A technique for border molding with light-polymerized resin

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A techniquefor border molding with light-polymerizedresin

"'o,b D'o'ivie,i. DDs' t;i#'il:"i,,?liî;,,f.,;íT::'J;yî;,?", and mctlìo.i 1òr bordcr

oldjng a cusrom tray for

removablc prosrlìodontics rvitÌr a light-polltncrizcd rcsÍrisplcscnrcd.IhcmJe rialhas\cvcralidvinrase\:ir rcquircslcssùmJmcnrrium than mÒdclingptarri'cim prcssron compouDd,may bc bofdermoldedtn a sinqle srcp.cÀnb( correcrcdin singlcrrca,.andmaybc useJin exswhcrerhe trayuny b€ undcrexteoded. PROCEDURI l

Fab.icdcîn acrylicrcsincusromrry on thc diag nosticc?sr.This srcpshoùldbc comptcrcd24 houfs in .dvancc ro alo$,po\meriz*ioD shrintige ofthe tray bcforc impressionll)all<iDg. 2. Evaluarcdrc cusronì rÍry inÚloraly for propcr oi3. Usc lighr'polynìcrizcd rray rcsnì (SpcctrlTray; Ivodd Vir?dent AG, Schaan,LiechrcnsreiDor Triad; DcnrsplyIntcmationalIn€,york, pa) ofa dìFercnr color thú drc resin uscd for the cùsrom rray. RoI thc r.sirÌ inro a srick and adaprro rhc Fny's pcr.iphcrr (Fis.l). 4- Positionrhc rrry in rhc mourhand bordermoro. 5. Pùti.Iy po\merizc rhc resin border wìùì an ,ll nàomt ligbr-polymcrizìng unir (Helioluxi Ivoclar Vivrdcnt AC) dìd rcmove thc tfry. ó. EvJuntcthc úry for ovcrc\rcndcd.ìrcq idcùîificd by thc color ofrhc tray rcsnrappcaringrhrough rhc vasbcdalay pcripherynrarerixl(Fig. 2). In sirùatrons $'hcrc overexrensionis presrnt, coffc€t tlìe rrayextcnsion rd rebordcrmotd $,idr ncw tighr po\mcrizcd rcsir. 7. Thoroughlypolymerizcrhc resinbordcrin a liglìtpolyme.izingch3mber(Tirgis pow€r;IvoctarVivad€otAC) $'hcnbordermoldingiî complcrc, 8. Rc6nc thc cusrom&av and trim thc bordcr stisht\., lcaving spicc for rhe iftpressiotr marc;al_ 9. Makcàfinalinrprcssion, box,rnd pouri|l sroDcwirh the tcchniqùeof choicc. 10. Rcmovcúc t|ly Èom rhc ffster castby gcnrty hening rhe tny slighdy, taking carenor to applym openflrnc dirccdvon thc sronecast.

rig. l. Colorconrrèrin8liSht'polymedzed lfay rcsinposi lionedon Irayborder.

fig.2. Overextensions olcurom rrayàre idenlifiedDyco,or ol tray resinappearinglhrcughperipherymareíat.



bbootory owner, Ancoia, tllty.

,Privatepracrice,Bologna,ìtaly, P.ivaEpmctice,Ancona,[aly. I P@5ùetDenr2003j90:ì01.

lutY 2003


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