Zeb #15 - Spring/Summer 2016

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Juventus back in business Leggende italiane atterrano a Toronto


Look for updates of upcoming events on our website, via email, and through our Facebook and Twitter accounts WATCH THE GAMES WITH US Come and watch Juve games with us at our Game Day Home, The Azzurri Sports Village (4995 Keele Street - Keele & Steeles). Updates are posted on our website and sent via email. EVENING OF WINE TASTING The Juventus Club DOC Toronto is arranging a wonderful evening of Wine Tasting at Coppi Ristorante (3363 Yonge St., Toronto). Details will be available soon. Cheers!

END OF SEASON PICNIC Celebrate Juventus‟ end of season successes with our annual picnic on Sunday, June 26, 2016 from 12pm-3pm at the Azzurri Sports Village. Come out and enjoy the sun, the food, and the friendships! TRIP TO ITALY Join us on a trip to Italy to see Juventus in Torino! Game at the stadium, Headquarters Tour and City Tour are just some of the many events planned. Stay tuned for details.

POKER TOURNAMENT The Juventus Club DOC Toronto‟s Annual Poker Tournament has become one of the most anticipated gatherings of the year. Details for this autumn event are being ironed out as we speak.

DINNER DANCE The club‟s Dinner Dances allow members to get together, socialize, and make new friendships. Stand by for information for this November event.



Table of Contents

2 Notes from the Editors 3 The President’s Address 4 News and Notes Club reports 5 JuTube Juve-inspired web links Also: The Perks of Being a Member What it all means 6 Juve Kids Our little ones in Juve-inspired clothing 7 In Memoriam Diciamo addio a Nick De Cesare 8 Tifoso Famoso Tony Pavia 9 2015/2016 Soccer Results 10 Our Club Events Christmas Party, Wine Tasting, Poker Tournament, Picnic, Membership Kit Distribution, Trip to Italy 14 Italian Legends in Toronto Former Italian (and Juve) players visit our city 16 Centerfold Gianluigi Buffon 18 Player Profiles: Leonardo Bonucci, Gianluigi Buffon, Paulo Sousa, Sebastian Giovinco 23 Giovinco a Toronto L‟ex juventino arriva al TFC 26 Destinazione Torino: Posta Per La Squadra 27 Top Ten I top 10 numero dieci 28 Dove Sono Adesso Mauro Camoranesi 29 Games Page Sudoku 30 Comic Relief Entertaining captioned photos 31 Essentials Info all members should know 32 Say What? Humourous athlete quotes

SIDE KICK: “Many of life‟s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” Thomas A. Edison

You can contact us by e-mail at juvemaga@yahoo.ca

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Tiziana Pace

Julia Pace

Co-Editor in Chief

Co-Editor in Chief

Principal Writer Copy Writer

After more than a year„s pause in the publication of zeb magazine, we are ecstatic to be able to bring it back to you! Sometimes life gives you a soccer ball to the face and so a break was in order. But that doesn‟t mean that we had any less enthusiasm for our team or the members of our club. We just wanted to ensure that we only give you the best product that we can, so that this magazine mirrors the love and passion that we have for Juventus. We deeply appreciate all the warmth and attention everyone has given us and we hope that you find this now bi-annual magazine informative, interesting and full of the zeal that continues to make us happy to be fans of the bianconeri.

THIS IS A BILINGUAL MAGAZINE You can write to us in either English or Italian with your comments, suggestions and submissions. Noi pubblicheremo le vostre opinioni sia in italiano che in inglese. This magazine is for you so we are committed to making you comfortable to write in whatever language is easiest for you. Anche voi potete rendervi partecipi a questa iniziativa dando il vostro parere sulla nostra rivista. 2

zeb issue #15

Copy Writer

It‟s good to be back! I‟m not just talking about zeb (although it‟s wonderful to finally have a new issue out and into your hands), but I‟m also back in Canada. After a big move, I‟m settling back into life here, seeing familiar faces and reconnecting with old friends. The spring is always a good time for sports. Although Serie A is winding down, we can still look ahead to Juve in the Coppa Italia final. But this city also has some great teams, either starting up their seasons or preparing for the playoffs. Even the NCAA basketball tournament has me gripped. And all of these athletics remind me of one of the best things about sports: any team can win on any day.

CONTRIBUTORS Gina Pace Editor Mario Riossi Contributing Editor / Photographer Francesco Mastrorizzi Writer

Download a Copy of Our Magazine! If you can’t find a copy of this magazine for yourself, if you want a digital copy, or if you want to share a copy with people that you know, you can visit our website at www.juventusclubdoctoronto.com and download a copy!

in italiano

Carissimi Juventini, lo Juventus Club Toronto e' nato nel 2002 e nel 2005 e` diventato Juventus Club Doc Toronto. Madre Juve ha voluto ristrutturare e selezionare i club di tutto il mondo, aggiungendo il DOC, anche per dare un privilegio ai club. Molte persone hanno contribuito a portare avanti questo club nei 14 anni passati. Con il mio incarico di Presidente un anno e mezzo fa, sono tornato tra di voi con tanta voglia di fare bene. Posso contare su un direttivo molto compatto e appassionato. Abbiamo trovato

un bel locale per le riunioni del club all'Azzurri Sports Village. Bob Iarusci, Chairman di questo progetto, e' stato bravissimo ad aiutarci. Li` ci troviamo tra amici con una gran voglia di transcorrere del tempo insieme In occasione del mio ritorno in Italia, ho fatto una capatina a Torino dove ho visitato il Centro Coordinamento. Ho avuto lâ€&#x;occasione di vedere da vicino la nostra situazione e parlare con la Presidente Sig. Mariella Scirea e rafforzare i nostri legami. Con il nuovo anno, insieme al direttivo, ci siamo messi subito al lavoro per i nuovi appuntamenti.

Per finire, un abbraccio a voi tutti per un sereno 2016. Vince Carlucci Presidente

BOARD OF DIRECTORS The Juventus Club DOC Toronto has always been very dynamic, so it stands to reason that there have been many changes since our last issue. Following the club‟s Annual General Meeting and subsequent Board Meeting, we now have a new President! Longtime member and Board veteran, Vince Carlucci, was unanimously voted in to lead the club to new frontiers. As of today, the remainder of the Board is as follows: Vice President, Tony Ciamarra; Secretary, Tiziana Pace; Treasurer, Dino DiGennaro; Membership Coordinator, Steve Venere; Public Relations Directors, Franco Costa and Gina Pace; and Councilors, Lina Tullo, Franco Luciani, and newcomer Rocco Fasano. We must also acknowledge and give thanks to those who have left the Board, remembering their hard work and personal commitment to us. Thank you Nadia Ciccone, Marisa Lombardi, Domenic D‟Amario, Loris Rizzardo and Frank Palmieri. GAME-DAY HOME It is with great excitement that we announce to our members that, with the help of soccer veteran Bob Iarusci, we are now watching our Juventus games at the Azzurri Sports Village. Come and join in the fun! MEMBERSHIP CARDS AND KITS DISTRIBUTED This year‟s Juventus Club DOC Toronto membership kits were distributed to enthusiastic members on Saturday, February 13, 2016. Lovely Juventus-embossed leather card pouches were handed out at a game-day get-together at the Azzurri Sports Village.


zeb issue #15

JUVENTUS CLUB ON THE AIRWAYS Since his call as President, Vince Carlucci has taken every opportunity to talk about our club on the radio. There is no reigning in his passion! It is wonderful to once again hear our club talked about with such love.

CLUB EVENTS Our club is once again planning events in the coming year. It wouldn‟t be spring without our annual Wine Tasting Event at Coppi Ristorante. Our end-of-season picnic promises great food and a wonderful social event for our members. The club‟s Poker Tournament provides some competitive excitement. We‟re giddy at the thought of a trip to Italy to see our beloved Juventus playing live. Finally, what could be more binding than a November Dinner Dance for our members to celebrate our mutual love of our team? While some of these events are in the planning stages, you can check our social media pages for updates as they become available.

CLUB UPDATES The Juventus Club DOC Toronto would like to remind our members that, aside from official emails, you can stay updated on club happenings and events in real time by visiting our website, joining our Facebook group, or subscribing to our Twitter account. With the superb work of Rocco Fasano and Joe Fazari, the club is now a click away.

Links to Juventus-inspired sites

Paulo Dybala - Gonna be a star https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9EewLkoLZE Alex Sandro 2015/16 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07uWH7ejxWw Barzagli Bonucci Chiellini - Unbreakable https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZvXF_JBJlE Carlos Tevez & Juventus - The Story https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pes8bLGHed8

CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations go out to member Julia Pace on her marriage to Kayla Sintz in an exquisite country wedding in the fall of 2015. The Juventus Club DOC Toronto wishes them much happiness and joy for the future.

Juventus test to Chiellini, Caceres and Morata https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MnaBu-lOeL0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOf3HNRV1CI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A440GBJLfV4

Submitted by: Francesco Mastrorizzi

What do you get for becoming a member, other than hanging around with the coolest crowd in the city? Hereâ€&#x;s a quick list.

A copy of our Official Club Magazine delivered right to your front door!

Exclusive offers from our sponsors at our Club events.

A membership card signifying Official recognition by Juventus FC, allowing members to receive privileged ticketing for games and entrance into DOC Club-exclusive events and contests (see juventusclubdoc.it).

An official Juventus F.C. Membership Kit.

Our own club membership card along with a special gift just for signing up with us.

Participation in exclusive Club events when visiting Juventus F.C. in Torino.

Exclusive Juventus Club DOC Toronto merchandise.

Have a cute photo of your little ones? Send it to: juvemaga@yahoo.ca and you may see it in our next magazine

Left, Daniele Pirillo is all decked out to meet Giovinco upon his arrival in Toronto last year. This is how we get „em young! Right, the lovely Emily Fasano shows off her Juventus colours. She would be the first on our runway!

in italiano

Lo Juventus Club DOC Toronto ha perso un membro caro. Nick De Cesare era un nostro grande amico, sempre presente ai nostril eventi, e sempre pronto a dare una mano. La sua mancansa si sentira` profondamente. Nick De Cesare (1948- 2016) Carissimi soci e amici Juventini, questa volta scrivo due righe non per parlare della nostra amata Juve, ma per ricordare Nick De Cesare. Nick era un nostro socio e un grande amico del nostro Club. Era sempre pronto ad aiutare se avevi bisogno ed era sempre disponibile per qualsiasi problema da risolvere. Insomma sapeva fare di tutto. Amava la compagnia , ma sopratutto amava la sua famiglia. Ricordo Nick insieme alla moglie a maggio del 2015 quando siamo andati a Torino

col gruppo per vedere JUVE-REAL e poi JUVE-CAGLIARI. Quando siamo entrati nello stadio era cosi felice. Per lui e' stato come toccare il cielo con le mani. Abbbiamo passato una settimana insieme e tutto e` stato bellissimo. Mi e' stato sempre vicino negli ultimi due anni da grande Juventino. Ti dico GRAZIE a nome mio e di tutto il direttivo del Juventus Club Doc Toronto. Vince Carlucci - Presidente

in italiano

Tifoso Famoso A cura di Marisa lombardi Lo Juventus club vuole scegliere come primo “ Tifoso Famoso” il Cav. Tony Pavia: personaggio che, nella nostra comunita‟, non ha bisogno di alcuna presentazione...Tony, e‟ stato scelto non solo perche‟ e‟ membro del nostro sodalizio, ma perche‟ e‟ uno juventino vero e perche‟ vogliamo riconoscere i suoi meriti e mostrargli il nostro apprezzamento. Elencare tutte le sue imprese non sara‟ facile, quindi mi limitero‟ ad elencarne solo alcune: 1950 - Anno di nascita – Faeto- Foggia 1960 - Vincitore del concorso sul tema “ Descrivi il tuo futuro” 1968 - Prima coppa di Calcio vinta a Greci 1973 - Miglior giocatore militare a Conegliano Veneto 1980 - Redattore sportivo di “Vita Italiana” 1983 - Da giornalista a fotoreporter con il“Corriere Canadese” 1988 - Presidente della squadra di calcio “Cooksville” 1990 - Riconoscimenti da vari enti sportivi, clubs e associazioni, quali Croce Rossa, Lucania, Carabinieri, Maierato, ecc. 1999 - Riconoscimenti dalla stampa etnica 2001 - Tributo per 20 anni di servizio in fotogiornalismo 2004 - Insignito del titolo di Cavaliere della Repubblica Italiana- dell‟Ordine della Stella della solidarieta‟ 2005 - Riconoscimento dell‟associazione calcio dell‟Ontario 2007 - Scelto “Pugliese dell‟anno” dalla Federazione dei Pugliesi dell‟Ontario. Riceve, anche, il “Ted Coombs Memorial Award” dall‟Ontario Soccer League Attualmente coopera con il mensile “Panorama ItalianCanadian” Tony mi perdonera‟ se, per questione di spazio non ho elencato tanti altri successi... Grazie, perche’ sei un: “Tifoso Famoso!”

SIDE KICK: “If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.” Henry Ford


zeb issue #15

When you are out searching for services and products, the Juventus Club DOC Toronto asks you to remember our sponsors. They are an important part of our community and, just as they support us, we would like to support them. It is because of them that this magazine is possible. So don‟t forget to shop our sponsors when you can! And remember to mention where you saw their ad!

As of February 29, 2016

61 Juventus 58 Napoli 53 Roma 53 Fiorentina 48 Inter 47 Milan 41 Sassuolo 37 Lazio 35 Bologna 34 Chievo

34 Empoli 32 Torino 30 Atalanta 30 Udinese 28 Genoa 28 Sampdoria 27 Palermo 23 Frosinone 21 Carpi 18 Verona

28a: Atalanta vs Juventus 29a: Juvenuts vs Sassuolo 30a: Torino vs Juventus 31a: Juventus vs Empoli 32a: Milan vs Juventus 33a: Juventus vs Palermo

34a: Juventus vs Lazio 35a: Fiorentina vs Juventus 36a: Juventus vs Carpi 37a: Verona vs Juventus 38a: Juventus vs Sampdoria

Juventus vs Milan



Mar 9, 2016



Mar 9, 2016

Manchester City Dynamo Kiev

Mar 15, 2016

Athletico Madrid PSV Eindhoven

Mar 15, 2016

Bayern Munich


Mar 16, 2016



Mar 16, 2016

Spartak Prague


March 10, 2016


Spartak Prague

March 17, 2016

April 7, 2016

April 14, 2016

April 28, 2016

April 5/6, 2016

April 12/13, 2016

April 26/27, 2016

May 3/4, 2016

May 28, 2016

May 5, 2016

May 18, 2016

zeb issue #15


We have had so many events in the past year that we really don‟t know where to start. We have included them all here, not only because we wanted to keep you updated with what has happened in the time that zeb has been on hiatus, but because we wanted you to know all the ways in which we have kept our Juventus family together.

November 2014

The Juventus Club DOC Toronto‟s Annual Christmas Party at Lanterna Ristorante always proves to be a joyous event filled with laughter and reminiscing about times with friends and loved ones. A truly memorable event for our members.

Nothing beats the flavours and the service that we receive at our Annual Wine Tasting Event at Coppi Ristorante. The selection is magnificent and we always learn so much about wine appreciation. An event not to be missed.

Above, Board Member Franco Costa and his wife Norma. At right, from the left, Donna Spagnolo, club Secretary Tiziana Pace, Valentina Karacic and Tatjana Marincic. Below, from left, Tom Di Ciazza, former Board Member Marisa Lombardi, and Vincenzo Solmito.

Get yourself a picture of a celebrity holding an issue of zeb magazine and send it in to us. If we publish it, you‟ll receive a free one year membership to our Club. Get out there and promote our magazine! E-mail pictures to juvemaga@yahoo.ca.


zeb issue #15

February 2015

February 2015

The club‟s annual Poker Tournament generated a lively spirit of competition among members and friends. Greatly attended, this event brings out the best in us all.

March 2015

May 2015 Last May, a group of members flew to Italy to see Juventus vs Real Madrid (Champions League semi-final) and Juventus vs Cagliari, a game which enabled us to celebrate the win of the 2014-2015 scudetto.

Above, Board Members Gina Pace and Lina Tullo hand out the 2015 Membership Kits, which included the official Membership Card and a beautiful Juventus raincoat.


This past year has been a wonder for our club in the media. Not only has the Juventus Club DOC Toronto been featured extensively in the newspapers, but we have been guests on live game chats on the internet, Skype appearances, and radio call-ins, not to mention the heap of attention we‟ve gotten across social media platforms. The message is clear: the Juventus Club DOC Toronto is here to stay! Last year, our club was featured on www.dragandf.ly/senoritalolitaceleb101 with an interview with then club President Tiziana Pace, pictured at left with Senorita Lolita herself. More recently, current President Vince Carlucci was able to arrange for a live radio chat with the President of Juventus‟ Centro Coordinamento, Mariella Scirea (right).

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June 2015

The Juventus Club DOC Torontoâ€&#x;s Annual Picnic was held on the beautiful grounds of the Azzurri Sports Village. It was a gorgeous day and, as usual, there was a lot to eat and much fun to be had.

Top left, Vince Carlucci, Franco Luciani, Michele Lombardi, Steve Venere and, our dearly departed, Nick De Cesare, share in a bottle of champagne to toast Juventusâ€&#x; successes. Top right, a group photo in front of the lovely Azzurri Sports Village. At right, a member poses in the classiest uniform around. Below, a group shot in front our delicious Juventus cake. At left, some of our youngest and most enthusiastic fans.


zeb issue #15

December 2015

The year was rounded off by the usual delicious Christmas dinner provided for us by Lanterna Ristorante. This was a great opportunity for members to mingle with other Juventus families and to look upon the past year with gratitude for all that we have.

February 2016 This year our membership kits were distributed at the Azzurri Sports Village. Members were treated to food, a game, and this yearâ€&#x;s Juventus Club DOC leather pouches.

zeb issue #15


In July 2014 there was a cavalcade of ex-Juventus players in Toronto for the Legends Game: The Italian Legends vs The Portuguese Legends. The Juventus Ckub DOC Toronto was there for the arrival at the airport, the dinner, the press conference, and the game. Juventini everywhere!

So many juventini, so little time! Above, at left, arriving at Pearson International Airport in Toronto, former Juventus and Italian National Team greats: Roberto Baggio and World Cup Champion Gianluca Zambrotta. At left, former Italian Team Captain Franco Baresi with Baggio at the Gala Press Conference. Above, Baggio at BMO Field.


zeb issue #15

At top, a team shot of the Italian Legends before the game at BMO Field. Below that, from left, Salvatore Schillaci, Paolo Di Canio, and Simone Perrotta. Other notable participants in the Legends game were World Cup Champion Marco Delvecchio. At right, from the left, Alberigo Evani, Giovanni Galli and former Lazio and Portuguese National Team player, Fernando Couto. zeb issue #15



zeb issue #15

zeb issue #15


zeb issue #15


Become a Member Be part of the excitement Be part of the camaraderie Be part of the passion We are more than just a Fan Club The only Juventus Club in Canada to be officially recognized by Juventus F.C. Join the

Juventus Club DOC Toronto juventusclubdoctoronto.com 20

zeb issue #15

FORMER JUVENTUS PLAYER PAULO SOUSA, in his own words: “I am a passionate and knowledgeable soccer manager and former player. As such, I have attempted to immerse myself in to each and every football club I have been involved with. My vision, with each club I manage, is to create and develop a philosophy and identity as to the way we play football. This must reflect the club‟s history, the supporters and must help to shape the club‟s future. The foremost consideration for any coach or manager in professional football is to win matches But we must entertain and play attractive, passing football, with a high tempo, pressing the opposition back and forcing mistakes. This is the approach I adopted as a player and is the approach I will continue to use during my time in the game. I create teams with the balance between flair and aggression and I want my teams to reflect my own personality – honest, hard hard-working and with the desire to win.”

zeb issue #15



zeb issue #15

in italiano

Piu` di un anno e` passato dall‟arnnuncio del passaggio dell‟ex-juventino Sebastian Giovinco dalla Juventus al Toronto FC. Cosi` il suo arrivo e la sua prestazione come MVP del TFC sono ormai vecchie storie. Pero‟, non possiamo lasciare passare l‟opportunita` di mostrare la passione degli juventini e sportivi ovunque, che l‟hanno accolto con entusiasmo e stima. Dall‟annuncio ufficiale, la conferenza stampa, l‟arrivo, la presentazione , gli incontri, alla prestazione in campo, tifosi hanno circondato con calore ed affetto uno che tutti descrivono come un ragazzo simpatico e socievole. E adesso, dopo un anno, non siamo i soli ad apprezzare il suo valore!

Sopra a destra, il Commitato dello Juventus Club DOC Toronto raccoglie le notizie dell‟arrivo di Giovinco con molta felicita` e onore, sapendo il prestigio della conquista del Toronto FC. Sotto, il Presidente del Club Vince Carlucci con Andrea D‟Amico, il Manager di Giovinco.

zeb issue #15


in italiano

Hanno detto che lo aspettavano duemila persone all‟areoporto. Sotto, scene dell‟arrivo di Sebastian Giovinco a Toronto che dimostrano la passione e l‟amore del popolo canadese.

Sotto, Giovinco viene presentato al pubblico con la consegna della maglia ufficiale del Toronto FC.

SIDE KICK: “Victory is always possible for the person who refuses to stop fighting.” Napoleon Hill


zeb issue #15

in italiano

Sotto, Giovinco incontra I suoi tifosi a Toronto durante i vari “Meet & Greet� che sono stati programmati, firmando autografi, parlando e scherzando.

The Juventus Club DOC Toronto believes strongly in giving back to our community. We are especially active in providing financial contributions to organizations which we believe are not only in need of funding, but also display a quality which the members of our community wish to see supported. This year our club made a generous donation to The Sick Kids Hospital Foundation, whose belief is that improving the health and well-being of children is one of the most powerful ways to improve society. Every year we plan on continuing to reach out and provide support wherever it is needed, demonstrating our ongoing commitment to our community.

zeb issue #15


in italiano Amata squadra, dopo tre scudetti consecutivi, vi possiamo assicurare che abbiamo ancora tanta sete... Dissetiamoci, dunque, alla fonte della “Gioventu‟.”

Forza Juve: vinci per noi! SIDE KICK: “True strength is in the soul and spirit, not in the muscles.” Confidence Haugen

Want to promote your Juve Club? Send your Juventus-colour-clad picture to: juvemaga@yahoo.ca 26

zeb issue #15

in italiano

Momenti storici della nostra Vecchia Signora

Top 10 numeri dieci 10. Liam Brady Primo calciatore straniero a giocare in Italia dopo la riapertura del campionato agli stranieri, l‟irlandese arriva dall‟Arsenal nel 1980 e prende subito la dieci sulle spalle, onorandola al meglio nelle 76 partite disputate, arricchite da 15 gol e 2 scudetti in altrettanti tornei.

raccoglie 239 presenze, condite da 41 Uefa. Con la maglia bianconera gol. segna 289 reti, battendo il record di gol che apparteneva a Giampiero 6. Giovanni Ferrari È uno dei Boniperti, ed è il recordman di protagonisti del quinquennio record presenze con 705 partite disputate. della Juventus allenata da Carlo 2. Roberto Baggio Approda alla Carcano, che monopolizza la Serie A Juventus dalla Fiorentina nell‟estate di vincendo cinque campionati di fila tra Italia „90. A dispetto della giovane età il 1931 e il 1935. Indossa la maglia (23 anni), prende subito in mano la numero dieci, ma ricopre – in maniera squadra e nelle cinque stagioni a egregia – il ruolo di mezzala sinistra. In Torino mette a segno 115 gol in 200 bianconero disputa 193 partite, partite. Nonostante i grandi numeri, “Il segnando 79 gol. divin codino” raccoglie (relativamente) poco:una Coppa 5. John Hansen Nel corso delle sei UEFA nel 1992/93 e nella sua ultima stagioni in bianconero (dal „48 al „54), stagione alla Juventus (1994/95) uno l‟attaccante danese totalizza 187 scudetto e una Coppa Italia. Le sue presenze, in cui mette a segno ben magie, però, restano ancora negli 124 gol, vincendo due scudetti e il occhi e nel cuore di molti tifosi. titolo di capocannoniere nel „52. Ha la 9. Luis del Sol Arrivato nel „62 dai media gol più alta tra i grandi numeri campioni d‟Europa e del Mondo del dieci della Juventus (un gol ogni 136 Real Madrid, è il primo spagnolo nella minuti). storia della Juventus. Indossa la dieci dal „65, dopo la partenza di Sivori. In 4. Omar Sivori Argentino di origini otto stagioni colleziona 294 presenze e italiane, arriva dal River Plate nel „57, 29 gol, conquistando, tuttavia, solo ad appena 21 anni, facendosi notare uno scudetto e una Coppa Italia. da subito per la straordinaria tecnica e il dribbling. Fino al „65 vince tre 8. Carlos Tevez Arriva nel 2013 da scudetti ed altrettante Coppe Italia, Manchester, sponda City, con la fama formando il Trio Magico con Jonh di “bad boy”. Ma nelle due stagioni a Charles e Giampiero Boniperti. Nel „61 1. Michel Platini L‟avvocato Agnelli se Torino l‟Apache diventa il leader della gli viene assegnato il Pallone D‟Oro. lo assicura dopo il Mondiale dell‟82 per squadra, trascinandola a suon di gol Disputa 253 partite con la maglia 250 milioni di lire. “Le Roi”, come verrà (50 in 96 incontri disputati)e grandi bianconera e segna 167 gol, vincendo poi soprannominato, fa brillare gli prestazioni alla vittoria di due scudetti, il titolo di capocannoniere nel „60. occhi a tutti i tifosi bianconeri ed è una Coppa Italia e una Supercoppa l‟artefice principale delle vittorie della Italiana, e dimostrando di vestire con 3. Alessandro Del PieroArrivato nel „93 Juventus nei cinque anni in cui rimane merito la maglia numero dieci, per un dalle giovanili del Padova, a soli 19 a Torino, fino al suo ritiro nell‟87: due anno rimasta spoglia dopo l‟addio di anni, si fa subito notare per classe e Scudetti, una Coppa Italia, una Del Piero. tecnica. S o p r a n n o m i n a t o Coppa delle Coppe, una Supercoppa “Pinturicchio” da Gianni Agnelli, Europea, una Coppa dei Campioni, 7. Fabio Capello La Juve decide di diventa il “dieci” per antonomasia, una Coppa Intercontinentale. Le sue puntare su di lui quando ha solo 24 che delizia il popolo bianconero per prestazioni gli consentono di vincere anni, acquistandolo dalla Roma. Per ben 19 stagioni, nelle quali conquista per tre anni consecutivi – dall‟83 all‟85 sei stagioni (dal „70 al „76) è il fulcro del otto Scudetti, una Coppa Italia, – il titolo di capocannoniere di Serie A gioco della Vecchi a Si gn ora, quattro Supercoppe Italiane, una e il Pallone d‟Oro. In totale mette a indossando spesso la maglia numero Champions League, una Coppa segno 104 gol in 224 partite. dieci. Regala ai tifosi tre scudetti e Intercontinentale, una Supercoppa 27 zeb issue #15

Camoranesi porta la sua grinta in panchina Sono 50 le stelle d‟oro collocate all‟esterno dello Juventus Stadium e dedicate ad altrettanti calciatori che hanno fatto la storia della Juventus, scelti nel 2010 attraverso un

nell‟infausta estate del 2006, assieme a Buffon, Nedved, Trezeguet e Del Piero.

sondaggio tra i tifosi. Tra quelle stelle c‟è anche Mauro Germán Ca mo rane si , gi ocat ore i t al o argentino classe „76, campione del mondo con la Nazionale italiana nel 2006, che ha vestito la maglia bianconera dal 2002 al 2010.

Da Torino si trasferisce in Germania, allo Stoccarda, ma la sua nuova avventura dura soltanto quattro mesi. Infatti il 26 gennaio 2011 rescinde consensualmente il contratto che lo lega alla società tedesca e il 2 febbraio successivo firma per la squadra argentina del Lanús. La sua stagione è caratterizzata da molte presenze, ma anche da alcuni episodi spiacevoli che lo vedono protagonista di risse in campo a suon di pugni e calci. Nell‟estate del 2012 viene ceduto al Racing Club di Avellaneda, dove da subito è titolare. Il 13 febbraio 2014 ufficializza il ritiro dal calcio giocato al termine della stagione, che però non riesce a concludere, perché in aprile viene messo fuori rosa dopo aver criticato il proprio tecnico.

I tifosi lo ricordano per le sue sgroppate in velocità sulla fascia destra e per la sua abilità nel dribbling e nelle situazioni uno contro uno, grazie ad un controllo di palla eccellente. Non è passato inosservato neanche il suo carattere fumantino, che più di una volta ha costretto gli arbitri a mostrargli il cartellino rosso. Ciò nonostante è rimasto nel cuore dei fan juventini per la grinta e l‟impegno che ha sempre dimostrato in campo, ma anche per essere stato tra i campioni che sono scesi in Serie B e che non hanno abbandonato la Juventus 28

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Le strade di Camoranesi e della Juve si dividono nell‟estate del 2010, dopo alcune stagioni condizionate da una lunga serie di infortuni. In otto stagioni a Torino ha collezionato 288 presenze e 32 gol, vincendo tre Scudetti e due Supercoppe Italiane. Tra i momenti più memorabili della sua carriera bianconera, la prima stagione, quella del 2002/03 con Lippi, conclusasi con la vittoria del campionato e la finale di Champions League, e le due stagioni con Capello, che lo aveva inserito tra i pilastri della sua squadra.

A gennaio del 2015 inizia la sua carriera da allenatore. La prima esperienza è alla guida del Coras de

in italiano

Il nostro corrispondente estero, Francesco Mastrorizzi, ci dà notizie sui giocatori che hanno lasciato la nostra squadra ma non i nostri cuori

Tepic, nella seconda divisione messicana. Già ad agosto, però, rassegna le sue dimissioni e lo fa in modo plateale, appena mezz‟ora prima dell‟inizio del match di campionato contro il Chivas. Lo scorso dicembre diventa ufficialmente il nuovo allenatore del Tigre di Buenos Aires, che milita nella Primera División argentina, con un contratto di 18 mesi. Nella partita di debutto del campionato, il 6 febbraio 2016, ottiene un pareggio in casa dell‟Argentinos Juniors, mentre la prima vittoria la conquista il 7 marzo con un netto 5 a 0 ai danni dell‟Atletico Tucuman. Tuttavia il 18 marzo, in seguito alla sconfitta con l‟Huracan, la quarta in sette partite, la dirigenza del Tigre decide di esonerarlo. Camoranesi fa anche parte delle Juventus Legends, la squadra composta dagli ex giocatori bianconeri. L‟ultima volta lo abbiamo

visto in campo l‟8 settembre 2015, tra i più in forma nella partita contro le “vecchie glore” del Boca Junior, in occasione della Unesco Cup.

How To Play


The objective of the game is to fill all the blank squares in a game with the correct numbers. Every row of 9 numbers must include all digits 1 through 9 in any order. Every column of 9 numbers must include all digits 1 through 9 in any order. Every 3 by 3 subsection of the 9 by 9 square must include all digits 1 through 9.

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zeb issue #15

Claudia and Tiziana Pace entertains us with their quick-witted captions.

Becoming a Juventus Club DOC member

It‟s easy! Pick up a membership form from our Club Headquarters or print one out from our website: www.juventusclubdoctoronto.com Then fill it out and mail it into the Club with your membership fee. Just by following those simple steps, you will become an officially recognized member of a community dedicated to unity and the sharing of the joy of soccer. Welcome!

Being a Juventus Club DOC means that the Club is officially recognized by the parent club, Juventus F.C. in Torino. We are bound by the same rules and regulations as the Torino club. Being officially recognized as a member of a large family of Juventus supporters, we are united by the love of our team and our passion for the game, stimulated by the black and white, and pushed forward by the fervor of our cheers. Being an official card-carrying member of the Club allows you many special perks, such as privileged ticketing services at the stadium and Juventus F.C. Club events. For more information, visit www.juventusclubdoc.it.

DISCLAIMERS The opinions expressed by zeb magazine are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the members of the Juventus Club DOC Toronto, Juventus F.C., the publisher, or its advertisers.

Above there should be a picture of the The Board of Directors. Since it‟s actually a herd of zebras, we clearly have not yet been able to take a picture of the new group. At least we‟re funny!


President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Public Relations Director Public Relations Director Membership Co-Ordin. Councillor Councillor Councillor

Immediate Past President

Zeb Magazine is an independently produced magazine and is not officially endorsed by Juventus F.C. The names "Juventus" and "Juve" are the sole property of Juventus F.C. S.p.a. Unless otherwise specified, all images and articles remain the property of the individual authors. If you are a copyright owner and you believe that something has been utilized in our magazine in such a way that constitutes an infringement of copyright, please contact us and we will remove your work. Where zeb Magazine contains links to other sites, such links are not endorsements of any information, products or services available from or promoted by such sites, and no information offered by external sites has been endorsed or approved by zeb Magazine. Where zeb Magazine displays advertisements, such advertisements are not endorsements of any information, products, or services available from or promoted by such advertisers, and no information offered by these advertisers has been endorsed or approved by zeb Magazine.

CONTACT US Contact our magazine via e-mail: juvemaga@yahoo.ca Visit our website: www.juventusclubdoctoronto.com Mail Official Club correspondence: 2550 Finch Ave. West, P.O. Box 72061 Toronto, On. M3M 3A6 Our Game-Day Headquarters: At Azzurri Sports Village 4995 Keele St. Toronto, Ontario Join our Facebook account: Juventus Club DOC Toronto Follow us on Twitter: juveclubto

zeb issue #15


SAY WHAT? “It’s almost like we have ESPN or something.” -Lakers great Magic Johnson, on how he and teammate James Worthy always worked so well together on the basketball court

Seattle Seahawks wide receiver Steve Largent explained which of his records he’ll cherish the most after retiring from football: “Probably the Beatles’ White Album.”

Humourous comments from the world of athletics “I believe I am more intelligent than the average person. There are few people with such talent, so there are few able to judge what I am doing.” Mario Balotelli, on his past antics involving dart-throwing at youth league players and sneaking into a women‟s prison.

“Players win games, but managers give you the impotence to go and do it.” Welsh International Soccer Player Lee Fowler “Why should we have to go to class if we came here to play FOOTBALL, we ain’t come to play SCHOOL, classes are POINTLESS.”

“Referees, like most of us, are human beings.”

Tweet sent out by Ohio State backup quarterback Cardale Jones.

Football Against Racism Chief Piara Powar

“Sam is an idiot —I-D-O-U-T— idiot.”

Former San Francisco Giants coach Rocky Bridges was asked why he refused to eat snails, to which he responded: “I prefer fast food.”

Shaquille O’Neal on Chicago Tribune writer Sam Smith, who wrote an article suggesting the Miami Heat rid themselves of him.

Don’t forget, if you see a quote that makes you laugh, share it with us. E-mail it to juvemaga@yahoo.ca


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zeb issue #15


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