and buried

True power lifeless in a borrowed tomb

And then

Unexpected, unimaginable, violation of all rules

Empty again, death defeated

Him alive, warm, love and life gathered into One

“(Easter) is not a major production at all, and the minor attractions we have created around it — the bunnies and baskets and bonnets, the dyed eggs — have so little to do with what it’s all about that they neither add much nor subtract much. It’s not really even much of a story when you come right down to it, and that is of course the power of it. It doesn’t have the ring of great drama. It has the ring of truth. If the Gospel writers had wanted to tell it in a way to convince the world that Jesus indeed rose from the dead, they would presumably have done it with all the skill and fanfare they could muster. Here there is no skill, no fanfare. They seem to be telling it simply the way it was. The narrative is as fragmented, shadowy, incomplete as life itself. When it comes to just what happened, there can be no certainty. That something unimaginable happened, there can be no doubt.

The symbol of Easter is the empty tomb. You can’t depict or domesticate emptiness. You can’t make it into pageants and string it with lights. It doesn’t move people to give presents to each other or sing old songs. It ebbs and flows all around us, the Eastertide. Even the great choruses of Handel’s Messiah sound a little like a handful of crickets chirping under the moon.

He rose. A few saw him briefly and talked to him. If it is true, there is nothing left to say. If it is not true, there is nothing left to say. For believers and unbelievers both, life has never been the same again. For some, neither has death.”

From “Whistling in the Dark” by Frederick Buechner

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The Empty Tomb


My family and I started helping with the Clothing Exchange at Grace of Christ, then known as First Presbyterian Church, in 2010. I remember seeing the gym packed full of (and organized!) clothes and people. We were and are so grateful for the leadership and passion of Theresa Higbee who got this event started. Year after year, so many people have come into our church to donate clothes and to shop for clothes. Many of them receiving more than they expected. God is good! Twelve years have passed, and my family continues finding joy in serving our community with our church family. God had prepared this event in advance so that His people could come together to experience His love through our church family and volunteers.

Now the Lord said to Abram, “Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you. And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing.” – Genesis 12:1-2

Now is the time to spring clean and bring us your clothing donations, shoes, kitchen items, Bibles, books, and more. Please make sure the items are clean and in good shape. No Appliances or Furniture. Drop off in gym beginning early May. Your donations will help many families who need the Love of our Lord Jesus and the love of someone like you. May God bless you and give you more so that you continue to share your resources and your love with all those around us.


God has given us the blessing of being born of a mother, the woman He chose to give us life and take care of us 24 hours a day without rest, to give us much of her love and care. God gave our mothers this privilege and blessed them with His abundant Love. We are praying for our mothers, that God would continue blessing them today and every day! Let us wish our mothers the best in life and for them to follow Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior forever!

“Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come. She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.”

– Proverbs 31:25-26



Mi familia y yo comenzamos a ayudar en el intercambio de ropa en Grace of Christ antes conocida como First Presbyterian Church en el 2010; ya han pasado muchos años y seguimos sirviendo en nuestra iglesia, la cual ha sido, es y será siempre una bendición para nuestras familias, comunidad, nación y el mundo. No podía creer lo que estaba viendo la primera vez que venimos a servir; el gimnasio estaba lleno de muchas almas y muchas cosas a toda su capacidad, literalmente se parecía a la tienda Ross, Todo se veía muy hermoso y muy bien organizado, gracias a Theresa Higbee y su Gran Liderazgo en este magnífico evento, y fue el amor de Dios que llenaba todo el gimnasio y a su alrededor; sinceramente era difícil poder caminar y moverse entre tanta personas y así poder ir por cada estación, ¡la gente venía por cientos a darlo todo! y recibir lo que necesitaban y más. Qué gran oportunidad para que nuestros miembros hicieran oración por los padres y sus hijos. Dios había preparado este evento con anticipación para que Su pueblo pudiera reunirse para experimentar su amor a través de los miembros de nuestra congregación y muchos voluntarios que vinieron a servir, no a ser servidos. ¡Creo que lo estamos haciendo muy bien, y tal vez sea por eso que continuamos teniendo estos eventos todos los años! No tengo ninguna duda de que Dios tiene el control. El Amor de Dios a través de Jesús Su Hijo y la Gracia de Cristo hacen de este mundo un lugar mejor para vivir. El SEÑOR le dijo a Abram: “Deja tu tierra, tus parientes y la casa de tu padre, y vete a la tierra que te mostraré. Haré de ti una nación grande, y te bendeciré; haré famoso tu nombre, y serás una bendición”. – Génesis 12:1-2

Ha llegado el momento, de volver a buscar en sus armarios y garajes para ver qué ropa hace tiempo que ya no usas, esos juguetes con los que ya no Juegas, ropa de bebé y ropa de talla grande para hombre y mujer; es hora de regalar esos zapatos nuevos que nunca usaste, también los artículos de cocina son bienvenidos, buenos libros, biblias, lámparas de mesa, etc. No se aceptan Electrodomésticos ni Muebles. Por favor traiga todo, a nuestro mega intercambio de ropa

4 Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church Outreach


Grace of Christ will be hosting a dinner to celebrate Adams Elementary Teachers and Staff Appreciation Week on Thursday, April 20. Our Church wants to recognize and appreciate the work and dedication that the Adams’ teachers and staff. They have given their time and effort to continue educating our children. Please let us know if you want to help at this very important event Contact or 509-248-7940 x113 for more information.

para bendecir a las familias de nuestra comunidad, y que vendrán con la esperanza de encontrar algo que les guste y necesiten. Gracias por ser una bendición para los necesitados. Tus donaciones ayudarán a muchas familias que necesitan El Amor de nuestro Señor Jesús y el amor de alguien como tú. Que Dios te bendiga y te de más para que sigas compartiendo tus recursos y tu amor con todos los que nos rodean.


Dios nos ha dado la bendición de nacer de una madre, la mujer que él escogió para darnos la vida y cuidarnos las 24 horas del día sin descanso, para darnos mucho de su amor y cuidado; Dios les dio este privilegio y las bendijo con Su abundante Amor. ¡Estamos orando por nuestras Mamás que Dios las siga bendiciendo HOY Y TODOS LOS DÍAS! ¡Deseamos a nuestras madres lo mejor en la vida, para que sigan por siempre a Jesucristo nuestro Señor y Salvador!

“Se reviste de fuerza y dignidad, y afronta segura el porvenir. Cuando habla, lo hace con sabiduría; cuando instruye, lo hace con amor.”

– Proverbios 31:25-26


God wants us to share our gifts, talents, and resources with those who need it most. That is why and thanks to the love and generosity of God and our church congregation; we are planning to give away a weekend of camping on June 16, 17, and 18 to 100 Adams Elementary students at Camp Ghormley. Many volunteers, drivers and mentors are needed! We encourage you to participate in this event that will be a beautiful gift for our God, Creator of this wonderful world and universe. Contact or 509-248-7940 x113 for more information.

Please let us know if you would like to help in any of our programs and events; your participation and work for God’s Kingdom is appreciated and will never go unnoticed before God. God Bless you always!

Working for The Kingdom of God, – Pastor Alex Rule


Dios quiere que compartamos nuestros dones, talentos y recursos con quienes más lo necesitan. Es por ello que, y gracias al Amor y Generosidad de Dios y de nuestra congregación que estamos planeando regalar un fin de semana de campamento el 16, 17 y 18 de junio a 100 estudiantes de la Primaria Adams. Este campamento será en Ghormley. Se necesitan muchos voluntarios, conductores y mentores; los animamos a participar de este evento que será un hermoso regalo para nuestro Dios, Creador de este Mundo y Universo Maravilloso. Comuníquese con o 509-248-7940 x113 para obtener más información.

Háganos saber si desea ayudar en alguno de nuestros programas y eventos; tu participación y trabajo por el Reino de Dios es apreciado y nunca pasará desapercibido ante Dios. Dios los bendiga siempre!

Trabajando para El Reino de Dios

– Pastor Alex Rule

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church 5 Outreach

Hallelujah! He has risen! He has risen indeed!

The Good News of the redemptive work of the blood of Jesus is the Christian proclamation at Easter. The blood of Jesus is reconciling all things into a right relationship with the Author and Sustainer of Life, with each other, and with creation itself. (Colossians 1:19-21, 1 John 2:1-2, Hebrews 9:14 10:8-14)

The Gospel, the Good News is God’s provision to save us from the consequences of our sin that separates us from God and each other. His desire is that this Good News of the atoning blood of Jesus, the power of His sacrificial love is to be proclaimed throughout the world, “For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but save the world through Him.” – John 3:17

We gather on Sundays to worship entering “His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and bless His name.” – Psalm 100:4

We gather on Sundays to encourage one another’s faith “… each of you has a hymn, a word of instructions, a revelation, a tongue or an interpretation…so that the church may be built up.” – 1 Corinthians 14:26

We gather on Sundays to help strengthen one another as we “bear one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” – Galatians 6:2

We gather on Sundays to encourage and foster a deepening understanding of God’s Word because “All Scripture is GodBreathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”

Worship Ministry

The LORD desires that we bear His lights in a dark world, inviting others into the fellowship of the Body of Christ so that they might come to know His forgiveness and great mercy so as to walk in the freedom of a life born of LOVE.

Hospitality Ministries aim is to help facilitate the Welcome of Jesus to come “Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him.” – Psalm 34:8 This spring, think of yourself as an Ambassador of Christ to everyone you encounter on Sunday morning, extending the Welcome of Jesus to everyone, but especially to those you don’t know. Approach a stranger and tell them what Easter means to you. Offer to take a photo for them at the photo booth available on Palm Sunday and Easter. Invite them to the refreshment table, invite them to come next week or invite them to something happening at church, perhaps Wednesdays @ Grace.

Sunday | April 23 | 6pm | Sanctuary

Please join us for an evening of singing! On Sunday, April 23 at 6:00, we will gather together to lift our hearts in worship. This time will be filled with many beloved, familiar hymns.

Please submit your favorite hymns via email at: or on your Sunday connect card anytime before April 17th.

6 Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church Hospitality
Easter Sunday Cinnamon Rolls HYMN FEST

Student Ministry


At the end of February we took our High schoolers to Ghormley for their winter retreat. So, thank you Prayer Team and Pastors and Staff and Volunteers for supporting Winter Retreat for our High Schoolers!

On Sunday morning, all the students had a chance to share “I choose to lay down ___” or “I choose to embrace ___” according to how the Lord had spoken to them through the talks, discussions, and worship. We were so surprised and amazed to see shy students sharing! New students sharing! Tough students sharing! Seemingly apathetic students sharing! And all of them declaring confidently the truths that God had revealed to them about what their next steps of faithin-action need to be. What a beautiful conclusion it was to be blown away by all the work that the Lord had done with our preparations and faithfulness in creating this place for encounter with Him and fellowship with each other!

We are excited to see Him continue the good work that He has begun in each of these students! Thank you for your priceless role in making this possible!




Now that it’s finally spring time, get ready for more and more outdoor games and activities! Mark your calendars, in April we’ll be having our High School Lock-in. It will be from Wednesday, April 5th at 7pm to Thursday, April 6th at 10am. But don’t fret Middle schoolers, you’ll also have a Lock-In. Theirs will be the on the 26th and 27th of May.


We took seven Grace Youth members and 18 Young Life students. They got to worship together, bunk together, enjoy delicious camp meals, go sledding, enjoy the zipline, played games and so much more. They grew closer as a “Yakima family” and they made new friends with students from around the state who were there. They were so blessed by being able to get away from the stresses and pressures of everyday life and enjoy fellowship and fun for a few days! They got to choose to attend two of three available “Tedtalks” about toxic things in life: Empty Religion. Divisiveness in our Culture. Social Media Downsides. The discussion groups back at their cabins after attending these sessions were powerful and engaging. Many of these topics and the content within them were really resonating with the everyday lives of these students.

Watching them grow more and more bold and comfortable with each other and the leaders over the course of the weekend was nothing short of miraculous. Students who were rarely seen initiate with other students, even from their own church, were crossing barriers and mixing with students from other groups during meals and game times. The bonding time this weekend was priceless.


Keep marking your calendars because we will have youth group every Wednesday evening up to June 14th. There are more activities to come, from hikes to possibly a mystery party! So keep a look out for calendars and as always keep an eye on our socials!

Instagram: yakima_grace_youth

Facebook: Yakima Grace Youth



As we near closer to the end of the school year, we realize graduation is right around the corner! On Sunday, May 21 we will be recognizing our graduating seniors during the first church service followed by our traditional senior brunch in the gym for the students and their families. This year, we will be congratulating and praying blessing over Quinn Jones, Claire Emmans, and Nohelia Garcia-Figueroa. May 21 is also the Sunday we will be welcoming the incoming 5th graders to our Student program, during the first church service. or

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Kara Brown Student Ministry Director Jahzeel Garcia Student Ministry Assistant High School Winter Retreat

Hello Grace families, Grace Children’s Ministry is blooming! Every Sunday I am thankful to have the opportunity to watch these little ones grow and learn. When I first started working upstairs with the children, I quickly realized I needed to win their hearts, or else, this would not work. I needed to have the respect of the children in order to lead well.

Opening Sunday School up after Covid presented its own set of challenges, and for me, in this new role of Director, the challenges were magnified. I had never looked at a curriculum or a lesson plan in my life and had no idea what I was doing. I just knew I was called to do the job. And I was excited. My goal was for kids to love coming to Sunday School and for them to know and love God. I really wanted to make Sunday School work for the kids, so I tried everything I could think of! I changed curriculum three times in two years trying to find the right one. I bought prizes kids could earn, and I gave them away without the kids having to earn them! I tried having junk food every Sunday, thinking surely, this will be

Cubbies (Ages 3 – Kinder)

Our Cubbies class had fun making clouds with shaving cream. They were learning about how God was a cloud over the tabernacle in Exodus 35-40.

The kids painted golden calves after their lesson about Moses on the mountain. It was a fun activity, but now I wonder. Was that a good thing? Painting an idol?!?

So finally, I asked God. “God, how do I win the hearts of these children?” And He replied, “Sarah, they just want to be known.” They just want to be known. Of course. Because don’t we all desire that? The key to their hearts was not junk food and prizes. The key was seeing each one of these children as individuals and getting to know them. Learning about their families, friends, pets, what they like to do for fun, their dreams and their disappointments. Learning what makes them smile and how they see God. Let’s let love bloom this spring. Let’s get to know our Grace kids.

In John 10:14-15, Jesus taught us what it looks like to win someone’s heart:

“I am the good shepherd; I know My sheep and My sheep know me – just as the Father knows Me and I know the Father – and I lay down My life for the sheep.”

K2 (K – 2nd grade)

Our K2 class has been learning about Moses with the Israelites in the wilderness. The kids had fun playing Simon Says after a lesson on the 10 Commandments.

Our kids really enjoy playing with Play-Doh!

8 Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Family & Children’s Ministry
Shaving Cream Clouds Painting with Gold
K2 Class Playing “Simon Says” Time
Play-Doh the trick. I tried being the “cool” teacher and incorporating more games and elaborate crafts. I tried everything I knew to try to win the hearts of these kids. Nothing worked. Kids showed up, yes. They listened okay, but their hearts and minds were not engaged. It gnawed on me night and day. I was doing my job, but the kids were just on autopilot. I wanted them to “wake up!” I longed for them to be excited about Sunday School and God – and to love and respect me. Well, it didn’t happen.


YES! On Easter Sunday Children’s Ministries will be having an Easter Egg hunt during regular Sunday School time.

Our Cubbies, K2, and Seekers class will all have an opportunity to hunt down some candy filled eggs. We hope your children can come on Easter Sunday!



During Wed @ Grace, GraceKids has been learning about the 12 disciples. Our class has about doubled in size this quarter, and we are excited to have our very own Preschool Director, Becca Mailand, helping out.

As she teaches the kids about the disciples, she also challenges them weekly with great group discussion time. She is a super fun teacher and is not afraid to use science experiments to make a point.

Isn’t it great how we all have different gifts in the body of Christ? Let’s give a big thanks to Becca and Michele Elledge for all their help during the winter quarter.

Seekers (1st – 5th grade)

Teachers Joseph and Madie lay down the law with the 10 Commandments. And trust me, with mostly 4th & 5th grade boys in this class, they need to!


Jacob’s Well was something the Lord put on my heart on a flight back from Sacramento. I had been at Jesus Culture Church and attended a Tuesday night worship service. I was amazed to see a multi-generational worship service like this. It was not just standing and singing, but kids were flagging, adults and kids were dancing, and people were on their knees in prayer. It was so powerful. People felt free to express glory to God in many ways.

Jacob’s Well is not Jesus Culture. It’s Grace culture, and my hope is that it can be multi-generational and a place where we can experience worship in new ways. So far this seems to be more of a youth movement than a family worship service, but we will see where the Lord takes us. Kara has done an amazing job picking music to compliment my short message, and I am again grateful for Becca who seems to be in all places at once. May the Lord come. My dream is for Jacob’s Well to grow and be a place where all are welcome and everyone feels comfortable to worship however they feel led. May this be an opportunity for people to encounter the living God.

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& Children’s Ministry Seekers Study the 10 Commandments Jacob’s Well - Family Worship on Wednesday Evenings



It’s been a wonderful winter season here at Ghormley! God has blessed us with winter snow, great guests, and we’ve had some great Ghormley events for youth and young adults in the month of February.


April 28-30 | Camp Ghormley

Join us for Ghormley’s Annual Mother Daughter Retreat, com ing the weekend of April 28-30! This is a weekend for mothers and daughters to spend intentional time with each other to have fun, learn, make friends, and further develop their relationships with God and each other.

There will be a speaker and worship time, crafts and games, good food, and other fun activities! For more information, or to register, please visit our website:

Young Adult Retreat

The weekend of February 17-19, we hosted our second annual Young Adult Retreat, in partnership with Great Commandments Ministries (located in Tieton, WA). We were thrilled to have 40 young adults join us for a weekend of worship, teaching from God’s Word, and lots of fun games and recreation. Attendees raved about the fun they had, and the encouragement that this weekend was to their faith in Christ. This event is quickly becoming a staple in our yearly calendar, and we are already looking forward to next year! mother-daughter-retreat-weekend/


Summer 2023 is coming soon! Register now for an amazing summer filled with worship, games, friends, laughter, and a lifetime of memories! Register now at:

High School Winter Retreat

The following weekend of February 24-26, we hosted approximately 50 High School students for our High School Winter Retreat. The theme was “Toxic,” exploring things that can harm our relationship with God, even if unintentionally. A variety of speakers throughout the weekend spoke to the students. In addition, there was a ton of fun games and events, including snow tubing, bunko night, and a masquerade party!


We are so blessed by those who support the ministry of Ghormley financially! Regular donor support is a key lifeline to the Lord’s work continuing here at camp. If you’d like to see what support opportunities we currently have, please visit: Thank you!


• Pray that God would bring groups to refill our school year calendar.

• Pray that God would supply the staff we need to operate at full capacity this summer.

• Pray that God would pave the way for the completion of several important building projects over the course of this year.

• Pray that relationships will be built, lives changed, and every person who comes to Camp Ghormley will meet Jesus.

10 Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church


Listen. When deacons visit our church members, they are good listeners. We ask our friends to tell us about how things are going for them. We want to build relationships by being a good friend who will listen to their concerns and pray for them.

Outreach. With a team of 21 deacons, we have delivered Christmas Amaryllis bulbs to those in nursing homes, Memorials plants for those who have lost loved ones in the past year, delivered Valentines Candy to 43 people to give a Valentine’s cheer, and to our home centered persons. We are blessed when we see smiles on the faces of those who received love and care from our deacon board. Deacons have provided many thoughtful and beautiful Celebration of Life luncheons for families. We count it an honor to be there for our families in this time of sorrow.

Vital. Where would the hand and feet of Jesus be without intentionally reaching out to our church family? Can you imagine how heartbroken you would feel if you as a church member were no longer able to attend due to health or other reasons? Wouldn’t you want to know that you are still valued? We want you to know that being out-of-sight doesn’t mean you are out of fellowship. We care about you!

Energetic! Yes, that is right! Serving, loving, caring, in all that we do, takes a commitment from our deacon board. We love to see God at work in and around our church, by the love and energy that we put into our church family.

If you, a friend, family member, would like to have a deacon come walk beside you, please call Ericka at the church. All we ask is that you get the person’s permission to say that they would like to have a deacon contact them. Deacons are on the move at our church, and we LOVE YOU!

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church 11
Deacons are on the move in our church! In fact, they are in L • O •V• E with members of our church body.

Grace of Christ Preschool


Before Spring Break, we were able to celebrate Easter with our students and declare “He is risen! Jesus is alive!” by peering in the empty tomb and hearing the Gospel Story from Pastor Curt.

Students also participated in an egg hunt with their friends and made so many fun and beautiful art projects. Check them out in the hallway this month!


This is our last big program of the year for families to see how much their children have grown!


Once the temperature rises, we spend many of our days learning outside! Chalk letters, counting flowers, releasing butterflies and playing games in the lawn are often ways we fill our days in May!


We have been blessed with 36 students and their families this year. At the end of May we say “see you later!” to our friends returning in the fall and give an extra hug to our friends heading off to Kindergarten.

We pray that all the seeds God has planted in these young hearts will continue to be fed, bloom, and grow each child into a strong believer in the love that Jesus has for each of us. Pray with us as we send these little lights out into their families and neighborhoods to shine bright each day!

12 Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
Easter Art & Crafts Easter Egg Hunt

Mission Ministry


Grace of Christ is a mission focused church, sharing DROPS OF GRACE locally, nationally and internationally having a global reach. Loving in the name and power of Christ, Grace of Christ truly has a world-wide impact, changing lives for His Kingdom. The Mission Ministry Team (MMT) maintains interaction with and oversees distribution of funds to more than twenty mission partners and organizations.


In November 2020, The Mission Ministry Team of Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church started the Great Commission Fund. Their desire was to have monies in perpetuity to continue to send missionaries into the field.

Phase I of the Fund was to raise $100,000 cash dollars into an endowment within the church’s foundation. The earnings on this fund would be spent on three goals: First Priority –to send young adults on mission trips from throughout the Yakima Valley. Second Priority – to send members of Grace of Christ on a mission trip. Third Priority – to help Global Missions as they come to our attention. The Phase I goal was completed in 9 months by July 2021.

Phase II was to raise a total of $250,000 for the fund plus to have $150,000 in Legacy Pledges. As of Feb. 28, 2023, the congregation has generously donated $182,000 in cash. The Legacy Pledges which are given at the time of death, has reached an astonishing $375,000 plus one undisclosed “substantial” gift.

The first Impact checks were given out during the Mission Sunday in September 2021. Three groups received money: The ACTS Team from Tieton, WA for a trip to Nicaragua, Gracie Brownell for a Kanakuk training and mission trip to the Bahamas, and Anne Jameson for her work with the disabled in Guatemala.

Checks for this year are being given to the Mission Trip from our church to support Aaron and Ronda Barker at the Youth with a Mission base in Kona, Hawaii. Fifteen church members are signed up to go which includes two students from Kara Brown’s group. They will work with the poorest of poor young people on the island as well as serve the homeless. Please consider giving to the Great Commission Fund by making a check out to Grace of Christ, and put Great Commission Fund on the memo line.

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church 13
your mission, find your passion”
ACTS (Tieton) was one of three Recipients in 2021 YWAM – Kona, Hawaii Mission Trip 2023 The Great Commission Fund

Mission Ministry


When First Presbyterian was founded in a tent, part of our focus was on serving others. This took the form of serving the poor, volunteering in civic organizations, and being leaders in progress.

• By 1900, the congregation became self-supporting

• As time went on, we sent money to help struggling young churches and to support missionary activities abroad.

– Tent to Tower, p. 179

• Ef fie Swier was the first member of our church to go overseas to do missions. She went to Korea in 1920.

– Tent to Tower, p. 180

• Fred and Daisy Russell were a missionary couple in Ethiopia from 1921-1961. They later came back home and were strong members of our church. Their son Murray Russell (1) and wife Esther (2) went to Ethiopia in 1952 and remained till 1967. Their son Peter Russell (3) is a missionary in Africa.

• The First Presbyterian Congregation was closely connected to and prayed for the foreign missionaries. Starting in the late 1950’s, missionary names and locations were listed on the back of the bulletin right after the Staff, and right before the Session.

1948: Paul Fernandez-Ceballos – Encrucijada, Cuba

Archie Crouch – Chungking, China

Carl and Muriel Blanford - China

1962: Carl (4) and Muriel Blanford (5) – China (Island of Hainan)

Jack and Mrs. Brown – Brazil

Dick and Mrs. Wichman –

Cameron House in San Francisco

Ralph and Mrs. Lewis – Indonesia

1967: Carl and Muriel Blanford – Thailand

Dick and Mrs. Wichman – Cameron House

Ralph and Mrs. Lewis – Thailand

Murray and Esther Russell – Ethiopia

Alwin and Mrs. Zakhary – local missions

Alwin and Mrs. Gall –

James and Mrs. Woodring –

Not only did our church support foreign Missionaries, but they developed them as well. Charles Lewis, Wendy Lewis, Della Weyrick Johnson, Sadie Koostra Ackley, Millie Koostra Redding, Cap Stebbart, Betty Rosenbaum Adams, Delores Meyer Gunningham, Tom Adams, Joann Hoge McLain, Miriam Rosenkranz, and Mina Hutton all went into mission work at home and abroad. Carol Hull (6) led a School of Missions each year.


14 Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
1 2
4 6
3 5
Living Waters
Teusinks-France/Africa Project Mercy Blessings of Hope Phillippines Graves-Indonesia Gustafsons Cambodia

CAMPBELL FARM – Some History with Grace of Christ

A mere twenty minutes away, yet a world away, Campbell Farm is an outreach to the Wapato community where a great percentage of the population suffers from abject poverty. Campbell Farm works to meet the nutritional, physical and educational needs of their immediate and surrounding community. Located on the Yakama Indian Reservation (2527 Campbell Road), Grace of Christ pastors Curt MacFarland and Alex Rule made the jaunt to the Farm to formally meet Dionna Bennett, the new director of the organization. Former executive director Carmanita (Carman) Pimms passed away on August 21, 2021 at the age of 58, in her sleep. Dionna is Carmen’s daughter who has worked for years in tandem with her mother.

For Pastor Curt, it was a homecoming of sorts as both he and his wife Kathaleen had served the Farm previously as interns/ directors. Initially, Pastor Curt was an intern at the Farm in 1981, and then again from 1984 to 1985. He then took on the directorship role, following the leave of Cragg and Barb Gilbert who were the founders and original directors. Kathaleen served as interim director during the summer of 1991.

The visit took on a historical bent, as Pastor Curt gave a firsthand account of the property and buildings and shared a few memories of his time on the Farm. “Cragg and Barb Gilbert gave me (many others too) the gift of seeing how Christian faith integrates with our responsibility to live out justice with others and with the earth,” reflects Pastor Curt. “Countless hours bucking hay in the field, picking apples, and talking through the mysteries, wonders, and love of God.”

During the excursion, it was pointed out by Pastor Curt, that the present-day Wellness House and support buildings (Peach Harvest and Spitzenburg Apple) were procured by long-time Missions Ministry Team member and former Campbell Farm board member, Pat Erickson. Ever resourceful and quick thinking, Pat rescued and purchased the two houses that were destined for demolition. Originally existing near Roosevelt grade school in Yakima, the structures were transported to the farm and, to this day, they serve as the primary facilities for the Farm’s programs. This was circa 1990 while the Gilberts were still directors of the Farm. And, to top it off, Pat saw to it to personally re-roof the houses all while keeping a watchful eye on her two-year-old granddaughter Taylor. Skillfully, she would climb up her ladder, hammer the shingles and return to the shady tree below where her granddaughter would be playing alongside another child. The playmate’s

parents were Japanese farmers who were expertly sharing their skills, planting gardens on the Farm.

“This was such a sweet time when the dreams and visions of the Campbell Farm were taking hold,” explains Pat Erickson. “Many city kids don’t know what agricultural life is like and the Farm sought to remedy this as well as provide a tranquil and inviting place for retreat and education,” She further explains. “I remember that my husband Fred took a course called Spanish Rapido that helped immensely to be able to communicate with others in the community.”


According to Dionna Bennett, director of the Campbell Farm, you too are welcome to visit the farm and see first hand the operations and layout of the beautiful 40 acre grounds. This spring, you will find the Farm bustling with activity as many service groups will be visiting and getting hand-on experience. Groups from Oregon State, University of Washington, Boise State, along with various churches and middle school/ high school groups will be participating. The spring also brings new farm life and spectacular beauty in the gardens and orchard. It’s time for a visit! Please reach out to Pastor Alex with any questions that you may have or for additional information on upcoming serving opportunities or events.

“We are serving over twenty missions and mission partners both locally and globally,” states Pastor Alex Rule. “The Campbell Farm is one that is in close proximity to our church. We encourage you to be a part of this vital mission.”

“Through the practice of hospitality, The Campbell Farm seeks to: Model the just and peaceable kingdom of God; Heal, empower and equip God’s people by the Holy Spirit. Be ambassadors of Christ’s reconciliation; Be good stewards of God’s creation.” –

Cragg and Barbara, Nathaniel (3) and Sean as a newborn in 1980 at The Campbell Farm sitting in front of the hop kiln before it was renovated for multipurpose use.

Barbara and Cragg Gilbert became the founding pastor/ directors of the Campbell Farm ministry after having earned Master’s of Divinity degrees from Princeton Theological Seminary in 1979. Nellie Campbell had willed the 40 acre farm, located within the Yakama Nation, to Central Washington Presbytery, in 1978.

Cragg and Barbara directed the Farm from 1980 to 1992.

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church 15
Mission Ministry


A Bible Study for Women

Mondays | 9:30am | Fireside Room | Robin Stuber

Ladies, we invite you to join us on Monday mornings in April, beginning at 9:30 AM, in the Fireside Room as Robin Stuber leads us through Spiritual Conversations

Robin says: Do you have questions? I have questions. Big questions! Like “Where is God when it hurts?” and “Why am I so angry or alone or afraid?” My goal with this four-week study is to gather women around a table and talk about life’s questions. I believe by studying God’s character through the names given to Him in the Bible, we will find an answer to some of our biggest worries. Come and join me as we encounter El Shaddai – the Lord God Almighty!


Our Women’s Ministry is in full swing this spring. We had a Bunko gathering on Sunday, February 26, that proved to be quite lively! Surprisingly, this turned out to be a multi-generational event with an age span from 13 years to women in their 80’s. It was fabulous to come together and connect over snacks and dice. By the way, quite a few women had that dice thing down! How did they get so good? Special thanks to Kathaleen McFarland for facilitating games, gab, and glee! We definitely made a joyful noise to the Lord (Psalm 100).


Mark it on your calendar, women. You’re invited for coffee @ Starbucks. Life is busy. Sometimes we can’t make ongoing commitments. But one Saturday a month? To connect over coffee @ Starbucks with women from our church? Now that’s doable! We’re calling it Coffee Connection and we’ve reserved the back room of Starbucks on 59th and Summitview. Your Women’s Ministry team hopes you’ll take this opportunity to connect with one another. Whether you need encouragement, time-out, or a laugh, Coffee Connection is where to be!


Your Women’s Ministry Team would love to hear from you if you are interested in being a part of the team. Please contact


It is time to purge those closets of clothes and shoes that no longer “spark joy” or simply aren’t being worn and are just taking up valuable space. Baby clothes and big size clothes for men and women are always in high demand. Toys, kitchen items, books, bibles and table lamps are welcome as well. (No appliances or furniture pieces can be accepted at this event, but please consider donating those items to one of the local UGM shops!) Thank you in advance for blessing the families in our community!

16 Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church Women's Ministry
Women’s Bunco Game Night


Arden Underdal and Sue Januscheitis continue to do a wonderful job as the unpaid church librarians. Thanks goes to them as well as those of you who have donated new books to the library in the last few months. We continue to need books that have been written in the last 10 years.


Boundaries – Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend

“Boundaries” When to say yes, when to say no to take control of your life by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend. This book helps answer questions such as “can I set limits and still be a loving person? What are legitimate boundaries? What if someone is upset or hurt by my boundaries? How do I answer someone who wants my time, energy, or money? This book helped to allay my guilt over setting limits.”

My Life Without God –William J. Murray

“My Life Without God” William J. Murray, son of Madalyn Murray

O’Hair. Madalyn loved a good fight: fighting God, her son William, the Baltimore Public School system, and eventually the Supreme Court.

William grew up with the delusional violence of America’s most famous Atheist, who was also a Communist. His conversion to Christ at 33 years of age is an exciting story you don’t want to miss.

Prisoners of Hope – Dayna Curry and Heather Mercer

“Prisoners of Hope” by Dayna Curry and Heather Mercer who tell of their Afghanistan captivity. They came to bring a better life and hope to the poor and most oppressed. They were arrested by the Taliban for teaching about Christ. The September 11, 2001 attacks occurred during their trial. They loved the people and were eventually rescued by U.S. special Forces.

The Emancipation of Robert Sadler –Marie Chapian and Robert Sadler

“The Emancipation of Robert Sadler” by Marie Chapian and Robert Sadler. Over fifty years after the Emancipation Proclamation, Robert Sadler was sold into slavery at the age of five-by his own father. This is the no-holds-barred tale of those dark days, his quest for freedom, and the determination to serve others born out of his experience. It is a story of good triumphing over evil, of God’s grace, and of an extraordinary life of ministry. Find this book in the Biography section.

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church 17 Library

Sunday Mornings & Announcements


9:00am Contemporary style worship, classes for children of all ages, childcare available

9:00am Grace Kids (Kidzone 2nd Floor)

Youth Youth Breakfast Club (Chapel Main Floor)

10:00am Renew Your Mind – Pilgrim’s Progress

11:00am Traditional style worship with choir and pipe organ, childcare available

Communion Served the First Sunday of each month at both services (9:00am & 11:00am)

Prayer Available at the front of the sanctuary after each service



MONDAYS 9:30am Women’s Bible Study

6:30pm Divorce Care

7:00pm Men’s BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) Trailseekers

WEDNESDAYS 6:00pm Wed@Grace Dinner & Classes

6:00pm Choir Rehearsal

THURSDAYS 9:15am Women’s BSF (Bible Study Fellowship)

3:45pm Gospel Kids Rehearsal

6:00pm Worship Band Rehearsal

MON–FRIDAY 9:00am Preschool


You may remember, pre- pandemic when we had 20+ volunteers reading with students at Adams

Elementary each week. We are slowly getting back to reading with the students on a regular basis. If you are interested in this growing program, please contact Tom Oliva to find out how and when you can get plugged in. We hope to have a regular schedule with Adams for their next school year. Call Tom: 509-571-4543


Thursdays | April 27- June 15 | 6pm – 7:30pm

The Jewish Roots of Christianity is an eight week course with Rabbi Jay Shupack that explores the culture, beliefs, history, and traditions that connect two religions linked in brotherhood and bloodshed. $72/per person or $136/couple.

Pre-register at the church office or online.


Thursdays | 3:45pm – 5:15pm | Choir Room

Gospel Kids are back! Rehearsals take place on Thursdays from 3:45pm – 5:15pm in the church choir room. (Park near the playground.) Sonny Salsbury welcomes kids from all over Yakima Valley, grades 3rd through 7th. (No formal training required) They are putting on an original Sonny Salsbury production Sunday, May 14 at 2pm in the Sanctuary. All are invited to attend!

Please contact Sonny for information: 805-709-6605

18 Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church
George & Student Reading at Adams

Calendar of Events

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church 19
Wed, March 29 Last Weds@Grace for this quarter 6 pm / 6:45 pm - 8 pm Gym / Classrooms Sat, April 1 Men's Breakfast 7:30 am Gym Sun, April 2 Palm Sunday - Kids Sing 9:00 am & 11:00 am Sanctuary (No Student Breakfast Club Today-Join in Worship) 9 :0 0 am Sanctuary A pril 3rd - 7th Preschool Spring Break Mon's, April 3-24 R. Stuber's Women's Class - Spiritual Conversations 9:30 am - 11:00 am Fireside Room Wed, April 5-6 High School Lock-in 7 :00 pm - 10:00 am Gym Thur, April 6 Maundy Thursday Communion & Tenebrae Service 7:00 pm Sanctuary Fri, April 7 Good Friday Prayer and Service 12:00 pm Sanctuary Fri, April 7 Camp Hope Meal Prep 3:00 pm Gym Kitchen Sun, April 9 Easter Sunday Services 9:00 am & 11:00 am Sanctuary (No Student Breakfast Club Today-Join in Worship) During 9:00 am hour Sanctuary Sun, April 9 Sonrise Service 6:30 am North Lawn Sun, April 9 Grace Kids Easter Egg Hunt During 9:00 am hour Outside Mon, April 10 Preschool Flower Basket Fundraiser Ends Today Tue, April 11 Business Ministry Team Meeting 4:00pm Library Tue, April 11 Mission Ministry Team Meeting 4:30pm Adult Ed Room Wed, April 12 Preschool Open House 6:00pm - 7:30pm Preschool Classrooms Wed, April 12 Youth Group & Dinner 6:00pm - 8:00pm Gym Sun, April 16 Fireside Chat with the Pastors After Each Service Fireside Room Sun, April 16 Deacon's Meeting 12:30pm Lounge A pril 19 - May 31 Wed@Grace Kick-off Dinner & Classes (for all ages) 6 pm / 6:45pm -8pm Gym / Classrooms Thur, April 20 Adams' Teacher Appreciation Dinner 5:30pm Gym Fri, April 21 Next Steps: New Covenant Partner Class (Dinner) 5:30 pm - 7:30pm Fireside Room Sat, April 22 Next Steps: New Covenant Partner Class (Snacks) 9:00am - 12:00 pm Fireside Room Sat, April 22 Jasmin Duran's Quinceañera 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Sanctuary Sun, April 23 Hymn Fest! 6:00 pm Sanctuary Tue, April 25 Preschool Spring Tea and Program 10:00 am Sanctuary/Garden Rm Tue, April 25 S ession Meeting 6:30 pm Adult Ed Room A pril 27 - June 15 Jewish Roots in Christianity - Rabbi Jay Shupack 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm Chapel A pril 28-30th Ghormley Mother/Daughter Weekend All Weekend Camp Ghormley Sat, April 29 Women's Coffee Connection 10:00 am Starbucks on 59th Thur, May 4 Preschool Fundraiser: Flower Basket Delivery! Pickup 8:30am - 7pm Garden Room Sat, May 6 Men's Breakfast 7:30 am Gym Sun, May 7 Communion Sunday 9:00am & 11:00am Sanctuary Thur, May 11 Last Perspectives Class Sun, May 14 Happy Mother's Day Gospel Kids Musical - All Are Invited To Come! 2:00 pm Sanctuary Sat, May 20 Clothing Exchange 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Gym Sun, May 21 S enior Brunch / Welcome Graduating 5th graders 9:00am Sanctuary / Gym Fireside Chat with the Pastors After Each Service Fireside Room Deacon's Meeting 12:30 pm Lounge Tue, May 23 S ession Dinner and Meeting 6:00 pm / 6:30 pm Garden Rm/Adult Ed Rm Fri, May 26 Preschool Graduation 10:00 am Sanctuary/Garden Rm Fri, May 26-27 Middle School Lock-in 7:00 pm - 10:00 am Gym
May 29 Memorial Day - Church Closed
We are not hosting VBS
See you in 2024!

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