Spots Portugal - Development

Page 1

A project by Francisca Veloso, 2011



WUFOO QUESTIONNAIRE - EXPLAINED I started the project with a questionnaire. I wanted to find a couple of things. Such as, what makes a place special? memories? quietness? rush? thoughts? cold? heat? when does it make sense to go there? and with who? do you want to tell anyone about it? or keep it secret? will everyone understand it as well as you do? what is there to understand? is that something you can see, learn from, or touch or is that a feeling?

I had very interesting feedback. Very particular to different people as well. So at answer number 30. I decided to redo the questionnaire, I had made certain categories so that recommenders could clasify their spot (e.g. adventure, nice and romantic, historical...) yet, I realised these were ‘my’ categories made for others. I’d prefer people to choose to categorize their spots if they want to! I also decided I wasn’t to edit anything This was where the spots concept began to grow. Human, true, young and simple.


1. Design: Emanuele Pizzolorusso ‘(...)the Crumpled City Map can be easily crammed into your pocket, backpack or the carrying pouch provided. without having to worry about refolding it along the original creases. (...) the maps are printed on special technological material that makes them the lightest and most resistant maps on market, as well as 100% waterproof.(...) Crumpled City maps include a sightseeing index and a list of unique “Soulsights”. ‘But there’s more, an original list of the city’s Soulsights. Each map proposes 10 ‘SoulSights’, places that are chosen to excite you. These are places filled with intense emotions that are brought to life by the people passing through or stopping off in them.’


2. Magnetic Curtain by Florian Krautli 3. Space-invader tiles’s maps. Small tiles composition of space invader’s characters on streets around make the coordinates of these city maps by Invader 4. World War II Cloth Maps - British Library Maps ‘When you look at these maps the unusual materials are perhaps the first thing you notice. During WWII hundreds of thousands of maps were produced by the British on thin cloth and tissue paper. The idea was that a serviceman captured or shot down behind enemy lines should have a map to help him find his way to safety if he escaped or, better still, evade capture in the first place. A map like this could be concealed in a small place (a cigarette packet or the hollow heel of a flying boot), did not rustle suspiciously if the captive was searched and, in the case of maps on cloth or mulberry leaf paper, could survive wear and tear and even immersion in water.’ 5. MUJI - Soft cover note book. Will crumple as it’s used 6. Mental Notes 3.75’’ x 5.5’’w






map of artists who play with maps

‘artography’ I art and cartography art and geography

Chris Kenny - Institute

Paula Scher

Langlands & Bell: Air Routes of Britain (Night and Day), 2000

Anna Oliver: The Gulf War , 2001

Jonathan Callan - Africa in Greece and Concinamus, 2002

Michael Drunks: Drusland physical and social 15 January 1974, 11.30, 1974

Satomi Matoba: Shores of a River, 2000 (detail)

Adam Dant: Shoreditch as Globe, 1999

‘artography’ II art and cartography art and geography

Jugoslav Vlahovic: World Cow, 1974 (edition 2002)

Georgia Russell: The Knowledge, 2002

Kathy Prendergast: Lost 1999 (detail)

Peter Greenaway: A Walk Through H: Cross Route, 1976-78

Barford/Carter/Klauser: Battleship Napkin, 2002

Layla Curtis: World Political Wall Map (detail), 2000

Cornelia Parker: Meteorite Lands on Wormwood Scrubs, 2000

Jonathan Callan: Europe in the Road Past


looking at guides grids and how they structure chapters and information. for source of research possible inspiration but specially sence of direction. do I want to go for something similar or not? grids where all the same for each guide. they work with templates and place images in each square. sometimes this is a bit too obvious. reviews include things like the price, address a description of the place/restaurant. the content is made by the editor of the guide and each guide looks for a particular direction. for kids/quicker/posher. the tone of voice and visuals set up a different feeling in each one, I’d imagine one would have to choose from one or the other depending on their family type or the amount of money you can spend. it was also interesting to look at some walking guide books. it’s interesting to note that a lot of these don’t include a map. only the address of a place, which means you’ll need to source that somewhere else.



ILLUSTRATIONS+IMAGES+PHOTOS OR THE LACK OF THEM What’s nice about a project like ‘duas linhas’, which is obviously a more conceptual project and not so practical,is that there is two people exploring the country by making their own rules and comparing both interior and litoral sides of the country. such things brings new insights and descoveries together with a much more realistic and non-turisty approach. The image on the left is an example of a trial image I made for the project. Working with visuals to see how they would come together with the project. These were made out my themes, which people could tick on their questionnaires, something I decided to remove later to promote more freedom of writting (since these categories were created by myself.) At this time this experiement could lead to the category making within the guide. What I’ve later came to realise is that images don’t make sense to exist within this project. Users shouldn’t have any expectations of the place. Therefore in the case of users wanting to visit the place and make the effort to go there, by this I mean somene that when without the need of being fueled by that visual stimuation of a enhanced image -this action - will make the spot worth of sharing. since the spot is special for someone else by definition.

what’s makes you attached to a place? my friend took me there. I have an apartment there where i normally spend vacations. I’ve always lived there. everyone know about it! good memories of nights out. It is near from where i live and it reminds me of vacations! on a family car journey. To discover the second answer you have to discover the place. Hum...sounds like an invite? Suggested by friends. Childhood memories. Went for a weekend with parents. It was a beautiful viewpoint to see the sunset, and to hang out with friends. It was a beautiful viewpoint to see the sunset, and to hang out with friends. Many personal memories where i have created friends from all kinds of different countries, as well as childhood memories that are with me wherever i go. sunny afternoons,young strange people clebrating life all together,playing music sitted on the grass,singing,smoking,talking,dancing,relaxing,used to sit and watch Tejo river all afternoon,tourists go there-cultural exchange, made some good friends there. It was a beautiful viewpoint to see the sunset, and to hang out with friends. bons passeios, bom ambiente. Depois de uma surfada nao ha nada melhor do que encher o bucho com o melhor cachorro do mundo a olhar para a melhor vista do mundo. Is the best place to enjoy some relaxing days, enjoy the beaches that are amazing and spend a couple of days with friends. Traditional Portuguese pastries. always with willing to return there. Yes, lots of laughs with special people and healing. Walking in the hills, nothing around but nature and a shepherd sometime. at one with nature. Sim, passeios ao ar livre com grupo de amigos. We went with my husband and a friend who was showing us around Portugal. He’d never been to Obidos so it was a great surprise to find such an amazing town with such a view. It was fun to run around the walls as well. Thinking that my friend’s 10 or so family members that were with us were cmpletely crazy for bringing their 3 year old on this hike, till we got down to the beach and it was definitely worth it. realising that that straight wall of rock was actually horizontal and those were actually dinosaur footprints boing up the wall. and my italian friend labelling it “tettonica brutale!” Sim, encostada a um amigo muito especial com uma camisola enrolada por traz das nossas cabeças, enquanto partilhavamos um ipod e a ouvir o album dos “The XX”. Incirvel como no meio de tanto carro e barulho uma pessoa consegue ficar ali, parada no tempo. ver o por do sol em belém. many happy days spent with friends, great beach, good capirinhas. yes, used to go there with my ex-boyfirend. but it’s also nice to go with a friend to catch up or alone to reflect! I was born there, lived there 12 years of my life. I go there when i want to be alone and think about my life. Many reasons. Personal as well, but the beauty of the place was striking. Nature, hiking, great view, picnic. When I was younger buying warm chestnuts from the cute old man in the square in the winter. Loved amazing Portuguese tarts, tram. With friends buying the best chocolate crossaints in the world from this amazing bakery and sitting on benches people watching. We bumped into it on a roadtrip with friends. Bittersweet memories, beautiful moments. Tons. Mostly nights. Bohemian events, deep talks, imaginational trips, jokes, turning points, discussions, open heartness, fun, saudade. Date with friends. it’s my my place to escape of hard days. Yes, spent my 20th birthday there. Amazing place to see the sunset then go for dinner and drinks with friends! yes. since chilhood ive

been going there with family and friends. Este lugar faz me sentir tranquilo, em unidade com a natureza, e sempre que me sinto mais stressada e nervoso faço uma meditaçao em que rapidamente vou buscar essa tranquilidade. Very warm and clean water, we can be naked that no one will see us, we can feel freedom. Best place to be with our friends! sitting on the floor outside a little stone hut on the cliffs in Sao Pedro looking towards Cascais bay. Good times shared with friends. Friends, summer, good times. going there since i was a child all year round, summer sun and new years day walk. I was cycling across portual with my brother. our first holiday together. lots of happy memories, usually involving jagermeister. Everyday I went home from work for a year. A vista magnifica da cidade de viana do castelo. Sim boas memórias e gulosas! Cada semana é diferente nesta praia, um dia para windsurf, um dia para surf, bodybord, ou apenas apanhar praia para os ressacados. A lot of memories. The beach’s are great... landscape..everything’s amazing, specially when there’s not a lot of people around. That spot has a large wildlife diversity and viewing the sunset near the cliffs, give us a priceless inner peace. Tons of memories... sunrises and sunsets and whole nights. Family holidays for the past 7 years, always renting the same house out :) its cheap, idillic and its got the best beaches of the country! I went there with my bestfriend, on a one day tour to Cascais and the coast, amazingly beautiful! It was only the two of us, it was the last day I would be with her for a few months so it was nice to just spend that time together alone in a private paradise. Best times of my life were spent there with family and friends! Yes - going there for weekends/holidays since I was a child. It’s a place I go every year with my family and friends. going there since i was a child all year round, summer sun and new years day walk. I was cycling across portual with my brother. our first holiday together. peace, quiet, the power of the hills vs. the power of men, color. nice oysters and a bottle of wine and a nice chat with some friends. Time for stopping. Yes, I spent all my vacations near this place. my childhood. Eating pizza at sunset, Ericeira village to the right, great waves in front, no one at the beach except mice! The place we stayed in while interrailing around Europe with friends. I’ve been there twice only, and you can only reach it walking for miles from the other beaches or by jeep through the hills and dunes. yes, i allways go eat some cookies there, first kiss and infancy memories related. labyrinthine space. tranquilidade, bem-estar.

sentence yes/no direct indirect deep superficial about themselves for the reader quality ofquantity time of time memory advice feeling description environment object context abstract

answers on why people are attached to a place are or normally very basic (yes/no) or if a sentence normally memory based. these two colouns form the analysis of these answers being the one on the left the typical emotional-based, an open-hearted answer and the one on the right the straight-forward type.

a website? why and what for? looking back, I can see that I gathered 100 spots. 100 in Portugal from Portuguese, English, Korean, Spanish and other nationalities; from people that have lived in Portugal their whole lives, from people that only have been there once. However, a percentage of the spots gathered don’t go further than THREE DEGREES of separation from myself and the person recommending a place. Meaning they are all fairly close to me, looking at it from a broad perspective. How could this change? How could I turn the project onto something self-generative (in terms of data)? I then thought of a website as a platform and a system. Here, and twice per year, a new map would come out with new spots. This would offer a chance to record the spots given per ‘season‘/’edition’ and allow people to update people’s spots, furthermore, it would allow me to see which spots have been placed on the map to avoid repetition, promoting variety ! The main part of the project would still be the physical map. The website would be a useful platform so that people can add to that map, in a more secondary plan. With the objective of being informative, about the project itself and previous editions. A supportive platform for the projec in order to help collecting data from around the country and world.

Spots on the internet until now. This is an image of the facebok page I keep for the project until now. for now it is branded with my first branding trial in order to get opinions on it and flexible way of recording my steps, comments and to gather other opinions. it seems that branding would make sense towards to two existing touch-points: map and future website.


LOGO 1. NAMING + IDENTITY there is a need for an identity. this is the link between the questionnaire + possible website + map 1 + map 2. Designing a logo will help with tone of voice, consistency, and communication of the concept. Here is one trial.

the logo started of as a map pointer. it would mark the spot and the mark itself would also be the logo. it is sort of heart-shaped and tender as well as solid and simple. it has a grounded-tone to it and it’s colours resembles adventure, like a safari or an explorers map.



Praia das Areias Brancas 2


Moledo do Minho beach, sun, relax



Centro it’s a nice beach, a bit windy but ver cosy,



free, beautiful, inspiring

rock peak in Sintra

Praia das Areias Brancas

rock peak in Sintra

Praia das Areias Brancas

free, beautiful, inspiring

rock peak in Sintra

Praia das Areias Brancas i think it’s magical. we bumped into it


to. there are many place like that in Sintra, just leave the car and keep on walking/climbing until your breath is taken.

it’s the most peaceful place i’ve ever been


free, beautiful, inspiring

rock peak in Sintra

festa, amigos, ‘bons copos’

Bairro Alto, Lisboa



Moledo do Minho

it’s a nice beach, a bit windy but ver cosy,

beach, sun, relax

inSintra, just leave the car and keep on walking/climbing until your breath is taken. enjoy it. António Puppe

really good nights spent there, great place go to with friends. there are many place like that





Bairro Alto, Lisboa festa, amigos, ‘bons copos’

beach, sun, relax

Moledo do Minho

inSintra, just leave the car and keep on walking/climbing until your breath is taken. enjoy it. António Puppe

really good nights spent there, great place go to with friends. there are many place like that

it’s a nice beach, a bit windy but ver cosy,

festa, amigos, ‘bons copos’

Bairro Alto, Lisboa

beach, sun, relax

Moledo do Minho it’s a nice beach, a bit windy but ver cosy,


go to with friends. there are many place like that inSintra, just leave the car and keep on walking/climbing until your breath is taken. enjoy it. António Puppe

really good nights spent there, great place


on a roadtrip with friends.. Take food and drink, be with a beautiful sunset. you can also visit some careful if you dare go in the wild sea, maybe take places near it, like Caminha and Vila Nova de music (or make own), enjoy the simplicity of the cerveira. It’s also easy to cross the river and Spain. pleasure. Madalena Moreira de Sá

i think it’s magical. we bumped into it


to. there are many place like that in Sintra, just leave the car and keep on walking/climbing until your breath is taken.

it’s the most peaceful place i’ve ever been

free, beautiful, inspiring

on a roadtrip with friends.. Take food and drink, be with a beautiful sunset. you can also visit some careful if you dare go in the wild sea, maybe take places near it, like Caminha and Vila Nova de music (or make own), enjoy the simplicity of the cerveira. It’s also easy to cross the river and Spain. pleasure. Madalena Moreira de Sá

i think it’s magical. we bumped into it


to. there are many place like that in Sintra, just leave the car and keep on walking/climbing until your breath is taken.

it’s the most peaceful place i’ve ever been


on a roadtrip with friends.. Take food and drink, be with a beautiful sunset. you can also visit some careful if you dare go in the wild sea, maybe take places near it, like Caminha and Vila Nova de music (or make own), enjoy the simplicity of the cerveira. It’s also easy to cross the river and Spain. pleasure. Madalena Moreira de Sá

i think it’s magical. we bumped into it


festa, amigos, ‘bons copos’

Bairro Alto, Lisboa

inSintra, just leave the car and keep on walking/climbing until your breath is taken. enjoy it. António Puppe

really good nights spent there, great place go to with friends. there are many place like that


on a roadtrip with friends.. Take food and drink, be with a beautiful sunset. you can also visit some careful if you dare go in the wild sea, maybe take places near it, like Caminha and Vila Nova de music (or make own), enjoy the simplicity of the cerveira. It’s also easy to cross the river and Spain. pleasure. Madalena Moreira de Sá 5

it’s the most peaceful place i’ve ever been

COIMBRA sun, silence...hum..sun again?





Palace Hotel do Bussaco, Luso


Palace Hotel do Bussaco, Luso

sun, silence...hum..sun again?




Palace Hotel do Bussaco, Luso

sun, silence...hum..sun again?


mysterious, magical, romantic

João Pedro Freitas

do you like fresh fish, silence and eleven people on a beach? if yes, there is still space for you. your bag doesn’t have space for internet.


mysterious, magical, romantic

João Pedro Freitas

do you like fresh fish, silence and eleven people on a beach? if yes, there is still space for you. your bag doesn’t have space for internet.

sun, silence...hum..sun again?


mysterious, magical, romantic

João Pedro Freitas

do you like fresh fish, silence and eleven people on a beach? if yes, there is still space for you. your bag doesn’t have space for internet.



do you like fresh fish, silence and eleven people on a beach? if yes, there is still space for you. your bag doesn’t have space for internet.


mysterious, magical, romantic

Palace Hotel do Bussaco, Luso

João Pedro Freitas






inspiring, earth-linked, beautiful


Pinhão, Peso da Régua

4 4



dangerous, peaceful, adventure

Praia das Cordas, Zambujeira do Mar

Pinhão, Peso da Régua

Praia das Cordas, Zambujeira do Mar

inspiring, earth-linked, beautiful

Pinhão, Peso da Régua

dangerous, peaceful, adventure

Praia das Cordas, Zambujeira do Mar

inspiring, earth-linked, beautiful

Pinhão, Peso da Régua

dangerous, peaceful, adventure

Praia das Cordas, Zambujeira do Mar It was suggested to me by friends. be prepared.

difficult to get there but it’s like Paradise.


Rita Roquette

the port wine take care of you.

because its the true essence of Portugal, the smell of wine that was inspired for centuries with the hard work of people, sun and earth. Childhood memories. let


Rui Dias

It was suggested to me by friends. be prepared.

difficult to get there but it’s like Paradise.


Rita Roquette

the port wine take care of you.

because its the true essence of Portugal, the smell of wine that was inspired for centuries with the hard work of people, sun and earth. Childhood memories. let


Rui Dias

It was suggested to me by friends. be prepared.

difficult to get there but it’s like Paradise.

dangerous, peaceful, adventure

Rita Roquette

the port wine take care of you.

because its the true essence of Portugal, the smell of wine that was inspired for centuries with the hard work of people, sun and earth. Childhood memories. let

inspiring, earth-linked, beautiful

Rui Dias

It was suggested to me by friends. be prepared.

difficult to get there but it’s like Paradise.


Rita Roquette

the port wine take care of you.

because its the true essence of Portugal, the smell of wine that was inspired for centuries with the hard work of people, sun and earth. Childhood memories. let


Lisboa Rui Dias



Pinhão, Peso da Régua inspiring, earth-linked, beautiful

Alentejo dangerous, peaceful, adventure

Praia das Cordas, Zambujeira do Mar

Rita Roquette

the port wine take care of you.

because its the true essence of Portugal, the smell of wine that was inspired for centuries with the hard work of people, sun and earth. Childhood memories. let




Pinhão, Peso da Régua

dangerous, peaceful, adventure

Praia das Cordas, Zambujeira do Mar

inspiring, earth-linked, beautiful

Pinhão, Peso da Régua

dangerous, peaceful, adventure

Praia das Cordas, Zambujeira do Mar

inspiring, earth-linked, beautiful

Pinhão, Peso da Régua

Rui Dias

It was suggested to me by friends. be prepared.

difficult to get there but it’s like Paradise.

dangerous, peaceful, adventure

Praia das Cordas, Zambujeira do Mar

Rita Roquette

the port wine take care of you.

because its the true essence of Portugal, the smell of wine that was inspired for centuries with the hard work of people, sun and earth. Childhood memories. let


Rui Dias

It was suggested to me by friends. be prepared.

difficult to get there but it’s like Paradise.


Rita Roquette

the port wine take care of you.

because its the true essence of Portugal, the smell of wine that was inspired for centuries with the hard work of people, sun and earth. Childhood memories. let


Rui Dias

It was suggested to me by friends. be prepared.

difficult to get there but it’s like Paradise.


Rita Roquette

the port wine take care of you.

because its the true essence of Portugal, the smell of wine that was inspired for centuries with the hard work of people, sun and earth. Childhood memories. let

inspiring, earth-linked, beautiful

Rui Dias

It was suggested to me by friends. be prepared.

difficult to get there but it’s like Paradise.




Algarve 4


Porto e Norte BRAGA

to. there are many place like that in Sintra, just leave the car and keep on walking/climbing until your breath is taken.

Algarve 4

Alentejo 4

Lisboa 4

Centro 4

Porto e Norte 4








completeness, comfort, change

Praia das Areias Brancas

i think it’s magical. we bumped into it


free, beautiful, inspiring

rock peak in Sintra


beach, sun, relax

Moledo do Minho it’s a nice beach, a bit windy but ver cosy,

festa, amigos, ‘bons copos’

Bairro Alto, Lisboa

beach, sun, relax

Moledo do Minho it’s a nice beach, a bit windy but ver cosy,


inSintra, just leave the car and keep on walking/climbing until your breath is taken. enjoy it. António Puppe

really good nights spent there, great place go to with friends. there are many place like that


on a roadtrip with friends.. Take food and drink, be with a beautiful sunset. you can also visit some careful if you dare go in the wild sea, maybe take places near it, like Caminha and Vila Nova de music (or make own), enjoy the simplicity of the cerveira. It’s also easy to cross the river and Spain. pleasure. Madalena Moreira de Sá

it’s the most peaceful place i’ve ever been

completeness, comfort, change

Praia das Areias Brancas

to. there are many place like that in Sintra, just leave the car and keep on walking/climbing until your breath is taken.


i think it’s magical. we bumped into it

free, beautiful, inspiring

rock peak in Sintra

festa, amigos, ‘bons copos’

Bairro Alto, Lisboa

beach, sun, relax

Moledo do Minho it’s a nice beach, a bit windy but ver cosy,


inSintra, just leave the car and keep on walking/climbing until your breath is taken. enjoy it. António Puppe

really good nights spent there, great place go to with friends. there are many place like that


on a roadtrip with friends.. Take food and drink, be with a beautiful sunset. you can also visit some careful if you dare go in the wild sea, maybe take places near it, like Caminha and Vila Nova de music (or make own), enjoy the simplicity of the cerveira. It’s also easy to cross the river and Spain. pleasure. Madalena Moreira de Sá 5

it’s the most peaceful place i’ve ever been

Praia das Areias Brancas

to. there are many place like that in Sintra, just leave the car and keep on walking/climbing until your breath is taken.


i think it’s magical. we bumped into it

free, beautiful, inspiring

rock peak in Sintra

festa, amigos, ‘bons copos’

Bairro Alto, Lisboa

beach, sun, relax

Moledo do Minho it’s a nice beach, a bit windy but ver cosy,


inSintra, just leave the car and keep on walking/climbing until your breath is taken. enjoy it. António Puppe

really good nights spent there, great place go to with friends. there are many place like that


on a roadtrip with friends.. Take food and drink, be with a beautiful sunset. you can also visit some careful if you dare go in the wild sea, maybe take places near it, like Caminha and Vila Nova de music (or make own), enjoy the simplicity of the cerveira. It’s also easy to cross the river and Spain. pleasure. Madalena Moreira de Sá 5

it’s the most peaceful place i’ve ever been

Praia das Areias Brancas

to. there are many place like that in Sintra, just leave the car and keep on walking/climbing until your breath is taken.


i think it’s magical. we bumped into it

free, beautiful, inspiring

rock peak in Sintra

festa, amigos, ‘bons copos’

Bairro Alto, Lisboa

beach, sun, relax

Moledo do Minho it’s a nice beach, a bit windy but ver cosy,


inSintra, just leave the car and keep on walking/climbing until your breath is taken. enjoy it. António Puppe

really good nights spent there, great place go to with friends. there are many place like that


on a roadtrip with friends.. Take food and drink, be with a beautiful sunset. you can also visit some careful if you dare go in the wild sea, maybe take places near it, like Caminha and Vila Nova de music (or make own), enjoy the simplicity of the cerveira. It’s also easy to cross the river and Spain. pleasure. Madalena Moreira de Sá 5

it’s the most peaceful place i’ve ever been

Praia das Areias Brancas

to. there are many place like that in Sintra, just leave the car and keep on walking/climbing until your breath is taken.


i think it’s magical. we bumped into it


free, beautiful, inspiring

rock peak in Sintra

festa, amigos, ‘bons copos’

Bairro Alto, Lisboa

beach, sun, relax

Moledo do Minho it’s a nice beach, a bit windy but ver cosy,


inSintra, just leave the car and keep on walking/climbing until your breath is taken. enjoy it. António Puppe

really good nights spent there, great place go to with friends. there are many place like that


on a roadtrip with friends.. Take food and drink, be with a beautiful sunset. you can also visit some careful if you dare go in the wild sea, maybe take places near it, like Caminha and Vila Nova de music (or make own), enjoy the simplicity of the cerveira. It’s also easy to cross the river and Spain. pleasure. Madalena Moreira de Sá

it’s the most peaceful place i’ve ever been

Praia das Areias Brancas

to. there are many place like that in Sintra, just leave the car and keep on walking/climbing until your breath is taken.


i think it’s magical. we bumped into it

free, beautiful, inspiring

rock peak in Sintra

festa, amigos, ‘bons copos’

Bairro Alto, Lisboa inSintra, just leave the car and keep on walking/climbing until your breath is taken. enjoy it. António Puppe

really good nights spent there, great place go to with friends. there are many place like that


on a roadtrip with friends.. Take food and drink, be with a beautiful sunset. you can also visit some careful if you dare go in the wild sea, maybe take places near it, like Caminha and Vila Nova de music (or make own), enjoy the simplicity of the cerveira. It’s also easy to cross the river and Spain. pleasure. Madalena Moreira de Sá 5

it’s the most peaceful place i’ve ever been to. there are many place like that in Sintra, just leave the car and keep on walking/climbing until your breath is taken.


sun, silence...hum..sun again?


do you like fresh fish, silence and eleven people on a beach? if yes, there is still space for you. your bag doesn’t have space for internet.

Palace Hotel do Bussaco, Luso

João Pedro Freitas


sun, silence...hum..sun again?


mysterious, magical, romantic magical. went for a weekend with my parents. enjoy it to the maximum. Olga Noronha


do you like fresh fish, silence and eleven people on a beach? if yes, there is still space for you. your bag doesn’t have space for internet.


Palace Hotel do Bussaco, Luso

João Pedro Freitas

sun, silence...hum..sun again?


mysterious, magical, romantic magical. went for a weekend with my parents. enjoy it to the maximum. Olga Noronha


do you like fresh fish, silence and eleven people on a beach? if yes, there is still space for you. your bag doesn’t have space for internet.


Palace Hotel do Bussaco, Luso

mysterious, magical, romantic

João Pedro Freitas


sun, silence...hum..sun again?


do you like fresh fish, silence and eleven people on a beach? if yes, there is still space for you. your bag doesn’t have space for internet.


Palace Hotel do Bussaco, Luso

mysterious, magical, romantic

João Pedro Freitas


sun, silence...hum..sun again?


do you like fresh fish, silence and eleven people on a beach? if yes, there is still space for you. your bag doesn’t have space for internet. João Pedro Freitas

Palace Hotel do Bussaco, Luso

mysterious, magical, romantic



sun, silence...hum..sun again?


do you like fresh fish, silence and eleven people on a beach? if yes, there is still space for you. your bag doesn’t have space for internet.


mysterious, magical, romantic

Palace Hotel do Bussaco, Luso

João Pedro Freitas

inspiring, earth-linked, beautiful

Pinhão, Peso da Régua


inspiring, earth-linked, beautiful

Pinhão, Peso da Régua

because its the true essence of Portugal, the smell of wine that was inspired for centuries with the hard work of people, sun and earth. Childhood memories. let


Rita Roquette

dangerous, peaceful, adventure

Praia das Cordas, Zambujeira do Mar


dangerous, peaceful, adventure

Praia das Cordas, Zambujeira do Mar

inspiring, earth-linked, beautiful

Pinhão, Peso da Régua

Rui Dias

It was suggested to me by friends. be prepared.

difficult to get there but it’s like Paradise.


the port wine take care of you.

because its the true essence of Portugal, the smell of wine that was inspired for centuries with the hard work of people, sun and earth. Childhood memories. let


the port wine take care of you.

Rita Roquette

difficult to get there but it’s like Paradise.

It was suggested to me by friends. be prepared.

Rui Dias

inspiring, earth-linked, beautiful

Pinhão, Peso da Régua

because its the true essence of Portugal, the smell of wine that was inspired for centuries with the hard work of people, sun and earth. Childhood memories. let


Rita Roquette


dangerous, peaceful, adventure

Praia das Cordas, Zambujeira do Mar


dangerous, peaceful, adventure

Praia das Cordas, Zambujeira do Mar

inspiring, earth-linked, beautiful

Pinhão, Peso da Régua

Rui Dias

It was suggested to me by friends. be prepared.

difficult to get there but it’s like Paradise.


the port wine take care of you.

because its the true essence of Portugal, the smell of wine that was inspired for centuries with the hard work of people, sun and earth. Childhood memories. let

the port wine take care of you.

Rita Roquette

difficult to get there but it’s like Paradise.

It was suggested to me by friends. be prepared.

Rui Dias

inspiring, earth-linked, beautiful

Pinhão, Peso da Régua

because its the true essence of Portugal, the smell of wine that was inspired for centuries with the hard work of people, sun and earth. Childhood memories. let


Rita Roquette

dangerous, peaceful, adventure

Praia das Cordas, Zambujeira do Mar


dangerous, peaceful, adventure

Praia das Cordas, Zambujeira do Mar

inspiring, earth-linked, beautiful

Pinhão, Peso da Régua

Rui Dias

It was suggested to me by friends. be prepared.

difficult to get there but it’s like Paradise.


the port wine take care of you.

because its the true essence of Portugal, the smell of wine that was inspired for centuries with the hard work of people, sun and earth. Childhood memories. let


the port wine take care of you.

Rita Roquette

difficult to get there but it’s like Paradise.

It was suggested to me by friends. be prepared.

Rui Dias

inspiring, earth-linked, beautiful

Pinhão, Peso da Régua

because its the true essence of Portugal, the smell of wine that was inspired for centuries with the hard work of people, sun and earth. Childhood memories. let


Rita Roquette

dangerous, peaceful, adventure

Praia das Cordas, Zambujeira do Mar


dangerous, peaceful, adventure

Praia das Cordas, Zambujeira do Mar

inspiring, earth-linked, beautiful

Pinhão, Peso da Régua

Rui Dias

It was suggested to me by friends. be prepared.

difficult to get there but it’s like Paradise.


the port wine take care of you.

because its the true essence of Portugal, the smell of wine that was inspired for centuries with the hard work of people, sun and earth. Childhood memories. let


the port wine take care of you.

Rita Roquette

difficult to get there but it’s like Paradise.

It was suggested to me by friends. be prepared.

Rui Dias

inspiring, earth-linked, beautiful

Pinhão, Peso da Régua

because its the true essence of Portugal, the smell of wine that was inspired for centuries with the hard work of people, sun and earth. Childhood memories. let


Rita Roquette

dangerous, peaceful, adventure

Praia das Cordas, Zambujeira do Mar


dangerous, peaceful, adventure

Praia das Cordas, Zambujeira do Mar

inspiring, earth-linked, beautiful

Pinhão, Peso da Régua

Rui Dias

It was suggested to me by friends. be prepared.

difficult to get there but it’s like Paradise.


the port wine take care of you.

because its the true essence of Portugal, the smell of wine that was inspired for centuries with the hard work of people, sun and earth. Childhood memories. let


the port wine take care of you.

Rita Roquette

difficult to get there but it’s like Paradise.

It was suggested to me by friends. be prepared.

Rui Dias

inspiring, earth-linked, beautiful

Pinhão, Peso da Régua

because its the true essence of Portugal, the smell of wine that was inspired for centuries with the hard work of people, sun and earth. Childhood memories. let


Rita Roquette


dangerous, peaceful, adventure

Praia das Cordas, Zambujeira do Mar

dangerous, peaceful, adventure

Praia das Cordas, Zambujeira do Mar

Rui Dias

It was suggested to me by friends. be prepared.

difficult to get there but it’s like Paradise.


the port wine take care of you.

because its the true essence of Portugal, the smell of wine that was inspired for centuries with the hard work of people, sun and earth. Childhood memories. let

the port wine take care of you.

Rita Roquette

difficult to get there but it’s like Paradise.

It was suggested to me by friends. be prepared.

Rui Dias


numbered spots description from people which relate to the map



if you enjoyed being in a place it becomes a spot.


Porto e Norte












Porto e Norte





Centro VISEU














4 4 4 8




Alentejo 8



4 4

Algarve FARO




after making these two prototypes I searched for some feedback on both image and making of maps. people seemed to be positive about the ideas behind the map folding the the effect it gave e.g. in the first prototype - the hidden message. Yet people didn’t like the image of colours, found it too ‘grey‘, ‘sad‘ or even ‘dead‘. even though colours reminded them of discoveries or safari-style which was the idea. I guess I went for these light/greyish colours to make a distinction between what’s already commercial, being a lot of the times stamped with it’s bright colours. which i seemed to want to avoid. But fell on to the mistake of deciding what I don’t want before knowing what I do want to communicate. I should now focus on creating sometimg fresher and clean, young and human, to embrace the idea of the project itself, consistent with the website too. A brand that is flexible so it’s maps focous on the interaction of the map other than the brand itself which should be secondary. This brand is cnly going to be a ‘mark’, simple and powerfull so that it provides a recognizableconnection between the touch-points, but flexible enought that allows varieaty in all it’s editions

EXPERIENCE FOR MAP INTERACTION experiment - screenprinting. concept: it’s hard to give in spots. cause they are so hard to give in. so let’s make them also hard to read. method: glow-in-the-dark.

GLOW IN THE DARK EXPERIENCE In general it went well. Although the glow in the dark ink wasn’t as strong as I wanted it to be. My initial idea of a communication of a map that glows in the dark was an purposefull obstacle. A barrier to devide people who where really keen on finding given spots, which for some are so precious. I seemed to make since. But I’ve realised by talking to people about it that going there in itself, making that journey with zero expectations - or some, but at least not through the maps themselves (since they contain no images of the spots) - would be enought of an ‘obstacle’ itself to distinguish the keen people from the not-so-keen on making the effort to travel there or pass-by. Therefore, I realised it was enought of a concept as it is. and from now on I should go back to the idea of simple, effective and straight forward communication, perhaps with some kind of simple user-interaction on each maps, and each edition. These images are initial trials of glow in the dark maps, if I was to persue this concept, I would have placed the spots on the map too + logo and instructions.

AS MANY IDEAS AS I CAN. The idea is that I do as many ideas as I can for editions, ways of interacting with maps, possible and impossible outcomes. It seems very worth it since this project is designed to continue and all ideas can become very useful and picked for future editions.

ABOUT THE PROJECT. Communicating the project idea. The is an initial diagram including all aspects of the project, the idea was to make it clearer in my head for the communication to be clear. Both on the website + maps - the two touch-points

LOGO 2 - A MARK Logo as a mark. The logo should be human, simple and bold. It should be flexible enought to embrace future map editions. These are some initial ideas. The next page represents the choosen colour. Colour can be inverted, made in to black and white, and transparencies on their own or so that the map behind it can be seen through the logo, or around it.


WEBSITE PROTOTYPE I had a logo, so I wanted to follow it’s context, putting together it’s simplicity with the simplicity of the website. It needs to be informative as well as interactive and intuitive, so that place a spot is a welcoming and exciting experience. Here are some hand-made initial prototypes, found post-it prototype really useful.

WEBSITE DEVELOPMENT The website is as simple as possible. It took me a long time to get to this final design. There was a lot of decision-making and even some coding which I had to learn how to do for the coordinates part of the spot submition.

image on the top cover of website. image in the right. experimenting with menus possibilities.

simple - clean and easy menu bar. enphasising logo, as opposed to the trials on the opposite page..

three easy stepsyou know how many you have left.

1.check if the spot your thinking of, is already there. personalised google maps marks to fit the project.

logo changes everytime (per page)

2.enter name + spot together with wufoo questionnaires. where I it keeps the data recorded for me.

2.scroll down and press submit!

3. your name + find the coordinates on the map, and paste them, to know the exact location!

pop-up window for coordinates 3. there was no way to make 1 questionnaire with two different links. so i’ll match the info by the person’s name + surname on wuffoo.


Showing the website has been very useful, observing reactions, hesitations and hearing opinions. In this case, I realised that the bars where too chunky on the top, it could be made simpler. the opening page worked so did the menu, although we agreed that it wasn’t well centered. there was something strange with the composition of the page. So I changed the menu, from this first. the logo is also less of a perfect circle.

MENU before


there was then doubts about the steps, and details in the interaction which where addressed. grammatical errors I hadn’t seen. He thought that it would be ‘too much’ to place the ‘all digital editions‘ page, since it would probably mean tha the paper edition would become somewhat not-needed, since people would just go and find it online everytime. it can be true. this is a very possible scenario, but i’m leaving it for now. then he told me to persue the idea of the edition gallery. to make a gallery which portrais all future and past editions of printing maps, with their different designs and interactions. these conversations resulted in a lot of changes, in instructions for the submitions and the whole look and feel of the website.

ABOUT THE ABOUT PAGE (TWO) TEXT - DRAFT what is a spot if you love a place, it becomes a spot. revisiting it is a personal tradition or a secret pleasure. it’s more than an address, it’s more than a region, it’s more than an area, it’s more than a place that everybody usually goes to. it’s more than a tourist destination. this is about places that people genuinely enjoy going to. how to choose it? don’t choose it because your history teacher said it’s important. don’t choose the typical monuments you tell tourist to go to. when you find them on your way to work and can’t be bothered to think where you actually enjoy going to. the criteria is entierly up to you. just be honest with yourself and tell me a spot that you really like. it’s ok if it’s not obvious for other. spots are very personal

I wasn’t totally happy with it. It explained the context but it wasn’t harm or something I would fell excited to be part of, so I asked a copywriter and friend to help me with it. We worked together and the result is on the page on the right.


On the website it looks like this:

OTHER FEATURES after the entry you get this message to get an idea of what it is about, quickly. this is a map of Portugal I found in an old shop in Moledo, north of Portugal.

how does it work has link on about too, besides in the menu itself it tells you how do the two touchpoints work and interact.

when you finish your spot sumbition you get a ‘done!‘ page. a rewarding message saying your spot has been submited.

all editions map is now a visual prototype of how the maps with a second edition should look like. therefore, it’s not interactive for now, since there is still no second round of submitions.

BACK TO THE MAP - PROTOTYPE ONE spot#1 Areias Brancas Beach Madalena Moreira de Sá completness, confort, change

spot#4 Sintra Carolina Bravo rustic, historic, gulttonous

spot#8 Praia das Cordas Rui Dias danger, peaceful, adventure

spot#2 Praia dos Castelejos surf, sun, beach

spot#6 Ponta Da Calheta corner of the earth, view, sea

spot#9 Pinhão, Peso da Régua Rita Roquette inspiring, earth-linked, beautiful

spot#94 Ilha do Farol Moledo do Minho summer, serenity, spot#3 beautiful nice beach, a bit windy but

spot#7 Brejão João Freitas sun, silence....hum...sun again?

very cosy, with a beautiful sunset

spot#95 Ribeira Branca Beach spot#16 Alteirinhos beach on love, peace, hopeZambujeira do Mar spot#96 Smile hostel in the old centre of Lisbon Louise Steyaert hostel, comfortable, cheap

spot#21 Pastelaria Manuel Natário, Viana do Castelo Manuel Felgueiras traditional place and the great pastries!

spot#34 Restaurant Eduardo das Conquilhas 'sapateira', beer, summer

spot#31 Praia da Ursa nature, oasis, wave spot#32 Between Praia Grande and Praia da Adraga Silvia Grimaldi dinosaurs, tectonics, views

spot#35 Watch the sunset in Belém Joana Pardal Monteiro romantic, relaxing, calm

spots#46 Paredão de Cascais Carmen Thomassen beach, peaceful, multifaceted

spot#49 Mértola Mines fantastic, surreal, out of this world

spot#47 Praia Miramar Amélia Dias calmo, tranquilo, bonito

spot#50 Ilha de Tavira Maria Bigotte freedom, sun, chillout

spot#48 Sabugueiro Maria Cordovil magical, refreshing, transforming

spot#51 Marvão Harry Parr-young breathless, historic, private

spot#64 Miradouro de São Pedro de Alcântra Joana Leal view, friends, chil

spot#66 tiny beach in Burgau Daniel Tyler calm, romantic, beautiful

edition #one this edition invites you to hole-punch the red spots once you’ve visited them. make the map blue! spots maps are made by people who visited portugal. each edition has 100 recommendations of spots people loved going to.

23 82


spot#27 Fraga de Pena, Arganil António Ferreira peace, harmony, nature

spot#24 Caminha Alexandra Bastos Sousa beauty, historical, gastronomic

spot#55 Barragem de Montargil and it's little abadoned beaches silence, no-civilization, river

spot#80 the Bench in the Volta dos Sete ("Walk of the seven [km]"), in S. Pedro de Moel simple, sea, forest

spot#82 Gerês Beatriz Cracel tranquil, nature, fun

spot#60 Sagres Sun, wind, nothing!

spot#57 R. de São Félix travel, youth, discovery


spot#69 São Rafael Beach picturesque, tranquil, enjoyable

spot#72 Tuareg, Parede David Bernfeld cosy, relaxing, sociable

spot#76 Escadas de Nogueira, Freguesia de Nogueira, Braga nostagic, mindblowing, unique

spot#74 Ferry from Cacilhas to Lisbon Isamaya Ffrench exhausted, peaceful, happy

spot#77 Traffic lights at Rua da Restauração peace, dream, confort


spot#71 A beirinha do Cabo da Roca Jen Es peace, friendship, wind

spot#68 São Martinho do Porto beach, relaxing, friends

spot#81 Under the big tree in Águas Belas Martim Mónica childhood, sun, bike

spot#59 Búgio Sand patch sand, inconstant and sandcastles

spot#56 4x4 in Sao Miguel tour, little lanes, trails.

spot#54 Sortelha Castelo romantic, medieval, mysterious

86 9

spot#58 Santa Luzia, Algarve friends, beach, summer


spot#53 Parking area of Cresmina Beach view, sunset, quiet

Hana Choi yummy, chill, calm

spot#42 Restaurante Super Mario, near Largo do Carmo João Inácio real, authentic, mine.

33 77

spot#70 Amphitheatre in Casa da Guia friendship, time, sun

spot#79 Santuário do Monte de Santa Luzia em Viana do Castelo magnific, view, beautiful

spot#30 On the walls of Obidos exploring, contrast, historic

17 100 Pastelaria Pasteis de 76 spot#41 Belém

spot#52 São Pedro Cliffs good view of the sunset.

spot#67 Baleal António Teixeira beautiful, unique, special

spot#65 From Cascais to Sintra by the coast fairy tale, impressive, walking

spot#29 Serra da Estrela (Spring or Winter) Lisete Nunes beautiful, wonderful, snow

24 3

spot#40 Nazare, Leiria Luis Rubim fish, candil (boat)

spot#43 Orpheu Caffé, Bairro Marta Velosa bairro, lisboa, bairro alto

spot#63 Ericeira Guy de Macedo peace, meditation, paradise

spot#28 Culatra Island, Algarve beautiful, peaceful, freedom

spot#26 Sobral de São Miguel calm, peace, happy

spot#38 Sunset in Bar do Peixe, Praia do Meco Miguel Proença friends, caipirinha, fun

spot#44 Odemira Ice-creams summer, ice-creams, routine

spot#62 Rocks in Praia Pequena, Sintra water, fire, freedom

spot#25 Quinta de Calma Joan Scott ummmm, raw, love

spot#23 Parque Natural da Peneda hiking, great view, picnic

spot#39 Rock Cliffs in São João do Estoril Mafalda Chaves beautiful, calm, escape

spot#36 Miradouro de Seteais sea, thoughts, nature

spot#61 Caveleiro Beach beautiful, nature, freedom

spot#22 Old Town, Faro Nikki Scott traditional, nostalgic, proud

spot#37 Miradouro de São Pedro do Estoril Sancha Costa sun, sea, greatness.

spot#33 Ramp facing Douro Filipa Teixeira peace, life, love

spot#45 Moinho Dom Quixote (Restaurante/Bar) beautiful, peaceful, relaxing

spot#14 Miradouro de Santa Catarina, Bairro Alto Maria Quadros peace, music, youth

spot#13 Palácio da Pena, Sintra spot#15 Wakeboard class in João Magalhães Quinta Grande mysterious, romantic, gothic water-sports, friendly, lessons


spot#20 Aljezur, Costa Vicentina Joana Tubal relax, peace, beach

spot#19 Hot-dogs caravan in Guincho Christian Balivet fulfilling, relaxing, orgasmic

spot#17 Santuário do Bom Jesus do Monte Inês Correia nature, religion, walk

spot#12 Praia dos Coelhos, Serra da Arrábida Carolina Abreu Freire wild, nature, relaxing

spot#10 Hotel do Bussaco Olga Noronha mysterious, magical, romantic

spot#18 Ericeira Raquel Xavier magic, beautiful, good waves

João Gomes sunset, summer, fun

spot#11 Fonte da Telha Beach paragliding launching pad, about 1,5 kms south of the entrance of the beach João Romão self-awareness, freedom and introspection

spot#75 Three monkeys, Lagos fun, friendly, drunk

spot#84 Final do Cais palafítico, spot#86 Miradouro de São Carrasqueira, Comporta Leonardo de Galafura Tomás Martins de Brito quiet, landscape, peace freedom, nature, landscape spot#87 Cancela Velha spot#85 Canhão no castelo de peace, satisfaction, happiness São Jorge Francisca Vicente spot#88 Windmill above praia summer, nostalgia, home dos salgados Mariana Guimarães windmills, green, water


spot#83 Cova do Vapor relax, beautiful, paradise


spot#78 R. da Pega Raquel Damas beauty, energizing silence, freedom


29 26

spot#89 Espaço das Aguncheiras experience, entertainment, surprise spot#90 Monção Iñaki Paiva de Sousa town, old, border


88 68 spot#91 Top of a cliff in Praia da Arrifana peaceful, breathtaking, joyful

spot#94 Ilha do Farol summer, serenity, beautiful


24 3

spot#96 Smile hostel in the old centre of Lisbon spot#93 Praia da Amália, Louise Steyaert amazing, different and beautiful hostel, comfortable, cheap

23 82


7921 17 100 76


95 63 3262 71 36 45 134 31 37 53 52 72 7046 39 745

spot#98 inside Queijas church Hugo Fernandes cosy, infancy, familia spot#99 Espaço Fábulas in Chiado, Lisbon Valter Rodrigues labyrinth, art, cosmopolitan spot#100 Nogueiró, Braga visibility, peace, confort

86 9 33 77 47


11 10

38 89





29 26




97 92 1 55



edition#1 instructions: hole-punch the spots once you’ve been too.


95 63 3262 71 36 45 134 31 37 53 52 72 7046 39 745

64 6






38 89



97 92 1

Center of Lisbon


61 8 16 7 93




edition#1 instructions: hole-punch the spots once you’ve been too.

20 91 64




42 99



61 8 16 7 93


20 91

2 60

74 41 74

2 60



88 68 56

now the idea was that it was cut to be folded many times so that altogehter became a little square.with the logo on the front. (see the image below) and that you’d hole punch the spots so that they would disapear and the map became all blue.




spot#95 Ribeira Branca Beach love, peace, hope

spot#92 Praia da Galé Nuno Menezes secluded, epic, nature

I was fairly happy, but there was some obvious need for improvemnt. It couldn’t be read properly, it was too dark. the folding on dark paper didn’t work (see image above).




66 69

2522 9428

69 58 50


2522 9428

58 50



Beach by Madalena Moreira de Sá completness, confort, change

spot#2 Praia dos Castelejos surf, sun, beach

by Rui Dias

rustic, historic, gulttonous

danger, peaceful, adventure

spot#6 Ponta Da Calheta corner of the earth, view, sea

spot#9 Pinhão, Peso da Régua by Rita Roquette inspiring, earth-linked, beautiful

spot#7 Brejão

spot#3 Moledo do Minho nice beach, a bit windy but very cosy, with a beautiful

by João Freitas sun, silence,

spot#14 Miradouro de Santa Catarina, Bairro Alto by Maria Quadros peace, music, youth

spot#16 Alteirinhos beach on Zambujeira do Mar

spot#15 Wakeboard class in Quinta Grande water-sports, friendly, lessons

spot#8 Praia das Cordas

spot#4 Sintra

by Carolina Bravo

spot#10 Hotel do Bussaco

guides tell you about places which relate to the past and history of a country. listings tell you ‘whats on’. but where do people geniuly like to go? this is what this map will tell you. these weren’t my choices of spots. spots are picked by people like you.

by Olga Noronha

explore this map and make this map blue by covering the white spots with the blue with this blue pen when you’ve already visited them.

hum, sun again?

magic, beautiful, good waves

by João Gomes

sunset, summer, fun

spot#19 Hot-dogs caravan in Guincho

spot#17 Santuário do Bom Jesus do Monte

by Christian Balivet

by Inês Correia

fulfilling, relaxing, orgasmic

nature, religion, walk

spot#13 Palácio da Pena, Sintra by João Magalhães mysterious, romantic, gothic

wild, nature, relaxing

self-awareness, freedom and introspection spot#22 Old Town, Faro

spot#20 Aljezur, Costa Vicentina

spots are entierly made by people who live or visited Portugal. each edition is biannual and will close once it reaches one hundred your spot on the next edition by visiting:

by Raquel Xavier

by Carolina Abreu Freire

spot#11 Fonte da Telha Beach paragliding launching pad, about 1,5 kms south of the entrance of the beach by João Romão

spots map editionone spot#18 Ericeira

spot#12 Praia dos Coelhos, Serra da Arrábida

mystery, magical, romantic

by Nikki Scott

by Joana Tubal

traditional, nostalgic, proud

spot#21 Pastelaria Manuel Natário, Viana do Castelo

spot#23 Parque Natural da Peneda hiking, great view, picnic

traditional place and the great pastries!

by Alexandra Bastos Sousa

relax, peace, beach

by Manuel Felgueiras

spot#24 Caminha

beauty, history, gastronomic

spot#25 Quinta de Calma

by Joan Scott

ummmm, raw, love

spot#31 Praia da Ursa nature, oasis, wave

spot#28 Culatra Island beautiful, peaceful, freedom

spot#32 Between Praia Grande and Praia da Adraga

spot#29 Serra da Estrela spot#26 Sobral de São Miguel (Spring or Winter) calm, peace, happy by Lisete Nunes beautiful, wonderful, snow spot#27 Fraga de Pena, Arganil by António Ferreira spot#30 On the walls of peace, harmony, nature Obidos exploring, contrast, historic spot#39 Rock Cliffs in São João do Estoril

spot#41 Pastelaria Pasteis de Belém

by Mafalda Chaves

by Hana Choi

beautiful, calm, escape

by Silvia Grimaldi

dinosaurs, tectonics, views

spot#40 Nazare, Leiria

by João Inácio

real, authentic, mine.

spot#55 Barragem de Montargil and it's little abadoned beaches silence, no-civilization, river spot#56 4x4 in São Miguel tour, little lanes, trails. spot#57 R. de São Félix travel, youth, discovery spot#72 Tuareg, Parede

by David Bernfeld

cosy, relaxing, sociable spot#74 Ferry from Cacilhas to Lisbon

spot#89 Espaço das Aguncheiras experience, entertainment, surprise

spot#50 Ilha de Tavira

spot#62 Rocks in Praia Pequena, Sintra water, fire, freedom

spot#60 Sagres Sun, wind, nothing!

spot#63 Ericeira

by Maria Bigotte

freedom, sun, chillout

view, friends, chil

spot#79 Santuário do Monte de Santa Luzia em Viana do Castelo magnific, view, beautiful

spot#71 A beirinha do Cabo da Roca by Jen Es peace, friendship, wind

spot#81 Under the big tree in Águas Belas

spot#84 Final do Cais palafítico, Carrasqueira, Comporta by Tomás Martins de Brito freedom, nature, landscape

spot#86 Miradouro de São Leonardo de Galafura quiet, landscape, peace

childhood, sun, bike spot#82 Gerês

spot#83 Cova do Vapor relax, beautiful, paradise

spot#99 Espaço Fábulas in Chiado, Lisbon by Valter Rodrigues

hostel, comfortable, cheap

labyrinth, art, cosmopolitan

spot#98 inside Queijas church in children’s room by Hugo Fernandes cosy, infancy, family

spot#100 Nogueiró, Braga visibility, peace, confort

spot#93 Praia da Amália, amazing, different and beautiful

users beware: spots are personal places, therefore you should not expect to love the spot as much as those who recommended them. but do explore the spot and embrasse it in order to discover why it is special for someone else.

beautiful, unique, special

spot#85 Canhão no castelo de São Jorge Francisca Vicente summer, nostalgia, home

tranquil, nature, fun

spot#96 Smile hostel in the old centre of Lisbon

spot#70 Amphitheatre in Casa da Guia friendship, time, sun

spot#68 São Martinho do Porto beach, relaxing, friends

by Beatriz Cracel

by Louise Steyaert

spot#69 São Rafael Beach picturesque, tranquil, enjoyable

spot#67 Baleal

by António Teixeira

by Martim Mónica

spot#80 the Bench in the Volta dos Sete ("Walk of the seven [km]"), in S. Pedro de Moel simple, sea, forest

spot#66 tiny beach in Burgau by Daniel Tyler calm, romantic, beautiful

spot#65 From Cascais to Sintra by the coast fairy tale, impressive, walking

peace, meditation, paradise

spot#76 Escadas de Nogueira, Braga nostagic, mindblowing, unique

spot#53 Parking area of Cresmina Beach view, sunset, quiet spot#54 Sortelha Castelo romantic, medieval, mysterious

breathless, historic, private

by Joana Leal

spot#52 São Pedro Cliffs good view of the sunset.

by Harry Parr-young

spot#51 Marvão

spot#64 Miradouro de São Pedro de Alcântra

by Guy de Macedo

spot#75 Three monkeys, Lagos fun, friendly, drunk

windmills, green,water

spot#44 Odemira Ice-creams spot#47 Praia Miramar by Amélia Dias summer, ice-creams, routine calmo, tranquilo, bonito spot#45 Moinho Dom spot#48 Sabugueiro Quixote (Restaurante/Bar) by Maria Cordovil magic, beautiful, peaceful, relaxing refreshing, transforming spot#61 Caveleiro Beach beautiful, nature, freedom

spot#78 R. da Pega by Raquel Damas beauty, energizing silence, freedom

spot#88 Windmill above praia dos salgados

spot#49 Mértola Mines fantastic, surreal, out of this world

spot#59 Búgio Sand patch sand, inconstant and sandcastles

spot#77 Traffic lights at Rua da Restauração peace, dream, confort

by Mariana Guimarães

spot#43 Orpheu Caffé, Bairro spots#46 Paredão de Cascais by Carmen Thomassen Marta Velosa beach, peace, multifaceted bairro, lisboa, bairro alto

spot#58 Santa Luzia, Algarve friends, beach, summer

by Isamaya Ffrench

exhausted, peaceful, happy

if you love a place, it becomes a spot

peace, life, love

spot#42 Restaurante Super Mario, near Largo do Carmo

fish, candil (boat)


spot#33 Ramp facing Douro

by Filipa Teixeira

yummy, chill, calm

by Luis Rubim

spot#34 Restaurante Eduardo spot#37 Miradouro de São das Conquilhas Pedro do Estoril by Sancha Costa 'sapateira', beer, summer sun, sea, greatness. spot#35 Watch the sunset in spot#38 Sunset in Bar do Belém Peixe, Praia do Meco by Joana Pardal Monteiro by Miguel Proença romantic, relaxing, calm friends, caipirinha, fun spot#36 Miradouro de Seteais sea, thoughts, nature

spot#87 Cancela Velha peace, satisfaction, happiness

90 24 3


79 21 100




spot#90 Monção

by Iñaki Paiva de Sousa

town, old, border

spot#91 Top of a cliff in Praia da Arrifana peaceful, breathtaking, joyful spot#92 Praia da Galé by Nuno Menezes

spot#94 Ilha do Farol summer, serenity, beautiful spot#95 Ribeira Branca Beach love, peace, hope

secluded, epic, nature

86 9 77

33 47




29 26





88 56

68 67

51 30 55

95 32 37


31 53


63 62 45 52


36 13 4

70 72 46


11 38



edition one: colour in the spots you’ve already visited. so that you make your map blue!


97 92 1

Center of Lisbon





42 99

85 96


61 16 8 7

93 91



74 2

66 60



87 25


28 94



One day saw my friend trying to understand the cut-up-spiral map, it was a long strip and hard work to put together, he just looked at me laughed and said: ‘I love the idea, but sorry to say, this doesn’t work’ we then worked out with another uncut prototype sheet that the same grid could fold in a simpler way. He then said that he couldn’t see where spots in Lisbon where even with the zoom in some were covered up. The point of the spiral cutting was the use of the holepuncher- so that it could reach the spots. but it wasnt very convinient either, it’s not something you carry around with you, or will bother doing. so I opted out with a blue pen. also you can now see the number again even if you have already been other people can reuse it


A project by Francisca Veloso, 2011 Final Year Project 2/4 Spots Portugal

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