Zeb 1.4 - Spring 2010

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TEXAS HOLD’EM POKER TOURNAMENT The Juventus Club DOC is hosting its first Poker Tournament! The Texas Hold'em Tournament will take place on Friday, May 7th, 2010 at our Club Headquarters (on 90 Winges Rd. in Woodbridge). Dinner: 6pm. Game: 7pm. Tickets are $50.00 each with two buy ins. Please note that we can only accomodate 50 people so call soon. Cash prize!!! For tickets call Vince at 416-899-1564 or e-mail juveclubevents@yahoo.ca.

THE JUVENTUS CLUB GOES TO CASINO RAMA The Juventus Club has arranged for our members to travel to Casino Rama on Sunday, May 30, 2010. The cost for this event is $15 per person and consists of travel arrangements to and from the casino on a chartered Juventus Club bus. People wishing to participate in this fun-filled casino outing must preregister by Friday, May 14th to ensure their space. To pre-register or to obtain more information e-mail juveclubevents@yahoo.ca.

FLOWER ARRANGING CLASS Our Club will also host its first Flower Arranging Class. This 2 hour event will consist of hands-on instructions on how to complete a full arrangement to take home. The class itself is free, though participants are required to pay $15 for flowers and related materials. The event will be held at our Club Headquarters (on 90 Winges Rd. in Woodbridge) on Wednesday May 19, 2010. Participants are required to pre-register by Thursday, May 13th so we can ensure that we have adequate materials for everyone to complete their arrangement. To pre-register or to obtain more information e-mail juveclubevents@yahoo.ca.

ANNUAL PICNIC Our Club's Annual Picnic has been confirmed for Sunday, June 13, 2010 at Boyd Park Conservation Area. Get your picnic gear together and get ready to spend a day in the sun with your fellow members!


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1.4 Spring 2010


2 Notes from the Editors Musings from editors Tiziana and Julia Pace

3 Il Discorso del Presidente

12 Our Club Events A pictorial of our Masquerade Ball

16 Picture Perfect


with Juventus players

4 Juventus in Toronto

World Cup 2010

Game and Gala Announcements

6 Letters to the Editors The Editors answer your questions

7 Getting to Know You Cristina del Castello tells us about herself

Destinazione Torino Posta per la squadra

8 Promote My Juve Club

Members showing their love for Juve

9 Look Who’s Reading zeb Celebrity sightings

10 La Juventus vista dagli occhi della Juventus Channel

Un articolo speciale di Valeria Ciardiello

18 The

Italians The team and some key players for this Cup

19 First Round Games 20 World Cup Chart 22 Le Squadre Favorite 23 Players to

Watch Names to look out for during the tournament

24 World Cup Roster What the rest of the world has to offer

Sono Adesso? Guardando Roberto Baggio

29 Top 10 I Top 10 juventini nazionali

30 Member Forum 31 Games Page Black & White Sudoku

32 Soccer in the City An exposé on local team the Toronto Azzurri

34 European Cup Charts Champions League and Europa League results

36 Juve Kids Our

youngest fans show off their colours

37 Kids Play

Child art

26 Juventus and the World 38 Italian Cup Chart Cup Juventini who have raised the golden trophy

27 zeb magazine’s Wall of Fame This month‘s featured

11 Serie A: Scoreboard

28 Dove

player: Giampiero Boniperti

39 Essentials What every member should know

40 Say What? More humourous sport-related quotes

Tiziana Pace

Julia Pace

Co-Editor in Chief

Co-Editor in Chief

Principle Writer Creative Director

Style Director

Looking at our magazine, I see how much progress we have made since our first publication. We have learned and improved moved forward. It makes me proud to see how well our zeb staff and readers have come together to contribute to what our magazine has become today. It is time that we look to the future of our beloved Juventus. Instead of dwelling on the past, let us learn from our mistakes, and with that knowledge, look forward and build a team that we can be proud of. At the end of May, Juventus will be playing an exhibition game in Toronto against Fiorentina. What better a time to band together as a group and show our support. I can‘t wait to see you all at the stadium donning i colori bianconeri. In June, the World Cup begins. It is no coincidence to see how prominently our Juventus players have featured on the Italian National Soccer Team and how they have contributed to our illustrious azzurri history. Everywhere I look, it‘s black and white. What a wonderful world!

We are the first Juventus Club DOC to have an official Club magazine!

Who doesn‘t love World Cup time? Eyes and hearts glued to the television, butterflies in the stomach, waiting for 90 minutes of glory (or, oftentimes, heartbreak), all for the chance to celebrate sportsmanship, patriotism— by birth or by choice— and soccer, the beautiful game. For my family, the World Cup means watching every game possible, learning new names and new heroes, cheering on our favorites with every kick of the ball, all the while yelling out in joy, frustration, or Italian curse words. How wonderful that, within our first year, we have the opportunity to publish zeb magazine during the World Cup! There is always an electricity in the air. Thank you to every one of our contributors for your hard work! And to all our readers: your passion, ideas, and excitement are the heart of this publication. Thank you,

Contributors Gina Pace Marketing Director / Italian-Language Editor Gino Mete Contributing Editor Francesco Mastrorizzi Foreign Correspondent Marisa Lombardi Writer / Editor Claudia Pace Editor Christina Salvino Writer AAE Printing Publisher

THIS IS A BI-LINGUAL MAGAZINE You can write to us in any language with your comments, suggestions and submissions. Noi pubblicheremo le vostre opinioni sia in italiano che in inglese. This magazine is for you so we are committed to making you comfortable to write in whatever language is easiest for you. Cosí partecipate all nostra iniziativa e fateci sapere cosa pensate del nostro giornalino.


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in italiano

the President’s address Carissimi amici, ancorato infinitamente nella nostra madre Patria da molteplici impegni di lavoro, mi appello ancora una volta alla vostra clemenza per la mia interminabile assenza dalla terra dell'acero. Certo è che, seguire le vicessitudini della nostra squadra da questa parte del globo, è tutta un‘altra cosa...a cominciare dalle infinite carrellate televisive dedicate al campionato, alle ridicole moviole negli svariati programmi sportivi, al processo di Biscardi del Lunedì sera, sinceramente c'è poco da stare allegri. Se poi aggiungiamo lo stato che la Juventus versa in questi giorni...la frittata è

bella e servita. Si ricomincia a parlare di Calciopoli 2. Luciano Moggi cercava disperatamente di farlo capire quattro anni fa. Se esiste giustizia sportiva allora quegli scudetti devono tornare a chi li ha vinti sul campo. Il futuro della Juventus, come il più semplice paradosso, è nelle mani di John Elkann. Se decide che la rifondazione deve avvenire tramite l'epurazione totale o parziale della attuale dirigenza, sarà solo lui a deciderlo. Se invece si intestardisce o, meglio dire se per lui la Juventus rappresenta un passivo e lascia tutto come è adesso, allora prepariamoci ad altri anni di magra... La soluzione auspicabile sarebbe il ritorno del buon Fabio Capello, che con il nostro Roberto Bettega, c o n p o t e r i p i u ` autorevoli, rappresenterebbero un binomio di tutto rispetto, senza scar-

tare l'ipotesi di un trionfale ritorno di Moggi e Giraudo. Sogno? Staremo a vedere. Intanto, aspettiamo l'esito di questo campionato, che per molti (romanisti e milanisti), si può definire entusiasmante, ma se ci andiamo in fondo (solo per noi Juventini) di una noia che fa paura. Presto sarò con voi, mi auguro che non vi lasciate abbattere dalle vicende del campionato. A giugno scatta il Mondiale in Africa, chissà… Marcello Lippi è abituato a navigare in mari tempestosi. . . . Fausto Di Berardino Presidente

SIDE KICK: "Who has never tasted what is bitter does not know what is sweet." German proverb

Want a copy of our commemorative World Cup cover poster? You can purchase one by visiting our Club Headquarters, calling us at 905-856-0929 or e-mailing juvemaga@yahoo.ca to place your order!

343 Glen Park Ave. Toronto, Ontario

416-200-2912 zeb 1.4



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Toronto Soccer Live also announces a Juventus-Fiorentina Gala to be held on Monday, May 24, 2010. The Gala will include meal, open bar, entertainment and a Meet & Greet with the players. Updates for this event can be found on www.tosoccersho.com and will be communicated through our Juventus Club DOC newsletters, website, Facebook, and Twitter accounts as they are relayed to us by the promoter.

Both game and gala tickets can be purchased by e-mailing juveclubevents@yahoo.ca or calling 905-856-0929

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Letters to the Editors I enjoy your magazine so much, that as soon as I finish reading one issue, I look forward to the next one. I wanted to ask if you could publish it more often, but if that is not possible, could you perhaps have a special issue during the course of the year dedicated to specific topics, such as: the city of Torino, its history, attractions, fans, etc. Hoping that you will consider my request, Luca Mirenzi Dear Luca, Thank you for your enthusiasm for our magazine! We are happy that you enjoy it. We look forward incorporating your suggestion in one of our future issues. Julia Pace


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I‘m not a member of your Club but I recently picked up an issue of your magazine. I think it‘s a wonderful project and a great magazine but I was surprised to hear that it was the third issue already. How come I haven‘t heard of your magazine before? It‘s like Toronto‘s best kept secret. Paul M. (Woodbridge) Dear Paul, What started off as a communication tool between the Board and our Club members has now become the voice of our Club in the community. Slowly, we are discovering new avenues through which to promote our magazine. What was once only available at our Club Headquarters and at the places of our sponsors, is now available in restaurants, libraries, offices, and community centers

Questions about something you see in our magazine or about the Juventus Club? Send your questions to us by emailing juvemaga@yahoo.ca or mailing them to Juve Mag, 48 Sonny St. Maple, Ontario L6A 1B7

throughout the city. We believe that a quality product will call attention to itself. But we can always use your help. If you like our magazine, tell people about it! Get the word out there! Then maybe the next person seeing our magazine will think, “Ah, finally, a new issue!” Tiziana Pace

SIDE KICK: "Every time you win, you're reborn; when you lose, you die a little." George E. Allen, American Football Coach

Members share a bit about themselves and their love for Juventus

Cristina del Castello Do you want our members to get to know you and your special Juventus moment? E-mail it to juvemaga@yahoo.ca or mail it to Juve Mag, 48 Sonny St. Maple, Ontario L6A 1B7 and you may see it in our next magazine

I have been following soccer since the age of 10. In 1994, I watched my first World Cup. I immediately fell in love with the game and developed a passion for soccer. My favourite player at the time was the great Roberto Baggio. When I discovered that he played for Juventus, I became a Juventina for life. Over the years I have followed Juve‘s story by collecting news clippings, posters, jerseys and other Juve items. As part of my daily routine I read La Gazzetta dello Sport and check the Official Juventus website for any

updates or breaking news. My favourite Juventus moment was when Juve played against Ajax in 1996 and won the Champions League Cup. My favourite player is Alex Del Piero. I find he has great class and style on and off the field. Today, as the President of the Ottawa Juventus Club ―Gaetano Scirea,‖ I am very proud to represent a team that I have always admired.

in italiano

Se volete mandare le vostre lettere alla squadra, mandatecele via email a juvemaga@yahoo.ca o per posta a Juve Mag, 48 Sonny St. Maple, Ontario L6A 1B7

Per la Dirigenza, Tifo Juve da più di sessantatré anni, molte sono state le soddisfazioni e non nego anche quache delusione, ma mai come quelle di quest'anno. La mia fede resta solidissima ed é per questo che mi permetto di dare qualche consiglio ai vertici di questo glorioso sodalizio. I dirigenti devono essere all'altezza del compito e preferibilmente Juventini DOC. Bisognerebbe investire su giovani di sicuro valore calcistico e non più minestre riscaldate e vecchi a parametro zero. L'ossatura della squadra deve essere formata da giovani talentuosi con gran voglia di vincere sacrificandosi per il

bene della stessa. L'allenatore deve avere esperienza e serietà, qualità richieste per far s ì che i calciatori accettino e rispettino le sue idee. Poi il ramoscello d'ulivo che sbandierate in tutta Italia non va! I giocatori devono sentirsi protetti dagli abusi che arrivano dai figli di Collina. .. Come ad esempio il caso di Del Piero che calpestato (in campo sulla nuca) nessuno abbia mosso un dito: né il direttore di gara, né la prova TV, né i dirigenti "pacifisti". Questo é un messaggio negativo e non rassicurante per i giocatori in campo. Poi passiamo agli Ultras che vanno affrontati subito e con gran serietà perché le proteste sono dannose

per tutti, con un clima del genere nessuno lavora con tranquillità. Giocando con più serenità anche i risultati miglioreranno, dando anche la possibilità di verificare con calma quali saranno i giocatori da riconfermare, cosa importante per un ritorno alla grande. Spero in un futuro migliore. Vincenzo Solmito (Detto Boniperti)

SIDE KICK: "Any time you try to win everything, you must be willing to lose everything." Larry Csonka, American Football Player

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Juventus fans showing off their colours

Above (from left) Nick Messere, Tony Ciamarra, Nick D‘Amino, Gus Mandarino and Chris Uliano, in Torino in December 2009, excitedly awaiting the Juventus-Inter game

Gus Mandarino and Tony Ciamarra at the Juventus Club Headquarters in Torino

Above (from left) Coppola, Mandarino, Ciamarra, Rampulla and D‘Amino before the Juventus-Bayern Munich game in Torino in December 2009

Send us your photos as you promote your Juve Club by e-mailing them to juvemaga@yahoo.ca or mailing them to Juve Mag, 48 Sonny St. Maple, Ontario L6A 1B7


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Antonio Triumbari knows how to party! Check out his birthday cake! It doesn‘t get any more dedicated than that!

At a recent autograph signing, Toronto Raptors Superstar Andrea Bargnani graciously agreed to pose with the last issue of zeb magazine, though he was quick to point out that Juventus is not his team. Oh well, we still love you! (Bargnani, pictured above with zeb Co-Editor Tiziana Pace).

Get a picture of a celebrity holding zeb magazine and, if we publish it, you’ll receive a free 1 year membership to our Club. So get out there and show off your Club’s magazine! E-mail pictures to juvemaga@yahoo.ca or mail them to Juve Mag, 48 Sonny St. Maple, Ontario L6A 1B7.

www.juventusclubdoctoronto.com Visit our website for all the latest information about our Club and our team

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in italiano

Di Valeria Ciardiello

Che piacere risentirvi carissimi amici miei, lontani ma vicinissimi. Toronto e il club doc ―Roberto Bettega‖ sono nel mio cuore, e, da quando Roberto è tornato a far parte dello staff bianconero, sento ancora più vicina la vostra presenza. É come se lo avessimo predetto quando, proprio a Toronto nella sede del club, ci siamo ritrovati nell‘ottobre 2008 per la consueta festa e Bettega (assieme al mitico capitano Beppe Furino) era dei nostri. Non è un momento felice per la nostra Juventus. Voi soffrite al di là dell‘oceano, ma vi posso garantire che la sofferenza è viva anche in Italia, a Torino, nell‘ambiente di Juventus Channel che ha la fortuna di vivere dall‘interno la squadra, i giocatori, gli umori e gli stati d‘animo. Altalenanti e diversi, ma purtroppo 10

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tutti attraversati da un‘aurea di sfiducia che come una catena si ripercuote su tutto il sistema Juve. All’inizio della stagione, con la conferma sulla panchina di Ciro Ferrara ed il suo staff, l‘acquisto di Diego dal Werder Brema e di Felipe Melo dalla Fiorentina, sembrava che il famoso gap con la rosa dell‘Inter fosse stato colmato, e ci saremmo giocati lo scudetto testa a testa con la squadra di Mourinho. Le voci sul progetto Lippi, che vedeva Ferrara traghettatore fino alla conclusione del prossimo mondiale in Sud Africa, per poi rivedere a Vinovo il Marcello nazionale tanto amato dal popolo juventino, l‘ottimo precampionato, le vittorie iniziali (due su tutte le gare all‘Olimpico di Roma, contro Roma e Lazio), il rombo, un modulo tattico capace di divertire, insomma tutto questo ci ha profondamente illusi. Ed ha alimentato la Speranza, quella con la S maiuscola, che la Vecchia Signora fosse tornata. Per vincere. Invece piano piano la squadra si è spenta, qualcosa si è inceppato, i giocatori hanno perso motivazione, voglia, carisma e soprattutto grinta, quella grinta che hanno conservato

sempre e solo due giocatori: Giorgio Chiellini e Gianluigi Buffon. Tanti infortuni, troppi, inspiegabili, che hanno decimato la rosa nei momenti in cui ci sarebbe stato bisogno di tutti. Per affrontare gare delicate ed importanti sotto il profilo sportivo, ma anche economico e di immagine. E mi riferisco alla pesantissima eliminazione dalla Champions League, dall‘Europa che conta e che manca da troppo tempo. Credo che se una colpa si possa additare a Ciro Ferrara e al suo staff questa colpa si chiama ―inesperienza‖. Inesperienza a sedere su una panchina come quella della Juventus, che sebbene conosciuta alla perfezione da Ciro giocatore (ha il numero 8 tatuato sul braccio, 8 come gli scudetti vinti in bianconero), e anche da Ciro dirigente, si è mostrata diversa e nuova per Ciro allenatore. É mancato il gioco, è mancato un modulo tattico chiaro e continuo che permettesse ai giocatori di creare automatismi, feeling, scambi a memoria. Le fasce non sono mai state pericolose (quanto ci manca Pavel!), l‘attacco da stellare è diventato inesistente, con l‘uscita di scena per moltissimo tempo di Del Piero, poi di Trezeguet e infine anche di Iaquinta. Felipe Melo non è un regista e gli è stato chiesto di farlo, con conseguente inadeguatezza di ruolo per un giocatore dalla psiche estremamente fragile. Diego non può fare tutto da solo. Oltre a risolvere le partite, deve anche e prima di tutto adattarsi al campionato italiano, ai campi italiani, malmessi in molti casi e che certo non favoriscono chi ha buoni piedi come lui. E poi la difesa, una delle migliori la scorsa stagione, che ha perso la capacità di fare alla

perfezione il fuorigioco, che si trova sguarnita a sinistra (Grygera è in netto declino), ma che per fortuna ha trovato sulla destra Caceres, un giocatore che a mio giudizio terrei ben stretto in prospettiva futura. Non so quanto abbia giovato l‘arrivo di Cannavaro. Forse all‘inizio ha contribuito in modo positivo, ma poi Fabio ha avuto bisogno di rifiatare e allora perché non far giocare Legrottaglie che tutto sommato lo scorso campionato ha dato molto, permettendo anche a Chiellini di crescere e di affermarsi come il miglior centrale in Italia? Infine Marchisio è stato spesso sacrificato in una posizione non consona alle sue caratteristiche soprattutto a causa dell‘infortunio lunghissimo di Camoranesi, l‘unico che avrebbe potuto accendere la luce nel buio bianconero. Forse, al posto di Ciro, avrei osato di più, sostituendo un fermo e involuto Amauri con un guizzante Giovinco, provando qualche volta di più il giovanissimo Ciro Immobile e usando le doti tecniche e di visione di gioco del centrocampista della

Primavera, ormai aggregato in pianta stabile alla Prima Squadra, Luca Marrone. Questa lunga disamina è solo per dirvi che oggi ci ritroviamo tutti con il cuore spezzato, una squadra da ricostruire e ancora una volta un nuovo timoniere, che dopo nomi altisonanti e di esperienza internazionale come Hiddink e Rafa Benitez, risponde al nome italiano di Alberto Zaccheroni. Nulla togliere al nuovo allenatore, che mi sembra una persona onesta, pacata, silenziosa, ma forse troppo poco sanguigna. E alla Juventus serve ritrovare quel mordente che ti spinge a dare la vita sul campo per novanta minuti, pur di portare a casa la vittoria. Ci vorrebbero undici Bettega, undici Furino, undici Ravanelli, undici Montero. O forse, da parte di tutti nessuno escluso, ci vuole solo tanta buona volontà, un maggiore spirito di sacrificio, un‘attenzione al passato più vera e sincera, per avere davvero voglia di scrivere il presente. E continuare a restare nella storia

della squadra più bella del mondo, la Juventus. A presto amici di Toronto. Non vedo l‘ora di abbracciarvi di nuovo.

Current Standings as of April 25, 2010

Results 22a: Juventus v Lazio 1-1 23a: Livorno v Juventus 1-1 24a: Juventus v Genoa 3-2 25a: Bologna v Juventus 0-2 26a: Palermo v Juventus 2-0 27a: Fiorentina v Juventus 1-2 28a: Juventus v Siena 3-3 29a: Sampdoria v Juventus1-0 30a: Napoli v Juventus 3-1 31a: Juventus v Atalanta 2-1 32a: Udinese v Juventus 3-0 33a: Juventus v Cagliari 1-0 34a: Inter v Juventus 2-0 34a: Juventus v Bari 3-0

73 Inter 71 Roma 64 Milan 60 Sampdoria 58 Palermo 54 Juventus 53 Napoli 48 Genoa 46 Parma 46 Fiorentina 44 Chievo 43 Bari 42 Cagliari 42 Udinese 40 Catania 40 Lazio 39 Bologna 34 Atalanta 30 Siena 26 Livorno zeb 1.4


January 30, 2010

Our Club is always dynamic and our last Dinner-Dance was proof positive that the Juventus spirit can ride out any wave! This year we hosted our first Masquerade Ball, where members were able to exhibit their alter-egos. If you couldn‘t make it, here are a few pictures of what you missed...

Fernando ―Elton John‖ and Marina Perri

Above (from left) Tony Ciamarra, Miriam, Adam and Marisa Meffe

Jack and Lynn Taylor bring a little country to the party

Saverina and Dino DiGennaro arrive in style

Club Secretary Marisa Lombardi (above) only dreams in black and white. At left, another members show off her feminine graces

SIDE KICK: "Win or lose, playing at all is winning." Wolfgang Nording, Writer


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Above, Tiziana Pace (Assistant to the Club President), puts her best Marilyn Monroe face forward, trying to stay on the good side of Tony ―The Realty Ranger‖ Ciamarra (Club Councilor). At right, Nadia Ciccone (Club Membershipp Co-Ordinator) ―flapping‖ her Juve spirit.

Tony Ciamarra spreading the joy

Above, the Club‘s Board of Directors, from left: Alfredo Olivieri, Tony Ciamarra, Domenic Cataldi, Joe Bonavota, Franco Costa, Marisa Lombardi, Vincenzo Carlucci, Tiziana Pace, Nadia Ciccone, Franco Luciani The King and Queen of the ball, Gina and Mario Pace

Acting President Franco ―the Soprano‖ Costa and his son Gianfranco Above, zeb magazine staff members Claudia and Julia Pace letting their real hair down. At right, Tiziana Pace striking a pose

Hey Claudia! What are you reading there?

Download a Copy of Our Magazine If you can‘t find a copy of this magazine for yourself, if you want a digital copy, or if you want to share a copy with people that you know, you can visit our website www.juventusclubdoctoronto.com and download a copy! zeb 1.4


Above (from left) Tony Ciamarra, Tina and Jack Masserelli, Mr. and Mrs. Markic.

A pyramid of loveliness comprised of (from bottom left, clockwise) Marisa Liut, Tina Massarelli, Tania Fazzari, Renata Rizzardi

Above, Mr. and Mrs. Solmito, (Pinkerton and Madame Butterfly). At right, Marie and Angelo Antoniazzi

Above, as usual, all the women do the work while the men take the glory

Above (from left) Franco Costa, Tony Marrone and Joe Bonavota (Club Councilor) enjoying good times with other Club members


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Tony Ciamarra (that guy is everywhere!!!) along with the esteemed members of the Toronto Jets

At left, a suave-looking younger guest. At center, Salvatore Zambito (left) and Kuldip Singh enjoying some spectacular literature. At right, Julia Pace, at the zeb table, with that ―I know you want a copy‖ look in her eye

Best Couple’s Costume: Robert and Marisa Liut

Best Male Costume: Enrico La Folle

Best Female Costume: Theresa Venere (pictured with husband Steve Venere)

THE CHAMPIONSHIP WINNING TORONTO JETS This Soccer Salute is extended in order to bestow recognition to those that were instrumental in bringing forth enthusiasm, spirit and passion through soccer in our community. About the Toronto Jets: A Note From Tony Ciamarra The “Drive of 1979” made a lasting impression on everyone involved with the Toronto Jets. The events, the challenges, the victories, the friendship that emerged from this extraordinary season have shaped us to be-

come who we are today, 30 years later. It’s hard to imagine that those 15, 16 and 17 year old boys would become pillars of our society. We have Accountants, Dentists, Realtors, Business Owners, Professional Soccer Players, Coaches, , Referees, and Comedians who can trace their roots to the “Drive of 1979.” Thirty years later, these fine gentlemen reunited for an evening of nostalgic reminiscing, their passion for each other as teammates rekindled.

Above, members of the Toronto Jets receiving their most deserved honours from Tony and Doreen Ciamarra (center)

La “Targa del Presidente” Presented at our Masquerade Ball, this year‘s honour went to The Pace Family for their consistent support of the Club and its activities, with special recognition for their work on zeb magazine.

At left, The Pace Family. (From left) Gina, Tiziana, Julia, Mario, and Claudia. You didn‘t expect their picture for posterity to be in costume, did you?

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Showcasing Club members who got to rub elbows with our favourite Juventus players

SIDE KICK: "Ever notice that people never say ‗It's only a game‘ when they're winning?" Ivern Ball, Writer

(Top left) Angelo Cofini with Nicola Legrottaglie; (above) Ugo Capezzali with Giorgio Chiellini; (right) Luca Cofini and Ugo Cofini with Gigi Buffon

Maxi Music Taking Music To The Max! Disc Jockey & Entertainment Services Anniversaries, weddings, Valentine’s Day, birthdays, confirmations, baptisms, engagements, corporate functions, high school proms, and more!


David Navarro (647) 457-0387 16

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(Top left): Angelo Cofini (another Angelo?), Ugo Capezzali, Alessandro Del Piero, Luca Cofini; (at left) Ugo Capezzali, Ciro Ferrara, Angelo Cofini; (above) Angelo and Tony Cofini with Alessandro Del Piero before this season‘s Juventus-Roma game Did you meet one of the Juventus team members? Send us a picture and we‘ll show it off in our magazine. Send pictures to juvemaga@yahoo.ca or mail them to Juve Mag, 48 Sonny St. Maple, Ontario L6A 1B7

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South Africa

June 11- July 11 Tiziana Pace

Any team with aspirations of winning the World Cup needs to have a full line-up—on and off the field—of players capable of performing on the international stage. Yet a team looks not only for strength on the field but unity in the locker room. This is the only way that the teams can make sure that

they are mentally capable of dealing with the onfield pressure, which has been the death of many a team in past tournaments. Then there are the players on the bench, who are just as important as those on the field since the dynamic nature of the sport often

Second only to Brazil, Italy boasts four World Cup Titles. Many Italians don‘t believe that the team can replicate their win this year, though history has shown that it is actually the shakiest of starts in the World Cup competitions that have proven most fruitful to the Italian team, as both their 1982 and 2006 campaigns began with much criticism. As the reigning champion, under the leadership of Marcello Lippi, Italy has both experience and the quality of players to make a play for the World Cup in South Africa. The team boasts both a mix of young new players, such as Chiellini and De Rossi, while still maintaining the comfortable experience of older players

like Gigi Buffon. While the Italian fans sometimes have to wait until the elimination rounds to see their team at its best, when Italy is under pressure to perform is when it poses a real danger in the competition. Yet retaining the trophy is a hard task. Many feel that the team lacks the motivation to take this World Cup since the majority of the players have already won the Cup in 2006. Others, however, feel that this is precisely the motivation required: to show that it was not just a one-time thing, to show that Italy still retains the capacity to produce a winning team. The team‘s habit of pulling out last-minute victories lead many to believe that the Italians do not


necessitates unforseen changes and modifications in the established first string (remember G o y co y cea ‘ s su b s ti tu ti o n o f Pompedo in Argentina‘s net during the 1990 World Cup?). It takes a ―complete‖ team to win the World Cup. We can‘t wait to see how this ends!

have what it takes to obtain real, concrete victories. The problem is that Italy is in constant search of a proper attacking force, which many other teams are bringing to the tournament. The key element to this team may in fact be Coach Marcello Lippi. He always talks about the ―collective,‖ and that‘s one of the most important things to a team‘s psyche. When the talent is there, it‘s important to have a coach that can rein in players and guide them. Lippi‘s leadership may be the key element that the Italians need to concretize a consistent play as they hope to take their fifth title.

Daniele Gianluigi Buffon: Buffon was a Andrea Pirlo: Pirlo is a De Rossi: dominant goalkeeper as a superb playmaker, his De Rossi is youngster, and age has only long balls often decidthe link that strengthened his position at the ing games. He is the the Italians forefront of the Italian team‘s last man that Italy will look need beline of defence. His rock-solid to set the pace of the tween their goaltending has made him the game. His set-pieces s t r i k i n g undisputable No.1 of his team. are pivotal for the Italpower and their defensive For many Italians, he is the hero, ians. Though his skill line. His long-distance shots the one who provides the defen- may be more subtle have become crucial to the sive-line in an historically defen- than that of others, his team as he consistently exsive team. He is as decisive a vision is undeniable. hibits an ability to wear down player as any playmaker or his opponents‘ defenses. His striker. speed and skill, along Juventus’ National Team Players with his young age, At press time, the official call-up for the World Cup had not been make him a player to announced. In the meantime, here is a list of the possible contendwatch in the upcoming ers. For Italy: Gianluigi Buffon, Fabio Cannavaro, Giorgio Chiellini, tournament. Nicola Legrottaglie, Fabio Grosso, Claudio Marchisio, Mauro Camoranesi, Vincenzo Iaquinta; for Uruguay: Martin Caceras; for Brazil: Filipe Melo; for Denmark: Christian Poulsen. zeb 1.4

Giorgio Chiellini: In a team that covets its defenders, Chiellini has proven that he has come into his own on the Italian team. His Club team Juventus has used him as the building block of its team, and Italy has hoped do the same. Chiellini is both imposing and aggressive, while still bringing a shrewdness to his game. This young defender makes his presence felt on the field and it is difficult to pinpoint any of his weaknesses.

GROUP A G1 G2 G3 South Africa ___ ___ ___ Mexico ___ ___ ___ Uruguay ___ ___ ___ France ___ ___ ___ GROUP B G1 Argentina ___ Nigeria ___ South Korea ___ Greece ___

G2 ___ ___ ___ ___

G3 ___ ___ ___ ___

Friday, June 11

Group A

South Africa vs. Mexico


Friday, June 11

Group A

Uruguay vs. France


Saturday, June 12

Group B

Argentina vs. Nigeria


Saturday, June 12

Group B

South Korea vs. Greece


Saturday, June 12

Group C

England vs. USA


Sunday, June 13

Group C

Algeria vs. Slovenia


Sunday, June 13

Group D

Germany vs. Australia


Sunday, June 13

Group D

Serbia vs. Ghana


Monday, June 14

Group E

Netherlands vs. Denmark


Monday, June 14

Group E

Japan vs. Cameroon


Monday, June 14

Group F

Italy vs. Paraguay


Tuesday, June 15

Group F

New Zealand vs. Slovakia


Tuesday, June 15

Group G

Ivory Coast vs. Portugal


Tuesday, June 15

Group G

Brazil vs. North Korea


Wednesday, June 16

Group H

Honduras vs. Chile


Wednesday, June 16

Group H

Spain vs. Switzerland


Wednesday, June 16

Group A

South Africa vs. Uruguay


Thursday, June 17

Group A

Mexico vs. France


Thursday, June 17

Group B

Nigeria vs. Greece


GROUP C England USA Algeria Slovenia

G1 ___ ___ ___ ___

G2 ___ ___ ___ ___

G3 ___ ___ ___ ___

GROUP D Germany Australia Serbia Ghana

G1 ___ ___ ___ ___

G2 ___ ___ ___ ___

G3 ___ ___ ___ ___

Thursday, June 17

Group B

Argentina vs. South Korea


Friday, June 18

Group C

USA vs. Slovenia


Friday, June 18

Group C

England vs. Algeria


Friday, June 18

Group D

Germany vs. Serbia


GROUP E Netherlands Denmark Japan Cameroon

G1 ___ ___ ___ ___

G2 ___ ___ ___ ___

G3 ___ ___ ___ ___

Saturday, June 19

Group D

Australia vs. Ghana


Saturday, June 19

Group E

Netherlands vs. Japan


Saturday, June 19

Group E

Denmark vs. Cameroon


Sunday, June 20

Group F

Paraguay vs. Slovakia


GROUP F G1 Italy ___ Paraguay ___ New Zealand ___ Slovakia ___

G2 ___ ___ ___ ___

G3 ___ ___ ___ ___

Sunday, June 20

Group F

Italy vs. New Zealand


Sunday, June 20

Group G

Brazil vs. Ivory Coast


Monday, June 21

Group G

North Korea vs. Portugal


Monday, June 21

Group H

Switzerland vs. Chile


Monday, June 21

Group H

Spain vs. Honduras


GROUP G Brazil North Korea Ivory Coast Portugal

G1 ___ ___ ___ ___

G2 ___ ___ ___ ___

G3 ___ ___ ___ ___

Tuesday, June 22

Group A

Mexico vs. Uruguay


Tuesday, June 22

Group A

France vs. South Africa


Tuesday, June 22

Group B

Nigeria vs. South Korea


Tuesday, June 22

Group B

Greece vs. Argentina


GROUP H Spain Switzerland Honduras Chile

G1 ___ ___ ___ ___

G2 ___ ___ ___ ___

G3 ___ ___ ___ ___

Wednesday, June 23

Group C

Slovenia vs. England


Wednesday, June 23

Group C

USA vs. Algeria


Wednesday, June 23

Group D

Ghana vs. Germany


Wednesday, June 23

Group D

Australia vs. Serbia


Thursday, June 24

Group E

Denmark vs. Japan


Thursday, June 24

Group E

Cameroon vs. Netherlands


Thursday, June 24

Group F

Italy vs. Slovakia


Thursday, June 24

Group F

Paraguay vs. New Zealand


Friday, June 25

Group G

Portugal vs. Brazil


Friday, June 25

Group G

North Korea vs. Ivory Coast


Friday, June 25

Group H

Chile vs. Spain


Friday, June 25

Group H

Switzerland vs. Honduras



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July 11 -


Loser 1 v

July 10 -



Winner A vs Winner C

July 6 - 2:30pm




Winner 1 vs Winner 3

Winner 2 vs Winner 4

July 2 - 2pm

July 3 - 10am





Winner 1A vs Winner 2B

Winner 1C vs Winner 2D

Winner 1B vs Winner 2A

Winner 1D vs Winner 2C

June 26 - 10am

June 26 - 12:30pm

June 27 - 2:30pm

June 27 - 10am


zeb 1.4


vs Winner 2

- 2:30pm


vs Loser 2

- 2:30pm



Winner B vs Winner D

July 7 - 2:30pm




Winner 5 vs Winner 7

Winner 6 vs Winner 8

July 2 - 10am

July 3 - 2:30pm





Winner 1E vs Winner 2F

Winner 1G vs Winner 2H

Winner 1F vs Winner 2E

Winner 1H vs Winner 2G

June 28 - 10am

June 28 - 2:30pm

June 29 - 10am

June 29 - 2:30pm

Maxi Music DJ services

zeb 1.4


in italiano

Francesco Mastrorizzi

La Selleccion è riuscita a qualificarsi al mondiale con molte difficoltà e ricevendo non poche critiche. Al momento Maradona non ha le idee molto chiare sulla formazione base che schiererà in Sud Africa e sembra proprio lui il punto debole degli argentini, a causa di alcune scelte molto discutibili, come ad esempio quella di affidarsi a giocatori molto avanti con l‘età. Mentre sarebbe preferibile affidarsi ai talentuosi ragazzi che tanto hanno vinto negli ultimi anni con le squadre nazionali giovanili. La stella della nazionale albiceleste è sicuramente Lionel Messi del Barcellona, Pallone d‘Oro in carica, che però durante le qualificazioni non ha mai fornito delle prestazioni esaltanti.

Dopo la splendida vittoria agli Europei del 2008, gli spagnoli cercheranno di affermarsi anche a livello mondiale. Piuttosto semplice è stata la fase di qualificazione, nel corso della quale la squadra spagnola ha mostrato un gioco spumeggiante e prolifico, grazie a straordinari talenti come Iniesta, Xavi, Fabregas, Torres e Villa, quest‘ultimo tra i favoriti per il titolo di capocannoniere del mondiale. Una squadra pressoché perfetta, per qualità, gioco espresso ed esperienza internazionale, ha come unico punto debole la difesa, che però sembra essersi ben assestata con la coppia del Barcellona Puyol-Piquè. Di sicuro la sconfitta dell‘anno scorso in Confederations Cup è servita come esperienza per l‘allenatore Del Bosque. Come in occasione di ogni mondiale, la Seleção si presenta ai nastri di partenza come la principale pretendente alla vittoria della coppa. Gli ultimi anni sono stati caratterizzati dalla svolta di gioco impressa dal ct Dunga, in difficoltà nella prima parte della sua gestione, grazie ad un modulo di gioco ispirato maggiormente alla disciplina tattica europea. Ad essa si deve aggiungere l‘immenso talento dei calciatori verde-oro, che sembrano non avere punti deboli ed essere in grado di vincere qualsiasi partita, se in giornata di grazia. Tra i nomi di spicco troviamo Maicon, Juan, Kakà, Lui s Fabiano, Pato e R o b i n h o . Probabilmente D u n g a deciderà di non convocare Ronaldinho.

La nazionale britannica non ottiene risultati convincenti da quando arrivò al quarto posto ai mondiali di Italia ‗90. Da allora solo grandi delusioni ed eliminazioni agli ottavi e ai quarti di finale. Fabio Capello ha miracolosamente risollevato le sorti di una nazionale depressa all‘indomani della mancata qualificazione ai campionati europei 2008. Si è visto un ordine tattico, un gioco efficace e a tratti spettacolare, che sfrutta finalmente la grossa potenzialità a disposizione. E proprio l‘allenatore italiano appare essere quello che mancava agli inglesi per fare il salto di qualità. A sua disposizione grandissimi giocatori come Terry, Gerrard, Lampard e Rooney. 22

zeb 1.4

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Tiziana Pace Lionel Messi (Argentina) Messi‘s unpredictability and magnificent ball control has made him possibly the best player in the world. Despite his young age, he has won almost everything there is to win at the individual and club levels. His hope is to springboard from his Olympic gold medal with Argentina into a World Cup win this year. If Argentinian Coach Diego Maradona allows him to play in his natural right-forward position, there‘s no telling the havoc that the young Argentinian can create. His ability to make plays and create dangerous situations where they did not exist before can be that extra push that Argentina needs to propel it forward in this year‘s competition. Cristiano Ronaldo (Portugal) This prolific goal-scorer has an unbelievable pace on the field, along with the ability to shoot accurately from anywhere. Specializing in long-range free kicks, he also boasts an amazingly accurate heading style. In 6 years, he has scored 118 goals and won 3 Premier League titles, 1 Champions League Cup and 1 Club World Cup, along with the 2008 FIFA World Footballer of the Year Award. Many feel that this is Portugal‘s time to shine and they are looking for Ronaldo and his deadly dribbling to anchor this team. Michael Essien (Ghana) Michael Essien is one of the best African players on the scene today. The defensive midfielder is not afraid of attacking when called upon. Essien has twice now been the African Player of the Year. His consistency on the field is backed by his seemingly infinite energy and boundless versatility. Nemanja Vidic (Serbia) Vidic is possibly one of the best central

defenders in the world, boasting an uncompromising aerial ability both defensively and offensively. Robin Van Persie (Netherlands) Robin Van Persie is a superb attacker, able to play any advanced position, whether it‘s in front of or behind the striker, or as a winger on either side. His long-range shooting and finishing

being able to attack and yet drop back to create plays in midfield when needed. He is a powerful and complete striker, able to play all over the front line. Landon Donovan (USA) Landon Donovan is easily the best player the US has ever produced. Last year‘s MLS MVP is a leader to the team that looks to make it past the World Cup‘s first round. His fast-paced style of play makes him a necessary element to the US‘s front-line. Kaka (Brazil) Kaka is central to Coach Dunga's new Brazil. He is the man behind the lethal counterattacks of which Brazil is famous. A prolific playmaker, Kaka can easily break through defences with his strength and quick pace. It is difficult for him not to stand out on a team which appears to have fewer world class stars at the beginning of this tournament than in the past. Miroslav Klose (Germany) Miroslav Klose‘s pace has diminished a bit with his age but his goal-scoring instincts are undeniable. Able to head in balls, it‘s no wonder he is the pivital piece to the German team.

technique are critical to helping his team in the upcoming World Cup. Xavi (Spain) Xavi‘s organizational skills in midfield are phenomenal. He is the glue that keeps the team together on the field. His passes are quick and accurate and his intelligent playmaking make him the heart of the Spanish team. Wayne Rooney (England) Wayne Rooney has quickly become the centerpiece of the English side, touting a world-class striking ability in a team that is sorely lacking finishers. Rooney‘s athleticism is highlighted every time he zigzags across the field,

Marek Hamsik (Slovakia) As an attacking midfielder, Marek Hamsik is as complete a player as they come. He is able to cover a great amount of space on the field and has the ability to score goals. Yaya Toure (Ivory Coast) Yaya Toure is a powerful midfielder with an imposing physique able to surge into the front lines. His aggressive style helps to not only set-up goals but to protect the defensive line. He promises to be a huge presence at the World Cup.

zeb 1.4


Danny Titolo

The best the rest of the world has to offer Brazil has a strong history of producing talented defensemen and goalkeepers, with Roberto Carlos, Cafu, and Taffarel immediately coming to mind. In the same vein, Inter‘s Lucio, Maicon and Julio Cesar follow in their footsteps. Although a defenseman, the 28 year old Maicon is considered by many to be the most w e l l rounded fullback in the world. He is a pivotal part of Inter and Brazil‘s offense, with his ability to send in dang e r o u s crosses and scoring the occasional goal. When he is not powering forward down the right flank, you‘ll find his gritty defensive play on his own side of the field. He has done well at filling the void left by the retirement of Cafu, and opposing defensemen and forwards will have to look out for Maicon this summer. After eight seasons in the Bundesliga, Lucio recently joined Inter at the beginning of the 2009-2010 Serie A campaign. Lucio is best known for his tactful and meticulous central defending. At 6‘2‖, Lucio has considerable aerial dominance at both ends of the pitch and is capable of running the ball up through the midfield. He is no stranger to making an impact on the field, since he was responsible for scoring the game winning goal for Brazil against the zeb 1.4 24

United States in the final of the Confederations Cup in South Africa last summer. There is no question that Julio Cesar is among the most elite goalkeepers in the world today. He is definitely one of the reasons why Inter‘s defense has been very strong in recent years, and also why Brazil‘s defense is more of a strength than its offense. Shortly after his arrival at Inter in 2005, he captured the starting goalkeeper role from Francesco Toldo and never looked back. Julio Cesar is a very well -rounded goalkeeper who has no considerable flaws in his game, with the exception of being hesitant at times to come out and play the ball. There is no doubt that Samuel Eto’o is one of the main reasons why Cameroon managed to earn a spot at this year‘s World Cup after missing the tournament four years ago. Eto‘o demonstrated his talent at a very young age when Real Madrid signed him at the tender age of 16. Since then he has scored 108 goals for Barcelona in five seasons, helping Barca win three league titles and a Champions League title in 2009. His current Serie A campaign with Inter further solidifies his spot among the world‘s finest goal scorers. With his searing pace, Eto‘o will be a major headache for his opponents. His quickness in the penalty area and his ability to finish will make Cameroon a force to be reckoned with in Group E. With the wealth of talent Argentina has produced over the years, it still has not been able to repeat its success of 1986. In fact, since then, Argentina has been considered a major underachiever. Even with the best player in the world at their dis-

posal, Lionel Messi, its qualifying campaign was nowhere near impressive. More than likely, three Inter players will be on Argentina‘s roster this summer; even more likely as starters. Walter Samuel will be key for Argentina in central defense as he is clearly one of the best in the world today. Not only does he bring a very physical style of play to the pitch, he can also be very effective offensively with his dangerous headers. The duo of Lionel Messi and Diego Milito will be a very in ter esti n g one in South Africa. There is no doubt these two will light up the score board and be contenders for the golden boot if Argentina advances in the tournament. With Genoa last season and Inter this season, Milito has proven himself to be a complete striker who can play anywhere across the front line. His impressive finishing skills and aggressive attitude on the ball will pose problems for any defenseman. Last and certainly not least is Esteban Cambiasso who will round out the Argentina midfield. Although his position has c h a n g e d slightly over the past couple of years, Cambiasso has played a very defensive role in midfield. At Inter, he is deployed in the holding role often accompanied by another likeminded central midfielder; however, with Argentina, his role is prominently featured in a more advanced posi-

tion. This allows Cambiasso to fulfill the more creative role he is capable of in midfield. Whatever his role, he excels and adapts like no other. Since Maradona has taken over as Argentina‘s coach, Cambiasso has not been consistently called-up to the national team. Very surprising since his role at Inter is vital. Only time will tell if Maradona sees in Cambiasso what the rest of the world sees in him. At the young age of 19, Davide Santon has demonstrated he has the natural talent to compete at the highest level. Being the only Italian on Inter with the potential of being called to international duty this summer, he earns a special place in the hearts of Inter fans. If called by Lippi this summer, he will most likely play back-up to Fabio Grosso or Gianluca Zambrotta; however, he is the future of the Azzurri defence. His quickness and keen ability to read plays will earn him regular appearances for Italy for years to come. Expect to see a lot of Dutch Wesley Sneijder at the 2010 Wor ld Cup. Although short, Sneijder is a precision playmaker with vision and an impressive long-range shooting ability. His free kicks from around the penalty area are deadly. He can play from nearly anywhere in midfield, but his natural position is to play centrally in the final third. While his stature is less than impressive, his ego is not so hampered. Although talented, Sneijder is as likely to deliver a perfect pass from 70 yards away as he is to hurl abuse at officials. This is evident not only in international play but also at Inter with his numerous suspensions this past season. His effective plays on the field allow for his antics to be tolerated by Netherlands coach Bert van Marwijk and Inter coach Jose Mourinho. Atti-

tude aside, on the field, Sneijder has a world-class passing game which adds to the already impressive arsenal of the Dutch.

however, Slovenia is no stranger to upsets as it finished just ahead of the Czech Republic in World Cup 2010 qualifying.

As captain of the Serbia national team, Dejan Stankovic is a very versatile player who can play as an attacking or defensive midfielder depending on game situations. While his role on Inter is more of a defensive role, for Serbia he plays most often as an attacking midfielder playing out wide on the wings. To both Inter and Serbia, Stankovic brings accurate passing, creativity and an ability to score the occasional goal from long distance. His skills will most certainly be tested this summer in Group D against competitive teams like Germany, Australia and Ghana.

Like in Germany four years ago, Ghana could be the dark horse of the 2010 World Cup in South Africa. With his primary role as a holding central midfielder, Sulley Muntari can play effectively as a left winger. Muntari plays an essential role at Inter and is one of the main reasons for their success over the past few years. As a result, Muntari has been a regular fixture in the Ghanaian national team since 2002, and was voted as an All-Star Player during the 2008 African Cup of Nations Tournament. If Muntari can control his temper, there is no telling what Ghana will bring to Group D this summer.

Rene Krhin is a young, up and co min g midfielder. Although his play time at Inter has been minimal thus far, the Slovenian has impressed national team head coach MatjaĹž Kek with his tall stature and impressive footwork. The odds of Slo-

venia finishing ahead of England and the United States in Group C are slim;

zeb 1.4


Christina Salvino Juventus has been home to some of soccer‘s biggest names and heroes. It‘s no surprise, then, that La Vecchia Signora has contributed the most players to the Italian national team, and is the only team that has contributed players to every national team since the 1934 World Cup in Italy.

Which Juventus players have kissed the golden trophy? Fabio Cannavaro Dino Zoff Alessandro Del Piero Gianluigi Buffon Marco Tardelli Gaetano Scirea

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zeb 1.4

In this issue of zeb magazine, we honour Giampiero Boniperti. Our readers tell us that his loyalty to our team shows his overwhelming devotion to the black and white cause, making him worthy of a spot on our Wall of Fame.

often netting more than 15 goals per season. His tremendous work on the field lead to his call-up on the Italian National Team as well.

Giampiero Boniperti spent 14 years as a Juventus player and has become one of the team's most legendary players. His first full season with the team saw him finish as leading goalscorer in Serie A. Boniperti was one of the country's most prolific goal-scorers of all time,

Boniperti, together with John Charles and Omar Sivori, ―The Magical Trio‖, lead Juventus to win five Italian League Championships and two Italian Cups. By the time Boniperti ended his career in 1961, he held Club records for most appearances and highest goal-scorer – records that were only broken 40 years later by

Alessandro Del Piero. After his retirement, Boniperti returned to Juventus in 1971, taking over as Club President. Over the span of 19 years, Juventus won nine scudetti, four Italian Cups, one Champions Cup, one Cup Winners Cup, and one UEFA Cup. This era of domestic and European success has

often been directly attributed to Boniperti‘s outstanding guidance and coaching appointments. In 2004, he was named by Pelé as one of the top 125 greatest living Soccer players. It is for these reasons that Boniperti has gained recognition on zeb magazine‘s Wall of Fame.

You can vote for an inductee on the Wall of Fame by e-mailing us at juvemaga@yahoo.ca or mailing us at Juve Mag, 48 Sonny St., Maple, Ontario, L6A 1B7

zeb 1.4


in italiano

Il nostro corrispondente estero, Francesco Mastrorizzi, continua a darci notizie sui giocatori che hanno lasciato la nostra squadra ma non I nostril cuori Foreign Correspondent, Francesco Mastrorizzi, continuing to keep us updated on players that have left our team but not our hearts

Roberto Baggio, il re dei mondiali

Roberto Baggio è stato uno dei giocatori italiani più amati della storia. Non solo i tifosi delle squadre in cui ha giocato, ma anche quelli delle squadre avversarie, hanno sempre ammirato il suo modo di giocare, la sua tecnica, la sua classe, riempiendo ogni volta gli stadi in cui era possibile vederlo in campo. Anche fuori dall‘Italia è stato sempre molto apprezzato e questo gli ha permesso di vincere nel 1993 il Pallone d‘Oro, assegnato dalla rivista francese France Football, e di essere riconosciuto in tutto il mondo come uno dei più grandi calciatori di sempre. Alla Juventus Roberto Baggio ha giocato per cinque stagioni, dal 1990 al 1995, segnando 115 gol nel corso di 200 partite e conquistando una Coppa Italia, una Coppa UEFA e uno scudetto. Nella stagione 1992/93 ottenne la fascia di capitano, riuscendo ad accendere i cuori dei tifosi bianconeri a suon di gol e grandi giocate, nonostante quelli non fossero anni molto felici per la Vecchia Signora. Memorabili sono i suoi gol realizzati nella Coppa UEFA 28

zeb 1.4

1992/93 in semifinale contro il Paris Saint Germain e in finale con il Borussia Dortmund, che trascinarono la squadra alla conquista del trofeo, a quel tempo ancora prestigioso. Anche in Nazionale Baggio è riuscito a fare grandissime cose ed è forse per questo che gli italiani l‘hanno sempre amato così tanto, nonostante le tante maglie di club cambiate nel corso della sua carriera. Assieme a Totò Schillaci formò la straordinaria coppia che fece sognare milioni di italiani nelle magiche notti di Italia ‘90 e meraviglioso fu il gol segnato alla Cecoslovacchia, quando partì da metà campo dribblando mezza squadra avversaria. Fu protagonista anche dei mondiali di USA ‘94, in cui, nonostante le scarse prestazioni nelle prime partite, trascinò l‘Italia alla finale di Los Angeles, segnando 5 gol tra ottavi e semifinali. Partecipò anche al mondiale del ‘98, che si giocò in Francia, diventando l'unico calciatore italiano ad aver segnato in tre diverse edizioni dei campionati del mondo. Grazie alle due marcature di quel mondiale raggiunse, inoltre, con 9 gol, Paolo Rossi nella classifica dei bomber italiani ai mondiali (record successivamente eguagliato anche da Vieri). La sua carriera si concluse alla fine della stagione 2003/04, dopo aver

militato per quattro anni nelle fila del Brescia, che in suo onore ritirò la maglia numero 10. Dopo aver abbandonato l'attività agonistica, Baggio si è preso un lungo periodo di riposo e di riflessione, che ha trascorso tra la casa di famiglia di Caldogno, circondato dall‘affetto dei familiari e degli amici più stretti, e l‘azienda agricola di cui è proprietario in Argentina, nella quale si è recato spesso per trascorrere dei periodi di relax e per praticare la caccia, uno dei suoi hobby preferiti. In occasione dei suoi quaranta anni ha aperto un proprio blog, allo scopo di mettere in comunicazione tutti i suoi ammiratori. Dopo un lungo silenzio, durante il quale ha rilasciato pochissime interviste, Baggio è tornato a parlare di fronte ai giornalisti il 25 febbraio 2010, per una conferenza stampa per la presentazione della collana in 10 dvd a lui dedicata dal titolo “Io che sarò Roberto Baggio‖, edita dal giornale ―La Gazzetta dello Sport‖. In quella occasione Baggio ha parlato della sua passione per il calcio, che è rimasta intatta anche dopo il suo addio ai campi da gioco, ma ha anche espresso il proprio desiderio che questo sport venga vissuto senza più esasperazioni né violenza e che ritorni ad essere uno strumento per educare i giovani a diventare uomini. Ha poi rivelato il suo progetto per il futuro, cioè quello di tornare da protagonista nel mondo del calcio, questa volta come allenatore. A spingerlo la volontà di mettersi alla prova e di affrontare una nuova sfida, con il sogno, magari, di sedere un giorno sulla panchina della Nazionale, per riprendersi quella coppa che nel 1994 ha, purtroppo, visto volare oltre la porta di Pasadena.

in italiano

Momenti storici della nostra Vecchia Signora

TOP 10 JUVENTINI NAZIONALI Dino Zoff. E’ stato lui il capitano della Nazionale che ha trionfato al mondiale di Spagna ‘82 ed è ancora oggi il calciatore più anziano ad aver vinto la Coppa del mondo, ottenuta all'età di quarant'anni. Ha difeso la porta dell‘Italia anche nel corso dei precedenti tre mondiali, diventando il primo giocatore ad aver raggiunto la quota delle cento presenze in Nazionale. Inoltre è l‘unico calciatore italiano del dopoguerra ad avere vinto sia Mondiali che Europei (nel 1968). Gaetano Scirea. Questo straordinario uomo e calciatore, considerato tra i migliori interpreti del ruolo di libero, entrò molto presto in Nazionale, scelto da Bernardini per trovare un degno successore a Facchetti. L'esordio avvenne nel 1974, all‘età di 21 anni, e in breve, insieme ai suoi compagni di reparto della Juventus, divenne titolare fisso della squadra azzurra, prendendo parte al mondiale del ‗78 in Argentina, a quello spagnolo del 1982 e infine a Messico ‗86, mondiale che segnò anche la fine della sua carriera in Nazionale. Claudio Gentile. Anche lui ha partecipato alla fortunata spedizione della Nazionale italiana in Spagna, essendo una colonna insostituibile della difesa. E‘ ricordato per essere riuscito a fermare, nel corso di quel Mondiale, campioni del calibro di Maradona e Zico, due miti marcati e cancellati. In qualsiasi incontro spettava a lui la marcatura dell‘attaccante più pericoloso e Bearzot poteva stare sicuro che Gentile l‘avrebbe fermato. Per scaramanzia si fece crescere dei baffoni minacciosi, per rendere il suo aspettato ancora più ―cattivo‖. Antonio Cabrini. Il “Bell'Antonio” è stato il terzino sinistro titolare della Nazionale italiana campione del mondo nel 1982. Tra gli eventi salienti di quel mondiale che lo riguardano si ricordano il suo gol del 2-

1 contro l'Argentina e il rigore sbagliato (sul punteggio di 0-0) contro la Germania Ovest, durante la finalissima di Madrid. Ha giocato l'ultima partita in azzurro nel 1987, lasciando la Nazionale con 9 reti all'attivo, record assoluto difensore.

lui la stella della Nazionale azzurra, realizzando cinque reti spettacolari e trascinando gli azzurri in finale. Al Mondiale di Francia ‘98 non gioca come titolare fisso, ma ogni volta che entra in campo riesce ad incidere sulla partita, realizzando anche 2 gol, per un totale di 9 reti ai mondiali. per


Marco Tardelli. Nel ruolo di centrocampista è stato uno dei pilastri della Nazionale guidata da Enzo Bearzot. Celebri sono il suo urlo e la sua corsa esultante dopo il gol del 2-0 segnato nella vittoriosa finale per 3-1 contro la Germania Ovest ai mondiali di Spagna, tanto che quelle immagini sono ormai parte integrante della storia del costume nazionale del '900. Ha indossando la fascia di capitano degli Azzurri dal 1983 al 1985. Paolo Rossi. E’ stato uno di quei calciatori che in Nazionale ha dato il meglio di sé. Al suo primo mondiale, nel 1978, segnò tre reti, mentre nel 1982 fu il protagonista assoluto del trionfo italiano, conquistando il titolo di miglior marcatore della competizione con 6 gol. Nella partita decisiva per l'accesso in semifinale realizza una fantastica tripletta contro il Brasile. ―Pablito‖ è poi ancora protagonista in semifinale, con una doppietta nel 2-0 alla Polonia, e in finale, dove apre le danze nel trionfo per 3-1 sulla Germania Ovest. Roberto Baggio. Anche lui ha segnato pagine storiche della Nazionale ai Campionati del mondo. A Italia ‘90, dopo essere stato lasciato in panchina da Vicini nelle prime due partite, diventa poi titolare al fianco di Schillaci, con cui forma una coppia da sogno. A USA ‘94 è

Gianluigi Buffon. Partecipa da titolare a due campionati del mondo, nel 2002 e nel 2006. E‘ stato uno degli assoluti protagonisti della vittoria di Germania. Abbiamo ancora negli occhi le sue splendide parate nell‘arco di tutto il torneo, che gli hanno permesso di mantenere la rete inviolata per ben 458 minuti. Quell‘estate era praticamente impossibile fargli gol e infatti le due uniche reti subite furono un autogol di Zaccardo e il rigore di Zidane durante la finale. Gianluca Zambrotta. Anche lui è stato uno dei grandi protagonisti della manifestazione vinta dagli Azzurri in Germania, nel corso della quale è stato schierato da Marcello Lippi nel ruolo di terzino destro, fornendo grandi prestazioni sia in difesa sia in fase di attacco grazie alle sue numerose incursioni lungo la fascia. Ha segnato lo splendido gol d'apertura nel quarto di finale Italia-Ucraina (3-0), ma il suo apporto è stato decisivo anche in tutte le altre partite. Fabio Cannavaro. Ha partecipato alle edizioni del campionato mondiale di calcio del 1998, dove fu già titolare, del 2002 e del 2006. Da capitano ha guidato l‘Italia lungo la cavalcata verso la vittoria dei mondiali del 2006, fino ad alzare con le proprie mani la Coppa del Mondo verso il cielo di Berlino. Le sue ottime prestazioni durante tutto l'arco del torneo hanno esaltato il popolo italiano e suscitato una grande impressione a livello internazionale, che gli è valsa l‘assegnazione del Pallone d'Oro e del FIFA World Player. zeb 1.4


It is hard to believe that four years have gone by since the last World Cup. I remember it as if it were yesterday….Soccer players from around the world gathered in Germany to

perform on the European stage. Excitement and adrenaline were felt by everyone, except the Italians. A few days before the opening of the games, a scandal of corrupted referees and soccer managers went public and daunted the mood of the World Cup. The Italian media was more interested in the gossip of the Calciopoli scandal than the prospects of the Azzurri at the games. However, this crisis seemed to strengthen the Azzurri and fuel their drive and determination to keep their heads up high despite the rumours. Throughout the tournament, the Azzurri played each game with grinta and fervour, getting better and better every time. They only conceded one goal, an auto-goal, in the group phase against the United States. On July 9, 2006, the Azzurri made it to the finals and were set to face France. The two teams had met twice before on the international stage, and both times ended painfully for the Azzurri. But this time there was something different in the air, something magical. The Azzurri were determined to show the world that, despite the accusations, they were strong and united. After a distressing game and 30 minutes of overtime, the result was still tied, 1-1. The Azzurri were set to face what they had feared the most: penalty shots. Italy and France each took 30

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turns on penalty kicks. The best players from each team were selected to face this great challenge, starting with Pirlo and Wiltord. After a result of 4-3 (Italy-France), the next runner up was David Trezeguet: the French player who, at the very last minute of the Italy-France final in Euro 2000, changed the fate of the tournament and took away the European Cup from the Italians. Could Trezeguet pull if off again? Would he be able to bring the French to another victory? Everyone wondered. Trezeguet‘s shot hit the crossbar, landed on the goal line and went out of the net. He was the only French player to miss a penalty kick in this game. The Azzurri were now one step closer to triumph and the World Cup, but the suspense was far from over. Italy brought forth another player to shoot the final penalty, the shot that would have them win the World Cup of 2006. Fabio Grosso was to have this spotlight; all eyes from every corner of the world were now on him. The tension and silence kept everyone on their feet. At last, the referee blew his whistle and the stars aligned: Grosso‘s shot went flying into the net, leading the Azzurri to claim their fourth World Cup. It was a great moment for I talians around the world. In every part of the globe Italians gathered with family, relatives and friends and

rejoiced together in the streets and chanted ―Siamo Campioni del Mondo!! Siamo Campioni del Mondo!!‖ and waived the tricolore flag high and proud. What was so special about Germany 2006 is that it was the first World Cup that I was able to watch and celebrate with my parents. It was truly the most magical moment of my life and I hope to experience more in the world of soccer. Having watched soccer for such a long time, I have learned that anything can happen, and this is why I love it. They say that no dream is too small or too big, as long as one has faith and truly believes in it. In the summer of 2006, my wish to see Italy raise the World Cup along with the millions of other Italians around the world came true. As we approach the final countdown for South Africa 2010, I look forward to new surprises and dream to relive that moment …..Forza Azzurri e Forza Italia!!!

HOW TO PLAY Fill in the game board so that the numbers 1 through 9 occur exactly once in each row, column, and 3x3 box. The numbers can appear in any order and diagonals are not considered. Solution on page 37.

Congratulations go out to K.S. who came up with the best caption for last issue‘s picture.

Don‘t even THINK of coming close to me with that breath of yours!

for any occasion triumbari1978@hotmail.com zeb 1.4


The Toronto Azzurri story is a unique journey of soccer affezzionados consisting primarily of first generation Italian immigrants who settled in the GTA/Southern Ontario. It‘s true that the quality of soccer played in the 1950s and 1960s was in a league of its own. It‘s not surprising that soccer clubs were born in Toronto as a vehicle to socialize and enjoy the comradery, competition, and to share the challenges nurtured by the most popular game on the planet. The Toronto Azzurri club has emerged as a leader and a role model plan of what can be accomplished with the passionate flame fueled by the game of soccer. As the self declared pioneer of ―Indoor Soccer in the GTA‖ who founded and administered the best indoor soccer league in the province for a period of ten years, spanning from 1980 to 1991 at Humber College,


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Etobicoke Olympium and Richmond Green, I had the pleasure of being associated first hand with all the various players and coaches who adorned the ―Azzurri‖ jerseys. Make no mistake about it, they wore the colors with the same pride as the Italian National Team. During this time the Toronto Azzurri and Toronto Italia participated in all 10 seasons played by the C.I.S.L. The teams were always well organized and very competitive. The teams were feared by some, but respected by all. During the 1984 season Richard Morandini, the ―Toe BUNT King‖ of indoor soccer, scored 14 goals for the Azzurri team. Young James Grimes, only 17 years of age, was right behind with 11 goals. Who can forget the ―Amar‖ Brothers, Maurice and Henry, who teamed up with a young Lorenzo Stampatore who was the top goal scorer of the 1983 season. Tony Pigniatello also had 9

goals for Toronto Italia. These are just a few list of so many great players that played on Azzurri/Italia Teams of the era. The Canadian Indoor Soccer League was the equivalent of the National Soccer League for indoor soccer during a ten year stretch with games being played mostly on gymnasium surfaces until the arrival of the Richmond Green carpet. Today the soccer population at large is blessed with so many exceptional facilities that my generation could only imagine in our dreams. Yet all of this history has not translated into Canada participating in FIFA World Cup soccer action. Why? Surely we can debate this question over a few esspressi. We will certainly have different opinions, but the reality is the same. What about the 2002 version of Toronto Azzurri playing in the best indoor soccer fixture in the province.

The Ontario Soccer Centre is where the “Giochi Degli Amici” are played and, of course, it's where you will find the matured Azzurri players applying their trades. Let me tell you about one particular tournament that the Mighty Azzurri captured. It was the Giovanni Prezioso Memorial Championship. With a little help from the ―Good Soccer Friends‖ from the DIXIE FLYERS, a dynamic powerhouse was formed for this one-time event. Joining forces for this showdown tournament were players such as Frank Tropea, Joe Pellegrino, Pasquale Pietrantonio, Joe Schiraldi, Richard Morandini, Tony Gracci, Carmen Marcantonio, Roberto Iarusci, Mario Borsato, Sam Guarino, Lucky Raso and Joe Mancuso. These Superstars were joined by Dani Cervic, Chiba, Vichko Ostojic and Goalkeeper Tony Ciamarra of the Dixie Flyers. This Team put on an indoor soccer clinic that mesmerized the OSC crowd for hours. There have

A sketch of the proposed been countless memoraAzzurri Sports Village ble moments. These are but a few, but I think you get the idea that this is an unstoppable avalanche coming your way. Friendships have been cemented with the game of soccer throughout the years in every corner of the world. It‘s the power of the soccer culture that unites the participants with an invisible bond. There is only one uni- fices and commitment of each versal language and it‘s Soccer, and every member of the Toronto a brotherhood without borders. Azzurri Club, with a special accoIn the early years it was Toronto lade for Roberto Iarusci and the past Italia, led by Gino Ventresca and and present Board of Directors. then Gus Mandarino, two of Because of the tremendous efthe driving forces that defended forts of the players, coaches, adminchallenges from teams like the istrators, advocators and fans of this First Portuguese, Toronto Croatia, era, soccer has finally arrived and Pan-Hellenic, Hamilton Steelers, matured into prominence right here Serbia White Eagles, Melita and in Canada… Giovanni Lombardi a host of other ethnic based On- would proudly say ―Buona Jobba tario clubs playing in the Na- Ragazzi.‖ tional Soccer League under the leadership of Joseph Piccininni. Keep on Kicking and FORZA Italia! The rivalry was electrifying and Tony Ciamarra, Director the crowds were boisterous. A vision that started in 1968 will culminate with the construction of the Toronto Azzurri Sports Village in 2010. The new venue will be completed with a clubhouse and soccer field. It is located on the South East corner of Dufferin BOOKING ALL YOUR and Steeles, just across from York STAG ENTERTAINMENT University. Perhaps the ―Juventus Club D o c T o ronto‖ can become a Tenant of the new Sports Village in the future. We at Juventus Club DOC Toronto congratulate and salute all the efforts, sacrizeb 1.4 33


Real Madrid (SPA)

1-0 / 1-1


Milan (ITA)

Man United (ENG)

2-3 / 0-4

Man United

Bayern Monaco (GER)

Fiorentina (ITA)

2-1 / 2-3

Bayern Munich

Porto (POR)

Arsenal (ENG)

2-1 / 0-5


Olympiacos (GRE)

Bordeaux (FRA)

0-1 / 1-2


Stuttgart (GER)

Barcellona (SPA)

1-1 / 0-4


Cska Mosca (RUS)

Siviglia (SPA)

1-1 / 2-1

CSKA Moscow

Inter (ITA)

Chelsea (ENG)

2-1 / 1-0



Man United (ENG)

2-1 / 2-3

Bayern Monaco

Lione (FRA)

Bordeaux (FRA)

3-1 / 0-1


Arsenal (ENG)

Barcellona (SPA)

2-2 / 1-2


Inter (ITA)

Cska Mosca (RUS)

1-0 / 1-0




May 22, 2010

Inter (ITA)

Barcellona SPA)

3-1 / 0-1

Bayern Monaco (GER)

Lione (FRA)

1-0 / 3-0


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Don’t forget to watch!


GAMES PLAYED ROUND OF 32 18 February 2010 Panathinaikos v Roma 3-2 Ajax v Juventus 1-2 25 February 2010 Roma v Panathinaikos 2-3 Juventus v Ajax 0-0

ROUND OF 16 11 March 2010 Juventus v Fulham


18 March 2010 Fulham v Juventus



Standard Liega(BEL)

2-1 / 3-1


Benfica (POR)

Liverpool (ENG)

2-1 / 1-4


Fulham (ENG)

Wolfsberg (GER)

2-1 / 1-0


Valencia (SPA)

Alt. Madrid(SPA)

2–2 / 0-0

Ath. Madrid



Hamburg )GER)

Fulham (ENG)

0-0 / 1-2

May 12, 2010

Athl. Madrid )SPA)

Liverpool (ENG)

1-0 / 1-2


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The cutest children are always dressed in black and white

Above and right, little Samuel, grandson of member Joe Callipari

Have a cute photo? Send your pictures to:

Cristian Savona, grandson of member Tony Nalli


or mail them Juve Mag, 48 Sonny St. Maple, Ontario L6A 1B7 and you may see them in our next magazine

Alessandro Balsamo, son of Luana Bonacasata and Giuseppe Balsamo

Vanessa Venditti and Vincenzo Bonavota


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You can contact us by e-mail at juvemaga@yahoo.ca or by phone at (905) 856-0929

Our younger members show off their creative sides

Is your child a little Picasso? Send your children‘s artwork to: juvemaga@yahoo.ca or mail it to Juve Mag, 48 Sonny St. Maple, Ontario L6A 1B7. Please note that all submissions, whether or not they are printed, cannot be returned.


8 5 4


7 1 6 3 2



3 8 1 4 7

2 9

Sudoku solution 2 3 8 7 1 4 5 6 9 from 9 6 5 3 8 2 4 7 1 page 31

Check out Catia Bonavota‘s zebra!


1 3


4 6 8 9 5


7 1


5 9 3 2 8


8 6


9 7 2 1 3


4 7


2 3 9 5 6


9 2


6 5 7 8 4

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Round of 16
















































May 5









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Becoming a Juventus Club DOC member

It‘s easy! Pick up a membership form from our Club Headquarters or print one out from our website: www.juventusclubdoctoronto.com Then fill it out and mail it into the Club with your membership fee. Just by following those simple steps, you will become an officially recognized member of a community dedicated to unity and the sharing of the joy of soccer. Welcome!

THE JUVENTUS CLUB DOC TORONTO BOARD OF DIRECTORS FAUSTO DI BERARDINO - President TIZIANA PACE - Assistant to the President FRANCO COSTA - Vice President MARISA LOMBARDI - Secretary/Public Relations VINCENZO CARLUCCI - Treasurer NADIA CICCONE - Membership Co-ordinator JOE BONAVOTA - Councilor FRANCO LUCIANI - Councilor DOMENICO CATALDI - Councilor ALFREDO OLIVIERI - Councilor TONY CIAMARRA - Councilor GINO VENTRESCA - Honorary President ROCCO LO FRANCO - Honorary President

Contact our magazine via e-mail: juvemaga@yahoo.ca Contact our magazine via mail: Juventus Club Magazine – 48 Sonny St., Maple, Ontario L6A 1B7 Drop by our Club Headquarters: 90 Winges Rd., Unit # 2, (Weston Rd. and Hwy. 7), Woodbridge Mail Official Club correspondence: 43 Keswick Road, Toronto, Ontario M3K 2A9 Call us at the Club: 905-856-0929 Visit our website: www.juventusclubdoctoronto.com Join our Facebook account: Juventus Club DOC Toronto R. Bettega Follow us on Twitter: juveclubto

In our next issue: Italian league news All the Club Cup Finals World Cup wrap-up Club news and events

Being a Juventus Club DOC means that the Club is officially recognized by the parent club, Juventus F.C. in Torino. We are bound by the same rules and regulations as the Torino club. Being officially recognized as a member of a large family of Juventus supporters, we are united by the love of our team and our passion for the game, stimulated by the black and white, and pushed forward by the fervor of our cheers. Being an official card-carrying member of the Club allows you many special perks, such as privileged ticketing services at the stadium and Juventus F.C. Club events. For more information, visit www.juventusclubdoc.it DISCLAIMERS The opinions expressed by zeb magazine are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the members of the Juventus Club DOC Toronto, Juventus F.C., the publisher, or its advertisers. Zeb Magazine is an independently produced magazine and is not officially endorsed by Juventus F.C. The names "Juventus" and "Juve" are the sole property of Juventus F.C. S.p.a. Unless otherwise specified, all images and articles remain the property of the individual authors. If you are a copyright owner and you believe that something has been utilized in our magazine in such a way that constitutes an infringement of copyright, please contact us and we will remove your work. Where zeb Magazine contains links to other sites, such links are not endorsements of any information, products or services available from or promoted by such sites, and no information offered by external sites has been endorsed or approved by zeb Magazine. Where zeb Magazine displays advertisements, such advertisements are not endorsements of any information, products, or services available from or promoted by such advertisers, and no information offered by these advertisers has been endorsed or approved by zeb Magazine.

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SAY WHAT? “Ardiles strokes the ball like it is part of his own anatomy.” ~ Jimmy Magee, Irish Sports Broadcaster

DOUBLE SHOT "The day I was born, God laid eyes on me and said: 'He's the man.‘‖ ~ Romario after winning the league championship with Flamengo in 1998

“I owe a lot to my parents, especially my mother and father.” –Greg Norman, Australian golfer

“I can see the carrot at the end of the tunnel.” Stuart Pearce,

former English soccer player and coach

More quotes that make us laugh out loud, proving that sports aren’t always so serious

"Will I become a coach in the future? No way, I'd never be able to put up with someone like me." ~ Romario, before changing his mind and coaching Vasco de Gama

“I would not say he (David Ginola) is the best left winger in the Premiership, but there are none better.” - Ron Atkinson

Reporter: "It looked like you were outplayed in certain areas of the field in today’s game." Gordon Strachan: "Yes, we were outplayed in certain parts of the field today, the big green area of it..."

“All that remains is for a few dots and commas to be crossed.‖ ~ Mitchell Thomas, Former English soccer player

“That would have been a goal if it wasn’t saved.” - Kevin Keegan, former English soccer player and manager

If you see a quote that makes you laugh, please e-mail it to juvemaga@yahoo.ca or mail it to Juve Mag, 48 Sonny St. Maple, Ontario L6A 1B7


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"The beauty of Cup football is that Jack always has a chance of beating Goliath" - Former England Captain Terry Butcher

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