20151219 week assignment

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Interviews and Personas To be delivered on

Satuarday 26th of December, before 9.30am Week Assignment 2015.12.19 Product Service System Design Studio 2015-2016 | Tongji University Andrea Carlon, Francesco Petronelli


In the previous step you have observed the user and his/her journey through the service. What we want to do next is to talk with your users, interview them, find more about their painpoints and map out the results of your findings. After the interviews we want you to build personas, to guide and velidate your future design intervention.

Service Anlysis | 2015.12.19

Product Service System Design Studio 2015-2016 | Tongji University

Tasks Users Interviews Document your process • Show us the process that led you to define your goals and discussion guide • Illustrate your interview material, including discussion guide and any other supporting tool Conduct the interviews • Pilot your interview to validate the effectiveness of your questions and approach • Interview a minium of 4 users, 1 teacher and 1 service provider, tailor your questions and explore their perspectives through the service journey • Debrief each interview and summarise each one of them in a logic structure • Summarise all intervies and find patterns, analogies, connections among the perticipants answers • Prepare one page executive summary to freeze your most imortant findings

Service Anlysis | 2015.12.19

Product Service System Design Studio 2015-2016 | Tongji University


Personas Personas Definition • Use your findings to create personas following the persona characteristics that are more suitable to your case • Define for each personas its relation with the service, needs, struggles, context of usage, interaction and emotional characteristics Personas Presentation • Illustrate your personas in humanized profiles including dempgraphic and pychograpic information, by making good use of the captured material

Service Anlysis | 2015.12.19

Product Service System Design Studio 2015-2016 | Tongji University

Format and Presentation

User Interview and Personas Definition PDF A4-horizontal format / blog updload

To be delivered on

Satuarday 26th of December, before 9.30am Service Anlysis | 2015.12.19

Product Service System Design Studio 2015-2016 | Tongji University

Product Service System Design Studio 2015-2016 | Tongji University Andrea Carlon, Francesco Petronelli

Contacts andrea.carlon@gmail.com francesco.petronelli@gmail.com

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