Zeb 2.4 - Spring 2011

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Noi perenni testimoni di una storia senza fine‌

Juventus: Guardando avanti

RESULTS Serie A / Cups Who made it to the end

Juve Club: All the events planned for our members



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2.4 SPRING 2011

Table of Contents

2 Notes from the Editors 3 News and Notes What’s been happening in our Club 4 Juventus Club DOC Toronto Merchandise also: Comments 5 The President’s Address 6 In Memoriam Honoring members who have passed 7 Posta per la Squadra 8 Upcoming Club Events Wine-Tasting Event, Annual Picnic 10 Membership Perks 11 Juventus Club DOC Toronto Scholarship Program 12 Serie A 2010-2011 Risultati, classifica e la partita focale: Roma vs Juventus 13 L’Opinione di….Alfredo Olivieri 14 Our Club Events Texas Hold’em Poker Tournament 16 Promote My Juve Club 17 Around the World News from the world of soccer 18 Picture Perfect 19 Games Page World Cup Adventures Crossword 20 I risultati delle Coppe Champions League, Europa Cup, Coppa Italia, Qualificazioni Europei 22 Dove Sono Adesso? Alessio Tacchinardi 23 Juve Life Juventus Legends vs Torino Legends 24 Top 10 Libri bianconeri 25 Curiosità also: On the Net Juve-inspired links 26 Kids Play 27 Juve Kids The next generation 28 Giving Back to Our Community Agropoli Tournament 30 Wall of Fame 31 Essentials Info all members should know 32 Say What? Verbal slip-ups of our athletes

You can contact us by e-mail at juvemaga@yahoo.ca or by phone at (905) 856-0929

Tiziana Pace

Julia Pace

Co-Editor in Chief

Co-Editor in Chief

Principal Writer Copy Writer

Style Director

In the past few years there has been a steady flow of foreign soccer teams into Canada in general, and into Toronto specifically, for summer exhibition games. I can only be happy about this, not just because I get to see some wonderful soccer being played, but because it shows that there has grown such a demand for soccer in our city that we cannot be satiated by the little live soccer that we have. I even remember when we had one lonely channel showing Italian league soccer and any other games had to be caught off a huge satellite dish. Now we have a plethora of channels and we can watch soccer from leagues all around the world. For me, this is real progress.

THIS IS A BILINGUAL MAGAZINE You can write to us in any language with your comments, suggestions and submissions. Noi pubblicheremo le vostre opinioni sia in italiano che in inglese. This magazine is for you so we are committed to making you comfortable to write in whatever language is easiest for you. CosĂ­ partecipate alla nostra iniziativa e fateci sapere cosa pensate del nostro giornalino. 2

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In the past few years, Salt Lake City has become a soccer town. And while I'd like to think it has something to do with me moving here, it probably doesn't. In 2009, Real Salt Lake won the MLS Cup, bringing the city its first major sports championship in 40 years. This past April, the team made it to the CONCACAF finals. Walking around the city in the days prior to the final game, I saw jerseys on the street - on people and on dogs - and I felt a great enthusiasm for the sport I love. Considering that this is a city brought up on NBA basketball and college football, Real Salt Lake is carving out its place in the culture, and it's here to stay. And while the soccer fanaticism is not what you might get for Toronto FC, and certainly what you would get for Juventus, spirit has to start somewhere. I'm always excited when people begin to care about soccer, and when they finally start seeing the beauty of the game.

Contributors Gina Pace Marketing Director / Editor Francesco Mastrorizzi Writer Gino Mete Contributing Editor Marisa Lombardi Writer Claudia Pace Editor

Download a Copy of Our Magazine! If you can’t find a copy of this magazine for yourself, if you want a digital copy, or if you want to share a copy with people that you know, you can visit our website at www.juventusclubdoctoronto.com and download a copy!



The Juventus Club DOC Toronto prides itself on open discourse with its members so that the Club is able to bring forth initiatives that everyone will enjoy participating in. Members continue to attend the games at our Club Headquarters on the weekends, we recently had our second successful Texas Hold’em Poker Tournament (p.14) and we sponsored a Canadian Youth Team to play an international tournament (p.28). We are currently looking forward to having our Wine Tasting Event (p.8), our Annual Picnic (p.8), we continue to offer the community our Juventus Club DOC Scholarship Program for young, determined players exhibiting ambition and passion (p.11), and we have organized a Club Trip to Torino in August in order to inaugurate the new stadium in Torino (p.9). There is no limit to the imagination of the juventino mind!

We send a special and most heartfelt auguri to Club Treasurer, Vince Carlucci, who celebrates his 65th birthday this month.

He has dedicated many years of hard work to our Club and others in the community so we hope that his birthday celebration returns to him all the love and dedication that he has handed out to others over the years.

ANNOUNCMENTS We would like to congratulate former Club Board Member, Stefania Trichillo and Eddie Andreucci on recently tying the knot. We wish them much happiness as they embark on a new chapter in their lives together and we hope that they continue to help spread juventinitĂ around the world.

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Check out the new Juventus Club DOC Toronto jerseys!! What better way to represent your Club out on the streets than to strut your juventinità in your new, beautiful, stylish jersey. It’s sure to make all the other teams’ fans jealous—what are they wearing? Jerseys come with shorts so that you can exhibit th complete look. Available at our Club Headquarters. Call or stop by on the weekends to secure yours!

Questions about something you see in our magazine or about the Juventus Club? Send your questions to us by e-mailing juvemaga@yahoo.ca or mailing them to Juve Mag, 48 Sonny St. Maple, Ontario L6A 1B7

My nephew brought us a copy of this magazine when he came to visit and I think it’s just wonderful. What surprised me was how it’s not only a magazine on Juventus but it’s communityoriented too. What a great idea! - Emelia C.

Somebody took my copy of the last issue. I was so glad that I was able to find it online. - Pat Gianesco

Great job! This magazine just keeps getting better and better! It makes me proud to be a member of this club. - A.S. 4

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What you think is very important to us. Please let us know your comments about Juventus, our Club, zeb magazine, or whatever is on your mind. Send your comments to us by e-mailing juvemaga@yahoo.ca or mailing them to Juve Mag, 48 Sonny St. Maple, Ontario L6A 1B7

SIDE KICK: ―Winning takes talent. To repeat takes character.‖ John Wooden, NCAA Coach

We have, unfortunately, had to endure such a dismal soccer season that it’s nice to take comfort in each other’s company. I don’t know if it’s true that misery loves company but misery does like to talk things through and try to find answers to otherwise incomprehensible actions. This is why I’ve always been so happy to be a art of this Club, to have other with whom I can share both my joys and sorrows. It’s as though our devotion to Ju-

SIDE KICK: "Champions aren't made in the gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them a desire, a dream, a vision." Muhammad Ali

ventus binds us in a way that nonjuventini could never understand. So in the spirit of camaraderie, we have many events planned to keep our members in touch with one another, especially now that the season is winding down and we find ourselves approaching that great soccer void that we call summer. From my point of view, the events that we plan are not so much about doing something but about doing something happily. It seems to me that people are always walking around upset...about family, about work, about life. What a waste of time! You could be out having a drink with a friend or sitting on your porch with your neighbor. A Poker Tournament, a Wine Tasting Event, a Picnic, all ways in which to help celebrate life. I won’t get caught in the cesspool of negativity that lies

out there waiting for us all. This Club is about not only celebrating our similarities but even the ways in which we differ. Take a look at the world around you and notice all the ways that you can enhance the quality of your lives. This Club is just the beginning. Together, we can make it happen. Tiziana Pace President

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The Juventus Club DOC Toronto lost two beloved members in the last couple months. We will never forget how they connected with our lives and touched our hearts.

Corrado Cosentini (October 13, 1928- February 28, 2011) A farewell to Corrado Cosentini

in italiano

Corrado, amico nostro Sono profondamente sconvolta dalla notizia della scomparsa del nostro stimatissimo amico Corrado Cosentini. Immagino quanto sia grande il dolore di chi ha perso un marito, un padre, un compagno, un nonno. Corrado, uomo ammirevole a cui bastava sorridere per riempire di gioia i cuori di chi lo circondava; un uomo del quale avro' sempre un ottimo ricordo per la sua grande e spiccata simpatia che ispirava a prima vista: capace di attirare l'affetto di tutti. A noi due bastavano poche parole per capirci: il nostro smisurato amore per la Juventus era, forse, il legame piu' forte che ci univa e che ci faceva provare sensazioni uniche che, solo i "complici" sanno provare... Amico caro, sento gia' il vuoto della tua assenza, anche se il mio cuore e' pieno di te. Ti auguro un sereno riposo! Viva Juve! (Anche da parte tua). Marisa Lombardi

Who was Corrado Cosentini? A gentleman of gentlemen, very opinionated but in a very humble way, extremely intelligent but not boastful, always calm, cool and collected in any situation, a good family man. Some in our society say that respect is earned, not bought. Corrado was one of those individuals that was able to earn this trait without really trying. Corrado was also a true Juventus fan. A few months ago, he revealed to some of the Juventus Club Board Members what a "black and white" heart he had. He told us that he became a Juve fan when he was a little kid and never wavered from being one. Another amazing thing about Corrado was his memory recall. He recalled players that played for Juventus going back to the 1930's and all the other decades that followed right to the present day players. Not too shabby for an octogenarian! What amazed me the most, was when he told us that many years ago, there were six brothers who were all soccer players and they all played for the Juventus team. I thought I knew quite a bit about the Juve history, but I sure the heck had never heard of this interesting fact! I recall that during this lunch meeting, every time Corrado talked

about his Juventus team, his eyes would light up and you could also feel the excitement in his voice and see the permanent smile on his face. Just like a little kid. I had the honour of visiting the funeral home where Corrado was resting not too long ago and I got close to where he lay. I noticed that his family had placed his Juventus scarf there for everyone to see. As I extended my condolences to his immediate family, I was told by one of them that he loved his Juve so much that they had to place the scarf there. I had the pleasure of knowing this man for many years. I can honestly say that everyone who met Corrado, even if for a brief moment, came away feeling that he was a special person. May you rest in peace Corrado and I am sure that wherever you are, you are still cheering for our Juventus. Dino DiGennaro

Fioravanti (Fiore) Luciani (November 18, 1935– March 14, 2011)

Fiore Luciani (in the black hat) pictured with Joe Bonavota, Franco Luciani and Vince Carlucci

Abbiamo perso un grande juventino, Fiore Luciani. Quella maledetta malatia ce l’ha portato via in poco tempo. Era socio del Club Juventus da tanto tempo; un grande sostenitore del nostro Club; veniva sempre a vedere la partita insieme alla moglie; quando non poteva venire, telefonava per sapere il risultato. Abbiamo perso un grande amico. Fiore era venuto da Torino anni fa e aveva visto tante partite al Comunale. A lui piaceva raccontare della Juve di Sivori, Boniperti e Charles. Ha lottato fino all’ultimo, aveva tanta fede e coraggio, non é bastata. Caro Fiore, ci mancherai molto. Ti vorremo sempre bene. Vince Carlucci

in italiano

Se volete mandare le vostre lettere alla squadra, mandatecele via e-mail a juvemaga@yahoo.ca o per posta a Juve Mag, 48 Sonny St. Maple, Ontario L6A 1B7

Questa volta facciamo i furbi anche noi… Il “malizioso” manovrare di certi giudici sportivi e la poca esperienza dei diringenti juventini contribuirono a far si’ che i furbi del calcio italiano approfittassero di quella grande farsa, (calciopoli 1) per appropiarsi di una supremazia calcistica costruita con grande oculatezza, travolgendo la Juve con uno tsunami, non creato da madre natura, ma da dirigenti senza scupoli e affamati di successi. Adesso viene a galla che i “maliziosi” divulgarono solo le telefonate di Moggi omettendo tutte le altre che avrebbero dato un quadro ben diverso da quello datoci all’ inizio di calciopoli, assicurandosi che solo la Juve venisse danneggiata; non solo dal lato sportivo ma anche economico e d’immagine (era questo il vero obbiettivo?) Tutti sanno che una buona immagine porta soldi nelle casse: tra marketing, diritti televisivi, sponsors ecc. Adesso dopo anni si viene a sapere che la squadra, dietro questa farsa, che ha tratto un enorme vantaggio dalla sceneggiata calciopoli, sembra non essere tanto pulita… (Materazzi vestito di bianco in segno di purezza… una delle tante pagliacciate). Le prime interviste di Moratti, in televisione, le ricordo bene che inneggiavano all’onesta’ di Facchetti di essersi rifiutato di chiamare i disegnatori arbitrali come faceva Moggi quando e’ ben chiaro, (con calciopoli 2) che questi, insieme a Moratti, chiamavano direttamente gli arbitri donando regali di ben altro valore di quelli dati dalla Juventus. Se Bergamo fu invitato da Facchetti a passare in ufficio dell’Inter , da Livorno, perche’c’era un regalo per lui… Non posso proprio pensare che fosse un panettone. Ora che i giudici hanno l’occasione di fare veramente chiarezza sul calcio italiano, s’inventeranno un altro Guido Rossi? Certo, non credo che chiameranno Boniperti a far da giudice, e se giustizia sara’ fatta… Chi paghera’ i danni subiti dalla Juve? Spero che paghino i veri colpevoli… Viso

When you are shopping, the Juventus Club DOC Toronto asks you to remember our sponsors. They are an important part of our community and, just as they support us, we would like to support them! SIDE KICK: "When you're a winner you're always happy, but if you're happy as a loser you'll always be a loser." Mark Fidrych, American Baseball Player

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EVENING OF WINE-TASTING The Juventus Club DOC Toronto has arranged for a delectable evening at Coppi Ristorante (3363 Yonge St.) which will host our Evening of Wine-Tasting. The event will take place on Saturday, May 28, 2011 at 6pm, costs $80/person and includes a full menu. Those wishing to participate must pre-register with us by May 24th by calling 905-856-0929 or e-mailing juveclubevents@yahoo.ca. Cheers!!



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Sunday, June 5th, beginning at 12pm. Enjoy the company of fellow Juventus fans at Doctors MacLean District Park (8100 Islington Ave.) in Woodbridge. Dress up to support our team, bring your picnic supplies and games, and join us in celebrating the love of our team and of the outdoors by playing games and winning prizes!

The Juventus Club DOC Toronto is happy to announce plans for its

TRIP TO TORINO This year our Club will help to inaugurate the new stadium in Torino by being present for the 2011/2012 season-opening games, August 19 - 29, 2011 The trip includes: Roundtrip flight to Torino from Toronto Hotel accommodations in downtown Torino Ticket for Juventus’ home opener Visit to the Juventus F.C. Headquarters Tour of Torino Participation in the Walk-About at the stadium* Attendance at a Juventus practice in Vinovo* * subject to availability

Cost of the trip is $1,800 (tax included)** ** price may vary depending on time of booking

For information, details and booking call 905-856-0929 or e-mail juveclubevents@yahoo.ca Information meeting to follow The Juventus Club DOC would like to thank BelAir Tempo Travel in Woodbridge for taking care of our travel needs

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Want do you get for becoming a member, other than hanging around with the coolest crowd in the city? Here’s a quick list. Receive a copy of our Official Club Magazine delivered right to your front door!

Official Juventus F.C. Membership Kit: this year, a beautiful woolen scarf.

Our exclusive Juventus Club DOC Toronto Tote Bag, free to all our members upon signing. Help our future juventini live better lives by helping to save their environment today.

A copy of our exclusive official Juventus Club DOC Toronto 2011 Calendar. A complimentary summer picnic for you and your family.

A membership card signifying Official recognition Ability to parby Juventus ticipate in exFC, allowing clusive Club members to events when receive privivisiting Juvenleged tickettus F.C. in ing for Torino. games and entrance Exclusive offers from our sponsors into DOC Club-exclusive at our Club events. events and contests (see juventusclubdoc.it). A host of other events throughout the year to keep our social juices flowing and to maintain our strong connections.

GMS Artistic Wood Finish 40 Hanlan Rd., Unit #31 Vaughan, ON L4L 3P6 ph: 905-856-8266 fax: 905-856-7527

A Club Headquarters (at 440 Edgeley Blvd. in Concord) to watch games and attend events.


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What it’s about

To be considered

The Juventus Club DOC Toronto will facilitate a platform for competitive, regional level soccer players to qualify for an Athletic/Academic Scholarship. Both young ladies and young men playing competitive soccer in the GTA, (namely, in Southern Ontario) are eligible. We are a member-driven organization that promotes the drive for excellence both on and off the field of play. As such, we would like to recognize those individuals who best exemplify the spirit of fair play, who possess the ability to balance both academic and athletic success, and who display leadership skills in the pursuit of excellence. The award will be aptly named the ―The Juventus Club DOC Toronto, Scholarship Award‖. A winner must demonstrate and possess all of the qualities of fair play and sportsmanship while in consistent pursuit of excellence.

The ―Club‖ will present one scholarship award annually, for an amount of $500.00, to a player/candidate who qualifies based on the following selection criteria: • A student enrolled in Grade 12 (or equivalent) and graduating during the current season • A student who maintains a minimum average of 75% during both Grade 12 semesters • A candidate that has played in a recognized Competitive League for a minimum of 3 years • A candidate that has best exemplified the aforementioned qualities of fair play, academic and athletic excellence, and leadership skills both on and off the field • A candidate that has been accepted (or will be by the end of the current season) to a recognized Canadian College or University • A candidate that has completed community service work with their re spe ctiv e Clubs/ Districts o r Leagues (reference letter required)

The winning candidate/player shall also agree to appear at a minimum of two ―CLUB‖ functions during the following season, including a personal photo at the attending College/University. If the player/candidate fulfills these qualifications, the respective applications will be reviewed by the Board of Directors and/or an Executive Panel and one award recipient will be chosen. The award will be presented at the conclusion of the U18 Ontario Cup Final each season. This award program will be reviewed annually and the Board reserves the right to make any necessary adjustments based on budgetary considerations. The deadline for submissions for consideration is July 1st of each season. Submitted by: Tony Ciamarra Submissions should be sent to Juventus Club DOC Toronto: Attn: Tony Ciamarra, info@juventusclubdoctoronto.com

Do you want our members to get to know you and your special Juventus moment? E-mail it to us at juvemaga@yahoo.ca or mail it to Juve Mag, 48 Sonny St. Maple, Ontario L6A 1B7 and you may see it in our next magazine

SIDE KICK: Get a picture of a celebrity holding zeb magazine and, if we publish it, you’ll receive a free 1 year membership to our Club. So get out there and show off your Club’s magazine! E-mail pictures to juvemaga@yahoo.ca or mail them to Juve Mag, 48 Sonny St. Maple, Ontario L6A 1B7

"For me, winning isn't something that happens suddenly on the field when the whistle blows and the crowds roar. Winning is something that builds physically and mentally every day that you train and every night that you dream." Emmitt Smith, American Football Player

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in italiano

Current Standings as of May 2, 2011 Results: 22a: Juventus v Udinese 23a: Palermo v Juventus 24a: Cagliari v Juventus 25a: Juventus v Inter 26a: Lecce v Juventus 27a: Juventus v Bologna 28a: Juventus v Milan

1-2 2-1 1-3 1-0 2-0 0-2 0-1

Partita Il 3 di aprile 2011: che giornata indimenticabile per la tifoseria juventina! La Roma incontra in casa la Juventus per confermare l’imbattibilità, mentre i bianconeri sperano di guadagnarsi un posticino in Europa. I giallorossi non battono la Juventus dal lontano febbraio del 2004 e, con

29a: Cesena v Juventus 30a: Juventus v Brescia 31a: Roma v Juventus 32a: Juventus v Genoa 33a: Fiorentina v Juventus 34a: Juventus v Catania 35a: Lazio v Juventus

2-2 2-1 0-2 3-2 0-0 2-2 0-1

77 Milan 69 Inter 68 Napoli 60 Udinese 60 Lazio 59 Roma 56 Juventus 50 Palermo 49 Fiorentina 45 Genoa

44 Cagliari 42 Chievo 41 Parma 40 Bologna 40 Catania 37 Cesena 36 Sampdoria 35 Lecce 31 Brescia 21 Bari

di Gina Pace il ritorno in squadra di Vucinic dopo la squalifica, sperano nel colpaccio. Totti cerca il 202° gol ma, davanti alla porta avversaria, non riesce a controllare il pallone e, quando ci riprova ancora, si trova davanto Storari in forma superba. Si va al riposo con la Roma prevalentemente all’attacco durante i primi quarantacinque minuti. La ripresa non offre molte emozioni, ma al 59° c’é la svolta: Krasic mette la palla in rete con un destro che non lascia scampo! La Roma adesso é alle corde, si sbilancia in avanti ma Storari é imbattibile! La Juve conferma la serata favorevole con Matri al 74°: passaggio di Grosso per Matri che parte da solo verso la porta e, passando la palla sotte le gambe di Doni, realizza la seconda rete: gol impor tantissimo per i bianconeri e pessantissimo per i giallorossi. Una partita con tante parate e tante emozioni.

Questo é un anno non troppo felice per i tifosi juventini ma, quando la Vecchia Signora si trova faccia a

faccia con le squadre che contano, l’orgoglio che sembra svanito si risveglia e ci ricorda il motivo per cui siamo fieri di avere un cuore bianconero!

in italiano

Non culliamoci sugli allori….. del passato Volge ormai al termine un’altra stagione a dir poco deludente per la nostra cara ―Signora‖. Alla fine di un campionato che ha visto meritatamente il Milan trionfare, matematicamente fuori dalla Champions League, con tutte le ripercussioni sul piano finanziario e sportivo, la societa’ si vede ancora una volta costretta a dover ―iniziare‖ quel progetto ormai ben noto a tutti noi tifosi, ma soprattutto ad investire sul mercato ed a ripianare perdite di bilancio pari ad oltre 40 milioni di euro. Pur con un occhio di riguardo ai numeri di bilancio che per una societa’ quotata in borsa sono a dir poco importanti, l’attentione dei tifosi bianconeri e’ rivolta alla prossima campagna acquisti, tra speranze e scetticismo. Il post calciopoli ha visto una societa’ che per lunghi tratti e’ sembrata in ―stato confusionale‖, con tutte le attenuanti del caso ovviamente. Senza dimenticare la costruzione del nuovo stadio che dovrebbe garantire considerevoli introiti per il futuro, la Juventus negli ultimi anni e’ stata una delle societa’ che piu’ ha investito sul mercato senza riuscire pero’ a trovare una propria identita’ ed a riportare la squadra ai vertici del calcio italiano ed europeo. L’acquisto dei vari Almiron, Tiago, Poulsen, Diego, Martinez, Motta e chi piu’ ne ha piu’ ne metta, e’ l’e-

sempio lampante di come questa societa’ sembra abbia dimenticato cosa significhi avere in squadra dei veri campioni. Certo… e’ facile parlare col senno del poi.., ma il ―caso Juve‖ richiede un’analisi ben piu’ complessa che lascio fare a tutti voi tifosi. Capitolo a parte, ma non troppo, merita la questione allenatore, perche’ e’ giusto evidenziare come l’ennesima debacle vada divisa tra allenatore e calciatori. Pur apprezzando l’ottimo lavoro svolto dall’allenatore, costretto per lunghi tratti della stagione ad assemblare una squadra dimezzata dagli infortuni, e’ doveroso sottolineare come il signor Del Neri in alcuni dei momenti cruciali della stagione non sia riuscito a trasmettere una precisa idea di gioco alla squadra.

Ultima una sua dichiarazione, dopo il pareggio contro il Chievo, quando gli e’ stato chiesto come mai la Juventus avesse concesso 7 – 8 palle goal, Del Neri con una certa ―nonchalance‖ si e limitato a dire che in fondo il Chievo e’ una buona squadra…., immaginate se la Juventus avesse incontrato il Barcellona… Con l’auspicio che finalmente la societa’ faccia una campagna acquisti all’altezza, in modo da poter presto affrontare il… Barcellona… e non solo in amichevole…, auguro a tutti voi amici juventini una buona estate.

Al contrario, in piu’ di un’occasione, il signor Del Neri ha evidenziato una mentalita’ ―provinciale‖ che personalmente non ho mai condiviso.

SIDE KICK: "Winners take time to relish their work, knowing that scaling the mountain is what makes the view from the top so exhilarating." Denis Waitley, American writer



March 25, 2011 The Juventus Club DOC Toronto had its second successful Texas Hold’em Poker Tournament. The event, held at our Club Headquarters, brought in over 70 participants. With friendly competition, catered food and friends abound, no wonder everyone had so much fun!

These were the scenes at the Juventus Club DOC Toronto Club Headquarters on Poker night. Intense looks, concentration, and the willingness to socialize and have fun.


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Above, Club President Tiziana Pace hands over the winnings to a grinning the Poker Night Champion, capping off a wonderful evening of competition.

A special thank you goes out to: Tony Triumbari at Lanterna Ristorante, who not only provided us with wonderful food but even helped us to serve it when he came to participate in the event himself! Steve Venere, whose hard work and enthusiasm when running the tournament helped to make it a success!

for any occasion triumbari1978@hotmail.com

Our members showing off their team spirit

Talk about a flashback! Here is Club President and zeb magazine Co-Editor, Tiziana Pace, with Daniela D’Alessandro in Rome, upon their return from the Juventus Summer Training Camp in Chatillon in the summer of 1991. Which proves that true love for your team does endure. Send us your photos as you promote your Juve Club by e-mailing them to juvemaga@yahoo.ca or mailing them to Juve Mag, 48 Sonny St. Maple, Ontario L6A 1B77


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In this section, zeb magazine spotlights news from around the world of soccer. This issue, we feature Barcelona, the European powerhouse team.

Barcelona: Kings of the Champions Admit it. You’ve watched Barcelona games over the last few seasons,

by Christina Salvino

The 2009 season was a historical one for the team. The club was the first ever to win the sextuple: Copa del Rey, Champions League, La Liga, UEFA Super Cup, FIFA Club World Cup, and Spanish Super Cup In recent years, with the exception of the 06/07 season where they bowed out during the round of 16, Barca have either made it to the semi One last fun fact for us juventini: Bar-final round or won the competition 2010/11 Champions League record: 8 celona’s highest-ever home attendance was an incredible 120,000, for wins, 2 draws, 1 loss a European Cup quarter-final against Juventus in 1986. Following the modLast month, the stars aligned, and football lovers around the world were ernization of the Camp Nou in the 1990s, that record won’t be broken given a rare gift: four El Clásico anytime soon. The current legal camatches in the span of 18 days. pacity of the stadium is 98, 772.

The first leg of the Champions League semi-final, played in Madrid, saw Barcelona play a pretty evenly matched first half against archrivals Real Madrid. Then came the fireworks. Each team had a player sent off with controversial red cards while Madrid sometimes, in awe. We won’t tell. head coach Jose Mourinho was disWe’ve felt the same way. missed. In the last 15 minutes of the match, Lionel Messi turned on the UEFA overall rankings, based on the magic and Barca are headed to results of clubs competing in the five leg two 2-0 on aggregate. With pendprevious seasons of the UEFA Champiing UEFA disciplinary cases against ons League and UEFA Europa each team, get ready for an epic League, put the blaugranas second fourth El Clásico. only to Manchester United. Let’s look at Barca’s history in the Champions League: The Catalan team have hoisted the trophy three times (91/92, 05/06, 08/09)

Whatever competition, when Barca get into that rhythm, it’s magical. And add, arguably, the greatest player on planet earth to the mix, as one GOL TV commentator likes to remind us, ―we’re watching magisterial genius here, folks.‖

SIDE KICK: "I'm a winner each and every time I go into the ring." George Foreman

Pictures of members who were lucky enough to meet their favourite Juventus players

Piergiorgio Celi of Aquila has travelled all over Europe watching Juventus play. Here he shares with us some of his most precious photos. Above, with Boniperti and Trapattoni; at right, with Del Piero and DiLivio.


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Did you meet one of the Juventus team members? Send us a picture and we’ll show it off in our magazine. Send pictures to juvemaga@yahoo.ca or mail them to Juve Mag, 48 Sonny St. Maple, Ontario L6A 1B7


Across 1. This team won the first ever World Cup? 3. How many countries have won the World Cup? 7. How many goals did England score in the 1998 World Cup? 8. Who hosted the World Cup when Germany won in 1954? 9. How many teams have won the competition whilst hosting it? 11. Who scored the first goal in Uruguay in the 1930 World Cup? 12. According to the FIFA Laws of the Game, how long can a goalie hold the ball once he gains possession? 14. Who is England's all time leading scorer in World Cup history? 15. Who is the only coach to win a World Cup twice with the same nation? Down 2. What country was runner-up in the first World Cup competition? 4. Who captained Germany in the 1990 World Cup final against Argentina? 5. Who won the World Cup as a player in 1974 and as a coach in 1990? 6. How many countries were part of the World Cup in Spain in 1982? 10. Which country has finished the most times as runner up? 12. Who scored the fastest World Cup goal ever? 13. Which goalkeeper has the record for most clean sheets in all World Cup history? Answers on page 27

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As of May 5, 2011


Feb 16, 2011 0-1 1-1 2-1 2-3 0-2 1-1 0-1 0-0

Mar 9, 2011 0-0 1-3 1-3 0-3 0-0 0-3 3-2 1-2

QUARTERFINALS Inter vs Schalke Real Madrid vs Tottenham Barcelona vs Shaktar Chelsea vs Man United

April 5, 2011 2-5 4-0 5-1 0-1

April 13, 2011 1-2 1-0 1-0 1-2

SEMIFINALS Schalke vs Man United Real Madrid vs Barcelona

April 26, 2011 0-2 0-2

Milan vs Tottenham Valencia vs Schalke Arsenal vs Barcelona Roma vs Shakhtar FC Copenhagen vs Chelsea Lione vs Real Madrid Inter - Bayern Monaco Marsiglia - Man United

FINAL Barcelona vs Man United


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May 4, 2011 1-4 1-1

May 28, 2011


Mar 10, 2011 Ajax vs Spartak Mosca 0-1 B.Leverkusen vs Villarreal 2-3 Benfica vs Paris SG 2-1 CSKA Mosca vs Porto 0-1 Dynamo Kiev vs Man City 2-0 PSV Eindhoven vs Gla. Rangers 0-0 Sporting Braga vs Liverpool 1-0 Twente vs Zenit San Pietroburgo 3- 0

Mar 17, 2011 0-3 1-2 1-1 1-2 0-1 1-0 0-0 0-2

QUARTERFINALS April 7, 2011 Benfica vs PSV Eindhoven 4-1 Dynamo Kiev vs Sporting Braga 1-1 Porto vs Spartak Mosca 5-1 Villarreal vs Twente 5-1

April 14, 2011 2-2 0-0 5-2 3-1

SEMIFINALS Benfica va Sporting Braga Porto vs Villareal

May 5, 2011 0-1 2-3

FINAL Porto vs Sporting Braga

April 28, 2011 2-1 5-1

May 18, 2011

Round of 16 Dec 9, 14, 2010

As of May 2, 2011




































Jan 25, 26, 27, 2011

Apr 20, May 11, 2011

May 29, 2011






















0 2


0 1

Italian National Team World Cup 2010 Qualifiers games played in Group C: Slovania vs. Italy 0-1 Upcoming games: June 3, 2011 Italy vs. Estonia Sept 2, 2011 Faroe Islands vs Italy Sept 6, 2011 Italy vs Slovania Oct 7, 2011 Italy vs Serbia Oct 11, 2011 Italy vs N. Ireland

As of May 5, 2011

European Cup current rankings in Group 8 Italy 13 Slovania 8 Serbia 8 Estonia 7 N. Ireland 6 Feroe Islands 1

SIDE KICK: "Winning is everything. The only ones who remember you when you come second are your wife and your dog." Damon Hill, British Racecar Driver zeb 2.4


in italiano

Il nostro corrispondente estero, Francesco Mastrorizzi, continua a darci notizie sui giocatori che hanno lasciato la nostra squadra ma non i nostri cuori

Carriera da allenatore per Tacchinardi Alessio Tacchinardi, 11 stagioni e 404 presenze in bianconero, con la Juventus ha vinto tutto dal 1994 al 2005: 6 scudetti, 1 Champions League, 1 Coppa Intercontinentale, 1 Coppa Uefa, 4 Supercoppe Italiane e 1 Coppa Italia. La sua carriera prende il via da Bergamo, dove negli Allievi

dell’Atalanta viene schierato come tornante. Ma l’allenatore Prandelli, osservandone la personalità, il senso della posizione, la rapidità nell’impostare, decide di proporlo come regista. L’esperimento riesce perfettamente ed il giovanissimo Alessio è protagonista assoluto dell’irripetibile stagione che porta la squadra nerazzurra a dominare la scena giovanile vincendo, nel 1993, il Torneo di Viareggio e il campionato nazionale ―Primavera‖. La dirigenza della Juventus, squadra del cuore del giovane Alessio, lo nota fin da subito e nell’estate del 1994 lo porta a Torino, per fargli fare da riserva a due centrocampisti di fama internazionale come Paulo Sousa e Deschamps. Tuttavia Lippi decide di impiegarlo come difensore centrale e Tacchinardi ci si adatta perfettamente, collezionando ben 24 presenze in campionato nella stagione dell'esordio. Dopo l’exploit iniziale come libero, inizia una crisi di identità di ruolo, che duro fino al 97,

quando i suoi dubbi vengono sciolti dal campo. Da quel momento in poi, in Italia e in Europa, sarà applaudito come un grande centrocampista. Nei suoi anni alla Juve gioca accanto a gente del calibro di Deschamps, Zidane, Davids, ma non si fa mai intimorire dalla classe dei suoi compagni ed è sempre il primo a lottare, rubando palloni e subito impostando, da vero e proprio leader. Pur non prendendosi mai le luci della ribalta, è tra i più acclamati dai tifosi per il suo attaccamento alla maglia e per il suo impegno. Con l’arrivo di Capello nel 2004 conosce più la panchina che il campo, così l’anno successivo si vede costretto a dare l’addio alla Juventus, accettando la proposta arrivata dal Villareal di trasferirsi in Spagna. Anche lì le soddisfazioni non mancano e, nonostante la squadra non sia formata da grandissimi nomi, al primo anno riesce a raggiungere la semifinale di Champions League, dopo aver eliminato l’Inter ai quarti. Al termine dei due anni di prestito Tacchinardi ritorna a Torino, deciso a concludere la carriera nella sua amata Juve. Ma la prospettiva di fare da riserva a Tiago e Almiron lo spinge a rescindere il contratto. La stagione successiva scende in serie B con il Brescia allenato da Cosmi, dove disputa un campionato eccellente, segnando addirittura 9 reti, ma la squadra fallisce ai playoff la qualificazione in A. È questo il suo ultimo campionato da professionista. In una recente intervista Alessio racconta il suo addio al calcio: ―Avrei voluto continuare, ma non ho trovato una situazione che mi dava i

giusti stimoli. Avrei potuto andare a Palermo, ma non volevo spostare un’altra volta la mia famiglia dopo essere appena rientrati dalla Spagna. Credo di aver smesso nel momento in cui avevo la testa giusta per smettere. In Spagna ho capito che nella vita non c’è solo il calcio, lì vivono questo sport con meno pressione e come un divertimento e non riuscivo a capire le situazioni come le contestazioni a Brescia, dove ho segnato 11 reti, ho giocato un buon campionato. Ho capito che era il momento di voltare pagina, se mancano le motivazioni è meglio lasciar stare...‖ Appese le scarpette al chiodo, da subito il suo obiettivo è stato quello di intraprendere la carriera da allenatore, nella speranza di tornare a grandi livelli anche in questo ruolo. Attualmente, umile ma deciso come lo era in campo, segue come collaboratore tecnico gli allievi della giovanili del Pergocrema, la squadra

della sua città, Crema, in Lombardia. A dimostrazione del segno che ha lasciato nel cuore dei tifosi della Vecchia Signora, il nome di Tacchinardi fa parte dei cinquanta campioni scelti tra i più rappresentativi della storia bianconera e che dal prossimo anno saranno simboleggiati da cinquanta stelle che andranno ad adornare il nuovo stadio della Juventus.

Tracking the goings on in the Juve World

Juventus Legends vs Torino Legends Charity Match In what was a dream match for many, on March 23, 2011, the legendary players of Juventus met the legend a r y players o f T o r in o , in a battle t h a t meant a s much off-field as it meant on. The players had come together to play in this charity event match to raise funds for research into Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) - aka Lou Gehrig’s Disease.

The game, played at the Stadio Olimpico in Torino, was to serve as a celebration of solidarity towards a common, honourable goal.

SIDE KICK: "You've got to get to the stage in life where going for it is more important than winning or losing." Arthur Ashe, Tennis Player

The ―Derby Slancio di Vita‖ was organized by in conjunction with an ALS foundation set up by former Juventus players Gianluca Vialli and Massimo Mauro, and featured a host of retired, beloved former players. Juventus President Andrea Agnelli is proud that his team could be a part of this event. ―Their organization is excellent and this has been proved by the facts, events managed by them, their projects and the funds they have raised up to now,‖ the Juventus boss comments. ―This foundation is of excellent quality and we’re proud to collaborate.‖ Juventus Legends: Goalies: Tacconi, Rampulla, Chimenti Defenders: Cabrini, Carrera, Cuccureddu, De Agostini, Gentile, Montero, Iuliano, Porrini, Storgato, Torricelli, Tudor, Vierchowod Midfielders: Bonini, Causio, Davids, Furino, Galia, Marocchi, Marocchino, Mauro, Nedved, Tacchinardi, Tavola, Vignola, Zidane Strikers: Grabbi, Vialli, Ravanelli, Vieri Coach: Lippi Assistant Coach: Pessotto

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in italiano

Momenti storici della nostra Vecchia Signora

Top 10 Libri sulla Juventus 10. Gigi Moncalvo, I lupi & gli agnelli La storia di una dinastia protagonista da decenni della storia economica, e non solo, d'Italia, tra intrecci pubblici e privati sconosciuti al grande pubblico, che può aiutare a comprendere meglio i fatti che hanno preceduto e seguito la morte di Gianni Agnelli, coinvolgendo anche il giocattolo preferito dell’Avvocato, la sua Juve.

8. Massimo Zampini, Er go' de Turone. Diari di uno juventino a Roma Massimo Zampini, romano e grande tifoso della Juve, propone racconti di un'esistenza da juventino a Roma, rivelando cosa significhi dover convivere con le offese e i pregiudizi di amici e conoscenti, accresciuti ancora di più dalle vicende di Calciopoli, di cui, però, smaschera le contraddizioni affidandosi sapientemente all'arma dell'ironia. 7. Gianluca Pessotto, La partita più importante Gianluca Pessotto racconta in prima persona il tentativo di suicidio del 27 giugno 2006. Nelle sue parole c'è la storia di un uomo che vuole rinascere, l'aiuto dei compagni di squadra, dei familiari e dei medici, lo sconforto, le crisi e l'entusiasmo ritrovato giorno dopo giorno. Non mancano flashback sul passato da calciatore nella Juventus e nella Nazionale.

9. Nicola Negro, La Juventus del dottore La storia di Umberto Agnelli, partendo dalla sua presidenza all’età di vent’anni, quando affidò a Charles e Sivori una squadra che rischiava di retrocedere in B, facendola entrare nella leggenda. Dalla vittoria della prima stella la narrazione giunge fino alle vicende di un'altra squadra: la Juve della Triade Moggi-Giraudo-Bettega. 24

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6. Pavel Nedved, La mia vita normale In questa autobiografia, Pavel Nedved racconta della sua città

natale, degli allenatori, della rigorosa disciplina, dei successi e degli insuccessi, dell’importanza della sua famiglia, tutti fattori fondamentali per renderlo un modello di comportamento per i compagni di squadra e un esempio per tutto il mondo del calcio. 5. Mario Pasta-Mario Sironi, Juventus, il processo farsa Attraverso l'attenta lettura della sentenza che ha condannato alla serie B la squadra più blasonata d'Italia, il libro non solo racconta un caso emblematico di cattiva informazione e di mala giustizia, ma pone anche interrogativi scomodi sulle responsabilità della proprietà della Juventus nell’intera vicenda. 4. Giampiero Muggini, Juve. Il sogno che continua Giampiero Mughini ricorda i giorni neri dell’estate del 2006, accompagnati dallo strazio e dalla rabbia del popolo juventino. Con un occhio ai retroscena, Mughini spiega perché, dato il momento di debolezza politica ed economica della Fiat, la proprietà della Juve abbia accettato senza batter ciglio il martirio di Moggi e di Giraudo. 3. Emilio Cambiaghi, Manuale di autodifesa del tifoso juventino Questo manuale è rivolto a quei tifosi juventini stanchi di subire in silenzio le malignità altrui senza poter far sentire la propria voce. Il libro svela tutte le verità di Calciopoli, ma anche quelle notizie mai riportate dalla stampa, per fare chiarezza su argomenti trattati in maniera faziosa, come la vicenda del cosiddetto ―doping amministrativo‖ e il processo alla Juventus sull’abuso di farmaci.

le famose intercettazioni telefoniche e raccontando la storia che l'ha visto diventare, agli occhi dell'opinione pubblica, il peggiore dei criminali d’Italia. Moggi ripercorre anche la sua vita nel mondo del calcio, dai primi passi come osservatore ai tanti anni di grandi successi come dirigente.

2. Luciano Moggi, Un calcio nel cuore Luciano Moggi ricostruisce i fatti di Calciopoli, rileggendo e spiegando

1. Ju29ro.com, Che fine ha fatto la Juve? Una ricostruzione, sotto forma di inchiesta, degli ultimi anni della storia della Juve, dall'alba di Calciopoli in poi, attraverso i più interessanti articoli pubblicati sul sito Ju29ro.com. Tra gli argomenti principali: le bugie di Calciopoli e le verità taciute, gli scandali delle altre squadre spesso nascosti, gli esiti sorprendenti dei processi ordinari che sono seguiti a quelli sportivi.

Materazzi says he and Zidane have reconciled Italian defender, Marco Materazzi, famously head -butted by French player Zinedine Zidane in the World Cup Final in 2006 in Germany, which was won by the Azzurri, said that he and Zidane made up after running into each other in Milan. Materazzi re coun te d how he ran into the former Juventus player while visiting Real Madrid coach Jose Mourinho when Ma-

drid was in Milan for a Champions League game last November. The moment that the two men sh o o k h an d s , Materazzi describes as a ―beautiful man-to-man moment.‖

Links to Juventus moments every fan should see

Le 50 Stelle Bianconere http://www.youtube.com/watch?gl=IT&v=YaTfNyAX-pg Juventus vs Torino - Derby Slancio di Vita http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xxNVTbjSv8 Del Piero e Tacchinardi ballano http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7VNA5iDNysQ Montero al processo "doping" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3t0AHCFubA Zidane e la Juve http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uIPEOjMrPok Il 5 maggio 2002 alla radio http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJkIuDqU_GQ Compilato da Francesco Mastrorizzi

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Our young aspiring artists

A It’s always great to see the power of imagination at work. Instead of colouring a picture of a zebra or drawing one for us, 2 year old Russell Lopes-Walker made us a beautiful 3D zebra collage, complete with googly eyes! Thank you Russell!

Is your child a little Picasso? Send your children’s artwork to: juvemaga@yahoo.ca or mail it to Juve Mag, 48 Sonny St., Maple, Ontario L6A 1B7.

with over 30 years of experience


Showing off our Juventus children

At left, Russell Lopes -Walker (our young artist from the previous page - and our inaugural edition cover model, if you remember) shows off his black and white colours for all to see. We love how he looks like he’s letting out a yelp of joy for Juventus. Now that’s the spirit!!

Have a cute photo? Send them to: juvemaga@yahoo.ca or mail them to Juve Mag, 48 Sonny St. Maple, Ontario L6A 1B7 and you may see them in our next magazine

Answers for the World Cup Adventures Crossword on page 19. Across 1. Uruguay 3. Eight 7. Seven 8. Switzerland 9. Six 11. Laurent 12. Six seconds 14. Lineker Who 15. Pozzo

Down 2. Argentina 4. Mattheus 5. Beckenbauer 6. Twenty-four 10. West Germany 12. Suker 13. Stilton

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The Caledon Canadians, the youth team sponsored by the Juventus Club DOC Toronto, recently finished their tournament in Italy. Team Coach, Tony Ciamarra, gives us the full report of this adventure for the young Canadians.

An enthusiastic group of 40 people embarked on a plane at Toronto’s Pearson International Airport for what proved to be a unique cultural experience. We started in Rome with the Palm Sunday Papal Mass in St. Peter’s


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Square with tourist sites such as the Trevi Fountain, the Coliseum, Castel Sant’Angelo, Piazza Vittorio Emmanuele II, just to mention a few , wh ich amazed every member of the entourage. Upon settling at Hotel Mare in Agropoli, the team played its first soccer game on Italian soil, in the region of Campania. A balanced match versus Omignano was played at Torre Agropoli in which the Canadians won 1-0 on Matthew Siminiski’s

goal. The mood of the group became electrified and the next day the team responded with the best game of the tournament with a comeback from a 0-1 half time deficit to win the game on 2 brilliant goals by Alex Martinat. It was a hard -fought, entertaining game played in the town of Trentinara which sits 6000 feet above sea level. Our opponents were from the nearby town of Calpazio which had 3 Serie C players in its lineup. The team came to an abrupt reality check, however, the next night as we were outclassed by the eventual tournament winners U.S. Agropoli by the score of 4-1 with Julian Mete netting the lone goal for the Canadians. The chill of the late night Mediterranean air would stay with the

team for the next 2 games. The next day we travelled to a very modern looking town, Casalvellino, to play on new, state -of-the-art turf field which was nestled in the valley of the nearby Apennines mountains. In this physical and chippy game, the Canadians were lucky to get out of town with no major injuries except for our egos being bent out of shape with the 2-0 loss. The final game of the tournament was set for Ariston Stadium in Paestum. This was an extravagant facility which included an upscale five-star resort which is also a favorite training location for the Italian National Team. The plan was to play a select team from Ghana. Unfortunately this team was sent back home due to lack of proper travel documentation. Fortunately for the Canadians, the tournament organizing committee set up an impromptu friendly game with a team from the USA. The group then headed south on a 5 hour coach ride to Calabria. The hospitality was outstanding and the food was tantalizing. The group enjoyed Easter Sunday gathered around the fountain of the Piazza in the town of San Giorgio Morgetto. A community of approximately 3000 residents clustered together on the slopes of a majestic mountain with a medieval castle perched on its peak. The ceremonial procession and the mingling with the local residents was a sight to behold! This occasion marked the 10th year that Isidoro Seminara escorted a group of Canadians to his hometown. The welcoming reception was a tribute to the longstanding affection that is felt for Isidoro by the Calabrese community. The friendly match with the team from San Giorgio ended in a 2-2 draw with Mete and Martinat’s markers. The majority of the group returned to Canada on Easter Monday while eleven people stayed behind for an extra 3 days to visit places such as Capri, Amalfi, Positano, Rovello, Salerno and Sorrento. I believe that this experience was life-altering for everyone, especially

the players. Although there were a few moments of turbulence with the group, the overall experience will long be cherished. ―The objective was cultural, the catalyst was soccer and the life lesson was the The Caledon Canadians directors: from left, Isidoro Seminara, ultimate result.‖ Tony Ciamarra, Gabriel Marocco, Bassi Seminara, Mary Marocco. zeb 2.4 29

Claudio Gentile, the legend of Italian soccer of the 1970s and 1980s, had a rough style of play that made him noticed on the field. He became a fixture on both Juventus and his national team making him worthy of a place on zeb magazine’s Wall of Fame.

Though Claudio Gentile started his career as a full back, he moved to the role of central defender after signing with Juventus in 1973. Playing with the bianconeri, Gentile made his mark on Italian soccer history his rough and tumble attitude on the field.

You can vote for an inductee on the Wall of Fame by e-mailing us at juvemaga@yahoo.ca or mailing us at Juve Mag, 48 Sonny St., Maple, Ontario, L6A 1B7


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His eleven years of spectacular play with the conquering Juventus brought him two European Club Cups, six Scudettos, and two Italian Cups. He earned 71 caps for the Italian National Team during that time and had his finest hour lifting the World Cup with the Italians in 1982, after having played an exquisite defensive game against West Germany alongside

Gaetano Scirea. Gentile later went on to play with Fiorentina and Piacenza before ending his career. He currently coaches the Italy Under-21 National Team, and it looks as though his path will continue to lead him to many accolades and successes.


Becoming a Juventus Club DOC member

It’s easy! Pick up a membership form from our Club Headquarters or print one out from our website: www.juventusclubdoctoronto.com Then fill it out and mail it into the Club with your membership fee. Just by following those simple steps, you will become an officially recognized member of a community dedicated to unity and the sharing of the joy of soccer. Welcome!

Contact our magazine via e-mail: juvemaga@yahoo.ca Contact our magazine via mail: zeb magazine – 48 Sonny St., Maple, On. L6A 1B7 Visit our website: www.juventusclubdoctoronto.com Mail Official Club correspondence: 2550 Finch Ave. West, P.O. Box 72061 Toronto, On. M3M 3A6 Call us at the Club: 905-856-0929 Drop by our Club Headquarters: 440 Edgeley Blvd., Concord, On. L4K4G4 Join our Facebook account: Juventus Club DOC Toronto Follow us on Twitter: juveclubto

Being a Juventus Club DOC means that the Club is

The Board of Directors. From top left: Joe Bonavota, Franco Costa, Dino DiGennaro, Vincenzo Carlucci, Gina Pace, Franco Luciani, Angelo Cofini. From bottom left: Tony Ciamarra, Marisa Lombardi, Tiziana Pace, Nadia Ciccone, Alfredo Olivieri.



President / Presidente 2nd Vice President / 2 Vice Presidente General Manager Treasurer / Tesoriere Secretary - Public Relations / Segretaria - Pubbliche Relazioni Membership Co-Ordinator / Co-Ordinatrice Tesseramenti Director of Marketing / Direttore di Marketing Councillor / Consigliere Councillor / Consigliere Councillor / Consigliere Councillor / Consigliere Councillor / Consigliere Councillor / Consigliere


Immediate Past President


officially recognized by the parent club, Juventus F.C. in Torino. We are bound by the same rules and regulations as the Torino club. Being officially recognized as a member of a large family of Juventus supporters, we are united by the love of our team and our passion for the game, stimulated by the black and white, and pushed forward by the fervor of our cheers. Being an official card-carrying member of the Club allows you many special perks, such as privileged ticketing services at the stadium and Juventus F.C. Club events. For more information, visit www.juventusclubdoc.it DISCLAIMERS The opinions expressed by zeb magazine are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the members of the Juventus Club DOC Toronto, Juventus F.C., the publisher, or its advertisers. Zeb Magazine is an independently produced magazine and is not officially endorsed by Juventus F.C. The names "Juventus" and "Juve" are the sole property of Juventus F.C. S.p.a. Unless otherwise specified, all images and articles remain the property of the individual authors. If you are a copyright owner and you believe that something has been utilized in our magazine in such a way that constitutes an infringement of copyright, please contact us and we will remove your work. Where zeb Magazine contains links to other sites, such links are not endorsements of any information, products or services available from or promoted by such sites, and no information offered by external sites has been endorsed or approved by zeb Magazine. Where zeb Magazine displays advertisements, such advertisements are not endorsements of any information, products, or services available from or promoted by such advertisers, and no information offered by these advertisers has been endorsed or approved by zeb Magazine.

zeb 2.4


SAY WHAT? "This team is one execution away from being a very good basketball team." – Doc Rivers, former NBA player

"Better make it six, I can't eat eight." - Dan Osinski, baseball player, when a waitress asked if he wanted his pizza cut into six or eight slices

"He treats us like men. He lets us wear earrings." -Torrin Polk, University of Houston receiver, on his coach, John Jenkins

"I'm not an athlete. I'm a professional baseball player." -John Kruk

"The first 90 minutes are the most important." - Sir Bobby Robson, former soccer player/coach 32

zeb 2.4

Pearls of wisdom from the world of athletics

"Nobody in football should be called a genius. A genius is a guy like Norman Einstein." – Joe Theismann, former NFL and CFL player. "Sure there have been injuries and deaths in boxing - but none of them serious." - Alan Minter, Boxer Pat Williams, Orlando Magic General Manager, on his team's 7-27 record: "We can't win at home. We can't win on the road. As General Manager, I just can't figure out where else to play."

Don’t forget, if you see a quote that makes you laugh, share it with us. E-mail it to juvemaga@yahoo.ca or mail it to Juve Mag, 48 Sonny St. Maple, Ontario L6A 1B7

zeb 2.4


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